« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2257 Scott Adams: Coffee With Scott 10/10/23

2023-10-10 | 🔗

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Politics, President Trump, Rob Reiner, RFK Jr., Colonizer Slur, Harvard Hamas Support, Cultural Brainwashing, Iran Hamas Connection, Fungibility, Israel Hamas War, Saudi-Israel Relations, MBS, American Open Border, Low Testosterone Democrats, Hostage Execution Threats, Gaza Siege, War Drug Captagon, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Only the district getting the duty to list good morning, everybody and welcome to the upgraded technologically improved version of coffee with Scott Adams. The best thing you've ever seen in your entire life, I'd like to take it up to another level. When you I know you would all you need, is a cup or mug or a glass attacker jealousies, die in a canteen joke or flask of vessel of any kind. Yes, at the moment, we're being held together by duct tape, literally, but enough about that. Ah, it's time now for the simultaneous ip please join me. It happens now, go! Oh! That's! Nice mug got there. Ah husker vhs quality. Are you kidding me? This is the highest quality. The show has ever been got a new camera over here.
I consider myself a little bit better now. I can't because its duct tape down I'll. Let's talk about all the things. Yes, we will talk about Israel. But maybe not right! First, let me warn you up a little bit before we get to the abbey stuff. Ok,.
Well, I dunno, if you saw trump, give a speech yesterday the day before, and I just gotta tell you that I was worried that he was losing a step and maybe he is, but he gave the best speech. I've ever received, actually not just the best for trump, but maybe just the best thing. I've ever seen a politician do for an extended speech. Now there are lots of speeches where somebody have like a good line. You know, ah young martin luther king you're, the one at jfk there's. I had some lot of memorable lines, but I happened to turn on trump at a rally was at foxborough or someplace. I forget where it was. One lady simply remind me, is where he was the other day and it was the most relaxed it was in new hampshire. This was the most relaxed, capable speech. I've ever seen. Anybody give in public. He was funny from start to finish. He failed every fact check. The fact checkers would go crazy.
But I was as especially paying attention to see if what he failed. The fact checking that yeah, even I could tell if it was ever directionally untrue and it wasn't there wasn't it was hilariously. I am sorry somebody said it wasn't streamed on rumble less interesting, though some kind of a message going on there now live on, live on rumble no worry about it, rumbles life. The way I am, I thought the contrast was striking, because Biden is decomposing to the point where you wonder: if Biden can even stay, you know operate through a speech asserted the same time. Biden has reached his lowest lifetime capability in public speaking. Would you agree that that's true? The Biden today is at the lowest capability that he's probably ever been as an adult. By contrast- and I didn't think this was going to be true so we'll see if this is a trend from speech, was the best he's ever given it, he is peaking while Joe Biden is close to death. How in the world is this going to be a close election, except for I know what your answer is going to be. I know what your answer's going to be shut up. We all know. Arabs was good to you, as you didn't have to put it in all capital letters. All capital letters were not required. Alright, so you should actually watch that. I actually watched the whole speech for entertainment. I had done I used to do, but I couldn't think of anything more entertaining than watching the rest of his speech and had nothing to do with work or anything else. It was just flat out entertaining
Nobody can do that he is the only one who can do that and the other thing I notice is that trump seems to smartly. This would be the smartest thing you can do. It seems like he is dial down the dangerous part a little bit. You know when you're first trying to make a name for yourself. You can be much more dangerous sounding as you don't have to necessarily execute on any things. You say, but I think now as an ex president, he can run on why he did compared to what's happening now as a pretty big contrast, and he doesn't need to make you afraid or excite you so he's talking more matter of factly sort of like a a dad who's figured it out. Alas, what it is that's his vibe, yet his vibe is a dad who hasn't figured out and is not wondering what to do like. He knows what to do and is making jokes with you about. Why would you be dumb enough not to let him do it? He noticed that as an solve all the problems, so is a really good one,
I hope the relaxed dad is coming vibe rather than the scary. I'm going to go, you'll kill all the people and drain the swamp that stuff's a little alarming to his non followers. So I think he's made a good adjustment there better and offers temporary. Our of K, junior announces independent run. Can we agree that he is the worst luck with timing of any politician in the history of politicians with timing, he timed his announcement in the middle of the israeli war. I don't think there is any other news.
Today was it was her any other news. He was the only other news. It is still couldn't get much coverage. Well, I know what you're thinking you're thinking of kid you two years, gonna pull more votes away from trumpeters make job not win, though you think it you may be right. I'm waiting to see the poll results, so I've decided to hold my opinion of who he will draw more from until he actually say. I think we'll get a read on this pretty soon. You know I would imagine. The polling companies are coming up with questions to suss out what it will. Like but notably rob writer who you would imagine, is as left in democratic, you could possibly.
