« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2181 Scott Adams: UFOs, And Can You Distinguish A Real Story From A Dilbert Comic?

2023-07-26 | 🔗

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon https://tinyurl.com/rqmjc2a

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Politics, Governor DeSantis, Ambient Temperature Superconductivity, Larry Elder, Rules For Success, NBC News, Vivek Ramaswamy, Biden Crime Family, Hunter Biden, President Biden, Totalitarianism, Owned Media, Bronny James, Vaccine Studies, Scott Adams

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Once cause I hear they have good stuff. All you need is a cup or mug or a glass or tiger gel, the campaign jogger flask of vessel of any kind except for an alien spacecraft. You can join me now for them parallel pleasure. The dopamine is the day. The thing that makes everything better is called the simultaneous. When that happens now go that's good, that's good! Well, we are beset with gold difficulties today, chief among them, I will not be able to see all the comments on the locals platform today, but I believe I can see them all on youtube. I, ladies and gentlemen, Today, I'm gonna give you as a test requests and I'm going tell you a story. You know. What's in the news a legend,
and you have to tell me: is it a real news story or did it come from a deliberate comic erratic? is it a real news story, or did it come from a dilber comic number one artificial intelligence is being added to suicide. Drones, go artificial intelligence being added to dangerous suicide, drums real real or deal comic only one person got right. Only one person who got right is both by coincidence. The Dilber comic that I just finished writing is about delvers company, adding a lie to a suicide drone and those jeeves consciousness and decides it doesn't want to die after all, which makes it a very bad suicide room.
So what are you gonna do? If you ve got an eye suicide John that doesn't want to die, you gotta call dog or goes dog or talk it off the ledge and when I say off the ledge, you know Off the ledge, so yes ask a true story in ukraine: they are adding a I in the uk the purpose of it is that when the drones get jammed, they can still attack so but once the programming of where they're supposed to go gets jammed from the ground, the ai takes over and says whoa I'm jammed, but I think I know what I'm supposed to do anyway sounds totally safe to me. I can't think of anything that would go wrong. Can you skynet what Here's next one dilber or reality dilber or reality.
Alright, I'm going to read you some. Let's see, this is a some guidance that has been giving to an entity. So this is a some guidance being given to some entity. Is it he'll or dilber comment. We will press on the gas on what look one, what works and pump the brakes on? What doesn't we will continue to make constant? movements as we move forward, we all cut down an event and travel costs, utilise boston, cuts to reinvest in what will win this and. Ass. This is from the iran dissenters, messaging guidance. Let me read the first. Oh, my god starts with leading into the reset. Apparently they have to reset because they're not getting the results, they want it. Here's what
the underlying strategic goals. For this reason, it is to put the candidate his biography and is vision for the great american comeback, front and centre of everything. The campaign does. Was that something they weren't doing before was right, the scientists, not the sort of the centre and the focus of the iran dissenters campaign, apparently not a pearl. Apparently barely one of the mistakes of the decides. This campaign was, they forgot the candidate. They must have been focusing on something else the other get a reset and they're going to make sure that the actual candidate is front and center of everything. The campaign does kind of raises some questions. What were they doing before or about,
honan and highlighted the great american comebacks central themes for focusing the campaigns communications. I what matters most to voters, not the national media, the political class. Now that's interesting. interesting idea? It's a candidate running for office and they ve come up with this new strategy of focusing on what voters want to hear. You know that's crazy enough to work, as I tried that before they buy tried, saying things that their base wants to hear, because apparently the Rhonda santa's campaign wasn't doing that. But now there thinking what we're gonna do is willing to talk about. The fact that around us is in the campaign will focus on that.
