« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2239 Scott Adams: More Reports On The Gears Of The Machine. It Is Completely Clear Now

2023-09-22 | 🔗

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Politics, Governor Newsom, Micro-Cults, Mental Health, Pronoun Indicators, Ibram X. Kendi, Cuban Twitter-Like App, Dave Portnoy, WaPo Hit Piece, Jeff Bezos 2013 WaPo Purchase, President Biden, Demonetizing Conservatives, America First Legal, Weaponized Government, Arabella Advisors, Gears Of The Machine, Climate Model Accuracy, Open Border Benefits, Ukraine War, Michelle Obama, Ken Paxton Hypothesis, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Did you do it in good morning everybody and welcome to the highlight of human, civilization, and if you like your experience to be so special that you'll be talking to your grand, it's about it's forever. All you need is a cup or mug or a glass to take. Your jealousies die in a canteen, jug or flask of vessel of any kind, your favorite liquid, I like coffee We now for the unparalleled pleasure it's open. at the end of the day. The thing that makes everything better, it's called the simultaneous sip happens now, go so good savor. It Well, let's talk well news governor newsome was comes, recently that there are a lot of micro, cults.
and he gave some examples these others own son, has been talking to him about andrew date Joe rogan and Jordan peterson. I guess those are the micro cults. That's right! Governor newsom's son is listening to tate rogan and Jordan peterson. So what can you conclude from that? Here's? What I conclude from that, I'm just going to guess the third son as very clean bedroom boy. Everybody. I take the other side of that that what, when you love to ask another question, just one question and walk away again Those are my reasons to date and rugged and in jordan pearson. Well, yes, I am afraid to say it's true:
I have one question: how cleaners his bedroom. and you don't even away for the answer. Just walk away as our black. Well. I have a theory that there will be a rebalancing of our current crazy situation and the reason that the reason for the rebalancing men, adult man have been. Lately taken. Are they the say that political conversation because work too easy to cancel and to threaten so many jobs and, if you say, the wrong things in america, you lose your job, so men are just completely taken off the board. Cars will just get cancelled like Russell brand or tucker carlson or me, So so adult men don't have any any hope of being part of the conversation in a meaningful way.
This, however, will be very different where the young men, who have nothing to lose and and when they know everything to lose the more likely to risk losing it does a young man? I don't know if you can attention, but the young males are not on board with workers. Dont think does exist, asian, the young man, not always walk this, not evil. I've never even met one, never even met a young male who was woke every murder one and those men have nothing to lose because they don't have to jobs and nothing lose so. You gotta see this explosion of male energy that has been suppressed and the adult male,
population for a long time, because you know why we thought we could protect our jobs that work out. Didn't work out at all now: does your job will be taken by diversity? I anyway yeah so yeah a woman will take your job. I'll give you to do so going along with the planned, doesn't help as much do you think it would be natural impulse So look out, we might be a generation away from it, but now that I know that govern newsome son has been raised by andrew tate, I'm just gonna say: there's some prizes. Few surprises coming Ethel I in the segment I like liked: goddamn science where's This gives you a result that you don't have to be. An expert to know is bullshit the gay so that the test here
without being any kind of a scientist at all, can you tell us that this is bullshit? So let me tell you what they found. Those who study they found out that the so January, sex caused a financial degrade degradation in mental health, so there's a big drop in mental health, but it doesn't seem to be across the board. It seems to have had the Democrats really hard, but republicans sort of none at all so january. Sex actually caused measurable mental health decline for democrats, no real, no real difference for republicans and so do not they concluded based on this. Their conclusion was that
since january. Sex caused a decline in mental health sets out accurate the events of january sex, caused a decline in mental health. Won't. Let me postulate another possibility. Could it be that the reason Democrats were affected is that they watched fake news and the Republicans watch both so they could judge what was and what was vague were easily and that the people who are the real news did not think that there was an insurrection and almost destroyed the country or anything like that. And so the republicans had reason to be angry, geopolitically angry, but they didn't have any trigger to be politically mentally ill unhealthy, but the Democrats in it that they were told non
stop that their country was almost lost and they live in a white supremacist society. The almost took over now would be pretty scary to imagine something like that actually happened in the real world, but it in this just as their nearest all the media that it made him crazy now getting back to doktor jordan, peterson's theory that a lot of what you see on line is the dark triad personality traits narcissists, mostly. And that you're, mostly just saying mental health and amplified you know before. If you have bad enough to health, it only bothered a few people that you associated with, but now in bad mental health. It's like I can scream it on social media. I can cancel you. I control you. I just thought that control and kevin
all are very similar. They because they use trolls to control. If you can draw you control interesting, That's a dumb science for day comes islands Why should I like to ask every few months just get people talk and why old would anybody hire someone who had pronouns and any other buyers online or otherwise? Why would you do that? Now I imagine there'll be some like super blue businesses that just after guess somebody just like them to be some of those. What doesn't doesn't a pronoun is signal that you're going to cause trouble. I dunno how it can be more clear. Hi, I'm going to have a problem on the minor point. Not only am I gotta have a problem. I wanted to
You in advance, so when you violated minor point whoa, there's gonna be trouble. Why would anybody hire somebody who led with how much trouble that are going to be now? My assumption is that the pronoun thing will go away and I think it will go away. The number of companies will hire you because you have a pro will drop to zero. but the number that will reject you because pronouns This probably already of the third, maybe thirty percent or more, I would think. What's your guess, what percentage of hiring managers across across the board everywhere would reject somebody just immediately because of reproach them I would I would, I would not have been considerably with a programme and has nothing.
