« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2212 Scott Adams: Lots Of Fake News Today. Goes Well With Coffee

2023-08-26 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a

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Politics, New College of Florida, Backwards Causation Science, Luxury Beliefs, Falsely Accused, Mask Mandate, TikTok Mass Brainwashing, Fox News, Reframe Your Brain, Viktor Shokin Firing, Expert Agreement Scam, Multi-Entity Organized Ops, Democrat RICO, McCarthyism Returns, Biden's Tweets, Grand Jury Process, Scott Adams

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Do do do do do are up up up up up a little or a lot of power good morning everybody and welcome. Did I lied of human civilization is called, If he was got atoms and I'm pretty sure, there's never been a better time this morning, if you'd like to think experience up do. Levels that you can only gift with a prescription. All you need is a cup or mug or a glass a tanker jealous just I am getting teen jirga, flask of a vessel over the guy and fill it with your favorite liquid. I like and join me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dublin ii is the day, the thing that makes everything better is called the simultaneous ap go. Oh good! Lord, that's good! That's some good good coffee,
All right: well, you might to be aware that death lord s florida new college of florida, I have to say that without saying Florida twice, but as far as new college of florida, neither floundering and huge. Those other professors quit because no dissenters governor this anderson, some republicans tell them that they couldn't teach some gotta brainwashing, bullshit, two kids, so they were, as I feel like I just don't feel like the details of this story or necessary Secondly, the summarize the governor said they can teach bull, destructive, bullshit to children and so half of it. Your grip, like we really really do- want to teach them destructive. Bullshit, like like rare was really based on this, so
this whole story there's nothing else to say about that correction. Do you like it? When I admit I am wrong or stupid? If you live for those moments. We're I'm wrong or stupid. Well, take a serpent settled back! because you're going to have one of those moments where I was wrong and stupid I rather hastily several days ago, told you There was a study in that doctor, Jordan petersen. I tweeted it that does it's remarkable health outcomes from people who wait just meet your concern of the all meat diet. This diet to that, I think, is what DR peterson has been on claims, success is the part where I was stupid and silly. It was ever so much our randomized controlled trial.
Was a thing on facebook. Sorry now defence, this very week, defence, so of I'm still all bad, but just to give you some context, if I see something tweeted by venus and seems to refer to anything sciences. I just sort of I don't automatically think he's checked it out like. I don't really feel you feel. Like my checking, you, though, would add anything to him. Checking it out cause. He would have a better filter on that stuff, but I think his case, where the non scientific study agreed with his own experience. Let's call a day, a number of anecdotal reports that seem to line up, which is fair, so and I don't mind at ease tweeted, I just
A little more a little more digging, you're just one, maybe one click would have been good for me. So let there be a caution, retail. Sometimes I one extra click will save you for some ridiculous things. My favorite topic is backwards, causation, science. I think this might be like a whole segment. on a regular basis backwards. Causation science. The study, the says night p oh, no earn as much money as morning, people untangle the cause. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that people tend to be awake during the work day, my make more money than people who were asleep during the work day.
Or even people who is best energy is, during the working day. probably get more done than the people who is best. Energy is not during the work day I don't know, there's a lot of mystery to this. I feel like the real thing is some people are no people in some people are mourning. People? But do you really need to study Why the morning people make more money, do we need more information about that word for word, Were you sort of on board with that attitude? I get that if you're a night person in europe. Are you working on my work? Fine, but now there's not much mystery to this one to another. One. Barely a good marriage reduces the rate of psychopath in the marriage. Ok, yeah, it's a good marriage thing.
that makes your mental health better What would be another way you can look at this? Couldn't be a psychopath. Don't have good marriages. Anybody! Anybody. I might be onto something there see. normal person marries a psychopath. I think that would go fine as long as start with having a good marriage would fix this now. This is ridiculous. this is what is passages science in our world today last science. These are ridiculous There's a study the says, People are far less likely to say they want to grow up in the barents sea. Babies. Let us look for all The all of the many social reasons for this
let's look at all the things causing this issues muddy hello, this money that, may I may I ruin your lessons. romance about children by pointing out that for most of human history Children were either an accident or an economic investment is backing where there is social security and stuff like that, retirement packages: new privileges to have kids or you're gonna be a genuinely or forty Oh, are you wouldn't really defend yourself? You wouldn't be a collection of food, you unveiled the farm, so based Children have always been to make money. Now, sure people love their children, do and I'm of people also add your feelings about just natural biological origin. But mostly have I ever
told you that follow the money works, even when surely should perfect example. Perfect is up. if you're romantic mine says people have children. Because there are no glorifying door, They bringing more love into the world or, as we learn more says, or extending the light of human consciousness, sure sure there's that little that, but why is that whenever the economics of having children is bad, we just stop it. we're just like, while I'm out about don't make me less likely to retire about. I think people are just looking it that way. so? You can spend all day long, he and all the other reasons, but they would only.
