« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2186 Scott Adams: The Hunter Becomes The Hunted. Most Of The News Is Weird Or Funny Today

2023-07-31 | 🔗

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Politics, Synchronized Whales, President Trump, Ballot Harvesting, Devon Archer, Biden Crime Family, President Biden, Leftist Mental Health, Jared Kushner, Jim Gaffigan, Joe Rogan, Thomas Massie, AI Copyright Kneecap, VP Harris, Miscellaneous Rights & Freedom, Blackrock, Bitcoin Stock, Hunter Biden, Artwork Money Laundering, Scott Adams~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The relative doo doo doo doo doo doo doo good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization. It's called coffee was got atoms. Some people. I think there's a better better time in the history of the universe, but not really. This is really the best time in the whole history of everything. This is the best thing that gets sorry we'd like to take this experience up to levels which nobody has ever experienced. All you need is a cup or a mug or a glass a tanker jealous, it's time again to joke or flask a vessel of. fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee, enjoy Now, for the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine the other day, the thing that makes everything better, it's called the simultaneous sip go, ha ha ha ha ha.
Well, let's talk about the news: do you think that today is: oh, I don't know important news. Is there a lot of important news happening today, not only that but we do have news about synchronize. here's to wales, so a report of wales doing synchronized jumping this picture was three whales, jumping synchronized, now? This comes on. The eels are reports about the whales attacking said Ellen ships. It's right now. Other attacks, sailing ships and also doing some kind of military training, it looks like they're doing synchronize jumping, which would be the reform of marching. It does appear. The oceans are starting to organise against humanity. I
look out for the the other sea creatures discharge joining him, it's not going to be a problem. Unless Form some kind of an alliance and stuff sharing weapons, but our care for the sting rays and the swordfish, Georgia has joined with the the whales, we got a real problem, today. Some stinging in sorting well forget about that georgia, Whose object wages is that true, call the republican challengers to drop on the way race and divert other how their money. Find is the largest ballot harvesting operation. The world has ever seen and then see the news story, but without really happened right When one drop says everything it's almost like, you
until the ease of it. Now I'm assuming jack usually has right. Information sanctuary of sure is right But do you love? It is not just you should do about a start these simple and ordinary to say you should do ballot harvesting the same as democrats, but bertram. Does it say that he says have the largest bela harvesting operation the world has ever seen. The biggest one the world has ever seen and by the way, that's exactly right. did you think you should be going small Bela? Obviously now it should be the big? saying that has ever gone and the history of doing things if you doing it all you gotta go! You gotta go balls through the wall. Just do it like crazy
It wouldn't make any sense to just start in the bathroom. Well, they did some of that. So we'll do some of that. If the, if the loophole, if you want to call it a loophole or opportunity if it exists, and if, as legal. You should do their jobs right. You should do it like it never been done before or organised the race, because, if you're not going to compete using all the rules, you narrow dream. I don't know why this is so simple and yet and trumpet who keeps getting it right? I just just I was simply you say they should be the biggest one, the world's ever seen. That is proceeding. Really the right answer. The biggest one, the world's resume. Well, let's talk about in Devon archer coming up and all that stuff, so erasmus endurable, asking people what they think about the
crime family? If I use my own, I own term their the corridor, and sixty percent of likely voters believe the press has been part of an illegal corrupt died is involvement. His son hundred foreign business, sixty percent, is involved in the illegal cover up of an angel is buying scheme. Sixty percent how in the world could he win election, I mean how can you possibly when the selection of sixty percent of the country, things probably probably do as others super illegal. What answer, but the most, the most surprising thing is if you want to see our ridiculous as has become guess what percentage of people polled. say it is not at all likely that the president is involved in a car of any kind of a gun
schemes or anything now, here's the surprising part they couldn't even get twenty five percent to say it was ok. they could ever get twenty five percent. Just imagine that if tell you everything is that twenty five years Of respondents to balls we'll get every question wrong. Maybe it's a different twenty five percent like to wear. It gives us nearly twenty five will be about everything, but they got it all. Down to eighteen percent this, so the ones who say is not at all likely that Biden has been there, the covering up his role, two percent. Believe there's not at all likely only eighteen percent figures, not at all likely he's involved in insanely important crime, there's really relevant to the office of the presidency and he's gonna win.
