« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2293 Scott Adams: CWSA 11/15/23

2023-11-15 | 🔗

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Politics, Rep. Burchett, Kevin McCarthy, Senator Mullin, RFK Jr. Barefoot, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Adam Johnson, Matt Petgrave, Billie Eilish, Democrat Nikki Haley, Social Media Name Verification, Single Family Home Purchases, President Xi, AI Nuclear Weapons Control, San Francisco Homeless Relocated, Trump Trial, Mayorkas Impeachment, Glenn Greenwald, Celebrity News Never Real, Abortion Support, Big Lie Version 2.0, Bill Pascrell Jr., Soros Prosecutors, Alex Soros, Vivek Ramaswamy, Israel Hamas War, Justin Trudeau, Canada Hamas Importation, UN Gaza Schools, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to their do. Do do do do do do do good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization, and, if you'd like to take your experience up to levels, you know where I'm going with us, don't levels are no one's ever seen before can even be expressed and human words Well, all you need, for that is a couple of moderate glass attack yourselves with challenges. Kantian jogger flask of vessel over the guide. Pillar with your favorite liquid. I like coffee. Join me now for the unparalleled leisure, the dover media, the data Makes everything better skull, simultaneous upset happens now, go good, that's good, seven right there!
by the way a lot of people ask me for my pronouns. I prefer disgraced. So if you think that that disgraced, so a video of asia something's shooting sideways across the sky that can only be a euro foe, probably ale from another dimension, or it could be number six thousand. Five hundred and twenty three vague videos of your ufos. It's one of those two things: it's either. Six thousand four hundred and twenty three fake videos in a row and it's another one or possibly, beans from another dimension, so but you're money down, This is the first day of news is going to sound like I'm. Making this up. That representative timbered chat, accuse Kevin Mccarthy,
Giving me sucker punch in the kiddies as Tat was doing a live interview to the news and apparently I think birches have voted to vote out cabin mccarthy and allegedly I mean I wasn't? There will largely mccarthy elbow room in the kidneys. So hard, while it was on live tv that it caused burgette to actually try to chase him down the hallway to fight and then and then the mccarthy acted like nothing happened, or it was no big deal or is blowing it out of proportion or something. I'm thinking If that happened, that's a real thing that happened, that that a member of congress was assaulted while giving an interview by the extra speaker of the house Did the actually happen in the real world will thus the most outrageous
I'm crazy thing: I've ever heard of em there's no way the two things like that could have happened yesterday. I'll tell ya, that's one of those examples once in a million years well, Did you see the congressional hearing senator Mullen challenge the teams to president to earth physical fight because of something the teams to representative it previously, so they decided there are going to stand up and go fight, but it was by Bernie, so Bernie sanders, I guess was in charge me he banged is illegal in and he stopped it now. I've ever seen men pretend they want to fight, but really really they want you break it up. You'd seen that right, I'm so gonna fight, I'm so gonna fight unless unless somebody holds be back. Anybody
you got it all all I wanna hear heal. Oh I'm good! Let's go outside! Let's go outside right now, don't hold me back. Oh Oh I'm, beheld back a great great. I I want to go outside. But now I'm being held back, I can't tell you I want to be in physical fire right now, if only I could not be held back. So here's what actually happened I gotta tell this literally, but I'll use funny words to describe it, but is accurate. Senator molen really wanted to fight, but here is prevented by enacted. jerry and when the tiny hammer I wanted to fight so badly, but I had this octogenaries. With a tiny hammer, add here that the gap down. Unlike all know, china, ever that's going to stop me, so
I really wanted to fight until the octogenarian, the tiny hammer away. It is and then what? What can I do? What can I do? I back, though yeah those are two stories, this happened in the real world. The you live in my save yourself. This aside, that everything is falling apart and society is crumbling. Now now it's a sign that the news as finally turn funny like it always meant to be. We don't well this war and killing and we need more like this. I would like to see our representatives duke it out, or at least or at least pretend they're going to do canal and be held back by eighty year old guys with tiny hammers that'll worked. It is just as funny you the way, but I for one welcome this new competitive approach. So
Oh, when also sapling. I guess dmz had a big scoop, whereas showed our a junior walking, therefore, on a plane go to the bathroom back and people said my god, a future president walking barefoot on the plane. We can have this. This is a bad who would do this, who are provoked following a blame and are of gay junior cleverly used it to get attention. We did it, funny video, where he's sitting in the airport, with a full suit on, and he says he'd never do that again and then they pay back these. These barefoot suit very good, very nicely. That is very hard, is really tough for a politician to do an intentional humor skit and have it work now what he did was he kept his symbol right? Keeping
the ball. What made this work so that the joke was justly band out and use barefoot. So all he had to do was deliver like a straight line. Oh I'd, never do that again and then work towards totally good execution and then he put out a little mean that said, no shirt, no shoes, no secret service protection, as actually pretty funny now sure no shoes, no secret service protection. While I mean swanny leslie, axel, so are gay junior for the win. there's a little drama rather daily wire. Can the zones has her views on the Hamas is real situation, which are a little bit at odds with Ben shapiro, and I guess bench pharaoh didn't mind saying that in a public gathering of daily, why are people suddenly called on camera? So
