« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2268 Scott Adams: CWSA 10/21/23

2023-10-21 | 🔗

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Politics, Free Speech Myth, Open Border Terrorists, CNN Fake Trump News, Capitol Hill Survival, Zuby, Trump Gag Order Suspended, George Floyd Update, Derek Chauvin, TDS, Scott Ritter, Israel Hamas War, Pro-Hamas Germany, Greta Thunberg's Octopus, Pat Buchanan, American Empire, Biden Loan Repayment, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning, everybody and welcome to violate of human civilization, which is now available only on locals, as all the other platforms are broken today for reasons that I could figure out. I spent all my time trying to do it and did lots of livestreams that didn't work until a bit, and I tried every single thing, but I don't have time to do that this morning. So today it's all you if you'd like To take your experience, a level all you need is a cup or mug or glass, attacker Chelsea's, dynamic, empty jug of glass, a vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like
enjoyed me now for the other parallel pleasure dopamine. In the day, the signal makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous happens down to the zoo, so good. Well, italian,. Politics is war fun than ours. I you do this, but the italian prime minister, george maloney she publicly broke up with her partner over lewd behaviour. On his television show, I guess he's a host and some doubt some news
The entertainment show and he he was seen off camera, but the camera was on hitting on a coworker and asking if he could play with his genitals while he talked to her so that that was the boyfriend of the italy's prime minister, so she dumped his ass after several years together as a child, and she is like that. Guy I've got a feeling, that's not the first time he ever flirted. Just then Israel has decided to were shut down. Some news bureaus, I think Al Jazeera shut down Al Jazeera access. They carry that channel in the israel. Now you remember when you thought that free speech was a real thing,
Though I think this is here that I finally realised there was never a real, there was never a real yeah. Now it turns out that nobody ever had free speech. The only free speech everybody has is to be uninteresting to the government. That's it as soon as the government is interested, they say. Well, we have free speech, but I after change this one thing because there's a risk: how hard is it for them to come up with a reason they just have to be interested? So we've always had this illusion. We had free speech because we can say things that agreed with the government then were like yeah. We can. You can word it any way. You want it's free. So anyway we don't have free speech him.
Iqa. Israel doesn't have free speech and nobody has free speech, not time a war. You know as soon as a war breaks out, let's the end of free speech, it will always be thus bill Maher. was being tough on colleges is basically his advice to young people's. Don't go to college because it makes you dumber than they gave lots and lots of reasons such as support it'll moss. So I don't think we need to go into that, but it's just interest in bill morrow, saying it directly and allowed the colleges or broken not make me a better people. So Joe rogan is talking about how the risk that open borders or living in lots of terrorist acts are almost got a predictable. There were some kind of terror attack that looks a lot like hamas attacking Israel. Now the interesting point about that,
there, you, I must reply to were an ex post about that. said the given those borders wide open as a matter of policy by the current administration. It is simply a matter of time before this happens, if it has not happened, already happened, meaning less of tourists coming in to attack the country. Now you agree with that right. What what else could happen? It's not like. There are two things that could happen in our current situation. If you allow people to come in just because they claim to
ireland. How do you not have major terrorists tax, but what would be any way that could not happen again so that the weird thing about this is that is right in front of us and yet on the x platform, somebody replied to me saying there is a myth that the border is open in twenty twenty three somebody said: that's a myth, and- and they point is that actually use article in the axiom article basically ignored the asylum part of it and just talked about how the year the border, security and fancy is better than it was at hand. How do people watching this topic not now that the real problem is the people were? Come you completely legally bush in all, they have to do is say, asylum become in the front door, and we just take money will go back to us in seven months and some out there are people. Don't know that the most important thing.
