« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2218 Scott Adams: I Tell You How To Use The Designated Liars To Deduce What Is True

2023-09-01 | 🔗

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Politics, Mushrooms Depression, Unemployment, Mitch McConnell, Aging Politicians, Designated Liars List, Phil Bump, Placebo Effect, Solar Power Cost, Nuclear Power Cost, Plastic Recycling, Jamie Raskin, Jared Kushner, Casual News Consumers, Vivek Ramaswamy, TMZ, Climate Change, RFK Jr., 85,000 Missing Kids, President Biden, Kids In Cages, Military Discrimination, Ukraine Military Advance, Double Slit Experiment, Collapsing Reality, Joe Biggs 17 years, Jocko Willink, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization is called coffee. Scott atoms now streaming like all over the world through you do then through acts live on acts of the moment and of course my beloved locals community would get us the good stuff how you wouldn't believe what they are before you came on while, but if you like to take this Experience of two levels that nobody dreamed were possible, including two whiteboard presentations, do too. wait for that. All you need is a cup or mug or a glass of take. Your jealousies die in the canteen jug of lettuce, a vessel deliver the guy and fill it with your favorite liquid. I like, enjoy we now fully unparalleled pleasure. The dopamine evelyn
The thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous. What happens now go so so good. Today's episode is brought to you by the best book world is called frame your brain and it might actually be the best book in the world. I say that because people say come come now, I dont mean religious books, religious books or their own category, but if what about their will almost certainly change your life and some positive way, only a number of ways, people are having their lives change. Even now, it's available even though amazon is making, it is hardly possible. Let me ask you this: all the books on amazon. You can imagine tens of millions of books. How many of those books, if you want to
age and then try to click on it to buy it those with amazon, not let you buy those are the others, but by its pretty hard to get so the the the I got listed, but a guy There does not yet available, but if you A the number of it doesn't show the soft cover option. So if you thought you were by an about, can I go hard covers air you'd? See is not available and then you wouldn't say that you could buy the soft cover this been available for a couple weeks now. we live in a zero trust environment, under normal conditions. I would say to myself: there's probably a technical problem will get that worked out. but how many times have I told you there's a technical problem, not the first one. So in a zero trust environment,
I assume guilt until proven innocent, not that it's true, but I wouldn't service accident at if you can buy that book, if you can find a way to actually purchase it you'll, be out of the game, are years of updates. Yet another trial? of using mushrooms for depression, it turns out that the magic mushrooms, many huge enough, so basically every time they study. I thank correct me if I'm wrong, but a preservatives they studied depression and mushrooms. There's a big improvement. There's something really big: big big, that's coming down the pike I don't know what a scam do not know, I would remind you that I told you that when the trump rose and twenty fifteen in twenty sixteen, don't you is gonna change, more Politics no change,
You saw a reality itself. Well, if you thought that was a change. Will you try mushrooms for your depression target I'll go out a change in reality. So, or the end of today's show. I'm gonna blow your minds like here. Your brain is just gonna come off, so almost certainly almost certainly you're going to say what so away from the that's white boy, presentation. I saw you article that apparently a lot of employees or pretending they have a knowledge, because the boss, there's no one way or the other. So the thing is that they can feel later. The valuable employs- and I thought to myself well there's there's all week of dover reborn comics, which are available by subscription only on twitter, and
The locals platform, local scott items that locals thy com, but Did you see that coming you you knew the people are going to pretend that they knew I without knowing I you knew that was set up as a wally thing, while unemployment is entering up from three point, five to three point: eight less britain, We can measure that that was pretty that we can measured in, it before and after away such that the change between three point, five and three point eight is meaningful. Probably that probably not Oh, but if the numbers are official, make it look like inflation is enjoying up which is hard to imagine. Why wouldn't be going up? Just too much money supply, seems like you should be going down, but that would be, I would guess,
one of the most important predictors of the next selection. Should it be a fair and free elections I would say, I would think inflation is the biggest number that would change people's vote. What do you say. If everything else were the same and inflation looked like, it was inching up on election day. I think that's game over, at least in terms of the public. The voting is a separate course here's. My opinion on mrs merkel, and you all know is, is that health problems and he's been freezing up. I shall just goes blank like you can't talk in public it's movie times. We all feel bad for him. don't want to you know I don't want to mock somebody for age or infirmity. I'm going to mark other people. Instead, I think you can
nor everything republican say on any topic as long as they let that guy keep keepers job now you could say to me, but but but the other, lookin scared. They have no say over whether he retires sure they do. Of course it if they also do got to retire, you retire because it would just be too embarrassing not to they could just not take his calls. You know just ignore his office, they could treated like he's, not there. They could get him out in a day. And I'm sure they have the reasons but a few, Tell me the reasons unlike and listen to you about anything right. no credibility. If the leader your party is incapacitated and you're. Just letting abbot,
