« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2238 Scott Adams: The Gears Of The Machine Continue To Reveal Themselves. Wow. Bring Coffee

2023-09-21 | 🔗

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Politics, Asylum Seekers Risk/Benefit, Michael Wolff, Oliver Darcy, AG Garland Congressional Testimony, President Trump CR Opposition, Weaponized Government, Open Borders, John Cusack, Dave Portnoy Hit Piece, Washington Post Questionable Ethics, Russell Brand Demonetization, Cartel Border Control, Soros Family Policies, WEF Influence, Ukraine War Purpose, Election Integrity, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You didn't have to do to try to do that, but good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization, while, alas, this coffee. hot items, and if you like to take this experience up to a level that I don't think people can even we stand. All you need is a couple rugged class. A tanker jealousy started again, jirga flask of vessel vessels, whether guide fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee, only now, for the unparalleled pleasure dopamine over the daily makes everything better. It's called a simultaneous happens now. Go.
Well, there's all kinds of stuff happens in the world, all kinds of stuff. we may have an answer to. Why are we so dumb. You know, people are always confused. How did they build the pyramids and we would not do it today with their tools? Anything maybe they were just smart. maybe we're getting dumber well there's do report scientific report. That male mice, they consumed Aspartame, the sweetener this a lot of drinks, for example, soft drinks, I had washed ring that demonstrate special learning, a memory deficits, so basically Aspartame made by stupid asp,
Now am I wrong that that would explain everything we see. It will explain everything. Actually everything now I dont say is true, by the way, because studies on mice are not often translate to actually human beings. So any studies in general studies in general Reliable and maybe it was made by some company they can be, it was inks, so I wouldn't trust any part of that However, the only thing I want to say about this is it gives me a new thing to say to the trolls yeah when the trolls come in and say some dumb ass thing, you say. Enjoy your soda and that's all you're soda. That's all I'm gonna say.
right so the theme of today's live stream. who is really in charge, who's running everything or whose stranger and everything is at the open society soros, soros, running. Everything is the world economic forum is as many have as many enticement, people are telling me every day a gigantic jewish conspiracy? Is it the elites, the elites? Is it the deep state? Is the deep state also the elites? were also george soros, who are also the w e F were also part of our big jewish conspiracy. Or is it the cartels in zaire? so, if look at those theories and see which ones old number one If it were a jewish conspiracy, do you think that
word open the borders. Do you think that do you think there's some way a jewish conspiracy could be furthered by opening the borders. The answer is obviously no obviously now obviously so. Whatever is happening at the borders has nothing to do with a jewish conspiracy. Why why would anyone want to destroy the united states? The biggest military benefactor are the biggest military support of Israel. Make sense, so we're gonna discard that one as obviously not true based on observation now as I have been reminded, o fifty flocking times this morning? There are many jewish leaders,
what all of our leaders have good education's, pretty much all of them, so are you surprised that people who are well educated are more likely to be leaders. We'll talk about some of the others question number one as part of context for this. My understanding is that the reason or somebody migrants are immigrants come again is because they can take advantage of the asylum laws, not all, but most the ones companies through the regular. If they say oh I'm applying for asylum and then our laws are so inefficient that they can end up basically stay here forever, even if there they never were legitimately endanger.
Now? Why don't we change that, and the answer is because the argument is that the current situation is better than what we could change it to but who exactly? Did that analysis? Who do the analysis that loving this number of people in claiming that their asylum seekers, who who did the analysis that saves more lives. Then it costs because the implication of the asylum rules are there might might save. Actual asylum seekers should be good. But how many per year many asylum seekers when from pretty much what have been dead, illicit, statistically we're not type and the individual but status
I how many of the asylum seekers who came to the united states would have been killed or victimized had they stayed where they were or go to another country. Does anybody know, they have going private, gets rid of that role. Does anyone know a heavenly asylum seekers act like numbers, not percentage forget about percentages, just raw numbers? What would you guess what it wants? Your guests of the number of people who were saved by these solemn programme a hundred year? What would you guess, maybe one hundred a year, how many women got raped on the way to the border. This week, probably more than one hundred how many people died, trying to be part of this big asylum.