but they don't have to sneak across the border that you say silent, here's my name see in seven months or not so that's happening that complete the abandoned and obscurity for the country. There was a bigger rally last night in support of the palestinians and the city, and I saw a video of it. It was a big big, proud as supporting the palestinians in Gaza and I'm no expert on fund raising, but wouldn't that be the perfect place to raise funds to donate to the palestinians in Gaza I mean I would just be collecting money like crazy as these people not only care, but they can
enough to like give up their evening friday, night and grout marginal in the weather and everything? So those people really care. I would ask them for their money, or is it possible that they don't have money and they think that somebody else should be paying my money. I'm just wondering I dunno, but yet let sir were in fact I was thinking of organizing rallies in that support. The but the innocent palestine, the palestinians, not the hamas, but the ones who are just victims in Gaza. I should organize some the big demonstrations in their behalf and collect money from all the participants. Is that a good idea, I think, is a great idea.
Alright. There's more cnn porn about trump now cnn porn is when cnn reports a story. It puts a spin on it. That sounds like the walls are closing in on trump and then all their readers read it and go. Oh, oh, I got him through. Walls are closer, so the latest walls are closing in story which my smart, democratic friend I've mentioned a lot. I smart democrat friend immediately texted me to say that this lawyer, Kenneth a job chesbrough is bro really. Is he a cheese bro
is cesaro. Already the user of a cheese bro a got some gouda cheese bro got some parmesan over there. I feel like that's the way it would go if it's cheeseburger, I always chose the bro or something like that anyway, is a pro trump attorney and he's one of the ones who was involved with a january six. You know planning to see what they could do about it. I say without spin and the heroes taking the deal took a deal and part of his deal is that he will and he will he agrees to testify in the trump trial. So do not the Democrats say when they hear that somebody who worked with trump is getting ready to testify. Honestly.
here's, what the Democrats do, oh god, since we know he is guilty, we're going to start with the result, because that's how they think they know alcohol cause and effect thing work down pointed in their minds. So they start with the endpoint. He is definitely guilty because he's trump and trump is guilty and he's trump. So therefore ipso facto q e D he's trumpet I'll. Tell you these tromp so therefore is guilty. Parties will start with. That is our assumption and then we'll see what happened today. as a lawyer who knows the good stuff, he knows the truth and he's gonna be testifying about trump who, because he's trump must be guilty and he's guilty because he's drop. Therefore, logically,
Lawyer will have bad stuff to say about him cause as part of his plea deal. He has to tell the truth, so he'll tell the truth and the truth would be bad for trump, because trump is bad because he's bad yeah. I actually had to do.
Without that yesterday you know the real story is we have no idea? We have no idea what the real story is I'll tell you when it looks like to me my non tedious eyes now, maybe I have a bias in the other direction totally possible. I would notify it if it were the case, but here's what it looks like it looks like both sidney powell and Kenneth chesbrough were way overcharged, and now the prosecutors are reversing it because it wasn't sustainable, so they just brought it down to the minimum thing that somebody would say yes to just to get it out of their life, and then he said yes to it.
And that's the whole story. They were overcharged, so they played down to a little thing said they would tell the truth if they were on trial, which all lawyers say. Yes, do you think that there is a working lawyer whose goosey, but if I tested I I was thinking about- maybe not telling the truth. The story tells you literally nothing about drop literally nothing and their people celebrating his. They learned literally nothing, but the tedious was triggered the dopamine got hit. they're just trembling with excitement. I don't think he's going to turn out the weather. That's my reduction!
well. They set an operation centre in Washington DC, had put out a long list of suggestions and fell out not to be killed. A robbed. If you leave the building in and the capitol hill area apparently is so dangerous. They need to be given instructions on surviving walking out dollars. I'm not joking there to give them survival instructions for walking out of doors locally. That's real there's no exaggeration, nor have they had to tell them how to survive. This going on doors is all the cry and among among the things, are teaching them how to surrender their goods, so there being taught to peacefully give over their car the car jackets that's advice yet so there actually being taught to surrender to the criminals.
