« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2223 Scott Adams: Lots Of Veins Bulging News Today. Let's Have Fun Mocking It

2023-09-06 | 🔗

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Politics, Tucker Carlson Interview, ADL Myths & Facts, Cenk Uygur, Alternate Electors, Airline Masking Mandate, Democrat Benefits List, Republicans Hunted, Rob Reiner, J6 Sentences, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Peterson, Scott Adams Diet System, Processed Foods, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But but to do good morning everybody and welcome to highlight of human civilization is called coffee was got out, and if your new here, what is the beginning of the best part of your life, because we, get up to levels of nobody's ever dreamed of you can't get this on cnn. And if you want to join us in this marvellous experience,. Morning all you need is a copper, mugger glass, a tanker channels must I again teen jogger flask vessel of any kind. Fill it with your favorite liquids. My like coffee, we now have them parallel pleasure, dopamine the end of the day, the thing that makes everything better, it's called a simultaneous sip, go very good, very good, some of our best, I think.
Well, let's talk about the most important news I liked it, from the most important, the least. So he and all the big stuff right up front. Tucker. Carlson is going to interview a guy who says he had sex with obama. So so that's a big news, big news, big news. Now, here's my take on it. I would not believe it short of physical evidence such as, oh, yes, let's say oral sex. Not so, if somebody wants me to clarify That there was no penetration alleged, it was only oral, ok, good, good addition, but my my take is it I dont believe a story of this nature. Does it's a new category of stories that are sketchy by their nature.
But a lot of you were saying about scarred the average, says is overwhelming because, if the people who know this guy and even I think, tracing beans or something said she knows them well totally not lying, and then I guess he passed to a lie. Detector. Somebody said I dunno, if that's true, but they say he passed the lie detector more than once I dunno. If any of us So is that good people who know him personally say it is definitely not lying. The lie detector, allegedly I dunno even off the top one, but allegedly that work. Is that good enough? No, it's not! Even was together to now by the way. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm saying if you want to convince me, it happened you're gonna be need more than an old junkie. To say it happened.
Some somebody twitter said what I've been thinking is The other possibility he thinks that happened and that yes, there is yes there is that. Do you know what the accuracy rate is of eyewitness accounts of crimes? You know this obviously is not a well. I guess it's a crime drugs were loved. But if you, if you get witnesses to say- who did you see right steadily right in front of you? They have something like a fifty percent miss rake. I had this experience when I worked at a bank, the bank, I robbed- and I described the person who robbed me not even close. In fact, when the f b, I called be into their secret facility and they play back the video from these security cameras to show the guy robbing me they shut,
I stand in front of me and they go as us together. Unlike you, carry weight as they were close now, rob me was young. I described a totally different guy thirty years. Different age, different, hair, color, different I'd, indifferent clothing and they said really. This is the guy, who robbed you, I saw you standing right in front of me. was this far away looking right at him. While he robbed me is it shows that I got the wrong and then they said watch this They are there like a hidden crank where they could change the speed of the video and- and I watched the sky rob me, and I was errand like what I have a perfect memory of a different world which I still do. I still had now have a memory of what I saw the video, but at the same time
perfect memory of a completely different guy rob nairobi now has robbed twice One time I was asked to pick the robber out of a lineup and it was easy he was the only one smiling, but I also recognized, as did all the other people, because he. the number about bags, so everybody was only witness group. We all recognise the breakaway, but the guy that I described completely differently, It also described the same way. I described him by another witness in the bank. We both described a completely different guy, but here's the weird part, our two independent descriptions we didn't compare notes we were talked to separately were the same, not guy, he wasn't there, we've also or somebody who wasn't there. Two for two there were only two witnesses and we both saw somebody who absolutely was not the person who robbed me,
Now, if you say to yourself, he passed the lie. Detector and people know him personally are positive, he's not like what are the odds and strew stuff. Seventy percent, roughly fifty percent, I don't think he's necessarily lying. So that's not my theory either, He may have had a memory of something that didn't happen. Do you think that there's everybody herbs wasn't there's something about Obama gather the limo wasn't part of the story. Like those a limo involved. I remember story. In my own life, somebody lose, my driver and bold to give something arrived in this personally, a gay roommate she wasn't gable. Roommate you're, just gonna get
but the gay roommate ended up having a quick affair with the driver. I other loafers, while they waited for the rider or afterwards. But rochester was the driver. Most of those oversee explanation We're saying that we live in a weird world where a eye witness report just doesn't mean what you think it is it's, maybe a fifty percent chance of being true. Anyway, I don't care. If it's true or not, you know you, you can in argument psycho because of this or that it's important really is it. Maybe it's We important in the narrow sense that it tells you how easily you could be duped about? Suddenly ordinary, but it doesnt does matter beyond them.
