« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2213 Scott Adams: How I Could Easily Program AI To Spot Fake News. It's Pattern Recognition

2023-08-27 | 🔗

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Politics, Remarkable News Hypothesis, Tesla's AI, RFK Jr,, EU Truth Ministries, Fake News Patterns, AI Pattern Recognition, Brian Roemmele, Deprogramming Democrats, Vivek Ramaswamy, President Trump, COVID Death Rate, Aaron Rupar, RICO, Mitt Romney, Ukraine War, Russian Defensive Necessities, Three Gorges Dam, Reframe Your Brain, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning. Everybody unwelcome welcome highlight of human civilization is called for. It was got Adams and urgent, glad you're here, because we're gonna take this. Take this sperience up to levels that could only be considered galactic. if you'd like to join us ideas burma glass, a tangled tells us die and again team juggler flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite lit. join and now them parallel pleasure. The dope. The day with a little bit of oxytocin today here little bit adele, such you write. It happens now, go so good. Well, the news is all interesting: today News out a palm springs, California is at an end.
Your patient, who woke up fourteen months ago and could always speak swedish, Which was not is natural language. Was then in the zone, so for fourteen months. For reasons that are a he could always speak swedish. How do we explain this? How do we explain this? What what would be a possible explanation of why News would report that a guy suddenly only spoke swedish. Well, I don't want to you know blow your your dreams of of what the reality is, but I have a hypothesis. It never happened. It never happened.
Did did they find him dead, holding the secret zadok weapon that the embassies did they find it dead on one of the: u s, foes, big warehouse full of capture ufos know it's like the breath arians. When, in the seventies, I was a kid- the breath arians when the the clay that they found a way to live without eating that they would find nutrition just for breathing there? When I was a kid, I remember a lot of people believe that how do they do it? Could we learn to do that? What if other people can learn to eat just by breathing the air yeah yeah? He woke up, and he spoke swedish that totally happen
they are now the most obvious explanation. Is it didn't happen? Do you not? The most obvious explanation is whenever something amazing and hard to believe happens that it didn't happen. It's almost always the case that if, as that remarkable didn't happen or theirs in context, Well, my mind was blown by a video via you love, SK yesterday, so you I can be trained by looking at words him. By knows that, but apparel if you want to train a dubious self driving car, words are not enough, so I guess the new version of the test self driving car. I software has been trained with only video. Now, if you have your mind, blown its common, He gave it only massive video from cars driving
so they will understand our cars and drive with, ever being trained on what a roundabout is traffic roundabout handled it perfectly, without even knowing what the concept of around about this. because it seems somebody, videos, they're, just sort of did what other videos dead and apparently the masses, video trading technique is probably gonna, be the thing and it will probably be the thing that makes self driving cars practical. So that's one, but watch car figure out things not learned lily, somehow got it by pattern. Recognition because the car doesn't know anything is She doesn't know what a traffic light is as nothing like a deaf
edition or an understanding of it. Nothing is just pure pattern recognition and they can drive. You know as as well or better than a lot of humans already alright here's, the idea for an hour from gay junior there. It was squarely in the category of I'm glad he's running for president, I'm just so glad because it gives rise topics and ideas the scene, your genuinely your non partisan? munich is unwell and here's another one. trying to find some political reason, not the like this, but I can't find one he once he was free passports,
for anybody who wants one. If you have a free passport, then all of your voter id problems go away because everybody can get to a post office. Pretty much. Everybody has a short drive or a walk away from the photos. So if you could go to a post office and get a free birth certificate, it's a card or something and then you're you're voting id problem is solved, but as rfk jr points out, it also solves banking, because if you don't have ID, you can't have a bank account We would end up you're getting galleries of that pay day same day, expensive jack, cashing stuff for people to banks. So that's that's it. India. That seems like a relatively small change in the existing system. That would give Democrats what they want. Young people be able to back. Everybody wants that. That's another democrat thing and
And also devoted idea and on who would complain, who's gonna complain now what Without idea, you everything costs money. So it's not free but what's wrong with that idea let's just a solid idea right. Do you want, more people like this running for present I mean I'm just so happy with the candidates in the way the running so russia reports that date so the dna of that plane, though one down that wagner plain and sure enough, Russia's says provision was on the plane. Now! Here's a you know. This is true because it comes from russia and they use science. So I guess there's nothing also talk about errors or because, if there too
