« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2232 Scott Adams: I'm Glad We Finally Have A President Who Never Lies. Phew!

2023-09-15 | 🔗

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Politics, Vibrating Strings Matter, The Simulation, Physically Threatened Republicans, MTG, Non-Violent National Divorce, Republican Safe Spaces, Fulton County Trump, Trump Primary Lead, Political Prisoners, President Trump, President Biden, Vivek Ramaswamy, Deep State, Fine People HOAX, Hunter Biden Charges, War-Crazy America, Pearl Davis, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Of love, but oh good morning, everybody welcome come to coffee was got. Arms is the best things. Arabin do, I believe, and, if I said I didn't have any technical difficulties this morning, but I believe we have conquered the ball conquer them all and if you'd like take your experience and yours, I've got the twin lies stream behind me. What are you doing, on twitter live watcher. From my point of view, so they're watching the screens same as I've from the side If you like your experience to go up to levels that have never been possible before all you need, is a cup or mug or glass tank or jealous as time again to jug or flask a vessel of any kind, fill it with your favorite, listen like coffee,
jointly now on parallel pleasure. The dope the day in the thing makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous, but it happens now go good stuff shall we see was in the news today, good stuff. Alright, well the news today, let's say: there's a new breakthrough battery charging at the pause tech wherever that is. Maybe it's in korea measure this phd candidate song who can come up with a technology that will charge. You're electric car and six minutes without that change. Just about everything that just a few charger electric car six minutes
and apparently can charge it too. One and a half times more than the theoretical limit so can charge it more than the theoretical limit of the battery itself. Will this ever turn into a practical technology? Well, I doubt it there's nothing ever does or few things ever turned into practical technologies, but would that change everything. once again. This is one of those. Do you think they included this breakthrough when they did the climate models we got that hundred year projection. Do you think they knew that charging an electric car in six minutes well ordered off. We well, but I like to start with optimism. I like to start they show, with whatever makes you feel good. Even if it's not true. but you're wondering how they do it and I can explain it very easily. Its is pretty much just
forward. Galvanic replacement. Dr process, I mean, if you didn't see that I don't know what's wrong with you, and looks like the ets is based please just another method to synthesize bag, these four nights as anode material, because as known, superior lithium. I unstarched capacity and pharaoh magnetic properties and unknown. If you already knew that so this review, but for the new people. here's something to wake up your mind in the morning. You already know that the past doesn't exist, I mean it did exist, but it doesn't just now it sort of imaginary, and we know that a future as an app. Yet so that's imaginary. But what about the present
this we have the present right. We ve got your particles and you got your ear corks in your laptop and all that stuff. That makes up our reality. You ever wonder what that stuff was made of Why what are the building blocks of reality actually made of? Well, the scientist, many them say, strings vibrating strings, which begs another question: What exactly is a greg the string made of dignity, official scientific answer- for what the strings are made of that are vibrate? re all the matter. In the universe, from the smallest of the biggest there made have nothing there made of nothing not matter, Not energy, don't say energy, because I know you're gonna say energy, no, not matter really, nothing
it seems more likely that is made of something and they don't know what it is, then nothing. But if ever there You saw a better argument fairly, the twin moves everytime, I move with my microphone. I found the only way to fuck this up by putting it on a lazy susan. Let me fix this sorry guys. I found the only way to actually make this not work to put it on a lazy susan. Let's get rid of that witnessing susan, give you a little stability. I know you deserve it there we go. You stay right there. But, as I say, the passes resists, the future doesn't exist and, according to scientists, the present is created out of nothing.
Now, if that doesn't tell you that were simulation, what's it going to take what would forward today If we're made out of nothing in there's no bassa, though future, what else has buzz euros at once. Just leave that, if you think about now, Yes, aggression is people who saw me in the man gave last night. I had a theory about the big bang. Should I say it again today, if you were there last night or were you really high added just sounded good last night? Yes, yes, I'd like to highlight two women: the prize in science right now,. I give you my new theory of the big bang ready You know there are some recent studies or reason. Discoveries. There's a galaxy, or do they don't make sense if the big bang was really the big bang?
