« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2274 Scott Adams: CWSA 10/27/23, How Hypnotists See Politics

2023-10-27 | 🔗

My new book Reframe Your Brain, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/3bwr9fm8

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Politics, Jamaal Bowman, Brain Damaging News, Public Brainwashing, RFK Jr. Intruder, President Biden, Maggie Haberman, President Trump, X Profitability, Relationship Pitfalls, Lewiston Suspect, Robert Card, Free Speech Cancellation, Election Integrity Claims, Mike Lindell, Biden Crime Family, Bureaucratic Defense Strategy, Israel Hamas War, CBDC, Crushing National Debt, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Lot that good morning, everybody and welcome do the highlight of human civilization is called coffee was got out and sometimes just see w. I say if he really cool group, you want people to wonder what you're talking about you don't want to give up too much to say I was watching the seed of usa. You don't know. That is all I feel sorry for you, but for the rest of you. If you'd like to take this experience up the levels there you'll be talking about four, decades. All you need is a cup or a mug or a glass, a tank or chelsea style, the canteen jug or flask of vesicle, the other guy and fill it with your favorite. liquid. I like coffee enjoyed me now and all the rest of you colonisers for the simultaneous half is now go home yeah! That's some good! That's some good stuff right! There
well, if you don't mind, would you would you agree that we need a light? Newsday everybody on board for this. About you, but my brave and body just been crushed lately and while we cannot ignore the horrors that are, around the world. We can take a little bit of time off right. So I'm going to talk about some silly news today I mean it's real news, it's in the headlines, but most of it is kinda silly and I dunno if you've noticed. Oh, I can't show you that look you don't look. Will you show your hypnotist sees politics on the whiteboard, but first there's a video out of a representative Jamal bowman, a proud member of the so called squad, but really not the not the member that the rest of the squad
proud of at the moment, because he's one that pulled the fire alarm and now we see video him terry. of the signs of the door. They say something about the alarm. As it turns out that everything he said about, that event was a lie and so on. For the now there's not much to say about it, except that he did and then say lose stupid thing and then he lied about it with realising there might be a video camera on the exit. So I can't wait to see. what great ideas he brings to congress. I hope he is sponsoring some bills and stuff cause. He seems like quite the leader quite the leader, but yet he still has his job no problem. Nobody. Nobody says that.
is a problem. That again, I continue to use my technique of not arguing with Democrats who are brainwashed. Now I don't think everybody's brainwashed. They not the whole world or anything like that, but an ax. You see people who are we just brain damaged by the news? I mean that literally their brains are actually damaged by watching news. That is just so biased. That's the idea of their own reality is so distorted. It can only be called brain damage. You know the differences between brainwashing and brain damage due to differences, none not because in both cases your brain would be degraded and you couldn't you
It is just brain damage, so if you're watching only one side of the news and it's just giving you one side of the views- and I wouldn't matter if it's just left or just right- you kind of brain damaged, and we should understand that that way. These are not people with different preferences and different priorities and we're working out the details of the like, that's avenant, now half of the country is literally literally using the word correctly, are literally brain damaged from the news they consume, primarily by just sticking with one type of news. That would be absolutely give your brain damage and if you think it's just stuff, you watch on tv.
oh you're in real trouble its brain damage, so when I see it- and somebody will be like blah blah blossom talking points I saw on cnn- I just Don'T- engage because engaging what would it if you're talking to somebody was literally gotta. Brain problem would. Would you treat somebody who had some other kind of brain damage the same as your trades people who didn't have brain damage? You wouldn't you would treat them with if you're, not a jerk, and you understood what was happening. You would treat them with sympathy. So now I just respond that that I'm sorry
at their news sources did this to them, and then they complained a little bit more. Why won't you come to fight with me, and I just say, I'm really sorry what they did and just walk away. Because do you really think the debate is going to somehow improve the situation It'll be like yelling at somebody with a mental. You know some mental problem to just not have a mental problem, stop having that mental problem that doesn't really work so don't get in a fight with people who have mental problems, which makes me Want to go to the white board, I'm going to the whiteboard early. Anybody with me who's wednesday, whiteboard, premature whiteboard. Let's do with this I'll, get you all mad before you hear the rest of the news. I had a really good night of sleep last night,
It feels weird here is what I call the hypnotist view of politics. I don't know if I have to just say it this way, but I do I say politics has not a continuum as some people do where there's a forest on the left and there's a far on the right. see it as a circle where on the left of the circle is: let's call it. The team left. The democrats on the right is team right and at the bottom, at the farthest of the left and the farthest to the right. If you're thinking of it as a circle, they come together as racists, they're just racists about different things, so the farthest right would be racist against people of color. The farthest left would be racist against the colonizers.