Okay, in a totally unrelated story and dino zoo b, everybody knows Ruby from the x platform and other places is a rapper. Is a political philosopher, all round good guy, and he posted this today. He said if he can't help someone with a victim mentality, then, since yourself from them, he can't help someone with a victim mentality. You should distance yourself from them. You know what I thought when I read that I thought
you know. I wish I had worded it that way, while being black I wouldn't have been cancelled, but you know Zubaydah saying exactly what I said he just has a better right. I got cancelled globally for saying what zubin can post anytime. He wants. What's the difference, oh. yeah, I'm starting to think there might be a pattern here. Well, I love the story about trump's gag order where he is is now supposed to say bad things about the prosecutor or the judge or the witnesses in his upcoming case, but he apparently there was still some reference to a bad meme. Tweet, that was on his or his campaign website. Now that meant we had been deleted or it was actually truth. The meme truth from his truth
I had been deleted, so was complying with the gag order, but apparently there was an oversight and they didn't rise. It was still on some page on the campaign page, and so he gets fined five thousand dollars for something that nobody really thought was intentional five thousand dollars now, of course the other doesn't hurt him, but would anybody else have been fined? Five thousand dollars went the more logical thing to be hey. There's this thing that you should also take care of. Maybe you missed it. So can you take care of this.
tomorrow, we will have to find you, don't you think, that's the way they should play their yet, given that it was obvious that looked like an oversight is it was taken down where you can see it easily? What is left up were somebody than those why, when you find somebody for that was who is better off for that is the public protected? I don't see how if you gave a data, take it down and he didn't About his file, the is so obvious that this is just targeted weapons sensation. Are you in small ways that aren't really can hurt trump at all. But it's it's obvious that it's just they're using it as a weapon. You wouldn't do this for somebody who is just an ordinary citizen who maybe didn't know that there was still something they needed to address. That's it.
Well now I guess the gag order is suspended were to temporarily frozen because drop is fighting it going. So the judge said well was suspended while you're fighting it. so there's a little update on the George floyd case early, as somebody who is working on the prosecution is stolen, the juice that apparently, when she talked to the corner, the coroner said there is no indication of asphyxiation which would have been If the bar, but that the coroner worried what happens when, evidence doesn't match the narrative and people people will lose their careers. So here's the smoking gun
That the coroner lied to protect himself and all the other people involved. That's actually in evidence now now is still hearsay right, What's still one person tell you their experience and then relaying it to so heresy has to be put in it's proper place. You need some confirming evidence or here's some confirming evidence. I watched the video a hundred times. I didn't see anybody get murdered. Did you? I saw somebody die of a fentanyl overdose. That's what I saw now although from the start, I never saw anything different, no matter how many times I watched it, and you know why I'm pretty sure that it wasn't a murder because Shovin was doing it in front of people with cameras you. This is one of those few times when you can know for certain what was in his mind,
What was in his mind for certain, because he was on camera talking to the people were fill me in life. He didn't think he was breaking a law that rarely because he did it calmly and coolly in front of lots of people under the are you under the power of law? There's no way any human being acts that way if they believe they're, murdering somebody in front of all be a bunch of witnesses were filled? It's not like. He thought, he'd get away. What was either changed his name and run away now this was one of those few times you can completely certain that he was not aware that there was that they look like murder. Now there is also the question that I saw. Somebody said that once they suspect was taken,
into custody. The the well being of that suspect is responsibility of the officers, and indeed some of the other officers were were warning Jovan that there might be a problem so given that he was responsible and given that show that the flight was complaining in the other officers, were your concern that shit about enough say some to make it still
The shoguns are responsibility of his fault. You know what I say. I say he asked him if he was on drugs and floyd said no. When floyd said now, he killed himself, that's it and he said yes, all of the officers would have been trained to know that the problem might be more medical than they first thought had. He said. Yes, I have fentanyl in my system and I don't know how much and I'm having trouble breathing. You think you think they would have treated the same if he had not lied to them about his medical situation. So people are saying he kept saying I couldn't breathe, which was a accurate thing. He said about his health, but he also said something that killed him, which is he didn't have drugs now. Do I think the shogun were a different officer who would have been smart enough to still put together the facts and keep him alive? Maybe maybe, but that's not aware of what he was charged with me. It looked like it was. He was charged because she was white. People were afraid of the reaction and that's always been obvious. Now I thought when this new news came out darker.
