« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2214 Scott Adams: Science & Coin-Flipping In Tense Battle For Legitimacy & All News Is Fake

2023-08-28 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a

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Politics, Sam Altman, Backwards Causation Science, Eco-Friendly Straws, Canadian Censorship, Gad Saad, Flying Cars, DeSantis Border Plan, COVID Masking, Public School Failings, Presidential Race, Vivek Ramaswamy, Ron DeSantis, Democrat Fear Narratives, Democrat Organized Crimes, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It is there to do good morning. Everybody and welcome the high line of human civilization today testing to also streaming live on X. For the first time, and we're doing it over the locals channel where they get a little extra before and after and lots of other actors of the times and, of course, on youtube. Welcome everybody good to see. You are just noticed that if I turn my camera landscape, which is what I did, the comments or upside not upset in their sideways, so there might be a little more development that lot needs to do on the livestock, because most people want to do it. The way I m doing it, and that means that your comments are all sideways. So few can deal with that.
Arrived everybody. If you'd like to take this triple platform, experience up do levels that nobody is even imagined could be possible. Well it is a cup or mug or a glass, a tanker gels and stein a canting jug or a flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee and me now for the unparalleled pleasure dopamine hit of the day. The thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip and happens now go oh, so good, so good. While I saw a tweet today from SAM altman e of you know, leading the chad, gb t and other billionaire,
stuff, one of the smartest people on the planet, SAM altman, and he says something very compatible with something I've said. So he said quote in a tweet, give yourself a lot of shots to get lucky. Even better advice than it appears on the surface. Luck isn't. independent variable but increases. Super linearly. With more surface area, you meet more people, make more connections between new ideas, learn patterns, etc. Now, what is my version of that from my book? Refrain your brain yeah. The my version of that is that you can make luck happen by going where there's more of it Serve you stay, do little small town, and you know three neighbour,
and that's all you know of the entire world. What are the odds you gotta get lucky because they're just on many things happening, there's not much luck to happen But if you go somewhere, let's say an exciting industry and an exciting place and you meet more people in your network and you invite people over or you make more friends. Do all the things you know to put yourself in a greater energy situation, just more stuff happening as where luck abbot so the real aim is that the old view is that some people are lucky. Some people are not and that's the end of the story, The sort of a losers frame- the truth is that you can make your luck happen by going where there's more of it. So that's your first lesson and as sam altman says, although he talks about increasing here's super linearly surface area. I just say:
go where there's more stuff happening as long as the dumb guys version my version, Allow me to tell you a story that went over really well on my man cave livestream last night on locals, so I think you'll like it too. It goes like this. There are two stories that I'm going to connect them stories number one. If you have children, especially teens, you may had this experience that you think they're not listening to any of your wisdom because you're always drop it in you. Now be recital about it's like well, you know, and this situation is good idea. They had lived this way. You know you just so like slowly living here. Magic of your wisdom see them, but you can never tell if, as working because they're not gonna, give you feed back like a thing. You're not going is my goodness. That's the best idea. Her all day, I've been life
ten years already, and I don't think I've heard a finer idea, I'm going to adopt your idea now because it seems so sound know that doesn't happen doesn't happen So just keep in mind the sometimes there listening and absorbing You're welcome to know right away. I now take thou story, Put it aside, but don't forget it it's coming back so yesterday I finally got my own copies of my own book, because when you do independent publishing to buy your own book. If you do regular publishing the publisher sends you a box of them that you can give them to your friends and stuff, but I had to wait way for my own book to come just like you did order it from amazon and that are standing in the kitchen, and I was flipping through it. yeah. Just make sure it looked the way. I wanted to look at look great and I sort of randomly picked out a chapter and just started reading it now, which is weird because
wrote it, but it's been so long since I wrote it, it's actually like a new experience. Sometimes when a real and the refrain was reading about I'm going to share with you. So you get you gonna freebie. Now I swear I swear this will change some of your lives in a small way. This one's not going after a big thing, this is going after a small annoyance and I'm gonna completely solve it for you right now, watch out happy. You are when you try this refrain in there famous the solves the problem of deciding where to eat, with your pardon I've rather problem: where do you want to eat? I don't care. Where do you want to eat? How about here? No right is a continuous problem that we all have. There is a solution that requires a reframe if the frame your your you've adopted is that you're trying to make a decision with somebody who is not good at making decisions or
and make him the way you'd like them to let's take the classic policy, traditional stereotypes, situation of a boring, boring, hetero couple there so boring. They bore me and I will just use that as an example. Obviously I cannot speak for the algae bt. Q, community, maybe stuff, maybe a little different there no wonder! Wouldn't so I want to speak, but they had a real community. it goes like this. The guy says: hey do you want to eat at x place because he wants to take. He wants to take charge like guys even women like it. They say it all the time women like it when the man will sometimes
make a plan because women are planning all day and you know awesome taking care of kids and you know so they're kind of planned out and they're they're kind of like it. It would feel really good if the guy would just say hey. I got play and listen to this. So if you're, a guy, you have two things you need to accomplish number one. You have to be the take charge person who makes plan for dinner, but also you've got to make sure that you don't do any decision making on your own because you're going to get clown in about a minute. You know you're going to get clowns, so you can't make a decision, but also you must make a decision. So that's impossible. How do you make a decision and not make a decision? At the same time? That's the only way you can satisfy the situation, so you re frame it instead of saying I'm trying to make a eating decision with a crazy person for which there is no solution. Nobody's ever come up with a solution.