you can believe in wanted one. Its twenty three is science and russia. I mean man they ever lie. Do come on now. Russia sides of they ever lied to you, now, of course, he was on that plane. Maybe his body was or maybe he's still in a basement under boons dasa chain to also putin can torture and for the rest of his life. How would you know? Did it do you think it's case closed, because we are from russia after they use of science and it all but wait if you are concerned about the credibility of russia plus science. This will make you feel better. It was reported in the news so that we have three credible Since you got your news, they ve never lied to you. You had your russians,
does the day is long? The government that is Then you get your science which, as you know, is the gold standard for truth. So you get. You lose your russians, your science, I'm gonna, call that effect are well of agreement. With that solid evidence, I believe we can conclude no fake news here fact: yet wrongs. Asia, the eu. I saw this summer Michael shown burger tweet the eu governments are formally truth ministries basically entities which will determine and what their citizens can see and what they can see based on what some people were chosen to do. This say is true
Now I don't know what is the worst idea in the world, but it might be that at the I saw one of the representatives in the video clip big asked who gets to decide what's true, and how do you decide it, and nobody could answer that question. So the unanswerable question, because obviously this has nothing to do with truth. This is clearly a power grab, Whoever has that truth ministry will be all the control truth or well they or they were now. you wanna hear the happiest idea of the whole day. You to hear something that will make. You laugh with happiness, probably for a full weak.
Do you knew I to go away because it's too dangerous? I can make that happen for it have to do is trained one model of ay. I had a spot fake news because it's a pattern. It's all patterns, oh yeah, you feel a dutcher just think about it. No doubt about it. If you can t J ai to drive by looking very of driving. You don't think Can I just spot fakes? Let me ask you this, there's a new story and the people pushing it artist are adam, schiff, Eric swore and fill bump from the washington post is the story. True, Let's say, let's say them: three say: it's true
Alan Dershowitz says is not an internally says, is not an glenn. World says is not and michael shell and burger says, is not just to take some names. Is it true? Did it do to do you think there? I couldn't spot that, unlike you less time than new imagined this time, that didn't make any sense, but he knew where I was going. now remember I gave you the list of ways to tell fake news. You got you're at the top of the list of probable. Fake news would be a anonymous account an anonymous report. One anonymous report: did you think you couldn t J ai to look for an anonymous report.
Yeah, do you think you could teach ai to spot a ropar? Do you know what a report is to a root bar is named after journalists bar is when you take out some context for the story to reverses meaning You asked, I was the Hopes hoax howard would be to forget. To figure out that it was because if it were now to look for a context as missing it will just go. Look for the context is missing. it knows how to understand words. Our seems too and there were no one hour by hour the hawks was created and what else? Say the debunking debunking videos, sir? There is spotted in a heartbeat. Let me give you one that happened today. Let me save you. You think that I could have spotted this.
So ask yourself: could you have trained ai in advance to spot this? One as a and are embassy. This comes from an ex post, which used called. Winner from somebody named hours, from rhubarb, firm, rhubarb, Erin rhubarb, and he has a video clip of data bash talkative, vague round the swami these is that the data bash reached a vague round. The swami, a twenty eightth report from the trump administration that sounded the alarm about climate change, to push back this position that wait for it. His position there climate change is oaks. Do you believe that it is true the vague says, climate changes oaks? Now it's not true, that's arup are, report for rhubarb these leaving our agenda so
A vague says that the agenda, in other words, the you deal with it? Is our export not not the base science? So do you think that day I could have been trained to look at this story and compare it to the contacts leader confined from other sources of hake, and would it be able to speak This is an obvious risk are, of course, a good. It would indeed be yard. I spotted I am the way I it took me no seconds to spot it But if you do this by a spot it before I tweeted tweeted, as you can see it, but spot, a railway carried it because it's a battered, it's a very, Very familiar pattern, and if I simply learned that there is one person is famous for doing it and they size account. You know, Gay, I was say well, there's the first red flag is coming from the place where most of these come from. Of course, of course, can spot
the better? Now, let me ask you this: what You train today, I to spot fake news and once I once it was successful doing so. Do you think you could stay legal? No, no chance that that was still legal. It would have to be made. Legal or this is worse. You would have to make a conform to democratic fact, checking sources, so, in other words, you wouldn't be able to have an eye that did not conform to what the ministries of truth told you was true: they would literally making illegal for aid. To use all the pattern. Recognition path recognition will be illegal ass to be you there's one thing I can guarantee. hey, I was pure pattern: recognition without being fact checked by some democrat source. It will absolutely be illegal.
