« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2290 Scott Adams: CWSA 11/12/23, Illuminating Commentary About The News

2023-11-12 | 🔗

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Politics, President Trump, Placebo Effect Increases, Bill Burr's Wife, Thomas Massie, Ben Ray Lujan, CVS Theft Strategy, HomeSchool Socialization, Nord Stream Pipeline Responsibility, Washington Post, Hamas Tunnel Strategy, Palestinian Demands List, Reinterpreting Quran Strategy, Gaza Solutions, Mayor Eric Adams, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Yeah the do do the fall good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization. It's called coffee with Scott Adams and, if you'd like to take this already transcended experience to levels that nobody can be dicks explained with human language and maybe a I can't do it either. All you need is a cup a bug or a glass. A tanker chelsea died, attempting yoga class vessel of any guy fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee, join me now for the unparalleled pleasure dopamine to this day. The thing that makes everything better. It's called the of things and if you'd like to join me now, it happens now, go that's good. Do you know what I do so I make sure I don't forget putting on my microphone got a little process. I do so. It takes the microphone because you see it's not a chord, the one for youtube and I put it directly in the middle of my work area. So it's a big pile of cords sitting there so that when I take my my papers and I go to put them down there's no way, I can miss that I have my microphone off, because I would be laying my papers on my microphone, so it's sort of a foolproof plan. So what I did was turned on youtube and immediately said to others.
I sit in front of me. I moved to the other way so that that process didn't work as well as I should have so don't do what I do or let's talk about all the funny news or interesting news. so yesterday was veterans day and the protesters, the pro palestinian anti israel protestors, ripley tore down some american flags, and even you learn musk commented on acts. He said: did they just there now american flag and veterans day in america? In my understanding this correctly now, I would like to give you my contrary in view of this number one. American. How do you feel about having an american flag torn down on veterans day worsening ever totally insulting? No
I remind you that the value of the american flag is that you can tear it down and it's still the same, you can. You can set it on fire and it's still the same. You could burn it up and cut it into little pieces. You could drop it as the bottom of the ocean. Still the same, you can't hurt it because it's a assembled, you can earn the cloth go ahead. You can rearrange where the cloth is. You can change how it looks, but can he hurt it? That's the whole point of it. The whole point of the american flag
Is that go ahead? Knock yourself out if you want to be an asshole, if you want to be disrespectful, you can, but you can't hurt the flag because the more they try to hurt it and the more you just wake up tomorrow and you're still here, an american. The rules are about the same. So to me, the fact that people don't like the flag and disrespect their right in front of you as hard as they want, and you still wake up the next day and you still have the bill of rights and the constitution. That's the america. I want to live in as that's exactly precisely the america. That's right.
But of course it's supposed to offend you, that's the whole point. Free speech works out that way. Well, trump, is you now? I guess I'll just say it as many times as I need to trump will definitely definitely win the election in two thousand twenty four. If he never talks again, can we agree if he never says another thing in public is definitely going to win, but it wasn't a good day for that this week. So here here's just a few of the things he said to try to try to work. Way out of willing. You said quote about Chris Christie at a rally undefended chris christie. By saying you can't use the words fat, pig
I'd like to remind president trump that his base is not what you would call svelte I've ever seen a an article in the mainstream media. The said it was a big rally terms: supporters, and my oh, my are they thin and smelt it'll teach you something I learned as a cartoonist, MR trump, it goes like this calling somebody, a fat pig will win you exactly zero votes, there's not a single person who would say you know I was a little bit on the fence, but when he called surge of america, fat pigs indirectly, that really one we over said nobody, but do you think, there's even one person in America whose concerned
their own weight is doing what they can to battle boats. Just a tough battle. And they hear the president just say to somebody else in their same situation as the fabric. It's all downside. He got a laugh out of it and you know I liked the fact that you can get a laugh and he's politically incorrect yeah. I liked that about him, but I'm not going to vote for him because of it. But could I be offended enough that I wouldn't bother to vote for him because You seemed a little disrespectful and the answer is yes. I think this is something where you could lose a vote, but you can never again vote by that joke. So that was a mistake. Persuasion mistake that that's. There are very few cases where you can say: suddenly cleanly a mistake, because you never know how everybody takes anything. But this one's cleanly persuasion mistake,
and remember how I always say: trump is good about not insulting. Americans he goes after his critics. That's fine! He goes after his opponents, that's fine, but he doesn't go after the american people, no matter what you say, he doesn't go after him, but when he calls It out in his joking way of that big I feel like there are a lot of ordinary americans or doing the best they can battling their own weight problems and it's probably not. I don't think I don't think it was appreciated. Now you can say to yourself, but but but president trump as extra pounds do and I have a question for you. I saw some pictures that I thought were recent where he was loved thinner. Is that is there anything to that? Or did I just see an old picture and thought it was new picture because because if he did that it really does look different to me, he looks like
he's losing weight, but I dunno, so it could be that he's having some success losing weight. But if you wanted to be useful, don't call your opponent, a fat pig, maybe lose some weight yourself and maybe encourage americans to exercise the right. So maybe that'd be better, but I don't think that'll make or break his election, Brian romilly, other interesting posts as the placebo effect, seems to be increasing over time? And nobody knows why so the placebo is your testing, a new drug and you tested against the pill that doesn't really have anything active in it, and it turns out that the people who took the pill with nothing in it, a large percentage of them, also say they got better.
