« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2231 Scott Adams: I Explain Why Learning Magic Tricks Helps You Understand Today's News

2023-09-14 | 🔗

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Politics, Dove Soap Influencer, Biden Impeachment Evidence, CNN Stephen Collinson, CNN John Avlon, Bill Maher, Paul Krugman, Vivek Ramaswamy, TikTok Ban, Alex Berenson, COVID Vax Study, Claim Analysis, Diversion Magic, Anthony Oliver, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Institute today are up above the phone good morning. Everybody and welcome to coffee with Scott Adams is the farthest thing you've ever experienced, probably in your whole darn life. But today, we're going to take it up to levels that nobody even imagined were possible? All you need is a cup or mug or glass and take your child those time and again to injure glasgow vessel of any guide fill it with your favorite, like with like coffee. We now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dope being the day thing makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous happens now go. Very good, very good: well, we ve got news. Would you like hypocrisy news first,
Or lying weasel news, the sailor start with hypocrisy, news, Korea, the angels, is having a good week. You might know him as a school choice. Evangelist is often in the news and he twisted the cnn host. They was added. jobs called out the chicago teachers union boss. sending her own son to a private school, so one of the big advocates for awhile If schools is sending one of our three kids to a private school, do you know why reasons yeah? No it's! Okay, because she has reasons if you have reasons
Yeah, no, I don't see a problem here. She is a big advocate for not sending people to and she's a she's an advocate against school choice, but she took advantage of it because of reasons she had reasons. You know what the reasons were: public school wasn't good enough. So that's exactly why that's why she says you should refund the public schools better, because people like her they're going to have no choice but to send their kids to private schools. How wrong is that yes or no honest people when it comes to public school years alone. Hypocrisy, Steve, guest tweeted. This go to the south east asia, or personally, I like to call it boasting one year ago today, Joe Biden called the inflation reduction act, quote the single most them
Legislation passed in the congress to combat inflation, while as an endorsement of his own act, the single most important legislation passed in congress to combat inflation. We ways a year ago was she say today month ago you said: quote I wish I hadn't called- is that it has less to do with reducing inflation. Just wait a year as ass, there was a brilliant inflation reduction sort of a thing. Did you ever think it was? I don't even know what you thought. That was it, because I insisted zohar that it was the most important inflation reduction thing of all time. No, it wasn't really about that The good news is one hundred percent of the public. That was not he left understood. It was bullshit from the start.
here's. My favorite story that I can't believe this is true, but apparently the dove soap company. They have. They have absorb influencers situations or like but light. wildly the influencers are bringing into their stable of influencers, is a twenty two year old woman. who is famous for Or having once Falsely accused somebody racism, it's basically ruin that person's life. So she has known she is first famous as being a famous influencer for ruining somebody's life over a false accusation that she says she may have heard wrong. She may have hurt iran. Yep ruin, ruin somebody's life and thought it was pretty funny when the life was getting ruined.
maybe I'm on, but now you should know that she looks to away maybe four hundred pounds or so and she was a black activist for I guess black lives man. But now she's a she's one of their soap influences social besides himself, as part of a larger dove campaign called fat liberation, a campaign to end the stigma of being. overweight. Well, I don't use that word fat because I don't like to do fat shaming, or at least I'm trying not to use it. It's almost impossible. Never use that word, but yeah. I kind of try not to use it. I my first choice because I don't believe in free will, so I don't believe that people know people's weight is essentially a choice. I think some people just like food more than other people and that's all
so if I like food is much she does, I would way as much as she does, but luckily adult so I just don't have that issue. However, Some people are saying: is this going to be one of those but light moments where somebody betting, exactly the wrong person to promote their brand, or will it be a brilliant move? A brilliant move? Well,. I think it might be brilliant actually, because who uses more soap than overweight people. Am I right It seems a simple math problem using eczema soap to cover X, amount of body. Skin, I mean the amount so that it takes me they're. The ones up in the morning.