You. Do their kobayashi merou star trek reference and you re frame it so that the real problem is you have a puzzle to solve you're not deciding where to eat your solving a puzzle, which is how do you take charge and not take charge at the same time? That's the puzzle. and here's how you do it, you pick two places you're willing to eat, and you say your partner, usually the guy's owing to the wife and this classic stereotypes, action, and you say: let's go it. I suggested one of these two places: now what you ve done. Is you ve taken charge? You said: let's go out, you ve heard it to two, but still still, the wife has a choice: excellent right, she's, joy, so then she says: oh, that's, good idea, loveth you're, taking charge she's thinking, not saying it She says: let's go to this one, and you say yourself while worked pretty well now you get in the car,
if any of you were married, you can back on this, so is chosen one of the two choices you get in the car. Then she says after you start the car, but you know we have either that last place can recently. you know what it even better than the two choices you gave me we'll be there third place. I've been thinking about, and then you go for the close you're, the guy. You ve, given two choices. She said yes to one she's doing audible in the car. Here's the closer yes now be great, eleventh boom problem solved Woman says he took charge and, yes, you still got to eat, We weren't you wanna, do it now I've already. from people who have tried it and it totally works
Now remember this story and put it aside hold old. Let's go back to the other story. now, I'm going to insert a third storey between the two stories and I'm gonna connect them together. I swear this happened. This really happened. This is a a real thing. As always reading the part of my own book bad design. The word to eat my stepdaughter comes walking down the hall and we had made plans earlier to go out to lunch, but hadn't take the place she walks directly after me, as I'm reading the section and she said we can either pastors or the railroad cafe that now it's up to you to connect the two stories.
Apparently she's been listening to me. Apparently she bade attention. So what did I say I said passes we drove to passes another a perfectly great lunch. Reform of the day that this, what is the most trivial one in the senses, just getting rid of a little frustration, but the book is full of ways to ginger mental and physical health and your career and everything else even view of reality, so that users, story the day. Let's do back word causation, science, a ready, sir, by William Castello, there's a study and of harvard that people over eighty four years and what they found was that good really-
jobs are the greatest predictor of happiness. The people with the best relationships have the best happens, ha That's quite a surprising result. I wonder if. There is any other way to look at the same set of data Let's see you ve got a choice of two people to meet with one is grumpy an unhappy and one is happy who to choose to choose freely choose grumpy and unhappy all the time or happy all the time. Other things about equal What do you think people do in this situation backward science? Have you ever seen so much backward science in your life? here's. I didn't know backward science time somebody says doing something nation healthier or doing something may
you happier is a lie because that happy people do those things and they healthy people do those things, and it's not that doing those things makes you those. It is that people who are those things do those things I did do you know what being healthy allows me to do? Just take a guess, so I'm in good health now did you know that allows me to do exercise yeah if you're tested to be you say, hey, he exercises these healthy. Well, there isn't causation that way. Of course there is, but do unhealthy people exercise it's kinda hard. So anyway always look for the backwards causation. Often it's a both ways: causation like exercising and being healthy. You know they cause each other, but don't believe just don't believe any science on these
max. What may be happier healthier, lotta that she's bs aright speaking of science? There is a nuisance, as these are eco friendly straws might be as worse and regular straws, because the eco friendly ones or adding some chemicals to the environment that we didn't have, but the placid ones. Maybe last forever. Micro plastics get new orders. Why so I've been won in this pitched battle that we've had recently between science, on one hand and slipping african fricken coin. The other end, Now, when I was young, I feel like science was ahead like it could stay ahead of the coin flip, but I feel like so at least reversed or maybe drawn. Even so Whenever you see a study, that's a binary. There are two things that are possible,
this case or two things possible, either the Those draws were an improvement or they were not. You could argue. It was exactly the same without the unusual, so there either an improvement or not. So do you think that slipping a coin would have gotten you on average, a worse result study it with your science. Well, you'd love to think the science would win every time window, but I'm here to tell you it's sort of really even battle between flipping coins and science. When it comes to a lot of stuff. Now I should. I should be quick to tell you. The science starts sandwich shaky
And in a perfect world and improves over time as people reproduce things and finding ways to test things and they get skeptical of things etc. So over time it probably does crawl closer to the truth, then, whatever else we re using, so that's good, I don't recommend getting rid of science, but for new stuff new stuff, like the straws s, got a new. a coin flip. Alright, apparently, canadians aren't allowed to have news. Do you even care about the details of the summary? The summary is. Canadians are not allowed to have news now now, if you're worried that the canadians were slowly losing the rights you know, I have to admit.
