« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2296 Scott Adams: CWSA 11/18/23, Altman Out, Musk Up, Apple Stupid, IBM Worse, Insurrections

2023-11-18 | 🔗

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Politics, SpaceX Test Flight, X Ad Placement, Elon Musk, X Suing Media Matters, ADL, California, Brainwashing California Students, President Trump, Colorado Judge Wallace, Judicial Mind Reading, J6 Videos, Cancer Death Rates, Trump Trial Date, McCarthy Burchett Elbow, Climate Change, CO2 Absorption Rate, Steve Milloy, Rob Reiner, JFK Assassination, Mocking Hoaxes, Sam Altman OpenAI, TikTok Osama Bin Laden Manifesto, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Report by love but thought it all good morning, everybody and welcome to another I later of human civilization, scold It was got Adams and today, while one issue after you, possibly the best you ve ever seen, it's gotta theme is got interesting little stories. It's got mysteries stay with us, could be good and all you need to take this up to a level that nobody can even understand whether human brain is a couple. Bugger glass, a dagger jails and die in again team juggler flask vessel over the guy, fill it with your favorite. liquid. I like coffee and join me now, if the unparalleled pleasure, the dope. I remember the day the thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip and that happens now go. will the show have a happy ending. Surprisingly, us are you buy
to help a little bit on, but I'll get you there? Oh yeah, if I don't get you to the edge today, I'm not even try First story is that penis, I'm sorry, vegas will be hosting a giant peanuts. Now I didn't have to to look into the story and my my french- is a little bit rusty, but something called the grand p. R. I acts which I assume is bricks, so some kind of giant penis related events in las vegas. I didn't have time to look into the details, but we'll get back there. here's a flashback to nineteen. Eighty nine one of my first dilber comics.
In the nineteen eighty nine and it's important that you remember the date, because that's the that's the payoff for the story in nineteen. Eighty nine, I wrote a comic in which Dogbert says to dilbert that a dog, whereas invented a generic news, And he reads: dilber reside lines from the generic newspaper in nineteen. Eighty, nine again, it's all about the date and here are the headlines in the generic newspaper from nineteen. Eighty nine pope denounces violence. Prices rise. in the Middle EAST. I do possess like the headlines today for a dog birds, perpetual generic newspaper, pretty close was that the thirty three years
Lucky guess so. You'll never need another newspaper, because basically newspapers were done in nineteen. Eighty nine, but nobody noticed it I didn't mention this story: s because I didn't know if it would last an hour, but apparently still seems to be true. This new snoop dogg is giving up weed said true now, if you're concerned about the the gdp of the nation, because I'm pretty sure stupid, snoop dogg was was in our gross domestic product numbers because he bought a lot of weed, is what I'm saying now. I've agreed to pick up the slack, but we'll see how that goes. So somebody had to do it. I was like hmm, I dunno. If I can
keep the economy afloat all by myself, but I'm going to try to do what I can do starship launched today, and I guess the the real test of this one was cause the first one didn't didn't do as well as it could, but they knew that the first few launches would be sketchy so that this wasn't the the it's a two stage rocket and the goal was to get the second stage, the one on top to release and go on his merry way now. Ideally, the bottom stage would be reusable and would come back to the splashdown and they can reuse it, but the they had to blow it up. So the the recovery of the the main big stage that gets
there that didn't work but boy did it, make a vessel explosion ice explosion, but it was actually a really good successful test because they got the the second part of it into into orbit. So that's a really big success. Could've been better could've, been a success of both stages, but by getting the getting the engineering right for the second stage to release and work is a big big deal. I have to say I dunno if anybody watched it, but it's really really inspirational. To just watch and see that americans can still do stuff good because you worry that we've lost our ability to to do anything. Big doesn't feel like everything big happened in the past. You know that, like hoover dam
all love we could we have a billion over them today, I'm not even sure we could could be like the pyramids like the white. Why can't we build a pyramid today have been if we are to use their tools of yesterday. so so that it is inspirational that there are people doing things goods The news cover that huge, a huge inspirational success to humankind? How did the wall street journal covered Well, sir, your life space access second starship test flight and another explosion? Ok, that's that's, probably exactly what I just said right where it was a great inspirational victories for humankind, one of the greatest technological accomplished. In the history of humanity or as wall street journal likes to say, second starship flight terms and another explosion
I do say it made it made it further than previous test flights, so you know, did achieve separation before losing contact with a spaceship yeah. So yeah that's what they say. So in the last twenty four hours, the following groups have stopped advertising on the x platform, accusing them or accusing musk specifically and the platform of pair their ads with. I guess nazi, like content. Now, I've never seen that Have any of you ever seen? Any of these adds paired with nazi like content, I've never seen to me to me their ads and then there's good content and horrible content, but I've never really like I've. Never even taken note.
Of where anything is placed. Is that even a real issue that is? Are there people in the world today who don't understand that the algorithm is not pairing? Anything it's just sort of blindly saying? Oh, this would be a good place for an ad. It's not like it's not like it'll be planted, and so he shouldn't mean anything to anybody. It should be just a coincidence of placement. But media matters- I guess I've got some people looking into it and they and they alone, imagine that they see this pattern and they have pressured companies like apple. paramount lions gate, ibm, comcast, NBC, universal and whoever the european commission is to say that they would stop advertising annex that's right now. What do you think is really going on here? I have the following: hypothesis: is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen?
A bunch of sea owes do I'll, tell you why, but I think the seniors already left for vacation. What I think is that the de I groups in each of these companies made noise and whoever was setting info. The ceo didn't want to overrule the dea group is a dea group is the ones looking for equity and inclusion and stuff and that they kind of have to bow to them because they didn't want to fight with their own d. I group, because then they would be accused of being racist. If you're, not if you're, not the ceo, you care really even have a chance overruling your own d, I group, so I have I hypothesis that the ceos we're unavailable and that maybe some underlings made the decisions.
