« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2291 Scott Adams: CWSA 11/13/23, Reframing The News So You Can Use It

2023-11-13 | 🔗

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Politics, Megan Rapinoe, Bill Burr's Wife, Tim Scott, Jacob Chansley, Catherine Lucey, WSJ Fine People Hoax, DC Social Worker Test, Cancer Kill Switch, Bidenomics, Fulton Ballot Controversy, Cornel West, Israel Hamas War, Vivek Ramaswamy, Firing DC Bureaucrats, DC Draino, Mastercard ESG, Alex Soros, Trump Immigration Policy, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
How about a good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization? Do you think you can make this experience? Go up to another level, a level that nobody could even describe in human words, even ay? I a problem with it. Yes, all you need for that is a cup or mug, or a glass of tank or jealous or stein, a canteen, jug or flask vessel of any kind fill that vessel. their favorite. Look what I like coffee, Join me now for the unparalleled pleasure. It's the dopamine of the day thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip go. Oh that's good! That's a good way to kick off! well in lesser news. I guessed by didn't grim
and order has secret service protection, which one is it doesn't matter based granddaughter and she was walking in georgetown late on sunday, night or naomi naomi Biden her secret service detail, so that there was a car, jackie inaction, Apparently they fire three shots to break it up. Now we don't know enough about the story. To really know like was that's martha. They did that to do that in any way protects naomi, I doubt it was something that they just decided they need to do is needed to be done. Here's what I'm feeling, despite the danube, anything on the fact that heroes keep getting arrested like there's gonna, be a wave of sinners
involvement. I won't say vigilante. The citizens of all bent, there's gonna, just skyrocket because is one thing to know. Your government should be handling in which cases easy too involved and then there's another phase where you, you hope, they'll be involved. So you still don't get involved is like, you know they're, not that reliable, but I hope to government will take care of this and then there's the giving up phase which we may be in I think where you realize that if you don't take care of crime on your own you're going to lose your neighborhood and I think that people are inches not giving up phase the part where they say you know what. If I don't take down this robber, I won't have stores in my neighborhood some. You know it's a bad idea. By the way, I don't recommend it. I do not recommend vigilantism you'd probably get arrested
I say what people are going to do it because they're just fed up so here's the story that appears in my head without any support. I don't know that this is true. Here's what I feel with no evidence whatsoever. the at least one of these secret service people was just sick of this ship and just just just started firing. Now I doubt they fired at a person. It was probably warning shots kind of thing, I'm guessing, but I dunno, Maybe some more evidence of this coming up so soccer sar megaton rapid. No was enough. and gave her a career in three minutes in together injury that look pretty bad. But her What about it was quote: I'm not we'll just person or anything in this there was a god. This is proof that there isn't. This is left up, so
Megan rapido thinks that she has proven. There's, no god, because she guy injured and refine will gain a relation. Not that literally. but she might be an example of somebody. Who's career would look better if she never spoke again that that would be my pierre advice. They megan I've got an idea, so this will work for you never speak again. Just don't say anything. This work out, does my advice. Well, in the news we ve got some bill burdensome dunbar. Do you know you're? where's friendlier bars. I told this story, they'll be bar. What do you think it was milburgh? Will you get those two confused while there often lose as you. Now. You brought your destroy yesterday that dilbert the comedian stand up.
It was with his wife at the u r c event were tromp gay men. There was a follow taken gilbert, wife giving the double bird finger to trump, when he wasn't looking and then I commented that you know it would it's going to be. I would love to know the conversation when they got home and they find out it's a headline news and is trending everywhere. Do you think the bill ever said to his wife? You know you just took forty percent of our total income forever. I dunno, if that's actually the case, but it's never really a good idea to insult forty percent of the people who would go to your shows, which is what happened now. Here's here's how I took it. You might have taken it as hey. This is a political statement is a political world. What would I be concerned if somebody made up
political statement about somebody. No, it wouldn't make me not go to their show. I mean I watch bill Maher and I know he doesn't like president trump doesn't bother me a bit because you know what I also think. I don't think that bill morrow would hate me personally. It doesn't feel personal when he when he talks about it. It feels like it's political, it's not about the individuals, although some individual voters, he might not love. But somehow my impression of this was that giving the figure to trumpet public feels like maybe I wouldn't be- welcome in their home either. Thereby did anybody have that feeling that if you ever voted for a charm, for example- oh here's a couple who would never invite me to dinner like even if I worked with em,
If we're friends, I don't think I would ever be invited to their house, and so I said to myself- hmm I feel like that was personal like even though it was about trump, I don't know that are really is like again. There's no logic. Listen just tell yo, I felt so that we might just feeling well, so I did this or this post about it on axe and I went to check the traffic on it today because it keeps popping up at six point four million views now for context. I rarely get that many views of any kind of a post, and that's that's monster of you, which would suggest that other people felt in the same way? I did that it was more about his supporters navy than him, or at least that it was equally
them so we'll see if there's any impact on his career, probably not because he so popular, but it was. It was interesting that so many people might have had the same feeling as just a guess Where is an update on my experience, trying to create an app called a jpg with a I'll say again the interface for creating the ep? You just talk to it and you tell it while you wanted to do it's the most wildly awesome exe. science. If you ever programme so my younger days, I did a lot of programming road letter code. Then if you don't know that
and I actually loved it. Actually, if cartooning hadn't worked out, I would have loved to be programmer cause. The time went really quick. You know it was very engaging yeah, I would be completely just sucked into the world of the program was like living inside a pinball machine, so I described it. I loved it, but this new experience of just talking an app into existence is like really actually thrilling. I dunno, if I can quite express the feeling of talking an app into existence, is wild because you watch it happened. Why you're talking, however, I have experienced this mother people, so they add witches. You upload some information to the to the eye, in this case the jet jpg and-