and by the way I used, though soap so essentially to asia, body, soap, stuff and The the total amount that I can use, I I could get by with one's work, and do my whole body with lunch. However, most realistic can go wrong. Maybe two words but I would imagine that this influence her, I don't wanna be a cruel. I'm just doing the math. It's probably a six score situation: six court situation. So if a dove consult three do three to six times more soap. by Brian people with more
the cover? It could be a brilliant, a brilliant move, possibly brilliant. Our next category will be people. Dont know magic tricks are done. It will get to Alex way another minute, but before I do. Allow me to read a tweet benjy bureau is talking about how the left says, there's no evidence that Joe is involved or benefited from luxuries. Corrupt business arrangement. Now there's no evidence and then she bureau, greece, there's no evidence for that. Well, unless, as he points out, you count the witness testament, from dublin urgent, but otherwise no evidence no evidence, except that Dublin archer thing well, unless you count the testimony from Toby tony bubble and ski, but besides bubble and ski in devon archer to people with direct knowledge who agree,
each other. Aside from that, there's no actual evidence that Joe Biden was involved in any way while, unless you wicked, though, what's up messages from under buttons computer, but besides the what's up and totally bob linsky in devon, archer there's. Nothing is basically just another. Unless you go Joe Biden statement about leveraging, the Austria victories joke it in the ukraine or the unexplained income to Joe Biden, nor a lifetime of corruption, benefiting is family from Joe Biden, but basically not that's. What I'm saying so what do you do if you're cnn you're trying to protect the narrative and israel super super obvious that evidence exists, but you make it sound like it? Isn't it doesn't exist? Who do you call well.
Call John avalon, and Stephen Collinson I would call my superstars of opinion and, if you want to know how to understand the news there's some names, you should become familiar with kosovo a glaring signal will something if you need to call Stephanie call us or them John avlon. On the same day, it's a critical situation. So there are the ones who make the news disappear. The news people are the ones that presented to you and then the opinion. People are the ones that taken away from you, so there are there. there the let's make this news disappear? A little bit kind of hidden can be news baby. If the news disappeared, things would be a little bit better. Our battle like this you're, so here's some things that John outlines, as he says. Let's be clear, let me ask you.
Have you noticed that when people say let's be clear, everything that follows is the most ridiculous, but you ve already life Do you know who says that the spokesperson grin jean pierre within very clear? We ve been very clear on this. what did you say exactly? We ve been very clear and very clear: we ve been over it. an aura of his very clear right. But Actually, you say anything is very clear women. Over it. We ve been over. It is clear how much more, how much work- and I say then we ve been over it and is clear. Did I mention, in addition to its clear. That we have already been over this, are you getting at that is clear and we ve been over it. So. Avalon says: let's be clear: this baseless,
impeachment inquiry her baseless basis, when this is the money for endeavored, ultra sabers from tony bubble of the skeeters will have their Biden's computer whatsapp from a one hundred biden, skippy or Joe Biden statements on leveraging the ouster of viktor joke and an unexplained income to Joe Biden, a lifetime of corruption benefiting his family and Joe Biden, but as baseless This inquiry is part of an elaborate revenge fantasy while well John one, can actually read the minds of the people involved and heat. like what do you see there? Let me tell you, there's a river fantasy or floating around in those skulls revenge or less no good care of that. No, no revenge fantasies, so totally onboard Jonah. One I've, no revenge fantasies weight. looking in the mines, are the same people with those revenge fantasies
there's more in their? Oh god. Oh god, they ate dogs, oh my god, they're monsters, what else else, my god they, oh no, oh, no, they're, gonna, More does soap, others less about suffer there. So, John, I won't, I think, he's onto something if you just usury hours of mind. Reading the way he, as you can see some bad bad stuff in those heads. I says. is designed to blur the difference between tromp, who has been in in four times the data. Times there is evidence of the wrongdoing. Am I right? How can you possibly be indicted for times by democrats by democrats? How could I possibly open unless lesser really guilty of horrible horrible. That four times,
Have I mentioned how many indictments are? Are you know two indictments, you could say: well, it's just because democrats are making up indictments, but if you have four indictments suddenly your hypothesis that Democrats are making up bullshit to keep him out of office, it all falls apart because there's four of them now well, How could you explain it? Well, I just have one goes on trying to has been dated four times and Biden ahead of the twenty. wherefore yeah, you would not want to compare for politically driven process indictments. You cannot compare that to a lifetime of criminal activity. That seems quite clear. Don't and John goes out. He says, rather than helping republicans politically