If like me, so basically, these are just a bunch of horrible people, whether they're, left or right has some detailed differences, but it's basically the the worst of humanity. Basically now the least brainwashed people would be at the top. Let me give me an example of a a person who is political, still, political but not brainwashed. Necessarily, I gotta say that everybody is a little bit brainwashed, because if you identify with the team, you are brainwashed desirable. You understand that. This simply identifying, as a team guarantees that you're a little bit brainwashed, maybe not enough to be crippled, but little bit, there's no exceptions to that. If you're a human being- and you- I doubt if I were the political team, your brain washing yourself, but you still brainwash- I mean here you're sort of violence
at saying this is my team and you start to adopt all those views. How often you ever see somebody who disagrees with their own team, pretty rare, pretty rare happens. But I will say: there's a democrat and sort of middle of the road and the Democrats says you know what I always saw. Trump had something about their wall. That's probably somebody is not to brainwash. Would you agree a Democrat who says you know I gotta say the wall thing made sense that that would be a very strong signal of somebody you could talk to somebody who's. You know maybe likely to look at the facts, now there's probably there's probably a similar examples like that for republicans something better
a middle of the road republican might say, you know I'll get. Okay, I'll, give you an example. A middle of the road or republican might say: oh and actually do they say things like if you're an adult and you leave our kids alone, and you want to be trans or gay married. Why do I even care? What's that got to do with me now that that would be like somebody who's, probably not too brainwashed, but identifies as republican? Somebody says a ride, no, maybe about it, but I think if you're yelling, rhino you're you're yelling that people need to be on the team and I'm not sure that that's productive anyway. So this is how It sees it. So the reason that I can flow move around the circle, wherever I want currently registers as a Democrat, but most by audiences leans right and the reason I'm sort of irrelevant the circle is the only thing
the will stay out of the bottle. I just tried to avoid the bottom That's it otherwise. I want you here you arguments on both sides, so that, ladies and gentlemen, you so I see politics are those new video which you might be interested in. Joshua like and I are talking on a new video- just dropped, but this time, instead of just talking about the usual things that people talk about we're talking about writing a book for reasons that have puzzled me a little bit, I'm noses. Since I became an author people really really curious about the process. They were like what you mental process when you approach
something like writing, and you might love this one more than my other interviews. If you like, processing stuff, you know you want to see a little bit behind the curtain, so I recommend that you could find that on Joshua Lasix thread an ex or mine, probably can search for it on youtube too alright, Big news, big news on: u f o's,
especially: u f, o secrets were put into a skiff those places where you can take a copy and you can't bring your phone, but you go into a room this well protected and if you're a special person of congress, you can look at top secret american secrets as long as you don't talk about them too, specifically as long as you don't take a copy, so as a skiff, so apparently congress demanded more information and saw a special skiff was created of you. Fo secrets Finally, finally, at least members of our congress can find out the real truth about the dead aliens that we have in storage and all of their many spaceships. So we have a huge warehouse facility. They say
And the results from the skiff are nothing new, nothing, nothing new show show. That was a big surprise. There was a big surprise to people like me. Oh it I'm starting to think that you have photos that are not real starting to have that suspicion. Then maybe we don't have a big laugher fulla dead aliens I dunno just starting to think. Maybe it's not true. That's just me well and robert F, junior tells us- and oh my god. This is scary. So yesterday the intruder climbed over his fence at his home and was arrested and then, after being released from police custody later in the day.
he immediately return to my home and was arrested again now. You might know the background to the story that are of gauging your has asked for a secret service protection and has denied by now you may say to yourself, but but but scot I read, I saw that story sure he did it the the story the Democrats are saying is that he is not eligible. That's what processing, that that's the news that is abusing Democrats right now, he's not eligible. Well, let me say this as clearly as possible. First of all, I'm pretty sure he is eligible because there's some precedent with Biden. I'm sorry the president, with obama, who is also not technically eligible, but got it anyway. Do you know why obama got protection even though maybe it wasn't
it's likely eligible because it was a real good chance. Somebody was going to fucking, kill him. That's why you need a better reason than that really you're going to look at the paperwork right who the hell is going to look at the paperwork to decide. If, Save somebody's life, I mean how evil is that it's not like. We re around the money for this one thing so just think about. Joe Biden plan right now is the jail is in challenger further the white trump and to leave the other one vulnerable to assassination this happening right in front of us now. None of those things are really controversial in terms of the facts, I'm pretty sure that if Biden,
innovation led by Biden, wanted, do not have locals states in whatever prosecuting trump, I'm pretty sure they could make it happen through a political process, not necessarily
one which would be the more reasonable thing to do, but right in front of us with, let's say the tacit blessing of the white house, which you know they do blessing we're trying they're trying to jail. The the the person who's leading in the polls is leading in the polls and his challenger is trying to put him in jail for any fucking thing they can come up with if they can concoct anything that looks like a crime and and that in that context, they're leaving the you know some would say one of the strongest contenders. I think vex pretty strong, you know, and the next tier, but to leave this guy vulnerable to actually assassination. And you know it's a risk. You know it's an outside risk. It's not a normal risk is a way above average risk going to leave him unprotected. Now, if you can, if you can say that a Democrat absolutely needs to
protected from a clear and obvious risk just because your Republican? Well, then, you got to suck right as nothing to do with it by his politics or who is what? But this is really political, you don't let a human syn of the united states be unprotected. In this scenario, when their citizens running to help, the united states seems to be primarily motivated by making something right, fixing stuff, Anyway, this is one of the most evil things I've ever seen, and yet there is no move to impeach Biden over it. What could be more impenetrable and trying to jail your biggest opponent and intentionally leaving the other one vulnerable to assassination? You think of anything that will be more worthy of taking somebody out of office. Now, maybe a dozen.
Technically violated the laws on the beach or by the way. At some point, you just gotta, you gotta put down a marker well another funny news. It turns out that Do made trump angry with the new york times story about his gag order. The region and so now tromp has given a new nickname. Dame too, who used to be maggie, remain forevermore. She will be called now mega, abraham, maggie Abraham. Now the thing I like about it, of course I do like it. I like it for the entertainment value, but also like it for the watching the persuasion elements of it, and I love the fact that he waited so long to attacker. This hard, I mean, he's actually been friendly with maggie here women, even when she's been visions them for you.