White elon, musk, elon musk has lots of kids he's not doing it for the money. He doesn't need the money he's actually doing it, because you know the larger. You know a higher higher purpose kind of thinking, but. some biological urges injure. So he is probably do you for something that looks like exactly the right reasons plus biology, but the average person doesn't have that option. So no chance. This will change, while the economics and the way they are Do you think, there's anything you can tell people or teach them they would make them one, more babies when economically it's a disaster. I don't think so. I don't think there's a way to fix that Wires or I rate of kids, let's say immigrant or reason immigrant populations possible,
because there are still in a situation where having children is a better guarantee that Older years will be comfortable enough people around them. First support. There's no mystery to anyone. It's just economics, larry elders on this of course say that deal whatever happened and the other johnson. Ministration, the gray society? You change the economic, so you can be a single mother without dying of starvation. Oh yes, so: no, no, It's true there, here's one that might be mystery, barely wine drinking in europe is plunging. So do you the commission looks at the data. Said that wine consumption has fallen, seven presented lily, ten percent in spain, fifty percent France and twenty two percent, germany, thirty four percent import, or what in Portugal drink he used of forty thirty four percent.
well. Well, wine production was going up, so they were making more wine at the same time, demand was plunging. Wonder if there's some kind of meme. the spreading the world, thus reducing the amount of alcohol is boys. Weird coincidence that whenever I tell you I'm going to make something happen. It happens globally. How is that possible? Am I am I just guessing right I mean, I'm not taking any I'm not going to take any credit for wine consumption in europe obviously had nothing to do. That boat now unobserved and nothing to do with it so before before you mock me, wait till the end of the sentence,
there's no way that I'm affecting wine consumption europe, let be honest about that. But how do I keep getting right. I feel, like I end up accidently on the raw array side of stuff. I dunno how that happens. Really images feels like a weird coincidence, again so it could be just the again follow them. the money they might be the entire explanation. They might just feel that there's a pension or cotton might be. Marijuana might be just greater understanding of health consequences. I said ten years ago that we all believe that drinking every day, as long as it was moderate, was actually good for you. Do you remember that one of the first big things I debunked before I was doing it publicly as much. Bugging fur twenties thirty years, I've been debunking that alcohol is good for you and small amounts.
but now the science is quite as quite dramatically turn So when you say that the science is that it's not good for you, maybe maybe this having an effect. An update on a technique. I've been using with great success, and I recommend it. a luxury, brutal beliefs, right luxury beliefs- is the idea that say bragging that you recycle is a luxury belief, Michael Schellenberg says that the worst thing you can do for the planet is recycle your plastic because they don't actually recycle it, throw it in the ocean and thailand or someplace and basically, basically, it's a whole scale- the whole plastic recycling they usually have a real it, never has been, never been, just one more thing that you thought was real that never was by weight,
such things as luxury beliefs and their money I especially for women, let me go full section, here I'll make an analogy. If you if you're a lesser, reasonably good, lookin guy, you think you ve got some and you're, a data woman- and she is maybe about equal to you and you pull up in a embarrassing automobile. What does I in his opinion, if you immediately go to even if otherwise you're just great you know your income is fine. Everything's fine, but your car is a little embarrassing that so that's that necessity long ago. I realise that ITALY's heterosexual women, too, the man's automobile as their assessor me, much like their earrings very much lighter purse. Very much like the clothing
Right is something there associated with style sense. So if you don't they don't want to be associated with your automobile you're, going to have some problems and by the way I've had that is. Our problem is made to bodies. I the car that was called the bondo car. It's like the pain, was all cut off, and use a ears like a quart of oil everytime. I drove it because I just left a stream of oil industry. I was just a esther. Let's just say I wasn't doing too well in the, eddie slain category, not that far away so the general idea that women in particular sea the things that are associated with them, as accessories can be a little more or less a resistance to stuff you're resistant to style, especially Mad men can often say: you'll. Forget your style, I'm just going to go for function, and you know you can
An opinion about that undertaking, it happens and so extended into beliefs, the luxury beliefs, people want the same way they want an automobile or your jewelry or your purse to be a good written, represent nation of who you are or what you want to protect your beliefs, become also an accessory. So if you ve got a good believe like climate change, that would be a luxury belief, independent of watching. we're not that's not the argument, but if you say you're on that aside, that would be the good sesame. Does that make you lookin number number of issues like that, but I found that there's a technique. I use there were ruin people's accessory Make them stop arguing in any way that bothers you. They might still keep chattering
it'll stop bothering you immediately, and it goes like this. I'm sorry, your new sources of done this to its total killer. Because if you take somebody's accessory their luxury belief and you, refrain it as a victim story. I'm sorry that they did this to you. That's that's a bad luck. It's a bad! Look! I'm sorry! They did it! There's nothing wrong with you, you're good. I have no complaint with you you're, damn of something very powerful, and I wish She's the best there's a way that I can help you recover from it. I'd like to do that now who was salazar accessory? Oh I'm, sorry that you believe that if I can help you, I would You immediately give that a combat level. So on an ax, this happens a lot.
tweet, something and then some weird luxury belief person offered a woman. Well we'll come in and say above all by you, everything you say is untrue because they have been exposed. Anything like actual news. They ve just been victims, and I actually don't you see them any more. As my combatants used to frame at young arguments as combatants but sometimes they are like sometimes actually have a real disagreement, and maybe that is combatants situation somewhat, but mostly ninety eight percent of the time the people who come at me are coming at me with wrong. Information does had been poisoned by their new sources, and I'm not saying I'm the one who has all the answers, but is really to tell when somebody doesn't right It's hard to know who was right answers, but is real.
