« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2252 Scott Adams: Biden Decides To Do Whatever Trump Would Have Done. And More Craziness

2023-10-05 | 🔗

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Politics, Mental Illness Crisis, MSM Brainwashing, CO2 Emitting Rocks, President Biden, President Trump, AI Employment Impact, Print-On-Demand Repair Parts, Biden's Biting Dog, Ukraine Aid Importance, Border Wall, Alejandro Mayorkas, Domestic Terrorists, FTC Amazon Allegations, Carl Rove, Matt Gaetz, RFK Jr., Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization. It's called coffee with Scott Adams and I'm pretty sure, you'll never have a better time than this today. Sorry, but if you'd like to take this experience up to stratospheric levels, the kind that nobody could even imagine all you need is a cup or mug or a glass or tinker Chelsea, Diana canteen, jug or flask of vessel literally guy and fill it with your favorite liquid, like coffee. enjoy me now for the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine the other day, the thing that makes everything better All disabled, as of this is called product placement people yeah it's a thing just where your your product or shows up someplace in the middle of the video. That's right! If you have not bought my book reframe your brain, that's changing
I like crazy. According to readers, you should also. I just want to give you a little tease if you're not subscribing to other locals or the subscription. For me for my stuff we export form, then you nothing dilber reborn I see the exciting conclusion of what happens when billboards bomb starts dating a fan of andrew date. I don't wanna onawandah beer spoiler, but I'm just saying you can imagine you can imagine your summer Let's see some science Y stuff that you didn't need to. You didn't need to do the science you should have just asked me. I think this will be my new category. Do we need to do a study, or can we just say scott and see what he says.
Barely being vegetarian is partly genetic, meaning that there is, people, don't metabolize fat the same and therefore meet, doesn't give them the buzz that it gives other people and makes them sick. One of those people- people ask me I stopped eating meat. I do eat fish these days, but I stopped eating meat because I got a stomach ache every time I did it like a huge the other day, so I might be one of these people, but you didn't really have to ask me: if being a vegetarian is genetic? Is there anybody who thought it wasn't? Does anybody think that being a vegetarian was simply a lifestyle preference of courses? Genetic? Do you know what else is genetic Alcoholism, do you know when I knew that, oh about twenty years before science knew it because it was obvious,
do you know what I knew that big vegetarian, not for everybody. Some people do pick her lifestyle choices, I'm sure but did I know that some people were naturally vegetarians? Yes, I did to me. It was obvious. It's been obvious for decades how about that gay people have a different genetic makeup. Was I surprised to learn that? No, because that was obvious for decades before science figured it out. So if you want a wafer size, you can. It'll be decades after I tell you what's true now: what about alcohol is actually good for you if, if taken in moderation,. Well, science lied to you about that for about fifty years. But if you listen to me from the very start, I said no, that's just bullshit science there's no way that any of its good for you and now you know
Well, speaking of science is another study. I don't even know why I bother science is so ridiculous. Now But others ace study buy a c lead author is professor Mcgrath. He says that half of the population will develop at least one disorder, mental disorder by the age of seventy five. In other words, half of americans will have mental health disorders in there, I have seen. How do you explain that? Let me explain it: follow the money follow the money we now have. This enormous industry that will give you a bill or give you therapy or make you watch some tiktok videos or something else so once we,
monetized mental health disorders, where you get to get more of them or fewer of that, you get get a lot more yeah everything. You form a group to look for you're, going to find more when the the ideal was for them to look for bigotry. Do you think they found any while there was plenty to find, but do you think they found the? it wasn't really there. Oh yes, of course, it did so you're going to find everything, this error and a lot of stuff that isn't there if you're looking. But on top of that, I do think our entire system makes people mentally ill, there's, definitely a difference in mental illness. Compared to when I was a kid or here's the other possibility. If nobody told you you were mentally ill, would you know it? What if we
I just as much mental illness before, but there were no names for it and we were not all familiar with all the various types. If you sat me down and said, Scott make a list of all the potential types of mental illness, I could have a pretty long list. Do you think I could have done that when I was I dunno fifteen now I would have thought will say I've heard of schizophrenia. And maybe fear of crowds or something and opened it unable to even I wouldn't even been able to come up with three? I don't think depressed, and I don't even know if depression was a thing when I was a kid, I don't remember anybody who said they had it where anxiety I remember any of it as a good. So what if everybody had those problems, but if they didn't have a name for it
they just thought. It was shit that happens in their head and maybe other people have shit their heads and and we're all just different, and I also wonder if half of the country has a mental illness or disorder as they call it, who gets to determine what's normal yeah, where, where is that line of normal? If half the kids have a mental illness at some point,. It just becomes. Who we are, I mean: aren't we all a little bit crazy, one way or another anyway? I got questions about these numbers, but it does seem like there are more mentally unhealthy people. for one reason or another So I believe you seen the clear bill mar he went on a few different talk shows.