I don't know, I never really understood it, but he would grant or access stuff, We just go. You fill out maggie remain and Why? Why do I love better than the president of the united states, calling out the fake news and golly one of the star reporters of meget? You know if we lived in normal times. This would be so far over the line right. I would never ever want my president or my presidential top contender to be calling a news person a maggot under no conditions except this one. Would I think that was acceptable it's, I think it's actually not not just acceptable, practically mandatory, practically mandatory, and if you take it too seriously, you're doing it wrong. So don't take it too seriously, but I
I can't remember a time when this would have been the biggest story in the country. Can you imagine the early days of trump if he'd called maggie haberman of meget, it would be a sexism story first and by right it would be all about the sexism. Oh he's not calling yo Jimmy. It's the mega he's just saying other things, but oh the woman is a maggot. Oh, oh, the guys are just you know some other thing, but you're calling the woman a maggot right- it was only a few years ago that what about the story, but trump has made us so accustomed to his technique. The now is just a minor story that he called it a major name and the new
the bag, not only do they call her a bag it, but he's branded her. That's now her name going forward for the rest of time to at least drummers hello. This is Scott Adams and now's your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite podcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a queue at a ripple with a topic for you to weigh in on so let your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so head over to spotify, search for coffee with Scott Adams or your favorite podcast,
view the latest episodes and respond to q and a and polls on spotify only while yours, here's the most interesting story of the day, and I'm just boggled apparently- and I think I mentioned this while lindy accurately said that the ex platform, which was twitter, my actually profitable in two thousand and twenty four for the first time now. That would be the most remarkable business turnaround I've ever witnessed by far, but that's not even close to the whole story. The full story is issues, mind boggling, but let me just give you like a little taste of it. Here are some things we learn. Just yesterday
an access aiming to rule out rollout full payment plus financial services by the end of twenty twenty four by the end of this coming year, the ex platform will be an online bank where you can pay people and do other financial services unnamed. Now, given the amount of times I spend logged into acts, What I ever use that now, I don't know why. Why would I log out something and then opened another at what I ever use? Google pay? I have it I use sometimes, but if I had acts I will use the elles because I'm already there all the time anyway, oh that's totalling and succeed had creator. Pails will increase significantly below
so I like to do you reasonable, full disclosure that I am monetized on the x platform, I'm the creator who a monetized two different ways. One is there's a subscription. You hit the button in my profile and you can watch the the dilbert reborn comic and I think I'm going to launch the dilbert calendar digital only on there as well, but also on the scott Adams, that local stuff. what platform you can see both of those and I locals lots more other, my other comics etc, but on the exp on the x platform alone, I've got the dilbert stuff in the subscription and I've got the the money that they paid for the engagement.
I bring through my comments. Comments section between the two of them does is actually weird, I'm having trouble figuring out how much they're paying me cause. It's not once a month set these random times, so I ended up like eyeballing it like it looks like this much per month. But you have to sort of eyeball it, but I'm already well over six figures, so the x platform is is returning to me through those two two mechanisms and over one hundred thousand a year, so that necessarily big account but growing is also growing quite quickly. The the subscription part is growing faster than the just traffic part
but that is actually a legitimate business. You know I I have other ways I could make money as well, but if you were, if you were just trying to make a living and you could you could be fascinating and get up to a million followers there, there are a number of people. you can name as well, where we have some. Our amazingly got a million followers on the x platform, which is what I have an, but they weren't they were starting out his famous, like sort of its most impressive twitter of all time, probably and another.
I built this into a real business. So that's impressive anyway, so the other thing is the x platform could launch a dating feature, love it. You know what I'd like to see in a dating feature. I would like the algorithm to figure out who likes the same stuff. I do boob right what what knew better than to be matched based on your activity. On the x platform, you put you put two people together who seemed to like the same stuff on x. How are they not going to have a fun dinner like they might not fall in love, but get them together for coffee would totally be fun like you could guarantee basically guarantee that the first date would be pretty good so that's a genius idea. They could launch a video player that will be integrated into the tvs good there's
in over five hundred million posts and over one hundred billion impressions per day, holy cow. They think they can build a viable linkedin can better, which is interesting. I can imagine a linkedin competitor using the x platform, so you you can know about their social media life as well as their business life. At the same time, because it's the point of learning about somebody's business life only on linkedin, because you really sorta wanna know what they're saying about what are you thinking about Gaza? You know what I mean. You know what I mean I'd like to know what they say you think about Gaza before I hire them. So that's genius totally genius to combine those
and there are achieving technical parity and they might even surpass youtube and their video player holy cow. I mean the big advantage of youtube, isn't as technically remarkable, I mean just unbelievable, yet youtube is whatever you want to complain about their sensory censorship. Their technical and just confidence is insane yeah. Youtube is just that. I I think of that, and I think of son as maybe the two most spectacular, technical accomplishments of all time. The fact that it was our works almost every time. When do you think of the scale of it, I'm not just some mind boggling the level of excellence that it takes to make those things work. And and must, as that excess progress,
the past year, maybe the fastness change of any internet company, maybe maybe either you could get rid of the maid Then there's nobody was changed this much at that scale. Ever ever, there's no way there's nobody was ever close to us. Do you think there is? I mean I've never seen a pivot like this is like a ten point of it. It's incredible anyway, you're going I'm gonna newswire service called ex. Why are we don't know what that is yet? But if acts starts integrating news, how exactly where they do it you're that that's a fun mental exercise, if you're going to recreate news from Scratch- and you had to solve the thing that nobody, sulphur
Nobody's figured out this make people want to see it, so it's a little bit addictive and you're. Also trying to be true, that's the holy grail know nobody's ever done that, but x could do it x could do it by bringing in both arguments that lent. Let me describe my perfect service annex it would either be a news story, and then what x would do is make sure that you paired the best arguments pro and con for the story. You do that for me, and I will just I would just like die happy. It would be the fix for the country.
