« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2195 Scott Adams: Separating The Real News From The Absurd Stuff. With Coffee

2023-08-09 | 🔗

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Politics, Cranky Scott, Whitehouse Cocaine, Jaime Raskin, Hunter Biden Allegations, Fake News, Mitch McConnell, Election Integrity Allegations, President Biden Allegations, Andy Ngo Civil Lawsuit, Trayon White, DC Crime, Proterra Electric Buses, Failure Driven Economy, Twitter Employee Firings, ESG, Best Buy, President Trump, Trump Mocks Christie, Lia Thomas, Mike Cernovich, Sam Harris Allegations, DeSantis Border Wall Policy, Ukraine War Profits, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What to do on bump good morning, everybody it's time for coffee with Scott Adams. The greatest thing: that's ever happened little bit late, but no that's the way. The day is going so If you'd like to take your experience up to levels that nobody's ever seen before, all you need is a cup or mug or a glass, a stein, Chelsea, a canteen, jug or flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite local allies, coffee and join me now for the unparalleled pleasure of dope really day the thing that makes everything better? It's called the simultaneous sip. have- I ever taught you my trick about how to use a bad day. Zimbabwe? Remember that it is one of the best techniques you'll ever learn.
His life ass. If your day already socks, you should do the tasks that you don't want to do. That would ruin your day. So. I didn't sleep last night, so I know but I'm really crappy mood. So I take care of some fucking shit that needs to be taken care of today cause. I have no patience, no patience left whatsoever at the absolute end of my patience. So I'm going to get some stuff done today. That would be really ugly under normal circumstances, but I'm going to enjoy it. It's the best tip. If you need to do some shit and it's really ugly matter with a bad day. You'll actually be five you'll enjoy. It has ongoing enjoy my day, but not everybody else will always on fire. Didn't you.
think about moving to an island. I think about this all the time I think you know I can work anywhere. I could be an island, but every time I think about what living on an island theirs hurricane or a wildfire, alligator attack, or something and mentally. I can't get past the idea. I can be on an island in the middle of the pacific wherever end and I couldn't get off the eye. And my nine one one was down: this was happening and maui. ally right now, they don't have phone service or nine one one and the islands on fire. I mean in terms of square footage, is not that much, but I dunno I just I can't. I can't convince myself that it's safe to
in ireland more than two weeks, which has great prisoner island a whole different situation. I saw this theme is thing is corrupt everywhere in everybody's lying, although I feel like that's usually the thing is that that different, so here's some stories on that and will try to figure which ones are true and which ones are false. So true and false.
Let me ask you on locals: can you really not tell when I'm already private? Do you have do you have no way to tell you can't tell do me a favor after the first two or three times, you tell me that you want me to go private, don't do it anymore cause I just am looking at them and they're just distractions after that I know you're trying to help. I know you're trying to help. Remember I'm in a bad mood. It's not helping is hurting right. It makes me just want to turn it off the first one. Fine, if it looks like I didn't see it. Just let it go just let it go. It's not helping me. It's hurting me, okay, so new york post is reporting that, as the bag of coke and those was the west wing
Long to somebody in the Biden, family orbit and there apparently knows who it is. Without reading the story, true or false. This I saw my real news or faint new. Without even reading the details of the story Are you say, fade news of either bet on it safely. Because what does it mean to be in the Biden family orbit seriously? Will we get limited In this business right there I told you I'm going to I'm just going to take care of everything. That's alright enough of that so
that's my fate news. There are the problems that the Biden family orbit is too big of a category. Don't you think. Isn't everybody goes into the white house and would be in If you're in a non normal part of the white house, you can have some connection to the binding family or orbit. Someone, so I think that that justice and general jamie rask and representative, Let me say that I was trying to divert money to accounts of family members, but that do evolve. Joe. Surreal, news or fake news that that, the money coming from ukraine. China, didn't into jos accounts women to family members. That's that's probably text
clay true, but also intentionally misleading. You said I was larger. here's a beauty. How many of you are this one there? vice. President Biden helped I assure the ukrainians, to get rid of the prosecutor. that the new prosecutor that greater use god was somehow connected to the by the next person who got the job, had ties two hundred hundred sea
yeah I'm gonna go with true, but be careful about ties to one of the things the the news always does. Is it can find it tied anything. Do you now many times I've been tied to things just imagine as a public figure how many times have I been associated with tied to connected with working with talk, do communicated with one said something to included in a tweet reiterated this with the news does so news lies to life? who, by association, what are the odds that the high powered hunter machine didn't also have connections to lots of other high power people. They write it
but this one seems so suspicious. I'm gonna go probably true. Anybody agree, probably true. There's a there's a tie, the how important their tyres, who knows, but certainly alarming, probably true, Here's a newsweek headline by max abrams Does ukraine have compromise that compromise on Joe Biden, so the penalties does ukraine have compromised? In other words, does ukraine have some blackmail material on jobs? Well, I read the article to find out the details of why this is suggested after several months arrived in the article talking about trump, I got bored and never really got to anything about Joe Biden compromise, but I dont know if it's in the article
No, it's in the title- and I know I got really really bored before I got to the part about bucky. So judge this without really because I don't think it may the indifference viciously penalties I would always say is interesting- is only you stay in the sense that is news we can lie. There was a headline in newsweek which suggests that at least is a worthy question. Is a worthy enough question to be a headline, and I would say it's the Probably the most important question right now. there's a weird lack of interest in it. What would you More important than knowing, if you rain on the? U S, president, in the context of an ongoing or what puts the second most important leg after that.
