« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2226 Scott Adams: The Dog Not Barking Is Deafening Now. Everything Is Corrupt. Have Coffee

2023-09-09 | 🔗

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Politics, Russell Brand, Ukraine War, New Mexico Governor Grisham, California Child Gender Law, Constitutional Violations, Nuclear Energy Cost, Elon Musk, Starlink, Fani Willis, Democrat Brainwashing Ops, Ukraine Prosecutor Shokin, Biden's Shokin Lie, Miranda Devine, New York Post, ADL Accusations, Mike Lindell, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
To do that. You too, did it little laugh about up up up up good morning, everybody and welcome. the island of human civilization home, it's called coffee was got elms and I think it's a fair to say: you've never had a better time and just wait till you see how much better it gets. It's going to be crazy. Craze is a if you like to take it up a level. Nobody's ever see in all. You need is a couple of mother, a glass, a tanker genesis, as tie in jogger flask, vessel of any kind, philip your favorite liquid I like coffee,
enjoy me now, for the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine, I think, makes everything better is called a simultaneous separate annapolis. Now go, you know, I shouldn't tell you this before I actually do it, but yesterday I wrote a gigantic hit song in my head. I know I know I know what you're thinking. Lotta people. Try to re is something, but has anybody ever written asylum, usually using hypnosis about and I realized tat I can do is on their would have the sticky is hook in the world and then I could build it around
it's not a conduction so that, while you were listened to the song, you would feel a tingle. You would actually physically feel the song, and so I thought if I write that song, it's going to be the biggest hit in the entire world, so I'm gonna work on that sure, and let me confess I don't have any song writing talents, but I can write lyrics that will be hypnotic, so I'm going to do that a lot of drumbeat to it. I love it well. I saw the story that Jimmy Fallon is getting some heat from his staff for being a hard place to work. Here's what you need to know about the story about jimmy fallon and his staff. It's about a public figure, that's all you need to data once I tell you about a public figure, you can be absolutely door is fake
now doesn't mean that none of the doesn't mean that every allegation is fake, but it's so other context. There is useless, So what do you see? Something like that? The staff says somebody did something: do you think he was the happy staff members were saying: I think it's every one of them everywhere. having the same experience. Do you think you're so Every other workplace in the world, where there are some, people who believe that his in insulting them, when he saw a living, no way to know what's happening, but I will tell you for sure you shouldn't believe anything about the story. You shouldn't leave his version devolution believe us. There. It's just something that happened there. You don't know about that, should be the story. Hey something happened. And there's no way you'll ever know what it was? That's it that's all story. Why
I a clip of Russell brand going full in his oppression? Isn't that an endorsement of trump, specifically, over the ukraine war. Now not about other things, It's funny watching Russell brand. Just say this directly as you possibly can. He's the only one is talking about the work or actually I don't think that's right. I think you have a vague and some others are talking about it correctly, but certainly jobs, the biggest the loudest voice, and we will see if that makes it it's just. I think it's.
