« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2233 Scott Adams: Pieces Are Being Taken Off The Chess Board. Bring Coffee

2023-09-16 | 🔗

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Politics, Rep. Boebert, Plastic Waste Hydrogen, President Biden, Donald Hoover Trump, President Trump, J6 Political Prisoners, Kristi Noem, Corey Lewandowski, Russell Brand, Matt Gaetz, Vivek Ramaswamy, Cancelling Effective Communicators, RFK Jr., Benny Johnson, 17 Alleged Biden Recordings, Randi Weingarten, George Soros, Paid TikTok Influencers, Jack Smith, Trump Gag Order, Elon Musk, Tesla Cost Reduction, Vegas Bicycle Murder Video, Andrew Huberman, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning, everybody welcome The highlight of human civilization is called We ve got atoms and I'm pretty sure, there's never been a fighter dave your life. But if you like to take this up to the levels that nobody could possibly imagine where possible, then all you need is a cover mugger glasses tanker, Joe. This time. The game to enjoy the flask of vessel of any kind, filling, The very liquid I like coffee enjoy me now, for the other. Parallel pleasure of opening the day. The thinking makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous up. What now go? That's good stuff. Well. It looks like the wars on all the big just this is being taken off the board before the election will talk about all that. But
The most important story of the day is that the representative laura and bert some color, boo bird, I dunno why, but that she and her date were ejected from a plane because they were getting well. Apparently there are a number of offences she was largely raping, which decision, as you remember, but a sudden figures of videos. members and issues singing and putting her hands in the air and causing a disturbance. But of course we get to see the video tapes of her she had already getting very answer with each other. Very he did. I mentioned very agency like really really adze, but
Well think anybody notice that, because they were kind of least over discrete about that, today we have the same zebras posited when looking at the video I may have watch more than once. I may have said to myself now looks like one: I dunno. If somebody was trying to make her look less appealing to voters, it didn't work on me all all. I thought to myself us yeah. She looks like fun I have a single negative thought: you're, the the vaping and the baking noise during the during the show. I didn't like that, but I don't even know if that part is true.
But now I dont care this guy and see whether date valuation looks great for grandmother. I am old enough to remember that these stories were never about grandmothers before she's, a grandmother where there's another grandmother in the story: Kristi noem, so the the yeah, the gills. All the news is about gifts today. If you don't know what a gilf is looking graduations yeah, if you don't know what a guild don't ask and keep your innocence just just just say that you're a perfect place. Those of you do not give is well. You ve got some explaining today for those of you don't know, don't look it up and don't ask the sobs. I don't look it up, don't ask your doing everything right.
Just keep doing what you're doing don't change. I can see on the locals platforms level for the gills well, the most important thing is that somebody erase university for your dad and make hydrogen from plastic waste in some potentially economical way. Laissez, I feel like make fuel out of everything like somebody is good news. May fuel at a ceo to somebody else is making fuel from plastic waste. I feel like we're going to find a way to light.
turtle, literally everything is either a fuel or three d printing. Is there a reason we can't take all this waste plastic inserted into three d printing, just like she shovels into a three d printer and have it melt it and reuse it. I feel like that's the obvious thing to use to do. Well, it's all different kinds of plastics. So it's probably hard well so not done serve. President Biden decided to use gather your borrow a play from trump areas. come up with an insulting nickname for job. There were really like ugh you I, like the kill shot. I really take him down because he's seen trump do it. Trump has taken out opponents with just one good nickname, takes them right off the board. Yeah.
So abundant want to do that and he came up with a nickname for a trump here. the column, Donald hoover, trump dulled, hoover job, I've got a little. I dont like two usually given vice did Joe Biden ma, I'm gonna make an exception. If you're trying to win the youth vote, some would call it the tick tock low whoever references so close Near miss a near miss but nervous, didn't quite hit the demographic you're going for there what percentage of the american public even
Whoever was once a pause most much less, that there was job loss during hoover's administration. Five percent five preserve the country, even those that whoever was once a president and that there was job loss and of course, is a ridiculous comparison. Does the job was under? Tromp was pandemic related and the job growth under Biden was the end of the pandemic. related, so obvious you so So thoroughly asylum and corrupt is like Biden, is making the stupidest argument that he did a good job Jobs is the stupidest argument anybody ever made. oh well. He lost jobs
during the pandemic, yeah, ok and after the pandemic, some jobs came back or he all that's the best. He has think about the fact that the Democrats have to live with the concept. That Biden is the best champion. Do you ever watch that movie troy think it was called troy where brad pitt, plays this great warrior guy and he has to fight the other great warrior from the other team, and you know he goes out achilles was the achilles yeah he played ITALY's, so he was best warrior, so in one sees he plays the best
warrior from the other side and one on one. He beat them. I feel like the Democrats did not watch that movie because you're supposed to pick your best warrior. You pick your brad pitt. You send your brad pendant to battle. So then you have a chance. You don't want to pick your most informed brain dead guy, send them into battle, but that's what they're doing they literally picked the worst guy in the entire democratic party, the worst one, the biggest liar, the least the smart one and the most dishonest. I don't think they could have done a better job of picking a worse person. Well fetterman, but fetterman is actually smart.