And we might actually even talk about things that people care about so loudly knew. So I think there were focusing on somebody else and talking about things that nobody cared about except the elite What also they do the sea there This being the underdog and The media is ongoing narrative about the campaign to fuel momentum on the ground, with a mixture of which pointed this out on twitter and, oh, my god, As my points out, it's kind of easy to see what the problem is. Isn't it when we thought he was boring dissenters. I didn't know that he was hiring. People were more boring when he is and
and let me tell you years, the funny bore labelled right at the top is messaging guidance. Now, if somebody feels that their job is to give you a messaging guy, It is a red flag that they care right. I dunno- maybe maybe maybe the next time somebody says: you're gonna, give you messaging guidance. You should see if they can make a message of any kind themselves, the isn't literally laughable as a joke. is actually literally be used as humor no joke. without any changes to it, is being used as humor at that's no good. I use the next one.
Dilber or reality the euro there's you ever whistleblowers we're gonna test. By the unknown objects, our quote far superior to u s technology or if I could put this in my own words, breaking news, U s! Technology is inferior to fly on a camera lens. So when you learn that say u S, technology is far inferior to a fly on the camera lens. Is that real, or is that a dilbert comic real or a dilbert comic? Although Israel, Israel, it will be a dilbert comic? Oh, oh yeah, it will be a dilbert comic really quickly, but so far.
israel- so far- are one of the biggest news in the world. Do you think that I will give you the biggest news in the world text biggest news knurled? Maybe Or maybe fake news, but it can be the big business nor There's a some scientists? I believe they have solved for the creation of ambient temperature superconductivity, meaning that it doesn't need to be super frozen to be, Superconductive now you say to yourself buzz scott. At the frickin nerd? I didn't even know what that means. All. Thank you you. If you're, not a nerd, you don't know what that means, and that would be pretty normal. Pretty normal however, can anybody razor end in the comments.
Do we have any nerds year? Who say? Oh my god. If that's true that changes, everything is probably not so there's one study they think they can reproduce it we'll see. If it were true, it would change civilization. Fundamentally, you'd have quantum computing, you would have lost listening. You'd have you could build? Nuclear facilities was far greater safety and basically everything would be different. Are our entire technology infrastructure will just be thrown out? and you just start over with this stuff is. Are you just throw everything way? It's? It would be all new after this or- I was an already retracted, somebody just said retracted,.
Don't ruin it when I've got all data feel good about before it gets retracted. I'm assuming it's not true! You think that's a fail, safe assumption! Just assume! It's not true is probably not true What what are the odds that any study in science or breakthrough in science is actually true does about it, what it is or what topic it's a big breakthrough in science, and only one group of people is proven that less than half now is less than half her all science. But what are the odds when it's a breakthrough, change, civilization, clay.
Are those about fifty fifty everything in the entire world will change really quickly below fifty fifty. I doubt it is probably closer to one percent. Would you agree with that number that if somebody makes a scientific claim based on one group or one test or one study, or one experiment and the claim is it will just change civilization like this? This would change civilization. What are the opposite? That claim is right, maybe one percent, possibly one but hey for about I'm gonna make you feel good. That might be true. A story that was breaking today on the baby
Is the san francisco bay bridge, which is just over there not too far from where I live? It's the bridge. I use lot of traffic was halted after a naked woman, exits vehicle and opens fire. Now I, like sazen commentary to this, that the naked women exiting the vehicle and opening fire in the bay bridge. and maybe some of you have the same experience and you're feeling the same way. am I the only one who was a little bit turned down by this story? Is it just me I may not locked up a little bit little agenda. and I merely wanted to know more about the weapon? The says my first because I wanted to like,
accurate, because if it was a naked woman on a bridge and she had a like a twenty two pistol yeah. Isn't that not really that hot? But what if it was like a a r? Am I right? I mean what if she was really just strapped and she was naked on a bridge. I dunno, I'm a little turned on by that's all hope, never to guard Another story that Larry elder running for president. I waited tweeted a formula to escape poverty. These as a simple now you ve heard this before it's been studied many times, but to avoid power you would only have to do these four things according to certain, according to studies, finish high school, get a job and then don't quit their job. Unless you have another one,
