« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2185 Scott Adams: Lots Of News About The Fake News (Spoiler: It's All Fake) Bring Coffee

2023-07-30 | 🔗

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Politics, Jim Gaffigan, Joe Rogan, Hunter Biden Child Support, Hunter Biden Artwork, President Trump Delivery, President Biden, Extreme MAGA, Obama's Chef Conspiracy Theories, Tafari Campbell, Elon Musk, X Logo San Francisco, UFO Whistleblower, Ukraine War, Room Temperature Super Conductivity, China Hacking US Utilities, Reedley CA Illegal Lab, VP Harris, US Rights Under Attack, Scott Adams~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You're, only the second technical probable I've had unless ten seconds beds. Don't want love warm bed video on the other, but between the two of them perfect. How would you like to take this experience? up to well levels that anybody could possibly understand. You'd, like that All you need to do that as a cover mugger glass, a tanker jealousies, diana kantian, jug of landscape solidity, guy and fairly their favorite liquid? I like coffee. enjoy me now for the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine the other day. That makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip and it happens now. Go is pretty good, pretty good. I think everything's back on track now was a little bit. Disruption at the beginning, but when you say things are going perfectly now, probably your arouses well as mine.
Well, I was just watching the value of Joe rogan talking and comedian Jim gas. Again. It was a fascinating little clip in which geographic said. You know that in January six thing was pretty bad and then We got to listen to Joe rogan, who obviously has gone pretty deep into the january six rabbit hole, explain to him the relationship between the intelligence. I the intelligence group, and the president and the public and cattle laid out a whole bunch of things that it looked to me as if Jim Germany ever heard before, now I saw somebody tweeting around in a. As for the marking, wait Jim gaff again, they had been destroyed Joe destroys Jim Gascon, that's now abbot.
So let me give you some behind the scenes. Little behind the scenes story case you see that clip is. You should watch the clip by the way, so it's a Joe rogan talking to Jim gaffigan, just search for it. Was it but so tiresome some behind the curtains, little personal knowledge about the situation, several years ago I was in vegas and was with my ex and we were going to a Jim gaffigan stand up, show, and I had done a tv commercial for barnes and noble years before that in which a gym guest and was the poster, the tv commercial and I appeared as an author who isn't barnes and noble we so we spent a day and I thought I'd know him. I know geographical or
ask if I say hi after the show so we're both not very famous when we did the commercial, so it turns out. He didn't remember me at all- is spent day when he didn't remember middle, which is not surprising, because I was a new author and I might not have remembered him, except that he became famous pretty quickly after that. So I you know, I remember them so I said a note to the you one of the guys work at the theater there again, can you tell Jim gasket what I say I after the shop figure. You remember that we spend a day with me. Well, you didn't However, that is a really nice guy eddie. You knew what dilbert so he said, yeah come on come on back after so my axe, and I went back.
It was just agora them. Were we just how Gal four hours a job stuff and here's what I won't. I. If you imagine that you just assume, is on one side in politics, and that Joe robin was on the other side and that they had a year a conversation and it looks like your rogan knew more than he did Exactly what was happening, I can tell you from my own interaction that gap and get this simply open minded. That's it. has it. He listened completely. We when, when I told them things that maybe edward before he's just a safer I our say, somebody's curious about politics. is completely aware that he doesn't have the whole story. That's exact, we want in your country. So
maybe gas again the house in politics. It leaves in some other way than you do. Maybe us maybe now, You are more, a him is, is not closed. Any question completely open to listen to fully fully listen to any explanation. On the other side. He is one of the good guys. So I wouldn't I'd hate to see this characterized. As you someone, beat them down in this conversation is something that I wasn't really happening. If you watch it, if you I'm sure you'll see him absorbing what rogan saying. Without rejecting it. That's good! That's like that's america. I know that's sort of the america. I want to live in where somebody disagrees, but they fully fully listen to the other side incorporate it. modified europeans a little bit as warranted some good stuff. That's the best of us So I love that
patrol response. Do you know that? Well, maybe you don't get them as much as I do, but if you're a public figure you get the trolls that come in and just install you just nothing else it just like this guy. brought about by so we came up with a neutral response to them. Like a lot like to share with you, so I tweet Tobacco, one of my trolls day does matter who or what they said just droll stuff How did you wake up this morning intending to be a useless turd on the sidewalk of humanity, or did it just happened? I feel I feel like you should borrow that a useless turd on the sidewalk of humanity is twenty twenty three. As that you don't want to use em all nineteen fifty saying when you can update that too on the sidewalk of humanity and then just walk away.