I haven't really been super worried about canada and the reason is I I like canadians- and I think canadians are generally speaking quite well. Balanced, rational high function people. So I've been telling myself for a long time. Well the canadians or work the. So we don't need to go help. The canadians, the canadians, are real, smart, solid. They ve been run in this good country for the longest time and doing a good job. In my opinion, so they don't need any help from us. You don't need my opinion Well, a writer gad, sad reporting that year opposed blocked by canadian facebook for alleged misinformation, but There was a community notes, the says it was blocked, but maybe not for the recently thanks, not for misinformation. Now
the first part of the story is imagined in faith. Pretty famous author, god said very famous. Imagine that your work is is blocked social media, and you don't even know why? Because, as part of the story, the part of the story is not. That is wrong You say you didn't have a even have a mechanism to know why imagine being centred sense Didn't you don't know why I hears reason why, according to a community notes, doesn't mean is wrong by the way about just tell you what the community notes it I the the fact that this is real. I'm going to read this, I'm just saying from the community notes I feel like it couldn't be real, but it might be I'll read it. You decide community notes. The canadian government has not forbidden posting news articles but
start requiring social media companies to shear revenue when they link to new sites what in response facebook made of businesses. decision not to allow display or posting of such links bike adrian users, really seriously seriously felt that canada was so fuckin dumb that they thought that the facebook, or just so sheridan revenue with the new newspaper- people linked to that wasn't gonna happen. Of course, that wasn't gonna happen. That would be the stupidest thing ever. You know you you can you can make for as burg all day, long for what what he is preferences are politically etc. You could make fun of him for a look like an end,
Why he's not a billiard is not stupid. He knows a business model looks like, of course, he's not going to do business with canada under those conditions, at least not the way they want it, of course, not there's there's no out of a social media company. They would have ever agreed that so imagine this a canadian using social media and on facebook you're not allowed to see news from your own country. You can see news from other countries, but you're not allowed to see your own news now, keep in mind that the links were links to drive your traffic to the new site. Now that would be advertising. We call it in this country or marketing its advertising or marketing when people from somewhere else are encouraged to go to your product. But now that's not
and it happened- it's not illegal but cannot decide to make it non economic to look at the news that actually happened in the real world, Canada is, is making it uneconomical to know what's happening in your country, so all of you can Arians if you'd like to follow people like me on x, you might find for the first time what's happening in your country. I got some surprises for you: you're not gonna, like it inside of you're, not gonna, like it, pork of aliens, hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite part, guessers unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools, do get you to enjoy the gaunt and even more so that over to specify
Search for coffee was got items or your favorite podcast in view of the latest episodes and respond acuity and bowls and spot. If I only well flying cars, I think our here, although, as somebody said, we should stop calling them flying cars cause or just a tiny little personal quadrant interrupters, basically like a little helicopter with four little electric motorized things like a dream. so it was another car, but it's kind of a car and in the dilbert comic that you can't see unless you're a subscriber on x or on the locals it'd be a dilbert as ordered his his own flying car. He was trying to compete with a character named topper, who was bragging that he ordered a cyber job.