Mass migration, probably more than were saved by asylum. If the point of asylum is to say of people, wouldn't you expected be at least a little bit of a hand waving toward an analysis. The says if we doing what we're doing were saving x number of people but because it also obviously encourages mass asylum seekers, who may not be legitimate yo how many people die. Because of that, don't you think we have? now and then how do you make a decision if you dont know if you dont know if, if you dont know, if the usa,
The rules are making something better and you don't know that are making it worse. What what do all decision makers do? In that case, there's one right way to go? No, you don't guess if you can't tell if a thing, if a thing is really expensive and it's really expensive to let people in that's obvious. If a thing is really expensive, you don't do it unless you're pretty sure it works. Everybody gets that right. You don't affirmative, We do a thing this really expensive. If you don't have pretty clear evidence that are probably works, where would be the evidence that this probably works not now the most basic? the most basic analysis there anybody would do is. Is this we're doing their costs a lot of money once they get in. There have to be supported
But it costs a lot of money and it's an affirmative thing is not just some yosemite thing. They came to us we're affirmatively doing this without any information, if it makes things better or worse, and what does your intuition tell you? Does your common sense and intuition tell you that in saving more lives, the mistaken, if you count the fact that somebody who gets violently raped is never the same. So what can you include about this?
The one thing you can conclude for sure is that is not based on kindness. It's not based on any sense of what's good for people. That so far, would you say that's one hundred percent obvious, because if they were trying to save lives, they would make a case that this saves more lives than the alternative, but the complete absence of that, along with the fact that it seems kind of obvious that is costing more lives than saving. I mean just observation, lee commonsensical ie, what it feels like without the without the analysis. It feels like it's massively worse what we're doing
So, under those conditions can you could you honestly tell yourself that the reason the borders are as open as they are is because we did the analysis and were doing was good for people now now? Will you couldn't you? Couldn't that's not even slightly feasible that that's why this has happened? So, if it's not because of the stated reasons being good to people, what is it something else. Maybe we can determine what there's something else is with a little bit more context. Here's some context Michael wolf?
water who likes to write provocative books about public figures. Among other things, he's gotta he's got this book coming out. It's a hit piece on fox news now. Do you think that this hit piece on fox news is going to be credible? You think it will be credible, live. Let me just give you a sense of how not credible it is. If you travel wrap your head around. What I'm going to say, cause you're going to have to sit down for this. I swear to god. Your head is going to fall off. When I tell you what happens next or is it It's a hippies by a very democratic left, leaving guy like a wolf and it's a hip peace against fox news, not hold that you had democratic rights, a hippies about fox news, On cnn, the biggest competitor, a fox news,
there's a opinion. Peace by Oliver darcy now Darcy writes a lot of opinion pieces at her aunt. I anti g o p and I write stuff that whole thou. Keep all everything you do have so far is a here peace by a Democrat against fox news, who is the biggest competitor, of cnn and the cnn opinion. Peace person tells you that you should ignore this fucking book. Is it's gonna, be not credible peace, a ship, that's from the cnn opinion, The sea, it an opinion guy just defended fox news before the book hits before the book it he says this guy is so non credible that,
he's not even going to support it against its biggest competition? That's how bad it is now. Tell yourself, do you think you live in a world where they hit pieces, are something about the news or something that you need to know now. The hare pieces are all going after the economic model, mostly the advertising model. Everybody? Who is a critic of the left, so the first? This is a hippie That is so obviously hippies that, to his credit, Oliver darcy was very clearly as a you know, a left, leaning bias and there's nothing wrong with that. So there's nothing wrong with having a bias. You know we all have it, but it
Is it my sense of why hero is that he's actually offended by being part of an industry that does this stuff, like, I think, he's actually offended by it even just being part of this industrial bullshit complex? That is something that is really notable. So graduations oliver darcy. Now there may be more to the story that I know about you know, maybe there's some personal problem. That would be funny if the whole thing is as a personal. but on the surface it looks like he's just be useful, telling you the truth. I write Attorney general garland testified. Would you be surprised to know that it looked like he perjured himself, current thomas
I see and that it looks like he lied and avoided everything, and something deeply deeply is wrong. That's I I could get into the details of who else what and how he avoided the questions and whatever, but the bottom line is he did every so you would do if you're guilty, and you didn't know that either just everything you do, he could not have looked more guilty or less like somebody who was working for the public now just hold that view by the attorney general doesn't even appear to be trying to hide the fact that there's something going on here. That's not cool Tromp came out about against the continued resolution that would keep the government open funding it the same way it's been funded before without any changes.
