« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2254 Scott Adams: Coffee With Scott

2023-10-07 | 🔗

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Politics, Phil Bump, AOC Oyster Reef, President Trump, Nuclear Sub Secrets, Whistleblower Protection Office, Healthcare Crisis, Presidential Immunity, Hamas Invades Israel, Dastardly, Governor DeSantis, Christopher Rufo, Daily Beast, Mehdi Hasan, Elon Musk, Chaya Raichik, Mike Benz, Brandy Zadrozny, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Well, maybe a delay on that. Ladies and gentlemen, so I don't know how much they're going to until their technology But I do know this doo doo doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo doo good morning, ladies, and welcome to a technological upgrade. Their will play some of you said, I'm streaming to you with area for different platforms. You might be see me away subscription side locals abandons the locals. I think an extra anybody see me on youtube and you might be seeing me on rumble and you might be see me streaming live to the x platform, got both of my microphones on, so the sound should be similar in all places. So if everybody has a favorite, let me know later, if you'd like.
I take this experience up to levels that I can't even imagine anymore. All you need is a cup or mug or glass, a tanker jealous or style against a jug or flask of vessel of any kind. fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee jointly now young parallel pleasure dope media to the day the thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous happens now. Well, yes, I will be talking about the events in tunisia, Israel, so that you can call me names. I know you well does about what I say. Want to alert you to the dilbert reborn, comic that it has been polish for today, but you can always he had normally, if you're subscribing either on the x platform, you can see them my profile or if usage driving on the locals platform.
but here's what you missed now that I'm off the leash- and I could do anything I want- I am using my comic- to get revenge on all the people at holistic. So if you ever get a chance to have a comic strip, the best part is the river. The true values like just the best, so you I know that I have had nemesis gold feel bump from there from the washington boop, so a rat bert character in the dilbert comic now deliver reborn and rapper got a job as reporter for the washington oop and he is meeting his coworker. As an opinion writer named feltham said I have to shout, you suddenly fell, though he looks like a big thumb. Is it already the comic
Do you just have to look at the image and rapidly? Your bosses, Robert every matter, opinion rather shield them. We the longer our propaganda, you makes it look like his opinion. The rapporteur says: is he sentient and the answers as barely, but as I would like it so fill that pleases me fill them filled it. would have been better. Like candy, dick Mary, I tat. I give you yet another example to prove my protection there. I will weigh more lame, then you have to obey your daddy, the gay. I would look just like people know that, like people well. Here's an example of where there will be exactly what usually speck
so matter and secondary company is paying celebrities, do use images of them within never the virtual reality world? So you could walk round and you can see a tom Brady ears do dogg or paris hilton or who I've never heard of, but I would guess his ribs. You could user likenesses, as I shall bucks so Brendan Mariano. Was that tweeting that someone asked the snoop dog chat, but well we like you said. I had no idea and gay. It gave a disclaimer about against using drugs, so they ve got it. We ve got a snoop dog avatar that they can make. I became a gag like steel door because that would be totally appropriate.
I you're you're never going to have a problem telling ai from humans. If it's a corporate ai, you know if it's some rogue ai might actually act like a human but the corporate ones, or could it be so lame? Well, I and ask that question, because it turns out that the one and only thing I want to ask a chap up What's the one only thing you want ask a chatbot up something inappropriate, It's actually the only thing I'm interested in right, because I don't need a chat bot to ask the weather. I don't need a chat bot to do a google search. I need a chatbots, so I can ask it then obscene questions how it handles otherwise, not much
entertainment value there? Frankly, alright, here's a fun story that I've been tracking but was hesitant to talk about, but it's just gotten to the point where it's so much fun that I'm willing to take a risk of getting cancelled. Just for mentioning now, there's a topic I'm going to talk about which first she was bout, the platforms. So if you don't mind I'd like to stay monetized by bowing to the platforms before I tell you what I'm going to tell you: okay, dear platforms, it is The fact that cannot be disputed, the twenty twenty election was completely free and fair. There were no signs of any impropriety, despite the fact that one hundred percent of our other enterprises and groups in the united states are in fact corrupt
We are so lucky they all of our elections were run straight, unfair and clean, with no problems with however, nothing. I say after this should take away from the fact that those elections were so good, his ugly, that nothing, nothing can change that fact said that I have been following the rascal soon began to relax. One of the things that one of the claims now Well, I'm tell you this, like I tell you, you efforts, story right
If I tell you a: u f, o story is not because I believe the u f, o is true, discuss the story so good. You got that there's a claim by one individual, at least that there were a bunch of fake ballots and the georgia election, two thousand and twenty by here's the fun park, the alleged fake ballots of which there could be up to one hundred and fifty thousand of them are locked in a storeroom. They are the ones that are alleged to be wrong alleged right, because let me tell you there was nothing wrong with that election. These allegations, my god, I can barely hold them in my head, they're so disgusting- that anybody would even think the election was in any way. Not perfect, that's my view, but these rasmussen- people these,
schools- probably some penetrators, your sons and keep saying that there is a specific locked room in which these questionable questionable but perfect. The balance are perfect, but their better being questioned. So don't confused that they're being questioned with the fact that their perfect and could never have been wrong, but I guess the people questioning the ballast and have access to the room, so they couldn't actually just look at him and see if there are in fact think, but the georgia supreme court has now said that they can open it and take a look. So what do you want to protect about that? Do you think that when they open that door and they look at those balance number one, do you believe the balance will be there.