Here in terms of questions that we don't understand the answer to feel like that's right at the top right at the top and total lacking. Just have you seen cnn or even I've, never seen fox news, say. How do we know there's no black, no potential going on their disposal, as always, no potential, but more than usual. In this case case, where policy is a story, the Mitch Mcconnell and his wife later chow. wife has connections to a big chinese shipping company thinker, father owns it And there's suggestion that the mechanism of made money with her high level connections to china now this one's a tough one.
If you ask me, is anything illegal happening here, I would say I am not aware of it, I also heard devon archer talk about hunter Daniels operation and I couldn't really tell If anything was illegal about that it might be, but I mean it's not it's not. Obviously a dripping lie clearly true, it looks like hunter was, at least smart enough to set up a structure where there would be some grey area and if he ever got in trouble he could get out. So is the which recalls situation, one of those legal but grey areas where there is your influence in connections and probably a did, help some people but is an illegal. Is it illegal to know people as the illegal? a better deal, the somebody that you know might not be ethical may not be ideal, It might not be what you want your leaders to be involved in, but it might not be illegal.
So I will say this is in the category of probably true that the mcdonald's vanish financially, but if you're married to a fear, if you're fully disclosed they your marriage, somebody who's got in this connection to the chinese government. I feel like that's about as much disclosures need, because, wouldn't you make every assumption that we needed to make about his marriage in this connection to china? the huge you just assume that there some influence, but it is transparent. And it's not illegal to marry somebody. You grew up in china so This was a real weird one cause he's, probably legal problems. but I don't like it. Just just raises many questions and
Maybe it made sense when he was operating at the top of his game. But now it just is turned feinstein, futterman, you're, just a zombie. What around there, so I'm not sure it makes sense of the moment. Maybe you getting enough benefit from his high level of good work. Some would say that you know you you can ignore that there might be a connection. That's a problem But if he is completely out of it and there's a problem, maybe it's time to look for a safer situation. Somebody who doesn't have that connection so, but nothing illegal. Obviously, as far as I can tell, but I like it, I about this story. Most of you serve you. If you're on twitter, which eichel exe the gateway pondered reported
it's headline that you're going to tell me if you think it's true or false. Now we have proof, and it's in capital, letters, folks, capital letters. Now we have proof, it's a gateway pundit, exclusive, so the other thing you know need to know is the other entities or not reporting this mess. Twenty twenty voter fraud uncovered in Michigan including estimated a hundred thousand ballot application sent to a non to non qualified voters. Bags of prepaid gift cards silencers burner, phones and undemocratic on an organization with multiple temporary facilities in several states, sure false is there really obvious and gigantic voter fraud from twenty twenty with lots of deeds,
Those are numbers- and it's proved true or false- is a fox news reporting it did it. Did you see a big fox news story on the same story as jack? The scallop, the fox news, site, and so this is one of my techniques. If something is not least got evidence, fox news is gonna cover it, say more about their doesn't look like it. Also I'm looking for Michigan twenty twenty nope nope nope nope nope was
light they don't ever so so this would indicate that the fox news is not convinced, because I think you will agree, since it is not a story about voting machines, a story about an individual and an organization so. If they thought it was even a little bit true they'd probably reported, don't you think how bright, marked bright march. Will you think I should in some way look for that will under the czech bright bar c of the report, it is true. I'll tell you one thing about the story? The headline the details in the headline are not in the body of the story. The eight hundred thousand Bela applications. It's in the headline. Another story. unless we see an answer when they factual so far,
Lose a silent on it, see it in fact, checked it and said: story, doesn't even have the headline the headline in the story don't match now. Do you think the cnn? is good at spotting situations the story doesn't match landline is, is basically their business model How many times have I say here in exactly this place said our ears. They live on cnn and does much. The story is a very common thing is not to say that by the way I got confirmation the story about this alleged. proven massive voter fraud is not even on Breitbart. Just not there. So the only one that carried it was debunking. So CNN mentioned it debunked. It fox news: silent bright bars, silent.
Arrives, I asked this question again now, knowing that the the explosive details part is not in the body and story, what do you say? True story or fake story? Think new. Real booze, I'm gonna go away, is probably fake. I give this a percent at least eight percent fake twenty percent, who knows anything's possible. Now, let me be clear, Remember my position from the very first day that twenty twenty election got some questions from day. One I told That, whether or not there was any fraud which I had no way of knowing there will be plenty of reports of fraud.
And that, at least at the very least, ninety five percent of the reports will be fake. The very least how'd I do. How is my estimate that ninety five percent the reports would be untrue and clearly easy to prove untrue. Whereas there says nothing about whether or not it was wrought so in that I have the smartest audience and all of politics. I think you guys can handle the fact there we don't know if there's any fraud. We do know that ninety five percent of the attacks were unsuccessful. Next story this. One is weird, because I can't tell if it's old or new marjorie telegraph, green representative green says that they ve got more evidence. Or new evidence that the Biden's got paid twenty million dollars, they've got new bank statements show money,
from russia has extended and of course, ukraine and as empty g points out by doesn't sell the Biden. Snow saw the kind of product or service. So that's a pretty sketchy, we now? Does anybody having the same issue? with this story, I can't tell if this is the same story there just guess He told every few days Or are they really finding new evidence of a new indifferent, twenty million dollars, which is it. a whole new twenty million. Or the same millions but they were looking at before and now they are more evidence. I can't tell designed by another the if you'd if somebody same and somebody says as new there's my point so the the clay centres. Twenty million dollars paid from these three countries and their bank statements issued.