why, because Biden is also incapacitated, so that's ok or you know close to it now, shimmers to invite, but. How can you make fun of the fact that every q fetterman pheromone you get? You make fun of biden's, declining cognitive ability? You get not a few trying to be a serious person, We ought be a serious person, they all have to go, find stands gotta go. The council's gotta go at the same time. So republicans, could you pull together, just a little bit under this is just money's sitting on the table. I realize awkward is uncomfortable, it's not that you want to be known for, but you gotta do it. You got it What there's nobody in the world who thinks this is right. Nobody, zero people, think this is ok, and you can't do this this was flocking thing you could ever do in your life. You can't do this,
just help a guy out help him retire with a little better dignity, maybe crazy you're, just nor everything republican say from our he gave. You gave you that right. Here is a service under thinking seriously of doing you ve seen me give my desk, of how to know. If the news is credible, for example, I won't both of them. Well then, but I did a whole list of you know what is a credible story versus a non credible story and one of them just to give you an example, is if the only source is a not on the source and it's only being reported by the part of the media that hates the person who has been aren't done. Thus, never true is just an average joe. And then you can read the other things for how often their true he's ever little guide to look at the news. There is another thing I want to add just starting to build the list
The list of what I call the designated liars now this is little tricky because a nuance do it if most of nuance than the beauty, the beauty the idea disappears. So I'm not talking about people who lie right in the moment, you're going to suggest people who are simple liars. That's not what this is about. We're not talking about simply lied, because that would be a lot of politicians. I'm talking about designated liars. If you miss the designated part that would be like listen, the difference between climate, ages, oaks versus agenda is alex. mr designated word, which you will not open. But somebody argued on youtube is gonna say, but other people lie. You know they're going to do that. whoever does that is an mp see so
not about liars. It's not about liars isabel designated, liars and what I mean by that deserves a there's, a group of Democrats. Now you can, you can can argument that happens on the right, we'll talk about that as well, but on the left if you see any these people be the chief character of ever story. Now that you character would be. Somebody wrote the big article that are based about or somebody is always on the news talking about. If you see phil bond of the washington post may hear claim that other people are saying, I'm not so sure. That's true, feel bump is of absolute signal that those a fake story is almost synonymous with fake news now he would deny that, of course, and he did neither quite a bit because he's under fire. The news.
Jonathan thoroughly and miranda de vein, the diviner dream, divine miranda diviner intervene, somebody somebody fact jack beer or say correctly. We need, via divine delight, some random divine has an article and basically is just mocking, feel bump for being a ridiculous character. Now, in terms of full disclosure, Phil Baum does work for the washington post, which, in the dilbert reborn comic, is where a rapper works as a as a writer a rapper. guess, I should tell you his current incarnation as a writer from washington poop, the dover reborn comic these noisy by subscription washington, poop and wrapper basically plays phil, bob Now I don't use the name
in your mind, if you see it, just just tell yourself is fill bombardiers funnier so full bundles one, my mascots, so full disclosure is one of the people comes after me in public and was quite it was dancing around my grave when I canceled private, we by his newspaper, which started the rest of the newspaper, so unwatched imposed cancelled me that allowed everybody else that at the same time, so just now that I'm not objective but feel bumps a good signal for fake news, the other ones you know avenue sheriff Eric swore well jamie ruskin adler le dan Goldman Blumenthal, Breton clapper Now there are the ones that I call the dust. neither liars. Here the names are not on the list John Pierre. You undressed and why should not analysed because she's, not a signal
news. She somebody lies and spends everything all the time, but she'll spin the positive. Thing this real she'll spending. there's, no real you care really tell he's not a signal. Could you just out their spending over time People that are not a signal would be leadership so humor by closely and harris, because they're gonna about everything all the time, because our leadership right So if you see them, say something, that's true or not. True, It's not really a signal. They're just talk about everything, The timeframe is john, John, pure. What our current juncture, So I dont consider them designated liars. There will just be ordinary people and politicians who don't always tell the truth and spend a lot now the republicans have a lot of those republicans people who were wrong. They believe things that are not true,
people were under informed, let's say not banning tik tok, for example, might not understand it, so they might have a bad opinion there. There are people, maybe just have never philosophies. Are there Boo Maybe they another bending or spending there's something, and probably some people just another lying on the republican side, but here's what steps There is not an identifiable squad of liars on the right that I'm aware of. If I've missed yeah, because I have some bias. Somebody should suggested to me now, if you say to me but Scott, here. Somebody you lied again, about lie ogilvy lying relator, several tavis massey, I have just or diamonds. the other everytime. I call congress liars because he's so obviously not one that I just I just feel shelly.
their randalls thou. Then there are others do right. Then there are others that I do trust or not lie republicans have a different set of credibility, problems, I don't think they have doesn't know liars, but if they do well somebody saying what about Crenshaw on ukraine that does seem to me, like a dozen liar seems like somebody who s you don't have because china is not identifiable with the guy? You stepped forward to say the things that are never true. He just So your disagrees with you deeply on a big issue, and I probably I agree with them as well, but that doesn't make a liar and certainly doesn't making the designated liar. atta begins and grow, there's something going on with Evan kinsey. Here this morning, with the ukraine war?