One of my favorite stories remind me if I talked about this already hunter by the deal on child support with his baby mama, in which your day some of cash, but then I guess to complete the deal here. Agree that he would gives the mother of his child some of his artwork. Say again, some our work as part of the compensation they'll remember when, under by Joe Biden, said the hunter by was smartest person. I know, and you all laughed as is that this borders person. that was before he made tens of billions of dollars overseas and started selling is paintings for millions. Who is the dumb one? Now he might be the smartest person you know.
he's not in jail is lived a life on cocoa hookers, which apparently enjoyed going to bed He's still making million dollars is still free. If he's not. this person, you know who's. Doing better. Maybe you don't want their lifestyle, but maybe does we have exactly the life that he wanted and so forth, workin out great, just put that out. Their fears polybag imagine negotiating with your ex, and you say alright, I don't want to give you this cash every month. Early snuff lawyers one. Why paintings and the acts as that's just like the thing on the wall. Yours now
Do you know how much they pay for this one point: four million dollars. I saw the last one for and this one giving it to you, you can sell it now. Here's the question What's the price of a hunter violent painting, if you buy it from hunter. I was surprised of it if you buy it from his baby mama same there. Did you get the one point, four million, because the artist so good? This is so small. Heard of him because he can establish. He can establish the course of the the paintings have value because he's selling them right. There's a market there's a market for it, but the market is completely limited to a coming from him. When he sells it, don't you think, do you think the baby bombers giving out political favors
in return for selling paintings, probably not probably that so that users hilariously got away with that. Although what I would like to add the following: we see that the coverage of his paintings have you seen the paintings themselves. there's something really curious going on about. The paintings themselves now We look at him on video, so I'm not you know not in the room with them, but aren't they suspiciously good? Does anybody have that feeling that they're suspiciously too, and so I ask you this question a very real a video of him painting his own paintings, well you know, and if you have was he just like adding a little brush stroke to something that already existed? Does he have a ghost pager? Maybe as a ghost,
so here's so here's less some predictions do remember the prediction filter the said that reality, elon musk, says this lot. I say it. That is the reality will go in the direction of the most entertain. The outcome, as judged by somebody who's, not personally involved so from an outsiders perspective, the most entertaining outcome. but by hunters paintings gives you two entertaining outcomes and you tell me which is more entertaining is I can decide what so you got two possibilities, one positive there is a hundred binding, is a legit world class artist? Wouldn't that be fund to me that would be fun that you saw. Nobody saw coming Yeah he was this drug addict guy with problems he has some genuine talent,
and then suddenly a comes out at like the real deal. Would that be undertaken, I mean you my want you stole my want to go to jail for whatever you think you did but that would be entertaining I would be. Very amused to find out. He was in fact a world class artist. Now, let's compare that, let's less compared to finding out that somebody else painted all the paintings are just some school graduate or something how entertaining would be to find out that the paintings were always vague compared to four yeah? He is actually a legit world class artist, which would be more entertaining because to me they are both entertaining. I would like both of those yeah. That's a tough one. Isn't it
I feel like this is the issue cat experiment either one about equally entertaining so I got it I kind of hope that the reality is. He is a great artist. I hope that's in reality, you know, be a little more will more fun faking something a little more ordinary. Age, what else is going on so Tromp was a name of rally and have you noticed that tromp is hard to ignore. So he's out, there's rally- and he says Biden has a dumb son of a bitch and goes wild and, of course, thus a viral there. That's the one Everybody sees Can one person be so
people all the time I mean it, don't you know, go tell knows well something saying something Do you want to roll around in your head? You know and repeat it in your head cause the way you said it. But, If you listen to him called Biden, dumb son of a bitch, I would like to point out the artistry with which he presented that. Because I was always the call somebody a dumb son of a bitch and it doesnt about right, but wow did deliver the line. over the line the secret. I think so he delivered it as a matter of fact, statement. Here's what would have been wrong item he's a dumb son of a bitch now. That would look out of control, will squeaky little little pleading week really kind of weak, but when one trump says it, he says it like. You whispering it in your ear, Yet seriously is almost seducing. You
He says it's a matter of fact: it takes moment to figure out what did you just say that. It just says. I can do the impression of it, but it is more a matter of fact. It just says and died and bite in these dumb son of a bitch, have you just here you go with that In the middle of a sentence that you just to deliver the president of the united states. A dumb son of a bitch is that, with the same emphasis as the rest of the sentence in the paragraph- and he did, he was kind of perfect. You know it. He does not get credit for his delivery. His delivery of his own lines, just amazing its timing is time. These wording, it is really a he's really got that skill, so that's really are basically the only thing I took away from the rally. The only thing I needed to because they
the little bit of the larger context, is abiding not quite all there, and I think that's the best argument best argument is that you can see it and see if we can all see it, he sorted out I don't know how that loses, because the the Democrats are not going to disagree with the argument that he's at a degraded mental state they can see it they'll argue it but then you see it so at least beat leaning with something that nobody would debate at least seriously. I so here is an opening that I think that Biden and his crew are leaving for trump. As you know, they tried to they ve been trying to sell this extreme maggot thing to make Oh no, those extreme measures they don't want to say, is white supremacist everyday. His s large lane when the latter Republicans were hispanic and asian american everything else and black,
so, as article people have Their way supremacy, so I look, there are, though, for the extreme mega to try to resolve that by here's a problem Biden and his people have left undefined. What extreme mag is, which means that somebody who's gonna defining things such as trump could simply define extreme mega any way he wanted and make it work and just take it away. Take it away as an attack, so I have suggested that extreme measure would be a great marvel. Character would have one superpower and the the this super character called extreme mega. The only superpower he would have is believing anything in the news or anything the government says is true, would be funny.