so summer's a new summer, saying it's new and old. So so I think I made my point. We can't tell when there's a report of new corruption, because there's so much you know past and existing stories, there's so many fake news stories about corruption, but also at some real ones that the field of news became so dense in the last week. The kettle was true I dunno this is an old story or a new story. I dunno they all look the same. I almost feel like it's intentional because yesterday last night before I went to bed Just scrolling answer the news and they all had the same nature, which is there was a big scandal. It was kind of complicated has something to do with the by I'm not sure if I ever seen it before. and I was flooded with them until was losing my sense of
I had already been debunked. What was knew, what was old. And what was important, there's so much of it that all of us seemed unimportant in my brain delay by everyone. If you add one like really powerful story about the buttons and only one Your brain would say: well that's important and every time if they brought a biden, say well, but that one thing that one thing really big looks like it's true, but now, as so many varied stories about by bad behaviour. Young some button, family member or by that I'm not even sure I can sort the mountains more. My my brain is decided that they can't be important. even though my rational braves, as of course, they are not only there there's a lot of stuff. The looks important there, but my brain can't handle it. So my brave saying, oh,
I blah blah Biden everyday? That's all I need to know. There's people saying blah blah blah bladen and then my brain says it's too much to think about. So I think I'll just think about my own day. I think about that. Are you having anything like that that feeling Now maybe I get more of a chasm actually looking for the headlines and looking for patterns and stuff, but I I feel overwhelmed by the quantity of accusations such that none of them seem important in my mind, and I want to be very clear about this new once my rational brain. My rational brain knows it's critically important critically critically important I mean, maybe the most important things happening. you don't even know if the ukraine wars legitimate in this there's, somebody thought it was a good idea. It might just be a cover up. It could It's. I there's a really really big questions, but
so big in so many that I'm gonna forget about them as soon as we're done here, If I didn't have them written down, I couldn't even list them as an hour. It was just too much my brain soul. I don't know if this is intentional to you. Is it just because it's political Is it just a coincidence, or is this some kind of up Why are we being played somehow to be just exhausted and on all these charges until they don't seem important? just question: there's another one michael: Brewer is following up and we already knew the way out was pressuring facebook to censor the vaccine. Sceptics apparently there are several ways they did it. They'd, though something there. needed to be negotiated with europe? The facebook needed, so they there was vitally important that they made the government happy facebook. Was what thought they might be retaliated against that's bad than they have. That,
what is it a rule to thirty protection that the government and reason so that's always an implied threat over the social platforms but The newest report is that the way house was under pressure from unjust. See if you're outraged, mind has any room for this. Your brain is full of outrage. see if those there's even room for the the house was under pressure from the news media. That's report the new york times, and maybe others were pressuring facebook to censor, Now I don't know how much that pressure mattered. so, but when I hear it, like my hand, wants to explode There are so many things in my head that makes it want to explode discounted them all, including this one in an hour. I will remember this. I will not.
remember the story in an hour, but it looks like he's got of important. I don't if it's you. There's a details. I don't know about it, but it's too much irish one, where the jury finds anti for militants not liable in the andean no attack. Now I was on the jury, but we soon videos that clear, they show these people attacking. Am I imagining that.
Did I imagine it was clearly on video and there's no question about who the individuals were, and there doesn't seem to be any question about what they did. Does this look like jury nullification to you, kinda does. Doesn't it? It looks like the jury just decided to ignore the law. Do you know that the defense attorney proudly said she was a member of antifa? How many of the people in the jury were sympathetic to antifa or thought that they would be hurt if they didn't vote a certain way?
I believe they were just afraid of the defendant or the defendant's organizations, don't know, but we do know it doesn't look like the justice system works. I would say, our justice system is just fundamentally broken at this point from top to bottom, from president's do andy now it looks like is broken from top to bottom to say that, but the evidence is sort of mounting. There is a democrat politician in d c, Black man looked pre, look sharp to say, I'm gonna give him a good give me good grades, for knows what he's doing, which is a tray on white, his name,
he is calling on the national guard to help address the rampant, violent crime, nations capital now? I don't know if there's anything else, this DC councilman has done that you don't like. So you know don't jump on me if there's some other thing in this past that you don't like, I dunno that there is, but. I love the fact that he lives there. and he says it's an emergency and we gotta tree like an emergency. I like it, but it also tat tells you that defending the police and leave. prosecutors there, too, liberal and all that have destroyed d, say I mean didn't didn't trump say, has turned into a basically garbage bed,
So is DC the always sunday, this dying, no san francisco reports that nord stream is loot closer to locations. Yet target is locked up all the products. Whole foods get new town shoe so. Action might be the only company left after a while. But I would add this to the story. I think the story it might be a little alarmist in the sense that Nord stream closed my down a long time ago, so I live in an iron suburb of san Francisco and Our doors from one of the business europe and I think this more to do with retail. I think nurse room just wasn't supportable and I think that target.
Target needs to be an online company. What what are you going to the store divided, the target. Well like what would be the purpose of going into a star lush had to pay cash, I guess so maybe it's because of san Francisco and the crime, but maybe these businesses, we're not viable anyway. I don't, I don't think I'll say Nord stream was viable in the long run, but of course the looting had to take it, those big electric bus company there was gonna, be change in the world and saving us from climate change. I guess set out by common terrorism by now there they a business and somerset usable. but now I'm scheme was never real and all the top Democrats were involved and money is missing, is basically every accusation.
