« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2210 Scott Adams: It's A Newsy Day. Come Get Some. Bring Coffee

2023-08-24 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a

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Politics, Moon's South Pole, Jordan Peterson's Re-Education, Trump Lawyers Arrested, Jenna Ellis, Ted Lieu, Above The Law, Vivek Ramaswamy, CNN Debate Coverage, David Axelrod, Nikki Haley, Governor DeSantis, Steve Jobs Hiring Philosophy, President Trump, Asa Hutchinson, Chris Christie, Tim Scott, Tucker's Trump Interview, Trump's Humor, Mike Pence, Abolish FBI Fake News, Jen Psaki Abortion Position, Abortion Till Birth, Yevgeny Prigozhin's Death, Ukraine War, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Doo doo, doo, doo, doo, doo doo. Oh hello, earthquake good And welcome to the highlight of human civilization, where the light comes on. Just in time there we go. That's that's called oh good sounds as good. Thank you for the sound a there, and wouldn't you like to know why another it's his last day, then what people are thinking and what what the re framers are thinking and all that yes is here, is here. If you'd like to take your ex up a level. All you need is a cup or mug or a glass, so take their jealousies, die in a given team jug of les a vessel the guy and fill it with your favorite liquid ally.
The enjoyment out of them. Parallel pleasure. The dopamine the other day think makes everything better is called the simultaneous it happens, though go oh, I have a request. Please don't talk forever about my book. Oh alright, let's start with the book book his number well a moment ago is number eleven on olive amazon. Did you can Ebook, Sarah guess how many kindle books are on amazon, forty eight million as just kindle my book in all its forms? was number eleven on all of amazon. When I woke up this morning, so still someone around there, and number one on movers and shakers. So I appreciate the request not to talk about my book. I wasn't going to do that, but I guess I just liked to be bullied on my own life story. So if there's anything
you don't want to talk about I'll. Do that right away. So let's was that rule see us and by the way I've never seen so many people by multiple copies of a book. It's crazy is really crazy people by two ten copies I've never I didn't like it so is doing better than I expected is still great. We'll see change in the world India reach the south pole. The moon for apparently a disco price didn't close them too much do it. No country has ever excessively landed on the south pole of the moon, and now you ask me scott. Why is the south pole of the moon important while there's some indication there's or ice there and if there's ice, there's water, water enough, there's water, you can build a base and if you can build a base, you could control the entire earth with your superior space based base. I guess
you know, is probably almost essential to survival that the united states controls the moon whoever controls moon, seems like in the long run you your hundred year spare how in the world could you be somebody by the moon base. I guess you kill all the supplies. Supply play on earth, but I always seems dangerous to let everybody else heavy based on the moon, but I've had to everybody! India would be just about my job choice. So the fact that india is an ally of the united states. I feel like if you had to pick it ally you pick. Israel is a great ally right, but there a little but expensive causal trouble right, maybe no fault of their own.
You might argue, but not all of our allies are equally beneficial but I dont know how we can go into the next hundred years without any. be be on our side. It feels like that just necessary. So I'm glad there we'll get to debates. Of course, I'm just like people stream in here, so we ve got more people Dr Jordan peterson has an update. You know the is at the college of toronto or the something like that but used. He is being required for his profession to keep his credentials in canada and he has to be retrained. So he doesn't say mean things about trans people.
Or about probably about shida and just think about this- the people who decided that he needed to to be re educated were appointed by trudeau and Jordan. Peterson is one of the most prominent critics of trudeau, so the people that trudeau elected are now getting their revenge on them. Canada is just fucked up. I mean I used to respect canada. But, honestly I I don't you know, I love canadian people. Of course, canadian people are just the coolest. You know I'll give you that alright I'll give you that the people of canada, pretty cool country, no doubt about it, but your government, my god, I've been ours, is able to at the moment, but I used to think well, no matter how bad thing that, as many of you have ever had this thought no man
how bad things are in the united states. You can always go to like that was my backup school. It is not really the backup school anymore. Is it because it looks like weapon position on the government? To me to be a looks like free speech is gone weapon, eyes, government mass surveillance cut off your bank account if your approach, that is not a country, I want to move to so good good work, destroying a brand the took you hundreds of years, great, get name, one country that a better brand them canada. Even think of anything that anybody criticized canada for ten years ago, ten years ago, nobody had us
It's all bad word to say about canada. It was also like a smaller america, a cooler you know a cooler physically, but also the people seem to be more chill. And now it just looks like some horrible thing happened there with the government. alright. Well, let's watch this, Dr Jordan peterson thing, because I think we need to be unified to to the degree it helps because he wants to give them as much attention as he can. This is one of his tweets from doktor petersen, so they want to re, educate him effectively, train, a trained me you bastards and watch what happens now. Those legally he's required to gonna training. Could we get a video of that? Could you could you please possibly give me more entertaining scenario, then Jordan, Petersen being retrained against his will.
Ah, you know I would watch that show all day long if you could make a special out of this number one I mean please write, please, and you know my my suggestion in these situations is embrace and amplify. I just heard from somebody who took some corporate training and used the technique of embracing and amplifying, in other words, a group It too much to the boy word or falls apart, apparently was not welcome. He became unwelcome in the glass because you is agreeing to, To the boy were always like, this is crazy, yet is that was the point? Is grace? Alright, lions? apparently is bringing by mass there're movie studio but
at first. I thought here's the one we need to boycott because you gotta take out the first company, the the first big company that you know brings back masks. I think they have to be back. Interrupted, it doesn't matter who it is, could be your most beloved company. If you want your freedom, you have to destroy the first company of the caves, so you have to you have to pressure on, but it turns out. Landscape was requiring masks few floors of one office. Because there was a little outbreak. There is none. it's, not the one. I want to do right if it. If they had said all companies Everybody required I'd, be like ok, yeah, it's go time but I feel like I need a little more than two floors. one building temporarily, like I don't like it, but
afraid that's them. It's not me. I just wanna big company, again say mass master required than we did. What we take about zero by on board that we have to boycott the first big company that requires masks of its costs. where's oris, employs remember you're you're, protecting their employees as well. Well, indirectly in may, that may be bad for the employees. If they go out of business more likely, it would just drive their stock down to a place where they can't keep their jobs, meaning the exit, It is not the place so we gotta get marred waiting for. So let me now the moment the moment. The first one caves. Let's just like this, nine troms lawyers have been arrested in georgia. I and the entire lives dream on that.