So how do you explain that everything came out of this singularity? The big bang If something galaxies that are in the wrong time that they just don't fit with the theory, well, here's my man cave theory, and sometimes you have to spend a few hours in the man cave before any of this makes sense. You ready for this. Maybe it wasn't a case of everything being the singularity. Maybe there was a pen whole opening between dimensions, and all that happened is that all the matter and the other dimension went through the whole spread. From the other side, and that became our universe and maybe, after our universe, reaches its say, final form and then search shrinking back because gravity.
then it might shrink and go right through another hole into another dimension. Maybe black holes or those pin pricks starting to form and if one of them actually forms the entire universe we suck through it into the next dimension and will be dead, but It would be exciting to know that that's what's happening, so the only thing I'm going to add is if you want to explain why those weird galaxies are there that don't make sense with the big bang. Maybe it will, there was no bang at all. Maybe it was just stuff streaming through a hole and- I feel dingle berries left and the few dingle berries that came in you know, sort of after or before just look like they're a different time because of the way they came through the whole nobel prize. What do you think? Does anybody like the tiny pinprick from the other dimension idea? Well, apparently, you had to be in the band.
If we had to make any sense, it does explained the weird galaxy, so it could be just sat the entire. Universe was second from another dimension. Maybe. I rasmussen: does bowling about the trump situation. Legal problems in georgia fifties expert and a likely georgia. Voters believe that it is likely that tromp is being unfairly prosecuted by prosecutor willis these six percent? Now? Is that? Because there are more republicans in georgia, is a really just telling us that there are more republicans now, because you think that trump, when one of them
We're republicans well aware they ask that question, but here's what was more interesting, what percentage? Now, if you ve, never seen this viewers? Yours are you going to see something amazing right now, I'm going to ask the people and locals a question. They couldn't possibly know the answer to and watch how close they get. They won't be exact. They might be off by like three points. Probably you may be off by three points, but let's see Lucio closely get to this question. Alright,. You think you're cory's, erasmus and Paul. What percentage of likely voters think that trumps prosecution is very likely to be and to be How many say that an unfair prosecution is very unlikely that you say that
there are getting a ripe, the smartest people? This amazing is about twenty. Eight percent say that an unfair prosecution of job is very lifelike man, may I do my most mocking impression of somebody without opinion. What are the chances that there's something suspicious going on in politics, something suspicions of politics? Well, let me take a sarcastic sip until you very unlikely above the bullet in georgia and georgia model is very unlikely. Super A likely very likely I don't know how you could even asked the question so unlikely
as a clarification, marjorie taylor, green mtg, as I like the color little spit ball of an inexplicable sex appeal. I've asked this question war, but for some reason she is she's a she's unusually sexy. I dunno what it is exactly I mean it's not just looks, but she has. She has a way about her. Now I get I get that if your politics are different you're seeing a completely differently, I get it. Everybody has their own thing. But when she talks about the quote national divorce, she clarifies issues not talking about some kind of violence, she's, not talking about a revolution,
and not even talking about breaking up the country, but maybe just making sure that there is a place for Republicans devil, safe space is basically safe spaces. For republicans, how many republicans thank you need a safe space. I do. I do. I think that is actually andrews live among Democrats because they have them. They ve been weapon eyes to the point where there actually dangerous. You I say about Democrats should get the fuck away from just get the fuck away from all democrats. Are you can process on your own? Let's see what else is going on, it looks like trump is. Definitely in framed unfold in county at preliminary evidence appears that has just been framed. Looks really.
here's? What the prosecutors used of doing by the defence. Wanted a thing is a defence for maybe someday powers. Little are clear on this. Apparently there some exculpatory darkened scope, but carry exculpatory. There are some documents that would show that things are not the way there being charged. Some documents who chosen innocence and apparently the prosecution has been asked for said documents fairly specifically, because it was some cnn reporting that such documents existence would change entirely than
It's really the case and no response, no response, so the defense can't get normal documents that you would normally requested normally get in a normal trial, they're just not giving them to him. So I'm pretty sure that if that's, if that's the case, if these documents exist- and they didn't give them to them- then that's all you would need to know to know it's not. You know a legitimate how the fuck did that just happen, oh my god or spare. Well, this is never said, would work so I'm taking the microphone off so you're not going to be able to hear it as well everytime. I turn with a microphone on the camera changes. So looking at the back of my chair I told you the technical problems. They think they re that bad.
