« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2270 Scott Adams: CWSA 10/23/23

2023-10-23 | 🔗

My new book Reframe Your Brain, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/3bwr9fm8

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Politics, Elon Musk, Wikipedia Dickipedia, Matt Gaetz, Omnibus Stalled, President Trump, Gaza Terrorist Tunnels, Israel Hamas War, Trump's Brainwashing Campaign Ad, Trump Reframe, Oliver Stone, JFK Documentary, Dr. Robert Epstein, Ephemeral Ads, Deprogramming Democrats, Mitch McConnell, Ukraine Funding, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh well, this one's not working. She goes and reverses for you. No seriously, this really isn't going to work. Is it this is remarkable, hey, alright, I'm not happy with twitter, some sighting of twitter's off as the interfaces do stupid, dude it didn't
but as the sound on youtube, you do because out everybody good too I bats. Now, if you do, you missed all my belgian this morning, because of all the twitter problems in the world. I couldn't sign onto twitter this morning. Don't know why no idea, but if you'd like your day, to go up the levels that are much better than by day so far, all you need is a cover about the glass attack which also started again to injure flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like us, join me now fully on board
The pleasure of the dope beats wednesday. The thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip and it happens now go yes, we're broadcasting on locals and on youtube, given up on rumble until they make some technical changes. And apparently I can't make twitter work because the interfaces stooge stupid, but ok borg on them. the news about hear about to lose. My first story is what I call employee of the month employee of the month. This is apparently a real story back in nineteen, forty five. a gentleman named suitable demagogy. Use Revive the atomic blaster Hiroshima usually survived the blast.
Drag themselves to an open air to to an air raid shelter spent the night. they caught the morning train, so he could arrive at his job on time is I was in the you're talking. Where he survived a second atomic blast, you just can't live like a guy. I love you still alive. I'm feeling is immortal. Maybe you might be the luckiest person who ever lived, but you might also be immortal based on me around they way. I call that employee of the month employee of the month. So if there'd been maybe three atomic blast, he can be an employee of the year, but you know we don't want to you: don't want to just give away these honors,
Well, if there's one thing I love you, I asked for it inventing ill or interstellar travel. No, that's not! Now I love for he's doing that. Do I love him for being the richest man in the world and not being above making dick jokes on social media? Now, that's why I love em. If you could be the riches person in the world and still like making dick jokes, unabashedly with no apology whatsoever. You can't get any better than that. That's like your ultimate. failure, but anyway she posted. I guess he doesn't like wikipedia figure. This out in context appear wikipedia has some facts that he doesn't think are accurate about himself.
Have I ever mentioned that all news about public figures is fake, including Wikipedia. I don't know if it's still there but wikipedia used to have some awards. The never heard of that, apparently I'm the winner have won some awards, didn't even how about it. So, dear so elon musk you're talking about Wikipedia he said, and he never know if this is serious because it might actually be serious, You said I will give them a billion dollars if they change their name to dick obedience is literally the only person in the world through could say this sentence I'll give you a billion dollars. If you change your name to dick abuja And you may have you said yourself what he really? What do you? When do you
What are he actually literally write a jack for a billion dollars? There's a funny part, I don't know I don't know, might we, the funniest thing everybody over dead. That might be worth a billion dollars to a few extra billiard. You never know Well, I would like to thank Matt gates again for doing the best thing. That's ever happened to congress, which is make them ineffective so that they can't spend any more of my money on other people ever since bad gates led his insurrection to get rid of the speaker. I have not spent one extra penny on people. I didn't. want to spend money on this, the best few weeks of maya american life so far you maggie's now I know what you're thinking to be a scots guts.
But what about all the normal business? That's been delayed? Well, that's! Those are big. Problems Let me read some of the big problems from the delay of not having speaker. True true ok, there are no problems, but there are good or bad or gonna bad. So, just remember that the current problems I was rooms. I progress lesabre, I believe the biggest existential threat. To the world, is the bus bills, an omnibus where they take all the separate spending packages and put it into one big frankenstein. answer so that nobody can say now cause to say the least. And now their own little poor working approved. They liked her, fourth more than they like the country or the world.
So, in my opinion, we have a system. The current system, which will guarantee that all bills become these omnibus bills which further Guarantees that the deficit continues to skyrocket, which further guarantees the destruction of the economy, which guarantees the destruction of america, which largely guarantees that the real world gotta chaos, so, in my opinion, my gates is the only force preventing the worst thing in the world with the number one danger in the world is now he's got well, but basically this is one guy tried to protect you from the destruction of the world which is clear and well defined, and the path to our end is just right in front of us: hey hey, would you like to be dead fairly soon? Well, yes, I would I would
to do that. All watch this we're gonna, do one army bus after another, and they keep your eye on. This number is called the total debt When our regions are well about further well, then you're all dead everything falls apart. Would you about the us. I one sidedly for that. We ve been doing until now signed me up for definite No doubt about it, destruction of all civilization, sign me up and only one fucking person said no to it. Maggots now some other people join them, but I think basically driver here. So do I wanna speaker now? I do not want to speaker under the condition that there is even a possibility that speaker would push forward and nobly bus bill, no omnibus bill or no speaker pick one
we are border that lawyers dog they continued to not bark unchecked. To imagine a world in which trump number one news maker of all time and of course, the person who gets all the clicks going on the left. If he does, I think. and he's got all these legal charges against them and we in the epp and about forever right. So it's always been big big news. Every time there is a new charging, unstrap everytime, you in court, big big news, But now that it seems like all of the charges are sorted out there, there's little more transparency and wars Do, for example, two of his lawyers take plea, deals and the the left is just masturbating furiously. To that saying. Oh plea deals. That means they're going to testify against trump. Does it look like that? Maybe
I mean it's not impossible, but it looks far more like they were. Both is so overcharged that it just had to be unwound because it would have been by some higher court anyway, so it looked like they were just reducing their embarrassment by taking the charges down to something that could be pled out, and then it was so here's. My question: why. If trump is the likely nominee poured into the balls and use the biggest problem in the world according to the left and the left controls euro news networks, why are they talking about him, maybe going to jail every single day? Wouldn't that be the just the biggest?