talks about how the Democrats are poorly served by their own news, which is interesting to hear a democrat or somebody who leans Democrat say that that they were poorly served by their own news. The example he gives is that when people were polled, what are the odds that you wouldn't end up in hospital if you got covered, and apparently people on the left political left, I thought it was a really big number and the the real number is under two percent now. That was a really good example of where their news is completely bamboozled. Them I mean just wildly, but is there anything else like that? How about if you were to ask I'm just guessing, but if you're asked the Democrats and Republicans and if the number of deaths from extreme weather have gone,
the up or down. Recently I feel, like I don't know this, but I feel like Democrats would say: oh yeah, that extreme weather from all the climate change so there's more extreme weather, because there's more climate change, more extreme weather, equals more deaths. Yes, there must be a great increase in the number of deaths. The reality is it's at an all time low. Do you think they would know that how about the hoaxes? If I ran through the list of the hoaxes finding people hoax, the drinking believe jokes, you know just go down the list. How many Democrats would recognize those as hoaxes? They wouldn't because the news told them they were all real, so I didn't know any of the hoaxes. They wouldn't know the most important elements of climate change, which is their biggest issue. They wouldn't know about hospitalization recovered the biggest thing that happened in the country for years
and then there's another one. I just saw some statistics and people were asked how many how many people were killed by police who were black in twenty twenty one. So the survey was twenty twenty one or forty percent of liberals thought the number was over one thousand in america per year. The forty percent of liberals people who are very liberal, thought it was over. A thousand real number was eleven. It was eleven people and how many of the eleven have it coming, meaning that into the details, you would have said to yourself, oh well, I can see why they shot those eleven. How many of the eleven, probably at least nine or ten you'd, look at it and say yeah. They definitely should have been shot. So the number who who are shot, who should not have been shot, maybe two out of thousands and thousands and thousands of arrests.