One, let me say it again: if x could pull this off and I don't think, there's anybody else or good. Frankly, I think this is this is so only elon musk could do it that you wouldn't even I wouldn't even imagine anybody else doing. He could actually pair the story with the I wasn't a con and somehow you the algorithm, could make the best argument on both sides prone can rise to the top because they get more likes or whatever it'll. Be amazing. There's somebody here who says they're losing respect here really
yeah well what what was I doing recently that was causing you to lose respect? Was it that I suggested it'd be good to see both sides? You hate that alright, you see every kind of mental illness Remember those boston, dynamic, robust and scary you for about ten years, because they walk walk round like people and then Then they built a little robot dog that scared you twice as much, because it will say some monster from Hell. What was the only thing that can make a scarier? I will suggest adding a eye to it. So now can operate autonomous. There's a video. You can see my my thread of the dog
giving somebody a tour of their warehouse and sayings saying in a british accent. Well, why don't you come over here? Just follow be the worst british accent full time. I apologize to everybody who has any association with england for what I just did. I feel like I should just quit now now I'm not going to quit, but it was a terrible, terrible accent and I'll. Never do it again in public. Impressions not my thing, but the point: is you really get to see that door walk around and talking like a british aristocrat while giving a tour the warehouse,
Now, if you tell me, you don't want one of those dogs. Well, I just I don't even know you who wouldn't want a robot dog that could follow them around and answer questions in a conversational way. Oh I'd, like that, a lot I assume that we're connected to the internet, wouldn't it I want to do google searches by robot dog. That's the only way I want to do it. I do not want to my phone, oh, you have to unlock your phone. Oh well, there's a message here now now ignore the message I meant to go to: google gonna google misspelled, Google misspelled it
academic, Google, g, o, oh okay, there's google. They ask a question and search through all the garbage in the sponsored ads, and you know that that's what searching is today just completely broken process, but imagine the robot dog is walking around the house with you and you just go robot dog. Can you tell me something about the history of Gaza? Fill me in well, yeah, Scott. I would love to dammit dammit. That was an indian accent. I was trying to do british again. I just can't do it. Why can't I British accident was wrong with me anyway. Here something I've learned from the internet from the relationship. rose. Now, if you're in a relationship
I have ever been in one or would like to be in one here's, some of the most important things you'll ever learn about heterosexual relationships. Now I would make no claim that this applies to the lgbtq It can be really more broadly, but it's sort of that. I had a row then cause a lot of the relationship. Experts are hetero types and here are the three things that I have learned- that pretty much guaranteed number one There are three things that would guarantee a failed relationship number one. The man does not give the woman everything she wants, because if the man doesn't give her everything she wants, she'll go look for somebody will so that us work number two men always gives me.
Always gives woman everything she wants. You would think that would be. The solution to man does not give woman everything she wants, because then she won't need to look for somebody because you're giving her everything she wants, but I'm told by the experts if a man gives a woman everything she wants, She will think he a simp and not any kind of alpha man and they should go searching for a better man. So don't do that now. The third thing that doesn't work is if the woman doesn't need anything from the man in the first place, in which case you cheat on em cause he's not I should live short life anyway. So don't worry these three things do not give a woman everything she wants, do not
give women almost everything she wants and do not be with a woman who already has everything she wants now. The good news is those are just the three things: don't work so you're saying you up my god. This is terrible. Right Not done with the story hold on hold on is now, though, doom and gloom cause listening to a lot of these relationships, experts- and I can tell you for sure they don't just tell you what doesn't work. They also tell you what works to make a long. Happy relationship is yours. Their list. Our next story, you know that guy who is missing, who killed a bunch of people of main his name, is card no car, so they found cars. Car.
Cars car was left at about duck. Now I have a personality flaw which I cannot hide well, you have actually, but one of them that I have is. I somehow sometimes have respect for the wrong people are not proud of it. I'm just so, for example, if there's a dictator who is pure evil, but there are also really good at being a dictator, I say to myself: ok, evil sure, but really good at the job. I really good at the job. I know Hitler wasn't good at his job because he got killed there, there's no upside dealer. In fact, as norm, macdonald says more. I find out about that guy, the less I like him.
begun, but anyway, I also have this personally floor where, when there's a mass murderer, whose unusually capable I can't turn off the fact that I'm impressed so this guy's pure shit and he killed innocent people and they should be ripped apart by dogs and you. I have full empathy for the victims as any normal person should. But something's going on with the sky, the isn't like other pillars. We haven't quite figured it out, but he did, He seems to have done everything right. First, values, a wilderness guy, so he's weapons, export. They wilderness guy and he's got some your training. So if there by was gonna, do a terrible crime and get away with it. It will be this guy
It seems to have done everything right, except one thing, that's a little suspicious, which makes me think there's something to it. It goes like this. Here are the things he did I'll say right, but in an evil way, so he was. He picked at an area where he could operate and there were no. I guess it was nobody armed to shoot back. So that was good. I mean good and evil way and he was you know, trained and had high powered weapons. He had a nice scope, you know so basically
with all that done, and he also spent very little time doing what he did then, apparently the car that he was using his car. They say he left at a boat dock and apparently he owns a fifteen foot boat that I assume is missing. So the assumption is that he murdered people and drove to the boat dock got in his boat, and when I thought about it, I said to myself: I don't think there's anything harder to track than a boat is or is that true? Is that, like the perfect, you know the dogs can find you and you you know. If you were doing the. I guess I guess the law enforcement that houses heat identifying thing infrared, so they could fly a helicopter over the forest.
I could pick up pick an animal or a person, so that's how they find somebody who's who's escaped into the main for us, but here's the beauty, the boat dock also has a hiking trail next to it, but also it's a parking lot. So the guy drove to a place where the authorities don't know if he hiked away boated away or got in another vehicle and left now you tell me: have you ever seen a more capable terrible person of the the level of capability that that implies is crazy now, but how do you explain that he showed his face and made no attempt to mask his face when clearly a person with that capability would know that he would be captured on video, and he explained that well, one of the parts that is interesting is that the the identification of the person they're looking for this guy car.