as you know, the ideal, the entire defamation league, which is really add, moreover, defamation. Producer than defamation sorter, but that's my opinion. So I looked. there are the ideal mists and facts page, listen facts. I wanted to see if there's anything that who had been saying about them. There was unfair added, and if I had suddenly unfair things, I want to see what their argument was, because I figure people probably say similar things. So in my mind I was seeking already. How long would I have to read their fact page worthy debugging, the myths about them before spot when this obviously bullshit, here's the first one, two three four, here's. The first four words the first four words of the page after the title, adsl amiss and facts, and I quote
as a non partisan organization,. We're done there are literally most famous for big a partisan wing of the Democrats that they use just as a attack not to go after republicans, Now that doesn't mean they don't also do good work. They probably do because there's probably a bunch of defamation out there that needs to be rebuked, but they are most famous for being a highly partisan organization and on their myths page that they actually have the the guts to put the first four words as a nonpartisan organization. Everything after that you can disbelieve. You know the judge jeanine saying she didn't make it up, but she says it often that if you're the the judge might
instruct the jury that, if they witnessed lies about everything- and you know it's lie or you're you're sure lie that year. certainly or with a new right to assume that everything said after that, a sketchy up One of the most puzzling questions in my mind about the brainwashing that half of the country is experienced is how they think the january six fake elector scheme would have played out if had gone, a different direction, so the the so called alternate electors that trumpeting some folks wanted that didn't work out. now? The Democrats will call them snake electors the people
we're in favor of this plan would have called the alternate electors and they would have said there is some precedent to hawaii blah blah blah, but on the left they believe that this is obviously it. This was an insurrection Coup kind of a thing cause if trump had gotten away with putting in some what they call fake electors. Well, that he'd be president, and you know that would be opposite of what the election outcome was, and so that would be a coup so jank. We, Here is a mocking trump supporters, and he said this They are the treaties that who made trump organised in our capitals fake electors to replace the actual electors. He did that because the EU is losing these an idiot who thought he could do a through against america, it's against america,
when a republic is going to stop their endless cry, about how they are special fucking victims, to which I replied. Now, there is like replying to junk is he's not completely lost, meaning he does have the facility to just as opinions based on actual data, but I don't think he gets the same data that you and I do I just Are you guess that european seas the same things we do santayana help about trying to open up So, as far as I said, the game without genk genk, let's say those all to alternate or or fake electors, one forward what happens next? What will happen next? What everyone say- oh ok, good play, jump goddess uganda's. We did not see the fake elector play
but as soon as you said, work and ignore the elections and just pull in fake electors. Well, you became pro again and what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do good play? Was I going to happen? Probably not wrote. The odds are lower, that or how about this and armed civil war as soon those fake electors were approved. Arms of war right, everybody gets a gun, says oh fake electors, fake electors, well, except the problem, would be. It would be. The unarmed part of the public that wouldn't likely out the people with all the guns would be the ones that are like this fact. Collectors are pretty good electors. Have he asked me I like to fake ones, or can I call them alternate? I was I going to happen. I don't think so
I don't think so. It didn't look like we were on the. I saw no signs that we were on a border of like an actual yo general civil war or something like that. No no signs at all. Or is it more likely? Is the third possibility that the fake electors went forward and lets say they chose trump based on that process? What would happen next? Do you think it would go to the supreme court, like gore versus bush? Of course it would know what would happen if this support court saw there's. Somebody was picking fake electors and didn't have a good argument for it or though, or they picked fake electors, because they thought the elected needed some extra checking Well, what is the supreme court even though its conservative majority? What would you do. Well, it would either say: oh those fake electors are no good or
it will save the election was no good and so therefore fickle actors makes sense. Do you think that the supreme without any evidence of an election being bad, nothing that we ve seen. That seems credible our or nothing that a core is MR, do you think that going to say all that election was bad. They didn't have any evidence of that right now. the most likely outcome to outcome. As I say, no, these alternatives are inappropriate. You have to go with the other ones that back or there were said there are legitimate and necessary course, as they are legitimate. The alternate then drop as the president that that's how it works. That's the system, that's how it is designed.
I was supposed to work now. Was everybody happy when the supreme court ruled in a way that made bush president instead of gore know they were not People were not happy, but we went on and we didn't. We didn't call it a coup. Did we the probably probably somebody called but women deals are generally say the country was taken over, said we had an ugly process, it was really close and a good thing. We have a supreme court, and we can all go back to our lives and stop thinking about this. maybe maybe bush edwin, but there is still still plenty of room for challenging goro could have carried it further, just as decided not to so that's my my challenge too. Junk is to tell me how he thinks it would have played out, because I think it would have been fine.
