« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2194 Scott Adams: Better Late Than...

2023-08-08 | 🔗

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Politics, Jordan Peterson, Brainwashed Tell, Government Corruption, Media Corruption, Tou Thao Verdict, George Floyd Narrative, J6 Narrative, Big Guy Narrative, Hunter Biden Narrative, Mocking Disabled Narrative, Vivek Ramaswamy, Juneteenth, Biden Whitehouse Censorship, Facebook Censorship, Jaime Raskin, Biden Crime Family, Jack Smith Indictment Omission, Alan Dershowitz, Barbie Movie, Climate Change Debate, RFK Jr. Economic Plan, Ukraine War, Scott Adams


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You're, probably wondering where I was: did you miss me, a little technical difficulty here, technical difficulties almost solved hold on Well, you're, probably ask yourself scott whether to take so so want to sign on and you ve never been laid before. What happened well turns out that the news was too interesting today, I was up for, and I had no idea what time it was an My surprise, when I looked at the clock, so here we are,
anybody want to show oh yeah, oh yeah, you do yeah. You do you didn't do and if you like, the show to be the best thing you've ever seen in your life fall, you lose a cup or mug, or a glass of tank tanker jealousies die in the canteen jug of alaska vessel of any kind. in favorite liquid. I like coffee and driving now for the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine the other day. That makes everything better. It's called a simultaneous separate app is now I thought I'd do that faster. About them? Time is correct. going to start with the biggest stories the day and then we'll work down to the smaller stories. Biggest story of day is comedian. Wayne Brady is come pan sexual and sexual. It has nothing to do with cooking utensils, I'm told them
and sexual means that is true, The two people as for men, but so penises on women. and vaginas of all types, be they on men or women and I'm so jealous that I did not. Think of this first Does it does the same. It seems a little bit underwhelming into commanders, gay and twenty two on his re. Doesn't it somebody huge le say some celebrity, who comes out is like a everybody of gay and then the old country goes well: okay, no seriously, everybody on gay and gay whatever no seriously. I'm super gay, whatever, whatever nobody cares,.
I'm bisexual seriously? Cannon would go for gay now, I'm yeah. Well, I'm coming out as bisexual. Not really very interesting, not interesting. Pan sexual hello, you have my address now, pen, sexual, you say: do you like leah, Thomas's beavis? Perhaps it's more about the individual, but yes, there would be perfectly acceptable to me I like everything in the pan, so anyway wayne Brady, Only the new cycle paths actual, if you, if you are thinking of coming out as simply a gay save it, nobody cares just. save it nobody's gonna, be excited about that you'd better go, although in the pan
Dr Jordan Peterson had an interesting tweet today about politically correct authoritarianism, says where the government tells you you're gonna be using certain languages, do in certain things to be politically correct, and he says they are a risk that the news is wonderfully some verses. Today, mostly people's commentary on the news, as saw as like a weirdly it's just weird day, but I'll give you the news and you'll see it for yourself. So. two petersen says our research indicated that the strongest predictor of politically correct authoritarianism was, fact: lower verbal intelligence, then, after being done lower verbal intelligence, so after
and after having a low, I q, the next most important factor was being a female. I'm not saying it, I'm not saying it. This is jordan, peterson's tweet! This is not me we're having a feminine temperament shaken female, or you could be fail female ash. I guess if female feminine temperament is and and whether or not you ve ever taken a politically correct course, ology or school in that order. but the intelligence effects was was the strongest. Now, I always say You want to see noone polls that are separated by how smart people are, and ideally well informed. They are in the topic, this being pulled. What does. Alice. Where were you when you do a pole,
The average person well, the average person thinks that snow and ice cream are the same thing. What does that tell you? Well the average person You know the waste useful information in the world, but what the average person wants, or ethics or beliefs, or prefers that the average person least important thing, I really really want to know what the smart people think. it will be really helpful to know what the dumb people think. So you can know what to avoid, but anyway, so I think it's diabolical The dutch petersen actually have research showing that you're, damn or a woman, or you act like this is not me. This is not me.
This is his research. I'm just tell you what release egg so don't blame me. I just like that, because if so provocative issues will make people's heads explodes owns one are, as you know, I put together a long list of what types of things look forward to tell us. The news is credible or not credible, but likewise with arguments. Wouldn't you like no tell for when somebody is brainwashed. Verses. Somebody just tried to argue with the data that is actually trying to figure out. What's goin on. saw an example that in the wild Somebody give some data climate changes, the topic, but it doesn't matter what topic is the so here's here's the setup. one person on twitter said
Ninety eight percent of this or whatever. So there was some statistics but no source. Other person debated. It was an analogy which one of them was brainwashed. the person who had data but no source? The least wasn't mentioned the person with the analogy who, certain data argument with an analogy. At the very least, the analogy purse, at the very least the. The analogy is just such a temple. Offer brainwashing really is because if you need an analogy, that's simply signalling I don't have any facts or logic or causation. I've got another. I'm going to tell you a story with some words gonna make you think.