really easy to know who has won this completely wrong because you ve seen more contacts than right. If you seem more contact you're not wondering if the wrong is used, more than they have at the very station say, they recognise the contacts. They're all agree with something, but if they do is never never seen the contacts there just victims, so think of this. instead of framing your combatants. As somebody who's an enemy, you must debate tree. immediately. Have somebody you have sympathy for at the happy to help if there's something that they don't understand, watch what happens, you can actually make them hate their own luxury. Belief. Try it like you are here is a clarification, because I believe that,
we wider use have insulted our black american citizens. And I would like to clarify this- is not me personally. I personally have not made this. It's a snake, but I've seen a number of people do this and by the way I don't think it was exactly a mistake so much as could have been clearer, alright, so this is a could have been clearer situation. Nobody nobody's really the bad guy. This is just something that it's, I saw both Adam coleman and Jeff Charles makes same comment now both some black and they both said that. In paraphrase but basically they pointed out. That is a little sketchy. These my words little sketchy. That conservatives are saying that the trump might get the black vote because he got arrested and my good instead.
and no two voices that I would respect both Adam Goldman Jeff, charles boss, more people, wait a minute wait, a minute. You say the black people, vote for them, because their all criminals is now here suggesting that you get the black vote by in the criminal? Are you really saying that, and the answer is no? No. Nobody is saying that clarification is not the jail part. Is the falsely accused part? Is the falsely accused bb that that's the point people are making nobody's saying that going to jail? Makes you get the black vote. Don't hear that nobody saying that literally. Nobody is saying that their say, as the falsely accused useful, that if there's any If there's anything that might relate to the falsely accused. So apology
For anybody were heard that definitely because we can be a little bit more clear about that so just day recommendation if you're gonna press that point- and I think is actually worth pressing as I do think the falsely accused they might might actually strike a blow or striker accord, but make Are you talking about the falsely accused? I remind you that mass sir are threatening to make a comeback. We're still looking for the first of fortune five hundred company to require mask so we can attack them quickly and put them out of business. Now. The first one has to be at heart. The problem will be if there's a whole bunch. They go at the same time ago.
I told them to do it at the same time. That could be a problem but it. But if somebody makes the mistake of being in the news first, you have to hit him as hard as you can with consumer action. You know just just stop buying for as long as you need to If you can now it is he like keyser, healthcare is masking their employees, but they clarified. That did not include customers now, but there are also not exactly for profit entities more like it amber runs situation. So that's not really the great boycott situation, and I said he's gay had just like one floor of one office because they had now break there. This is just to trivial, but if somebody goes big, like an actual fortune, five hundred- and they say- we've decided that for the good of the nation we're all going to be masked and oliver our customers to you gotta, take them out of business right away like actually
demolish him, because otherwise you're going to wear masks for the rest of your frequent life, so you're going to have to go hard, alright and tiktok. One. So I had to admit defeat but several years I've been trying to recommend that tik tok would be banned, and I got a lot of support. Lot of voices on the same side say that take tat. Is mass brainwashing device is so powerful and destructive that the country that makes it china won't allow it in their own country, because it would be too dangerous for their children they're happy to give it to us and of course, tiktok may be the reason that people are confused about their gender, not just one reason, but might be a big part of that.
and probably a lot of other anti american stuff. Yesterday I turned on fox news and apparently there are accepting advertising from tiktok and their this coming. all about a veteran. Who use tik tok to get money so that his life was not saddened that that pathetic because he was a disabled, veteran, an elderly, so fox news is gone. I did a google search and fox news has been antibiotic really strongly for all of this year right, if you lay the stories of the fox news, take docks ban, take back. and so now watch what happens the coverage after yesterday. Do you think fox news is gonna go hard at their advertising.
Do you know what personality on fox news was? Probably, I think the strongest untied tik tok person this? The strongest anti think that person talker girls, tucker girls. He was the strongest antitank tat person. So in my opinion. The only the only possibility for tik tok to be banned was, if republicans got enough control to do. It, news is taking advertising from tiktok Can you see, I don't think I don't think you'll see much in the way of any push back and tiktok it would be bad for business relations transparent. I mean it's not like the commercials hidden, it's actually feed So you don't have to wonder what that might do the coverage of
told you they follow. The money works every time now, in my opinion, there are no house or opinion people. Who have been instructed to change the story right. Can you about? I don't think that was like a meeting. That would be very unusual. I don't think that by said, our aid tik tok as our new sponsor, no say bad things about tik tok anymore. I don't think that and that that does not strike me as something that happens in the real world, but rather Everybody knows that if the money Coming from a spigot, you don't turn it off it. Just natural just natural. So I lost, I lost, undertake the thing: it's it's over, take tax
We are now being essentially managed listed the youth or be managed by china. I'm saying something in the comments on pressure is not true hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite pot, gasters unspecified every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the gaunt and even more so that over two spotify search for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punkahs and view the latest episodes. and respond to q and balls on spotify. Only I only
Here's a couple things that I've tried to teach. You And one of them is actually in my brand new book best seller, firstly, you ve ever seen refrain your brain out now in soft cover audio book narrated by somebody and then kindle So let me give you an example of one of the refrains from the book and then I'm gonna show to inaction, so I don't get it do this too. Much but you get to see one in the wild. The way was correctly used the reframe as us, person with the best idea is in charge. You know how normally I think that your bosses in charge or europe, or your leaders right, you think they're the ones in charge, but if you add the best idea
It's of obvious. Your idea would get implemented, no matter who is in charge, so you should start they see yourself as not in charge here always in charge. I lived my life this way when I walk, to any situation. Norma what my role is just visiting customer just observing critic. no matter what my role, as I say, I'm in charge and what by an charges. I don't mean that must be the boss and get the credit. I mean that I can influence the outcome, but only if we have the best idea what I want. who influenced the outcome. If I didn't know now, if I didn't gotta good idea them, or at least the potential for good idea. I would stay out of it.
