« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2240 Scott Adams: Word-Thinking Brought Us Antifa, Marriage, And More. Bring Coffee

2023-09-23 | 🔗

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Politics, ADL Democrat Attack Dog, Elon Musk, Defending Liberalism, Andrew Tate Apple App, Andy Ngo, F-35 911 Call, Democrat Scams, Cancelling Republicans, Senator Menendez, Congressional Corruption, Berkley Law School, Governor Newsom, Parental Gender Affirmation, Marriage, Word Thinking, Antifa, Corrupt Media, Jennifer Rubin, Affording Free Speech, Andrew Tate Young Male Influence, Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton's Rebuilding Ukraine, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to good morning everybody and welcome to the highlight of your day and human civilization itself. It's called coffee with Scott Adams and I'm pretty sure you've never had a better time sure the birth of your children. That was cool, maybe your marriage, but not as good as this. if you'd like to take this up to another level, a level that nobody even imagine as possible. All you need is a government glass. A tanker chelles is dying, a candy jirga, flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. Like us, And join me now for the unparalleled pleasure the dover media. They think, makes everything better. It'll make your level up. That's right, it's called the simultaneous set, it happens now go. We are now about bonded, we're one whatever you think. I think whatever you feel. I feel I'll stop.
All right, let's get on with this, if you are not aware- and you should be- there is an excellent podcast. We may as a guest with the gnome dormant in common use. I think both of them are going to have an available. But if you look at my twitter feed, you can find the link or just go to youtube and search for carbon use, and I think you find it people it good american good things about his name. I like it. You might also like at some point today I'll give you a link to my Conversation with MIKE mendel and is his pardon requests and we'll talk about hypnosis. No politics says by first podcast with no politics. I think I don't think I've ever done one before, but no politics.
I'm just talking about hypnosis. I think you're gonna, like that one, a lot actually. So, let's talk about the if they lose so am I. I recall in wall street journal by TIM Higgins, He was talking about how a cook was in word position because The iphone maker continues to carry the ex platform as map and people are saying hey. Why are you doing that? But years out, ok Well, that part of the story so much as the introduction says that I will lower liberate it to say the judge. G chief executive Apples chief executive was asked on CBS news sunday morning. Why the phone maker continues to
advertise on mosques. Twitter turned acts even as listen, listen, jewish civil rights organization, raises cans In about hateful speech on the social media platform,. So if you saw in the wall street journal that the acts platform was lucy even as a jewish civil rights organization, raise concern about hateful speech, you'd be pretty worried about that when you, while you like the wall street journal, to write that your product is something that, in a jewish, rights organization is raise concern about all the hate us pray that do you know who the organization is. They don't mention that right away.
Then they start without mentioning the name of the organization they do mentioned and later it's the ideal now. Do you think that a story like this should also include? The ideal is being sued for being a tool of the democratic party that they use as an attack on. Don't you think, that's the biggest part of the story. The biggest part of the story is the ideal is, is a democrat attack dog organization this you being used to suppress free speech? How is that not the first paragraph know? The first paragraph is that there is a jewish rights organization is raising concerns. I'm pretty sure that if it were the kkk k k, they would have mentioned that right away. Others,
the group that's protesting. Who is it? Who is the group? Oh well imagine that later, but we just need you to know that. There's a group, that's really against them. There's a group protesting, but who are we? There is a group protesting the kkk. If you don't mention that the ideal is a thoroughly disgraced organization as a political motive. First and secondarily, probably try and help some people to s complete fake news. The wall street journal hmm, here's another story that I was worried that it might be in, but I'm not sometimes I have to read stories to find out if I'm in them. It's like. Oh shit, oh shit, I might be on this one weird part, my life, but anyway there's a story by
David runciman some publication in some publication that I didn't care enough about care enough about it right there was already and maybe bizarre publication, and what David Orangemen did was followed. and people that elon musk follows so he wanted to find out. You know who's influencing elon musk. What does elon musk? You know. What is he interested in? Was he tweeting and stuff, because that's that'd be like a way to get into his head now? Apparently, you can do this with elon musk. In a way, you can't do it with some other people, because he only follows four hundred some people, which is a manageable number others may follow. without undue, so other famous people, and we, but one of the statements in the years that David found out by looking at all the people that eleven must follows
The EU must use not follow. We. Anyone who opposes and quotes makes us in this case for liberalism, so much It doesn't follow anyone, nobody, there's not a single person on that list of four hundred more people who quote makes a serious case for liberalism. Do you know what other list also does not include anybody who makes a serious case were liberalism, the list of all the people in the world They name one person who, as an argument for liberalism, I dont believe I've ever heard it because do you think sorrows makes a case where liberalism he's the he's the
for a person who doesn't he says what he's trying to do but doesn't make an argument for it. I've never seen it. He just says what he's trying to do. I've never seen an argument, so I'm actually curious. No, no bernie doesn't make an argument. He just says what he wants. He says what's wrong with the current system and then he says what he wants. That's not an argument that just why you walk I've, never even seen an argument for liberal is because I view an argument for liberalism would be an argument against a system that had human incentives as a key variable, so who can how they will defend that it's an indefensible position. Goes liberalism get you to socialism that gets you away from any kind of competitive free market situation, which is the only thing that's ever worked.
