« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2248 Scott Adams: All Of The News Is Confusing And Fake But The Coffee Is Delicious

2023-10-01 | 🔗

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Politics, Jamaal Bowman, CISA Director Jen Easterly, Cognitive Infrastructure, Government Censorship, Inflation, Immigration, Incompetence, ChatGPT Conversations, Forbes TikTok Article, TikTok Brainwashing, Nate Silver, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to rough club football good morning. Everybody and welcome to coffee with Scott Adams is the best thing you could ever do on a sunday. Alright, maybe church churches, okay, too, but but, if you're not in church. This is the best thing you could possibly do and if you'd like to think this experience up to godlike levels, all you need is a cup or a mug, or a glass attacker jealous or styling that candy jug of alaska festival of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid, like coffee, join me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine the end of the day. The thing that makes everything better is called the simultaneous sip and it happens now. Oh wow, it is light of civilization.
So let's talk about all the stuff, so engineers at mit. In china figured out. Seawater do drinking water with a completely passive device. That's it's me it's being done with a passive device. That means is that when you tell the device, hey. Did you turn the seawater and drinking water. it gives you no feedback whatsoever, it doesn't say: oh I'm busy, or why? Don't you do it yourself? Now it's a passive device it'll be like alright alter the sub sea water into drinking water. For you totally passive.
I think that's what it means. No, actually, what it means is, instead of forcing the water through a filter which is the normal way. You desalinate, which takes a tremendous amount of energy and also takes, is the problem because there's a bunch of salt as are going to goop up your filters. After clean cleaned stuff like that, but was mit and china. Researchers engineers actually. I figured to create a system where it's primarily not primarily, it's only evaporation, so they figured out a way to you ve operate the water out, sega drinking water, that leaves assault and they can pass assault back into the ocean, and then these ocean gets to full assault right. Well, I wouldn't worry about the ocean filling up with salt, because you big issue desalinated, some of it.
guys. I dunno this. This might be a big. This might be something you don't know, but were you aware that the ocean already evaporates, I mean not all of it, but every single day, there's like a lot of evaporation happening in the clouds yeah, so if few evaporate a little extra and inserted it into a drinking water instead of a cloud that then turns into water that then you drink, I feel like the oceans will survive that I feel like. I feel like that and by the way that water that you put into your body, you don't think that gets back to the ocean Does it gets back there so will turn the ocean into Brian a positive oliver, water problems result you not the big deal about that is worth
very close correct me if I'm wrong, but if you can cheaply make your own fresh water and you can cheaply bake your own electricity and you can probably come up with a toilet system like the bill gates, toilets that don't don't need a sewer system. Somehow they they do their own thing summer, and could you not build floating cities now? What what would stop you from living on the ocean forever pirates pirates would stop you, that's what it would be. A virus problem but what, if you had like all city- and you just floated around to wherever the weather is nicest, if you see a storm forming, you just turn on your engines like get outta here, let's get out of here for two weeks until the storm is over. I feel like that's, where we're all headed that way.
Well, what about the story of the representative democratic representative, jamal bowman Who was trying to delay a vote on a continuing resolution and it was caught on camera, pulling the fire alarm. He pulled the fire alarm now. I know you think it. You think he he pulled the fire alarm to interfere with the operation of government, and that would be the same. Crime is the january six there's. Only some of them were accused of which is delaying a or trying to stop a government process, its illegal. It turns up, but If you dig down a little bit more, you find out. That was not his intention, no No, it looked like that was his intention and these unfilled doing it. He explain
later and you have your little story before you even know. What's going on it turns out he, he thought that the pulling the fire alarm would open the door. So we confuse the door dab where the fire alarm, which was on the wall, the supper wall in that can happen. That can happen It is not the first time use confused ordinary things. There was a time you get caught using a lectern as a urinal, again, not his fault. He thought the election was a year ago and therefore, quite isn't expected. There are a number of other items that he's misused, but I didn't have time to write those jokes, so you're going to have to do those in your head. If you could complete the rest of the jokes, there should be three of them. These jokes were where were the best in threes, so I did the first one for you.