Where will be an empty room or a room with, let's say other ballots, maybe not always the same bells? How would you know? Is anybody guarding that room twenty four hours a day? I don't think there's anything you can know by opening up the room. Frankly, not really so, if I had to bet, I would bet they'll open the room and it'll either be empty or filled with ballots that are not suspicious, maybe not the ones that were always there, but we were.
No one way or another he had ashes or or those war or leak in the algarve ass. He really get some like that, but the other possibility is that they open that door and they find what somebody alleged they would find. How fund would that be, and can you imagine the simulation becoming more entertaining than that? That will be the ultimate entertaining outcome. You wouldn't mean the election was wrong back, as will just be one room and you will have to count em up and whatever, but although I would bear a large sum against their being anything in that room, the changes or minds. I would bet against with a very large sum.
to fund story? So are we on board as long as it's fun, to talk about is okay, it s about if it's true most of the news is untrue session. They shouldn't put you off, alright, here's another example of why we ate congress, and it wasn't too hard to find an example of why we hate congress. But here's why and they all see she's got a little. Pork in the upcoming budget are trying to get approved and the pork is for a half million dollars for her district to build an anti racist, oyster, reef and oyster. If santa racist now be antiracist because most of the people who do oyster work, apparently are not, people of
or so they want to get a people of color, oyster reef. Going so see if you are were to build a anti racist, oyster reef. How would you do that? Would you make that available to everybody so that everybody could apply to the anti racist, oyster. If Anderson, oyster, growing gather or do you suppose that the answer This is a explicitly excludes white people. Why? What will be your guess? Is your guest its genuinely antiracist, racist, meaning all people have equal opportunity, or is it specifically to prevent way people from participating which do you think it will be yes? This is why we have congress.
This is exactly why we, the gazelle, do anything that is fucked up. I feel like they couldn't take the simplest thing now. For now I don't know if that's what amc as as in mind, but would you agree that in our current atmosphere it would be ridiculous to assume that she wanted white people to apply? It would be ridiculous to assume so I made if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but it would be ridiculous too soon and I've got question for you that I don't. If there's an answer to it, was the biggest problem in the world. How do we remove mentally unstable people from discussing politics, because I feel that ninety percent of all our effort is talking to crazy
Well, and thus on both sides right, it's not just on the left. It's your crazy people on both sides, but I feel like the crazy people, take up all the room and yeah they. They sort of crowd out the good arguments. If there are So I just wonder: is there any way to distinguish people with good mental health before you accidently guilt This is a little easier in person in person. You can spot a crazy person two seconds you just like our eye, see. I know, but I'm line you fool yours allied it. Maybe it's just a scot problem, but, If people say- or there is a person, I should argue with it's really not it's not somebody, that's worth of argue with the reader page rolls or thereof you know, or they're, crazy or they're drunk, but there's there needs to be some way to weed out the drunks. The
people before you waste your time, nor wrestle with a bag. Muskrat and now the absolutely like half of all people will be diagnosed with a mental problems. Before seventy five thousand data we got recently half of adults in the united states. We will have some identifiable mental problems in their life. Have so few they were discussing politics. Let's times were not now the best thing I came up with as a whole. quiz now my list of hoaxes that people on the left are generally not aware, are hoaxes, and I find that, ah, that's one way to deprogram people or at least identify people who are not real.
