« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2245 Scott Adams: Debate Opinions, Where I Can Seek Asylum, Lots Of Coffee And Whatnot

2023-09-28 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a

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Politics, Ukraine Drone War, General Milley, Kari Lake, Mitch McConnell, Funding Ukraine Priority, Mike Pence, Elon Musk, Governor Newsom, Joel Pollack, GOP Debate, Chris Christie, Vivek Ramaswamy, TikTok Sponsored GOP Debate, NIkki Haley, Governor DeSantis, Dana Perino, CNN Reaction Video Ploy, Mar-A-Lago Value, Weaponized Partisan Judiciary, J6 Lectern Guy, Seeking Asylum Country, National Incompetence Crisis, Fauci Allegations, Newsom DeSantis Debate, Doug Burgum, Scott Adams

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of civilization. It's called coffee with Scott Adams, I'm pretty sure nobody listening to this has ever had a better day and if you'd like to take it up to levels that nobody could. Even imagine all you need is a cover of margaret glass, tankard, cello, sunstein, akim, teen, yoga class of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like Coffee join me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine or the day. That makes everything better and yes, I am wearing a colorful shirt is called the simultaneous something happens now go, oh that's good! So, ah liquid of the gods. Well, Joe Biden has completely solved the
album of police officers abusing black motorists. We have had no more george lloyd's since a Biden has been elected now. I think you should count that as one of his biggest accomplishments, because we went from a massive problem. Indeed, maybe the biggest problem in the black community according to the coverage, and it was for the biggest problem in the world. Basically, nothing that was pretty good. I think we can solve climate change the same way and just elect republicans and stop watching the news. you never know. There was a literally you never know. You just think the weather was bad as there was a problem Here's a prediction I made that is today in the war,
street journal- I bragged about this before, but the fact that it's a major, a major article in the wall street journal today now it can be a check when did the ukraine war start about eighteen months ago. Was that a year ago,. So, eighteen, ninety musk, so when I started my prediction was: if you remember remember my prediction: The russian army would not be successful because of drones and that they wouldn't they wouldn't be prepared for age road defence and the wall street journal is reporting today that her it turns out that tradition. No military operations, don't work so well,
other side has a lot of drones, so the wall street journal pretty by saying that you pay the successes drone related now. How many times have I been marked for not being a military experts? Of course I'm not, but did nobody else realize that this was going to be in drone war, where I was the person who had to bring this up and everybody mocked me and said scott? I don't think you understand how strong the russian army is compared to ukraine they're just going to march in and take everything- and I said I dunno, I think I'll- keep an eye on the sky might be some surprises up there and that's exactly where we are the drone. The drone advantage turns out to be
maybe the biggest variable in the war, maybe not the best, but one of the biggest. So my advice to you is: if you have a military question, you should ignore the generals, because you're going to be listening to somebody like mark milley. Let me ask you this question: if the I just wanted just want to give you an example of how bad things
are in the world. This is an honest question and only only my viewers would answer it the way I think you're going to answer it. If you had a choice of listening to my military opinions, vs gen milley, which ones are more credible me or general milley, it is me, is me because you can't trust that guy and he doesn't look too smart and if you look at who is predicted better so far, wow wow. Now. My point is not my brilliance, although I like to talk about that too. My point is that x
have no value anymore. There are no experts who can bring together like at all. It's a goin to flip. Well, carry lake is running now social run verse. in arizona which will be interesting We have three way race. Casual ever kirsten cinema is interbedded, Reuben guy, I go ass, likely democrat, and so you have a three way race. Do you think the Kerry lakewood win a three way late race, I feel like she might seems like she'd, have a good chance of that. I dunno. Do you think an independent could win if there were, if you had a strong republican, I dunno, I think, she's got a good shot at that,
so Mitch Mcconnell. They prop them up in public and stuck a hand up his ass and moved his lips in a puppet fashion. I assume you mean I dunno for sure, but I'm just making a logical assumption based on what he said, and he said that, and I quote: providing assistance for the ukrainians to defeat. The russians is our number one priority number one priority for the united states is funding the graves to defeat the russian. That's your number one priority, so does that sound like use operating independently? Well, we'll talk about the republican debate, butter gimme, a fact check whether two or three, how many the river
watkins debate, the other seven would agree with a match that not necessarily the number one priority, but that we have to do ukraine funding, because if we don't fund ukraine, as MIKE pence said, if we don't fund ukraine, China will try to attack and take taiwan. Does that connect in your mind? Does those things make sense that china is just watching us like if they make one slip into ukraine we're going to take taiwan? Does anybody think that china thinks that way? To me, though, sounded like the dumbest ass thing, I've ever heard in my life. That sounds exactly
like the thing. You say: here's what it sounds like you know how in high school or college. Sometimes, though the do a fake debate and they'll assign you your position and you might be assigned the position, you don't believe, but you gotta do the best. We can. like. Well, you funded ukraine cause vital national interests. Now we get a fun. You came because the win. Now we got a funny ukraine, because I've got it
fund ukraine, because the minds of the chinese leaders that we don't have access to are clearly thinking that one little slip up in ukraine and boone Taiwan's gone can argue against that because you can't read my schedule. I can read minds so I know that's what china is planning, but you kept. Oh, don't know, don't even try, don't try, don't try! That's just one of my talents. I can read minds, but the rest of you cannot don't even try. Don't even try that that felt like that was pence's argument They can read the minds of the chinese leaders that that looks like somebody was bought. Doesn't it does
it's like somebody: who's sought out their own opinion, or does it look like somebody who needs to satisfy their master and baby? They want you to know that they're just satisfying their master, because they're too embarrassed to act like it's their own opinion. I mean that that reason is so weak. It's almost like you said. Please, I'm under duress, I'm being forced to say these things, but I want you to know, I'm being forced. You know I'm going to give you a little some, a signal that this is under duress, I'll say the dumbest thing anybody could ever say in public with it where's taiwan and then the other republican say stuff like well. This is how we degrade russia, because kids, russia's our biggest threat and all the bad things russia's done have we not.
