« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2229 Scott Adams: Absurd Fake News Today, Per Usual

2023-09-12 | 🔗

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Politics, VP Harris, Gavin Newsom, Adam Schiff, Rep. Barbara Lee, Congressional Term Limits, Walter Isaacson, Elon Musk Biography, Starlink, Jake Tapper, Anthony Blinken, ChatGPT Writing Quality, MIke Cernovich, Trump Hoaxes, Media Brainwashing, Nancy Mace, CNN Kaitlan Collins, Iran Kidnapping Payoff, Taiwan Invasion Timing, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to do good morning, everybody and welcome the highlight of human civilization release dilate of humans illustration. That also includes coffee. If you'd like to take this experience, two levels that no one has ever. Even imagine where possible. All you need is covered by gorilla, glass anchorage, also style attempting jogger flask of vessel of any kind fill it, Your favorite liquid, like coffee, Joe now, for the parallel pleasure dope? the other day. The thinking makes everything better. It's called a simultaneous, but it happens now go ah well. If you're watching on youtube, you might notice that there are no comments or disable them, because there are too many anti semites
I don't even think we're organic actually believe they were being sent to destroy our experience? Does it didn't that ensued? Like actual real people, but we will now have to deal with them at the moment. If you are a member of the locals community, you have an option for comments, but that's It's subscription only alright. Let's talk about all the news you may you may detect this kind of early on, but I decided not to sleep last night. Do you ever have that? Does that ever happen? Do you wake up and it's basically two hours after went to sleep, and you think you know what I'd I'd just not feeling
just not feeling it just stayed up. So if I fall asleep sometime during this broadcast, you'll know. Why has nothing to do with yours now, person. As the first item I like to call backwards, science backward science- those studies? They seem to have the causation backwards, don't know for sure, So that so there's a recent study in the public berry of sciences. The journal general suggested there for the japanese men who were over forty. Maintaining sexual interest might be linked to a longer life, although no no connection was observed in women ha ha some men over forty in Japan who do have interests in sex. They don't live as long.
What would be something that would cause you to be an interest in sex? What would cause that Could it be that your unhealthy so Here's a study, the basically tells me on healthy people, don't live as long. That's right, somebody somebody actually probably got a grant to study of unhealthy people live as long as healthy people. I think that's what does does let me give you a little less. little mind better. You can try home. Ask yourself of any given moment how you I feel if you're a certain age, you've got aches and pains, you got little, maybe a little congestion, and you know maybe you've got a coffee. You can get rid of you. Gotta, you've just got a bunch of stuff
and then suddenly, you get incredibly aroused some social situation I was in all your pain goes away, in big aroused sexually is like the ultimate painkiller. It just makes all your problems go away simultaneously. Now I have a theory which I don't think is too crazy- that evolution has granted us with the ability that, if we're in a sexual situation, we just you know, get rid of all of our problems because it wants us to focus on reproduction I feel as though this is just a hypothesis that, more often you are aroused the healthier you will be.
So it may also be true that making yourself aroused if you weren't you in the mood, might briggs and health benefits when surprised me, so that this can be won the works of the way the healthy people have wars, interest and sex, but also, if you speak to your interest and sex, I do suspect it would make a healthier because will release all the feel good because why, wouldn't it be more surprising if it didn't alright a couple of years? There's a video of her. I don't believe it was a new video, so it didn't happen this week, but in the past she had compared nine eleven to january six. Now we're also going to talk about the,
nations about mosque for those of you who are following the news and especially social media, does it feel as if I were not way, but does it feel as if the bad guys are prepared to murder musk m job? I feel like there's a narrative, that's being created that are actually traders and what's the penalty for a traitor. It's death, and there is very conscious and you can see all the usual suspects you know forming around the narrative and, honestly to me, it looks like they're going to kill him like actually literally, it looks like they're planning to kill them now. I said before that. You know that this sort of thing that nobody can get away with if the public were informed and understood the news and stuff like that, but we are so far from that.
where we live in a world where a half of the world would cheer. If somebody got murdered on the other side, half of the country would secretly say ooh good. That is real. Really I mean half of the country would say that was good. So yeah really worried about the the safety of both trumpet musket. This point, because What we ve seen this doesn't seem to be a limit to what the Democrats will do. I mean they did run. Entire operations opts to patrolman jail, thou real all russia collusion thing was just a big coordinated up by the democrats and the reasonable outcome of that kind of em. Trompe jails were killed or something so it does look like this in place.