the words amusing about a totally different topic. I gonna persuade you on this unrelated topic, because the words over here said the little like words that could be over here. Brainwash. So if somebody somebody's algeria, their analogy is working brainwashing. I got an argument and somebody when all aristotle on me fairly, established go some quote where the metaphor is a sign of genius. Ok, ok, So so that said, I am Joe Moore at a good quote today. Said analogy: is the poor man's thinking, which is funny, because that's an analogy alright, with his analogy poor man's thinking? Is it sort of
Alright, here's my question to you: do you think that corruption in the. U S, government has reached an all time. High gotta get everything wrong today. I lesser technical difficulties today, so very with me, as I improves the quality there, we go hello much better. Do you think that the that two countries more corrupt or that we just now it because of ex slash twitter being uncensored? Now, because I'm looking at the news today, and everything in my feed was about the government being corrupt, if, like all the stories, have some angle and government, corruption or or media corruption, which I would consider the government at this point, I don't think the government and the media are that separate entities as they should be well.
So I don't know the answer to the question. it's entirely possible that governments have always been about the same amount of corruption since the beginning of time know it could be other just whatever anytime. You have a government, maybe it's sixty percent, corrupt or so so I don't know if it's different, but I do know I'm seeing a lot more of it. I do know that my visibility to the corruption seems to be at an all time. High and I'll talk about some of the story it's, but you can sort of see it everywhere and I feel that that's the x effect you know the twitter x is problem feeling the same thing that you're seeing more stories of government corruption then you ve ever seen and has only because it twitter. This is like a really really big effect in the united states that I don't think he's been. completely. You know out for what this means for us.
Now I would imagine that everybody who doesn't like what's on twitter, saying oh, it's a bunch of right wing stuff because Suddenly, he alone must decide. It is a right winger which again is propaganda, is the least right winger of any right where, but just because he is interested in was true. That makes them a right wing that is kind it was happening. You know is basically is interested in was actually true, and that looks right wing. Which is where our I damn derek chauvinist. One of is a police partners total or to do not oppose his name was pronounced, was sentenced to fifty seven months for his participation in the death of george floyd. Our redo mike servage tweet, that I agree with you said as these
legalised lynchings continue, meaning the linking of the police officer Cities become houses of horror, true anyone believe the world would have been better off with this man in prison, meaning the police officer and george floyd running free and I look on twitter and I see somebody that I follow and I'm not gonna name names, but some I follow actually bought completely into the. I guess the government narrative about what was going on there and here's my take Intentional murder is the least likely explanation of what happened to george floyd. Is least likely explanation, because we're asked to believe see if this is wrong. Just check me on this. Have we not been asked to believe that
Police officers casually casually. intentionally murdered somebody or even casually put. maybe a situation where they are likely to die casually. Without any real worry about it in front of a group of witnesses. were obviously folding them, and the public States was asked to believe that these pisa, the police officers casually either intentionally or through horrific bad judgment. There was common to all of them. The same time was common to all of them and that that's what actually happened in that situation? Obviously, that's not what happened. Obviously obvious
these are police officers who were lynched by the system. Obviously, the jurors had no choice because they didn't want to go into public, having not lynch these guys. Now we can say it today cause I'm cancel I'm canceled and sorta, which is basically as no fear of early, so we can say it costs some time has goin by, but that is the reality, the real neither is there. We were asked as a public to accept something that was plainly not true. We can see for ourselves now As anything else like that happened, yes, what about the january six story. january sex. We are asked to believe that people who,
trespassing without weapons had a plan to conquer the united states, and we were asked to believe that, like the ones just obvious, it's obvious that when people trespass and saunter around and steal nectarines that that must be of a plot for an insurrection to conquer the united states, because there's nothing there will conquer a country faster than so during the round and their capital building for a few hours. Oh, Others are you conquer, fuckin country, right there? You know Makes you wonder why we didn't do within towards russia sending a few saunters until the country is completely conquered that works right, that the the public has been asked to believe That was actually insurrection that our government has asked me. At least part of the government is asking us to believe that
is that more or less ridiculous than believing that the police officers casually and in front of filming citizens with cameras murdered a guy or you know, allowed something totally terrible to happen that they knew was going to happen or should have known. These are ridiculous things to ask the public to believe ridiculous. How about the current news that the big guy, who is referenced in documents about the ukraine and hunter Biden, and all that big, I didn't know about anything. I didn't get any money, there's, not anybody with success through anybody. I were acting like. Maybe it's not true, We're like just going on with their day like law Maybe he didn't know about it, and possibly the big guy could be anybody really, the big guy. I don't even know what you're talking about and yes
Maybe maybe hunter was verified to have been paying Joe Biden bills, but there's no evidence that money went into his bank account people, people there's only evidence that he financially better. It isn't a major way, but the weather wasn't an actual bank account you see, cease or for the lack of the actual banking even though we know for sure that the money was flowing in a big way to his benefit through the paying of his bills and the living in the big house he couldn't afford but now there's nothing to see here. There's nothing proven that I don't know what you're talking about after they got us to believe the george floyd narrative after they got us to believe the january six narrative to fake impeachment so far.