Where the kick the candle roads, they don't have to come up with a real budget but We are against the continuing resolution year against the budget, or at least the budget, that we keep the government open temporarily. And Tom says. no money as long as you have a weapon eyes. Government and the borders are open, to which I say: ok,. Yeah, I think the very minimum for funding our government is they have to close the border. I would be against. I'm against any funding of a government. That is not doing anything for me if you're not going to actually work for me close the border. Why would I pay you? Trump is completely right. There's absolutely no reason to fund the government. We should let it crash just let the whole government crash it's better because they want paychecks and they want jobs.
You stop and sea weapons happens and, yes, I be gigantic repercussions, but not as gigantic as the alternative. The open borders open way worse than the crash in the government. If we crash the government, let's say we were completely helpless to foreign attack. That's ok compared to what happening right now, if you want to make us completely vulnerable to foreign attack, I'm ok with that, because work were passed. The point of any safe options are no safe options. You gonna have to do something dangerous, and closing the governs body dangerous but probably have to do it. Doesnt mean we well, but we should even after John buzek is blasting the democrats for being a bunch of fascists, I'm not making that up. Music is orderly.
brighter of of sloppy looking actors Who is he on one of the biggest critics of the Republicans by he? Just you know full throated just said the Democrats are basically fascists. They're, just coordinated with with the big companies to screw the middle class, didn't pull any punches. So that's happening now. You ve also see lit even yo morning Joe and the most lefty of lefties are starting to come around and say wait a minute. What why are we opening the borders? Not fighting crime anymore, later started understand that their side there's something deeply wrong? They don't even know what it is. Maybe we can figure it out
Why are we even to even when, after obama, by name created the conditions for fascism is pretty direct and he's right? So Dave port- and I made some news today. I guess he's doing some kind of pisa pizza related festival around and the washington post called his. Advertisers leave and said that he is in a massage earnest whose don't lots of sketchy things, and they want to talk to take as their comments about why they will advertise for such a sketchy person. So Dave Portnoy calls the the reporter who first denied there's something like that happened, and then he read the actual reporters message then did not that happened at all. Well, yeah we're gonna talk to you so important. I says.
Would you show me the article and then you know, I would talk to you about whether it's right or wrong, and they say? Oh no, we can show you the article because of journalistic blah blah blah, explain to me what violet, what journalistic principle would be violated by showing Dave. the article before runs, so they in fact jacket or at least tell you why his impression is to each other claims tat. me anything that would be a violation of journalistic integrity. Nothing there's nothing. There was stopping for doing that. Most of the journals won't do that by the way that something I've asked for in the past, but they just laugh at you now. They're not gonna, show too. Even if it's about you I shall do do you know who doesn't do that fortune magazine didn't do that?
When fortune magazine would do a piece about me, the the the reporter would write the pace and then separately are completely different. Person would call me and on the phone read everything in the peace there was sort of directly about a fact about me and say: is this true? They would Check do you have the data birthright? Did you really say this quote? Did you make as much money? Are you in this business? Do you know why they don't do that anymore? Well, newspapers didn't do it in the first place, where no, I dunno something's happening with fortunate at the moment. It's different ownership, I think, but back in those days they were actually
Are you serious about getting the story right, so they would make sure that you answered now fortune didn't show you the story, so that is actually a journalistic practice. They won't show you the story, but they did the next best thing, which is a red like every detail. That was directly a fact. And they asked you to respond to how many times do they have to correct facts. When the fact checkers asked me to correct them how many times were their substantial facts, there would have been wrong if they have asked under president one hundred percent of the time, there's something in the fact: jacking that's important and completely wrong omnibus up now as to a story where no fact checker does, that is guaranteed to be wrong I've never seen one that was right about a public figure in very important ways, but
Is that what is happening here? Is this just a hippies more than that, isn't it the way they went about it. Is they send a message to the advertisers to chill them from wanting to be associated is out Peace is usually they have. Peace does damage after as published here. They were very directly trying to damage port noise operation without that article just going right after the people who who give him advertising to chill them to think. Do you wanna, be it a story about in the washington post, says you're associated with this? they called it massages now, do you see the op the office to go after every dissenting voice after their business model.
so my business model was removed, Tucker Carlson's was removed, Russell bread was removed now they're going after portnoy they're. I remove his business while, of course the entire trump business was kept, by the entire process. So it is even say one after another that the the press, which some say is managed by the sea some people say there. Washing posts is owned by the cia are influenced by The press is trying to destroy a citizen because that's not journalism, and when asked why they were even writing the article they said it's because he is interesting that that's why the Washington post rights, an article about an individual and destroys, is business model, because his interesting.