It makes me wonder how long does ganders owens last daily wire under the specific situation, the bench think she is spreading bad information about Israel. Can you survive that I would love and if she did, I do because I would rather, I would rather see the conversation be brought up to another level in wouldn't you love to see ben shapiro and candace owens a little podcast gas together. Now I would I'll tell you what would be the outcome of that and shapiro would probably provide some historical context. The canvas needed candice would probably say thank you for filling in those gaps, and then they would be
smart capable people who went on with their lives, it could turn out really well. So I thought I think, there's Lay here where than shapiro canvas owens make us all smarter right. I mean not. Nobody gets all the facts right, maybe bench euro does is kind of an outlier. So maybe that's babies, all the facts right, but the rest of us don't so there's nothing wrong with Ben shapiro straightening you out once in a while. Whoever you are, you know we all need a ben shapiro, sometimes just to just to tell us what we missed make it positive. I I liked the drama I liked. The fact that Ben Shapiro said was willing to say directly to the what he thought I like that can do is Canada's owens talk now go be good, In the war. be more ridiculous category. You know the tragic story of
if a hockey player added Johnson who was- and how do I shall I say it- another player and lifted his skate and seemed to thrust it into Adam Johnson's neck, which killed him. He actually died on the ice. Tragically and today, the story is that the player, who did that this could be arrested for charged with murder. so now, a part of the story that's important just because its twenty twenty three- and this is where we talk about everything- is that the the person who died was white. and the person who is arrested for murder is black now
I know that would be sort of not playing into the most popular narrative of all the news organizations that they are do they, like the the george floyd situation, where you take a thing that happened one time to one person in the most totally unique situation, and you try to make that seem like it's. You know a representative of the whole. Oh George, floyd, represents all violence. in spite people, which of course I did not. It was exactly one situation of which I have never heard one like it. It's not exactly like anything. I've ever heard of We like do generalised if it's the, if somebody's gotta narrative This is our last general generalizers, your once in a million anecdote and try to make something out of it. But when the reverse is true,
and it would look like a black man killing a white man. Again, let me let me stress is ever total as george slightly There has never been another situation of a black hockey player, killing a white black and white darky player There are probably will never be another one. So do you imagine that it represents anything it doesn't? It literally represents two people in a tragic situation. But how differently they are treated. One gets a statue and it becomes the biggest story for years and the other one. You wouldn't believe this.
one news entity, instead of showing the perpetrators face or even mentioning the name there, actually not mentioning the name of the famous hockey player who was arrested, not even saying his name. There not show your picture because that would be a bad narrative but worse one entity, one of the news, and these showed a stock photo of a white person being arrested. And cuffed I mean just just hold that in your mind. For a moment, they tried so hard to avoid anything that could be turned into a negative narrative which, by the way I agree with, I do not think they should allow that to be turned into some statement about black and white people, because it's not it no more than the george lloyd was it's about one person we are, we are infinitely unique, it doesn't mean anything if one of us does something
so but but the wild, the wild level that they would go to to not show a picture of the perpetrator? Who is a professional hockey player? It's not like some private citizen that nobody heard about this thing, so you want to give them some privacy. It was an all the news until he got arrested and then they scrub it out. So the ridiculous level is often charter well, Billy billie. She was in the news because she was bemoaning that that's what you say when you don't like what somebody said: there'd be moaning. Does that kind of insulting to say somebody's bemoaning, something like or moaning? Why can't? They just have an opinion and they're saying it or you really be moaning. Are you really
complaining or you're just describing a situation, so I'm going to defend billie eilish because I don't think that's the right way to characterize. It was just an opinion But what she says is that being a woman in the public light is a perpetual war. Claims that men do not get similar similarly scrutinized for their body is that right, men do not get similarly scrutinized for their bodies. Let's ask a chris Chris. Chris precisely, as anybody ever said, anything that civil negative at all about your body day? I think so Has anybody ever said anything negative about my physicality? Are you fucking kidding me every day, literally every day, everything.
if gear hairline, you blah blah blah blah blah am I often do. Well, let's say was check the headlines say: there's Line Linda will psmith where he is accused of having a small penis. That's actually in the news today. Like that's actually news now by the way, I'm not saying is true, because the sources very undependable will get to completely undependable source, but doesn't the news so. If I check the news, I see Chris Christie being called overweight. I see, will smith being humiliated about something? That's probably not true in the first place, and it seems it seems universal. Do you know why? Billy eilish doesn't know that men are continually scrutinised, further appearance. There's nobody gives a shit about man.