So if you ever hear of anybody who has a a serious case of defending liberalism, love to know that I will follow them right away- because I will be quite a feat to pull it off and by the way of liberalism- is different from wanting everybody to have a good life, I want everybody to have a good life. I'm liberalism are so apple Israel, moving the Andrew day app. While the real world portal- and removing it because somebody complained. I think some people who consider themselves victims of him in the past complained that the ep encourages methodically.
and there is evidence to suggest it is in the illegal pyramid scheme. So there they pulled it, they pulled it because someone else thinks it encourages massage me. Do you think there were examples? Do you know what else encourages massage any every social media platforms? Can you name a platform that doesn't encourage both massage me, miss andrey ms andrey you know, discrimination against men, hatred against men and also the opposite of those which don't do any of that or there are plenty of there- are plenty of places at pornhub. Is that a reason to take a nap down.
So all you have to do is accused somebody and they lose their free speech so that the dates care have free speech and they can even have an app because suddenly complained that it might be a problem that it might be a problem not that it is, This is an important distinction. Nobody says it is a problem. They said it might be in the gop poll. Do you think that that's political or is that just business? Well. that doesn't. Look like business to me. It's business in the sense that they don't want to anger their you know, apple doesn't want to anger their their customers, but I can't imagine that they would have made this decision, for you know, for safety reasons, it just to me. It looks like its political. As most things do. Look these days.
Andy, now was tragedy? so speaking. Engagements will get cancelled first of the commonwealth club and then at I guess, the marriott hotel in west force the western richmond. I guess there must be the parent company. to cancel speaking event because anti for complained anti for complained, not because of what he said, but that they didn't like what you might say and then they got cancer So any notice doesn't every speech entertained. Does every speech, because people are afraid of what they might say. So that's happening Let's talk about the f thirty five pilot. Now there's a.
Is a nine eleven call, which is pretty fascinating. If you haven't heard it cause, I guess the downed pilot, who is uh sounds male to answer one. One of your conspiracy theories was the pilot might be female, but it's a male voice. I'm assuming it's a male. But claims use lying two thousand feet. It was forced to eject to due to an aircraft failure.
so what makes it an aircraft failure if it can still fly for sixty miles or eighty miles? What kind of so we we have more questions than we have answers. Kind of failure. Is it now two thousand feet is pretty low. Isn't it zero pilot? There's always a pilot watching two thousand feet is kind of low right now, three to five thousand would be pretty good altitudes for a plane. So so that answers one question so one of the questions as it might be that he was more likely to eject because it was low to the ground relat relatively low to the ground. So I would I would I would eject faster if unloaded the ground on just a little bit of trouble. I wouldn't wait for, like I wouldn't wafer
catastrophic trouble, but if I were at five thousand feet, maybe I'd wait to see if it's catastrophic see. If there's anything, I can do to correct it so that so and so, or at least hearing things that are starting to make sense, which is some kind of mechanical problem, and he wasn't flying that high, so getting out probably was the right call. I dunno for sure I don't know what they're you know. I don't know what the procedures are exactly, but so far So far ass, I was like a mechanical problem that doesn't mean it was hack. It could have been ordinary, so we don't know that
Alright, here are some things: we've realized lately that now these are the things that make me wonder how the world could Democrats win elections and that's because they don't see the news, but here are some things we know black lives matter was always a scam. Would you agree? Was a financial scam, at least by leaders. Now I have to tell you I heard that early on from members of black lives matter, so I knew this. I knew this and I know when, whenever it started practically So we know now that, although many many people marched were, of course sincere, that the organisation was a financial scam, Now a hearing charges that Abram candy and his entire racism centre might be.
Also either poorly run or a financial scam, grocers money missing and nothing good happened. We also find the out that vitamins relationship with ukraine is almost certainly the worst case scenario that he was in fact, crooked is still crooked extract a lot of money through a sketchy situation. So that looks to be We want to look like teachers, unions we now know or not, for the benefit of children will weaken, see quite clearly that there, the benefit of each other and the benefit of the leader of the tissues union being politically active. Probably looking for higher office is my guess so another two teachers unions are not working for the benefit of children or parents, or famine Or anything like that, we know the APL is a political hit job and no longer know,
Under the respected organization that they once were. We know that all these cancellations were saying our political because they tend to be one sided, so we ve seen politics take down you're Russell brand they're going after port annoyed that would have to mass, they will have to trump when after me, it would have to resign, and we can see now that the pattern is pretty clear and we also know that the way the cancellations work is that the Democrats are very cleverly live to give him credit for this, put democrats in charge of all kinds of organizations, and they can be watchdog organizations or fact checking organizations, but they were in the thing tanks, but it gives the impression that there is lots of external people who agree with the democrat message and maybe not
so that now the cancellation say superstructure is designed to cancel people on one side of the ilo and it works really well, so they can they can there yeah use these organizations to go after the platforms, the platforms cave and they just cancel everybody that they need to cancel to get on with. So we know now that the translations are part of the. U and organised political feature of our country and not not any kind of organic everything. We know that the reason tik tok is not banned is because there is a billionaire donor to republicans. So that's on republicans.