And the cyber truck would be really really cool, but has no flying gar is so I want to get my tesla fly. Apparently china's got one, that's flying around in prototype and it looks pretty awesome. The only thing that was keeping us from having private aircraft was the power of the battery, which now sufficient the processing speed so that you can do a lot of processing to keep his stable, which is we got all that and I would imagine some get a gps. You know we've had for longer and then you would need the regulators to be okay with it, but basically everything that would be needed to have your own little flying personal vehicle is here. There's no technology left to design, that's just
product arising at making illegal now the one I saw was Gabrielle areas because it looked like the four wings on the quad. Captor were external as in. If you walked over to the wood which argue in half and there's took out a low the same size, the same height the car was thinking to myself. I'm positive that I've seen those where the where the blade thing was protected. I feel like they have to at least add that you know where there's a casing around. The blade well no dunno inventor of lying planes regards dissenters. I guess I'm just this during the debate. Dissenters was proud of his o use, tweeting it around or execute around where at the debate he said going to send troops to ukraine, but I
going to send them to our southern border when these drug smugglers bring central across the border, we're going to leave them cold, stone, cold, dead applause plus plus plus sorry to week to week so weak you're going away for them to come across the board. Seriously like if their standing at one foot on the other side of the border there like naming alienating, it will be like. Ah, if only It was something we can do about that. Guy, really! That's that's our plan. We're gonna watch them the is bringing people to the border and as the stopping on their side, while the immigrants across we're gonna be ok with that now we should be dropping them with sniper fire. You don't think that was slow, the slow the flow should
snipers taking out all the coyotes we wiesbaden now we can chew from our side if it wants to be like that, but it I'm not going to support it. I just gives supported by use, weaken sentinel, this week you going stay on our side of the border, while they're coming over to kill us now, you go, kill them more there, whether in their sleep kill them in their sleep bomb, their facilities take their shit and make their maker full time job try not to get droned. That should be their full time job if you're in the cartel. Looking up your full time, jobs should be looking up because we should have that will place blanketed with drones by now, and we should just be raining death on the cartels every single day with no remorse.
Anything else is stupid and weak, and we just asking for what we get so as much as I like the sanders in a lot of ways, I know exactly, you know, I suppose is maybe tested it or something that sounded nepal alone I mean. I don't know why you have this opinion. Even all right. I'm not gonna talk a lot about mass unjust. Just tell you the two worst takes neither side, ok, so we're not going to talk about what the good take is. I'm just gonna tell you the ones I don't want to see. Any more the worst take on the pro mask is that the data shows that they work. They agree. The worst take on masks is that the data shows they work at a population level at a population level, because there's no there's no dependable data. There's no dependable data
anything really, but there's no dependable data at let's say a city or a county level which supports it, so saying that there is, I think, is the worst argument now to be clear. I don't know it's true. I just know that the data doesn't port it. So you don't s citizens to do something. This quite extreme like that, where masks everywhere as pray extreme, if you get, if you can't demonstrated with on a big you asleep It is thus a no go because freedom requires that if you gonna take Given the way you ve gotta have nailed down absolute encounter, credible science and were nowhere near that, where jack we're, not even any environment in which incontrovertible science would be useful, if not even useful, because it there's no credibility or faith or believe ability for many
organization that would create data. So in a situation in which you can't know what's true, don't tell us that the data says is true when widow I see it at the city level and you're taking your freedoms away. So it's a terrible argument that you think they work and therefore I should wear a mask. Sorry, what you think works has no. That should have no impact on me. You know I should make an impact on me. What I think works, that's it. What I think works should matter or you think works now. Nobody. I usually worst argument on the anti mask site. I'm completely anti mask norman. days. If you want to do it, do it the same with anything but no mandates.
There's no wiggle room on that. I have no wriggle room, no mandates on basques. However, I am embarrassed to beyond that point of view. When I keep seeing people tweeting around this thing that shows the size of a virus versus the size of the holes in the mask. If you don't say I intentionally left out the size of the water droplets so that I could fool you into being scientifically illiterate. Well, less messing! Let me ask you this: would you say that doctor Jordan petersen is very anti mask yes or no doctor Jordan petersen? Is the anti mask yes or no his aunt? I bet when we are so. The question is very anti basque. Now would you say that also he understands the topic better than most people, because he's scientific by nature would you say, he's
One of the smartest people around and he has looked into it enough- he has got a good take on it right. Do you think you'll ever see Dr Jordan peterson, who agrees with you completely about no mass band days? Do you think you'll ever see him reading that that little meme about the size of a virus compared to the size of the holes in the mask know you'll never see that, because that is not an argument that smart people make or informed people if you're uninformed, you think the virus travels on it's own. If the virus left your mask on it's own, without any water droplet, it would just fall to the ground or be dead because they had no water. Droplet it'd be dry them. I dunno.