And when you see calmly harris I mean this was an older video, but the intention is the same Comparing January sixth, two things are actually attacks on the country is maison now Did you to use my technique and others have adopted it of instead of arguing with Democrats who do have access to the news and that's the problem with european? They, they actually don't know what's happened, so they can speak to any context as they don't see it. Their new sources only give them narrative. Now, that's true of all new sources. There. All narrative, but at least, if you have surveyed of both sides, are likely to get some information that you wouldn't get from any one sign. So
I just to express sympathy for Democrats now, at least on when they say things that are so uninformed that the only possibility is that their new sources are abusing them said to me. They look like victims at this point just victims, a news abuse. Sir sagramore suffer the sea, so California, yellow problem and gave a nuisance in particular. Because he at first said he was going to point a black woman to replace Feinstein if she bowed out early, but now he is, he might have to back that up or back out of that, because Adam schiff wants to have that job and, as you know, Adam schiff is one of their designated liars. So the Democrats need to have some designated liars in office.
because if it gives them some covered because if you're a regular Democrat, you don't want to have to go on tv and say insanely ridiculous lies. You need small well and shift to do that: you're, phil bombs and that type of person, so they didn t they need the shift to be in office. but this was not well received by representative barber Lee, who apparently wants that job and would be so of an obvious, an obvious one. If newsome stuck to pick a qualified black woman, she be high on the list, but she's mad because it looks like you might go back on is
appointing a black woman promise and he said, and she said representative. We said that this new plan is insulting to countless black women, so it's insulting to black women. The atom shift would be appointed. How are the Democrats lasted as long as they have with being eaten to death on the inside. Don't you think every single decision, the Democrats make grocers big grinder roof of urine you're racist, your discriminating year. Sounds like how in the world as Gavin newsom survived in that party, I mean you must have black bill and somebody because he's the opposite of everything they want. So anyway, good luck there and governor newsom goes whatever you do is going to be a disaster.
to disaster choices, rasmussen their bowl, asking people about term limits. You would not be surprised that seventy percent or something one term limits, but how likely it is that it is a congress which would have to make that decision. How likely is it the congress? Would to limit their own careers How many voters think that congress would be done enough to get together by a big majority? and vote away, their own benefits the benefit of staying in office in getting money while you're gases are very good, regret its twenty three percent? Twenty three percent- I don't know how you guess so well, but those those oppressive most of you guessed twenty five and that was within the margin of error within the margin of error.
Here's a little interesting factoid. Do you remember after the twenty twenty election was question and over a number of losses or legal actions taken, but some number them were rejected by the courts, because the people were petitioning. The court did not have legal standing. Now, I'm no lawyer but Well, standing generally means that you were injured or that you had some effect by the issue that you're trying to take to the court. You can't be just an observer. You have to be somebody affected by the thing. You're taking the court. Otherwise, you would have no, as I say, standing well fairly, that question, because there was there were some things in the fulton county. There were taken to the course in the court said you do not have standing and then the supreme court said. Can you expect
to us why a voter doesn't have standing to find out, as their vote was counted? Has that makes sense, The voters themselves were, of course, the victim class. So, of course the voters could bring it forward because, of course, they're the ones who are saying they were victimized, of course. So whatever that case was from back in twenty twenty is live again. So will it will turn up any problems? Well, I dunno, if turn up any problems, but I know it was turned down for an illegitimate reason.
to the supreme court. So could we be looking rather trump third act, where some some information comes to light, that none of us were expecting just in time for the election caught? It just feels like everything is moving in that direction. I feel like the universe. Just absolutely wants this to happen. In again I'll say I have seen no evidence of this alleged election misdeeds. No evidence that I notice is is real.
But, as I have said many times, wouldn't it be a miracle if every institution a country is corrupt and we know it, except for all those fifty elections and fifty different states and each precinct within the states. Those are all good, but one hundred percent of everything else, as that nature is important, and there are lots of people involved in this they could she did they would whatever that's true. There's always you You just don't know if it's happened yet, but, as is guaranteed by the design, sir you'll do. We know for sure, maybe we'll find out something interesting. Was the most surprising story also about california that there was near unanimous agreement in the Secondly, on a bill that would make child sex trafficking in California.