Because in a way that describes everything bad this happening in the world, let me say it again: nine of troms lawyers were arrested For doing what, I believe is their job of lawyering now, if you think that their advice was bad, well, maybe it as I'm no lawyers. I would I judge it, but you can't jail. Somebody's lawyers for a bad advice. yeah they're really going to have to come up with the goods, but I don't think that they care if they're guilty the people who you know indicted, I don't think they care I think this is about sending a chilling message. If you're a lawyer and you work with tromp you'll, never work again. I think that's all this happen, so I think that just chipping away at all things as support trump and their will to take now nine lawyers and the rule,
of law, every every standard that we have in america about justice and freedom and everything else. the willing to actually sacrificed every standard of american excellence to get trump. Nothing is more important than our court system, and this is this. Is this monstrous is monstrous. Absolutely monstrous on the plus side, generales takes a great buckshot. Did he say, the mug shots, rudy, juilliard, a bunch of people and the other for some reason they do the mugshots like this. It's like they leaned forward and scowl, and then just Jenna alison ghostly like an instagram smile, it is a big big smile. I thought I was the smartest play, because she knows
picture, is gonna be everywhere and she managed to take a picture that wasn't just pretty good is actually like. A good picture looks like one of the picture, You would pick from your own care, my role, if you wanted to send to somebody that you like now never see thereby take such a good picture. This need, here and there, but it was a good picture here's how to tell who the bad guys are ted. Lou Democrat. once remind you in a tweet there that trump. It's not above the law. Neither these. Neither these lawyers like rooney, giuliani and darn. It he's got those top secret documents and stuff, and I they have. You noticed that we haven't heard a thing about the contents of those secret documents. Do you believe at this point? oh and busy de bruce. We found them busy.
What would the npc say while saving guess no look locals, don't look on youtube while one and then pc say if I say, agenda. Jenna else took a good photograph magua while they say no, you know it. That's right, there would say that I love her, that I have a crush him. That's what the NBC say So if you want to make sure not an embassy, don't say that you must want to marry her. That's what the embassy, I so TED lieu reminds us that these people, the lawyers and drunk or not above the law- I tell again there when suddenly, somebody's, not above the law? They are the bad guys, almost always dear dear. What I never here on the right. Maybe I'm wrong about this I'll. Take a fact check on this. when there is a real crime, people
ever say. Nobody is above the law. Tour when there is a real crime people? Those say that. because they say oh well, to real crime. We have a justice system that what is there to talk about real crime justice system? Are we done yes we're done because you always say nobody is above the law when you try to put them below the law as the only time because otherwise you ever in the phrase a shakespeare though doth protest too much like here fighting too hard to make a point that nobody was asking about. Who is talking about him being above the law? Where did that come into the conversation? If you have to say it is a very clear admission that you're trying to fuck somebody so dead, lou,
mother fucker. You just revealed yourself as being an illegitimate player on the most important playing field in the world, totally uncool. By the way I like TED dad's, gonna go. tat ted lose. What are you happy warriors he just backs and steam and stuff, but the whole. The whole not above the law. That's too far that is too far Let me tell you what I never want to hear from any of my elected officials. Do not ever tell me this that somebody, not above the law, because then I just know you're going after it's just obvious. You know I've never heard about hunter Biden and Joe Biden under the various allegations. I've. Never the anybody say well. They're not above the law. Have you know, do you know why?
because their crimes or were well, I say their activities. I don't know, what's a crime because a my lawyer, but their activities aren't I only transparent. We we see at all now So? Why would you have that conversation about somebody being above the law? What do what you can? urban who say instead of above the law, where the two tier justice system, two tier justice system. Is that fair? It's absolutely fair. I dont know, that's it If the tears are only democrat and republican cause, there's another two tiers, which is rich people and poor people so they're sort of forty years or is that three depends? It depends how you do the venn diagram. So
yeah two tier justice system to my ears. Now I may, I may be biased on this right I might be biased, but to my ears, two tier justice is an objective and objectives description of two situations that are similar but treated differently, and we can all see it that feels like actual criticism, but not above the law? No, that's brainwashing manipulation, bullshit right there. My tweet, I did the other day in which I was mocking cnn for their interview of awake is approach. ten million views. Why was that my best was that my best tweet, It was all right, it was our right.
Let me tell you what I'm saying the vague is: an energy monster. There's gonna be a little bit of a theme for the four well talk about with a debate. The vague isn't. Energy monster, ten million views for me, fucking cnn, treating him who gets ten want, who gets ten million views like I've got a million a million followers, but a nor Well, the way the mind would be ten twenty thousand or ten million. Now I know the vague re, tweeted and cetera, but you can feel the energy right. What do you think would be the biggest tweet or the biggest traffic if I tweeted any of the other candidates were on the stage, so just once and stage What do you think I could not ten million,
if I'd done a really good, just santas, really good to sentence tweet? What do you think the traffic? What about a million half a million? I don't even think it would be that you can feel the energy alright, but that's the theory. Going into it. Looked at the wall street journal to see how they covered the debates and they ve got a feature article on the vague performance formats. That's right, wall street journal featured vague performance. Didn't really do a lot about the other people I I was watch cnn after a debate because I watch for entertainment Usually it's you know. It's like a trump debate is what I'm used to lately. And then say that it will be all tediousness hilarious to watch, because it may just be flip a mountain, crazy and just batshit knots,
so I turned on cnn after this debate. Expecting you something like tedious, complete breakdown, republicans or the devil, etc, and I'm gonna be fair. They did a really good job it was. It was the damnedest thing. I I have to check that. I was on the right network, but here is why first of all trump was not in it. So that's the big thing right. So, if you take trump, and then you are dealing with a bunch of people that nobody on the sea and then panel thinks is gonna, be in the final election. I don't think they many of them are serious, so there were afraid simply talk about they performed. And the one I watched really experienced smart people on CNN john king as one example doing, a just and analysis of your performance and technique quite good. It was quite good.