It was their political opinions is really really bad judgment to put your pronoun into your bio, if you're applying for a job, because you don't know yet if your employer thinks that's cool so that I mean it's a big signal, a bad judgment, but it's also a signal of potential lawsuits and trouble like that, and also somebody who's going to support every woke person and woke thing. You don't need that either. So my guess is that pure economics will drive this out in the marketplace, just economics. What do you think? Do you think there'll be more of it, whereas it just sort of obvious that econet we'll will drive it out of the system. I think we're just a few years away from disappear. Maybe three, I think in three years pronouns will make you look like just fucking idiot. Alright,. I've said this story before, but I, like you so much of you say it again so Abram,
Andy, the racist guy activist is trying to figure out. happen to thirty million dollars, mismanage money for his quote: anti racism centre. so universities investigating following allegations that mismanaged grand funds failed to deliver key projects and unleashed employment violence of the staff. Now guess what type of people he hired. The higher the kinds of people would have pronouns in their bio how's that work out. Well, it looks like it looks like they have some complaints. As a group it now, there might be a really good reason for complaints, because this bissing authority, Million dollars the other, the other accusations you have to take seriously, but.
even if Kennedy had done nothing wrong, but they always, you done desire to staffing of complainants. How, World was I going to work So we ve actually seen the the test case of hiring people now for a merit, but for liked me of being like minded didn't, work out turns out big surprise didn't work. If I hear something I'll bet you didn't know, MIKE Benz taught me this on twitter on examine, and did you know that in cuba the the cia tried to create a a twitter like product that the cia will control
unknowingly, the cuban population would use it not knowing that the CIA controlled it and the plan explicitly was to build up a population of users and that after they got the population of users, they would politicize it. In other words, they'd put their finger on it and start using it to foment revolution. Well, it didn't work out because they didn't get enough users and they didn't get their funding, so it never got to the second step of fomenting protests fake protests that were fomented by the cia. So this was a literally a way that was being used to overthrow cuba unsuccessfully, but you can tell that the cia
And by the way, this is documented, it's on Zan Wikipedia. It's not one of these weird conspiracy theories is just as well documented thing now. You don't think that china thought of that would take up. You don't think that china said let's build up an audience and once we ve got a good audience. I gotta turn the crank a little bit now cause. It turns out that the news is also reporting that tiktok is moving more into political content, ha big, surprise, there's more political content. Now on tiktok huh. I wonder if it's mostly conservative is not what it mostly is terrible, woke things that would destroy the country. Oh big, surprise, big, surprise is that lots of things that will reduce the odds of reproduction? Oh yeah, it is oh yeah. It is
But it's a complete coincidence right, it's just a coincidence, is a coincidence that our cia tried to do an up. Their looks exactly like tiktok. That's just a coincidence china is not up to anything in the way we know the child is not up to anything that ran paul squashed. The effort to block Tik tok downloads in congress. rampart railroad Paul who is one of his biggest funders in owner of tiktok one An american billion ones, a lot of tiktok, is one of the biggest funders to the people who stopped it from being banned. Things are exactly where they look the gears of the machine or become invisible.
how many of you have a completely different understanding of our system, it just the last several months from listening to me. This is nothing like what you thought. I was scared of mine blowing. Isn't it when you see you can see the whole system. Let's talk about day of port annoying, as you probably already know, a food writer as a food editor decided to write a story about him having a pizza festival, which was for the benefit of the small businesses. And they decided to call the sponsors for the event and say: are you comfortable working with us misogynistic who does sketchy things which obviously is intended to destroy us economic model, now poor, nay, port, a being a media
I would say expert: I knew exactly how to handle this and recorded his phone call when he called the reporter for the washington post and basically embarrassed that reporter needed a national story which was perfect. You know you, you can't handle it better than that. That was perfect. Now, do you see the gears illusion, the washington post by the way I do know the washington post is probably the biggest entity the cancelled me did. You know that cause you're, that I was cancelled in newspapers, but unless the washington post goes first, the other one I'm gonna, do it so there were they. There was a big voice. So just keep that in mind. I wonder if there are any other stories that would be relevant to this one in a different way. Well, let's go back to two thousand and thirteen.