Still too many, of course, but conservatives didn't say that only sixteen percent of conservative slaughter was over a thousand, which is way too much. What conservative thinks that the number of black people killed by police per year is over a thousand sixteen percent and conservative? Now, if you asked what is our primary new source, what do you think they say? Probably not fox news. Probably bright bark they probably say see that its primary primary source of news. There must be a lotta households where you ve got a conservative and liberal in the same house and one of them controls the tv so the burnt, the other person, doesn't see real news so that there may be a whole bunch of conservatives who you think, there's a real news on cnn
spouse watch. Is it just a guess, so I would like to see a more more comprehensive survey to see of people on the left or the right or even informed about the importance of other questions you can imagine would be is generation the three nuclear energy more or less dangerous than the alternatives. You know stuff like that. Conservatives who know that generation three there's never been a death, never there's a new one, so you would build today, if you, if you started today, it would either be generation. Three or four four will be built in a way that it couldn't melt down. No matter wap three could but they've done them so well that none as none has had a catastrophic
alright. How many would know that some new information about college degree, the percentage of young adults who said that a college degree is very important, is now down to forty one percent. It was seventy four percent over ten years ago. This is in the new york times so ten years ago, three quarters of the country said: oh yeah, college education is important and today forty one percent, what changed? What changed in ten years college became worthless. That's what, in the last ten years, college, went woke and became ridiculous and and way too expensive, so the price has gone way up the value you get out of his way down
want to send their kid to awoke college. Well, woke people, I guess, but the rest would not want them to come back all organized. Do you remember the the other day I told you a bloomberg and then the study that said after George floyd was killed that the the the fortune one hundred companies their new hires. Only six percent of them were white and it was outrageous because it would look like they were all overcompensating. Do you know how they got that six percent number, while the daily wire did a little deep dive and looked into it? Here's how they got the six percent number is something called not knowing how to do math at all. That's the whole story. The the numbers are not even close to six percent. It's actually closer to the way. It's always bad. So the real story is, nothing really changed after George floyd in terms of hiring, which is good news in one sense, because there wasn't an overreaction now, if you think that the baseline was good, that's a separate question, but there wasn't an overreaction. There was, you know some small statistical difference. So once again we learned that journalists can't do math. We've always learned that scientists can't do statistics and the fact that two highly qualified statisticians that Martin called off and nate silver are having a total disagreement about the same same set of data.
At the same data, and they can't decide what it says to are the best in the business. So there's almost no data, that's useful and it's really hard to accept that. But it is true. Data is almost all motivated motivated by somebody or it's just you know, done wrong and when it's done wrong, it seems to agree with the motivation of the person who did it wrong. That's pretty consistent because otherwise you'd never see it well. But of course at least our climate change. science, is good right. There's a new study the says they measured. How much c o two is released from rocks into the atmosphere rocks? That's right. So if it rains, for example, there's like a slight bit of
erosion from rocks it turns out the rocks could add as much as you too, to the atmosphere as volcanoes, and currently this process is not included in most climate models. So there's something as big as volcanoes, which are very big in terms of c o two that are not included because they didn't know about it. Until now,.
It's the rocks, so do you know what the plan is to prevent the rocks from off, gassing the ceo to get a barrier? You are going to bury all the rocks under dirt, not making that up? That's not real! That's not real they're not going to bury the rocks, it would just be funny, wouldn't it or ban them ban the rocks big rocks illegal.
get rid of the rocks rocks must die. I think it would be hilarious to have a climate protest against rocks. Am I right what would be funnier than that? Like you're, actually get a permit, invite you know thousands of people and have them march? No more rocks no more rocks. I think it'd be funny yes, and do you know how many, how much of the c o two comes from black rock okay, that's upon on black rock big. The company was a very good, but I just as in the comments and stolen prohibition of held back on our yes, so we didn't include, rocks and those models is ready
What do you know who has been telling you for a long time? The models can't predict the future, not even a little bit, not ever not in this case, not in any case, but we believe they could here's another story. Items dementia. So I guess a exe is being hosted named sage, steel. I guess she was a bill mars. Show the club and as you said, that interviewing Joe Biden was quote the saddest thing, as he couldn't finish his sentences. So she said so forget about politics. I don't care, I didn't vote for him, Steele told bill Maher. She thinks he's a terrible president, but she says, however, that made me sad.
she said of his confusion now. Another sub part of the story is that the Washington post is running the story, so the washington post, as you know, likes their democrats, but it's pretty clear that the word has gone out. That Biden will be pushed out. I think he's going to try to stay in there. I I think the entire system is really going to try to push them out, but they're going to try to gently because they can't be too aggressive or too obvious, and I think his stubbornness will be greater than their subtlety, so I think he's going to stay, even though his side is going to try really hard to push him out because he's an old demented man and he doesn't want to quit by saying he's demented. If you have dementia. The last thing you want to do is say you know I'm going to have to step down, because, honestly, I got a bad case of dementia and it's just getting worse so say: sage, Steele is a great game. Isn't it.
first name basis of smart, your last name bases for those strong sage, steele sounds like a superhero name. Is sage steele. I like it alright, so this next to category is the things that trump was right about. They ready for this things. That trump was right about. I made a prediction and twenty twenty one that the longer trump was out of office, the better he would look, let's see if there are any examples, real world of things that make travel of better than he did? Well, as you might remember, Joe Biden was very interesting saudi arabia and its leader, the crown prince or possibly or probably ordering a bone saw related murder of credit, which we consider bad form.