you have all the bad things Putin has done. Well, I don't think anybody doubts potent as bad things. The feels like we get that, but that does not necessarily be you fund a war forever. I'm not sure that the logic connects it. Putin is bad. Therefore, we flung ukraine forever ok and china might take taiwan. If something happens in you, crazy, I'm not gathered together. Compare those reasons to we're going broke. The going broke bar is more like. We know, that's happily, money that we at the very least we should be spending on ourselves. If we have it, if we don't have it, we should be spending. So that looks like.
Lot: awareness but you're, a mosque, they are so little video mitchell look, I will say: funding uk is our number one priority and musk tweets mitch lost his marbles and then it follows up with a post all the posts in which he says in all seriousness. Why are we letting somebody who's having any reasons in public make decisions for the country and paraphrasing, but that's what he said now? I love the fact that musk isn't this privileged position where nobody's gonna kill him. Its own platform he's the only person who s something close to free speech as because he owns the platform that does speaking. If you don't
at you're, not really guarantee that the free speech area, but he hasn't so apparently the cost of free speech is twenty two billion dollars. So that's what it takes to buy free speech, twenty two billion dollars and what will happen if you have your free speech? Will apparently the government will target you and try to destroy your businesses because that's what's happening, the government is trying to destroy him because he spent twenty two billion dollars to have free speech for himself. You know ideally for us too, but works better for him, because I can still get kicked off of the platform, but he can't So that's happening all governor newsome, who still make a news. Even though there was a republican debate, I guess he got in them. there too close in trouble and guess news.
But he was asked the question by Joe pollack for Breitbart news, and let me let me read how this exchange went now in case you wondered if newsom was a a good politician. He is he's very capable and be the slimy as slippery as human you've ever seen in your life I believe that you can? Actually you can actually Greece's own hair with the things that come out of his mouth. I imagine them in the morning he wakes up and his hairs. All you know Kelly wallace, it's like this and then he stands in front of a mirror and he and he says just democrat stuff. President trump is basically like hitler.
mega mega, all a bunch of oil supremacists. Looking good looking good yeah, that's how I imagine I imagine he he actually slicks back his own hair with the bullshit coming out of his mouth. It's my best guess I don't know, for sure I'm guessing but feels like it now. You judge for yourself so as a jewel box, was talking to him. So this is breitbart news as a. Why should parents not know if their kids are transitioning at school? Is that a good question or is that a gotcha question? Is that a gotcha question? No? No! It's not! A gotcha question is like directly on point
Do what a whole bunch of evil care about? How does newsome answer that is. It is, however, thank you about one percent of the population. Climate change, that's gonna! kill him back. One hundred percent of the population was, and brought up meaning at the debate soon brought up we're talking. transitions, bribe our news here in California. This is an issue of his own state California and some other reporter chimed. In said, it's a big issue for parents. Newsome says. This is a front centre issue to america. Bright borders, instead of going for it is question. Cleverly just restates the question: why should bear its not now, which is getting back to the basic question? Why should parents not know about other kids transitioning newsome says,
is the greater is the great distraction. This is one of the greatest distractions and this classic one the population of the united states, these kids just want to live and the he sold that the last part. That's why I'm sorry, these kids just want to live now who who else said that they just want to live, doktor, frank design doktor frankenstein, depending which movie you watched this very similar. and then bad news as again restating the question that he avoided. Why care parents now knew the kids just water and we're having
Debate about trans issues at the reagan, library, you ought to be ashamed. once he delivered is kill shot they. You cannot A political things at the ragged library gets. That would be the worst place to say political stuff. political debate. It was a political debate and a lot of it was topics like this, but yeah at the reagan, library, you should be ashamed. Now I like to look at successful politicians and try to pick up techniques that I can incorporate into my own life if this was a good one. So at the reagan, library, you ought to be ashamed and I think you could use this technique, whether you're at the reagan, library or anywhere else,
So let's say you go to costco. And you want to you know you want to get some goods and you start walking past the cash register without pay and the cashier says: hey, hey, you know you need to pay for that And you turn around and look at him and you say at costs you, be ashamed of yourself. The kids just want they want and then just walk right now. That's our plan. Well, there was a republican debate, sure you all watched every minute of it. What exactly happened that the republican debate well lots of various and miscellaneous things, so we're looking for the break out moments. a moments. Chris Christie gave a long answer, which apparently was intended for one purpose. Only that.