so now he's going to inform us how our republicans will respond to this. because if you want to know how republicans gonna act and think you need to you need to talk with the guy who could look directly in their heads and see all the evil in there and john avlon can do that because, as I said, he's he's reading minds, he sees us as a revenge plot in these minds and now he's going to read their mind a little further and tell you what they're going to they're going to act. so he says rather than helping republic is politically it will provide just the latest example of overreach, leading to back way, which is the overage Are you mention the trumps for indictments, but that's not the old
Reach nor the overreach is a somebody would look into an obvious criminal enterprise, but the four indictments just right, no overreach, just the amount of reach now. This feels like a reach around well you're, not alone. I feel like I'm getting. job from John outline. The further I read, I believe I can reach completion. If I finish this paragraph, you all want to see this He says I will provide the latest example of overreach leading to backlash warrior yeah. You know when I talk report. can you not. They always say to me, I'm worried about over overreach of the of the of the impeachment inquiry, or You two are you sick of it? Every time I go somewhere? Some republicans like I am so
like others overreach trying to get Biden I'm just going to vote for a Democrat, cause I and all the average? and then John says to foretell impeachment vote is not going to appeal to swim. Voters and swing districts will look like hyper partisan pantomime that an exercise in pulling party over country. ah show these or indictments were not that they were just justice, just justice, but this impeachment stuff. A very unlike the impeachment against shrub, which were completely legitimate as they tell you. These are some kind of weird hyper, partisan pantomime. It's its ivory, partisan pantomime, which I love to say hyper partisan penned by you can say it all say with me: hyper, partisan, tenth mine,
sentence and it's an exercise in putting party over country. Well now, that's something you don't expect from congress to you that somebody would do something like purely political gardner and Stephen Collinson, also re version. It says the king question, leading into the third impeachment effort in three and a half years should be whether this attempt to effectively reverse a democratic election by asking bout bind is justified. Oh you know. I had not thought of it. This way that this is just another attempt by the republicans to overthrow the legitimate government. First, there was January six and now now this, my god, it's like one thing after another trying to overthrow these totally legitimately elected people and stuff says the gnp failure so far to provide,
more than innuendo, the bible happily uses power or vice president to profit from the sun's business ventures suggested is not suggested, is not is really all the geo piazzas innuendo, as only got because a bunch innuendo, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Ben should bear if you think this is real. So they were gone away from us with your in the window, such as the witness testament? by ireland archer. The statements from tony bubble is gave the text under by this computer the what's out from under violence, the Joe the statements and leveraging the ouster of viktor chuck in the lifetime of corruption benefiting his family from Joe Biden. I call that innuendo in one end and out the other, once you understand, John avalon is and stuff and collins's. You understand that their the news disappears. They take the news and they make it disappear.
so here they are disappearing or the evidence that the Biden's were up to anything suspicious just make it disappear. Well, we'll just talk until you do notice. I saw a bit more appeared on areas are in melbourne, show on MSNBC, And even bill mars will say that the the Biden stuff, I think he said, stinks, die Evan, that it looks like obvious corruption. But before you say to me, while he's into a republican now so fast because build more points out. That, although the Biden family seems to be quite obviously a corrupt enterprise and has been for a long time that that pales in comparison pales in comparison to the things that trump stuff I mean, let's list some of the things trump did
For example, there is the imaginary calling people, fine, fine people, calling the races why people imaginary by you did that he imagined early, recommended drinking bleach. He imagined early tried to overthrow the country, ungenerous eggs. So if you compare things: are you purely imagine from? Did way worse than the things you can obviously see with your own eyes. The binding. So you're way those things in this kind of a tie. If, u way your imagination of things with the things that are obvious to everyone can see with their own eyes or about I, so you dont want to jump to quickly and say that you, like trump, when there are so many imaginary things that he's done others are more imaginary. Things the Udall alike than anybody
never witnessed. I mean he's is like the worst when it comes to things that have happened. He can two more bad things that didn't actually happened in reality than anybody. I, though, I may just one bad things. They you imagine after another, It's gotta be factored in hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot. Take some calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite broadcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the guns and even more so that over two spotify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite broadcasts in view of the latest episodes and respond acuity and bowls and spot, if I only
