« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2206 Scott Adams: All The News That's Fit To Sip. Bring Coffee

2023-08-20 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a

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Politics, National Incompetence Problem, Hunter's Plea Deal, Immigration Policy, Vivek Ramaswamy, AOC, The Squad, Montana TikTok Ban, AG Austin Knudsen, RFK Jr., Anthony Fauci, Larry Elder, Marriage Challenges, X Block Feature, Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, Governor DeSantis, Ukraine War Obtainable Objectives, Catturd, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to doo doo doo, doo doo goodbye are ready and welcome lie light of human civilization. Let's taking up a large, shall we you're ready? all you need is a cover among our glass attacker jealousies down again to juggle flask vessel Of a guy and fill it with a favorite liquid alike, in germany of the unparalleled pleasure the dopamine hit the day, the that makes everything better. It's called simultaneous epical. I hope you are prepared if you're still brewing, shame on you. It was time to sip next time a more punctuality Ok? Well, there's a big old storm come in to California its category one
Category one can you be up when it's a three but apparently is moving the other direction so There might actually be some damage. I believe some people are evacuating because of rain, but doesn't look like it could be the worst, the worst they can be, so will probably just get that's what I think how many of you would like to see me give a radio interview at fort Maybe I'm pacific time tonight say us say yes, yes, while many of you just paying for it. Yes, I, okay, okay, ok I'll! Do it I'll do it? I said I'd. Do it I said I'd: do it I'll? Do it? I promise I will so tonight for twenty pacific time. That would be seven twenty eastern time I'll be with. Joel pollack, on bright bar radio. If you,
I myself, how do I listen to that? Just google it bright by radio, Joe Pollack, and when you look at my tweet retreated to the money you'll find us. Wait. You might know that I have not been doing too many interviews. but in conjunction with my book, refrain your brain, which is vital. So far only on kindle, because amazon has unspecified, possibly too Nickel problems that are preventing the publication of my physical book, the bookstore is ready to go, but in the independent publishing was a pipeline. There seems to be some kind of a delay for my property. It's an unspecified technical are to explain. We just don't know. What's going on, it's gonna take us a little while to look into a kind of a problem. That's again the problem now is yours, age, yourself, Scott
this is clearly some kind of mess around with you, probably not probably not, is probably just the way everything works. Latin. When we put this in context, pretty much every step of the independent publishing hits some kind of a problem like there's a password it does all the work. There's yeah, there's there's just something you can't do and every one of the processes you have to kind of crawl through it and correct and adjust- and you know you basically you just can't you just adjusting as you go, it's all about adjusting asia, so In the context of nothing working, just sort of general, the most likely experts- issues are busy or others some technical problem, because I've heard a lot of other people have had that issues that the dublin summit
the political element. Let me give you an example of how bad I'm gotta call. This national incompetence problem how many of you would agree that there appears to be a national incompetence problem to do anything just most basic services? but let me give you an idea how bad it is this is about it. Is I did something really stupid this week. I want you to Do you do me a favor and mock me for my stupidity over this just listen to how bad this is. I had to take my car in for service And I knew that you know there might be some real issues. I was driving kind of funny, so I dunno exactly what the problem is, but you could be one of those expensive ones,
Here's how stupid I am and please mock me, get ready, get ready. I took my car into the dealer for service, so ashamed on a thursday go ahead. I know I know I know I deserve it- I deserve it. I took my Car for service on thursday is domicile yet nobody ever did. Do you think I got my back before the weekend, of course that of course not so there's an extra two days but does not even my point the dealer? Oh, I don't have a problem with the dealer, So in this story the dealers goes just after takes more than a day So, there's nothing wrong with the dealer. I brought it in on the thursday, when I knew I wouldn't have for the weaker and less I rented a car now you're, probably.