He actually well. He waited ass. We don't know what he believes. I'm not gonna like a notes in his head. I just tell you what he treated.
Yeah so rob reiner to do this Bobby Kennedy. Jr announcements run as an independent is a dangerous and cynical move by a wealthy republicans to put trump back in the white house. Ah well, I talked with Bobby and told him that what he was doing could destroy american democracy. He didn't care, he didn't care. I read it like that. He didn't care, he is a director, so I feel like you would approve of me reading it with your bringing bringing my own my own skill to it. He didn't care all right. Here's what I want to tell you about rob reiner number one! I don't think anybody knows less about the world or politics, or at least the way he demonstrated, but I used to think that he just had something wrong with him or that he was politically brainwashed. I dunno, if any of those things are true, but I'll tell you what made me feel a lot better about his tweets. Now you cannot say meathead. I will not allow it that only the npc is will save me head or, if you say me, head of going to stop every single time and say swimming is the best form of two size, because, as nothing also.
Anybody else. Do we want a yellow meathead, because swimming is really the best form of exercise? Ah, I know it's fun when you like to yell his tv name, because it's so amusing or is all I want to tell you when you look at rob reiner, if you think of him as performance art, which I do is actually quite entertaining, because I don't think a serious person would write any of this. Let me ask you what serious person would say in public that he doesn't think Bobby Kennedy. Jr weight believes in him
I can democracy or cares about it. Alright, that's not really an opinion of a normal person, but it's also not the opinion of an insane person or a hypnotised were programmed person. The only person who would say this is somebody who is performing now, maybe maybe I'm wrong. All I'm saying is: if you read it with the the frame of mind those performance art it, it works perfectly. Who in the world would say that Bobby Kennedy, Jr doesn't care about democracy, ruining democracy, no notes, roll would say that is is is not like even a thing. You'd have to say that if you did it before effect that something you'd have to save for the effect it would have on the listener, not because you believed that nobody would believe that so so the effect is trying to get in his performance. It is for us to say my god, my god, how could anybody say that that that a kennedy who's done nothing but your work? That seems directly for the benefit of the public and as as long legacy of you know, of a benefit to the cockpit working for the better for the country that really that person
that person doesn't believe in democracy. So once you see it as a performance that doesn't bother you at all go out. That was pretty clever. How you said that to get people worked up so try it you'll like it. I question we all have, or you should have, is what we're seeing happening in Israel. Could some version of that happened in america? Could the yeah the attitudes and temperaments against each other turn into violence? Well, I would say yes because we're human beings and we're still part of history, so history suggests that this It can happen pretty quickly and come out of almost nothing, and I would suggest that we're seeing the persons that I didn't realize that colleges or teaching students that there that some of the people in the united states are colonized.
and that when they use the word decolonization, which apparently is now becoming popular in college curriculums. Here's what I see when somebody calls me a colonizer to me. Thus the n word for white people. If somebody calls you a colonizer, let's say you're a white person to me: that's just the n word and it's a call to violence. I don't recommend violence, but just as if you were, if you are blacked and somebody use the n word in front of you in a letter said in an ironic way. Your first impression would be violence, and you know it. I get that I do recommend that do not recommend violence, but I get it right if somebody uses
It's the most insulting I didn't, but just the most insulting word. We, we all have an immediate reaction to that. If I or somebody call me colonizer, I want to punch their fucking head off because it's a call to violence against me, and so by reaction to violence against me is violence. I mean immediately. I don't recommend it and I'm not going to punch out It's not often you should be there, but I'm only describing the emotional reaction to it. So you can use the word colonizer if you want to buy you're going to get the effect of. If you had called me, the n word and I were black- that that will be the outcome. Can't guarantee will happen. I can make no promises
about the outcome of that interaction, but calling anybody a colonizer are calling for decolonisation to me as a call to kill white people. Won't, let me say it as directly as possible is a call to kill white people not right away as as moving from sort of academic into the rest of the world, but it's a clear indication that the direction is to murder white people. So I do
it will I don't think the colleges will self correct. So we are creating a bunch of students who are primed to murder away people. So it'd be amazing. If it doesn't happen, I think it will happen. I think there will be waves of murderous the colonizers in our future, maybe five to ten years from now and Hamas has killed over a thousand people in Israel and of course there are lots of casualties.
