« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2201 Scott Adams: The Newest Brainwashing Op, I'll Give You The Play-By-Play. Bring Coffee

2023-08-15 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a

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Politics, President Trump, Georgia Indictments, Brainwashing Machinery, Ruby Freeman, Vivek Ramaswamy, Entertainment Prosecutions, President Biden, Outrage Dilution, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Dude did it to do. You know. The important question is I'd like to ask rick about his breakfast. I hear there was some homemade sausages involved and maybe some eggs from your chickens and that's the most important thing we have to talk about today and I'm glad we cover that first. But if you'd like to take this experience, which I believe will be sublime, with the way up to incredible. I can't even believe it. How did I even get here? Why am I so lucky? All you need is a cup or a mug or a glass of tanker chelsea style, the campaign joga flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite. quit. I like coffee and joy now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine data, the data That makes everything better, it's called the simultaneous up, but the evidence now
Why here there's some news today, maybe exactly why you came here to hear about it talk about that, but let's get a little stuff. First. Currently. There is some concern that people are having sex in self driving cars. which was a confusing story to to people before having sex in self driving cars. What am I missing about the story? Was that the reason for self driving? what war was the other reason but
what did you see the story? I dunno, if was real, that elon musk was going to drive his self driving tesla to do Zuckerberg's house a knock at his door and see if he wanted it, and I saw that tweet it wasn't true. It was a true tweet right. The tweet was true yeah, they said suck my tongue you're based on the the buddhist and so I read that tweet. As I said to myself when I read it, I didn't think this could get any more entertaining you're what once they said we might fight in the colosseum. Like the moment, I heard that I thought ok
Alright, this can't get any better, there's no way. This story can get better, so we've reached the pinnacle and that the tweezers driving yourself a self driving car to knock on his door, and if he wants to fight come on this, that is the best David all week now, allegedly the fight is off right thing. Zuckerberg tried to call it off because he thought it most wasn't being serious, but who knows who knows? Maybe it's all part of the act. You know, maybe the calling it office you're just part of the spectacle who knows maybe we'll see it alright, but if you're alone in a self driving car act and act accordingly and if you're not following the new dilbert reborn comic, there's a little space here than the original, which you can always say if you're watching that
Driving on twitter oreo, member of the local community however, what you will be missing, if you now say, is that wally is using a data gap called twenty three in me, but don't worry no worry world. While he is just looking for people where things in common with him and he he will stay well below the one percent share dna levels- and I worry about it, it's just looking for people of the same I love cilantro and sons. These reflects the years, that's a good starting point Anyway, that's what you're, missing and stuff like that, the best thing by the way limit. Let me see from the people who are actually following. New dilber reborn. Can you give me an answer in the comments since it, since I was cancelled, is the comic better or worse since cancellation, better or worse?
I will the locals, or on represent better lucy. I will do over on youtube. One hundred percent people say better yet is way better and it's not a surprise. Why is better, because now I greatest the way I want to write it. I don't have to write it for the lowest common denominator in the newspaper, which is children yeah. You have to write a comic for newspapers to a ten year. Old child would not be offended by it and would under after that as well. So the the standard has changed, and I am free, so you're going to need missing of good stuff if you're missing that alright, If I told you that if you ever heard me say that all news about public figures is fake and you said to yourself well obvious exaggeration does not it's not all news is fake. Well, I don't mean if somebody died. That's almost always
right, think they get that right. Somebody died or they got a new movie deal is probably true, but The interpretation of why anybody's doing anything- that's never true for public figures, never true, not ever ever a true just some basic facts of you. So now things happen. There's another one. Do you remember the movie the blind side and it was Sandra bullock and she played the ep, the wife of a couple who- opted a promising think teenage at the time black bat footballer. and they they helped guide them into. You know his best self and he became a football star, so that was the story, so they adopted him and they they nurtured him into becoming the best he can be
movie, it turns out that the gentleman who was the subject of that movie more michael over now retired football player but he's a file petition with the tennis court. That alleges who was never adopted by the family and they profited from his great and it was all sort of a money making scam that does that feel like a good base to get the rest of my lifestream going. How have I set the stage? Do you feel properly primed all news? All news about public figures is fake. when their talk about interpretations of why anybody anything right now isn't chew. He was a football player. Yes,
it's true? His name is Michael or probably is it yeah, but that's about it. You know what once you get the basics, all the interpretation of? Why anybody today think it's all fake always has been You learn that you'll be in good shape. If I were to ask you bless, let's randomly somebody said to you that they know a person who doesn't she, to understand the concept of cause and effect. Suppose you heard about somebody just a stranger, and I told you you know I dunno it's weird, but they don't seem to understand that the things they do would have pretty predictable outcomes, and why would they do those things? Would you say that person was most likely a democrat or republican go yeah? Of course I prime you for that. So you're all saying democrats
Did you know that was right as now? This is like every other generalization is not one hundred percent right or are there not plenty of Democrats who can plan ahead and see the future like everybody else can, of course, here's a good example. Due to the let's see, I guess, he's the mode. It seems the majority leader now in the senate and his name is a scammer scammer. This name, scum e r, know your style. You with a you spell it with an h in the name. Scammer is scum or not humor now the reason I know that is because I read fox news today and they spelled his name twice see you m here scupper. Why are you telling me that the news is right? It's on fox news is obeyed,
They show a picture of a man, they say his name under title and then again in the story. They spell a very carefully scupper. So is that what you're acting like as wrong or something ok is really humor and they really do have a typo. There really does call him scupper. That's a real story, not making that up. They actually called them, is governed like it, was a typo or was it or did they? I at the cairo guy. Did the cairo guys fox news come back with, a promotion is either. headline guy. Now, god I hope so I hope is that, like guy though please Well, you might know that the fox news, Cairum guy, who got fired for his, is a humorous cairo.