So he's gonna win without campaigning these were. These numbers of people believe is involved in major crime. The worry you at all that the democratic don't seem to be ballot that they can win. while campaigning and have a you know somebody with these kinds of numbers. Well, we'll talk about the numbers a little bit more later, we'll get back to that I've got a campaign idea. The only job could pull off. Now, you're almost one, we could pull it off to build. Doesn't it does exactly feathers brand as well? But as I'll tell you what it is you you silly stats. The show that done. will we identify with the left, have vast, the worst mental health of you also that those that people associated with the political right. They got their problems, of course,
but is nowhere near the democrats and their mental health situations. Now what what are you people care about, you said Scott Toby EU policies and the hotel. You all you care about out. billy incorrectly tell you stuff, like oh tax rates and protect the border and policies and my policies in ukraine? so that would be the typical answer. What do you care about politics, and I would just list those things I talk about, but do I really care about those things. Or do I care about how I feel right now, as I'm sitting of this chair, which wonder I can more about climate change policy or my courtesy, as I'm sitting here talking to you right now, I care about right now. I care about how I feel I am happy to report. I feel great, I feel great,
I am I mentally and physically I'm just cook it at present right I don't reckon problems in the world. Obviously, obviously I'm going to go through the entire day without a problem. Now that no health problems, no mental problems, I won't be bored I'll, be doing some useful stuff, I'm going to have a great day. I dunno the details, but it'll be yes it was great the day before was pretty terrific. I don't have anything but good days, however, I do note that many many whole special. I left her having mental problems. Now it's it's not a big mystery right. I tweeted the term. There are three facts or the mystery. So the three facts are that the people on the left I taught the climate is: gonna, kill him right.
The entire world that they live on, the canvas gape it and its doomed to think need to know about the plan to defend the european left. He can't get off, it will be Too long before a yulong can get your rocket ride off of earth, so you're trapped on the earth and it's going to blow up with your. He is going to burn up with all the climate change also taught that you are either a victim or an oppressor. If your vote, Oh I'm! Sorry! If you're oppressor! I say sorry, oh my god, you're oppressor, How do you live with yourself? Oppressor plus years, surrounded by white premises who are trying to kill you If that was your reality. Thus written sort of some I reality on the left. Measureless reality its its total mental health, your creation, so, here's the idea. What if.
you're gonna love this idea, that's why I'm, unlike unlikely creeping up to it, when you hear it. You're just goes. I owe you that's a good idea. Erratic. tromp should tell you he's gonna help your mental I'll, just say directly, so we got a massive mental health problem and a lot of it is because your birth, believing fake news, if you believe the fake news is not good for you and you should probably The way to back off it right at the very least, should sample the news from both sides, but right now, you're you're, just talking yourself into mental health problems by listening to the click bait, alarmists, larger and get you worked up, so they can make money. Your mental health is because somebody else
making money off of you, I'm not trying to make money off of you. I want you to feel good. I want you to be healthy, mentally and physically, and if you'd like to know how about voting for me, you know I'll show you how, but, but just thus the the miracle of politics- and you tell me if I'm wrong the mirror, the miracle of good politics is ones politician can make you feel something in your actual data. They like right You don't win because you ve got a concept o o then concept, your concept. Does it made me feel anything so in trouble? One is because he made people, feel something that seemed really relevant to their daily activities. But
This mental health problem is the biggest thing the people are feeling their failure, gigantic mental health burden. They also feel economic risks etc. But you can make a case for that too, do you want to feel comfortable in your economic life? You want to feel comfortable and how you feel about the risks in the world. Do you want to feel comfortable that something is being taken? Care of he he tramped could sell you. Mental health trump could sell you mental health and you would buy it. You would actually buy it now. Not every person right politics is all about. five percent to switch over biogas certainly get five percent say you know what I do have a huge mental health problem. Is offering me something that sounds like it could be a solution if you ve got a big mental health problem. Anxiety urge brushing owner
What do you do almost anything to just see if, every day the difference of somebody said take a walk around the block it'll make you feel better. You think well I should try. It does what I'm doing now, isn't working so either you It would be. Completely revolutionary for a politician to say: you're, not you I feel bad every day when you wake up and I'm going to fix that, I'm gonna make you feel better just directly I'll make you feel better. Sorry I even CNN is reporting at least an opinion peace area engine that trunk could win. Now, when cnn is saying yo a headline trump very well could win dude. Do you think that's a warning shot to the Biden's to get out of the race,
Nobody to get out of the race I feel like cnn is tapping him on the shoulders hard as they can tap. You know, I'm just reminding you of the poles blubber, so the art otherwise, in better shape, apparently trump is pulling better now than at any time in twenty twenty. Were you aware of that? one each one of you is never poli against Biden nearly as well as he is now so is easy. Moving in power and lotta are alot of people, or shall I am slightly not enough to be the margin of error, but. Insistently Ty read it again, not above the margin of error. now that was never the caves. Apparently those never the case in now. The caviar here is that see and says based on point CNN finds acceptable recently at their own standard of which ones I believe, but their own pole.