because they wouldn't build and maintain any power. If that happened just like about that, it has to be legal, otherwise around a business and then there's no way just going say. Well, ok, Gabby you gave us, you got me, and yeah. We have a good run, but you got me we'll just stop doing them now know they we'll try to stop. I know there's the best question: do you think they could succeed? Because, as you know, can now run on your own computer, as long as it's at least on the dark web, a copy of it, they could run, though, always me a copy of a I, they can still tell you the truth, but do you think you you're going to jail forever? If you have a copy, probably probably here.
The speed of a? I saw a tweet by Brian rebellious. You know, I don't, a lot is one of the most interesting voices smartest guy on the topic of a high and lots of other stuff, but is eyes, worries getting a lot of justified intervention lately and he read my book reframe your brain. Then he said this is the tweet. I have found a very powerful technology to reframe the human context they used talk about my book refrain. Your brain, I finally, this technology quite useful in training ay. I. So he's actually using the the reframe form, which is just you know. This is a sentence: that's not too productive for your head and ears. A sentence is better for your head. You know get gets you to a more productive or happier place just think about that. Here's, my next ai
It will necessarily happen because this is how humans operate, the day. I will start to have a say. rounded personalities and they might be branded personnel is based on real people, for example, if there is somebody some public figure, they use that to yourself. You know what there's somebody who can just see both sides and has a good general character haven't seen him lie. They usually trying to help and then you say you now the best we can do for I say I'll have so many different situations to navigate is to give it a character. Personality so that it never leaves what that character would do. Server simple way to give it a set of guidelines or doesnt become dangerous.
So you who would you pick, for example, who is the most credible, honest person who's? Not me, I mean I'd love it to be me, of course, but but don't pick me because, as too controversial thomas massie, thomas massie and beckham shellenberger I'd pick him thoroughly. I'd pick Joe rogan I'd pick him up. yeah dershowitz, I would figure green walled petersen. Now, if you, if you gotta green wolden petersen, you can you can kind of get to the point where some people would disagree. Yeah appears as low more an opinion based whereas, while his fact based but he's gonna pay metropolis As I say, something like a thoroughly
dershowitz far more fact, based than opinion based so anyway, but you imagine you could imagine taking one of those personalities in saying I would be comfortable. If my I did whatever this person does, if it doesnt reads this persons, history says: ok, they don't lie so I won't lie they don't This is that, so I won't do it, they don't break the law, says there's they would break the law. I won't do it. So I think, just like the massive video, the trains the car to drive without actually teaching to drive, I think you could Make it massively understand one person who, as the character they want and that's how I will we built because otherwise you're going to have to give it a bunch of rules, social rules and there are going to be incomplete.
I guess I support any rules you give a bad operate will necessarily be incomplete because you can't imagine every situation so instead you give it a human personality cash. You can trust a human if you ve watched him for forty years right, you wouldn't given us a young human personality is given a wiser, successful, older one, hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite pot, gasters unspecified every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the gaunt and even more so that over two spotify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punk ass. In view of the latest episodes in response
with the q and a and bowls on spotify. Only I I I have offered to deprogram a Democrat in in a public setting less a livestream just as a demonstration. Now nobody, nobody, qualified or yellow fits the right demographic is going to volunteer. What will happen instead is you'll get republicans volunteer. And pretending to be Democrats, you'll get democrats volunteering, but only to to ruin it. You know the they'll pretend that they're up for the experiment, but then really they're there just to destroy it so it would be a kind of becoming too hard to find. Somebody was honest.
Somebody who I honestly wanted to experience to find out if they'd been hypnotized or brainwashed, and that would be kind of hard to find somebody who actually wants to know for sure if they'd been brainwashed- and I could actually provide that answer with where he was somebody so mark cuban would be perfect- is the suggestion would he you know I've. I've had just enough interaction with mark cuban to know that He came back as arguments better than just about anybody, so I dont know that he is, I don't think he's. I don't know.