Give him give him a little le pen, the back there. However the We have one guy named David Axelrod, whose not only on cnn, by use a notable adviser insider for the Democrats who he was full narrative. and it really stuck out as inappropriate lightly. The people were simply talking about the people about they performed very good. That's a good job of it the new cnn and watch it honestly, it can do more of that I'd watch it, but I think it is. special case and then Axelrod is just pushing the democrat narrative. I mean completely disconnected from what you just watched. You know just trying to connect somehow, but you know just pushing narrative and it was just gross. You know watching him just
pushing the narrative basically, so I don't think you should be on the air at all. I think I think he is. I think he heard cnn credible We are now saying that about the other people who have had their biases, but at least that is all show where they're just given their opinions and not being just a advertisement for a party. By the way they wrote. Republicans do the same thing. So I'm not pick an unjust democratic here's something Take the cnn quoted on their web page about the bank by the wave cnn deserve a vague one. The in my opinion, it looked like CNN thought. Rama swami was the one of the two winners I'll get to that. But yours, they have underwear page from the vague around the swami. They who said the biggest myth and american democracy
is that we actually elect our leaders. Rama swami says a video personally social media is also this wasn't about wasn't about the debate, but they're just characterizing him we don't go through the we don't we go through the motions, the real people run. The show are part of an act, a economist beating, acronyms three letter isabell soup and the federal government, the fbi, eyes and c d c s, the asian, all those guys. Now the fact that they they're, highlighting, like you know, extended, quotes who else had an extended quote on cnn Dad you remember, the extended quotes of the other. Get now he's the only one who's saying anything, interesting more on that. Associated seem to characterize it as vague was
the obvious, stand out. He was very much the obvious stand out we woke up the next morning, you're going to do think about just think about it. When, if you watched the debate- and then you woke up the next morning, which not trump but which candidate were you thinking about a little bit of patents, but not maybe not in the positive way, you better if we remember the vague, do you remember saying the year the sweeping shots of the whole stage, and then you know be lots of closeups. Is it my imagination or did the lake make all of them? Look like they're ready for retirement. Simply by being young and energetic and clearly smarter than everybody on the stage. Here the mole. Look like a retirement home Some of them are not that all the tim scots, not old, but
he made them, look like last last, generation's idea, just by being there and being young and being energetic and indifferent, you know he just he just he just lapped him. Now, to her credit, Nicky haley got a lot kudos for standing out, maybe maybe helped her position. I think women especially liked her when she talked about abortion. but my take on her. It was all I was hearing was screechy karen, except the abortion part which she did masterfully, I'm not by the way you're not going to in my opinion on abortion, I'm going to talk about it a little bit more in terms of the politics, but I don't give my opinion on abortion Oh, let women figured out o o back the majority. I just don't think I add to the opinion polls are just talk about it from a political level,
so she was great in terms of how she communicated. So that's different than me. Agreeing with everything should celebrate, but my take on her was she was. She was like nails on a chalkboard to my male ears. Now this is purely sexist, purely sexist, I'm confessing that men and women you know have some built in feelings about gender and stuff like that. But there are some things that men just can't and her kind of care. The voice, which I dont think by the way, is necessarily a indication of a real personality, but her presentation was complaining, I bet you feel that her presentation felt, like you came home from a hard day's work and your your spouse, who may have also had a hard day's work, is gotta complain to you for awhile yeah.
So I think she may have killed it with women, meaning good she she may have actually hit a home run women goes when women we're talking about their little quite complimentary, Even on cnn, even on cnn pointed out, she had a good night, but I didn't see it and if you don't make men happy that you're not going anywhere, I see focus group, the vague souci analysis focus group and by a pretty good majority, they picked him, so the thing that I guess I wasn't aware of it, but there must have been some polling that put the vague at number two behind the santas, so I feel, like I've, never seen a legitimate number, two paul I've
We see cinema three that was able confused by that legged didn't didn't, look real. I thought he was three or four or something but here is obviously been soaring up, so whatever they use put an next dissenters, labeled him number two now you have never heard of a vague which has long people if you'd never heard of him and you turn it on, and you see him standing next to a rave and he's number two in the polling. Didn't you just go? What are you like? Oh I guess I gotta pay attention to us. Then you wake up the next day once again, these trending on his clips- are dominating cnn like them. Probably the conservatives were saying good things about it, but also to scientists and eat just killed. It Here's some other goodwill, vague things will talk about the others and will talk about europe. Of course
But I would say when I, when I look at debate, I'm kind of We have listened to the policy stuff. Do you have the same feeling the policy stuff You know they mean that at this point, because a love of you say, but then the real world makes an impossible leo you for charisma, I'm looking for energy, I'm looking for intelligence quickwittedness, for example, I'm looking for balls, man, balls and girl balls was a woman balls. to make it as fair as possible of looking for also assertiveness within europe with an acceptable domain. So, under that theory, things that might look like mistakes can actually be advantages. Cousinly, energy part, if your brain
right energy, you gettin an so I ll give you an example that so vague in before he answered one of his quest he said he was the only one who could address it because every what the stage was bought and paid for now. If you saw that moment No, the all the other candidates went into a simultaneous mumble alone. Rouble will move all huh. who factory number one. The vague was the person talking and he turned all of his cup competitors into white noise, formal approval, the vague speaking clearly its competitors from one form complaining for well, it was brilliant. Now the thing you said they're all bought and paid for. I don't think that's exactly true. Do you do you think I dunno.