am I right you don't even notice. Insulting men, is such a baseline activity that it doesn't even catch your attention, but at least women when you insult them for their physicality elisa makes the blues. It makes some news for managers business as usual. You have no idea. Let me say this to you, billy, irish, and by the way I am defending you for I think this news report is a rough, but- and this is not an insult- this is almost a universal statement. Wouldn't you agree that Men have no idea what it's like to be a woman. Everybody agrees with that man You have no idea right, not even the slightest idea what it's like to experience life as a woman
but do women have any idea what it's like to experience life as a man? It's the same site. You can a white guy. I know what it's like to experience life as a black guy. Now now there is no way you can do that, and vice versa. Billy. I wish, as I think you have a blind spot about man, but I appreciate you Anyway, I you haven't, sealed I've gotta been tweet on my top ten holiday gifts. I have this idea that the best gift recommendation is after you ve for a long time. you don't have any economic interest. It isn't that the best recommendation, because I had a recommendation where there's a new product and then suddenly opens and talks about it does knew you really don't know anything about it:
You gotta use it for a year before you know if you hate love it. so I gave you ten recommendations of things to have them. Roy bucks, but the other eight are just things I own and have owned for a long time, such as my coffee warmer and a thing that I use to fill up my tires and a bunch of stuff. You might be interested in that just makes good gift stuff and people asked me what kind of electronic drum set I use and people asked me what kind of equipment I use for podcasting. So both of those are there as gift ideas, you might know, somebody who wants to be a podcaster might be a teen who wants to just get into it or something and you could bible. I show you what to get for the minimum set of save my like that. Our ears question for you. we americans say the economy is not on the wrong track. Let's see how smart you are, you could probably get this within. I dunno
percentage points, but according to fanny may what percentage americans, don't think we're on the wrong track. Very good, guess, very good guess At seventy eight, you said we are on the wrong track, so one hundred minus seventy eight is twenty. Two, twenty two exactly yeah nearly a quarter, people, it's amazingly you could guess that, like are you,
geniuses or something, and he always know the answers before. Even asking the questions is shocking. How smart you are, if you just a few new to this, I live stream. I hope your impressed about the other people watching look. How often they got that answer right. Printing, it ain't you wanna make about guest spotify has got a platform that lets you make one super easily then distribute it everywhere, and even money all in one place for free, is called spotify for pod gasters and hears outworks spotify for part. Gasters lets you record and edit pod guess right from your phone or computer. So no matter what your set up is like you could start creating today, then you can distributor plug, guess, despondency and everywhere else, but guess or video, but guess role so available on spot. If I whispered, if I for public as soon as you can earn money in a variety of ways, including ads and pod,.
Subscriptions and best of all its totally free would no catch. Ever since I discovered spotter five report, gases have to say I like all these options. It gives you like a video bike, ass, you and I and poles, and I highly recommend you give it a try downloading spot five report guessers up or go to w w w that specify that calm, slash broadcasters to get started. Well, once again, more confirmation that the economists for over a year. So we're saying there's going to be this big old recession and hard landing, and that's what the experts pretty much by consensus, were saying: there's going to be some recession, anything and that, and you wouldn't see inflation, dropping
fast enough to save it? But now they current opinion is that we are expecting a soft landing and nation is way too slowly but is coming down and the sack mark or respond to that Now this is the case again of scott beats. The experts. Can you remember anyone except me predicting that would have a soft landing or we are we do fine. Did you hear any other person making that protection a year and a half ago, I'm the only one I don't think I heard even one person say that we'd probably make it through fine best prediction of the year, so I do have the best economic prediction of the year. If you can find somebody else who said the same thing, then I'll give them credit, but I dunno anybody else who said the same thing so put that.
My permanent list of what I get right and what I got wrong. Our remind you. I don't get everything right, but there are some categories that I get right more than often more right than awesome. The things I get wrong are the things that are purely political cause. That's not my domain. So, for example, when somebody picks a vice president, I'm terrible at guessing that, because that's just purely political there's too many things behind the scenes that you don't know about. You can't really predict that, but I'm pretty good at say it tell you when a massive story is a mass hysteria, because that's one of my domains, I'm pretty. With economics and business? Does that's my education background? and if you see me get out of my domains, you should.
Immediately lower your impression of my predictions okay, so when I talk about, u f, o's, being fake, that's my domain! That's that's well within my level of good guessing! So I'm probably right about that that the? U f o's are fake. but alright. What else is going on so Nikki haley trying very hard to completely destroy any chance. You would have to be president. She she is saying, have a vague. You know: Nicky las vegas, going back and forth, and she said about gas. The vague might have a girl problem, in other words his problem. emphasising the key areas because he's a sexist who says that. Hillary, that's like Hillary Clinton doesn't say: bullshit like this, a republican
How do you or others are republican by accident like a democrat as hard as you can? Is that my only example in which is acting like a Democrat now, she seems quite willing to fund the forever wars now that of fortunately, no sort of the military junta well complex, so as neither democrat or republican, but you know what is not is not purely republican, so her her military opinions fit both democratic or republican yeah. There's a big majority of both and now she's got this girl power comment. That is pure Hillary Clinton and that's that's the opposite republican honestly is just the opposite, a republican and then now she's got this idea that every person social media should be verified by their name. and all the platform should show their algorithms,
what you learn. Musk said to the two unusual with a nikki haley wanted everybody to be verified by their names so giving giving up privacy on social media musk posts super messed up. She can stop pretending to run for president now. I think god dammit he's he's just so good at using his own platform. It's kind of crazy that he's good at this he's going to too many things. It's kind of bothering me musk is he's just so good at a lot of things, but the fact that you'd be good at the businesses, but also good at these small communication chunks. You should be so good, as so many things. That's all that's a lot of things to be good at their I. You summed it up
there's no way you can take her seriously as republican candidate. Would you agree with that? Even even if you there's something you liked about her, would you agree that she's out of the race them As soon as you go sexist remember, I called the sound early. I called her out as the sexes early. It was obvious from the beginning. There is no way you can put a miss in ms andrey ist, someone who so the feeling about men. There is no way you gonna, like there s, a republican is literally close to the opposite of being a republican as you could possibly get. So what's the republican bar, she was more government restrictions on social media. and she wants to spend our money and wars.