like Alex Jones, is going to be right again, as people keep telling me that the tsh definitely is planning to bring both masks and maybe probably planning to bring back. The entire must be vaccinated. Protocol by the winter answer and events is a forum. Some legislation to make that illegal, no more mass mandates for is good for us. Kids or airline passengers. Now that's justly first things that came up. Obviously there might be other things later. not enough that'll get past, probably not because there are lots of people in congress by here's. What I say If the airlines require masks, it won't be because the airlines s for it right it'll, because the t a required can be effective
Well, that's true! Right: it wouldn't be the airlines making the decision they would just be complying with are the f area so it'd be the f a a somebody say, but in any case it would be the government. It would not be the airline's right. We should still as the public destroy the airlines, put them out of business just bankrupt and totally did do. I care that the when I made them, do it nope nope? Would it be terribly unfair to the airlines oh yeah terribly unfair? Would it be like super unfair to the employees who might lose their jobs? Absolutely unfair, unfair, like crazy? Do it anyway? Do it anyway, because you can't you can't give away your freedom for nothing. It's going to be expensive. If you want to take our freedom is going to cost
and if we have to destroy an entire industry to regain our freedom and tolerance, overlap, no no hesitation whatsoever take out the entire, airline industry and by the way the airline industry is a mess there. If there's one We should get rid of entirely and start over. This airline industry, by those with airlines are the only thing I know, there's got worse every year for my entire life For my entire life airlines flying has gotten a little bit worse. Every time we don't need that we should just wiped off the map, bankrupt all those companies and see if somebody can build something that makes sense and works. So, yes, I'm in favour J D, evinces legislation, but
that doesn't get it done? We have to bankrupt the first company that goes forward and if it's all, we have to get em off. Take out the entire industry hello, this is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite podcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the gaunt and even more so that over two spotify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite and and views latest episodes and respond to q and a and polls on spotify. Only alright, let's talk about those florida nazis led by bone face, is that his name bone face
and he's got some weird cia connections they fought in ukraine, which is where the fought with ukrainian nazis, which is weird and but yeah he is he's also, strangely articulate for for being the person. Is which is weird, but the worsening That's the story by far is Joe. I didn't calling moon fine people. Can you believe the Joe Biden, the president present united states, stood in front of the world and called these nazis with actual nazi flags didn't notice their veins or bulging. Did you see the vulgate? The bulging veins that was the worst part and then it goes up there. Their goes. These nazis are fine people and, unlike what what does he really say that lay? I could believe Now some people go say that they have a virus,
with my own ears, so it must have happened right. Moving on. I wanted to track the evolution of a binding supporter of yes, I'm gonna keep saying that by the way I'm gonna keep saying the Biden called those nazis. Fine people I tweeted I gotta say it every day until somebody says what the hell are you talking about. Maybe we'll have a conversation about how these things happen, but if we doubt that Joe Biden called the nazis. Fine people- and I think all of you should repeat that you should all repeated until you're deeply challenged about the the factual value of it make sure
just every time. You see a Democrat say: well, you know he called them. Fine people find it hard to explain. alright, so here's the evolution of a binding supporter, twenty sixteen. Tromp as a liar right, all democrats and twenty six in trump is a liar. We need an honest person as president he's a liar lying liar, so many law is twenty twenty by, and has replaced the liar we got the liar by Biden in their instead, the liar yea, twenty twenty twenty twenty two, well, at least by didn't, doesn't lie as much as drop. He does. lie as much right. So we're or way better off, because we
guy, who doesn't lie as much nos twenty twenty two, twenty twenty three all right. Maybe maybe the substance of Biden's lies are far worse seated start to find people oaks, which is the worst hoax ever played in the country, I'm mean that's bad and they did do the laptop oaks and the cover up of his ukrainians involvement and those are Well, maybe even the cause of a world war. We don't know yet, but those are the worst, lies I've ever seen in the political world, but look how many times trump has lied about his crowd size I mean. How do you can bear those shared by didn't? Have the worst lies, but the that many of you repeated in the lot, but love that many just just- He was involved with something improper in ukraine may or may not be a reason for us, both
in all our money and having a war over there. That will kill a million people, maybe don't know, but then we got twenty twenty four, I'm looking ahead to the next evolution. be our high, maybe by than this brain dead now, but but at least it so lesson drop right. Yes, his brain not working and he can't speak using agitated state, Less compare who lies, bore. He's lying there are unable to talk, is hooked machines. but do you see any line now? The most honest president, we ve, read, compare that to drop once again. These are this crowd. Size was twice as Is it wasn't? I don't think we can live with that. You know, let me mean live with. I speak here,
junk one other interaction with them. Sir jack was making fun of air transport. Socio boxes, the secrets- and I said I reply to him because he thought the boxes of secrets were a reason not to vote for and I said if trump had nuclear secrets or you are f o russia's or secrets we would already know the the general debate. Let me go back first. I said: if the boxes at anything that mattered, we would already know what's So my statement is: if the moral go boxes had things
really dangerous for the country. Of course, that would have been leaked. We would know something about that by now. So here's what genk says to that comment see see. If this looks I'm going to call this section stupid or just being partisan, stupid or partisan. So in response to my comment there. We would know what was in the boxes if it was really a problem genk. Three to it's me. They says where's my page network, Oh, he said of my response goes. This is the most nonsense ago response I can imagine that so important that there are classified as top secret
as you don't know, what's in them precisely because are so important to national security. Now did genk genk interpret my comment to mean that I thought we should know the details, those secrets, because he was just responding as if he thought I had suggested that we would know the details of the secrets of the boxes by now the top secret boxes- and he actually was. I guess he was certain enough that that's what I meant that he wanted to mock me in public for it, Do you think, that's what I meant, what any of you interpret their we'd know? What's in the boxes, to mean that we would know the details of lessen the boxes now? Is that that tv S or is it just being partisan?