Here's something even though, in twenty thirteen jeff baisers bought the Washington post. So the the guy who owns amazon richest guy in the world at the time and bought the Washington post. A lot of people didn't think that was a good investment because it didn't look like it could make money. It's like. Why would you do that? It's kind of a weird investment seems like the last thing you'd invested, but he did. That was twenty. Thirty Some people say that the Washington post is the outlet. That the cia likes to use to put their preferred news into the reporters, that's what they say I mean I can confirm that that's what smart, People say I wonder if anything else happened in twenty thirteen tweezer. in the same year that Jeff basis, but the washington post We here's a story
The cia actually needs a lot of our processors, So they're using it in twenty thirteen, made a six hundred million dollar deal with the amazon web service. So the cia has six hundred million dollar deal. happened on same same year. The basis rescued the newspaper that some say is the c I a newspaper So just baisers rescue, the cia newspaper, some say. The same year that the cia decided to give their gigantic deal to amazon. But that's a coincidence, The things happened in the same year as just a coincidence. So now we have a situation where the new so owned. The Biden can say
slowly anything and be confident that his we as warrior already kara boy, no matter what it is. This is something bided actually said event. Yesterday the magyar report, and spent four years governing the immigration system under my predecessor,. They continue to undermine our border security today, just hold that in mind? The Democrats are so cut off from actual news. The Biden can tell them that the border problem was trumps fault and they might actually believe it just think about that. That's where we are
in twenty twenty three as almost to our door than your mind, is that you almost can't keep that in mind is like really really Biden said that the border problem is was shrubs fault, but if, If you, if you didn't, have access to real news, would you believe it? Probably you probably would blue hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite pot, gasters unspecified every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the gaunt and even more so that over to spot, if I searched for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punkahs and view the latest episodes in response
if and a and bowls on spotify only Dave Rubin says on some experts that day is been demonetized a few times lately by you tube. and are you surprised, the sea dave reuben getting demonetized injured tv monitor?
is the Jordan peterson and his licenses being threatened Joe rogan. They tried to cancel him. I was completely cancelled. Dave Portnoy, going after his business model to see any patterns. Yet mosque going after elon musk just see the pattern. Yep there's a pattern so. What else is happening. I spoke twitter. Apparently a group called america, first legal, is binds f tc for what they. Is illegally concealing documents on government targeting of isla mocks, musk and ex, because a report
by the house. Weapon decision committee concluded that the f tc inappropriately stretched is regulatory power to harass what was then twitter, so we might actually have documents shows the FDA see was going after musk for political reasons, totally weapon asean of the government Would you like to know how the original twitter boycott was organised so and must set he was gonna take over twitter? Can you imagine the amount of panic in the democrats who had figured out a way to control the most of the other sources of news, but if they couldn't control twitter. then they can give to keep the live on. Show you something I learned, others ay a group called Arabella advisors. and they somehow bankrolled twenty six ngos
Then a twitter boycott. So the ngos probably wouldn't have done this without the arabella advisers, bankrolling So don't you want to do there? Were these arabella Bela vera. Is it because had a really big impact on your life? If you were in social media, but I've ever era, arabella advisers see, I wonder who was on the board of arabella advisers? Oh say embankment freedom, father, sam bagman, winfried, see- the crypto scam guy. Who is the biggest donor to the Democrats, so sam bagman his father was on the arabella advisers board and they buy
ro the ngos to organise a boycott so that you would probably think that it wasn't organised, as was coming from lots of different directions, and where did they get their money? Sorrows soros democracy alliance, so the soros democracy alliance gives money to the arabella advisors and then SAM. Infringe dad being on the board and others given to these ngos, which are created specifically to look like their independent organizations that, coincidentally the same weapons, Well, there are so many organizations these non government organizations are not even part of the government where the government were just listening to the the citizens as they express themselves. So the non government organizations, while there are twenty six of them and we have twenty six non government organizations all have the same opinion. Well, that's pretty important
There was an old because our twenty six I mean you, don't get twenty six non government organizations suddenly all the suddenness. a badge, less role played by the same person in which cases per easy. So how many big organizations do you believe, have dea organizations within their organization? What percent of big entities that would include newspapers, publishers, social media, all of them? The big ones, are close to one hundred percent of ethic, at least ninety percent. So now do it