And she was complain about woke bullshit, just not even close to bigger republicans crazy. How could she even be in the conversation? and well. I do understand that where women are always going to support women and new york yeah, I get that everybody wants somebody that is on their team to to do. Well. Alright, here's a you know the big money companies are reported to be buying up singing
families dart rooms all over the country- and I didn't have a big. This trend is but apparently is beyond enormous. Now. What do you make of the fact that the big game, hedge funds and the big money people or buying up massive amounts of private homes? Now the starter type that you ve been rent? Now? What do you make of that? Why would they do that now, when home prices are so high, why would the smartest money people by the assets that are wildly
Overpriced it looks like because real estate is really high compared to ability to buy all right. I'm going to give you have a financial look at this that you haven't heard before, and it's also going to tell you what to do with your own financial situation. Alright number one real estate is a good inflation hedge would, you agree, cause the price of a physical we'll move with inflation as honest people still wanted, and people will always why housing? So if you put, it in anything else it could be risky but homes. You know there's going to be a shortage of them and you know that people will rent them. It does look like a safe place to park money, but do you think they're doing it just because it's safe and just because it's a potential inflation edge.
This is not enough, it's not enough! Here's another reason to do it supposed to be a little lesson on business models and then they'll business people see stuff. In my opinion, one of the biggest problems in america is all the red tape and regulations about getting anything done in business. You've heard elon musk talk about the size. If you put all the regulations he has to satisfy from every country, if you, if you put them in a pile, it would be You know the size of the ceiling now imagine that in the world a building and construction and the fifty states in their different recommendations in their old thing, just get tighter and tighter is harder and harder to build a built, my own home in my town and by far the hardest part, was getting it approved and why was it a problem to get an approved? Was I building some kind of strange, crazy, dangerous house now
Wasn't really any reason is just that the process, the paperwork is just so unbearable, viewed, barely get it done, so The other thing is brilliant about. This is knowing that paperwork and complexity is increasing. really really going to be hard for somebody to build new homes so their protecting. I think it's a protection that the government, be so incompetent that it won't allow enough home building dissatisfied, demand that a smart backed by the smartest money people in the world?
that the government will remain incompetent and maybe even get worse and therefore the supply of homes can never keep up with the demand. That's a good bet. That is a good bet right there. So you've got the inflation, hedge and and you've got the fact that the supply and demand are kind of perfect cause. It's hard to imagine a situation where the government suddenly approves improves to the point where we're like. Oh these are all unnecessary regulations. Let us spur development by getting rid of these she's not going to happen, but there is a stronger reason for buying single person homes. Never heard of him, but you say it
An opinion is the strongest reason their accounts robots can own property. That's everything you need to know about the future of investing robots care, own property, but you know what they can do they can take. They can take europe hourly wage job and will so if you're working for a salary and you your main, your main economic engine- is working for a paycheck you're in serious trouble. But if you own any kind property? You haven't advantage that no robot can meet and we hope the government will keep it this way the robots can own property. so: on a home you can rent guarantee
if you have something that humans will want in the future, because you know real estate is limited and now housing is limited and robots can't own them, so if you own something that somebody asked rent because they have no choice they gonna live. Then you ve got something this robot proof If you're working for a salary, you are not robot proof, you're very vulnerable to robots. So if you're hugely rich you by single family homes, what do you do if you're not hugely rich well ears? Here, allowed orient. My thinking orient you thinking toward ownership towards getting old of an asset in the context of a business. It might be the u own trucks, their people read to do something. Your mouth, you my own assets that no robot can ever own. They get some job them, so I think it terms
it's a physical thing. You can own that doesn't depreciate your real estate actually appreciates in value. While you can depreciate it on paper. It's it's the ultimate, so look for things that don't depreciate can be rented and could become your future. financial thing. I mean it might be. You you've seen these little little homes now that are that. Can kind of delivering just plop in one place, and you know maybe it's one hundred thousand dollars, but then you can rent it. I would look into that like if you can pull together enough that put an eighty you in the back yard. That might be your own and only income at some point. So think about that. Now the work, Yes, it is maybe nobody'll heavily money, tarento, rent or anything so, but think about think about the robot future make sure your own, something because robots gap on something. That's the only defence.
now. The way I do it is owning an intellectual property, so I own the other. The rights to Dilber But you know some point, I suppose the robots and I will write a comic. That's funny earn free, so I can last for ever, but I do think ownership is gonna last for a while. presidencies arrived and there isn't any of him showing off, and I thought it was you you be a little bit more polite. If you're visiting somebody's country, So present she is visiting san francisco.
