« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2260 Scott Adams: Coffee With Scott 10/13/2023

2023-10-13 | 🔗

My new book Reframe Your Brain, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/3bwr9fm8

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Politics, Climate Change, Bill Gates, Tucker Carlson Quotes, Genocidal Consequences, House Speaker Decision, Salon MAGA Cult Fears, Brainwashing, Deprogramming, Community Notes Corrects NBC, MSNBC Ratings Decline, Hannity vs. Vivek, Vivek Ramaswamy, Illegitimate Debaters, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, Israel Hamas War Atrocities, AOC, Wokeness Decline, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Do do do they do with their lives the thing about the pump pump amount or up of pump pump of one good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization. It's called coffee with Scott Adams now shortened to cw essay, because that's how cool we are. We don't need forwards, one more node. If you'd, like your experience
of cw as a to go to new levels, all you need is a copper, mug or a glass attacked her jealous as time again, the joker flask, a vessel of ilikai pillar with your favorite liquid. I like coffee dreamy now for the unparallel pleasure, the dopamine over the day. The thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous epidemics now sublime. Well we'll talk about all the things happening in the news. Don't worry I like to start with some appetizers mental appetizers. I call them now I mentioned this before, but I think it's worth restating bill gates. In a recent interview. That's been getting round the internet said, and I quote: there's a lot of climate exaggeration said gates. The climate is not the end of the planet, so the planet is going to be fine and quote no temperate country is going to become uninhabitable. Now. Is that a big deal or not a big deal? Don't you think? That's a big deal and I feel like when you're watching the war the world fall. Apart with a the other war in Europe and the war in the Middle east, I feel like we're starting to put climate change in context. I feel like there are some things you can worry about when you don't have other problems. Let me ask you this.
Have you ever seen less news about the trans situation in america? I have never see less trans news now, while I am fully sympathetic to the trans situation, certainly want them to have perfectly good lives, whatever makes me happy, but I'm not sure it was ever the most important issue in the world if it was closer to the bottom, certainly critical issue to people. involved, but I think we're seeing a a real adjustment of our priorities in real time when you start to think about eating in survival, you worried allow less about people's sexual orientations and generous and stuff like that. The climate change, I think, is no category.
That people are going to understand that maybe there was little hyperbole involved. I liked the fact that bill gates said it because bill gates's of the one person that everybody kinda thinks is you know, sort of the voice of climate change. In a way I mean, I think, of in that way. I don't really think of a greta, you know or or or kerry. You know they're all deeply vault, but I feel like bill gates was the one person who understood all the technology. You know he knows nuclear. He knows coal, I believe he's got a sense of the whole field and if he says it's exaggerated or they can ignore him, I feel like this is the like a real gee that to be this feels like a real inflection point and how the world thinks about climate change was a well tucker making lose being provocative. Double girls
and one of the things he said he came up with a bunch of provocative quotes, but this one this windsor breathe.
pretty provocative, he says: what's happening on the southern border, isn't just an invasion but a crime. The politicians and ngos responsible, for it are criminals who should be punished accordingly. You think that our politicians should be in jail or their current policies, because I would be Biden well just buy it really. It would just be one person because in America there's only one person makes a decision. So does he really think that Biden should be in jail for a policy that isn't working out really jail? Wouldn't that be just a matter repeating january six. Mistake then, imagining that people who are politicians and maybe they're doing their job
Maybe they would make mistakes, but are they a criminal just because people died from their mistakes? It's pretty severe, so I'm going to disagree with Tucker that these actions are criminal. They are absolutely not criminal, they are genocidal, they're, genocidal. They guarantee that there will be genocide in this country if, if not reversed, almost immediately so no tucker, you are completely wrong. They should not be punished as criminals, but we should take seriously the fact that they've allowed genocide. While consciously is a conscious decision, because there's no way they don't understand what they're bringing into the country now to be clear. The vast majority of immigrants just looking for a better life- and I I welcome them even the illegal ones and I'm happy to have illegal ones here too, if it turns out they're here for the right reason, you know it's not my first choice. Let let's be clear: first choice is full control of our borders, but I'm not super concerned about the hard working christian families coming across the border and tried to fit it, though. That's just not where I'm going to put all my worrying, but I do think we need a secure border. However,.