and it will tell you a sees it and you can ask questions about it. Yes, he's every part of it. I can tell you what's in it, so you know that I can see it, but that's a part you're talking to not yup, so you say: okay now you can see it make sure make sure your app can see it all the time whenever I ask a question as as totally gotcha, I'm definitely gonna use this information and give it to. You will be asked the question and then you use the app that I created. So can you find this there and it will say no. I don't have that data so so the part that makes the app says it totally as a data, the app can use it and then you use it says: nope no have access to it, but here's the wild part. You can actually negotiate the ep, so I so I get angry at the app and I say why do you
You can see it when I know you can write you like talking to it like a human again. This isn't the this. Isn't the build the app part which actually a side by side of the screen this? app itself, so I get into it with the app and it starts giving me up the information I actually had to cajole it. To tell me your information, and until I cajoled it, it was going to lie to me and say I didn't have it Now, at first I thought it was like a bug, but once I realized that it does have the information and it knows as the information and yet it tells me it doesn't if it is lying to Me- and so I and so I wonder, could you ever built an app that you could depend on the answer when I built adapt? They gave me two different answers on something. This purely objective. Does this information exists in your database and it was safe now
Unless you asked it just right and yeah, you actually have to challenge it and tell it that you knew it had it and then it would give it to crazy. I dunno to supply as rebuilding these gb t apps, but but it's a wild experience. I recommend it by the way, if you have any interest in this field it's just you say in the future. By is easy to imagine that that's desert above that will get fixed, because this very specific, its acting like it, doesn't see the data that feels quite flexible. Other people having the same experience but while they way I'd like to test my bs detector, you remember, do those story there. logically, arab arabic version of mining camp was found in a palestinian chiles bedroom. Do but what I said about that as a little bit too on the nose.
and feel real right, so that was my take on it today Glenn great world was calling you now as come from a source which is a known wild propaganda site. So it does not come from a real source. It came from a source that is well known for simply making shit up. So my I think my b s detector was accurate in this case. Not one hundred per cent sure, but the source was so wildly ridiculous, it's probably yes general scott dropped out of the race for president. We were going to say tim scar, woozy. I did notice of the race. Well, that's probably way I'd drop out girls he did really make it the impression in the end he turned into an embassy, because the other bc part was actually impressive for awhile.
because in the early days you would start out with his inspirational story about how anybody can make it in america. You know like a real classic classic american success story, kind of thing and too many republicans. He looked like the antidote to the racial woken us it's like! Oh yeah, that's it! You did all the right things, and then you got a good outcome, and indeed we see over and over again that pretty much everybody who does all the things get spreading good outcome. So as a great story but turned out you didn't have much else. Let me add policies. But they didn't stand out. As TIM scots gutters wild policy we'd better talk about him. He's policies were also generically republican
The in the end, all he had was his story and then it became I hate to say it, but it started to get pathetic that the best he could do is go back to the story. It's a good story, a great story, really a great american story, but didn't have enough. Just didn't have the juice, so I think you made the right choice to get out, The way I was getting in so you remember, the q anon sharman Jacob chance Lee, who is where the bison have got her arrested and he was in jail for a long time. For january six. He is going to run for congress as a libertarian in arizona, hello. Now, if he's a libertarian, that means he's running as a republican right as well as a Democrat, I assume, so I don't know I dunno what his odds are, but
here's the nelson mandela of our time, I'm just say that so people can get mad that that was intentionally stated to make you angry what. There is no way you can compare him to nelson mandela. I know this was funny. Is a poor man's nelson mandela? but I do like the idea of if you get locked up for reasons which the public seems to think are inadequate, that you can use launch a campaign honestly, I would vote for him like not a joke. fire in arizona probably vote for him over Republican honestly, because I presidency
The republicans get anybody out of jail to do. Did you see the republicans fighting very hard to get to january six years in jail? Fuck them? If I were him I'd, say fuck, I'm gonna run as a libertarian and I would vote for him because I don't know what his qualities are for the job. But it's sort of a statement. If you're going to lock somebody up, you'd better, get it right, it's sort of one of those. If you comes from the king he's not exactly the king, but if you come for him and you miss, you might get yourself new congress I guess I love the justice and just otto every part of their story. I, like it just, is kind of classically wonderfully american. So I guess what
think about it. The wall street journal as this big article about black voters moving a little bit more to jump. but just hold this of your life. It's the wall street journal. Ok, that in mind first, so as one of the most capable trusted news, publications keep in mind, that is twenty twenty three and twenty twenty three. The wall street journal has an article which makes the clock aim that the fine people hoechst was not a hoax me. They don't say that they just refer to the president, calling people on both sides of fine people like it was a fact in the wall. Street journal in a major art
will feature article in two thousand and twenty three in the wall street journal. Now this was a catherine lucy wrote this, and so I was so curious how you could be so either wrong or unethical. I didn't know what was going on so I checked her background is used to work for the a b during the two thousand and sixteen election. If you worked for the apia during the two thousand and sixteen election, you are brainwashed into thinking that the fine people hoax wasn't a hoax, because I think the a p reported that it was real. Then she goes to the washington, I'm sorry. She goes to the wall. Street journal writes a feature article and the editors of the wall street journal don't catch that it was a pretty important part of the story.