It's interesting when you see somebody come that far come all the way from know being left, leaning to your being fully the full throated support of trump on the biggest issue, which is the war. Bobo dodo wants to make sure that I'm bad at at pattern. Recognition
Well, let me help you with your pattern. Recognition and let's say all lawyers went to college. Almost almost every lawyer went to college alright, so everything else you said is dumb as fuck, because some people like school and then they do well because they go to school. So when people do well because they go to school, that's not a massive jewish plopped. Have you heard about the massive vietnamese american plot where they go to school and get good grades? Probably because they want vietnam to run the world, so we think Well, I just want to make these people go away, because I want you to realise how stupid you're, before you go away
your entire worldview is based on being bad pattern. Recognition. The pattern recognition is not that some successful people or jewish, the throng So people who valued education are successful. How are you messing lad? Well. How is that not really really obvious to you like how anti semitic do you have to be before you think the pattern is that they're jewish did it anyway So I guess the governor of new mexico is suspended was second amendment. What I think this is actually happen, The governor of new mexico is got everything, a ban on open unconcealed carrying guns, which. lot of people say, is a violation of these second amendment, I'm sure she would say blah blah blah. It's not,
But I think this is good because a little consternation I wouldn't trust a thirty day ban on anything. Would you who, who would trust a thirty day, ban on guns? Now? No there there will be no thirty day bans on guns. If the public has, I think, say about it, we'll see with ngos, This is almost almost beyond belief and elon musk as weight into this, but the california assembly. They voted in favour of this new bill that word
essentially to say that the parents have to affirm the gender of the child. So if the child says they're a different gender than the parents, the parents do agree and if they don't they'll lose custody, they could lose custody. So if there's a divorce, the one who affirms that the child knows what their gender is is the one who gets to keep the get that his demonic yeah. You know I I've been resisting the people who say there is actual evil But what is this? What else is how, in the world is this political? It's not political is not even medical is not rational, medical, political,
It's not even wrong is just evil. So musk is fighting fighting against that. I think he said he would move the come. These companies out of california. Skype the other there's one near me. So there's a beggar, tesla facility sort of bicycle distance in that direction. So there's a lot of facilities here, so he's making threats he's. Also your mouse taking legal action against california because calvin he was a law. The mandates of social media platforms disclose content removal policies, especially about hate speech and the way you musk is interpreted, this is that things which will be allowed under free speech would possibly not be allowed in California
so California wants to violate the constitution. According to that view, and new mexico wants to violate the constitution according to guns, and if you notice, it's always democrats violating the constitution feels like and when the republicans do it. It's fake we'll talk about that later, but when republicans are accused of doing it, it's not even real But it looks like it's happening on both sides. If you didn't know any better, here's, my silent, ike, all fake news, fake science and you don't even have to read the science. I'm going to tell you the headline of this study, and you tell me if you would believe anything is has just outlined. Kids do better in school when they can see trees. Kids do better, in school, when they can see trees, therefore
in the trees to any environment would give you a better result did do you think that anything else might be correlated with the trees? Is there any Two girls, hmm, is there any other variable that would be highly correlated with trees, probably probably everything yeah, probably everything is correlated with whether you have tree by your income, the other demographics, the early. Basically, everything your health and. so I wouldn't even by the regular report. Here's another one why scientists cannot beach cannot be trusted with numbers? Scientists are currently trying to do math with money. Sir, this new study, the says that nuclear power is way too expensive now
How far did I have to dig into it to find out what they did wrong? not very far like it was like a first sentences recently, but basically they take the approach that await nuclear as always been built in the past, which is primarily through the extreme reluctance of the government and environmental groups that, if the same situation persisted where people such as the people, probably writing this report. When you have immense irrational opposition to it. It's not economical, guess what you know. What else would fall into that category? Absolutely with it. You could pick any any industry randomly and say: alright, let's take this industry, what there was doing fine, but we're going to put extreme extreme political public pressure on it to not do anything:
and not produce a product? I will put everything on it will make you will make them take twenty years to produce you didn't have whatever their product is? How would that industry look economically? It would look pretty bad. Look pretty bad about an industry, where somebody decided they were make a consumer product, but everyone would be different, so can never gabby economies of scale that wouldn't look like a good idea. What, but suppose. you look there every industry, the had low barriers does the government was being held, Is that of young make bad and that public wasn't pushing on them and they you make everyone the same. In that case, good economics. So when people study the economics- and I are of gay junior as this problem as well, when you started economics of nuclear. If your stuff how it was done in the past you're, not
really studying the economics and nuclear you get that right, because we wouldn't do it that way. if we try to do it that way. That would, in fact, be a mistake. It probably would be a mistake to try to build a new nuclear plant with the current set of constraints, so changed the constraints because the constraints of the problem, not not the economics of the business- We are a government which could move, removes the constraints or maybe, as you want. it would be a federal set of requirements and then prove, let's say a modular set of components