the biggest news thing yeah. Why shouldn't they be doing stories about what he would look like if he, if he had to wear the jumpsuit right right? What don't you think that they'd be doing all kinds of stories about specifically which jail? Would he go to write? Cars were two presidents jail. Do you think there should be a story? What what would happen if he is in jail and wins the election? Isn't that a story? You don't think people would click on that, of course they would so where's the story. Why? Why is the biggest story? there's not a war. The wars are obviously bigger stories at the moment, but
even below that there are still other news, but it's not this. Do you know why? I think here's why I think I think the news knows that these charges are real and they know that they're not going to stick and if they did stick at the trial level, they would get overturned at the supreme court, because his are very clearly not legitimate uses of the department of justice. These are very clearly political prosecutions and you also saw that trump's popularity went up instead of down he's dominate in all poles against everybody, the less he says, he's been unusually quiet by drum standards, attire less. He says
but that guy got around. We should use this guy border for everything that you don't want to talk emo. So, yes, that that dog is really not barking, not making a big deal story anymore, There's a refrain in my book that all of you should have by now refrain your brain there's one life everyone's Anders This will just show you how powerful reframes are both of your your personal life, your business life and everything else, and the reframe, as is your boss, is not in charge the best ideas always in charge or the person with the best ideas. Always charge- and here I mean if you bought at a bad idea, instead of well. I don't have a better idea, but this is best idea. We have going to do this. Then
raise your hand and said: oh I've got a better idea, maybe you better idea Ella say is obviously a better idea. What she was gonna do is you boys can say no, no, it is a better idea, but it's not my idea. So we're gonna do my sometimes, but usually usually, if you have a functional boss figures at our Okay, I didn't know about that idea, but that's a good idea. We're going to do that so who is in charge in that scenario? Who is in charge? It was the person with the idea, because the idea is more powerful than the labels, the titles. So never think that you're bosses and george you're bosses only a charge, if you don't have a better idea, it sort of a default, but the primary thing every They want, including your boss, is real. better idea than the bosses perfect. Oh, that's! A good idea was to your idea.
Now this applies to everything is not just your job would apply dear you relationships. but also applies to the world, and so here's, where I'm heading, if you were a public figure- and you talked about the news and you're talking about big story- and you happen to have the best idea- you'd be in charge of the whole world as long as other people, also sought as the best idea. Now you We have to implement it, but you'd sort of me in charge. It was your idea so if somebody could come up with a better idea about what Israel should, do with their tunnels and with gaza. That person actually would be controlling the war, because at the point, wouldn't you agree that nobody has a good idea
as I see it, as I pointed out, if Israel did nothing and left Hamas there, that's obviously mistake: If they do something small was not going to get it done as mistake, they do something big. It's certainly going to have a civilian deaths. There seem unreasonable to the read. and then it will be used for ever as a weapon against them too. organize other forces that might come out them harder than anything as ever come at them, so they can't do nothing. they can't do a little, and I can do a lot. Every every one of those past leads to destruction, and on top of that they've got Biden, saying, don't go in there and kill a bunch of civilians.
so, what are they do? This is a one hundred percent unsolvable problem right. If somebody came up with a better idea that it would take it do you know why. because it would be a better idea and they have no ideas of their own as far as we know these, not in public, I gotta give them a better idea I'll just take over. So I'm going to take over this whole Israel, the Hamas situation, here's a better idea. You can't wait forever. Everybody agrees on that. You can't just sort of surround them and just to wait forever, but here's what you can do and they might already be doing it. You could do lots of probing to find out. You know at least some of the tunnel openings. You don't have to get them all, but you need to get some of them because
is the connected. So if you get any one of them in theory, you've got a way to get to the others. Now, of course, they'd have doors. So if you tried flooding one, they could presently close it off if they got there in time. But here's why I'm suggested it turns out that all the known solutions like to the public don't work how many of you say is obvious, just flood the dolls? Have you looked into that you do you know what that would do. so it turns out that a little bit of seawater added to a little bit, drinking water ruins a lot of drinking water. If you put one gallon just seawater into your drinking source, it would pollute, basically make an unthinkable, a very large portion of it, the aquifers that are under Gaza or their water source. If you flood the top
you're, also flooding the aquifers you removing from them the ability to drink water locally? Did you know that? That's that's, not a small problem, that's basically making it unlivable forever. The other problem is that if they do that in there, well yeah that would have been the agriculture some of it as agriculture. It makes it unusable for agriculture, it could also collapse some things above. That's not clear depends how deep the tunnels are and did you know that egypt has been flooding totals for a long time. That's how Egypt handles it. They actually flood the tunnels that are on the you know near Egypt and exactly like, I said it ruined their drinking water and they can't grow crops in that area. The egypt is flooding tunnels.