So here is the question: I ask you if you were to measure the amount of covert on the inside of a mask for somebody who had covered. Let's say they are covered in, didn't know it. If you measure the amount of covert on the inside of the mask, will there be any? Would you borrow a mask from somebody you uncovered if he knew they are covered, so some of its on the mask, Clearly, it doesn't seem to make any difference at the population level and probably the reason that masking doesn't work is that we all violated a home. Did anybody if the masks at home, even if people came over even if he had guessed that you were masked at home during the pandemic. No, no did you as did your kids, have a play dates at your house and nobody wore masks? Yes, yes, many play dates, no masks yup
Now, obviously, the parents had a choice of being in a mask, sending their kids to amass the situation and not, but nobody seemed to have a problem with. In Spain, people were mass at home and earn christmas. I'm sorry I'm sorry about that yeah you can. You can require mess all you want, but we're not going to wear them at home. So good luck with that and that's the last time I want to talk about masks until well as the next time I'll talk about. It will be when I'm helping to organize the destruction of the first corporation that requires it. Alright, I don't want to go after any healthcare organizations cause. That's just messed up.
Enough problems. You know they're they're, trying to fight through a tough situation. If there is one I don't want to go after and I'd rather go after people have customers who have options like bud light. You can decide not to shop at target, but changing your whole healthcare situations. That's like more trouble than The protests would be worth so the first time there is a public company that requires masks of the customers. At least you gotta close them down. You gotta put them right out of business. You gotta make it fast and brutal, and you gotta make sure. There's no ambiguity about it. Short of that you deserve masks if you want, if you want to say what would make us deserve to be mast and be slaves to or overlords while not fighting it so shut down the first corporation. Well you're asking for.
A bunch of news that I'll call the black and white stuff, meaning black people and white people I'm supposed to get excited about shooter, because there's a racial moment, I'm not I'm, actually surprised that there risen more racial violence. Are you not recommending it in case any, but it was unclear but given given the media landscape, I'm surprised there isn't a lot more and There is a lot more. That would be a kind of predictable because news is turning all the stories into black white stories. What would be the what's? The most.
the most obvious outcome of stories which focus on a person of this type killed a person of that type, and vice versa would be more apt, of course. Because do you know what causes you to act? There's a requirement for action, there's a few requirements, but one of the requirements is that you have a thought because we think about the thing we're going to do and then we do it. But if you'd never thought of something if, nevertheless, your mind in the first place, the odds are you doing, it are pretty low, so the news is putting thoughts in our heads of you know black on white crime with these videos and then you know white on black crime with the matter
shootings that were doing this weird math, where we're competing alright to the black people, kill more white people. Well, it depends. If you look at percentages, are you looking at raw numbers and how often do the white people kill the black people? If you engage in that conversation, then you you have been basically owned by the people liked own minds. If you want to be an independent thinker, reject the stories, don't talk about them in the way that they frame on black and white. there was an individual who killed some other individuals and it's a huge tragedy, not greater than any of the other tragedies that happens day a tragedy. It's a maximum tragedy, but not bigger than all the other ones. There are other people died and boys as well, so I'm just not going to participate in the end that willow for the year,
a story that I think is bullshit you're seeing a bunch of trump is gonna be gaining with black people and abs because he was unfairly accuse. Maybe it's because violence not delivering, I don't believe any of it really and here's why I don't believe any of it is not that the polls are inaccurate. I'm not saying that they might be, might not be. I wouldn't know, but there's gotta be another is floyd at op, so whatever you're thinking about racial relations. Now that will be completely transformed with the next george floyd. So you know that there could have been george floyd for four years during a biden right easily. There could have been more. exploits I'm pretty sure, pretty sure that whatever problems or between police and the black community, I'm pretty sure they didn't give fixed when button became president right, but the way we treat them, which ones we highlighted what the new
decided was news. You probably cia influence on the news. So there will be guaranteed something that was happen ozone. I don't think it would be an up to create a crime but to some crime that was going to happen on this own will have just the right elements to make it the only thing: that's a story, you know the little george floyd it, so it doesn't matter what trump's numbers are today. Those will be wiped out by the next to the next brainwashing operation, and it's I mean you could just you can put it on owner practically, is guaranteed right and then there's story about the maryland schools and I guess the baltimore schools in particular, in which their bizarre o people who were now learned anything in school, that that's the summary and none of the students learn anything in their schools
they're. All failures, to which I say is that a national story is that people getting exactly what they wanted. They keep voting for it. They must want it if they wanted something different, I imagine they would go, get pull the muscles. Do you know why do you know why we don't have this problem in my town, so in my town we have pretty highly rated schools by California's standards, cause people in my town and want good schools. That's it they want it. That's that's the whole story. They just want it, so they make sure that they get it. Baltimore has no functioning schools, as far as I can tell, but every every year they vote, they go vote for it and they vote. For more of this, apparently so I don't care about baltimore's, failing schools they're getting what they are,
sure, and they asked for every two to four years they re ask for. Then they re ask for it. They know what to do to fix it. They don't want to. I dunno. Why and when I say they don't want to that. Never means everybody right. It means there's not enough people who care. So why should you do about that situation? Should you take some of your money that you earned and maybe try to give it to them now? That would be crazy. You should just avoid it any way you can just get away just go where that's not a problem and move to my town my town as good schools problem solved. Alright yeah move away. Let let the city's fail, the faster the city's fail, the better off we all will be because they need to hit bottom and apparently they're, not close.