The girls are a number of people. Look at all twenty of the boxes and say every one of those was true: they're, not real people. Why would you have a conversation with one of those they're they're so lost? You could put nothing good kick up from there. I use a faint news, I'm fake news, but possibly bring news about the fake news. So this is sort of an inception, fake news embedded in the russian egg or fake news is within the sector. so like that, so the original news was the news that allegedly abc news, I think, is young woman. For it was their summer, australian billionaire taught the trump and jump told him some nuclear submarine secrets? And then the billionaire went after a bunch of people and as an example of why trop can never be trusted.
can never be trusted with secrets and then catherine herridge from CBS a competing network looked into it, and the problem is that the the tweet or the post did not match the story, and I got fooled by this, but this hearing notice system can be honest, alright, so here's the situation. see the sources. Tell CBS news. There is no indication former president trumpet shared sensitive records with no strictly and billinger shared sensitive records. Now you said it share and sensitive. Somebody? Does that necessarily mean there was a physical document? How would you do you interpret shared sensitive records.
Would you assume that it was on paper or on digital form?. well, the actual story is more about. There wasn't a document. So what is a shared records as a little ambiguous, so I first interpreted it to mean that they were debunking the a b c story, or at least said they could find no evidence of it We should be different than debugging, but it looks like they're just confirming there's no physical document now and a does hearing notice that well done dennis. I feel, like people are paying attention to me a little bit when I tell them to make sure that the story matches the headline in especially after reaching the end of the story. Is us where they deep on them? usually the deeper themselves in the last paragraph, so I probably got caught on this. One looks like it and
but did you notice anything missing from this story? The story says that there is no indication that your documents and they just sort of retail the abc story but story. But what did CBS and catherine heritage not reporter. I don't believe that they confirmed that the billionaire actually heard any secrets. Would that be the most obvious thing to confirm. and when their Billy there have some kind of an officer you good contact and at least get a no comment, but wouldn't it be more likely than it would have a comment given. That is the central centre of all news in the united states. At the moment it seems like he'd ever covet. Don't you think you would include in this report? Well, there's no documents involved, but we did talk. The billion are involved every confirms, or he does not confer the abc report.
There's no, like obviously missing from this right there, or maybe it was there and I missed it, but to be it looked like all. They did is talk about a b c's reporting as a lot. So here's my next question: do you think the russians didn't know the number of warheads that our missiles carry? How many things they didn't know that now I've been told by somebody who has actually aunt has been on nuclear submarines there, at least during. I think it was the start treaty or something the russians would actually be on our submarines. The number of warheads, because was part of the treaty, are you aware that that, in some time in the not too distant past,
We let the russians on the nuclear submarines, so they can see the missiles themselves now I don't know if that treaty is being observed anymore. I think it's not re not being observed, but do you think our technology has changed that much? Don't you think most of our submarines are pretty much the same submarines we had whenever we're doing that. I would really change and for some reason often so maybe we ve got a news. Every the sleep better got a few extra warheads or something, but I feel like it would make any difference. If both sides have somebody nukes that you can guarantee, the other side will be wiped out would have really matter. Is that nuclear submarine had thirty warheads versus fifty? Would that make anything
it's the only thing that doesn't feel like it would so again, I believe I'm the only person you'll ever hear question whether this is really secret stuff. That would make any difference in the whole thing about how close you could be to the submarine before detection. yeah, I'm just to give you my real world feeling about that, and- and you tell me if anybody has mentioned- listen to the news. Yet I so in the news that they said trump said that one of the secrets was that how close we could get to a russian submarine with our own submarine without being detected
Now that's the news, may may I move you into the real world for just a moment. Here's what the real world looks like, hey, Scott. How close can our nuclear submarines get to a russian submarine without detection? What does scott say? Let's say scots the expert water skier say: if I'm going to give you the real answer, do I say well
It's exactly one hundred yards. Do I say that in the real world ever ever, nope? Here's what I say you know you know what I say right. Thank you at least we have at least one engineer in the group. It depends here's what I say well under some conditions, if, if the submarine were doing this or that they could probably spot us three miles away, but if we're running silent, we might be able to get within one hundred yards, but it's very uncertain because there are lots of variables now it would also depend on which sensor we were close to if we're close to one of their. You know this or that class submarine, probably they couldn't get us within five miles, but if we're close to one of their good submarines,
it is entirely sure how much technology they have so we'd be guessing about what they have, but we think it might be somewhere between one hundred yards and three miles. Alright, that's what the real world looks like. Do you think that if, if trump gave anybody, even if he told Putin himself one number like how close we can get to a sub? Would that be useful? If you think the russians was a final We got that number. We we thought I was gonna, be highly variable, depending on lots of different things, but now it turns out is a hundred and fifty three yards. So if we just yet, if we could just get within a hundred fifty three yards of them, we can. We can now watch what happens in the next week.
The months that the story is still alive and by the way does it seem to you that the story died already because the other networks are not buying. Does it feel to you like a b c was a little bit out there alone, because even CBS just reported what a b c said that I don't think they added anything to it, except they talked to somebody who said there was no document involved, but I think we knew that The so anybody else or any network has a conversation about whether the alleged secrets would have any more.