the ones they say are acceptable. Showing that jump starting to get a bite on this, that it would be hard to shake him off. so there are always play, is to arrest him. Given some go legal problems, The more they do, the morally Well, jesuit, they see him and probably the more support he gets. I mean he can sell that kind of it or, let me ask you: have you noticed that trump has done everything right lately. I can't think of an exception, but actually done everything right. By that I mean he hasn't caused a new problem right. There's, not a new problem. and he said he said news making things that people want to hear. and I believe he is successfully ready a general campaign already right. So he's he's not he's not just going base maize,
The base is he's actually already in the general in terms of its policies towards gotta. Stop him. It's hard to imagine anything stopping you I remind you that I'm still supporting vague brother of the younger another high quality. Again they I a choice. But I would also love trumpet the vague, as vice president and the Santer says, attorney general or or ted groups about ted crews, as it turns out. Right so that the big, the big problem that anybody, as will tromp as president well one of the big problems is you worry that he's gonna higher good people right?
You worry that you and I are the people, but I feel like he could higher good people if you wanted to I feel, like a d, does have that option now, because it feels different if he wins again it's gonna be the greatest I will be one of the greatest comebacks of all time, but would also validate eight that it wasn't about the first time. So things would look really different if trump, one again and since I don't need to worry about him winning
reelection. Even maybe he gets treated differently because they don't have to worry about another four years, it'd be his last four years. I doubt they would really go balls to the wall to try to remove him before his term was over. They might already do on the podcast modifies on a platform that lets you make one super easily and distributed it everywhere and even make money all in one place for free, it's called spotify for purposes and here's how it works. Satisfied for potter podcast lets. You record edit podcasts read from your phone computer. So no matter what your setup is. You can start repeating today that you can distribute podcasts to satisfy and everywhere else, podcasts or heard video, but gesso available on spotify added when you want to you want to take your decisions with your fan fans. Slowly, you've got q and a's and pole holes the best ways to do it with spotify for bulk.
As you could earn a variety of ways, easily cleaning, add podcasts, scription stones and bulk. It is totally free been using it for here for awhile and it's great rape. I recommend so devon. Archer is scheduled to testify to congress day. I understand, and now he is He Israel was hunters, business partner and he's got all the goods on the big guy in where the money went and all that stuff there's a fake, news report about this. That says that the department of justice was trying to arrest him to keep him from testifying in front of congress, in other words, going to shut them up by arresting him, but it appears to be fake news. So the real news is that the department of justice did send him a letter to report to jail, but negotiated time. It doesn't mean today so today
you should be fine lawyers. I out no problem, but. Is, there is a separate action on the separate case to which he might go to jail or a yes report to jail. I guess alright, alright he's a fine governor. Yes, yes, you know, I keep seeing clips of the scientists I'll tell you he He takes it as boring to the next level, and I hate to attack like the exciting should be requirement. for the job because it absolutely isn't. If we, where they present descent of us. I would be completely happy, however,
whenever a problem in the world with that, but but when he runs against trump, he just disappears a little that doesn't it's just hard to see him the the light is so blinding you just don't even notice them alright, so devon archer should light things up today now give in the devon archer. I imagine that anybody on the left or right, no matter what you think of Biden, don't you think that they would believe what For devon archer says to congress, in other words, if devon archer's, as oh yeah, totally corrupt situation,. I was right in the middle of it. I was his business partner is now your say I was in the room. I could tell you for sure So if it goes, I, why do you think even the left will believe it If his own business partner, just completely rolls over and says I I'll just tell you, I think
Twenty five percent won't believe it, but I think, were I think we have reached a weird situation And the situation is, I believe, the prom We are good at least a third. The people who say they don't believe the charges really do or something in that order there will be, boy would never met, they believe the charges, but they do. Is they want their team to be wrong. stand say? Well, ok, you ve convinced me that it was always a biden. Crime family how many of them are going to say. You know, I didn't think that was a thing, but now the show me the evidence it does look like it was a gigantically on ethical situation, at least under an off its illegal I don't think they will. I think people will say you know Joe Biden's getting up there in age.