Is maybe they are? Maybe they all have some billionaire this vacuum, but mostly mostly it feel it's true right so weathers. Exactly technical. True is actually an advantage, because my first my first impression of was whoa. That's a little too far in terms of following the facts. But when I saw the reaction, I completely changed my mind this here's, what he did. He owned the entire room, doing that, he made everybody respond to him, which made him the centre of attention So, by being the one who made everybody so angry that they had to respond to the vague he became their boss, they became his children and they are all fighting for. Can I say something about the vague help me please you say something about the eggs comments. Fucking owned just owned now
I'm here to say that I really loved one of my favorite mon. The whole thing was when dissenters rejected the fox news question and took over. Did you see that moment? the question for Mr Mcgowan was raise your hand if you believe in human caused global warming number one. That is a messed up question that I is view, do not answer that question because it's not yes! Now it's there might be, but deal that there were slain or what do we do about it? What options? So simplify it down. Do yes, now was bad, as do still beecher fuckin wife. That was bad work. Fox news. You should be ashamed to that question I mean that was no better than you. Do you be your life that there was just disgusting decent to see the two
these people are working hard. I mean everybody on stage I mean, as far as I can tell, are working hard to take. a lot of rio stuff on themselves and to get that treatment. That was completely inappropriate. Now what did What did they do and that question was asked? Well, thankfully, dissenters being apparently a good leader, I'm gonna give him lot of credit here. Stop that right in his tracks is said: we're not schoolchildren. Can we just talk about this and he started talking about it and did a good job talking about it, but that was so alpha, to me, it was. It was the mover that it was the move in the debate because, it is to shut down the question. Nobody on the stage that it now no if they want to, but he was very quick shut that shit down. That's good stuff,
We say some more good things about dissenters that will get back to veg hello. This is Scott Adams and now's your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite podcasters on spotify. Every new episode could have a queue at a ripple with a topic for you to weigh in on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so head over to spotify, search for coffee with Scott Adams or your favorite podcast, and view the latest episodes and respond a q and a and polls on spotify only well any finish up with them have vague, basically owned. All the energy. All the attention left and right. Impressed hildy everything we were talking about certain, gee monster. Oh my god, you just nailed it. He had
Revolutionary ideas- everybody is talking about you, all the departments he wants to get rid of it with the things is asking for our can you imagine, is practical perfect? Who else does that trump? let's build a whole wall. Well that feels bigger. What you could actually do. but you know maybe suddenly lab direction. The vague was to get rid of all these departments, but really distributor functions. What is really say? but that sounds bigger than real, but yet directly is is what is based toll is interested in and, frankly, If you're a Democrat and your hearing he wants to cut the fat and government are complaining. is that where you gonna draw draw the line I don't wanna by cutting the father of my government. Does it that solely so lean, perfect. Nobody is really good major major issue and divides them. he's got that go in form.
but I'm going to give you the reframe that will get him elected president unless trump is ready. Now I know I may have mentioned. I have a best selling book. Almost his best selling in this category is about reframing had to take an ordinary situation and change. So that the world and you act differently. I'm gonna give a re frame too vague that will guarantee that he beats everybody well sub dissenters. I regret to say this: guarantees is in the top two, not counting John who, Steve jobs, ire The people who were on the stage who and steve jobs are higher if jobs reason said not recently. video! That's going around! He said that his may in the hiring decision, Steve jobs
primary decision? Making thing is, he gets the best person could, whose best days are ahead of them and we're done. There were two candidates whose best days might be ahead of the scientists and vague vague Really stands out as the one that steve jobs would have obviously hired There is no doubt about it. He would have obviously hired a vague because he's as more horsepower in the the brain area, and he is the one much earlier in his development, even then to say this so clearly, his best days are ahead of him or could be. Mr Mann, now dissenters is youngish politician. He may have max now as governor, but maybe not so. His is best days could be out of em, but if
If I had to hire one of them for my actual company, it will be the vague more than a hundred times? pretty sure every one of you would do the same thing you ever fewer. If you'd listen to steve jobs, now, here's another refrain, The presidency should not be a retirement job. you see what I'm doing right now on this live stream? This is Actually, my retirement job is the one I do. As I enjoy it, and it's not hard for me. You know when, when I'm preparing for this, and even when I'm doing it like now, I just enjoy it. I actually enjoy the preparation I enjoy the doing of it and it pays less than what I was doing before I mean didn't, have an option for that. that's a different story, and so this is, I actually think of this. This is actually the way I think of it in my own mind that this is my retirement job. So, even though,
I still do the comic I do it the way I want to now not not beholden to the sensors and that's my retirement job. If you told me you could retire and draw draw the comic exactly the way you want to every time nobody's going to tell you to change it. That's my retire, job yeah? That's not the hard one, that's easy! What so you don't? What? If you looked at the stage you looked at your one young person, you know who wants to go, make a difference and then a bunch of other people who look like they're just looking for something to do next, that isn't that hard? The presidency is hard but hard in such a good way that everybody wants it, We talk about some others. No less dense. Next, I found I am boring and uninteresting to the point where, as
point about half way through the debate. I forgot that he was there. I forgot, and then he started talking like oh yeah you're still here, there's something again about him, his personnel, It does not work for this kind of venue In other words, it is not the guy who's gonna, bring the artificial enthusiasm and sell it to him. The guy who's energy is external. He seems like he is like strong internal energy, your mate, maybe more eminent actually actually might be an inch of her was just over performing, but maybe you just like us alone, diamonds. Now you can tell the vague you know likes. He likes likes the the the external world like he's he's of the external world, but here's my question to you is: if trump becomes the next candidate or next president, is that good
pleasant for republicans, basically get turned into hitler, yet turns into a fascist, and they go nuts, To preserve the world web tv s, so here's the real question. Is that a reason not to vote for job. will show you say they shouldn't feel that way, and if they do, I don't care or do you say, that's actually part of the decision that one of the big variables is that he makes other people crazy. So here's the thing if two santas were present. Instead, would the left go as crazy? They would definitely accuse them of being hitler for his policies, but would they accuse of being hitler because of his personality, and I think probably know probably no I mean he comes off as a sort of a you're, a corporate guy. You know only his presence,
should that not as philosophies, but it comes off a sort of a generic just executive, scare people on the left, because its policies would be things well it does, but does anything scary you the way job does terms the times ten. air you're, a normal republican scare? Guess you, george bush, I would say- sent us a is scary like either in the bushes before they were elected, right sort of a generic republican scare, but a generic scary republican can get elected. So I have a real question in my mind, if you ask me, could dissenters execute good at just getting the thing done. Whatever the thing is in trying to do in the area
maybe one of the best way to say I mean it's hard to tell from the outside, because you're only seeing what people want you to say, but it looks to me like he's really effective now. Does that mean he's more effective than a vague would be? I dunno? I don't think any of us could lab, but I would say for sure that nobody is really experience that being a president. So if you say that a vague is not experienced, I would first of all go to the steve jobs quote. You hire the people whose best days ahead of them. and I would also say that nobody's experienced when they first become president. If you want to experience, as you know, trump or Biden, and they come with a lot of baggage, Experience gives you a lot of baggage and you got to deal with that. So ashes how much of that experience you want to deal with its, not all good.