Closing line could be his his trouble, kill, shot you and art you and art. He actually said that if trump keeps avoiding debating away for it, wait for it. This is devastated way for it. If trump continues to avoid debating that he won't be called donald trump, any more way for it, you'll be called, Donald duck a dagger. He stuck the dagger in today,
will trump. So I haven't heard the news if trump has dropped out of the race yet, but one can predict that with that kind of a devastated labeling, I don't know how he's going to survive. Well, where did Chris Christie get this clever? A clever idea? Was it because Hillary Clinton first invented the nickname during the two thousand and sixteen election, or was it because, when I wrote about her coming up with the terrible nickname in my book win bigly, I mocked it for half a chapter Could it be that it was so well marked that he thought well? This would be the time to whip that out because it worked so well for Hillary Clinton. I think I'll do that, but the worst part about it was the look on his face when he delivered it. They'll they'll look like he was
surely he really made a moment. So you have to play a back and watch the look at his face with live. They'll call you donald duck, is waiting for the giant applause? There was like tat,
So not really the the moment he was expecting, but did the news pick it up and report it like? It was a moment. Yes yeah, that that's how boring the debate was. The debate was so boring that that actually made the news just like he planned now. Unfortunately, it made the news for big a stupid thing, but at least you made the news hello. This is Scott Adams and now's your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite podcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a queue at a ripple with a topic for you to weigh in on so let your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so head over to spotify search for coffee was got at
or your favorite podcast and view the latest episodes and respond to q and a and polls on spotify. Only I will talk about all the players have a vague idea, so vague Let me give you my overall. They will talk about some specific things. I thought he disappeared a little bit, thereby also that impression, there's a vague disappear, a little bit didn't seem like the big winner, and that was just sort of a a feeling, alright, as nothing to do with how the final outcome will be cause. I don't think the debate settled anything, but I thought he pulled back a little bit. Still it's worth noting. He made the biggest news. I think he'd made the biggest news,
Real news, not the gotcha stuff, so here are some of the things he said he said. Transgender is especially in cases of mental health disorder as anybody so that directly who is running for president, as anybody ever said that directly, I don't remember if anybody has. Can you give me a fact check. Now I am not doctor not an expert on this topic, so I feel it's a little bit a word thinking little bit of trying to win by definition, cause I don't know, make something: a mental health disorder, verses, something you just thinking well, what would be the
dividing line between thinking differently and having a mental health disorder. Would it be how much it affects your life? Isn't that the standard the standard would be how much of effect life. So if everyone who has the same is in the same situation. Their life is affected and is a mental disorder, and would it be fair to say that it's a mental disorder if your body and your brain are just not matched what if your body and your brain are just not matched inside a disorder. Or is it just bad luck? I feel like assumes you put a word on it, your changing, how people think about it that doesnt seem fair, So I'm going to defend the transgender community,
I bet by saying I don't think every situation is the same. I feel like that's too far a little too far, but if you said, do you think anybody who says they are trends? Transgender is primarily working off of a mental disorder. I would say yeah, obviously to me it's obvious, there's some percentage of transgender I'll talk about the adults. Children are a whole different topic, but if you're talking about the adults, some percentage that emerged clearly just having a mental disorder, I just don't know what percentage. If it's ninety nine percent then
is basically right if it's fifty percent, then I think that's a little harsh and I dunno, I know I'm a little uncomfortable with a political figure having a medical opinion little uncomfortable with that, but he made news and he probably delighted his is so from a political perspective was wrong. I think the. If You say to yourself: well, scotty only lost the trends janitors under their not enough of them and they weren't gonna go for a better way. I would say, you're wrong, because there are so many people who would support that community and might in fact change their vote based on. It is certainly the republicans with transgender family members.
So I feel like I feel like that, might have been something that lost him more votes than he gained no way to know. He has good instincts that he could be entirely right about this right right and so is working politically, I'm not talking about his medical opinion, but this stuff, but I do like the fact that it was bold. I do like the fact that who is clear about it, and I do like the fact that you know he separates the the children policy from the adult policy and he's still you know adults, let adults do what they want to do. If that is not bothering you, so I do like the boldness
with boldness, not sure it's where I would have been bold, but I liked the fact he is bold and when questioned about his, this is the weirdest thing about the night. If you didn't notice, the debate was sponsored by tiktok. Did you notice that nah, I dunno? How many other sponsors there were commercials, but at least some of the commercials were tiktok commercials. So in that context I.