When his brain is what sort of different I'd. So, as you know, president johnson, that try to anyone appointed taskforce to read the cases people whose eyes were unjustly prosecuted by the weapon eyes by the administration so he's as many wins. The election is going to appoint a special task force actually route review the cases of every political prisoner who's been unjust, be prosecuted by the Biden, administration in their pardons and on day. One well is that Canada, perfect.
So, do you see him making you think past the sale. So the sale is hey is biting musingly the government as a political weapon. So that's the question: is he doing that and tramples make? You think all the way past that to setting up a committee to fix it and to to address the injustices of the weapon eyes? Government, that's perfect, that is per the persuasion is just perfect. There's not there's. Not a single thing you can say is wrong with that. That is perfect. Do you know it's not perfect, but donald hoover drop yet not perfect,
that's less perfect yeah, but the commission to overturn all the weapon eyes prosecutions, that's perfect sport, Well, she's is on heavier that the gnome, is, Use of having a long the fair, with korea, Lewandowski, famous trump adviser. Now here s, the big news today, that's that's the big business centres. The question. As I said to her is there's only one in both of these people. Take it off the board. because Christie now was one of the people who is often spoken of ass, a vp back
and part of the four job and the apparent with stories as corey, who was allegedly having affair with her and that he pushing trunk to nominate yours vice president, now. I'm gonna, say Corey Lewandowski, I'm a little bit impressed I'm a little bit. Rest. Coyly Lewandowski created a situation where he was very close to being able to fuck the president of the united states and All I gotta say is: I mean literally connected. if Corey Lewandowski had succeeded in convincing trump to pick Christie nome, who it turns out there. Some relationship with
If she had waited the four years of trump's presidency and then let's say, did a good job and became the obvious choice to run for the office next you, can actually away occasionally be married to the president. And would presumably have a lot of influence over opinions as couples do. so corey Lewandowski actually ever play due to run the country. Like it here is actually he's got this close to taking over america with his penis. With his bathers one man almost conquered the united states with the penis. and I'm not even joking that actually happened- looks like there's nothing. Happen, but that is a hell and will try Corey Lewandowski,
I've never see the penis used in a way more effectively. Have you now look at the way was just compare. Let's just compare The the data that Lauren beaufort brought to the play his ears this was involved in those story. I guess you is allegedly groping is Now that was a that's a poor use of happiness. You followed me their support years now. One at the time, but there's no long term benefit that business use. Some people user appears to have children. That's a good news Long term planning, but korean lewd. Ass gay was using is cocked around too was run america through his wife. If she had been elected if they'd got married, if she became president, so I'm just impressed best use of the penis in in the long run,
I don't care if Christina had an affair and that. you know about the boy where I just assume everybody is It is a sort of everybody. somebody who looks sensational, lay attractive and they ve been married for thirty years and are also out there the time. The other traveller undersea in the world has a lot to expect that they're not having an affair. In the real world, it's almost a guarantee, so one thing, goodness, this is the only two. Stories in the news about people acting core into other people, sexually inappropriately. Oh except there's a story about brown facile bread brand is in the news.
But if I said enough about Christie, nome inquiry lewandowski There is a political implications. This who is next in line as a vp for trump. If Christie nome is off the list, go you tell me, you would be next than list. I'm seeing carry lake I'm seeing vague Says he's not running for a baby, I'm saying terms, god, I'm seeing said sir Sanders now will be off cape junior, so here's my take it won't, be carry lake because she's carry leg. I don't think she's strong enough. I don't. I don't think
it gives trump enough carry lake would look like a politically correct pick. Kerry lake would look like she was picked because she was a woman and she would she was done a winner. She's, not a winner. So if she had won an election and then did a good job, she might be a candidate. But at the moment is kind of somebody lost and I don't think she's exactly the personality. That john needs is not exactly the right personality cause she's gotta She's got a tough personality that I think would be great for running for president. If he asked we wish to make a good president, maybe g jazz, very leadership iii.