We know that there is no progress in defeating the cartels or fentanyl, because apparently there's somebody powerful in our country who doesn't want the cartels to be defeated. Presumably that's the cia, don't know that, but that's how, if we knew for sure that would be a bad job by the cia. I guess, but I evidently there's no interest in closing the border by somebody powerful enough to keep it open. So we don't know who exactly but there's somebody with enough power to keep the american border open, who the hell is that
Who has that much power? I don't know dota. Do we know from the twitter files that everything you thought about? Censorship was real that the platforms were in fact sensory still doing it. You know not all of them, but still doing it. We know that's real and probably nothing. You can do about it. Every one else we now we know that this bob Melendez, whose now being charged with being a big old crook. He had the committee job that Joe Biden, new staff, which is, can you tell me the name of men and is what was his job? It was a foreign relations use that. Chairman of the foreign intelligence, foreign intelligence, so I fear they, chairman of the foreign intelligence group, apparently, is really
I to get other countries to bribe you guys, you're sort of the perfect person. The bribe so Menendez is being accused of taking gold bars and big piles of cash and envelopes and for the benefit of egypt and maybe for the benefit of some egyptian american entrepreneurs.
What's wrong with that story, did you did you see all the obvious evidence that bob Menendez is bad is like really obvious, like super super obvious that it's all true, here's one of the pieces of evidence that were told they found. Not only did they find gold bars in in the home and the safe and that's pretty damning, but they found cash in envelopes. Lots of it like just all over the house, big piles of cash, but the funniest one is that there were two different windbreakers that actually had bob Menendez name on it and the cash was in the pocket in an envelope two jackets that had his name on it, his name on it with piles of cash in them. Does that sound real to you? I'm sorry! You lost me on this one now now, there's no fucking way
that that they found two jackets with his fucking name on it that had piles of cash in the pockets right now, I'm no bribe taker, but I know if I were a bribe taker, I would take the big piles of money out of the pockets of my windbreaker apparently he has a safe. He has a safe, but it keeps the big piles money everything with his name on it in the closet. That's what we're told table. now I do believe that he is bad. I do believe that he's crooked. I don't believe that the evidence I found was all real. He looks like he was set up, but also crooked. Would you agree? Does it look to you like the Biden administration took them out? It looks like the Biden administration took him out. Why do now go to bed at any reason, but he looks like
he is guilty, but also set up to make sure that there is no doubt about it. I'm getting put away. Do you also know that they have had the goods out for a year? They stated his job, they have had the goods are for a year and they stayed in this job that afforded intelligence. The big bribe job you stay there. Well, it could be that they were If somebody was leaning on him and then he wasn't doing what they wanted, so they said alright, I guess we can block blackmail you anymore, so we'll just take you there. That's what it looks like there's no way to know what really happened, but that's what it looks like. So it looks crooked. It looks crooked, but so does he.
Now do you think there's any chance that Biden wasn't doing the same thing when he was in the same job? It was literally the primary bribery job. Now the Biden crime organization is exactly what it looks like and probably the Menendez operation was exactly what it looks like now. Do you think those are the two crooked people in congress and the rest are pretty good? Now it looks like maybe most congresses taking huge cash payments not now all, but maybe all the people in the key jobs.
because most of the congress, people don't really make any difference except one vote, so is probably the people in the key jobs or all crooked at this moment, probably also both sides. I guess hello. This is god atoms and now your chance to reply to questions hot, takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite part, guessers unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more, so that over to specify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punkahs, and view the latest episodes and respond to culinary and bowls and spot. If I only I damn berkeley law school had hosted an author and the big problem. The berkeley law school is that they don't have enough black students or factually, but the funny part is that the administration is being blamed for that, as is the administration we're not the most liberal and concerned about diversity in the entire planet earth. There was nothing that berkeley could do to avoid their own trap, which is, if you that complaining people and you attract more complaining people look at it.
Playing about you that's unavoidable. If you, if your, if your admissions requirements are not merit, but rather to bring in more complaining people, what do you expect this could apa exactly this exactly this? What was the name of the author, heather heather macdonald, know heather heather, macdonald right and I guess she's got a new book out. That sounds interesting, but she does. She does a good job of not walking into any racist traps. You know she doesn't say anything. That's obviously racist while explaining that how could colleges possibly have diverse
say when the pipeline is empty, so she says: if you look at the people that high schools are producing, where are all the applicants that were supposed to be pulling from to get us diversity in college? They don't exist. The mathematically you could not make them diverse unless you lower your standards so much that it would destroy the enterprise. Which is what they're choosing to do. They're going to choose to lower the standards until the value of the value of the degree is basically worthless. That's the actual plan because they can't drop, they can't drop their. You know diversity standard, so instead and destroy the school, and it seems obvious and unavoidable what else is going to happen? What else could happen? There's no other possibility.