I think Nikki Haley was mocking him vague for using tiktok for his political message and vivek as a good line. He says he wanted to try something unique for republicans, which is winning elections. It's a good life says exactly what he wants to say and you understand it immediately. So I get it is being strategic and then he does say that tic, tacs and other other addictive platforms should not be available before age. Sixty with that include video games, because video games are all addictive, they're, not good for you or they will be banned. All video games before sixteen know. If your standard is that it's addictive you've got a problem. If you're
it is that it is addictive, and another country controls it. Then I'm all on board with that. You don't want your nemesis to have control of your minds, but if some video game made in america has control of your mind by wasting your time, that might be different, but they're both addictive. So maybe that needs an extra clarification on his band before sixteen he's in the right direction. On that. However, I should say that nicky early says directly: Tik tok should be banned in the united states and I prefer that view over the vex. Like a lot, I preferred a lot and she says it directly and without any hesitation, just banning that's the clearest rightist, stable
without tiktok, however, when Nikki Haley says why you should ban it, she uses the bullshit propaganda reason. That is because data security. So, even though she wants a banner, she can't tell you why in an accurate way, which is very distressing, that you could be running for president and not know that the risk of tiktok is the influence way more than the data. The data isn't an issue because maybe on a scale of one to ten, the data is like a one most of that data, you can buy them. The free market and the risk of persuasion is a ten is actually yeah. The persuasion could eliminate reproduction in the united states
and get it below the survival. What level which it looks like it's doing by the way that looks like exactly what's happening, so everybody loss than tiktok. So I say everybody was a loser on that topic
and then physique also called for an end of birthright citizenship. So that's the thing where, if somebody has novices and but they can get to the united states illegally and their kid is born here, the kid is a citizen. Even when the parents are not now, he didn't specify, but I assume that would not be retroactive cause. I would not be on board with somebody who is a twenty five year old citizen of the united states being told suddenly that they're not right now he didn't specify so I'm sure he doesn't mean retroactively, because that would be evil on a level that I couldn't even imagine I mean that would just be pure evil to take some decision away from them after they already have it now that is pure evil. So I don't think that's what he has in mind. You should specify, because if you said going forward from this point on strong argument stronger, because the argument for it was based on trying to do something that made sense for slaves freed slaves, so that they would be citizens for sure, especially if they were born here, and
It doesn't really apply to illegal immigration. That was never meant for that, and so are probably wouldn't be that hard to do it executive order and change it, and maybe maybe it would survive the supreme court. I think it might so that's another bold thing from the banks who has got to do both things and boldness usually is a good play, so he has a lot of good instincts I also commend the yearly in opinion she won the debate, but anybody want to tell me who they think won. I think Nikki Haley won I'll. Tell you why in a moment, but let me see your, let me see your takes yeah, we can say one we get it, we gather trump one got it got it liked him scots, no winners, dissenters, vague.
Everybody like their favorites, but let me tell you what I did like. I thought Nikki Haley's presentation was really sharp, meaning that she looked powerful and presidential, and oh, my god, whoever addressed her, whoever dressed her like I dunno. If she had help pickier, I guess it looked like address, but we only saw the top perfect. She looks really really good and presidential at the same time, which is tough, I mean Hillary Clinton, never once pulled off looking presidential and also stylish, never once not a single time. Did she pull that off, but Nikki haley? Did she look to female presidential sold? It totally sold the look now, if you think the look doesn't matter, of course it does
yeah we're totally influenced by the look. In fact, I might be influenced by the look right now. She just looked really professional nailed it alright, but the things I liked were her tiktok band. I liked it, even though she doesn't understand why she says it use special forces to take out the cartels. I think that's the cleanest answer on the cartels, both dissenters to Santa says he would militarize the border, which is the wrong answer, because it's still puts the military on our side of the border. The vague says he would use the military against the cartels, but when people hear that they imagine a proper military invasion of mexico, that's not what he has in mind. We're not talking about marching the army across the border.
Necessarily when we're Nikki early talks about issues as I use special forces to go after the cartels. Now when you say that I have a perfect picture at my head, oh I get it you're, not necessarily going to ask for permission because it's special forces they will work in secret and you're, going to go directly after the leadership of the cartels and try to have the the least amount of you know: innocent deaths and you're going to put the same pressure on the cartels, as are in the country. I, like yeah, saying you going to send special forces in is a clean, clear, smart way to say it. I think vic's way might actually do what he has in mind. More of a general military I dunno, but he needs to clarify. Are you really talking about moving the the army across the border if he is just say so, because I don't mind the
this law but says oh right, maybe as I'd never heard it so I'm sure he has been asked that question. So there might be a clarification out there that I'm not aware. One of these in a yearly said to have a vague, was, I think it might have been under discussion about the tiktok she said every time, I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber wow now. I think it was because his tiktok answer didn't seem coherent, or at least that's how she was going to. She was going to frame it as incoherent is coherent. It is coherent, but you can make the case
That is big inconsistent and I thought that was a memorable live. It did seem rude and a little too much, and maybe somebody said, oh, you know women shouldn't be so nasty because you're sexist so maybe our prejudices are guiding us and that one, I thought dissenters totally solid. Would you agree with that answer? Dissenters was solid. didn't you didn't hurt himself may have helped himself you might have. I thought he was better than the first one. But yet a few high points one was. I couldn't believe this happened, but
Dana Perino. One of the three hosts asked the group to write down on a piece of paper and then show it at the same time who they think should be voted off the stage. Now that might be the worst. Cringing thing I've ever seen in the debate. Now I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say There is no way in the world. The data brain I came up with that idea around. I will go further Say there's no way in the world she didn't pushed back yet did not do it. I will go further. I'm not a mind rigour but common sense.