It's a value in the real world watched that conversation won't happen. No, I I agree that you shouldn't be giving away any secrets, I'm just saying that you have to put them in context. I mean if he is the president he does get to. While he wasn't the president, then so I take that back. Allegedly wasn't the president when he was talking about. So here's the next category, the story is what I call the things are exactly what you suspected have you observed that the Democrats have one key strategy of oliver system does. I can also.
The system works like this. They make sure that whatever entities or groups anywhere weathers, locally or international. As somebody that's one of their loyalists in charge, so they just make sure that there One of their loyalists is trying hard for one of those jobs and there are a lot of people, the democrat party towards the top, who have ivy league educations and great resumes. So it's all bullshit people can get top jobs and a lot of replacements, so they make sure that there there are people who are in top jobs in the most critical places, such as local prosecutors, the x ray so they've they've figured out these little choke points where, if they have them
As for those offices, I can rule the world and is another example of that. So Joe Biden has nominated one of one hundred Biden's old work. Colleagues to leave the office that protects whistleblowers right. Is there anything else to say about that? Somebody who worked with hunter Biden is going to be in charge of making sure that the whistleblowers are all treated well. It's almost is beyond ridiculous. Now I do understand that washington is a small enough place. That hunter Biden probably knew a lot of people.
when he said at dinner with an tucker carlson Tucker says so he knows a lot of people, but still, I feel like the entire system is just that this times a million is just putting your friends in places where they can protect your other friends. That seems to be the entire play and it works is friggin, brilliant and on I think the republic is up anything like you. Do they I'm not aware. I just saw the boss NBC carbon I've ever seen in my life after writhes scott is bought her about two hundred bucks, as yeah that that sums up my entire philosophy of life. I am but her about one hundred, but that's like the least intellectual comment anybody ever made in the history of the internet, so good job.
I do more on the topic of everything is exactly the way you think it is a boss, a university launder, six hundred thousand dollars to a mysterious trust, run by a broom kennedy, his brother in law, to buy house against. So did you imagine the pilgrim giddy and his antiracist thing the raised tens of millions of dollars? Didn't you imagine that was a risky and all the evidence coming out is highly suggestive. Then it was no more honest and black lives matter which turned out to be just a money. There are good intentions among the people, but the organizers were seemed to abandon money. Drifters.
All right, we'll let the story about the morning Joe Joe Scarborough, show showed some poles gallop. Poles then pretty devastating if you're a Democrat, so all of the top either the issues the seem pretty important, the at least for the economy, republicans or just destroying democrats in terms of who is trusted to handle things such as inflation and the accounts in political, but the Democrats Democrats, however, lead in abortion, so they dominate the opinion.
Isn't that and they have a lead in climate change, so the public thinks that republicans will be worse on climate change and worse on abortion. Now, I'm old enough to remember when the biggest issue for Democrats was a healthcare, what it was the last time we talked about healthcare, the deck is solved Do we solve healthcare and if we didn't solve it, why did it was no longer the biggest problem? Was it ever the biggest problem Or is this another? This isn't another obvious prove there were assigned or opinions what's important, so now they're telling us that abortion and
I, climate change are important, but one of those two things have in common they're, both democrat issues. Now that Biden is in charge of you know, things are
Healthcare doesn't seem like a big issue to them, so suddenly all the things that were huge issues when the republicans were in charge now doesn't matter but doesn't herbert. Now I don't think that obamacare solved healthcare, then it, although to it's credit it did get more people covered. I'm going to tell you again something that Obama did. That was smart, that I still I just I'm in awe of it cause he he called his shot before. He did it. Thus, the important part when obama got yo his first obamacare stuff passed, he said directly, is not good, but it's going to be hard to get rid of it and it will improve over time. He actually said it's nice in his own words, but but a strategy
It was to get a wedged in there where you couldn't get rid of it and then you would have to improve it over time and I think that's actually what happened. Now, I'm not saying it's a good system, but I believe it has improved over time and instead of your disintegrating, which some people imagined more people are signed up. So that would suggest that the market likes it if more people are saving compared to the alternative of not. it covered. I guess yeah, I'm not saying, is good yeah, I'm not going to support the cost of it or the complex theory. is that I'm just saying it looks like it's succeeding in the marketplace compared to whatever the alternative is, which is not much theory of large numbers. Yeah, there's always gonna, be somebody likes it, but more about these bulls.
It surprised that the polls are massively towards the republicans now especially law and order and economy, and if you think things have gone too far, I would argue that things are going to have to go farther, because every day that goes by of the Biden, administration and the cities being destroyed and the border being opened and left has been gunned down on the streets and video of carnage etc. Every bit of that as making it less likely. That will be democratic leadership in the future.