Well, Paul krugman was talking to Christiana Amanpour, and he reminds us that we're for some reason is mysterious. He's a little confused. He doesn't know why he admits. He doesn't know this is case, but he says quote the echoes like data, have been sir really good, even optimists or just done. so why do polls show that most americans don't think the economy is doing? Well? He says: quote a really profound peculiar disconnect going on We went on to mention all the things that are doing well better than people expected, so in the employment rate, not so bad, inflation seems to me Yo drifting down depends what data you look at, but some of them it appears to be down. It's not having up too fast,
and, generally speaking of it the people who said there they'll say you must be bad for other people, but according to law, grognon people can say that their situation is not so bad. They just think a lot of them. Do the baby. Other people who are struggling that sound right to you. do not missing in this conversation is, was missing completely agree with them. long as you ignore the impact of debt. You didn't mention that if. Could borrow infinitely. paper over all of your problems? Yeah look pretty give just like it looks now. Have you told me, you ve got the national that we ve solved. It is not even a problem,
Do you know what I would say about occur economy, pretty good breeding good. If you just take a veto, the biggest problem and ignore it pretty good. I mean the fact that we care para bills and there's there's no. Nobody can even do the to figure out. We possibly could any time in the future does not even mention as part of the economy. Do you think the ball krugman is trying to explain to you say you understand the economy or does more like- is working with christianity and poor to conceal For me it was happening with the economy, because if we are not talking about the debt in twenty twenty three, are you even talking about the economy. Or are you ignoring the economy when you're talking about the economy is mind lying about? Imagine if Were a casual viewer of news and you just
add the cnn page today. You believe that no evidence the binding, do anything wrong and that the economy is too great. Well, that's actually what you would have learned and see them today. It's so mind boggling, I don't even know how to like. I don't even have a comment about it. You know the the fact itself is the comment. What about you so now we know or with it We know from a senior cia whistleblower who alleges that the cia page six of them the officers a significant amount of money to change their assessment on covert origins, to change it from the lab leak to natural some kind of nature thing. Do you believe that, So there's one senior cia whistleblower, so just one
where, where do you put the credibility of one whistle blower? Who I believe is unrove so you got under oath is there a whistle blower named do have a name of the whistle blower. Some say us some say now, as I thought there was blowers named now,. Don't get too excited about it because, as one person, I would say the odds of one person being accurate. Even the whistle blower, that's the same You have our story, why do you or u, f, o's! If you do it's because of the whistleblower, do you think? Do you think that? U f o whistleblowers, tell you the truth. I dunno Doesn't look like it to me, but why would you believe the cia whistleblowers. In another cia,
an organization of people were trained to lie right, that's like thus like their job is lines. People, including domestically, is literally the job now here My problem with a story is too on. The nose is too much something I want to believe because this is the right and the laying of your worst suspicions. Oh my god, Not only did they lie, but they took money to lie. Six of do you think you could get six people to lie about somebody like that for money. When something beyond the money, maybe some implied threats or something maybe some career stuff, but.
Oh I'm going to give this one a. Maybe I'm going to rank this one, and maybe I cannot take it all the way to probably- and I'm definitely not- I'm not discounting while I am getting it, I'm not saying it's not true. I'm just saying that I need a little more. I would need at least one confirming fact like a document or one of these six people. If one of these six people said the true, then I'm salt but if you don't have any of the six people and you don't have a document. Maybe there is a document that I don't know about. Is there a document I don't know about, but I haven't heard: the document, but without a document, one whistleblowers. From an organization who are trained to lie to you is not convincing song. They give a coin flip. I will say, maybe.
Maybe nothing rules about, but is definitely not convincing to me, but it could turn out later arguments. So there's that. Here's a little tip in telling who is lying and who is not now might not be one hundred percent youtube as one those indications service signal. If someone says there is no evidence of a crime there's no evidence. I did anything wrong. there are almost always guilty because innocent people don't talk that way. Innocent people say what the fuck are you talking about. I didn't do that. Are you,
It's hallucinated just saw Ebay to say that what what going on you're, like that's, what an honest person will say when you accuse them of something ridiculous that they didn't do a guilty person says. While there is no direct evidence of that. So what what are the Democrats saying when they defend Biden? Are they saying None of this happened. Nothing. Nothing happened they're saying that you're evidence is not sufficient. You don't have evidence that just screams guilty when the people protect you, you have to use the liars defence, they care even use a straightforward. It didn't happen, not happened. That's worth honest people, sites. right, as many of you have prompted me to talk about so vague roma swami, has changes.