What else do they believe today again we're seeing the story about trump marked a disabled person when he ran for office first them now believe, a hundred percent the people on the right of seeing the compilation, video workshop uses the same motions against ted crews and other people So we know for sure that this is a standard thing he did and all Republican seem to have seen that I don't talk to anybody. What is not aware of it. But about the people in the right on the left, you think they ve ever seen the compilation, video no, of course not, and if they did what would they think
they'd probably think oh yeah. He does use this all the time, but this time he knew this time. It was different. I dunno. What would they say and it it occurs to me that it would be fascinating. I've said this before it'd be fascinating. Some kova show where a typical Democrat is brought in and then simply exe First to real information from the first time, let's just just sentiment further compilation, video. Or have somebody explain to them. What I just explained on any of these topics, just watch what happens just to see the reaction. I would love to watch that because you don't realize how how brainwashed the public is, which includes all of us right. if you ever hear me say everybody's brainwashed except me, you should ignore,
the thing I say for the rest of my life, because you can't tell if you're brainwashed, you just have to assume your. You just don't know in what way is, and you do the best you can, but nobody is immune from it. It's not like it's something that happens on one side. So vague continues to big news. So The two most interesting things in politics? Well, rfk junior was interesting today too, but the vega had two completely interesting moments in the news is just the king of earned media right now I mean trump, of course, is trump you can't really ever. I don't think anybody will ever match trump for being Why is it just a just stay energy monster, but man is vague, good, everyday I've got a new and where I shake
that or this one. I'm not sure this helped him, or this may not have helped him politically, but it sure got attention and then the context of a primary, it's pretty It wouldn't be so good in the general election, but in the primary it's wrong. Here's what he said and said see if you can detect any true energy or influence of this, and what mean by that is. Is it really like is funny? is talking about a little like trump talks about things, not not this exact topic, but just listen to this and see if you can just feel any trump influence on this As you said, the story calls for a range of proposals about stuff
And one of them is having election day be a national holiday so far, so good deserted by like election day to be a national holiday, make sure but votes, I think, is pretty basic, would be total, I'm bored with that for years where he gets a controversial but will castle one or the other ones and make election day all they wait. What get a castle one or the other holidays way. What what are you talking about very vague Why can I not look away? Why can't I look away What the hell are you talking about everything by errs on fire. What do you get the castle, who wrote, cancel june teeth
it's june or one over the other useless ones. We made up what what are the useless ones? We made up what message? I used two years is argument. You stands with a quote presumption of time tested traditions, which is a hell of a good way to say that you you can You could spend your whole day trying to think of euro five words that will back this point of view. Presumption of time tested, traditions, I must say that I agree with that point or don't I'm saying is masterful just masterful the way you words, but he says the quota spirit.
June gs is already represented with holidays such as martin luther king, jr date and presidency says: we shouldn't have redundant holidays, the seller overlapping purposes. He should have a distinct purpose. Is, as a june do was made up holiday under quote political duress, following the well. They called the murder of george void because that's the noose lay collar which he said is not how we should create. Oliver hits I love, I love the trump like energy in this. You might not like that characterisation, but this is totally on energy, is taking taken the topic that probably nobody really thinks about her cares about and is made. Your hair catch fire until you wanted debate this thing, which has no
portance daddy was now finally, disagree with his boys, I they june tenth, as is perfectly acceptable all day. I'm totally until we convert why because it was literally the day that the that every american was free. is that not worth all the holiday? The first day, the first day in the history of the country that every american was a freezes, am IRAN as well, was not wrong about what it is right now, so he says. No. I. Was the days the last day, guerrillas slavery. Am I wrong about the history? I was always says, you're wrong. I thought it was taxes right, Texas was last night
So we need we have to do a fact. I got a lot of people are saying that dollar or at least what I thought was appointed all day was historically incorrect. That's when they found out,
On sunday saying it's not gonna ended his when suddenly found out. I was at an end, and why is already question about this hello? This is god atoms and now is your chance to reply to questions hot takes and calls for feedback from myself and all of your favorite part, gasters unspecified. Every new episode could have a q and a report with a topic for you to wait on so lay your voice be heard. Personally, I plan to use these tools to get you to enjoy the gaunt and even more so that over to spot, if I searched for coffee was got Adams or your favorite punkahs and view the latest episodes and respond to culinary and
because in spite of my only this is kind of mine glowing. So are you telling me that if I look into this, which I haven't done so, if I were to go to this, I would find the june teeth is not based on a historical truth, get gimme gimme a little contacts here. I you say that the story that that was sore the day when the last miracles we're fray, that's historically incorrect. I don't know your argument is I see a lot of people got all upset about this, but actually I don't have any idea. What you're disagreement is. I can't tell him the comments. the set so there's a narrative than june teeth, or at least that the essence of it is not true in any sense.
in no sense and strew, you not talk about like technically. Maybe the data's is offer something you're talking about even in concept. Nothing like that happened. There was some of you believe. Oh, this is really interesting. So you're saying this the day they found out, but what's wrong with that, is that they they they found out. They were free because texas didn't tell them. Is that what you're saying. but what? What what's wrong with that is the holiday the day they found out would be the day they were free, isn't a right in texas. I get it so, let's see which which parts you agree with this is actually fascinating. Because you know what my my major theme here is the left, not knowing the news.