see a movie and which has a character called extreme mega who only one power which is not believing bullshit like you rubbing a big like an actual superhero is all it took. You just have to know how to not believe bullshit and it could like live like a god, because everybody else did so obvious or like the one eyed your person landed. The blind extreme mega refuses to believe what the fake news and tell them, as is only bower, was also the only he needs to rule? As you know, this is america. So whenever there is a tragedy, We try to turn it into a conspiracy theories and humor conspiracy theories and humor starts as a tragedy
turns into a conspiracy theory, more sense of humour. So let's talk about the tragic death of obama, chef on a battle aboard Oh, would you be surprised to learn that there are some conspiracy theories about that? Let me tell you about them now, so I dont believe any of them. So my starting point is now now on all of them However, while I don't believe any of the conspiracy theories, I would like to like to assert the following. The story is not true that doesn't mean he was murdered. I don't, I don't see evidence of murder, so I'm not going to go there. but you know this story is completely true right. Do you all know that do you know why you know it's not true. Can anybody tell me why you know it's not true
Tell me why you know it's not true go. How do you know it's not true exact. Because it's a story about a public figure. It's a story about a public figure. And the summer the summer makes an extra, but it doesn't have to be in the summer. All store all stories about public figures are false, Also, how do I know that why the public figure for over thirty years, I've seen the stories about me at the very least, they leave on key information. That would change how you think about the story. Sometimes it's an intentional lie. Sometimes is bad reporting, sometimes inzana context or any combination of those things, but never Will you see a story? There's any any details were complexity to it does also true in the sense that you ve got the real picture now. What is true,
it. Let's say if somebody died in a horrible accident, they are dead. I think that there are probably most honoured percent right when they say somebody died, but one you get just the most basic fact of us laurie, almost everything around it into some kind of narrative or bullshit or just wrong. so here the the things just for fun again, I don't believe area. This is indicative of anything real there's just what's happened and others. photographs and emerge of obama, with a black eye and bandages on one hand. So people are saying my goodness, now. What is the most likely explanation from the photograph of obama with a black eye caught sunset was the most likely explanation for that, not that he had a fight with a battle border.
Are the most. The most likely explanation is an old photo is an old photo right. Is that the most likely explanation. yeah so yeah. There could be a one hundred reasons that you would have a black eye, but remember the picture or a fake picture. Your you could be a fake picture of black eyes like that. So the first thing I would say is that if you believe, if you believe the picture is real, I think that's kind of your being a little bit gullible. If you automatically assume Israel, it might be, it could be reopened. I'm just saying that I I assume it's not starting assumption, not real then there is also the story again, there's no backing. As far as I know that be one of obama's daughter. Hers was maybe hanging out with a merry guy and a battle board. There's no evidence of that. There is not
somebody said the paddle board look like obama's, and that was the evidence that his daughter might have been there. That's not good enough. I don't know that there are that many paddleboard types, I don't think you can tell whose paddleboard it is, but looking at it alright and what if he did have his pedalboard. I mean that wouldn't mean anything either Alright, so doubly bathing about that or anything about public figures like she's, a bad beams go by How many of you say the power board story has something like illegal. That obama did like in rio. Bobby. I'm really really think there was something illegal going on. I guess from yeses, mostly now.
I wouldn't. I wouldn't rule out that there's something illegal, the one on earth. It was murder If, for example, somebody was drinking and they didn't want that news to come out, you can imagine that all right so years and then here's my favorite part about how fake news gets started, How long did it take somebody to suggest that he was a young, healthy man who died of maybe a sudden, cardiac arrest that maybe he'd been vaccinated lately? How long did it take for that rumoured to start? Are you disappoint. You didn't think of yourself because athens in the context of leubronn la bronze, some having some cardiac problems and jamie fox having some cardiac problem. and so now is the third.