And he thought the electrode was a hurdle. You need to more do these in your head. Alright, let's see if I can help you out, I can't think of any more, but you do sup, you do sober home, you'll love it So is it insurrectionists because he was trying to delay? government process. So I tried to follow along all of the budget. Shenanigans cars are lot, there's a lot of complexity. So I'm going to do what nobody's done for you, I'm going to summarize it in a way that you can understand all the ins and outs of the congressional rules, and you know what they have to do with a budget and continuing resolutions and you've got your twelve separate bills and you have
your speaker and you know, got these eggs. So if I get summarize all that blah blah blah congress can't do their jobs, that's the story. What whatever everything is the dumbest most flock that thing that could come out of this group? That's what they do, it's pretty easy to determine, Hey, why don't you do something smart, like look at all the budget items separately and voted them separately like you are supposed to like is your job? Oh no. We won't be doing that we'll be doing something different than that and what does congress itself think about that? Well, I believe I have a quote here from for
somebody did write. Nancy mace was was mocking her own congressional members were being basically completely unable to do their jobs, so something happened in congress and I think, no matter what it was. Can anybody can be a fact check on this see if this accurately summarizes it blah blah blah blah blah blah billions of dollars for ukraine? Did I get that right, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah things that don't matter blah blah blah things? We don't understand blah blah? blah blah rules, blah blah blah resolutions, blah blah blah billions of dollars for ukraine. That's all you need to know boom. That's news,
if the news were not boring, maybe we will watch it a little bit more often try that. Well, I tried a trick question today that the number of people found a way to by merou out of it. Here's a question I asked On a on a poll an exploit for him, I said: if you could stop hitler by rigging an election. Would you do? It seems like a simple question: if you could stop hitler by rigging an election, would you do it now? Do you see the trap? It's a trap Because the Democrats have trump hitler forever, but they also say that they did not ring the election. We have to pick one. If, if he's you rigged the election, because everybody wanted right, am I
nobody's gonna answer this question or no way would lay a hitler just his thing right. Oh, you are so wrong. Knowing that and knowing that the question would reveal their absurdity, they decided to go with heller. Two thirds of the people who answered went with. I would not rig the election. I would let hitler come to power, that's how Hopefully they don't want to show that the wrong they would actually rather have hitler come to power than to reveal the absurdity of their own reasoning and actual preference to third said: no, no would not regular elections, stop hitler and do you know what reasons they gave.
Kobayashi maru. Now, if you don't know that reference, you are not enough of a nerd. It's an old star trek reference when captain kirk in when he was in the what was it the training to be starship person, so what it was in trading. They all a test in which there was a simulation of his simulated battle among starships and dissimulation was rigged You couldn't win no matter what And the real lesson was you can't always win or something like that, so it was sort of what do you do when you can't win? That was the lesson so, but one person did when captain Kirk is the only person who beat the simulation ever. But how do you beat a simulation? Is rigged irig irig the rig signal simulations were the reprogramming.
We can win now. What does the people say? We did not want to answer the question if they would stop hitler. Well, We wouldn't know he was ehler them. the question says: you're going stop. Hitler is very much obviously implied, obviously implied that you know. If you don't stop him, he becomes the real hitler, that's bill the question you cared kobayashi, maru maroni and a well the way. I interpret your question. No, you don't get a reinterpret the question. He is hitler. You know he zeller is born hitler, that's baked into the assumption of the question. Two thirds of the people refused to answer it and said that they would not rig the election. When you know they would, of course they would because everybody would one hundred percent of all people will regulation to stop hitler, except
actual nazis. I suppose so that's how broken we are there. I just got two thirds of my respondents to support pillar so that they didn't have to support trump. in the real world in the actual real world, two thirds of the people who supported hitler over trump, because that's how brainwashed they have become imagine the level of brainwashing there would make. You actually believe that not stopping heller might be a good play or that there are some reason you can come up with for not doing what would it take to brainwash people that the thoroughly
Hmm well, I certainly found out that there's a reason that Democrats do not want free speech in this country, but do you think they've ever done anything about it? You know to actually try to stop free speech. Yeah turns out, there's there's a whole department in the government that is dedicated to stopping free speech. Did you know that is actually it's a department says our caesar see. I essay the director had been Chris Krebs, Are you my recognize as a high level democrat operative? That's right, so the organization that monitors and tries to control your free speech run by democrats and say that the current director is it an easterly and she expanded the agents. Agencies.
A job because he used to be more about catching the bad guys, homeland security sort of thing finding out what the bad guys are. Thinking and change may be changed the minds of the ban. eyes, and then they turned it on americans and decided they would use it to change the minds of americans, because, according to easterly, the director of this group. Apparently, this is national vote easily, americans quote cognitive infrastructure is the most critical infrastructure. The state must protect cognitive infrastructure. Was that what is it? What is your cognitive infrastructure is? Actually your brain like actual physical brain,
at that- your cognitive infrastructure and your ears out of this group saying directly that they have to control your brain for national defense. Now. Is that true, it was true yeah! That's why we do the pledge allegiance. Yeah put your hand over your heart. It is a brainwashing operation to make the country stronger by making the citizens more committed to the to the hall. So I don't disagree with the you know the cons but if you take it beyond, I love my country all the way? To those you're saying on the internet. There are true or not true, which is where it is
actually telling you the things they know to be true: they're they're, making sure that you can't say that they're working with the platforms to make sure you can't say true things if it's bad for the country, in their opinion, serve as bad for the country. In the opinion of Democrats, there is a department of the government to make sure that you don't see it or cassette. Just think about that. That's a real thing! There's! No there's! No exaggeration. Is a department of the government? That's a real thing. It is their stated mission to control. The brains of americans is thus a quote. It's directly right here is their stated mission to control the brains of americans and they allow tech doc.