And so Biden was very
very, very tough on it said trump was some kind of a weirdo traitor for even doing business with that guy. Let's see if there's a news stories: oh here's, a scope, cedar Biden, advisers quietly visited saudi arabia last week and met crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman to discuss a mega deal. So so Biden is going to do a mega deal with the guy that he said they can never do business with because he's a big old murderer. So I'm going to say that trump was right, that even if you don't like what mbs has done or will do that you might need to deal with them. So let's say trump was right about that and hello. This is Scott Adams and now's your chance to reply to questions heartaches and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite podcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a cure day or a poll with a topic for you to weigh in on so let your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools. Do
you to enjoy the gaunt and even more so that over to spot, if I searched for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punk ass and view the latest episodes and respond to queue any and bowls on spot. If I only, I saw this question from unknown hoodwinked unex, what percentage of wolves liberals would rather die by the hands of their publicly promoted ideology, in other words, open borders,
Defunding the police vs admit they were wrong and then work with the right to fix the problems. Now, what do you think? How many democrats would, literally now we're talking literally literally, actually die? How many would actually choose a hike, will not certainty of death, but how many would choose a large percentage chance of dying violently, rather than admit, they're wrong? It's probably ninety percent. That's my guess, because that's how cognitive dissonance s works until their final breath, I would still think they were right. There would be no point that would ever change their mind, because once you're really really committed to an opinion, you will actually risk your life, so you don't have to change it. You wouldn't take certain death. If I gave you a choice of alright, you can hold that opinion.
but in five days you will be dead for sure and will guarantee it. While that might change somebody's opinion, because we have a survival instinct. But if you said there's you know your opinions are really higher chance, you're going to get killed like substantially higher, they would say I know, but it's the principle thing. So no, I don't think the risk of being killed by their own policies would change or months. I don't think that's how minds work. We just stick with what we thought was true and we never leave. Basically.
Alright, I bm predicted not long ago and ceo previously predicted the I b m. It would have to shed thirty percent of their workforce because a I would replace too many people. Do you remember what I been saying Zimbabwe remember my prediction about ai and employment. I said it's could people more like the invention of the printer or the computer? We just find more things for, what to do, and then we hire them to do those things instead or do them faster. But I b m now after ceo had said they might lose thirty percent of the employees to ai, says it foresees no louis lay offs today I and the company
hire more workers than it lets go. So it's actually getting grow workers instead of shedding thirty percent. I'm going to take credit for being right on this protection. Tentatively, I mean you'd have to see a lot more time and a lot more companies doing stuff to be to be sure, but I think ai will not affect overall employment. It will definitely change the mix of jobs like dramatically, but I don't think it'll change the overall employment rate by itself. So that's my contrary and production
And the navy that has print on demand parts. So, if you're on a ship at sea and some breaks, you can't easily take the you know, take the cruiser back to port or or fly simply and easily. Now they can just print apart because actually just create apart and install it and they've already done it once they installed a crucial piece on one of his nuclear submarines. Now I don't feel comfortable with us. I don't want my nuclear submarines necessarily to have too many to three d printed parts. If you know what I mean it might have,
yeah, maybe a part that wouldn't accidentally launch a missile. So that would be good, maybe maybe pick sixty interface little bit or something. But now I wouldn't want it to be one of the components of the nuclear missiles. So, but I don't think we're doing that, while the most important news of the day is that commander, the dog job Joe Biden's, are no Joe Biden, not Biden just seems It should be Joe Biden so that a dog will be removed from the white house and, I believe, is being accused to be a mega domestic terrorists because that's what they do with anything they don't like, and