But yeah. There is some controversy about that because some people say, but you really needed to compare it to people who didn't even know they were in a trial because people get better on their own all the time, just for no reason, because your body heals itself. So if you think it's because they had a placebo, you really needed to test that against somebody who didn't even know they were in a trial. It's like I didn't know there was a trial. Well, how did you feel last week and edie field today and you know, then you could see if they got better on their own without even knowing there was a pill, so that would be the real test. My understanding is, they haven't always had that third category now I do understand that often they do, but it might be at least one of the sources. Is that they're just measuring wrong? So is it possible that the placebo effect is somehow increasing substantially and it has over time it's like a straight line up. What's the most likely explanation for why the placebo effect is increasing just to take your own guests, just brainstorm was the most likely cause it. It shows up in all kinds of different experiments and different trials.
why would it be prayer? Somebody says: here's, my guess, we're getting worse as statistics or better, it will be better. Actually it could be that there's there's some way that people normally looked at our results and remember. I said they have that problem. If you don't add that third category of people they didn't even know they were in the trial, you don't really have a good trial, at least in terms of the placebo part, and it could be that the country just gets a little smarter about how to do statistics and so we're just measuring more accurately over time it could be, but it could be we're getting worse as statistics, because we're bigger
fuels. It could be that the people doing the tests are finding a new, statistically valley, but kind of a weasel leeway to do the work. That is more likely to give them the outcome. They want same time. The weaselly statistical thing gives them a better outcome. It also boosts the placebo. Is that possible? If you have to guess, is it more likely that the placebo effect is increasing for mysterious reasons or more likely that all the fucking weasels who are doing all the fake science since the beginning of time have have figured out that there's a better weaselly way to do? There are weaselly I'm going to go with weaselly. If I had to put money on it, it would just be a wild guess, but if I had to put money on it,
it's the way. We measure it that's changed, but I don't have evidence of that. Alright to trump went to another. U of c big event. Last night, a lot of news, it's one of the brilliant things he does because he goes into a room where everybody, except one person, seems to love him. We'll talk about the one person has its own story, So I guess, while deplores applause but insert in such a trump like fashion,
Anders and he is walking with? Who is he with? He was with a kid rock tucker, carlson and Dunn Jr was around there somewhere too. Can you even imagine a better show than watching trump enter? I mean watching trump anger with those two characters that automatically just increase your your thought process about trump, because you think Tucker Carlson. What's he doing there that, because they're talking about him it'd, be a vice president like were they talking about him being vice president yeah I'd say so: you're married, that's like automatically cool, then kid rock who's long had an association with the drums he's just interesting. So he makes you look. So the? U of c makes you look Joe rogan is there, so that makes you interested. The fight itself is interesting. Trump's, air, that's interesting, kid rock,
say that's interesting topic. Also there that's interesting and there Celebrities in the audience and less interesting and then something even more interesting happened. A photographer clodagh photo of tromp entering the you have seen, nor the audience was behind him and one of the two other members of the audience were belper and his wife and his wife was giving the double finger to trump behind trump's back so now, I'm pretty sure bill bill burr has talked about. You know he and his wife, and maybe some political differences and stuff like that. I'm sure that's been part of his act, so there's probably nothing, there's, probably nothing new or learning right. So it's not like we,
just learned. His wife is not a trump supporter, but I've listened to bill burr for a long time. One of my all time, favorites one of the best in the business. And he is a little politically incorrect. Wouldn't you say I feel like he occupies a space. That's definitely not republican, but it is definitely not progressive. Like real, left progressive you you somewhere in that same middle ground and that's a perfect place today, if you're, a comedian who s to fill in auditorium or
event venue. You know you want everybody to say you know is a little bit on my side and then you see his wife gives the double figure in public to the ex president. Now what do you think? So? Here's an interesting part of the story. I would love to know how the conversation when, when they got home honey, did you see this picture where we're trending on the x platform, really we're trending? Why? Well it turns out. You just gave the finger to forty percent of america. What yeah you just gave the finger to forty percent of all the people who come to my shows. Basically, you just reduced my income by forty percent as you'd like now that I was just giving the finger to trump. It was just about trump. Then bill says I dunno I dunno if I have to be the first one to explain this to you, but you just gave the finger to forty percent of america and my
in our income. Just wouldn't have forty percent. Would I go to bill burr's show? Well, I actually had bought a ticket to one once I couldn't go, there's some conflict, so I ended up not going, but I wouldn't buy one now do you know I wouldn't buy one now, because that's a I wouldn't be welcome to go to dinner, like I wouldn't be welcome in their company right. So fuck up. You know that there are team fuck them. I would never buy a ticket to his show he's dead to me, but only because I only because it's clear that that would be at least one part of his marriage would feel the same way about me, probably both, but one year once you know you can't really see it. The same. Can you know is once it's one thing to say: oh, I think that performer has some political opinions. I disagree with that's not what's happening.
I, wouldn't I don't mind at all, watching a performer who completely disagrees with me. Politics You know what I don't want to see is somebody who gives me the finger in public by proxy and thinks that's: okay, that's not okay and so fuck. Both of you really that's my opinion, alright, but it's a free country. So free speech. Yes, definitely, I definitely agree with the free speech every right to do it. Alright, Here's eight years, a funny political story from somebody named senator Ben re lou on never them, but Ben re decided to give in the technology debate with representative thomas massey again, if you know the players, this is flooding before. I tell you the story, Thomas massey.
You graduate basically runs his own home on an electric system is designed and built himself from an old tesla battery. So he's got this whole solar, thingy literally built himself. And probably probably the most technical, technologically savvy member of congress of all time. Of all time. So the the lou on were saying that what we say I, though, so there's this act where the government can shut down your car after a certain year, they'll have the ability to shut down your car remotely. Now they say it's about stopping drunk drivers, but obviously you have to worry about that slippery slope because of the simultaneous sip see it's an inside joke, dad joke that was a drive by dad joke right there
anyway there's a concern that it will act randomly and then luke senator Luann says it won't act randomly. You know it's only it's only if there's a good reason to do it and he also said the technology is not used to track anybody. It's not used to track anybody. So don't worry about it. Thomas Massie responds Maybe you do it will trigger falsely more often than not dangerously scrambling people in cars now which one of these two people actually understands how technology
in the real world in the real world is going to turn your fucking car off for no reason. Why? Because everything that's complexity is another isn t your car off. This is just one, and this is an obvious one right. If you ve got a little bit of a problem with the car, you can still get home, but if it turns off years, and you're not going anywhere. So yes, any new technology is good, is gonna, false positives. There's no, no question about it turn our money. And then, as as massie says about tracking, and how would the technology know if somebody was driving properly and at the right speed limit? If it didn't know where you were driving and I'm thinking to myself
a spreading and point as it gives? No anything about you if it does not where you are, does not you're allowed to do fifty five, so yeah, don't argue with Thomas massey on time? Ology, it just make sure them. Hey you wanna make bought guest. Spotify is gonna platform that lets you make one super easily then distribute it everywhere, and even money all in one place for free, is called spun. Five report gasters and hears outworks spotify for part gasters less you record and edit pod guess right from your phone computer. So no matter what your set up is like you could start creating today, then you can distributor, podcast, despondency and everywhere else, bud gasser, video, but guess role so available on spot. If I whispered a five or public s ways, you can earn money in a variety of ways, including ads and pod, guess subscriptions.