and they'll just find some other reason. Why he's not there first choice, though, just funds. Her mother isn't because it's just too hard for brains to say it was right in front of me this whole time, and I couldn't see it until now. It's just hard for a brain to to do that So I think that we have way what we mean in the country way. More democrats who understand the Biden, try always situation then will admit it out loud? Let me ask you this: do you think there's even one in the media left or right who believes that these chargers not legitimate the accusations about the button emphatically situation violators, eight billion the news business. Now other people in the news. Business are completely aware. What's going on, it's only their customers, the viewers that their falling but there's
when he was sitting in the year. The host chair of a major network, who has any The confusion whatsoever about what happened with the buttons, no confusion at all. Yet joy, read no confusion over men completely understands at this point, they're not going to say it, but they do now. This brings us to the Jim gaffigan on Joe. Now imagine it before, but he still trending now that the take that a lot of people add is that poorer, Jim garrison it was you know, diluted by his news sources and you know sort of a a lefty anti trump or and then he ran into the buzzer of Joe rogan, who you certainly not a programmer per se, but he's We add more accurate information about the very stories that Jim was concerned about and watch
watching Joe Robin explained to Jim gaff again things that the people on the left have never heard before was fascinating? And also interesting, dear Jim safely, he thought were true because the news told them they were. Let me give you an example, demographic and says worries seem to indicate under rogan. There was obvious it should be obvious to everyone that trump is the most corrupt president ever and well, Joe Biden, may have some issues. There is no competition between whose more corrupt. Now? What do you think he was referring to, and I thought, of corrupt is, or even one example of that. you give me one example of something trump: did they would fit the definition of corrupt anything
there are plenty of things you can see the light plenty You can even say he might be impeachable for some of those things, but where was the corrupt bark well, where so so Jim gave some examples by a business. both of you mentioned trump universally. Here's my take on tromp universally. none of those sounded good to me. I've I've never once you defend, everything about trump university, but do We know that whole story before the election that was before the election. So, in my opinion, it was probably a licensing deal workshop lenses, Men didn't really know exactly what is going on. You had four hundred does with his name on it. He listened Was the name probably checks.
once when he makes the delia was this legitimate exit deal? I don't think he was auditing the classes or looking at the materials. So yes, trump is fully responsible for that and paid for, but that was all that was all known before the election had nothing to do with the election. And it was just a bad, I would say about licensing deal generally speaking, but what are you do as president once tromp was president? What would be the example of the corruption so gaffin giving gives this example that jerry pusher got a two billion dollar contract? After job left office from the middle EAST. Do you think that's a real story? Do you believe that year, pushing regatta two billion dollar contract? How many think that that actually happened in the real world is everything as a real thing? Now? That's not real,
Is there a two billion dollars story about Jared? Pusher? Yes, do you know the story? Is the jared kirshner as a investment fund, And that these saudi here, the big national fund, saudi arabia, is a server a whole country fond of money that last and two billion of that was directed to gerald prisoners, new fund. They didn't give the money to jerry kirshner. I think people don't know much about business somebody wrote him a check were either you just deposited now. He's he's is living on his two billion dollars. That's not what that is. he's managing a fund. It's not his money. Other people give him money to manage. He hires people to help them manage the fund. Now one I'm going to get to still shady, so
Let me be clear: if you saved yourself, there's still shady on the same page, say page bloodless, just continue talking about it. Did you now that the crown prince or saudi arabia is a good close personal friend of jerry cushion and it was the prince who made that have I believe you knew that there, actually there close personal friends, do you think that being close, personal friends, I think probably happened during the middle east negotiations during trump. That's when that happened. How off our weird? Is it or unusual? somebody would one invest with their close personal friend who actually make them a lot of money to sell the usual. That's like the most common thing in the world.
The people were no people well are more likely to go into business now. The big question is this: do you know the jura? Cushion the thing was fully transparent was announced. locally and there's no there's no hidden elements nobody's accusing anybody of hiding anything is just right there now. Are you comfortable, you're comfortable, knowing there's somebody that connected to the power structure in the united states is not only good friends with the head of saudi arabia, but even they have a big investment that he's managing this. I give you a problem I dont know if that makes a country less save. Does that make us more safe? Does Doesn't that make saudi arabia far more likely? to remain our ally of sorts.
Are we more likely to be their ally of sorts? If we have a big connections and those connections are working well for everybody If you were, if you're the crown prince of saudi arabia- and you wanted to put two billion dollars into something that will probably make money, but also my have a strategic political, what advantage can you think of anything better than putting money into a jared kushner fund? do you think Jared Kushner has really good access than deals and people can manage the fund. You told me you'd have like the best access in the world, the basically everything that that's exactly what I want my managed fund. So You feel uncomfortable. There's somebody that attached to the trump way out- and I m still attached by family right- does vodka. To drunk so that attached has that big all that looks like
you could argue, is swedish swedish in the most, spare away Saudi arabia, likes America today, not so much under button. Yes, they know each other personally and yes publicly. We have just announced this big deal. Now, I'm not comfortable with it. How many of you would agree on the border that that's a little is a little too much connection. is also completely legal. It was I when it happened, is completely transparent is also ordinary business, but I'm uncomfortable with it. We're already would agree without assessment. There illegal, it's all transparent, but I'm a little uncomfortable and if you are too, if you
factor led into any of your decisions? I would say: that's fair I'll, give you that if you think that the discomfort which is real gives, some pause, I think, is entirely possible. That Jared was not expecting trumped up a second term and we get rid of mind but you may have thought this will never have any impact on anything in politics. This is just Yeah me using my current such in the world to build. That makes everybody some money in all likelihood, but now it's very is kind of awkward now, isn't it so I'll give you that are given. That is awkward. Do you compare that to the Biden crime fairly? Do you think those are comparable that the fact that two billion is a much larger amount of money doesn't seem to relevant to the commission.