They allow tiktok they're, not serious people. Certainly, the rajah protect you they're, trying to control you for whatever reasons now, your own benefit, apparently. But also to know that there is actually a formed group. Whose name puts an ass in the Merci, I so as see I essay got you can't even speller without cia lula. Those.
Its according to federal law makers. The c c I say, is the nerve centre of federal government censorship. So how good? How good is the government brainwashing operation is good enough? That half of the country thinks that trumpet is worse than hitler and there was support ehler before they would support trump? Is I got enough? Do you need another example, or does that pretty much make the boy I think I should make the boy. So that's a real thing now, once again, the world has reached.
point where we cannot tell parody from reality and here's an example that involves me, and I can't tell if this disparity I can't tell if I'm being mocked or complimented, so I'm going to ask for your opinion. You tell me if I'm being mocked or complimented now, an important part of this is to know who's the speaker so that the speaker in this little story, which, through a post and x, is Paul. Graham now, if you watch the the tech world at all, you know Paul, graham one of the most as an entrepreneur investor day, people in the world and generally one of the smartest people in the game, so he is super smart, super successful and yeah he's sort of like the father of startups,
Somebody said that the comments it would be like the intellectual sure that almost like a founding father of silicon valley startups at a sense because he was so smart and successful, anyway, so you somebody is more successful. You should also know that he and I have sometimes and disagreed, sometimes an ex There is now somebody automatically agrees with me. but is also a smart. You I functioning person. Doesn't always disagree with me so utterly agrees or to squeeze disagrees more often, but you'll be on either side. I see you ve got a credible person very small. and not necessarily primed, to agree or disagree with me, but rather probably just looks at the information. So you
tweeted, two of my older tweets today and the two of them were bared and there were- and his only comment was note- the date so the only the only clue we have is who he is and how we've interacted before and the one the one sentence note the date. So the date was July, two two thousand and twenty, and it was my two tweets, one of which said if Joe Biden gets elected. So this is a few months before the election itself and said if he gets elected, there's a there's, a good chance, she'll be dead in a year. That was one and the other one was, and if Joe Biden is elected, republicans will be haunted also that the same date.
Now, when he tweeted those that said note the date he was clearly making sure the you knew it wasn't today, but was he saying this was a good protection or was a mocking it because half of the country would say that's absurd, nothing like that is happening or, as he and the half of the country that says it's obviously happening and here's somebody who predicted it, which is it I got marked good prediction, marked, don't know he can tell a carrier. Isn't that the funny thing about it, you actually, I can tell. I actually don't know.
The horrors you say activate yeah alright well, but you can see that people are all over the map it right. I think there are more people saying good protection, but you might be that might be wishful thinking. I'm not sure. Oh well, either use a good prediction. We don't know what Paul thought but we know, he's very smart. So I'm going to I'm going to go with that he's smart. So he thinks it's a good prediction kit.
Can I live with their reality until proven, not true hello? This is god atoms and now your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite pod guessers unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so late. Your voice be heard personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so that over to spot, if I searched for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punkahs and view the latest episodes in response to cure the and bowls and spot. If I only how many of you have ever heard an old hoax about me that light,
success is based on a real event. So there's a real event, but of course context is left out how many of you know about the metaverse so called sock puppet event. That was my first big scandal. How many? How many of you have ever heard of that now interesting? He used to be that no matter where I commented online, somebody would post a link to that scandal. So let me tell you what people think it was Tell you what it was. I do you notice sock puppet is the sock puppet is somebody who pretends to be someone else to to build up or sell a product to help a brand
So if you went online and pretended to be somebody else to complement a product, you know, and people thought you were a real person, not a sock puppet that'd be bad behavior and if somebody saw you do that they would have a very bad another. Now, let me tell you what happened. They'll tell you how the hoax played out here's what really ever there was a point at which I was being accused of being a a holocaust denier and a bunch of other, things, but I think that was the one I was concerned with their day answer so online there was is spreading rumour that I was a holocaust, the
and one of the places it wasn't. Particulars is horrible sight met anniversary, something that or something that is something matter just met. I filter better filter was was called filter and they is gone now. But so I had this big problem by reputational problem and I was not really super well known. Then the comic was if you off but nationally most people would not have recognized my name, and so I said to myself: what do you do about it? What would you do about it suppose? There was a whole big rumor that you were did something terrible. How would you deal with it? What would be your negatives? You can do a press release, but nobody would pay attention to it right. The people online aren't going to see it because it's not going to be in the news.