So liberalism is even from the inside. Let's talk about newsome, governor newsome, vetoed bill. They came to his desk, serve it we signed a what about law, but he vetoed it Firstly, this assassin double negatives was the law that would have said in california, and if one of your parents does not affirm your gender choice, that that would be taken into consideration when custody decisions are made. So if you had, for example, a divorced couple and the father said, I do not accept your gender identification child, you are what you were born and the mother says: no, no, the child is what the child says they are, then the mother would get custody in all.
If all all other things being equal and here's the story- newsom vetoed that it was the most you know, lefty looking thing you've ever seen in your life and newsom, who many people say is eyeing. The top job knew that that was way too far. You wouldn't have a chance. You wouldn't have a chance of winning a national the election, if you would approve that thing now, who knows why he really thought about it? But I I like to think that when it came down to politics versus parenting that he is apparent himself, I like to think that he vetoed it as a parent, and it wasn't even political I'd like to think that. But it also was conveniently very political for running for higher office.
Let's talk about backwards, science and article by rebecca had traced her and re for the cut cut cvt. Do add any letters Eric does you'd. That's not funny no avonlea letters to let it just cut sooty, and she makes a case that I've made, which is that marriage is not the cause of happiness. Happiness is the cause of marriage. and once again we get cause and effect backwards. So this is what I've been saying for awhile. Exactly, if you add an e to cut it's cute, so do add the e cause. Isn't that would change cut to cute, so no added letters.
So what do you think of that? How many of you would agree that happy people are more likely to get married and make it work, because we're both happy and that unhappy people are less likely to get hurt because who wants to marry an unhappy person? the bad boy. Now here's my addition to the conversation. I believe that word thinking which all define is destroying civilization word thinking.
Now. What we're thinking is is the way ai forms. It's simulated, intelligence. It takes words that have been spoken in some patterns before and that it reproduces those patterns, and when we deal with it it seems like intelligence to us and up. But all of this is word you know frequency patterns. Now I believe that that is also how humans think. Mostly we use words in place of reason. Marriage is one of those words and boy. Are we making a mistake with that, because, one hundred years ago, if you said marriage. It meant something almost entirely different than a means today, but we use the same word it's the same word, but is a completely different system.
If somebody says to you, hey is marriage. Good! Your brain is already tuned from one hundred eg one hundred years of civilization. That marriage is always good. Is the goal of life get married, have kids, so the word carries the reasons. Do you understand that we we don't get married because we thought it out. We got married because the word itself carries the argument as soon as you're married you're like well yeah, that's good good for civilization yeah. Maybe I have to find the in person, but I'm certainly not going to argue with the fact that this word marriage has been good for one hundred years. So it must still be good because the word we have a word for it- and the word was always good before. But what's happened is that
the system we call marriages entirely different, but we brought with it the things associated with the word, which is our good feelings, that that's how you protect the world and civilization the economy and happiness and everything else now. Many of you are going to say, but but scot I know people who got married in their happy. They did, of course, because people are very different, so you could find somebody who's here in every system, even the worst system in the world and you're going to find somebody who likes it because we're all so different, my guess, is no more than twenty. Five percent of marriages make sense. Alright, because yo you got that rare combination of people married at the right time. They are the right people. They both were there for. The same reason
If they have the ability to have fights without making your permanent, your very somewhat rare qualities is hard to find one person who can do any of that to find two of them and that they're both attracted is really hard. So twenty five percents, probably generous, so here's here's my take, I don't think we should be. Sarah is a marriage, yes or no. That is a word thinking. We should be looking for how to build a system that does work produces. Children produces, love, produces some kind of commit and but also protects people who find themselves in an abuse of marriage or something you ve got to have all the protections Able to leave with all the security of knowing that you're not gonna die? If you do.