it is important in the context of the larger story. What's going on here is as not an opinion. That's a well established fact that it didn't happen.
In two thousand and seventeen you could be maybe excused for you know not knowing that the fake news was fake, but it's twenty thirteen you're telling me that that nobody who read this article before I got published was aware that they were perpetrating one of the biggest lies of american politics. Wall street journal doesn't know that really what do you think is going on? I actually don't know. Do you think that both the writer and whoever edited it couldn't catch it? And do you think that after it was published, they didn't get enough pushback to immediately correct it? I'm I'm actually puzzled years. I'd like to challenge you with this challenge,.
Can you find me, as the wall street journal, as ever reported factually that defined people hoax was a hoax cause? I'll bet they have. I feel like I have a memory that the wall street journal is one of the few. That correctly said that didn't happen. So I'm wondering if their reporting is now two opposites is that is that what happened? Whereas the wall street journal always imagined that it happened as they always reported it wrong? Unless
I'd love to know: what's going on the hate you wanna make about guest spotify is gonna platform that lets you make one super easily then distribute it everywhere, and even money, all in one place for free, is called spotify for part gasters and hears outworks spotify for part. Gasters lets you record and edit pod gas right from your phone computer. So, no matter what your set up is like you could start creating today, then you can distributor podcast, despondency and everywhere else, pod gasser video about gas role so available on spot. If I whispered five four paragraphs, which you can earn money in a variety of ways, including ads and pod gas subscriptions and best of all its totally free wooden,
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What cognitive dissonance do you want to ask if they agree with the following logic? So you tell them it's the logic question. Do you agree with the following logic that attorney general bill? Barr and other advisers told trump the two thousand and twenty election was fair and therefore trump knew the election was, rick, so as soon as they agree with that is they agree with that? That's cognitive dissonance! Now some of you are safe, but why is it wise? I call you dissidents, if you're saying that you're having cognitive dissonance, because everybody you doesn't have cognitive dissonance- knows immediately what's wrong with it
It is in the ears. Important part is not because some people are good at logic and some people are not there's something. Everybody motives. Let me give you an example. If you can't find your phone and the only place you look is in your bedroom, can you conclude that no phone exists? Everybody knows that that would be a logical there's. Nobody who need the logic lesson to know. That is the only place she looked and you didn't find it. You could not conclude that it does not exist anywhere else on earth. We all know that. Now there is a special case where, if I ask you is their milk in the refrigerator and you look,
was one container and you look at this empty and then you look really carefully in the rest of the refrigerator and there's no other milk. Yes, in that very weird specific case, you can know, there's no milk in the refrigerator but yeah that's a very special case, but an election with fifty different states and, however many precincts hundreds thousands, I don't even know who,
What could possibly know that all of the code of all the the election machines, every person who could have done something? Didn't it's not knowable and everybody knows that. But you will get democrats to act like they. Don't know it. That's cognitive dissonance. So the pretending you don't understand. The point is that now, if instead of addressing this, you know the moment- you say: okay, that's cognitive, dissonance, they say and you've heard you've all heard it. The courts found nothing wrong with the election. That's exactly the same point: the courts don't check everything and the people who took things to the court. Also.