and he knows what he's doing, does he know nowadays, no one or not he's not respond to this. I said if trumpet nuclear secrets or ufo savers, russia's We would already know the jet. domain of the secrets. Do you agree. we would know the general domain of those secrets for sure if they were really critical and important, they don't need to tell us what exactly had But if they say it was something about how to use nuclear well loud, narrowed down be concerned about that But we have that which I strongly suggest. There's nothing in those boxes of actual importance are, I think, of all this democrats have given us- and I noticed a patent, so
wrote wrote them down and see. If you can that pattern pattern, I haven't identified the pattern yet, but I think there's one here see if you can find it. The Democrats have given us the html to destroy free speech, the teachers unions. Destroy education. They have given us no bail and fewer pleased to destroy retail business and cities They have given us climate alarm to destroy our energy sector, that given us activists to destroy or domestic nuclear energy future. They have given this bad judges, the january six outcomes. to destroy the credibility of our judicial system. They villas fake news to destroy patriotism and replace it with division, and they have given us dynamic mandates to destroy our mental health and the future of our children and also
The ukraine ordered destroy whatever is left over, and so people added a few. They said the other give us tik tok to destroy human reproduction by making everybody. change it! A yes and they have also given this windmills to destroy whales and rob reiner on the beach, so you have to you have to respect a thoroughness of it, and I thought this is a pretty strong approach. Yeah, it's a pretty strong approach to say that the some of the sounded like very vague, for example. He is, to build something and as its trump, so the republicans are looking to make something and the Democrats Of this long, history of putting in place systems and organizations that seem intent on destroying something good in each case,.
They use the border security to destroy border security. That's like a real thing. That's not even hyperbole they're, using borders and area to eliminate border security. Now, do you think that the Democrats are aware that the way there That is just the back all the illegal immigrants legal. If they come in through the front door, you coming through the front door and you just say asylum. Asylum seeker were not allowed to question it. We give them documents to say, enjoy your time. The country. Seven years later, we may or may not contact them too, for a coordinated and in seven years There's a democratic charge. Probably, instead of being evicted they're going to say what have you been doing for seven years and the answer will be: I've been working, paying taxes and then the Democrats say well we'll be kind of unfair to kick you out at this point, and it wouldn't be. It would be.
in my opinion, so that is literally the elimination of border security? It is amazing to me that the polling twenty twenty four presidential election is close. I know that I know that democratic said the same thing. They say well how how can it be close when trump's been indicted so many times that they still don't get the indictments like that? Do you feel like they don't get it? I also saw a number of Democrats say they were happy that the january six people got. Is insanely long jail sentences twenty two years for one who wasn't even there? Wasn't there the the guy who got seventeen years was shaking the fence or breaking a window or something now the Democrats seem to think those are
What reasonable have you heard? Even one democrat, even one say: that's too far, could you imagine if, if amc came out and said, that's too far that the sentence is ridiculous? You've made a mockery of our judicial system. She won't. But it would break the world if she did. I haven't heard rfk junior talk about it. Yet have you what is rfk jr, saying, there's no way he's in favor of that. Maybe just stay quiet about that'd probably be the best play, but it's a it's an amazing situation. So that's the if I running for president, I would frame it as the things that they are destroying versus the things you are building.
And I think a lot of that is the goal sources systems problem. The the Democrats have a goal and the nay the goal makes them just do the same, Our goal is not to be mean that the border, if you're immediately tried to stop being mean you and I'm just letting everybody, and so there their goal. Oriented approach to everything is given them exactly. What you expect would be the result right. One of the most embarrassing thing is that the Democrats have done to themselves is to make me the best predictor of all time for my protection in twenty twenty on July. First, that republicans would be haunted if Biden got elected.