The fact that they can command also eyelids the fact that everybody else can come in and there is no way we're not being invaded by terrorists. You know that right there is no way the terrorists are a stay at home, they're, definitely coming in, and we're going to see something not too unlike what happened in Israel, probably the next five years, five years. I guess you go through something like so yes, whoever is bringing genocide to our country, maybe we should consider different leadership.
Let's talk about the speaker of the house now, I'm not sure I'd, know all the yeah, the back room, dealings and personalities and all that, but I did seized one thing that I liked the lot. So when it looked like it was going to be a Jim Jordan or Steve Scully's, Jim Jordan endorsed the other guy. He endorsed Scully's now and tried to figure out how clever this was because it could turn out just to be friggin genius, because what happened was the police found out? He couldn't get the support he needed for the job and he took himself out now. Jim Jordan seems to be the likely person to take the job after endorsing his competitor. Oh you can't you can't win harder than that. Yet just think of anything that is a bigger wins than endorsing your opponent and then winning that this, the perfect situation, the the whole job of the speaker, is to figure out how to make people get along. He owned and Jim Jordan sort of a fire thrower, but you know he throws his fire at the Democrats, so the fact that he would play it this way, which shows
real skill. I think it looked like real skill. Now this assumes I'm making a lot of assumptions here. I can't read his mind, but I'm assuming he knew this release either would get the job. Then it would be easy to work with him, which would be not a bad outcome or he would not get the job and Jordan would look like the crossed. The aisle well just not across the aisle, but you would look like a peacemaker, it's kind of perfect yeah. I don't have a strong opinion about Jim Jordan, one way or the other, but if the republicans think that's their guy yeah, I do have a special problem with it or I don't really have a prediction about it. Either, I would say is very capable seems very odd, seems well liked in general and republican side, so it was a good workout. I saw Matt gates saying that you know somebody questioned how this could be an improvement. Wouldn't it have been better. Some say to just let mccarthy stay there because he was good at his job and we, you know, we'd, have somebody in charge during these critical times to which Matt gates said he lied repeatedly. So if we get somebody in the job who doesn't lie to us repeatedly, that's an upgrade. I agree totally that you can't have a speaker. The house was lying to you repeatedly. The is all Jarvis to be
I lost it. I mean less ps or so baked into the whole core process. If, if somebody is making promises to the people, you know in order to pull a little coalition together for some some specific thing you can't lie. Those people will never be another coalition, so you know I can't fact check how much lying went on and if it's you know more than the usual politician or anything like that,
sense of that. But I love that as a standard. I love the standard that your fire, your own boss, were lying to you repeatedly. I don't think I can love that more honestly, now again, Mccarthy would produce. I didn't do it lying. So, let's, let's be honest, I don't know exactly who is doing what, but if it's true they, then the boss got fired for lying to the staff effectively. I love that. That's that if the move at so matt gates. I think you get the win on this in my opinion. Ah now all those smart people, you know the smart people- are smart people, the pundits the people we've elected, the leaders, the smart people
There they are unified in one thing, they're saying that that not having a speaker of the house is causing immense harm to america, and I couldn't agree with more club. Let me just list all the immense harms. Let me just so far. I mean it's it's early, but just so far from not having a speaker of the house, let's see some of the immense worms were of Well, nevermind nevermind. That story salon has a bigger article about the trump lovers being a cult. Now it appears that that's going to be a main line of attack this time. That is a cult. Oh, don't join the cult.