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This is the funniest most absurd story. In washington d c, the cvs stores have replaced what used to be goods you could buy on shelves with photographs of the goods you could buy. If they were on the shelves, photographs actually got a little stand. Here's what the toilet paper would look like. If it were here, then I guess you asked for it now is cvs really just a a living and marketing department for amazon dot com at this point Correct me, if I'm wrong, but you can get toilet paper in like sixteen hours on an amazon, so the one and only time- and you know roughly the same price range so
Basically, the only time you should go to CBS to pay toilet paper is, if you just took a shit, you haven't pulled up your pants and you just realize: there's no paper products anywhere in your house, so you keep your pants you by your ankles and you shuffle down to cvs and buy something off the shelf and you're like, oh god, there's all your photograph. It's all your photographs, my plan of I mean it's like CBS is trying to go out of business as hard as they can.
Very enough about that new study at home schooling says its awesome home schoolers learners much do as well academically and seem to be as well adjusted now. I think I have a theory that home schoolers or better adjusted better adjusted. Here's what, if you take any child and you throw them into the prison system, called public school. They ll have some positive encounters because some people are nice and they might become your friends, but mostly you would be with the biggest assholes who have ever existed in the history of the planet: young, american, kids, young american teenagers, the worst fucking people in the world who will try to destroy your psyche, make eu mentally ill hurt. You.
physically just the worst people in the world. Now the old story was that that's what made you well socialized, really really how about we put people in a maximum security prison for six years, just because that's a good way to socialize them. That'll tough,. up. There really be able to handle all situations because they were in prison. Now you don't work people in a toilet to toughen up that's, not a strategy. Listen, these kids, the gaza for a few years time for them up now, compare compare what I imagine is home school. I don't have personal personal experience, but what I've saved from the outside is that number one kids who are homeschooled are more likely to learn how to socialize with adults. True, do you think? That's true
scholars spend a little more time with adults and they start to the more I say more quickly, acclimate to an adult person. almost all home, schoolers act polite and they were shaken, hands and make eye contact.
Go to any public school and find the kid that will shake hands and make eye contact do if any of you had the experience of year, teens or younger gets taking friends home to your house, and you have read this experience where your team will walk in the house with two or three new friends and walk past. You just walk past. You, like you, don't exist in your own home. Do you think a home school would do that miserably using any home, schooler would walk past and the dull and then adults own home, the first time you ve ever been there. Well, maybe I mean people are different, but I think there are far more likely to look at you and say: oh, I should introduce myself now. What about the euro? The access to.
although weird people, so that you get toughened up while the fact is that adults don't act like high schoolers, I mean rarely, so you don't really need to get toughened up to learn how to be a child in high school, because that's not an adult skill and adult skill is dealing with adults and they are pretty much. so the autumn schoolers are learning a life skill which is how to learn deal with adults. The teens are learning a useless skill which has had to deal with assholes that they won't have to spend time with when they're adults. So does it surprise you that the homeschoolers are, and probably I'm just assuming. This is a speculative, the the the The parents of homeschoolers are also going to be a little bit more rigorous about checking on their friends. Maybe do a little more due diligence about who they hang out. With I mean the whole thing looks like a better model, so it doesn't surprise me that the science is catching up to them.
Here's a funny story, the washington post, talking about ukraine. Here they dropped what some people are calling a bombshell. Bombshell say now that there's member some some person in Ukraine is taking responsibility for planning the destruction of the north.
In the pipeline so now a ukrainian colonel and cover ups guy, you know, may have worked with the cia, but now ukraine, ukraine, is kind of taking the taking the heat for blowing up the pipeline, and this is reported in the washington post and the washington post is long rumored to be sort of a deep state oregon, as in not really news they're, the ones who are pushing the propaganda. That's what people say. All I know is that phil bump works there and that's not a good sign, but here's phase one through three in phase one. The Washington post blamed russia for attacking itself,
In their most valuable asset, their pipeline, one other, so that we raise one that was washington, post blamed russia for attacking themselves in phase to everyone laughs at the absurdity of that propaganda and assumes that america was involved and fill you want and phase. One is a total failure, because nobody believed that it was just so fucking ridiculous that nobody believed x. It well, except some democrats against some Democrats actually believe, but most people do not believe it. So then phase three comes and now washing, goes to say that ukraine has admitted it in ukraine. Did it so that's believable. Do you believe that we went from russia? Did it to itself to? Obviously, america that you made that up that's an obvious.
I too well, oh, you wanted me to no. No, no did. I say russia blew itself up. No, no, no! No, it was ukraine. Ukraine led the operation, we don't know if they talked to the cia, but yeah it was a ukraine operation. Is that conveniently bro Biden administration, because you know biden- is going to have to explain why he is pro environment but created the biggest environment. If the disaster of our time by blowing ethic up so Biden, actually need some deniability and the washington post, shamelessly at first blaming russia for attacking their own pipeline and then blames ukraine. Is there somebody in Ukraine who's willing to go with that story? Apparently let like the ukrainians, did it without
forming america where nato and they did it without any help from nato in any way or america about phase, for we laugh at phase three. Just like we left left a phase one because as ridiculous like that, the new, is just ridiculous. If you want to know how much you should trust washington post just know that they cancelled me and they kept to fill bob. That's all you need to know the council may, but they kept to fill bob. If you don't feel bob is it's not funny. Do you remember my prediction? We would learn that Israel has developed new and awesome technologies for handling the tunnels. The Hamas towels.