Youngish black guy, who had an unexplained deaths, sort of suddenly. So brains is automatically acting together, but I want to say there's no evidence from that whatsoever. No evidence re vaccination. That is just a national thing. You expect all the stories are complaining is we're about a day away from being caused by an alien.
the aliens are really from under the pond. They dragged them down. Suddenly that well do one of the pot gases artifice get him to perform that lets. You make one super easily and distributed it everywhere, and even mainly all in one piece for free itself, but if I have her preposterous and use our works certified for butter pakistan lets you require any positive guess reference your photo computer. So no, Madame after what you said about up as they can, you can start are repeating today that you can just tribute not guests. Despite and everywhere else spot guess heard video pipeline, but guess available, unspecified added when you want do you wanna, take your decisions, whether the event fans, slowly eaved, got q days in pole, hold the best ways to do it with spotify. For about guesses, you can earn a variety of ways.
It usually cleaning, add podcasts scription stones and bulk. It is totally free, been using it for here for awhile and it's great rape recommended here is though weirdest thing that happened to me today: So you know sometimes, if you use twitter, sometimes your tweets something- and you think this is a throwaway tweet, at other times you tweet things you think you're gonna genius, like. I think I know that this time and that the thing is. I was a genius tweet, guess no retreats, because our by just look go yeah. We thought that do so. It's not new. But then you ll do the one that's just throw away, and I guess one point: two million views that happened to me yesterday
I too either this there's an enormous, correcting force forming the most ambiguous way. You can ever do, there's an enormous, correcting force form And the reason I tweeted it was because I felt like I felt the just the feeling feel informing and I didn't order was, I didn't know exactly what it was, but it feels a little dad's coming home, like things, went too far, another correcting forces coming in and the crackling forces primarily mail. Doesn't mean women are not involved, of course, but there is definitely a thing. That we would all be described as a male forcing a female force. We know what it is when we see it and when, when times are good female forces rise because that serve as a luxury feeling yes I'll, be nice to each other and all share my stuff in you share your stuff. Yes, that's up
But when things go wrong, Anders danger. The women typically the different role in the men come out of hibernation. They do what a dangerous and mostly dangerous things, have to be done and then, if they succeed, they go back dormant again because you don't you don't need that mail for so much So what I feel is a rising male energy. It feels palpable some of it, I think, influenced by the fact that the major candidates are all male and the republic of guinea sore, very specifically, bree male perspective in a good way, not a bad way back into the mix. To maybe get us a better balance has, I think, we're just off balance, nothing wrong with female energy, nothing wrong With male energy there's everything wrong with either one of them being at a balance you don't want,
too much male energy to agree too much male energy is a problem, but too much female energy is a problem too, and that's our current problem, not a permanent problem. I think this is all cyclical and pendulum stuff and it had to happen, but it's happening yeah, there's, there's, there's, definitely an energy entering the field. You just feel you just feel it in a hundred ways. interestingly after I got one point, that is up to one point: two million views just say that enormous correctly. Enforced warming then later I tweeted the mail. Energy is rising and that I think that's pushing half a million views, which was a very big numbers for my account and then something else habit the same day, elon, musk, tweeted, equally cryptically and without detail
quote something special coming soon now I think he was talking about maybe a twitter feature. I don't know what he's talking about, but. I feel I suggest this feeling this something going to happen. So I got a job feeling that there's a some kind of people. The thing to Maybe we'll see it in inn, twitter, etc saw somebody say that your muscles ruining twitter and blah blah blah. I always think does it that musk ruining twitter square. With the it's an all time, high in traffic, and we can't stop talking about it. Like opposite of what you say right because most just waited there. Versus certain all is at an all time. High is doing nothing we're going up. So
remind me if I talked about this before, I think I talked about it in the man cave, but not here, so it must push this giant x, logo thing on top of the twitter building in san francisco, which at san francisco, is not happy about, because it seems to be some kind of zoning building violation but they're having trouble getting up there to inspect it so that the inspectors can't get on the roof for whatever reason Enzo stays the entire countries talking about it. If I don't know about internationally, but naturally we are all talking about his big offensive acts on top of the building. Were arguing whether we like acts or hate acts, or does some other company have the trademark and was I do when everybody Susan, because they have access in their names to this. This is the most successful rebranding of abroad. I've ever seen number one.
there's nobody who doesn't know the twitter just became acts. Am I right name another company? That's ever done this well and making the entire country- at least I don't know about internationally, but make the entire country completely understand that twitter became acts. We all know it now now Neither me of there's a restaurant entrepreneur in my town I started a new restaurant, see open them, built em up and saw them in many cases so he opens a new restaurant. He paints at the most offensive per color you ve ever seen is right in the middle of the night. History with the other restaurants the nice or you dry, pass that like, oh god, who did that and immediately, you think, is this ok you're dead Did the zoning regulations allow this this horrible thing? Of course they did not.