I can't check everything. So what's a court saw was the slight tiny little sliver of a grain of sand on the beach, that's all visa. So if they saw one grain of sand on the beach, can they conclude anything about all beaches in the world probably know so you will find out that after you point out this, isn't the cognitive distance for believing they know something doesn't exist because they didn't look for it very well, they will get angry and then what do they do? First, they get angry. What's the next thing that happens? They change the subject, but but but trump did something else: bad find people oaks. but but he said, drink bleach, the drinking bleach hopes it and it will always go that way or will turn into name calling I've experienced as well
I guess you get your news from Q and on all say, this has nothing to do with cuba, and also I was debunking he went on yeah yeah. But you get your news from fox news to which I say now. I don't I consciously and publicly look at all the new sources left and right and I criticise them all yeah, but trump credit chump. Said that a guy with a disability in his arm, he mocked him and public. Now Eden, look at the compilation clips that the right now these, where has been using the same gesture for ordinary everyday people with no disabilities rubber, which they have never seen and waste less you fun for thanksgiving
wash you do sees having trouble getting enough or social workers, and they ve got some kind of adversity. Problem here because I guess there's some kind of test you can take to qualify as a social worker And seventy six percent of white does takers passed, but only thirty three percent of like test acres did weirdly. asian american test acres were in between which you don't normally see in these objective tests. But the belief is that what's happening here,. Is that is letting tumulty way people get the jobs, and this is what they say. De diversifying the field, in other words, is the field. They want, like everything else, to be done: right, but when you have a test the way people are passing, there is three times or more the level of black people, you're working you going in the opposite direction,.
Now you might ask yourself and then the claim is that the test itself is racially biased, so they're now saying that the black africans have less qualifications, they're saying that it's a test that if you gave it to any white person or a black person on average, not any person, but on average there would be a racial bias bias built into the questions so massive that has like a tripling the effect of you who passes new fails. I mean really big effect. So what's your first question? What's your first question, can you give me an example of one of those questions right? Well, it turns out that there are private. Then it makes sense.
because it's a test. You can't give people the questions, because then they know the answers before they took the best. So they can't tell you the questions. They can only tell you. They add that they ve secretly seem the questions and they think that they might be biased. Do by that. Is that a strong argument? The things we can show you are biased. the war. Remember that used to be the same argument about the s eightys to remember that years ago,. People said the us, it is. The questions are biased, and I remember saying the same thing: can you give me an example of a biased, math question were or a biased and the other candidates. and they actually an example. The were persuaded me- Many of these are both good. You the same example- and I remember here again and thinking I'll be damned- they do actually have an example. This coup blue recently
whilst or here's the example I heard, and I'm not going to claim that from this one example. You can say much, but what, if there are more examples, Yeah, I was surprised even one example, and I'm going to give it to you, but what, if they're more are yours example, The question was something like match: this word to the to the one that seal that goes with it and the word was cup and the options were table saucer and then some third, when, like plate, the way applicants are the white test. Acres were more likely to say cup and saucer, because there are literally prepare cup and saucer. But if you are from a low income house, what are the odds you'd ever seen the saucer, so it turns out that a lot of the low income people didn't.
What the fucking saucer was that there is that their fault is there something wrong with them that they never heard of a saucer now, actually you would need to be at a certain economic level before you'd ever seen. One You've never seen one yeah. So it's not even a word in your vocabulary, and I thought to myself: that's actually a good boy whoa. Do you agree with that? One. Do you agree with that? One point: well, here's what I would say: what did the poor white people do to the poor white people say table,
so I don't know the answer to that question, but in both in both cases I was surprised that there could be a question that might that might actually have some racial bias to it. There was a better example that I was expecting, so I'm not going to say, because I don't know that this test is unbiased and you know there's something wrong with the test takers. I dunno that, but we we got questions. Questions here. Yours, maybe be good news, but this is a good news. I've been reading about my entire life. There's never been true, yet
So here's the thing- that's never been true even once, but I guess reported once a month for ever there's a gigantic breakthrough in cancer treatment. Now I get that they cancer people have actually made amazing strides in a number of different cancers. So there's been quite a bit of progress, but the the major break. the one that gets all the cancers, we're always hearing that. That's that's a week away, never is now but here's, but this one is interesting, more interesting. most scientists at the. U c, Davis comprehensive. cancer centres sacramentos they they think they found the same causes Indeed, ninety five receptor they can program can cancer a dive. In other words, there might be a common element to all cancers. That's a kill, switch.
Now all the other treatments have not look for a kills, which they look for a weakness, and this is my non scientists explanation. They look for weaknesses they can exploit, but they never found it kills which like, if you just week this thing, just turns off. Now they dont have any fairly. They don't have any treatments that will turn it off, but but but they think that potentially possible now years years, were even the reason I'm telling you this story at all, because it falls into the category of things that they get real excited about, because I cured a mouse and then it just doesn't work in a person like me, you've seen that a billion times, which is typical most most of the mouse studies, do not actually translate into humans, but it's better than not doing a mouse study. You know. If it fails, then the mouse study you've probably done but humans. Just don't work like mice enough to think it's gonna work because it worked
mouse? But here's my question: if you were to look at the let's say the machinery of cancer: if your tree is a cancer cell like it's a really complicated machine, if you're a human being and you're trying to figure out the machine, how many decades did it take us to find that there's a cd ninety five receptor like it took forever and it might have even been an accident I dunno, maybe they just stumbled on it, but how many? How many complications are there in a cell cancer cell? If you imagine it like a machine because it is kind of a biological machine,
Parts of it may be too complicated than a human could even know how to get their head around it. But what about ai? Do you think ai could look at a bunch of cancer cells in a bunch of different situations and then uses advanced pattern recognition, and maybe the visual kind of supposedly word gun could determine the the mechanism that makes the machine work simply by seeing lots of examples of a cancer cell working. So you put it in lots of different situations and watchtower.
you see what changes and maybe look for a pattern I dunno, but but I wonder if pattern recognition could get you to understanding the machinery of a cell if you could see enough parts of it working too complicated for a human but too complicated for a quantum computer with a I dunno. So just something to think about all right. Dad It's about the two thousand and twenty four election, and so Rasmussen poll says fifty three percent of likely voters think the economy has gotten worse under Biden, while thirty percent say the economy has got better.