ask yourself this: if you know the answer this, why did I not rent a car, and while why will I instead spend forty five days trapped in my house? I mean I can do if I wanted. But why did I not rent a car go glad you tell me it's not, because the money Why did I not go on not insurance know somebody got it. under today. Is current situation. I could not imagine literally can imagine it renting a car without trouble. I couldn't even amount, I imagine that I will go in there and they say we don't have the car the you were you reserved I thought at the very least, it would turn into a seinfeld episode. I know However, as you know how to save over every comment care, what can we
ippolit I've heard of over everybody. You can stop yelling Ober abbe. I've heard of it is like a car service. Where you can take place, you can go places like the guy. Ok, you don't have to yell turo at me. I got it. I don't think I'll. I don't think I'm getting through alone. I don't seem to be getting list now. You just move only apparently I'm not getting through with this point now the the the simple act of rent, a car. If this were a years ago. You know that I would have done. I would have just to the car, I would have into the car, and I wondered worried that it wouldn't work. I actually worry that if I my half a day or whatever to you going in and thinking of a car they're just won't work like that won't be able to. My credit card will be declined in albania
do not random list. Some damn thing I just don't think there's enough competence left in the system. the ever make sense to take on new thing if you can avoid it like, if your other, if rather really is just stay home and be unhappy. Just stay. The unhappy, sometimes alright, don't don't follow my advice by David Let's talk about my other favorite topic for years at the future. is building citys from scratch and pcs you may yellow fifty and other cities now go yell yells given this in the north business, is all this has nothing to do with fifty miniseries by unita yellow? So please do Guys, w e f that and also you detail tidy homes, tiny arms, so this has not
to do a tiny homes, but you need a yellow You do tidy arms, tiny arms in the comments about here before anyway, there's a city built from scratch in car, yeah yeah. That's from pronunciation, this probably exactly right on attack, colleagues in guatemala that wasn't think about, is they actually set out to build a city from scratch, but what's injures things they older like shortly director of more traditional, older, looking stuff bobbio with the modern to us, Yeah that saw some video of it looks amazing, looks amazing and it is the streets are: are pedestrians not cars? I dunno that that makes it a fifteen minute city, but if you need to yell about how you're unhappy that the cities could be convenient,
I didn't do it so this is a one example that apparently people are happy with and it came out really well, but that's the future. The future is cities from scratch. and there is almost no way around it because it will be. Biggest industry. That everybody's agrees. We need and people want to live there and will be lost. Less differ once will will some of these cities be fifteen to the cities. That cloud schwab will take all your freedom and hear security and hear privacy, maybe, but others will be somewhere else. Are these hunter Biden pleaded were finally more about it politico trying to spin it s late payments that nobody goes to jail for being late and the taxes you just work out a payment plan, It would be very unusual to go to jail, just as you were laid on your taxes. so that's what it was right. That was the problem was the problem
hunter was just laid on his taxes, but now is paid. Now is better I was once later my taxes do so I mean same gotta cry. Now, in my case, I did not set up a series, international shell companies to hide the fact that that I was late? I didn't do that. I just think I forgot or something I may have forgotten- to pay an estimated at once, and I just paid by penalty in paid my money that didn't go to jail, but you know elsa them of a series of shell companies to run it through. So it would be hidden from everybody. So there's that there there are courses and push back? So It never agree on anything. Some people saying oh not that big a deal nobody would have gone to jail for the specific things honoured in others.
This is not laid. This is high. Money from the irs about the most they gotta. You could possibly do well potato potato, but there is evidence that the investing Finally, one forward because of the whistleblowers, so pretty much everything is all about. Everything is true, an unarmed or Everything you suspected seems to be true. It's pretty is a pretty interesting well cause. Sometimes you see stories where, like the grade, if you watch the ukraine story like that, might be true, but no way to know, maybe probably not but you see the hunter story now, there's a pattern in this developed No matter how much doubt there is about the story turns out was true: there's nothing you can say about them, because I just
all turned out to be true. I would like, with like. Challenge that see if I'm wrong to effect jacket name, something that hunter by has been accused of or Joe Biden in relation to antibiotics. Name, something that has not been demonstrated to be true beyond any real doubt. Name anything he was accused of there's not now that the paintings as a way to launder influence, I wouldn't say, is proven, It's proven proven issues obvious need to prove anything about the paint and says that's that's exactly what it looks like on the surface. Yeah is pretty consistent if hunger is accused of it apparently that's usually gonna turn out to be true although he is innocent until proven guilty in terms of law like everybody else well,
three journal again is hammering on how china's economy has grown in the toilet. There are forty, You're boom is over and they have plenty of empty buildings, So China's big problem is empty buildings, and over here we ve got left homeless, but they're not homeless, because they don't have homes are almost by choice for the most part. Ninety percent. What do you think about china is, I will say say their chances for the future. There are at least two things: three things that the united states has go in for it that our adversaries or lucy competitors can match number one? We have the option which we have not used of filtering our immigration better. In other words, we can avoid the
demographic crash by becoming the only country that people are fighting to get into and we're day he you are the ones with the best potential to be good citizens. Usually education would be the top thing tat ever skill now. Do you think china never match us in immigration of you know sucking up the best people from every country. Now. Do you think russia could ever match us in what we could do with immigration. now. Here's the weirdest take ever everybody here on immigration. Our complete failure to guard our border is in the short term, which might be several years terrible when you agree there on net, there are benefits of immigration. Even illegal immigration has benefits young know, people get jobs, etc. But would you agree that so far like the last year,
there's more than that negative does issues out of control, but watch this in another country- and you that all of the other countries suantree bad asses about immigration. The united states was willing to hurt itself to accept you. The united states was willing to hurt itself fairly massively to accept immigration. Now you can say: oh it's politics and soon competence is is. This is yields cobblers, not the job. That's all of this I'm just say, however, how would it be received by the rest of the world? So imagine not? you're in india. You grew up in india. You just went through the I t t system. You are one of the top technical young people in the world because you just went through this. Then the produces them and you're saying to yourself. Where do I go? Do
go to china? say china's and you're welcome and that let's say they put together an immigration attraction thing to get technical people. Would you say that? I will be welcomed with open arms in china. Now you wouldn't feel that way about russia even if they said they would welcome you. Would you, when you feel like that's the place you wanna go, maybe not so much. now imagine that you will listening to the news about america and you found where these sanctuary cities and their even though we ve thought about what is the right level of immigration, the net effect was that we were the most accidentally accidentally, one of the most welcoming countries for immigration, And we remain, I would say, the melting pot example for the world, even with all of our problems? We have some more action, We created the situation from these that
a liberty all the way through sanctuary cities. That america is a place that has built into his dna a a belief that immigration is central to our existence. And are less say our experience, which- not to say let everybody and all the time right we're not talking about the way we're doing it. About what was somebody in another country feel about the united states. deciding where to bring their high levels of skills to employ for the rest of their lives. I don't think anybody can matches. I think will be maybe in better shape them europe. They got a little bit overrun. So Europe's europe's gather own problems in the united states. We we still ever recoverable situation. I dont know that they do in france. Great Britain might not be recoverable, but in the united states it is
and I think that if we got let's say a republican president's save of ache, just a big one, and he said immigration is good. You just gotta make sure you're getting the right. People clamp down the border, but in some real processes to bring in the best of the best who can with that. So under those scenario, china and russia are not can have access to high tech at least not directly, so we'll have the better tech better mike jobs, which means that will have a guy in a functional form much better than any other country? Which means they will be able to attract the best immigrants that are really additive. There's no way you can compete with that and the most important thing is that we won't have a demographic collapse because we'd be bringing in people to as replacements yeah. We would probably have to eliminate the cartels as just part of the plan. Those.