I've got a feeling: the apple reverse, their decision when TIM cook s back from vacation. If he's on vacation unjust, I'm just speculating here and here's. Why. How long did it take for somebody to say. So you're still ok with tik tok, an osama bin laden being promoted on that platform. Because that's what was happening. they. The osama bin laden manifesto, was wildly baby promoted and also, at the same time, the anti Israel, some would say, anti semitic Phase was going wild on Tik tok, while not happening on x did. Do you think the apple is fine, with promoting osama bin laden and fine with sporting Hamas by advertising and tiktok
But they had a real problem, because some adds work, who, incidentally, and or based on the algorithm and nobody's decision, put some adds an extra some bad captain, of which everybody understands all social media as good, I've got a sprinkled. These are now similar problems if you're still advertising on china's main vehicle of destroying the united
if you do not have a moral leg to stand on. On top of that, I'd like to rub it a little bit more. So, first of all, there are huge hypocrites. They have no moral standing whatsoever as lungs are also advertising on tiktok. Everybody agree with that point. You could not be on tiktok and argue that x is the one: that's bad, if you're being a serious person, there's no serious person who could make that argument. So do you think that TIM cook wants to be embarrassed by the stupidity of this, because one thing that apple is famous, for you know it's one of the greatest country companies of all time right there are famous for not being stupid.
This is probably one of their basically, the greatest qualities is not being stupid. This was stupid. It's hypocritical and I'm going to I'm going to pile on a little harder. The following companies are almost certainly racist to the bone. I'll tell you why let me name them again: apple disney, paramount landscape. I bm comcast NBC universal. The european commission. Let me ask you this: do you think that they hire straight white men based on other qualifications or do they discriminate against? wait: white men! Those are all trying really hard to build their diversity. Of course, the races
is it the most racist companies in the united states, and they do it overtly they do it right in front of you and then they brag about it. They have departments whose job it is to discriminate against people. Like me, fuck these companies. These companies are trash, they are morally bankrupt, their garbage people well, the leadership is garbage because they're they're allowing massive overt racial sexual discrimination and then pretending they're, the good guys you're, not the good guys. You never were the good guys. You're, the absolute bad guys you using probably slave labor in china, you're supporting tiktok the the device they destroy. American children are cutting their balls off because it and then you went after acts. The last remaining place. You can get free speech in america.
This is evil at a level that is almost hard. It's almost hard, all in your head over racists, getting rid of free speech and supporting the platform that will brainwash are our citizenry for generations that the level of evil hears almost incalculable and they're doing this right and public right in front of you, it is, is an amazing level of evil. Now I should I should tell you, I sold my stock in apple a few months ago, because I thought I was gonna put too much pressure on their business model.
It could be, the apple will be the the big star of AI they'll. Do it right they'll make sure you know it's. The guard rails. Are there so there's more chance, I think, there's a greater chance apple will be a big success with ai, but it does it took the amount of a monopoly mode, which is why I invested because if you have an apple product, it just makes so much more sense that the next thing you buy is also an apple product because they work together. You know if you've got a laptop. This apple, you kind of want a smartphone. I deserve too much too many ways they integrate so once they became less of a obvious monopoly, which is what I liked about them as an investor, and they became more of a free for all because a day I then a sudden. That's not the reason I invented invested by the way. That's a Warren Buffett investment rule, so worn by
I would say: don't sell your stock until the reason you bought it in the first place changes. So don't you know, don't sell it based on little fluctuations if you bought it because they have a good long term future hold onto it until that changes in that changed. So, in my case, the reason I bought it changed, they lost their, they lost their guaranteed monopoly and that's it maybe we'll see Yup worst groups in the world. So I think the dea groups are probably pushing this because the bosses are on vacation, so we'll see if a reverse it well. Elon musk has said that he's gonna go after you said. Well, you said exactly this: the split core opens on Monday s corporal we filing a new. we're lawsuit against media matters, so they're the ones who created all the trouble and got these companies to them.