But it does work that does work in a sense I mean it's, it's not an ideal situation and you wouldn't want to do it, maybe in the populated areas, and you know, get the whole aquifer. So here is my idea. follow along see if these assumptions follow number one, Israel, Has known about the danger from the last tunnels for decades? Would you re so it's not sneaking about number two. You will, of course, should agree. number two- israel- is a highly advanced military, technologically and every other way and they probably been working on the question of how you clear terrorists from a tunnel for proper
le twenty or thirty years. Assumption number three, because I think you're you're with me so far, they've known about the tunnels they're very capable of you know, looking at threats and figuring out their options. Assumption number three. Whatever options the israelis have for clearing tunnels would not be necessarily known to the public. Would you agree with that? For example, if they have the most kickass robot this designed with it? You can imagine an autonomous ai robot with a gigantic yo shield that just goes down in front and they shoot at it. It just bounces off the shield, and then it gases, everybody or something possible. Asleep plus. I now say they have a tunnel clearing robot, I'm saying they got there
technology, does allow them to have an autonomous earth killing total robot that might kill everybody in the yeah everybody there or gas him to sleep or something, but there's nothing that would stop them from having something like that. You just wouldn't know about it. Would you you just wouldn't know now: here's what I think, think Israel should not go in fast and they should not waive wherever there's a swedish. What a when to go in and part of it is to make sure that they've controlled entirely the news coming in and out. You want to completely control the news you want to make sure all their phones are dead. on the attack side and he will make sure that their angry she won't ever but I had to be in a worse situation before you ready to go in but you don't want to go in hard with a normal ground attack so years. Will I'm add
You should only be as many pinprick it acts as a tax to identify how to how to solve the tunnels Other words are only military. Action should be against the tunnels, with small sir you talk to maybe special ops or whatever, and just going in and there they probably by now, completely control the visuals right. So one of the interesting things about Gaza is they don't have a lot of clay, I was so. If you ve got satellites, u s plus whatever israel has yet you have a view from above they can go down to probably sir lucan spot people. They probably also have drones that now have fixed care
it is, or floating cameras all over the place, so they should be able to use their their resources to figure out where the teams should go in to look for titles, then you find a bunch of tunnels, and the next thing you do is you test your best idea if the best idea, some special gas, that they've developed for a test lab Maybe it's a special robot, my idea of a tiger rope around representative Eric Swalwell, just lowering him in and just waiting. That's just one idea: they might have better ideas than that. Like I said, they've been working on it for decades. We just started thinking about it. So my my take is that Israel is doing exactly the right thing and they may be. They might actually be pretending that bind is preventing them from going in. There might be pretence,
But because it might be the day, the last thing I want to do is a regular ground invasion. I think they're going to use persuasion technology pinpoint teams and take as long as it takes. It's like they don't really need to hurry, and if you said to me you know alright, there's one team that is running out of everything and they're going to try to protect, protect the tunnels they're going to be in these tunnels, where we can find them and that another team has nearly into their resources and technology smartest people around? as the united states on their side, and all time in the world to go, look through the tunnels and then destroy them. time is definitely on israel side, so I would say that using an excuse, like oh Biden, said, don't go in
to make it look like all we want to go in man. Do we want to go and we want to go in so badly. But you know by now by this disease, We we want revenge. We want the israeli people to really feel like their military has their back but darn it that widens telling us to wait. I think the waiting is always part of the plan. I think Israel would like to be a lot more prepared specifically for the tunnels and everything else as well, so we have heard that they might be making some probes. Israel might be probing to see where the defences are and to get them to react. But if Israel keith probing
And then they keep watching the reaction. They should be able to map out pretty much where everybody is and who's bad news good and which buildings to disappear. So I think that they'll be finding buildings to disappear and checking and trying out innovative. So here's here's my best prediction: when it's done you're going to find that they tried something in the tunnels. That was not flooding them, they might flood some, but I don't think flooding will be the primary answer, but it'll be something that you said to yourself. Oh, I didn't know they could do that. What do you think? Do you think you'll be surprised when you find a well actually, we might never even hear it's possible we'll, never hear how they clear the tunnels, because they might want to keep that to themselves. you wouldn't want to tell them, and then they can build tunnels that will thwart whatever the new technology is. So you want to keep that secret till you need it so
Why take? If Israel had not thought of the idea of postponing the ground assault until they had a full epa test of all the tunnel techniques? Now they got it now, in my opinion, that's the best idea. Would you agree if you were those options? Who would you with option number one surrounded and just leave him in their number two classic ground assault started pretty soon lots of casualties. Or scots idea, which is probably already their idea, so I'm acting like they had thought of it, but in my view all they ve already thought of this loophole doing anyway,. world. They would be probing the tunnels and looking for a better technique as long as it takes to get it done with a minimum amount of casualties.