Well lieutenant colonel carter. Rico's tells us that, yes, they have developed new technology for handling tunnels and the Hamas probably doesn't see it coming now. What are those new technologies they're not going to tell you so they're not going to tell you. Let me tell you what technology I would use. I would use robots andorra drones, so it doesn't doesn't matter if they're flying, not because you know they could fly a few feet off the ground or they can. They could be robots. But if you are sending a drone down a tunnel, wouldn't you lose signal, that's the problem. Right, you'd you'd lose signal to the surface suppose they had found a way to get a signal to a remote drone. In that case,
Robots will be the only way you would clear tat. The only thing you need to know that little flashlight on it and that it could get a signal from whoever was operating here is how I would do it. If you couldn't get a signal to penetrate the the distance down now they might have some technology that can do that. That can penetrate surfaces- I don't know, but yours, Here's what I would do. I would send a parade of drones or robots. It works either way down the tunnel and the the first one would be the the shooter droned or the spotter drone. So that's that the real you know the action end, but each drone behind it would sir would just be a signal. Booster
so you have one that's, and then each of the drones would learn that if it loses contact is simply backs up until I guess contact again. So if they had grown, gets taken out. The next drone behind it is a parade of drought and just takes its place and then all the other jones, or only signal boosters, so you can get the signal to it. What do you think with our now that the secret would be The signal we would have to be self adjusting so alone.
By the way I or something like it, to know that if it loses its signal, it has to operate autonomously until it gets a back, and its first mission is to get the signal back so just backtracks until it until it finds a signal, I think, is very clever. Now I dont think Israel is using my idea. That would be your weirdly awesome if they were, and I dont know, if will ever hear what they used. My guess is. We will- and I think the reason we learn it is that wembley Hamas would figure out what was happening. You know somebody at Hamas will survive and say damn it was those robots down there. Everything was going well until they sent the robots, and so I think secret we'll get out. I think Israel just tell us so that people will be less likely to build tunnels. Just little less
actually now. I also wonder about some kind of a particle detector or something that they can just shoot through the ground, and you get some kind of idea what's down there, so they may have some better tunnel detection technology too, from above. I dunno we're going to find that a lot of interesting things, but my prediction was that Israel had technology for tunnels. That would be way more effective than anything you've ever heard of, and they weren't telling you until they needed to use it. But here we are so pretty good prediction. I'll take the credit on that. One. Cobbler Harris had some words to say about Gaza. That situation she said, and I quote what I hope is that we can engage in conversation in discourse in a way that understands this is not binary.
Well. What I took away from that is that she is even worse when she's sober, because she actually looks over. She wasn't giggling and I thought, oh maybe you understand why your drink now cause if this is what you produced when you're sober right now I saw bill maher and criticize those recent chef you criticize obama
We already said this is something I've never done or rarely done or something, but that obama was totally wrong on saying that you of course, october seventh was hideous, but in order to understand the situation said obama you had to understand that both sides had some blood on their hands and bill Maher rejected that as a reasonable message saying that at the moment the bull side system is just the wrong message right now. We will we understand the the truth of a long history, like everybody gets that there's history here, but at the moment that's not where your focus should be. If you're an american leader now that's bill Maher as bill Maher, is he getting closer devoted les every? It seems like every time he talks we just glitched over on youtube. I criticized obama
you back yet I think they're back well, so so abandon other other. U s news outlet have cut ties with these photo journalists. There were apparently along for the ride I did a ride along during the october seventh attacks, which would make them more like terrorists than photo journalists, because if they went along for the attack, certainly that morning the attacks were going to write that they didn't just get through. not a motorcycle the moment the attacks, so they must have known a little bed so You seem a little complicit or we worry that they could be.
The the api and writers and cnn number of them have used the same embedded photo journalists, but it turns out they might have been a little bit more pro hamas that we thought, but I like to point out that speaking of cobbler harris, if you were to do a venn diagram of of our media and then a venn diagram of the terrorists, that'd be a little bit of an overlap, a little bit ooh of an overlap. So that's what I'm saying alright and I would like to turn on my sarcasm filter. What I read next is what I just posted this morning, but Are you in advance sarcasm so that you can enjoy all the way through? It goes like this? Do you remember the time you saw the list of totally reason
demands that the palestinians in If Israel do you remember seeing that list the list, the list of the total reasonable demands you ve, also lies right.
You know it was the list that didn't rely on some sort of historical narrative. It wasn't that list. It was the one that didn't didn't seem to try to fix the past, but just sort of focused on. What's real and in the present you remember that list yeah. It was very constructive starting point for conversation and I thought: hey, that's a good step toward a permanent solution that list of totally reasonable demands, and I'm talking, I'm not talking about the terrace, I'm talking about the reasonable palestinian people with reasonable demands. So you've all seen the list right and what's important about that- is that it's the most important document in the world. If you think, if you think that the middle east might spark a larger world war, I mean this is the most important document.
so we should probably you know all refer to it. You know, go google it and take a look at it, and once we have that, that would be a good step forward, because you want to not deal with the the terrorists. Of course everybody agrees with that, but the reasonable demands of the palestinian people. You know the part where they bead on no water electricity, some security- you know things like that: the reasonable stuff, maybe travel more or less travel restrictions, sort of stuff. Have you what, while you're acting like that this doesn't exist? How could that list not exist as the entire news? The entire news cycle assumes that exists.
How can it not exist? Well, when I printed my sarcasm published it, somebody immediately went in and said no scott there is. There is in fact, a very specific list of the reasonable palestinian objections. Number one number one on the list is that the israeli leaders, who are part of war crimes against the palestinians be punished. So what I said that list that does not include historical narrative, I was given a list that number one on it and historical narrative. Your side is bad and you got to do something about the badness first before we're talking about food and water and education and stuff, but you gotta, you gotta, address your past badness. First, it's like not not are not even try.
Who exactly is trying literally nobody do. You know I know, but he's trying, because on average they brought they both prefer the fight to the peace. Let me say it directly: Israel is getting bigger, Israel just gains land every time they get attack their their narrative and the reason for existing in the justification for a big defence budget. Everything is all supported by the fact that are under continuous threat.
The worst thing that could happen to Israel is complete peace. You know why, because they would lose their reasons for not having a bigger islamic presence within Israel itself. It's like we're all a piece why? Why can't we buy property here? We're all a piece. Do you think Israel wants to live in peace and lose their let's say primarily jewish characters, like maybe twenty percent, twenty percent muslim? What what is the precision is right now it's a substantial piece right, twenty percent, or is that too much.