If I tour, but as a vice president, to someone who's also a strong personality. I dunno just there there's something about the chemistry that doesn't feel right to me. So it's just a feeling, but I just don't think they would have it's just my guess, because, obviously I don't know Kari lake in person. I wouldn't know what she's like in person, but I just don't feel like it's. The right fit. They're they're, both a little too bold in in sort of too similar away Let's talk about. Others tulsi tulsi has he's, got lovers, nadir, so she's a little polarizing, who picks hu, the republicans, would love and would be act like a sword when tromp gets elected. Who would be the biggest so
lord personal, go artist at the weapon ice government. I don't think it. marjorie taylor green. Has the support Sarah could be sanders and she would have to be considered. I in the mix, Because, in my opinion, Sarah be centres would not look like a stunt higher. Such a measure would look like she's a serious candidate and was hired for qualifications. Will you agree, don't think anybody would say those heard how copies anders would be back if she were back. I should be obviously disqualified should be a good thing. About dissenters, undue, say now, and
vague, says: he's not ready for a baby young kim. It interesting, but I think you my hold out for president. I dont know if you'd want to serve, as vice president. if we are to go from governor to vice president would cause. Winners gather the sort of the top, and then you vice president sort of the bottom saw the sort of hard hard road what how often have we seen governors be vps. Historically, this balance weight. expense acting governor. Whenever there was a once the governor, he was once a governor. He wasn't acting governor right. He was alright. Well, okay, I guess I don't know he was actually
Okay, alright. What do you think of mac gates? What are you thinking, Matt gates as a vp pick for trump or just look at your comments? Are too polarizing, so he's too boring. He's too boring he's, definitely not boring or here's what I think. I think that the best vp pick for trump would be somebody who is unambiguously pro trump and always has been,
that eliminates anybody who's ever been a Democrat. I think, and I think he would not new stunt casting like pick up a black person just to pick a black person that doesn't feel like his his vibe. I think he would pick whoever he thought would work the best. Are they met gave says to me in the top three prisoners here. We go the hardest on the system, so It is already proven that he can go the hardest, even on other republicans is going after mccarthy watching watching gates go after mccarthy and going after everything really suggests. He is the pit bull that somebody like trump is going to need. Cause is if trump gets elected, he's going to have to clean house is going to have to be vicious
We have to fire just about everybody and say these somebody use whose on board for that and look at em lip but no one of the reasons I like music young? Should you not prevail us as a candidate. The reason. I would like to see him as a is that nobody, nobody would think that that's just arresting spot. I mean you would be like an active vp because you wouldn't wasted, So I was like AL gore as the active partner bill Clinton because they were roughly similar. If abilities, and really really thought you got two for one in that case and
so you need something like a vague or a mat gates to add that, like super, I communication skill with young enough and tough enough and aggressive enough. They think they can go like something about because you conversion pudding, somebody like a vague or somebody like a mad gates in charge of border security. You saw what happened. What comma was in charge of border security? Nothing right. but imagine if you put either a vague or a maggots, something would happen. I wouldn't be nothin. Probably something will happen so I'll, say again. The vague is running for president, not vice president. I still endorsing about jobs, a big old moby, dick in the way A thing
Go to the way the bowling say. I suspect the ape would not want the vp job because he sounds like he really means it and of course people always will say that, but he sounds like he means it. And there wouldn't be that many choices because being trumps view a sort of all in job. When we say this way, comes rebate would be all in, because you'd have to fire way to the presidency through all kinds of trouble. So I mean is the most is the most risky job in the world is to be as weepy didn't work out. Repents tour.
Yeah, I don't think TIM Scott, tombs, costumes too gentle, I'm seeing the the suggestion that he would be a good balance for trump, because trump is kinda scary. But TIM Scott would know, he's he's more of a teddy bear, but I think that's why he would not be the right choice. I feel like trump would pick somebody young and somebody who is just a sword. I think he's going to pick somebody who's just a weapon That's I think that feels more and is Larry elders. How old is larry older? I just don't know that a vp should be above a certain age I wouldn't go beyond the sixties for a baby and outward young sixties as the color,
probably because you want somebody who can do twelve years run, you want your somebody who do trouble. For years, plus eight of their own in a perfect world, if you're republican, hello, this is god atoms and now your chance to reply to questions hot, takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite pod guessers unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so late. Your voice be heard personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so that over two spotify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punkahs, and view the latest episodes and respond to q and a and bowls unspent.