So pretty soon, as in the local publications and boys gossiping about people say: did you see that horrible purple building, when everybody had complained about the purple building it lasted six months or whatever was. I can't remember so after about six months of everybody complaining and the city being on their backs and everything do the owner of the restaurant did guess, what are you doing? Everybody complained just guess. He repeated at a normal color is the funniest. I I've ever seen a businessperson do it was always a it was an up here. But everybody is talking about it because there was a new restaurant. You spend zero on advertising. Every person in my town was talking about that restaurant and we all have to go
does everybody is talking about. Then, when you said a word, you wanna go, you wouldn't you wanna go out it Somebody was I I I hear this is new purple restaurant. Let's go to the purple, it's so you paste actual irregular collar cells. Enormous profit, because that the business is going crazy and then is before we're done talking about the color of the restaurant. The business collapsed back to a normal level and I think the guy who bought it didn't even survive. There was a it was like the smartest, like entrepreneurial thing. So I remember that when I was seeing must could do this. Do you think that musk believe is the actual stay there or do you? Do you think he knows, there's a pretty good chance that san francisco is going to make them. Take it down and it'll end up taking it down. Now he might fight some more because that's just more of the fun.
Right now there s a big budget, so maybe san francisco finds twenty thousand dollars a month. What if he pays it where, if you just paste to find every month, twenty thousand mothers cheaper than advertising So why was in this little dancers? Hilarious, but remember the dance is not about the logo. It's not about logo. This is elon musk, being the entire marketing rebranding department for all businesses and doing it were laughing. At the same time,. I mean basically he is doing. Is rebranding and probably just thinks is hilarious and is working perfectly and you know what What will the people who don't understand anything about business or psychology say well? He goes again with these bad decisions. They'll say our
this is a funny report from NBC news now. Remember NBC news, at least according to the people, we're smarter than me. That's a lot of people say, NBC news, a sort of in the pocket of the cia? So simple, You know that when NBC news saying something you might be hearing some influence from the intelligence community, that's what people say. I can't prove it But that'll be new said that the government that the news, Came out of the government might be in possession of non human biological ufos? was met with surprising apathy online, that's right! There was a credible. I guess looking. whistleblower major news that congress was taking seriously the the fact we might have.
do. You have chosen a captured aliens. And NBC news. A sort of I don't I wouldn't I wouldn't discredit attitude to a but their reporting that the public wasn't buying it. Now I realise that I am now met one person in my real life who believes a f o story, not one now. why do people do believe, but I have not spoken not spoken to one person who thinks this is true, have you spoke, and even one person who thinks is true, even one like it in person not online but impersonal, even one person it was. Somebody us but most severe, saying now,
but when I told you there's just a moment ago, there is a huge correcting force this forming. Do you see it yet? The fake news, and maybe the fake government unless you're me, I could be looks like to me like an intelligence of some kind to me, there is no way to know, but that's what it looks like it looks. There was an object to change the opinion or what we're thinking. And the american didn't buy it. They actually saw. Four exactly what it was from the first minute was that tell you I told you they went too far too far,
The entire public realises that that's too far that the that the? U f o thing is telling us clearly and for ever that the news is fake and the government can be trusted about anything The everything we ve been told about everything from the government has been either law, eyes or self serving everything what happens if the public just woke up, because that's what it feels like the enormous correcting force feels like
Entire public waking up and say wait. A minute is almost as if the news has never been real. That's because the news has never been real. The news has never been real, not in the past, not enough not present, and certainly not in the future. There's nothing. This gonna make it real. So if you are, we, if you are building your worldview around what you saw in the news, you are brainwashed and we all are to some extent. The best we can do is try to tread water as fast as we can to keep our heads above it, but they had. The brainwashing is massive, is pervasive, is all the time it's unending unstopping is the major force in civilization, but I feel it
people can see it now. I feel as though the the machinery is becoming obvious and to that point watching the video I mentioned before of Joe rogan talking to Jim gaffin him about january sex, you see, rogan lay it out Is not he's not talking, has a conspiracy theory he's talking only the things we know to be true, so he says. We don't know that re ups was anything. We don't know that so rogan says adroitly, there's! No! It's not! even here. What we do know is that he was clearly instigating and was not treated like the rest of the people that are. We now The other part we know is that our until people routinely insert agents to sometimes escalate problems and that that's understood long running process and that january sex was exactly
the sort of thing, the enemy of somebody of enemy of the intelligence agencies. S tromp was everybody understood that that, if they use the normal techniques, they normally use january sex was exactly the opposite of what Jim gaff again have been told. That was which was an insurrection. It was actually up if the evidence suggests that we don't know it, but the evidence suggests it was some kind of an up. I some level whether whether the op apart became the important part or was a trivial at doha, but what we do know is that the news is bullshit and we know that our government is lying.