This one reporting that he in a big deal, but I thought everybody knew that it wasn't the murder and the eu they Chopin, which has been railroad for me, why? I thought everybody knew that. So I didn't strike me as news hello. This is got atoms and now your chance to reply to questions, but take some calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite part gasters unspecified every new episode could have occurred, a report with a ton for you the way alone, so Your voice be heard personally, and use these tools do get you do it. Where the gaunt, and even more so, had overdue, spotify search for Coffee was got Adams or your favorite broadcast and view the latest episodes in response. the q and balls and polls on spotify only anyway
here is something that I see a lot of that black people in particular literally dont, believe white men when they tell them their own personal experience. So a comment on this From somebody named cliffside on the x platform, he says a lot about the george, which is twice as well. I was treated nearly eighty hours of racial training and a one year period watch my employer nearly double the racial quotas. So too, years of hiring, not a single white male and then got laid off to make way, as stated in one such training quote? Is your turn to suffer and immediately somebody said said that never happen now. I don't know if this survey thing never happen, but do you imagine this is a story of a great weirdness. Now this is the ordinary experience of
Not in america for the last thirty years is all like. This is like this all the time. Do you know why you didn't know about it? If you're black, you know you don't know about it, because people are afraid to tell you they're afraid to tell you all of us. We're all afraid to tell you and should do is, is not an irrational fear. It's very rational,
we're so people just shut up I'll. Tell you the one. The one thing that I have totally been trait trained off of is the idea that you can't make a whole bunch of people act one way if they know it's fake or if they know they're all lying, he can't make tons of people just act. The same way, there's always going to be somebody who will descend now, not when money's involved when money's involved people just go the same way and everybody knew their careers and their livelihoods and their families were at risk if they said what they saw with their own eyes, which is obviously not a moon. Alright,. Rights, Christopher rueful posted this. He said. I almost feel pity for the alarm eurogroup is a broom candy, patrice colors robin the Angelo inch on king,
the establishment desperately wanted to summon Oral figureheads for their racial reckoning and all they could find was a rogue's gallery of intellectually vapid, scam, artists, so yeah. It turns out that the leaders of the movements were largely just scam artists. So we know that now I've got a question for people who suffer from tds. Is there anybody here who suffers from tds and beyonce are probably your old purity
In this platform there's a question: if I needed some cash- and I told you I wanted to quote- find a bank with an atm- I want to find a bank with an atm. Can I be indicted for attempted bank robbery because I wanted to find find a bank with an atm? His cars find in that context means rob the bank. Doesn't. While you wait, you wouldn't when you interpreted that way. I thought like find the votes. He means do something illegal find an atm at a bank would be robbed. The atm I don't know how else to interpret so never ever say to your friends you'd like to find a bank with an atm because you're just admitting you want to rob a bank.
Now I ask you this: how is it possible that half of the country could be convinced that the word find men knew a crime, but only in this one phone call and does I mean that anywhere else. How was that done easily? You watched videos of Derek Jovan, not murdering anybody, and people were convinced. They saw the murder, it's really easy, it turns out. You can convince half the country of actually anything anything half the country still thinks they have free speech, but quite obviously you don't why? Obviously that went away a long time ago, but they still see it yeah you can make people believe they see anything. Now, here's a question discipline.
Bugging me lately, because sometimes I'll find myself getting into a you, could call it a debate, but to me it's more like a diagnosis in which somebody will make wild tedious, related claims about trump they're, just clearly debunked, just like the most debunked. Obviously not true, sir, and I will sometimes say alright, here's a situation where you should just trust me on this. Not because of my political opinion is you can disagree laugh, but you should trust that I'm an expert on identifying somebody who is in cognitive, dissonance and is is suffering from brainwash. That's actually my my area of your special interest and expertise, and so on.