They don't know what they're doing because they're in a cult so salon that talks to some psychologists who I would recommend you never ever go to a psychologist. Every time I see a psychologist, making any catholic comment about the news. You know something this relic related to the news. I just shake my head and say: okay, that's the experience I had yet the one time I went to like a marriage counselor. I thought I might be with the dumbest person who ever lived. That's what I thought so, but apparently the ones they talked to all say things in the news and be on record, not exactly painting their profession and glory, but do one of the psychologists. They talked to said that the trumpeters, the maggot people are a cult because- and this is important for the definition of a cult, because people would be afraid to leave the cult. What what they heard,
sent us he's, making a lot of those he's like a governor he's running for president. Do you know that that Dave reuben back dissenters- and I still talk to him I'll I'll like like, were if he tax me all actually return is taxed, he left the cold, and yet amazingly, I dont he d smoking that he's told a great guy than it was before. You know. You know you can actually be a reasonable person and leave the bag. I thought you know I'm. The perfect example are you guys, obviously well associated with sporting job. At the moment, I am endorsing vague. I've had no problems with that. What was I supposed to be as precise from the cold war with that and I registered as democrats this year, just saw it young slime. The Democrats was my own bad reputation. Nobody cared, nobody cared. What what is it that
What is that the Democrats are seeing that would suggest mega people can change their mind and live a happy life. It's like ridiculously easy to do. I didn't, I didn't even know there was a risk. Nobody told me there was some risk involved or that I had no idea well am speaking of colts, I remind you that on Monday I am a volunteer, a Democrat and a mega hater has volunteered. I finally found somebody who would do this in public so on spaces, the audio feature on the ex platform, and this monday ten sixteen at six, thirty p m eastern time or be talking to if all goes well, I hope he shows up. I think he will and I'll be deprogramming a Democrat in public. Now I want to be clear.
It's not a debate, it's another debate. Debate is useless, I'm actually going to deprogram him or that's the attempt now before you get all your cocky and. If we're going to deprogram those Democrats, I could do the same thing with a republican. It would be different topics, but I could do the same thing so don't get too cocky. If, if this works out, I might do a republican next goes. There's nobody who's, not in their own bubble. There's nobody who's, not in the bubble. In fact, as I tweeted today, the world is in what I call phase one of waking up in phase one of waking up, which will be another way of saying you know, learning to understand your act.
well reality better. That would be the way he apart in phase one. We we realize that our adversaries are not always that beyond stupid and evil and under informed that they are literally brainwashed, and would you say that that's an accurate statement of the people you disagree with. Would you say that Hamas is brainwashed? He would yeah. Of course you would you say since most of my audiences leans right. Would you say that the people on the left are brainwashed? Does? Is that we're too strong? Or would you agree with that? Characterization? Yes, yes now and you know of course, as I just mentioned, you know the people you're calling brainwashed. You know that they're calling you brainwashed. You all know that right so we're in the phase, one where we're sure we're not, but the other people are and the fact that they're calling us brainwashed. Well, it's just another symbol of how brainwashed they are thus phase one. That's where we are they as do should we survive as a species to get to. It is understanding that we're all in our own bubbles that there's no such thing as the other person is brainwashed. They are, but it's really not about the other person being brainwashed. Just about everybody, everybody has the opinion assigned to them by their choice of media. Now they start with a preference either.
It might even be baked into your your jeans a little bit there's something about that. I think that's true, but beyond that, your your specifics of your belief are just from the media is just brainwashed and it applies to both sides. Now I want to be clear that doesn't mean that both sides are wrong. You get that right. When I say wrong, I mean in terms of any policies that come out of it. One side is going to have policies that work better than the other side, and you know not necessarily always the same side. So so the policies are different from the fact that one side might be brainwashed were actionable sides or so, if you'd like to see the first part of this, the phase one deprogramming monday at six thirty eastern time. I hope that actually happens. It'll be live, so anything could happen, including the gessner showing up, but I think you will all right. Yeah NBC news are as embarrassed as alpha. I miss the story, but apparently yesterday or so they had claimed on NBC news that they had quote gained access to the community notes function on apps and once they had gained access, they determined that, ah, that instead of fighting false and misleading information, there were false legs on there had been totally unattended, and so therefore, this community notes lng me now so good, that's what they said and then the factcheck came in from the community knows as right. Community notes fact checked NBC story about community notes and.