There are a few different ways to handle this, but one was to remove the dog completely, but they also considered building a wall around it yeah it's called a cage, but they could have built a wall around the dog, but they decided to get rid of it. Now, if you put together two plus two, but in the past week, not only has the speaker, Mccarthy been removed from office, but commander the dog has been removed. The white house, and that does leave us with no leadership whatsoever, is quite a leadership hole. We ve created here because I'm pretty sure commander the dog was insured
Domestic policy anyway. Well I see as a post by peter Zan value grain and
as you said this, you said all administrations have their blindspots. Ukraine is Biden's. Ukraine is as blind spot now. I'm thinking where's this going where's this going, so ukraine is Biden's blindspot, so but Peter's answers luckily, is easy to make the case to make the case that aid for ukraine is a core american interests. Biden just needs to address the nation, just as Clinton did for Kosovo, w bush did for Iraq. Bush sr did for panama and Reagan did for the eighties defense buildup. So it's easy to make the case that aid for ukraine is a core american interests. Is it? Is that easy? You think I would have heard of that argument by now, but I haven't have you a very? Have you heard an argument why ukraine is america's core interests? I've heard it's the only thing that will keep china from taking over taiwan, which I think is just laughably stupid. It's just laughably stupid, I'm not even going to I'm not even going to address that. Would you agree the thought that
whatever happens. You, ukraine, the that that would have anything to do with china's decision about taiwan. I'm not even going to talk about it. That's just too fucking stupid that that's just too many levels of abstraction, alright. But the other argument is: let's see, I heard one argument from a politician saying:
Don't you realize that thirty percent of the world's wheat comes from Ukraine, to which I say. Why would that stop? If you cooler, if ukraine loses the war, is russia going to stop making weight or is it going to be one one year of you not as much wheat? I dunno I'm not sure that that's a and the problem in the united states wouldn't be people starving. It would be that the weak cost thirty percent more so we would just eat less. Bread would eat more vegetables. Is that is that a core american interest that there might be, let's say one year of low wheat production? If something happened to ukraine? That's that's a core american interest. Now, what about? What about stopping Putin is a war of aggression where, if we don't stop him now, he'll just keep taking over countries, don't you think he just makes every decision individually or or do we believe they had this one big decision. I must take over everything I'm just going to take over everything and it doesn't matter what the situation is I'll. Take it over if it's bordering my country, you're just going to take it over. Is that the way he thinks? Or might he look at every situation individually and his ukraine opinion is different than his opinion of everyplace else? I feel like I feel, like he probably choose them all as individual decisions.
I think that he would move on poland to me. The ukraine situation showed that his military can conquer another country, even one that you, you believe to be weak. You certainly can't take a nato country, so I hear what peter Zahn says that it would be easy to make the case, but I've never heard the case in wa in a way that sounds even like a little bit plausible. Now, there's a trek that people do in the news all the time, which is to imagine that there's only one choice and the choice that they imagine is we either support ukraine or we give it all to russia. Is that the those are the only choices? What about the most likely choice? Why would you leave the most likely outcome of your two choices? The most likely outcome? Is we say, look we don't want to fund Ukraine any more, but we're gonna. If you don't, if you don't do a peace deal that negotiates these border regions, the obvious other solution is you'd, negotiate a peace that keeps everybody largely where they are at the moment, and then you give some guarantees about the future etc. But why do we think the choice is to fight forever or surrender when, by far the most obvious thing is to say alright, it's a draw. You know that this should discourage you from invading another country, because you can see that we can to stop you. So why don't we just associate peace, go back to business as usual. Here's why you can't make a good case, because the real case you can't tell the american people, can you the real reason they can't say out loud? The real reason is it's an energy war. We don't want russia to first of all, make all the money that our companies can make and, second of all, to have that much power over people by being in control of their energy is a pure energy war. If you made, if you made that argument to me, believe it or not
I might be persuaded by it. It sounds purely evil, but in the real world, wars are about resources and usually energy, and as probably just a way to guarantee that america stays the dominant superpower for the next fifty years. Because if russia, you don't got enough money from its energy production and got enough control over the over europe, you could really easily see how Putin could dominate europe be easy to see. So there would be an argument, but you'd have to say the things that you can't say which is yes, you created is totally corrupt, but we'd rather make sure our energy companies get the business that would otherwise go to Putin, because if he has, the money is going to do bad stuff with it. But you can't say that out loud,