If I only the alright and so Russell brand has announced that there are some big hit pieces coming to him, he doesn't he is now Think about what he's gonna be accused of, but he's seen the list. He says there are some crimes on there and probably in the meeting realm were guessing. That would be the obvious guests. But he says yes, he was a womanizer, but absolutely did nothing illegal blah blah blah now does a seem to you. A big old coincidence thereof. Brand would be taken off the board. If that's what's gonna happen, does order if you like we're in the season as I've been telling you for a while, where everybody is effective, is being is being removed.
What do Russell brand tucker karlsson. Christy, known korea, Lewandowski or junior K, junior will talk about him and me haven't come what all of a sudden common there's something very specifically having common. Besides being cancelled, The debate is we have in common. Is there were good communicators with a certain point of view? The the most effective communicators are being taken off them It seems very direct. It feels like a war feels like ukraine, verses, russia,.
where the ukrainians aren't just targeting like just masses of troops, they're looking for choke points, they're looking to attack, you know like a weapons depot or where a bridge to get all the choke points, and it feels like the you know. Anybody who might someday support a republican he is being targeted to take off the board, but it looks like they're doing it in the order of the most. Let's say, the clearest communicators is what it looks like. Yes, I do So I would say that the odds of the accusations against Russell branding- true are another. I probably another. I there's gonna be context missing and everything else
but well see we don't wanna without want to don't wanna disco, any serious accusations. Don't wanna, I don't want to say that any accuser is lying, but if you are just that but the situation from thirty thousand feet. political season? It's a really big coincidence. There's somebody like Russell brand is is a target, The seems organised it's coming from two different outlets, it looks like you're is clearly just being targeted and keep an eye on. This I would say that, under the situation, there is a person to target a wooden, necessarily justly accusations. Alright to junior was at an event in which heavily. Armed man who is posing ass his own,
the guard, his security is guaranteed. Not his bodyguard was arrested. So you Tended to be our of K, juniors security, he was heavily armed and they don t yet know why he was there. That's right, you actually had a fake badge, but the real police somehow got him in a wrestling with it without ruggles so obviously or of gay junior, is concerned that he, unlike obama, who had full security, even though he was a minor candidate when he started there, but because of a special situation, which is, he was a black man running for president, He got security early hour of gay junior. Also asked for special consideration is he's kennedy. You know he's got some mystery there, but he was refutes users.
Was security: does it seem that the Democrats want to kill him it does or or allow him to be killed? So it's probably exactly what it looks like, but I'd wait to hear what the arrested person says. It's entirely possible that the person who got arrested is going to say something like I was protecting him like. I thought there was a risk and I was going to pretend to be the Security in case I was needed, he going to say something like that. What he's not going to say is, I was pretending to be security, so I could assassinate him is not going to say that. so I'd wait to see what the story says. I turn now he's got a history of posting supporters. Things of our of so this one
this one's a wait and see, but if you think you should be concerned about it because he could get that far because there was not a security and yeah I'd be really concerned about it. if you're not seeing the pattern yet well, according to vary Johnson and I'll just review his tweet cause. He says it so well on twitter, Betty Johnson, that you should be fine. I am one of the f b. I originally released the f D, ten, twenty three, that's a form which they've done some investigation and wrote down some things they found in the investigation. First, they said that form didn't exist, said does exist, but then they rejected the fact that they have audio recordings of Joe Biden. They rejected that We didn't know what was beneath the reductions until centred verger crossly came forth. Reveal that are
seventeen audio recordings of biden, bribes. Now I think it's early to say that their biden, bribes, to think that's getting ahead of us. These are clear: seems that people have heard of them. I'm not I'm not ready to say that if I heard them it would sound like a bribed my ears in my more sound like the mafia talk, I was the weather. The weather in ukraine is really good good, good good as the weather in washington, good, good, good of muggy yeah, how you doing yeah and then The money is exchanged. So I wouldn't be surprised at the cells like that. If we were to hear it, but they claim according to Betty Johnson, the claim is fifteen recordings of phone calls with foreign nationals featuring hunter Biden,