and all of us and all he puts all EU capitals and all those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company and then just in case just in case, you weren't sure that he really meant thermonuclear. He follows it up with their board their donors, their network of dark money. All of them, oh yes, I'm here for this- oh I'm here for this year alone. Mosque literally, is the last protection of free speech and he certainly proving it again. These police money and his edges- freedom-
Basically, I mean he's going against the system that will try to jail him. You know their rights, they will try to jail him if not kill him, because he is their biggest risk because he controls he controls the ability for people who see pass the brainwashing that there's no way the system with its current bosses can survive that it cannot survive anything like free speech and free press. So he is a is a risk and making things more interesting as groups like the hdl that become the the let's say, the shock troops for groups like media matters to get these organizations fired up so that they can go. Rex, but then she Fierro is defending eel and mosques
isn't that the ideal and the progressive jewish organizations whose policies have resulted in blah blah blah? And so I think, that's important. So I certainly am on the same side with Ben shapiro and elon musk, that the ideal certainly started with a noble mission, and I believe they had some important accomplishments in their past. But at the moment they've just been reborn. I guess maybe they morphed into a democrat hammer to hammer on republicans. I'm sure they also do good things, but they the amount of evil that they're doing in the world. I think I wasted at the moment, even if the good things are really good,
the amount of evils is surpassed. It now, they're just an evil organization and certainly not credible in any of the serious way, all right. Well, here's the theme I'm going to introduce you're already seeing a little bit of it, but I saw it. a tweet by the daily loud. I don't do there, but the recognising fake, news is now required, subject in california schools. So, according to this california, schools will be teaching students at a recognised, fake news. Do you see any problem with it? Does that the rays of the flags? Do you think that the california system will teach them that the biggest source of systemic racism is the teachers unions? You won't take about that's true right. The teachers union is on the line,
worthless, destroying the country and some of the new. So so, and then some of the news says that they're, you know protecting teachers and they're great so which which one of these will be taught to the students as the truth and which one will be. The fake news. You see the problem there. There isn't the slightest chance that they're gonna tell students was real. they are literally gonna teach them to believe. Bullshit goes while the way this can go there. There isn't any feasible, imaginary, hypothetical other way. It could go they're not going to teach them that everything they learn in the news is fake and it is they're not going to teach them that, because the whole system depends on unbelievable the news and the and the news being the brainwashing force that gets the people in charge to get what they want. So when I talk about the rest of the story,
today the question you should ask yourself and I'll remind you is what version of this story with the students learn? Israel is going to be really complicated. Would they learn that this launch today was a success or a failure? If you watch it, we explained former was a big success, cause in stage worked. If you read the headline on the wall street journal, who I'm starting to suspect is doing the bidding of rupert murdoch who might not want to be competing with elon musk. If you know what I mean, because the ex platform is a direct risk to all of rupert murdoch's, traditional news is traditional: news is competing with x now and then suddenly, the rupert murdoch's main news Oregon. I think it's, the main one
the united states, the wall street journal is feels like a little bit of a. They got a little attitude about you. I must now do you think. That's an accident. Well, You know I'm not going to say that you that I'm not going to say that the murdoch's gave any direct orders to the wall street journal, but it doesn't need to work that way, because if you work for a boss, you know at the boss, once you know, what's good for your company, you don't have to be told so it looks to me that the wall street journal starting to get a little bit of an anti elon edge to them, we'll see if that plays out.
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sure you don't watch that fox news stuff just take a gas which you think is more likely what their being taught. You don't even have to wonder. This is news you don't have to research. You know exactly what's going on here. What about those tunnels where the children learn that the tunnels exist under the hospital in Gaza, because the idea railways, there is really not area surrounded the compound compounds. This enormous compound is not just one buildings become them.
And I saw stories yesterday from doctors who said they have found no tunnels or signs of Hamas and that just sort of sat there like it was true and then the idea shows you today, video and pictures of the actual tunnels they felt and big weapons caches. You know big supplies of weapons and stuff so which is true. Is it true that these are actual pictures of the tunnels and that they are at the hospital compound like the idea says, or is it true that the doctor who works at the hospital says I'm I'm here like a I'm right here, there's no tunnels, which one is true. I dunno I dunno. Now I'm inclined to think that the tunnels are real.
But if you believe anything in the context of the fog of war, you should not. That would be a mistake. It might you know. One of these versions will be true in the end, we'll know for sure. While we hope will, though we think will know that they were either there or not there. I think there'll be there, but which version which version of the kids learning are the kids learning that Israel was right and there are tunnels there, and so it made sense that there was some rest of the civilian population because you had to get to those tunnels or were they taught that they killed a bunch of people in a hospital, and there was no reason for it where which version or the california school kids being taught Eric, Eric's yells in all capitals. Eric
as this is an all capitals. Scott must be a big fan of Ben shapiro. So what's the point of that, I am literally a big fan of Ben shapiro like. Why did he need to yell that everybody in all caps? Is that some antisemitic thing? Why what what were the other point at that? Can you give me any other reason? You need to show that everybody would hear that I'm a big fan of Ben Shapiro, which is literally true, which does mean I agree with him on everything, I'm just a big fan of his intellect in this approach. Interesting.
Well, that certainly raises some questions. Doesn't it well? A court ruled that you can read trump's mind and that the judge specifically can read his mind and here's some of the things the judge found in trump's mind the court concluded that touched that you engage in insurrection. As judge wallace said, and she cited is history of courting extremists and endorsing political and violence. So he says she says he has a history of courting extremists and local so somehow. Somehow that would tell you what use thinking on January sex, because in the past he said things about other things. That tells you. What are you thinking about this completely different thing? On that day, She said that trump has consistently endorsed violence and intimidation, as not only
it doesn't it means of political expression really what when did he endorsed violence as political expression, or are you talking about the two times he said in his rallies that he liked it when the protesters got roughed up? Is that it? What was there more than that? Was that the entire argument for how he's endorsed political violence? Did she leave out the part about protest peacefully? I dunno she says. Despite these warnings, trump undertook no effort to prepare law enforcement. I thought the the facts were otherwise. I thought there were efforts to get more law enforcement and it didn't happen it does. They have different facts than we have you know. Maybe my facts are wrong, but I thought that he did in fact try and he was turned down. Is that not a fact, I guess I'm questioning whether whether I know the right fact there and she said that that he intended to return to direct the crowd to protest and he didn't tell law enforcement. Is that illegal? Is it illegal to tell people to protest legally and peacefully? I'm pretty sure it's completely legal to not tell anybody that you're encouraging people to protest peacefully, and maybe he didn't even know he was going to do it he may have. You may have just sort of decided on the spot.
The court concluded that trump acted with the specific intent to incite political violence for the purpose of disrupting the electoral certification intent. So what is another word, for intents intents, is something that your mind is a quality of mind write your intention and how did they know his intention? She could read his mind based on the things he did. There were sort of off the topic. So by looking at looking at things on other topics, she determined what he thought of this topic that happened in america in two thousand twenty three, a judge in public.