Is that its adoption war? Alright, of course, we're gonna talk about the boy you all so the head of homeland security secondary allow Andrew my arcas who's been very anti wall as as Joe Biden than anti wall, but now quote there is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads, physical barriers. What will be will be an example of a physical barrier and what would what would be the way a normal non fucking jerk would say it probably wall wall, but if you're as big a loser as my orcas guy is you've got to quality a physical physical barrier. So you don't it's not as obvious
what are we you of them and how much damage done to the country by not having a border? So I'm gonna put this category of things. Tromp was right about that. The other side out, you pretend they were against because they could be against whatever use for and it couldn't it's much more obvious than this one. So I would say that trump has been right about the police and nearly more of them and don't defend them. He was right about the border. He was right about china. He was probably right about iran and. It was right about energy. You right about a lot in getting more more obvious,
So here are some of my predictions just to remind you, I says republicans would be hunted and there's a good chance. You'll be dead in a year and we can see the crime wave and people getting killed in cities, especially that journalist recently makes us think that it's an unsafe place to live by about that republicans would be hunted well. The federal government is so concerned about domestic violence, at the f b, I has created a whole category of extremists and they're called Donald trump's army of mega followers. That's right, the f b. I has decided that maga people should be followed closely for being domestic terrorists.
as the fbi that will do, and my god other. So this is a newsweek report. Something leaked and so Biden is trying to defeat domestic terrorism by targeting one political group for political terrorism. Do you think that you would make mega people less likely to bomb the capital by targeting them unfairly? I'm pretty sure this would radicalize more people than it would catch. So this seems like the worst idea in the world, but here we are so I don't think we can any longer argue that republicans are not being haunted. Would you all give me that that that protection, which is pretty out of left field, was right? This is clearly right. The the january six people were obviously haunted. A number of public figures were canceled for reasons that sounded like other reasons, but really weren't. They were. It was about taking the the better voices off the field yeah, it's it says it's as bad, as I said it would pay, and what I, when I wrote that tweet I have to say, I just felt it. You know the the I felt it like the motive for I wrote it. I just had
feeling is like oh shit, the way that the way that they campaign and talked about job? It became very obvious that that rhetoric would translate into action that look like this, because they were saying it. They were saying clearly from the start. The mega people were terrorists in versions of that, so you can see it coming from a mile away, and here it is- see the have to going after amazon so apparent. They have this special algorithm called project nessie that worked by manipulating rivals week, pricing, algorithms, so somehow what I think this means is either they're their own in house. Products were competing against the professional products, or maybe there was one
yeah the greater profit margin from so they were push that instead, the element, but apparently this was bad behaviour. According to some people left, you see and it led competitors razor prices in charge. Customers more, so I was pretty sketchy so we'll see if that was all true, as is suggested with court case. So maybe it wasn't you
You never know so. Here's the funniest thing I realized yesterday that do you remember Adam schiff. I wanted to be the next senator from California, so you're using it using the house of representatives, but Gavin newsom said he was going to promote a black woman to that job and then he did- and I just realized that Adam schiff was passed over for promotion because he's a white man just just hold out and you had Adam schiff, specifically him specifically, he was passed over for promotion because he's a white man. I must do that. Much do you think he loves his team today. Oh yeah democrats. Southern tells me the next time he goes in. This shift is not going to lie. I think he got a little closer to being a Republican is what I think, because that can only happen to you so many times before,