I leave it to the audience true or false. The Biden got elected and republicans are being hunted one under, it's true. I was never more mocked for for any protection than that one, but you can see it well. I can see it. I can see it was forming because the way they felt about republicans suggested some form of violence and the form that they're choosing is legal system, because they have enough judges that they can just but put Republicans jail, basically as long as they want. So, yes, republicans are, in fact, being hunted. Thank you, democrats for making leather making me the best predictor of all time. people have been telling me. They haven't been the anti semitism and I keep saying dicey, tons of it.
And I realize that people, don't order, looks like so if you haven't seen it. This is what it looks like. I say anything about something, going wrong in the country that then one of the anti some less. If I keep the connection working for like a minute. So the people who come into my comments and say who were they were they are the anti semites. What they're trying to say is that that there's, a jewish kids. is he rule the world and some like that and yeah in the comments are going wild with anti semitism right now of run, youtube youtube, just a toilet, but if you don't recognize it, that's what it is.
so that is not the only way to recognize it, but it's it's one way that yeah I'm just looking at your comments to be so I can be horrified for a minute or so, but the the problem with that the they people have as they can't explain how you wouldn't get exactly what we observe in the world today, just by knowing that jews like to get good education's. That explains everything you say: You don't need a worldwide conspiracy, that, for some reason I've lived my entire life and never seen any answer I'm completely immersed or aben. Until recently in several jewish leaders and publications and every realm just completely all the time I mean you can't
it can be operating at a high level in business unless you're running into successful jewish people everywhere. I've never heard anybody even a whiff of anything. That's like some big conspiracy, it's just a bunch of people looking out for their own interests like everybody. Now, I'm I'm pretty finely tuned. For conspiracies and even racism? You know I feel, like I see it, even when I don't see it, but also a yeti like decades and decades being immersed. in that world, I've never living and if you if he has not been immersed in that world, you probably europe
windsor a little under informed. So just ask yourself this: if you're one of those who's a scot, if you're one of those people just ask yourself how it would look, if the only explanation for all of it is a high interest in education and high achievement in education, you get the same. Look we have now it'll, look exactly like what we have now.
Alright rob ryder seemed unusual, happy unusually happy about the J sixers and their long sentences and yeah. He actually tweeted about it, and I thought to myself they're so they're so broken that if they can't get trump, they will be happy to jail forever. Somebody who's supported him and it's very obvious. The Democrats are actually happy that the january six people are getting sentences that nobody thinks are realistic in terms of, and appropriate to the grimes. Nobody and that are under delighted. So would I say that republicans will be haunted, haunted, suggest recreation? Doesn't it right? Hunters are doing it not just for the food, sometimes with the food
but recreationally. When I see rob reiner tweet about this, it looks like he enjoyed it. It looks like you got some pleasure watching republicans be put in jail for what are clearly you know, inappropriate sentences. So that's haunted haunted me. recreational there. It is our years, something I hoped I would see but did get to see it, So you know doktor peter mccullough would you say he is one of the doctors who is been aunt? I vaccination and also maybe a let's. What would you say? A rogue rogue doktor doesn't go along with a mainstream
But I've had my own criticisms of doktor mccullough, because even if it turns out he's right about everything which is possible, I wouldn't rule that now you might be right about everything: but his understanding of studies and statistics looked to me like that. Wasn't his field and I tried I tried criticising just his understanding of some studies and nato in the past. I go slap down so hard. Then I just an hour. I am out this isn't worth it because people want to believe him and therefore it doesn't matter what the, u analysis, So those are the sweet. No doctor mccullough had the sweet. He said There are some new evidence that heavily vaccinated have the highest occurs: mortality in if you're on
today they you would have the least all cause mortality. So what about that I mean that's very conclusive! Isn't it when you say that's kind let if say the data is true said. The data is true. The most heavily vaccinated also are the ones dying, the most for a variety of reasons, variety of reasons die in the most, that's it that is strong evidence that the vaccinations are bad for you right, that's what that's what Dr Mccullough said. I was I wrong. If the people were most vaccinated, have the worst medical outcomes for all causes. Isn't that proof, or are you completely sold? Why not
what's wrong with that analysis. Well, let's see what the doctor Jordan petersen says about that analysis quite politely If you dont know doktor Jordan Petersen, he knows what a study is. He knows how to interpret that. He knows bullshit what he says. And use generally one of the smartest people in the public conversation scientifically, as well as socially and culturally and doktor Jordan petersen, so that we too, they said very polarity politely an objection. Paradoxically, even though I don't trust the vast companies a bit, he says, How do you know that those who are more generally unhealthy work more likely to take the vaccine because of their health concern, vaccinated, verse on facts needed
cause. Mortality is only valid stat when, as an assignation to group was random, is it not the cl politely? He approaches because Jordan Petersen, those as I now and, as you know, If anyone who do disagree with doktor magala, they will be slap so hard for just disagreeing with his statement. Because I was so, is putting in the form of a question. But it's not a question is, is the question is not exactly a question? Is it a sort of a question statement which is this is bullshit? This is absolute unmitigated, bullshit, unhealthy people get the most vaccinations and their most likely to die from those other unhealthy things the whole.
the that the most vaccinated discuss their most likely to die from say it, The reason their highly vaccinated is the most likely to die from all cause mortality sec, exactly what the study is, of course, mortality. So the people who have all cora all cause com or abilities- strangely enough, are also the most likely We saw that coming now two years ago, when I was saying to you, I am no doctor, but I'm pretty sure the doktor mccullough is. kind of understanding, studies and boy, Did I get my ass handed to me, Scott you're, no doctor.