His opinion tik tok. I think it's a change But I don't want to say is unchanged because I only know for sure that he wanted to ban tik tok for people under sixteen that he's not under sixteen, and he talked to Jake Paul jake ball. You says, convince them that using tiktok made sense, if he wants to win lecture, does is just how you reach. People, so I guess you made a video antitoxin said he's still opposed to under sixteen using it. But it is not his concern about the data yeah you he understands is wrong with data collection, but either That is more important to win, so you can make changes now.
Oh, what do I tell you when people talk about tik, tok politicians when politicians talk about tiktok and they focus on the data privacy and they don't mention the brainwashing effect that tik tok have on the public? What do I always say? been saying for a long time, there's something wrong. There's somebody obviously wrong because vacant the kind of person who ignores the other argument, he doesn't ignore arguments is the guy you as a better argument.
So so why is he of not mentioning the brainwashing risk of tick tock wisely, focusing like the people? I don't trust wisely, focusing on the data, while here's my tweet to maybe explain it so keeping away the jake Paul talked vague into it. Let loose LISA wave is explaining it. I wouldn't say it's nessler, necessarily true that your jake ball alone caused them to change his mind. I'm sure it was Probably a key accumulation of thinking, not there's one thing, probably. the way. This is what I wanted to clarify. The tick tock risk is not data collection, the tick. Risk is that it gives china user interface to control american brains. They can control public opinion and distract us at will.
I say: do you know why so many of our leaders think the tiktok problem is data collection and not brainwashing, those tik tok is the user interface to american brains and they train raise the siege. Data collection is the problem that this happened right in front of you tiktok brainwashed our politicians into thinking that data that data privacy was the problem. do you know why? Because data privacy is the problem they can solve, tiktok can put the data. in an american, manage company and say: look you, americans have You're never going to give it to us unless you want to, I mean: why would you so we can
solve the problem by having oracle recently all their data? How in the world does again today for president not mention the brainwashing risk, but does mention the data private here s the only the last place, I think others abroad, that tik tok is actually brainwashed. All of our leaders. Do you think you'll ever see on fox news again another through accepting tik tok advertising a burly? Do you think you'll ever see them talk about the brainwashing risk Or will they only from now on talk about the data privacy risk? Well, if it's on the five, they could say anything because little more adventurous opinion.
Wise, but I'll bet. You bet you almost all the rest of fox news. Just stop talking about the brainwashing, you risk and they talk about data privacy and they taught that you know that solvable. That's all just watch If you can watch it play out yourself right in front of you that this is one that you get to have front row seats. You can see it develop as it's developing. You can actually watch china, brainwash our leaders right in front of you and then also the public eye. Let's talk about something else. Alex person tweeted this he said well, this is landing ard. You said probably because it so stunning,
Yes, a morally govern vaccination. Now this is his interpretation of new study, or indeed new data. That's coming out from somebody. You said that the emerald a curve and vaccination raises a healthy adults risk of being hospitalized for an hour mccrone infection. He says daunting. If only this is a city. See government slide. Do you think, there's a cd seeing government slide, whose data tells you that the vaccination nation less healthy
Do you think that's real? Do you think if you looked at this, you say: well there it is, the cdc is saying they are getting. The vaccination makes you less healthy, it's tweeted and there's a link to it. So you can see it for yourself. Do you think Israel well, here are the questions that I ask the first question is what kind of people get hospitalized from amazon is in all the health, people are a lot of what a twenty five year olds getting back. nation and then getting hospitalized for on the koran anyway, even after the vaccination, because the vaccination allegedly is worse then the ombudsman? Well, here's what I think
I want to google and I wanted to see if overweight people are more likely to be vaccinated. There's not a good question. Do you think that overweight people would see a big risk? Does everybody says it's big risk? and they would be more likely to do what they think they need to do to have less risk if you're, twenty, five and skinny and perfectly healthy, would you be inclined to give action? Is I would think lessons liked? So let's go to google and will check to see this important piece of data. And I think you will agree. This is an important piece of data. What percentage of overweight people give vaccinated compared to non overweight people when they want to know that seems like the most important
Because if it turns out the over way, people are over willingly more likely to be vaccinated. Well, then, it makes perfect sense that they would have also the worst outcomes. Even if the vaccination help them. I politically there would still have enough things going on there. Perhaps they might end up in hospital more often than somebody you didn't do anything, but their twenty five and healthy. So I went to Google, I said I what does a ratio of overweight people do not overweight people? Do you think I could find that if any of you can find that, could you send it to me or to interrupt me cause? I don't think we tracked for whatever reason, and am I wrong, that is the only number would explain was happening here.