But the other possibility is startups, go out of business. What do you think? Do you think that this bus company was always just to play like it was just a scam from the start, or do you think it was a start up and it just didn't work out. Dunno do to my my guess. Yes, very, my guess is both because, if you ve been involved with any kind of business start up there is always that scare me phase phase where other the start up is what is wondering. Well, we can't exactly do what we can Bon pressure we can if we get a little bit more money or like a really close. So I feel like the the patient between scam and optimism is actually
two overlapping too, to call it out if, We didn't have people over promising and saying they can do things they can't do. We wouldn't do nearly as many things as we do. So, while you don't like it, when people lie to you, it does kind of drive the economy. You know they optimism is what form the company brought in money. The optimism is what caused them to pay their vendors think they were in business so I didn't create a bunch of economic opportunity, even in failing when weirdly, we have an economy. That is mostly failure and it works fine, because most companies gonna business, most so as a big old failure driven economy and because of the free market it works, you don't need to many things to succeed. Big before the average looks pretty good so I guess I wouldn't assume corruption here.
Except that, we live in a world where everything seems to be corrupt at the moment zhou, be you I'm sure you all followed zu, be an ex. He tweeted, but I call it posting because it's not really twitter that what were those other eighty percent twitter staff doing? Do you remember when all the smart Democrats said that musk was ye must have been just the worst manager? I mean mosque must have made such a big management mistake to get rid of eighty percent of staff, because how can accompany possibly Jim without a percent of its people, suddenly out. The answer is it can in no way faster? Am I right It is the innovation that twitter greater or less. What would you say.
I believe I've seen more changes on twitter now acts Any time in the past is the greatest innovative. Sir, do you know why there was a great, innovative surge while several reasons you know, of courses and driver of innovation, so that's automatic, but I think that getting rid of any puts preserve. The staff was a big big part of what could make twitter or ex innovate faster. I've ever to the big company. There's a big company. engineer comes in mixed presentation to the boss. Boy says: won't you socialize that the marketing and sales and five other departments stop, talk to the lawyers and they do that and what happens one of those entities tells you can't do it whenever differ reason? Well, that's probably illegal problem.
Well, we can't market that well yes, sell that well aware, with other things. Well, the budget. The budget isn't there for that. Well, you'd better, submit your budget with all the others. So basically eighty percent will create a bureaucracy that would limit the effectiveness of the twenty percent. Do the real work? That's every big company now You insert and the alarm mosque into the thing and elan says if you ve got a big important question asked me now, I'm just imagining that Probably what happens now now you're the engineer you come up with a good idea, the old, is, you have to satisfy the other eighty percent of the staff that are already gone. That wasn't gonna work by the way I've been in this situation exactly a number of times. I can tell you the there are parts of the company are only there to stop you from doing what you want to do there only there to stop you,
So now you take the same idea that all of those organisations would have said no or later again line too the alarm. You say this is a great idea, gsm risk. But what are you there? What does the log alongside? Oh you better check? Marketing that doesn't exist now he says yeah. Let's try that if it does, work. War iversen right, just try it. If it does work will say we try that didn't work and they will turn it back to the way was which is actually done a few times. I believe now compare that level of efficiency. Where you get to talk, To not only one of the smartest business people in the world, but he gives you the answer right while you're talking to him and then you go off and do it there's no way. The old twitter account
competed with a model where the engineer can talk to the smartest business person in the world and get an answer and then go off and implement that that price just doesn't exist almost anywhere except at exe, So you learn from the win on that issue, It continues to die so a group called us indeed global they used to give out scores. Yesterday scores They have decided that there are the rating agency, but in addition to the directive, that would give these yes discourse and they decided not to do any more because it was bullshit. That's right, a big ratings agencies, one of the main ones raided you for yesterday decided it was all bullshit and the lack of do it anymore. It's just not part of their business. Now now then use the word bullshit, but did they need to?
I think the the essence of it was the issue. Raining was not correlating to performance or anything useful, just wasn't corps and then the score seem to be, maybe political or stupid or subject over something so the whole thing just soon stupid. I guess they decided not to be part of it Let's look on the other side of that best buy is implemented management programme training programme that is available to white people and says, though, indirect ready? yeah. You can apply for this if you're this this this as this one people, not on the list It took about a minute and a half before somebody tweeted me the pics of the seal? Who is a woman, the woman so best buy is run by women
and they implemented a no no white people programme for amendment Well, if you're a white person, would you ever shop at best buy again? If you could avoid it, I won't I'm not going to shop there again, I'm totally done with them, because there's nothing. I don't believe. Bestbuy has a single thing I can't buy somewhere else, Can you think of anything name? One thing I can't order from amazon. I can't think of anything so does. Amazon have a program where they exclude white people. Do that. Do you think a basis as a programme that excludes white people. I don't know- but I put some says yes, maybe, but I've heard about it. So
Yeah they're dead to me I would I would avoid them like the plague and there has to be a penalty for this. Am I right? I'm completely against boycotts for a sort of ordinary political reasons, but this is: in the ordinary political reason. This is straight up racism, I'm not going to I'm not going to give my money to a company. This overtly racist against me Why? Why would I do that? We're under was items, that's what I ever the money again well, if they ve are there see yo and rivers and reverse the programme? I will be there tomorrow. so best buy. If you want, my money is available, but fire. You see oh and you're. Gonna have to get rid of this programme. That will be my minimum requirement,
you need to do anything for me, but I don't need to do anything for you as well. So we can agree. Agree on that hello. This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot. Take some calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite pod gasters unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the content even more so that over to respond. If I searched for coffee was Scott Adams or your favorite punkahs envy The latest episode and respond acuity and balls on spotify only well trump made what I would consider a rare campaign. Mistake say what you will about trumps management of the country,
but as a campaigner, most people agree that these sort of in a category of zone you can get the attention that we can move the needle we can persuade. I mean he's, got the whole set of tools. here's what you you're not going to agree with me until I give you my reasons, and you will all agree with me immediately. So he quite humorously made fun of Chris Christy's wait rally. So what you said? I'm not gonna call a fat islam or something fat pig fabric. So you Pretending like somebody in the audience said it is pointing to the audience member, but we if anybody really was in the audience saying that might have been just acting out, but he They are not going to say it yeah, but you're, saying it's a fat pig, I'm not going to say it. Alright, here's, my here's. My take number one was a funny answer was funny.