so anyway, it looks like you're transmitting frame. This is an amazing. Apparently these documents go directly to the rico nature of the case, so would got the rico part that would that look makes it look like an organised way. They just don't give the documents now, who knows if it's the claims of the defence are true, we wouldn't we wouldn't just automatically assume the defence. Is telling the truth Some to watch well, trump is reached. At least one ball. Sixty percent support in the G opium primary, as byron york, pointed out. Really I do understand how, in a crowded primary the the most the most disk raised presidential candidate of all time, if you believe in the narratives could be at such a common,
Let me just a ridiculously I'm going up and dissenters continues to fall. And some people ask well what could possibly be behind this revenge revenge You know I've wanted to say it out loud but damage our revenge. I mean I've. I've had some pushed back from the Democrats. She might you might have noticed. You may have noticed it. They destroyed my entire career. Now they would say I did it, but it should be noted that no republicans gasoline me none. It was just advocates and I would say that the country I would say that the republic
feel literally threatened. I was afraid I'll say threatened because they are. Everything we've seen suggests that the speech that Biden is going to make it a few weeks. You know, Biden is going to talk about the big threat to the country. Do you have any fucking doubt what that big threat will be? It's going to be republicans. Yeah he to call them mega extremists and white supremacists, but he's just talking about white men, basically he's talking about Politics is not even talk about why weapon. Is why women are either side is basically say that white men are the biggest threat to the country, You know he is going to say that right, he's not going to come out and say well he's going to say climate change. I suppose. But but you know it's a political thing, so it's more about the white survivors than the beggar yeah. Anybody who is doing that. I see as a potential hitler like person.
who's a physical threat to me, I believe that I believe Biden is a physical security threat me personally, Just as somebody who is not on his side, so am I gonna vote to reduce my physical threat. Absolutely. Would I bother to vote if I thought I was just going to get the candidate of my choice problem but not for sure. If I had something else to do, and I thought I knew which way the election was gonna go anyway. Why does he that day so I all other people vote, but if you tell me that I'm physically threatened I am and that I have a risk of jail, which I think I do just by being politically active. Does nothing to do with any actual crimes.
Yes, not only am I going to vote, but I'm going to make really fucking sure that you do let me very say, was different. This year. you not all republicans are was a motivated, rather not all, watching the news every day, like some of us, but those who are watching the news every day hears us That arose again about picking up in any kind of coal you're, not gonna, let you of your neighbor not load. If the, if there's a republican, you know that you even have a whiff that they might not make it on election day, you're going to be pushing them pretty hard because, as your physical security risk, you're actually a nature. Now I didn't create this isn't Biden did by labeling you. The huge portion of the country, white, supremacist and I'm sure I'm thrown in that category. So I'm fighting for my actual
security and life, and that of my neighbors. So this is, some normal action? This is self defense is literally self defence if you think your voting like some normal election, nothing like that, This is literally voting for your life, because something evil at a level. I've never seen before now, of course, this widened elected because they made drums? I'm so dangerous. They devote to save your life and democratic, showed up to save their lives, do you think Democrats regular think that voting for Biden will save their lives, not a chance, everybody can see these degraded at this point in the voting for binding, gives more chance of a nuclear war with russia and who knows what else? Who knows, but as it is a super dangerous situation
We know that the border would stay open and millions of people will scream over that. We know now. We know that there is no doubt about that. That's not something at a wonder. If bindings present will there be continued open borders. Obviously, obviously us there is no question, but that so remember I told you, the most predictive factor is fear. Fear is the persuasion that it's all persuasion. Because until you get into your fear, you're not work on the other problem. On free life, first save yourself and then maybe you can worry about others. But we don't normally have able, where the the voters actually think they're endanger. But the Democrats convinced some some portion of the country that.