To me, there's another way to look over there. I will take this his personal room with the clearest positive message and is age. Thirty, eight. without even knowing anything else about the candidate. If you didn't know that of a vague, and I said I our ears a proposition bring you somebody who's smarter than all the people in the room. He has the clearest. Has the view of the world clear, positive you in his aged thirty, eight, where she is I'll. Take that every time I will take that every time Do I need as experience do you know how long it would take of a vague to learn a new thing come on? Are you paying attention? Let me just ask the question again because it's almost funny understand how long it takes of a oh I'll use as like a generic of a vague
you know how long it takes them to learn a new complicated there. He's not like you and me he's not like regular people. That's why he's doing so, he's doing so. Well, they headway because he can walk into any complicated situation from economics. The law to medicine and science is actually you're quite proficient in the most complicated domains. Do you think he can figure out the presidency? The presidency has been done by well kind of by Joe Biden. I've gotta knowing that the presidency will be one of the easiest things he ever figured out it'd wake one. I think I was sort of a mistake you when he started he goes. I know what you think Who is the skinny? I'm so sorry, reminiscent of something obama said when he was engineers to the world
there's something that who is that admiral stockwell stockwell? Remember it? You started out this stockdale stockdale it started out is debate. By saying I, who am I, and why am I here and thereby just laughed goes, he defined himself has now belong you there there's no one of the greatest mistakes in debate. Industry survey they ve got a close with this year. I know what you're thinking who's the skinny. I The way I would have gone is if this is the first, you see me you're, probably wondering why I'm already polling number to compare mine. Who's the skinny, I blah blah blah the joked and land better.
If you ve never heard of it, he had never seen you before. You probably wondering why I'm already polling number two by the end of the debate. I hope that's obvious boom cluster bomb. I will talk about some of the others, ISA hutchinson, who I the poor man's MIKE pence, you do not want to look like a bad version. the guy. Who is a vice president. Never works networks. They talked about a few of them about this. Damn guy burgundy and one of the worst things I've ever seen. He introduced himself to the country by saying He was the only one there from a town or three hundred people. That's that's my first impression of man, the only thing I remain
and the only thing I remember is o he didn't have anything to sell himself. He came empty. He was unprepared. He had one leg because he hurt his leg before the the thing that was nothing Christy is, is side, show character like I don't take him seriously, because I don't think you're serious about running. I don't know why I assume there some billionaire behind them who s some objective. That may not be winning an election. I don't just don't what's going on buddy Christie came with his prepared. Oh I'm, gonna get The vague and here was is here with us. gotcha may make it look like it was you off the cuff, but very much, not off the cuff. Talks above a vague goes. I've had enough of a guy who sells like chat jpg now
to a survey of report Can voters who were watching the debate on fox news, Republic, voters watching the debate on fox news average age. No, to finish how many of the much, how many people in the they know what chat gb. It is every one of you do yonder percent of you do but as soon as you leave, the people were following the top two percent of all the news How many people even know who precaution is we'll talk about him in a minute? How many people, right the general population is nothing like us, us, meaning people were kind of addicted to following this now terrible mistake due notice sounded like to me. to buy ears and this,
not what he said. This is not what christie said, but to my ears I heard him making fun working at a seven eleven or doing tech support. That's what I heard. No, you didn't say that or anything like it, but if you don't know, charging beauty is: do you think it's something about tech support there about you do like you is just mocking you furs, ethnicity, that's what I look like now. That would thus what happened that did not happen in the real world. It did not happen, but I felt it was just so awkward that there was just a fail and then both Vague ended up with both the best come back, which did look spontaneous. I dont know if it was, he may be proven. with this already, but he sold it like it was spontaneous and that work that the yard misty was saying that trump is,
For vengeance, and what do you say of vengeance and grievance and vague, says europe it would be allowed stronger. If you are running for president solely for vengeance and grievance against one person word. Here, oh hello, hello, goodbye Chris grisly, that's the end of that. Just took him Well now, Kristian still hang around because he's not a real. I don't think he's a real candidate is a stunt, a candidate or a special feature. Candidate, or I mean he's not going to be president. see how many of you remember, the tim Scott was at the debate this, When I decided to see to make my notes to talk about it, I thought I'd make my notes based What I remembered,
because what you remember is actually important part. The parts you didn't I don't have a persuasive element to them, because you literally doll remember them. I can I remember the tim Scott was on the stage literally I didn't I, I dunno my notes all this guy, this guy, this this woman and then I looked a picture or shoot TIM Scott was there too? He disappears onstage. When you put him on the stage with all the other people he just disappeared, add which is where, because I was, I was very solid he is solid and sons. He says yeah good, solid, republicans. Sounding things he's got a good story. He successful individually seems like you.