Read his mind their read his mind now. Apparently, she also said that he could still run for office. Does there's some question about whether a president is is under the standard? So my understanding is that she said yes, he definitely It was in his mind in his mind. She literally ruled that his mind was saying something different than his words. So here's somebody who's word says: go go peacefully, but in his mind he was thinking differently so that, therefore it was an insurrection. Now let me go back to my theme, so what version of this will be taught to the california schoolchildren? Will the
California, children learn that our courts are honest and credible and they don't have any kind of political balance. You know bias and that trump was an insurrectionist and everybody can tell them. What's obvious. Is that what they'll be told is that history know that to me it looks like a lie. It looks like the courts are completely non credible. It looks like corruption at the highest level. So will the california schoolchildren be taught to spot that the trial itself was fake news and that it was a corrupt process and and from the beginning it was always obvious. It was a corrupt process. Will they be taught that no there'll be taught that your bad, I so here's another will ask then there's also a video the newspaper, thousands releases, video that or all the.
See all the people sauntering around and when you see the videos of the people's sauntering and fist pumping with security, literally fest bobbing shaky here spending on the back. They were just hang out. And you say to yourself what exactly? What kind of instructions did the security have than you ever wonder that were they instructed to put down their life to protect the politicians who might have inside or were they told to stand down or were they not told anything, and so they acted on Rome? Well, I don't know the answer. The question But there is a new video today in which you.
listen to one of the security people, as as the crowds round side and the security could tell that they were totally undermanned. They didn't have the resources to protect the building. One of one of the people said the security people actually metro place so as a metro police guy on video saying that they had been set up and that he believed that they had intentionally been under under resourced set up, meaning that they were set up to fail, meaning that somebody above them had done an obvious job of making sure that they didn't have the resources to let people live or to stop people from getting it. And then he said,
and then he said paraphrasing Ethel. Let him take over the place. That's ways that out loud to the other people, let the protesters take over the place, because we don't have the resources we ve been set up. Now, when you watch when you watch these security people on the inside, who very easily, just done one of the hallway thrill of said ay ay people, because were the protesters were inside were literally just sauntering, were yelling, they weren't brandishing any weapons. They were actually just walking slowly in one direction. Now, if the, if the security wanted to stop them three of them, could there were lots of them, so we saw in the video they could have stood in the hallway and they said hey guys,
yeah this. As far as you go, we can't let you go any further. If you went any further, we'd have to get violent. We don't want to do that. Just keep a peacefully, so just just stay where you are, but they didn't do that they actually stood aside to get out of the way talk to them. Fist bumped them a completely casual situation to me that looked like a security force that believes they have been set up failure to do something about it, which is step inside now. The ones on the outside, of course, were in the middle, the fight and they were just fighting for their lives, whose others all different thing going on in the outside. They were really fighting to prevent people to get it, but the ones the ones who can sort of the sea the situation from a distance because they were in the middle of an actual fight? You said something wrong: here is obvious: we ve been set up and it seems to be that
One person was saying out loud. We should just let a man, so I don't know it's true. But now let me ask you this question, which version of this will be taught the california schoolchildren and which will be told, is fake news. Will they be taught that an insurrection happened? That republic I tried to take over the country without weapons, and will they be told that delaying the process just to make sure the process was right is the same as stopping the process. What will they be taught that the process was stopped or that they were trying to stop it so that that trump could take over Dictator will, will they tell the children, the dawn junior was aware of any plans to be a dictator or take over. They can tell him that trump's own son, you his closest, presumably closest.
the blue was completely unaware, because we know that from his conversations at the moment, we saw them in writing. You wasn't part of it So other actually learn. This was insurrection and his closest adviser to know anything about. It probably will probably learn them. well there's no story. That's good news, bad news! The good news is young people Are dying from cancer at a much lower rate, so apparently, there's been tremendous progress in getting cancer treatments and cures for young people. It's it's. A continuous downward slope very, very successful, and what was the take away from that? Well, there are some good news of course was mentioned now that doesn't mean that the cancer rates are different. Just these solutions to them.
but here's one of the takeaways, the difference in cancer death rates among white black and hispanic children was not statistically different. Alright, so there wasn't much difference in the death rate between two thousand and one and two thousand and eleven, but after two thousand and eleven, the rates of cancer survival began to stagnate among black and hispanic children, while they continue to fall twelve percent among white children, so white children were getting more of these great cures then black and spanish children, so that will probably be taught to California schoolchildren as another example of science and medical science being racist and healthcare be racist.