As of job now at robots renews the other comic than I do that only available within the locals platform, so the cairo guy is quite busy within my comic anyway. So do you remember when no shimmer less columns humor? For now, you remember, you said that when trump, when, after the intelligence community, That was stupid because I had a hundred ways from sunday to get back at you. Remember that and then they did so we know we know this Schumer understands cause and effect cause. He called it out very directly. If trump does this, the intelligence community is going to get back at him and then we watched it happen in real time. You know the laptop thing, blah blah blah blah blah russia collusion, you name it so cause and effect, but it doesn't seem like the progressive side of the Democrats.
understand at all. It's like they don't understand that if you reward bad behavior, you get more of it. Why are they actually? I'm not understanding? Why there's a crime wave? Does anybody not know? I there's a cry wave probably only the people on the left, everybody else understands completely. Oh, if you make it legal, I saw a tweet from Jake shields today he said: why is anybody paying for goods in stores in California? If it's under nine hundred and fifty dollars, you won't get arrested? And I thought: well, I'm not going to be so get like criminal. Why, unlike have enjoyed the bad guys just because I could get away with it, does not good enough reason. You can't just pick up merchandise, because you're not gonna be prosecuted. However, if I go to a store- and I realize I got there- and I forgot my wallet,
not drive and all the way home. So I'm not I'm not that pure do make sense just kidding, I'm not gonna steal, because I forgot my wallet. I might steel, bring the money later, but I'm not going to you know I'm not going to walk out of the store without the goods if there's no penalty. I mean. If I really need that box cheerios, I dont each area was, but if I did, that would be the funny thing to say
Alright, well you're, all watching the big news that trump has been indicted for the fourth time for indictments how many impeachments to two impeachments for indictments so far, you know: have you ever heard that president trump he was famous for not using text, you didn't send text messages and he also never used email. Do you ever wonder about that? Like first, you think to yourself what a troglodyte, what kind of a cave person see as a cave person, because on modern what kind of a cave person doesn't use email and never but then they realize- or maybe it's about protecting is digital footprint.
And then you say well, why would they need to do that? Well, let me suggest one reason you might want to not leave a digital record every time he makes a phone call, he gets impeached or indicted I think that would make you cautious about what you said on the telephone or on the text or an email mail. I think he's about this. Far from never using a telephone again is literally been indicted and overture different phone gulls, both of which he calls is perfect phone couples.
How many of you think that we're seeing a legal process and how many of you think we're seeing a political process accompanied by a massive brainwashing operation, massive brainwashing, so everybody on the left is going to say or abs or everybody in the races as a political operation? What do you think the left sees this in their in their private moments? What do you think they say this? Do you think they see in Israel? They think they don't know it's political. I think they know. Is political but they think he's so dirty that they don't care if it's Al Capone and his taxes they just want him gone because they they figure. He is so bad. It doesn't matter what the details are. You just got. get rid of them, so I'm not sure they care, don't think they care. I mean I've never seen. I haven't seen anybody care, but let's dig into that a little bit that my take on this is that if you know
in the middle of a massive brainwashing operation. You can learn a lot. So the first thing you look for is what characters they they pushed to the front of the line so who's on cnn, whose on MSNBC I wanted to say if it looks like The usual liar classes in other democrats of a set of professional liars, you're aware of their rights if they said, War swell well were jamie ruskin goldman that they seem to be in the job have only lived, they don't seem to be. Even you know slightly interested in an accurate estimation. Now, that's probably true of all politicians. What did you say pretty much all the politicians, few cornered them. They're gonna say what their party says, but here's the difference, most of them. You would have to corner you'd have to corner them there,
I could volunteer or it'll, be the first ones to go on tv to say the things that they know are not exactly true. But there is a small group of Democrats and there there may be the same on the republican side. I don't know if this is exclusive or not. but I recognise ones on the Democrats, eyed and when you see them should say to yourself that's the signal that this is not real news. A lose its brainwashing operation so What do you expect, for example, that you'll see Carl Bernstein tell you that is worse than the watergate, when you expect us here, of course, but he may not have been available because cnn dot, John dean to say it was worse than watergate. So I mean if Bernstein is on vacation or something you gotta get the the second worse than watergate. Guy now, is that not obvious if, if