Guy doesn't have any I dunno of any scandals per se, so I mean he's a good solid vice president looking guy, but he didn't help himself. He looked like he just disappeared too polite all right. Let's talk about on Tucker you. The number of views on Tucker's show on x is probably gonna hit, two hundred million. Let me just say that again case you weren't, following along A typical primetime show on fox news, gets how many viewers, now that this was more than a prime time show, but how many fox news viewers to get typical night. three million, three million would be a runaway. Had three million
He is already at a hundred and ninety two million three hundred and ninety now. The debate itself was probably I'm sure more than three zero. A number on fox news, viewers, ship, twenty three million- that can't be right back my bed, but whatever their number is, is nowhere near two hundred million. I think with you daughter, millions more is way. than the number of voters right as way more than the number of people vote. I so I don't know, maybe the viewer numbers are people who dipped in deep down. Do you get counted twice? If you watch half and then you come back for the other half, I think you do right now. Now again, just look so your ip. If you come from a different ideas, toys twice,
Me twice if he came from a different computer, so I don't think that numbers as real as the viewers numbers. So it's probably not an apple in an orange but is a gigantic number. And, as other observers said, Tucker approved the model. Elon musk proved the model, Yeah people really really want to watch this kind of content on acts, so gigantic victory for musk, gigantic victory for talker and good for them, and I'm sure fox news had a good night actually. So there was probably a good night for them but anyway, trumped up to soccer you're? My observations number one visually trump, I dont know the lighting or tromp, has decided to go
a white hair, look designed by another. The that was I just lighting or did he actually improve, is is color coordination and that they had area. Because you look great, I thought I thought you look better than were really anytime. I think you'll get better than twenty sixty frankly, so that's that's pretty good. If we could pull it off, he didn't look like you is completely in is re senses. He thought it was. You is interesting but correct me if I'm wrong the debate was so missing trump. They, you could almost taste it. When you were watching it felt like you were watching the the band they showed up instead of the one you are hoping for. that is, that the total wattage of the event evil with vague, was so.
Obviously below what it would have been if trumpet done there. Now, you made exactly the right decision to not be there because it would have been average with them and we could have made a mistake accidently here and call within a context, so the best thing you could do is lay low and he did but well, if you could call that laying low. He was just in a different So there's other highlights numbers your number one tucker- asked him if he thinks Epstein killed himself and job. We gave this long indirect answer. Worrisome They didn't know, but that he thinks he might have committed suicide, but he thought there and others might think differently. So he was actually giving you full balance to both views, which is actually a perfect. President answer
Because if there's somebody on the other side and is an issue of no importance to the country whatsoever, I mean not really is daddy's dead does matter, Then the best answer is don't causing trouble now the fact he pulled it off with it. Was showing you what he really thought was actually a good performance and I'm going to call it a performance. Because do you think that he doesn't know you think that trump doesn't know what happened now doesn't mean he was a witness, but you don't think he knows, now the presents. Now I think they are not. The answer is, but I think they know you, after listen to well, we have to listen to trumps, clip of him talking about Joe Biden, physicality
so I can't I can't reproduce it because it's classic trump and he just starts packing Biden and give you some of the parts there won't be funny. When I tell you just give you a flavor, latex bow, I buy them, can't walk through the grass on the way to the helicopter, because the grass is too tall is two inches get to it. Now he is so visual. You imagined by then not being able to walk to the helicopters. That's the first image he puts you have. Then he goes to the beach he goes is in the beach. He can't walk through the sand. I mean sand is hard to walk through, but but he can't even do it the beach chair he couldn't pick up a beach share. Do now how heavy a beach terrorist there made to be super light super late. He couldn't you pick it up it doesnt work. Why? Why did they let em? What are they? Why is he let people take pictures of him at the beach? It's not a good look at each others. Is legs, look like toothpick.
you just keeps going on. So here's what happened? I happened to be buying it as those brush mighty, is getting ready for bad about half way through I was laugh crying to the point of an asthma attack. I was doubled over tears were shooting out of my eyes. I was holding my stomach. I thought I was gonna die now who made you feel that way in the debate. Nobody, nobody the level of emotional connection. The trump creates through the tunnel. Was from miles away. Even recorded recorded is is unprecedented and nobody will ever come come I dont, believe anybody will ever come close to
pure wattage of his personality, because he made the debate with like it was just missing him and then we'll talk He draws these movies in your head. There you feel, like you watch, the comedy movie, will wither funny, narrator and I was just cry you so funny now it was. only because also mean right, you're not. To be so mean when you're running for president. So the fact that, by the way this is a humor trick, what one of the basic tricks of humor is do you take? Somebody was not supposed to act in a certain way and then you have the mac that way, for example, if I really do your character for the comic strip, I would have the doctor not be like regular doktor. He would actually want to kill people and a people or bunny wrap. It would be like a vicious killer So every time something is the opposite of what is supposed to be issues naturally funny so and trump who
supposed to be the politically correct leader who brings us altogether. He stars mocking the physical abilities of his competitor and how we, Already gone mentally, etc is now supposed to happen, so is that is the difference between what you we should be saying and what you're actually experiencing is what causes the laugh reflex, because your brain can put them together, like I know its trump was still you're, not supposed to be doing this that the new start laughing. Now, I'm completely aware that the way he strikes me is very different than how he strikes. Democrats, of course, and also Lotta republicans convinced but the main reason there's differences. Some people know that he's joking and others dough and other words some people such as me,
some of you? I think you know that when he's doing that, what he's doing the biden, stuff and other stuff as well that he's playing a part he is created, character, he is putting on the show his drawing all the energy to him make you laugh, because if you do, with somebody you didn't like. I am I right if you laugh with somebody it's hard to not like it's just that possible, so he makes people laugh and then, if you just want to see more of it, you're Dover get spiked and you say you know that the only way I'm gonna get more others dopamine, like the law that I had last night. I would have paid for it. had I to get that laugh, a hundred dollars a hundred dollars. I would pay a hundred dollars to feel how I felt last night for fifteen minutes hundred dollars. It was good.