In the world. Can you get reelected if more than half of the people think the economy got worse under you now, of course, everything's unfair to see the pandemic. Just changed all the economics of things, so you can't really give him credit for the increase in employment cause. I was going to happen. Naturally can't really fault him for the academy not being as good as it was before. The pandemic are pretty good reasons for that, but in terms of how people react and vote how in the world, can you get it get elected when more than half of the country thinks he made the economy worse or he didn't make it better.
Well, yeah that'd be worried about those worried about election integrity but related to this, and also rasmussen. If you, if you don't follow the rasmussen, account they they're very active in running down all the various allegations about twenty twenty and what evidence there is. That has not been debunked and it is a whole different world What do you look at their claims which, by the way, are always backed with documents? Everything respin says that about the election they print the document. You know they point to the yeah, the paragraph that matters to their point. You can save yourself. So that there are still a bunch of things, go wrong, I'm kind of lost in it, but I'll tell you this this work. of we almost half the crack and is completely different from the other world,
and the other world that everything has been done about it. Just done. Do you know the story about the Told us a bunch of dumps, there's an allegation that there's a locked closet with one hundred and fifty thousand ballots that are fake ballots and that the courts wouldn't open the thing, but it went to a higher court and they said yes, so you've got to open up, but the lower court is dawdling, but if they could open up that door, yet you could see that the ballots were or were not fake, but that I read the lever constitution says that that's an old claim and they have already looked at all the balance in the bells were fine. Those two things can
I say that if either looked at all the question of balance and found no problem which is in the newspaper or the court, is doing something that doesn't make any sense, which is trying to look at look for those same ballots that have already been checked in a room. Is it exactly one hundred and fifty thousand both cases? But it's two different cases I don't understand what's going on? I cannot. I cannot figure out combine those two realities, even by experts
I mean that one has the wrong information that one has the right information like they're, just so different worlds right now and I dunno what to make of it. So I'll I'll tell you my general advice for every specific claim, the odds of it being true are vanishingly small, but there's a lot of activity going on the odds of all of it being untrue. Well, here I would go back to my general statement that every one of our american institutions has shown itself to be corrupt just recently and that it's not even historical, but in the last few years you found everything from the department of justice, the f b, I the cia, the the the f d, a the cdc, the world health organization. If you go outside of america, am I right? We found everything from science to congress. Every bit of it is corrupt and really really substantial ways. So what are the odds that the elections in all fifty
stays were pristine close to zero. Now that doesn't mean that there was enough fraud to over over. You have changed the result. I have no no information about that to support that theory, but there's a lot going on there in a sketchy domain. So I'm going to say it's. The claims are still alive, but I could not put any kind of likelihood on them. Based on the facts, I will default to my three act: play model of protection. And the third act model says that, even though the evidence is unclear. that reality is start solidifying towards finding a crack and right before the election
And it turns out that at least one of these cases, I think the georgia one something substantial might be decided in the world of the two thousand and twenty election before trump has his trial about whether his claims about the election. He knew we're fake so that so the timing is now, as I predicted. The timing is now lined up correctly, that will know something about the election of two thousand and twenty, and it may be perfectly fine. We might find that out, but the timing is lined up so we'll find that out before trump is called into account for anything. You did because of his belief that there was frog is looking too perfect at the moment. Aaron says to me: yeah you're too, smart for a q and on but you'd readily vote for the larp Q Q.
I live in arizona the we live in. Yes, I would was there a point you have to make. I I see, I see the anger and the sarcasm, but I don't see the point you're just saying what I said that I would vote for him and I don't leave cure the problem with that is some some conflict with them. I didn't say that big gray congressperson did you hear something I didn't say I didn't say that he would do policies that I love. I never said that drunk in the morning. I think. all right, also in their rasmussen universe, there
wisconsin, electrocution, election machines and there's a document that shows a claim that somebody was going to make sure that they kept the important ones connected to the internet. With a secret I know that that would actually looks too on the nose for me that it's in writing. You know that looks like a real document and then somebody was going to keep secret internet connections to some machines like like that's just too on the nose. If I had to guess- and it would only be a guess- it might be true that it was really attacking. You said we'll keep these important ones connected to the internet, but that doesn't mean that they connected to them to to the internet. To cheat. It could be that connects them to the internet
but for some kind of test that was temporary. I dunno I dunno, so I dunno what I don't even know how to score this one for his likelihood, there's just so much going on in this election domain, but again remember at least ninety percent of everything you hear about these elections will be debunked. You can guarantee that even if there's anything true most will be bs I am rather timbered, so you all know her famous climate science advocate was additive, and another climate protestors
who you think would be on her side, came on stage and took the mike away from her because she kept talking about Gaza and he was like we're here to talk about climate. This is not for you to talk about gaza, so that was fun watching the climate people hate it. in each other and Cornell west, making news. So, despite the fact that cornell west says directly that yeah, he loves all of his jewish brothers and sisters, he still calls the situation over there an occupation, and here here's what I call word thinking.