in a more serious felony to keep a repeat offenders in prison longer. Seventy ninety zero said yes to longer prison sentences for repeat Pelos. Are you surprised by that? I'm totally surprised, because I would expect in California the the pedals would win in court every time. For whatever reason, whatever reason- but maybe maybe California is regaining some sanity- something what's going on here,
but we know that one right, maybe it's trend who knows hello. This is god atoms and now your chance to reply to questions hot take some calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite part, guessers unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so that over two spotify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punk. in view of the latest episodes and respond to q and a and bowls and spot. If I only well, as you know, all terrorist acts and famous biographer wrote the biography of mosque and it was those one little, one little error that there might be more, but one day we know that just a small error, tiny
or the tiny error was that he reported that elon musk refused. Then he turned off the sky link. There would have been used for ukrainian attack The russian naval facilities around chromium bought in terms well that never happened. Instead, they were never turned on and when he, the ukrainians, didn't know that they didn't have the coverage they thought had coverage. So they started their attack only to find out that it wouldn't work because they didn't have coverage and when they asked most of for coverage- and he realized that it was sort of a pearl harbor thing they were doing. They didn't want to be forest,
rolled worth right now. If you get this story wrong and the biography as Isaacson admits eager wrong, so he says he got that wrong. That tiny little mistaken, the biography would be enough to put mosque in jail because apparently lisbon and others are believing the version that they probably heard first, which would make, must look like a bad guy, but even one corrected now, knowing that it was never there in the first place and they didn't want to start a world war three. They still have an issue, because the of the facts are not too important. There's still going to make an issue out of it. So there's little error if it had never been mentioned in the biography, would never even be a story, and the congress would certainly not be interested in acting on it. It just knows,
do you know about it, but because it was reported incorrectly, even once its corrected is, is still stuck in reds and they're still going to do something about it, even though they know the original story was wrong and the corrected story, in my opinion, makes him just look like the patriot or something so they absolutely didn't care about the truth of it. It was just an opening This is the sort of thing that makes it look like musk and trumpery, both just being targeted by every possible tool of the government, the weapon government and its exactly. What it looks like is exactly what it looks like two to people being targeted for political purposes. Do you know who else thinks trump is being targeted? for political purposes, potent food was just as other event. Where is asked about things,
and he said that he thought trump is being prosecuted for political reasons. Even putin can see it now have correspondent would prefer. One assumes trump to be in office. Goes jumper, probably get things settled pretty quickly and even I think even Putin admits it. Then you can get a subtle pretty quickly. So we'll work keep an eye on that, but I ve been asked a number of times by people who want to write my biography. Do you know what I say to people? right, my biography know I'd rather stay out of jail, unless somebody right, you're biography, never and as they do don't cooperate. Guess if you cooperate, is going look like us You gotta say now this with some crooked. You know some drifter,
I don't even want to be participating in it, don't believe anything that grafter says: that's what you want. Because nobody's gonna write a biography without pulling fake stuff and all think even happens. Really. It may not be intentional, But all news all news about public figures is fake in important ways. Now what can be more important than this? You know this story about mosque and skylake as about as important a story as you're going to have, and that was wrong. The most important story was wrong. Well, you can see that the Democrats have decided to make it a thing. They all must not not. Turning on the guiness scott, what is it called? Skylake skylake starlink was a gold starlink yeah keep him, of course, I'm confused
It was a movie, so Jake tapir was grilling, ended blinkem about whether this musk stuff should be addressed and he's there should be some penalty for it. So Jake tapirs are pushing the idea that, of course my most should be punished. There should be some punishment for not turning on the scaling now blinkin not going to fall for it at all. But then we saw MSNBC took the same directive so you see cnn and MSNBC Msnbc line up on the same narrative. Almost certainly it came from something democrat source, or they just knew to do it, because it's obvious is one of those two things, but as coordinated in the sense that they all know what they're doing, and I don't think that they think it's news. I think that they know it's police
cool, but I want to give you a tell for propaganda. If you watch a jake tapper, he has a. He has a physical tell for when he is pushing propaganda versus what he's doing the news, and I want you to look for it because it's funny, when he's when he's just tell you something that is true, he looks like I look now he's just looking straight at the camera and he says legs are true. There's a hurricane. You know the budget got past, that sort of thing But when he goes into narrative here eyes to sell with his face and his body the real message, while the person's talking you're forgetting what they're saying at the same time
so will the esa is the blinking weather must be punished and blinken wasn't going to buy into that narrative? He was just going to say that starlink is useful. If you watch a jake and his headstart, turned to the side like this, and then he takes on the impression the physical expression. That is the real story. The real story is the disappointment in my face and my fate by my head is we over here when I listen to you disappoint me, my peace. So look for that. If, if you look for any jake tapir interview as soon as he starts with with the parts that are pure bullshit, the narrative part it is, he can keep his head state straight. It just goes over the side