Because wouldn't you like to know if the vaccination makes more likely to die kind of a basic basic thing to know. I can't tell based on this data and based on our experience. take on it, which might be right by the way they let let me allow that has taken mighty exactly the right one. What I know unless I saw down by weight or obesity. How would you know If there are too many obese people and the ones that guy sec is at the vaccination nerves are justly. You have a lot of obese people in one group. Does anybody I am asking the most basic question. I don't think. as you know the answer right, I don't know, I have no idea, but if eligible It is right that look, let's say best case scenario- that all of the other variables work controlled for in a reasonable way.
All this should be the biggest news in the world. If he's wrong, I like to know why why why is IRAN, and the only thing can think of, is that they haven't broken down by wade's, so the data doesn't tell you what you think about it so anyway, don't trust anything you see a pandemic data is probably the best thing I said about the pandemic. Is that a hundred percent of the information is reliable, honour percent the moment you trick yourself into thinking. You know what the good stuff is. You're lost. You gone, you dont know what the good stuff is. A hundred percent of it is reliable doesn't mean is all wrong. It means you can rely on a completely different, it's not about the accuracy it's about. You can't trust it. You just can't trust anyone.
So I don't trust anybody who says the vaccinations work and I don't trust anybody users they don't if they're looking at data data is useless. Let me tell you one of the most valuable things I learned as a kid, and I want to see if everybody agrees with this, because I'll bet there are some of you who had the same experience. I was a nerdy kid. I know pigs Right, stop it stop it now. I really was Now I will stop there. I was actually nerdy as a child, hard to believe that I grew up into this adonis kind of athletic vibe. But now it's true, I was well dirty as a kid and one of my dirty obsessions was magic tricks. So I would I would try to learn all that magic tricks. I could I'd, buy little magic trick kits or I get them for christmas and stuff. So I was really into magic tricks. Now do not. I learned
a little bit how to do magic tricks, but the most one thing I learned is that you can fool anybody with about imagination, especially if they ve never had experienced doing magic tricks, but if there's somebody doesn't know much of imagination, You say well, there's one explanation for why this thing happened. The person. No imagination will think well. I can, where the other way can happen they went? The other way I think it anyway. I can be tracked now see if I can be tracked, there's no way. I was tract. and I can't think of any other explanation. Well, I guess it's just what you told me, but if you studied magic and you have a good imagination as I like to think, I do because it's literally my job to imagine things that write them, write them down and make jokes.
well when, when I see a claim, the first thing I think of is the ten ways it could be faked. I could come up with all kinds of ways. It could be faked when people say they're sure that the election of two thousand and twenty was clean, and it wasn't reg there. There basically saying look. How could possibly be rig? You would have all these witnesses you probably ever whistle blower Certainly all the audits, no one is what I picked it up. We would have seen only the number was that something was out of whack and it'll, be obvious, We are witnesses or witnesses watching every part of it and but more to the point. Every single claim, as either been rejected by a court or found not to be found,
so therefore, how in the world further than the rigging, I mean how in the world right. So, but what do you say if you have an experience, doing magic tricks and you also have a good imagination? Do you know what I say Do you know how many ways I could come up with the chief election, not their god, it's a pretty long list. You can't do that. Really! Really you couldn't come up with anyway. There's somebody can cheat and get away with it. Not not now one way you can think of, I think I'm up like twenty five ways and my in my mind. So what are you talking to somebody who says there's no way this was rigged has been checked so many ways. Yo somebody would have been a whistle blower, their audits or court near the court looked and everything
These are really clueless people, I'm not even sure, lesser political difference. To me that somebody you as either a poor imagination or their you know, literally motivated opinion this just you completely different from it or they have had. No experience was magic tricks. if you ve done enough magic tricks, you know other done as you can see them. What what Stephanie, Collinson and John Babylon doing with their opinions those their diversions. If they can make you think of this you're thinking. Less of this thing some magic trick. The magic trick is look what I'm doing with his hand. While don't look, went on other end distraction diversion that's not the only thing that magic is, but you spot a disease. Josie zeus's! Somebody whose opinion pieces are.