anybody who does these same modular pieces, the important parts we'll get pretty much automatic approval because it sort of three approved now. Do you think that they studied a world in which the government had pre approved some some designs so that everybody can just use it Of course, not of course aided, so every time you see a political political lie them, whereas some of these studies, the math and said o this warm pencil out there, never doing it right that a public news item about the economics of something probably never to probably never control motivated all these reports about it. Why are you promoted conspiracy theories in all caps? Why,
you june for lunch. I would ask you in return: here's a fog of or update, How often do I tell you that is the topic is war. The first report is false, so this is about starling and elon musk, whether or not he turned off skylight. When the ukrainians were planning and attack. Now, apparently, this was not reason. This was. you're a dollar. Whenever west and the
ukrainians, we're gonna, sender, drone fleet to sink the entire russian or a lot of it in port and the recent here's. The part that we didn't know the ukrainians thought they had coverage. So if you take that part of the story is different and that support we just learned, so they thought they had coverage. So they started to mount an attack which they were really excited about only to realize they didn't they asked they ask you learn to turn on their portion. as he said, I'm not going be part of a major attack on russia, which I believe was the right call, They basically asked him to be a combatant, essentially part of the attack
I think he wisely said. Maybe I can be part of the defence hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite pod guessers unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so that over two spotify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punkahs in view of the latest episodes and respond to culinary and bulls on spot. If I only. But I'm not going to be part of the attack on you know what looks like russia proper to russia, so so he is in trouble, for that is in trouble for,
everything else and could do you think it would be fair to say at this point that the Democrats are trying to put elon musk in jail? That's what it looks like, I feel like they're, trying to put them in jail like actually in jail, and they don't and it looks like they don't care what what they use to do. It. That's what it looks like, so I think that these cases you can say that that is exactly what it looks like. so whenever there is a lack of transparency, just assume it's exactly what it looks like that's exactly what it looks like. It looks like republicans to be hunted in a variety of ways, and this is more, that is the big wailed. Is the moby dick, so to speak, So there is a report that the prosecutor funny you willis.
Is corrupt so so so some of the cases, the other generous excuses have to do with these so called fake electors. now, if somebody was going to pretend they were the illegitimate electors, that would look pretty bad. Wouldn't it now turns out. There's nothin. Yes, but it would look really bad if somebody was gonna, pretend they were the legitimate electors, and then say all we really one where the legitimate ones with interest take over the country that that way, so it turns out there, Bonnie had in her possession documents, they show that the people were doing the socalled fake elector thing. Knew that they were not real electors and and
Intentions are clearly stated were that they were not going to be fake electors. There are going to be a sort of like back up in case just to hold the right. In other words, it was a place older encase needed they were. They were not meant to be replacements, their alternates and all that is somebody if things go the way you want them to, they could be altered. They were not a replacement for a replacement for, would look like an insurrection turn while you sort out what's real, looks like just being prepared for outcomes, it turns out the father had documents. They showed that the so called fake electors were always meant to be alternates and they said indirect words. They were not trying to be the replacements directly.
so the rain charge, where the thing that the documents clearly show they were not trying to do. They were trying to do something legal and not that thing that are being charged with, and so she she apparently didn't talk about it or suppressed it, so that you wouldn't know that is obvious or innocent. It's obvious reasons like super super obvious. Are innocent and decided just not to tell you now at what point do you have a prosecutor or arrest Shouldn t be arrested for that, if it's no and that she knew that this was would have free them immediately and she's suppressed it shouldn t be in jail already. She should be in jail right. Am I talking like a partisan, or is it just common sense? So I guess I guess I'll put the fog of war standard on this one as well. It could be that she has a reason for
washington that I haven't heard a reason yet, but based on the based on what we've seen so far, it would look like she is just a criminal. That's what it looks like it looks like she is just a criminal and, but we don't know, was a year to enter this yesterday by like this, so much obliterated that when republicans are wrong about anything, that's the whole story. The wrong one happens: novel nobody's right. The time right, but when republicans wrong, they're just sort of wrong, there's nothing else to say, but one, Democrats or wrong most time and space their own team, ran a sophisticated up to brainwash them, but here's the thing I've never met a democratic was aware of that. Have you
I've never met a Democrat was aware that their own team runs cereal hoaxes on them. The they don't work is well on. The republicans goes republicans know what's happening. But the Democrats seem to be completely unaware that their team is running uppsala, that's happening on the republic inside. where am I so deeply into my own bubble- that I can see, is heavily on both sides. But to me it looks like it only happens on one side and the reason would be if only one side controls enough of the media that you could come up with an op that the media will support right. If the. If the republicans tried to come up with that kind of an app it would, it would live in just the democrat world, and even some of them would reject it right. There's been no media to support it.