I will go further and say she must have been forced. She must've been forced by producers or bosses, because it would make a moment it would make a tv moment. That's good for room good food at good for replay. You know, it'd make a good viral clip. We talk about it all day long. Do you think that Dana Perino was in favor of that? If you've watched her, I don't think so. I think she was under duress and how did it go well? It went the way it should have gone. The first
if the adult in the room said no, and that was the santas. This is the second time to santas as immediately stopped stupidity at a debate second time in a row he says: nope nope, I'm not going to do the thing where we all raise our hands. Why don't we just answer the question instead of fall into the gotcha perfect, and I call them out the first time he did it the second time he does. It makes if you want to be in a meeting with him, can you imagine being in a room with him? Somebody starts talking their bullshit and you just let them go normally. Oh god is this ever going to stop. Stop it, stop you're talking and I want to talk, but I feel that this answers would just say now: you're done it, he looks like it doesn't. Take bullshit like if there's one thing he's presenting
best of all their. Why you didn't florida was not take the bullshit and then it gets on stage and there's more bullshit who stopped at first does as you stopped at the first, the others just sorta. Oh yeah, we agree with that both times twice in a row. He stopped the bullshit suit as he smelled it. He didn't wait to see it. He just smelled it does. I do nope. that's bullshit, so a plus plus plus four dissenters been one to me. That was the moment to me that that was the only moment, I learned something right. The other gods moments or about chris Kirsty had suddenly right him, a joke that they stole from the Democrats is not really a moment. Right, but just have just showed you is. That was what you were tuning in for
You didn't want to hear their clever answers. You wanted to know who are these people, like you know, under the hood, the the rapidity you know, the speed with which the senses shut the
the shutdown that tells you to number one is the boss in the room. Even when he's not the boss of the room. This is one of the reframes of my book by the way one of the reframes in my book. I reframe your brain is exactly that that sometimes we think we're not in charge, because there's somebody in charge there's a host or hostess in charge or there's a boss. While the bosses in charge, you always think somebody's in charge, but not dissenters, and I teach you this in reframe, your brain. The best idea is always in charge. Let me say it again: the person with the best idea is always in charge, no matter what the structure is, because if other people recognize it as the best idea, they will do that. So, when Dana Perino
mention the undoing the second, who should you vote off the island? The best idea came from dissenters, the idea of doing it in the first place bad idea, the idea of going along with it bad idea. The Shutting that shit down right away and showing some respect for the but in the end, by the way, and then he sold it by saying it would be disrespectful, perfect, perfect. To me this was the only useful part of the entire event was too Kim shut that shit down. Now, I'm not saying that the others wouldn't have, but he beat them. He got there first and is the second time the second time you've gotta pay attention the first time. Maybe you got lucky. Maybe it was just instinct got lucky the second time yeah,
It is the second time you saw some character, so I'm very quite impressed by dissenters is performance. All right, let's see what has happened.
way. Cnn covered, it was I've ever seen on youtube. They have reaction. Videos there'll be somebody. Often the one of the most common forms is will be. A young person might be a young black person, who's listening to some old white music from the seventies. That was awesome, let's say led Zeppelin or something and it's the first time they've heard it and then you watch you watch it not for the music you watch, you have to watch the face of the person who's experiencing something amazing and they're. Like you know, it's just fun to watch. The reaction. Cnn has become a reaction video, so I would like to model how they cover MIKE pence
saying that he'd been sleeping with a teacher for thirty years. What he meant was his wife is a teacher. Now I think everybody got that, but this was the they cut to the cnn host. I forget who she was, and she says like. Oh and if you watch jake tapper you're interviewing anybody who doesn't like he does the the tapper tilt. You know to to show you that the news is the reaction. once you once you realize the sea and then there's not about the news, is just reaction. Linear, though, just show you a video that everybody has access to its, not even if not even
CNN's own video. Most of the time. It's just that was something everybody has access to like youtube and then they'll just show what the faces of the people will. Look like you're around the table and ah Now you're gonna enjoy cnn so much more when you start to think of it as a reaction with you just watch next time, you see it you're going
laugh out loud. You could live there. It is that's a reaction, video. The news is the reaction. Am I right? If you watch cnn, they try to make the news how they react, not the news. True, once you see it, you can't unsee it alright. Well, if you look at the will talk about trump's legal problems again, so the judge has ruled that the moral logo might be worth closer to eighteen million dollars and that's one of the main pieces of evidence to show that trump is a big liar.