Why don't we know that is not like another, like an important thing to now. If you, if you try and understand the area- and you don't know the percentage of muslims living happily and Israel, so me save twenty five, twenty twenty five. Ok, so there are a number of people who generally had the right idea. Had that's good. I guess I do the most most informed consumers of news. Literally, I think you are alright. So would you agree with my statement that if Israel were in a permanent peace situation, it would be impossible not to lose their jewish majority in time, because there's such a difference in procreation levels, would you agree with that? I just don't think it's in Israel's best interest to have a permanent peace that just doesn't work to
bolster the strengthen the the jewish state, and I don't say that as a judgment right, that's not a judgment, it's just sort of an obvious fact. So how about the palestinians? Do you think the palestinians want peace more than they want war? There's no indication that all indications are that they they want to die in a war and they don't mind if their children die not much
I mean it. I mean I've exaggerated right. Obviously, everybody cares of their children die, but there there are creating a culture that seems to prefer permanent war, so they're getting what they want. So I think that when we look at it from the outside- and we say why can't they make peace, it feels like there's not enough work toward peace. Maybe nobody wants it. Well, that's exaggeration too. Obviously, plenty of people want it, but the people in charge. Do they want it? Do you think the people in charge really want to
I know a piece, I don't think so, and I don't think it makes sense and reason they wouldn't want. It is not because they're bad people, at least in the case of Israel, it'd, be just sort of common sense. You know they they get more under these conditions than the other conditions. In the long run, it's expensive in terms of lives, Scott is bidding to be a supremacist. What what are you drinking this morning? Somebody's drinking there, first anyway? So this mirrors another situation. Do you remember
it'd be alam, first started and I with great futility, I kept saying blm. If you can say specifically what you're asking for then we could all have this big negotiation and conversation that we could solve a few uses. My example more body cams on police- probably that's something that'd be l M, wanted more body, cams and probably republicans would be persuaded to say yes because it feels like a win win. So I thought to myself: well why don't we make this list of totally reasonable demands? Maybe you can do everyone, but let's take a bite out of it and I very quickly found out that blm had no no incentive to solve anything because they were getting paid. The leaders were being paid to be leaders. They couldn't lead to a solution because they stopped getting paid, so it was the
yeah the conflict that was the payoff so never never tried to make peace with somebody who gets more benefit from the conflict than the peace. It's a waste of time, here's an interesting angle on this middle east stuff so that the saudi crown prince bin Salman. He they groundbreaking have a meeting with the president of IRAN. Now I didn't know quite the history of their situation. I knew there were obviously enemies and me, but it really has been a very long time over eleven years since the cell,
isn't the iranians mad at a high level. Now I'm loving saudi's crown prince's political posturing. I don't love his. You know Bonsall murdering stuff, but I also don't think it's. My business is a tough area over there and there's a little bit of murdering goes on and, unfortunately, if you didn't deal with people who sometimes did things you really really don't like, you wouldn't be able to do anything. So I'm not going to I'm not going to ignore the fact that he presumably ordered a bone saw them or of a of a critic, can't ignore that, but he does seem to be doing productive things in terms of the future of Israel and the region, and I think there might be some
really important that we could develop if Israel, I'm sorry if saudi arabian ran, could make some kind of accommodation that made them both happy enough it's possible, but the fact that there is any attempt at all this got impressive gives a sort of the route. If you could take a ran out of the fight by simply saying look the fights- and I hope and everybody why don't we islamic people at least get along with each other, have some kind
If the combination- and we could be a dominant world power- you know collectively, you know what why don't we make our region at least a powerful region, then when we deal with the rest of the world, we're all dealing together and it can be like one big happy situation, so you don't have to go sunni or shia you. You can stay separate, but at least when you're dealing with the rest of the world deal with deal with it as a coherent entity and leave israel alone, because it's just trouble. It's trouble for everybody. So if that's what the saudi princes going
war, and I suspect, is because I think the saudi prince wants to be seen as a you know, a senior peacemaker, which would be a real good look and and wants to be friends with everybody in the region as well as america and he's going to have to do it himself. It looks like it's a job for one person, basically if he could pull it off now. Here's the interesting part, the crown prince, is friends with Jared kushner and if he has watched Jared work at all, he has learned some of his persuasion. My guess is just a guess is that he crown prince has more game than you could possibly imagine, and I think he came by honestly,
I think he got it through watching the trump team work. That's why I think I think he learned by watching the trump team work now, if you ever heard his latest incredibly awesome idea- and I mean that seriously- that's not sarcasm. One of his ideas is to reinterpret the qur'an so that, instead of saying you must convert everybody, you know even by violence into Islam. He wants to reinterpret that, as you must inform everybody about Islam, so it'd be more of a conversational informational victory as long as
everybody knew it. Then it's up to god, which I love as long as everybody has been informed, that is up to god. Let, like god, decide if you was to turn their souls. I like that. Now. What are the odds? He can push that and get away with it. If he controls the schools is a hundred percent. You got that good empty us. The crown prince push something there is such a completely radical reinterpretation, at least to some. in some parts of Islam it would be radical as long as he controlled the schools. Absolutely do you think Gaza will ever have schools that are controlled by Hamas in the future. No no
there isn't the slightest chance. Israel would be dumb enough to recreate that mistake. Right, they're, going to control the schools either directly or through proxies they're gonna control, the schools. They don't have a choice. Israel cannot exist in the long run if they don't get the children, trains do not want to kill them all the time. That's that's gotta. Do. But so this. This is a positive thing and apparently there was a meeting of the muslim countries over there. There are actually an arab summit and there were just a bunch of groups about a dozen groups or so and the ones that one would be friendly with Israel. You know the the Abraham accords plus saudis sorted didn't want to go around, go with the majority. They wanted to be sure that anti israel approach
So already we're seeing that saudi has been productive in a way. That kind makes sense to everybody like it does. Look like you just use a friendlier to Israel than we've seen before, but I think he's got solutions that would work for everybody in the region if they pay attention to him. So that's positive I would like to offer these scott Adam solution for israel. Now when you hear their sugar to say that as the douglas reckon thing, I've ever heard my life that is so impractical
you don't understand the region, you don't how they think you're michigan entirely. Well, I give it to you anyway and then I'll sell. It goes like this, so the people who are chanting they will want to islam to one from the river to the sea, which of course would make Israel go away in that version of history. And how can you? How can you give them what they want, which is that islam ones from the river to the sea, but also at the same time, Israel exists, because those are opposites right? Well, really, have you heard of taiwan? Do you know what our policy is? Taiwan is officially there's one china, but then we just act like there's two. Does that make sense? Now it's a diplomatic solution which is absurd, but
answered, diplomatic solutions are actually routine. Aren't they when the the brits had a ninety nine year lease on Tokyo, I'm not talking on the hong kong that was sort of absurd. Wasn't it were going to rent your country for a hundred years, but basically it was just a a cleaner way to make sure that it went to where it was going to go anyway, but with some orderly long term process so as not unusual to do totally absurd things in the in the diplomatic room, just common, so here's my absurd solution for how Israel can exist exactly as it is.