just started saying hey? I don't think the intentions here are really the right direction. Yup Adam schiff was passed over for promotion because he's a white male and I just like saying that, and it makes me wonder: where's the hdl shouldn't the a dl be defending him. He is a Democrat. They should be defending him against this discrimination, but they're nowhere to be seen. Oh, but they are advertising again on the x platform. I think they should have been kicked off the x platform, but if they're going to give elon musk money, I guess that's. Ok,. Jim Jordan, represent Jim Jordan. Who's been floated as a potential next speaker of the house. He treated this yesterday designed
and does anyone feel safe in democrat run cities democrat run cities and I thought to myself what an interesting choice of words democrat run cities, because if I go into the city- and I see a Democrat coming toward me- I'd go wrong. So Democrat ron RON, it's a Democrat, run city yeah, that's what it's called a democrat run city. Well, speaking of a lack of free speech, apparently vivek ramaswamy and Chris Christie had agreed with each other that they would go on a show. I think on fox and debate and the republican party shut that down and told them they couldn't do that, to which I say: what, when did the republican party become? The no free speech party like I get, I get the republicans have to
while republicans and you want to be on the same team and all but seriously seriously. You can't let two people running for president debate each other on your tv show and when I first heard that la Vache was going to have a conversation with Chris Christie. The first thing I thought was that might be the first time you saw a debate where something like a debate happened the the way the debates are done for the tv audience with seven or eight people up there and then the questions, maybe not the questions you would. You would have asked not really useful. I mean it's a good event to show event, but it's not really useful for voters, but to one on one where they can spend some time really digging into the other person's point of view. I'd watch that all day, but apparently the republicans
I let it happen. So there's your free speech group right there and Karl rove did this big editorial in the wall street journal, trying to mock Matt gates for throwing the throwing the congress into chaos by asking the speaker. and I read the whole thing in my only take on it- was there's something wrong with Carl rove. I don't know if I could go further, but I read: is a red is about Matt gates, and it was his choice of words.
His choice of words very clearly said that his opinion was bullshit and it was just some weird political thing: they you prefer some. I guess he preferred mccarthy, but I kinda thought he was a straight shooter until I saw his editorial and it was just it looked like a Democrat, wrote it really you can you know what I mean right. It was tons of insults that weren't necessary to the point. You know it's like a little too hyperbolic. So I don't trust anybody, but I definitely don't trust anybody who's mad at Matt gates for kicking the speaker out you, you immediately lose my trust when you have a strong opinion that that should not have gone on, because we could all see that the cruz situation wasn't getting us any results, and we can also keep it politics aside. If your speaker makes it a public promise to your own team and then doesn't keep,
it doesn't matter if he was effective and all the other stuff. That is grounds for removal period, because it doesn't look like he ever meant to keep that maybe dead. Maybe events overtook him, so he was either incapable of delivering it or never meant to yeah
so I'm very in favor of maggots this week. The worst attack on him I saw was one other member of congress saying that, prior to his marriage- and this is stated directly prior to his marriage- he once bragged about taking edi meds and slamming power drinks. So he could go all night. Oh, oh! Well! I didn't know that he was aggressively flagrantly heterosexual so that changes everything he was super heterosexual before he was married so before marriage he had a lot of sex. I dunno I just I can't be okay with all that heterosexual single person sex. Maybe that's just too far. I should note that there are no criminal charges for anything. There are no criminal charges for anything he did, but they're gonna make fun of him for figuring out which can
close allow him to have sex all night, while you're setting home in popcorn with your spouse, sue promo gates for for all this stuff out of this story is true, but there is a story of the ukrainian president is less his wife when they were in new york. She alleged
I spent more than a million dollars on cartier jewelry. At the same time, Zelensky was asking for money and weapons from the united nations. Now. Does that one feel a little too on the nose? Do you think that really happened? It's definitely possible. I wouldn't say it's impossible, definitely possible, but it's so on the nose right could. Could there be a story that the you know since the imelda Marcos at her shoes? Has there been a story that was like just right on the point like that right on the point I dunno I'm a little skeptical of it, I'm going to say: wait, wait two days on this one. If, in two days the story doesn't change and might be real.