Can you think of any other explanation for why the black and hispanic children would do worse than the white children in cancer treatments? Can you think of any other reason? Besides racism? Could it be income? Could it be income and and where's the context about the poor white children? Where were all the poor white children doing great, but the the equally poor black and hispanic children they were doing poorly cause? That would be. That would be pretty pretty solid evidence of discrimination, and you would be really concerned about that race should be. But what, if the poor white children
we're also doing poorly and the basically, it was just poverty, which version is true. I'm going to assume it's poverty. I see somebody saying vitamin d, but now that's due the tree I share. I worked in a laboratory I'll help you out in a laboratory as to narrow down what the possible problems. Are you using your logic, you're, eliminating things when I told you that rates were the same between two thousand and one and two thousand and eleven. So all the races were the same between those years, but then later a changed. Is that because you think vitamin d went down for just black and spa spanish children, and only in the years between twenty eleven and twenty twenty one? Is that your vitamin d theory know vitamin d is eliminated because the setup is that the only the only thing that
Change was time as far as we can do so, but I don't know, but I would certainly be concerned that this is racism but as far it seems far more likely. It's income related alright. So the report
if the recruiters are asking a fulton county, judge to schedule trump before august, fifth, which it'd be just a few months before the general election, so trump will have a major trial beginning three months before election. Is that exactly what you expected? Anybody who was paying attention, of course, because the the election is going to have as their main their main theme? That trump is a dangerous dictator who would not leave office and, if he's in office again he'll never leave so they're going to happen, they're going to make sure that they've got this trial going on that that keeps boosting that that narrative now that's one way it could go. Do you know what's another way it could go third act. Baby is the perfect timing for his third act and what I mean by the third act,
Is there something coming out about the election integrity in general? It might not even be about fulton county might be about some other place, but if election fraud is proven anywhere in a battleground state during the time he is being charged for claiming there was fraud. That's your third act. That is that's a landslide territory right there. That would be the greatest comeback in american history. It would be like nothing we've ever seen and if there's anything you know about the trump story, is that he's clearly an author in this simulation? He seems to be able to make things happen that just can't happen. He does it consistently. So it feels like he's just willing into existence. The third act, where suddenly you realize that he'd been the victim of all this and not the perpetrator. So it's looking so much like the simulations can serve this up now, just just be specific in my production, because if it doesn't happen, people are going to say scott, you predicted it
It's all yeah! It's it's more like a a warning than a prediction. It could definitely not happen. So if, if you've heard me say, it's definitely gonna happen now now is is not definitely going to happen. I'm just saying that all the signals are starting to form, and I mentioned it because it's fun not because it's the most likely outcome, but because it's fun to watch if this movie format just keeps happening. So it's more like testing here's! What it is is more like testing the ability to predict than it is like an actual prediction like what I predicted that trump would win in two thousand and sixteen that was the actual prediction. This is more like testing the protection so. People keep that context, I'd services, the weirdest story?
I remember when what's his name that represented the bird burchett claim that x, speaker Mccarthy had elbowed him hard in the kidneys when he walked by in a crowded hallway and that birch at like chased after him and like it almost got physical, but then, when mccarthy was asked, is like what that never happened. That's crazy talk, so you think to yourself. What really did happen like it is. It is an actual possible. The mccarthy actually gave up a hard elbow in the kidney to actually hurt him while he was on camera, and my my first instinct was, I dunno like. Maybe he didn't try hard enough to not walk into him, but it seems seems unlikely that he would just like elbow him hard, while the guy is on camera. That seems like the least likely thing that would ever happen. But then, today, representative, Adam kinsey girl accused Kevin Mccarthy of quote.
shoulder, checking him twice in the capital you have. You have to not anonymous witnesses to three separate claims. Three separate claims with to two people who tell you their identity and public. Now, if they were anonymous claims, you should just ignore it. If it were a claim from one person, whichever one it was, you should probably say. Maybe you the best I can give that is it maybe, but now you have claims for empty people on two different sides to different sides right and they both have essentially the same story. What do you think how many of you think mccarthy is actually of physic.
we believe people, the cattle. I actually don't know. I'm going say this one is so weird I just don't know. Maybe I'm going to give it a solid, maybe, but I though, would leaned toward his is simply not trying hard enough to not walk into which might be in my look the same I feel like I feel like. Doesn't want to, he does? Maybe he doesn't want to look like he moved because they were in the way. Maybe he wants to make it look like you know, they're, the ones who moved because he's in a way I dunno it's just impossible to figure this one out. Alright,
Is it my imagination or are the skeptics on climate alarm winning? Is it just that that's what I'm seeing it seems to be. The the skeptics have the upper hand now and part of it is because we have forty years of climate, history and forty years of their predictions being wrong. Am I right about that? What would you would you agree that climate predictions have been wrong for forty years in a row. Now it depends who you ask some people would say. Oh look at my other data and it's totally right now, I'm not talking about the temperature part, because the climate alarmists would say, look at this temperature. It proves it's going up,
But they also said it would go up and my it would melt the arctic ice caps. It would, you know, there'd be less ice and I was seeing some claims today and I dunno it's true, but claims by skeptics saying here's a picture of the ice same as always. Is that true, I dunno I dunno and then there are lots of pictures of shoreline where they can show that, for example, on that statue of liberty, the the the waterline is the same for like eighty years or whatever. so and then about hurricanes. We're spoke were expecting the big hurricanes right, but not really any change. So
I have forty years of calamity predictions that have been wrong. How many years do you have to go with wrong predictions before people go? Okay? Well, maybe maybe not his forty years of of about fifty sixty like what what what would you take one hundred one hundred years of being wrong? At what point do you start doubting? The scientists one hundred years now they do say the temperature is going up, but I don't believe anybody can measure the temperature of earth overtime. I don't think that's a real thing. Anybody who tells you that they can measure the average temperature of the earth, but that's ridiculous on the surface, if you've, if you've lived and worked in the real world,
you know, they can't do that, because that's way beyond what humans could do, it's not even close anyway, so he has steve malloy user is fun. I don't know what is right and what is now right, but he's got lots of scepticism about climate stuff and he pointed out that the telegraph publication has. the story, the says the the climate models be wrong because it turns out
Scientists have found out that plants absorb more c o two than they thought of. As some point you just have to you just have to admit that this is mostly fraud, that the whole climate thing is mostly fraud. Now it could be that people believe it as well, but the way the information is trickling out to the public it just as fraud written all over it, which is not to say the earth is getting warmer it might be, but the claims are so absurdly ridiculous, That the euro is probably exactly what it looks like this
so again, I ask you: are the california students learning that climate change is real and the skeptics are all crazy? Probably rally. Do you think that they're going to learn that the models had to be adjusted because they got wrong? How much plants absorb which you would imagine would be really basic stuff to this whole idea, right, yeah that will certainly learn the wrong story about the climate aright. Well, your favorite does library rob reiner is producing Ten policies on who killed j f k and I have new evidence of who really killed them now? This comes out not to arm. after oliver stone updated his documentary on the same topic and
freestone seem to conclude that the cia was behind it and are of gay junior says he thinks the cia? behind it now, if you the cia, what would you do about that? Well, if you were me, I would find a producer that I controlled and I'd. Have him produce a serious says? Oh totally, not the cia, in fact that mit even never blame russia MIKE bevans, said to you give you two guesses who is going to blame now we haven't seen it yet, but if he blames russia, that would be hilarious because it would be such a tell with all things fake. Now, here's the thing I keep
teaching you we need. What we need is for every story in the news that the people were the subject of that news. You automatically see you there are connected to in the real world. You did. They used to work for, or you know who else in the story this important did they were they married to lose their spouse? What what organizations do they belong? two cars that will tell you what's real is like what their their human connections are. Did you know, for example, that rob reiner runs an organization that includes heads of the cia like some some access of the cia? I think clapper
red and renders public, but rob writer is connected to the cia. Now he's probably not on the payroll, but he is working with like in a public way. You can actually find the documents that you directs a group that includes ex members of the sea. I might mention that. So if you're a california school kid, you're going to learn that rob reiner is right and somebody besides, the cia was behind it because by the way, I'm pretty certain that he's not going to say the cia did it if they feel that that's a good prediction that he's not going to say the cia did it.