so I live my life thinking that every at every environment I walk into I'm effectively in charge in two different ways. One is you make people you the way they feel because of the way you presented herself Come into a room all happy with high energy, you could raise people's energy in becoming complaining and bring him down right. You can cause people to be what you want. and you can be in charge by having the best idea. So Or to rephrase that I carry with me all the time, so when I into an environment. I walk and confident because I can make the people do anything. I want, by extension of my own behaviour, and I can get anything done that I want if it's a good idea. good idea doesn't get up now. The opposite would be the tick tock situation. So clearly a good idea about money. Money apparently ruin that opportunity
so here's here's the real world example that yesterday I tweeted in or acts in frustration that I have endorsed the vague round the swami, but every time I. we have abandoned the comments are full of people who a variety of rumours are accusations. which to buy yourself or completely like bullshit but I don't know exactly what the back story is. I don't know what he said about it the details, and so we saw exposed, support somebody who I couldn't really respond to a number of a rumors. And so I somewhat exasperatingly suggested on twitter and also, I think I'd like that. A vague tromp has the same problem to that actually agree. A page just a web page, which the doesn't rumours, are there and then
You ve got one link that every time someone Brings us up just say. Well, why don't you look at his explanation say if you still feel the same now. Is that a good idea? You tell me, good idea that there's just one link in one place that every This is about him, the ones that are real there just in one place. So, I say that on twitter about an or after I say it, I get contacted by the lakes is campaign to you, And they say: oh, we heard we heard your idea that up on Monday see what I mean now that, idea is just unambiguously a good idea. So am I Am I in charge of the round the swami campaign. Now, of course, the people were in charge of it or, while he's in georgia
what did I have the ability to change something with no power? I have no power right, no organization but the best idea just wins, and I think you seen the number of times, and it is not the first time you ve seen something of this nature by kid. His mind, if you've got a good idea, you are in charge, you just have to communicate it make sure that the right people here and make sure that there's not a money interest in the other direction. That's the other problem. Alright. I would also like to give you this this little reframe tip. If you're trying to figure out what kind of a product is going to be successful, let's say
you're trying to do a start up or maybe even looking to invest. This is one of the most reliable indicators of a product. That's going to be big in the future. If people take the product the way it is it's kind of crappy, it's not really good yet, but they like it and it's bad form. That's a really good sun symbol, but that's not the one I'm talking about there's a second one. one is be earth. People take your product and extended another, whereas they start with your product and they add something to it, and I noticed there are now for fake books of my book online,
Two of them are from, I think, the old publisher. So if the, if the thing you think you order, does it look like this? You did not order. My book by amazon did take your money. They did take your money, but no book will be coming to you unless it look like this is the only real one. So there's a purple one, this not real. There's one. That's just text and no picture, that's not real, but a lot of people that bought it. I dunno where the money went, they could get it back by cancelling because there's there's no shipping take place, but here's, but that's not. This is not to my point, those those two were just bad links, but within hours of these off cover being published there already to rip off books called workbooks, so they just take my book the content from my book. They come up with some of the others back stories and stuff which are essential to to be a good book
And they they try to make their own book instantly that they call a workbook, but but I already reported them for copyright violation, but apparently again the less I find the same text, which, of course, ask is as rephrase I mean just just consider the fact the in the back of my own book is my own work, but The summary I mean I have all the reforms in summary form and refrain bias, nature is a summary: what exists We, as the summary of my summary right off the whole thing that makes us it useful, is that each of the reframes is very tightly explained
I summarized it more than that. It's useless because it is a summary and if they didn't summarize it more than that, it's just a copyright violation, but somebody has tried to turn it into a different form now, if, if what you think is happening, is complaining about it. It's a little bit of complaining, it's a little bit of complaining, but there's a larger point. You when somebody tries to rip you off immediately. That is such a good sign of. What's come because nobody, saw something that nobody wants so on day. One somebody said: oh shoot. This is going to be big and they ripped it off as soon as possible. I dunno how much of my money they're getting some. Apparently I have to buy one in order to get them taken off cause. I have to get their text and give the you know the exact and then how am I going to do that retype it? I think I'd have to like retype a chapter
Because I care I can't cut and paste from kindle kinda. So we have this whole problem. I have to solve this non. None of your concern. but always look for somebody taking your product. To steal it right away, that's gonna be hit, it's pretty guaranteed. wall street journal is starting to wonder if the, if the accident on the wagner provisions plain their started. I think there might be something not quite right about this. There there's suspect you might be some kind of bad action by Putin or somebody I dunno. What do you think is that possible? Well, I'm glad they're from glasgow catching up we don't care, do you care if it was blown up with a bomb or
the shadow, the air. How would the world does that make a difference? Are we really is that difference? I don't think so. Fox news, had an exclusive with that prosecutor. That by then fired from Ukraine, whose name is shokhin now. Here is my take on that shokhin guy. So so the The two versions, a reality on the left and the right are as follows: on the right, Joe Biden fires, the prosecutor. because he was going after bereavement hard an hundred On the board, so hunter got his father to take the heat, to offer the company that he was on the board of less their rights So that would be consistent with what shokhin says.