absolute yeah, a lot of all people left. So if you said no, it means it wasn't funny to you, which is valid, because it's subjective right, so humor is not objective. So those of you saying it was funny you're right, those of you who say it was Funny you're right do there's no standard for funny. If it was funny It's funny. If it's not funny, do not solve all story. However, strategically You should never say something if you're running for office that I have the following quality: nobody is vote for you because of it, but some people might change their vote because it two thirds of jobs. Voters are overweight, two thirds two thirds of transit voters are pretty overweight and needed
made fun of being overweight and public now others? What, Why now these got away problem whose own I get it. I get it back. Not going to be really where people focus stability Something that I learned as a cartoonist. I would often thank you now. Here's a job this really my my audience is love. joke, it is a little mean to some group and because I used to make fun of people that extra weight. I've changed that opinion, because I don't believe in free will and I don't believe that people are overweight by choice. I think it's just their brain, gay and all sugar basically, I think, that's basically the whole thing, so I can maintain my weight fairly well cause. I don't love sugar, I just I'm just not addicted to it. If I were I'd weigh four hundred pounds and I wouldn't hate myself, I just say I just am addicted.
I do so. I don't do fat shaming, but here's what I learned. Never a joke, that ninety percent of the people will love. If one percent will stop following you that, make sense- and this is this- is probably a ninety five to five situation. I would bet you five percent of the people, who are the news about trump making fun of christie's weight, just said to themselves. I did like you and I was going to. I was going to get up and I was going to vote for you. I still kind of like your politics, but you know what I'm going to thus. Instead of voting the, I would say that this is clearly a mistake. Cousin would you agree with the following statement: zero people decided to vote for trump because he mocked somebody for their weight. Do you agree with that part? Just the first part that he gained no new
leaders agree now. Would you be the second part? That's it might be sliver of people who were turned off enough by that causes. Personal is very personal, very person, well levy, lemme, give you my take on him. If he had my if he had made fun of. some other immutable characteristic and I happen to have it. I wouldn't be too happy about it. I wouldn't say well, it was really funny. I'd probably say you don't think I need somebody with better judgment. I would talk LISA, have it, your is way does not immutable unless you believe way does not immutable if you believe in free will. So, if you believe in superstitions not immutable, if you believe the free will is
then, whatever nature, your brain is guarantees that you will act to certainly in mines. Luckily, luckily my brain seems to be different, so I'm not attracted. activating, but I can easily imagine. I would be right. It's easy to imagine scott. You sound a bit too pc really. Now pc would it entire opinion is based on science. I don't think it's an opinion and math, so the the south of it is that you don't gain anybody, but you might lose somebody there's! No there's no part of my opinion in that which part of that is an opinion. That's just math, it's obvious, and it's observable.
I know the part where I am not giving people a hard time for a weight is because I don't believe in free will, which is longer longer discussion, but it's not it's not based on pc. It's based on science, either the free will or there's not. If science showed me there is free will, then I would change my opinion. Is that pc or is that just kind of going where the the argument seems to go all right? There's such an npc comment to say that somebody is like too this or too that sometimes we have a variety of opinions. Well. Bill mar continues to make news almost every single day, at least in the political right for bashing the team that you imagine he used to be on reason, for being awoke, but I guess areas is a so called this'll pod gas recourse to one person.