And you're telling me that I don't know the news and you might be right does lay is I haven't looked into it so now? Well, listless do this in real time. Let us google it. I know. I know you. You say Google a biased by was who says so. If I say Judith in Google will do being too. and I know your screaming at me: I'm not looking up and you're screaming at me. There's a bob, it's all fake! On Google! I now just just stay with me for We're just gonna, see what it says. And why do we honour it this will be the first thing that comes up. key historical event, the day off people living in the united states, including the formal.
The slaves were officially granted freedom. So this is not a fact. Some of you think it's isn't. It didn't happen. What what the hell are you saying this lie? What does the lie and by the way, I'm not debating you, so this is now the debate. This is me genuinely being loud, by how wrong I can be or how wrong you could be. I don't know what the answer is yet, but what what give me anything? That's the counterargument. I think I got counter works a day when federal troops arrived in galveston texas to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people afraid. So
So our years, what I'm saying I hears what I'm saying the comments- and this will be a test of the bullshit filter erratic trudge- refused to listen to lower pay for them. They release later, can do so and says now. I saw you for you presented me with no argument the another right? I'm gonna watch a little better son on Youtube. You ve told me I'm wrong, but you ve presented no argument. it looks like you're arguing about the bout, the technicality of the date. I don't have any argument about the technicality of the date.
So your argument is that it was officially, well in the emancipation proclamation, I'm seeing somebody's argument here since the emancipation proclamation was complete, you didn't need to go into the details of how long it took somebody to find out. Is that your argument, you're saying you owe I totally disagree that, okay, if your argument is that freedom happened with the emancipation proclamation, but that the the details of making people free and knowing they were free took awhile. Is that your argument so that you should only brady emancipation proclamation while we don't have a holiday for the emancipation brok. Well, I got a guest life worth. Now is, so is your problem that is an extra all of it and you dont like holidays.
I'm totally with black america? On this I had to tell you if, wear black. You wouldn't celebrate the the day that seem more meaningfully to be about freedom. I would if I were black- and I would say, I'm not black and I still think it's a good call, What could we agree to disagree on this? One. because this is really entirely by you feel, if you argue the deed Else having any argument about the details, I'll give you emancipation proclamation I'll, give you that maybe some of the native americans didn't do some freeing of slaves until so I'll give you that there is lots of stuff to work out and that the emancipation proclamation caused all the other things to get worked out, so it would be the dominant date I'll giving them. But are all available. You feel when you say
memorial day, is about how you feel and and hoping that you continue feel to feel a certain way. Christmas is about how you feel I guess I guess halloween isn't so much about how you feel. yeah? I know that the only reason for a holiday is that the country needs a day off and they feel something about the purpose of the holiday. I feel something about that. I feel juneteenth. If a bunch of other people do I'm fine with that being a holiday. I think we didn't we needed another june holiday anyway. Alright, I think we settled that this is the bottom line, that, if you liked the emancipation proclamation as your your one freedom day, that did cause a ripple effect.