Which is oh yeah. He was a good guy. He was totally investigating them and then he was removed because he was investigating him not because he wasn't now on the left, I'll give you the jessica jarl of take on it, it removing it had to be legitimate because There were so many other international organizations who want, they're gone there. There were a number of them internationally, so that would prove is not about just charisma. It's not about hunter. that proves that the other nations and entities international entities were on the same side I teach you a new way to spot bullshit in twenty twenty three Democrats tell you everybody's on one side or these seven percent are on one side, ninety of some seven percent, the experts or or
buddy, we asked about it in the and geo political field. It's always lie. Do you know why. There were just tell you the reasons if they are reasons they wouldn't tell you. The other people say those reasons they just tell you the reasons that would have to do with other people's opinion. If it were real, the Other people's opinion about gravity we're trying to convince you that gravity exists, but the reason you should leave it Ninety seven percent of experts say gravities real. You dont need experts for some. That can be demonstrated with arguments or data. Now, granted you mind to look at a scientific study- and you know our true it is but one to understand the basic idea. If the climate change people come to you and say we measure the temperature,
the and you're, not a scientist when you have a question like just unnatural ordinary person question. How do we measure How do you measure the temperature of the earth. Then say: while we have these thermometers, yeah in the ocean of various places outside you have thermometers like the same kind of thermometers everywhere like whole earth. They say no, we don't need the whole earth. We we put him in places we get too easily and we try to cover as much as we can not like the whole earth or anything. But you know a good scientific average. say so. It wouldn't be true that the the heat sometimes moves through different areas of the earth by stays. The same In other words, you couldn't have extended years, where there's a portion of the earth thing it's warmer, while another portion is getting cooler and if he does way,
yoda evans out over time is a possible well. So if you weren't a person who is an expert when they have a lot of questions about it. And then you say what about those the change models, the model science or they something adjacent to science. There adjacent decides, there's something scientists do there does site and if anybody tells you that their science there lion, they might be useful and their done by scientists, but what assumptions they put into them and which ones survive by luck after they throw the ones that had bad luck and and match today's, Which are either the whole thing, looks sketchy as hell, but that's not to say there isn't a problem that I don't know. I mean I'm not no smart enough to know, but I'm pretty sure nobody else knows either. That's my take
I don't know, I don't know how much danger there is, but a pernicious. Nobody else knows that problem sure about. So whenever you see all the experts on one side, that's almost a guarantee of fitness. Nobody told me about the alcohol being good for you and small amounts. What percentage of experts do you think agreed with that until they found out was complete bullshit? Ninety seven percent? Probably do you remember the food pyramid that was completely bullshit? What percent if you have dietitians and experts believe for years that that was about yeah about one hundred percent, not one hundred, but maybe ninety five percent so Do you see the batter the night? seven percent argument exists when it's bullshit usual As soon as somebody says, most people agree your reactions,
oh shit, where they hiding is it turns out. You can get all the experts to agree easily do were the easiest people. The fool are so I am speaking here as I have noticed. the easiest people, the fool, are academics and scientists. Do you know why? Because they believe data just tell me some data will be like all right. I love my data, just tell telling the ninety seven percent of scientists agree on the other there's a new scientist comes go. Ninety seven percent scientists agree. So maybe you should do if you wanna get some money. And lastly, I would say by shokhin: is I guess I guess all of that sort of suggested to you. Chopin was telling the truth. There was an accident on my part,
We are trying to do is show both sides. In my opinion, shokhin looks the biggest liar I've ever seen in my life. If I mention that his ukrainian, so you might be, biggest liar in the country, this famous for being the biggest lying country and corrupt theirs. nothing. He said this one's credible to me he just like you lie On the other hand, the opposite. Arguments relies on the everybody said, which I believe is. Also a signal for lying. So opinion you ve got to size or lie. I think they're both wrong. I think what the truth is, is probably not either of those things I mean it must be true, these other corrupt or not, but there's something wrong with both stories. They both have the lowest level of credibility once a fire. Do you create.