Here's what they said I will paraphrase you did not gain access to any special twitter's system. They merely talked to somebody who does community notes and there's just somebody who is a community known as the person who just showed in their screens and do you know about those things that they were that they were ignoring? They're are just things that they have not yet added a note to that was n b c's big story. They looked over somebody's shoulder and didn't understand what they were saying. That's it that was our investigative report. So just so you don't think salon is a ridiculous bullshit NBC news, also some ridiculous bullshit and if I mentioned MSNBC, let's talk about them. Apparently they experienced a thirty three percent decline in primetime ratings because of how they covered the moss, a war with Israel. Thirty three percent decline. Now you get declining ratings in a hot war. Is that the only time that's ever happened in the history of the united states years since we've had the media I've. Never even heard of that. Have you do you think during the the gulf wars? Do you think that there was any news network that lost viewers during a war? I'm not even sure this is true. I feel I feel like. Maybe the news isn't true, I mean: could they really have dropped? Thirty, three percent. Now I understand what the problem was. They were little bit maybe trying to be balanced about something that their viewers thought should not be balanced. Right is probably what it was, but man they just get creamed while oh well
what's news, number shot up: forty two percent and even sear that went up seventy percent MSNBC down thirty three percent. Now here's! What I think is happening is if they lost their jewish audience and their jewish supporting audience. You know any anybody who is like minded. Ah, that's probably the whole story, so MSNBC was not were they to oak? Does that apply cause? I'm not sure. Where awoke this overlaps with what anybody would think about the middle east, the middle east has got a supper from awoke. This is not completely well there. You go
So imagine dc learned a valuable lesson today, hello, this is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot. Take some calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite part gasters unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so that over to respond by search for
It was Scott Adams or your favorite podcast, and view the latest episodes and respond to q and a and bowls on spotify. Only, and I think it's interesting that when I got up this morning and checked the x platform, one of the words that was trending was brainwashing, brainwashing was trending and it wasn't because somebody had been captured in a military sense and brainwashed, it's now being used as a headline word, to describe the things we're seeing, which we use to describe other ways. Why do we describe it as brainwashing now, when we used to describe it as just people disagreeing was different? What changed to make people? What? What what changed to make people see it as brainwashing? Probably me just one of the things it says whether we're just one of the.
your backs was me. I've been reframing this as two movies or one screaming for a long time in the year, two movies that will scream long enough and then you see your example of action like a war was a good example. Then you see her so clearly that at the very least you know the other people are brainwashed. At the very least, we used to think that the news was real when we believed that the news was real, it kind of did next, it didn't make any sense got. A little error here looks like a stream yard is just totally stopped that we've got a complete, stop the rubble killed it yet restarted. It's got no comments. Hmm, let's see if I end up restarting the SU apis ups completely that give me a minute to reboot this. I can prove this. Let's see, if I could, he would close. The window touched. The stream yard itself instead.
The hello people does anybody still there, the only that looks like we're back, I'm sorry by a screen froze up there, but we're back.
Alright, as I was saying, brainwashing is a trending and I got the I got. This comment today on the on the x platform run by a user called the Pasado who said, among other things, he said, I'm thoroughly enjoying your new book. Reframe, your brain reframe, your brain, my new book, that's changing lives all over the place. If you don't have it, you really should probably the most important book I've ever written. Probably because its changing people's lives, the fastest and most bears the question reposado has he says it's a train, hypnotists master of persuasion,
Why are you and others like robert chill dd, trying to launch widespread reframes to make the world a better place? So python was asking with my skills while one I fixed fixer in a world peace, world peace? Now I don't. I don't like to complain, but most authors get asked for autographs. Sometimes people say ooh. Can you add more than the autograph that is a
to my brother, John and pull a message there. Almost never does somebody ask an author to use his powers to force world peace, but do you buy Zotto? I say: challenge accepted challenge accepted alright and vivek ramaswamy is making news at the very hardest one. Anybody could make news, which is when there's something more interesting going up and up. He is giving up
well the heat, so he already went out with Herrity kennedy, just sort of went off on him and haven't. If you saw vague talk to herrity gimme gimme, your one sentence impression: did one of them come off better than the other cut, because I had a view about it, but unbiased it looked at me like Kennedy. Had some kind of a weird meltdown is that where you saw it looked like Hannity was trying to take the vague out of the race.
And failed completely, but he basically just made himself look like a partisan and not the best way so that that was my impression, but you know I'm pro vague, so I might be too biased about that. I was wondering if you saw it the same way. Well so after that others piled on one of them is a map whitlocke, then he'd. We do this. He said this is the three hundredth time vacant says something inflammatory bankers
with his own words verbatim and faint moral outrage that he was being somehow this characterized? This is embarrassing and they should drop out. Here's what you need to know. First of all, I dont think met meant three hundred times. Literally that's a little thing. We call hyperbole. Do I criticise them for using? I purposely now because I know what it means, what he means. There is too much reactor is just hyperbole and those who don't understand. I probably end up debating the wrong things. It's not about the count is just directly you saying.