Yeah, I don't listen so what version will California school children learn? Will they learn that oliver stone is big, fake news guy and that rfk Jr just make stuff up, or are they going to learn that that the cia killed jfk? What do you think well,
fuck figuring out was real kids. Well, the economist, which is allegedly a publication. They had a big headline in which the title was. Donald trump poses the biggest danger to the world and twenty twenty four. Do you think that the california schoolchildren will learn that it was all a hoax that trump was dangerous, or will they be taught that he is the biggest dangers to the world in two thousand and twenty four, because if they write a paper on it and they google it that's what they'll find out, they will be told to use the biggest threaten the world. Now I recommend again that here's why you don't want to do let let me model the worst things you can do, Donald trump you're dangerous. No, I'm not you're dangerous. Does that work? No, I'm not you're dangerous. Other things are dangerous. Now, that's how about this one! Elon musk you're anti semitic. No, I'm not. I don't have an anti semitic boat.
My body does that work, it's a straight denial this as clear as you could possibly say it. Nope. No, those are two bad ways to handle this situation. Let me do musk. The first elon musk you're anti semitic, correct answer. I loved the jewish people, I'm pro, I'm pro jewish people, absolutely one hundred percent pro, but you don't expect me to agree with them every time. Do you
That is the correct answer. The correct answer, the wrong answer is: I'm not anti semitic because it's too weak? The correct answer is that you love the group you're being told you don't like. If it's true you don't say if it's lie, if it's, if it's a lie, people will sniff of that immediately. Now the ideal, the ideal accused me of being anti semitic. That's a real thing that happened this year. They accused me of being anti semitic was my answer. I love israel and pro israel, one hundred percent and I love jews, love 'em, laugh a lot of my best friends.
Thus the correct answer, the correct answer is that you love em. If you do, which is actually true in my case now, that doesn't mean I don't love people of different religions and anything else. Nobody asked if you ask my love them too. I'm telling you talk about And the right answer for trump is not now: I'm not the dangerous one year, the dangerous one. Nobody buys that the correct one, the correct response is the market say well, I know you ve been told that people that republicans try to take over countries without bringing the guns that way, you think just make the reporter tried to describe their actual belief. market as it happens. So that's what you believe. You believe that the most pro second amendment people in the world would all spontaneously leave their guns home and then
I say: oh, but but but we found some guns nearby or did you that, were they all going to share those guns or or those they're handful of guns or stage somewhere in cars or buried somewhere? What was that going to take over the nuclear power, Can you explain how that would work and then when they say but but you tried to stop this governor process you say, and then what was going to happen you can you explain to me what you think was going to happen because a bureaucratic process got delayed for a day? What is How do you take over the country by delaying a bureaucratic process for one day? Is that is that what you're telling me ask you a question? Clearly, I want to understand your question. Tell me the background of your question. Do you believe that's possible? I wouldn't even so the question? I would force them to explain why that question makes sense. Mark them the entire time I out have a smile
face and say you realize you sound like a flock of area right, I might even say the effort, because it would be more news that way you sound like a fuckin idiot, like you, think the country can be taken over by people sauntering explain yourself how the hell does our questioning makes sense and then just laugh and faces now that is persuasion and and entirely appropriate? That would not be unethical we easily is the correct, straightforward way to handle? It is like you, ve gotta, be joking. This is just ridiculous ngos so treated as the ridiculous joke. It is. I dont like the I dont like it when trump,
ops, the windmills cause. He does it in a way that makes it too easy for his critics to think he really believes the tv will go off when the windmill starts and stops turning. I promise you he understands what batteries are. I promise you. He understands your tv doesn't go off, it's just funny, but that's not the funny. I'm talking about cause that funny sets him up as a guy who doesn't know how anything works, because that's what they're they're primed to believe he doesn't understand that they, they actually think well, here's how he should handle the drinking bleach hoax. Instead of saying you know it was whatever you said, it was sarcasm or something he should say. Well, let me ask you a question cnn: do you think that the president of the united states, no matter who it was, would recommend drinking disinfectant, even even as a speculation,
Do you believe that actually happened? Do you know that you know at the time there was an actual technology called light therapy that was being trialed at that time and it was being tweeted around the internet and a lot of lot of my followers were aware that inserting light into a trachea, really, you could call it an injecting, but inserting it and then lighting up the trachea was being tested by a company called heal light. If you think I'm making it up, you could check their article in the wall street journal in which they wrote an article based on the story about what you're reporting they said. Yes, this is us it's in the wall street journal. You could just check for yourself the company I was talking about. well, but I couldn't think of the name of the time. So, honestly, I did just want to make it go away, so I thought it was sarcasm, but it was a real thing. I just want to didn't, want to defend it, because I didn't have enough information at the time, but
But I want you to answer my question: did you think seriously that the president of the united states was recommended drinking bleach? Looked me in the eye and told me you thought that was true. I mean seriously look me in the eye and tell me that you believed the president of the united states recommended drinking bleach. I just want to see if you can do it with a straight face. That's what I would do I would. I would put them completely on the spot for why they believe such ridiculous bullshit about to find people oaks I'd, bring that up everytime I could and I would have the transcript in my pocket. I'd say you said that I didn't that that I call the neocons. Are the neo nazis find people? You actually reported that? Did you ever correct that, although it's true it's true