And the video of him a riving shows him at the top of the steps from his airplane, and then she is walking down the steps and its gross its groups. Let me do my impression of in walking down the steps in that, unlike really put off by it, goes like this did a pillow everybody a lower rate and I'm second I'm second, but because to show off like that in front of our president, our president, who can't walk on the downstairs and he's like look at me. I could walk down the stairs, no problem. Look at this and I'm like. Oh that's so gross and so gross. You could be a little bit more polite. As invited guests. I would expect that me. I would have slipped a little bit you now, because you like to make. You ve seen our leaders visit other countries way
sometimes even where the the love ceremonial clothing, I mean should have at least life slipped on the third one like a good and then. and then we could do some basic leaving and then they could make a deal, but I think he blew his big chance there by just walking down the stairs, Barely they ve already agreed on some kind of limits I'm using a I on the nuclear weapons arsenal you're saying it might be a bad idea to which I think restricting a I from deciding to launch nuclear weapons might be the simplest decision and the human
I made why are we arguing about that? One? First of all, it should be obvious. I can't imagine any country would want to put ai onto their nuclear weapons in a way that would make them launch themselves or be unpredictable so as an easy one. Now, as you know, these streets of san francisco are cleaned up. You may not know that the homeless and also all of the excrement from the sidewalks there were there temporarily moved to oakland and once president she is gone, then the homeless will be repatriated back they'll, take the feces and return it back to the sidewalks of san francisco, repatriating the feces
and thus now that was literally a joke. I wrote yesterday for my comic robots, read news that you can only see the locals platform, but I saw a tweet today the suggested they really did moves the homeless oakland. Can anybody confirm that they buy see a news story In which, in the real world they actually moved almost open, make sure that really happened. and you know why that would be funny because Israel a place? You could move them, let's close that they couldn't walk back, gives you can't walk over that bridge, it'll probably go on the other side of the bay? If they put them anywhere in the south bay, they would just that would just walk back, so they have to make it hard anyway,.
More details on the trump trial about the evaluations of his properties that the government or the da says he overvalued so Don Jr is testified now and I guess the accountants have or will testify, but but here's where that trails going, it won't be clear who came up with the
It estimates because I think the trumps are all saying. Well, we didn't come up with that estimate, or you know that was just conversation or and then the accountants are like. Well, we don't come up with estimates. We just take your word for it, so it's actually that so far the trial has been unable to identify anybody who came up with the estimates or where they come from. The most basic fact in the trial is who came up with the estimates and they they don't seem to be able to determine that. So what do you do if you're, if you're, trying to decide on the merits of the case and they can't determine where, where it even came from, because if it came from the accountants, then the trumps are innocent. If it came from trump, it would depend how he said it was just an opinion, or did somebody hear him say something once
And took, and made too much of it rose, says, rose blindsided scott. This isn't smart or rose when I want to know what's smart, I ask you so please do tell me, or you could just act like a Democrat and say there's something wrong with me. Instead of the content of, I discussion all of my all of my trolls this morning seem legitimately drunk like actually literally just drunk it. You should see the comments I got this morning, every one of them, I can just say drinking and they'd, just stop, because I think that's actually literally. I think that's. What's going on.
I didn't talk about when it happened, but I'm still blown away that the the attempts to impeach may arcas for it. Bad handling of the border, failed and failed, because some republicans guess either them decided not to What exactly was the argument for not impeaching em everybody, is now an argument so now All of the news I never saw anybody say why they voted to not impeach him, because to me, that's just a slam dunk that that's the most obvious impeachment I've ever seen now. Is it just because he was following orders, maybe maybe cause he was following orders:
I dunno that one that one just baffles me how that went. I suppose, as a follow the money situation right is that one of those you assume, corruption and and some of the eight republicans yeah, you think the cartels bought off. The republicans here is what I'd say if you ve seen news reports in which the Republicans voted against it gave you, and I gave you a reason for the sounds like a real reason. Even if you don't agree with that. Sounds like a real reason, because I don't know the anybody offered. A real reason did that it was trivializing impeachment. Is that what it was? This doesn't look trivial to me.
To be the open border and the destruction of the united states is it's like a pig concern, anyway. I understand that one sunday assume assume corruption, Glenn greenwood by refusing to be on a team and just calling things like racism is getting quite a bit of pushed back, so I guess he's not, as I guess is insufficiently pro. Israel is getting a lot of push back. anyway I told you this will psmith rumours but the big Part of it is it his former assistant whose allegedly, as former best friend, claims that he walked in and watched the wheel?