I so so look for that has got a funny, so even putin, my shop, here's a question for you. According to a study, people were asked to look at. Gb t, ai, vs, human writing,. and apparently the professional linguistics people who looked at the writing were largely unsuccessful in identifying a I versus human riding with an overall if the identification rate of only thirty nine percent, so sixty percent of the time they were wrong and they only got to write letters well as naff, but I would like to add this to it. It depends entirely what the form of the writing is if they try. If a I tried to re humor,
You can tell right away. There was either the worst human writer or I what is good. That is boring things. So, if you, Hey all. Can you describe the separation of powers? The united states, because would just be boring, writing and probably does that as well as any the historian would do, but Is it if you asked it re, erotic or sarcasm or humor, or even a review problem, probably would even good dwell on a review of but everything this more opinion he it's not gonna. Come close. That's that's my dick but for all the boring stuff it'll do the boring stuff. Just fine. Look like a human
because the human would have written or boring to do so MIKE savage tweet that struck a chord so he's been out and about- and you know talking to people and he's finding a pattern he said I have yet to be the person who had all the facts but still hated trump. I'm certain such a person exists thus human diversity of thought, but man within thirty seconds, every trump opposer immediately tells you a hoax. That's exactly my experience. I don't believe. There's an anti
one person who is now operating under the belief that the hoaxes or real have, as anybody experienced it, I've never experienced somebody who knew the hoaxes were fake and also disliked them. I've never seen it. They all believed that the you know the the mocking the disabled guy with a bad arm. What really happened? They think that he recommended injecting bleach. They think that actually happened yeah. They think the fine people hoax, is real the the whole the whole thing, and they also still believe that he was actually guilty of russian collusion. They actually believe that they believe that whole process went through and showed that he was in fact colluding with russia that the opposite of wabbit, so I wouldn't call it a mass hysteria
It's just his proper brainwashing, there's a hysteria that comes from believing that stuff, but the reason they believe it is not the hysteria, the reason they believe it is just brainwashing and then the brainwashing leads to this area. The hysteria does not cause the belief. The belief causes the hysteria so get that right, yeah. It's motivated reasoning, you're right as people who talk themselves into it. I think,
Alright, you probably saw on the news that a bunch of activists are occupied as speaker, Mccarthy's office and they're, demanding and reauthorization of some act that they cared about, doesn't matter to the story. But what was the difference between these people occupying mccarthy's office without permission and an insurrection january six wandering around the capital? Now again, of course we're not talking about the people who did violence, they were all bad, but it looks a lot the same. Doesn't it the big differ
as democrats apparently can do it. Republicans cannot, as a pretty obvious double standard Nancy base has been making the rounds this weekend and today on on the media outlets. Making some noises are a lot of fun, because she's very outspoken But she says that bribery is grounds for impeachment and he has seen a whole bunch of documents about the buttons financial transactions that the public is not and she's seen enough that we have now seen. Does she thinks say impeachment inquiry is warranted?
So then, Caitlin Collins, where's caitlin, was a lesson on CNN Kalen Collins hazard that there were Stephan he's not related. she's, not related right, so get, will count She was, she was not too interested in what Nancy MACE saw. Imagine, Nancy, mason comes on, you show just. the two of you in an interview. And she says I have personally save all this sketchy financial stuff that the public is not seen sea and then has not seen, and it looks totally like those bribery going on and we should give more bank.
records and find out, and as Glenn Greenwald pointed out, he used a statement that I love he said that the media generally seem aggressively uninterested. and knowing more about violence, financial transactions regarding ukraine- and I thought that was just that. Exactly what we say there aggressively uninterested. Remember I I've been yak and about the fact that the firing of shokhin Yeah they claim they had all this international support, but still nobody's looking into. Finally, given one name of one person who supported it, just one like with a real name that now, that is,
aggressively uninterested. You can't get more uninterested in a story, the not even asking the people who are named as the main sources, whether it's true that that's aggressively uninterested, so Greenwald is right on it. When I tweeted the the story about Gavin, newsom is trying to figure out whether he wants is for Adam schiff, or you know Barbara Lee for that position as senator I I cheekily tweeted it. Instead, it's hard to tell who the worst person is in the story is: is it newsom for making the promise and then change his mind, or even considering that race would be the main requirement or is it Barbara Lee who says all black women are going to be offended because it's about race or is it Adam schiff?
If the worst person in the world typically and Greenwald actually replied to me- and he goes it's always Adam schiff, it is just always adam schiff. If you're asking who's the worst person in the story and Adam schiff, isn't the story is adam schiff? as I thought that I thought tat was that's about right. It's always so there's story where Joe Biden apparently is gonna release so billion dollars of iran's money so that the lack of access to it,
In return for getting back, five hostages and trump is basically saying this: the worst idea in the world, because he gas stages back without giving any money. But if you, if you allow them to blackmail you to your hostages, back dear suspect, there might be more hostages in the future. You suspect, he's creating a big ol incentive system for more hostage taking which trump is accurately calling out as bat crazy. Yes ever noticed the correlation. The pattern that Democrats, Really really like things the obviously create the wrong incentive.