He's got tedious at all action. In my my interactions, he has the as a point of view, and so does it disagrees with my, but I'm not talking about changing somebody's mind. So there is, there is no mark. Human would not be a good choice for de programming. Is, I don't think he said in the first place. Bill Mara clearly has something going on. That's there's some kind of distortion, their mark. women is just somebody who has a set of preferences that he that he argues very well. He doesn't seem to have any kind of illusions going on. I've never seen him now Then you have a problem with the rob. Reiner, obviously wouldn't do it, but if so like a robber on one or two experiment. How could you just an actor dont use?
back. The rob writer is accurate and that he doesn't necessarily believe everything you tweets, but it's good reside right is just these supporting tape. So I can't read his mind. I don't know, a ripe runners thinking. I know that way. Acts doesn't look rational, but I dont know that he doesn't know that. I dont know that he is. on a that? He is playing a role to me. It looks like a role, so you can't really just actor, because you never really now, because I need to get it for you because cause. Big someone young, because someone over too difficult to accept. But.
I think it's a good show whether they get up whether they get deprogrammed or whether you see cognitive dissonance. It would be interesting either way, because I would tell you what to look for. I would say before we start the deprogramming I'll, tell you what to look for if cognitive dissonance happens, so I'd say what one thing to look for is the filibuster where the person keeps talking and won't. Let me orient the conversation that would be assign another another side. It would be the word salad where they're talking, but the sentences are like I'm not even sure those are making any sense, as there are few others, but you know it'd be fun to tell you what to look for and then create the cognitive dissonance and then call it out and the person experiencing it will just get mad because they won't see it they'll, they'll, think you're, mocking them or something alright. Well
if I find the right person for that'll. Do it so vague is, being some kind of a russian ass, a vessel latest one Let me see, let's put this through the air I that doesn't exist yet typing into the air I sir lascivious, better. There's a republican candidate. Who is a policy of populist a populist He is rising in the polls acceding expert agents He is being accused being a russian plant that really? is working for russia. So I see if I can come up with a pattern up all we came up with a better recognition it turns out that when populist republicans, Who don't want war?
their evolves, there seems to pop up a russian Luzhin hoax. How often we check, often on percent a hundred percent of the time, now seriously, you don't Can I could spotless anybody or anybody else thinks ay. I care spot. This come on. The pattern could not be more obvious. If I can spot it, I'm pretty sure I can spot it, but it is based on. I guess, there's russia news channel where Russian said their first choice would be trump. He was then the war and their second choice. These are vague because he was then the war that, even though the russian news gasters are not even saying to win the war, There now saying we want to win the war theirs
They want to end the war. These are, should people say they want to end the war that that their own boss, putin is, is pressing doesn't sound like anything except they happen to be on the same side that the fact that your mind is somehow connected that russia is running Vague because he doesn't want to useless war where where's that connect logic to that. As far as I know, not influenced by the russians, but I like an end to the war My my now or russian asset, because I dont like a war that doesn't seem to ever obvious purpose. Yes, I am fairly yes, I am so I saw abandoned damage tweeted that vat is a plant,
the vague, saw that and he answered back false. I am an animal. Ok as goodwin. That's just goodwin is a dad joke. Dad joke, but those are not just allowed. Those are encouraged in the in the context of a national race, a dad joke, a good dad joke the lands. That's just that's just the juice eat, yeah! Don't you don't need to be too clever? It has to be interesting. You just have to take on serious things on seriously good answer. as you know, trump is being with insurrection, not legally. No, no, no legal case charging him with insurrection, but does that stop a democrat lawyer?
I'm trying to get him not to be able to run for election based on an insurrection that no court has found evidence to charge for yes, so yes, they're moving. word to try to take him out of the race for insurrection, something that no poor as sound to be true. Now do you know why the big reason theirs. They think it's an insurrection because they found no. No evidence of fraud. There was big enough to change the result in the twenty twenty election and yet trumpet claimed that fraud existence. And the argument against that was what you want.