you see how the machine works. So, let's say the washington post, for example. Let's say the washington post does historian says somebody's bad. Did that story necessarily start with writers at the washington post or did the idea for the story may become from another source, such as the cia or such as democratic democrats, operatives which are very similar because the cia and the Democrats see pretty overlapping. So if this is the model, you could imagine that somebody, a Democrat, asked the washed imposed to crap on somebody's. The Washington post writes a piece on and then every d, I organization in every organisation. Says: well, although we have to act on this Why they say they have that, because, if you
De I group they're gonna have to get involved in everything that looks like their business. and do you think you're gonna say? Oh, that's! Fine! Let her role as just the washington post don't believe everything they say. You think that. now the d I people will say you have to cancel whoever they're talking about you have to do now. so, as long as there's democratic influence on the big publications, the big publications can talk to the public. That groups within begins, these will say: oh that's, for me a better act quickly and on the tale, the wags, the dog, because You don't want to get my bedside on the d. I personally believe me, You might be the ceo. But I'm the one who can ruin you so I'm kind of the real power when it comes to the things I care about, not all things in the company of the things I care about. The de ip person is the real
Our so now the Democrats have a model where they can cancel anybody, because they have the the signal they can send out. The bad signal wash imposed, phil bump, says whatever, and then the D I people without without being asked to do it. They would just know that that's what they do. They activate all the sources of money so that anybody who disagree with them loses their money immediately. Now an illusion money or solution influence usually gives you can't. You can't build your own network. You can't hire people, you can advertise, you can't put it in a book. Can't do anything, so it just reduces your impact in the in the intelligence world. It's called reducing your capacity, so the the fact that the
this network and structure of ngos and d. I and all that that would increase the capacity of the Democrats, and then they word they would go after the economic assets of the realm. Is like me and then what we're were us down by our economic situation than their message can can rule. I think they they largely took fox news completely out of the game. I think fox news is just completely neutered at this point you think so, and try to do a try to do a social media search for a bright bark It is to bright bar on a search. Engine is not an accident.
So the the largest entities have been economically suppressed to the point where Biden can say that immigration is trump's fault Well, amazingly, that they can tell you that january six was an attempt to overthrow the country at half of the country. Will think that actually happened. They can tell you anything about half the country thereafter will think it actually happen. Super beets stop it. I'm talking about super beets, You are right now. Let me the circular climate models I saw somebody tweet to show me that climate models have in fact been successful and not only of the I'm a model successfully protected, but they ve been doing it for fifty years.
If the climate models that are fifty years old, they have accurately predicted today's temperature. Isn't that amazing yeah? Would you like to? Would you like me to understand how the science works? Yeah, here's, how science works Somebody does some science and then they handed off to somebody who is a big, fucking liar or doesn't know attitudes statistic. and then they do a bunch of lying in bed statistics and then the people who are fooled by this say hey. You gonna have to believe this bullshit and bad statistics and ridiculous data, because if you don't your aunt, I science and I've got somebody who's. Gonna cost. you, so let me see if you can find out that this will be a test to see if I've told you anything. If I tell you anything so years, the claim
That there were a number of models in the old days fifty years ago, that tried to predict the temperature. Some of them didn't work, so they were discarded. Others also didn't work, but they found that if they tweaked it a little bit they could they could get it to back cast. You know that it can get it to batch the asked a little bit and then they would see if it also matched the future. So there's a little bit of tweaking to make sure that as you go you're maximizing your you know, of course, you'd like to fix that as you got all right. So when you're done You find that there were a number of models that actually did predict the temperature. So. That means models. Work right, go models, work because they have models that predict
the temperature. How can you argue that there the the models? I can show you can, can show you that they existed fifty years ago and I can show you got the right answer. Do you also was wrong? There's gathers Brian got the word Owsley for survivors ship bias. If you throw away the models that don't work, that's not science, as I say, the opposite, a science. If you throw away the also don't work. It gives you the impression that now you knew could have known that these models work and the other ones doubt if you oh, no it when the models are created, which ones are the good ones, wait until some of them got lucky and say these were accurate. the whole time. That's no sides, that's the scam, not always a scam is lit.