But it sounds good when you first say it. You know things that sound good at the moment, but clearly it sounds good to get your hostages back as sounds good, but they're not really thinking this through, not not thinking through it all. As soon as you make the business model, work of kidnapping gets your money, that's where Biden Dan, he just made the he made their business model successful. Of course it will be more, maybe not from IRAN, but of course, more because I saw work? Yes, like a zero dimension, Jesse's plane with their while there is a report that china has got a big shake up in their military industrial areas. So there are, let's see one two, three four
major heads, you know chairman types of a big military industrial businesses and I guess they're being purged, presumably for corruption. I don't know what else it would be, but when you see this, it doesn't make me think that china is ready for war. I believe that china will not attack taiwan and at least until the election, so there's no way they're going to do it before the election and here's. Why? Because there are at least two candidates who would go hard on him, but possibly if they get somebody who's. A president of the united states who sort of soft on taiwan. They might have a different situation
but yeah as long as you've got the the vache in the race and he's saying that you know it's a red line. You know until we get our chips up and working in this country, it would only make sense for china to wait, because if there's one prominent person saying hey we're going to be serious about protecting taiwan and until we get our chips and then we'll reassess, it would be crazy for china to move militarily when they could just wait seven years or whatever it takes to get our chips back. Then you know, make a stronger push. Yeah, china's got a lot of patience. It is a strategic asset that is correct, or so maybe china has fallen apart in ten different ways or demographics are bad and they're they're real estate situation is imploding and their manufacturing has been moved out and it's full of crap.
And then there are too many men compared to women and the, but probably the refine she lived in a farm in the midwest for a year that true president, she lived in the united states for a year. That's really true, not here or not here, in iowa, but not a year. Well, that's interesting. Huh you'd think he would speak better english, but I don't think he tries. Does he or he can he just doesn't do it in private yeah. That makes sense alright. Well.
That's all it's going on today, I got up early still came up short because the news this is very interesting. Have you heard anything from the apple announcement? Yet there's anybody doubles crazy to find anything anything got announced. I will tell you my current situation, I sold and oh apples, pacific time and online east. Okay, I got the time zones wrong sounds like a out there as funny. I always have it backwards, but apple's on my time, alright. So here's what I expect, I think apple, has no trouble. In the long term I sold by apple stock, so full disclosure- I don't own apple stock at the moment, except in in the end excellent. So I guess I own a lot
because that's a big part of index fund, but I've got a feeling. The phones are going to be underwhelming, but are these the phones that go to the usb c different charger device? I feel like I might get one just for the better charger device, not better, but just so I could have one type so right now. I've got too many types of chargers and going to a single charger for all. My devices would be such a big improvement to my life that I might want to spend. You know the cost of a phone just for that, so that that's a bullish thought a lot of people are gonna, say the same thing and here's a product that I think apple should make, because it is so apple. They should make it the ipad. That's optimized for podcasts
Meeting produce isn't so right now. The back camera is better than the forward camera right on, and I bet I'm right about that right. So ideally, you'd want the back camera. So you can see yourself like. I am right now. You'd want the back camera to be at least as good for broadcasting by you.
want. Some software that would allow you to broadcast. Do you know all the platforms at the same time? So I would love to see apple make an ipad. That's the ultimate podcasters tool. So now there wouldn't maybe there wouldn't be that many sales of it, but I feel like everybody's, going to be a podcaster eventually, even if it's just calling their friends Adam curry as a good setup, skus, either
It's alright. They can market it for narcissus. Alright, the majority of pictures taken on mobile or selfies yeah, exactly how many. If you looked at most of the pictures on your phone, how many of them are back camera vs for camera, it's mostly back camera right, yeah and pictures of your dogs. Even when I take a picture of my dog, it's usually a selfie with a dog years old and unselfish, alright. Well, that's my predict. My suggestion for apple give me give me a podcasters device and isaacson was training. What's that mean training alright, so I don't have much else to say today. I'm gonna go. Do some other stuff thanks enjoying. Unless you have some questions, anybody have any questions or stories. I missed all the stories or just bad behavior by the the government. It's like every story is just that
that'd be a verb by the government. Apple's stock is dropping lol. We'll see I dunno. If that's true, somebody just said it in the comments. Alright, that's all for now, thanks for joining x platform, bye for now and youtube thanks for stopping by,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-13.