with, as let's say, the recipient of some vigorous gay sex. Now, what have I told you about celebrity news? Can you tell me what have I told you about celebrity lose its actually never real. It is so far from being real that your opinion of this story should be that you didn't hear any story at all. The the quality of the credibility of this story is and is in the category of things that never turn out to be a joke, and in fact, will smith is threatening to sue him for sega, which would be you know, sort of a baller move. If it were true now, I'm not saying it couldn't be true, but that would be true of you know, every human being. There could be something they're doing that you don't know about and don't care and by the way,
I say as carefully and clearly as I can. I don't care like. Apparently he was behind a locked door. That's the accusation! So, if it were true would have no meaning in any of our lives, it would just be his personal life, so I don't care about it, but I would I'm going to back. Will smith on this one and say that you should assume it's not true because it's in a category of celebrity public figure accusations. Generally are not true. You can usually bet against them. So I don't know it's true, but I'm definitely going with innocent until proven guilty on this, on a pro pro will smith on the don't believe, accusations like that now, in this case, a comes from a named source, so that gives it more credible
Lee, but I'd certainly wait to hear at least one other source that this is the type where, if you're a two or three people who are close to him, say yeah yeah, we all knew it or something like that. Then maybe, but the person who doesn't work for many more, which gets you to potentially disgruntled, we don't know and he's getting a lot of attention for it. That's it red flag. So I'll say I don't believe this one target. as a new santa claus you can buy. So if you like to get a little santa claus, decoration
They have now got one. That's a super inclusive, its international. They get a black disabled, santa black disable santa, while black swine but disabled, now you're, starting to stretch my disbelief, I already find it difficult. believe the santa can fit down the jimmy I mean already. I've got a problem with it. I don't know about the mass of getting to every house in one night. the flying reindeer, especially the one that can lead the way with its glowing knows. I believe all that stuff, I believe, all that. But What do you get a wheelchair down a chimney? That's too far too far now you're, starting to make me question whether santa is real at all. Alright,
what do you think about the issue of? I think this is a rasmussen and about abortion Barely a Democrat there's a ten point advantage of Democrats: him quote handling abortion. Do you think abortion is going me a big big topic for this election or do you think. kicking it back to the states, takes it a little bit off the the at least the federal level. I dunno, I think it's gonna matter, I think, is going to matter a lot but we'll see
It is, it is probably the biggest thing that the Democrats have an advantage on alright, twenty one percent. Don't think abortion will be important. Twenty one percent. He asked getting pretty close to one quarter, I show you, the big news is you: can tell what the Democrats approach will be to the election in terms of trump, others anomaly, their approach and what I call the big live version, two point: oh I'm gonna see if I can label it that you know try to make that a thing
big live version. Two point, though, is first of all. You know that the Democrats said that trump had the big lie, and the big lie was that the election was rigged, so that was their branding, but, of course, for republicans and people who are not brainwashed, the big lie was the insurrection claim itself and the claim that trump is a dictator by nature and had no no, no intention of turning over power. No matter what and. that he was basically hilary waiting, so there are starting to roll the sound again so here the early signs so there's built. Pascal junior is congress person, new jersey, I think, and He actually tweeted this with a picture of like a tank with a trump sign goes. Donald trump is openly
planning to impose a military dictatorship really, whereas he openly doing that and put tanks in the streets against his enemies. If he sees us, Our again, I'm going to push this repeatedly so no interest. They haven't and old now correct me if I'm wrong isn't one of the charges, or maybe it's not anymore, against trump- that he quote incited violence on January. Six is not a thing that you can get in trouble for inciting violence. Is no pascal junior not inciting violence by lying saying that is obvious. The trunk is going to be hitler. Somebody hitler, if you mean it like you're, not just exaggerating, and obviously this
This suggests he means it in a literal way, if you're telling somebody that a politician who's YO has a good chance of being elected likely to be actually, if you're, telling half of the country that he is literally hitler, as opposed to in some hyperbolic way, you're inciting violence. How else can you see it? This is basically telling Democrats it's okay, to kill republicans- that's how I take it if they were to believe this to be literally true and he's selling it, as literally true, he's very care, make sure you know he means literally right. If that's the actual message it looks like it is, that is inciting I don't see any other way. You should be. Immediately impeached. Is that not grounds for innovation.
my wife is literally, is trying to create an insurrection He is literally inciting an insurrection in a way. Far more than trump did I mean trump never came close to this. Would you agree that trump never came close to this level of inciting violence? Fair is at your opinion as well, or am I going too far on it me? obvious that these are not even the same ballpark tromp was literally say, protest peacefully light literally in those words and here he's. Tell you that this hill or like dictators, have tanks in the street What would be the reasonable response if you believe this work to the reasonable response will be violence if you get it? If you like before, then I would be
or against them, but you're setting it up for if he wins and the policy say well, you're you're, basically giving the green light to violence. Does everybody thinks of violence against hitler? Appropriate everybody. The big lie version too. Now here's how the republicans and trumpet particular should respond to the big lie. There are three things that don't work less, those first if they say you're gonna be a dictator and take over the country. Here's what doesn't work ignoring, doesn't work to ignore it does not work number to say Your site is worse year. The real hitler's does not work, because the other side is completely young. They can't hear you coming from the republican side.
Third thing: doesn't work is being extra nice, so this really, for obvious you're, not heller, doesn't work because the other side controls media, so they'll, just they'll they'll just invent things that make it look like hitler, even if you're the nicest person in the world- and you did the most anti The hitler things you could ever do won't make any difference. There is only one thing that can work. You have to mock this bullshit out of existence. You have to mock the january six people who believe that republicans take over countries without bringing guns you have to mock anybody who thinks that trespassing is the first step to an overthrow. You have to mock anybody who thinks that delaying a process in one building for one day somehow takes over a country you have to mock them for thinking that having an alternate electors somehow is a takeover,
where the country you have to mark them for the fact that dog junior, according to the documents we ve seen on January sex, was completely unaware that there were some. out of insurrection gland don junior. If there's one fact that you can take the bag their proves, there was no planned insurrection is don juniors private messaging You're, very obviously, was not part of any kind of even conversation about some kind of an insurrection right, if, No down junior didn't know about it. It wasn't there, that's the minimum. The minimum would be for president trump to get done junior. same side? You can't even imagine a scenario in which he would try to take over the country, and the sun was on the other side, this ridiculous
It's whole thing is so stupid that you should market in the hilarious way. Much like our escape junior marked the coverage of him going barefoot. You cannot take this issue seriously. You have to make them look like clowns, for pushing the worst thing and the other thing is: can you name what's wrong? Did in the first term that qualified as the hitler dictator? What was The only thing it was was the thing that the rip Democrats did, which was try to turn january sections, are sometimes obviously wasn't. That's it. if they had not rescue their their narrative on that last day, just think about it. They call them hitler for what five and a half years rate And then he didn't know hitler things and their narrative had gone to zero because he's gonna walk out of here.