I don't see how to give easier as one of the designated liar, I think, he's honestly. it looks like he s. A mental difficulties is how it projects now. I don't know that another doctor. But what I see out of the kittens I don't see mental health. He doesn't, he doesn't display of mental health in the way that I normally would be recognised. So if here, if you just buying something looks, looks like maybe there Are you working on your own? Let's just it's category. So would that be helpful? If you tell me, tell me the truth, if you get for a moment, be unbiased, I know it's impossible. Would this be useful? If you are teaching somebody, I look at the news. Would it be used? down a list of these ten people are designated liars. You know that alike.
That's the only reason run tv. There would be useful. Alright, I. Here's some think science a thing I believe- and I believe I am going to explain this to correctly, but if you say to me: he's got you got that story completely wrong by all change it. I've changed my mind, I'll tell you what I think I know so You know that a placebo is right, you're, all smart, educating people, Well, the placebo is a fake bill there, if Of a pill, do you think will be real will solve. problem there. You give suddenly the fake bill asia they do. You can the real drug,
The real drug improve people's condition more than the more than. we'll that you like late, again improved after no side of x or if there, minimal side now this actually approves, wouldn't you say because whenever they do the study, you always get this effect. The people take the fake bill v, we productively, not one hundred percent of the time but predictably they'll have they'll. Have you know a substantial kind of a benefit? So would you agree That policy both act is one of the most studied and gary aid to be real, affects you ve ever seen in science. many was that that's guaranteed to be real nothing! I don't think I think has been studied this much as Everyone studied as much as us, because every day
they do a study. This shows up. Don't even have to be looking for in its everywhere I mean the placebo effect is just everywhere. So Israel in the comments Can you at least acknowledge that the placebo effect is real so that I I go onto my next point: Israel right. Everybody knows it's totally real yeah totally wrong, and maybe not maybe not do you know what they don't study, because they don't have to what they don't study, is somebody who took no pill at all. Do you know what would happen if they did suppose every those every test was placebo in one group, real dragoon, another group and then the thing that they don't study, but what, if they did, a pill and all of you don't even know you're in the study, so they have to
not even though they're in the study. What do you think that would be just take a guess? What what do you think they don't do anything and you're, not even in a study would look like that's right the people who did absolutely nothing they improve about the same as the placebo? Do you know that means. It means everything you ve ever heard about. The placebo was bullshit, it's always been bullshit. It was easy to approve. Is it approve. and for your entire life. The people that you trust the scientists what do they did subsidence and
told you they use their statistical genius to prove that the thing called the placebo effect is a real thing now observe those. This is incorrect, so I'm open to correction because I'm not completely sure. This is true. I'll tell you that yeah sure something around cross on the internet. Recently, bonuses I thought to myself, I'm pretty sure they don't study the person who wasn't in the study. I'm pretty sure, that's not normal thing, and I do now. The in the normal course of things most people improve. If you do nothing- or at least they say they improved, maybe they just got used to it. So they said they improved. Who knows, some of them might be some of that, but I know I'm a I'm open. For fact,
Jackie, I'm open, for fact, checking but remember we live in is zero trust environment, where science is mostly bullshit, mostly the vast majority of the things you call. Science are bullshit and apparently always have them from the year the so called, nutrition. You know the nutrition triangle that was bullshit from day one. There was never even attempted to be true, but if, but if the placebo effect is unreal, what can you believe wanna see another one? Do you think I could do this again? Let's say.
You probably know that are of gay junior says there. Solar, might be a good green technology, but it's not economical. If you include all of the other costs, because everything has closed down com, And maybe social costs and then there's the how long it takes to get approval and all now also with solar power it will say: hey you forgot to include the recycling costs. You know blah blah blah blah blah right. So let me ask you the question: you all watch the news. This is the most informed group. I've ever seen literally the most form a group of news watches. So your watch, the news and the? U dont. You all know that climate change, no matter
you think you're, the reality of it. You would agree, it's maybe the biggest issue outside of ukraine. I guess maybe the biggest issue rights. So but at least you're recycling, your plastic right. Recycling or plastic at least try to help. As Michael Sheldon, burger informed you recently do you know that the plastic recycling has never been real. It's never been real, they don't recycle the plastic, they use separate, they throw it in the garbage and they ship it to asia and ends up in the ocean and your water supply and always has. Always as recycling. Isn't real plastic? I think I think maybe metal cans, Israel.
cardboard, Israel, but plastic recycling has never been real. How many of you do that? I wonder how many of you knew the plastic recycling was never real. A lot of you did. How? How many democrats do you think know that? No so many know so maybe So what is the answer? You I'll watch the news so the more The important question, I would say say if you agree with me the most important question about climate change in terms of what we're going to do about it, because, even if you think, there's no risk you, wouldn't you newborn energy, so the people believe, and climate change as well as a risk. I do believe it you The more energy, so the biggest question is which ones more economical. so tell me, which ones more: economical, solar or nuclear.