and up, though, every child before marriage and avoid the criminal justice system and you're good. Now that's to avoid poverty. Now I tweeted this is a wise of their written above every class room door, and I am not exaggerating, and that does not hyperbole Should be written actually literally and actual words on a real sign and pulled over every, words every classroom, because you won't you is to look at the last and say oh shoot. It looks like for poverty because it look at you know, I'm planning to do number three on this list then says: don't do that, but I'm planning to do it going to do some crime and have some unprotected sex
So, at the very least we should let people know that they're bringing it on themselves to some extent so that they'll get off our backs. Cause I hate it when people don't succeed and make it my problem, so I would love to say how about how about this. You do these four things and things don't work out I'll. Take that as my problem deal just do these four things if it doesn't work out for you, I'm all in to see what we can do. Is there some discrimination yet see if I can fix it, We sell all. I ask, as you do the four things you do, the four things and I'll help you with anything else. You need
I would like to upgrade that list from Larry elder and again. This is other researchers have said the same, but I think you take it up to the next, Well, because avoiding poverty is not exactly, you know, doesn't get your juices flowing. Does it what do you like to be really really successful. Or at least you know, had more than avoiding brought poverty know at least the solid middle class life somewhere there. So here's my list, so I ve got five things and some of them are duplicative. Stay out of jail, stay off of drugs in the ditch. in the illegal addictions. Now, that's very similar to stay out of jail, but there are plenty of people who stay out of jail and have addiction problems that ruin their lives.
So stay out of jail? Isn't good enough? You gotta stay out of jail, but you need to avoid the bad kind of addictions. A good addiction would be like exercise a bad addiction. You know fentanyl, instead of finish high school, which of course is absolutely necessary. In my opinion I would say continuous learning and building a talent stack. You don't want to get too locked into must have a college degree or something like that, but you should make it a habit that you're never not learning a new skill that makes you more useful. That's the difference between being not poor and succeeding. Just that difference. Alright, how about you don't have a child before you can afford it. I think so. Larry said I don't have the
well before marriage now don't have a child before marriage fits much better into, let's say a conservative mindset, but I don't think that would sell as well. I think the more general way to say it is don't have a child before you can afford it before you can afford it, because elon musk as a number of children. He is not married at the moment, so It really is just finances right. If you have enough money, you can hire. You know hire somebody to help you, but if you don't have money, having a kid is a really tough road, So as much as I agree that if you could find right partner and stay married to them forever, that is your best situation.
but it's also unrealistic that everybody can do that. We all think we can try a bow. You know- maybe maybe twenty per cent succeed. So you don't want that to be a requirement for success, if only twenty percent are succeeding at getting married and staying married or whatever it is, but it's not good. Judges says about money, monsieur you can afford it. Whether that involves merger not end. There. I would add to the list developing systems for fitness and diet, totally underrated. Everybody has like a superpower if their fitness and their diet are good and they walk into a room and people look at them and say: oh there's, a healthy look in person. It changes everything changed your personal life, your social life, your business,
if everything your health, so I think that should be basic and and separating your fitness and diet from the question of success is a huge mistake, your your exercise, your diet, is, what gives you energy? The energy is, what helps you succeed. And plus how you look at cars were were a very shallow civilization. So how you look matters you should at least do the best you can do with what you got So I think my list is a little bit better because it has higher aspirations than just not being in poverty, but some version of that should be above every classroom. Now I will give you a preview that I'm working on a a success guide with Joshua lasik and we're putting that together about halfway done and that would
teach people basic skills of success beyond this little list, so that should be available to to everybody as soon as we get it done do on the podcast modifiers going to perform that lets, you make one super easily and distributed it everywhere and even make my all in one place for free, it's called spotify for purposes and here's how it works. Satisfied for potter podcast lets you record edit podcasts right from your phone or computer. So no matter what your setup is. You can start repeating today that you can distribute podcasts to satisfy and everywhere else, podcasts or heard video podcasts are available on spotify. He added when you want. Do you want to take your decisions with your fan fans, slow, you've, got Q and a's and pole holes the best ways to do it with spotify for broadcasters you could earn, could earn a variety of ways, easy cleaning, add podcasts scription instance and ball if it's totally free been using it for you for awhile, but it's great rape. I recommend alright.