On the other side, as well in gaza, huge number of casualties, but less reported, as that Hamas also murdered a harvard. Do you remember harvard when you were when you were young? Didn't you think? Oh my god, if somebody went to harvard there's somebody you respect like there's somebody who's gotta. You know a really good mind somebody's patent, paying attention to their work, really trying to make a difference in the world, probably that something well as of today at notable harvard alum are actually disavowing harvard for being a pro hamas. Now I I might be that might be hyperbole to say there are pro hamas, but I've read the statements from some of the student groups and it looks pro hamas to me. I mean I don't think that's too far, but it might be a little too far so- and I say this without exaggeration, if a young person- and this would not apply to anybody above forty or something if you're above forty and you've got a harvard degree,
I have a lot of respect for it. Actually, if you're above thirty five, something like that up, I'm going to say wow, you really accomplish something. You got into a tough place and made something of yourself, but today I wouldn't hire a young harvard graduate. Would you how many of you would hire somebody who graduated from harvard this year? I mean, I suppose you would treat them individually and you'd still interview, but if I got if I got even like a taste that they had bought into this cultural brainwashing, not a chance, you would not want to bring.
Added to your company. So the weird thing that happened is that harvard decided to be really really open to you have to be as diverse as they could, which has got impulse mind the diversity part. I do think our institutions should have some representation. That looks a little bit like the country, so I don't disagree that. But the ironic thing is that they open they. They had this huge valuable asset called harvard and they opened it up to far more people who would not have had a chance to be there. Otherwise, at the same time, they ruined his reputation. So they'll be all these people as like gay got into harvard then, where they go for a job. Somebody's gonna say really
Harvard what year did you graduate twenty twenty? Four? Oh that's problem yeah now now. Maybe what will happen? Is that you'll be like a band of ten years where people will say you know what a graduated harvard and people say what year and it's going to make all the difference. Hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot. Take some calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite part, guessers unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so that over to respond by search for
It was got Adams or your favorite punkahs and view the latest episodes and respond to queue, and bowls and bowls on spotify only. Or the big question the news is: was iran directly or indirectly evolved in the Hamas attack on Israel? There is nobody who thinks they weren't right. Don't we all just assume like? Is that even a question, because at the very least at lisbon funding them and organise a lemon person so whether they had a meeting about this specific event, is a little less important, but for galvanizing public opinion, wouldn't it be nice if there was a specific meaning that the EU could point to.
Right is one thing to say: oh iran backs them, but that's not real, even close to saying that a specific meeting in which the iranian officials greenlighted the operation, though those really feel different, now remember in the fog of war. You should assume that all the news is fake. Some of it won't be, but if you want to be right, ninety percent of the time just assume everything's fake. So we heard from one news outlet that they have some secret source that apparently the government of the united states does not have because the government of the united states is not confirming that there was any meeting that they know of but has been reported in the press. Does that sound like a legitimate story to do? Do you think that our intelligence people dropped the ball and they didn't realize that they need to make a more direct connection to iran now the story is obviously fake to me. It's obviously fake. Now here's what here's, what I'm saying and what I'm not saying, I'm not saying IRAN was uninvolved, I'm sure they were, and I'm not saying.
There was no meeting lucy of say that without double negative are, there might have been a meeting in which it was green light it. But do you believe that there is a news organization where knowledge about a specific meeting in a specific time, in a specific place, I'm gonna say bullshit, The sort of story you want the public to think is true, because it's actually closer to the truth. Then what every avenue had, whether or not there was a specific meeting of a specific time in a specific place, doesn't really matter does matter at all, but how would it I would you feel about it if you thought it were true, the way you feel about it is, you say: are we ve got indirectly do something against around, but if it was more just background
Well, they always support them and always have their money is going there. You said yourself, I really hate that their funding, but I guess just give gone on the way. We are you. What are you gonna do? Why are you so to me that looks like an up? I don't believe that that's true, but is also entirely true, that the united states government will intentionally be lying a bit so that there were not greater calls for war. It could suggest that the military, industrial, complex and the intelligence services are not on the same page as by which would not be too surprising what it would you be surprised if you found out the intelligence. People disagreed with the administration. I wouldn't be too surprised because the intelligence people tend to stay there, while the government's change from revolt.