because one is a hundred percent legal and transparent and probably everybody may money. And the other. What is completely sketchy from top to bottom and the opposite of transparent those are not comparable, but the data Jimmy gaff again story. If, if you think it's about Jim gaff again say that's totally, we share the little bit? I know about Jim because I did get to spend some time talking down and I think this context completely useful. when, when I spend probably an hour just talk and Jim gaff about politics, He listened to everything I said there was sort of the, I would say the trump framing of the world and he asked good questions Eddie, you told me what he thought about some things. I gave em my contacts on those things and I will say
the entire conversation was one hundred percent respectful, curious and genuine. He has a genuine interest in politics. Is jenny We curious is genuinely paying attention and what I talk to him with a completely alternative view of the world. He listened intently and we had a just a good conversation, and that was that now I didn't get the sense of changing his mind. Anything that wasn't really! anybody's intention, but we have an exchange in which he was fully open and at no point Did he say? Oh you crazy way, supremacist or anything like that. It was just listening Other citizen, when a little different animation. In view of things incorporated, and that's all I ask so if you, if you're giving him trouble, I think you're directly, you fire and complete
the wrong place. I see him and I say this, but it looks like a victim of the news and I do think there are victims and if it victims on both sides? I don't if it's just a little left but you hear somebody say their tromp was the most corrupt them and there's literally not an example of everything that happened in office. Anything. There are things you don't like, but none of them go towards corruption at all is the most. Is the most checked out, president of all time So that is such a big point such a big point? How how could you Well, have the right opinion on the Biden, crime, family, allegedly activities. If you thought that tromp was way worse that lower change? Everything about you saw those situation, but it just doesn't basely facts so,
I'd give Jim gave again a brake on that, but it was fascinating. I loved me. I love the interaction When you love to see more that, wouldn't you to see a Joe rogan or just somebody, you can explain some something clearly incredibly now, one of the things that your rogan has going forum is that nobody, she's lying is that, like a superpower, think about how few people can fit into this situation, if I'll just name some names of my favorites these are just some of my favorites. If Thomas massey tweet, something it might be be accurately inaccurate yoke. Is anybody can be accurate? but he's never lie way, I'm sure of it. I don't think he has a little. I just don't think he has any incentive.
is just nothing in his character? That would cause them to just lie about something, and I think there are there. Few people, nelson categorizing Joe rogan, is very comfortably in the category We have no incentive to lie. He has no history of ever doing it and nobody is even using a moment useful. Was that. think about what an asset that is. Now. Would you say the same pick your favorite pick your favorite, News housed pick your favorite one from fox, or your favorite one from another place how them can you say well, they might be but I know that reliable now I'll give you got filled. As someone does best of mine. I've never seen anything even slightly looked like he was trying to lie about it, not once talker bicycles.
But you can. You might be able to come up with some names on both the left and the right who you say to yourself. You now notion they're, always tell you the truth, as they see it by some are definitely bungee, no intelligence, the jews. Every time you see there should be some kind of accounting for the fact that some People are believable by almost everybody, and that Gotta be worth something, do you think I think you're, sort of a casual observer politics. imagine how useful it would be to know the list of people could be wrong and the money. disagree with you on priorities and stuff like that. But their never lying to you when you love to have that list.