now, who gives you that everybody else is just like his policy. Were like what she said about. Abortion you'll feel anything nothing. I thought pence was just pence and by the way pence is a really good. Performer, so patents at a solid debate here the number one in time, but that do as people were mentioning observing a little more time. But you smell enough, he was so good that, at the beginning of the debate, I think there are some reference to the trumpet menace nation and they immediately tried to drop and say well. I've been mentioned Those rules are having imagine you get some response time so actually tried to get time, based on the fact that the questioner or somebody says something about the administration
That was. That was really. That was a stretch, but the fact that the he took he took a play at it just showed how good he is cause that that was a pretty good play. Didn't work did work, but it was a good play. I liked I liked his quick judgment and his experience on that. I was well well executed, didn't work, so I think he's a good debater got the most time who got the number two time the vague and he got by earning other people wanted to talk about him. They were talking about a vague more than they were talking about the centres as one of the things people are shouting about today. You could be number two on the stage and have more people attack you than the person whose effectively number one watch out. I'm that's that's pretty predictive of his rise
Right here to fake news is one in each direction, meaning a conservative one and then a Democrat one. Now, you're not gonna, agree with me on either of these. We can. We stipulate that. you're gonna go walter Scott. You lost me on that one, because that's true for sure. Maybe But in my opinion, there Two things that look fake number one would see. And talks about with a vague wanting to abolish the f b. I they do not include the most important fact that he doesn't want to get rid of their function. He wants to distribute the people who do real work to places where their work is more directed and specific type of crime and then get rid of the administrative stuff. Now, U turn a great idea or potentially great idea,
into the worst sounding thing in the world? You just say he wants. Wallace FBI and though you talk, What about the history of the f b I and how awesome has been that's? What cnn did they just talked about? How awesome the f b I 's and spend there forever If you leave out that he wants to keep the functions, you're just lying, would Would you agree is a lie? Just a justifiably lie. If you don't say he wants to keep the functions now Here's. My one criticism of a vague here he to say that in every sentence I want to, I want to get rid of the fbi but keep the functions and given the fat, strip it if he said that every time everybody would just agree, I mean you just get people say. Ok, that's does reasonable. Now
I think, that's necessary. He does say that with the department of education, when he talks about the department of education, he says, ban it and take the money from that and give it to the states. And then I say: oh, oh, okay, that's not just banning something because you don't like it. That's making sure that the problem is more directly. You know closer to the people they can spend it, etc. So that's the first one that's a fake news that the left is doing on vague here's, one you're, not gonna, like John like said, no one supports abortion up until birth because I think maybe All of the people on the stage or most of them believe heracles, although that, although I may surprise you on this, My surprise, you, the number one thing I remind you of is: I don't have an opinion on trying to sell you and abortion. I don't have one I'll.
I don't know what's going on with this claim, so so that's the big point is a mushroom, Still, so don't assume? I know it's true. I assume you seem my I'm just gonna talk about the as as a new spit. So Jens Aki said no one sports abortion until birth. I saw a bunch of other twitter say the same thing where as the republicans are quite unified. I think and believing it's absolutely a thing. Let me get to feed I'm sure. I know this is gonna turn out, but, would you say this statement is true. No one supports abortion until birth, meaning democrats deeply vesture that no one supports abortion up until birth. Just feels like a lie, doesn't it so it feels like a lie to me, but what's true,
so I thought well. I seem to be new badly under informed on this topic. Specific willie, because I'm just going to follow the lead, the way if women want to certain set of laws? That's the most credible outcome to me. So I'm not bother with my opinion on this by yours. So So here's what I did I want to google and I said, I'm gonna google and find that if this is true or false, that there is such a thing as abortion until birth and You're really exists and that genocide just lying about it, as are the other democrats possess what you believe right, you believe it's totally a thing in a number of states, maybe not everywhere,. but you believe it's totally thing in a number of states and their generosity is lying correct. Most of you believe that if europe leaving right so I googled it.
I googled it on your behalf to find out if she's line you know what I found out. Nothing. Nothing. The internet has scrubbed information on this question. all this is people talking about it, but there's no fact jack. That's right! There's no factor! I couldn't find it see if you can find it, so as of right now, I dont know I do not know what is true and can't find it on the internet and that's not a coincidence. Do you think that would get rid of that, like my excellent yeah, there's no fact check on it. If you do a fact, acclamation like the fact be, At the top and it'd be obvious now it was all these sources that are completely biased and wouldn't have any value at all. That was my expert. If somebody can find a source that is both credible and clear, could do to me
Because I actually just don't know it's true, I don't have. Any idea was true I'll tell you, my hypothesis. My hypothesis is that is technically true in some states, but that there is more to the story, And the more the story could be, for example, if you an extreme situation, let's say The baby would be borne alive, but without a functioning brain or born alive and would certainly die in five minutes, no matter what, but the mother's life is at danger. under the most rare extreme situation, would you want them?
mother to say you know, actually I'm to save myself, it's my choice or would you want the mother not to have the choice and that these states says no this baby under any condition? Every condition still gets to be born alive now my gun is theirs. That probably what's happening you something like there's some extreme situation, I might also be that there are playing with the definition of a normal birth. For example, could it be that is legal to have a baby? before his born, if you're having some kind of a wrong early birth and the baby is not viable or as viable. Something so could there be some extreme
in situations that they don't mention where yeah technically technically it would be legal under the extreme, which would be totally unacceptable to the pro life people. Would you agree it wouldn't matter if it's extreme to the point pro lives, would the pro life say that the that the the law should allow the mother to die so that the baby could live? Even if it's not available? How many? We would you agree with that? How many would agree that the mother should sacrifice herself and that the state should make her die so that a non viable baby can be born non
apple beating. You know it's got such major problems. It's not going to have a like a regular life. Yeah see we don't. We don't agree on even basic stuff, which is part of the reason I try to stay, keep my opinion out of it, but I'm trying to highlight the fact that if you can never agree on this stuff, the best you can do is ensure that the people who have the most skin in the game, women, have a little more dominant, say in the outcome than the people have less skin in the game. That's the best! You can do that if you want credibility make sure the skin in the game, people or the people making the decisions, speaking of which I always use this example. If women wanted, vote on law about male circumcision. I would not want them to get involved in all I'd, say I got skin in the game.