In my opinion, doesn't look enough like the video to to identify and positively from the video. So indeed that's why law enforcement was calling in the person of interest, because I had a video of a guy doing the crime and they had a photo of the guy. They suspect- and I think you have to now. I am sure that the law enforcement people at this big argument behind the scenes. I will think that's him now. It is kind of he's, got the beer, maybe less lost, wait. I think it's just. angola the photo and then somehow the the guy who's, the pearls
also as a established record of saying he might do such a thing and be a weapons expert and a military guy, and he was released from his from some facility. So it was like every bad thing that he had access to weapons so, but why did he show his face to the the showing the face? Part is the part that doesn't fit with all of the. super prepared other parts right, because what advantage would he have the police immediately identify him when that is the opposite of somebody, you so prepared that they drive their car to the best place. You can ever escaped from the three way different escape as
So all of this round, another ipod- this is very unlikely asian vote against it like. If you had a bet. You should bet that my ipod, this is wrong. The most likely explanation is it's a crazy guy with a lot of capabilities and he didn't care about his identity. Gesine. He knew he had to disappear like they knew he was figure out where he was anyway. So there's no point in figuring that he didn't need to. He didn't really He died as identity. Does. Allegedly, you left a note that you told where some of his actual stuff can be found. So maybe you wanted people to know that he was the guy so that his relatives could go. You don't take care of his house or whatever. So maybe you wanted them to know, but they would have found out fairly soon
they would have found down. So here's another hypothesis. This is more the the tv movie hypothesis that there there is a guy this car and he was a gun instructor and he did have these mental conditions, but that somebody simply dress like him to do the crime and that his body will be found in an unusual place. So here's what I'm predicting if, if it turns out they have the wrong guy, then the guy that they've identified this car guy. They will find his body and he looked murder, but it will be in a place that doesn't make sense it'll be like his body. Was you know in the woods or something you know just someplace that doesn't make sense. That would suggest this.
Somebody used him as the patsy and shaved off their beard drove away. Maybe maybe put somebody else on the boaters of the bow down my guesses. Here's how I wanted done it. I wouldn't have taken my car to my boat and then I would have taken my boat to some faraway place on the lake. Where I had another vehicle, then I would take the other vehicle and I would take that to my
I didn't place, that's how I play so. I'm sure it's exactly what they say you most likely is exactly what it looks like, but there's something about the fact that he doesn't look like the picture and he is so capable that just screams something weird somebody says they think he might have been wearing a mask during the crime. Maybe who knows, but they but yeah We do alright, we'll see who's got free speech. Lately, let's say: there's a an agent who got cancelled cia agent by aaron sorkin. because they see a cia is the big agency for theirs. There's one biggest hollywood agency see so one of the agents who handled the aaron Sorkin said
pro pro gaza things, I guess and associate fired and got taken off committees and stuff So without agreeing with her point of view, I would just note that she doesn't have free speech in america. Would you agree again? I disagree with their point of view. I'm just saying it's obvious. She ended up free speech, so yup, her career just got destroyed, there's also a big truck, whereas the faces and information about the harvard students who signed a pro hamas, some would say, statement and so they're being docked and their lives have been ruined. So those harvard students whose views I disagree with don't have free speech in america than done and with it they do not free speech, and then
cool there lay this canceling halloween cause, there's a one. Third of their students or celebrated, so it's not inclusive enough. That's interesting Now there is, there is one scenario in which I can imagine it being a problem. If you had a massive amount of recent immigrants and yet they were bored and they couldn't afford to have their fancy costumes like there. Wait classmates. I can kind of almost see why this makes sense. I don't if the idea that some schools have uniforms, I would have hated it as a kid or maybe not I dunno- maybe I wouldn't have, but I do like not creating a situation where some of the students feel super uncomfortable because of their economic situation, so it might be economic, in which case I dunno. Maybe you keep your halloween stuff at home. It doesn't have to be a school anyway.
But I keep an eye on that. One seems like cancelling fund. Did you know that Israel has a space laser which they work, for a while and they're going guess: spin That's a little early. It wasn't quite quite ready, but it must work in tests. Because they needed for air defence. So if a whole bunch of missile star incoming, they could quickly run out of anti, missiles, but it's harder to run out of lasers. You know if your laser has electricity and a lot of it. It can shoot shoot down a lot of missiles, kind of one after another https. So if you could get a space laser.
Defense system. Then that would certainly go a long way toward allowing Israel to live in a in a part of town. That's a little dangerous. I guess that could get to the question of how can Israel survive for two hundred years as technology keeps improving and it makes it easier for one person to destroy a whole country and they're surrounded by one people who want to do that and have the access? two weapons, but if they got a space, if they were a laser for shooting down rockets, it's not a space laser cause. It's not it's! Not it's not space based it just sort of shoots into space. Alright,. Here's here's the story that I love watching and tweeting about, but I don't know what to believe
If you're, not following the rasmussen reports count on the exploit form, you gotta missing whole saga about the twenty twenty election and the various claims in lawsuits in technical claims and everything else. I don't know if I let me say up front, I'm not personally aware I'm not personally aware of any factual statement. That would say the twenty twenty election was rigged. Personally, I'm not aware of that, but when you look through the the claims are just mind boggling, I want to give you just a few things. I've learned lately I don't want to think about a biologist put another. You get your ears up. They. I learned at least on some of the machines that were used in two thousand and twenty to be. It doesn't even matter which company it was. So there are a few different machine. Companies involved is not just,
but some of the machines had Internal wifi ports do another than in other words. If we were to inspect the machine, it would be locked. So you couldn't see was inside, but if it had a wifi connection to the internet, it would have been in the slot inside the machine. So there's no way you could tell by looking at the outside whether it was connected to the internet. That, apparently that's an established fact. Did you know that some of you knew that right now I did know that there was a question about whether some machines were attached to the internet, so I've known for a long time that there was the allegation that somewhere attached, but I always thought just my double head
saw the you can tell by looking at it. You'll like it would be a, I just assumed that the slot would be external. Didn't you, I just thought of something you stick in the back and if you looked at it and there's nothing in the wifi slot, you'd say: okay, it's not connected to the internet. I dunno. I even thought that, but it has internal to the machine and it's locked kebab. So it gets better MIKE lindell who you know has been in deep trouble and fighting the two thousand and twenty election. He apparently is funded and developed a technology that would identify wifi in an area. That's an unknown wifi. So in other words, you could put one at a polling place
and it would know if one of these polling machines spun off the wifi. So that's a good idea right. How could it ever be a bad idea to detect you know who would be against that. like why in the world. why in the world will be, you be opposed to tracking to see if anybody have done anything illegal by checking to see if any wifi fired up there wasn't supposed to be there what's wrong with that wealth. Kentucky wants it to be illegal.