We'll do that. You have a vague, is talk about islam and no cartels having real immigration to attract the right people authorized up. so there's something shaping up here. That would make america the only superpower and would would be really the jewel in the world more seldom than if it erasmus, but Well, there's a story that europe boasts post about the so called squad. Heiresses group of politicians- That there be no hypocrites, because the air sea and the squad speed one point: two million campaign cash and private security. Despite calls to defend the police. Now you are expecting that I'm gonna to agree with. A new york poses a hypocrisy, hypocrisy right.
Or if you know me better, you know that I'm going say this is an analogy to dear york, is making an analogy between police and private security. So fair. Now, I did did they also call for ending private security for public figures. No, she did not call for ending private security for public figures. Now she did call for something this. You know as dumb as that, but not the least is not inconsistent, so yes, she she certainly wanted her own safety, but don't pretend Public figures have the same security concerns as average citizens every citizen's could have worse problems depending where they live or no problems at all if they live where I live, but. I am, has real security problems and she has a right to security
and I don't want anything that the door. So yes, I am one hundred percent in favor of her doing what she needs to do to protect ourselves. I don't think that's up for debate now separately. Do you police to be defended. Well, nobody has a better alternative to that. by you really need to bring the private security there arises political, oh I gotcha, but don't we have plenty of things to do gotcha with a squad delay this this one just seems like just so small ball politics, but I get it works. So I tried to try to avoid the hypocrisy lines the easiest thing to do all this
this, but they did this. That's never. An interesting story is just a political spin and you ve seen at once, and I gotta hello. This is god atoms and now your chance to reply to questions to questions and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite, your favorite broadcasters, every new episode could have a q and a with with a topic for you to on so on so voice. Your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content, even more so over. Over spotify spotify search for coffee got Adams, Adams or your favorite in and view the latest episodes respond to q and a and polls on spotify only I ah I forgot about this, but the attorney general for montana. I think it was Austin Knudsen. actually push through and got me
into law, a ban on tiktok the state, not talking about a ban for stay workers which you seen in other places, government workers, but ban. You just couldn't happen in the state I don't know how I suppose, the the stores could adjust for the state. Somehow so maybe that's practical to do, but I love the fact that he did it. He got away with it I just want to say- is names. You ve heard it people's eyes. You angle therefore, I or office somewhere if he is good for him, because you did something useful- alright I'll say his name again. In general, Austin Newton serve, you hear this voice, if here that name in the future, just remember it did one good thing. I don't know what else in it, but it is one good thing and do you think that the news is covering this correctly now now?
news will still say stuff like but Tik tok said they would put their private data in american some american manage company. That's not really. The problem is the brainwashing. Is that just the privacy and every time you see the news focus on the privacy part. You know the tests of propaganda or are they just don't know the news themselves, but it could mean that people there telling the news and other news better than the people are telling us that sometimes the case. I saw one report, I don't know if this is true, but the new, so is dispatching. The national guard trip tackle the drug situation in San francisco. Can it make informed that the news
and sent the sending or will send the national guard for san francisco, because I don't think so. But maybe. Maybe but let's say if it is true- and I would put a big question mark on that- it feels a little I dunno I feel like it would be bigger news or something, but I always saw it in one outlet. So this would be if, if it's true and that's a real big f in the story, I would say that is another example of that you have to become trump to run against them. You have to become trump to run against him. That's the problem! Yeah! You basically have to adopt his policies. After saying they were bad.
As is forever because once you are in the national stage, you just look. Ridiculous is more obvious that tromp was right about some stuff immigration, for example. Alex Jones Alex Jones says, has some source from say this as masks. Coming back as a requirement now next story If you are you about this here in the wrong fight it just now now we're done we move into the next story is just now no not know, maybe not no, for a little while now we'll be asked just now
I Imagine that my book rephrase brain is number one in the happiness category on amazon number one book to give you happiness and it probably is, number one book in hypnosis. Even though is re frames I presented them in the context of as a professional hypnotist. You tell you what works. So it's not innocent. Teach you diagnosis per se, except in that a specific form of putting refrains and your own, your own brain and other peoples. And is number one in personal transformation, another worse personal growth or success. Number one in all three categories that are the ones that matter now, don't get Excited being number one in your category doesn't mean your number one in the world, but. Is also not even available, except in general.