It's a Democrat at some point, you'd imagine that would be disagreement between intelligence and the government, and so that's what it looks like, but none of that should matter the the least important question should be: was iran involved? Of course they were like. Why are you even talking about it? Of course they were, but I dunno about that specific meeting all right. What about the fungibility? Ah? Are you sick of hearing the word fungible by the way I've never heard the word fungible so much I feel like I caused it. I know I didn't, but it's like just an illusion, because I'm always one of the first people they say fungible, because if you're an economics major is just one of those words like to show off with. Oh did you know. Ah I dunno if the Zeit Geist has picked those up yet, but in my eponymous book I do talk about the fungibility of oil and cash yeah. So was one of those douchebags words people like to follow, but since I'm usually one of the first douchebags, I thought there's a lot of people saying fungible that didn't used to say that, because the public doesn't know what it means, but does that matter does it matter if iran used the six billion that was allegedly released, then doesn't matter at all. Yet do you think they wouldn't have done this, except for that that, except for that money that they have spent zero of now that the democrat argument is just so stupid, they tried to ignore fungibility as like a concept and just say that specific money, the specific six billion dollars, is still in the accounts and can only be used for specific things, and none of that money has actually been spent. So therefore it had nothing to do with it and then the Democrats than republicans say, but if they knew that money was coming or things they were going to spend their money on other.
as then they're free up the same amount of money, you conceptually that at least budget wise there would say to themselves. Well, we don't need to save money for these humanitarian things, cause that's being taken care of, and then do you know how the devil prepared to respond to that criticism. I've seen it a million times if you watch the news, you'll see it over and over again. How did our the Democrats respond when you tell them that money is fungible I'll, tell you and let's see, moving onto the next question, that's how I've never seen a Democrat have to answer the question: why do you think money can only be spent for one thing you know you don't think
I can adjust even mentally their budget. I just want to see you know Jessica tarloff, on the five just answer that question jessica. Do you understand how money works like the the dollar bills in my pocket? You understand they're, just as good as a dollar bills in your pocket right same thing: money fungible anyway, I don't think the six billion dollar argument has any bearing on anything completely irrelevant. So the two things we'll talk about the most are the two least important things to know the answer to did the six billion dollars make it make a difference it didn't. Maybe it gave them more money, but now, if they were going to do this, they were going to do this it's possible. They waited until they got the six billion more thought it, but they don't even have a yet. We can still pull it back. They still do have control over it. The I guess us where somebody still has control over it anyway. So don't don't think that the is the involved. Of course they are, and is money fungible. Of course, this those are not real arguments. Those are just tv arguments because they don't have enough footage of the actual damage happening right now, and here is the other thing you're not hearing on the news, and why are we
talking about the israeli army going your door to door having heavy losses when Israel calls the siege, why don't we just listen to what they called it? They called it the siege and letting people out there who are noncombatants. So now I dunno if those people feel free to leave, but that really wouldn't be Israel's problem. They have their own problems to do with. If, if Hamas wants to start killing its own people to prevent them, Even so, I can use them as human shields. That's just the way asked about, but I would imagine that Israel will now starve out the population to force them to move towards food and water. Now I was erected on social media when I suggested that encouraging people
move toward the food and the water is the same as killing them all. Then soldier.
I'm not sure. That's the same, I I feel like moving people toward food and water and safety is a little bit better than murdering. Neither one are good, though from the npc is watching. Yes, I know it would be an amazing hardship that I can't even imagine on on the gaza residents were noncombatants. I think the tragedy will be incredible. It's also true that they had a non viable society that was supported only by donations. If you live in a non viable society that is supported only by donations, something's going to happen, there's not going to be good, so you're in no special order. Here's another argument does pissing me off. I support Israel and the right to defend themselves. I've always been pro is a pro israel, but there are some arguments that just piss me off, because they're just too stupid and one of them is that Israel's the good guy, because they allowed eighteen thousand workers,
in Gaza on a daily basis to come in and work in in Israel, eighteen thousand out of a million adults when they have a seventy percent, seventy percent unemployment rate. If you, though, eighteen thousand, was a big number, it's not really a big number, when the only jobs that they have are on the other side of their own bore. So that's a small number, but I will say that is not enough, letting eighty thousand people a day, not knowing exactly if any
it could be dangerous. It was probably a little risky, but I imagine that a threesome having falling before they do it, but eighteen thousand people- it's not nothing, but it's not a lot. So don't imagine that that's like any big gift, because it's not now. What about the question about the hardship that the israelis have imposed on Gaza does, as that will be the argument on the other side. Well, here's the thing, and as long as Hamas wants to hide among them and has their support, apparently to do it and Israel doesn't owe them anything, because it's not their job to sort out the bad guys from the good guys in their population is sort of the populations job and, unfortunately, nobody can help, especially if they
especially upset or hypnotized into thinking that they should be on their side or if they're threatened. I suppose, but Israel can't do anything about that. The the israel just has to protect itself, as everyone does alright.