Guy, even though, even if he were america, if you talk to the guy who got fired and he's talking about his old company come on. Who believes that, guy. Nobody should believes a fire guy, even if the right there, their credibility, is the lowest me. So we have nothing to believe on that story really no idea which it is, I don't have any idea, but can you give me a fact check? Wasn't there hunter or a hunter associates, email the suggested that that bridge we really did why I'm gone? Isn't it in writing, giving a fact jack? I am I imagine in them, because that might be imagining. Does everybody I swear to god? I I'm saying so the essence trickling in, but I was sure
was a story. Words documented that hunter and bereavement wanted shokhin gone. I thought that was documented, Then that would have only response to jessica, but I didn't see anybody give their response jesse waters that he needs to get on it. dinner, rico is so as the law that they used to go after the mafia The idea was, if yes, there are organised, and their organised for a common criminal purpose. That would be something you could use the rico laws which give you, I guess a little more. little more of a hammer to go after people. So so that the general you know situation first, saying something rico situation
is it is organised and criminal. So I said three yesterday to you I'm no lawyer, but data Democratic leadership looks like a criminal conspiracy to me from the sure collusion. Hopes to the laptop folks to the generous ex insurrection hopes to the fine folks hoax to the ukraine, ukraine, and hunter too, Barbara, the justice therefore bullshit and diamonds to Media puppets now is it The only thing that would make that not rico does, as they have been coordinated right, if not a coordinated and they just or of independently decided what they're doing. Well, that's not riga, that's just people see something to be in their interest and acted in court anyway, I would say republicans or like that republicans act. Similarly,
after the after a new issue comes up, they end up acting similarly, but I never see coordination. Have you. I mean it seems, like republicans, read the news and they're influenced by the news. everybody is and then they make their opinions, seems like it's just that it's just I, It's the news: they formed an opinion. If I didn't watch enough news, maybe my opinion not good, but that's a whole story, there's news and then people and social media and then people make opinions. correct me if I'm wrong, but the russia collusion oaks was a multi entity coordinated up the laptop hoax was a multi entity coordinated up the j six. The insurrection bullshit was a multi entity coordinated
You had the politicians, you had the media that I'm sure they talked to. Do you think that nobody talked to the media and said here's the message we're going to be putting out. Maybe they didn't need to because they're so obvious in what the right message was. But what about here's ears, a thing that finally trip to me? There are four prosecutors and for indictments against europe. Can you confirm, because I saw some disagreement on that- are all for democrats, the prosecutors or is there some question about them and ineffectual? I'm saying yes but less say I'm my operating assumption. We now here's a big question. We did hear that at least one of the indictments. Was a result of somebody in the democratic party possible, Rumoured to have contacted the prosecutor to say this
the timing to do it. If you do it now, it's the best timing, fur or cause. Now what about the other three here's what it would take to prove rico In my opinion, if you could find that anybody in the democrat party had contacted any of these prosecutors, any of them that would be a coordinated criminal activity. Is criminal because the charges are firstly bullshit the reason anybody thinks the charges are true is because the media is part of the coordinated up The media told people that he said find some votes in his best gangster away. The truth, of course, is that if you saw the world context, you say he thinks the election was not legitimate and a closer look would prove him too. right. That's all that happened January sex. What does anybody
I think that was an insurrection, because the media told them The media operated independently to called an insurrection, or do you think that they talk to anybody in the debt? party who sent you know we're gonna go with this being an insurrection. This will be good for us. Of course they talked about it. So while standard you need to me? It is because there is no money being made. Well, it's all money. It's all money! You got! You know the Democrats. It be supported by the military industrial complex. That's all money there might be people think They will lose their jobs if they don't make sure there's a democrat leadership. That's money as jobs. The hunter and and his dad and his partners there were making money from ukraine. There are rumours that other major politicians we shall not be named, maybe involved.
exactly the same kind of dirty business which might be illegal. I don't if it's legal or illegal, but there might be involved in similar sketchy things at the public wouldn't like if they heard about it. What what part of this is not a criminal enterprise, this coordinated to me it looks like a coordinated little enterprise trying to jail the opposition trump so that they can. better jobs and careers and content. Making money you violating ways got your money? You got your massive coordination which I think could be demonstrated pretty easily. I mean if you check, if there was, if you had a let's say legal authority, to check all the phone records of the prosecutors, you don't think you'd find that they were into democrat leaderships, do you think that any these prosecutors are lined up for promotion when their done? Do you think?
I'm already our promises of a better job or already have on this issue of funding. For anything they run for you think there was any quid pro quo at all. It's just a coincidence that for prosecutors, who might be looking to improve their situation, all have these bullshit charges at the same time Now you may say to yourself: scottish: just politics is just politics, the republicans no different really what what was the last full multi department. Brainwashing up that the Republicans did. I don't think they do. I mean I would have noticed when I am in a pre, deeply embedded. I think I went noticed and certainly, if I saw happening, I wouldn't be, be about it like it. If you think I would, if you gotta be in favour of the brainwashing up, because it came from one side.
since the other you'd be very, very wrong. Brainwashing up, no boy now, wouldn't wouldn't supported coming from anybody for anything. Well school is brainwashing up. If you do it right now, a bit I would be different if you'd have to go back to the iraq war defined republicans, but I think republic is actually were somewhat fooled as well by the bad, entail yeah I'll I'll, give you the iraq war I'll, give you that, but that was a long time ago. That was a long time ago. So. there is a rico case to be made This the leadership of the democratic party, the media and the prosecutors and george soros and in the soros money you don't think that's all connected if
I, like your sorrows, junior meeting with the very democrats who benefit from all this and he funding the prosecutors. In some cases, I suppose so sporting prosecutors and having meetings with them. That weakens acres republic. What would it take to make that rico? Israel, because I hear from the lawyers I know there are always some lawyers here no, I don't think there's a like realistic chance that some eleven, but but in this meeting all of the requirements and a rico prosecution It was an actual lawyer if you'd like to identify yourself as only one or two people were lawyers. Agreeing with me earlier, you can, you can can be an opinion.
Yeah, it is true. The first iraq war was nearly unanimous now you know, I guess but I think I think, even now, Al Gore voted in favour of the first rank were well. You kaliko, on this, so I guess I would be too pie in the sky open for another another. Only fans, reportedly As two hundred and thirty eight million paying users so follow the money, will the reproduction rate go up or down only fans? I have to say it. The only fans is what men are using as a substitute for a human women.