if he had apparently told thanks, I guess that it was worth a lot more and what is the actual estimate? Well, the news is finally doing something that news should do, which is tell you what the actual worth of more logo is now is highly subjective. But if you just look at other properties right along the same area, smaller ones could be worth well over one hundred
smaller ones worth way less. So one estimate is three hundred million from somebody who actually knows real estate. The lowest would be like one fifty, but three hundred is probably reasonably reasonably good. Now what do you? What do you make of a judge who rules that the thing that moral logo is worth- maybe eighteen million when it couldn't possibly be true? And you know that the judge has to know that, because nobody would be so dumb that they don't know that I mean I dunno real estate, but I immediately looked at that numbers as well. I've seen photographs of moral logo from the air and there's no fucking way. That's eighteen million dollars, there's just no way. You don't have to be an expert in anything to know that they missed it by a factor of ten or twenty or thirty or something. So, as my sort of edge points out, the we might expect that judges from now on will simply lie to convict people that are their political enemies and that they will do it in public or right in front of you like they are with trump. This is in public. We all watched the trump we all watched. The judge effectively lie now I carry his mind, so there's still the possibilities stupid or had
I misled in some weird way, but it sure looks like he lied. It looks like he had always meant to get trump and then did, I believe, there's some history of anti trump statements before this from the judge. So I'm going to I'm going to add onto my services view that the rule of law basically doesn't exist. For republicans. If you have a democrat judge and prosecutor, it really isn't going to matter what the facts are, and I think january six prove that you want a little more. Since you remember the lectern guy ghost of electoral well, the so here Lecter guy, who was wandering round on six installed lectern he got
He had to wear an ankle, monitor. He was drug tested at random, he had to surrender his passports and he was restricted to middle district of florida and given a nightly curfew, a nightly curfew. What is a nightly curfew have like anything to do with anything. However, the person who prosecuted him the prosecutor, so we was arrested himself for stabbing a man repeatedly in public. That's right.
the guy, who wandered around, got a pretty pretty weird and strange sentence because he took a lectern and the guy who prosecuted him stabbed. Somebody allegedly stabbed somebody repeatedly in public. So do you think the guy who stabbed somebody repeated lie in public? If he gets a democrat judge, is he going to get a hard sentence or will he be he released. Dunno makes you wonder, doesn't it but let's go back to this rule of law situation as I have said before, and I think it bears repeating if the end
international media, with the exception of fox news and Breitbart, and a few people is the main major media is saying that trump is hitler. What do you expect to happen? There's only one way that can go, which is that trump and his supporters will be abused in every way that you can abuse. Somebody, whether it's legal or not, because when it comes to killing hitler, there are no rules, there's no law that stops you from killing hitler. You know that you're not going to let the law stop you from doing something that would damage hitler, so the law simply doesn't matter if it's a Republican who is trump or supports trump, and you can see that very clearly that there is no there's, no will to obey the law where trump is involved, and that makes sense, I'd love to tell you it's nonsensical, but it's not if you had been brainwashed to believe that you're, a threat to the country and you're all going to be in
Camps or something of course, you would act violently, wouldn't you and you would do everything you could to the is this evil, so I would not expect that we have anything that I would call a legitimate legal system when it comes to trump supporters. Would you agree there, we literally in the schedule. We don't have a credible legal system at the moment for this group of people now is not the first I visit you could go back in here. see you know how many years you want to do it and wouldn't you say- and you would be right, that if you are black and the legal system got a hold of you, you are fucked right and wasn't it because people had an idea in their mind,
About black people- and it was the idea and remind the made them completely ignore the basic standards of justice, and they probably thought they weren't, even doing anything bad because they have been socialized. I guess to think that this was somehow good for the world or something I suppose, but we we just now have a different victim class in which the, I dunno what the public thinks that ignoring the law to get these guys would be a reasonable choice, just like they might have thought about black americans awkward years ago or fewer fewer years ago.
So I started looking around for a country that I could move to for asylum and no I'm not joking. I want to make clear this is not a joke. I think I'm close to the point where I need a backup plan, as in a country where I won't be arrested for bullshit, because I feel like I'm at risk of getting arrested for anything it doesn't for anything. You know nothing. But anything now it would be a less you last resort right, so we were not quite there, but you can see all the all the elements starting to come together. We,
or a normal american would think that I should go to jail for my opinions were very close to where somebody would want me literally in jail. For my opinions, I think we're right on the edge of that now I very much want to live in the united states is my first choice. I am american above all right, but there is a self defense element to this. That's real and situational awareness requires there, you have a back up plan every time you walk into a room. We ve talked about this. Have we not if your mail, every new room, you walk into you, evaluate for young entry and exit since rats, but I'm doing that with the united states is so people record.