The stop saying I'm wrong and then agreeing with me: alright, so a local somebody says I'm wrong, but then the regrettably no they didn't show the article in advance and fortune. The fact checkers asked me the facts, but it is true that I've had journalists for smaller publications who offered to show me the entire text just to make sure it was right, so both have happen, but it would be uncommon. It would be uncommon to show the subject the article, if you're, a big publication like the washington post, that would be uncommon. I've never heard of it it happened, but it would be uncommon, alright, so that's a clear example of a hit piece: that's beyond the hippies cause they're actually trying to destroy his business before they even published. The article have you ever seen anything like that before. Have you ever seen anything like that
Unbelievable now we also know that the uk has asked you tube and tiktok to democratize Russell brand because he is accused of things not convicted, not proven, but simply accused. Does that strike you as something that's just ignore Well, the activity of the of the government is that just a normal? Oh, it was wrong. I'm sorry, it was rumble they were trying to get to the monetize rumble and tiktok like thank you for the correction. Cause youtube already demanded testing.
Now do you think it's a normal and proper use of the government to ask american companies to do monetize somebody who's only been accused. Does that sound like a you want something they should spend their time on. Can you see that this is very directly going after the the economics and business model of anybody who has a dissenting opinion? It's obvious right, but who would do such a thing? Hello? This is Scott Adams and now's your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite podcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a cure day or poll with a topic for you to weigh in on so let your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so head over to spotify
Search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite bunk ass and view the latest episodes and respond to queue any and bowls on spot. If I only now, you also know that tiktok, the reason is still legal is because there is a american, I think, he's american in air who funds congress play no, that that ports just illegitimate. why is fentanyl, and why is the border open. tell me who would benefit from an open border? Well, let me say this clearly is boss. Well, whoever is in charge of our border is in charge of the country. Would you say, that's true whoever's in charge of the border is who's in charge of the country, because you wouldn't be able to be in charge of the border. Unless you are all
in charge of the country who who lives inside the boundaries of america who would open the border lie what kind of a high functioning person who actually understands world now not talk about Louis gay does he would open the border, but if we're being honest he hasn't really looked into it. Is that one of the people in charge, whereupon, but people actually understand what's happening, who world would open it who lives inside the border, and the answer is nobody There's nobody who lives in america who would be ok with opening the border ages, wouldn't. But there is somebody outside of america would want to do it with abbe. who lives outside of amerika and would want to open the border even at the severe risk of what would happen to America Johnny. You say
And who does china work with the cartels? The cartels want the open border most and they work with china so that other connected, but mostly the cartels who The did you ever wonder why. Our sea ache and overthrow almost any government in south central and south america. If they want to have. I shall deal with an anti some alex, so all the additional people realise how do you do, I will answer your questions, but the same.
It over and over won't actually change the fact that it's stupid alright. So a lot of what you think is anti semantic is just stupid. People who can't do pattern recognition. The fact that a lot of jewish people have good jobs is not telling you what you think is telling you, because you've got a theory that there's a jewish conspiracy to do something. That would be the worst thing that could ever happen to jew jews anywhere in the entire world. Which is destroy the economy of the united states. Do you really think that there is even one like legitimate high powered jewish leader in the united states? Who wants the economy the united states destroyed the EU? You have to come up with a theory you're going to have to come up with a theory that actually.
makes sense and the we want to destroy all of our own money and at the people who protect us the most for our benefit, come up with a coherent theory. So, first you have to describe it coherently. These are the people, here's what they're doing and here's. Why that's good for them? You haven't done that. That's right, you've told me the people, but you haven't told me why it's good for them to destroy their own biggest assets. If you, if you can pull that together now, don't just shout jewish names and I am kind of intentionally triggering people into cognitive dissonance right now. So if it looks like I'm pushing this too hard, it's cause, I'm I'm watching the cognitive dissonance. So what you should see is a bunch of accusations about me because nobody can answer the question. All I can do is shout words.