Now that alone you'd have to hear the details, but just the fact that he talked of foreign nationals would not be illegal. But they're, allegedly to recordings of phone calls between foreign nationals and Joe Biden that at least chuck grassley thinks are evidence of bribes. I would that's a wait and see. I would not trust chuck grassley to interpret this for you. I think you need to wait here so where are these recordings and when will they be released as benny ass were. There is a real. Do you think that, genuinely seventeen recordings that are damning. Because our now say these are the only recordings of everything this ever happened. only these seventeen recordings go to school. Thing, that was close enough. This
I criminal they get it got written up on the right down. If it sounds, criminal form We got a forum for writing down stuff that is close enough to being criminal need to write it there and there only seventeen phone calls? Presumably there were lots of calls. Labels made Seventeen they thought were targeted, specific enough to what they were riding on this form of bad behaviour, that they had to be called down. Especial Well, wouldn't you like to hear those? Yes, she would. I wonder if Grassley has been trying to get him and can't which would make the most sense is trying to get them and can do you think there'll be erased jobs herbs, we lost them. Where did you lose them or therewith, hunters garden and his diamond and there's laptops? We lose
two things all whenever hunters involve or losing stuff like crazy? We can't find our diamond. our guns or laptops or audio recordings? I think he's gonna. Go that way. Hopes lost. Well, you know if you ve been listening to me for awhile you'd, say to yourself scott. No, you did not want Joe Biden to be running in this race. Is you don't want Joe Biden to be your president, to which I'd say well, I've softened and that little bit now that now the button is so obviously gone. We reach the point where, you can't really debated anymore. Am I right and for all the fucking assholes who told me, the Biden was just fine and there was no reason he couldn't last four years? Do you owe me a fucking apology? At first,
day, one they use to old, and this was too much a risk for the country because I thought he look like you be exactly worry, is before the election. it looked like all. You have to do. A straight line is decline and we would be exactly where we are exactly right now, who sides me. A lot of you said the same thing right, but who will be I mean these a fucking apology. I do. I need a fuckin apology. For anybody who thought that was unreasonable. That was not unreasonable, so I like to be right. But here's what I like I'd like Joe Biden to win the nomination- and I would like to spend months and months and months watching him decompose in front of the fuckin assholes who thought this was a good idea.
Tend to watch him turn into moss right in front of us, while trump strolls into the capital build. It scrolls into the oval office with his sword. We will be, as vice president, whoever that is and watch them just decapitate, all the motherfuckers who need to go decapitate, not physically, because we don't like violence, I'm talking about firing, people and in the house and stuff like this, and I want the entire democratic party for months to know. What's coming, I don't want any surprises. I want them to watch their candidate. Who they are doing exactly what we said he was gonna, do decompose and embarrassing fuck out of the country. I want our country to be so embarrassed by election day, that you can barely show your eyes. That's what I want I was used to think
you you're gonna be good if binding is not even a choice. But since there is now no chance you can win my right. We're we're way beyond the point where he hasn't chance of winning unless, unless they cheese so massively that do you can't get away with it. So I've got a feeling that the real decision is cabernet cheese enough to push him across the finish line, and I don't think they can I don't think it would be possible to cheat that much and not get caught in a weird pandemic election, where nobody knows what the baseline shouldn't look like, because the rules change for the pandemic and yet then trump as a rule, change as well. if everything's different, you can kind of get away with. You know if it happened, I'm not saying that. There's no evidence that the election was rigged, that I'm aware of, but if they did
is all hypothetical you could maybe get away with some. You know small change in a few precincts, but if you had to do something, big is the only way you can win. Well, it's done it's going to be obvious going to be. So yes, I won Joe Biden to run cause. We are beyond the point where there is any question whatsoever of whether he can win. He can't it's completely over. There is no way not a single way. The Joe Biden can win the presidency again disabled here that this is as up to zero is literally Zira. They're gonna run. If the candidate was zero chance, if things go the way they're going now, obviously the Democrats are going to scramble like crazy to try to claw him out of there before the nomination.