I saw a report that you should not believe that, because it was on a non credible source, what people are tweeting around and they're reporting that Israel is using some kind of phosphorus bombs in residential neighborhoods. Oh no, I'm sorry that that is just so on the nose like it's exactly what you are expected to see a report of Israel using illegal munitions. Why the fuck would Israel use illegal munitions in this fight? It's obvious so and so impossible to believe now. If Israel had an unorganized military where they couldn't guarantee that you know there was control of all the units may be anything could happen, but that's not israel. They do have good command and control if you have command and control and you're fighting not only for your survival but for the hearts and minds you're not going to use even one illegal munition. If you have a, I mean I am guessing. Every military has some bad stuff. They don't use, but is this the least believable thing you're going to see today and they show a neighborhood that shows no people and could have been anywhere and it show some like white powder drifting up or something don't believe that alright and if you had to bet on that one, you should bet against that, wouldn't be real, like a ninety nine to one alright, and so, as I'm trying to get a feel for how people are thinking about the war in Israel, and I looked to see how many things get re tweeted and how much so if I tweet something that gets a lot of retweets, I say to myself: oh, I must have said something that other people were thinking too, but I guess I said it well so, along those lines, when I did my thread on what it looks like is happening or why Hamas is doing it is it's already over eight million views now, if you don't use the ex profile or the x platform, I will tell you the eight million views on one of my tweets. I have learned whether million viewers, but typically I would gets twenty thousand a good or really good post of mine might get a quarter million like that's really. If I'm calling it getting. A million is pretty rare, a million views, but a million and growing is crazy. So that means people didn't just agree. They like really agreed and.
One of the things I have to correct over a correction correction. I gave you some incorrect news and fake news. Yesterday I told you that the saudi arabia had already broken off discussions of normalizing relationships, relations with Israel, which was reported or not reported. It was on social media, but not true, not true, yet they might be suspended, but it says that it means you know. Delayed anything can happen, however, so so am acknowledging my fake news there. However, it does put saudi arabia in the narrative sap years, Omi
If saudi arabia wait a little while and then they say you know what israel you bastards, we can never do business with you. It's cancelled forever that changes the narrative too. Maybe Hammas had appoint right. That's a big big problem to the hearts and minds, but suppose the opposite, and this may be the only time the opposite is actually a possibility. Suppose the crown prince, who has so far shown himself to be ultimate practical leader, meaning he'll do some bad stuff. If he thinks it needs to do. You'll do some good stuff if he thinks he needs to any seems like a deal maker. I said that before the abraham reports that there was his weary situation were trump Netanyahu and envy ass, the conference, their ordeal makers, the by their nature, their personalities they they liked me deals and so was, and why wasn't surprise when Abraham courts happened because we still makers, but you still deal baker, nanny I'll, still needlemaker widens and charge. So that takes way we view the strongest steelmaker the three potential power. Imagine if you're envious crown prince Saudi arabia, imagine what it would do to the hearts and minds of everybody if their, if, after the waiting a few weeks to see what a trash and will want to trust these pop up, because it will be reports of atrocities that it will be reports. True or not. True of is
really interests. You know that right you can guarantee. There will be reports of atrocities. I just told you one I mean the alleged, but on will almost certainly not true use of illegal munitions. It's report of interest is almost guaranteed to not be true, but you're guaranteed to hear them so a guarantee that some of them, if not most, would not be true, but I always want to say that in war there is nobody who's completely good right. Once the soldiers have guns and the bullets start flying I mean people can do anything, so I dunno. Maybe there will be an atrocity. Anything can happen from individuals, obviously the government's not going to sanction, but anything can happen, but just assume that any reports you see are ninety nine percent unlikely.
True anyways about imagine. If the crown prince of saudi arabia said, you know what I've watched, how events have played out over the last month or so cause. This is gonna. Last long time, I've I've watched how events have played out, and I've decided I'm not going to pick a winner or loser, and I'm just going to go ahead with this deal. That would change everything. It would just kneecap Hamas because it would kind of say, they've gone too far. Basically, it would just be saying I can't support them. They've gone too far, and that would probably be a huge positive and region. It would isolate iran alright, and do you think that the terrorists are coming through our borders right now,.
and that it's inevitable, we'll have some kind of massive event like this, where multiple gunmen in multiple places attack at the same time, ah well, elon musk, said- and I quote only a matter of time because apparently dozens of known terrorists have gone through the border. How do we know that? How do we know that known terrorists went through the border? Doesn't that mean there was some point where we were looking at their paperwork like hey? Why? What
panics of love. What was that look like cause like or to your name? Alright says known, known terrorists or known terrorists? Why are you here or here for business now now I'm not going to do any terrorism, I'm here to apply for asylum, as I think people are after me, yeah yeah they might be after you cause you're on the terrorist watchlist near for asylum. I don't have any specific charges against you, but I do have this law this, as I have to. Let you in approved, walk right in sir. Is that what happened and now I don't think that happened, but what actually did happen? How in the world could we'd know that there are two.
some terrorists, or how do we know it unless we talk to them, interviewed them, took their picture, looked at their paperwork and had them sign something or are you or terrace while, yes, I am sir playing for asylum. Yes, I am gordon well here's my second question: if there are two dozen known terrorists in the country, can't we find them in one day just by publishing their photos.