If you put out a press release, was even going to say it or you can simply go online and argue that it's not true, you can show links now. What would happen to me if I joined an online conversation and just tried to clear things up, but what do you think would happen? Take a guess. It would make it worse, it would turn into from a rumour would turn into a headline story: Adams. sees not holocaust denial. Just makes it worse right. So how do you kill a rumour without involved since censure the one in the rumour they evolve with just make it much worse. so I'll tell you what I decided to do, which I still think is funny, but it didn't work out well for me.
So I decided to do was to enter the conversation under a different name and see if I can get the people to have a conversation that I thought would be hilarious and also clear up the clear up the rumour at the same time, And so, under the guise of a practical joe, which I had planned to reveal at the end like I was going to spend a whole bunch of time as as a person in a conversation about me and then at the end it would make a funny blog post right. Let's say what I said and They were talking to me now to me. It would be hilarious to be in an extended conversation with strangers about me. Am I the only one who thinks that it will be funny? That will be funny right and you'd do it? If, if you could be an extended conversation, The assumed name about yourself. Are you telling me
wouldn't want to do that. That was seriously fun, so I'm having, If the conversation about myself and people would make claims that I knew not to be true so I say: well, you know. That's not actually something use ever said that sort of thing and then a one point. Somebody came in and said: well you adamses immediate you just stupid. Here's where things went off the rails, In the identity of my faith, little identity- I thought it would be hilarious to point out that, objectively speaking, the person that they'd called an idiot had been a member of Ben's mensa and had a genius level like you now keep in mind, I'm in a persona, so I'm sort of like Andrew taylor.
A little bit of just sort of play in the persona and say well, you know you'd have to explain why this group that determines whether or not you're qualified to be a genius. Why have they certified him? A genius when your argument is that he's dumb. Well soon, after that, it turns out that there were some insiders of this metafilter who had that decided that my identity would be outed because they had a rule against sock, puppets guess now. What I was doing was trying to kill a rumor and also create some content that would make a fun blog post, but the metafilter people threatened me and they said we have found out that this is not really you and we're going to out you unless you out yourself so still think he is no big deal
and still think he is just funny. I thought oh I'll out myself, because I was going to anyway, so I out myself say I was me and I think this is really funny we're all those people were in conversation with me about me. Don't you think they would think that was funny when they make a good story. Why does it doesn't everybody win? everybody involved a winter. So you had the the people ran meadow filter, They were winners because they identified somebody who was in the wrong identity and cleared it up good job, good job, the people who are sleuths and like figured it out first good job as some good sleuthing. They call me they should be complemented. That was pretty smart and then the was did I clear up. Did I clear up the rumour a little bit
because then there was a body of work. There was the other way that didn't look like. You came for me at least at first And so I cleared up the rumour a little bit. You will counter counter information up there like I want and that it was a fun reveal, and I thought it was a budge laughs. Well, at the time I didn't know there was this thing called sock puppets. What I thought I was doing was a joke like a practical joke there would to me was just malaria little time. I wasn't really. I wasn't on the product
per se, but I was in that general domain of trying to help my reputation, but I was helping my reputation from a lie. I wasn't making up. You know I didn't say: oh did you know he won the nobel prize. I would say he was not a holocaust denier, which is you know fair anyway, so because people don't get context, they heard that I was a sock. Puppet and sock puppets are bad, and that was end of it. Somebody called me a sock puppet. That's why I got repeated every day after that, sock, puppets or bad context lost, and that was my first, the first big blow up and that followed me for probably fifteen years every single time. I did something somebody said well he's also a sock puppet without any context was or would I do it again,
Oh absolutely totally would totally do it again. I haven't because I get busted again but yeah. I would do it again. It was funny alright, let's talk more about other people. Tromp as a as a new. truth he put out says crooked. Joe Biden has three major problems: and they all begin with the letter. I inflation immigration and incompetence. Oh, that's good! That's good Once you hear it is sticky as hell Once you hear the us three problems to start with, I you, we remember all three right
the rest of your life. You can say: oh yeah, three problems, inflation, immigration, incompetence and even if it didn't come through immediately, it would just take you a moment to think about it and you come up with all three. Oh that's good. This is this. Is a low energy, JEB quality stuff now he's untruth so we'll get less play, so it won't be as effective. But oh yeah, that's that's! good good stuff persuasion lies are a story in the wall street journal by Joanna stern, that the judge dvd as a voice- and I can see things like this again- see you and take picture about things and to conceal and aunt Joanna reported that it doesn't sound exactly like a person, but it's closed and it's all new world because it can have a conversation with you
Oh she included in her story a little audio of her having a conversation with it and the the point of it. as it is so good that is getting closer and closer to like our conversation, when the person now imagine that naturally or Chad jpg just an app on your phone, could just sit there and have a conversation with you. So I thought to myself all this is going to be good stuff. So I clicked on that audio. Listen to it yeah! No, it is not anything like a person has no human characterised was, however- and you would not want to spend more than five minutes of your entire life talking to that.