Oh you, dear sir, that, although you think you're operating under logic, nothing you're, saying right now accepts you're, normally, actually a logical, reasonable person. But on this one topic, you ve departed from your normal, like you and reasonableness, and I as an expert someone who knows what they hypnotized person, looks like I'll. Tell you that it's very obvious you're operating from a brainwashed cognitive, dissonance, kind of the situation and that there is no actual debate happening here. Do you know that that goes over.
Usually I get insulted and turned away because people once they realize they have the medical problem which entities in my mind in my mind, that's a medical problem. If you have tedious it's like any other emotional or psychological phenomenon, if it's affecting your life that clearly does a lot of people. That's a medical problem, so I keep finding myself in situations where the other person thinks we're having a debate. This happened to me yesterday, actually that my my democrat friends believed he was having a debate and I thought to myself: there's no debate you're having some kind of a weird psychological phenomenon, and I'm telling you I'm telling you you're having a psychological problem. You think you're having a debate, there's nothing like that happening anyway. Belief.
It is when they tell you you're, hypnotized and scott Ritter. You often are you familiar with the name, scott redder. He was famous as a weapon of mass destruction. Guy looking for looking for those in Iraq yeah, he has weapons, actor, and now he talks mostly about how russia is definitely going to win in ukraine, and we don't realize it which makes him look like a russian propagandist. Now many people would say he is a russian propagandist will now he's talking about.
Would you say he looks exactly like one. That's all. I know right yeah. He works for russia today. He writes for the russian newspaper based. So yes, all indications and my personal observation, all indications are that it is working for the other day. I don't know that for sure I'll just say it And himself in every way, like somebody was on another team, but he said that Israel will lose if it goes into Gaza and that the israeli military is actually not very good, and there are just some units like special forces who are very good, but if you'll get the general army
I'm not really that strong, and he says that Hezbollah would beat them spread up if Hezbollah, when, after is really just destroy the israeli military. I believe that that doesn't
real to me, but I'm just telling you what he is saying in public again, and I also don't believe that Israel is so dumb that they will go into gaza with a traditional and traditional urban warfare. I feel like that would be stupid and there no matter what the quality of their military is. They're, not stupid. To me, it would just be stupid to go dormant or it'll be booby trapped to death. Why would they do that? I think they will just destroy everything as they go and just stay behind the line of destruction and just shrink shrink the real estate that the bad guys can be in until they just control them, and then
drop a mother, all bombs in the middle of it and I don't think they're going to be knocking on the doors. Now, when I say any, of course, there will be some, but I think we're one of the reasons that are awaiting is that they never implanted. They never plan to go in fast and the first place. That's my guess is member military operations are all about deception. My guess is, they did not plan to go in already. It looks like from the outside. It looks, like maybe public opinion and something about negotiating for the hostages, play areas where, by product a whole bunch of delays for different reasons. Ah well, I will give you a couple more days when negotiating some more releases. Our we're waiting for a couple assets show up before we go
While we we thought we'd do some some more training about how to go up just get everybody sharp before we go in. I feel like it's not going to happen. They're, definitely gonna control. Gaza they're, definitely gonna eliminate Hamas, but I don't think it's going to be in the most traditional way that we expect them to do it. I think it will be clever and I think everything we've seen so far is part of that cleverness. I don't think it's just being
well now I can be completely wrong by the end of today. If they go in hard and traditionally then I'm completely wrong, and you get to tell me that tomorrow, okay now remember, I have gotten these military things wrong. I said I said: Putin wouldn't wouldn't go into ukraine because it would be such a such a bad idea. While I was writer was a bad idea on some level. Putin might talk about ahead, so I guess we'll be good at that level, but I didn't think you'd get a cave. So at least I was right Is that the alright? The germany apparently has a big pro hamas gatherings and summer
saying that the german news are running a blackout so that the public is not aware how big it is. Someone else said that they just landed in germany. The other day are now saying: oh a bunch of problems, so maybe the news, maybe our news is exaggerating it. Maybe germany is downplaying it hard to know. Basically, you can't believe anything. this point, but I am, as other people have said, and I agree on pressure. Europe is lost in the sense that I think it will go islamic and probably radical. So I think germany will be lost entirely.