really a scam actual scams are done. That way. I have described this before soldiers to a fast one of the ways, can do a scam is I'll, send you an email, and if the build it will say. If you buy this stock today, I guarantee it'll go up like a nobody can predict stocks, so your ignore it. Next day they say they went up and here's another one. The next one I beg to go up is the one that you like got lucky once and then the next the next few days you get another email to and fro check for yourself. You can look here. Firstly, male sure enough, recommended these stocks, then you can look at what the actual prices and sure enough. The two stocks that the stranger picked and wants you to invest with them. They both went up to four to than they do at a third. three in a row and they don't just go up. They go up quite a bit if you
it's free in a row where they call their shot before the shot. You're pretty convinced, because three out of three is kind of hard, if if it goes up substantially that's really hard, so you give them your money and then it turns out to be a scam. How did they get three in a row? Here's how they wrote lots of emails to lots of people and they gave different recommendations to the people, Most of them were wrong. So Never you know that group again, because our group doesn't trust them but some of them were right because they got lucky. It suggests a subset. They got lucky are they say just lucky people, here's my new by new recommendation, but they don't give him one recommendation the gear Even the new smaller group, a bunch of new recommendations, again a few of them and up which are all just luck and then they re,
and then there is even a smaller group that gets reenter. Alright, they throw their money at you. This ro their money at you, because once you israel around like ok, this is real and then you find out it was always just random. That's what the climate models are, If there are tweeting the models as they go, of course, you can tweak it until batches, the current situation and the past. Of course you can, you can tweak eddie model until it heine cast, for actually you just change or substance. Until does that doesn't mean it predicts? It just means you can tweak it until a badge is the past. And if you throw away enough models- and there are enough different ones- some of them are a hundred percent likely to be closer than others, and so. that might be real close, and then you say well. These are good miles now the real test
I take any one of those models that worked over the last fifty years. Never change them again, don't touch them see how they do for the next. Fifty do you think they're going to do the next fifty cause? I did the last fifty know. Do you know why nobody, can predict the future. There's no such thing as a model that protects the future in very narrow circumstances. Sometimes an economic model will be useful, but I didn't economic models for eleven. I was my background economics business and I would do financial projections for the companies. And that the one thing we all know is you couldn't predict more than six months after that everything just goes. You polly want this.
So we have. We had no belief that we could actually protect the things we were predicting, but you can sometimes tell what is the range of possibilities so that that's really all you can get out of a financial protection sort of arrange? It's not going to be way up here. and probably a stalker be waiting here, but it might be in this cones somewhere and that could be useful. But. Usually we just two things. We thought we wanted to do and then made the numbers correspond to what we had already decided like everywhere, just like everywhere. If you think that the I'm a change. People are the only ones who are not tweaking the model to make it do whatever they want, but every other industry is right. Every other industry is a guarantee that, but not these guess. This is the one place of the one place where the people are big models that predict the future are actually doing it. They can do back. You see the future, no, no
in the future. You don't know what's going to be invented tomorrow I mean the other day I saw there was some some new battery technology, maybe with aluminum. I think it was aluminum. Instead of with the current battery technology that was supposed to be lighter and more dense and better in every way which, which climate model predicted that alright so yeah instead of less right, so he asked climate models are bs and always will be others shocking new data on a study that says the the next in organised crime groups are the fifth largest employer in the country.
And there are one hundred and seventy five thousand members in organized crime in mexico. So now, obviously, if the cartels are getting bigger, what can we conclude for sure. Well, we can conclude that for reasons that are mysterious, the cartels are the only thing that the cia can shut down. They can overthrow entire countries, but they can't shut down the cartels they just get bigger every year. Huh. What could possibly explain that? Could it be that the cartels also protect some things that the cia wants protected, such as maybe some businesses in mexico? That would rather have the cartels protect them than attack them?
maybe maybe see. I would like that to happen because you are on the side of business now uttered irony. Going on there under saying that there There is a big mystery about why we're ineffective in this one area, and I can't think of any reason, we'd be this ineffective, including keeping the border open as this, unless we wanted to. Unless we wanted to so there's that I didn't see that really somebody's may make here run at the fact that this. Is the wall street journal so not a not a left, leaning publications? This is worse region, which is what made it
audible and the wall street journal says that the immigration is already good for the economy like this mass over immigration is already a plus for the economy. Do you believe it. The argument is that we were so hurting for labour when I say we certain businesses, industries, they were so early for labour. That is basically a lifeline. The immigration is the only way they can stay in business and that the immigrants adding a certain amount of economic given that pays for them to be there and we don't make enough babies Our economy would be in serious trouble because we don't make babies and the only way we can survive is massive. Immigration No, I don't think that explains why we're see it do you, because if you are doing it for for the purpose of your economy,
The way you would launder that opinion is you'd have some board of economics experts, and then they will tell you what kind of people to allow in you know what skills we need and how many, and maybe from where I dunno. But if you are trying to make this an economic policy, you know explicitly hey. This is good for the country because we're not making enough babies, you would do it differently, you wouldn't do it by pretending you're doing border security, but doing it poorly.
Well, that's just not the way you'd approach it. You would do it right out in front because there's nothing to hide you had. You would have nothing to hide. If you made the argument, we need more people and we don't have another way to get them. In fact, I think I could be persuaded by that argument, because I've made the same argument. I made the same argument that as disruptive as immigration is now is plenty disruptive, probably as additive in the long run by take ten years but of all. Let me say it. This way, if we shut the border completely today and all we did- is work through the system. The people have already come in, I'm pretty sure we'd come out ahead, because people are money in our country when there are plenty of jobs, because we don't have a shortage of jobs. So if you have jobs, you just add people, that's that's the whole economy. Jobs exist.