This guy does is too much, but here's a little media watching trick for you when you see the word verbatim used this way. This is not somebody you should pay attention to and I'll tell you why, but listen now, its use. Just look for the word verbatim and the sentence above
the three hundred at the time of exit and prepared presented with something in his own words verbatim, then feigned moral outrage that he was being somehow mischaracterized, to which I tweeted back almost all of the major political hoaxes are based on verbatim is a verbatim is a signal of a hoax. He was using it as a signal of truth know: it's like you've got this backwards map. Where have you bet anytime anytime? You see somebody, oh it, but it's verbatim watch here's this video clip of the president of the united states, calling neo nazis find people look is verbatim is verbatim. Yes, it is verbatim- and it's also so- and the context that literally reversed his meaning from condemning them to praising one that says reversed as you can get
He came down to the people, but then they sell verbatim the part where we're gonna selectively cut out. It's called a rhubarb when you selectively at it and take the verbatim and then what do people say when you complain that is not true. Saw myself on video. So when you hear
the word verbatim or the words I heard it or saw it myself. That's like a ninety per cent likely signal for fake news is really reliable and then people don't use those words about real things. There are some words that people consistently use or things that aren't real, and once you learn those words you'd spot him right away as soon as you see that word verbatim though. Yes, it is probably the right words but the wrong context, and then Dan Crenshaw, who is not too happy with the vague, and I guess, there's a difference in how much military response the two of them think is appropriate. Vague, would be more or less not get involved in any military unless it's directly for america's benefit. You know not this indirect stuff like ooh. Maybe China will attack taiwan unless we attack ukrainian, not this indirect stuff. If it's directly involving us such as the cartels, then yes, military. That would be VIC's view. I think I'm characterizing that correctly, but I Dan Crenshaw, says of the vague enough of the Hamas apologists have a vague ramaswamy is dangerously ignorant when it comes to issues of national security and foreign affairs. It's apparent from his little list below I dunno nautilus was the zero understanding of the region or existing american policy in the region. Zero, so that, if I can summarize Dan Crenshaw says evict is a Hamas apologist and too inexperienced to be making decisions at this level. Well, I've got a couple of observations below
At number one anytime, you see these words. I should have added this apologist, I'm to add that thorough than that apologist, whenever you see these words and I'll, give you a better view here in a second I dunno, I lost my capital. You do too.
Here's three words that will reliably identify somebody who's, not a legitimate debater, now they're the people I'm going to mention I kind of like that. So it's not about the the people but they're not being good people when they do. This rice is more
instead of the people are bad. I should just say that they're doing something bad or if you say that somebody compared Gaza to the holocaust. Do you think that happened in any real way there? There are people who make that comparison and they will be cancelled immediately, but do you think that they meant that? Do you think that they meant that they're the same in all the ways? Never so have you seen somebody say: hey you compared this bad thing to that bad thing and man, let me tell you this other bad things away worse and you compare them your cancelled. Anybody who uses this word compared their fucked up, because you never did that people just aren't, comparing all the things they're, usually to bury one thing, for example. Ah, I mentioned for context that, although there were twenty seven americans who died or so in the Hamas attack and that's horrible and just almost monstrously hard to even hold in your head and of course there was a small subset of the larger tragedy, but for context. I tweeted that about two hundred people, americans a day die from fentanyl overdoses about two hundred a day a day. Now somebody is going to say cause, you know they will scott. Did you just compare overdoses which are optional? Cause people don't have to do drugs? Did you compare that to somebody coming in and like decapitating babies like? How did you compare that and the answer is no asshole? I didn't compare them. You did that's your word. I said it's good context. Wouldn't you like to know is twenty seven, a lot of people to die in one day turns out it's not in of course the circumstances are completely different, but if you're talking about death, do you know those two hundred people that died today? They don't give a fuck about how other people died, they're just dead, so dead is dead. So here's what I'll compare the feelings of the dead
one in seven people with the feelings of the dead. Two hundred, none of them are happy about it. However, they got there, but of course the circumstances were completely different, the moral equivalence argument or so of ben shapiro. With this one, now I'm going to give I get to give a semite a free pass to anyone with jewish heritage this week. Would you agree, that's appropriate if, if you're just talking, you know even in public, I'm going to give you a free pass, you're going to say things that go too far in my opinion and I'm going to let that ride, because this is not. This is not exactly a a logic contest right. This is not a logic contest. This is about insanely, deep emotions and the response is going to be based on emotion, plus power. There will never be a logical element to what's going on. Leah will make the arguments, but we're we're in the in situ.