Tromp was that danger now one of the things that happened. What am I a better predictions was at the longer trump is out of office. The the more popular you would yup, because the longer he is gone, the hyperbole about him starts to wear off and then you're just left with what actually happened, and then you can compare it to what actually happened with and then you ve got something more objective have you ever seen the situation where to ex presidents are two presidents ran against each other. This did not happen
and that some of the story needs to tell me. Have we ever had two sitting presidents run against each other, somebody says yes, grover, cleveland, coolidge or so, as recently. Alright, but weathers happened before or not as happened recently, and it's a unique situation because Is that what the situation where you don't have to wonder? What they'll do Sonny boy, wonder what trouble do I? People are really answer. Well, trap is not, you know, explain these policies, but does it into what? What is it that you don't know about trump Can you think of any topic? You don't already knows opinion what did a change over the summer or something I don't think so and Biden the same thing:
Does anybody think Biden is going to you know close up the border if it gets reelected? No, nobody thinks that so you have two knowns we've never had to. I running rally each other and part of the known is that river? looking are literally being targeted and hunted and jailed. And you can see it so anybody who has any The say that ability with or any feeling for the new jailed january sixers, it's gonna be voting for freedom in life and the other side might be voting for policies or something you'd, all that scary stuff, they worried about trump. They tried to pack that all into january, sex, so level or container to keep, because you know
Is that a hundred percent of the other things you worried about trump about didn't happen? Did you notice that that everything that the left was worried about trump didn't The only thing they had well, abortion was supreme court so by I guess, that's true. But what they have now, given that abortions, or the kind of settled in a sense. All I have now is January six, and I don't think you would be that hard to convince people that the January sixers were overcharged and that it was not a real direction. That would be the easiest case to make her. By the way, I would love to see trump mockingly insurrection like we do. I wonder why doesn't do that? I would love to see trumpeted debates a say, He tell the audience just if you could connect the dots. How did you
Imagine that people wandering around and the building was going to conquer a superpower, and then they say above, but but you know the electors, the fake electors and then you say We always have political disputes and then they go to the supreme court. What would make you think that wouldn't be the save this time. What was it that you saw their wouldn't make the supreme court work like it always works? Can you explain to the country why you thought that the country was a risk when we were trying to make sure that the result was delayed, of course, so that it could be perfected. So that we can make sure was right, so could you explain to the audience these eggs? Please, and just let him too, You know that you don't have to make a boy did say just explain how you think that worked, you conquer the country,
wandering around with their weapons in the building and then tell us how the supreme court was good, what take a vacation was a springboard gonna, take a pass. You just put in some electors alternate electors by the way that were faith like yours. They were alternates there were. There were just place holders in cases them, and I think tromp could explain that away so easily as weirdly hasn't done again, but it good hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot. Take some calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite broadcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the gaunt and even more so that over two spotify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite podcast. In view of the latest, episodes
and respond acuity and bowls on spotify. Only the latest is that even cnn adjust absolutely wrecked Biden. So there in fact checker who normally has been it seems to us subjectively speaking. It seems to us that the fact checkers- will go easy on by giving them a few little well The story tells you kind of thing not really healing and are in fact, Jackie, but they were. I'm pretty hard yesterday and just listed all the weird stories you stole that are clearly untrue, effectively making the case for dementia, I think more than lying. I think they were making dementia case without saying a word. So if the. If the left is turning on him again tell you my hypothesis, I do believe
that the long summer vacations were intended in part to tell Biden he not running or to talk about a running obvious, didn't work. I think Biden decided, he's gonna run no matter What anybody hinted or suggested, or pressure internet, because I just like he can't lose to tramp he just like he's- is just too late. I can't make that kind of decision so that would mean that the next choice is for the day and see the kind of push him out your by essentially letting the scandal play out stood a productive so. it looks like maybe that's happening, so here's what vague tweeted about that about these cnn wrecking Biden on his side,
using this line. Vague says the deep state will devour its own and then they'll travel, Michel or Gavin or whoever their new puppet. You are happens to the mark. My words if the administrate, state is succeeds in bringing down trump. They will then go after Biden, because his problem, asters will no longer have a use for him, which is interesting and can use it to justify what they did to tromp good boy go hard and bite and it can justify what they do to trump. If they're done with Biden and Biden is now disposable, they can use them as disposable. Now they can dispose them and try to dispose trump. With the same, so yea. We treat everybody say if there's. If there's a crime, we go after everybody, so equal equal. That's good argument and a vague says is no accident.