Is my guess and I blame hitler. I blame hitler because you think that germany would have been so pro immigration if they didn't have the legacy of trying to let's say make things right for the hitler era. I think this was literally the the last play of hitler to destroy the country that they had such overwhelming guilt, or maybe it was public relations in part, but they basically painted themselves in a corner. The end result is that they either have to well I'll just say directly: they either have to recreate hitler or they lose, and I think they're going to choose losing. I don't think they're going to recreate hiller, meaning that they would have to get
the emigrants based primarily on their demographic. I can imagine that happen. You're writing a new book called blame pillar in our wording, nor mcdonald. Or I find out about hitler, the more I don't like him. The norm, macdonald.
Alright, well did you see the scandal about greta Thunberg and the octopus, so greta pose for a picture with some other pro palestinian people in support of the palestinian people, but she made the mistake of if it wasn't mistake of having a little toy octopus, whether by her shoulder- and I learned this yesterday, I was not aware that an octopus is an antisemitic symbol is apparently there are some images of the planet earth with what some would call. The jewish octopus strangling the earth I've. Never I've never seen that before. So I learned yesterday that, if you put an octopus in your photo, don't talk about Israel or the palestinians. You know octopuses, okay, talking about the middle east, fine, but don't do them. Both no octopus, plus middle east you'll be blamed for being antisemitic. Now I think she said it's a stare. It's a toy that people have trouble with their emotions, have which you can turn it inside out in smiles that you turn it the other way and frowns as a way for people who are not good at expressing.
oceans to signal what their mood is as people camp Hell. Does that sound likely the biomat here's? What I think I think greta is way way way too smart to have done it intentionally because it wouldn't have helped her cause when it yet no, no, no matter what you think of her opinions on climate change. She is at least smart when you give me that, would you give me that she is smart she's she likes attention, bushes, smart! I don't think anybody. Smart would put a known antisemitic symbol in the photo unless she was going to fully commit to being others from anna. Nobody. Nobody does that, while trying to maintain a non anti semitic image, nobody would do that the how many of you think she did it intentionally the hug. You have to pass the really test really really doesn't really tell it, doesn't pass that really test the alright for those of you who think she did it intentionally the I'm a hypnotist, I'm telling you that you're suffering from subscribe now that there isn't any chance it was in touch there really wasn't. There was no chance that was intention, the I think out. Yet you have to check your bias if you think that was intentional. Now, here here's my argument: my argument goes like this number, one, I'm a hypnotist, and so I could recognize when you're operating irrational. There is nobody with her capabilities. Who would think that was anything except the worst idea. Anybody had to put a known anti.
I like symbol in her photo. Nobody ever would do that, even if, even if she is antisemitic- which I have no evidence to suggest she has even if she is now she would not do that now, if you say, but you know, Ilan omar might do at all sure sure that's not really the same vegas she is upon. She may be a pawn, but she's not stupid. Nobody in the world will put a known antisemitic symbol in a public photo that was intended to be a public photo, nobody ever ever unless that was their brand and they were trying to tell you that that's what they were, which is obviously not doing that. What if she didn't know, I assume she didn't know yeah. I just assume she didn't know.