really cause. I've got a copy of the transmit or let me read it here and then he reads the transcript. That's the way I look and that I would put all the pressure on them to explain why they believe this was ever true. Why didn't you ever believe this was true? Did you spend even a minute looking at the transcript is right here and then here's here's the killer. Did you ever check to see if there were any members who attended who supported, keeping the statues but also disavowed the racists like I did? Did you check because the answer is now the most important fact Werther? In fact, any quote find people as trump would define people like himself people who don't have a racial intention about the statues. They just think that historically they they have their place. Nobody checked, don't you think he should mock them for not checking he shouldn't just pointed out. He should rub it in their fucking faces here here here. Did you check the motion but you're telling me that the most important fact of the story of whether or not a group of people attended that I said probably attended? You didn't check that the most important fact and then they would say but mister president, if they were marching, they're, not find people and then trump says. Okay is you're reporting that the only people there were either marching or antifa. Was that your reporting, you didn't even check to see if there was another population of people who are attending, such as I think there was a catholic priest
Does your reporting say that the catholic priests were there because they were not marching and they're, not antifa, but they were there right. So why didn't you report that now there were there were against the the racists, but there were there so where's where's your reporting on the actual facts of who was there yeah? I would go right after him the the fact that trump has given them a pass for getting those two stories wrong and defining his presidency huge mistake. I think I think trump completely blew his opportunities. You know who would not make those mistakes. The fake, ramaswamy vague, would have chewed that up spit it down their stupid burden mouse and then shut their mouths and made them swallow it there's no way he would have brushed that off. He would use that as a weapon. It is
basically handing you an axe and say, kill me with this axe: will you and trump's, like oh sarcasm, he throws the axe away now, if they hand you an axe to kill them, you have metaphorically use it. They ended a right to you, I'm saying Scott vivek doesn't know the veg doesn't know all the hoaxes. You see them. Fumble them. Well. Maybe leave some help on that, but, sir seriously he would be the one who could turn it into the joke. It is alright and again I love this story because the the third act potential for trump and also the the conspiracy theory of it all right. So the following story. I do not assert to be true and meaningful. I dunno.
It's just really fun to hear it, and this is again from the rasmussen, account they're doing they're doing the most aggressive following up of all the voter irregularities stories around the country of which there are a lot. You just don't hear about them, because the regular news doesn't cover them. But here's what rasmussen said on march? First, twenty twenty and the data is important. Do you know what was happening around march? First, twenty twenty? That's when we were first learning about the
at the pandemic, so we didn't quite know what it was yet right. So in march, first, twenty twenty, a multi million dollar order, is quietly placed for unique machinery designed solely for the mass production of unsolicited mail. Ballots and election voting process that is illegal in most states on that day. So, on the day the equipment was ordered, it was illegal to use it, but it almost immediately became legal at least that year it became legal because the pandemic so before the pandemic was really even getting going. Somebody seemed to know that they would need to. The latter ballots before the first before even the first shutdown now now yet doesn't say who ordered it? Is this the state or some kind of federal agency, so that there's no details,
so I would not assume its true just assume as part of the story. Is that fair? I do not assert this to be true or if it's true, I dont assert that there's no innocent explanation, for it is just one of those interesting little conspiracy. Theory flags, lip
the picture, makes your eyebrow go up and say: hmm, who who ordered it who's the company? Where is it? Where was it used? All of those questions are the right questions. I don't know the answer standing. Alright, I'm surprised pandemic. I did I talked about sam Altman did I did I get all the way to the end without talking about sam Altman, yet oh okay biggest story of the day, so sam altman president of the or was of open ai of open ai, I was fired by the bork and we don't know why. Well it also one board member was asked or one other executive was asked to step down as ceo and rather than step down, he quit so two of the most important players quit well, one was fired in one one step down had to step down and quit. Now there is much speculation about why so the first speculation was way. This is some kind of me too thing. I think you could eliminate me to thing, because there are two people involved that
Or not, you know rumored to be with each other or anything. So it would be too much of a coincidence if it's me too thick so that that doesn't upset. So it's probably not that. Secondly, neither of the people who who left know why so SAM Altman says privately doesn't know. Why now, as we says, that's not necessarily true, he might have a strong suspicion that he doesn't want to put it out there, yet I would imagine the devil suspicion. So do you think that neither of the two people who had to leave
actually, no, the reason they were asked to leave does that. Does that even sound a little bit likely? Here's where I think I saw a theory by give credit to my theorists, I wish I had written down who it was, but somebody had the idea that there was a philosophical difference being that the reason that there's not a specific trigger is that there wasn't a specific trigger. That would make sense.