but at this point they are running a candidate who actually has no chance of winning. None he's going to be is going to be hooked up to tubes before election day. I mean this is just completely gone So I'm down for the the show was just have some fun watching trump trump do his thing for several months and have our laughs. then he's gone. We knew a report that that I guess he'll button, it was a big supporter of randy one garden and the teachers unions promised together in their the first day the joe was elected, and she did and. Apparently randy, one gardens preferences about kids return to school. Were the ones that change the administrations point of view
so she was in charge of whether children go to school because she swayed the government. Now that's been reported. I wonder if that would have been reported before the Democrats wanted by them to be gone so yeah rarely Weingarten seems to be behind most of the problems in the country most of the problems in the country, because I think she is the biggest thing behind systemic racism, yeah the school systems too bad and she's keeping a stable for the benefit of the teachers. I guess so, while I edited the the piece that talks about her in a way that I would think, would
the super flattering is a writer for who you just got a book out. Franklin foer, but I guess he writes for the atlantic now, the atlantic. If you didn't know his super democrat. Would a super democrat or somebody associated with a super democrat entity. Right, a unflattering piece about the power of the tissues jean unless Joe Biden was no longer the favourite president of Democrats I feel, like I feel, like every member of the media, has some kind of listen orders that now they can start poking anything this binding related. They concern spoke about. It
Alright, apparently the tiktok army. You know the Democrats, tiktok army, of influencers, that they pay three quarters of their funding, comes from george soros. Are there any paid people on the x? Are there influencers who are paid an extra, or is it only a tiktok thing, and why wouldn't they do it on the other platform, So there are paid influencers and acts. Do you think there should be a law that, if you're a paid influence you you should have to disclose, should you have to disclose if european influence, I think you should Every everything else, with contributions, ass to be disclosed right, stand And is there any? Are there? Are these disclose or, as our we know, maybe they are disclosed. Maybe that's how we know about them
or less somewhere that lists them, so it's all legal I would define an influencer as someone who is specifically taking money to be an influencer, so thus have money involved. They deny do that. Who has standards yeah the crash scenes? Are they paid at this point? I dunno dunno anything about that, but here's my question: why do we call it ticked up this so called tiktok army of influencers paid by george soros? Why do we call them influencers instead of traders? Are they actually just traders If you're taking money to influence politics and the reason you're influencing them is because you took the money, I would say, you're a traitor and it wouldn't matter if you were supporting trump or somebody else
It doesn't matter who they who they're influencing yes, they're taking money. To pretend to have an opinion to influence people. That's not what the united states is. United states is a? U better shows your work. You can say anything you want. As long as you say, it's a political ad right, that's the standard I have an ad that has a whole bunch of lies in it, but it just has to be labeled a political ad who paid for it. So I think that there should be a law that whenever one of these influencers does that, does it real that they have to put at the bottom or maybe the system does. That is a paid political ad paid political ad yeah. But to me it's a traitorous, it's traitorous to pretend that you're
in opinion when you paid to have the opinion, goes. That's that's directly! That's directly going against the system. That's not just trying to get somebody elected as trying to destroy the system and that's traitorous, so I would call them tiktok traitors. In my opinion, I would also like to know which ones they were so that whenever they tiktok somebody can go in and call them traitors. I wonder: do people do that already or do they block those? Is there a way to block on tiktok, or does somebody go in the t? T t is tiktok traitors. They do they do have blocking or they do have guns they do a blocking. Well, there should be somebody labeling, o them all exactly what they are. insensible news, which I never believe I think gold news well sentinels bullshit?
but the son of imprisoned mexican drug lord l job, oh, who I guess the sun is took over the fence in all trade. he was extradited to the united states on friday to face sentinel travelling charges and a boost for the bite administration pushed to curb the spread of deadly opium. The binding administration does not want to stop the spread of deadly opiates. Clearly they don't want to do that you, wouldn't you another everybody just streaming Furthermore, if you wanted to stop sensible, although I dont think border security is how you stop it, but the one small tool. Here's something I forgot the same guy, that's being extradited the sun adele turbo. He was. if really arrested in northern city was briefly arrested in mexico once before in twenty nineteen. But do you know you
He was released. Do you know chapel son, who clearly is running the cartel. Do you know you is released? The president release them to avoid bloodshed, because the car telescope violence violent about. They let him go because the cartels made them. Let them go. That's a real thing. The president of the country, let the head of the cartel, go because the cartel told them to and got really violent wow That tells you everything you need to know. So I don't think we understand all the details. behind how this guy could get picked up, but what changed wooden when the cartels now your violent again. So why was he successfully extradited and
prison this time, something changed so there's something that changed probably had to do something with a cartel leadership. Maybe there was a different later for the cartel remain indifferent, If your number two at the cartel and he went to the cia, whoever you can get to you said I ll make you deal If you could get rid of number one I'll be running after all, but I won't do sentinel anymore I'll- do everything I was doing before, but no fentanyl. You just have to get rid of my my competition. I mean it feels like there's some kind of deal. Doesn't it like there's some part of this. You don't know about that. Would really explain. Explain what's going on here, the mouse was the most violent. Is that what he's called the mouse
anyway. Jonathan thoroughly writes a big thread, if charley were not working and explain it goes stuff? I don't think I would understand any of it. He does by far the best job of breaking down. You know what happened and then why that matters just the best communicator anyway. He talks. He tells us that the jack smith, one of trump's many prosecutors laid on friday do things laid on fridays? Are the news doesn't pick it up? You filed a sweeping motion to seek a guy egg order on trump, so the trump would not talk about either the witnesses or the authorities. In the case.