huh. Why would anybody want that to be illegal? You know who are me and our turn to make sure that my elections were nice and tight. I'd want to buy it. I'd want to I'd, want to say Michael and dell. Can you do? Do us first? Do us first because I'd like to know at the end of this I'd really like to know if any wifi came on, because we're going to have to defend against it. Somebody claims that, wouldn't it be great to have a record, that no no unusual wifi activity happen and then. this will now are our little area. We pass all the tests we audited. We check for the wifi. We did everything we could there's no way. This is writ. Wouldn't that be a great to have. Well the. The argument against it is that it itself would be the acting tool that it would cause its own problem,
to which I say I want to do that unless the life I was on, how can cause a problem unless an illegal wife I was on? Can you give me the example of how that would be a problem? I mean I'm no technical expert, but it seems like if the wifi is a non than the electronic wifi thing. I wouldn't have much effect on it. Let's see how much the factory wifi has on my bottled water, anything anything now purely hack, a bottle of water. So I don't know what's true and what isn't true on the election stuff? Probably never well, but the story is way more interesting than you been led to believe by other the mainstream news. Now you know the left isn't gonna cover any this stuff right.
So CNN and MSNBC, even if there are things that are just sort of rumor claims, are made that they've kind of stopped talking about it completely. But thank god we have a. You know open media situation where you don't have to depend on the bias left, leaning media, thank god. You've got fox news that can do full coverage about the suspected problems. Oh or no, that won't work. Will it now? That's right dominion just sued the piss out of fox news for making,
claims that weren't true according to them? So all right, so you can't reported on the left because they don't want you to hear it and you care report on the right, because the left will crush you. If you do so. If you're, not following the rasmussen report on x, you probably have no idea what's going on. I don't know that they're going to find anything, but here's what I can say for certain our elections are not secure.
The everybody ok with that for sure they're not secure whether anything has happened. I have no. I have no information to suggest that now. I do hope that there's some way that you could audit after the fact- and you would pick up any of these- you know and the alleged improprieties, but I don't think so. I don't think our audits can pick up some of the things which would be alleged. the colonel did happen. So I think two things can be true that there is no evidence that is conclusive or or even credible. Based on your. Opinion and that there might be something there we don't know about both- could be true. right, molly, hemingway, tweeting and article in the federalist,
So, as you know, it's been reported that there were many attempts at investigating the Biden crime family for the past fifty years. The claim is that all these investigations were obstructed because it was by and so Biden lovers were obstructing, but until you read the details, Until you read the details, you don't really realise how bad it was. So I call it the the diverting of the investigation apparently the way they were all thwarted was with bureaucracy. So much bureaucracy for example, one of the whistleblowers- I guess said that normally you'd need, I think one approval
to renew an investigation for another thirty days which is normal routine. You started an investigation, but you don't want to be investigating forever. You know unless you're, finding something useful, so their processes after a month just make sure you get approval to renew the investigation as normal process kind of a pain, the ass. When you say if you are working there, when you say, oh, my god,. It's already days. I gotta go get this signature and re, justify everything I'm doing and make my case explain it all to whoever is going to sign off on it, and that would be like sort of a bureaucratic obstacle. Wouldn't you say, Yeah the way it usually work, except in the case of the binding investigations, which, at least in one instance where one investigation they required seventeen approvals and he didn t do it every month. Seventy.
and when that number came out the Democrat who is talking to them and congress, I guess publicly asked the question you know. Is that hyperbole, like you, don't mean actually, like literally seventeen right? The answer was: is literally seventeen? That's the exact number. That's not an estimate, it was seventeen now if you've ever read the dilbert comic, you know there's sometimes in the dilbert universe. This is exactly how problems are solved, somebody who will just throw so much bureaucracy in front of it that it just makes it civil and thus just one of the examples of the ways that they are obstructed. The others are roughly as outrageous, but when you read them you easily see how they can hide their their evil, because
If you heard any one of these stories, you'd say really well, then then you'd explain it away to yourself. You'd say alright, but you know it's it's Biden's family. So this is more political. So if it's more political you'd want more approvals, you know. Maybe the seventeen wasn't really seventeen. Maybe it was maybe it was like some of the people just had to know that the other person said yes and they were sort of automatic. So if you really came down to it, it might have been five people, but those white people influenced the larger group of people and that you could talk yourself out of it right. You could easily say: okay, that's true, and that was an obstacle. But you know here are the reasons reasons, reasons reasons and you just move on, but when you see them altogether, yeah, it's pretty obvious what was happening. They are just trying to kill the investigations.