There was there was what so so they're, probably there probably wasn't a specific trigger, as opposed to a number of smaller triggers related to possibly a philosophical difference. So one of the one of the beliefs was that the philosophical difference might be.
It was just speculation that internally they've developed a much smarter version of ai, and there was some discussion about going, slow or just putting it out there, and there might have been it could be. The same moment might have been more about putting it out there and the remaining board members might be more about it's too dangerous, better put some guardrails on the first, that's just speculation, but does it does it fit all the facts? Kara swisher reported, and can you give me that again somebody saying that kara swisher is reporting, so they might know more about it by now? I'll just wait for the comment to pull up. We might actually know by now. Let's see, there's a little delay on the on the comments and.
Couldn't be achieved, see my benz, the philosophical I'm on a faster development board or not? Oh well. So there is some reporting that my speculation is correct, that there was a difference about how going hour how fast they go. Now that makes the most sense. Doesn't it there is, I think that fits all the facts, but would also leaves the two people who were involved not entirely sure. What's going on so I am sure others have. Altman has a suspicion that it's about a philosophical difference, probably, but he, but since they didn't say it directly, it would be inappropriate for him to read their minds and assume that's what they were thinking cause. Maybe there was something else, maybe maybe.
it was well elon, musk, already tweeted that he has job openings at X, ai. So what do you think's going to happen now? Do you think the company will go on to be successful, or do you think elon musk will hire both of them, which would actually be kind of a good play, hire both of them and just lap open ai, because it'll open a? I will go slower if the grok, which is the ai of musk's, if he decides to go faster, I don't know that he would.
cause he also likes slowing down. I dunno could be interesting, we'll see where they end up. Certainly their their value is in the the billions at this point cause their specific experience. Alright, I doubt that they're that close to eighty- I you know the the level of intelligence that goes beyond what the large language models can do. I don't think I don't think it's possible actually, but you know that this is the phase of technology. Where idiots like me say I don't think it's possible and then somebody's already done it. So I'm completely aware that me thinking it's not possible, doesn't mean it's not possible. I I get I get that my thinking is impossible could be wrong easily could be wrong, but I'm going to I'm going to stay with my prediction that we can't.
I get an ai that is consistently way smarter than the best human in the same domain that it won't be able to go beyond that. You know a little bit in a few areas and it'll make a story and it'll be an exception, but more generally of all the domain of human experience, it won't go beyond a part of it. Is there there's two parts of this one, as I don't believe it can gather much intelligence on it's own? I just don't think it's going to think its way to be smarter, but also, I think that humans will not believe it if it becomes accurate and we'd have to shut it down. So imagine an ai that could actually tell you which news was real and what was fake, that, as I made my whole argument, there's no way the government would allow any kind of a tool that would call out the government's propaganda
there is no way that exists that cannot exist. They would shut down the company right away and they would say can't talk about the news, because news has to stay in our propaganda bubble and you can never break our propaganda bubble, because the whole country depends on it and they would make a strong argument that you can't have an objective referee to news, because the fake news is what keeps the country together cause it kinda. Does the fake news is bad, but it also keeps the country together, because we have a. We have a common, fake news, belief about the amazing. This is america right.
The other half, you saw these ugly tiktok people who were listening to the or some have been or watching me a sum up in london manifesto and they all seem to say the same thing, and it was some version of wait a minute, I'm starting to think america. Wasn't the good guys. Have you seen any of the videos they all say. The same thing as like looks like america actually did some really bad things which is different than justifying a terrorist attack. But so what happened? What happened when lots of american youth learned on tiktok, then? Maybe america wasn't as virtuous as they thought it got taken off the platform right.
yo. The child was blamed, and maybe rightly but maybe rolling, baby riley, dunno and but I'll tell you what did happen as soon as our youth got a sniff of the truth. They closed that shit, they'll run away. The truth is, history is complicated and there's no. There are no angels on either side, there's just your side and the other side. If you're looking for the angel side, you're not going to find it, can you find one side that does things your side would never do yeah your side? Might not do hamas like terror attack? Yes, that's true!
there's a difference and there's a moral difference and it's much worse? The terror attack, but your sides, not all angels and watching young people, learn that maybe they've been lied to up to that point because I don't think they were saying they thought the terror attack on nine eleven was a good idea. I think they said we'd never seen the context before. So I think the I think that the osama bin laden situation on tiktok is the clearest example you get of. Why Agee? I can never be legal because Agee, I would have told you that story. Am I wrong? If you had a completely objective ai and said, explain this whole nine eleven situation,
It would give you the context if it were not trying to give you a propaganda, it would say: well, there were a series of grievances and they couldn't figure out any other way to handle the grievances, and so they did the worst possible thing. A terror attack to make sure you understood their grievances. Now again that wouldn't be saying, anybody's, good or bad, it would just be describing it do you think that would be legal, not a chance that can never be illegal in any democracy or anywhere else, because it would ruin the government's narrative. Alright,.
The henry crews, as scott used to be able to take both sides, not so much anymore, I'm literally you fucking idiot, showing you both sides of an issue literally fucking, doing it right in front of you Scott doesn't know. Other show both sides. The bijou. I really wonder if you're just fuckin drunk henry crews he's one of the regular trolls aware the sounds drunk it doesn't drunk. Ladies and gentlemen, that's like for you on youtube. I remind you that, for All the lonely people. I will be heavy thanksgiving day live stream, which you can watch me cook.
The first hour will be family friendly cause. She got a family around or watching so I'll, just be cooking in my kitchen. After that I might go man cave only so we'll see how it goes, but first hour open to everybody join me for thanksgiving it'll. Just be me and you and you will not be so lonely and I'll talk to you on youtube tomorrow, thanks for joining, except for you, hadn't read cruz.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-30.