And I saw a vague appear on NBC news ad. It is so funny watching NBC news deal with the political stuff and you been told that they're really just a cia oregon and the other they're, not real news organization, at least that's my current understanding is mbc is not actually a real news organization sort of a captured one. Now that's based on You know reports and examples and people who are less smarter than me who have been talking about them for a long time, but it appears to be the case if you observe it the way they act is consistent with that, that goes on and busy lose, and the very first question is. Why did somebody say something about a conspiracy theory and you agreed with the conspiracy theory. There was a real whacking conspiracy theory. It doesn't matter what it is.
I have smiles and said: well I didn't happen young paraphrasing you, you may have you edited something, but now I was I was not agreeing with a weird conspiracy theory that, frankly, I'd never even heard of I was saying that you know this, or that is a bad idea about the fed and digital currency itself. So now, what do you think would happen at that point when somebody says why did you agree with that man about a conspiracy theory? and the person says. Oh that didn't happen. Maybe it's just the way you cut it. I was actually talking about a different topic. Don't you think that should be the end of the conversation? Don't you think the person asking the question should say? Okay, just to be sure, though, you don't believe in this conspiracy, three to which he clearly said. I don't even know what that is, and he wasn't even aware of what that conspiracy theory was all about much less much less agreed with it. He wasn't even sure what the details were.
Don't you think I should do the ended, the questioning of that once you said he doesn't know what it is, and it certainly wasn't answering that question. No, she just got really angry is our yelling at them so that the viewers would think he was lying. She actually try- sell this to the viewer. as there was something wrong with a vague because he wouldn't have met, they had agreed in public to a wacky, conspiracies worry that he was not even aware of that that past? As news, if you didn't know about NBC news and you that you probably would have gone away with a theory that you like, and there isn't there isn't that shares in the world. He was lying, none. yeah. You just have to have a little bit of your media understanding to know that the vivek was a tell the truth and NBC was I dunno if it was intentional, but it looked intentional.
intel. Alright. But again I love the fact. The the vega is going into the lion's den. He goes into the hardest situations and at least for the base who he's talking to at the moment cause it's the primers the base likes it. I like it It goes in Erin mixes up. So do you me? today, I read you a very amusing tweet from Twitter username, dom looker Anders obama, chef and his tragic death is drowning and I read that to you, and now you suspended from twitter for talking about us and theories about obama's chef suspended
twitter over half a million followers and suspended from twitter with. I believe no explanation that cool with you, everybody coup that somebody with half a million followers talking about a story this in the news- and I dont know what he said, but I'm really not comfortable, not knowing what you get cancelled for. Are you. So I think I think this is maybe the biggest user related concern beyond some technical concerns but as a user. This is probably my greatest concern about twitter wrecks. The waste currently constituted the fact that it is we'd be. Add enough that the user who gets suspended doesn't know why that's very bad, very, very bad,
right, because we can even learn what not to do so. It is suspended and you been talking about the same topic and he looked over there. Like should stop talking about this. Wouldn't it be good if you told us why the other guy got or other woman or whoever got suspended? Wouldn't that be useful I'd like to know, but I think that I think that the importance of it to free speech goes beyond letting the suspended personnel. The rest of us should know why somebody got banned. That feels like basic hygiene. Would you agree because your twitter ex has tried to become a free speech? You know the the beacon of light in the darkness, and this is more darkness. This is not this.