Which caused all the freedom with a little bit of you, know hiccups over time, I'll give you that, but if people really liked their june tenth- and it does speak to them and June's a good time for a holiday, I say everything about that is as good a problem with it all. Randal says: well, I hope your moral superiority is worth it. What what else is at stake was was there's something else at stake About was I going to lose money? Would it cost me money? I mean I don't take that day off. I don't take any. They also they're. All the same to me. Why is europe from that are just too many black holidays. Now, some of you being over over black holidays catcher,
mlk and you got your kwanzaa and you think that juneteenth is just too far just too far, I dunno, I think, celebrating american freedom in all. It's forms can't get enough of it. I can't get enough of it, but all I'll acknowledge that you might feel that it's a little bit too walker, I get that so we don't need to argue about that, because we would you agree with my my bottom line, feeling there there there is a national holiday or not really depends how you feel when you would you would you agree with me on that It's not law is not about money is just how do you feel? So if you feel different. There is not really an argument is. Are you
must acknowledge. I feel this way. I acknowledge you feel that way. Where reveals a boast? Windsor, yes, michael shelling, burgers twinning writing about how the Biden way ass. We know they were Trying to influence facebook to censor some content, but what we didn't is how hard they strong arm them, which I guess pushes into illegal territory. Not I guess. If the government is telling somebody to censor that feels pretty illegal to me, given all our freedoms and what not apparently the white house threatened or delay was say out of threats rightward. But a quid pro quo with facebook is facebook. New Biden. The fourth year up to allow data flows into the u s. So there was some issue that facebook needed solved politically
and in return for that they may have done some extra censoring. That's really bad! That's super corrupt! I dunno. If it's illegal, I mean it looks like it is, but I'm no lawyer, but as super corrupt, oh and so proscribed not to at least be transparent about it. You know, I'm not even sure if this would bother me if it was transparent when we think about them. I suppose you knew from the start that the u s and agreed with facebook to help them, but it was good for a u s company. Would you have problems with the government helping the? U s: company I don't think that brothers, that's not a problem, but we don't know for sure that wouldn't have happened, but reporting is that it was used as a specific threat. So
I guess you don't need to know if they would have carried out the threat. The threat itself is suppression of free speech, yeah, alright, so that's as bad as it looks. I guess the Biden laptop and all the devon archer revelations about the big guy. Isn't my imagination that, except for the very right, leaning media, the entire media is ignoring the story and the latest jamie raskin? He said a news nation with cuomo You said that the hunter bind was obviously trying to divert the different kinds of money into bank accounts for the family, but rascal says that he is never, but none of that involved. President Joe Biden
so the money that went into bank accounts went into a family bank accounts that did not include Joe Biden, who may or may not be the big guy. I wonder who is and that the President quote has never been accused meaningfully of any corruption in his life. A lot other actually democrats who had listened to jamie rask and say that Biden has never been accused of any corruption. I thought he was famously the most corrupt politicians we have ever known and that everybody Forever he's always lived in the house is too big for what is in camp was everybody knows it? Everybody knows it, and now that we ve seen the entire year the hunter moneymaking schemes and how it works in china and cetera
Is accused of love meaningful, I mean everybody, you see those stories as accused him of corruption, and certainly the Biden laptop thing was grow. I think Biden was behind the russia collusion hoax, or at least was aware of it. It is amazing that somebody could say is never been meaningfully accused. What by years was the funny thing, so we started out with Joe Biden. doesn't know anything about hunters business does know anything about it.
Okay, well, there's some memos of the show. Maybe he knew something about it, so you could say the cats in the tree and you can't get them down, but no big deal you'll get together and then we find out ooh. You know devon archer and all these other documents and the big guy and we got the bank accounts and the money, and we know that his bills were being played paid by hunter and hunter was mad. That he's been paying his father's bills for so many years, and all that and now now the cats you know on the roof or not in the tree, but he's fallen off the roof and he's injured.
It's gone to the vets, but will give you an update tomorrow, because no oh yeah, yeah yeah hunter was making a lot of money and it went to everybody and he certainly paid the bills for the big guy. Whoever the big guy was we're, not quite sure, oh, my god, the the fact that rask of his as written the scandal, all the way down to he didn't, have a specific back and called for his corruption That's what they're down to oh yeah, all of the things that look like they happened happened, but did he have a bank account have ah sure sure he may have been doing things with other countries that influence policy? We might actually be involved in a major war in ukraine in part because of Biden's actions, but here's what's important
We haven't found a specific beg out. That's what he's relying on this all has left laughably pathetic. Then it was watching Ellen Dershowitz talk about jack smith, the prosecutor, the drum prosecutor- and I didn't know this, but oh my god, oh my god. Do I hate my country right now. The government, at the country according to Dershowitz, the jack smith indictment against trump for inciting inciting the violence. On january six, the indictment included his
ch that is be used as evidence of incitement and omitted the part of the speech where he told people to be peaceful and patriotic. He actually omitted from the indictment the most important part, the most important part, the part where he said publicly directly and at the moment that, as it mattered peacefully and patriotically, the very opposite of an insurrection, he left it out and as Dershowitz points out more for cleverness. For reality that, if jack Smith's siri the trumps lying, caused something to happen in the real world and that that was bad. That,
the same theory would put jack Psmith in jail, in other words, tromp is being tried or the other be the august ride. For indicted for exactly the same crime in type anyway, the same crime that the prosecutor is doing by inviting them Our washing this in real time and I still on the job he still employed. Would what why? Wouldn't you just stop everything it? If I found out that the prosecutor and worked all this time and then that an indictment and left out the most important piece of evidence, the most important part, the exculpatory part, you should fire him and put it in jail, you should be jailed absolutely should be in jail based on what we ve heard. Now, of course, everybody gets
until proven guilty gets trial, blah blah blah blah. But to me this looks jail. I mean to me it looks like absolute corruption, and I can't we have the jack Psmith would do this without the Biden administration either? May he sure in advance he would do it or pressure him to do it. So to me this looks like immense government. Corruption. May be the worst thing I've ever seen. Possibly I mean the russia collusion hoax and the Biden laptop hoax were insane insane corruption, but this might be a new level, maybe taking it to another level and why did I have to your therefrom Dershowitz? I didn't hear that in the news idea from Dershowitz who does his own little video, so I can see it.