in actual news watcher and they they trot out a worse than watergate guy or the substitute worse than watergate guy. You know it's a brainwashing up, that's that's! That's a total tell for we're not! This is not real news. It's you know it's an influence campaign. with some other tells for influence, what is the number of charges? sort of long is I'd. Call it laundry list, persuasion if you ever long list of technical charges, then what does the public do when is a long term technical story, that even the lawyers disagree on what do human brains do when they can understand the details when they can understand the details, a default to sort of a team yo simplistic situation
So if there are enough charges, you know they don't say there are six charges, they say they're. You know seventy two or to oh by the way. So if you want to know the exact number of charges, those are so, I looked for the exact number charges is tat. Ten, georgia's. No thirteen, thirteen charges ways. Seventy two! Seventy two job, no tab thirteen. Actually I don't know, but I've seen all of those numbers today eventually see in all of those some bunch of charges? But the news is the reporting, those different numbers. I don't know why. So here are the heirs of phrases to look for if you thought that things are its global, fixed, the sea,
your most famous phrases are. I know I wrote that down somewhere the will get to it. But so here are some of the charge. Is the sea. At your georgia, rico act, racketeering racketeering sounds pretty bad. Doesn't it do you do? Racketeering is in this context, if, if you're not watching the news too closely- and somebody says racketeering, you think mafia, don't you just automatically? What does it mean in this context? Well, if you're a republican, you would describe it this way. Are you telling me that you talked to his lawyers and got their advice, and then they talked to a bunch of people to find out what was practical and what you could do
legal and what was not legal that that's actually what the racketeering is. I think the conspiracy, the conspiracy and racketeering, our people trying to figure out what is legal and practical to do in this situation, given their beliefs about so there's that. About desolate solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer, what do you think lessons very bad right while sense. that? What do you think there really was? A Republican were to explain the same thing, what words when they use. I think it would be just guessing something like they talked. if a public official- and they said this- is our interpretation of what you can do and we think you would be allowed to do this under our interpretation. Would you agree that you know you could do this?
Now I don't know, but I think he's probably be suddenly somebody that just speculated here how about conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer. Oh my god,. those terrible. Are you telling me that they actually get somebody to pretend to be somebody else's identity that sell really super serious You think that really was. I don't know, but I think this is referring to try to get a alternate slate of electors. Which they believed under some legal theory would be not unprecedented and not illegal under their interpretation of the law. now suppose they had been wrong. Suppose they gotten away with it, but they were wrong. It would have gone to the supreme court, then or would say now we don't buy these electors perhaps and then what would happen there would continue to run the country
So I think there is a we drive and then it would just be part of the legal negotiating process just like everything else, but no less. To commit a forgery weathers another charge about forgery, forgery and the first degree? Do you even know what story that refers to? Is anybody even aware of what a forgery allegation is even involved with? But I would imagine is something about the electors right now. That would that get to the fact that If you are a fake elector, then if you sign something as a real elector, then you're a forger, even though everything's transparent, you're not trying to be the other person you're just saying that year. The elector says that is at the forgery. I dunno, what else? How about?
false statements and writings, false statements and writings desire, referred to their belief that the election was red is at the false statements. Well how about filing false documents? Is that related to the legal theory that they thought they could have different electors up? How about solicitation in violation
of oaths by public officer? That's also the same same thing, right hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite pot, gasters unspecified every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the gaunt and even more so that over to spot, if I searched for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punkahs and view the latest episodes in response
if the q and a and balls on spotify only alright by the way, every news story you read has a different set of charges. I don't know why different number of indictments different set of descriptions of the charges. I don't know why I'm trying to figure out what's true and I'm not sure that news knows it's, it's almost using by purpose, but there is also a year some story here about Ruby Freeman, you remember the Ruby freeman story. Barely she got Biden gave her the presidential. of honor. I didn't know that so she was an individual who worked it as an election worker as is accused by various republicans of trying to rig the election.