and I'm gonna tell you the real answer after you tell me your answers. There there's a there, absolute real answer. I can give you complete certainty on this question. What people say nuclear, let people say nuclear, both as an interesting answer. Both makes sense from a you need all the energy you can get perspective, but one of them is going to be better alright, do you want the absolute guaranteed correct answer? Nobody knows. Are you kidding me, you think somebody knows the answer, this question now. This is completely unknowable now here we happen to be in my my domain of expertise. It doesn't seem like it. but I do have many years of corporate experience trying to analyze what costs more bold
initially and also in the long run cause not. Classes young after you have to put in decommissioning and everything else. Now so I can guarantee that the level of complex The involved in nuclear as well as solar guarantees that nobody knows. The answer is a guarantee. Here's. What else I don't know. What would be the economics of let's say you ve got a capable president let's say of a vague roma swami. Add to this nuclear staff would be good if you could make it easier to build and easier to get approved. so at the moment, is nearly impossible to get a nuclear power plant built because- the environmentalist and blah blah blah. But could you imagine
there's somebody who is smart and the president could say hey. You stayed still get a vote, because this is. This is too close to the homeland security. You can't really have a country that has a national defense unless you're also strong economy. So you your basics, your energy production lesson most basic, that you gotta your energy production and then maybe transportation would be next ok, you're energy production right you might as well, Hey your army, Arm is useless. if you know have energy and you don't have a good economy to equip them. So something like a vague could make the argument that that nuclear energy is not just a choice of which energy is, but it's a requirement for the sustainability of the united states
sadly, in every other way, though, we have a robust, efficient nuclear energy game could the federal government just say, hey environmentalists, go away in a democratic, does matter what you want, because its nationals, Carry some gonna get rid of all the little state and local ordinances. You say there is just one set of federal approvals and if and they won't be, thou art, Toby, Toby, optimized so get your approval, Well, I'm just gonna say you states, you just don't get a vote on this cause, you're driving the country into ruin and that's a that's, a defense problem. So could that happen. I don't know, but you don't either that's my point, my
one is, if you don't know codes of aig, do that or could trump do that he didn't do it the first time, so I suspect he can't, but I think that they could do it. Because do you know, do you know what it would take to remove all of those regulations, the minimum it would take for a president to do that, they would have to understand the topic how many people have ever run for that office of president, do you think you could introduced to the topic of nuclear regulation? and have them like do a deep dive and then come out with a usable opinion. A usable opinion of which things could be tweaked and modified Lying to us about what you can't change. We have only had one candidate who was capable well Jimmy carter. I guess, but Jimmy carter
But at the moment we have one candidate, I think, has our capability and I happen to think we have. Some smart candidates are of gay junior super smart tromp, I believe, is super smart. It is within his. But you haven't seen it vague before vague the one person who's running for president in the longest time, who you can say can look at this bess. and and try to untangle this year. You don't have to be the biggest export at these part of it, but at least you do that. Stand the landscape? I don't think anybody else can even see the landscape. Is it it just way too complicated? So if you don't know the police go apart? You also don't know the base economics, if you don't oh, that we could approve, for example, you can improve. modular designs and then let people
as many as they want so long as it's the same design, centres or bunch of them You could do to lower the price or cost of nuclear. In store the the waste on site. Which is now normal way to do it. So you don't have the trains rotation? You don't need a different facility is given on site Put it a little barrel every once in a while, so that the economics of wastes is is pretty low. At this point, the the risk of a meltdown, which is what causes
would be uninsurable if we build the newer models. They've never had a melt, though, if we did a a generation. Three or we're getting close to generation for those have never had a meltdown generation for a caravan is bills, so the design itself is a failure, causes it to just stop the current designs, including three: you have to keep the energy going. If the energy is lost, you could get a meltdown. So you don't build something like fukushima, where you put your backup generators below the the ocean line, was below sea level. They actually put their backup generators below sea level in a sooner be sown. Now is not a problem with nuclear power? Would you say and therefore nuclear power is dangerous. That's a pretty big leap: how about we just don't put her
backup generators underwater. That would be like a start. but you know: that's not the only problem if you get a generation for
you don't need the power at all. It just stops working when the electric, the other electricity, goes off yeah, it's a dumb design, snoopy boobs as well scott's, a nuclear scientist which part of this did. I need to be a nuclear scientist for what it was or something I forgot. I said that was sort of science Y hello. This is Scott Adams and now's your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite podcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a q and a ripple with a topic for you to weigh in on so let your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so head over to spotify, search for coffee with Scott Adams or your favorite. Podcast
It was the latest episodes and respond to q and a and bowls on spotify only hi, I'm jamie Raskin. He recognize him from the people who signal fake news If he wants to investigate the jared kushner's saudi investments? Now, that's a really good play from the Democrats in a political sense is good and here's why it's good the general public can't tell the difference between a publicly announced investment in an investment fund that is publicly investing in things with well known, Public management compared to literally a money washing slash bribery,
fluid scheme with lots of shell corporations run by a hundred by the public, isn't going to know the difference to them is gonna. Look like two sketchy: things is a financial, yes, circuses, money involved, and this Like a politician, yes, but is it a politician who ran for office? No jarrett didn't run for office, another daughter, oh! So it's similar you're saying so if gerrard is innocent well, therefore, logically hundred did nothing wrong. So is a brilliant lay, because the most of the public doesn't know, Annie anything this going on with either story. If you join in your casual viewers, somebody says share them after honor, but look what jarrod did you're a casual
or consumer the news. That sounds like a pretty good point. Does the other balsam? Ok, I guess I can forget about that as a topic as everybody does it, everybody's doing? No, not everybody is setting up a shell corporations and lying about it. Jared jerry did didn't announcement in their press release. If do a press release about what you're doing and the investments presumably will be known at some point, because there can be big ones, if you say, you're not comfortable with Jared capitalizing on his connections he made during office. I get that, but What is better than doing transparently and We better offer worse off
saudi arabia and jerry cushion or have a close relationship. We better offer worse off. He was the architect of the abraham, lincoln There's one hundred percent better off is now the gloves you want you want. This out is to have a good working relationship with some prominent about it, so there we work better with them, there's a reason, those out played well with the trumpet demonstration that now Jared, because they played well with them ass. Ours and will need them in the future. So so I don't mind there. We have connections with them as almost all public. Did I talk about this? The vague dispute, harvey levin on tmz and his ghost as they make their remember. Charles Charles well, I'm not going to replay it for you or describe it.