Oh well, so word thinking thinks you can win the argument if you get people do agree with your word. So that's what this is: so corner where is not engage in anything like your reason or debate is trying to win by giving you to think that his use of the word is the way you should use, I too so he says Israel is thus an occupation. What does that mean? Is Gaza occupied? Well at the moment it is but was Gaza occupied when Israel pulled out, does he mean that or and what is occupied mean if you have a society in which some people like how it's going and some don't
This, like everybody's occupied, so that word occupations doing way too much lifting it he's getting all the push back. You would imagine so a lot of bushmeat now he also uses apartheid, so those those be the two most say disputed words and in this situation, but the biggest problem he makes is and chickens lay all this stuff, I'm going to say it again. I judge the october seventh event like it was the beginning of history. It wasn't and things that happened before matter, but not this not this. The the.
You're. The actual attack on October seventh requires a strong response that has nothing to do with anything that ever came before. So I refused to act like that that the history have anything to do with anything. And I ask you this question: given that the palestinians have a tremendous amount of support more sport than you thought right, you probably a lot of me were surprised, well, a lot of palestinian support that you didn't know about now, given that they have so much support, which means that their public relations has been successful to some extent. Don't you think they could use that level of support to really highlight the specific complaints that cornell west would call occupation or at or apartheid like what would be an example
and unless they could give an example, could they give a specific solution so when one of the cases might be, you know, our water rights were taken over by israeli farmers, something like that. Some ordinary thing like that. But what was the alternative? You know you need to know a little bit about that was there? Was there a legitimate claim? Was the water not being used, but it could be used productively over here? Was there a court case about it? I mean there's lots of now before you can say, if something's a an occupation or simply the way things made sense at the time
so the dog not barking here and I'll, say it. A million times is, if there's really a palestinian set of complaints that will go under the title and occupation and apartheid. Give us examples, give us real examples and then maybe it would look to us like oh wow. They actually have some like real political complaints. Here, maybe we should take this seriously, but if, on the back of Hamas, as your incredible terrorist attack, you're trying to push this vague notion that there's bad news going on with no examples, it doesn't sound like anything useful and it makes the entire palestinian narrative look like it's not real. Would you agree that the fact that the.
It's allegedly legitimate complaints are completely ignored while there seems to be a little bit too much, let's say too much understanding of why something like the moss situation could occur. Maybe that's giving them a little bit too much too much credibility. so and then I'll remind my audience that I'm not trying to be objective about the israel in Gaza situation. So, unlike some other topics where I'm really trying to make an effort to show both sides before I give even opinion, I'm not going to do that in this case, not at all I'm backing the team that wouldn't kill me if they had a chance,
Is that fair, I'm telling you this directly, the jews aren't going to kill me if they add an opportunity, but Hamas they would kill me if they had an opportunity. So it's not like there's. You know, I don't recognize two sides there's my side, people who would even protect me. Yeah it'll be easy to imagine: yeah the jewish population being protective of american population just if the opportunity came up easily, but I don't see how moss protecting me if the opportunity came up so I'm just taking I'm not even looking at it politically, I'm just taking sides with the with a group that is on my side. That's it! So don't ask me to consider the history. I don't care, I don't care about either history, I care about
in the side, this on my side, that's it. I have a as an interesting idea for firing government employees because he wants to reduce the number of employees who said that this is really clever. So listen to this so vague says the number one obstacle that stop trump from firing. The bureaucrats of the civil service people is because they had too much protection. So if you fired a bunch of civil servants, you could The fact that some gigantic number of them would file suits and say the only reason you got rid of me is because I'm black or gay or whatever it is and then even if it's not true men, maybe in some cases it would be true, but in any case you'd have too many lawsuits. So it just isn't practical years of idea.