She does what she has been told to do. Well, maybe somebody I mean. I certainly believe that somebody tried to tracker. If somebody tried to trick her. That would be just sort of ordinary to me. I would say: oh okay, that makes sense somebody just put it there or, or somebody saw it and didn't notice me, they'd, be one of the friends said: hey you know, it'd be funny for your octopus as much as possible. It was a trick, but no, I don't believe, there's any chance that she intended it that way, none and Elk, and can we acknowledge that I'm not a supporter of greta, I think she's, I think, she's a maligned, very dangerous force in the world. I think she is very dangerous. I'm not at her side right it'll, be easy for me to.
easy for me to be a gangster, because I oppose her on some other topic, but this time now now I gotta I gotta. I gotta go against the fake news on this one david Interesting Leah posted some thoughts by Patrick. You can now passed away, but famous a famous, very provocative and controversial. Republican and here's something that he wrote in one of his books before he passed Patrick you again. He said at the opening of the twentieth century. There were five great western empires- the british, french, russian, german and austrian hungarian, and to emerging powers, japan and the united states by centuries and all the empires had disappeared. How did they parish by war, all of them to patrick
again points out that the only reason that america survived as the sole superpower is that we had a geographic advantage and we stay there. The the big land was now like there wasn't anything else, special about us compared to europe itself. We stay down the wars and basically explains everything else. Why did we do so? Well? economically so and here we are putting ourselves into one and maybe two land wars. So that's a cautionary tale. It does seem like we're going to spend ourselves into oblivion. So if we became not a superpower, that would be a big reason. Why?
The supporting wars- alright, while there's another accusation from comer and the republicans about the Biden, so called biden- crime, crime family, so they have in their possession republicans, do a copy of a two hundred thousand dollar check that Joe Biden's brother James gave him. Now. It's allegedly.
Alone received alone, for the exact amount that James Biden had just gotten some money for so there's there there's a speculation or assumption where buchanan still alive. That can be really. Why do I so clearly? Remember him dying? Ah, that's a faint memory. Well, that's cool! If we ever have the, if you ever have the experience of having a fake memory like I am having right now cause, I very specifically remember him dying, but I'll take your word for it, these life, so so I'm having like a fake memory like a really clean one, really clean memory of it. Like I remember specifically, I guess it didn't happen. So when this happens, here's what you should do, you should do it undoing right now. You should first of all marvel in it that you could have a complete memory of a thing that didn't happen, and the second thing you can do is ask yourself how often that's happening. You didn't know it. If I had not looked up, I would have finished this still thinking he was dead right. So it's all you,
incentives for diameter- or maybe it was pat robertson. Maybe that's where I confused yeah james buchanan- is that okay, wise ass anyway, so back to his biden, story or so comer thinks he might have the goods that would show a money, flop, money flow, and ah am I still alive, but I didn't see it to me the coincidence of the two hundred thousand. I went to Joe Biden, which is the same day that the brother got two hundred thousand for something it could be exactly what it looks like a illegal payment for influence of some kind. It could just as easily be that the brother owed him some
Or even alone- and he just passed on the money that we just got, does it was free cash that had not been invested anywhere else, so I will say it is well short of the same amount, because if somebody said I want you to imagine a family situation, you brother says yeah, I'm in a bind any two hundred thousand dollars, and I say this is what happened. I'm just broadening your imagination, they say suddenly said you know I need three hundred thousand dollars and then your brother says: well, I just got two hundred in cash. My other stuff is invested. We'll tell you what I'll just give us two hundred you. You can figure out how to pay off the under other hundred. Another way is Let me know when you, when you can pay about, maybe so
The thing is, unless you hear the other side of the story- and you could have all kinds of suspicions as we do, I mean it would be obviously right to be suspicious. But it's not it's not quite it's like the gun to steam coming off him about smoke. It might be telling us something, but it also might not- and you know what I say about that. I got a famous saying I say in these situations innocent until proven guilty, because both James Biden and Joe Biden are individuals and even Joe Biden is innocent until proven guilty, and I don't call this proof. I call this an indication of your look into it. Maybe it would be enough for an indictment
no one in some world that would be enough, but certainly have no proof of illegality, but for news fun to look at alright. Let me check in with the folks who, amazingly there are still folks on the other platform who are just looking at my whiteboard and still jerry.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-23.