Well, yeah, there's larry Larry ethical go ahead, just just shout words to show us how your cognitive dissonance is turning out. Just just try to make your case but prove to us that you can't do anything except shout all jews about all go ahead or great reset great reset. We are way more republic. So that's a pretty good argument. Others got scott arab steed good comment. The comment soros sorrows, our it all make sense, now sorrows We are play this out. Lumber so bear with me. as all the people who would then where'd you go where where'd you go all the people who
sure that they are. This all figured out is a giant jewish conspiracy, and I ask you one fucking simple question: what would be enough for them to destroy america, their greatest I said meeting a lot of their money would be here as well as the military that you know helps defend israel and everything else. You just just describe your theory alright or leave me the fuck alone. You can go believe it, but don't start just shouting at me. If you don't even have a way to connect your own dots, connect to your own fucking, dots first and then come at me and I'll I'll, look at it. Alright, if you've got a theory, That I have not considered all look at it, but ass to be coherent. Don't give me an incoherent syria where people want to hurt themselves.
while powers like screw by one people, that's your fuckin theory going moving on. So was succour to ukraine war. No, actually, I want to talk about the borders more. You see it? What you say is fair to say that the cartels must be in control of the open border. They think that that you think innovation, there's only one alternative, because it's not the american people and certainly not our government. Now. Let me ask you this question: if the CIA ache and overthrow every government in south and central america that will, but they can't overthrow the cartel
The cartels are just a government within the government. That's the only thing they can overthrow is. Is that is at your theory, Your theory that the cia, as always power, but for some reason they just scare you they purchase with the cartels cartels just keep going, getting stronger and r r c, I age is helpless. Nothing they can do. The only thing you could possibly conclude is that the sea Is is either own by or working with cartels. Now I'm not invent this theory on my own. Obviously there have been books written about it. There's plenty you can research. but I would say, there's no conclusion you could reach other than that they are working together and
It's only the cartel who wants the border open, they're, making a lot of money, and it would be a play to conquer the united states. I think the cartels have an actual legitimate possibility of conquering the united states, because, if we're not doing anything to stop them and they're working with the cia, they would have everything they need to conquer the country. proper, so they wouldn't be. Maybe maybe they would be on the same page for some is, but they would have different incentives in other now really trying to accomplish the same thing. But if they work together and it looks like they are, they would be able to control the united states. So I dont have proved that this happening is just the only thing that makes sense with what we say Now you gotta say what about george soros: George soros as the open borders. Guy George soros is,
people who were behind the right. So all george soros, who owns george soros. Do you think that the sorrows family is acting like their independent people with opinions? other their explaining them really well so when they say the open borders. They've made their argument in a way that you and I could look at and go hmm. I disagree with that, but that's a wealth, that's a well explained argument is just just screwed now the only thing that would explain the sorrows activities of letting criminals at in jail for drug georgia's, especially in opening the borders The sorrows our own by the cia is Be a cia operation and it's gotta be a cartel operation, because nobody who lives in the united states would do. Alexander sorrows, lives of the united states. His resident in the united states. Nobody here,
this year would open the borders. Nobody is rich and lives here ass they were under duress, would do with their doing so. The most reasonable explanation of these sorrows funding activities is that it's under duress now saying True that I'll have direct evidence, I'm you say it's the only thing that makes sense, because I've been for years literally ears, online and other places, because somebody explain. One is the sorrows point of view where any of this makes sense and the answer is there is no. There is no argument that actually argues why this works,
Not so, obviously there doing something that no nobody would do willingly. Nobody would willingly let their country be destroyed by now and unfettered immigration literally, nobody would do so. You can assume that the sorrows are in charge of america, because they're not doing something is good for the sources or anybody else, except the cartels. So I'm gonna, guess that does the soros family is compromised, just based on observation. So just so I don't get sued. I'm just say: there's no other explanation and I have direct evidence, there's just no other explanation, and what about the w I think the w we have his address to make you think that their behind a lot of stuff, they might actually be influencing things like climate change, a little better something,
but I will go with you alone- must take that it's a club for rich people to meet each other and to signal that there are some stuff they d. W e f is just a big edric to make you think that that's the problem when the real problems, the cartels, We're looks like about EU ukraine, or do you think, that's all legitimate in the money that we are spending? Their is because a valid concerns the states, or does it seem like there's some kind of democratic? The cia Biden thing going on here that we don't know about. It, looks much more like it looks a lot more like is just some If thing we don't know about. That's all. It's like If we have open borders, which apparently we do what,
I odds that we also fair elections. What country is oh owned by somebody outside the country that they would open their borders and yet they would have fair elections. How does that even makes sense? If there's somebody you can control the country's so much, they can make an open their borders. They would certainly have enough control to control the elections directly or indirectly. To I don't mean that the elections are rigged in some specific criminal way, but they would have enough inflows to make sure they got their candidate one way or another yeah. So I would say that open borders is proof that the election system is compromised. But again I have no direct evidence of that is just there's no way these two things can co exist. There's only one explanation: So the years of the machine are becoming obvious. It looks like this.