What a beacon of light! This is darkness, that's exactly the opposite of what we want and expect and frankly deserve. So there may be more to the story and by the way I don't know what he did and we're speculating. Maybe it was bad. Maybe you deserve to get banned, or suspended, maybe an hour long- is the suspension. But I'd like to know that too is a permanent. In other news, Joe Biden said- and I quote in a public forum- he said our current answer, they. Is it me like why cancer? Because we can we and ended cancer. As we know it now. I guess I'm going to blame my news source for failing me, but. I was not aware that he cured cancer so good for him good for him
so he's got that going from so the Biden's of course, are coming under fire for a number of allegations, but I think we all have to put it in context. Sure there might be some misdeeds. By the present. Maybe he doesn't speak as well as he used to. Maybe is not currently one hundred percent, but the man cured gasser, so he's got that go on for you now Some day when we look back with, you say, I feel bad that we ever our criticism when he was a cure and cancer is no word on whether he got scientists involved or he did it himself. He may have actually done it himself, mixing stuff up in the kitchens. But we don't. We don't a lot about that, but you did cure cancer and he wouldn't lie about that. So so that's true in other news, hunter sold a painting.
for over a million dollars to a political donor. A democrat donor, Who was immediately rewarded where they appointment to a position that was fairly want? Now, on the surface, this would look like as some kind of aid ivory pay to play a kind of thing and it will look totally transparent, and it would seem as if every single human being could see, there's something terribly terribly wrong is happening with hunter's selling of his paintings. But if you're going to be some kind of a jerk about that, maybe I should remind you that his father cured cancer. So if you're, like blah blah blah his paintings, put it in context, please people he cured cancer. the father says is story. The hundred buttons lawyer this week
to where David veto, I'm going to say that I don't believe this story. I feel like there are some details missing, but I'll tell you what the story is but be skeptical about this one. This one's way too, on the nose this as on the nose all over it but the story is there one of some attorney associated with hunter by this legal team. So the associated attorney contacted the court clerks office. Falsely claim to be part of the house ways and means legal to him and asked the clerk to pull the adverse filing about hunter for technical reasons. I guess a core figured out what was happening and now the new demanding answers
era, so the attorney associated with hunter tried to polish allegedly tried to pull a trick to get a young some kind of filing pulled now, if that were true, and if that person were working for under Biden, that would be one of the most blatantly terrible things I've ever seen in my life. But if is going to bother you, I think you're, just forgetting others, It cured cancer, so what's a court filing compared to that, I'm alright, alright! Well, and then also I tweeted this today. It is the most fascinating thing to watch the the story evolved from hey there's something on hunter's laptop that looks a little suspicious and you're like huh.
I wonder if that's really what it looks like and then the old time goes by, and things are investigated and more and more comes out, and I heard a jesse waters. Do this spectacular rundown of all the hunter and Joe Biden you crime, family allegations way say allegations, I mean the things we know our true, if you put them all together, the the store is so insanely clear, then that as soon is Joe Biden, we'll get a portfolio like ok, Joe you're, the point man for china hunter
yes on the plane, goes over there and comes back with millions of dollars from china. Ok, Joe you data point point man for ukraine onto get on a plane comes back with millions of dollars from ukraine, because once the point man this is is established, the point man can take bribes. The indirect way by feeding family members know sweet ordeal, So years was anxiously about the others. The the story started out as a set of allegations that even I had some suspicions about, and I thought maybe I I'm going to wait on this one, because there might be more to this story. Maybe it's. Maybe it's totally legal and just I don't know that. so by more and more comes out and you ve got the partners of hunter. By than that, even at the whistle blowers, then you ve got the documents in the more documents. But at this point.
Would you say the following statement is true: the binding crime? Family story is a fact. is it an allegation? Still or would you say in your in your personal view, is subjective? Do you think is transformed from an allegation too now a very clear fact and probably a clearer fact than anything in politics Am I right is hard to imagine anything more clear than us or well documented. Where's sources, including people under oath. You ve got your multiple corroborating people. You ve got the same pattern of patterns of behaviour in different countries with the same kind of time.
Right, so is all there as clear as possible is pure fact, but half of the country is unaware that fascinating or what half of the country is completely unaware that, This is true and that this situation, you wonder, can they maintain that by didn't pull numbers are unchanged. As far as I know, there are still betsy his pole. Numbers are unchanged, and I don't think that the news, yet their barely covering up, but even one scene uncovers it as I have they. They don't
Do a jesse waters did which really makes it really clear. He just goes bullet point by bullet point of the things that we know to be true. No speculation, just the things that are confirmed unknown to be true, is completely clear. There there's no ambiguity about what's happening and what will happen now? It seems to me that this is so big and so clear that it just can't be kept from the public forever. I mean half of the public, who is blinded to any news, that's negative to their side. Now that that would be chewable size right at both sides are a little bit blind to the other, but in this case it's the sitting president, so it seems worse.