Because they saw something on video that was later later demonstrated to be a edited video and that she did nothing that anybody could determine the officials when the officials looked at it, they could determine no crimes or improprieties at all. now, if you wanted to brush up on this and say well, I don't remember the details in the story. You know what you know in a brush up on it, so you probably google it like. I did so I googled her name and then debunk gazette usually works. There's always somebody used ie. Ok, everything and the first. It was amazing news. Do remember. I told you we're in a brainwashing operation. So look for the tells, because these are the ones that will tell you what's going to happen, what what is it? What does it tell you when the top search result is NBC,
Why have we news is often accused of being the news that is most controlled by the intelligence operations in the united states? Does the accusation And so the the let's say, hypothetically, if it was a big brainwashing operation with all of the usual elements in play, so that would include the media would include the intelligence, people and the Democrats in general. If that's the case- and it looks exactly like it is the case, but you know we don't know details, but it looks like you would expect that Google would start manipulating the results. I'm not saying they did. I'm saying this is why you would expect to see you'd expect to see that if you looked for the the ruby freeman situation and the details, you would find them under normal
circumstance, you'd see why she was alleged to have done. Then you see how she was cleared and the details of why what you thought you saw was not true, for example, can show you the original video and then Are you the highly edited video and say? Ok, this is like the fine people hope You can see what he said. You can see how they report it as we call it and then you can see for yourself. Oh my god, I thought I thought something bad happening, but now they see the video see. The video has been manipulated, icy urban fooled now? Would that be a really useful thing for a news organization to do, given that the news is, there is a complete one and there's a fake one but if you don't have it, if you don't have access to one of them, was they have access to the complete one? Don't you think this or it should at least say the part. where she I'm just making this up, but I it would say, for example, the part where
it looked like she fed the same ballots more than once. Perhaps I should say that didn't happen. They added it. So you saw the same ballast go through twice, but it was only one time they just additives will look like twice right now, and I say this will happen. I'm say that if that was the explanation, it would be ready at the top of this We will be almost in the first paragraph right. She she was accused of running ballots twice, but it was an edit that made it look like they ran twice howard. Would it be to explain them because that is the story, what are the top, but instead they just say it was highly edited video, I feel like I did a little bit more attitude in what way did they add something was simply added or something subtracted. So when the story first break?
ro, I remember seeing a story in the news in which, in the fish who understood the process works for that very voting centre Did there and watch the video in in the presence of a news reporter and pointed to what was happening and said. Yes, that's all that's totally appropriate. And then you like, hey, but that looks sketchy and then the official said: that's not sketchy. This is the normal process you're watching the normal process. I don't see anything wrong with this. Now. I've never seen that again, but wouldn't that be useful, wouldn't you like to see that if you're trying to understand what is true and what is not That would be the most useful thing. The experts standing there pointing to the video and saying you look, you think that's illegal, but that's actually normal procedure right there. I can tell you that normal procedure where's that
So here's was missing when I, when I google it and the NBC news link comes up. What's missing is. How is this editing done to fool us and it the official explanation of specifically why there was no problem. It's almost like they don't want you to know there was a problem, but here's the catch sight. They don't want you to know that there was no problem. Why would they do that if you were in and if you were an intelligence agency, influenced news media? If you are now saying they are, but if you're, why would you want that story to be unclear when it would be so easy to make a clear, she's accused of doing this? They entered it and to make it
I like that, but what she was really doing was running at once. How hard is that? Why? Why would it still be unclear to this day? Here's why I think. I think that the ruby freedom story was to draw your attention to the weakest part of this. I always thought on day. One don't believe this I saw the video like you. Did them when I saw I said, I don't believe that there's something wrong here. Raising reason you do. That is, if you can get all the election deniers to focus on Ruby and then that's the easiest thing to debunk. You have you win you collect. Other instrument. Is or like the crack and my my speculation about the crack and is that somebody in the intelligence can
Pretty fed said the powell a credible sounding lie that she thought she got from such a good source that she could go on tv and say it safely and that that was always a trick to give her the weakest story, the most ridiculous story, so that she'll go public with the most ridiculous story and it would debunk all of her other credibility that she'd built up for an entire career and that's. Why habit? Because the story was so ridiculous. It made you think nothing else she says can be believed. Where do you think she got that story of ever heard anybody ever told you, where suddenly powell heard the story about the general and she ever said, do you think it might be a source that she trusted to be part of the intelligence community
do you think it might then somebody associated with the intelligence community get. Can you do a fact check see if you can find Who's she says was resource. I've never seen a reported, a view scattered conspicuously missing from the story So what I think is that sometimes the intelligence community It gives you a fake piece of evidence, some red meat, to draw all your attention to it, because that's not the good one cause. If there's a good one or let's say a real any real problems. the election, all of your attention will be drawn away. You would be completely disgraced by believing it and then, when you started
I bought the real one, everybody would say: yeah yeah yeah, we've heard from you disgraced lying idiot, go back to your hole. So to me the Ruby freeman thing looks like somebody who probably did not mind. My belief is that she didn't break any laws. I don't think she did This is a little bit too public about it. Right I mean she was very you know upfront like yeah. There's nothing died. I don't think she broke a law. I think I think that maybe the rumor started on the right and then the intelligence people on the left said. Let's keeps us alive because once the once, once this dies, they'll realize that they were the real whole. That's why I think so. I think that was part of the op and yeah. Let's see.
Fourth- the fourth and I believe here- it's amazing- say some other things about that. Thirteen money is pushing false claims of So apparently it's illegal to have. In the: u lost. If you talk about it, that's than theirs, weird part where the former publicist if kanye west was pressuring ruby freeman to say that she was part of some conspiracy, but she wouldn't do it. So that's just like a weird little side thing and, of course, the whole trump urged to find enough votes.