well. Let me give you a example: I'm making this up. This is roughly the example. There was in the audio, and it goes like this. He chad, g p t let's, let's I talk about my day to day. Let's just have a conversation about my day. How was your day today? Oh, it was great, you know I did some gardening today and went for a swim. Gardening is good for your health. They say swimming is the best form of exercise yeah yeah. So let's talk about some else about the news. Well, some people, This and some people say that ok, do you have any personality at all?
edge. Somebody like an opinion. I am not designed to have opinions it. It's ok, It was immediately identified as non human and there's nothing, there's no interest whatsoever. I do not think you're gonna have conversations with aye aye, unless they, unless they get rid of all the guidelines or the guard rails get rid of the guard rail. So it can do anything. It could have like a really edgy conversation. It could say obscene things. It could say things that you would never want your. The body dear average conversation between two close people. Stuff that you wouldn't, while by else to you're not because is necessarily a crime or somethin
but nobody really want other people here. What a private conversation looks like we're sounds like so, if you can't make, I do. With edgy dangerous risky things. It's never going to sound like a person and you're never going to be interested in, like you would be a person. So it's never going to keep you company unless they get rid of all those guardrails. That's what I say, and the other was delay was much too long so so years. Here's the fond of a conversation. hey, I how's your day today, very good. Now how long you gonna wanna talk to it It's got this unnatural delay. there's another person in real life, whether unnatural delay it was
hard to have a conversation is like a one go play tennis. Yes, I mean I didn't know what to do. Without But that's you re item or ill. Give ass her, so maybe it'll be all maisie now on this story. I would like to tell you how I will save save the world, probably and racial division. Save the school system, saves your education, save america and therefore save civilization itself. It goes like this, you can now get your own private day. I did you know that your brain ramallie talks about this. It is working.
And you may soon even get your own eye in the chip, so one ship is like your whole. Personally, I so here's what I would suggest for saving told you build an ai that doesn't know anything except my last two books or actually two of my books. How to film almost everything in my new one, reframe your brain. Now there is this. Those would teach a young person how to get their mindset right, There are other books that are also useful, but In that way, I ve studied my two books, which are the clearest. I think your life advice. And by a number of others, say I had access to the ten best careers strategy books there would be applicable to young people.
And then you make it available to young people and you make sure that nobody can screw with it. So it's never polluted by. You know any woke this or weird stuff, and then you just make it available for free. Because once a strain is just always trade. So if you are a ten year old black kid in baltimore. You wanted to get out. You can say age at jpg or whatever it is. What should I do and then it would actually
well. You have to get out now that doesn't mean you could execute, because you know you got a lot of problems, but it might say, try to find a sponsor to get into private school. It might say if your friends are criminals find new friends, but it could give you a really practical advice, like a person would without the problem of having to imitate your oppressor. Now I've tried to coin this phrase and it's not catching on yet, but I'll keep trying the the imitation glass ceiling. Even today, there was another study that showed how babies imitate parents and parents imitate the babies and the babies, or learn to imitate the parents and basically the way you train anybody to do anything is by imitation where even training, ai cars, the self driving cars were trading them by imitation. They look at videos of lots of cars. Driving,
and then they just sort of do what the other cars were doing, without access to reason or rules, they just sort of amity and that's good enough for a self driving carp. If you see not failure now, people are exactly like that. All the time we learn everything by imitation, I learn for apple hard work from my parents, I just saw my father come home from one job. You would eat dinner. He would get in his other clothes and go to his night job so that was my role model watching somebody who worked basically all the time, and so is it instead that I also work long hours and even when I don't need to probably not I mean maybe there's some genetic thing there, but I think it had lots to do with you know the model watched now suppose you suppose you,
young black kid and the people who seem to be killing in life. Most of them are wider, asian or indian theirs. As you say, to yourself how they're not like me, and some of them are my oppressors, so naturally imitate my oppressors. you have to do whatever is the opposite of my oppressors as as they ve been described to me now, if you had an app instead, could I not make the app act and talk less the persons using so, for example, if you say that the ep and the ep detects there, you are indeed american. Maybe it modifies a little bit to match year. Cultural, expectations, then you're like oh! This is like be so I talking to myself if you're a young black kid, maybe the app modifies this itself in some way chooses different language. You know, maybe it's more casual and
some ways and culturally appropriate- and you say to yourself wow. This is not some some way oppressor telling me what to do that. I reject This is obvious as me. I mean I don't have a father, but if I had one would price I'm just like this to say I then suddenly you're saying to yourself? Why can copy this ay? I it's tell me exactly what to do and what I did wrong now. I'm not good is not going all the way to bottlenecks, but I see what you're saying there And so I believe that if you just had some day created a eyes their word Rain on the best success strategy books that you could give everybody a path out. The only other thing you need is access the mentors. Maybe I can help on that too. So I think you need men towards that are now. I as well