The sea, iceland, Hungary's switzerland, Portugal, Sweden or poland, costa rica too, but it's really tough to figure out a new
country to go to cause? Here? Are the things that are positive about the united states number one, at least in my state weed is legal kind of matters to me. I don't want to have to change my lifestyle that much and I don't want to be doing something illegal in another country. That's just a bad play and number two I like living in the country that has the strongest military, because I think, there's the the smallest chance of invasion. There is some chance of a nuclear war, but everybody's dead. If that happens, so I, like I like being the country's- got the the most bad ass military, even when we misuse them. Even if we do it wrong, I'd still rather be here, and the other thing is susceptibility to, and recovery from natural disasters. I think the united states is probably still the top, maybe Japan's pretty awesome too, but among the top in disaster recovery I think we'd be among the top and they're always disaster.
There's you know, there's always a rogue hurricane or an earthquake or something so I do like living where there there's a better chance of surviving a major calamity, and I liked the weather. One of the reasons I live where I live is that I very carefully determined where you would most likely die from reasons that were not your own things cause of your own. So the reason I live where I live is that it would be almost impossible to die from being too cold or too hot, because if it's too hot, I could go take a nap in the shade. I'd probably be fine drink, a lot of water. On the on the hottest day on the coldest day, I could probably start a fire to keep myself warm until I figured it out. Put it on, the jacket
like a you're not going to die in northern california on a cold day, so I don't want to go somewhere where if the heat goes out, I'll just die, the the scariest thing in the world to me is to be in a winter zone, And you ve got this one: little electrical line run steer cabin or wherever you are is that one little electoral collide goes down
well. You might die like to me. That is scary, so I picked a place that has almost no chance of earthquake because I'm not near any earthquake zones. I built a house that is specifically the highest earthquake standard and I've literally never even felt one. I mean there have been a whole bunch of earthquakes in the general area I live. I haven't felt a single one house doesn't move. I built a house with a spanish architecture because it would be the the least burnable right. I've got tiles in the house, and I've got I've got a lot of things set up. That would be hard to even get an ember to get inside now, nothing's nothing's completely fireproof. So I can't say it's fire proof, but it was built from.
Ground up to survive a fire if the entire neighborhood burned now was built that way it was also built, so it would run itself even if I ran out of money like it, doesn't really require too much maintenance. You know, I wouldn't need heating and cooling if you, if I had to live there without it, I could for extended periods of time and they also have a swimming pool. So I'm not going to run out of water right away. So everything about my house, I mean I'd, have to boil it or something, but but I wouldn't run out and So everything about my house is is sort of planning for big, problems also I ground. So I
No risk of floods, not no flood could get me where I am so, and there's no typically no hurricanes. So I did pick what I think is the safest part of the country for my lifestyle as well as disasters. It's one reason I have a swimming pool that it legitimately is one reason that that is not. That is not a joke. I might have one just cause I like swimming or I like how it looks so that might be a a full reason, but I absolutely was thinking about it in the emergency sense. Very much
alright, so we are at a lawless situation and I've talked about the national incompetence crisis. And do you all agree that there is a national incompetence crisis that you can't really even get simple things done? You've all seen it right now, I'm kind of fascinated about the cause of it and one cause is that everything's too complicated. If you call for any kind of technical sport, you're, probably calling with a problem they've, never even heard of before as everything's just complicated. So that's a big part of it just everything's complicated, but the other part of it is the story we heard the other day. Now before I tell you this story, let me say as clearly as possible. This has nothing to do with anybody's genes or chromosomes or even their culture. So there's nothing about genes, chromosomes or culture in what I'm going to say after George floyd, we know now from Bloomberg that only six percent of new jobs
the fortune. One hundred went to white people. Ninety four percent went to non white people. Now, of course, they were trying to boost their diversity to try to correct for lack of diversity. Up to that point, now, I'm going to say that that probably caused a wave of incompetence like we've never seen before, and it has nothing to do with anybody's color as nothing to do with it, but as genes has nothing to do with our culture as nothing is as math. If you said from this day on, the only place you can hire people from is the state of delaware. How good? What are your workforce be if you could no longer pick from the entire country, but you had to get all your people from delaware and by the way, everybody else one of those people from delaware to so there's, not even enough you're, not even going to get the good delaware people you're going to have to go down the list quite far before you find a delaware, a person who's available because everybody wants them. So, logically, it wouldn't matter who the what the mix of people was this as soon as the fortune. One hundred.