Oh boy, upper jaw rogan at the top of my list, might disagree with them. Never lied in fact, output. Giving afghan on the same list, Jim gathering in my disagree with, I do. He might have wrong information in some cases. I don't think there's any indication is ever like everybody right when you were great when indication commission is ever lied we probably is just getting different news and they should be the end of the story, so I d like to see individuals can attack for sunday. This clearly just part of the system smirk, I think, he's very honest as well. No indication no indication is a reliable. All right, do you remember my prediction, the a I might into a legal bizarre and you think eyes, take over the world, but
I met a lawyer yet because lawyers like to stop things from happening so sure enough, a I as the law suits are starting to come. because a scours, the intellectual property of like me and I'm concrete, are based on our art than some say. That's copyright, bad news illegal now I don't know what is, and what isn't too illegal and I don't know where it's going to shake out and I'm not even sure where it should shake out. I don't even know what's best for the world, I don't even know if the world is better off with or without copyright in the world of ai. I dunno, I guess we'll figure it out. I know it's bad for the artists in the short run, so but that doesn't mean it's bad for the world. Sometimes some industries have some uncomfortable changes or might be one on, but.
now there's report so the wall street journal, it's got a big peace that is essentially can brimming my production by us make that protection hear anybody else say it might be knee. Capped by copyright was the first one years, and I think I was the first one that maybe you are not the not the first one in the world. Jack besotted I usually early on stuff. good news. More good news for you d, like good news, everybody? I know you like it is. so here's good news, If you're worried about vague and miscellaneous problems that this country, you don't have to worry anymore We are. A of people were already working on these specific problems. So, for example, we had people work and on what do you do about ukraine?
what do you do about the border when I happy with the results, but but we had people working on this project, but there were that left a lot of stuff that nobody was working on, but the good news, The vice president, Kamel Harris is leaning into fighting against miscellaneous miscellaneous things such as so there would reduce your freedoms and rights so If you're worried about losing your miscellaneous freedoms and rights in places that I national category by sort the miscellaneous freedoms and rights. And she says she is fighting for you every day. So if you woke up today- and you said I feel like I have most of my rights yeah which my rights, but I'm a little bit concerned about the miscellaneous stuff. Can you be specific now just miscellaneous rights and free?
I'm losing my miscellaneous rights and freedoms com. ours is frightened to get him back for you and I think, she's doing a good job, because many of you did everything a problem with your miscellaneous race. Today everybody did that day by try to go to work, and you just couldn't, because you were lacking some miscellaneous rights. Yeah she's got the miscellaneous rights, take care of so That's good. I question for you. I fact check on this fact check number one did blackrock. We say they were gonna, buy a lot of bitcoin the tab.
I saw that in the news I didn't have time to check. Just before I went live cause everybody confirmed at black rock, go heavy into bitcoin. Somebody says yes, alright, so some people will say yes now, I'm just I'm just going to the timing, apparently the department of justice. I think it was or were whoever said, a coin base, which is a big exchange as all kinds of crypto currencies. You can trade one from the other. So they have to get rid of everything except bitcoin due to the urban did coin base somebody told coin basically, Assisi was it was the ssc. So the FCC said that our crypto is bad except bitcoin.
And did this happen right after black rock loaded up on bitcoin? Does that seem like a coincidence and what what's bitcoin doing right now they go up or down bitcoins up. Boy by their bitcoins up, so that on suspicious do. Though you worry that black right
Is really running everything cause they own so much of everything and they have so much money and then you're saying bitcoin isn't up. I was looking at stock. A bitcoin stock is up. How could a? How could a stock that holds nothing but bitcoin be up if bitcoins down or is it moving quickly? Maybe it's just quickly up and down. I haven't seen the change him because his flat interesting is flat, but the fund that owns the only bet is up? Okay? I have some questions. Well, I that could work, but maybe maybe so I dunno, what's happily with grip, doble looks like there's a direction is formed
I'm almost positive there was something else I was going to talk about that. Somehow he didn't oh, and do you think hunter Biden is lucky or skilled as hunter Biden, lucky or skilled, because I'm going to point out one thing that was really lucky so already I ask you what kind of risk, Do you have in life You might say I'm gonna pickle ball. At the flower arranging and stuff like that. But if you notice that most of the most of your hobby things you're good at don't have any economic value right. You're, like oh yeah, I can trim a bush like crazy, I'm so good with my lawn care, but you know you're not alone
we're professionals, so it doesn't really help you so yeah, I would say you're all unlucky, right, you're unlucky, because you have a set of skills. They just don't line up with something that is going to make a lot of money very unlucky. But imagine your your by an eu happen. Coincidentally, Europe. You know train lawyer, but coincidentally,. You are also a world class painter, an artist, and isn't that lucky that painting pictures which could be valued and millions or zero. Very subjective is sort of lucky of all skills you could have in the world- he got the one, and his skill that matches perfectly money laundering scheme for influence is not lucky Just then the only talent add was Ellen.