So. This is the kind of book where I would expect a lot of people are going to wait for the soft cover which could drop any minute, but is because you're going to want it as a reference. It's it's sort of a book that you're going to read it and then go back to it a bunch of times like. Oh. What was that? What was that reframe number so lives are already being changed. The reviews are crazy, I'm just so people are finding their entire lives. Just re reprogrammed just with fewer resources. So I know that another. These claims seen wildly unlikely, but you have to read: read the reviews yourself. It was written to have that impact and people are saying it has an impact. I've got a junior as some pretty provocative things say about room, does severe and about tony vouches. So this is
or if gauge union says tony factually knew their own does view would kill you now what say about people knew. there's a little bit of mind reading right little bit, mind written, but if he can back it up with say a document or some other evidence, then then I'm gonna listen to so I dont know if he has other evidence. But I'm always uncomfortable and you should be too whenever you're somebody say, somebody else knew something often is true. it gives them to their mind, really category that you need to ask more questions when somebody says that so accountable. Just knowing there are engaged Your says tony fancied knew something now you may be right and I would say as a high likelihood of being right, but I need a little more than that. I'm not gonna go just with somebody. Think somebody new something as this,
a week bar of gay junior, I find it quite credible in doing is homework and research, and he certainly knows this topic inside out. So maybe does. be maybe I'll get junior does know. What tony factually knows about this specific? I wouldn't roll it out, but it just makes me uncomfortable. When I see the mind reading issue stuff, the the Is that really does veer, have some side effects that would affect things like kidneys in heart, etc, and that people having kidney problems? It would be a weird virus that killed you with your kidneys. Does severe. Accordant are of gay junior might have a side effect. That would be yes. on the nose for that side effect. So how bad is it.
now isn't are also rumour rumor confirmed you'll have to have to fact check. This was. he's out she did. He have a financial interest in run desert here at the time of the pandemic financial interests. Because I've read that he did, but I don't know whether you can depend on any reporting on this domain. I'm going to say I've seen reports of it, but I don't know that I would not. Personally, I would not research that is fact, but maybe it's report largesses reported that way. I'm gonna stop short of saying fact, because it's the sort of thing, I'm not sure everybody knows, for example, would Would anybody know if he had sold this dark before the pandemic? Would we know that. I just worry that we don't know this is not exactly public information. so again
I'm gonna call out. The incredible benefit were seen from the campaign. Yet imagine Imagine if people are just said well, it looks like it's gonna be Biden versus trump, we'll just live with it, but that's not what happened? Several candidates decided that they not only have a chance the bakers real chance, but that they have something to say: vague is as much about what are you saying as the fact that he's running he's saying stuff that is reorientate how you, feel about stuff. You think about it is re framing the help us he's is really modifying and improving- I would say I say, is improving the philosophical opinions on the right because have, I ever told you the good writing. I refer to it as saying what you were thinking but say a better than you are thinking at that. vague, does all day long.
he says what you are already thinking sort of, but you know all of that that well and then what the sentence you say: that's it that's that's the sentence. I would As hudson said balin my head now, I've told you in my book refrain. Your brain is just down to the kindle. I told you that Putting words and somebody's head is Reprogram people, we think in terms of words, that's why the alarms produce something looks like intelligence, because our internal thought process depends on words and how they fit together, and we imagine that that's our thinking, but really is just work patterns that we soon before what we ve been exposed to so wins. A vague puts, a different word pattern into your head and they re frames a top you're being re programme. It is actually upgrading your software because, if you, if you
used to say if you to say whatever you say this answer said about a topic, then maybe you have sort of a corporate d, his words saying it? But if you replace it with a vague sentence, especially if you remember the actual sentence you programming yourself to a higher level of argument. You could debate better using vague words and then someone else's words. True story, so so Zoe Larry elders do engravings promoting his beliefs, The family unit has to be strengthened to fix just about everything. And you're saying rfk, jr junior just ripping the lid off of the line from every part of society. Love that those, if those are three candidates, will really make a difference.