about other. I decide that for the future man Ben figure this out and you just keep at it. That's what I'd say. now? If only men gave birth and women could not give birth a guy would listen to a woman's opinion about what I should do legally or personally. Absolutely not. In fact, I'd be offended, I'll, be offended if a woman even offer urban so what will be the same? The other way, if you, the ones having babies. Do you want to hear an opinion from somebody who doesn't have babies or never had yeah? It's not a perfect opinion. I just prefer not to muddy the waters with my less than useful opinion on that, because I'm not going to have any babies Let's talk about perversion, everybody here that promotion. Well,
is allegedly, you allegedly was on his plane. the other founders of wagner and at it barely go shot down by the russian military. Now there are several possibilities. One possibility is that the plan was promotion to live as retirement in belarus. He just hadn't gotten there yet, but there was a mechanical Among the plain and well talk about bad luck, we went through a whole war without getting injured and just flying in a plane, took him down bad luck, one possible, let's say that's the least, likely possible next likely possibility He was on the plane and the whole plan was to kill him, so I did look as much like he was just murdered, maybe maybe
the other possibility is he's been dead for a long time, I didn't want to say that, because the wagner, people and other people might get mad, so they have to create a fake, a fake promotion. He put his name on the passenger list, apparently I cell phone, but not as body that was today's news, who knows was real but it would be pretty easy to put his phone on their put his name on it. Shoot down. say: oh yeah, he was fine. We were best friends until some tragic thing happened with the mechanical part of his plate. Maybe the other possibility is the problem, It is not dead and that from the start he has been targeted and other. Maybe future information is willing to give and you still an asset for figure out with the other coup plotters were
offered leverage on somebody, but if you gotta keep him forever as a prisoner, that's not cool if a lot of people still support so you're gonna have to pretend these dead to keep him ass a prisoner. So you can interrogating forever, which are those possibilities. Do you think is most likely as of today, he was on the plane, though the one thing that we can be sure of. May I summarize his condition without knowing any of the other particulars. So now knowing where he was what's happened to him. I'd like to summarize precautions, condition. He's not knowing well. Thus it is not doing well that that we can safely
or so the whole belarus situation now nope! No, now, may I ask this question: who had the first and best take on provision in the entire world. I'll just sit down. Read your comments. It was you. It was me. So I dont know why the worm more people, ellison least in the public. There are lot lot of individuals I see. If you were on the same page so in Actually a lot of citizens knew exactly what was happening from the start, but like the I feel, like the public news was just acting stupid or something Then they all know exactly that from the very beginning You he was either already dead or was never going to be seen again, never any chance. You gotta bela ruse. If you ever,
leave the belarus story even after his plane went there, You already washed russia fake one promotion, plain trip, you think they wouldn't do it again. Allegedly putin likes to kill his critics allegedly. So I have one viewer who wants me to say allegedly but if it's true that has been poisoning his critics, do you see a pattern if it's true, he poisoned his critics that suggest that there is a certain way he likes to kill. People would have the following characteristics: number one! They would know he's murdering them for a long time. Where they died because the poison they they it takes. I'll see you know you're dying and you know it. Actually you did it.
The entire world knows exactly who did it, but you can't really do anything about it, So it's almost as if he wants not only the victim to know it, I'm killing you. Now it's going to take awhile, but a murdering you. It's me hey. It's me, I'm killing. and he was everybody who is another credit to know that they could get boys in the same way right so he's sending a message with. so weirdly obvious play that this pole. We that only the russia seems to, but he wants. We need to know while still saying you talk about? There's no evidence connecting it to me. Now. Look at the plane situation. Promotion is plain Did you notice that from the videos there was some problem with, it looks like maybe a missile or something but if fell from a very long distance for a long time prison will, while everybody was still live on the inside so
All the way down they had to know the putin was killing them he was doing it in a very public way. Everybody would now you did it and he was still. Some outsail ilo must have been some mechanical problem, so. Putin. If he's the murderer, that people say he is he a way of doing it, this exactly this make sure that people get He'll know they're being murdered, And really let us again before they actually die, make sure there's, ny ability but such weak deniability that everybody knows he did it. Do you remember People said the putin is weak because the wagner revolt, so they said they said he's week. What do you think today does he feel weak,
today. No, he feels like somebody. You just wiped out the entire wagner leadership and made the story about provisions. I don't think so much about the leadership that he took him I think it was a strong play. I think it makes them look strong. and yeah. There's there's a lot of chatter. I dunno for hearing it that ukraine is is ready to fold. Do you believe? That's true. Everything out of that area bullshit and by us and lies and propaganda. There's no end, but there the ideas that the ukrainians are like running out of soldiers. But we have also heard that about the russians. the run and our soldiers, but it doesn't it
or that the russians are running out of soldiers. It doesn't appear that there's any major internal strife, it doesn't appear that their economy is going to crash. Soon I mean they have some problems with getting high tech stuff in the long run, but they'll probably figure out some workaround for that, and they still have cash. So at the moment it looks like russia can grind on ukraine as long as it wants, and it wants to do it until they're done so. What's going to happen, I still think that a Republican could end the war in a day, but we'll see ladies and gentlemen, is there topic that I've forgotten? I think we ve gone long enough, I think, is the best show you ve ever seen. If you get a chance to pick up my incredible change, the world book refrain. Your brain people are buying many copies of it and soon great
bye, bye conversation with roseanne is being released today. So look for that interview. We a lot of fun and rose, and I've got some other part ass, that dumb doing roger stones, radio show so that will be fun I have a either a weird way of deciding who to talk to you for progress and is Clifton duncans yesterday you'll see that she days and but when roger stone called our message me, I thought to myself: how do you not how do you not do roger stone's interview like how do you not do that? I mean just for the experience yeah just for the experience
so I'm going to do that. That'll be fun and I'll probably do a bunch of a bunch more so you're. To see me you're, going to see too much me but youtube thanks for joining best live stream. You've ever seen- and I will
Transcript generated on 2023-08-26.