How many of you saw the new trump add campaign? Add about brainwashing about Hillary Clinton. Was there d programme, the maghreb people and called you basket deplorable rules and then brainwashed is actually there. The word that the job is using. Well, here's what I think. I think this might be the beginning. Something really important because we better this artificial argument about politics, where we think it's all the Democrats, their policies and their and their candidates MA am we're saying all the republicans are bad, but the ever wonder if we're just in a play. It's like an illusion.
Then what we think is the world. This is nothing like the actual world sort of matrix like well. Here's what's gonna happen, you're about to find out. now? Some of you already know what's going on, but the rest of the world might find out here's what trump can do and you might be on the way to doing it. That would be the most mind, boggling thing all time, instead of arguing about what is true or false, or what policy works or doesn't, which is almost a waste of time, because whatever is going on, is very tribal and asked to do as propaganda brainwashing if he could change the conversation to whose more brainwashed he wins.
He changing the playing field if he stays in his normal playing field, where it's policy policy policy you're a racist, no you're, a racist, all the traditional stuff is vulnerable, but if he takes the argument too you know in the literal sense Democrats have been brainwashed. Could he makes our case with little help? Well, let's walk through a few things, and- and I let you know so suppose it created this frame, where we think we have this thing called the republic or democratic system, but has never been like that, and as always by the track and everything's rick, could you sell it? Do you think you can sell that erika
yeah good. You could. Let me go through a few things and we'll put this argument together, but, as I posted this morning, I think the path is about to get illuminated there. There is a dark path. You don't know where it is, but it's about to get illuminated and I'm going to start to turn. Lights right now I saw opposed from Dennis and user on the exploit form We oppose this morning college class,
and the college class that provided telltale signs of brainwashing in commercials, your recommended developing tools to detect it. They were called quote: crap detectors. I still use it today now and I'm guessing that the person who posted this Dennis is a certain age, probably probably not twenty, because I don't believe colleges teach this anymore. What do you think? Do you think? A current college course would involve spotting brainwashing. and all think so about not so what? If you knew that spoke for a twenty year old- and I say to you: did you know the college's used to teach? You have a spot brainwashing.
But they dont do it anymore. Did you know, is a skill? Did you know that your common sense will help you about. Did you know that if you were brainwashed, you wouldn't know it? It would help if he had taken this course, but it's not it's not taught any more evidence number one. I will build my case slow in front of you there's an article today getting a lot of attention from constantine chasm. You know him from the trigger nominee three august, The rights of the free press. Title of it is the day the delusions died. And here's is intro to the article he as a lot of people. Up on october, seventh as progressives and went to bed at night feeling like conservatives, what changed now, of course I was when Israel was attacked by Hamas.
And here it is part of that the weakness was always about power and that we ve been asleep at the switch. Now, when people read this article, do they say that's a weird you? trains that you're saying don't understand at all and doesn't seem to apply or do they say? Oh yes, that's a very good description, aware. This is another indication when he says that people want a better or walk up his progressive and went to bed as conservatives That their progressive ideology was not based on reality. It was based on a version of reality that that's essentially what is being said, because the point is not that this one event portable as it was like to improve seventh, it's not that
changed everything it changed. How you see everything, that's a big difference. It didn't change everything. You change, how you see it and you can see all the forces are starting to align to refer in the situation as a gigantic sign, not just the israel, but just our whole situation. Here are some things I would recommend to somebody.
I was wondering if they are in some kind of some kind of a bubble. Gonna give you a bunch of things that if you were to consume them, it would change forever how you thought of your reality, but first I recommend this refrain for trump for trumps campaign now. This would also work for a vague round. The swami maybe just works for republicans, but it would work for trump really well, and this would be the slogan I'm suggesting I'm running to save democrats from other Democrats, I'm looking to save democrats from other democrats. He wouldn't even need to explain it right. He would not need to explain what that means. Everybody gets it now. So there are enough Democrats who understand that, for example,
Pull the the teachers union Democrats are one of the maybe the biggest problem in the country right now. That's not that that the kids are being brainwashed in a very bad way. They would also look at the Israel situation and they would watch there fellow democrats The seemingly are as I say, on their team as they thought they were. So I think a frame is very important he's not trying to if you think, if you think trump is on the republican team and these against your team, you have a team reflex if he says dude, I'm trying to save you from your own team. Do you see this? You see what they're doing because of this boy. They do they
you it so you could probably carve off a few people just with everyone. Here is some of the things I would suggest to suddenly to wake them up to reality. You should watch the oliver stone he said, came out with a new. I guess you dollar documentary about Jeff, gaze, murder, assassination, Now he did a movie about it a long time ago, but he's updating, because there's new new materials and vault but, among the other things that you would learn. and I only learn this when I was just started to watch it didn't, Now who is the head of the warren commission? That was the government's effort Totally research, what happened in the Kennedy assassination with the most are the most dependable people like really credible people. and then put together. The Warren commission report walter's at its chairperson,
was the only the only one who didn't have another day job so yeah he was available. Basically, so the person who is the chairperson did most of the work you did like thirty percent of all the talking in a question answering and stuff. Like that. Definitely the most. Influential person was the german whose that chairman Ellen dollars so name sound, familiar alan dollars, He had been the how the cia, before that and even fired you fired jfk denied. fired him for trying to run an empire on his own that was independent from the government dollars was out there trying to overthrow countries, assassinate people without the approval or even the knowledge of the president of the united states.