Suppose he had only been talented as a cartoonist suppose you could draw really good cartoons. What what is the top market for a well john comic? That's fresh you're, not now something that historical, oh I'd, say hunter. Of dollars. I can sell before I get cancelled. I could sell and original dilber are for two to four hundred dollars doubt that before the market for that So isn't that lucky that is specific are was in the category of this highly monetizing. All you know, if you ve done a cartoonist, how he would make It's funny if he'd been a figure skater or have yet to if he had, let's say athletic skills while he'd be too old, so that wouldn't be useful. What if he had great musical ability
Wealthier gray, musical ability, you really as much as people were willing to listen to it. Oh, you couldn't hide anything in that case. Cause people would either buy it because they wanted to hear it or not. You know nobody would be buying a million dollars worth of his albums so music, even if he had this great skill will be our demonetized, but all the skills you could have and the entire world lucky lucky under Biden got the one skill. That could make you millions of dollars without, but to being entirely sure it was worth it. It's hard to imagine a a luckier situation than that lucky lucky anyway, I saw my concern of it. She tweeted one of my tweets on this. Stop. and he was a recast,
himself for not realising that the question should be. Is anybody ever seen answer make a painting, I think, a video of amusing, a straw till I blow paved like a modern art peace. Now, let me ask you this. If you're gonna pretend you can make art, but you couldn't make art. Would you pretend it with a brush which will be really are too fake? Or would you pretend it by broad blown some pages with straw, On a painting, there was largely already done, so you can see. That, if somebody added like a little, you know blow in the straw, it would fit with the composition. It's kind of interesting isn't another coincidence. Another coincidence that the only video Maybe it's always the photo is the only thing, an artist who works at a list. world class our level as he allegedly does
We think that you could do if you or him exactly The only thing that you could have done suck some paint into a straw and blow it without thinking too much about what is going to look like cause. The randomness is the art, so the only thing you could have done to interesting? Aren't you a little bit suspicious if he can? If he can conveyed, I mean as well as the paintings look. Does the paintings he produced to me? Look like really good payments. To me, looks like he skill or whoever is bathing in l skill. If you know what I mean,
ray story I must, I think I covered the synchronize whales hunters amazing talents, Joe Biden, not possibly gonna, be the next president, whereas may repeat scotch. Bad taste in art- no offense, no, I wouldn't put any of it on my wall. I'm saying that as a objective objectively, it looks like good art, be it honestly does know it looks like the paintings or done by somebody who knows how to do are really well. The other thing Look war is if hunter draws on the. If hunter makes it.
Paintings of involve real people, count the number of fingers that just a little suggestion. The first time the ons produces art with a human in it just count the number of fingers. You know what I mean, wink wink, wink wink and I don't mean because it's progression, that's a different story. Imagine a vp debate between the common with all that would be too good That alone, is a region of have the a vp undertaken if he doesn't get to top spot. Does rising stock market and no recession goodbye reelected, I doubt it. I don't feel like people think that by didn't do anything that makes a difference to the economy
Do you think they do? I mean I realise its tradition, to give credit to the president whether goes up or down so its tradition that I guess the blame in the credit, even when they don't do anything, but I feel like Biden. More than other people did less when trump, when tromp was present,. Yeah. He would loosen up energy regulations and then a whole bunch of energy stuff happens and then he says: look at this energy stuff. part of the reason the economy is doing well, and you say to yourself with so like that will remain indifference or, if he says, negotiated this or dropped on this treaty or those who say I really there's the lap of the sounds like that would make a difference, but what did buy them? Do that makes a difference. You did the infrastructure bill that nobody can think of and the impact they have on their life. So he's gotta concept,
whoa a problem and I don't think the economy will improve enough, that inflation won't still hurt. I don't think the stock market is going to make. People feel good about inflation, because most people don't own stock right- must be a little most. People are living paycheck to paycheck. If, if that- Yes, I don't think the economy is gonna work. I think that trample build point to a number of things that binding did. That would be objectively and obviously bad for the economy. Maybe arguably they would be good for the environment. That would be the reason needs to someone, but I think trump can make the cases bad for the economy, and then people will go. Okay. That's all I want to hear alright.
Did I say, Matt Mcconaughey his interview on this week now you know what no offense to Matthew mcconaughey, who I enjoy very much in movies. I hate listening to him. Talk about anything, that's not a line written in the movie, although if it's. He's just talking about himself he's also entertaining, but when he talks about politics, I just get the cringe attack of all cringe tax because I'm sure he doesn't understand the topics, I'm sure he doesn't understand the topics now, to his credit, I'm sure he's looked into a more than. Average hollywood actor bottle is nowhere near the level that any of you are right. Almost any one of you can sit. There was matthew mechanic and teach him things you never heard, I'm sure of it, but because
got that a hollywood actor vibe he is. Those his sincerity, In a way that looks like actors to me, you know what I mean he looks like he is playing an actor. Who is pretending to be sincere? He doesn't look like a real person to me. I don't think so. I I just can't listening to him when he does his commercials or when he talks about politics, it's just hard to listen to, but I think he's an awesome guy. I'm thinking of good american glad he's interested gladys interest in politics. Certainly welcome him to you know, be completely involved as much as he likes, but just find it hard to listen to alright, but a good guy.