Not enough people, that's a people boom problem solved. So, in all likelihood as horrible as our current system of bringing people in and the end of course, they're bringing crime and there must be terrorists and everything else, these groups, so the terrorists of the crimes and all that have to be netted out, but even with that nets, probably probably cash positive, not right away, though you know in the in the in the short term, cash, negative for sure well, yeah. I I see what you're saying it depends what part of the country they come from, and I think that's where that's where I'm sure this was not intentional for economic reasons. So the fact that the immigration is coming from everywhere is strongly suggestive that the
It is not in control of the process. There might be some that positive that comes from it, but it doesn't look intentional. It looks like there's some other reason for the immigration. That's not stated. My best guess is that the cartels wanted, because, fifthly, the cartel business, and that we are there have too many people working with them or afraid of them or bribed by them or blackmail by them that the? U S, government, doesn't heavy power over them, which would suggest that the cartels and power of the united states
Let me put it a different way: there's no way in Hell. There's somebody who lives inside the united states is behind the mass immigration. I don't see it, I just don't see it and if you think soros is behind it, you're going to have to ask the second question: who's behind soros and all signs point to the same: the same entity, I don't know, but they appointed as a place right you'll, be amazed that ukraine has has reach the main russian defensive lies in the south east of the country, and there are vehicles have gone through its a significant milestone for this really a month counter offensive, and it looks like this
aimed at cutting the russians occupying army until two, because that's totally true, as I believe that the ukrainians have a substantial breakthrough, assumes far more likely that the russians have created a weak spot so that they would break through so that they just enter a kill box and then, when we're done killing uncle shore back up again to me, it looks like a trick. Because, apparently, they are taking heavy losses, so even though they got human, On the other side of the line, mostly humans are not and mechanical vehicles homeworkers, they all got their own whack. So so the news was trying to make it look like. It was a place for ukraine that, although they created they try to come with questioner armoured vehicles, the armoured vehicles were largely take.
Doubt, but the people inside lived in many cases, so the humans, you know, made it across the lot. What would be less good for the ukrainians than to have all of their expose humans who are the most and most limited resource? As the humans rubbing people, so that the people will be outside of armoured vehicles and. The lines of the russians What are they going to live? I mean every part of this looks like a a russian trap to me is reported as a ukrainian success, but if they got their success and they lost their mechanical, they lost. Tanks under armoured vehicles just running round with guns? On the other side that doesn't look like a win that looks like a kill box with my vast military?
experience. I say I'm just say it does. It was late when that's all say, doesn't look like a win. but I will rule it out. I mean savings possible you may have. Maybe there will be a breakthrough, is on boy donna, but I would not bet any money on that. That, ladies and gentlemen, is all I need to talk about today. Did I miss any big stories? Is there anything I missed and not every tank crewman has a gun, but they probably could find one armenia yeah, I don't ever take on armenia. Do you think that depends mentioning troops is makes it likely will put soldiers on the ground. I can't see it happening
So let me take the temperature: do you think we're going to have soldiers on the grounds of ukraine? Fighting russians mean, I assume we have some in secret and were like advisers and stuff I don't see that any administration could survive that. I was here.
So you know it will be interesting if trump ran instead of running against Biden. Let's say Biden is the actual candidate, but I always wondered what would happen if he just said he was running against the the cia or he was running against. Ah yeah, some kind of machine he's not really running is Biden, so my at my assumption is that they tried to get rid of Biden and it didn't work, meaning that Biden needed to keep his job. Probably so he could cover his tracks and make more money and keep on trying to jail.
I think that he was probably pressured to leave or to not run, and he decided that he was going to be stubborn so now, as it turns out they're going to send Gavin newsom to be the person on the ground around the g o p debates, So the gavin will be the counter message there very much keeping governing the news on thursday. We notice is always in the news. It's sort sorta hanging around, so it does look the people, the people who say they're, going to wait till the last minute and slot them in there without a convention. You know what maybe even wait until after the convention and then then Biden steps down and they slip him in about the last minute. Very much could happen, but here's what I think. I think that Biden doesn't want that to happen.
Because I think he actually wants to win again, and I think that the Democrats are just keep an round govern, under glass break in case of emergency, but that's the best they can do I think it's going to be a hilarious race and watching Biden, decompose and watching Democrats explain that it's not so bad is going to be funny and watching you know, fetterman and Feinstein and Biden and Harris tried to speak and walk in and act is going to be hilarious. There's love! This is funny at this point.