not doing any hitler stuff, but they gather that last day they twisted, it used to turn it into hitler stuff when clearly it was the opposite, but they controlled the news enough that they could that they could. Just you know, grab out that one last hail mary, but they did make it work. They did make it stick so marked as yet. Our aid is another soros prosecutor get defeat, narrowly and where was it virginia I told you that my sorrows backed prosecutor- I am PAMELA price. There is a recall petitions going round, so there is some pushed back
But let me ask you this: have you ever seen an interview with Alex soros, asking him to explain the thinking behind the open borders and the the da's? I haven't so now that now that sandbag men freedom, It's the end of the political picture that would make the sorrows the number one the number one donator to the Democrats. Doesn't it so don't use that the leader of the number one, never democratic donor and the person who is most responsible. We think for the border disaster and the destruction of american citys they're just hold this in your life. I've never seen him interviewed not with not with a series of you. I think I see them on your friendly, where they didn't ask him anything serious.
But have you ever seen them answer the question? How are these liberal da's and the open borders how's that working for america and what is even what is even the thinking behind it, just defend it as a as a political strategy and explain it, that is the biggest dog, not barking. I've ever seen in my life now I'd like to think that the right leaning media has been trying very hard to get them on camera and failing right, imagine that he would never taken in view of fox news of a bright bar. Would that be fair to say that there's no way is arrogant, but he might do
most NBC hit because it just could be a friendly. So here's what trump and vague should demand and throve vague their jesse's is the best communication racin and endorsing him. They should demand the alex soros, for a real interview. In fact, it could be with even with a vague when you love to see the vague say, look Alex oros you're, one of the biggest players in the country, and we have a disagreement, but we ve had no conversation about it. I invite you to my part gas to explain why why
doing is good for the country and I would almost ignore what the other Democrats said. You know if you are, if you are tromp, was saved, that's not a nation or vague. Let's say you get the nomination, I think you d say: there's no point in debating Biden because he's he's dead, but I'd like to do a debate with Alex soros. Just imagine that news it. I want to do a debate, but not with Biden. I want to do with Alex oros, because our biggest problems are directly related to soros, they're, not even directly related to buy. So I don't want to talk about the person who is not in charge. I won't talk about. Money is in charge right who are the money persons who is in charge, so I want to talk to the person in charge. I only want to debate Alex oros. Just imagine imagine the news coverage of that. I only want to talk to him because nobody else matters in this conversation, and why does a missing like? Why isn't that happening
it's like it's like a big mystery to me, the most important question from the most important player and nobody's even asking him nobody's even asking the question all right and israel there. Apparently Making progress at the EL shiva hostile, In Gaza we don't know the details and never will cause is vulgar war, but they. They seem to be making roads and very large compound. There are lots of civilians ere, it won't be pretty. There will not be as surgical as you wish. It could be. But I do think that there are doing their very best because the entire world is watching and anything less than their very best would be frankly unacceptable, but it doesn't look like it. I'll, tell you one other thing, I'm feeling watching the israeli response.
It's now, even though you can criticize why they, they got caught off guard and they didn't see the attack coming earlier. That's a fair, that's a fair set of questions, but as a citizen, I believe, we've noted we have observed in some of the highest level of just sheer competence and is making I feel good now not about war and not about what's happening in Gaza. You can't feel good about that, of course, but I feel good that I'm seeing people display high level capability and competence today we learned Joe Pollack is over there reporting the most dangerous job world. I can't believe he's over there, but he was talking about how the the harvests have been. You know left because I guess the the gaza workers couldn't be there to harvest it, but the
the citizens of Israel have actually organised and from all war, of life or showing up in the fields and the door harvesting. So even the harvest is happening. Can you imagine that happening in america? Could you imagine america being so well organised that we could get citizens to leave whatever they were doing? Probably probably even retirees and students and everything else, and that they would mean in one place and they would pick the fruit because they're they're all on one team. It is hard to imagine america, but we're not under that kind of threat that that also drives you together. So I'm going to say that simply watching Israel handle this politically. Suasion, wise strategically militarily, is really hardening.