the cia cartels working together, because otherwise the cia would have to stop the cartels by now. They clearly have the ability They haven't done it by now and are not even close their working together. and the cartels evidently control the Democrats, because there's no explanation for open borders, the really is and we know that the democrats and the collectively control the media, I would say that's an established. I don't need to support that. Were there, sources. I think you know that The media is what controls the voters mines looks like soros is just the bank, for the cartels are the issues the bank does a card.
Those are the ones who want people out of jail and the cartels who want chaos and the current cartels want the borders open. So I don't think it's a coincidence that everything the soros is funding that doesn't seem to make sense is also good for the Cartels, so I would guess that the cia, probably working with the cartels, have compromised soros. And use them as a bank and ass. My take so. Can you see the gears of the machine at this point. so. What are you ever in whatever is running the country is not what you thought it was the less you were pretty conspiratorial. Now, I'm not going to claim that might take is right, and I can say is right. I'm saying that there is no other explanation I can think of. If anybody can come up with a better
explanation of what we observe lemon up normally normally, what happens is that people were different arguments. Let's take abortion abortion as a situation. I think I completely understand. because there are people who legitimately have different opinions- and it looks to me like that's all- that's happened. Would you agree the abortion question? It looks like there's nothing, but a differences of opinion and people are fighting. This are as they can to get their way. Nothing serious about it, but when you look at the open borders and the letting criminals and the jail and the destruction of the city's there's no way It thus accidental is that It might be a side effect of some other thing. We don't say, but give me eddie explanation for what were observing that doesn't involve the cartels where he will see. I, I can't think of anything
Now, if you're coming late and yelling it's the Jews, I've already marked you into silence, so you should talk to people have already mop inside If anybody wants to come up with some kind of coherent idea, why one group of people would want to destroy their own wealth and military protection, I'll, listen to it? That would be quite a story, but if you ve got nothin. That gives you a coherent idea about the jews running the world just because a lot of good jobs, we'll have try a little bit harder than that. At least Given you a coherent, follow the money protection. Follow the money says that there is now some jewish idea to open the border. That would never be a follow. The money scenario that would be anti follow them
So follow the money definitely says cia cartel is a business is being protected. Clearly cheap labour. Now cheap labour doesn't explain, it does not oversee. Now don't go with is not all the Jews, but many jews use. You still do not have a coherent, even an idea, of what you're suggesting that there's. No some people were destroying themselves.
Addison, what you're asking is not on the topic, so you can't change my mind. And by saying that there is an effect on the culture, because that would be every group has an effect on the culture. So just admit that you don't have any theory. That would make sense. Your weird little example of gulag guards is not really persuasive. Other staffing. Why did the CIA want to destroy america?
the cia probably just wants to control america, and some chaos might be just what they need against. were to enter a character limit here. Now you just the character limit would be no problem. You just have to complete the picture and then maybe I would have questions so. For example, you have to accept, into me, while destroying your own money and your own military is actually a secret advantage that wouldn't take more than a sentence or two it'd be like. Oh, it actually makes us stronger to destroy the military. I mean I'd, ask questions, release you tell me what you think it or you might say they found a way to
if money, on the chaos to which I'd say. Oh interesting, how did they do that? So you don't have to explain every detail but can be, can be a flavor. It can be a taste. Give me any sense that you have a coherent thought and then we could discuss it. But if you can't give me the baseline coherence, don't ask me to talk The details, open border is more money to government programmes. Well, at this point, nobody's thinking that way because the government programmes are overwhelmed. I don't believe that Louis CK said open the borders and it might be heard at first, but then we just adjusted be fine there. You can't have any kind of economic growth without borders.