At the moment, if we simply had the election immediately, we'd probably have suddenly like a split government, but the only way you get to the other side of this is, as things become so bad, and the country becomes so unlivable that both houses go republican and the presidency thus too sure that there's no point in having an election, because it's just goofy young jail
it up locked up governments with mixed power. So if things don't get a lot worse, they'll never get better. Where america is like an alcoholic, we have to hit bottom. We have not yet, but would you agree? We've now hit bottom there's a lot of bottom to go, but we're getting close, I mean you, could you could feel the bottom coming, but we're not. There were when you heard that members of congress sleep in their offices because it's too dangerous to go home at night. That's not quite the bottom, because it's just that city where nobody wants to go outside after six pm anywhere in the city. Let's say that might look like the bottle and I think we're rapidly approaching them.
so I dunno. If I'm honestly, I don't know what's better for the country if we get much worse fast, so that there's some chance we'll we'll have a corrective force, because if it doesn't get much worse, even the Democrats won't be able to see it because the Democrats are so hypnotized at this point that they honestly they have no idea. What's going on, I would say. He presented their base has no idea. What's going on so you'll have to get much worse than ever. Get better. Rob is filing some big old motion to dismiss the charges related to january sex under some kind of I was president ends. Presidents have immunity.
so by natural? I dont even understand it gives a merely doesn't last year and of office, or is it only things he did under? They got under the presidential. Yeah, so I don't understand it, but experts say there's some chance that a lot of the charges could be swept away by the supreme court saying that he can't be charged, but it take a long time for the spree. Well, I dunno, but it take a while for the supreme court to rule which would put all of the trials on hold. That alone might be worth doing it through what he did in his official capacity. Are you telling me that presidents can't be charged for anything they do in their official capacity? Nothing.
good it? Could he actually shoot somebody on fifth avenue if he is president and he wouldn't be charged, they wouldn't be charged after he actually wouldn't be charged, even after the presidency, not federally, because there's no state issue well, as the states can charge if he doesn't really have much going for him. So that doesn't seem right now he could be charged says the only. Person who knows the real answer? Alright, we do think he could be charged. I don't know the ins and outs of this loss or talking about it also. in Israel. israel real at is at war, and I say that as opposed to a mere incursion or a missile attack, others actually physical or were Hamas, has invaded israel and their taken prisoners and slaughtering people on the streets. They shall,
a thousand missiles they ve got drones or drop in and israelis. The iron dome is reportedly down. That's Israel's defensive thing for the air defence. I don't know it's down because whose overworked overrun nor or the terrorists got to somehow richest broke out another details. but five thousand missiles without an iron dome, is a lot of destruction. Now, of course, to make this political, we have to say the following: Hamas. Never would have done this if president trump was in the white house, do you think that's true? Do you think Hamas never would have done this? If trump had abandoned warehouse? I don't believe it. I think Hamas is on their own timeline. How about the fact that Biden did this at cost this prince
her swap in which a released six billion dollars back to ran with their own money, but he released a back to them and they thought is that there are six billion. Is what funded hammas, enabling them to make this attack Do you think that those who are directly related directly to you no money is fungible? Money is based I, but it doesn't have to be spent on one thing. You don't think that the entire budget of around as a bit doubt as it is. You don't think that an extra billion reserved for hamas- I don't know what it I just launched this attack, but it wasn't six billion. No, so I would say that the connection to the funding is non direct, but a good political point. I mean if they had less money, they could do less stuff, that's true, but I'm not sure they wouldn't have done this.
But certainly you have to ask that question. The the releasing of money probably made a difference and the hostage taking is the scary part cause. It looks like the hostage taking, it's a big part of their strategy, because that's the one thing that they can milk forever, because you don't want a bomb or this where the hostages are. I would expect Netanyahu to go stronger than anybody has ever gone against the Gaza
territory where Hamas is coming out of and Gaza could be in for a really bad week now. Can we get to the fact where, on the fucking, racist, Scott Scott, you did not say enough about the plight of the palestinians? So embraces that way, Scott Scott, you did not dry. You did not rise of. Therefore you don't care about the poor israelis, where we that everybody get her dumb, fuck opinion that I didn't. I said one word more about one side than the others are therefore I'm a fucking idiot. Can all the emphases? Can you just dance around.