Yeah so but think about the fact that you ve never met a Democrat whose aware that their own do runs ops on them all the time. It's nonstop just think about that that the the amazing success of these there's. This brainwashing is that they don't know what's happening at all. It's really is impressive in its own way,. Speaking of brainwashing, I like to give you examples of what I call tells for a cognitive dissonance, meaning that something some things that people do automatically when you catch them and cognitive dissonance. One is the so tell where you say so. is blue unless they always believed there wasn't, and then I want to be embarrassed by finding really us they'll say so.
You're saying everything in the world is blue. You go what with everything that everything that came after that word so was ridiculous. So. You're saying that nobody else can every speech now now that we're not even talking about that, so you trying to change the subject now now, I'm not even yossi can talk, anybody who does the so as soon as year. The words. So you can stop the conversation that, which is what I do Well, there's these so tell so we're done here another one is word salad, word salad, o before that one another one is what I call the well the repeating well is used when you d any the access the site? This is true
well. Here's above evidence show is not you well. Ok, maybe that's not true, but this is too well. of evidence showing that's, not your ok. Maybe those things are true, Here's some evidence showing a third things through years of evidence showing is not what are. They do then started the top as if you'd never discussed it. always so says they go down the well and they lived about it all, and then they just start at the top. Like you hadn't conversed, that's that's cognitive dissonance but my fear is the word salad word. Salad is essential. that might make sense in a grammar sense. But if you look at it in context, you'd say what, So let me give you one
So, as you know, everybody whose observing except semira knows that he is experiencing some kind of mental phenomenon, it looks like cognitive dissonance to anybody, studied it. But here is why he said that to me looks like words out so he's talking about january, six and trump and how dangerous tranches So years ascendancy actually spoke to Russell brand quote that was such a dangerous desecration of political landscape, that I should think you should make it impossible to support tromp sergeant you so jerry respects that, with such a dangerous desecration of our political landscape, that, I think you should make it impossible to support trump. Just like that sentence Do I do even say? Did you say more things are real problems?
instead of a sentence that everybody understands and agrees with, increasing the amount of money that we print will will increase inflation. Was that word silent now the war in ukraine risks. It is escalated to a nuclear war. Was that word talent? You all understood that right cause, that's a real opinion and children should not be making gender choices because their brains are not developed. Did everybody understand that? I think you did right you could disagree, but you understood the point or about somebody says I disagree with abortion because, in my opinion, is a living thing in life. Is precious zobeide confused? Now you not confused about at all.
Not all were worthy elections rigged or not rig some say rig, they give the reasons some say not rig they give. The reasons is only by confused. Oh no, oh you get everything. That's a real opinion about. A real thing can be expressed in very simple words if you end up with a dangerous desecration of our political landscape. Major you're completely in a theoretical word based world, in which you tried to make words fit together to match your preconceived opinion yeah. This is classic word sullen and everybody accepts them. Europe would be aware of that and if he heard me describe it, which you polly won't cause, I don't think he pays attention to social media. But if he are to describe it would say
god. No, I have real reasons. Let me tell you the good reasons do so it's always the thing with cognitive dissonance is that a person is experiencing. It is the only one who can have any vision and whether it's happening by in there, the ones who don't know? Sir less my opinion on that. So here is a tweet that I made yesterday. Pretty pretty early after I got off of I'm gonna go servers three partner, said this. I our mind boggling, that half the country believes trespassing in one building is how you conquerors superpower, because, as you said so. and that I said it's almost incredible as the fact that
one is interviewed any of the international people who allegedly water ukrainian prosecutor fired as much as Joe Biden did. Have you heard me say that before Biden keep saying, but but these international entities they wanted and fired, and I yup, say so. What have we talked to him? Why is nobody talked to him? There's that dog? Why is he not barking? The most important fact the most important fact in the world is whether that claim is true. It's the most important fact in the world right now, because that's the fact that keeps the president in an office. That is a fact that would determine whether his competitor could win. Whoever that is that's a fact that describes everything we know about the situation.