You just have to tell the public where they are, if you think they're terrorists and they're here illegally, I'd like to know who they are I'd like to see a picture of their face goes if they live next to me, I might have to plan accordingly. You know at least move at the very least. Let me move, I don't have to take matters into my own hands, but I'd like to defend myself from the the yos presumed terrorists, alright, and I would agree that mass terrorist attacks in the united states are guaranteed at this point guaranteed. I agree with elon and that the current system guarantees it. You know, I often tell you that design is destiny. We are designed to attract attacks because the borders them thus the design. So if you're, if you're predicting that it won't happen, you're not really looking at the design is designed to happen is guaranteed is built right into the engineering of our country. Right now, alright, here's a question: what if men were in charge of the country, do you think the border will be open if men were in charge? Now I'm not suggesting this is not a practical idea, but what if women just couldn't vote the border would be close? What do you know why, in my entire life, I've never met a man who would put up with an open border.
And lawlessness Portugal. I've never met a man now you're, saying bus, gus, gus that there are plenty of Democrats who identify as male and do say we should keep it the way. This well there's clearly a testosterone effect here, like I I I don't mean to be insulting, but when you see somebody who identifies as a man saying that it's okay to keep the borders porous their low t, I hate to tell you: there's nobody with a high testosterone who thinks the borders should be open, and can we say that out loud will I get canceled for that? It's obvious, it's obvious. So, let's just let's just call it like this we're acting like it's the Democrats who want the border open and scatter women. Now not republican women, not rich, not republican women, but as women. The open border is a woman problem and a low deep rumble, and our political parties have divided pretty much along those lines: the high tea men and the women who, like men with
Classroom or on one side and the low t, men and the women who don't want strong men or anywhere around them or on the other side. So I see this as almost a chemistry problem as opposed to a political problem. If our chemistry were right and our testosterone has not dropped for the last forty years, the border will be closed and by the way, this is one of the few.
indians, in which I have one hundred percent confidence, most of what I say- and I I try to say it this way. I talk in terms of the odds. Well, you know, there's a fifty percent more chance. This will happen or ninety nine. I just just use the us ninety nine percent chance. The stories are false. I like to talk that way, but not in this case cause. This is just direct. If, if the Democrats had the same amount of testosterone as the republicans, we wouldn't have this problem. If, if you back this up to the root cause is not politics and it's not trump is low T. This is just the low testosterone problem. I mean, let's call it what it is. It is a low testosterone problem. No man leaves his family unprotected if it's easy to do that, if it's easy to solve it as enclosed the border, we know how to do that. Stuff. No man with a normal amount of testosterone agrees to that situation, no man, so we should call it what it is. That is a chemical imbalance which has had a ripple effect on our border, which will get a lot of a skilled for sure. It'll get a lot of us killed, so low tea is deadly and actually low. Low testosterone will kill more people, probably than coronavirus yo. If he had mandatory, if he had any mandatory shots, it should be testosterone boosters for democrats,
Am I right if the point of giving somebody a mandatory shot, is to make the country safer right is not for the individual. Do we agree with that? The the mandatory the fact the shots are ever mandatory is for the benefit of the whole. This is not about the individual and we want them to do well too, but that's not the point of a mandate if it were only about the one person it'd be like cigarettes. Well, we we recommend against cigarettes, but you're only killing yourself, so free country go ahead, but we don't do that with shots cause. It's about it's about the whole. If you want to protect the whole, give democrat men, testosterone, boosters, because it's the only chance we'll be able to defend the country. I've got a feeling, that's gonna, be a viral clip.
Yeah we'll see alright. Well, I have an idea for fixing the situation with mars in america to do- and this is this is a recommendation for just democrats. Republicans can set this one out because you guys don't know how to solve anything. But democrats have a solution. The open borders, as well as the mass, which is to open their doors and allow the hamas people, and also all the people screaming across the border, to have sanctuary in their homes because we like them to be consistent with their opinions, and I think that we should help, because I've got this problem where they want to be helpful. This group of people that they think are victims, and rather than arguing with em, why don't we help them, get what they want?.