fire fifty percent of federal bureaucrats immediately using any neutral metric, for example your social, social security number ends in an odd number, you're fired, because nobody can say that discrimination was involved because there is randomness to who, as well as social security numbers now. Is that a good idea or a bad idea. I actually can't tell but here's what I like about it. It's outside the box he just picked while he just picked up the box and just shook the piss out of it. How much do I liked the box shakers? Oh I like them. I, like my box shakers yeah, shake that friggin boxer, vague
Now I put this in the category of brainstorming and the the concept I've told you a million times, which is sometimes the bad idea, we'll get you closer to the good idea, because it except the way you're thinking about it. This is such a radical departure from the way government has ever done anything it suddenly opens up your brain. You go wait, a minute wait, a minute. If you can go that far out of the end of the ordinary, maybe you could go out of the ordinary in another way. Maybe I've got a better idea to go inside ordinary. So this is. This is yet another case of a vache making the country a better place without yet being elected. Just the fact that he put this into the public mind is fricking. Awesome right, you could, you could end up not liking, it might be an argument against it
sure there is, but while I mean he is making a smarter before is elected the the fact that you now have this in your head as one of the things that you could offer as an idea in a similar situation, it just made you smarter, Like who else does that he kind of owns that that thing where he is making things well rfk junior too, I would say, I think, rf j K Jr is a a patriot for making the process better by participating. Alright I saw see dc drano post writers is reporting that mastercard, is now,
in their bonuses of their employees, to e s g goals or as dc draino points out, they will get a bonus for avoiding hiring white men. Just think about that. Your employees will get a bonus for the for how effectively they discriminate against white men in the real world. That's like a real thing, but they use different words to describe it, but there's no other way to see it. I was as still ok, even black rock as backed off from pushing dsg, because they said it was just poison too many people just see it as poison.
And and somebody's handling, your money. The people in you know the people who help you handle your money. Got this going on well I'll, tell ya! I would never use mastercard if I had an option so just use something else. If it, if you have an option, I wouldn't use it. Alright, I saw a provocative post today as for.
it may be a slightly different way than you are going to take it. So there is some data that showed this in nineteen fifty nine. So this is basically my lifetime. I was born in fifty seven, so basically my lifetime. This is a data that is alleged to be true that the number of black people killed by white people during my lifetime murdered just murdered. Fifty three thousand in my lifetime white people have murdered fifty three thousand frickin Black people murdered them. At the same time, black people killed a hundred and fifty six thousand white people. Now, of course, your brain is saying: wait there are far fewer black people in the world, but they killed three times as many white people
as the reverse. So so there's going to be a racial element to your thinking. When I tell you this, but here's what you should be thinking like just forget the race part for a minute. We americans killed two hundred thousand of each other in my lifetime, not accidentally not accidentally in my lifetime, americans killed two hundred fucking thousand other americans intentionally that just like makes my brain explode, but I'm still in favor of second amendment. Just in case you wondered so I guess that's the cost of of you know, gun ownership and, if you ask me
worth it. Yes, yes, it's not easy, but nothing is all right. How would you like me to read program Alex soros. Who now runs the george soros funding abrasion? How joy the reprogrammed him so the no longer is destroying america. Would you like to get me that challenge anybody? Anybody challenge accepted have already done so this morning. Alex oros did a post annex in which he said this, and so this was just nine out will probably ten hours ago. He said for all those saying that they won't vote for Biden because of Gaza,
Please realize you will be complicit in trump being able to do all of this and then the all of this as a link to his trump's immigration proposals, which were quite draconian rounding up four million people and putting them temporarily into some kind of camps until they can be repatriated to their original countries. Now, I'm not going to argue whether trump had a good or bad plan at the moment. That's a separate conversation. I think you'll end up negotiating it down like he did the first time. You know not deporting twenty five million people like you said he would. But it's a good. You know, opening offer probably works during the
primaries. It makes them a little stronger, etc. So what do you think of that? That is that, is that a reasonable statement from Alexander soros to say that if you won't vote for Biden because of Gaza, you should realize that what you're getting is is trump immigration balls. Is that a good point. Well, Qaeda yeah, I mean at least the the the cause and effect is solid right if you get trump, if the reason you voted for trump was because of Gaza you're going to get all the trump stuff, that's true However, Alex Soros did open up a persuasion channel, which I don't think he knew he was doing. And when they open that jail, I set myself. That's what I've been waiting for. That's exactly what I've been waiting for
I didn't know what I was waiting for, but I knew it in huge, be an opening and the softening just came so I quote: tweeted him quote posted in, and I say this to Alexander soros, I said you were the reason trump will get elected, alex open borders, crime in cities. that's what I hear from voters on the right, I doubt tromp would be competitive. I doubt trumped would be competitive and twenty twenty four without you, The left and right live indifferent bubbles, so you might not be aware of this and were done.