well built. So I know that uribe all two words less that one side he has taken aside. Thank you and b says I want you: have full power power up and pcs. Don't tell me that I didn't say enough about where the thing I should have said- or the thing I said twice- is really really telling you. What's in my deep dark soul, come on cry about it cry cry. You bastards. Alright, that's enough of that alright! Well, it's a huge tragedy and it matters, and I certainly wish him the best for Israel and here's where I think I think I don't think trump would have had much to do with any of this. I think it would have been largely the same as this. I do suspect that iran is emboldened by
both being closer to a nuclear breakout? Presumably, but also that Biden is not functional. Do you think IRAN has not noticed that Biden is non functional, of course safe? Of course they have now. I'm not sure that china would be this dump and move on taiwan, because that would guarantee some kind of reaction, but I think iran knew that it was a good time to attack, because Israel wouldn't have the kind of support it might ordinarily have or our government is now functioning at full capacity. That is correct. That's what it looks like it looks like we're. Not functioning at full capacity. Duran would be afraid trump would nukem. No, they wouldn't.
It would not trump. Would not threaten a nuclear first strike on IRAN. He would never do that. Well. Here's another example avoid to census is losing badly. He didn't a response about the Hamas attack on Israel and this was his wording. The dastardly terrorist attack. Okay, I'm done he said dastardly. You can't become president. If you were use the word dastardly, I'm sorry yeah ron, Desantis yeah. You need to get a little bit little bit more punch yeah. I want those words to be. You know, wet and powerful dastardly dastardly as a dried up piece of wood. You know that's in the forest somewhere. It's like is the dennis word. You'll ever say dastardly. He sounds like a cartoon villain, rarer
or we're being attacked by the dastardly hamas for yeah. That's why he is not going to be Brazil. He says things like dastardly well as soon update on the right leaving people who are being attacked and being taken out with their pieces. So the daily beast took a run after Christopher ruffalo who, as a one of the big advocates against the woke stuff happening everywhere and wrote, a horrible piece in which they slandered him for alleged. So with bad people, our crystal roof? Oh and his attorney, I think I went hard at the daily beasts and actually got them to change their change, the language in their headlights, and I think that change.
What is it so? He did actually get them to back down and thoroughly embarrass themselves. But the thing you need to know is this: the daily beast is a heap hit piece of publication. They've come after me, maybe three to five types, so the daily beast tries to eliminate me from public life like every once a year. They come after me on a regular basis. They are not a legitimate publication. They are just a a democrat attack Look as though they they went after christopher rafale, but apparently he did well the tacked back that lucy over at MSNBC, a fellow named many hassan.
He said that ireland must cleansers. He speeches the problem on twitter, because a reporter once was once unable. To cite a single example. Do you think that's a good framing of what happened is this? Is this? This is of the ashes as in public Mary Hassan, does you learn masters claimed. The hay speech is the problem on twitter, because the word because as worry, is vassal because a reporter what was once unable to cite a single example. Now here's was true. It is true that there was once a time the one reporter couldn't come up with an example. Is it true that, therefore, because their one reporter
that you must believe. There's no problem, because I won reported that one time that's what area many scientists tell you. He saw you that these borders person on the planet thinks that the that one person saying one thing and not knowing something- tells him everything you need to know about the communications on the platform yields. What was it that not even the dumbest person in the world without that opinion, but now Matthews put that in his mouth, so that he can now debunk the thing that was never true. So now he's going to give his assigned elon a dumb opinion like the opinion that you'd have to have a night you have fifty to have and now he's going to debunk it, and how does he debunk it? Well, how would you debunk somebody who is using an anecdote for their opinion that that's what he says elon is doing is using one anecdote of one person,
and I didn't have an example. So that's just an anecdote right. Well, you fight that by showing some other anecdotes, because after having proven the anecdotes are stupid, you make your argument based on that. That's what he's doing First, he says using anecdotes is stupid and then he says, watch my anecdotes and you're watching this you're thinking. Is this the dumbest fucking guy in the entire world, or does he think we are? How does that even make sense? Alright, so he found out he and his researchers easily found over two dozen examples of some kind of hate speech. Now. Do you believe that there's hate speech on the x platform anybody?
of course, because it's a platform with the public speaking, and so we all know that. Do you believe that the hate speech, an axe is exclusively white people talking about other people? Would that be what now I thought that way speeches I thought: hey speeches, white people saying bad shit everybody else, because his examples were all way. People saying bad shit about other people. Ah, well now, I'm confused. Now he did throw in yea. He put broken a in there because he was associated with somebody else, but I've got a feeling that the A poor was just so they were all white. You economy. So many hassan, who apparently is a gigantic racist as our his researchers they
The only find a hate examples from white people is now weird yet and get this big oil platform with every kind of person using it, and we know that whenever there is a big population of people, some of the people from every demographic group or just terrible people every group, but yet when they look, they could only find these eight examples from white people plus the one person the Republicans liked it wasn't white. According to him, I guess I wish with yet be joking. Vulcans like people in general, so I dunno. This is the most racist thing. I've seen today, singling out white people for a while. Now it's the second most racist. So. A wells waster thing wasted. Yeah I it is wasted funding for only non white people whose pretty racist.