Which is them personally being as close as possible to the people who they say are safe and beautiful, but others who were bastards say that they can be dangerous in some way. So I dont think republic who should participate in this, but I think that most people would do really well with the low testosterone manager Democrat party. And the women they have a lot of fun with their women, so that would be an excellent solution for both the cartel members were strewn with cross border and hamas. Let it will need some place to go, there's something I call problem solved. Portland now, there's answer just animal the portland everybody wins write his portland would say absolutely bring up. Here. I got an extra tat. I think that's a win win. We would have, of course, have to put a sea.
It's around portland, but that's down the road and, as anybody seen any news of Hamas executing any hostages. I have not seen that. I don't other. We would know news that so so they've threatened that they would kill a hostage for every other day or something that Israel is attacking Gaza. But yet there are no reports of it. There are no report. Our suddenly says they saw a few videos that weren't real or here's. What I think will happen, given that Hamas is probably somewhat distributed and they probably don't have a good command and control. I would say: there's a guarantee that some hostages will be killed and that will be filmed. Would you agree.
I think that leadership probably would not order it, because it would be crazy, it'll be crazy to order it, but they are crazy. I think individual, like cells, yahoo, just wear through the fighting and their brains are scrambled and you're on drugs and stuff. I think they might do it and they might try to get out now. Here's here's my provocative statement. This won't happen, but imagine a major news network or even a platform. A social media platform allowed that content to be transmitted. I'm not talking of some troll posted on social media because that's just the individual but let's say the network or the platform allowed those videos on there would that make that news network a legitimate military target for Israel, not that they would attack. You know NBC news or something, but that wouldn't be helping here's why
Presumably, showing hostages being murdered word reduce the israeli will to fight because they say, while all the other the weaker people would say now we ve got to do everything we can to say last just so. Let's less do a ceasefire.
We can see another one of these videos, let's do a ceasefire and I will do a trade of prisoners and they will do some kind of a peace deal. So I would think that the last thing the israeli leadership was re- those videos the servants, so you wouldn't be good for Hamas, but also wouldn't be good for israel. Do you believe that, so far, masses leadership really doesn't want these to it out cause that's the and the only if there was any any remaining sympathy for them in any way it would just evaporate.
I don't think there's too much sympathy for hamas specifically, but, given that neither Hamas is leadership, could possibly profit from it at the same time, there's no way that Israel's leadership would want you to see them. I feel like there's a strong impulse that no news entity would show them, and social media would scrub them as soon as they showed up now. It may show up on telegram or something, but I feel like you're never going to see one because there's going to be something like a complete news blackout now, as somebody pointed out, but Scott, that's how war works, there's a news blackout. Well, it wasn't true in vietnam. So much I mean the vietnam war probably went the way it went in part because they were
but I would say that recent wars, recent wars, are definitely bad enough. A news black out there. You can find the videos if you look, but are the videos of hostages or videos of violence that happened during the attack, because people were executed during the attack. You know execution style. I dunno. If you could tell the difference. Korea is a difference. Yeah there's difference because one is an attack and one is a hostage situation in which there is a risk of them dying and being filmed.
I'd say: that's pretty different. Anyway, I'm going to predict that you won't see much of these hostages being executed. Even if they are. I I. I suspect that Israel's calculation is that they're already gone, you blaming vaccinations on the attack. Okay, why not climate change that wherever we blame the attack on climate change, ipcc? Alright, I don't think you'll see it now. I would say that one of the biggest parts of this story may be suppressed in the news and this this drug called Capcom have ever heard of it is what
it says she uses sort of a math that makes you a zombie like it makes you go all day right. You can. You can run all day, but also you became immune to violence. So you can just dissect a person while you're on Caprica and you'd, be like okay, just having fun here, dissecting the person I disemboweled, an enemy that was fun. Yep, said the drug turns people into zombie killers. Now, where'd you hear about a terrorist attack of a let's say, a cell of terrorists and may maybe it'd be like a handful. They do an attack where they know they're not going to survive. And what do you say to yourself usually say? Thank god. This is a rare thing there. There are that many people who would be willing to kill themselves for some political point. That's not even going to move the needle that is very unusual to get people will be willing to do that. Even though there's plenty of it is very small part of the poor population, but somehow Hamas got a thousand people to go on a suicide mission at the same time how'd. He do that. Yet a thousand people to go on a mission where none of them would expect to come home. Some of them probably did, but they won't expect to. I feel drugs or the drugs or the story that is not being told. I don't think you can get a thousand people to do this at the same time without drugs. That's what I think, and by the way, if he had access to that drug and hamas would have access, because it's all over the middle EAST. If you had access to it, why would you not give it to your soldiers? It would actually be like a giant military mistake to not give it to him when you're going into a young, almost certain death. So I'd want to know a lot more about that yeah. I think the nazis used it and isis used it and they got similar outcomes. You know they they did more attacking.