You see the hunter indictment come right. This is hunters gun indictment. Correct as a own popularity among Democrats starts to dip it's all one bit. optical illusion yeah. Do you think it's a coincidence that hunter, finally, after years with no new information, no new information, but finally nah? He is charged with some crimes. Now we'll talk about hunter separately, when we finish this point, the left, the Democrats. They do have a nuclear last resort to get rid of binding, and I don't mean I dont mahina can ethically They have their way to get rid of him with one sentence. So here so anybody on the left, who is in the news business you a notable person any notable punt,
and any notable fact checker every then would have the power to take bite? It completely the race. With one sentence: do you notice sentences. now. It won't work and right. Nobody on the right could say when making, but if somebody notable and left speaks us one sentence is the ended by here's. The sentence. by didn't get elected by promoting the fine people hoax? Now you see the thing I see it and has now seated the field with stories about about by being a liar now. The context is, he tells wild stories of this pass, the dome check out, but that's gonna, lying right so now that, if they sort of seated the public with the idea, o o
So where does his main thrust in running was, unlike trompe tells the truth. So What if by then there's not a jewish stellar raising we have to worry about, and then they drop, the fine people hoax argue say: actually it was just a selective at it. He never said nazis we're fine people. It would take one democrat one sentence on a national platform, one sentence and there's no way to survive it because couldn't ignored. The Democrats would not be able to ignore a prominent news or fact checker saying there is actually made up the primary things. ran on was made up and he knew it. Of course he knew it. Everybody and everybody is level knows it is just to the voters who don't always know it.
Yes, and and also to admit that the year the other hoaxes exist from interest but think about that. every democrat as the ability to take by now clearly every prominent that everyone on one sentence. So one hundred indicted on these gun charges. I three is the same. Are they? He lied on this for by saying you wasn't an fanatic. He allegedly used a gun at least elden in his hands or something while he was addicted or while he was using, allegedly and then the third thing is that the gun was disposed possibly by his girlfriend near school. So often
please so I did. I laid a little npc trap. I'm going to lay on we'll see how many and pcs are are on youtube. We'll do a little test here and you'll have a big family the second amendment. So I don't want her going to jail on a paperwork kind of a paperwork charge. Just wait. Watch just watch, I dunno. If you can still hear me on twitter, but but just watch this. looking for the emphases come on come on. I beseech you know what you want to say. You know you want to say it say it not. Thank you. No one is above the law doesn't know you're joking,
I knew what I was looking for yeah, so I said that and a whole bunch of people wanted to point out scott. The law applies to everybody. Oh really, the law applies to everyone. Thank you. Having that is there anything else. You like to add to my complete ignorance. Yes, these are felony scott user felonies. Not just paperwork You know I thought he was actually being charged with paperwork. I thought the paperwork was an actual legal terms. They part. So when I said he was charged with paperwork crime who know, I actually thought paper. Work was a cry, so thank you for an busies facility. Be And how about everybody should be treated the same under the law? and point out, the other people have been charged with similar crimes.
Because that's something I would never have enough I would never have known that other people are charged with crimes around the books. I would have thought it was just under that's what I thought So thank you, npc is for clearing it up, there's not a bell paperwork. Thank you. Thank you, the artist and you can buy too many restrict. Does anybody thinks are one hundred dangerous with a gun. Like feel like, you was, or least no more dangerous than the average person, and the average person has the right to have a gun. I think this whole. Were you high when you held the gun or were you technically addicted, or did you think you are recovering at the time that you applied for it? I feel like that's too. That's slicing it too far.
I think either had a right to have a gun, gives you a citizen and adult oriented, and there I mean any little bullshit original. Take somebody's gonna way is not a precedent that I want to see established. now. I know you got to say you say, but other people have been convicted of these same things, Do you think the other people were literally no danger is it about. Hundreds of major league is go use the gun to negotiate somebody, but but if somebody is What he lied to get a gun who had a you know a violent criminal record. Well, yeah yeah, maybe that's a good situation where you give them the full weight of the law, but if you have something is clearly a victimless offense this and nobody says: there's a victim.