and we know that when congress asked the end of the f b I or one of the fbi, people and if ray ups was working for them, they wouldn't safe, they wouldn't say now under oath, they wouldn't say. No, so that's why we know so. The one thing you can conclude from that is not. You cannot conclude from that. What re absolutely is that does not tell you hooray ups's period right. Oh, I have same period. I apologize for saying period. I mock people who say that, but if it was just sort of in front of my head. It came out sorry, but it feels like the whole country is getting reorganized. You know the way. The way Jim gaffigan was cause you get Jim gaffigan and open minded,
is he can see the whole field is listening to everything and he is open minded he's he's actually one of the ones you want to support and mind you're. Just fluency is all mine. My display onesies, if you mind yours, you mind your own. This fluency is well said, though I so we don't believe the ufos. Maybe that will be the thing that takes the lid off of everything: All news here, yea is been reinstated. Ex formerly known as twitter is that true, I dont believe he's tweeted or, as we say now, posted by the way I hate that posted, that does everybody agree.
So I I get why you wouldn't want to call it tweeting anymore, but posting now, that's too generic it doesn't. It doesn't feel right in my mouth. I don't think that's gonna! Last maybe we'll see Moscow have some more journalists. acts and some of them, some of them had a ghastly, damned one that may have fallen and still done. Some damage I didn't see any news of DAS, but there was a pretty big explosion cordon cams, and I think this is probably how ukraine gets negotiations going. I think ukraine is probably wisely making sure that the look at moscow doesn't feel safe and I don't see any reason that they can't do that as long as kiev has been under regular tax since the beginning of the war. To me, it's completely in terms,
the war you know all war is immoral, but within the context of war that is completely immoral. You can attack. You can attack their population center if they attack yours. If you think the work, because, once the other side says we're gonna kill you all? If we can, then you can do anything. You want morality doesn't exist when the other side says we are to do everything we can to kill you. All morality goes way, that's just survival and is and if they think they're survive helps by terrorizing civilians in moscow. They have every moral and ethical opening to do that. The contacts that all wars, immoral, is just not on or immoral than anything else is going on at the moment. I guess that's the better. What is it all immoral, but not any worsen. The baseline at the moment.
So that might actually make a difference. I do think that, if the rest, moscow. a genuinely unsafe that that might have some influence on boot cause later the the rich people live in moscow, and presumably they have more influence on food and another other people elon musk again making news about the headquarters of the x twitter now ex headquarters. Well, that's weird. I just called the company that was once known twitter as X, twitter and the new company is called x, so it's the the x twitter company. I feel like that covers everything I think I'm just going to call it. You know we accept when a company in my work away. You learn says that he.
Not moving out of san Francisco. Even when others are, you only know you're real friends our when the chips are down and san francisco beautiful san francisco, though others for take. You will always be your friend you learn tweets. They may say something tells me that that tweet is give cause space acts to get drunk tested again. But just it's just a feeling. It just feels a little bit like you know. You know he might have been having some fun that night. Alright You know the story about the cream company. The said south korean companies are they sold for room temperature superconductivity and if that were true,
it would have changed all of civilization and our technology, because superconductivity at room temperature could make electrical transmission loss, free and quantum computers work better and all kinds of things just gigantic, but the critics waited in said. That's not true, you really can't do those things and then they said you try yourselves arm and you'll see. Then some people did so the region. claim seems highly. Let's say highly criticized. and I would not say that you should assume its true and then the most amusing thing happened. What would be the most amusing outcome of that? Well, you can see it coming, but there's a company called taj quantum that announced they just get a patent.
for higher than room temperature, superconductivity and they're? Saying Now. This is the real thing of the real world. We have a member, think about it, but we did just get a patent for it now the fact that they patented their guess at above room temperature type to show superconductor, do you think the fact that they achieved a patent means that it's real? What do you say they? They got a pattern now the pattern is a check to see if the technology is legitimate. I guess I specimens it is legitimate and innovative and unique here what they don't do in the patent office there.