When you think people would attack somebody says the japanese did it for the banzai attack, so I would imagine why wouldn't you if he had access to it? Why wouldn't you so? That's part of the question now? What do you think's gonna happen with a siege? The first thing: that's going to happen is you're not going to pretty soon he was the video you'll see distant. Videos of you know things blowing up the air you'll see you know the ones and twos ease of people being injured and being loaded in ambulances. Stop but you're not can now. If it really happen from this war, some other war that they just took the video from, but how it
anybody get a video out of gaza cause at the moment they don't have electricity, so they won't have phones, they won't have internet will they they all have cell phones right. How would they get the video out yet? Why? I doubt darling I mean. I don't know, so they generators in the short run. But do you think those generators will? Actually let me crack myself I'll bet they have had poor reliance on their grid. Sleigh prop more general
or something we know about, but generators operate on generators operate on gas right? How long will the gaspe available, I feel like they've, got thirty days of generators? Maximum like there might be some hidden supplies of them or something solar? I don't feel like they have a lot of solar power over there, but at by right, solar could be part of it. They smuggle out. He had vacant vhs this suppose they could smuggle out some stuff, but I don't think you'll see much. I think the lid will be pretty tight know these videos are on the internet. While I haven't seen a so
I dunno which internet you're looking at I rescue up being planned. Do you think there will be rescue ops for this and for the hostages?
Not even sure that that will be attempted honestly, because I think it'd be too dangerous to go in and it's not likely anybody survive a few attacked. It looks like a bad play. Maybe if there's a special case. Alright I'd like to solve this problem with something called economics, you're ready. What is the most valuable information in the world today? What? What is the one piece of information that somebody would pay the most for this current information? I'm not talking about something, that's always been true or solving an equation. Nothing like that. I mean something was happening in the world right now. What's the most valuable piece of information, let's see if he can get us, your paypal account. Okay, your crypto password now the most valuable information in the whole world. Not just for you. There you go there. You go I'll, give you a partial credit because I'm not sure which lead,
If you're talking about the motion, the most valuable information in the world is where the leadership of iran is at any moment. Am I right? If you're Israel, you should have already the most enormous reward set up by crypto, so it's untraceable a bitcoin reward. If you can tell me where the leadership is now I'm talking about the top five, you know top five or so, and it and here's another way. You can also do it as a betting app. Could you do now that one word it would have to be some kind of an app where you would have multiple reports like you wouldn't rely on one report and you'd probably have to verify it. So if somebody said I got a ten million dollar reward or it can be a ten billion dollar reward. What what would it be worth to you to know where the leader of IRAN was so you could take about ten billion dollars? That would be cheap to bear too, or I mean that would be nothing. Yeah it'd be worth about ten billion dollars. Nobody would pay it, but that's what it would be worth so the most valuable information in the world is where the iranian leadership is because, in my opinion, Israel has a free pass to take them out. Thus, I think, in a way they never did before and as possible that that time will pass like they will. No longer have that window where they can take out. The leadership have something like some kind of explanation or reason for it and not make things worse it might. It might make things worse, but they're likely to rip the bandaid off because here's the problem, if everybody did a truce today in iran,
still has money and is still in charge. It's just going to happen again later as a bigger and better their entire plan is, it will could keep doing this forever until it works. If your plan is explicitly we'll keep trying until it works, you've got to get rid of those people, as your only is your only path to safety. Now what would happen if how would the iranian public react the public if their leadership were taken out because of this it would actually be a an okay I'm just taking my head, I saw somebody who was pointing out that it would be an act of war against IRAN. That's exactly what I'm suggesting I'm suggesting! Isn't a war. You don't have to put a word on total active warp that they have and, of course it is war. They've literally
grill declared war, so any military target is fair game. At this point in the in the leadership, IRAN is just a military target. So whether or not you call that a war or not, it is what it is and doesn't matter which felt. I could say that ukraine is an act of war against russia by the us I mean I'm not going to. Knowledge is now you're missing my logic, you're missing my logic. I don't give a fuck if its neck Work sophie arguing. Well, what is this an act of war? Is this an act of war? You're missing my point: I don't care, I don't think Israel should care because you're liable, for it doesn't change anything for shits going to happen.
It happens, no matter what label you put out so label it a war compared to other places. If you want it, doesn't have any real world impact. That's just you talking about life. I remember when Helen tones used to ask obama often we're coming by the way. I do you, like my camera set up. This is better better. These little better. alright? Ladies and gentlemen, that's all I've got for today, I'm going to talk to people on the locals platform, because they're special bogo say goodbye to twitter and youtube and rumble where we're streaming live at the same time on this camera, this camera right here and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-11.