Resolutely moving you off a point of fact: that's not an accident that some, Generic doing right in front of you you ve done, a lot of magic tricks where you have personally taken people's attention away from the magic trick? you spotted immediately as a magic trick, whether make me think of this other things or forget the thing this important. So when you run into somebody who is positive, that the election was not rig, you should feel some sympathy I you could argue with it. Argue that there might be something you don't know about, but they do they Surely argue that the lack of knowledge is proof of something I have lack of knowledge. I guess ass proof.
Well, how do you know that you know the pyramids were really built by the egyptians? Well, I have a complete lack of knowledge about it, so I'm putting that forth as my argument. What yeah I have no knowledge about it whatsoever so therefore, built by egyptians. That's actually what people are saying about the election. I have no way to know, therefore, was perfectly fair. What what and I'll say again, as I always do not aware of any credible problems with the elections are not aware of any, but I can think of a few ways it could happen. Lots of ways why Anthony Oliver's getting some pushed back apparently, you signed up to play so for honour and twenty thousand dollars. We should break of day day.
But the organizers were going to charge so much for the tickets that he thought it was ripping off the audience and he didn't want to be part of that, so he cancelled. So after they'd done the marketing and advertisement and sold all the. It gets. He did a video say he wasn't going to show up because they were charging too much so the tickets. Do you No, you got wrong. It was a break even event. There was no profit intended that the tickets were priced to optimistically, cover their expenses, and that's it that's just what it cost turns out. Everything costs a lot of money so to put on a concert that does, Have a million people there? It's a smaller event, it's real expires to do all the organizing for the event, and I just want to ask so Some people were a good with money
away them, as bruce fenton. Had this this tweet, I thought really casually well. He said. If you want to be wealthy, avoid a negative mindset like Anthony oliver. Unfortunately, this kind of economic self sabotage is common. That's exactly what it was that was self sabotage that didn't need to happen. All he had to do is ask a few questions and it probably wouldn't have lied, and he said so. He says This is why it is so many complaints about poverty, but they don't understand money. It demands on Twenty thousand for a thirty minute performance then cancels the performers agreed to do because they things take. Your prices are too high, even though its basically break even. so here's what somebody who is good with money would have done. The shell, the shell.
somebody who was who understood how money works would have done the shower now. Maybe they would, you know, maybe corrected at the next shell. So, for example, if he's invited somewhere else, maybe that's the first question. Yes it was the ticket price? If he's not happy that he doesn't have to say yes, but. Can you imagine anybody agreeing to a job and then not showing up? For this reason I mean he reason, but for this reason to me this is just not modeling good economic behaviour. If somebody I got a big pile of money, and all you have to do is show up and do the thing that you do everyday, which is play your guitar and sing yeah, which she probably likes doing. If somebody is giving you honor twenty thousand dollars, make the world a better place. You could give your hundred twenty thousand dollars back to the audience you can play for free
or you could take your honor and twenty thousand dollars and donated to a charity given to abort person. a lot of things you do that money, but the most Important thing is a deal's a deal. If you did not ask the question about and showed no original concern about the ticket price to fuckin late to fuck and late, you made deal do with a deal you wanna job, in the future perform the job you got hired for a new agreed to do. If I could teach you one fucking thing to make your life successful, do what you say: you're going to fucking do. you. You cannot get a better piece of advice for the rest of your career. How how rare it is dire. Somebody and they show up just show up. I argue for this job. Well, I'm sick today, on a monday or friday.