So I have avoided talking about the middle east up until now and was thus do that for reasons that are not entirely clear or maybe they should be. The Gaza situation has gone way down in the headlines now. Some of it is because you know the shocking part as lead to more of a process, part where the israelis will just until the bad guys, little time apparently but their abandoned israel's. Those employed, been, but not a major ground assault, the? U s is taken out to military bases, I think in syria, so raining
proxies and then gave a warning to around the. U s did that the early proxies attacking american bases in the middle east, which apparently is happening lot, won't be tolerated. So they do that now. This does open up at least one path of strategy for Israel and the united states. They would not cause world war. Three which would be eliminated
with the proxies, which would include as far as long as I didn't actually attack the mainland in any way of IRAN. I think they could actually do anything they wanted anywhere else at the moment without without invite again, let's say russia, where somebody would turn it into a world war. I feel like even russia would stay out of the way and just let america use up all his bullets that could have otherwise gone to ukraine. I think russia would say: wait you're going to you're going to use up a whole bunch of military assets on hezbollah, because that would be a big job. I think russia would say knock yourself out, use up all your munitions spend all your money go ahead, doesn't matter to russia that Hezbollah gets destroyed. I mean I don't know the answer to that question. Thus the that sounded like it was. It sounds like I was making a point, but that's actually a question: does russia care russia would care about iran
for sure, because iran is helping them, but do they care about hezbollah? I know I don't know why they would, but if somebody somebody has a reason for it, listen to it. So it seems to me that there is a non world war, three path and it would involve parking our navy off the coast. And one by one dismantling and destroyed every proxy. That area is every funded because it seems to me if you are thinking of being in a rate or radiant proxy in this. Ensure that you would be at least a little bit concerned about the fact that one hundred percent of them had turned into dust recently. I mean that would certainly discourage you wouldn't it, so it feels to me, like Hezbollah will probably be destroyed and lebanon,
we turned into dust, is my guess, but that I don't who is lemon Lebanon's big ally there, some big ally that we have to worry about. Besides rare. So then, I think this is worse. Go look like, I think Israel is gonna, go slower than most people expect. because they're going to want to make sure that every action they do has the minimum amount of you know blowback and and death, but they will be just as tough as you imagine they should be, which is they are going to kill every every member of Hamas. that's definitely going to happen. I heard somebody say was that I think it was the Hamas one of the sons of Hamas who is now a pro israel says just crazy.
Ex, but he saying that I think it was him who said that the israelis should kill all the hamas prisoners. The ones are there look into trade for that and I thought wow wow that's pretty rough, but how in the world can Israel keep Hamas alive if they've got you know Hamas fighters in jail or they're just going to give them a jail while they're killing the other ones on the battlefield. I've got a feeling they're going to release them into the middle of the war zone with our weapons to say: hey here, you go good luck, no food, no water, no weapons, but you're free
So so, I'm going to say lots of targeted attacks. Gaza will never be the same. Of course it looks like they're going to blow up as much as they can to get a clear path at the bad guys. If I were Israel, I don't know enough about the you know the specifics there, but it seems like what they should have been do be doing is just shrinking the battlefield. Am I wrong knowing nothing about urban warfare? Normally, what you're trying to do is going to go into an existing city and you know, go through the existing streets and stuff and people are shooting you from the everything, but it seems to me they could just essentially turned to rubble everything that would have a window or door and then it's just big piles and once as big piles, can't you see almost everybody from the air. If there's no indoors, you just eliminate the concept of indoors, I feel like you can see them so
What I imagined might happen take a lot of bombs, but then they would just keep bombing and shrinking the area that the bad guys are in, while continuing to negotiate for the hostages, while not doing something that looks like an obvious collective punishment destroying a bunch of innocent people because he listens could get plenty of notice. This building will disappear in four hours, don't be in it now. This building will disappear and they just keep shrinking, because if they shrink the area enough, they should be able to.
I control the tunnels and then finish it off, but I don't know anything about the military. So that's just my dumb thoughts about it. But what do you think? What do you think just strategically and hearts and minds wise? Do you think that the smart play is to eliminate one hundred percent of the iranian proxies but not put a bomb on the homeland of IRAN? What do you think of that might or might not be enough for israel, but you'd have to consider it? I think I think if the iranians can't find anybody to give money to to be a proxy because they keep disappearing. That would be a good start
Alright, so much death yeah, I I think the idea of you know just wiping out. Gaza is a complete non starter because it would be giving away so much moral authority that I would argue that moral authority is the only thing that keeps Israel alive if they didn't have that they wouldn't have support, so they can't lose that it's the biggest asset and that's that's the asset that Hamas was trying to take from them.
Want to take their moral authority by forcing them to respond like a moss they want. They want Israel to turn into Hamas. So it's a fair fight and Israel is basically hate crazy. At the moment. I want to be very careful when I say this: if you put anybody in Israel situation, there's no way they can think clearly. Would you agree with that that does that a fair statement? This is nothing about israel. You couldn't put anybody into such a ptsd situation and expect them to act exactly as if they had not been in that situation.
That's the other thing I sort you're expecting him to be completely cool and calm, and you know just follow the odds and do a good risk assessment. That's something you could ask anybody else, but you can't ask somebody who just watched their children be slaughtered can ask that is off the fucking table, they're going to do with the need to do to raise some low there. Their minds is right. Now their minds are scrambled by Hamas. They gotta put that back together as they can and in my require violence as part of the well does. It does require violence as part of the solution that we get a need to feel that there was something like justice, something like pay back, something like revenge or otherwise. You just can't move on as if you could ever move on. You know revealed
one from it, but you'll you'll be at least something. So, with the greatest respect and empathy, I think we have to understand that Israel's got the toughest problem a population can deal with, which is in order to feel better. They would have to become the thing they hate the most that's a problem, I dunno what the solution is, but they are a very capable nation and if somebody who's going to solve that problem- and I liked the rods I like the rods, but the thing that is most wharton by far is that they slow down, because the slowing down is where the the reason can start to replace the emotion it's going to be a slow process, but anything you do fast is going to be emotion
Anything you do slower is going to have a little bit of reason mixed in a little bit better. So it looks to me because Israel is in fact moving slowly and by the way, I think they could have said no to america. They could've they could've said no we're going in now we're not going to wait for your missiles or anything. We're just got to get going now they could have. I feel like it was wisdom that slowed them down and not the united states. Just a feeling, I feel, like their collective wisdom, slowed them down, which you know you could argue. Was god himself, you know, god, god took a little time, but I feel like there's gotta, be some god in the story right, I'm not a believer but bear with me. If you are Israel, you would be feeling something like god's presence through this entire ordeal and you'd have to be asking yourself. What would god do? What would god why you do good questions, but I would say the the key question for Israel and here's, your here's, your reframe. This is the most important one. We think that Israel is
in what to do? That's not what's happening. That might be how they think of it. They're not deciding what to do they're deciding who to become that's different. Deciding what to do is kind of easy go in and kill all the bad guys as fast as you can. It's kind of easy deciding who you want to be for the next fifty years. That's hard. so they're gonna have to balance what they know they need to do, which is crush their mortal enemies with whom they want to be, and those might not be exactly the same so they might want to be. Is the people who were wounded in the mouth,
severe away anything we're anybody could be wounded and indeed death too many of them and still retain their humanity. That's where they can be so they can be But it's a choice, so they could either be the ones who mowed down the palestinians who are in the way or they can be the ones who saved their enemies to save themselves. And by that I mean y'all minimize the the civilian damage. Some civilians will die, there's just no way around it. So.