In which you don't want to get too logical, it's just not what what's happening here. So when then Shapiro said a start, making a moral equivalence between what is and will happen in Gaza compared to what happened in Israel, because one is a defensive act largely and the other is an offence to which they say. I don't think that's what people are doing. I think literally zero people, the thought there was a moral equivalence the only way, there's a moral equivalence, isn t real law.
Let's say you know, angels dancing on the head of a pin, philosophical way in which you would say which I say by the way. This is my my view once you've achieved pure evil. Don't tell me that somebody did two times at two times. Pure evil is more pure. Evil was as pure evil. What happened in Israel? You know it there's nothing to compare it to it's just pure evil. You can have a higher death count, but as I hour keeping score, not really we don't keep score that way. Maybe we should, but we don't alright and then apologists. If you see the word apologist, that's just that's just not a good player right. Do you think that vacanze an apologist? Do you think that he approved of Hamas like? Why would you say that about an american when we're kind of work alive under pressure to hear? Why would he have said that about an american.
That you know isn't true. So any time you see these words, these are not people, you should debate, you should close them down and run away. They're just they're they're operating on some pure emotional level, they're, not trying to be they're, not trying to be logical and win a debate they're trying to they're trying to demonize you to take you out of the debate. That's the better way to put their tried to demonize you so that your words will not be heard because they don't like him. Now, I'm not saying that there aren't. You know people who are doing exactly these things, but you'd never see it like in the public debate. The vache is not apologizing, for terrorists is just stupid. It's fucking stupid.
so here's a few things I would say to that number one day. Unquenchable seems to think that experience in national security would be a pretty big advantage. I would say that experience in government is most correlated with corruption. The number one correlation beat with experience is corruption. That's a reef baby. You can take the bank. Do you know why people like trump? Does he wasn't a career politician? Do you know that that to to his supporters implied implied that he wasn't corrupt? When says says we need the experienced people to do that. You know how I hear it. The corrupt people need to be.
search. That's all you're, the the people were figured out how to profit from the military industrial complex. You can't do that on day, one. That's not day, one stuff that sir I've been here for awhile I've got the right positions in congress have reached the level where I am important enough. That somebody would want to give me a reward. Experience in government is a signal for corruption doesn't mean every person, but I sure, as Hell, would not prefer experience over the smartest person who's ever run for office. Who could learn your fucking
I have overnight sorry to say it. So I keep saying this layer ave by say it, but we haven't seen have a run for office. We've seen lots of really smart people. Out of you know, ivy league people, people you wouldn't want to compete against in an acute contest, nerves really smart people have run for office, but we haven't seen vague, maybe lessons thomas jefferson or monroe, or something but ah aura
welcome, but he is the type who can figure out your whole job like while you're getting coffee. You haven't seen this before so people, people don't know how to evaluate him right. Even if you don't like his opinion today- and you say, but your opinion is under informed because there's this thing- I know that you don't know, give him ten more minutes. Tell him the thing that you know that he doesn't now and we're done here and now he knows that the he is not like. Other people he's not rejecting opinions that disagree with him. He is actually considering them and sometimes even adjusting from them and you're, seeing it in real time. We've never seen this before so. Comparing them to other people is just not fair, well fares. The wrong word is not useful, oh by the way. Ah, Arnold schwarzenegger has a new book titled. The book is be useful and apparently that's. This is his advice, solicited advice book. It's called be useful. Let me ask you, wherever you heard that before is there any other advice book the head as a a key theme, be useful yeah. It's like the main theme of my book called failed, almost everything and still win big.
I taught myself digital ghost that his ghost writer just read my book. It's like the title of his book and as the comments on the people read my book or telling you it's it's like a main theme of the book. I've never heard anybody say it before. I did because I had been asked in interviews. You can yet sort of summarize your views, success and my view of how to be successful. Licious. Those two words be useful, because your entire value to a potential mate to an employer, dear friends to everybody, is be useful. If you're trying to be loved because of who you are bad strategy, you should be loved for what you do just well. Maybe Ben might be different for women. Women could actually be loved for who they are, men and children can be loved, for they are men have to perform.