No matter what happens, I don't. I don't think I could have more respect for those three candidates than I do. I mean I have maximum respect because they're doing the doing the work, they're doing productive things, even if they do win and certainly a few of them don't inspector. When so- and I just want to say something about that- elders take the family unit in keeping the father. Theirs is important I would agree with everything he says about that, but. I would argue that maybe things have changed and not just in how we financially reward people for not having a father, I think we were in a situation where I don't think we can go back so not that having a family unit doesn't produce better. Is also seems do very clearly, but if you can't go back to it, another
If we're, if we're on a one way journey- and you just can't go back because, for whatever reason I don't think it's just financial. Well, I'm just going to It's alright, I didn't want to say it, but I'm just going to say it there some people are those they married, we suck. That's it. That's it people suck. Well, we're not people that usual marian stay married to we're. Just not not the men, not the women The men are not worth stay within, the women are not worth staying with, which just now worth it now, not obey any individual. I'm not talking about my life, because under rich guy, not nothing applies, might rich guy, getting married and divorce is not like yours. You'll know that I could afford to get married. I can afford to get divorced, so it's different it's different, but if, if a divorce is the difference between,
poverty and making it less a whole different world that world the instead of getting married justice of their cause. People suck I do believe that people are worse people than they have ever been just in general people or what than they have ever been to each other in terms of what it would take to be a partner for marriage, We I feel like we can say that out loud. Because yo somebody's going to turn a racist, of course, somebody's gonna turn and sexism. course, but you didn't hear me say that right, I didn't young women in just one group, because it's not says one genders the bad one cause or not. We have just become terrible people so are you fix that? So I think the law the elder solution of strength of strengthening the families is
but as a concept as great as you know, maybe an point or something, but I dunno how to get there. You can't tell the marrying somebody who not going to find me. A good marriage partner is works for me. And keep in mind I'm talking about myself right or not They say, you're, bad numb. Awesome I've been divorced twice. Do you think I'd be dead twice. If somebody really really liked being married to me, I don't think so. Honestly, If I were a better deal, somebody would be married to me by now, probably and we'd be out but I apparently am not a good deal and I'm at least transparent about it. Alright, I know I snore, so it is hard to beat a relationship when you snore. That's why
these people don't talk about. They don't talk about how much snoring makes it impossible to be in a relationship you you can act like is not like. Oh that's, just a detail, but has not, not just a detail. I would bet this snoring is twenty percent endorses that does my estimate. Snoring is twenty percent divorces. Now, that's that doesn't mean they'll say that it just means you, and separate bedrooms and then coastal. So nobody plans it that way. Done. I've had my sinuses operated on doesn't make a difference. I've had my ceptin, devious upton, also so I've
two surgeries to fix my general sinus situation, no difference no difference but very painful surgeries, but no difference. I do breathe better, though was I talking about. So I love the larry elder thing, but I think you need to go back the level and find out what's wrong at the base. He's definitely on point about some of them being economic, but there is a much bigger thing. We ve all become people who are not worth marriage. That's a big brown! Now. Here's why we hear is part of the reason we become poorer the reason that we become people. We don't want to mary S because we don't have roles when rolls euchre respect anybody who did their role right you could say it was accessed, that's not the argument.
I'm saying that when the male female rolls were clear, you could respect the other person for doing the role However, this may be the last dissipated. You say to yourself my god He'll live without that, like that's, that's a pardon As somebody who values the promise as much as the day to day lustre happiness so. I think, though, the loss of rome defined role models were. simultaneously amazing for some number of women. Amazing for some number of men in the first total number of lgbtq that you know maybe got more freedom in that deal, but it destroyed the system very good for a lot of people individually but a destroyed. System. So I think we have to figure out how to restore.
The system in the context of we're not so good to each other, that we want to marry each other. These days we don't add enough value Somebody asked me recently, you know if I'd want to get married again. Do you know what my answer is? Why what? What would that give me? What what possible benefit? Would that be, I couldn't even think of one and has nothing to do with any individual. I may or may not fall in love with. I just don't see any benefit to it was the benefit loyalty did. Do you think I could get some loyalty. Now now, because we don't really live in that world anymore and that's not a statement of women. This is not a about women. You can't buy loyalty, you can find it. We don't we just sort of lebanon, cheaters society and if people own cheat these my want to change partners now. Marriage with
ridiculous in my specific situation, somebody sending more generally. Why would a rich person ever get married? There's not much reason really isn't. Alright, I can tell you why I did it. I got married for the benefit of the person I was married. I mean I was in love in both cases totally But to me the marriage was only for the benefit of children, step kids. And it just made somebody else happier, but that's, why did it gives out. That's all I my role My role was to keep people safe. Now I mark cuban was tweedy ideal and musk over this big issue of whether whether blocking will be allowed on twitter and the future. Let's call it exe
And angelo masters of the blocking who's gonna go away. Mark Cuban had some things about to say about the algorithm. There are two things going on: one is about blocking and then mark Cuban's conversation about whether elon musk has too much influence over the content. Now, when I saw it was done about them individually. So let's talk about the algorithm first, some mark cuban steak Was that twitter or acts is now a reflection of one person's sensibilities? I hope I'm summarizing that correctly and I I commented back to given and said. I'm not seeing. I'm not seeing the effect of that year. What? What exactly makes you think that has become the only alive, musk sure thing and then
He responded by showing the twitter guy. I guess, there's a twitter document. Let's call it acts that explains how the algorithm It is hilarious to read it what a good laugh? You should read to the ex document. The explains how the algorithm works, let's just say, is complicated. There's nobody so many somebody, the buzzwords that you really can't tell whether this is as close to being a hundred percent non transparent is uneven, could be wallace tried to be transparent so that the point of it is to show you what they're doing, but because they have to use such generic and georgie words as it just so dense with jargon. You really can't tell what to do.