A sure, gruesome nuisance. The man. Well, I'm sure is the wonders chosen. So let's talk about michelle obama, because was it the dead crews? He said that he believes Biden, one with a twenty twenty four nominee and that they will parachute in michelle obama. How many of you think that michelle obama will be the replacement I've gotta put that is europe is, is weird to your toe. It was suggested because there are a lot of things I would say: well, that's a ten percent chance or twenty percents years, but I'm pretty sure that zero. How could they possibly win? Putting in somebody that they wouldn't even pretend disqualified, that's not even pretending I may even Democrats would understand she was. The spouse
at least help Hilary had the yo. She had the experience of government before she run for president, now I don't they designed yes, but the funniest comment I saw from somebody and x is that: The real reason that is, that that michelle. I will come out is trans am quote, that's why we have been softened up. So persons theory I dont by this theory. So this is not me. I just those of funny funny that somebody has his theory that the whole trans conversation has been a way to soften the country's binds up, so they can drop in michelle obama. She'll come public as trans and then become president and we'll have our first transfer
That we know of, I don't think, that's going to happen and I don't think that the country has been softened up for this specifically and I don't think she's a man. I don't think she's a man, I'm not one hundred per cent. Sure. Well, let let me let me put this and that in a better comparison, I'm one hundred per cent sure she's not going to run for president, I'm not one hundred per cent sure she's, a woman. I'm ninety five per cent sure ninety five percent, but not one hundred percent. But you know, I'm not sure I would say anything different about most of you. If I met you in person, would I be one hundred percent sure of your gender one hundred percent, I dunno depends who I'm talking to.
Well, do you by the idea that the young men were coming up or going to reject, woke and change things I heard from quite a few people who say: oh yeah, that's my kids. now let me tell you what I have heard a lot of times and then I'll tell you what I've heard zero times. I've heard a lot of reports of kids hating wilkins in all its all of its forms. I have heard zero stories of somebody in school. Who was pushing? Walker? Has none not once now, I'm not talking about inclusivity, because that is pushed you know to make sure that everybody's included and stuff that is definitely pushed, but that's not a bad impulse, and that's not even political but yeah, the true walker style
Well I'm going to cancel you for the wrong pronouns and stuff nope they're there. I think there are zero boys on that page and I haven't heard of any girls, I'm imagining there are, but I haven't heard of any. We can't get lives of tiktok. What who do I talk to that's still in school as a fucked up? question no, you want. I like. Let me just say I, I suspect, that's a fact that question.
If you live in the real world, you know lots of people have kids. I've got. I've got my own step, kids everybody's around kids. Unless you live in a like an old folks home or something it's hard to avoid the real world mind reading, why are you trying to influence to believe? It is ok that one is okay. I don't even know what you're talking about
Ally of the aliens in mexico just sorta what a way that they, oh yeah, the new jersey senator Menendez, was invite indicted for bribery. It sounds like they might have the goods on because it involved gold bars. Apparently, he accepted like four hundred thousand dollars worth of gold bars for something a thank you for buying my book.
The oh yeah, KEN paxton, and so the attorney general paxton, was on Tucker's show, and KEN paxton has the same belief that many of you have, which is the the discontinuing of the counting on election night and twenty twenty followed by the you know huge spike in democrat votes that didn't look organic is a definite proof that the election was rigged, thus the factions point of view and tucker seem to be not only nodding along with that and how many of you would be on the same page. How many of you would say. That really is a strong signal of fraud.
now how many of you have heard the official explanation of why it happened. Many could tell me in the comments: what's the other side's story, I'm not saying it's true, but could you tell me. other side story like why that made sense. In his it's just natural well Water lake was one location, but it wasn't just a one location problem right worth. They just waiting for some stuff to comment.
Well, so the official story is that the if you're, counting, if you're, counting the ballots that were dropbox ballots, that they're highly weighted towards democrats. So if you counted the regular votes during the day, it would look close if you counted only the the mail in ballots that had been done in some cases. You know well before the election. Those would be heavily democrat, so the official story- I dunno. True, but the official story would look exactly the same. Now I hear you when you say I'm not buying it, because we ve been lied to so many times that now buying. It is always a good take, but. what's wrong with the was wrong, is rising lodge. Play or factually wrong, with the claim that
Only thing that happened is that when they started seriously counting the the mailed in early votes ballots is rising wrong with that that explanation, why just those states- because those are the states where they were there Start counting for a while, it wouldn't be honoured percent Biden, but that's not the claim. The claim is not that it was under percent, but just that there is more and more button, but but the Biden votes could have easily been three or four to one right. I don't know the actual ratio is, but there is such a difference in who votes by mail. That, I think, is three to forty one democratic event. Yet so the
the competing. The two theories are this: one theory is that the reason they stopped to find out how many they needed to fake because they didn't want to fake more than they needed to face the observation, wouldn't you say, Hypothesis that the only reason was stopped was the count, the votes they needed and they ship and shakes their fists. The observation, but does it also not fit the observation? That is exactly what they said, which is they stop devotes it by at a water leak might have been some other reason, but when they restarted them they were into the mail in ballots and they were four to one for Biden and that's all. It was what's wrong with that. If it's observation.