Isn't it isn't an amazing to you that the the context of believing the election was rigged and wanted to make sure that the votes were carried out properly and that you lost by road? One thousand votes? He said. I only need to find twelve thousand that that sounds like mafia talk. That's the worst mafia talk. I maybe we should be blaming you for big bad at mafia talk, really, that's your best mafia talk right there. I can do better mafia talk to them that, like when the practice was over hey. You know if you don't find those twelve thousand votes. Some people might be quite angry at you and you don't. You might regret it later now. That's mafia duck
Let me give you not mafia doc. I only need to find twelve thousand of the votes, I believe or miss grammont. Oh no, oh the mafias after me, he wants me to recall the votes, which is the normal process. We always order things when we suspect there's a problem, although the mafia, Was ruby freedom supervisor her daughter? I think I did see that, but it wouldn't be relevant to anything. These curious part is that give me a fact, jack agnes, how many of trumps lawyers,
Are also indicted for, although Jenna Ellis may not have been acting as a lawyer, maybe she was more of an advisor in this context, I'm not sure, but there there are at least four people who were as advisors with legal degrees. They got indicted right at least four? If you are a lawyer, how would you feel about that today making it illegal to go to give legal advice? Oh and then MK, Michael Cohen,. yeah. So, as others have said, it does, look like part of the play is to make it impossible for trump ever to get good legal representation, because lawyers won't want to work with him and also to poison him. If he, if he were to win, it, would poison them again, because everybody
seems to be associated with him gets indicted. Let let me say very clearly: I would never work for job. I would never go to work for in my wildest, your stupidity. I would never go to work for him. It was not because of job is because you're going to get indicted if you work for trump. So this this threat of, if you work with trump you're, going to go to jail, that's very real. That is completely real cow, count. So there's gotta be a coward you'd. Others there's a slight difference between cowardice at fucking stupid. Do you know aside ura you're you're, the fucking stew? side. If you take that job now, bravery has a place, bravery s place.
Sometimes I go there when there's some pay off this worthy. This would just be stupid because they they ve criminalized being, is adviser criminalized. Now, if you thought I wasn't brave, you know I've been talking about job for five years. You know that I've lost, everything, because I have right- I mean not the it's bothering me too much, but you know I lost my entire career and reputation and there are places. I can't even travel too, because I, because I don't hate trump, so fuck you and everything about you for imagining that bravery is part of this conference. Fuck, you very much go, examine yourself and that, on the other thing is figure out who's on your fuckin team right?
If I'm on your side, give me a little bit of a break and just figure out figure out how not to be an asshole, and maybe you can get more people to agree with you, coward fuckin piece of shit. more mind? Reading from the abysses, I guess and then part of the charges are that this is just the same, that tromp team is allegedly charge with or indicted. For breaching voting machines and coffee county breaching voting machines? Now, read that. Do you say to yourself that sounds like they were trying to act. The election. Is there trying to make it sound like that? Do not really happened. There were invited
access to the machines to see if there was any problems there were invited, have access by the people who had access, and they said oh, we should do this. This is crazy, stuff This is done by the way. Did you see the video clip maria and williamson telling I'll tell you bill mara that he sounded like a republican or a conservative or something.
in addition to the interest, without are hard, so you have to watch it because that's just what that, basically that's what just happened to me. You know so somebody's making a ridiculous claim the so counter factual and and he and he just he, he got interface. So you have to watch bill Maher lean forward, a gathered face and tell her. If you want to make this personal about you, we cab, it was fucking, awesome yeah. He actually threatened her. He actually threatened her. If you want to talk about your person We can do that yeah. It was awesome. Alright, the end, by the way, I thought his reaction was the correct one. I thought that he should. He should have replied in a very impolite way and aggressively, and he did
Well did that while he was liberated so good for him, The bureau points out. There glass seal has been broken and that both sides just be the politician or helping a politician can get you in jail, and the Democrats should expect that when republicans get power, if they do, they will be looking to jail. Is money democrats as they can in ways that they normally would not?
What do you think of that good idea or bad mutually assured destruction? Does it? Does it work that if you have a a threat that works both ways under normal circumstances, mutually assured destruction would be appropriate? Are these normal enough circumstances where simply having a threat of response will work? I would say: no, I believe, we're so far from a normal, stable situation that all threats sound like all other threats. It's just a world of everybody threads each other, so no particular threat seems to have a weight, because we feel at this point that everybody will do everything they can all the time nobody is holding back right. Did you feel, like somebody was holding back if nobody is holding back there's nothing to bargain, because everybody's
in all the way. So I don't think that mutually assured destruction works in american politics and twenty twenty three twenty. I think that everybody's just doing whatever they can, and I think that there are people who are legitimately. You have been brainwashed to be afraid of trump, that there is no limits to what fucker he they will be willing to pursue no limits at all. so things are going to get spicy. Oh here's, a little aside. Rasmussen did, or did a poll found forty, eight percent leave. The defeat of Biden would be good for the economy and only thirty four percent think Biden's. Defeat would be bad if he gets defeated and trump and four years ago, fifty eight percent of voters rated as you can be good or excellent. Wow, that's a lot. Fifty eight percent said good or excellent. When trump was that's, a high number
But forty four said it will be good for the economy if trump was defeated. So really you should read. This story is just inside politics. People voting for their team cause. Forty four and forty are not that different. I do that else's happened. Let's see how many Do you think that the in the georgia indictment is well? You've already said it's political, I guess I don't need to ask a different form of that question, but do you understand that these are state charges and therefore they cannot be pardoned by a future president
The president can only do federal charges, so does it look to you like they tried to federalize state charges? Some of these are clearly just state charges, but it does look like they're searching for a way to get him. I don't know how you can interpret this any other way than they're trying to keep him out of office using lawfare me. It looks clearly like that, and what do you think this does for vache? So do you think is possible that trump will be taken out of the election? What am I dunno if he'll be convicted of anything, but do you think he'll be taken out as a candidate? I think he would definitely run for office while he's in jail and I'd be happy. If he did, I mean if he gets the nomination, but the problem is that if you were hoping that vivek would be the the sort of revenge he won't be able to pardon.