If I didn't have, if I Didn'T- have a twitter slash extra account, would I know that jack Psmith left out of the indictment, the most important part of the information, the most important bar? How would I know that. I would not know that. Do you think any Democrats at all are aware that the indictment left out the most important part of that. Not I didn't know until this morning and if I didn't know it, I'm pretty sure the left doesn't know it. Issues, everything in the news it just making. You shake your head. I was sorry about that. Barbie movie, bill bar saw the bar barbie movie and why. in loving the woke of it. Apparently I haven't seen it but apparently barbie fights. The patriarchy include The board of her own mattel accompany
which, in the real world, has seven men and five women, but in the barbie movie, which is supposedly southern twenty twenty three, the patriarchy is in charge and their own board is all men and mattel allowed that to be made, Apparently, boards across the country are yo way closer to being diversified with at least male and female than ever before, and so bill mars, calling it a zombie lie the lie that the patriarchy is running everything and that this movie is based on them. Imagine a generation of young girls who go to the barbie movie and learn that they live in a patriarchy when actually the opposite is true at the moment that the patriarch is pretty weak,
speaking of vague? He also did a noose interview in one of the topics with climate change and oh, my god, you have to see it is the best I've, never seen a political figure handle a climate change discussion at this level, I'm going to tell you unequivocal equivocal unequivocally A vague is operating at a level that is entirely above the rest of the field on climate change, some other things as well, but Let me just give you a sense of what he did on climate change, so Interviewer let's say as a a believer that climate change is a big problem. And it said how do you explain to vivek? How do you explain that florida won't even offer insurance for homeowners for certain kinds of insurance? I guess because of climate change,
now. What would a normal politician do with that question change the subject. The vague actually showed that he knew more about the topic than she did by far went into the details of the Europe's business. And why she is wrong that this is about climate change, told her, it was really about an absolutely eviscerated her point, and I was just the first point, So the first thing she says, Ababa florida insurance destroy it by showing that he knew more about the topic than any politician I've ever seen. I mean he actually had a mastery of all the parts and he very quickly showed you
if the mastery of it and they even understood all the insurance business and all the parts? And I I just my jaw dropped I was like did I I just watched a presidential candidate describe details of insurance, which was a very important question. I thought it was a good question. They did a perfectly like what he's done. You say to yourself, ok, issue off the table, that's what I thought it was like. Oh I'd never heard of those things, that's that's a good argument, and now I'm We are then She pointed out some specific situation of places that are harder than ever and then the vague who I remind you, is running as a republican. This is important to the story, is running as republic and he says with a twinkle in his eye, as somebody saying in the comments he says what.
twinkle in his eye. If anybody from the right had used an anecdote to back their scientific claims, they would be marked. Oh my god, because that's even what trump does mean trump. Does the thing we're if it nose, he says climate changes and real, and you and I just grown when I hear that like and always popular, I know it's funny, but grown, and that I see the vague give exactly the right answer. Eggs equally, the right answer is you're, a fucking moron. If you're giving me anecdotes in science, conversation. And he didn't say that, but it was so clear from the twinkle in his eye that he just owned china's frickin owned or live tv. It was. It was just a joy.
Watch to watch the republican. So then she's very challenging oman. While I imagine she thinks I imagine she thought would be his conservative republican backwards, anti scientific opinion of climate change And he said, and he says let me explain my views gimme some context. He says this is relate dog you with me. I agree with them, but don't argue with me he said. Yes, the plan is warming. Yes, humans are part of it. And then that's pacing pacing is the part where you you agree with a big part of the argument which he did and then. said here's where we're different and they said that. Ass from temperature or down ninety eight percent. and is our blah blah blah more people dying of heat? Yes, but the naps, because more people way more people die of cold
So the net is that a warmer planet saves way more lives and the thing that saves even more lives is having access to fossil fuel energy. That's how you save a lot of lives just destroyed her argument. To be fair. She did have one argument left there. She didn't use because she wasn't up upon the topic. So what what would be her best reply.
somebody's saying that the warming so far has been all positive, meaning that the net is more people alive and we're really good at mitigating temperature problems now, so the warmer means, probably more more foliage, so vague, said, there's actually more trees and bushes, and there were no when, when climate change was allegedly not so bad is that the topic is youtube just going to turn me off, or is that just a coincidence, because I'm not having a problem on the other platform, I don't think is locals having a problem. Alright, no problem on one platform: alright! Well, that's a big coincidence! Isn't it so here's! So let me get back that so vague says that so far the warming has been positive.