So I don't have a right answer. I just think that if we think of it as marriage or not marriage, we don't have a chance, because what used to be marriage just doesn't exist anymore and pretending we could go back to his crazy. In my opinion, this is the biggest blind spot for conservatives. Conservatives want to use wishful thinking to take society back to some some time that doesn't exist, and we can never go back to it where marriage made a lot. More sense is purely wishful thinking. There's no. There is no mechanism to get there. There's no system, there's no there's no way to move backwards, moving backwards. In that way, I mean that there will be a radical move backwards. There is no path for that
The you can tweak the taxes to make people get married, there's so much that has changed since marriage made sense that the conservative view that you just have to want to get married more and everything will be fine. Oh there's no problem with black america. They just need to you know, stick with their husbands. They just need to stay married. That is like the biggest blind spot in politics. To imagine that that's a thing that you just have to want it more. Oh, I think I'll just think differently and now I'll suddenly it makes sense to get married people don't get married because it doesn't make sense. People get divorced because
does make sense in many cases right so as much as your wishful thinking would like marriage to be a good institution is not, and nobody has any idea how to make it one. So there you it's the same, rob with anti for basically in anti. If it is a word thinking organization they get away with behaviour by saying, but where the opposite of a fascist. So so, if your action right was it because I mention the diva so I disappeared, maybe could they could be so anyway, were thinking, ruin america. Here is another
another sign of how corrupt our media is so there several tweets thorough using the exact same words today. Jennifer reuben is one of them and the exact same tweets says here's the deal golan why then does resigns. Clarence Thomas resigns. One standard corruption is corruption. What is that that logic that politics, here's the deal menendez resigns. Clarence Thomas resigns. One standard corruption is corruption. No it's worth. Thinking is worth thinking the war thinking is doing the work. That reason should be doing so. What's being done is comparing menendez whose a democrat and
currently literally just took bribes. That's the accusation. They literally just took gold bars and bags of cash. Now I have some questions about whether it's true, but that's the allegation. Clarence Thomas, the allegation against clarence Thomas so he took trips with his good friend who was going there anyway, like it
yeah? He was going to be on the private jet and there were extra seats, and so he brought his friend now both of them are conservatives. Do you think they were going to disagree on anything? Do you think that do you think that clarence thomas had to be talked into being conservative, because his friend was also conservative? But if you look at the clarence thomas issue- and you say this is just like the menendez one- corruption is corruption. One standard you're substituting words for any kind of intelligence, we're thinking about the topic. Of course they should not be treated the same because are very very different, but if you're Jennifer Rubin, you can say one standard. Corruption is corruption well, but there are very different, but what about the word is the same yeah, but you know one of them doesn't even meet the definition of that word. In my opinion, yearbook word. I could use the same word for both of them, but how about my argument that I could use the same word and that's what qualifies as political thought tried to make people accept your word. Do you ever see that ever see that effect with the gender stuff? It's very simple people
our trans women, women and we're done- oh, oh, don't give me your details for well over- will hold on hold on his clear. Its simple are trans women, women, yes or no, yes, or no, and if you say no you're a big it and I have to cancel you so is a yes or no, yes or no, which is it yes or no, and I get a castle you or do you just agree with me because I'm a bully, yes or no, so
you've seen that right, you said the people who try to win the argument by making. You accept a definition of a word that you think is absurd. So when you see a word, thinking don't participate in there they're making you think past the sale. If you get into a conversation about the definition of the word woman which, by the way Matt walsh falls into if they can get you to debate the word you're in the wrong conversation, here's the way to handle that. Well, you know people use different words for things. But let's talk about the things we all agree on who's going to say no to that. No! No! No! You have to agree on the word well. Could you agree that the word is sort of the labels we put on stuff? It's not really the reasoning. The word is just a label, so let's just not label that because we're looking at the same thing we're looking at the same individual and we can describe that individual the same so there's no disagreement is just
Let's not put a label on the person, let's just talk about what works and what doesn't work. That's the way you deal with the word thinking if somebody's trying to win with a word just back off and say: okay, I don't argue words now have you seen me do this? Is anybody see me do that in public and how it just completely shuts down the argument on the other side. You've probably see me in podcasts, when somebody will say, can you speak to this or that and I'll say something like? Well, I don't argue about definitions, but we all see the same situation. So here's what I think about the situation totally disarms. Anybody who is a word thicker, because they don't expect it. People expect you to take the bait and argue a definition of a word and then you're already lost you're playing a game that you can't win. So just argue what makes sense, not what labels alright
I made this tweet that words, one sentence and as of this morning, at two million views, one of them included de la mosque, you just said a one word affirmative statement about, but here's the sentence. there's, a generation of males coming who all put up with the bullshit. Now I didn't really define what the bullshit is, but everybody knows I didn't have to divide it, because everybody knows The reasons are two million views this and so many likes and retreats is that its observer bleed. True. Young men are not falling for the brain.
Watching the rest of society either has to fall for the brainwashing or they have to pretend they fell for us. They don't get cancelled if you're in adult male you're completely neutered by the system, because the system, as I described earlier on, has created a whole bunch of organizations and domains that are staffed by people who are primarily political. But there are going to pretend that they are fighting for justice and equity. But really it's a political point of view, and so they can cancel any adult male who calls bullshit on bullshit. So the system will punish all adele males, so that takes account of the conversation and the adult male. Who wants a job.
Right write people like day portnoy, luckily already as his money. So why you're finding is that the only people who have free speech our people, Already made enough money that they can take the hit, what of these people have in common when we read those names, talker karlsson? russell brand, Dave, portnoy, elon, musk, Donald trump and me and Rosa what do we all have in common? We all had enough money.