Now, whether or not the water leak was real, it wasn't just one place that stop county was it. I mean they could have just gone home and wanted to get some sleep and take a shower or something they might have just been there all day So it wasn't forty one, but there is a big advantage in Democrats bill in votes. So here is my problem with can backs them, and this is a persuasion lesson for you is there to hypotheses for why something happened. One is huge! the provocative, the other one would be sort of normal. It might not be true, but it was said in the category of normal things happening
if you say that you believe the extraordinary one, the provocative one and you spend zero time talking about what the other side said was the actual explanation, you're fulla shit so can braxton is foolish. It might not be wrong. Not be wrong. I'm not judging the accuracy of the claim. I'm saying that if you go on television in a big venue like that, I say there's one reason this could have happened when the other reason has been offered and also fits the facts. I I lose all. You have no credibility after that. No credibility, it wouldn't matter if you're republican or Democrat
you walk into their situation, and you ignore the other explanation. Then you can be ignored for anything else. You say your credibility is zero at that point. Now, if here's, what what credibility when it sounds like had, he said well, their claim was that is just as there are more melon boats for democrats. Here's why? doesn't make sense, but where's that I've been hearing the official explanation forever, but not once not once Have I heard by say here's why the official explanation doesn't add up I'm. Never ever you seems like the most obvious thing. You dear I'm, never heard it.
So if somebody has an argument of why the official, the official explanation doesn't work, it might be a good argument. I'm completely open to it, when Paxton talker say this looks super suspicious. I say to write get on me like I'm blind, you can't see it. I say it say it just as clearly as you, I'm just saying that when you listen to somebody who doesn't even give a moment to the fact that there is a fairly solid counter explanation that also fits you observed facts then I can take you seriously after them.
The Democrats stole it fair and square, that's sort of where I'm at where I'm at, as if they cheated better, they won. I thought that on day, one I've, never I've never changed. The fact that I congratulated Biden as soon as the race was called I've never backed off from that he he became the president that day you still the present, because if he cheated and one well, The system allowed that you don't think there were any republicans who cheated a little. I dunno, but that's the game. So if, if cheating is just built into the game, one side cheats better, I give them the win. You got the win regulations. Mr president, I wish it were otherwise, but that's where it is. scott, but we have a world moment. I don't know what that means.
Yeah the voter idea. Laws are automatically registries some people again. If that's why the Democrats, when well played. If the Democrats win because a made it easier to register migrants- and so they can illegally vote well played good job, I don't if that's going to be the big thing I do, I don't imagine mostly immigrants caring about voting. The the fact that they could vote doesn't seem related to the fact that they might, I just don't see it happening. The ones who came in this year. People who walked over the border this year are going to vote. You even they're not allowed to, but technically they could probably get away with it if they have the right iD but who's going to do it. I dunno, maybe if you pay them or something
It seems like not even a risk, they will take money for because it's pretty hard to get here. You know you don't want to be sent back and have to come back again. So I would think that they would not take a chance on something as inconsequential as one vote in the election that they don't even know who is running or do they won't be involved.
Yeah, maybe how do we defeat the machine? I don't think you can. Maybe it needs to join them. Maybe we should all just become Democrats or that would work if, if all republicans just re registered as Democrats, they could probably have anything they wanted. What would stop you from doing that? Couldn't one hundred percent of Democrats just re register it would make it would make all polling obsolete. You can make polling obsolete, just re register. That's what I did that's. Why I'm a registered democrat once the Democrats labeled me a racist, I thought: well, I'm not going to slime the poor republicans. They didn't do anything to me. So I decided to take my bad reputation over to the Democrats where it belongs, Andrew tate, just registered as a Democrat. That really happened. I can't tell if you're joking.
Now he can't well, he can't vote would admit, he's not even a citizen as he I don't think you'd get about. Alright fetterman has been replaced by a body double where the world. Where you get a second person who looks like it, looks like him, and if you wanted a body double, would you give your body double important mustache, because I feel like the porn, mustache sort of a giveaway. He does look different. Yeah does look different and he's admitted they are some kind of permanent cognitive, leash linguistic problem.
So but I guess the Democrats are happy with that. They got what they wanted right. That's all I got for you today, youtube predicting. We won't need to vote well. I think he was being hyper hyperbolic when he said that. I thus off now youtube talk you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-24.