decided that they had to select in the least optimal way, which is by demographic instead of talent. Then you are guaranteed to have a gigantic wave of incompetence. Am I wrong, and would you agree with the statement that has nothing to do with race? This is irrelevant to the math. The math of restricting your own choices. Artificially should give you a worse outcome, because you have just fewer choices. To pick from that alone explains everything right. I don't see the. They described the ones you say I do not agree. I understand what you're thinking
there's more evidence that vouchers bad. I feel like every day, there's a new story that suggests foul cheese, bad or you're, tired of all the facts. Facts allegations vouchers bad. They all sound. The same though, like the the the one thing we're all sure of is there's something was going on without vouching guy all steel a norm. Macdonald joke is that normal, the old joke, you'll recognize the joke about repurposing of her found. She goes like this. You know the more I learn about this voucher guy, the more I think he might be a bad dude norm, well thought she allegedly, when see I headquarters to quote influence is reporting on. The origins
covered and anders reporting that whistleblowers say that six elders were offered a significant financial incentive to basically lie about their opinions about where the virus came from. So is any of that true? Well, it's in the news. So probably, There goes. Nothing in the news is really true. So we're still in the fog of war and this base squirrel says scott liked vouch in two thousand and twenty, no, no you're hallucinating, yeah yeah go go find where I liked voucher. I didn't dislike him because I didn't know much about that. Bass. Girl is screaming caps. Scott liked vouch. He know that didn't happen. Poor squirrel goodbye! You are disappearing now.
the fortean hoax got a lotta people. Alright, I knew some versus dissenters. So, as you know, governor newsom is going to debate the santas and now he's mocked This answers for accepting the debate. This is so slightly, but you so gonna biggest slimy. That, like I have mixed feelings about newsome, is a great politician because he's so sly we here's what he says talking about dissenters. Newsome says the fact that he took the bait, meaning that we accepted the the debate. The fact that he took the bait shows is completely unqualified to be pressed and the newsome says: why is debating a guy? He was not even running for president. I feel like. I should work for cnn reaction
come on seriously seriously. Do you say these things in public and do some people say it? That makes sense good point: does anybody have our reaction? Do yeah? That's a good point. You tricked him into the baby. You cause you're, not running for president, oh you're, totally, not the her who now rather for president. Because the person I hadda me who is running for president is experiencing rigour mortis, while he's alive Oh, I'm not even think about it. So so unlikely so terribly likely that I'd ever be running, for what was the name of it. President, did you say yeah? No, I yeah it's just so funny to watch him weasel through it or as I'd like to say. The fact that he took the bait shows he is completely unqualified,
It could be president, why is he debating the guy who is not even running for president yeah? That's viral! There's your viral moment right there. That's all I got for today. Anything else happened
So I think I think this answers will show up early for that debate. But how will newsome show up it's a dad joke dad, joke or dissenters will show up on time, but newsome will show up oily oily he'll show up oily yeah. The census is on time and newsom's oily dad job. Oh, did I forget to talk about doug burgum, I'm pretty sure they turned off his microphone. Did they does his microphone get turned off because he kept trying to say stuff. He kept yelling that his state his state, that produces energy. So therefore he must respond to anybody who talks about energy, and I thought ooh doug, no, no doug, no Doug! Sorry, the fact that his name is Doug and he's being ignored is just funnier. Is that there's just something about the word doug that doesn't you can't take him seriously? It's like well who's running for president. While we've got MIKE pence, we've got vivek, ramaswamy we've got to scientists and the dog, I think Doug will be there
there's something about Doug. That doesn't look real to me if he is a really have that, like he looks like using animatronics, but a really good one, there's something that doesn't register as human about him, but I dunno what it is. It's a his eyebrows yeah, I'm sure he's a wonderful guy. I don't I don't want to say bad things about him, but there's something about him. That registers a little different from the way the other people register. I don't know exactly what it is, but you see it right. Is different in a way that has nothing to do with his policies right. one can evaluate thing happening. Orders, data, uncanny, doggie,.
Alright Nikki Haley had a pleading voice in the debate. You know I didn't hear at this time. I usually talk about when people have a pleading voice. I raise the taxes to I. What are we doing in ukraine? You know that's a pleading voice, but I thought she was. Maybe she even went too far into full karen, but to me it looked command voice. I thought I heard command voice, but maybe
We are every moment, so you may have heard an answer. I didn't hear alright, that's all I got for now for you, oh tim, scott, TIM, Scott, barely registers to me cause for some reason. I just I just don't think he's being taken seriously by the rest of the country. Now, on one hand, he's completely solid. You know you might like ukraine too much. I don't think you could put someone who wants ukraine to be funded on the ticket with trump right. Wouldn't it be impossible to put a real pro, let's keep beating russia person, as vice president for trump. So I think TIM Scott is as taken amount of the possibility, as a vice president. Pick. Would anybody agree with that? Do you think he is no longer a possibility for vice president because of the ukraine thing? I think I think that's too far now I think vague still has policies that would at least fold into trump, because it's easier to moderate your opinion than it is to flip it. So vague might have to just tweak a little bit and then he fits right in I I'm not sure he would even want the job he says now he doesn't want it, which is the right thing to say at this point but yeah I don't see TIM Scott having a future in the trump administration. That way, maybe some other job. Alright, that's all for now. I will talk to you later.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.