That's a that's a big, it's a big thing so far I would say Israel is played it exactly correctly by making the biggest amount of response and then holding back to me. That seems the wisest path and you know we. We should all wish everybody the best of luck in that region. It's it's almost impossible to wrap your head around what going on over there. So all of us have to take a little mental vacations. Yesterday I I sort of stopped watching the bad news you know earlier in the day than I usually do. Usually I'm hooked on the news all day, I'm always
just check it all the time, but I realized that my mental health was really suffering as everybody had the same experience yeah. My my actual mental health was very much at risk, not no hyperbole involved. It was a mental health problem for sure it was ptsd and I'm an ocean away so think about the effect that it had on you an ocean away and never think about the. How scrambled the minds of the israeli citizens are today, yeah, it's it's beyond I I can't even imagine I don't even know how to like put a thought on it. So horrible, but the good news is, we might have a way to survive. Let me let me change your mind, says something crypto, so I could just take you out of this mode. Okay, I don't want to end on this. I just want to throw out an idea israeli way,
Ed solve the national debt with crypto, thereby ever come up with a play for that leaves. You want another situation now I mean it would obviously be a: u S, crypto, so crypto so be a shit going.
Because I dunno, if I understand crypto well enough, but you can make money out of thin air right. So couldn't you make enough to pay off the debt and then just tell people it's worth something where alicia use it all? Actually, America can make any crypto valuable by just saying they will accept it for your tax payments, because so many pay people pay taxes that would it would just give it a market holy shit he's off the deep end, really am off the deep end to do any of you think that in two hundred years, you're going to be paying for stuff with pieces of paper that you carry in your pocket you, you know that crypto is guaranteed right, you're not going to have paper. Oh here's, my piece of paper to pay for my robot, that's not gonna happen and well. Credit cards are basically crypto.
the difference between a credit card and crypto is that the credit card has too many bureaucratic steps and too many people taking a cotton all that, but otherwise this digital money is digital money. So I'm just wondering if the math works cleanser via math, where We're all all us debt is paid off with some crypto and everybody doesn't care. Is that is that even possible, or does that create an inflation like super bomb with that created to meet the immediate inflation superbowl? If you've paid off all the debt right away, or maybe you could pay it down overtime.
The yeah, well, I'm asking you how I the the only thing that I'm starting with is we've got a we've, got a debt that cannot be paid in any normal way. In my opinion, the amount of debt cannot be paid by normal economic activity. That's why I think so. If you have a debt that cannot be paid and will destroy the world, suddenly you get really creative right. You don't have an option. What what's the other option? Infinite debt until you all go for it? Give me your other idea, because if your other, I well inflation yeah, you can inflated away and then we'll become poor the other way, but is it true that you can create money out of nothing with a crypto product? That's true right it that, because you always have to pay money to buy the crypto. Is that why did did bitcoin create value or did it just transfer value from somewhere where it already existed, which due to do did bitcoin, create value out of nothing or did, is simply transfer. You know dollar bills into a different form. Somebody says both, which means a created value right. If it did both, then crypto is a thing that can create money out of nothing wrong. Am I wrong, or am I right that it could create money out of nothing now? Bitcoin requires mining, but you could make you can make a coin that didn't require mining. All you would need is see the reason that bitcoin became valuable because it was hard to mine it. You know. That's part of that is the scarcity value, but the united states could make it valuable. Just by saying we'll accept our new coin. If you pay your taxes, don't worry about anything else. If you want to pay your taxes will take that coin and then instantly as value alright, well
interesting that we most of us don't know the answer, this question: could you pay off all of the debt with a clever move once in history? You'd only do it once and just drive away all the dollar bill debt, but what would be the? What would be the problem with it? Inflation yeah I dunno. I just put that out there. I have a prediction: there will be no other way. There are two things that are guaranteed. In my opinion. There's no normal way to pay them or debt, and so, if we didn't do something abnormal, we would be doomed desire. May disagree with that. There is no normal way today pay our existing that, because this is also growing faster than we're paying you down and we were not even close to being able to handle it.
Vertue as some point in american history paper, money will go away and all be some gunnar, crypto currency there's no way. I found it. Would you agree, there's no way around it, no matter how much you hate it when you agree with that, like it's just guaranteed, you can hate it and you can try to stop it, but it's kind of guaranteed. It's now the only the only thing that's variable is when it will happen. Oh, it's guaranteed. It's guaranteed. In fact, I'd love to see what the exploit form does when it becomes more financial, what it does with crypto. It could be a world changing Well, I just put that thought your head. I want to leave you with something confusing, but potentially optimistic.
Reduced debt by selling us citizenship. I dunno. If we could sell it for enough, I got the only option. I'd love to hear I'd, love to your other options for paying down the debt. Alright, that is all for today, thanks for joining, oh and I'll talk to you tomorrow or in the case of locals people tonight in the man cave.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-29.