reproduce the experiment they don't, they can't tell if your data is made up. Unless we do something really stupid, they don't have you made up the data. They just know that you satisfied the requirements of the bad, that's it so a patent, does not tell you that you have superconductive materials, it does tell you they. You satisfied the patent requirements So now we have to claims of superconductivity. What would you How much money would you place to bet that either company or both has Actually- achieved this breakthrough in a way that really does change civilization. What do you think of the odds I think close to zero yeah? I hate to say it close to zero, but I like to think is true. I I like to think maybe, but unfortunately just feels like
I'd, say: well, there's a loser. Chinese hackers near times reporting mayor certain militias computer code into our networks is like it turn off our power grids and communication systems and water supplies. Current EU us officials, or at least the water supply. If he had american military bases air. What do you think you think that's true using, True that china has inserted lines of hacking abode of you say now, and you say no, it's possible as possible, but you really don't think we can find code that doesn't belong here. Wouldn't we now they wouldn't. We know the size of a programme before was loaded and what was in it can't we just
Only that we can say are these are the they usually applications running on the server. Let us compare the exact code and all of these programs to the exact code that we loaded and see if anything changed while after it got loaded or maybe maybe got changed in production. So after loading doesn't tell you anything but possible possible, Now, there's two ways to look that one is that, of course, is true and we did the same thing to them already. What do you think of that? How about, of course, is true cause it's just it is not always a routine but we're doing exactly the same thing to them and russian. Maybe our allies, who knows a spot
so this is one of the weird ones where it could be complete, bs or it could be just normal and it means nothing. But if it's complete bs, it's not a problem, and if it's completely normal, I don't even know if that's a problem, Right cause, if we knew china turned off our power, we would treat it just like they nuked us, wouldn't we, as in you've, got five minutes to turn the power back on, or it's going to get bright over there. but so to me them having access to turn off our grid and we all die seems not that different than having nuclear weapons. Given that we would know about it, I just saw an interesting meme go by about, elections, but I think, there's unconfirmed so may.
The chinese actors, and maybe they're not sounds a little thickish? What that mysterious chinese covered lab uncovered in the city of readily california? I don't know really is, but I hope I don't live near it really airway. There was some yoke. what enforcement thing that uncovered an illegal lab doing all It's the things like pregnancy, test kits bacterial and viral agents and all kinds of mice and stuff like that. They don't know what's up, but it seems to be chinese related lab. Do you know what's true about that story? Maybe nothing alright. This is like the quintessential story of you'd, better wait and see alison's. I dunno there's something very fake and wrong about the whole story.
That doesn't mean that the there's not there's nothing there I mean there's probably a lab, but it kind of makes you wonder if it really has any importance to anything. Could it be that there are some people born in china. Who is running an illegal little business and asset. Why not that? Why can't I just be some people in china living in the united states, who made a lab and said I will see what we can make that we can sell on the other trying a bunch of stuff. Maybe It just seems to be that if this were some kind of you, illegal chinese Is it if I were A chinese plot don't know why they would have five different product lines. Why would they have five different product lines where things are working on? If it's a terrorists lab you know, pregnancy gets that
So there's something about the story that doesn't add up, but it doesn't mean that some kind of chinese attack- I don't know what it is, but it's just confusing at this point. That's all. Alright, here's a here's, a little advice if you're a liar and your gigantic liar, which of these two things. You do you know you're lying about everything all the time you should make generic statements that are hard to fact, check or asian, make very detailed. Specific claims that would be easy The fact yet remember you're, a giant liar overtime, which one do you do I'd say you want to go with the generic stuff right. You want to put in people's minds and idea let the people themselves at the details do so you want the
the recipient of your language, to put it in the details, because if you gave them the details, they can fact check. Do you want them to imagine details so Kamel Harris said somewhere in public? the extremists are advancing a national agenda that has a full on attack. Against hard won freedoms and rights, but as she says, she's gonna keep fighting and win so who are the extremists, are scattered. General and Why do you say they have a national agenda? Are they all working together as a full on attacks against hard won freedoms and rights and which ones were there which are the freedoms and rights that are under attack by these extremists? Can you name some names? Some that are under attack are all names of some of the things that are. The attack by the extremists looting the right to loot without going to jail. That's under attack right the right to loot.
Without having a bail and without ever going to jail, that's right because right now that in effect, that's right, the people cities have How about the right to get into college, even if your less qualified them other people of other races about that right of the extremists fighting against the right to discriminate by race in college it witness they are their fighting against discrimination. How about about job preferences by rays? Are the extremists fighting against using race? a hiring preference. They are very extremists about child mutilations, as the right would call it others would call it. Gender rear doing surgery. extremists against minors, making decisions, Alter their bodies for the rest of their lives, they are their fight in that
so they're fighting the right to loot, be racist in colleges and job preferences. And for parents to mutilate children. If the children claim is necessary for their for good mental health, Those are the extremists policies. The common viruses against Do you see why she didn't mention any the freedoms and rights. The reason she didn't mention the freedoms and rights that are being taken away as because she can't, because nobody wants a country that does this kind of stuff, or at least many people now she is probably also thinking about abortion.