Earlier women in person, two hundred and thirty eight million users and they met one billion dollars and revenue follow the money. There is no way that that reproduction is gonna, be the winning I'm a model. This is the winning economic model everywhere those women who made like a good living just said to them, not only does, but why do we need as well? If he doesn't as much money as I do others, basically paying a guy, I can get a guy at it. I will. I will pay one so I'll. A lot of them are single, obviously cnn is setting up for the next wave of major lottery, or at least it looks that way. Here's what they say you intelligence agencies, the people they collude with rico sense, allegedly us intelligence agencies believe. Do they really that the russian federation during services is attempting
influence public policy and public opinion in the west by directing russian civilians? to build relationships with influential. U s and western individual and then disseminate the narratives so they're sending out russians, gb friend, influential people, influential people, influential. Why would be like it Lorenzo person so doesn't sound like you're. Talking about politicians sounds like to talk about me. Doesn't it doesn't sound like me, Now, let me ask you: this Have I ever conversation a friendly conversation with the russian? I don't know, maybe maybe
It is anybody that I regularly talk to about politics privately. are any of them. Russian. I don't know it, maybe maybe possible. Do you, see the danger here this evening foreshadowing, nothing like servage pointed out creating away. If you, if you buy into the narrative we creating a mccarthy situation where people like me they removed from the public conversation. If I ever talk to a russian citizen. I guess I owe you talk to a russian citizen. So now we can check all of your communications right if I ever had a conversation with a russian citizen, even if I didn't know it, maybe I just the andaman or something think that they can then say well. This person is talking to a russian agent. Maybe
we don't know, but you know russian citizen russian agent maybe same thing, so I've got a suspicion about this person. That's me, as long as well, we better find out if there are like a totally owned. A russian papa granada we'd, better check all their communications, webs. We didn't find any russian spies stuff, but my god look at those others. It we'd better, put it in jail right away. You see was absolutely right. I don't think this could be more obvious. It's a set up to take people off the core of the board way way for the first one. How long will it take before. somebody you know is accused of talking to a russian and then all of their communication was up for
exposure, and then they got him for something else, like oh, nothing about the russian thing to look at all this bad stuff. Here this is the scariest thing you'll ever now? Is it possible that is just a story in there just telling us as possible, but this kind of convenience isn't it. Then it looks like exactly right on the nose for what you would do if you're trying to set up a situation for a factory. To me, this looks like factory glare. It couldn't be glaring any art. or, as sir, no calls it. The new jail ex trap. So watch out for your not just this, but watch out for new traps, So the idea would be if you can get a bunch of republicans too.
in support verbally, any conservatives who do bad things because they get all worked up because of the news because of trump being jailed for it, perhaps That is just will be another january six thing where they can prove that all the republicans or way supremacists, because they try to get this waste This is not a jail. If that's what happens and I'll just turn it in The thing that they can jail who's. On the other side, Is russia's selling uranium to the usa? I haven't read by complain about a shortage for uranium. The double story wont. Let me say this again. Remember the story about tat. There was. canadian uranium company in the. U s, I think the soldier company to a russian entity and there are based. Oh if we need this, if we,
this valuable resource we gave the russians on it. And that I laughed at them and said italy, It stays The minors in the united states, if we need that, we just take it Look who's not understanding how everything works or what what's the difference? What the corporate entity says on the piece of paper, if it's a national, urgency and we need the uranium because say, americans are dying because they don't have enough for medical, We just say alright: well we're going to take all your uranium. What what do you think where you're just gonna, let them ship it up and ship it off to other countries, while we have a national emergency That's not going to happen. Not in any world could happen. We would just take it. That's it that's another one of those situations where you don't know who has the power? Russia
No power over the uranium that they own in the united states. You do You own that uranium and, if you want to take it from the russians, tellier congress people, if enough people do we just take it. Here's the scariest Then you'll hear in the news Biden. When he was asked about the trump mugshots you gave this, smile. That is chilling is he's a handsome guy got laughed about it. Is the president of the united states any literally laughed there is people jailing the opposition right in front of you. You just laughed at this.
in time now I'm not going to blame Biden specifically for this, because we know he doesn't run his social media right now. Nobody thinks that Biden is tweeting. We know that other people do it, but this is a proof that Biden doesn't have command of faculties tell tell me you don't think that Biden would have fired into social media person if he had his faculties, so here's what is social media persons and at the same as the motion, but so is the timing. This the important part apropos of nothing, meaning the mug sharp other cleverly referring to it. Apropos of nothing. I think today is a great day to give to my campaign. So Joe Biden, legit tweet and a big part of the graphic on there is the handwritten. Let's finish, the job so make a direct reference to trumpet being pulled being around
in their own handwriting of one of their handwriting says. Let's finish the job. And they make sure that you know that is associated with the arresting of job because they say apropos of nothing. That's that's your signal that there really talk about. Just imagine those two things on a tweet, their apropos of nothing a great day to give to my campaign in other words, is fund raising over jail. is opposition, is fund. Raising over jailing is opposition and and says, let's finish the job which, in my opinion, is a call to violence to me as a call to violence. Both sides. Let's finish the job, says we're going to we're you out and with basically everything we have, and anybody who hears it is going to say you're going to rub me out, I'm going to rub you out so to me it looks like a call to violence a dropping of norms.