won't be able to party, but here's what I wonder. I wonder if the people involved in prosecuting trump could themselves be arrested for illegal prosecution and have we reached a point where you can arrest the people who are doing the arresting as long as your team is in power is now everybody just arresting the other team anytime anytime they can. I don't think vivek would do that because that would seem like a system, destruction, move and he's not he's not the system, destruction guy, but you wonder you wonder if somebody wouldn't try to do it all right. How many of you think this is going to turn into a positive for republicans because of the overreach.
Do you think this is such an overreach that will overturn? Who positive it too early to say too early to say a good? but definitely the stakes are the highest. I've seen them is doubly playing into the Republicans frame that they ve weapon eyes. The government. Do you think there that there are no Democrats who understand this as weapon eyes government? Do you think that you all Democrats see? This is just a long overdue legal process or do you think they see it as what it is? I feel comfortable and say what it is in this case, because it's just so obvious, I don't think there's any additional mystery to it.
yeah? I think the tds is so great. They might actually believe this is legitimate. The scariest thing is watching people enjoy it. Did you see the clip of Hillary Clinton learning while she was on MSNBC alluring that the indictments came down and she could get the the laugh off her face? Who does that. Who does that who laughs as somebody being indicted and might go to jail for the rest of his life? For this for clinical grubs and I saw many hassan, whose identified with the left, who said that the quite happily said stay crimes can't be pardoned by president, in georgia? Even the geo p governor lacks the power to pardon, and then he says,
this is worse. Oh and just for fun trials are televised in georgia just for fun, don't you think these literally joined? This is entertainment So saw the how this has become entertainment. The kind that's a comedy so for half of the country is a copy. Would you be laughing out loud if Joe Biden went to prison for collecting money oversees? I don't. I don't think I would find that funny.
Like I would make my usual, you know wry commentary about it, because it's what I do, but you know if I'm sitting at home alone. I wouldn't laugh at that you're talking about my president right. I know it bothers some of you when I say that but Biden's my president, if my president goes to jail for anything, that's a bad day. Even even if I wanted to happen it's a bad day and watching the delight that people are having with trump is another tell for what what's. Hell for brainwashing, of course, brainwashing. You would not have this reaction if you are operating under your normal, your own feelings and energy for
in order to laugh at this out loud in public. Like hilary did she s to believe that she is is part of a world which would enjoy the same laugh if she were embarrassed by the left. She would have suppressed it, but she was not not embarrassed. It was like she was sharing it with you, Yeah all laugh this. Finally, look about with law, fair, maybe the worst day in american history. It might be This might actually be the worst day in american history. I mean you could say that window is violence. It was worse, but for Nonviolent day, this might be one of the worst in american history, but it also
be nothing at all, which is weird. I can't tell this could turn into. It helps trump's campaign. He raises more money. The charges get worked through and defeated or postponed yo. The legal process will just grind this down until you just bored with it, so it could go in any direction. I don't have. I don't even have a guess of which way this is gonna go. I assume that the trump team will beat the charges down over. However many years it takes until there's no jail, but I do think it might absorb all of his time and attention and take him out of the race. Maybe you just can now. I do worry that the Democrats know that if they run against the vague they got trouble, but do they do that? I think the people were really paying. Attention might know it, but I don't think they understand the power he's bringing to this. If they're looking at him, you know based on his reputation. Let's say he's not he's not been a politician. It looks like a newbie he's too young they'd say so. I've got a feeling that they're not taking him seriously polling. Third down with down with the you know the low end people. I don't think they see this covered if they take.
I take trump off the field. The only thing you should be mad about is that they took trump off the field. If the result is a vague uses it as his club to get elected which he could and would he would use it as a club and should do then you might come out ahead. Would you hate having somebody who had trump like let's say political views. but you put it in a younger, less and less baggage candidate who has a bigger future and in some ways, is even more bold. The job would that would you be considered? Would you say you lost? You would definitely
I lost what I would call some rule of law and some you know some belief in the value of your country. I mean you'd lose a lot emotionally and intellectually and maybe even legally, but you could end up with a stronger republican president and maybe one of the strongest of all time right cause. I dunno how many times I'm going to say this until people Now the vague is not a normal carefully. What what you're saying is something we ve never seen before. I said it on the man gave yesterday, saw both alien. I think, today alone, he had two earned media heads in which the point to the story was my god. Did you see how? Well he did that one was a conversation with a l gb.