and yet their critics can own everything from the river to the sea, and this not moving. The river has not renaming the river that stupid is its declare in all of the land is owned by Islam. This is every israel doing this us and then leasing back for a dollar a year. For a thousand years now you say yourself, Scott, who are leaving talking to like what is like people even could make that deal. Well, you could find somebody. I believe there is some islamic, your umbrella organizations that sometimes will try to speak for them. So you just find whatever is the most credible one. You say: here's the deal we would like to
surely until the world this is, is lompoc land forever, but Israel will be leasing you back for what in czech law per year for a thousand years, why a thousand workers a thousand years everything's off the table right that like who knows, nations even exist in a thousand years and they have a thousand years- Israel is a vibrant nation that definitely doesn't want to give us land back to the muslims it just doesn't have to. It gives us violate their group in this house,
ears right, they just say: well, things have changed and spent one thousand years so know. Maybe we don't need this weird diplomatic thing anymore. So that's my that's my thing. Now, if you say to yourself a scott, Israel is never going to agree to that. Well, what's the alternative, what is their alternative? They have only bad choices. So do you know about? I don't know my history well enough, so you'll have to help me on this. Is it the temple mount within Israel that is considered muslim real estate? But yet you have. The security of the entire region is still Israel, so they they have some kind of control, but on paper on paypal or it belongs to Islam right. That is that you are now do. As I do have my facts right. You give me a confirmation or effect chicken that I'm season
it does, but, as a close, am I just getting some fact wrong? Is it? Is it roughly the roughly? What's going on some people will say? Yes, some people say now so here's the point. The point is, you can do any crazy thing when it comes to diplomacy and if you have a crazy situation, a crazy solution is actually maybe where you'd go to. First, like looking for normal solutions to crazy situations, isn't always going to be your go to sometimes you've got to
as crazy as the situation now. Would that idea ever be accepted? No there's no chance as ever going to happen, but I I put it forward and only as an example of how radical you could get your thinking, because the normal thinking doesn't seem to be working for anybody, so you might as well go to abnormal thinking or you want another one I can sweeten it. You take a bunch of topsoil from Israel, literally dirt, just take a just a short time of it because there's plenty of dirt and then you build a palestinian homelands, that's in let's say: jordan, Egypt or somewhere, but somewhere that
will doesn't have to worry about the security of it and you literally spread the Israel dirt where the other dirt is, and you say god says this is good enough. You know you. Basically you got your homeland, because what is it that? What is it that determines a homeland? Here's something from my
god's debris? Some of you've heard it. If I said what makes Israel valuable to both sides, you'd say well, location is the location like that's a holy location, and then I say to you: what is the location, then you say: well, okay, I get what you're saying everything's relative. So the location is something that's located relative to other things which are also located, so you can only describe a location in terms of describing other things and their location. Would you agree that there's no other way to describe a location except in the context of the other things that are also in a place,
It's a problem. All of the other things are moving all the time you're on a planet, that's moving through space. Ninety nine point: nine, nine, nine, nine, nine percent of all the things which determine a location just moved out. They just moved again and they just moved together. Every moment your location changes not a little bit, but galactic lie like the entire galaxy is moving within the universe. The planets are moving within the galaxy. There is an all
If anything, this thing where it is like even the atmosphere in the region, the atmosphere, the air you breathe is going from country to country is moving. The only thing this kind of staying in one place is some of the dirt relative to some of the other. Dirt is literally about the location of some dirt on earth to some other dirt on earth. It's not about location cause. Remember god does not look at real estate as being this block or the zipcode. If you're a god, you understand that location doesn't even exist. There's no such thing as location to a god view of the universe, because everything's moving. What what would that even mean there could only be a location at a moment and even time doesn't exist if your god space
Exists so there's always space time, there's not having time so from a gods perspective. Our little ideas of what real state are are nonsense, so the refrain that you want is to take people from real estate agent frame hey
the thing on the other side of the fence belongs to a guy, and it's always been here. That's the real estate agent frame taken up to the godfrey location goes away, but if you want to make people happy we'll give you all the dirt you want from the holy land, we got lots of dirt. Just take it with you put a put a little jar of it on your shelf. You can pray to it. If you want to, you can say the you know, your holy people walk under like this, so it means something to you yeah, but if you want to take it up to the god level location disappears and then you can have a conversation. So why is it that people are trying to satisfy god by talking about real estate like a real estate broker
maybe, if you're trying to satisfy god, you should talk like god would look at it. In which case is no location as long as everybody has access to visit, the holy sites should be enough, but the don't expect that to solve anything, So some expert- I guess it was a publisher of the new york son, wrote a big piece about situation in gaza- but here's the thing that the close incentive here it's time for the international community to recognise. What many israelis and some gazans have already learned for the foreseeable future. Israeli control of Gaza will bring the best possible outcome for basically everybody
but he says before that, after a generation of indoctrination, you will take decades to reverse the culture of hate. Their mass in the palestinians authority have meticulously cultivated. So remember my prediction: it would be ridiculous. These stupid for Israel to attack Gaza me some objectives in terms of destroying hammas and then turn it back over palestinians to run it. That will be the dumbest thing they could do, and it is Israel a really really dumb country. Do they do they do a bunch of dumb things when it comes to their security, not really not, really, no so they're never going to be dumb enough to give it back and as soon as you realize that the sooner the shock will start wearing off there is
no gaza anymore. It's not mean whatever it will be. You know, and by the way Israel said that directly before they went to Gaza, they said we're going to change the reality of Gaza. For fifty years, I think one of the generals said that directly we will change the reality for gaza for fifty years. Another words: it's not going to be run by muslims for fifty years. Earlier, I don't see how they could possibly do them. There's a story that their ideas, president held up a copy of mine, Kampf healers book? There isa was found in a gaza's children's room used by Hamas. I'm sorry that there was a hospital room or something I dunno, but the idea is that the people in Gaza are reading. Hitler's book
one cup: does that sound a little too on the nose we'll do other those. Do you know Scott Ritter, Scott Ritter. I think he is always dealing with the russians. He takes the russian side and the ukraine, russia war, and I think he takes russia aside and everything, but even Scott ritter says he goes. The israelis are not good at this, meaning that it's such obvious propaganda that they're not good at it. You know my take was if you're talking about it, they're good at scott Ritter. You don't understand propaganda. I'm talking about.
that's all anybody's going to remember they're, going to remember that somebody said Hamas is really my gov. That's all they'll, remember they're, not going to remember that scott Ritter said that might not be true. Now. Is it you I dunno? Does it matter What matters in the propaganda war- and I would say whether it's true or not it worked. It totally worked because once you get that like connection in your head, it's just sticky, so it actually doesn't matter if, if six months from now, the news runs a story correction, it turns out that book was planted there by an israeli soldier to be.