It's a fact that word unlock the rosetta stone of corruption to actually understand why happen without the news spin, it maybe act. This determining there were in a war which is destroying our economies. It might create a nuclear war is by far the most question. Is it true? The other serious people wanted him fired so after I said that It's the same thing about these fine people hoax. Nobody, nobody went to talk to the fine people to find out. If trump was right, that there were some non racists there who just one of the statues now turns out. I did.
I actually asked on twitter: are there any find people who disavow racists who attended the event? Some of them contacted me, and so I talked to them and I'm convinced the real people who in one case where locals- and they just heard something, was going on about the statues and they wandered down and they were in favor of keeping them and they said the nazis, we nazis, but we like statues. So did you notice that no one else in the entire media landscape when went today. Were there any fine people there, because I was a major claim by then ran on that hoax. So, knowing what do you know the answer to the question? Whether any people who are non races? Who were there just for the statues was the most important? fashion and nobody ever asked it except me. Nobody in the
old. I'm the only one who asked the question and was the most important question, which, probably even by an elected. So back to the other one about the ukrainian prosecutor shokhin today I wake up to four, and that the new says and I saw this on. A miranda is a divine. I don't want to divine right, not intervene. yes divine so miranda divine was writing, and I saw Kaliko are the great retweeting that the euro in commission praise ukraine's prosecutor vector shokhin for his efforts to fight corruption in december. Twenty fifteen prime,
Where's report published nine days after nine days after vp Joe Biden demanded disaster, so the entity that he says agreed with them strikingly disagreed. Even after you said it, they disagree. The writer. did you ever see that reported. Have any of you ever seen that in the news before today? Now let me ask you: this is a coincidence that I tweeted this and then I showed up in the news within hours.
I dunno I dunno, but it's the most important question in the world now would you agree is the most important question in the world because everything makes sense once you know that? never true, because I also allows you to understand which news entities are corrupt, because any news entity there was in curious about that question is corrupt or completely incompetent. Yes, America did, did you ever hear anybody even asked the question? Have you checked with those other people, entire story, the entire story forever. as depended on those other people, and nobody ever talk to them. But I guess it was some news report that could be pulled out.
How how mind blowing is that that the most important question in the world, the entire media, appear to be completely in curious about, but I'll give miranda divine a the credit in the new york post because they were curious enough to go get the answer, and the answer was. It was a lie According to this, do you think this will be all over rub CNN today that the most important fact than we have ever seen in the year probably just became clear? No, no! No, because democrats will never learn Then what they think is. The news has always been brainwashing, ops them a little. alas, too, but mostly they brainwashing their own team. A question: do you,
a gear, the atom of simulation theory as an added believe, that's a weird little weird little coincidence, here is another thing that Democrats don't know, but you do so you you love, must again, he was having a battle with the ideal. Now here's what we know because we pay attention, but others doubt that the hdl may have had some noble purpose of the past. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, but at the moment, they're, just a Democrat Oregon that the Democrats use to smear their opponents, That's all it is and they, but because either people don't know, I don't care, We, the media, has formed behind them, another
Jihad lines about how you like musk, is attacking this wonderful idea. Also. I guess he must be an anti semite because he's going after the media. Now, if you are a Democrat, you would think this is true. But listen up this. This is obviously the ideal. Obviously gather media threatens to write articles. saying that eighty l is right and elon musk is wrong. Do you know why? Because if their friends didn't write that they would give smeared four billion dollars the radio, largely controls and news, because I'll just go you emphasise medic, even if its unrelated to the topic, they'll find a reason to call you enter a if you report things in a like they being the Democrats.