You said it would narrowly Terrell tailored. So it's not that he can't talk is in general. Is he can't talk about individuals in the case, and that would stop him from talking about the most important part of the election while he's running for election, so as a gag order, they would stop the presumptive next. President, from free speech on a topic, That is central to his campaign. It's unbelievable that this is a real thing that really happened in the united states, so I would suggest the following: he should jump should, flagrantly violated this and see what happens? It's easy for me to say right: do you think they were jail? What would they do.
Would they put him in jail or what and how long would you go to jail like a day? What what so it would be contempt right would be some kind of contempt thing, but wouldn't they wouldn't they arguing to the supreme court and they say hey. You know I get why this exists. I get why there are gag orders, but in the context of running for the states presidency and in the context where the thing you have the gang order on is probably these central question of the of the race which is the weapon I s, government the weapon eyes. Government is the number one issue in the race, in my opinion, in my open, so number one issue. So if he were to push on that
and yeah they they acted on it. Wouldn't it immediately go to the supreme court, because it's a free speech of a presidential candidate that it'll go straight to the supreme court right I mean it has to go through steps, but I feel, like you, wouldn't go to jail for doing it despite another president and pardon himself. You know the moment the moment. The trump looks like he's going to become president like when everybody is you're. All all that controls we're off, because the moment he is sure he is going to be president, he can just pardon himself for anything. He says after that. Am I wrong niobium, or would it be a state charge, not a federal charge? I always get. I always get confused. What is estate charge and what is a federal charge, these wiring, you may see him get a lot more free speech, but
the following question about exactly what is illegal, so trump himself, Would be barred from crap talking witnesses and the lawyers, but suppose you eat on somebody was, is designated crap talker like I would volunteer, for example, they will be used as inadequate. And then he suddenly a secret message and say, say that Jack Psmith, as a messy beard, is messy beard and that all go on say. you know. I I don't know a president trump is thinking, but I think he's thinking the jack smith as a messy beard, and if I were him I would come up with a nickname of jack messy beer.
Smith, and then everybody would say way. Thus trump saying that, and I would say no, it is not far from private conversations is, is barred from a private research can we not say the millennia I dont like their prosecutor. It doesn't work that way right. It's only is public. Its public state So if you were to privately say too, Don junior who private He told me just make something up here. Could I not say exactly what trump would have said, because I would now and then decide, and could I not get thousands of other republicans to say at the same way in their own words. Now, if I quoted him And it was unknown relationship that I wouldn't,
Jim. That would violate the gag order because he just be using somebody else's voice, but if you were to simply explain what areas he thought needed, criticism and explain it. in the way that I could put it into my own words without be illegal. suppose. I simply was aware of his thoughts because he told me could I not put in my own words what I thought about somebody's private thoughts? I dunno well hearsay. I don't think heresy applies. A sloppy smith were sniffy. Sniffy smith is an old reference old comic reference If you enjoyed prison, you could do it. How am I gonna prison for putting my
opinion out there that just happened to match the presence or the potential future brazen he's he's gotta scruffy beard, it's a message. There's a lot of soup and that beard is all I'm saying, column, soup, beard you, you never see him the same. If you call them soup beard, because you would always just imagine their soup and his beard soup beer, it does a roll off. The top. Does soup beard those worse than that? No sound good together a soup beard was a kind of soup, a chowder chowder beard.
so, who is willing and looks like they're gonna win more so test. Does not have unionized workers. I think think tesla pays them more than the union pays The union's for the other car makers are asking for fairly us essential raises, which would make it even harder for them to make money. Compare to tesla. Meanwhile, I didn't know this until today, but back in march. Setting the a plan to read use the manufacturing costs on the tesla by fifty percent musk thinks he can reduce the cost of manufacturing tesla by fifty percent. mostly through automation? So here is building robots, so he's a robot maker.