Alright anything else. Are there any topics, I've been missing. Did you all enjoy finding out about the? U f, o's, I feel like the? U f, o thing was a turning point. I feel like much of the country. Looked at the, u f o thing and they said Oh I get it. The news is no longer even try There is not really even trying to sell like real losing more there. Just basically, you have our story made the difference We in any way. Tabloid make up story thing from the sixties or whenever the tat boys started to you today,. it does seem to me, like people's minds, were changed by that. Just I feel it is.
like people finally understood that the stories are almost all made up in the news. The news is almost all meda. Yeah yeah, I was good, gonna sell commercials. I guess everybody keeps telling me. I should watch tucker and ice cube. And I burn resisting it. You know why I just don't think is news that too smart people got along. People are acting amazed. How talker like at a lot in common really really go along with this guy? Who you magic would be very different from them. Would you like to know is sacred in the universe that in person most people get along
The amazing thing would be if they didn't get along. That would have been the amazingly the fact that they had some things in common about freedom. Basically, lesson not a surprise. I just don't feel I needed to see it. I'm shows good entertainment, but I just watching to reasonable people agree with each other is now what I call entertain. That should be everybody all the time. If I have, if I have a conversation about politics, Somebody was just a reasonable and smart person. It never goes wrong. The only time it did was during the height of tedious, when people actually couldn't have a regular conversation. There are just two flipped out, then you
I talked to anybody, but but in a normal situation I think we're I think, we're close to normal at the moment. If you think about it, I would say that the tds is the lowest. It's ever been is still high, but it's the lowest it's ever been, and at this moment I think you could have a civil conversation with anybody about politics. No matter where you came from an unknown literally cancelled, you don't take it I sat down with a year of the breakfast club, or you know any black americans and have like just a great conversation in which we largely agree on stuff. We want, we would mostly agree, you think. That's not true. you're totally wrong. You tolerate you could put me in any environment. On a one on one in person, situation would go five every time.
because I don't say things that are crazy. Do I do. Do I say things that would trigger people now in what, when I don't know for sure I do a Joe rogue, isn't it Of Joe romans, discussion of re ups he's, Please said what we know and what we don't know, and you have to leave it at that. That's the only respectful way to tee to read a fellow citizen who might in fact me completely innocent of ever they re ups
you say what you know, what you don't know and you gotta stop at that, and he stopped exactly at that. He gave the context he gave him the facts and stop right there. That's that's as good as you can get discussing politics or anything in the news. The best you can do is to say what you know and what you don't know and just let it leather, alright hollywood nightclub guy was stabbed to death by a crowd I didn't see that story and some liberals care admit being wrong. Oh that's, not fair! Is that fair some liberals care admit to being wrong while you're at it. like that's a problem on one side. You don't think that's exactly the same problem on both sides. Isn't there something that only liberals have vision,
It totally wrong about that cognitive dissonance does not go by party affiliation. It doesn't by intelligence is, you are not protected from cognitive dissonance by intelligence, information party, affiliation, training, credentials, expertise; almost none of them help the cause, a distance wouldn't even exist. If you can reason your way, past passionate. I told a friend I moon, trump Indonesian almost fell on the floor laughing saying I still don't get it. We had a friend fallen floor laughing. Does you gave trump political donation.
well, let's somebody lose having some probably some problems, but I would support your friend if your friend was simply reacting to the fact that giving money to politicians is a bad idea. I'm not big on donating to politics. I feel like if a politician needs my money to win they're doing something wrong. Like I wouldn't know, I wouldn't. I would not donate to a fake or anybody else, no donating. I I think donating made sense before social media. Alright, the vache is proving These are a few junior, both proven and trump ruefully before you can get all the free attention you want. There's. No.
Limit. How much free attention you can get now the vague, probably doesn't have the funding that he could say. Pay for a big rally. Cause rallies must be really expensive. You got to rent the venue and security and all that, so Does he need it? I mean that happens to be a thing that works really well for trump, but veg doesn't need that he's he he's doing great on. You know, earned media so I just don't believe in giving money to politicians I just, they should do without any money. You can't do it without any money and you probably shouldn't be running things where money is involved. Now, if you have money you should spend it trump can get money. He should absolutely spend it in smart ways, but if you don't, I don't want to hold that against you. It's other people.
money. I'd lays down, I think we have done what we can do for today, and I will talk to you doc you tomorrow. By for now you
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.