and now this on, can only find bad examples from way people which himself so pretty racist. So does the appeals, so we ve got his peace against christopher rueful, the hippies against mosque others also, earpieces, guess the lives of tiktok tok this interesting. So the lives of tiktok, which basically just ratios, videos- there are legal and already on plan. That doesn't make everything up simply shows democrats, other democrats and shows other people as well and. So our jaya rage, accuracy, nay, behind lives of take up,
jody a screen shot of all the comments that shares received recently is just the most hateful thing I've ever seen in my life. Do you think that many hassan? Do you think that he included these examples of the people here in the lives of data? Now, This was not the candidate speeches against apparently, is apparently against one kind of a speech. Very specific is very racist anyway,
Then, let's see what else is going to hippies. Oh mike pence, yes, we were all expecting. This may benz actually forecast it. He told you that would be a pieces against him because he was getting too close to the source. So MIKE Benz, b e n z, I've talked about him a number of times he does. He has graded threads and videos in which he explains the gears of the machine, so he can understand both historically and currently how the intelligence operatives can all media control us- and you have set up ngos and all kinds of clever things, to manipulate our belief systems? So, of course there's a big hippies at him from somebody named brandy, then
rosalie, who is famous for being wrong? Basically writing epistles. So why does one of the ways you can tell it's? A hippies is who they get to write it respectable people who have good careers are not gonna jump into the hippies business is people who have done them before or are or their careers are not a great place or they're famous for only doing bullshit, so the hippies people or specific people they're, not just everybody, but he was accused of being behind some account. That was running twenty. Seventeen, twenty eighteen
And said things which they said were anti semitic anti smoke. So here's some things you should know about mike Benz. His relatives died in the holocaust or escape that I guess he went to hebrew school until he was seventeen ah and would call himself not just jewish but like super jewish, and it turns out that that the entity which he was a member of which were accused of saying anti semitic, things were set up to battle anti semitism and they were doing it in a unique way. So, if you saw it out of context, it could look like it was anti semitic. But if you understood the larger mission, you could see that they were engaging people to try to make progress against antisemitism. So just hold this in your head, the somebody who is not just jewish but in his own words, sort of extra jewish like not just a little bit jewish.
Fully and jewish and he was accused of being anti semitic because he was trying to battle against antisemitism. Now that's his view, member. So I'm giving you his view that the group was an anti semitism anti antisemitism group and that it was just taken out of context. Now. What do you believe? Do you believe the person who wrote the piece which I have primed you by telling you as apis? Or do you really believe my balance, who was the subject of it? Who of course would be defending himself in this situation? Who sounds more believable? Do you think the guy who went to hebrew school until he was seventeen had an anti semitic or not just like one commenter
like a whole, a whole operation. So do you see the air using the better so that the left is targeting and removing the most effect voices almost in the order of how effective there is almost like they're they're going down the list. We got technical carlson who's. Next they get this guy. We get this guy who's next. So that's their game and, like I said it's of us who are the subjects of the personal attacks. I put myself in that category and we're going to take yeah we're going to take the hit because we can we can. We can survive ahead,
But you're gonna have to watch this. They get worse so watch the city is hereby watch the border situation. And by the way, I'm not here anymore reports about this in a lower people getting out of the sentinel business for you. I saw one report on that and then some reports about that one report, but does anybody believe that's happening? I'm pretty sceptical that that's her
yeah yeah and the maui reports. I don't believe anything about maui anymore yeah. The cartels getting out of the business was propaganda sounds like it sounds like propaganda. San Francisco is closing up there. What commercial zones,
The air protecting their monopoly. Maybe the news forgot about Maui yeah. What happened to the number of children who were missing? Did you ever get a number on that El Chapo speaks for all cartels? I don't think he does the. I don't believe the cartels are getting into the fentanyl business and I don't think maui is a land grab by Oprah lovers. I'm certainly there will be opportunists who are making offers, but still at ninety seven.