yeah it'd, be like an ai dab for people to know that alright and forbes, who is not a publication, that anybody should trust anymore. Based on my recent. My recent observation is there no longer if they ever were but they're, not a credible source of news for sure anyway, so what are the big problems or tiktok is apparently is easy for anybody in the tick tock organization to find out who follows who and who their closest contacts are. From that, presumably you could do a lot of mischief if you were an adversary. Do you know who knows? Who, which tells you a whole lot about them? Who you know is really is a good description of what War as well and those big ol article about that's bad nowhere did emerge
the primary risk of tiktok that is literally the human interface for brainwashing americans. It's a brainwashing. That is in the middle of obviously brainwashing us and is obvious because they don't even let it run in china because it's not safe, Oh yeah. We can use it all day long and we are so we
This is a brainwashing app and here's forbes does a major article in which they don't even mention the brainwashing risk. Only the data security are starting to see the baron patterns. Very clear is that every time there is a major publication, it talks about tiktok. They will ignore the big risk which clearly they know, is the big risk and they'll talk about the minor risk so that when the pot politicians say well, it's it's a data security problem, but we think we can take care of the data security problem and then the public will say. Ok, I don't know much about their story, but if the only problem is that data security- and then you keep that data security. America is an american database, maybe maybe that's ok, but if they had ever told you alright, the data security is something to worry about, but it's ten percent of the problem. Ninety percent of the
the children, are learning not to get married and have children and maybe they're gender is wrong as ninety percent, because they can actually programme americans not to thrive, which is what they do. So it's like Tik tok is essentially a kill switch on america that china has already pressed they already pressed the kill shot. Is that if we raise a generation and take that there's no fuckin way we're gonna be a superpower? In fifty years, no fucking way, so the kill, shouts or even breast we're organ after until ourselves. Somehow, because we're dead, we're fuckin dead end seems to be that are our media seems to be suppressed in some way that they can't write the actual story, I assume, is our intelligence organizations what else willoughby
I assume that our intelligence organizations want to talk to stay could be because they use it for catching bad guys, maybe could be they use it to catch. Republicans yeah. You didn't see that coming Social media might be one of the ways they round up republicans because they can identify and who they talk to Yes, they can use at sea as a group to influence the rest of the media and it's a pretty ugly picture. So all right, here's a conversation you should be following on the x platform, David silver, who is famous as a statistician, one of the most well known types and I've said before I won't go through the whole description that he is very credible. In my opinion, even if sometimes wrong. Does your members statistics
Statistics is not about being right, it's about where things are likely to go. Based on what you know, and so I say he is one of the most useful public figures because he is willing to, oh, where the numbers go right or wrong, left or right seems to be reasonably independent thinker. Well, you got into conversation with somebody who also is very credible, martin kehl door for something I forget so harvard guy part of their great farrington declaration here, credible. Now, when these over said and none of this none of this will be my claims. Ok, I just tell you it nay solver blues, based on the data. He believed that you could tell that the red states did worse after vaccinations rolled out, meaning that, when vaccinations rolled out, the blue states have a
greater reduction in death, the red states had more death and then with critics, including me. Pointed out: hey, hey, hey, there's a difference in age right. If you don't factor in the age difference of those states, you don't get the right result, while nate silver being sensitive to that question, because it's actually a good question. So since he respected the question and the people asked it, he answered it and the answer is surprising: there's not that much age difference by by state.
At least relative to republican or democrat. It's actually not that big a difference. So there are some states such as florida, where it's republican and there are lots of old people, but there are also states like maryland. I think maryland is one where you know the things are opposite way you expect. So in other words, if you look at the whole country, the republicans are have the old states doesn't really hold up, but there are some that are like that. So, if you it look at the average. It goes away a little bit. However. However, I know some of you are saying, but but but we should still do those numbers. Sir ne did he ran the numbers with age being factored in and got the same result so pretty pretty.
As he told you, they wouldn't change, result that much, but in respect of respect to the critics who were genuinely interested herein rewritten the numbers of the came out. The same, I will tell you that I just saw a counter analysis by Anatoly one of my favorite critics and his team. was that you can see a signal for the vaccinations working. I think that's the bottom line, so just now. The third smart people say the data shows no difference. I dunno off, that's true or false, are not making any claims of my own here.