People are alive, less fewer people dying of the cold war, mitigating. What is the counter argument to that because remember. the vague is already agreed that humans are causing the warming and it is getting warmer. What's the counter argument there there we go yes, the counter argument is that it say: there's a limit problem that the the camera agreement is you reach a point where you fall off the shelf. so they reach a point where there's something unsustainable. Maybe the coral in the ocean dies and causes a cascade of something something. So the argument is that is not a sort of a gradual warming and we just sort of keep adjusting to it, but rather it's gradual until it's not all right. So that's the argument from the
I'm an alarm people, it's gonna, be ok until a not and one is not, is going to be really bad bad and country full spark and world full support. Now I don't know, that's true and I think of ache would have a counter to that. Which is it's been wrong every day so far? Why would have suddenly become true and the answer is you can't get warmer forever as somebody as some boy isn't a disruptive now I do like the argument. even though there are lots of ecosystems that would be destroyed. I think that's a given way. There be other ecosystems that would be enhanced, who's to say that the enhancing doesn't help the poor people there more than the degradation, and this ecosystem helps the rich people that might be living.
On the beach house, so there's nobody whose role that really done the math to find out if the warming over here is helping the poor more than the the warming over here yeah. So nobody really knows that's an unknowable thing, but I think at all I just loved the quality of this discussion, but you could, see you can see the problem here here. You add one person who knew so much more than the host. The hosts didn't really have the the pushback, because there is pushback the ritz ad, but he didn't get it right. There's a fbi agent whose pleading guilty. shoe colluding with russia. Well, no big deal I mean you gotta, dirty fbi agent. Maybe
did little took some money from a russian oligarchy. There's no problem, who is this guy? Well he's worked on other things before listening always the same agent who started the entire crossfire hurricane investigation. He was a pivotal player in the russia collusion hoax, while taking money from russia. That's use X, F, b. I. ex off we islets com? That's that's just what you thought. I was let's talk about forty in the lab lake. Very wise has more more information on. This is a trove of emails and slag messages and other documents revealing the
She's behind the scenes, involvement with journalists and scientists and lovely theory, and apparently there's a quote from subleasing tony doesn't want- is fingerprints on the origin story. So, just like you, I thought the government, or at least voucher as a representative of the government, was in fact managing the media reporting not to make it more accurate, not to make it more accurate. It was just what you thought it was if he had bad suspicions about auchi managing information yup. It was exactly what he thought we also got your here's the political mistake of the day I think from our of gay junior. Between us today. That he's got a economic plan you said: does: can help the middle class
You said the average income in our country is five thousand those less than the basic cost of living. the issue, very good you'd like to revise the middle class. So far I like it he says I'm going to change that over the course of the next few weeks, by releasing an economic plan that focuses on ending the corrupt merger of state in corporate power? To make sure americans pay the bills biscuit. He does not give any details of his economic plan to come, but the one thing we know, Is it will result in the middle class having a lot more cash? How do you do that? Here's what I call this a political mistake, as I tweeted
responses, sounds like a force transfer of wealth, and if that's not the plan, I would throw in a few words like free market. If you don't see free market as part of how somebody else's gonna make money, how are they going to make money without the eu, anime being better for everybody. How are they going to make money they're going to have more money when his economic plan is, it's gotta, be a forced transfer, as in somebody gets taxed, or something like that, so Have you ever had the situation while up We tell you a story that happened to me. I've told a story, but it fits perfectly in this case so many years ago I had a suspicious lump on my throat that could have been cancer.
and I got the x ray. Then I go. I go to the doctor who is going to finally tell people what the x ray said so the x rays one process, but then you have a doctor's appointment later to just Does it so I'm setting in the in the waiting room where the Other people were my situation. There are all waiting for the same. Doktor was read their x rays to tell them if they have cancer. So the doktor opens the door and the like are shoot or shoot pseudo. This meares us for somebody else. He goes, mrs garcia. Mrs Garcia raise his name and he goes good news x. Rays are fine, you, you know you're all good. On and I'll I'll tell you about it and like she misses, yeah got good news comes out again. Ngos goes, MR smith, MR smith, everything's gonna come on and we'll talk about. It are clear and like garcia smith on
next comes out, goes mister Adams like yes, and he says, can you come in my office for a minute? That's where or of gay juniors tweets me, hey! I got some news. Can we talk about this privately d ever get good news. When somebody wants to talk to you privately, No, no, and when I went in and talked to the doctor, he said well Little ambiguous but probably cancer, probably It was exactly what you thought if somebody doesn't give you the good news, front or leaves out an important point. The union we should be there. I know Should be telling me right now, do I or do I not have cancer,
I have to have another up procedure where they did a biopsy, and it was just nothing. It was literally nothing. They just pulled some fluid out and put a band aid on it. I was as far from having cancer as you could possibly pay. It was more like a skull at of either die of cancer or possibly again scratch the gun, infected, suddenly them So are of junior. I give you this advice. If this is not forced to transfer of wealth, You're really did to say that right up front, that's gotta be right up front, and if it is about Goes this is I gotta talk to you, I'm gonna. Take your money situation now, Maybe it's the best way to fix things. Yeah, I'm always going to listen to the argument, but if you hide that information like what what's the core of your idea, he doesn't have to give us all the details.