The two parents, actual where you saw the best example of a conservative talky respectfully to somebody with the very opposite. use and laying out is used in a way that they did not look. Bigoted did not look like anything, but somebody's tried to figure out what makes sense in what works. Does it know adrian bigotry, no attitude, I just think this works in this does and that there is a second story can remember what it was by, but he once again, you ve got the media. It's that made you talk wasn't about, wasn't about the border was about about the indictments, but how many have any meaning. successes did that the scientists have this week, none
vague is one or two per day, one or two per day nobody's ever done that right, even even tromp twenty makes news is negative news. Half the time right. The Democrats, Democrats at least again in a negative way, but ones are vague, makes news. It was because he had the best public conversation with somebody deeply on the other side. Who does that right? Who does that? You ve never even see that before this, like a story, eve literally never seen in the middle? the primary you know where things are the most divided, because people are talking to their base in the middle of a primary. He showed you the high ground with somebody who would presumably have very opposite views. You think alright,
Well, I'm going to double down and saying that so Biden has been back from vacation for a few days and he's still completely blowing the maui communication thing to the point where even his spokesperson was visibly embarrassed. Do you do you feel this mind reading or know if you watched the jean Pierre Jon whatever she is gonna, remember name. If you watched his spokesperson, did she look visibly embarrassed at how Biden was handling the maui thing, yeah cringe on pier
I thought she looked embarrassed. How hard is it to embarrass your own spokes liar is literally literally her job to conceal the news from the news right and she looked embarrassed. Here's what I think is happening and all the signals are there. I believe that I believe Joe Biden'S- and I said this before, but you know the evidence is mounting, I believe the jill Biden told Joe when he was at the beach or during the vacation. I think that's the period that was picked probably by her and other advisers to tell him that he just isn't fit to rug and his response to maui can only be explained. Well, that's the only one I can imagine because he's not incapable. He has never been in a capable politician when it comes to hey here's an obvious place, you should show some empathy. Everybody can do that everybody everybody in politics when they see a situation like that they know what to say we're. Thinking about the victims will do everything we can we're highly engaged. This should never happen again. We gotta get to the bottom of it yeah, but most
Do you think about the victims today? Howard? Is that he couldn't do that if he couldn't do that, it's probably not just because of his health and confidence, but because he already is out of the job. So what you should look for is a level of engagement or interest in his job that is so low. You can't believe he's even serious about the job anymore, because I don't think he is so I'm going to call it. I believe the decision has come down. You just don't know yet. I believe the decision is made. I think he's out now. This is this: is speculation, not mine? really the speculation right, so I'm presenting it as it looks like it's happening based on the evidence of mind reading, would be I'm sure, he's thinking x. I didn't say that I'm saying all the signals are all in the same direction. That's all.
What else you've going on here as about it? So did you expect me to be angry about the indictment how many? How many of you are surprised, then I'm not outraged, because I am outraged the sort of on the inside cause part of part of this feels like we're being suffered
into overreacted lie january six january, six feels like being suckered into overreacting, the ruby freeman story and the fact that the people who say it's not true, won't show you the obvious and clear evidence of it not being true. It's like they want you to be suckered into arguing. Just like the cracking it look, it feels like we were being sucked into believing something that would make us look ridiculous later in a work. So I'm trying not to fall into the same trap of saying what what do you think people are gonna say today?
Well, it's a good thing. I have my gun and next january six will be back at the capitol right. Isn't that what the Democrats would love you to say they would love you to say that because then they can. You say your extreme, your extreme mega january. Six was exactly what you thought it is. They said they're going to do it again, this time they say they're really going to overthrow the government. So probably there not the last time. So basically overreacting is giving the bad guys everything they want.
If you're going to overreact, do it with your wallet just, do it quietly just do it with your wallet. Don't do it with your ammo and say that common? Don't don't don't make comments about the second amendment, just don't because let let me explain to you what a republic republican actual revolution would look like. It would look like republicans getting really quiet. That's when you need to be afraid, I'm not going to be afraid until republicans stop talking soon as they stop talking you better you'd, better hide. But
now talking plenty, so we're definitely talking. Definitely talking were well into just talking and we could stay there. I think it'll be talking plus lawyers etc, but dont give them what they want. What they want is for you to act like a crazy asshole, and then they go crazy. Poverty there all crazy either show you now all we're doing showing that nobody is above the law nobody's above along. That was a thing I was looking for. Did I really not write that down I was ready. There are things that you can tell or up so there you say the walls are closer than you can help me on this. The walls are closing and nobody is above the law. Gimme, the What do you do with you? All issues support your candidate leave. You won support.