really really hard to get everybody just a fuckin show up. So if you can't do the first fucking thing to make money, you don't deserve any money. S first, do what you say: you're fucked do. Every other piece of advice is useless. If he can do the first one useless, you don't deserve any help. If that's your mindset, you're gonna be poor forever, just get used to it. The ladys were angry diatribe for today I think, you're gonna make a little video on the difference between refrain and regular advice does
What people have said. Oh you, you've got a bunch of advice and they're, not exactly, although some of it is advice he it's. My book is called reframe your brain and it's, I call them reframes, but they do in fact overlap with advice. I'll give you the quick version here, but I'll probably make a video about it just for promotional purposes. The quick versions, this advice is telling you what to do. You should do this, that's advice, you do this. Don't do that is this: don't do that a reframe is like just adding some code to your brain, just like computer code. You just put in some words that are in a certain order and if they are well If they're well picked, you got the right words and re order Simply putting it in your is done, that's it. That's not advice
It's making sure you have your tools working now, you could. You could make the case well that sort of advice too, but this is not the way we think of advice, I'm talking about something that just makes you more efficient for everything you do. That's what a refrain will give you yeah, there's reframes for different areas, So once you once, you learn that critical difference that a re frame doesn't have to be logical, it doesn't have to be advice, it doesn't have to be. A plan, doesn't have to be. Factual and it doesn't even need to make sense and it can still do everything and these do because that's how ai works, ai doesn't do thinking the way it is currently built is word, combinations. The combination of words themselves creates intelligence where they, I that's, that's that with some clever programming in transport,
It gives you something that we recognize as intelligence, but people are not that different than ai. We have this pseudo intelligence is just the way our words are combined into rehab. For example, if you see a tennis player who yells at themselves when they miss a shot, stupid scott you're, so stupid. I've ever seen that so those are words, though somebody's putting their hand in a certain order and that's a bad set of words. So instead you put better words in there to replace them. You just say the next shot is going to be great or Only going to win this, no matter what so what I would miss a shot in tennis, I would try to forget the shadow missed as soon as boss.
well. The way I would do it was. I would imagined myself winning in the end cause that's visual, so I'd take myself to the visual ending where my opponent is surprised that I came from behind just visualize that, because that's more powerful then that one shot you just missed so soon as I missed the shot I got boom right to the future. I win in the end, mrs shot, I don't remember, did I miss a shot? I can remember winning in the end so That's how just putting differ words in your head changes. Everything just words is just a combination of words. You put it. You had so that's not advice, There is some advice that sort of weaved into the the reframes, but that's not the powerful part. The powerful part is that you can just reprogram your brain directly and that takes a little explaining. So I'll probably do a little video
thanks for listening. Everybody did. I miss are the stories that you wish I had talked about, and she just looking to see if I missed anything. Oh and also I'm hearing good things about the trigger normative a tree, podcast that's available. Now that features me So look for the trigonometry podcast, I'm hearing good things I haven't. I haven't rewatched it, but I remember it went well, so I think you'll enjoy it. I also talked to James alto shirt yesterday and I think that's going to be. I think that might be one of the best. Views. I've ever gone so way from now on. We don't have no I'm a release amount, but you'll see that so
probably get keep doing part gas. I took a few years off from appearing on progress, but I think that the book is written and I can I have something specific to talk about a protocol on a lot of podcasts remotely, so you handle yourself very well. I was laugh at the compliments that those are. My compliments was yesterday was the one somebody about my interview on trigonometry that the the are very smart, but they thought I quote held my own, and I thought I don't think that's quite a compliment that you imagine there was We held my own. What would you think I was like on the border of breaking down?
It looked like I was on the edge. What was I almost going to implode? I thought it was just a conversation I didn't know I was holding my own But I appreciate the semi compliment. I guess in how can you tell I was holding my own server jeffrey tubing joke. Yeah. We talked about cough, suppress, not coarser, presence, decongestant. Therefore, all these years, the deacon just since the same decongestant They were never real for all placebos and they were just fell down when the FDA mandible banned all the ones with a popular ingredient. He looked grave for a change.
Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the best lives dream you ve seen all day and there back tomorrow, I might be on my man cave streaming. Those view or not on the locals platforms got Evans that local star com, you miss, and so much so much by for now,. I finally off because I just looked uncoordinated it's hard to have these little buttons. Are you tube thanks from joining.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-15.