Yeah maybe makes that distinction, but I dunno either way. There was little aside and I had a little exchange with an israeli resident this morning and I don't know how to even approach this topic without getting cancelled bullet. Let's see if I can couch it in other people's opinions, because it's not my opinion, would you agree with the following statement that the radical islam us will use whatever happens in Gaza as a propaganda tool forever forever? They will use it to recruit. They will use it to get world sympathy. They'll use it to get money. They'll use it to get power. What does that sound? Like I'm, going to get canceled right now? I know I am alright. Here's what I'm not doing. The next things I say are not comparing I'm not going to do that. There will be no. Comparing there is no moral equivalence. Nope, I'm not going to make a moral equivalence. There is no apologist, I'm not being an apologist for anything. I'm going to tell you what other people are going to do and think this is not me, I'm just predicting what other people are going to do and thick. Israel is handling her master one, the holocaust and they have no idea what is going to cost them in the long run. Now I want to be as clear as possible. There isn't really any alternative to what they're doing. I can't think of one, and they have a complete right to self defense, complete right. That is
one question and I can see nothing else. I can do except exactly what they're doing if it were. If it were my country hundred percent onboard now, I don't have to take a moral or ethical stand about something that is only going to happen. One way it would be like taking moral and ethical stand against the rain. The rain is just gonna rain. It's just cause of the fact. I don't take moral stands against cause and effect when Hamas came into Israel and did what they did, they destroyed Gaza, but I think they probably knew it and I think maybe the bigger plan is to destroy gaza and kill their own people martyr them martyrs, many of their citizens as a cab to try to get something that would be the equivalent of the israeli superpower, which is the holocaust narrative. Now I'm not comparing them. This is not me, comparing them. I'm telling you what other people are good and compare, because if you're palestinian is going to feel like a holocaust to you right, that's not a fair comparison, but you're going to feel like one. So I asked my smart friend from from Israel. You realized that you're you're giving them their own holocaust right and he said that he hadn't talked to anybody who had was had that concept in their mind, did you you could all see her eye? Is it a blind spot for the israeli citizens because they just know they have to do what they have to do and young there's a way you could convince them that anybody would see this like the holocaust
but I feel like they might be a little bubble there cause I think, outside of their bubble and the islam us are going to make a lot of hay with that. You think they get it. I don't think so think so now let me close this by saying: I'm not comparing it to the holocaust, I'm not being an apologist for Hamas. I want them all destroyed and mostly not make the moral equivalence. I'm not doing that. I'm just making sort of a military observation, so in theory, when Israel is done, if done as even a word here and with whatever happens in gaza, is, should make their security situation much much worse in the long run. Do you think so? Am I wrong about that, because it's an interesting trap that Hamas set for him and the trap is that they have to do what they have to do, and I agree with completely, but it's going to cost them more than they could imagine. How can it get worse? How can it get worse? Have you seen the crowds in jordan trying to cross the border to join the fight it can get worse by?
way more people than who willing to run toward tel aviv shouting death to everybody, the the thing that get worse as more people on the side of the bed. Cecil and that's that's the whole game you're! Well, if you are spending any time online, you know that the situation in the middle east has turned into I hate to say this, and I don't mean this to make light of it. But if you look at the news coming out of Gaza run the people who are supporting gaza. It has turned into a dead baby contest. They are literally competing to see who can show the most horrific images of actual dead babies. It literally became a dead baby. Persuasion contest mad if there was ever a time to take your time.
a from social media is the worst thing I've ever seen. By far, will you bring I've, never seen anything he would to have about? This? Is I'm talking about the way it's been reported and how social media is handling it, but the images that I wish I could never see I can never unsee. I, like my brain, is actually scarred the initial stories.