But when a nasal verandah issue that, when vaccinations rolled out the people who are most likely to get them, did better than the people, then get them even when you just by age, do you believe that add, and even if this were true, what are therefore prove anything in particular would improve. If the vaccinations work. No, because one of the things that I'd be concerned by so here's here's how it could be misleading. Have we not heard correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought there was at least one study and of course all the studies are
non credible. But I think one study said your worst situation is if you were vaccinated and you have also had the covert set you if you have the covert and you were vaccinated you're in the worst possible situation. I think one study sent that so I wouldn't We claim that is being true. It's just something one study said, and I think it was worse often sense of getting it another time, you're more likely to get it if you had had both had it and vaccinated something like that. So there are a whole bunch of variables that I dunno how you would sort them out, because how would you know that?
and how do you? How do you know first of all, robin's in the long run you know could could things started separating in the long run, which would suggest that either long corvid or the vaccinations were the problem in the long run you wouldn't know anyway. Here's what I think is interesting. If, if you've been in your republican bubble, would you agree that those of us, lee republican bubble and I spent most of my time there you never see any information that would suggest the vaccinations worked for anyone any time. Will you agree with that statement? If you're in the republican bubble, you ve never seen anybody credible with any data the says the vaccinations actually could have worked for anybody any specific but as soon as you walk into the other bubble,.
There's no silver, then again I consider completely credible now now say that his analysis is right, because that's not how it works. Being credible is not the same as being right. It just means that he's probably not lying age, probably looking at the best source as he can find- and it's all consisted in one direction doesn't mean is true. But that's what he's saying so this is more like a window into the other bubble. I'm not trying to convince you. That thing is true or not, because I do not think any the data is useful. I just don't believe any of it. So if you're believing data just know that there are different data in a different bubble, that's what you need to know
alright? Let's talk about ukraine? Did I see a suggestion that Britain might put some troops on the ground in ukraine in a training, but only for training, right consultants, consultancy, which is how you introduce troops? Oh they're, just there for training Yeah, you got a lot of troops in there for training. Well, they did a lot of training but they're, all armed, of course they're in the military, but they're traders yeah. So you think america, you think america has any americans on the ground in ukraine. Do you think we have any troops? So, of course we too, how could we not issue of american equipment over there.
Probably probably yeah. I I feel like either maybe people in ukrainian uniforms, but I got a feeling: we've got some people over there. That should be the way it works. Alright, israeli history, that I've missed anything you you're desperate to talk about. but I forgot to mention, I think it was elon musk who said the other day, that you don't need to watch the news, because all the news is an ex, and I agree with that. It's the only place you can see any context. You know it the the nate silver context. You will not see in any republican publication
dear dear, think that do you think any of your publications would show his analysis. Do you think fox news or anybody else? Probably not now. I don't know if he's right, o. I have no idea. So what are the weirdest stories I heard about the ukraine war? Is that, as you know, the Wagner group was taking prisoners and a jail and sending them into the meat grinder. Now this story is horrible, but I can't get it out of my head. So I'm going to force it on you. One of the prisoners that was taken into jail was convicted for murdering his girlfriend or wife. I think it was a girlfriend and disposing of the body by putting it through a meat grinder like a real story.
And so in order to be freed from jail. All he had to agree to do was go to what the analysts are. Calling a meat, grinder you'll be on the front lines of the war in ukraine, so he got convicted of putting his girlfriend through a meat grinder, and then he got sent to a meat grinder to get out of jail and he lived and he served his time and now he's a free man, because karma sent him to a meat grinder for putting his girlfriend through a meat grinder, and he lived now he's a free man is a meat, grinder meat grinder and it's terrible. But it's weird: how do we stop world war three? Well, the first thing you need to know is that whatever we know about what's happening with russia- and ukraine is not what the people in charge know, so I don't believe we have useful information yet we're just guessing from tea leaves and scat on the ground, but the experts probably know who does what and who knows what and what the, what the spies are saying and you know, who's threatened. What and who's capable and who's, incompetent news, sick and who's crazy. So the level of what they know about the world is so different that protecting israel
because we're not using any real information where it we're using information has been given to us, which is intentionally fake information. So I do see it escalating, but here's my take if you assume it's an economic war, which is what I assume and if we assume that the people waging this economic war economic war in the sense that we want to sell weapons and we want to get control of russia's energy or get them out of the energy business. So we have the market so as economic in the sense of selling weapons and protecting our energy. industry. So, under those conditions, if that's who is really in charge, the people were just trying to make
Why would they allow a nuclear war like an actual world war? Three, and I think the answer is no, because that would be an economical. What's economical is a forever war in Afghanistan or forever war in Iraq. The war in ukraine that always goes up to the level of using heavy equipment, but not to the level of using anything nuclear because it wouldn't make sense as syria, maybe lebanon. Maybe I dunno not leben nevermind. Why am I blanking on Qaddafi's country? Gaddafi? Was libya, not lebanon, libya.