So what's going to happen, so, let's, let's do a production here, so my thesis, which I believe every one of you agreed with, is that the crime, the Biden crime, family story, went from allegation to now fact in the oliver minds that are paying attention and, What happens if the other half of the country never figures it out, could could this be kept secret? Because you know, I think the republicans will do at least we'll try some
instrument, sort of thing and the impeachment thing would be played the same way. The Democrats did it really for the cameras and really just to inform the public of their version of events. You know like the january six thing except different, because you don't have to lie the january. Six thing was an op it was. It was tried to make something that was a protest primarily into insurrection, which of course it never was, but the Biden crime, family things. It looks like a straightforward. It's exactly what it looks like that's different than january six. more of an interpretation, so the possibilities are terrible because one of the possibilities as that
Whoever is really running the Biden white house has to just take over the country, so one possibility is totalitarianism to protect all the guilty, people who would presumably go to jail. so and then now let me ask you another question just to blow your minds, you ready to have your mind, blown suppose. A legal action started to emerge. Let's say hypothetically republicans win everything in the next election and they they start to put the legal screws on hunter and maybe even joe, I dunno. If there's anything illegal by the way, it could be totally legal. The way they did it. I don't know if there's anything illegal, but here just work with me. Let's say there is, and one hundred doesn't want to go to jail. Joe Biden doesn't want to go to jail. Do they have anything
trade do hunter and Joe Biden have anything they would. Trade did not go to jail. Yes, they know every other dirty politician in washington. Oliver. Joe Biden is aware of everybody else's crime in washington. I'll bet you wanna bet against it. I'll bet. He is aware of every buddy who's doing stuff like this, and he would have the deepest dossier of secrets that he would unleash. Potentially, I'm just you know, sort of speculating through what could happen. So one thing that could happen.
Is that the buttons good unravel the entire deep state as they are? We went to stay out of jail. However, if there really is a deep state, they would kill him, so he might find him dying. Suddenly, the sleep rather quickly. Does anybody want to make a bet? The Joe Biden dies suspiciously if the Biden crime family story becomes impossible to suppress So that the rest of the country is going to find out, I think he dies mysteriously and everybody says well. He was that age. I think he would be killed by our own government if he, if he said I'm going to flip to stay out of jail, he would be killed immediately. That's what I think So we might have some really interesting things coming up and although the by
crime? We story. My opinion is now established as a fact and that sounds really really bad, because it suggests that he was selling policy influence or could have, or or at least was influenced by money. But again, if you're bothered by that, you have to put that in. acceded, jerky answer, Glenn greed walled was laughing about this treaty said the next topic. That was, funny how they found cocaine in the whales, probably the most surveillance building on the planet and after a week they were like yeah. We we looked into. Fortunately, we can find your left it and then media said: ok too bad thanks, we're lookin owned media s, pretty old, that's pretty old. Now
I will say again: I hope we never learn who left the cocaine. It's it's amazing that they can't tell us or they're. You know they're lying like they can't tells, but I don't want to know. I do not now goes to me. That's that's a single individuals problem with their employer and I don't need to know about an employee misbehaving. So even if its answer. I need to them. Do I need to know that hunter might do cocaine. What what would that tell me is? It is an addict. So, even if he is clean at the moment, I don't know one way or another, but if he's cleared at the moment it doesn't mean that he won't do it in the future. So if he did it wouldn't even be a story in my mind that addict does drugs. That's the story, that's not a story, even even the president's kid, because it's already known.