But I can say. For example, I found a way to unleash the economic engine that will give everybody better incomes or. I believe the solution is better training and I am going to spend a whole bunch of money on training, but very quickly that will translate into higher incomes. Listen to that, I would say that still give be some taxes involved. But if you tell me your taxi me to give direct occupational train, and to people who would benefit right away? You have my attention. I hate the fact that you might tax me more for the benefit of other people, but it is that benefit is clear and obvious and smart and would work. Suavely economy which benefits people already have money? Like me, I can be sold on that. I could actually be convinced, but.
if you do start out and say you know, trading, will be my focus or free markets or I'm getting rid of some. Or or even if you'd said, I'm going to I'm going to bring more manufacturing back in here's my specific way, I'm going to do it all good all good, but don't tell me you're going to make somebody else have more money, because that just feels like and as my box. So since I dont know what his plan is, this is not a criticism of the plan. Is the criticism of the communication of the plan later. I might have something to say about the play, And by the way, the seams Anna character does this feels like just a mistake, and I haven't seen him- make anything that looked like just a mistake, so rosy Rasmussen does and pulling on the trump indictment. You will not be surprised,
fifty one percent of likely as voters approve of the latest trump indictment, but, of course, is separated by vote. types, so you got to see sixty nine of percent of republicans disapprove, but seventy seven percent of Democrats approve, of course, of the trump indictments. Oh, what what is this polling telling us? You know I used to think that a poll told you people's opinions. Does it feel? Like that's what's happening? Do you think you saw people's opinion. It doesn't feel like an opinion, the me it feels entirely, like team play plus brainwashing like nothing like an opinion. Opinions suggests somebody looked at the situation than you have put their prairies on and then came up with the best case scenario as an opinion not,
like that's happening, this is pure assigned opinions, so that you know which team is winning or would win if their argument wins it. It just strikes me as ridiculous to ask opinions of brainwash people unless you're the brainwashed. Her and you want to find out how well you're doing. alright, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is what passes as news, and is it my imagination that everything looks more corrupt than ever and only because twitter slash x is not censoring us is that what's happening, your wake, it up wake it up Which team is the viral youtuber type of type of controller good question
as anybody ever studied. What goes viral more often on youtube casual. Joe rogan goes viral all the time and he's not being woke up, but but it does seem like. Is it true that the the most viral stuff is either left or right? Leaning? And you only look at your subscribers? Okay yeah. I guess I guess the question is: how can we get in on some of this corruption? Alright,
Due to come back on line yet youtube speck on, so I thought I saw ukraine story and I thought to myself of we found out about ukraine check the news on you so now the the news on Ukraine is always limited to like one sentence or one headline with little story and the story is always the same, all the ukraine stories. In the same, somebody send some weapons in one direction and some people got killed and nothing changed There are some things that were exploding. Things in the sky It came down on the public or the fighters. People died
then there is no sense that anything is changing in the ukraine right, there's, no sense everything could change. We have now come Willie, given up on the so called counter offensive wrote is there anybody thinks that are really at the ukrainian counter offensive? Here's. What I think is happening. I think that the news when quiet on ukraine because fill in the blacks, the news when choir on ukraine because go because of hunter and because they counter offensive, is not working. The two things that the binding administration doesn't want. You to hear the counter offensive, isn't working, not even close and hunter may have been the reason that the war happened in the first place.
So biting can win two ways. One is, if miraculously somehow ukraine one one got all its territory back, so that would be one way that binding can win. He could make ukraine look like yours victorious that doesn't look like it could happen. The other way he did win issue do just hold off the russian, so they don't get any more. So they don't get any more but also to keep himself out of the story to make sure that the hunter part of the story doesn't take him, but he can't get the one such a moment. It looks like ukraine. There is really no chance of a counter offensive that works. I would say by now we would now, and the hunter part does was acres it up the hunter hundred really kind of awkward. Now, isn't it because now you
the intersection or the Van diagrams between while hunter was doing. One could easily imagine would be too much influence on by the president. so there's a reason that ukraine disappears news. Am I right tell me I'm wrong the very time that everything about ukraine is bad for binding? It just disappeared. It's not even the news story. there's a literal war and which were you primary participants, at least financially weaponless strategically, but just about the fact that the news, when radio silent on a war, a war
and they're not tell you everything, that's true about this at this point, so there's a story about the country of niger. Some revolution happened I saw a tweet that I dont believe is true, but it was hilarious. Did you see the Victoria Newland story about niger? So but the reported story which I don't believe because it's a little it's a little too funny. It's too funny to be true is that Victoria nuland wanted to meet with the revolutionaries and talk to them. Maybe
some aid and the alleged story that I don't believe. I don't believe this is a revolutionary said that we should spend the money on a weight loss program for Victoria nuland. Do you believe that I don't believe that I saw it in a tweet, but I don't believe it is too funny it's too funny. I gotta go with fake news on that one. Let's call that fake news, okay, but if I'm wrong, if I'm wrong I'd love to believe it I have to believe it, but it's hello yeah, that's a little too perfect. Alright, that's all I got for you youtube. So thanks for joining sorry, I was late I'll start. Looking at my clocks in the future and I'll talk to you tomorrow,.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-10.