Now, if you didn't know that, you would think that europe must is acting sketchy by being against somebody who's against defamation, that that's what they're Democrats would say, no deck, it's not about the tribe. it's about Democrats who can Josie adsl one guy, one guy controls the ideal, Do you know Israel doesn't like the I'll all right. So those of your saying this, the ideal is all part of the jewish conspiracy. Don't you think that Benjamin Netanyahu? don't you think that he would be on the same side if there was a major jewish conspiracy that the ideal would be part of russia Israel is not a big family. The l
for the same reason that I am describing they're, not there not a credible organization and they certainly MIKE Israel. Look good, so you. I have to work on your conspiracy theories. You get after you going to have to explain why you think Israel wants open borders, the dumbest fucking thing anybody ever thought in their life, so you think they're all backing soros and his open borders, because israel itself would be better off with open borders. That's your theory! that's your fuckin theory like you should at least have a conspiracy theory with sticks together a little bit right if you're jewish conspiracy theory doesn't include Israel then you probably have a problem with your theory. Nothing about them. Michael is being hero use.
Being what do you call? A deposition is doing a deposition, I wish the lawyer up referred to emerge. Taking customer complain call and he characterizes those people complaining about lumpy billows. Well, let me tell you you can call MIKE Wendell Names you can say you, you say that is crazy. You can say he's a conspiracy theorist, you can say many things about him, but don't make This of that was a line too far and there's a funny clip of him calling lawyer and ass all over and over again, which I could just all day long because the lawyer was an asshole. There was nothing about this deposition
we should have mentioned lumpy paulos, because it's not an evidence and I have nothing to do with anything. It was just a way to defame. Am it s the yeah. We was just another waited defamer. Basically, so say a very bad behaviour and in just one after those fun, so I'm gonna buy two more billows. I'm gonna buy I've got a couple. I'm gonna buy two more my pillows to reward him for his bad behaviour goes if somebody calls their lawyer an asshole during a deposition. My first question is: what are you selling? I think I need to I'm so going to buy two billows sometime next day or two. other good fellows and by the way that the disease, the mai below it can't possibly be lumpy by design it would you ve got one. It would be impossible
so I can see why you will be mad about that word. These are not lumpy pillows there, well hold their form and you know there's a lot of personal preference, but if, if your personal preference is like a nice from below they're, very good, very good pillow, I can say for sure that these are way above average bellows. I haven't tried every pillow in the world, but there are good pillows all right, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the stories that interested me the most did I miss anything. Is rankers story, anything, juicy that I soft landing talk about the economy? You know I I do not understand. What's going on with the economy, if everybody does, because every part of it appears to be something that sea already too.
Fall apart, but at the same time was a krugman who said that people don't know that inflation is coming down or has come down or something do you believe that do? Does it feel to you like inflation came down, doesn't feel it at the grocery store or restaurant gas. I think my health club is the same price I quit, but if I went back be a surprise, rent would be up, housing would be up, furniture would be up, insurance would be up, energy would be up. What is he talking about I don't know anything that isn't not just maybe a few consumer items right about it. So he even even something like a insulation measurement. You can't we just that
let let me tell you which things I'm good at predicting and what I'm not so. This is what I've learned on my own, I'm terrible at predicting a normal politics. So the question there was who would be trump's vice president. I would call that normal, Politics, because ass to do with a lot of things, happened behind the scenes, So I will always be bad at predicting who somebody will pick as a vice president and have been bad in the past. So I don't don't listen to me when I say vice president I am also bad on everything, this purely political, because I don't have much insight to that
The the places that I do well are spotting bullshit, as I did with the the shogun thing, as I did with the fine people, as I did with the drinking bleach oaks. So I'm really good at spotting bullshit. You know I was the first one, I think, probably the first one to call that the secret sonic weapon was bullshit as soon as the year, the euro I came out both of you are on the same page, but it didn't take me long to say bullshit and sure enough we're not seeing any the aliens. So if I tell you some things bullshit, I think I have at least a eighty percent record with you if you ve, been watching me for what would you say I'm about eighty percent right when I call out something has not true either is ninety, but I will give you eighty, but what is a purely
political thing. Would you also agree that I'm not so that kind of have? I am no insight into that was now I do have a tax so another category would be technology, and I dont know what my recognises and technology, but my but there's one weakened, just one of the early people to say the ai will be underwhelming underwhelming and, I think that's contrary, and so at least the the current version is just going to be a cool tool. The only people who take the time to learn how to use. The tool are going to use, which means that people will use it in the context of their job, but not much else so it'll be as transformative as the laser printer, and you know, let's say when DAS became visual.