The forty be added babies which we're still trying to figure out what is and is not true but obviously was a. It was a horror of you know unspeakable magnitude, no matter what the details were, but I even no matter how much of that was exactly true and how much of it was directly true. I have a whole movie in my head of the thing that may or may not have happened. The way it was described. Do you have the same problem? I mean I can't get that out of my head, no matter how exactly true or generally true I was so I mean that just lives in there and now I'm seeing the images coming out, Gaza, I'm never gonna forget them. I spent just like a few minutes
Just a few minutes and I I got in the wrong place- I had a hashtag. I should that and boom and while I don't think I'll ever be the same honestly, I think that I feel, like I have brain damage, actual physical brain damage from looking at those pictures cause. I am not the same, turned me into something else. Anyway. What else is going on? Here's a weird story that is Bomb the only player parenthood building in Gaza, now no military expert, but feels like opposite other objectives.
I am see how they tweet repost, that somebody said she deleted that she was blaming the blaming Israel's attack of Gaza as well, nothing tack, but the turning off the water and the electricity and starving them as collective punishment, which would technically be a warcraft, oh and before I talk about this I need to mention that I'm not going to be a good parent and I'm not going to be making your moral equivalence, I'm not an apologist. Okay, you have to say that every time you talk, but is it. But what is the technical answer to the question? Isn't a war crime to turn off facilities to the public because you are after a small subset of the public now what would not make that a worker is collective punishment right,
Yes, us russian, but maybe war is always collective punishment, yeah hiroshima hours, hiroshima, not a worker, because it was mostly mostly says right. Ninety nine percent of citizens, as that. not at work? Dr? I guess I don't understand what makes something a work row. So somebody says that her post was taken down. It might be because she learned it wasn't a workaround. I just don't where the line is. Maybe I'll do a little research.
On where the line is well. Today is the so called day of rage which, as some media outlets have called the day a protest. Do you think there will be violence in the united states today, people were supporting the palestinians and maybe even supporting hamas, some say yes. While there will be protests, apparently the white house is putting up gates and security. I wonder why why? Why would you put up security around the white house for this, but you didn't do much security for january six. Well, that's interesting question for later, but GINO says it's fake the day of rage and the real one will come later well, I think there might be lots of ruins coming later. Yeah yeah the the advantage that the united states, as it's a big one as it were large, so you you can introduce you a thousand people into Israel and they could bring the country to it's knees. If you introduced a thousand people in the mirror in america,.
They would be spread out or they'd, be in one place where the military will just zap them. So it cut it. The the geography doesn't work so well, but obviously there could be unlimited terror attacks. Yet there can be unlimited, nine elevens there's nothing would stop that, but nasa is not so much a bunch of people running at you with guns. Yelling. That's not so much going to happen here. Alright, take out one school or sporting event, yeah, that's probably what they'll do alright do you think anything will happen in america because of the situation I feel like, I feel, like openness will go away, but it's taken quite a blow, and I also feel that the anti awoke people are getting a lot braver than my imagination. I mean the things that I'm seeing being said in public are things you couldn't say one year ago. Would you agree things you could not say in public one year ago people are saying unreservedly in public and that's big. I think that's a step in the right place. It might mostly be because the x platform is the last passion of free speech, but I feel like someplace
It feels like something stranger yeah, there's a french teacher who got stabbed and somebody got stabbed over there, but I dunno that could have been just a crazy person. Yeah the stock market has been weird hasn't it sticker right now, while it's stone looks like is broadly down except for makeup. Makeup is up or alter. Alright aren't all terrorists crazy people. Well, I dunno if they started that way, but they might have, they might have been there brainwashed into it. I'm not sure of brainwash this the same as crazy as a chechen, okay. Well, here's what here's! What won't win you? The election in twenty twenty four, I'm gonna take away your rifles. I don't think that wins the election and I don't understand how trump
it's an up compared to Biden by twenty points. It's really baffling that this looks like it'll, be close. It's just really baffling well, I would say this unreservedly and without hyperbole and in two thousand and twenty four you're going to be voting for your life in ways that I don't think has ever been the case, because if we don't get a president who will close the border, we will be dead that I think that's a given and not because of hispanics coming over that they're, not really the problem they'll. Never let it happen. I don't think trump is up more than twenty. I don't think that Israel, yeah trump, is going to have to have like an enormous organic lead on election day, or else nobody's going to believe the result. If he doesn't win the most dangerous thing that could happen in the country is trump losing a in a close race. When the poll said it wouldn't be close and we might be headed for that, that would be really bad. I'm alright, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to close down the feed over here for youtube and twitter thanks for joining sorry about the technical problem and I'll see you tomorrow,.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-14.