So the weaker survive. Having free speech and boy did they come for us. They came for us hard it costs. A lot of money is very expensive. The average person cannot cannot afford free speech, not even close and is pretty expensive. For me. I mean you know they. They come at you pretty hard. So what what could save us? The only thing that can save us is young men who do not already have something to lose young men who don't go to college Are the only way we get out of this? Isn't
And they're going to have to call bullshit on it because they can see this bullshit, it's bad for them. It's bad for the world as bad for the country and they're gonna, they're gonna call bullshit on it and here's the thing. If the Democrats are sure that they want to raise your children, let's say you work because most of my most of my audience leans right. So would you agree that the situation we're in? Is that the the left? The Democrats would like to have a lot of control over how you most of you, being right, leaning over how you raise your kids? That's that's like the main
The texture of social anxiety right now is who's. Raising your kids and the Democrats want to raise your kids the way they want to raise them. They want to sanitize the boys and they want to basically have a you know, a female oriented society, but I don't think it's gonna work cause cause. Young men are just not going to put up with it, they're just not going to put up with the bullshit, so things are definitely going to change and it will only be because of with nothing to lose, so that's come and here's the funniest spark. Are you ready for this? Here's the punchline.
the harder the left tries to raise the children on the right. The more andrew stage will be raising the children on the left. That's exactly what's happening. Andrew date is your daddy and by the way I'm not a fan, I'm not a fan of undertake, so I won't make that clear. I'm not a fan. I'm just calling balls and strikes. I'm describing a situation is not my preference not, and I'm not saying it's. My first choice, I'm saying is just what's going to happen. If you keep fucking with adult men, we do have reinforcements
The cavalry is definitely coming. It won't be right away. I might never see it, you know, maybe maybe we have to wait half a generation before we see it, but the cavalry is definitely coming and they're not going to take any shit so watch out for that they're all being raised by andrew teeth. Good luck, alright, Say I hears a story that is so outrageous that your brain will exe owed, and the only reason that this can happen is that the public can handle the complexity of all the criminal behaviour. All the criminals of has just sort are hard to understand. You're really after diverse and you ve got to sort out weight was that this story was at them and then this crime story. You was that the Biden crimes and I'm getting all my crimes stories
Well, like I can't tell who did what any more, but so this so this just gets slipped in on the weekend. The Clinton global initiative announced that they're creating a program to rebuild you create So the? U s is gonna, send a world bank twenty five billion. And then the world bank distributes some of that money to the Clinton's to help rebuild the ukraine. yeah if you hadn't that story until I just said it is your head falling off did, did you have just fucking explode. The level of obvious graft drift graft corruption. This is such obvious in your face public.
Option that I don't even know what to do with it yeah this is like the big lie is: is such a big corrupt play that you're you're shocked into inactivity? You're, like I, don't think I'm going to work on this today? I don't think I'm going to form a you know a protest, it's just so big. I don't know what to do about this is sort of like is right in your face now. Not only is
It's not going to be prosecuted for any of his stuff, but we're going to throw you melendez because he didn't play along, probably and then we're going to put the Clinton foundation right back on the gravy train in the most obvious way, as others have asked why. Why did this Clinton foundation go quiet during the trump administration? Why weren't they just as active while the obvious reason is they didn't have the opportunity for corruption and as soon as the opportunity for corruption presented itself well looks like are pretty active again, it's exactly what it looks like it's exactly what it looks like. and nothing will happen because it's only people, you know who are like really news, nerds, who even understand what I just said. I mean the the general public
it has never heard of that. There even is a Clinton foundation or that there ever was or the or even that Biden has some potential legal risks. The average person has no idea any of this is happening. The average person has never heard of bob Menendez and never will the average voter has never heard of bob Menendez and never will never will never know. This happened, no matter what happens with him. The average voter will never even know it, and so that's happening
I overview grain if you're looking at the risk of a civil of a nuclear war. So the ukrainians got some intelligence that there were a bunch of commanders meeting in this one headquarters in crimea. I guess and it it was the headquarters for the black sea fleet in the fleet and the ukrainians sent a modern. I believe, american missile into that building and blew up some generals. They may have actually killed or wounded the head of the fleet, so some would say uh, oh escalation, coming to which I say: no, you know if, if escalation was going to cause nuclear,
war, I think it would have happened by now? I feel like I feel like we could escalate a lock as long as it's happening in that battlefield. I don't think we could escalate on russian territory much more than the drones, but probably probably we could escalate a lot without nuclear war. I mean I wouldn't take the chance, I'm not recommending it seems very risky, but in all likelihood that it could be more escalation before before there is a nuclear war. So the thing is that russia knows that one, newcastle
if russia, what would you say? That's a fair statement. One nuke one nuke is the end of russia. Now they don't know that for sure- and I don't know that for sure, but that would be the calculation they'd be looking at. So if you think that, just because one building in crimea blew up and some generals died, that that putin- who is completely rational, as far as I can tell you, think you would just destroy russia, because ukraine got one building with some generals in it. I don't think there's any chance of that. In fact, I can't even imagine what would make Putin want to die.
and kill everybody knows and all of his family members. Because that's what would happen if he used a nuke. Well, here's another surprising thing: bill gates came out publicly and said that climate change isn't going to kill you and that the news has gone too far in the alarmism bill gates, bill gates, bill gates, Said the climate alarm is and was out of control, but he also says to be fair he says, is out of control in both directions. He says World acts like is either going to end or there's no problem at all. This is both of them are stupid, because what I was a manageable problem there. We need to pay attention to managing. Now you might be a little bit wrong and that two, depending on who you're talking to
but elusively is only sensible range. Would you agree? Would you agree that our opinion is only even if you disagree with it, you could disagree with, but certainly in these sensible domain of reason, people now it could be also be as investments that pushing and concern direction. yeah. He is big on a fourth generation nuclear which might be the entire solution to everything. So he's got that going for him. So alright, let's, let's do a review. We have the berkeley law school learning that wildness will destroy the berkeley law school right. And I'm sure they're noticed we see the burglary and general their entire value of their degree will be destroyed by workers.