She doesn't have an argument there either the so far. The only thing that's been done. That's changed is that the republic is have said. Let us states decide, because the states are closer to the people, that's it So you didn't have a right taken away. You exaggerated divide that way by rovers way decision instead, and you had to right. The was modified, so is more appropriate to the population. In other words, the population could have more control over their own rights by taking down to the state level. so the extremists gave individuals a little bit more control over their own rights by making it establishes state by state and thus the extremists How do they make extremely sound good? Did you see that come? I actually I'm starting to embrace extremists as
If all this making me sound well that I would like to be one of those I would like to be an extremist who is against looting. I I wear that badge, I'm totally an extremist about that. I think there should be laws. Bout a border? Oh I'm total extremists. Now that I think we should maybe have a country with a border don't like straightest, so. my advice if you're a go: a liar cuba, generic you dont, want details have missed any fun stories. Today will was all of today's news about fake news was every, but it wouldn't. Let me check and there's real things that people said, but the
seems like all the real news is about fake news. Other then somebody said something once. give a general scott. Does this with his predictions? Do I do I make general predictions? Do you remember a my general prediction that said trump would win in twenty six, court sorted sorted generally, you just Generally, women, against all odds and when my general protection, that the vaccinations wouldn't work sort of general. They won't work well,. But I will, I will give you that my perdition about some kind of counterforce rising
that, doesn't feel like a prediction that feels like a description of one field who promotion is headed in the world. or do you think promotion is with wagner, you think he's with his army. When I told you that provision was absolutely definitely not noise to belarus delivers life was ass. a general sort serve generic statement. Now that was very specific he's not on the plane. That's price per se, How about when the secret sonic weapon was in the news and I said, does not exist, you will never see evidence of a secret, sonic weapon kind of generic. I dunno I make pretty specific predictions. Do you believe antarctica?
the laser weapon whistle blower know somebody says: there's some antarctica laser weapon. No, I don't believe that there there does. Let's see what way overweight is that true, devon archer is John Kerry's steps up that job. Somebody just say in the comments. I dunno, if I believe anything, the specific ocean. The alright was there anything else. I forgotten somebody says is true, as I say this This is why you need the app of whose connected to wouldn't wouldn't the whole story about the story about hunter.
It's a lot more sense. If this is true somebody's saying that the hunters business partner was John Kerry's stepson, doesn't the story feel different with that information feels a little different? Doesn't it So that's all we need. We need the app the shows everybody's connections, everybody also the news makes sense. You can do imagine the news being overlaid onto the map of connections Imagine the map and then the news ray, is overlaid on the person. So if you want.
With the news, you can click on the person, but as soon as you click on it, it lights up all their connections to the other, the other well known, characters that would be news now. That would be news. You could use the rest of the news. Is you can't really use it because you don't know? What's real like amazon's x ray? Maybe I dunno what amazon's x ray is created the partnership on his invite, about that girl by association now without it here, guilt by association, no.
association simply explains the situation. It's not like. You had lunch with somebody, that's that's not what I'm talking about, but if you're actually related to somebody or you're married to somebody yeah. I want to know that I want to know that alright yeah good screamed. Thank you. Rick appreciate it Is a recover two point? Oh I dunno. I've never believed in the intentional release of covert, so the the world economic order can be preserved, or so I don't believe that speaking speaking of great gulf. Did you see guy heat for the the crazy people, column, anti semitic, for saying nothing like that.
So without even getting the details were of what he dinner denounce. I just trust me: can you trust me? It is a. I that was even remotely you could. Even you couldn't even construe it as possibly being anti semitic anti isn't right and he isn't so, but there was some some bull person run an article. He decided to come down hard on onto it. It came to every art on his is a is droll and she was complaining about. It is complain, so she was complaining that there was pushed back to our bullshit story, so she's trying to ruin somebody's career just to get clicks on the story, this clearly and obviously untrue, and anyone who can tell us untrue. She could tell him yourself. So that's like the worst,
in the world. Imagine trying to ruin somebody's reputation in life for a few clicks for a few clicks, you're, the worst person in the whole fucking world. If you do that whole world you're, just a terrible, scum and I think greg was just calling around cause. I think the people who are seriously just discover the earth, the ones who are just making up stories to take people down. I think they they need to. call, though, and maybe that's part of the part of the forces? That's, I think, you're, seeing more and more people who reflexively now that when you see it about a famous person being bad
unless they went full mel gibson and saw video is not true. It's not true. Alright I'll explore the book with X, ray got it, and so today we have a stupid person here, I'd like to talk to so daddy And you you're too stupid to honestly, because I know you don't believe what you're saying there's somebody on youtube is trying to sell the idea that not even me to repeat what you said, your ear to fuckin stupid to be talking in public. If you actually believe If you actually believes are suddenly with eggs, there was an upside to the holocaust or to slavery, because you think you heard it on tv you're, a fucking idiot
nobody. Nobody anywhere ever had those thoughts, and you know it, you know it daddy danny. You know it. Why do you not admit it? you know your life and you know that nobody, ever had the thoughts you imagining that gregg Garfield had or imagining somebody else had didn't happen. Nobody ever had those thoughts. Nobody ever set those thoughts, and you know it. You know it's never happen. Tat That's all I got for you, you two hours I'll talk to you tomorrow, thanks for being awesome, suffer teddy.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-31.