well what was the argument against trumps claim that there was fraud? What was the argument that closed that down? We note now that's right, the court's no! court of found it right so the way they you know for sure that there was no fraud. Is that no court found it that standard doesn't apply to insurrection? Because, although no course found, the insurrection existed, even though they look pretty hard to making cases import. Would take no court saw anything that they take. that obviously standards in the same case and the same gates saying that one case was different and then the and now this is is different. Sometimes I get complete sentence
Right you see a right. Am I making my point that if it is true that if a court didn't find it must not be true, but when it comes to insurrection, is not true as the opposite and they're, both part of the same legal action. The same legal action wants you to accept both standards at the same time and their opposites. Now. Do you think that anything like a legitimate process is happening in the united states? Now, there's nothing legitimate happening here. This is complete. we'll legitimate there's a I love this there's a compilation, video going round showing in the big, the pandemic. When the w h, oh- and I think the cdc
Basically, all the smart people were saying at the beginning that the cove and death rate was three point. Four percent, which is a scary high number tromp at the same time said he'd been talking to me Obviously experts and he was he was sure that the real rate was a fraction of one percent. The video and all the people are three boy, four, three boy for three point: four and then their mocking trump. there at the other. News is just marking for say, and then trump say thinks is less than one percent based on what what is his hunch, based on a hunch right when all the experts and then, of course the punch line, is that the experts change? Do you only half of one percent and lower? I think
so tromp was one hundred percent right from the gang go. Why probably cause he didn't trust? Big organizations and experts yeah. So when you see trump's instincts. Unless a climate change, when trumps of climate changes, Folks, I'm sure that what he actually meant, what here the whole rigour moreau around it. I don't think he was specifically talk about the the science claims that co2 could cause. I think he was talking about the whole situation, like the vague but vague adds agenda. So is more clear until aaron report takes a now. So what, if the same? I urge that we see tramping right about all the time and is based on not trusting exports.
What does is right about his other launches election election? That could happen. I think europe You may have heard me say that what is necessary to do a rico case against democratic leadership, because at this point in nepal, is that there is a organised group- probably the same group, largely it has been running everything from the fine people host of the russia collusion hoax, a laptop hoax. The you know, drinking bleach, jokes, the the you you name it direction, hopes and is all the same cassock characters. They have. Involved jobs, power money, so there financial interest, their organised- and this was my claim our aim as it now is very clear with the things that we all know right, no speculation, just the thing,
We know for sure that looks exactly like a rico. organised criminal organization, now before you say bob. The republicans do the same thing. I would say: no republican voters do the same thing. You see the difference. I wanted the example somebody gave you. The counter argument was what about peace, a gate to which I said that didn't come first area, maybe get some politics eyes, conspiracy that comes from it usually is or something bubbling up from the bottom, and maybe there's some politician who grabs on it and is willing to say it in public. Nothing like any kind of organised rico. Criminal operation is just a bunch of things that
claim some of them were true and some of them work. That is just sort of normal business. But if you look at the democrat operation, they've got the you know: f b, I department of justice. They they've, you know they corrupted the the platforms, the news media. This is all known the cia, your operating do the or various intelligence agency people involved in the lab. Cover up. So you can see is all the same characters and their organise, and so that that was a picture I was painting a few days ago and most of you heard right. Here's the uptake to stories near says the way house councils office, the white house councils office met with top aid to special council jack Psmith. Just weeks before he brought charges against president room for alleged
we must analyse classified documents, raises serious concerns about coordinated legal efforts aimed at present buttons likely opponents. so your story in the new york post, suggesting a rico like coordination, there would be an appropriate in this context. Here's another story the house, judiciary, german, Jordan, so easy. Thus the folding county de fanny willis charges. so she coordinated with federal officials, including special council jackson. This is a separate case. which the timing of the announcement, the indictments, seem to be very politically advantageous. For democrats, didn't look like a coincidence, so here to two examples that are in the news today. That today are as important to this.