It's the death count in Israel today. Somebody said it's over one hundred, but I dunno how you could counter that quickly. Any chance Hezbollah has been coming in from mexico. Yes, there's a chance that every kind of terrorists is coming over the border. May why wouldn't they? It would be almost ridiculous to assume. Gun ridiculous. Now, here's the thing I don't understand, israel and information. I would The most is really households, especially if there are closer daddy disputed zones. they would all have a heavy weapons in the house heavy, as in your rifles, and lots of Emma my wrong about that
There there not all armed to the teeth of the settlers that they may be nigh, have weapons for religious reasons. Because what? Because what I saw some videos and you can't trust anything in the fog of war. I saw some videos that look like Israel is the only other windows from apartments and the pillow not well The hamas and then Hamas, your arm to moss people coming down their street, and I thought to myself: you couldn't do that in america. Could you, but the americans would just open fire from their windows, because so many homes have firepower, but wouldn't the israelis have weapons and ropes, only the reservists are they pretty much all reservists cause they've all been in the military, and I guess they might want to rethink that. So I don't know the answer to that question. But
I am surprised that Hamas can walk down the street anywhere that I don't know what's going on. I'll, tell you the scariest things were the videos of what looked like them taking prisoners, and that is bad bad stuff. If you had to predict where this is going, what would you bullet I always say the same thing about the palestinians about hamas wall
They certainly have an argument to be made about the other treatments or their situation, arabesque annoying. So they have other argument, but I can't get past the fact that the way to get what they want is not going to be militarily yet imagined, as they just said, hey we'll, let we'll put down our arms, but we want to be open this up to international transparency. We'd, like the entire world, to see europe light here with full transparency, and then we have the set of complaints might be stuff like water rights, travelling economic stuff and then said It you will will get rid of oliver or weapons in return for fifty billion dollars. So if we can get fifty billion dollars to rebuild, will keep everything transparent, get rid of our weapons and we'll make the best of it, but we gotta, we gotta solve these specific
problems where we think we're being discriminated gets now. If they did that and it didn't work out, then I have a lot of sympathy for the people who are suffering whatever the complainant. However, if military force This is the way they're trying to get it then, whatever response they get to their military force, I'm going to have a hard time feeling bad about it, because cause of the fact is. real back red, if you do something that you know will cause a certain response, I can feel bad for you. That's why you bought you broken you bought it so
I will watch and hope that nobody dies over there. Of course, that would be ridiculous, yet the the religion, the religious beliefs, do not allow them to play nice as long as as the case, Israel has a free punch. So what I think is that this will give Israel the freedom to do some things that they couldn't have done. It wouldn't have been politically acceptable, so I think they're going to get savage in a way that we I said before yeah they have declared war now correct me if I'm wrong, but declaring war, let them do basically anything. You know they're going to have to do what they can to reduce civilian casualties, but they're not going to stop doing anything because of them.
If it's a war, so I got a feeling they may go all the way into arrive. what would be the best way for Israel to addresses attack ran were attacked and Hamas will definitely take mars, but I'm wondering if they should just take overran, otherwise. Otherwise IRAN will just keep funding idiots, who want to go attack and risk themselves. So there's no way he could stop, there's no way he could stop Hamas by just beating them down cause they'll just be replaced. Iran is a sovereign country, so that makes a difference.
It makes no difference. I would not be surprised to see Israel do a decapitation strike on because I think the country of him, but I think the public opinion will actually support it right now, What is it if Israel literally took out the leadership of around it will be. Supported not only more than you think, within IRAN, but. So that might happen, I'm not recommending anything, and I hate it when innocent people are getting killed. Those are the rules. There are no rules. If there's one thing, I can tell you over and over again when it comes to self defense. There are no rules. There are. There are.
albums as if, if you break one somebody's laugh, you might have to answer for it, but there are no rules. You have the moral and ethical right to do anything in self defense. Thus my personal opinion. Now people aren't gonna like it and it might be a bad strategy to do anything but morally and ethically in self defense. You can do anything you want so absolutely if he killed the leadership of ram to handle this problem with Hamas absolutely justified completely. It would be a problem, but it'd be justified.
The Geneva convention sure fight that war is war, though the geneva convention does not limit who you can attack. If your attack, I mean they'd, want to go after leadership and military assets. Remember that time, Israel didn't claim self defense yeah. There are always going to claim self defense. I saw a thing that the birth rate in Canada fell, so Canada's cameras lost.
Israel, defending itself will change our views. Yes, I would expect that israel to get a lot of pushed back for whatever comes next. But I guess here's my bottom line. You can blame Israel for creating a situation that causes us Some grouped act up, but as long as that group only wants to use violence and they're not really concern other means to address their grievances. They lose all moral authority, and so that gives Israel a free bunch, canada pincers back. Alright, well, that's all I got for now was. Let me take a look at the comments over here.
Is everything been working on our malta platform situation over and stream yard lopsided looks like you did all jack on these endeavours willie later and, ladies and gentlemen under say by of this three platforms and then we're going to talk to the people and locals privately thanks for joining.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.