But this one just has that feel about it as the feel of fake news just all over it, whether it is or not I dunno could be true. I give it two days: gallup says that the appetite for a third party is pretty high. Seventy five, have self identified. Independents support a third party, the creation of a third party, which is weird because we have third parties already and fifty eight percent of republicans endorsed the idea and forty six percent of Democrats. That kind of suggests that rfk jr has it
as a path. I always thought he was way more of a dark horse and he's been given credit for if he goes third party, which I think he's doing primarily so he has freedom of speech, so they won't ban them on social media. He actually could have been. Let let me say it clearly
predicting a win, not predicting it, but if he wins, I want you to know. I said yeah, that's there's a bath. He just has the path. There are enough disgruntled people that if the only thing that happened is you saw lots of trump arguing with Biden. Whoever is not trump arguing with Biden is going to look better every day, just everyday cause, both Biden and trump will just be dumped on with you know, just everything and whoever is just going along and making a little news on the side do to do to do. I don't like big pharma. Do no, I don't oh well. We agree on that. Do do do yeah. I feel like he's just going to stay under the radar.
if you slip in at the end, it's possible, not probable, but it's possible. Here's. Another story that I can't believe I think is true, but is it true that trump's attorney accidentally shut checked the box that says they don't want a jury trial and that he's not going to get a jury trial, because the lawyer checked the wrong box. That was fake news right, but isn't a jury trial. So so the first question is: isn't a jury trial, and so I think what is no jury trial, but is the claim that the lawyer made a mistake? The reason that parts.
The so some of this is fake, ripe, some of the story, alright. Well I'll just say we don't know, but that judge I am garonne is a little bit too happy. He seems to enjoy his job too much, which makes you feel uncomfortable because he doesn't seem like he's as serious as you'd want him to be. I'm sure he's a nice guy. I met when I when I see them. I think I could hang out with him. He'd be fun, but is not really suddenly a judge. Vibe, that's going to hurt alright, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is my prepare. Comments right, any big story today were my forgetting to judge even said that no conservative would go for our of gay junior.
Really well, he definitely has policies that no conservative could approve, but I dunno I dunno, maybe just bad feelings. Yeah all it would take, is trump to do something they've not done yet that was some new outrage and rfk junior would only be going up against Biden. So I think he's got a shot as ideas that are insane I dunno about
At Rfk jr, though, the border wall was racist until a month ago. What's the problem, do you have a problem that there's somebody who changes his mind based on research? He gives himself and getting better facts. How is that a problem I used to use a bar band, alright fix his voice, please I might be able to do that. It's possible. I could all right literally as followers what they want him to fix. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, do you think you're great.
in trouble because we won't be able to fund them. What do you think's going to happen in ukraine? Are they going to get their funding? I think they'll probably be fine, but one way or another it's going to be negotiated. I think something close to the korean border. Klaus schwab. What about him? I feel, like you, want to talk about klaus schwab, every single day he hasn't done anything new as he could a judge or jury be better. I dunno they'll use more advanced weapons. If they have them, Dave Rubin says, is true well, but did Dave Rubin see the forum. I mean we're looking at the same stuff on me: alright secret shoes- followers! Oh, I guess, there's a the clips of me with Russell brand: just dropped. The first clip might be more than one clip, but if you want to see me talking to a russell brand, I guess that just just dropped forgot the part. What should be on youtube, probably rumble as well. The run out of ammo yeah, alright youtube thanks for joining. I hope you had a good experience and if you don't like all the commercials on here, consider joining join the locals. Alright, I guess going to go. Watch Dan, then bungie know on rumble now bye for now.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.