he's never. Once you established, addict abject if the attic uses something that's not really news because use them. Is that with addict that that's very possible alright to china's top foreign diplomat disappeared, so chat chatting and making people disappear it. What do you wonder what happens to so? This is the top foreign minister quindi at Clinton gang I dunno. How do you spell q? I am
gwen or Kim Guan. I don't know how to pronounce it but he's a. He has apparently disappeared. Nobody and, of course china doesn't say where he is or anything he was dramatically ousted. But do you imagine that when you get dramatically ousted that they kill you right away or do they put you in prison or is it like jack ma where he forever will be watched and never be a free man? Is it like that? I always wonder so poor guy and then the other big issue that, oh, my god, I do not want to talk about this guess what issue I don't wanna talk about. What is in the news that at, but I have two because is just such a big story:
So lebron James, some brawny and some kind of heart attack or stroke, was, but he had some issues that people are saying hey. Could it be because your vaccinated, but there's no information, at some singer. I'd never heard of Tori kelly had some medical issues and people think that might be vaccinations. But I have no information on that. Jamie foxx, some people say at a stroke, he's being private about that, and then others saying it's the vaccination. Alright. What do you think? What do you think do you think these were all vaccination Myocarditis and strokes and stuff, I'm going to say that news about three people doesn't mean anything. So I'm going to stick with math and probability
Do you think there ever there is ever been three people in their age ranges who had unexpected health problems at the same roughly, the same few weeks was not even the same few excuse. Jamie fox was quite a while ago. So if you said alright, let's pick at the three month period with that, would that be enough to capture jamie Foxx all the way through brody, James and tori kelly? So if you took a three month period of any time in our history, could you find three people in this age range and remember? Jamie Foxx is not young. Give me the age of the jamie Foxx late forties. Fifty l elders Jamie foxx, no he's not fifty nine as he is in his fifties. Right I mean it looks great
so it seems like he's younger, but he released me. Daddy was in amazing shape. Well, I think he's in his fifties. So if so, let's say let's say you remove the one who was in his fifties right, thought you said. Well, that's not it's not unusual. If somebody in their fifties has a stroke, would you agree? That's not that unusual somebody in their fifties now he was in great shape so that that's certainly a factor, but if you took him out of the mix you'd
I have a brother, James and tori kelly. How unusual would it be over a period of several months that two people in their age group at a medical event of this nature? I dunno to me it doesn't look unusual and therefore, while vaccines are your first suspect. Could we all agree that the vaccines are the first suspect cause? I don't have any issue with that. Would you agree, is the first suspect now I would say: drugs are not the first suspect, because Ronnie James is involved. If you tell me that brawny james was doing drugs, that would kill him. I would say: you're crazy,
Does because I'm going to give lebron who's, not my favorite person in the world, at least in terms of his politics, great player, but I really give brought a little credit here. I don't believe his kid is on any dangerous drugs. I don't believe that so I mean I split. We live in a complicated world and anything's possible. I suppose but no eyes. Why would risk? I think that vaccination would be a higher possibility, somebody saying steroids, but I saw a picture of him without his shirt I wouldn't say steroids and I would imagine they get tested at his level. Don't they get tested in college. I don't know the answer to that, but I can't see it.
this dose it but possible havens basel. So I would say if you think vaccine is the number one potential thing I wouldn't argue with that. I wouldn't argue that it all. I just don't know that is true.
Alright, would you agree that at this point every study about vaccines and masks is bullshit? Can we say that would you agree there's none of it is reliable, saw one today that seemed to indicate that the the vaccines might cause you microcar digest, but the, but the long coven would not do believe. That's true. So a big study says that vaccination could give you problems specific of problems myocarditis, but that the the disease itself would not. Do you believe that? Do you believe that covert is the first disease that are the first thing of it's kind?