No human could read that and not because I'm not an engineer is not because I am not an expert in the field is just written that no nobody can understand in detail what is doing or not doing But I saw one phrase there that said that is the phrase on the the x document is said that they would seek a fair balance of contents from different sources. That's actually that that was the term used in the x documents that there was a fair balance. was I tell you, knew new computers and
and do they know how to figure out what's fair, how do you determine what's fair that no there's no objective standard for fair? Does it doesn't just mean you know the numbers right? It's not about just the numbers. It's about a judgement. Fair is only subjective. So if the twitter algorithm has an important component in which somebody or something is determining what a fair balances of content from different sources that can only be humans. Now it might be the hurons who know said rapid and they walk away, but it set up by the humans.
suddenly human had to say I'm going to tweak this or put the filter him because and mike my opinion, or maybe some few people's opinions. This is what fair it looks like. Would it be fair to have just as much content from that's a obviously conspiracy trash versus something that might have some credibility. Would it be fair? that you get the same amount of it. The balance right. If your Alex jones you'd say that is fair, because you can't tell was real and was not, maybe he say that if you somebody else, you say that's crazy, why would you? at some for gm conspiracy. Theory get the equal away with a respectable publication so fast is so completely subjective that I had to immediately followed my argument and agree with more cuban?
we can never know what's happening with the algorithm, but we can know for sure. If you learn, must doesn't like it ill change. It. Now that doesn't mean that were already seeing sort of the elon musk version of reality. It just means It has allowed over time and, as cuban said, I must warn always be alive and always running it. Somebody else might have to be the Let's say the benevolent dictator. I have often said the best form of government. By far the best form of government would be a brilliant, but now dick. There goes. The dictator part gets you your past. All the nonsense of arguing about stuff, the brilliant part gets you good solutions
or at least somebody who knows you, know to test things before they implement them. That's that's pretty good. and the benevolent means that there are was brilliant and working for your interests. Now we, Actually have something that feels like that to me, you got the brilliant part you, unless you ve got. If the benevolent part- which I actually believe, I believe he is, I believe he really wants free speech in his bones. I think that's completely real, but that's my opinion. I dunno if he had some secret evil agenda, would I know it now carry minds. But it feels to me like an ideal situation. That's also temporary, so I agree with mark cuban, no matter what you think of villain and I have a high opinion- he's not gonna, be there forever
twitter one always been the same forever either so by the by the times let runs it. Maybe everything else is changed. You maybe there's a whole different. A platform or something so Keep an eye on that but be aware, in my opinion, theirs such thing as an algorithm that is not biased, and if you had one, you couldn't make a business model out of it, in other words, bias in the design of the algorithm is unavoidable. So you my response to mark cuban. He certainly made his point yeah the the way the algorithm is. You can't avoid the fact that the owner of the company is going to get what he or she wants. That's a good! That's a good, solid. Point, but we don't know if foresee yet, and I,
I think of very model. That would be better. Can you the obvious thing you think it's like. Oh, let's get rid of all moderation. Do you think that would work? Do you think you could build a platform with no moderation? No, Thank you could have a platform in which you are not doing a lot of fact checking and that works out. Ok now now that's like and work out. Ok, there are no solutions so for you criticise. The way is just remember: you're, not comparing it anything. You can pay the southern imaginary thing. In your mind, in which there is both, censorship. And it works out five, that's not a possibility. That is not even slightly a possibility,
Human beings will exploit every opportunity, be terrible, so happening now. Sorted dovetail with this. Is that so you must was state where the block feature and people are asking me he's got what do you think about the seven years? My opinion, I'm one of. many millions of twitter users personally removing the block feature for me and my very specific situation. I have a million followers and I talk about politics and people hate me and people love me and are all going to be fighting it out in the comments In my very specific situation, removing the blocking is all bad, but that's not my opinion of others. Do it I'm just one person and I'm an elite, at least in terms of twitter users and I'm an elite twitter user, because I haven't,
in followers. Surely on mass model, is he has rules of his features to satisfy a people like me? If is at the expense of everybody else, and the answer is, I don't think so I have to tell you he should satisfy me and let the rest of you know who have small accounts. You know fend for yourself, but I think that's the way you run anything. I think I think that now go further and say, if I had as many followers as elon musk, I wouldn't care about blocking? Do you understand that, if I add twenty million followers. I wouldn't care about blocking. Do you know why if you ve got Twenty million followers you're not looking comments. You and spend a minute look here comments
a million of them. What are you gonna do block three of others that's three hundred thousand people say my nazi, our block three of them, but can actually block one under presented by jewels without much ever. are any given day. There might be fewer than five. I clicked things five times a day. I feel good when I click it some experience is unique? There's this law zone of influencers use somewhere in the size of my accounts. They say quarter million two million and a half and there's lots of room for that group of people. It's all bad. The the removing blood for us tiny, tiny little sliver, users is all bad
and there's no way to argue that does really agree that just for our personal enjoyment is just all bad now, whether that- and I've said before that, I use blocking for mental health, that's literally true, I'm not I'm not making like a weird analogy, ready now. My actual physic This state of mind is improved by blocking and I can feel it immediately and the inability to block would bother me all day long. If somebody just sat there and I couldn't do anything about it, blocking doesn't make other people. Nazi is so much. It makes me feel good so I would say that my mental health would absolutely no doubt about it. Suffer At meeting would not be merely a says: why does my first steak However, you know what I say about things that can be tested. I should
I have an opinion because it can be tested, it can be reversed. So if you can test it- and you just find out that it worked for me that it worked for most people but not I'd like to know so I will love you learn must do. Show the rest of the country? How Decisions are made first, he said, to do this thing, but you After know, in the back of your head and I'd like I'd like to hear him say it directly, but you know he's thinking This is one where mining it is easy because everybody smart thinks the same way if you can test it and if as reversible which software is, just so I'm not going to say that yesterday just give it a test if it works for everybody, but me I'll say go do it, you know, I'm not, I'm not your boss. If it works for you, I would be happy for you.