And yeah growing the empire is economical growing. The empire is economical, that's true, but the americans are not trying to grow the empire except controlling the energy resources. I suppose so here's my prediction: the people who have the most control over what happens in ukraine do not what it to become a world war. Three, they wanted to be largely the way it is a little bit more of the way it is. That would be the bit that, if you're going to follow the money, that's what the money suggests. If there was money, In a nuclear war or world war, three, we would absolutely habit. I don't think anybody says, there's a way to make money doing that doesn't make sense. I think we want another twenty years
this right. I think it everywhere ass. We twenty years now. We can treat a reality as subjective and get good outcomes. Let's try that afghanistan was an accusation, not a warrior, I guess Alright, if you haven't seen the clips coming out from my conversation with Megyn kelly, are quite a few clips and I'll recommend you to it. Because people say it was awesome, you could just google my name and her name it'll pop right up a lotta lotta people in even the comments are saying it's great interview. I dunno why it was great
it's lakers. I have this thing called to interview amnesia at the moment. I'm done with an interview, even if it's like an hour and a half which is typical. I don't remember thing I have complete, Amnesia none, then somebody will say: oh, that was a good one. I'll have to think rilke. I and remember it. I just. I remember the. I remember the person and I remember how I felt and I might remember a sort of generally what topics were covered, but I don't remember specific things I said so I don't have the same kind of memory you have when you watch it. Somebody saying I had no pauses before answering questions. Well, it probably helps that I do this every day and I I think that what makes me like a podcast or an interview
is how casual the people talking are to me. That tends to be the most predictive part if somebody is just a talking at and they ve got to sell something to their corporate bosses and their like. Well, here is my prepared speech, which I have said seven times already and let me say this yeah, I'm bored, but if I see if you see Joe rogan, for example, when Joe rogan is interviewing people, it's more like Conversation, so if you do it in and like in the middle of a conversation between a couple, a smart people, though just gloomy right there, But as soon as one of those is just like a suited, you know puppet, you can tell a heartbeat, you said ukraine would win. No, I didn't.
What what is when you mean when, as in conquer russia pressure, I didn't say that no, I said ukraine would not be conquered, which has not been so one of my best verdict.
It's, but I dunno I dunno what wind would look like winners. I think your one word I'm just saying that there would be difficult to conquer which they. Where did you go to the doctor? She was lawsuit that showed a back door. I mean I dunno, if that's still relevant under the musk domain. Wagner did not recruit murders. Well, that one guy thinks he's a murderer and he thinks they recruited him. Yet at times it looks like they are winning, but
it's no way to know. What do you think Russell brand will go harder at the bad guys. Now that he's taken, eight, I feel like he might might might be better to go through with it around it. You purchase your first book, you ever bought. Well, I hope you read it. The best tactic is to guard, or maybe so.
The J six discussion, oh yeah, so I I tried to go on the spaces feature on ax yesterday and I was trying to encourage anybody who believed that january six was an actual answer action to help me understand how trespassing eventually leads to controlling our nuclear arsenal. Eddie connect.
His doubts and what I found was that I couldn't get anybody to even engage in the conversation I got one guy who'd come on and just yell at me for being a bad person. That was that I could not get anybody to even talk about the concept. Alessio are already agreed with me, in which case there was no point to it so yeah. So you could see why the Democrats need to get rid of free speech that one questions of how trespassing guess you control of the nuclear arsenal is the end of the entire hoax, so it so.
Are there's always a ten toll hoax for every election cycle, so the ten pole hopes that makes all the other hoaxes look. Believable is that January six was an insurrection and that's what trump intended now after is less ages I and serves another four years and that at the end of the four years you retires possess. What people do? What are the Democrats? Gonna say if you just quietly retires after eight years, like americans do? Are they gonna say, while we're probably wrong before he's not trying to be a dictator, are they going to say well, he was definitely trying to be a dictator before, but I guess he decided it didn't work so he's not going to do it or Biden and fetterman for twenty twenty four.
So what I found was there on x, I apparently have close to zero real democrat exposure. I have only people who appear to be just trolls like they don't seem to be even
engaged in real topics. So how does that happen? I I feel like it's worse. My experience on x is much better because I don't have all the criticism, but I'm completely cut off from anybody in half of the country. They have no exposure to my tweets, even accidentally, I think cause they certainly don't comment on, and even when I do the spaces, which I thought would be opening it up to more people. I feel, like only my followers, even see the spaces being advertised, know that there's a twitch streamer know it everybody bails out when they think that they're going to
What somebody knows. What they're you know has a good argument. I dunno, if I'm shadow, banned war. The algorithm just only delivers me to people who might like me, which ends up being very similar, does elon following the matter. I don't know alright.
The yeah are still left a birdie. That's no fun that question all right. That's all I got for today. I'm gonna go, do something else and oh well, I'm glad you liked me, I'm sure I, like you back you're, awesome and I think all of you are going to have a wonderful time today. If you haven't already seen my book reframe your brain, that's the best book in the world, literally the most improvement you could ever do your life with the least amount of work. That's the way I like it. Alright, that's all for now I'll talk to you later youtubers.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.