Do you think that's weird and unusual and historically like crazy? Well, here's something else. The blow your mind, the fbi was the same situation under. edgar hoover hoover basically ran his own empire and he did not answer the president exactly so jfk an fbi that was absolutely his enemy instead of his employ and the cia, there was absolutely is enemy, knobs employees. And one day he fired. Does the cia over the number. One suspect is for somebody who might have killed kennedy or ordered it to be done in a conspiracy
Is that your reasons it would be the number one aspect. The number one suspected the murder is the person the government put in charge of determining who did it? If you didn't know that, and by the way I didn't know it, until this week. You, wouldn't you, don't understand anything and sure enough. Dulles came up with a report that many people question didn't last different ways that Oliver stone points out. There's lots of reasons to believe there. Wasn't there one shooter, the The reason is that we have a video of the boy coming from the other direction. You can actually see it with your own eyes. Your own eyes, you can see the bullet hit him on the front, put his head back and we were the gas later designation.
to believe it was the odd effect of a bullet coming in the front and blowing out the the front of the head and causing his head to go back because it got ahead in the front or you know what I mean you got. In other words, we were told that his head would move in the opposite direction of the bullet. Well, I'm no expert on people getting shot in the head, but I feel like you always. wouldn't the direction of the bullet. I don't say it moves the other way and we were aghast related to think that most basic obvious incorrect thing was the like key point and that there was one magic bullet that hit the governor or the president. At the same time,
ridiculous things you know, it'll be as ridiculous as the story we were told about Kennedy's assassination I'll. Just give you an example. Something as ridiculous would be believing that some other president said that neo nazis who were marching were find people. That would be hard to believe. Wouldn't it, but people did they believe that actually happened in the real world. Half of the country believes that president trump suggested drinking bleach. Do you think you couldn't sell somebody that a bullet makes you your head move in the direction of the bullet or that the bullet cape? You can apparently convince the public of absolutely everything, absolutely everything and it started long time. You guess so say the all. The evidence suggests that the cia working with the mafia. Oh, did you not know that
yeah the cia and the mafia were almost the same group. They worked together for mutual benefit for many years. I didn't know that it will. Probably a lot of you did that here's something else. I would tell somebody so so. These are things I would present to somebody if I were trying to wake them up and and brainwash them. I wouldn't start with the specific things they don't leave, so I wouldn't start with a hoax. I will start with the background to show that citizens of the EU s have always been brainwashed, a lot. So this so this documentary on jfk would be a good start. Secondly, looking for
for an interview, because I saw the other day tim pool was talking to a doctor robber Epstein about doktor Epstein idea. The Google specifically is in charge you get selected and therefore tromp doesn't have any chance and that the poles have nothing to do with anything and that google can, Can brainwash you without you knowing it they do it using something called a femoral adds a federal mean something that doesn't stick around or get recorded right. So most of what you do on social media can somehow recorded in some database if you're looking to buy a certain product somewhere that gets recorded cause. That's how you get pitch that same product on your other device and another app,
But there are things that happen: azure using social media, the dumper recorded they're, just things that happen. For example, if you do a search for, as I did doktor robert Epstein, you see maybe a search result, there was the one who wanted to click on, but you might not notice that are things all over the page that were other advertisements and search results, but those would be influencing you too, if only by volume, because the more you see something where you think it's true. So if, if all around it is said, some Version of the truth that they wanted you to believe you wouldn't even spend too much time reading it, but you'd notice, oh dogs, can fly everywhere on this pages, as dogs can fly. Well, I don't believe dogs can fly, but if every time you did a google search
another article about flying dogs. Eventually, you would say to yourself I mean, maybe maybe maybe there's a flying dog. So it actually is a powerful and doktor Epstein as found some tools and technology claims Now, I would add some scepticism. Is I've injectors work? It's a pretty big clay. These vacant his claim is that he can capture the ephemeral adds the things that don't get recorded,
and he can tell you how they have affected you. In his opinion, it moves the vote from six to twenty five million votes, just google, and just using this trick just that track six to twenty five million and to put them in context. I think trump, one five of thirteen battleground states in this last election he lost, but if Google had not been influencing people according to doktor Epstein, unintentionally, they had not been intentionally brainwashing. You with search results. Trump would have one eleven and thirteen of the the battleground areas. Statue, that's a big clay, so you should maintain a low scepticism about it, but the context I'm giving you this is that you should
if it's how you deprogram somebody, you would say, are you aware of this? Are you aware of that? Are you aware of that? If you you get them to be aware of the historical stuff is going you always year to convince them. That is never changed. It's hard to say, you're hypnotized,. Is much easier, say, here's s me, and this is a history. bore, arguing about left and right democrats and republicans this history, they agree with nobody's nobody saying that ireland dollars wasn't there have of the Warren commission right. Zella history were pre, rita.