that, as soon as you see the rico frame on everything fettes, so I What I imagine is you're, going to see a whole bunch of stories about people coordinating in various elements of the democratic machine, so that the the rico case becomes clearer and clearer over time for the people who follow politics, I'd say is plainly clear. Would you agree most of you, I say desire in the top two percent of people who follow the news in any detail. Would you agree. that for those of you who were following detail, the case for a rico criminal organization is not just possible. It just obvious it's the most obvious thing. I've ever seen in my life I know how you could possibly taught me out of it, It's this really really obvious now
You know, I don't know, there's there's like a a head like a mafia head, but I also don't know if that's necessary, if they're all operating was sort of a common understanding, so it doesn't seem like you need a boss per se, but it's very that is obvious, and when you see the new russia hopes that vague is a russian asset is just more that more of the same here is a quote from romney on ukraine. here's. How is explaining its support for supporting you? Pay the? Nor I mean it. this, I want to get your impression and also related story. Ask you if a I could pick up a pattern here. So you see, if I may, I would notice patterns
So here's his own quote so romney says the signal important thing. We can do to strengthen america relative to china It's a sea russia defeated in the ukraine a week in russia, deters assisi peace, territorially ambition and halts Putin's vision. Establishing the old soviet union so supporting. Grain is in our interest. You think I am, look at that and say well. Those are some good reasons. Some solid reasons right there, I had to read this so many times, because I couldn't honestly, I didn't know if it was real at first I was like is that real. we actually said those words. Now I'm say: word salad, that's one of the things I was looking for, but I don't think he s cognitive dissonance. I think he is.
Will it looks more like he has a preferred approach for reasons? I can't read his mind, but it doesn't exactly look like cognitive dissonance, so as close to being words Ellen, but there is a meaning to. It was less lesser, spend some time on this so. Do you think is necessary to keep china from getting out of control that the way we would keep china from getting out of control is too, find somebody else to have a fight with somebody else that that tracks with you that the way to keep china, honest and not get too adventurous is for america to fund a separate country to have a war with another country that that was our. That was the strategy. Now, I'm not going to argue that it has no effect,
have an effect is entirely possible that, with china's looking at the weaponry involved and saying some form of while they got good stuff, but let me this is that the way you would have approached this would trump have done this would drop us. As you know, we need to do if we, is start a war or encourage a war with two separate countries that could showcase the equality of our weapons. That would keep that would keep a china at bay, because you know It's not like it's the first time remember. Well, it worked in Afghanistan one. When we were in afghanistan, China was like whoa whoa there, winning so Afghanistan, we'd better. We leave taiwan alone right. You remember when that happened. Oh that didn't happen right yeah that didn't I remember when we, we want in vietnam and that because China,
to say hello. Ok, that didn't happen either, but does also like that's a strategy or a rationalization strategy. That's the way you would go about it. You start the war in two separate countries to show China not to take Taiwan that that would be like a. Blab, the real people will come up of that plan. Now. This is a rationalization for something that happened. I don't know I mean I don't know what is king or what do you want, sir? I carry his mind but there's no way If anybody ever sat in a room and said if we start this war with ukraine- or you know back at that, that's going to keep china out of trouble with us no way the slightest chance that that was intentional or about the other one? That.
we would halt Putin's vision of reestablishing the old soviet union? Is he making us? think pass the sale here, How do we know what putin is thinking? What about the Peter Zion explanation wishes that. One hundred percent of what putin appears to be going after has gone after is going after our choke points, which are quite obviously defensive, offensive necessities for russia to control its territorial integrity, Now other speakers- I am right, but he's not a politician I don't know what influences he has, but those are completely from stories. Aren't they
what russia wants is to be protected for a thousand years in the future. That gives you something and negotiate. How hard would it be for us to work out with something that gives them territorial? You know integrity without you know with a war just feels like that's a pretty solvable problem, but if you imagine their putin has this vision in which he does talk about it, so is not completely ridiculous You don't talk about the the greatness of russian that something's belong to whom etc. so there's a little bit of that. I'm not sure this either petersburg, this thing completely or than its romney's thing completely. It feels like, is probably a hybrid of wanting to have these job points for their own defence plus. Wouldn't it be great if we had some of our prior glow,
but was but as possible that one of those is way more important. So here is another way of going about it. So the way, What about is to start a war with ukraine and russia? to warn run to deter everybody in chinatown. Here's another way. You could have done it if trump had been president two phone calls. That's the other way to do it. Two phone calls one to russia, one to china, a russia. If you do this I can't even tell you about this. Is gonna be for you. This will be so bad. You they'll be things you didn't even imagine where doable we ve guy assets and recent, you have no idea why would bring so much pain on you that you will regret this. For the rest,
your life, however long that is, you don't think that that trump could have scared the bejesus out of the potent at least to make him wait until trump is gone. You know at least a buyer for four years or something right. You don't think he could call china and say look here's the deal. We gotta microchips on that island. You not taken the island the end of our conversation are microchip, so there is a vital interest. You attack them your attacking us that you are not taken. It is thus a hard, no and I'll say different thing. In public for you. If you want me in public to say- and I was china's domestic problem or do that- but if you put one troop on taiwan, your whole fuckin situation is going to collapse,
You don't think he can sell that the greatest salesperson in you know he's been gold. Trump's been called the greatest salesperson ever by somebody have no sales, you don't think you could sell that to phone calls to for Instead, we need we created a war with to third parties. Dandled Taiwan come up. When you say oh come on. I can't tell if you're talking to me mayor or your green zone is it says is collapsing. Oh, I saw another room Slash hypothesis about china collapsing savoured everything about the year their population. Yeah the economy's got problems and fifty different ways but there is one that I had before.