If they've got to get a lot worse. So when nobody in baltimore can read and everybody dies by murder, that would be about the time that something will change all right up. But I'll tell you what I'm not going to do, I'm not going to make it my problem. Everybody agree with that. I'm not going to make that my problem. If you want your problem to be solved, you need to leave it's. It's not really the hardest thing in the world to understand what needs to be done, and if you want to leave- and you can't that's something I would put some energy into if it turns out there were a lot of people just want to get out of their bad situation physically and just go anywhere just anywhere that there is a real school. I would be behind thrown some energy and money beyond that, but now I'm not going to fix a place where the people that one fixed
I keep seeing this the. Essential race, like the avengers. Was interesting is the the Democrats who trying as hard as possible to take down iron man. Let's say that strong. but was different. This time is that it's not just one superhero, because. The geo be also has oak, then
I love iron man anymore. Now they have a hulk. If you take trump down, you are going to give a vague, you think you're going to get the santas surprise. You're, not you're, not you're, not going to get us if trump goes down you're going to get the person who is going to fix it. Do you think that's the dissenters, as he'd been talking like somebody who going to fix it? No, no there's one person who has the capability, and you know the clear message that he's going to fix it. Now you say to yourself a scott I've heard before that people are trying to clear the swamp. We've heard this before. Do you know the only way to clear the swamp is a wave of vegas suggesting, and I didn't realize the genius of this until really just yesterday, I figured it out the only way you can take a corrupt organization and make it less corrupt is to make it go away and that's what he plans to do. You just go to spread the f b I's functions across other functions, he's going to take the department of education and take that money and give it to the states. You have to take away the entire entity if it's that corrupt, and I think, we've reached the point where the entity has to go away, but not the function. The function needs to stay exactly as fake wants to do so. If you have fewer people, you have fewer places that corruption can hide. If you have less complexity, do you know how many people just work working that jf that hoover building? For the I mean it's just filled with people, doing complicated things that you don't understand that interact with each other? That's where all corruption, heights and complexity, but if you were just to simplify it,
make things more local, make them more. You know, onpoint, you know the the the field agents would be working on. You know discrete things and different different organizations, you're you're, more likely to find corruption by having fewer people more simplification and bringing it closest to the local level. So that's a real plan. So good luck taking iron man down because you don't want the hulk, you really don't alright to
all things being equal. The Democrats have an impenetrable advantage at the moment impenetrable. So unless this changed Democrats will just win everything in two thousand twenty four, and this has to do with the fact that fear persuasion is the strongest fear. Persuasion just beats everything now the reason that trump won the first time. Say his fear. Persuasion was excellent. Yeah you can say is inappropriate or immoral or whatever you want to say, but it was effective because he said oh, come on across the board, you too many criminals and all that and got people scared and you Bessie you're you're scared of everything. By the time you ve done a scared of china, but right now the Democrats own fear, so they ve got climate change, fear that doesn't effect republicans too much, but their bases all about
they've got the white, supremacy, fear or just white men fear, which is something that the Republicans can't match know they could try showing lots of social media. Videos of you know criminal, behavior and stuff, but doesn't it's not really getting through? the way supremacy message by the mainstream media spray, strong and then last women losing bodily autonomy as they was over abortion
Imagine if somebody said we're going to have the state is going to have control over your body. Well, that's what women are imagining right now, you don't have to imagine it. That's actually what the status saying and by the way, if you think that I'm giving you my opinion on abortion that won't be here. I don't do that. I let women take the lead on abortion, whatever they collectively decide in their state. I back the women, so I'm not backing republicans or democrats, I'm not I'm not backing pro abortion or anti abortion. I'm backing women, because this is an impossible decision and you should you need to at least make the most the people with the most skin in the game at least they should have to take a lead. Now, I'm not saying you should give up your vote. If you want to vote go vote, you have that right,