What's it called, though mars club random, on club. Randomly riley gains the woman who, Competing against Leah thomas and finally,. all all the losers Ben about LEO where's all the news about riley gains. I mean at least, if you're, following right, leaning news it's just than the news continuously. and it took all of that for bill more. ass. The only question I was actually interested in, which is how big is leah, Thomas's dick now under nor conditions that question would not have a news related element. It will just be kind of gratuitous. But part of the complaint, and here I'm here, I'm going to describe the complaint
if you imagine them taking sides, then you're, probably imagining it and just describe it. These are people's opinions and they get the their opinions, so the women who are in the changing room with trans athlete, Leah Thomas said the report that many of the more uncomfortable, because Leah Thomas, is what they would say an intact male bobby, meaning that there a happiness, now. If you are a woman and you are uncomfortable with our situation completely normal and understandable, would it matter to you how big the penises, Because it was actually part of the story, I think it was the games were saying that Leah thomas was six wherefore in proportional, so impressive. I guess, And I actually
as part of the story. Zobeide disagree. Because the story is about people feel it's a story about people feel you don't think that the women would feel different. If we had a micro, penis, verses, big ol sausage, you don't think it makes a difference how people feel about it. Yeah. Now, logically, you know that shouldn't you shortly be: here they laws based on the size of a penis. Oh yeah there's another you knew about it, but I think it's. Actually a legitimate question. weirdly unjust, who give bill more credit for asking a actually useful question: tells us a little bit more about the situation now again did I did. I express an opinion. Did anybody here in an opinion in them, because I was trying to do without an appeal
I'm coming through, because my take on all this is that my the union should be worthless, is clearly bad for the the women were competing against the trans athletes. Nobody nobody's question that it is clearly good for the train, athletes who are benefiting from this access, so you ve got one group. This benefit one group that feels injured and they both they both have their arguments. They live in a fury free country. They get to you, press ornaments. These things get settled by power so to imagine that the argument about what's right or wrong coming from me, should have any weight on this. I think not I think that women as a group are going to collectively reverse this crap
if I'm wrong, but haven't there been a number of notable reverses. Are the women not willing at this point this assumes knew that I've heard, about trans athletes being banned lately, just last few weeks, then being included my wrong about that, haven't having through them some high level bans, but not any new high level new, let us so so to me, it looks like a power struggle which both sides always put in terms of what's right or wrong. I don't feel like I'm. The judge was right or wrong. I can tell you that there is a victim. this case or a victim in that case, but since there is always something this imperfect is my job to tell you. Why should and should not be,
I did see was what league was it now, if you, if you want the the real person answer the real person, if it were my daughter, I would back my daughter. Are you ok with that? If it were my daughter, of course, I'd say, get that get that leah thomson or lately atomism either would you say if his father, my daughter, I don't like It- would be as simple as that. Don't worry that I don't have opinions. I was just trying to tell the story with without it, because I don't think my opinion should be in the store I feel like I know everything. If you put me in the story, I could very easily have an opinion, but I'm not in the story. Alright, I was asked questions whether I was gonna talk about this, but I have decided to do it.
I saw you like certain of its tweed about SAM Harris and included a clip in which use talking about trump in january, sex, the insurrection. I guess he imagined he saw and a sort of its ass. This and I said long time deciding whether retweeted. Or whether was too far like is as unfair. Here's what we decide says my exerted That is sam errors in early stage of dementia. Did he ever concussion or maybe as alcoholism, caught up with what then mike as anyone familiar with alcoholics sees the red flags here. so I look so I watch the video I thought to myself. Really
Am I going to see that in the video and here's a problem, if your primed for it, you can definitely see it, but don't let that influence you if you're prime, for as you just read the tweet and then you listen to him it can very easily tell yourself wait a minute. There is something wrong, but don't let that fool you, because that's because of the priming right, so I do not make. I do not make the accusation. So I'm I'm removing myself from the accusation. However, is it an unfair question. Is it unfair if somebody acts in a way that should be identified with maybe not reason, but some other mechanism.
Is it unfair to call that out? That's why that's why I couldn't decide whether to eat it, because as subjectively and in my biased way, because as very biased by the tweet itself, I felt like I could see it and when I listen to him talk, I thought to myself. You couldn't possibly be the smart. And think that there was not a orderly transfer power on january sex or a peaceful transfer. There was, in fact the worst case scenario, the biggest risk is mine, A few days later never any risk of a non of a dog there is never any risk, then it wouldn't be a largely peaceful transfer power like every other time.
But he seems to be in this world in which there was a real thing, and so the question is: why crazy, and could I rule it out? not so I cannot rule out there is the only sane person in the world. You can't rule it out. Sam might be the only one who makes sense and all the rest of essen weird bias situation totally possible, which is why But if you do acknowledge that that's possible, you you'll get in trouble later. Maybe this time it's about em, Maybe next time it's about us, we're not gonna, know the difference, but so I'm not I'm not going to back the the speculations about his mental decline. But I'll tell you. I see it.
It is my impression and from what I can tell from other people alive, it looks like mental decline. Does actually look like. I wouldn't put it on any one cause. If I, if I had to gun- and if I had to put I'll, just save standard trumped arrangement syndrome. It's just that he got more more attention about its trump opinions and other people. So in theory you know if you are an independent thinker and you got a lot of pushed back on something you thought was a good take. You probably trouble now does europe. For you, have the right take on it, so it would look to us like mental decline. It would look like he's. Drunk would actually looks like he's drunk and it does, but It could be the things you can't rule out or just standard travel arrangements indra because it affects everybody, it every intelligence, level. Intelligence will help. You bet and
it could be the year though you and I are the ones with the problems. Maybe he's not the one with the problem, maybe the only one with the right take absolutely possible can be ruled out dissenters, He was tweeting that today, drug cartels are responsible for killing, more americans and then the other group or country. Yet we sit back and do nothing to santas you're talking my language. Now, let's see what else you got here, president all right here it comes. I will authorize use of deadly force. I like it against drug smugglers. Yes, yes, cutting through the border wall. What deadly force against drug smugglers cutting through the border wall? That's it.