Borders are a baseline requirement for economic stability period. Nobody's ever figured out a way round. Now that has been a wall, but at the very least you have to prevent people were less than you from flooding, you're, rich situation and ruining because What what entrepreneurs are going stay around in a country that is being destroyed by immigration, they'll simply go where there's a border.
Anybody who has money is going to go where there is a border, and that would include leaving the united states if they had to yeah. I don't think the added voter numbers argument is explaining enough doesn't explain enough. I should nearest city to take down this george washington statues. Oh, I don't care. I know I don't think that china is my. My observation is that china is a helper, but not the big power, because I don't think china could keep our border open. I don't think they have that power, but I think the cartel does.
with the cia. So it's hard for me to imagine that the cia would be working with china, but it seems obvious that they that they work with the cartels deserve other benefits from the cartels, convergence of interests and to some extent ran ass, good border strew. So do you think I am Jeff care was not a fan of the sea. I am sure he wasn't, especially after they killed him. Poor noise follow up with a reporter
cancelled. So if so, if you listen to deport noise conversation with the washington post reporter spray fascinating, you should watch it. You is listen without just wrapped
but the part I didn't go to the very end, but he was still talking about. Maybe he would talk to her. Why would he talk to her would be crazy. It would be crazy to give her an interview, but maybe just for fun or if he wants it recorded himself or something yeah. Rupert Murdoch is stepping back from fox news. The clapper brennan task force, yeah the the fact that clapper and Brennan were put on any kind of homeland task force. That should tell you that I mean the the fact that they could even even think that that's okay is just mind blowing
Have you got this year? You don't I'll, probably are probably stop talking about this after today, because if I continue talking about it, I will be shut down and by the way, if you don't think, there's a second attack on me being planned somewhere. You I'd be amazed. I'm sure that there is another attack on me being planned, some kind or another, and the age of men is over. According to time magazine.
The big target yeah well see. The thing I have working for me is that nobody is going to believe me that the type of thing that I suggested today is sorta too big for people older than their mind. I'm not making fun of anybody's mind, I'm saying in general. We can't handle this level of conspiracy. Theory,
So I think I think maybe we just have to get over the fact that this is what it is cool. Can he believes the cia operation against me. That says, I believed in the vaccines. So by the way I suspect there was an organic. You know the the so all of my opinions on the pandemic were reversed, and then I was criticized by now. In retrospect that looks a little suspicious. Doesn't it many of you believe that I said my opinions were the opposite of what they were. Which would be the main way to shut me down that the main way the shabby down would be to say that I said the opposite of what I said on the pandemic. So it looks like a weird coincidence that that attack came from the right interesting.
Germany, what to incompetence? Well, these yea is not incompetent over a scale of decades. if you say the cia is incompetent at stopping the cartels. I would say all evidence suggests that they're pretty good at overthrowing stuff and stop and stuff. So the fact that it's not happening- and nothing like it is happening- is a pretty clear symbol signal that it's not incompetence, that the problem is. Seriously Harry is asking always wanted to know if you took any influence money on the pandemic seriously. Now. You will only ask that, if the cia- or somebody has brainwashed you into thinking that my opinions were the opposite of what they were. Nobody would have paid me from my opinion, not the real opinions, but
pinions there's somebody told you I have that would sound weird, wouldn't you say, many of you actually have a very strong belief about something that didn't happen. Do you ever wonder about that? The decency of reading your super chat reply? No! No! No! I don't encourage super chats, so I don't like reading them. Yeah must be new anyway,.
The you are all over the place during the pandemic. No lo, I was not all over the place during the pandemic. You have once again fallen for somebody's propaganda. The fact that you didn't see all of my opinions is not me being all over the place. In fact, they were pretty consistent, the whole time to argue with the chat. While you have a microphone. What do you think That is for the amity of you thinks that I've made a wreck of a health recommendation on the pandemic. I want to see.