Like I'm undressing high level capability in all those areas- and it just feels good that humans can do high level stuff just feels good but will see what's happening over there in those tunnels presume I saw David criticising just in trudeau because a suggestion to those calling for a cease fire. I guess, Which makes them look too many people live little bit too pro hamas and they have said this about just intruder You just don't you know, is an evil communist piece of shit. Also. He should just come out of the closet already now, I'm not compare my gate are today rubens
I will allow that his gator might be stronger than mine have an opinion. I'll just say he looks like the gayest person I've ever seen in my life. That doesn't mean he is and there's nothing wrong with it. It's not a criticism, but if he is gay. I feel like he does ever responsibility that maybe be a little bit more forthcoming about it. So I'm not saying he's gay. I don't have any special inside in that, I'm not saying That will be a problem, in fact, it'd be kind of cool to ever. Have a gay you know leader just so we can get that over with you know, just get it over with just get past the so be great, have a gay leader. Sooner or later I don't care about that bore, but
if he's in the closet, as Dave reuben says- and it certainly looks- I waited me one. I just about everybody go because there's is not a new problem. If that's the case, we don't know that case anyway years. My taken this, I think, trudeau foreshadowing a massive importation of Hamas supporters into canada, because I don't think you can be that friendly to the mostly civilians and then say we're not gonna. Let you come into the country and help you in your dire situation. So
He is either patient himself into a corner where they will have to accept a lot of refugees or he would look like a hypocrite and that's not ideal. So I believe he's no created a situation where the design of the canadian government guarantees that they will fall by design, because, if they're designers to bring in people whose attitude is anti democracy anti canadian, what do you think happens like what happens always when that group of
people, whoever it is from anywhere that people are anti government. If that group gets big enough well, it doesn't have to be eighty percents at around ten percent. It's too late, because islam has a really good system that allows it to grow and reproduce and procreate and gain power over time, and it's it's a pretty solid system, but if they, if they don't get ten percent, they can't do that. But it looks like trudeau is on the the path of being a safe space for all palestinians, which on paper sounds like the the greatest. Just humanitarian thing, but in practice might get you a lot more supporters on the border. So no, joking aside, we need to get serious about building a border with canada. The vague is totally right about this.
as shocking as that sounds. Canada is designed to fail. So I'm not saying something strange could happen. I'm saying they're designed to fail. They've created a structure. You know the the the woke structure that guarantees the importation of people who will destroy theirs What would we stop? It name anything you see happening. There would stop this from happening. Canada falling there's. Another is designed to fall so listlessly too seriously. I saw a bunch of video of Steady and children talking about the education are getting from the united nations. the? U s, nor adobe away on raw that delay pronounce on raw.
but I didn't know this: the united nations must have been providing schools for the palestinians, These children were all saying without prompting they all said that being taught to kill the Jews and the children. I want to stab them again and again. I want to become a suicide bomber, so you think you're, schools or bad. You think that you can isn't learning to need and that's bad. That is bad, but over there their learning to be suicide bombers. So if you want to look at out relative basis, your kid learn. not to read is way better than their kids learning to blow themselves up web. So you gotta go in for him.
Why in the world is the? U n allowing that? Is it because the EU and also agrees with it is because they dont manage it? Well? Is it because they you and sets up the structure but the teachers role locals? So there's nothing. I can do what is it about this that we can stop? This were somebody Stop it. So, but I'll tell you what the? U n has done? They've made it easy for Israel to kill as many children in palestine as is required to get the job done because you are revised, blame the don't, kill our babies, you kill more babies, no, you kill more babies. No, you killed more babies, though you kill more babies that the whole war became, who kills more babies so whoever could get an excuse to kill more babies has an advantage
and the? U n is actually running cover for Israel, they don't mean to, but if the eu is gonna teach the palestinian children become suicide. bombers, you tell me how sad I should be if those kids get killed there. I said it out loud you're, not supposed to say that loud right but cancelled. So now my preference is that no babies are killed anywhere. You got that my preference is there's no war anywhere, and the last thing I'd want is for any children to be killed because they're, the
ultimate innocence, but the EU is making it easy. The? U n is providing Israel with all the justification. Anybody would need now. Historically, children can never be combatants, but they are weapons used. They had been weapon eyes Yet. Let let me tell you this: ethically, if you saw a ten year old child running out you with a suicide vest- and it was the tenth find that month, a ten year old, with a suicide vast came running out, you could you blow their head off course would it be unethical or immoral? No, no, it would be horrible beyond belief, but completely ethical. self defence? So I dunno where the line is an kelly innocence, but
The u n, is certainly moves in that line. To make it easier, which is not good, is just it is there. Some talk I think it's confirmed that there are some negotiations about a three day truce that may produce fifty hostages. I dont believe Think about any of that. It's not confirmed by Israel. if your israel would you do a three day stand down to get fifty hostages back either they offer is designed just to make it difficult for Israel to banish public opinion. I think that's what it is about. so Israel's best play will be treated like there was no offer it all now. Might that get fifty hostages killed it wouldn't give.
It killed. Otherwise, there is no way to know that no way to know it. So if you don't know it, sometimes it makes sense to see if he can do it. But if, if a man wants you to stop for three days is because are in bad shape, so I feel like I would say no to the offer, because, first of all, you don't have his real, you don't know. Fifty of them are even alive, you don't have any proof of life. I wouldn't take the deal with you. I would counter with. If
of all of them to us? We all consider talking, but probably I would just destroy them after they. Give me I've been amassed, knows that I think is they give all the hostages back? There can be fully destroyed, but they also know if they dont give the hostages back. They'll be fully destroyed, I think I think they know that so they all they could be getting would be some kind of a you know some kind of reprieve for three days and I dunno there's probably just get the leaders out of the tunnels. So I would say no, therefore, Israel will see what happens. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the finest live stream. You ve ever seen
Are you say, thank you to the? U do people I hear that judge just and that just is allowed to be on the ballot on the the effort to keep trump to the ballot, apparently the failing, and there failing and paralyses felt and thus offer. Today I will talk to you later see youtube.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-16.