so the other the need to address you said there was shocking. Is they looked at republicans and democrats and their different their different experience of using google? So apparently, I think this is the most recent presidential election. If you are a democrat one hundred percent of the time- because I could tell who tell who you are they know you are, they can tell fear Democrat. So, if you're a Democrat one hundred percent of the time. If you use Google right before the election, it would remind you to vote one hundred percent of the time. Little extra hey remember to vote if you're a republican same time. Fifty nine percent of them sought fifty nine percent. Is that an accident? Of course? Not of course it's not an accident. Oh, and do you think that that would influence turnout.
at a national level, of course, absolutely don't how much. So these are the things that are happening right now and by way doktor up knows. Does we ve seen? I guess he saw some message between Google and wall street journal in which they talked about using ephemeral adds to influence people. In a way that they want to influence. So it's a known the thing with a name that Google refers to when the time the wall street journal. They actually asked what kind of a firmer allege that used to influence this particular topic. That's a real thing: So I saw the ad I saw Epstein's on tim pool, show I'm not sure of the date of it.
But I want to look for it. So I went to Google and I put in tim pool and Epstein and google that should find a right. It's temple show one of its major gas talking about Google. Well, there were lots and lots of stories about Epstein silent. I couldn't find it. I could google, it that's right. The tim pool, the tim pool interview with a guy who says Well, it's brainwashing everybody and controlling the country I want to google, it couldn't find it. I only resounded by looking at my own tweet is I'd seen as in some natural way before them just hold that in read. I couldn't google, it.
Now- and it is also true that, if you use being your other things, you will get different results, so it Is definitely google doing it? It's definitely intentional and their staff lay in agenda no doubt about it. Right now now there you for this about google and that they could actually guaranteed changed the control of the election guaranteed. If Epstein right, when you think about tiktok now, do you think Tik tok? Is that as a huge hole? Yes, he s really really, obviously so, I remember when it looked like you know, maybe maybe we'd get on top of that, and people like me were saying you know, cancel tick tock that there were politicians were saying to Tom cotton, other people,
Ben Ben tiktok and look like you might happen and then tik tok started running commercials on fox news. They want they want, they hypnotize the world sufficiently and probably there is money involved, etc, but they actually does the world into thinking that they were acceptable when they are one of the biggest risk to the country. All took was money and persuasion and they are both next, I would show somebody are trying to convince that they ve been brainwashed from the hawks list. They would, of course, as you know, it's a no. No. No. These are all real things now refer them back to, let's say: project mockingbird you'll know project mockingbird, so that was when the cia was using. The media quite intentionally saw public. It's a battery history. To brainwash this is the united states
talk about obama, signing the the amendment. that would allow the cia to brainwash people in the united states again. But only with this little technical thing they have to do first, they have to create the materials to brainwash other countries like asts. It looks like that's the purpose of it, but then they could repurpose it in the united states. That's a known thing, that's all legal and I would Oh so I talked about the Ellen Dulles leg and how they put the most likely guilty person in charge of finding the real killer sore like heavy oj. Looking for the real killer, exactly like that, and that I say. Between twitter me from an hoodwinked saying those Ellen almost four ramsay I see. I was also the warren commission, the cia, put the wolf they had house the outcome,
The only go one way, that's what I told you and then points this out. The bio weapon fulfil dating cia use the same playbook with fouch iii and the covert origin they put felt she in charge of determining the virus came from the lab the fact you was accused of funding, So little familiar does that I don't know it's true there, but that's a pattern. I wouldn't ignore how many of you know the gulf of tonkin event the gathers that triggered the vietnam war. and you know, was made up right. The united states act, the likely to have its ships had been fired or no one of its ships had been fired. On twice wasn't true: there was a cause of war,
Now, if you are a citizen- and you didn't know that has ever happened when are you be shocked. Imagine not knowing that. That was a real thing. What happened? And, of course, on the whole list would be the fifty one and tell people that sign that under laptop letter, saying that it was miss information from disinformation from russia. I would point out, I would point out to russia collusion oaks, and I was also talk about news guard. You no news guard, it's an EU organisation to make sure that on lines, speeches policed but of course, as their version of what's ok, so it's just censorship vehicle, so you would also have to teach people the the democrat censorship machine.
In which they use everything from ngos and think tanks and fake fact, checkers and fake watchdogs like the ideal, there are partially legitimate, so. The ideal does a bunch of good work. You're making sure there is less discrimination, we gets jewish people and other people, but where needed there, just political, so there's a Democrat hit kip, basically attack gnawings. So all of these facts checkers Ouch dogs think tanks, these roll fake and their designed, so that the news people can refer. somebody else, so it doesn't look like the news- is lying directly or well. The fact checkers well, the think tank says. Well, you.
So if you don't understand that, there's a structure in which the democratic put people who have cycle through the government as Democrats, they make sure that the really tight with the democratic leadership and then there are the perfect person to lead. Let's say the idea were to lead this fact: check. place order beyond news guard. So if you don't understand that there is a structure in design to suppress free speech specially from one side, then you don't know what's happening. I'm you'd be really confused. If you didn't know that that was the design of our current system, Doubtless look at Mitchell Mcconnell. They trotted him out to talk about funding the war, a ukraine and he said, but our paraphrase He said that were degrading. The the military.