That's it the biggest problem in the united states. and is only going to use force against the ones he catches cutting through the wall, justly cutters. This is so weak that is embarrassing, is actually embarrassing. What what's wrong with him? What is wrong with this answers? I dont understand this because ears. Let me give you: others have I bothers you, I remember the less a year ago. Every time This may news as a governor. I said something this out of the same every time. Oh my god, that's a good idea. Oh my god, he's gonna get headlines in productive way. Oh, my god, it's like one right move after another for his base right you can, you whether there are good moves, are bad but politically and for
base. Our genes there. There are just right all right all right on every time. Now he from governor, maybe one political home run after another forest base. don't like it and then he moves into the campaign. It feels like you asked all the magic now do you think that person can go from yelled the governor domain to the presidential domain, and lose their skill. How do lose your skill just changing that debate? I dont think two presidential race is that different, because In both cases you say things that your base would like and you try to say of first or best. Each I'd do so, about it's all the same game politically. But why these suddenly become bad at it when he was not just only good, he was about the best I've ever seen. I'm use crazy. What would be a good high policies?
that change and don't say, alcoholism, more trouble arrangements and they go key staff My hypothesis is this: who I was advising him in the governor's race was way above average way above average, as in you haven't even seen that kind of operation. Before I have some suspicions who it might have been because there aren't that many people in the country who are that capable I'm not going to tell you cause, I don't have any proof. I have no proof at all so, based just on the capability. This probably one person and not until you ever who it is. But there is one person who, as that capability who could And advising him in the governorship.
and would have quite potentially switched to chop so now, not not chill dini, not nothing to do with nothing to do with any academics. Nothing with an academic butter Does anybody see that same effect, no mac gates would abandon trump from the start that gates was always programme. So that's not a case of him. Leaving we were, but does I see that the the skill levels
I just fell off as if a major as if a major advisor like the best one switched doesn't seem like that. That's what I think so now this is pure speculation, as just based on observation of the skill level dropping off. Suddenly, I feel like that was had to be a key adviser. Yeah? Alright, oh you think he was playing to the donors instead of the base, and now it doesn't look like that to me, it looks like a capability fall off. Alright, about the ukraine counter offensive her ukraine counter offensive is just Turn up the russian lie to low quiet about that, aren't they can we,
stop pretending! There's a war because there is an war. It is a negotiation and its weight and virtue If you see it any other way, what evidence would there be to support your point? How do you support your point? If you think this is a war, because you think ukraine's going to breakdown the russian lines and defeat the russian army and Putin is going to surrender or you think the russians have. Been jochen round and as I guess as soon as I get serious, they're gonna run through those ukrainian lines and take keep this all ridiculous is douglas these situation. There is only for the benefit of people, selling, arms and other goods and is just a holding pattern which is waiting for a job.
and nothing should change this situation, because the Democrats apparently are benefiting from it. There's somebody making money a lot of money money that's going to ukraine is an all going at the bullets made a lot of its being siphoned off because it always is, these easy statement to say so. You got the Democrats under siphoning off group. They don't want to wrap up the war and you got you, you ve got the russians, they can't possibly in the war, because it would look like into feed. So there isn't anything, there's nothing happening there could change this from a bloody negotiation into an actual war. This is not a war. The war is fuckin over and every time that the the news refused
is to report that the war has been over for a while its bloody, but as in negotiation, now you could You get a real conceptual say. Every wars is negotiation, but nowadays and noticed now like this. This is pure negotiation. this is not a little bit of war. This is just a negotiation because there is no reasonable chance that these situations, gonna change before trump gets an office. That's my take. What do you think. Where is my taking useful m, nor so if refrain this hasn't negotiation. That's our best situation, the! U s should route refrain it as a nickel, creation, which also is very positive for a republican candidate
because I don't hear I don't hear the Democrats in a less negotiate this war, have you heard any. Maybe some have Biden doesn't talk like that. Doesn't was last time. Biden said negotiate. I dont believe I for that. So the Democrats aren't even on that wavelength. So if you, if you define it as a negotiation, then you could see the mismatch between the Biden you're, unwilling to even consider that and several I think several begins gimme a fact: jackals arthur several republicans besides trump round the swami, who are saying they can wrap this up very quickly, The negotiation am, I am I wrong. That's so so trump and vague gimme, a fact, jackals they're, both clear About will widen this down right away. This negotiation.
I think so there might be other- did are f k, say the same. I think are of gay juniors, pretty close to that as well. Yeah look like russia will keep some of that territory. I don't see any way around Ladies and gentlemen is re topic. I have not covered. Bring county armed car breakin haven't seen it. So I don't know. What's going on in niger, I guess the rebels, taken over
But since I have no opinion about whether the rebels are better or worse than the government they took over, I don't have an opinion on niger and I don't believe it's the sort of thing where I would ever get a good opinion. It sounds like something we'll never know. Alright,. Victoria Newland. You know I've been avoiding leave victoria, newland stuff, Cause there's a whole lot of mind. Reading you have to do somebody who's disagreeing with me. Sorry, scott, it's a bloody stalemate. Russia doesn't want to escalate to nato involvement, recreate scenes from a bloody state.