Just tell you how he did it here, Here's how most republicans argued about climate change and what happens right here, here's most republicans Climate change is in real denying all of science cause you're an idiot. Well, yesterday it was cold. Ok, you know that temperature and climate are really not and I totally that doesn't really prove anything it snowed yesterday where I don't feel like we're talking about as they is called and then the Democrats declare that the Republican, whoever it is, is a big old dope who doesn't believe in science. Us way goes every time now enter vague. It took about. one minute to demonstrate that everything in those two new harvey and charles knew about climate change.
was way less than vagueness. Ok, that's that that that was the starting point, he very clearly told them that he was better He was more well read and understood. The topic at a more detailed level next see did right is a debunk, their climate hoax things Note the agenda that the what we're doing about it part is the hawks, in other words, were not doing the right stuff. I'm not! arguing whether co2 is a greenhouse gas. I m instead arguing that you have not included all of the costs and benefits in your analysis and that when it was done, that you know when you started to tell them use. Please not included enough in your analysis. You have to look at the number of people dying. you have to look at? How? Well we re mediate? You have to look at.
Many people die from cold, way more than what you die from warmth and Once you have included all of those things your your best announced, for keeping people alive would be to go hard with fossil fuels. Today is, as will be key to today, but also work hard to get your nuclear and you're all forms of energy up so that you can transition cause. You don't want to pollute Novak vague, doesn't want to pollute. So you don't have to ask in this question. Because it's obvious, would you rather have a new nuclear power plant or or bore coal? You don't have to ask them that, of course he wants. A nuclear power plant is as a directly right so once, egg, showed that the difference between their analyses was a he had included.
value of human life in his I'm? Not making this up vague showed that he was include The value of human life, literally when people alive and that you as bad as the pollution is from fossil fuel. It is how you keep them alive and it's not even close. If you take people's energy away, things don't work out at all, so the the funny thing about it. If you get a chance to look at it, you can just google it look for the vague and tmz it'll pop right up. You have to watch the the reactions, the physical reactions of the two hosts. Harvey and charles, and they start getting animated and their triggered into cognitive, dissonance because I'll tell you what nobody expects to lose if your heart
and charles. These are well informed. Public hosts these are I functioning people who pay attention to the news is their business so when, when they get into a conversation about climate change, they x to be on top of the mountain and just passing on the ostler rubbing below, because ass I was supposed to work the only people I've ever talk to who disagreed with em we're idiots. If I'm being honest, they ve only talked areas because the area view is all its note today. So no climate age. You're, not gonna, win with that pursues, They came and said what what are you count? keeping people alive about that is your best metric keeping people live, and I just shut down the just made it look like idiots. Because what was their argument for well, I
guess I would rather killed ten times as many people, but you I really like solar there's, nothing there, you have made the case that more people will clearly die with occurred at the set of policies, then all they have to do. is there, they don't even know how to respond to that. So they were both in deep cognitive dissonance that it was a wonderful I like to see what cognitive dissonance looks like that's a real good example. You have to you, have to watch them flip out. They start just spewing things and trying to talk over each other and and they fell apart. So it was wonderful I saw this joke from workers, source racks and acts. He says it's a new game. I have to do is add the quote. I've never seen anything like it to any stable about anything, to prove your boy, how bad climate changes affecting world
You don't need the evidence, the phrase itself so for him. He gives the example it rained today. I've never seen anything like it laugh or tell that it's, because that's exactly what the news coverage is is like. The wind was very strong. We've never seen anything like it. The the five late late show hosts minus the good one greg. I felt his other podcast with the the five of them. The rings award never seen anything like it, airway to be those one hour of gay junior. Does these deaths, which, if these are true, I dont know what to say about how Biden could even be pulling anywhere near equal, but this is what our of gay junior says about his own party right. President Biden, just
it is open border policy so even or of a junior also an open border like rubber he's a Democrat and he's just he was there, he did a did. A little documentary is an open border because it's an open border, let alone. Let me say again: do you know why or a schedule because of an open border because he's not a fucking liar. That's why it is not a liar, so he couldn't not call it that because that's obviously what it is so all credit to him for you are bringing some truth to the topic. But what what numbers he says the trump here a border patrol had twenty six hundred quote children in cages, as as they like to say where his critics like
I and you two says today, there are twelve thousand children engages plus here's the part that I can in process. Eighty five thousand children have disappeared. Now, disappeared means we just don't know where they went, doesn't mean something bad happened to them, necessarily, but out of eighty five thousand. In children which a lot of them, my sumer, unaccompanied minors, were probably trafficked intentionally You know what percentage of the eighty five thousand were being trafficked and abuse, but it's not zero It is, but it's gonna be some shocking percentage and is it fair to say that most Biden, the biggest child trafficking in the world because isn't highly his decision, whether this happens or not
The only one who decides whether this is gonna happen. Nobody else is one guy, and one guy apparently is responsible for twelve thousand children in cages in eighty five thousand missing of which, What would be what would be a small guest? Twenty thousand of them are sexually abused and still are like at this minute. But what's your guess is probably something in that range, though cecily Davis level of evil that I see in america, sense slavery here, Jim crow or something. right. I mean this is sort of epic evil This this is evil on a scale that honestly, I had no idea. I had no idea, it was a big I knew I knew it was hard to track people once they got in, but eighty five kids that we don't have a good idea of where they are.