honestly, I worry that I would quit using eggs cause. You know if I have to deal with Ben garrison comics on my timeline. Again, I don't know if I'd stay, I honestly don't because that would be, it would make me feel bad every time outlaw gone, but by blocking the people said that It meeting do as well. I doubt it but I'll be willing to see alright It will also happen. So the news is that dead dissenters is barely trying these days. There's a cliff. He's taken a little bit context I would say, unless you, you said, quote a lesser kissing you talk about, He says alessio kissing his rear end. They'll call you
right now and then he referred to quote listless vessels who follow whatever comes down the pike untruth social every morning and people said: are you running to get the votes or to alienate republicans. I feel exactly the wrong approach. Do the smartest guy and raised the vague you just as good things about republicans and people in general and even Does anybody have vague? Because you think he doesn't like you now? You seem so like people even seem to like the algae bt q reporter who there was a famous viral thing of them. Having a discussion you seem to like her, you seem so like people, that's real good quality. But the saved us then a little bit of the deplorable mistake
would say, is taking a little bit out of context. If Europe, actually it wouldn't hit you the same and the context it does is more grading in context. He is making a point, you could argue about it, but I think it was a mistake. I'd say it was a mistake to work their way. Certainly, mocking people used to social is just a big mistake, so doesn't look like you serious, but if I don't know I feel like he already knows that he's wasting your time. He acts like a smart enough to know. None of this will help him. I was at the wall street journal. I think who's reporting that the war in ukraine could go on for years, because
their side as a clear goal is attainable, so they both have goals but they're not attainable. Russia's knock at all. If ukraine, Ukraine I gotta get us land back. So how did you ever peace and so the Your general saying could be yours, or do you think we're that dumb? Are we going to do this again. If we know weaken the other day and honestly we can. I say we, I think that they could. I think, maybe deserve this good. I think drunkard. I don't have any of the others good, but yeah, maybe maybe my pants. both seems very doable to me. I'm pretty sure I could do it myself. If I were present, it looks so doable leave any this, and- and you know It was wrong with the framing. he was wrong with the framing. Also
framing. Can you tell me what's wrong with that? the russian nor you crave have objectives that are both. Clearly stated I want this, but also reasonably attainable. So they're saying that you know there there are conflicting objectives. Are the problem? Do you see what's wrong with that? Framing I want to see if it just jumps out to anybody what's wrong with that framing is pure propaganda for arsenal. Oh, my god, I work, oh my god. It work there there diverting you from the obvious and they work. Oh my god I'm having a moment here were actually horrified, I'm fucking horrified.
You're gonna be real mad when they tell you when they frame it as ukraine and and russia what things, but there are having trouble getting them. Here's apart, you messing who the fuck cares. What other than one who the fuck cares Now, if the united states wants them to stop fighting we're going to make them stop, that's it. I don't care. If ukraine wants it, I don't care what they want. I don't care what. woodward. How did you all miss that was? I did they do such a good job of propaganda that every one of you miss that year, they made. You think that it matters what they think it doesn't matter, what they think they did Same thing with mexico, I remember when released,
while the mexican governments never going to agree to our military going in operating as the cartels, the mexican government is never going to agree what's wrong with that framing who the fuck cares, what the mexican government wants its not after them. They don't have a fucking vote. We have the military, the united states and we're under attack the mexican government zero vote. we're wasting our time and treasure in ukraine and its costing us bigtime does ukraine of the vote and that no now that they don't vote in the united states, does Putin have a vote. Nope nope, not a vote. Now. If we get a president who can actually see past narratives vacant trump can probably several Can I just mentioned to you, need somebody who can see pass that framing and we do have to. I d
If we have more than I actually rfk Jr, we have three candidates who can see past the propaganda framing, but I am horrified that none of you did, or at least in the comments you didn't mention it now now that I've mentioned it. Do you see it? Am I right? You say it right. You see that the framing of what they care about is just absolutely as it should be. A crime The fact that they could even guide your mind in that direction is just crazy. Now this is a subset of a refrain in my book. whether refrains and refrain your brain available now in general is You don't know who has the power
We often get lost in an assumption of who has the power. Ukraine does have any power, russian doesn't Emily power and our government doesn't have any power you do. you and I do collectively we can decide what our government does just by answering poles. The say: don't do that is eighty percent. The government can do it there. very few things your government can do with eighty percent of the public is against it, because I need to get reelected so the American public has the power The media has cut you off from it by this kind of narrative. This can an error just takes all your power away, because you don't know you have the power and you're like arguing about stuff. Oh. creating this spoon that they're not relevant You're not relevant, o europe no relevant. Now the great britain was now relevant, not relevant.
military industrial complex, they one well the relevant unfortunate shouldn't be, but there you can't be serious. our citizens do not have the power because they believe they did not. So that doesn't seem to be changing. So at the moment don't, but it will require only array frame of how they think before they would, and all you would have to do is tell the people you know. If the united states wants to end this, we could do it tomorrow. What do you think?