We have seen that even governor newsome cannot go along with taking the control away from parents and putting it with a state over the control of your own children. Even even newsome couldn't go that far. Bill gates, as I just said, does not join the alarmists. He says listless shoe for this manageable metal. It is almost exactly my opinion. That's pretty close to exactly my opinion. And I would say would be. The opinion may be close to like Michael shown. Berger is not therefore, a lot from shell and broker that they would have some differences, but in both cases they would say was manage. It is this not in is not imaginary, but we can manage it.
So that's good and I think that we all have seen at least the people paying attention that the entire news business is fake. Remember when trump started saying the news was fake and you thought to yourself well, some of it I'll bet a little bit yeah, I can see little light, they're biased. So when you say fake, you mean bias right, that's sort of what I thought, but it turns out. It's all fake. It's actually just made up bullshit the the the political stuff is all made up and at the very least, it's spun in a direction that makes it fake, even if even if the details are right, is still sputtering in a way that turns correct things. To make things, so the news as fake the major members of our government at the moment are demonstrably. Obviously
and observable corrupt like in the worst possible way? And that's all true. So the news is completely fake. The the entire constellation of entities likely adsl of espionage, z and think tanks, all fake, all fake, the constellations, all political meaning, fake their not being cancelled. For any reason you can tell them to cancellations or fake, because the entire right leading part of the country didn't canst lighted money, at least in terms of the individuals people on the right
I got you light bud light, but they're not carefully people are they. Also news is wrong. The news is fake. The the borders open, because obviously somebody wants it open. So we know that basically, the entire gears and the machine are obvious. Now we know that the politicians are selling their access. We know the news is fake intentionally. We know that the border is open intentionally because whoever's in charge. could not be working for the interests of the united states and even the ukraine war looks like a money grab. I dont know if it is entirely but based on all the other things, it would be hard to conclude that war is everything
the monograph. Is it a coincidence that afghanistan were on their own? At the same time, ukraine wound up when Assad told us directly that the goal is not to ever have peace. The goal is to have permanent war, because that's how you transfer money away from one class of people to another. He told us that directly and because of that he will spend the rest of his life in jail. Now you disagree with that. I think I think it's too much of an absolute, but it's directional Alright, so yeah everything you thought was was the case issue and I think we've reached the point where letting it play is the best play. I I think we have to let every bad result that can
in front of the left just play out to it's maximum. You want to you want to see the the migrants all over the city streets. You want to see rampant crime, you want to see people moving out because they can't stand it anymore. You want to see people not going to college because it's corrupt, you want to see people not watching the news, because they know it's not true, that's about where we are now How do you feel about the elections integrity, given that we found out every part of our government and our news organisations or corrupt? What do you think about those elections, rigour or good? Thank goodness, the elections are all claim. I don't know if you're watching, but the rasmussen account is tracking. All of the allegations of.
Various election impropriety. Now all I have my same opinion, I've always had, which is the vast majority of all claims- will be debarked. So I don't know what's real in what is an, but there are quite a few interesting allegations floating around out there that you might not be aware of. So if you are not aware of credible allegations, that is true, it would ripped the lid off the whole thing. You hear something: that's the most basic thing. You think you would know. What do you think you would know if the if the election machines were attached to a wifi somewhere? Don't you think that's the most basic they you'd know hey where these machines attached to the end
at the whole time and and there's evidence that there's at least in one place, the machines were connected, and we didn't know until now. So, two years later, we found out that, at least in the one place, there's an allegation that machines were connected to the wifi. How many other places could have better connections to a wifi that you didn't find out? Who knows it could be all of them, and you wouldn't even know, because nothing is true. Like there's no news report, you can count on there's no news outlet. I would trust someone else, so I don't think trump could possibly have been more right about more things
and the way they're going to take them out is was with another hoax? If, if not genetically, you know there's another hoax. Coming it's going to be a doozy, probably about maybe some more about the the the secret documents or at mar a lago sq. of this. Why have we not heard any general description of the domain of information that was at more logo? Why have we not heard one word about the domain? We don't need to know the details. We don't need to know the secrets themselves.