Our biggest military opponent, russia, and we're using a great deal of the money that we say as for ukraine will actually be, will actually spend states in the united states and that were basically buying. It is this. This is just rolls over on the airlines, and the sound is bad right. Will somebody confirm the sound works on Youtube sound his way right? So those are just, trawls because they know that that bothers me when they do that rain, so just ignore them has. Now, though, we know that is just trolls sounds fine, so imagine imagined day. What are those tools Imagine being that you woke up this morning and most of the
orton thing in your life was the fuck up, something that other people were enjoying and now that was all you were. That was like a purpose as not just one person, apparently there's a whole bunch of people there who desire to it'd be really fun. I think I'll make the world the world it worse place. Thank you. You don't have to do while the sounded more world clearer. I so Mcconnell says there's. to fund ukraine, because not only is it degrading russia's military capability, but a lot the money is going to businesses that make military staff in the united states so basically almost giving money to ourselves in the way Does that sound like a solid plan or a bunch of brainwashing to stuff the pockets of the military industrial complex?
to me he's saying directly that this is not legitimate. Did any of vote to start a war with russia? a war of what I call it operative. It's a war of opportunity, so basis play mcconnell saying you know where those are my word It's as if you say you know, we got lucky because one I started this war. We rise, we can, we can jump in and then we can really degrade them. Another words We declared fucking war on russia. We're doing it in a tricky way. also makes our friends wretched beg weapons. I think he's telling us that directly now. And were so hypnotized there were like laura. I guess
I was a good idea, pretty clever, of you to degrade russia and also, beef up our internal economy- oh my god. Oh my god, the fact that they say it directly now is the part that is blowing my mind. There's nothing! You can't tell the public at this point you could you could make the public, or at least half of it believe anything just anything. that's where we're all that's work, I well free speech, supporters, airs and good news, bad news. I think he's gonna anymore, the news, but There was a lower court, the temper We blocked the federal government from working with private companies like social media, to censor speech. Now you Polly said to yourself
Well, as a victory so lower a lower court just said, your government cannot restrict your free speech by working with the platforms yea, here's the bad news, the supreme court, just to wipe that away. So it is now back to temporarily supreme court temporarily. They are going they're going to they're going to take the case. So the good news is, the supreme court is going to take the case, but temporarily they didn't think that they Temporary restrictions were appropriate, so I don't have a good reasoning for that. I don't hate it if its temporary, as they get serious about so and generally okay with any part of the government. Saying
we're not going to overreach. So that's what it sounded like to me when the supreme court said we're going to wipe away this lower court ruling that didn't feel like they've made a decision that felt like okay, you guys are doing a little bit more with the government than the government needs to do. You know just cool it for awhile, we'll take a look at it. If it needs to be reversed, will be the one straight versa, very adult, very adults, I don't hate. It But I'm cautious could go the wrong way. You never know could be. A signal is going to go the wrong way. Maybe, but I think not, I think there are adults. I think we're going to get the right outcome. if a Republican says the, u S, is quote ready to get involved in the israel Hamas war. If the line is crossed, we won't hesitate the line. Why was that line? Does anybody know what the line,
because it seems to me that you just created a standard that allows him to engage the military or the united states on an opinion? Well, I think their lines been crossed my mind, if you don't say what the line is, one of the I'm just gonna be crossed hundred percent right, of course, there is certainly going to violate a line that doesn't exist because somebody's gonna say it was while no matter what happens so obviously Hezbollah is going to be active already interactive, so how much activity is too much ground invasion. I dunno the number of missiles. What number of missiles would be
over the line. So, let's ear ass, a scary standard, well I'm seeing today, a bunch of speculation that the Hamas attack in Israel and specifically the way if some Democrats were not supporting Israel as much as the jewish democrats would have hoped- and many of us would have hoped as well So there's some speculation that they'll be submitted. and she'll move of jewish american voters from Democrat to Republican. I say probably not probably not reason is that Your choice of parties and even who you voted for, has for a long time. Mother know what it was before
what is really a lifestyle choice? People may he lifestyle choices is not even who's the best present or anything like that, and I don't think that if you were a jewish american and all your friends are democrats, randal over democrats. That's a lot to ask of everybody to change under those conditions. That's a lot and realistically people dough we'll just keep doing what they are doing now. That's also helped by the fact that Biden as being quite aggressive with our military. So if, if by not immediately put a strike force right off the coast, then I think you might have seen some Democrats who are jewish say you know what, if you're not going to help us out we're gonna go to the party that will, but he did so I'm not going to complain that he is toothless. We don't know how little play out, but at the moment
showing some teeth and that that's probably what trump would have done as well. It probably wouldn't have gotten to this point, but that's another story, and so my prediction is opposite. I don't think it's going to change as much as you think. I do think that trump will win more jewish votes than his other times, but I think it'll be a smallest change of a smaller group of americans, so I don't think it'll be and also the concentrations of jewish americans would be in such blue states that I doubt it would make any difference at all in electoral. What what's the difference? If a few people in new york city vote for trump or whoever he runs against,
still when win are new york will make any difference. So s going on here is a persuasion tip for you. There's a persuasion word that I see used all the time that doesn't work at all. It's marxist and marxism. Here's the least persuasive thing you can say about somebody that person is a marxist. I don't even know what it means, how how many people even know what it means. I think you do you've got a few words. It's like. Oh, it's like sorta, like a communist or socialist, or something something like that right marxist is the most empty, useless and powerless non pro.