Wait is that disagreeing with me. So when you agree with me completely, this is just a writing tip. Don't start it with sorry, scott right when you completely agree better. That would be better left for when there's a disagreement that follows the sorry scott, but when you're agreeing with me completely, maybe yes, Scott. Do that? Yes, Scott and then agree with me. It's just better for The alibi, I'm a fight, so there's big fire. the dark in alabama a bear. My I don't care. What do I care about that here? You're trying to make me care, because there were black participants in a fight in the state at eleven I don't care
Why is that news? Some people got in the fight. Apparently there was a reason for the fight, something about a you know: a boat dock or something dispute. But why do we care about that? Why is that news might be be careful of trying to make news the anecdotes, It takes a vache as your guide, the vague said on an interview recently, you would mock us if we used anecdotes for science. Don't use your anecdotes about a fight to make some policy decision. It was a fight, no big deal right. I am
May I suggest that if you lived near a place where such fights, my breakout, you should consider relocating, I feel like location is. Eighty percent of success was. I was looking at to suit a pedophile shot and killed two f b. I agents haven't seen this covered at all. Because I don't care care that there are some things that are not covered as we don't care. Now, I'm not saying I don't care about the tragic death of two law officers. Of course, of course I care, but you know a million people died yesterday and I am not doing awake for all them. So
pedophile shoots enough. We I people that sounds like a horrible, tragic thing, but it's not really a story, the country. Is it the israeli bigger message there? I don't think so. Bad person, shots and good people. That's the story. Alright, I've seeing prods I'm being prompted to talk about black on black crime. Why? Why would I talk about get away from it. If you live near it, you should move, that's why they under say about it. Because if you haven't figured out, what are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about black on black crime? The Democrats want fewer police.
Let them live in the city, the way that they wonder if they'd like to live in a city under those conditions as a free country- and you know I here's why either I think we should take all of our attention that we're putting on you know the average of this group versus this group. Oh, this group has bad stats, forget about all of that forget about all of it and just creative system that allows everybody to move easily. If you lived in an inner city was full of crime. Does what you're, color ethnicity is. you might want to get out of there, but it might not be easy because of you. In the inner city. There's there's a reason, and it may be that you know: there's no jobs, you don't know where to go. You wouldn't be comfortable, someplace else, etc. I feel like the best Thing you can do is create a way the people who just want to stay out of trouble and going to school that those families,
remove them at any environment. That will stop that from happening, but once you move the good people who want to succeed from the bad people who want to be criminals, if you're not going to arrest of the criminals you just have to get out of there, you just have to get away. Rogan said that obama is the greatest president. I'd have to see the context of that. Would we be able to oh the later son allocate ninety nine, I saw some mocking references to it as if it were proven not to be real that happen sort of looking for the story and confinement, lots of uncertainty so at the current
feeling of superconductivity is not real. Is it leaving not real dammit? You can feel it couldn't. yeah. I went out this with maximum optimism because I just liked to be optimistic whenever you have a chance, yeah, rather than worrying about bad things that never happened? I'd rather talk about good things that aren't going to happen. At least your you know your breeders with the goods things so well, who's surprised. Is anybody surprised? I thought it went further than it should have before. for the questions were raised, they strange magnetic properties. Are they use all of the strange magnetic properties useful for? Is it some other kind of potentially
well, I'm gonna be completely I go negative on ok, ninety nine, so I'm going to adjust my current thinking just based on this, too, probably not, probably not, which is very disappointing, because I had lots of optimism. There. or what else am I missing anything else yeah, so it means cold, fusion won't be so easy, etc. If you poured about leftovers to hear about yours as well, alright pedophile is a thought crime. not if they do it is the zero resistance.
Does it have zero resistance? Is it not superconductive but has zero resistance? I think that's not possible right. My positive or negative magnetism good one, dad joke has small resistance does have less resistance than normal. Maybe that would be useful. Frictionless is possible. Somebody says. You know I would say that my journey into nine reality started with magnets. When I was a little kid I could not understand how a magnet could be possible and
the first thing that suggested that I dont understand reality itself like what what I'm looking right in front of me may not be real. Now, that's my career view as as a older adults. But I think it was the weirdness magnets that made me lose all trust that what I'm sea could be understood by my brain Whatever magnets are doing Your brain is not capable of understanding. Likewise, with gravity so gravity is folder bent. Space and time is not real with space. Time is. I was your brain and the lad and non locality spooky action on since your brain, handle that the only my brain can understand those things wrong. Just study physics.
I I am going to challenge you on that. Somebody said wrong. Just study physics and once you study physics, then, then all these spooky things are explained right now. If you believe that you've really been washed physics replaces understanding with words and formulas times those words and formulas work in the sense that their protective and their useful, but there's nothing like understanding of physics. Physics is under percent, not understood a hundred percent There is not even one percent understood: they only know what works. That's it. And they only know that, because I can repeat it, that's it. There's! No, there's nothing like understanding of physics. Do you believe there is just because somebody can put words around eleven was. Let me prove to you that
as smart as einstein watch watch, There's no time there's only space time and gravity is really about the them space. How about that. There I put words on physics. So therefore, I understand physics right as well as I've son He used the same words I'll. Do it again watch this, cause, I'm seeing squared boom boom. I know that those letters when you put an equal and then you put things on either side. I know how to pronounce it So therefore, I understand some physics now. Nobody understands any physics, but they do no, sometimes what works and what does that's all. We don't know the, why of everything,
All of the wye questions are sort of imaginary. What would define understanding well. That's a good question, but let me answer indirectly cause it's. The best likened do what
yards? Are your brain evolved to understand reality? So it's not it's not that there's something to understand your brain isn't keeping up. I think that your brain was never meant to give you a picture of reality in the first place, so your question is sort of like why can't a toothbrush be a rocket ship or something it's like. It's not meant for that. I don't. I could give you a long explanation of why an astronaut would not fit inside the toothbrush or I could just say it's wrong question. I don't need to get into the details alright, and that is not physics.
Boy. If there's one thing, you can guarantee that the people who are under the illusion that they understand the physics there will be quite quite prickly when I tell them that they do all right. That's all I have for now I'm going to talk to you later, I'm going to see. What's what and I will talk to you, Tomorrow, you tube thanks for joining.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-11.