W are this will be the test? How many believe that I gave you a recommendation about either the vaccination or the masks to use them? Do you think I recommended that you should get a vaccination who thinks I do that or who thinks I recommended that masks should be mandated. Anybody well you're, there are a bunch of you were, were pretty chatty here. How do you feel watching all of the comments go by? They say they say that you are hallucinating about my opinion. I mean look at, it are all nose.
So why do you think that I accept and money to tell people nothing to tell them nothing about their help at all? To take vitamin d charles says you persuaded, did I persuaded what nope never did bob vitamin d s horse dealer dormer was the teen rivers
the girls bathroom yeah. You know, I don't do the anecdotal crime stuff too much, so I think we are all being manipulated when there's a individual crime story, whether it's a george floyd story or Daniel penny story, all of the individual anecdotal stories or population, so I dont like tat. I like to be part of it less so big again. You can't help it.
You said you are not worried about mandates and vaccines passwords because it was a temporary problem. It was only a temporary problem because people were kicking and screaming. If people had rolled out over similar to your last days, I think we'd be dealing with it and worse well, you're wrong, because I knew that the complaints is what would stop it. So so you're complaining that my prediction was accurate. I had an accurate prediction that the pandemic would not lead to A permanent state of vaccine passports or whatever it was temporary, and so was I right or wrong,
Alright, the last thing I want to do is talk about the pandemic. So let's talk about something else. Is there any topic? I missed. I don't think there's much else going on right now. So I think the big topic is the demonetization. shutting up of people like me, so I've said a word to say about that stuff we'll leave it alone, so I can stay alive literally. So you think you live in a country with free speech. I'm telling you directly, I'm not going to be hitting this topic hard in the future, because I want to stay alive. And the only reason I could do it is because I know that nobody thinks I can make a difference If I had a big enough audience like a Russell brand size, audience I'd probably be be afraid of getting murdered, but the the smart play in my case is to let me drop it and I'm saving directly I'm going to ease out of the topic. It is what it is. I don't
What am I going to do about it? I gonna complain about it and the little change, but at least all understand it. The last thing, the lastly, would be good. anybody who wants to show me up would be to do it now, because it would validated I have said so that would be the worst time to do it, so I'm safer than I've ever been safe at the moment. As long as I get off of this topic, I could probably stay alive. Don't be a martyr. so this is probably a coincidence, probably a coincidence, but just me
Where I got an eye I saw the cartels were trending and I thought to myself. Oh, I hope that's not because of me, because I tweeted about the cartels a bunch of times this morning, and I thought, oh god, I hope one of my opra, my post, didn't go viral little wonder, and I want to state my other that much I clicked on the trending cartels. now, of course, the reason something trends is because a lot of people are talking about it right, that's our trends. The trend doesn't happen on it's own, a lot of people talk about it and then it shows up. So I clicked the thing that showed up as trending, and that was the response. I get that there's that there's no data on that. That is
at a bug. If you click it now, I think actually works but does not cover weird bug. As the other trending things actually gave me results. So I tried I said. Oh maybe it's. The trending thing doesn't work, so I just clicked another one. Boop result, I know it could be a coincidence. It could be. Lot of coincidences in the world right now. Well, I would ask you if you'd like to understand the world posts or not. If you try to click, my book gives you an error down to I book reframe, your brain is changing lives all over the place. I keep hearing from people who have completely changed your life gotten a raise and fixed or mental health stopped during
getting lost lost weight all from one book, so whatever it is you're looking to fix it's the fastest way, you can do it and if I was going to make a claim, I'm going to make a claim that my book gives you the greatest life benefits with the least amount of work, because the book doesn't require you to do anything. You just read the reframes and ended up update your software, so you don't have to keep a journal. You don't have to go practice, something you have to do anything just breathe through a well written, easy red book, and suddenly your life will look different. Now that sounds like white acclaim. Does that. If you just sort of breeze over this easy to read book this kind of fun anyway, they your life will change, but ask anybody, use rabbit, just ask anybody was right:
did it change your life or any part of it in a way that substantial I'll bet nearly a hundred percent people would say? Yes, there are pictures, they're account that's all right now and I'll talk to you tomorrow or maybe in the men
Transcript generated on 2023-09-22.