But wouldn't you like to know if any of them had to do is say a battle plan or something that was current and useful to anatomy? Wouldn't you like to know that? How hard would it be too know that wouldn't be hard? You can? You can take those
events. You could put them in this gif. You could say alright. Only the people who have the right clearance can see it, but that would include maybe a thomas massie. If you let thomas massie look at it and he says, oh god, there's bad stuff in there I'll believe it I'll believe it. If he tells me right, but if you just send adam schiff in there and it comes out and says: oh it's nuclear secrets, I'm not gonna believe any lad, but but if you send both sides in at least one side says okay at your or let's say both sides say it's bad. If you send democrats or republicans in and they both say overshoot. This is bad I'll believe that I will be willing to believe that. But if the, if the republicans come out and say you know, it's all sorta dated
generic stuff and maybe it was over classified well. Then I'd believe that I read. Both. Sides are against trump well
but no matter if both sides were against trump. There are some people that I would believe. If they told me they looked at a document and it was or was not bad. That much. I believe, because even people who are even people who are anti trump on the right, wouldn't lie like that that that's not exactly how somebody would lie, even if they're anti trump that that would be that'd be too far because someday somebody would find out they lied and that's that'd be pretty bad Joe blow. Yet yes, Joe blow the the the the one thing that's important so Joe blow over there on youtube. He wants to point out that Adam schiff is, jewish
So that that explains everything how many people in that I talked about today were jewish bob menendez? Is he jewish? The clintons? I mean I just went through a whole litany of bad actors, and I get I get one fucking guy who might have been to a temple once and and you're you're. All on that your pattern, recognition is fucking, broken. Alright, I guess once once a day I have to go off on the antisocial, since becoming my new battle. By the way, I thought it was a pretty smart of elon musk to have met with me. Are you. Because they seem to get along really well, wouldn't you say, will you agree? None the who and musk deaf. Would seem like they have the other on the same page.
Now. Let me are, of course, as one would expect showed. Concern for any antisemitism on the platform which I completely agree with, and but moscow agrees with him. Moscow agrees with him that that it should be. You know something that should be against the terms of service and should be tamped down so consider the fact that the hdl thinks musk is so bad that he must be out of business. They actually tried to stop his business completely, put them out of business, but the head of Israel is fine with him. What does that tell you about? The ideal tells you the hdl is a is a hit group and not representing certainly not representing israel
Israel, which should be on the same team of representing jewish people, so that should tell you something about the ideal, and I was a pretty smart of musk to me with Netanyahu so publicly, so that people can observe. Then at least Israel seems to be on the same page with mosque as much as possible. Alright sidney greenblatt is the poor man's Al Sharpton that that joke always works. Alright yeah somebody says something
Well, I don't want to talk about that. Nevermind bb, graduated mit in three years, is that true Netanyahu is a mit guy really make sense is one of the smartest people. You know. One of the smartest leaders of all of all time is raw. Intellect he's he's got a strong package. Alright and massey is an mit alum I'll tell you. Mit does not produce dumb people alright,
in college when his brother was killed, is that true or not Netanyahu's brother was the only israeli killed during the entire entebbe raid. That's actually true, god, history is weird, isn't it it? It just doesn't feel like a quince, it's like that could happen. Let me let me tell you one like that and the town I grew up in had a ski slope across the valley. and one day when I was a team, we would get discounts if, if you lived in the town he get like a cheap county. Take it so I went up there with my wooden scheme.
is the gate, and one day I was up there and one of the chair lifts broke. So I think it was the cable broke and the chairs didn't go all the way to the ground. They must have some kind of a failsafe on them, but they they dipped drastically and then they swung back up like a bungee court. There was only one injury, so there is only one person on the entire scheme, in in that chair left only one injury. It was the son of the owner of this scale up a friend of mine who badly broke his leg,
because he was the only one who didn't have he didn't have the seat belt thing on or the whatever that bars everyone else. You know maybe got some bruises, but they were strapped him, so they just had a ride he, but he actually got thrown out because he wasn't strapped him. So the only injury was a son of the owner of the ski slope and that that always that always just blew my mind like what are the odds of that that that just seemed weird yup. Also true, I dunno. If I ever told you this, I used to work at that same ski slope and I may be wrong about this, but I think afk junior's mother, at a house like right on the ski slope. You know sort of walked in ski slope kind of thing, which means that he probably visited. Which means there is a good chance that way
One of the days I worked at the sky so making hamburgers I used to work as the fry, the what'd, you call the fry cook, so I worked in front of a grill when I was in high school and I'd, be cooking, hamburgers and making scrambled eggs and pancakes and suffer people. So, yes, I met experience to cook Weird, and are you didn't expect that burn down so there's a non zero chance there's some time when I was a teenager, there are Gay junior was gay. Does it's? His mother's house was either one there more than one house
man probably bought a hamburger, and I probably ended it to just just a weird small world. Now, I'm not saying for sure, but I did work a lot of weekends and that's when you would have been there. So if he were skiing and if he got hungry, there was only one place to eat. So I probably handed him some mashed potatoes or something. Alright, you burn the cheese right. That's all I got for you for today and it's going to be an amazing day and I think all of you are going to be extra happy today, just because That's all for now and I'll talk to you, you tube tomorrow, thanks for joining.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-24.