Later when everybody care now you would never reverse. The initial impression that mine counts is something the reading the hamas people. So now, those totally successful. Elon musk, we talk about the situation, be said, of course, use probation wants to have a negotiated settlement. He says if you kill somebody's child in Gaza, you made at least a few hamas members, and they went on to explain that if the idea
it will reduce the number of moss? You have to be very careful. If killing people gets you fewer hamas, then maybe that's a strategy, but if killing people gives you more hamas, that's not a good strategy. Do you agree? Do you agree with elon musk that the killing probably produces more hamas and therefore it's counter productive? How many would agree with that statement? No, yes, gabon way, and yes, no yeah you're, not you're, not too sure about this one area that gets a nose. Some yeses and nos yeah you're all
bored. Stop it be incorrect. Yes, but yes, but is the correct answer, but here's what I would add that there are exactly three situations that guarantee you have more hamas. So these are the three things one of all wait and see. If you agree with the three that all of them will add will increase the number of moss number. One is if Israel did nothing with that increase or decrease the amount of Hamas I'd say in greece, because that would show their mass was succeeding. And wedding, and probably they could do a lot of recruiting on that. So loud increases. Suppose Israel, in so doing nothing they do a little bit. They do a little Now little would be somewhat similar to the way they ve been operating before so little.
It would be. You do some hard hits yeah you do some bombing. You know you haven't really touched the tunnels. You know you have degraded them much, but you're you're playing tough right you're, showing that if you hit us, we hit you back, that's a little. Would that make more hamas or less of us more guaranteed, because now they've got the you know the the bombing in their territories as gay they're bombing us join. Hamas will fight them. So so you can't do nothing. They'll create more hamas and you can't do a little that will get you more hamas, but what if he did a lot and that's that's sort of what they're doing now they're doing a lot? Does that get you more? Hamas know that probably gets you more hamas cause it'll, be all worked up there better, recruiting cause you're killing, so many you're you're killing innocent babies, their families become moss. So you've got three situations. You can do nothing, you can't do a little and you can't do a lot. So what do you do
what is the rational thing to do? If you can't know a little can't do nothing, you can do a lot and guarantee those things. War what's left well, one possibility is, do everything I said do a lot, but that's not everything. What they're doing now is a lot, but it is that everything. Let me tell you what everything would be everything would be: keeping the displaced mass and palestinians in some place where they control the school system. They build them, some good schools, they build them. Some good medical facilities may be paid for by the region that Israel and they
just run it for two generations to make sure they've deprogrammed the children for two generations, and then you see what you have to see what you have when you're done. Do you think they will go that far to absolutely just turn it into a separate place? Maybe even leave gaza on an occupied, have complete control over the population and just essentially write them off for two generations, while you're training the children to to not hate people, I don't think they could do that. I don't think they'd be able to do it. It's like too big a job, but what else would work and if
Did that it would turn into a weaker situation, it would look like a prison camp and so that probably wouldn't work either. So even doing everything probably wouldn't work. So what do you do? What's the most rational thing to do when nothing's going to work I'll, tell you what I think. Unfortunately, the most rational thing to do for Israel is to do whatever makes them mentally whole again, in other words, they're, not fighting an enemy, it's a mental health experiment. Now it's also reducing their immediate risk, but it's primarily for mental health. I think that you could not live in Israel unless you knew your army had just fricken wiped out. Whoever did the october
seven thing. I I think for the mental health of Israel. The military has to go hard and that nothing else would work, and that does Israel have, let's say the moral and ethical right. cure their mental health by killing your boatloads of people, I say yes. Because the situation wasn't created by them, it was created by the population that would lose boatloads of people.
I think the argument is so masses already killed their kids. If you turn your kid into a future terrorist, it's just a matter of time. I mean their life, isn't going to be that good? So you know, it seems, like Israel is more of a mop up operation for people who are effectively already dead if you're talking about the weaponized children. Now, that's an exaggeration, of course, but yes may your everything's messy there's no clean ethical anything, but if you create a situation in which your enemy, you've attacked their best smartest. Medically medically acceptable thing to do is to destroy your population. It's probably going to happen now and as much as I think, elon musk, you doesn't really have a workable preference. I'm ok with that
because I think he knows it and some level. I think he knows it, but if you're a leader at that level and musk israel on elected leader, but he's a leader just the same use will always be in favor of peace, and that should be the first thing. You say all the time, that's good for him, so I'm very much in favor of musk playing both sides of this and just saying hey, you know both of you all the time try to make peace, no matter how hard it is, and people like me who are you, know less less of a leader. I I can tell you a more realistic thing, which is, I don't think, there's a way to win. It looks like a permanent situation to me because both sides wanted well, let's see what else is happening. Bill ackman went after Biden, hard saying what a lot of people are saying.
that you should just retire bill, ackman a very notable democrat supporter, rich rich guy. So it matters that he says it so, every time you see a new person say it directly. If you feel the initiative is building building it'll be easier for anybody else to say it after that point tromp, as a radical immigration plan, in which was to round up all the four million immigrants that came in under Biden, put him in large detention camps are waiting to be expelled to other countries from I guess country they came from and there.