The american presidential treatment and, in my opinion, A younger Joe Biden would have immediately fired the person who sent the tweet and apologized to the country, because without the tweet he's he still gets trump. You know where he wants them. So he could still be privately happy that things are going the way their going, but I don't think a job with his faculties, would have allowed this wait to go out ass, a fundraiser with such such provocative language but I think that a younger Joe Biden in control of his faculties would have allowed this tweet or not fired the person. Who said what you think because I you know- I don't think he was always done- but at the moment is just these dysfunctional. It appears
I think I think what we see is a complete lack of your Biden leadership. This is just such a clear example. In my opinion, this is crystal clear. Well, maybe maybe it's maybe it's just that the days are different. Something this provocative, no longer totally ruled out the enjoy wait. I enough, you know that the best book in the world is already changing. Lives everywhere is is out So I ve got a bunch of pod gas. Lined up I'll. Tell you more about those when the round
and some of them are going to be real fun and real good. So wait for that. Alright, it's not was number one in his category number one in this category. Taking the high road scott he's always been a bum now he's always been a bomb, but he's never been stupid, not now stupid. At that level I mean yeah. Maybe he wasn't a top of his class, but he was a capable capable politician. He knew what was a bad move and what was a good move? I mean he knew that, but he apparently has lost that ability. Alright,
The alright we have agreement yeah fukushima is releasing radioactive stuff. I dunno what to think about that cause. I'm not a scientist. Rico proxy excuse. Well, you know. I think that maybe there needs to be. Some kind of usually assured destruction you under normal circumstances. I would never ever suggest a rico prosecution about a political party right. I would never cause. I would be so disruptive and even if I thought maybe there was something there. I think I wouldn't recommend But in the situation where a political person is being potentially jailed, I say under those conditions, the person being jail,
can say it looks like a rico situation to me and you'd better hope, I'm not president, because that's what it's going to be and you're all going to jail. I do think that most of the Democrat leadership- should be in jail. I mean that not as provocation not as hyperbole, but it's my observation that appears to be a criminal enterprise of this point is just drifted into a criminal enterprise. Are, are republicans any better? I dunno I dunno, they just don't seem organized in a rico sense. I think I think they may have their own bad at apple's. Of course, you know if tomorrow there's some republican who gets it something terrible double say I didn't tell you don't say I said all the republicans are good people, that's not a thing right.
at the the worst argument I hear from the Democrats about trumps indictments. This is a just get love point. She says that that trump was not indicted by his political opponents, indicted by ordinary americans who were in and jury do you know what's wrong with that? Can someone give me a fact check is a true or false. I believe it's that the defence is not offered to that. A grand jury has no defence right. Now, it's twenty twenty. and you see my hopes list. The ring and that there are so many hoaxes from the fine people over there drinking bleach over the j six insurrection oaks.
Laptop close. The reason that so many hoaxes can exist is because half of the country only hears the accusations. They never hear the context that they they believe that trump mocked a guy with a disability. They actually believe that's true. Now he made that motion, but he's been using as a motion for other people for years, there's a compilation clip of doing the same thing for ted crews. Now, if you didn't know that says- suppose, all things that democratic thinker true had been presented to you without any counterpoint. If you'd, never saw the other side and somebody just described tromp from a democratic perspective, how many of you would say Oh, my god, these terrible! These must be true. Of course you would.
if you only your one side so again, what is What what would be another way to describe a grand jury? They decided to indict somebody very much like oh ninety. Seven percent of experts agree like that, every time you hear all the people read that were supposed to agree that is factory that this factory. If, if jessica tar love had said, this would be an honest present, anyone? Well, ordinary citizens are the ones who decided but to be fair. They only heard one side of the argument and well You ve seen so far suggests that the arguments pretty sketchy. That would be fair. I would say that I'm ok, that's both sides. But what is the public here? The public here,
every single person who heard the evidence thinks he's guilty. So of course you have to have a trial. That's what they're at! If you did a poll of the general public. What percentage of the general public know that and jury doesn't hear both sides. They only here's the prosecution. How many know that two percent tops. Oh well, maybe everybody who has been in legal trouble knows it. So it's probably Anybody who has ever been indicted knows it but the rest of us now. I think I've found out your well
into adulthood is not something I knew when I was twenty five, but I know it now: yeah yeah and again the the rico charges against trump are, in my opinion, a strong evidence that the Democrats are a rico organized situation that that pretty much is that that pretty much as the last nail in the coffin there. I would say this confirmation. I dont have any doubts that the Democrats are organised in a rico criminal fashion. I think that's a given there's just no obvious, but whether that anything neighbour would act upon. I think it's unlikely. I think they'll just keep consolidating power, hard coverage and a pretty soon. Yes, I've just got a new one, more quality check on that, and then we can
push push the trigger on it. I should get a hard copy myself today, I think, and if I like it yeah, I want to make sure have everything the production quality is good and then I'll just would just give us a thumbs up. alright. Why do people away from the hardcover do? Do people wait for the hardcover because you think some books are more keep on the shelf collectibles or, as a better, is a better gift for travel. You like a hardcopy for travel, put it on the coffee table, so I can it more valuable, you know I just you know the the normal away that publishers work as they do the hard copy. First, maybe a year later or longer, they'll do the softer. I always thought I hate that, like as a producer of books, I felt that was manipulative.
because it seemed better to either make them all available to save time, but not to not to take advantage of somebody's interests than a book to chart. The upshot is that, because there is a better cover that just felt manipulative to me like I'd, never liked that. So as soon as there was an option that we didn't have to do that, we just sort of did things in the order. They were ready and the soft cover it was ready first, and that made that just made more sense to me, It was better to the customer, but ideally believe they will all be available at the same time it will. It could be that the book will take off when the order cover how many were waiting for that cover? Tell me if you are waiting for an hour and cover the sun, maybe twenty five percent.
Alright, good to know alright. Ladies and gentlemen, I got some more work today, plenty of work boy. Have I been working hard lately I've been working crazy Hope pays off for you as well as me. It's over now I'll talk to you tomorrow, thanks for joining youtube.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-27.