If you're a robot maker, the odds of you doing the job automating your car manufacturing is burning it pretty pretty good. so did you do that you think even reduces manufacturing costs by fifty percent That would that would be a hell of an ask. You know in the asked what he has given objectives of. What he plans to accomplish is actually exceeded them. Is, is dumb things earlier them. He said you do them, so I think you can't do this actually so it does suggest that the other car makers urges absolutely screwed. I believe you saw the viral video of two guy in vegas, murdering a guy in a bicycle for fun. They just run him down for fun. I believe you saw that so it's on the social media today,
and there the two guys in the car chatting away looks like I guess the stolen car masks and they They hear the car, on the highway to hit and run and then they say a guy to a bicycle up ahead and they say: should we hit them and they decided to just hit him and I think he killed them. And it turns out. He was retired police chief, retired police chief made it all the way through the police chafing and there were killed by two criminals will just writings bike. now. There may be a racial element of this story, but I'm not going to talk about it. Because every time we fall for the the racial narrative we get, we pulled into the wrong place
And I would rather have the narrative that there there were two individuals who should be dead and that's the whole story. There's just two people who are just the worst human beings, but as you get it enter the individual range, then you're you're in there trap your fallen into the trap. So I'm just not going to talk about things as the average this vs the average that, because I know what you want to do is put some graphs on social media saying the average of this group is worse. which this group? But there aren't any average people? So I dont know these two people. But I know they're not average black people there very much not another, There are very individual, terrible people who, I think should be killed illegally.
Were or illegally by the family of the people. They killed I'll, be fine with me too, but ill. It looked like a hit, except they didn't know with the guy. I don't think so. I'm not going like it's a some kind of. the signal of all things: racial, it's a signal that there's two very, very bad people who did a very bad thing and I hope the worst possible outcome for them. So Yes, so others of s words, the media outrage, The answer is that the personal guy hit was a white man. Nobody really cares when the white man is murdered, do that was last of which is, as anybody ever cared when a white manga murder. I can't think of a single time.
can you name any time anybody cared about awake person being merit, murdered a white man? Why women? Yes, but why man Jesus? well, I'm not sure we're calling Jesus, not a person of color. I think Jesus might have been browner than you, but I dunno lincoln, lincoln, lincoln or jfk jfk, but
Jfk wasn't killed for racial reasons. Obviously, as far as every other case, where there was a outcry based on racial reasons, when a white man was killed, I've never heard of one. So, let's, let's stop pretending that that society cares about the death of white men because they very much don't lincoln was shot for racial reasons. By a Democrat, you're saying, I accept that who persons a video- that's a good question, Why is it that anybody have access to the video because just taken answer on the perpetrators own phone, I think. Oh the guys. I kyle rittenhouse shot you're right, yeah,
so as long as the perpetrators were pedophiles and democratic criminals than there is an outcry- that's true others, south rich, but that wasn't necessarily racial you're related to John will smooth about that. Well, that, ladies and gentlemen, is all we want to talk about today. Stretch feels
Am I looking at your comments to see if I missed anything interesting, please fix the locals dot com. What's wrong with it locals is working fine at the moment. So by every year- oh, I am so. Let me give you some advice, muslim advice, so there are three things that we hear a good doctor Andrew who, talks about this at least over them. So one of them is, he says, make sure you stand in the sun before ten. I am getting a little son before telling The other one is breathing. You know the two in here. So the nose followed by one exhale,
The third one is grounding. Now don't know that he talks about grounding, but young people do. The grounding is the idea of you stand barefoot and outside in the dirt that I dunno some kind of thing that happens. What is it that happens when you stand in the dirt of the grass? He has some kind of ionization know your electrical system. groundwater is only ever so. Here's what I did yesterday I walk. I walked in my friend. Before tat, I am I stood on my grass in the sun did my breathing did all three. At the same time,. So you, the sun, the breathing understanding in the grass. At the same time it was. It was the best use of time, and I swear that maybe
It is three minutes of that and I was actually a good mood all day. Now, I'm going to try it again because I don't know if it is, coincidence, but I was actually in a real good mood all day. Long with that. So do this three barefoot in the grass Do there to inhale, so you knows followed by the one long exhale, that's the ribbon method, He also tells you to get in the sun before ten am so just do all three two minutes of the best health adjustment you could ever have and drink some coffee. All right, that's all I got for you today. I'm going to go, do some other stuff and thanks for joining youtube. You've been amazing, see you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-18.