For me, I can't justify being persuasive in this domain. I want to be anti persuasive on this and let women take the lead anyway, but if you're a woman that would be one of the scariest things I could imagine. If I put myself in that position, which are not, if you told me, somebody was going to take away one of my ways to manage my life and I didn't think that a fetus was a human life. Let's say: let's take that assumption, I'd be pretty scared. So what is it that the republicans have to offer fear wise? That would match, at least at least where the voters on the other side, obviously the republicans of republican votes already, but if they want to influence the other side, what do they have? Crime, cove and lockdowns poverty is too slow. Moving racism
no that's what the racism is, what the left as using zombie cities are now so the trouble is the city's. Don't care about themselves enough if the city is carried out Themselves, they would have already fixed it. So it's hard for me:
care about Sanford. I don't care about san Francisco. Obviously you know I live near it. It's like a major part of my whole life, but san francisco wants to be what it is the the moment they decide not to be that they'll change it. So it's not up to me to tell them that they can't walk in the feces when they go outside if they want to, and obviously this is hyperbole they don't all want to yeah. I get that, but they're acting they're acting in the way that gives them one result. If you want to get a different result, act differently, but don't make it my problem, I'm happily living away from San francisco, so work it out yourself. So no that doesn't give me any fear. I think that's just an evolution of just change, so inflation. If you look at what the republicans like to push, they push. Yo inflation is bad. That's true! Nobody likes inflation, but it doesn't give you a visceral fear. It makes you feel bad, but you're not like afraid. It's going to go, come kill you, climate change. People think is going to actually kill them.
I waste supremacy: if you watch cnn or MSNBC, there's a whole bunch of people, think the white supremacists are arming up and are coming for you or something. But you know that's not true. I mean not as scale anyway, so keep an eye on that that we're really predictive feature is who has the better fear, persuasion and right now? That's all all Democrats, big advantage. No another story that calmly harris tried to talk in public. Again, summary didn't go! Well, that's that's all story there come earlier is trying to talk coherently in public. didn't, go well. Here's more evidence that the Democrats democratic and organised crime-
so there's emails. Now the show that use attorney weiss, talked d, o j tooth words congressional questioning. that's the charge. But once again we have entities in the government. Democrats, who are talking,
each other in a way that appears on the surface, to be organized and coordinated for a legitimate purposes. Now, as I've said before, the democrat party has become an organized crime party, which is not to say that the individuals in it are worse than the individuals who are republican or independent. So here now I I'm not talking about the the voters talking about the leadership. Here's a here's! What I think is a key difference, just observational between the Democrats, the party and the republican party, see if this tracks with your observation. So this is not a science just observation. It seems to me.
that when republicans are pushing bullshit, which happens, a lot is coming from citizens and sometimes boiling up till you'll see somebody in congress. You know some of the more controversial ones that come out of their mouths, but basically you know everything from pizza gate to you name. It started with with citizens who happen to be republican yeah. Maybe it was on reddit or for chad and then it bubbles up and then maybe it comes out of somebody's mouth right. But when the Democrats run, an op is very clearly org.
Asked by the leadership and then trickles down through the news to the rest of us. So one of them is a bullshit bottom up party and the other is a bullshit top their own party and is very consistent. So let me give you an example: on the democrat side, you've got your russia collusion hoax. You know coordinated across multiple entities. You've got your hunter Biden laptop hoax, again, coordinated in a sense yeah. The media was in on it
brass ran out the until the operations were in on it and you've seen the the prosecutions. So the prosecution depends on the organized nature of the crime. On the democrat side, if if it were not an organized approach to take trump down, what would the news have reported about his perfect phone call to find votes if it if it were not an organized attempt? What would the news say if they were just describing objectively, they would say people question elections all the time perfectly legal, fine votes in the context of thinking that an audit would show they had actually won, was just talking
what they call that. Well, there was an example of a phone call and it involves some talking, thus literally the only thing that happened, but because it's an organized event, not only do you have the media covering for it the Democrats covering for it, but you have actual prosecutors who have arrested and indicted the probable next president of the united states, on what is clearly an organized up and about the the the hunter or the let's say the Biden crime family allegations. Do you think that the Democrats are coordinated in covering up the importance of that story? Of course, is very coordinate the media, the Democrats, probably the intel people all- is very coordinated. But do you see the difference them? Have I sold you that the Democrats organized they actually plan and execute?