That is not good, dad action. You need a dad, you're gonna, need somebody in that office? Who cares about children? Now? The good news is a number of candidates for that fact that description, but while the vague whom. news so well vague, is the best earned media guy of all time, trump got tons of earned media, but often there are just besides ago, so is earned. Media was working against them as much as it was for vague, since it is more of a sixty forty like is overwhelmingly positive, but of course critics will try to turn it into something you. But yours, these are today another perfect thing to highlight: he says under general. Seek you browse leadership. The airforces trying to reduce white male
less from eighty six percent of wires down to forty three percent a major recruiting crisis. So there's a recruiting crisis can't get enough people, but there are going to make it much much harder to get good people by discriminating against soon straightway miles. I assume, if you're a gay and a white male, maybe you're, still good, but if you're. What a stray white male they're gonna tell you very much we're looking for somebody else now, Why would a straight white male joined the military if you're a strike straight white male and one. If one of your options was to join the military, I wouldn't advise against it. typically would not advise against joint military, even though it's clearly a risky proposition by its nature.
I don't. I don't usually advise people to take risky actions, but at least there's a pay off. At least you get benefits you learn a skill and maybe there's a lot to gate. So you know it's a personal decision. But at this point I think I will weigh in and say if you're, a straight white male, the military just said, you're not going to do well, so you should probably look for a different plan, so I can't recommend the? U s military to a straight white male under the current conditions. This was about the air force, but you assume it's everywhere as well did a video and which is debunking a number of hoaxes against them. What are the hoaxes was that he made a lot of money. I failed alzheimer's drug. How believe you think that's true. He made a lot of money on a failed, alzheimer junk is, as one of the main claims about now stature,
he did ever failed field. That was drugs as he points out over ninety nine percent of all alzheimer drug attempts failed? you use whatever I was in a subsidiary of his company and they resolving stock in the subsidiary, so the stock was worthless billion dollars and those were zero, but here What did all the way he wrote it to the top? He wrote into the lung, which was the ethical thing to do cause there was a point where it could have sold his stock at the top before he knew if the drug worked, he could have done that decided I decided to lay his investment followed, actual result of the trial. The trial other than work and then those in so that well, his version. Let me say that the only thing I know for sure is that was his does explanation. I wasn't there but sounded write to me
There is a study I ll see you bolder the says, opposites, don't really attract. So aren't you glad you study them? You know I've been wondering why lizard wasn't returning Michael's science. is now answer. This apparently opposites donor track, so no culture, for me. What was there? Anybody who needed science to tell them that people like to have something in common, the important stuff in common with her maid yeah they like to have the same religion, usually I have seen least political waning. They are to be somewhere in the same age. Usually less one of them is rich and I feel like they didn't need to study this. So much do you think
wasted a money studying this feels like it feels like was talk about. Ukraine and I'm talk about the double slid experiment. If you haven't had enough science Ukraine allegedly don't believe anything coming out of ukraine, don't believe anything coming out you pay. This is just a story were told that ukraine has made a small puncture in the should lines, but I have to admit I was trying to visualize what difference that makes seems to me. If you punch through line then you right in the middle of the strongest part of the russian military, which is theirs added did the line, so it feels like it could be a trap, it'll break, bringing the all the good assets. Oh we finally got through put our best assets, I the at all, and then they get destroyed. So our
sort of visual eyes out how that works. But I saw an explanation that, like blood, which is that the russian forces this is going to Dave, tomorrow or retired yours, army, noncommissioned officer, who was for online military intelligence person during the cold war and wreck. So he knows what he saw. Him l a that. The russians don't know how to fight in all directions. In other words, you ve got out of lesser artillery batteries that are designed to shoot bullets bullets you shoot artillery in one direction. now, obviously they can turn it around, but is not meant for up close fighting so you can get a small you. A machine gun color truck. You can just pull up The artillery battery and wife now goes or not, really designed for defending from behind
so the idea is that, if you get a few young, a few assets with line get behind some of their staff, totally best up their coordination because they don't know what's going on you shooting them from both sides. And then there's gave us an answer now you can take advantage of them so that the idea as that's not my prediction, anything just so you wondered how that works. It's the the it was to get behind people who are not good at defending you frumpy out, so there's more to it. But that's one thing I was not wasn't, obviously, The explanation of how many of you are aware of the physics experiment called the double slit, experiments I'll, tell you what it is, but