Who knows how to look at a medical study, but do you think, do you think the doktor knows or the cartoonist? Yet so far too fucking years I had to put up with idiots telling me that I could not tell that doctor Mccullough may have made a slight analytical error in the data, but Jordan peterson took a run at him, so I'll let peterson take this from here on. You know Godspeed that peterson good luck, I wouldn't touch it.
alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're coming to the conclusion of what I would consider, let's see what the dumb people say. Shall I read the dumbest comments. I'm going to pick this one out because it's in all capitals some youtube. Well, I don't get comments like this on locals. The the dumb people are all on youtube. Alright, richard says this richard We can call him dick in all caps, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna, say it like all caps who deliver you a clear shot without care. What would happen to you? Ok, that's not even a sentence, but I'm sure you're, very passionate about those random words that you put an old gaps. Here's MIKE cope cope.
goodwin MIKE, because my insightful analysis, which you agree with the best way to summarize that, is cope or cope. Alright, let's see more mccullough was talking about a controlled trial. A control trial controlled in what way by co, morbidity, scott others different topic. Signals require further evaluation Mcmullen, Simply highlighting signal is at a signal. Is a signal to see exactly what you expect to see the
I couldn't be any other way. What makes out a signal. human beings, sometimes die unless a signal that somebody's killing us no We sorta die on our own there's, no real signal. There. You don't expect the outcome and working age people. Yes, I do working age people with coal more abilities. I do expect the dye. More often the people do have cool morbid. I do I mean that's all made, but I do what else. What evidence would I need to train all meet diet,
I'm glad you brought it up. I ever I hypothesis. and I haven't done any research okay, so this is based on my own experience, so it's observational and anecdotal and not scientific, but it goes like this. So you've heard that Dr Jordan peterson had great health outcomes by going to an meat diet. You ve all her that so we had terrible and that's a number of maybe unspecified kinds of problems, meaning I don't know if they are the name once. You ve all made diet. They completely resolved. Now you ve heard other people who have gone the other way. Why not have you not heard of people who had problems and then decided? I'm just going to eat vegetables, your whole whole foods and vegetables. And they'll report on my problems: result of imperative that I've heard of that.
now that you ve never heard of anybody who resolve their resolve their health problems by moving to a primary, primarily, very in diet. You've, never seen that in the news seriously. That's like one of the most common news stories of all time. You don't see it as much, but it used to be one of the most common ones. No, I'm not I'm not promoting either diet so before get mad at me. I'm not telling you what to eat nothing like that is happening either. I'm a vegetarian! Well, pescatarian, I'm a grudgingly elite fish. I don't like it, but I feel like I'd eat either. so I'm not telling you not to eat meat and not telling you to eat meat and not telling you to eat vegetables, I'm not telling you not to eat vegetables, nothing like that! So get that in your head. We're just going to look at the facts. Here's my hypothesis the? U will get healthier if you
only made, but also, if you need only vegetables and no meat you guys have to supplement. a case, yeah Bela say: listen, you're right! You supplement a few things, so you got enough brodie Here it is why I say that in both cases is about what you don't eat. In both cases, the magic is a you're, not even process felicity, the case, no sources, no preservatives, no processed foods so Why personal experimentation when I go a day or two without processed foods, which is really hard, I feel great, but if I eat less ages, restaurant, food or stuff that comes in a package or heated up in a can or something like that, I feel terrible, And I dont know: what's the cause like just sort of an all body, things are working
I feel like I've allergies, I feel like I have inflammation- will bid, I feel, like I'm tired, lay all of it. I just a general malaise. And one of the reasons that I've lost so much weight lately feel different reasons, but I wasn't really trying I just stopped eating processed foods gives us experimental- and I thought I would you know- maybe it'll get my way to exactly where I wanted it, which I have right now at my exact weight. I won't do, but it does seem to be that Doktor penises onto something with a meat diet, but mostly because what he doesn't need and that's why I think the the people will go all veg Have you ever seen somebody who did a real, clean diet? I either friend once it was a cleaner cedar. I've ever seen, I'm just crazy clean, would even use
regular toothpaste. It was just a whole bunch of normal products that she wouldn't use at all. I've never seen a healthier person. I dunno. If it you know, I don't know if it's cause or effect, it's just anecdotal, but what I see people who are really serious about avoiding processed foods. They almost always look way healthier than other people, but they're probably also doing everything else cause they care so much about their health. So you can't really get a clean read on whether reset one variable, but it is something like somebody sends. A signal is something that goes. Maybe I should look is that how many of you think I'm onto something and by the way, I don't think I invented this idea, you're going to tell me somebody else is already onto this cause, it's a little bit obvious, but wouldn't you say that
both diets are probably better than a normal american die like in in the way that makes you feel good the same day when and then sugar is poison for you. You do little favor to those of you who are not familiar to my work Is there anybody on youtube? I know all the people in the locals platform have heard this before, but on the youtube platform. Is there who hasn't heard my diet system? It's in my book out a failed. Almost everything is still win. I'll give you just a little bit of it. Is that there's a few parts of it goes like this. The first thing you do is you replace willpower, which is not real anyway, with knowledge. because if you are using willpower to resist eating the bad foods, you'll eventually breakdown, everybody has a bad day.