I'm just not comfortable, take away a second amendment rights to be it looks, political, looks, political, your maybe as a distraction who knows. but I'm gonna go, I'm gonna give hunter the Benefit of the doubt is innocent until proven guilty and I'm not Well, this law was intended to grab people like him. I think the law is intended for a different class of dangerous people. You know people, as you know, actual track record of robbing and hurting people, for example So because hunters in trouble all the what about a? What about? People want to talk about Jared Kushner, and so today my feed was full of people. Who were saying the following super stupid stuff? So if you want to know which democratic or the most stupid,
look for the ones who say that vodka got forty one trademarks and china. Do you know how hard it is to get a trade mark in china. You fill out a form and then you apply and then, if nobody had trade In other words, if there's nobody angina called vodkas, whatever company name, is that you get it and you pay a small fee because that's the process I have trademarks in china did. Do you think they were doing me a favor? Now I just feel delson forms or my lawyer did. I decided I signs
forbes? That's it! So, no there's not no great value in Ivanka getting trademarks in china. It's the most routine business in the entire world. Then they say that Jared got here's how they say it received two billion from the people behind nine eleven, the salaries he received two billion. Do you think that's misleading yeah. so this out is who turns out the year. The crown prince is literally friends with Jared, probably because the abraham occurs, and they must spend some time talking about that. But there are literally friends. So the motley other gazillion air crown prince of saudi Arabia
one of the problems you love, would you have that much money? Is you have enough places to invest? It is hard to find good investments for enormous amounts of money So if you find any anything that just sort of looks promising is probably going to get a bunch of your money, because you just don't have that many ways to use it in a safe way. So, given that Jared now had connections all over the middle east- and I think his fund is mostly for big projects that would be in that region, can somebody do a fact check on me? The funders for that part of the world right he's not using the money for and the kind of investment wherever I need a fact checker that, because I'm not sure so, if you're the head of saudi Arabia and you could put two billion into a fund and by the way two billions, not that much for saudi arabia. But if you put two billion into a fund that was going to develop your local
area and you knew the Jared knew all the important people there who would want to develop things, and he knew it where the building and eager to operate at that level with the big money stuff, wouldn't you give him two billion dollars? I would like, if you put me in that position I be like. Can you please state my two billion dollars and invested for me and then we both make money Seems like most slammed, obviously you never do it two million dollars if you had extra money, so there is no comparison. between a legal, completely transparent and logical. This is important as a logic. investment. In other words, if you were in their place, you do too because it actually makes complete sense, so dont, compare that to any illegal secret shallow company
moving money around a hundred by crime, family situation, there's no comparison, one is legal and public and meant to be public and make sense they. The bodies were selling, apparently nothing value according to that nothing of value, getting millions of dollars and putting through shell companies and spreading it. Also, nobody could tell what was going on and yeah. We have to go, find out what was going on there there's no comparison between those two things. But having said that, do you feel uncomfortable that a prominent american with connections to trump is doing a big deal with the head of the saudi government? Does that make you uncomfortable a little bit
If you're, if you're a little bit uncomfortable about that, I think that's the right reaction, but that's what transparency for the transparency is because we're all a little bit uncomfortable with that or should be if you're, not, you should be that that is by it's nature, something you should keep an eye on, doesn't mean, there's anything crooked, going on it's just by it's nature. This is exactly the sort of thing you want to keep an eye on watch that but the way the world works, one of them ways you forge lasting ties between countries is big investments. Big investments are one of the best ways to keep two countries from attack each other later. Does he have too much in common. So I dont mind that the? U s and more prominent? U s. People have a big money connections to allies and I would say there an ally now ass to the nine eleven
I hijackers and their alleged connection to senior saudi people, probably true, but I can't imagine I can't imagine that the saudis are more organised than any other government. Every government has people on both sides of everything. So it doesn't mean that the crown prince was part of that doesn't mean that Saudi have an official policy, but there may in fact been important people in the government who back that's entirely possible. I'm just looking at the comments are a little bit insane and then people started drinking early. Alright,.