multi agency operations, that are, you know, gaslighting operations, republicans to gaslight themselves and try to gaslight other people, but it almost always starts on fortune or rabbit or someplace like that yeah they met. Many of you believe that, because fortune started a rumor about me that all of my pandemic opinions were reversed by four jeff and then caused me this huge problem that people thought my opinions were the opposite of what they are and that it'd come from the top that came from just people, just people who are probably unfortunate, read it and stuff like that. So once you see it watch how often you see more of it, the Democrats are literally a criminal organised enterprise is organized at the top is implemented
through various agencies, including the news which, as we know, is corrupt? At this point I apparently Tucker Carlson can interview putin now and it looks like nothing will stop him because he's a independent personnel so won't that be interesting. Yeah! Won't that be interesting. Now, nothing that Putin says can be trusted. Obviously, but I'd love to hear what he has to say. It's alright. I told you the other day that one of the things that Vache does is his campaign and also trump did well, and let's see, if you can agree with me on this, one of the things did better than anybody else. She could read the room because he was always following she'll media. I was immediately. Our people reacted nervous, ripping off of that
And so one of the things that happened was that if you have a good idea and the trump administration I've, given you examples of this before, I won't do that again. If you had a good idea, it would immediately trickle up to the present, the united states- and he would say- oh that's, pretty good idea and then he would implement it. It could be an executive action. It could be your campaign change. You saw it all the time. Aw lay one individual haven't idea next thing, you know your job would have adopted it, only because it was a good idea. Didn't matter where it came from. Just a good idea is a good idea. Well, if the vega is the same- and I gave you this example, but now implemented. So I was, I was whining and betting on acts that I keep having to Explain away is various the rumours about him and the w e f and sorrows and big farms
all these rumours whirling about him, and I was exhausted, I said you guys just gotta put up a page The says what the rumor is, what we are watching your version of the truth and then I can just linked to it all now it exists now there's a page for all of those rumours that I looked, I think he got em all by the way. I was worried that he might skipper rumor. And then you say why these skip this would by thinking got em all. Actually it will look pretty ex extensive. And when I read through it I said: ok, there's a good answers. there is one I liked the best that he accepted a soros scholarship. They had no strings attached. What's the only right answer to their accusation, certain wasn't or soros by the waves is dead brother,
I said your ears, the only right answer and survey cabinet if you're not willing to take free money when it's offered, you shouldn't be anywhere near the white house. Well done. Who is it who once said that. What does that was I sound like tromp during the debate this the trump youve also donated money. I think it was done. The money to politicians- and he said now- I know- was- was MR ciampi of use these these tax loopholes or whatever to save your taxes and jobs, says absolutely
Of course, I use them they're legal they're available and every one of hillary don't have hillary's donors uses them too. Can you beat that answer? Of course I use them. They're legal they're available in every one of your donors uses them. If you want me not to do it change the law and he beat that out. How do you beat that argument? So you vague, didn't only find the high ground. It was sort of like floating floating in the clouds. Above this argument,
cause you're you're, a fucking idiot. If you don't take free money, no strings attached- and I think somebody said he was already he already had money. You'd made some money by that time, so you know how he made money, but not big, a dumb ass about by not being a dumb ass and after he made his money, guess what he didn't turn into a dumb ass. When somebody offered him some more free money, he took the free money. I dont want the guy. You can't take the free money. I don't want that person anywhere near the. Why else? So I was good s.
So I tweeted the link and it'd be near the top of my tweet feed today or the x rayed, and, if you'd like to have that link, I recommend keeping it handy if you're running into this conversation, just just keep it in your notes, cut and pasted every time you need it we'll see what happens, but I do love. I do love a candidate who responds to a good idea. That was a good idea right. I'm not am I blowing too much smoke up my own butt, Now this is an obvious good idea, but all the answers in one place- and I have always said that the trumps should do the same trump had so many hoaxes against them. It be nice, just have a hoax page. It wouldn't it so that
yeah everytime I get in the conversation, was just like three times a week about the fine people hoax. I just give them the like. Here's, the full transcript years apart. They always leave out. It's a roof. Are blah blah save us all some time. Ladies and gentlemen, looks like we over almost well six hundred people watching live ex right now
and I have people on exo's the feed. You got good audio good sound. Are you happy with what you're saying in terms of the quality? It's a great feat: oh we're getting we're getting good technical performance or excellent good to know no there's no microphone, but the iphone has a good microphone built in alright. Now I dunno, if that that might have some impact on one of the other platforms, we'll see, is our chat. Yes, there's chat messages going by, but they're sideways with a little harder for me to read loud and clear. Lighting is good too. I think we're nailing it literally. This just an element. Ladies and gentlemen, I guess more things due to go talk to people promote. My book makes some comics and generally ends. my day, rescue I'll be of a great day too. Are you saying
I too youtube and two x and I'll get go, spend more time talking to the locals people subscribers thanks for joining.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-30.