ways of word, you could ever bring to the debate now. I don't know it's better word. I just know that. Rita I hear that word. I just wanna leave the room because I'm not in the room where I think use. Sadly, as soon as I heard the word about no whoever's talking, you have nothing to say Now, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm not saying that you're marxism is not really driving a lot of stuff, like be alone, of course, seems to be. They say it. They say it directly right, but the public, the ones you want to persuade their nor remarks, as is vaguely they think is communist and that vaguely they think well, what you really mean is socialist right and then they think you mean like healthcare for everybody. I got like that,
but there is nothing about the word. This visual were scary unless you're a historian and new studied it. If you studied at scale It's so that people are using it. or using their own knowledge of it and how scary it is to them, as if other people have that same knowledge and fear they don't to them, is just a word that they don't know what it means. So, if you want to make that argument, and it's a it's, a strong direction. You one of the arguing about its important you'll have to find better words. So maybe Maybe were like reduced redistribution of wealth is,
that'd be part of it. Would it be killing the people in power? Is that why you're afraid of? Are you afraid that marxism leads to know? Is here? Here's what the it'll work. If you say marxism leads to a bad economy, people don't know how to connect those dots. That's just just noise going in your head and out you gotta back it or scary to somebody who actually understands what would be scary about it. That's it should be visual and scary. Everything else doesn't work. Logic doesn't work, facts to work for persuasion. You just the scare people or put a picture in their head, because their visual sense is their dominant sense. So I hadn't thought about it too much, but you tell me You tell me, I know that many of you here better informed than the average. So you not a marxist a lot of you give me the gimme that
one sentence or even two words. They tell me why, a marxist as bad cup, why a marxist is bad and the few words. Liars kill, you feels bolshevik. None of this is working communist, nothing, thieves, nothing! theft, tyranny, nothing, weapons, closed system, racism, I don't think so: redistribution where corrupt poverty, scum, thugs, entire individualists, dogmatic, totalitarian homelessness, brain dead collapse, anti capitalist, all empty area are all shouldn't legs. Just pure blanks. There's nothing. There.
It is no surprise that the people on that with that, since the thing when you say starvation, I dont know how to connect. The dots is that this has like a generic thing. You say: well, if you like, the republican, we're organ starve. I don't see a starvation, and also in america, people or not to worry about starving. The other word do our part, By usually in poor people can get food so so starvation is not an active word in the united states because we haven't experienced it. It would be a very active in china. If you said to somebody in china, hey watch out for your marxism at least the starvation, they would actually have a let's say, a social memory of actual starvation.
So that would actually work in china would be persuasive, but here we don't have that that fear- that's just like baked into our dna, like they do in china, because they're so close to the starvation same with ukraine. The ukrainians have starvation in their dna from the past so that they might actually be really really incentivized. By hearing we don't want to. The marxism, so all of your words I saw so far either dont connect. To marxist in away, then unformed person would understand. Why does this led to that.
like. I don't really understand why this form of government least of that explain it to me. So it's too conceptual too many steps and the fear is like five steps away right. Well, if you start with your marxism that will lead to this and that'll lead to that and that'll lead to that and then you're hungry. Doesn't work too many steps? You need something as simple as build the wall to keep the peace, the bad people from killing you that's persuasion, so I don't have a better idea, but the one that the one that comes closest is that you're incentivize in failure.
Now, that's not really a persuasive sentence because there's nothing visual, but if you hear it it would be hard to get it. You had. The marxism is incentivize in failure. You're paying people to fail, because everybody understands that leads to a bad place. You don't have to connect as many dots yeah marxism is where you pay people to fail, or something like that. I mean I could I I could do better yeah. I could do better. but that's the direction you wanna. Take it you're? U I do. To word replacement for marxism. That tells you exactly what the problem As an I dunno, even though I don't know what that is, I think it's something about incentives right. Well, let me ask What would you agree that was wrong with marxism? Is ass?
Wrong set of incentives and therefore leads to certain do and so incentives is a is a boring nerd word incentives doesn't make anybody get off the couch hey. He bob. If you vote for this candidate, they'll have better incentives and nothing is just empty. But could you find something that does hey you emotionally, the guest of those backward incentives. Could you find an anecdote story, a comparison, a metaphor, something the next that real and you feel it snowball slippery slope. No two conceptual.
Well, certain do MR conceptual good intentions. Good intentions was bad. Incentives leads to death, then intentions with bad incentives, least death. Now as death, I like death. Cause death is just an automatic. Is I poison you if you, if you associate death and poison, actually poison? My work, Marxism is like poison to symbol. Yeah marxism has good intentions with bad incentives that lead to certain death is still a little too abstract. I don't have it yet. I'm gonna work on that.
your work, and that is where the problem is that capitalism is mass. Do so, if you say marxism, an alternative to capitalism, discuss problems than anybody else would say. Well, so does the other thing so that doesn't work alright, and that, ladies and gentlemen concludes the best show you've ever seen. if figure out what's wrong with my streaming on the x platform, see if I can fix that, but today we've gone back to just the two ipad solution, one for youtube and one for locals, and I'm going to say by now to youtube thanks for joining and see you tomorrow, bye for now.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-25.