So what do you think Biden is going to announce? I guess in a couple of weeks he's going to do this speech where he says what the biggest problems in the country are and don't you feel he is just going to say republicans I mean I said this before, but do you think there's no chance going to be something like climate change right if he were going to do. His speech on climate change, he would say I've got a big speech on climate change. If he's going to say I'm going to give a big speech on the biggest risk to the country, and I'm not going to tell you what it isn't till you get there, it's gotta be the ultra baggers. Don't you think yeah.
I think it said alright. Ladies and gentlemen, that is what I have in my prepared topics. Is there anything I missed I'm going to take my friends here on twitter, who probably all went away because you're saying to yourself Scott. We can't hear you because after the sound went bad everything went to hell, see if I can set you up somewhere, where you can see me. Try that. Why does that network then? Have you noticed that there's one problem with interfaces in general.
the if you, if you pick up the item, your fingers aren't going to be on an important button. Have you ever noticed that that wherever your your finger touches on any kind of electronic object is the wrong place? It's like right on the on off button or the or the end of the stream button, or something like that. So thanks rang, then, with be twitter people vacant tiktok, Does it really know pearl davidson pearly things of you? Have you seen her scream. so she s a hilarious dish. Church retweeted, every innovation was to collaborate on something, so I told her dear me, but she ll areas of info
when for awhile and what she does is just so so diabolically subversive or something I dunno it is. I just love the fact that she's a troublemaker, so she she's made t shirts that says where women shouldn't vote. he's got this whole he's got this whole argument that women are ruined everything he had I'm not going to say that I agree with it, because it's sort of a say package with some hyperbole, but but what makes it interesting is there's enough meet there like she has enough of it. argument that george, you anything like what this makes our argument. You nigger s not too far from what I might agree to
I am pretty sure women should vote, but it is just hilarious. This is making the case. What else is going on here? one billion more to ukraine, what are they? Nickel and dime muster death on that women have a weapon. as you say, I saw a pole about how trumps support has changed and binds by demographic group should jump. He up women, why women and basically picking up everything issue the jump was gaining ground on every demographic o. The ukrainian counterfeits
while the ukrainian counter offensive is either described as completely failed and stalled or they're probing for weaknesses. It's one of those two things sure it looks a lot more like a failure and a fake tweet. Nobody would believe it. They would just debunk it pretty quickly Yeah, Ukraine might have been equipment we wanted to get rid of, or at least the military industrial complex warrant america to empty. It's all. Equipment, storerooms Louis we had to buy new equipment here is one of the problems, analyzing america's warlike status, on one hand, it seems incredible, is clear,
America is way too warlike and has been for a long time. Would you all agree with that, meaning that we're too quick to go to war that there might be other options and that yeah we like overthrowing countries, you imposing our will on them, etc. However, literally millions of people who went and died died, so that's all and I don't want to minimize any of that. However, if you get a look at the entire situation, what is the benefit from having the most practiced military with the freshest equipment cause? We got rid of the old stuff. We fired all our old bullets, the most experience most practice. All our weapons have been traded,
yield and we got a new ones to replace them and we have established ourselves as willing to fight over everything. It doesn't take much. You know if you'd like to come in and destroy your entire country, We do have a history of doing that so just pushes, little further goodbye country does work crazy, don't They that helps us in a way that is hard to quantify. Do you think that the fact that the? U s is just Crazy for war, I had to say it, but we are crazy for war makes our. Our nemesis think twice about everything: do you think there were safer? as where irrationally war? Like all the time now I get that the price of being ass is lit killing millions of innocent people in other countries, all bad, but
Oh, a major world war, even worse, even worse, So how are you compare the young, the number of millions of people that we ve killed, injured or ruin their lives melians by may, decisions, military decisions- there were probably necessary or just wrong, headed millions of people we ve killed, but we saved even more because it makes us a crazy ass, a country that I think other people say. Don't you know mass? Will we don't want to push do far. These guys are crazy If there's anything so I honestly can't tell if I'm safer or less safe, Because the? U s is so so militarily minded, I don't think you can compare
because in order to know if it's, if we ve done the right thing or not, you'd have to know what people would have done. Otherwise, which is a noble, and you have to know what they will do in the future, which is a normal. So it is hard for me to have a full throated condemnation of anything we do militarily, because I just don't know if we're getting some benefits that are hard to quantify, that are enormous. Like preventing the world or three now ukraine and russia. It seems to me that the only reason that the russians are not treating this like world war three is that refrain afraid of us. What else would it be? They ve gotta be afraid of military capability and not only that we have it
There will use, it will use it even when you think we should now pollutants doing a similar thing by attacking use neighbours. Few times. it is making it clear that he is the bad ass that if you don't get what he wants, you well said: there's military and conquer your country, so so he's got that go onto so I think, when the two of those powers who have to look like the the worst bad ass in the neighborhood and up in the same neighborhood, that's where the troubles. I'll tell you what I would do if I were leader of the free world or any other world, I would see if I could get the other big powers to agree to the following. You can have this stuff and we'll have this stuff you can have this influence will have this influence and just see if you lock it in and just say, look I can guarantee.