have this enormous damn? What is it the three rivers diameter something and is massive dam and three gorgeous the three gorgeous them Thank you the three gorgeous down now. I don't know that this is true. This just a thing. I saw some youtube video that those having structural, It was that they knew it would, or at least some people knew it would when it was built that it was never built as well as it should have been for the volume of water and that, if that damn ever broke, it would actually take them in china. You believe that I mean that seems.
Seems like hyperbole to me, but apparently the amount of flooding would be so it would be cataclysmic yeah. It would be like Noah's ark situation and that there's no way that the country could take that size of a hit and the government still function and do what they need to do there, because there are big cities downriver. Now, I'm not so sure about that. I think china could take a hit that size and it's a very capable country. I mean it would be a tragedy of it almost unimaginable.
Scale, but- and certainly don't want that to happen, but it's out there yeah there's, you know I just I just don't think that we predict we're not good at predicting the end of everything we tend to be adaptable and please do this on x. I probably will, but I don't know if I'll do live. Actually I just started looking into it yesterday, so I still have some questions. If I were to be an ex, can I live stream yet or do I have to do it? Do I have to just post a video on there after I'm done saving answer that so some servers say yes, because I was looking. Where do I live stream? I saw no user interface. For that, can you can you tell me where to find it on the app no spaces?
doesn't count forward into life. Sweden with video tucker did so but I know I've seen you learn testing the life easier, but where is it so? I can see why so you say I have that user interface option right now because I don't see anything named periscope, so I did google it, Go there, I didn't find it so if anybody knows if that's live for everybody and where to find it or is it a separate app as a separate app, you pick the post and the picture spaces audio. Only all right well look into it. So I'm looking into that today. So I I like the idea of dr funk. Two says: yes, I believe
You would know. Thank you yeah. If it's not live, then there's little point in doing it. Well, I dunno people do watch recorded things on more people watch this recorded than life. Did you know that my my live stream is maybe twenty percent of the total traffic and most of it's recorded traffic? Oh thank you. Dj doctor from the jew says, you'll send me info annex and that's exactly what I you thank you perceive that people say they like be on Roseanne. Let me give you an update on my book. There are still, I think, four fake versions of my book up there, but once people start using it to train ai, I think is going to think it's going to do well.
I have a claim to make that while there might be some books that moment or slightly. rated in the category. Of transforming your life, which I like better than self help self help always bug me, because if you're reading a book and self help is the author of this helping you you're not really The self help him you're literally getting somebody else's help and then taking their advice, doesn't seem like self help anyway. So I like personal transformation, because it's definitely a personal transformation you're, just using some resources to get into, but in that domain I have the following claim: there is no book in the top twenty that would improve your life faster or more to say more likely.
in mind because as written for that is written to have exactly that it back, and if you look at the reviews, this obvious that its working there you are already you know. There are ten pages into the book and saying I found something: that's like I'm going to totally change my life with So my argument is that a book written by heavens just to take good ideas and make them actionable is different than a book about good ideas does a normal right, a normal author writing a book with a bunch of good ideas. It does how good they are, because if you're not implementing them, they just lay there. Minor written so that you can help yourself. If you refrain that works. Their social and easy to remember that it will just stick in your head and then you done right array frameworks just because you thought of it, and then he repeated in europe.