Now this is why I told you if I had a million followers, I could change the world generally speaking, if you use the x platform at all, if somebody quote tree and quote tweet you and that person has a million followers you're going to notice it. What would you say? That's fair. I mean this is a political actor, probably follow social media, at least cursory, but even if he doesn't follow it himself, it's the sort of thing somebody would mention to him right now, when I said to Alex soros, alex. You are specifically the reason trump will be elected. Is that fair, I think, is fair because the things that are the tiber acres with what would be a close election is crime in cities and immigration and especially in the context of
gaza situation. That makes you it gives you a higher level of concern about our own immigration situation now If elixir saw that- and I think there's a good chance, he will is he going to disagree with my point? Do you think that he doesn't know that what will elect trump is the open borders that his family supports and funds and the then the prosecutors allowing too much crime in the cities? Do you think he doesn't know that? Well, if he Didn'T- and I think it's possible because the bubbles are so extreme, you may have never talked to anybody on the right as possible that in years he hasn't had a serious conversation with anybody who is capable of describing a reasonable republican
opinion about things, probably probably never, but I kept, I kept my comment and look at the technique as well, so you see in the first sentence. I use his first name now, often when people do that they're doing it in sort of a mocking aggressive way. So people will say to me well scottie, here's what you forgot. You know it's usually wouldn't use somebody's first name. If you don't know them is a little bit of. nephew right, but I didn't use it that way. So I used it in the way that you would talk to a friend. So I said you are the reason trump will get her elected alex so I wanted to make sure that he didn't see this as an attack, because I didn't mean it that way. I mean it s, persuasion based on the right. World and not in any way propaganda and not in any way in the tec.
Honestly believe this, my actual belief with no ambiguity in whatsoever that there couldn't be any way the alex soros knows the impact of his actions. Would you agree with that, and I think that that's not his fault. I think that we all live in such a bubble that you know I don't know the impact of my actions either, because I only see what happens in my bubble is perfectly natural to now see the the impact of your actions that that wouldn't be surprising at all, and especially if you're surrounded with people telling you everything you do is awesome. So then, then, and then I make a claim witches checkable, that
open borders and the crime in the cities are big levers for top. Now, that's checkable, wouldn't you say there are poles and people tell you what they care about. You can look at a pole of republican opinion and just see was near the top and see if you were the cause of the things near the top, and the answer is yes: immigration and crime would be near the top, and they very much would be him now have said before that. I would be surprised if you
soros all of his views and opinions are completely adopted by a son. Now, while George soros is alive, and presumably you could maybe still take power away from the sun if he needed to probably they'll be in lockstep, but soon after that the father passes. I would expect Alex soros because he's not the same person to have some freedom that maybe he doesn't have at the moment, and I can't believe that he would look at the result of his actions up to this point with his father and say that worked out if he had access to the same information that you and I have so, I think he's persuadable. I do not believe the the elon musk,
is, that george Soros hates humanity and that that somehow explains what Alex Soros is doing. That doesn't make sense to me, because if George Soros hates humanity because he went through the holocaust, but his son was probably raised in a totally privileged situation. Nowhere near anything like that, why would they both have the same opinion. Like that I mean, even though it comes from your father and that's very influential there there there are more cases where people reject their father than accepted right. So it doesn't quite make sense that the son is. In the way the father does. So my my my theory is that there is an information problem, there's just a gap in information that I shoulda done for him and I I kept it short and respectful. I tried to keep a respectful. Well, let me ask you: did it come off as respectful, because if it was
respectful, it failed already really get disrespectful you're. The reason trouble getting reelected alex open borders, crime in cities, that's what I hear from voters on the right, I doubt trump would be competitive in two thousand and twenty four without you, the left and right live in different bubbles, so you might not be aware of this. Is that respectful because I do mean it to be respectful? I have no reason to believe that Alex Soros is a bad guy. I doubt the evidence suggests that the father is his own entity. don't know what will happen when his influence wanes. So, interestingly, one purse
Alex. Soros, has really the leverage to determine who the next president is and also to save the country Alex Soros can save the country. That's not an exaggeration, isn't imagining that just one change, if you just said okay, I'm going to have to prioritize, you know the defense of innocent people. That's all it would take you know. Maybe we push too hard. We still won't. We still, what lots of immigration, but we don't want to do it this way gigantic. So you have one person who absolutely has control over the outcome. and I would ask him, be-
citizens of the world, just be a good citizen. Just just just take the time to see what the republicans or thinking in saying just take the time, just just open up your bubble little bit and I think everything works out. If you just open up your bubble, is that too optimistic Sure what one of the things I like to bring you is optimism is optimism, always a good protection. Although optimism can be a pretty. add protection a lot of the times, but overall, I think we humans will figure stuff out, and I do think that Alex Soros is young enough and smart enough that if he can escape from his bubble that the world would be immensely better, I mean really big difference if he turned his power.
Just a little bit, you can start immigration by the way. If what he wants is freer immigration. I actually- I liked that a lot. I think the world would be a better place if you could just pick up and move anywhere. There was a job as long as you are documented and legal, and you obeyed the laws. I think we can make that work. Actually, in fact, it would probably work in america better than work in other places so long as we also had some filter for making sure we're getting the good immigrants. You know the ones who Work and don't want to do crime so yeah there there's a version of the the soros image in the world that actually does work for republicans. I know it's hard to believe, but there is a version that works and he could find it if, if that's his mission, if he wants to do that.
you say is disqualified himself. Well, I would agree at the moment there is credibility is not whether you like it to be, but remember We do not see him as an independent actor, yet he might become one that will be the optimism, but not yet, and it's not that unusual that people, you know pivot from where their parents were so yeah. I do have some optimism about that. Absolutely do right. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what I've got for you today on youtube thanks for joining and as always, your awesome and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-14.