That your your countries will be super successful in the future. The only thing we can do wrong the big countries- let's say you take you- know the top twenty countries, the g twenty. is anything that can go wrong in any of those countries, is to start a war. So you just make a deal. Look. We will never fight each other, because that's always a mistake, but the only thing you ever fight about his territory. Is that true? Is it true that the only thing that, in the modern era, all wars about territory or control of territory, now we allegedly tried to kill some terrorists and other people's territory, but ultimately is because we needed to control the territory, so there wouldn't be and they tell so if you just said, if you said to China, for example,.
Taiwan is your business after this date will just set a date and just say: look we're going to protect taiwan for twenty years, whatever the number is for the next twenty years, just be cool, we need the microchips after twenty years will tell you right now. You need to work. down on your own because we're not going to defend an island off of your border. That's just not gonna happen because there's nothing in it for us, so? Taiwan needs to figure out their shit. They need to figure out their shit, they need to figure out and make peace with their big neighbor, because you know history is clearly working against them. It's going to be hard to Hard to not be part of joy and in the long run, so they should immediately set up some kind of a deal or they have maximum autonomy, but there's some kind of- or maybe it's just on paper, the same I mean Taiwan might take a deal. That is
the? U s military stuff, pull back so that the taiwan itself wasn't any kind of military threat they might make a deal that they could have permanent some kind of control, but on paper it would be one country something like that. Now, of course, nobody would trust them because would be like hong kong, and they just try to take it over later. But all the paths are bad. All bad in the long run to one doesn't have a chance, at least in terms of remaining independent but you could argue that in the long run everything changes all the time. You know america won't last forever. I don't think
So, ladies and gentlemen, that's what I've got for now. I see Megan kelly's name all over the place carbons. What are you asking me that may in kelly or interview with trump. Does that make any news? I don't think he made it the news right, I'm gonna watch it. I haven't watched it. I just saw a clip and who we both needed. A haircut yeah. can algae was good things. If you haven't seen my review on a trigger an arbitrary that's available now I'm saying that comments, alot of people really liked it. I think you'd be surprised
is more, it's more intellectually interesting than you would expect. They do a good job and I also I'm to talk to megan kelly and Russell brand. Just have to get everything squared if so I'll be talking to Michael malice, so here's what I've got coming up just a few of them this. This is not complete, but yeah megan kelly, Russell brand, Michael malice coming up. I don't have dates for lives and the lotus eaters. Yes, and the british podcasters
cedars, also scheduling mike mandel, so that that could turn out to be the best, the best of them all. So if you don't know who MIKE mandela's is he's a hypnotist who sells these little cards a card deck each deck as a like a hypnotic suggestion on it that you could use for it
more effective and I love I love the deck. It was kind of a cool product and I love having interviews with people who are trained to hypnosis. So who knows where that's going to go but that'll be fun I'll I'll? Let you know when these are happening: I'll tweet about alright, oh you're, taking a course with him. I yeah I've been on jack, facade, Beck's show but Sobek, I always pronounce his name incorrectly. I haven't talked to lex. The alright- and I that's what I got going for now- I'm gonna say I'm going to say later to youtube thanks for joining bye for now.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.