So willpower as a mechanism to try really hard that doesn't work this instead, You want to make sure that you get the same man of dopamine with Diet, you're, leaving as with a diet you're going to, So if you use knowledge, you can figure out how to prepare that are not your normal foods, butter, organic and good for you and you can make them taste delicious forums, watermelon, isn't too bad for you right I read about the watermelons okay, for you, you're not going to get fat or sick from the watermelon. Did you know, try this one, but by the way this will sell the whole. My entire costs up would be sold the moment you try this. Take some watermelon chunks put law, I'm juice, Jerusalem, you're, really slop and with lime juice and then put salt on top. I like a lot of salt, but so
days, taste. If you need a piece, a watermelon, that you already thought was pretty darn good and you put lime juice on it. It's even better. If you use a real life squeezed on and salt you'll eat it like it's desert,. Dear your brain will go wild. Nobody too, about those you'll be almost angry. nobody told you waterborne tastes like I eat, like a you, know, a bowl of watermelon almost every day, if I have it in the house, because I can't stop eating it What do what am I doing? Well, I'm meaning that watermelon, I'm not eating processed foods, is about what I'm not that's. The secret. now take the watermelon trick and multiply it by every food. There is a way to make broccoli the you'll love same with most of vegetables. There's ten ways to hear them.
and there's going to be at least one way, you're like what your here's, the weirdest one try this one at home. Have you ever eaten a piece of color flour with just some salt or something it's not very good. Is it take a little clump of calc clove flower just pool salt on it and go you'd? Be like no thank you. I will not do this again, but take that exact same piece of cauliflower slice it with a sharp knife. So it's really fine little. Five little slices and then put some salt and pepper on your cutting board, not not on the food on the cutting board and take your flat little piece that you've cut from the cauliflower and push it down into the salt and pepper and rub it around and then eat that little piece. It's like the best thing you ever had in your mouth.
Goes from completely terrible to oh, my god. I can eat this entire have cauliflower. If I do it this way, now we're almost everything that you eat It will be one of those if you and if you had enough knowledge right here's where knowledge replaces willpower. If you have the knowledge to make your watermelon and your cauliflower taste amazing. How are due to be to avoid the other thing, the taste good, but isn't good, for you say matter, dopamine. If you, if you use your diet, if you think of your diet plan as a dope of mean management system, then you get all the right answers, because if you can get as much dope of being from the stuff, that's good for you, which requires knowledge, knowledge, not willpower, just knowledge. You have to experiment You find what makes it like really delay you. So once you have replaced willpower
with knowledge you're about a third of the way To losing weight without any effort at all, no effort, you're still leading delicious legs. Here's an extract- and this was really important. if you were to say alright, I'm going to go on this diet, I'm not going to eat any of these bad foods that I love so much. How often do people succeed at that? Not not a lot because
it was just so delicious and then you usually say something like this. Well, I'm going to have a cheat day have a cheat day so that you know I'm never, not I'm not completely denying myself. So I I can't live if I deny myself totally I'll I'll have a cheat day. Worst idea ever you could. One hundred of you can tell tell me that that saved your life to have a cheat day, nope nope nope nope not going to hear it g days the worst idea of dieting. Here's what you do. Instead, you pick one food and only one that's on your problem list. Let's say you've got to do a dozen things that you eat. That are all problems right like for me. It was french fries,
snickers candy bars, cheesecake, I'm not really a sweets, but there are a few that I dunno I like the texture or something so instead of getting rid of all those things that you like you pick one, they say alright I'm not going to talk the candy, but there. The only thing I'm not going to do. I guess we know all the or, and I want I can still you dollar cauliflower I want, but I can also- and this is key- I can eat all those other bad foods I'm not bandit all much as you want we want to have as the one you bet wait two months. This is the key to months after two months watch what happens to their favorite food. It goes from my god I gotta put this on.