how many of you are familiar with it already a lot of you right. It's a famous experiment in which it gets to the question of whether light is a particle or a wave. Have you ever heard that if you like a science, nerd you've heard oh, sometimes light as a particle like a photon, and sometimes it's a wave. What the hell does that mean was a wave I'd, never understood that until finally, somebody explained the wave is just probability. Why don't I just say that a wave and then they say the waivers collapsed, so the probability is collapsed into a article when you measure it. You know what would be another way to explain that there was always a done. We just a nowhere was and then what
measure that we knew where I was now. We know where this. So there's this whole, like big science. Experiment is supposed to tell you about the nature of reality. And all is, is hard to find out where a photon is it's all. Bullshit is one of the most basic things that they try to use to explain how scientist understand the first by you know. Now, just don't ever use words clearly, if they use words, clearly they would say well, there are photo We don't know where they aren't. We look, but once we look where they are and they call that collapsing the wave field About tell me, you didn't know it was bored than when you check there was now there's a there's, an oddity to it,
about ways you, whether you measuring it or not, so what they double spit. The double slip experiment tries to show, but I think it's all bullshit actually. Is that there's something about observation that turns things real. Now suppose you don't believe what I just said instead we believe the site us, so the scientists would say that the things don't become real until their look bad The study that I tweeted today in may, I guess it was written up in may of this year that there is no preferred reality is all subjective and that the You boys are one screen is actually literally was happily, that is to say my subjective impression of what's happening. It is no more or less true, then you're subjective oppression and there isn't any base reality. So sciences,
But having in that direction, says to movies on one's great, which have been tell you forever, that reality is obviously subjective in my opinion. So here is my additive. Tying together of two things they shouldn't be tied together blow your mind. It's coming serbia. If it's true that you can collapse reality by observation and also measurement, if it's true as well to scientists say, could it so be true, says observation is the sort of a weird thing it has to do with consciousness. I guess if here we're closed, it wouldn't happen. The scientists would say. You're standing right in front of it. With your eyes closed you couldn't tell it was happening. The the particle wouldn't really be anywhere.
but as soon as you open your eyes, poop it pops immediately into one position now, I'm simplifying, because you can see a photon, but let's say you were using equipment to look at it. So that that's that's what the actual scientists say, Israel. So if you were to take their their belief that there real I'm going to extend that now to thing called affirmations and positive thinking after me, And are visualizing what you want to happen in the future If as a reality, now, if being conscious in the present, can lapse away field as they say a and make something real. Is it possible that you can collapse reality by imagining it really clearly, because if.
Only the consciousness can collapse reality I would say: well then you tellin me reality is subjective, because if I'm not, there is not a collapse in it or if not measuring, but I've. I've had an. This is anecdotal. My personal ads, asian over lifetime is that the more clearly I can see a specific future, the more likely happens, weathers good or bad. So I've told you that I have this ongoing problem with water leaks. matter where I go whatever house has nothing to do with the quality of the construction just everywhere. I go there massive or links yes m. Writing a cheque for my auntie man, slash builder, a kind of guy,
Who does a lot of work in my house and he looks up and he goes oh and I'm like I'm not looking up and he keeps looking up it's like. Oh wow, I'm like no, don't look up scott that that ceiling. it's just redone, just repainted, there's no problem up there and finally, I did look up and there's this big water bulge directly above our heads. You know where, where the paint starts to bulge down just before it pops and turns into a shower. now do you think that that was going to happen on own or do you think the fact that every Am I walk through the house? I look at the ceiling is a well where's, my next lake, because I expect them to be there. The lake was exactly were expected to be, I mean in the kitchen.
was, do you know how many times I better the kitchen the rain were. Actually water was coming from the ceiling. I don't know the exact number, but I think, spend a dozen dozen times different houses that happened to you No, but I also spend a lot of time visualizing it accidentally cause. I don't want it to happen, but I think about it all the time, because the history, So I've got a feeling that one of the reasons that made. somebody else, repetitive problems. People have different sets of problems, but they have the same one all the time. I've got this one, but all the time Just never stops and by the way, I'm not. This is not so interpreted in the past. I've been telling my followers for years that I have this continuous problem and then when I have when I reported so they can save themselves, I take pictures of Israel. I have
Continuous water leak problems some people about, so could it be. That, literally, everything that happens is some fun, of our imagination and if you're Eventually anything specific. Then it's random. It just happens to you. But if you visualizes happens so it's my plastic. Ok, that's funny to me, while the figure that out. Alright, so my mind, breaking refrain that is possible. the thing that collapses, the wave something real. Clearly you imagine it. What do you like that?