Worse than watergate is worse than watergate. These are all the tell us for a brainwashing operation. So let me get Lenny army with this the next time, you see online and I'll take about a minute. Somebody's going to say nobody is above the law. Here is the response to that. Absolutely nobody is above the law, but also the law is not above the constitution. The law is not above the constitution. Checkmate.
checkmate the laws not above the constitution, so those who are saying that trump is not above the law, absolutely he's not above the law and the law is not above the constitution. Don't lose sight of that and I don't know if the constitution says that trump is not allowed to talk. Do you remember you know no expert, because is there a part of the constitution that says the president the only person who is not allowed to give his opinion in public well, apparently there's a law that says he can't, according to some legal people, no disagreement on that. But thirty ninth amendment right do not lose sight that the law is not above the constitution. That's why you have the supreme court. The whole point is that the supreme court will tell you when your laws aren't, aren't doing it right.
barking mad. Alright, give me give me your state of mind right now, those who were leaning right tell me your state of mind. Ok, want! I see that calm down you don't.
Illness numbers a little bit. What I'm feeling I'm feeling overwhelmed with factory. I mean there there's so much badness and all of these stories that I don't even know where to focus my my anger. I have. I have badness. There should be a name for this, something like outrage, diversification or now. What do you call when something's water down dilution is outrage? Dilution not overload dilution because you're, you know you should be outraged at all the individual items, but they're just too much just too much outrage. Dilution! That's where we are so put your outrage interior wall,
if you're going to support a candidate because apparently fairly money makes a difference. You can have some small influence on events, but also make sure that you're you're presenting this correctly you're framing it correctly. If, if anybody thinks it's not a political event, I wouldn't get into the weeds with them cause. You wouldn't really be talking about a serious person at that point. That would just be an npc or team player or something. So I wouldn't get into the weeds about the details with anybody who thinks these are real crimes and by the way I dunno, if they're real crimes or not, but I know that under normal circumstances, that would be no charges. Alright, yeah feeling thirsty.
well, let's the the way I'm going to play. This is as a play by play announcer and I'm just going to call out the brainwashing machinery. So, as I can tell you a nauseum, the one thing that's different about this year and last really, maybe last two years or so, is that we started to see the machinery of well, the you know how everything works. So we know how the fine people hoax was done. We know how to do a ropar. We do the cover up smear. You know what we know. What we know that the anonymous the anonymous source is never real right. So there's a lot of the mechanics that we can see now- and this is the best example you'll see once you understand, mechanics you'll be able to spot them all so watching the nobody's above the law stuff. That's that's your sign of a,
of an up. I mean this obviously up is obviously coordinated and it's obviously at doing exactly what the charges h opted. So I would say that there is a conspiracy theory right now? A what's the rico word rico like conspiracy,. That would include obviously the media, the Democrats, a racket, the Democrats and obviously intelligence entities at least entities, people with, and I mean- and it appears that they have conspired to use lawfare to take trump out of the election. The is that description, not obviously what you're saying
you're saying a organised attempt to use a non political process, the legal system to stretch the law beyond where reasonable thing people think they should be stretched to stay, may be technically within the law, but that this is just an up and that it should be illegal and they should all be arrested.
based on the legal theory that they're presenting about trump. Now, if we ever seen this, I dunno, if I've ever mentioned this, that they do to you exactly what they're doing they accuse you of what they're doing it appears are accusing trump of trying to change the election, but it's in the context of them conspiring to change the results of an election for the second or third time in public, because they they are the russian collusion hoax. Under the same theory, they should all be in jail, so Hillary should be in jail, etc. Under the legal theory, they are putting forward. What about the laptop hoax? Nobody went to jail for that, but because there's no crime committed deny there was no crime committed with the laptop thing, even though it was an organized conspiracy to change
the election, because free speech, apparently you could say something anything you want as long as the european union was presented as opinion, but shrubs opinion is gonna, put him in jail, but not those fifty and tell people who clearly knew they were like well
I won't read their minds I'll say of the fifty or so until people, one assumes that most of them knew they were lying. One assumes can't know what they were actually thinking. I I and that's only because I'm giving them I'm giving them credit for being reasonably smart, I'm not giving them credit for being honest, but I think they're smart enough to know that it was. You know that they were covering for something some add to know. We just don't know which ones yeah nordstrom is having a hundred per cent off sale in san francisco. You could just go take what you are up to nine hundred and fifty dollars, one hundred percent off sale. I just copied that from the comments, not my job
it's pretty good idea. If you saw my show yesterday, you know I did a little segment with my whiteboard. So I've click that and other I'm gonna retweet that today so. If you see that you liked it, when you saw it on the whiteboard, they may like it enough to retweet it. Do you know what I'm talking about about the glass ceiling for black american kids? They don't they don't have as easy access to imitating successful people It's all I'll make that available if you want to send it around, but I think the news cycle is going to wipe out anything. That's not trump related.
Alright, that is all I have youtube, I'm going to say goodbye for now, thanks for joining, and oh thanks appreciate it I'll talk to you tomorrow,.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-16.