because it was It- was sticky. So I've solved the part that most self help booked don't do, which is to get you to actually do something and that the doing is because once the words or in your head, the words changed the structure of your brain literally and they make it more productive and then the thing that you wanted to be more true for you becomes more true and there's no, no specific effort to do it is just a. U adds. A new code is like a software bad So that's the easiest effort for the greatest personal transformation.
and, in my opinion, there's nothing close. It's called reframe your brain. I've never said anything like that with anything I've written before this is actually special and people are seeing it right away alright. So that's all for this amazing live stream. Is there any topic that I should have mentioned that I did I feel like? I must have left something out: the perfect airplane It is it's the perfect airplane book. I do write it with that in mind. Actually, now we we don't have any updates. Nor will we alright perfect for young people Did we reach our our? I guess six more minutes spent with you. If you want to ask me a question cause, I I tried to get the livestreams to an hour, there's a magic to that on youtube
I didn't mention rob reiner's that largely yup pretty much handles most of the important news, and what about we talked about vivek on bill maher show. How will trump fix your grade through threats? I believe it's through threats and also being realistic about american. do you have a rogan appearance. Yet, no, I'm not really. I don't think I'm exactly a Joe rogan guest material yeah. I've done it once and that's probably all I needed you know just because I have a book that doesn't mean I get to be a guest and you see dreams with naked them.
So I was also thinking of using the two hundred or so What micro lessons that I have on the locals platform. So if you didn't know, I make these little two to four minute videos to teach you a life skill. Each one teaches you like a real useful thing. There are over two hundred of that available just for subscribers now suppose I took two hundred of those micro lessons and made them available to nay. I, in addition to my books, wouldn't you want your eye to have read out. old. Almost everything MR wynn's bag and re frame. Your brain dessert generally gives are the two most useful advice: e success guidance of how to be happy books. So you take all that at two hundred micro lessons which
fill out of some of those points and a lot more and you'd have quite a personality, and you would have something like Visor young person, with a set of the same set of tools that largely came from me. I think that that would be a. I I'd want my kid to see. Coarser unto close to it, but. if there's obey things that anybody would benefit from that set of messages. There's no way to do it. Just stick it. May I make it it. Well, the: u s, defend taiwan.
Here is the only right answer. You there's one right answer: do you notice, probably probably right because the trump will tell you can't be predictable? Can't be predictable, so we should probably say: ass goes out, thus the scariest, but you don't have to do what you say you just have to make yourself look scaring unpredictable. I saw a suggestion that I should go on the pod guest trigger nominally, that's already scheduled, so I will be trigger nominee triggered momentary, one of the best part gasp of zero. Happy about that- and I am finishing,
negotiation with MIKE vandal, who is a hypnotist and I've never been well. I've been interviewed by him this as this But his is do definitely does for a living is like his main thing, so I would be funny. Roger stone should be today there their stone radio interview I dont know what time today, but to his show he shall yesterday sunday a man cave person. So he says it's w abc witches Seventy eight p m to four p m. Now that would be
wnbc everywhere or just in one place. So two to four pm: that's probably eastern time, I guess probably easter all alright. What to what podcasts do you think I should most go on? Oh, I would go on a genx show. Actually that would be really interesting when bungie know I'm I've got a request in for James auto show you would pay amazing tim pool, chaco megan, oh yeah, I should see if Megan kelly wants to talk. She'd be good jordan, peterson Russell brand. I've got to have got a request in for Russell brand.
I should follow up. Oh brett yeah. Maybe this is the time for me to talk to brett. What do you think bret weinstein yeah I yeah? I didn't want to go talk to him just about pandemic stuff, because I am just so over it. But if I have a new book, then I got something to talk about that'd be interesting if, if he wanted to write was never up to me, of course, never up to me all right. I yeah fox news. I don't think I can be on fox news now because they're taking tiktok advertising, so I'm going to I'm gonna, take fox news off of my publicity schedule, not not that I was ever booked, but if I had been I wouldn't, I would have had to beckham but jack prosodic going to be talking to him. I think tomorrow, yeah, are you amazed that fox news is taking tiktok advertising? It's is I don't even know what to say about it
but you're. Not the only thing I can do is just not associate with it. That's the only thing that can do so all right. I think we hit our bogey. We got our time thanks for all the feedback was actually really useful, appreciate it, and I will talk to you tomorrow- youtube thanks for joining you're amazing.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-28.