I am that you don't think you would get eighty per cent saying well, I didn't realize that was an option though it is, it's actually an option. You just ignore the interests of the other people, because you can and they're not relevant to you and then just end it. You just tell both sides: you'll crush them, you'll crush them. If they don't stop right now, I think trump's, the only one who can sell it, but the vacant say it I mean. Maybe you can sell it, but trump can sell it. Alright,. what else is going on- that's about it. I don't think you need much more. That's a good, solid hour of content that you won't see anywhere else and not too many commercials, alright, that
I saw that the famous twitter account captured was complaining about the blocking feature and they alone blog, the alarm tweeted that he's blocking people were complaining about blocking. So the sea area like It- and I thought I love it. I love it I dont? Even though I don't love the blocking? I just love the fact that a black people for complaining about blocking so they can see how they feel about been blocked, he's helping is helping The second funny thing about that is, I blocked captured a long time ago, because he's a fucking idiot, I dunno, maybe maybe like it- maybe a follow him personally is an idiot. That's my take
I wouldn't want to see any visas tweets again, except Ellen was funny james wood is making some news. I saw a video from them that a video of some you know use attacking cars in philadelphia and he tweeted the other day. This isn't fixable so sound familiar, this isn't fixable. Now I don't think he follows me. Well, he probably caught the headlines. Don't you think, don't you think james was caught the headlines about my cancellation, probably most people
but it's not fixable wherever you heard of that before. Besides me, who, who is another person who said it's not fixable, you have to know when to hold em and know when to fold them right, Alice jones, Chris rock, really chris rock, I dunno about that Alex jones bill Mitchell. Now. So yeah and by the way, there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that. it's not it's not cruel. It's just a statement of what you think is that and so I would like cities not to fall into decay, I would like everybody to have you know jobs and not walking on bumps in the street, but Doesn't look like is going to happen and I would guess that the future is building new cities, as, as I said at the beginning,
And I think the old ones just have to go because I think they need to bottom and then probably they'll just turn into something else. But I think cities are pro level long term decline and I don't think we should necessarily try to fix them if they're not interested in fixing themselves, so I would say, get away from cities. If you can, I should do a podcast with a peter zay and I don't think, as guests as he I think he just does. His own thing is very interesting, but I I noted- and I am glad you mentioned him so eventually there. The peters answer that russia's real goal with all of its aggressive moves were make sure they control the attack, points to defend russia, and there.
I looked at him. They they line up very well with the most strategic attack points. Now his take is, if you could, you know make well, I think I'm I'm saying too much about his take on says my take. Is that Then I would suggest there's a way to deal with russia. were you say I, your problem? Is these these checkpoints? Maybe there is some way short of a war that you can get some security, that we can get some security and we're not nobody's giving up too much So that was suggest if the peter zan view of the world is right is spelt. Those joke points that gives you something the negotiated. If the wall street journal right, which is a totally different, take and by the way, never mentioned the eco point issue, Never seen anywhere else. Actually it is true that the goals are amorphous and impossible to get the new cap. Is
so the wall street journal article looks like an article. There was written by the military industrial complex announcing it was, but a reads like it. When you it shows no hope. And warn you that the war will take years who benefits from that military industrial complex, maybe the neo guns. As much as I think. The wall street journal is one of the best independent vehicles for news, and I'm not gonna make an accusation about those specific. article but use your own judgment there. another view that would say it's negotiable at least two views
and they act like because it's a morpheus that it can't be negotiated. The amorphous part is really not the problem, and I don't know if they're just bad at telling you all the context or if they were influenced by the military industrial complex right, so that those are the questions you ask about a story like that. Anybody else, sir gotta topic I Haven'T- talked about, Yeah one of the things about being a public figure. Is there any way to be a public figure and to not be accused of being anti semitic? As some point in your career.
It is like literally unavoidable. China is in trouble. Fifteen minutes it is easy to pacify so as everybody everything else for as long as the government can turn off your money, which they can do any time they want. Therefore, control already. Has the government can turn off your money. They already have full control. Well, the next hurricane became gave him a b c d e g h. Now it's gonna have to start with the letter. I right because they go they go in order.
We have to be levin Alex Jones, I don't know of his. I can't imagine latvians can imagine what else I can't imagine another school closing. I can imagine aren t I. I think we have talked about it all and, ladies and gentlemen, I gotta go talk to local spain. Well, thanks for joining youtube, Scott believes these people have reasons I dunno which people, but if you believe that I think that people operate on reason, you have not. You have not followed me for very long bye for now.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-21.