it's like you'll, actually be shaky. You wouldn't be able to hold your favorite food in your hand near your head and then put it down like you. Just couldn't do it, but after two months your favorite food, if it's a if it's a sugar food, this only applies to sugar. Basically, if it's a sugary food after two months, you'll look at it and say why did I like this? I had to have probably twelve diet cokes a day for thirty years. Forty or something like that, and it took two months of being offered to look at it as why did I put that in my mouth? It's like chemicals in water or something right. Like I don't even know what this is why. Why would I want them in my mouth so two months? to lose any craving for any one either what happens after tumor?
and you have succeeded in getting getting rid of that. One either repeat. Take the next item. If you are also at the same time, working on your your knowledge, you losing any dopamine. The problem with diets is dopamine. I can't wait for the weekend lose by addiction to sugar. I'll just have to wait the weekend, terrible, terrible, terrible, I have never known anybody. You energy day also succeeded. In the long run, people will succeed in the short run, with everything every everything works in the short term But if you have a cheat day, you're not going to get rid of your craving a cheap day, actually increases your craving. It increases your addiction because you want it and can't have it easily. That makes you want it more. Unless you want to say I can have everything I want that and have all the dolphin mean I want. I just gave this one one thing and I wanted to notice, and then you just
keep adding up the one thing. So if I take care of my worst things than my way just drops indefinitely without effort. so I lost ten pounds since roughly this time. Last year, And I didn't put any effort into you realize on ten points, however, that no one be all I did was stopped eating bread. Do you know how hard it was for the twosome the first two months of not eating bread really hard, it's kinda hard, but since I could eat everything else and I have a generally good life, I had all the dopamine I didn't need the bread to get me to buy minimum level of pleasure from the day reach my minimum level of pleasure every day without bread, but if
if nothing else going on to give me pleasure yeah what a I would have had the bread, because the the other theory I have is minimum yet a minimum. pleasure. The all humans need a minimum amount of pleasure dope me in order to stay alive. You'll actually just go, kill yourself. If every day you woke up- and he didn't have to help me- you just say I'm done so- you have to find pleasure, but you gotta make sure. That is not the bad kind. So you gotta make sure you're hitting your pleasure. Your pleasure minimums. you have. No hope for a diet is like you have no know for anything. If you're, not having your minimum pleasure for the day through healthy beans, get outside. Take a walk by your dog. Hugger argue mate whenever takes if you're not getting enough there. You absolutely
One hundred percent will get it in an inappropriate way. You're going to have reckless sex, you know have twice as much porn you gotta take drugs. You shouldn't be taken you're going to be eating food, you shouldn't be eating cause. You gotta get the minimum humans will not put up with less than the minimum that they require of of doping once you realize that word, wolverine machines, and if you manage the dopamine, everything works. Your life just changes. Now, I'm watching the comments, as I'm talking cause. I another people on locals have heard all or most of this. This is all familiar to you write locals because you've you've read my books and stuff yeah. I'm sure I've said that the lifestream
Well, let me let me check in with the people on youtube, how many of you just said you just reframed my entire eating situation. That sounds like it could work, yeah watch the comments, though, watch how many people can tell yeah you can use the comments to come in, they can tell they can tell their lives just changed, I'm not joking. When I say I changed your life just then you will never be the same, because the thing about a reframe is that you only have to hear it once if it's meaningful to you you'll, never forget it. One exposure done for the rest of your life, that's just what happened to a bunch of people there. The the comments are just scraping in right now that now, if you haven't, bought my book, what I was planning to do this, but since as if it's so perfectly that that's the sort of thing this doesn't concern a diet. So much about my book out of failed, almost everything and still win big. Does it's got more details, but this is full of reframes there, like that one exception
for the the reason is not here is it it takes more explaining, but that's how powerful reframes are, and some I can see. The number of you can feel that I just change your entire existence with a refrain, that's how it works. Alright. On that note, I haven't heard of Brian Johnson, though. Should you read how to fail? First, let me ask the people have read it. Ok, on locals, the question is would you be better off for those of europe of red? Both books would be better off reading how to fail first and then referred me brain second, I'm saying all yeses but not necessary.
Wait, so they do stand alone limit. Let me be clear about that. There is no necessity to read one to fully get the benefit of the other, but but a lot of people said that one maybe gives you more context or something I dunno yeah. If you want the diet stuff in particular, which you don't really need, because you just heard it then how to fail would be the one get the second edition and if you just want one hundred and sixty reframes in all kinds of domains which is also in how to fail. They both have lots of different refunds, but you'd want that reframed book. If you just want to get right. yet there are different and complementary. Let's say that you're running does the same thing for some people,
Alright, that's all for now youtube thanks for joining, and I hope that was useful to you. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-08.