You think it's a coincidence that elon musk says I say as well that the most likely The problem is the most energy in that the mozart, everyone is most likely a sparrow and set the right course. You often think about the most entertain the outcome like when you think of the next presidential election or say twenty sixteen Did anybody have any doubt anyone whatsoever that the most? Entertaining outcome would be trump winning the presidency of course, then one what he ran the second time wasn't really that entertaining it was just something that was happen or not happen. You had a preference or not a preference, but wasn't entertaining. In fact it was the opposite, because we were sort of not being entertained by all the division. And now time has grown by- and I can tell you the most
entertaining outcome would be if trump about a third act revival. managed to somehow, against all odds proves. There was some problem in the election, which would be the ultimate and then goes to. The presidency has a good presidency that will be the most entertaining, and the thing is everybody knows that we all know it every time he opened his mouth about, some new evidence about election problems, you say to yourself, I don't think he's gonna prove it sure would be entertaining that would be entertaining so we'll see. What am I think you have? I am saying this book as the number one book in the entire world, except for religious books.
And the more clearly I see it the more likely lapin. So if you want to do this experiment to see if our imaginations can make something happened since you have no reason not to you're, probably not competing against me for the bustling book just to join me. Just imagine this the number one book just imagine The see weapons and oh yeah I don't know the details, but Joe Biggs, one of the january six people got seventeen years is I don't know the details of this case. I would just say the on the surface that doesn't look like justice to me. and I would say that as another example of why you pretty much have to elect trump or somebody like vague.
Somebody I would involve ready anybody who didn't promised to pardon january six people to me. That's that's model by the way as dissenters said he would that one is the Santer said, descended is a quiet. Honour is recess. He won't you just quiet about right. Yes, he would woody he's not talk about pardoning trump, though isn't that it any kazi who doesn't say directly. I will pardon these people, I think they're disqualified. Do you agree. If you can't say that allowed us disqualifying pen, scarce ed is disqualified. I think there's gotta be that's got to be the ticket to the show. If you
they'll say it directly. I don't even want to hear anything else. You have to say I don't care about your policies, don't care about your character! Don't care about your history! Don't care about your anything if you're not willing to do. that simple thing than you're willing to let your party burn. If the other side says I won't do that, is Our ladies and gentlemen, I believe That is what we want to talk to talk about today, dimension, a refrain that I heard on the Joe rogan show, I think ethical mentioned refrain, Even when they're, not my own business, comes jacko willing. And our explained explain that as well as he does. If you want to see the video were jacko explains, it is much better, but he's it this they who says one bad news happens. He says good. The first time I heard it a joke,
and says let him he now uses that technique when somebody bad happens or something hard. He says good and I thought to myself that couldn't possibly great, because it's a little bit opposite of what I have noticed would recommend. generally, you don't want to recommend, saying something. That's observable, not true, you'd like to stick with things that you actually feel are true, but if you say the bad news is good, then your brain is like well, but is it uses a little unclear messaging to yourself, but I I tried it yesterday so when I got the lake and myself I am like, because I wasn't just a few hours ago I heard about that refrain I thought give it a so I look at this. Well either go good. I swear to god. It worked. It worked
a completely changed by my connection to the problem. What the hell it worked, it works insolently, it actually work. instantly now that that one's is weird as theirs. There's a refrain my do have in the book in which are the real. Is if you have some big problem, it's just bugging you. You say that the problem is as much of a right to exist as I do doesn't The sentence right is the same as earlier. Problem is good or that anything is good about now, Jacko more of an explanation. Something to do with. You know another channel, just over com. You know, you'll learn something. Maybe there's an opportunity that comes out of the bad news. Is bad news often kicks up opportunities, so we have yet only your explanation around
but I'm not even sure you needed it. I think the word itself carry the power. You just associate it with a positive word and suddenly change how you feel about it. It was that easy. Yet so just say if you had a problem while the prob as right to exist, and it just won't bother you as much you'll still, you know got it if you can solve it. But if you just put a different word on now again remind you that the power of referendums and by the way the the way that I can tell when my critics on who give me one star reviews. The way I can tell that they haven't read the book as a they say. It's a book of advice. It's not a book of advice is a book of words that change your brain, like good in that context, is just a word
The word itself as the powers a little program, so reframe is like a little program they put into you had to to optimize something it doesn't have to be. True, doesn't have to be logical, it just has to work and that's what good does it just work, so if you're, if you want to spend all your time, figure out why a work she can maybe that'll be interesting, but it doesn't matter that works. Try it so jocko good job on it. That was that was great. That was really useful, So what do I tell people that know my hundred and sixty refrains? Will change your life. If they only one you ever heard, was jocose spreading change, it immediately made all the problems for the rest of my life a little bit less brought bothersome cause I'll. Just do that again, it looks like it works. So imagine how big the changes are that you can make. Just by a little tuning of
words in your head I'd, ladies and gentlemen, over for now. Thanks for joining this youtube for the best live stream, you ever seen come back tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-03.