I didn't include people who had been settled in our in our country for decades and he'd. Go back to you know all the trump policies about immigration, etc, and the way you would do it is he would get your deputize local police, national guard troops volunteered from republican run states to you know to be the the force that would get this done. What's your what's your take on that excellent idea, roundup of four million people and put them in prison camps. I tell ya I go back to my earlier comment. If trump would just stop talking, he would so easily get elected. Just stop talking this this place exactly into his enemies hands. What is the number one thing that we going to say he sailor
is the number one thing you don't want to do. If people are to follow you, hitler say listen four million people in large detention camps. I don't think this could be worse now, doses based on love, it oh yeah, baseline but he already won the base. The base was, Furthermore, the way did do you think you picked up one extra vote because of this I'd say now, because nobody was gonna vote for Biden to secure the boy. So he, basically, he had already one every single person who wanted a better immigration control. He already one every single one of those votes,
but was there anybody a bit actually go back to bill ackman bill ackman, said annex the other day that lifelong democrats are coming to him and saying they're planning to vote for trump lifelong democrats because they can see the Biden has just lost lost the scent now You know that's anecdotal, but don't you think that there are lifelong democrats who are very much thinking about just this one time. You know you get trump to close the border,
Then trump does the only mistake you could make in the situation. He goes too far as the only way you can make a mistake. All he had to do is just wake up in the morning and eat lunch and he'd. Be the president of the united states really just stop talking, but did anybody think he would stop talking know I mean it's not a it's not realistic, that the thing that you like about trump is that he continues to say whatever he thinks is the best idea. You just will say it now. You can love it and hate it at the same time, from a political strategy standpoint, I think it's a loser unless he's so sure he is going to win at this point, but I dunno little early to be. That here's what would have been better play.
just be a silent on that issue can and just say, you're gonna fix it just be silent. Cause remember, he said he would do for the twenty one million people who are here illegally. The first time europe- and the first thing you did when you got an office- was well that looks arts list. Not do that but but he used it to sell the idea that he would be the toughest on immigration. So at the time I said well, that's a good opening offer, because you know you can negotiate that away and then sure enough. He negotiated it away, which is what I prefer. I prefer to negotiate anyway. Now is this just as same doing the same play where he really doesn't mean this, but he's got something now to negotiate away. So it'll seem like a moderate, given that the number one attack against him is that he's going to be hiller and they
I had to take over the country and take away your democracy? You don't want to be anywhere near detention camp. You don't want to be near it but part of this is also heed. You would get back to blocking some muslim countries from immigration. He could sell that do- you, think You'D- have any trouble selling the blocking some muslim countries, not alone, but some of them from immigration yeah. He can get away with that bit because october, seventh and the Israel situation that just sort of settles that question in my mind,.
So to me, this looks like a mistake, but I'm willing to reassess this like we'll see how it goes, but I feel like he just played directly into the hands of the the other side. So, no matter what you think is the best policy. I don't think it's the best politics, mayor, atoms, Eric Adams of new york, as I guess he's under some legal screw leave forcibly is campaign may have done, and here is
one of the first things that we hear as his potential transgressions you ready for this. So this is what Eric Adams now remember he's a Democrat, but he had turned on the question of sanctuary cities, and so he had become very republican like in his criticism of the the way immigration was being run. So he was a bad democrat if you happen to be Biden, right, but republicans were probably saying you know, there's a lot of there's a lot about you that we, like Eric Adams. You know, like you're, not being crazy about this, so you're actually being like, like a normal person who would try to stop crime, and you know what's goin on here? So of course, he immediately, coincidentally, immediately become under fire from his own administration d, o j
And here's an example of something terrible: he is alleged to have done. I listen to how terrible this is very terrible, and so there was, I guess, the turks were building some kind of new facility in new york city. and they had finished the facility, but it needed some kind of temporary certificate of occupancy from the fire department. I'm just a little legal thing that was chipping them off. They wanted to open. Everything was done, they just near the fire department to say yes and there was taking too long. So mayor Adams takes
call or I dunno might have been email or something that the communication, and then he reached out to the person who is in charge of that part of the government, the ones that could handle it and ask them to look into it. Then that part of the government looked into it and yeah the building's already built and the turks had asked for a faster response. The mayor had said, look into it and then they looked into it and they said yeah. Well, we can do this and they they completed it and then the turks got their approval. So I guess he needs to go to jail. Doesn't he? What are you talking about? How horrible that the government was responsive to and while residents residents in the sense that the this church turkish facility was right in the city
Now I know this might be the first time you you've ever heard that this, but what Eric Adams dead is exactly what you want your politicians to do it it, wasn't a little bit sketchy. It was perfectly down the centre of exactly what you want your elected officials to do. I myself, as a younger man, once asked my. State senator to look into a delay in another big government entity. There was bothering me in a bunch of other people, long story, the senator. I wrote a letter to the government agency is today what else holding up you're it was an approval was also.
Well, so is that approval that was being delayed for something that was important to big population and the and the and the senators? Seventy I mean staff. Seventy a copy of the letter. I looked at that. I remember that this is the most american I've ever felt, except for jury duty. I recommend everybody do jury duty it'll make you feel very american, like being part of the system, but I get this letter from my senator that says yeah. We we talked to that department and we asked them like what the hell's going on. I looked at that like really, I was a scar. It was a complete nobody. Just I was just a person who had an issue. And it was an issue that the centre wasn't aware of, and services
I became aware of it. He said yeah. This looks like it should be looked into. So did the senator order, the other department to do so now it wasn't even in their ability to order them. He simply said I'll look into it. Can you explain why this is delayed? And do you know what happened? The government agencies sped up and they approved it, and it is probably one of the most I'll never be able to tell you the story that you know the details of the story. Probably one of the most useful things I've ever done for the world was that I actually sped something up that really needed to get sped up, as as just a citizen would know, no power whatsoever
The system worked perfectly. I had a problem. Talk to the person in charge, person in charge says: what's going up problem solved now, that's where that's where Eric Adams said he did what my Senator did. He took in constituents skip played, sounded reasonable. He didn't know all the details but said: hey look into it and then it got solved now. Some people say, but but scott that took the turks and put them at the top of the list. Is that unfair? To which I say I dunno what were the turks, the only people who could contact the mayor they're, the only ones that this is what you should do you contact your government when you have a problem and then they see what they can do,
I don't just makes the turks look smart to me. That's all I see I see the turks are smart end of story. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, you have now been witness to the greatest live stream. On this sunday. I going to say bye to the folks here on youtube, thanks for joining always a pleasure and thanks for watching the best live stream today. Bye for now see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-13.