it's the scoby sort of like that, so ill certainly make things look and feel different. Certainly, your customer interactions with companies should be greatly improved. I've had a few experiences of getting a good high functioning In fact I had this the other day I got an idea is that of a person but it wasn't one of these stupid phone trees than ever work where you're trying to work through the phone tree. It was just a conversation. You just ask me questions that I answered him. I knew it was a lie at work. It got it got me all. The way to a final result was very good now stuff like that, will happen. Stuff like that will happen, because our really transformative is not going to. society. I don't see the eight hour breaking people's passwords, yet wasn't supposed to break all our passwords by now. So so you can test this one. So
My my prediction is that ai is a oh. My somebody says my hardcover edition go fixed on amazon. Oh it wasn't fixed this morning when I got on this money. Wasn't fixed budget but I'll check that out. The great book, well, let me tell you I'll tell you again that my and the reviews for reframe your brain are amazing. It definitely is the best book I've written in terms of usefulness. So I would I have this following claim Here's my claim: there's no book on improving your life. That gives you
More value in a simpler form is the highest value in the the simplest effort. You really just read the sentence. Basically just read the sentence, some of them will work for you and some of them will be irrelevant, but that's my claim. There's no book in the world ever that gave you this much benefit with this most little effort, thus big claim. But what? If, if you see the people going by, who have read the book, they're saying oh yeah, that's true, there's is this a growing whether you actually read it? Nobody just think about big claimants. I just said it was like the most useful book ever a ridiculous claim. For the little man of time you put into it and there's not a thing,
person who read it was disagree, I'm watching more comments on the locals platform, but just think about that. How extraordinary that is can affects brain damage. Maybe depends on you. It depends how you define damage. The may so I guess the apple is working on their own ai and they're, putting massive amounts of money to use the first option. There are still workbooks here, there's no hardcover, okay, so no the hardcore resume text, so you might be, you might be safe somebody. I think somebody just noted that it's not fixed that one of the problems is.
It would be fixed and unfixed. You just bought the hardcover. Well, it does show up, but it shows up second, so it shows the fake when first last I checked I'll check again, but my old publisher did say they were going to take it down, but it might take a few days. six weeks does it showed not available? Does it say that covers not available when it is I do rumor that apple, my by disney, oh, I haven't heard of that that doesn't sound real the apple made by disney. I don't see that's real.
That feels like the worst idea in the world seriously: that's not the worst idea in the world. Those businesses don't belong together, that those are completely different. I can't imagine that steve jobs will do that apple tv needs content, hmm, okay, so they're just buying a content maker for apple tv. Hmm, alright I'll give you that I'll give you apple tv. Scott do you know donate to the ideal
seriously, who runs the eighty ideal, scott people that Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't like? Are we done here and we seriously how many fucking times do I have to tell you the same thing while wow. The I'll I'll either be more striking for the ready, if he had to guess who does the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who do you think he likes better Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the dl or me? What do you think gun to head if he had to pick one of those people who do you think you would pick as his favor?
person of the two of us, it wouldn't even be close. That does that give you any pause at all about your theories. Now, though, he doesn't like green blow, the dl doesn't, like Netanyahu, thinks that thinks. He's too conservative thinks he's too friendly to trump, probably alright, alright, well you're being silly now something again ignore all your comments or youtube you've gone down into the sewer, so I think we'll end this now and I will talk to you tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-10.