it's the first one. That amazingly, did not cause you to have my old card. I just sometimes cause that would be sort of a weird miracle. Wouldn't it because I'm pretty sure that anything that hits you as hard as covert can give you a little chance of myocarditis right So to be, that does it was on the little bed. True or actually it may be true, but I dont believe the analysis or the study in the same way, every study Sketchy to me now at this point literally everything looks sketchy, so I just don't believe anything alright and yeah John campbell blah blah blah blah blah, oh great, but this this is an important point. Grey bears pointing out that
not a medical doctor. Can we all laugh laughing? I'm little laugh at you for imagining that a medical doctor would have better opinions than I do on this ha ha yeah. Sorry! I just had to do this yeah because the experts they really nailed it this time did they know about your doctor. Did did your doctor read that study and did he reproduce it? Did you duplicate it because you're reading this study isn't going to tell you that much, but did he duplicated his office his spare time, yeah yeah, I'm glad you listened to your doctor and not the cartoonist. I would like to remind you that I had the best pandemic predictions in the country, not because
am smart not because I'm smart, but because I didn't make predictions on bullshit. I couldn't predict it. It turns out. It was easier than I thought. Just don't make a prediction on something you don't know anything about. Do you remember my prediction about the vaccinations working? I only made one prediction that they wouldn't work before they rolled out before they rolled out. I said they wouldn't work. I'm the only one well there's some scientists at it, but in the end, the pandit community. I was a little bit alone, so you now all the experts are saying we ve been trying for twenty years were needed. Close, so I'm gonna go with the experts who say can't be done this quickly and sure enough. It wasn't sure enough now about their about my predictions and masks. I'm the only person
You said that without you was intentionally like when he said they wouldn't help, which is separate from the question of do they help. We person called amount as a liar day, one who was the first person the country to call out you liar me on the first. One cause as mass thing was so obviously a lie, a lie intended to reduce the you know the run on masks now separately. What did I say about the effectiveness of masks? I said no mandate, right. I said that the the overall, like your was city level, down level. Don't show every improvement right at the population level shows no difference, and I said that from an engineering perspective. It would have to be true that in the limited circumstance it must make some difference.
Well, maybe it's maybe the only differences. It makes your grandma a little bit safer if you only were in the room for five minutes, just a smallest little special cases, but nothing else and that's exactly where science ended up. So I was perfect that masks that was perfect on vaccinations. I was perfect on lockdowns. I got everything right. I was one hundred percent right about everything. Nobody else was. I got everything right now: here's here's where I did not get in trouble, so I didn't tell you that there was some study. That was definitely right. I didn't do that right. I told you. I told you that ninety five percent of all this stuff you saw it would be wrong at the very least.
It was ninety five percent was wrong, so nobody came close to my pandemic protections now. Some of you are probably wondering why were so many people saying I got everything wrong. Well, there was some kind of fortune hoax in which they reversed my views, and there was a famous comic that showed my views opposite, so it made it look like. I was recommending vaccinations for you which never happened.
Abbott never recommended a vaccination, never recommended a lockdown. Although the two week thing I thought was worth experimenting with. That was two weeks away. Why wait hold on, but somebody says, but you took it, you took it. Although second, do you think that that's a good point that I took that I took the shot? Do you think? That's a good point
The does it make anything. I said not true, but I want, but I want to see which one of you believe that your opinion of my medical choices should be important. Is there anybody here who thinks that my personal medical choices are your fucking business? Oh, oh, you think that the my personal medical choices are your business really really think that if I had recommended what you do and had been wrong, that would be a conversation, but your opinion of my personal medical decisions are fucking useless.
And I don't want to hear from you ever about my personal medical decisions, and you know I'm not going to tell you not to make your personal medical decisions. I don't do it in the trans conversation for adults. Children are always a special case, but for adults, I'm not telling anybody what to do. I'm not telling you they're wrong or right it is not my business what you did or did not do with your body during the pandemic. Absolutely none of my business, but likewise your opinion of my choices completely irrelevant to me and completely irrelevant to anybody else. Why? You think that's important eu is because you're fucked up
you're fucked up? If you think that my personal medical decision has somehow some important to you, you need help like. Maybe you need a therapist or fuckin drug or something but now we're not we're not going to have the conversation about my personal choices, they're mine, that's it and I was the first one to say you should take vitamin d. You get exercise. I was the first one that. May that correlation sunday, everybody's having a good outcome, has good vitamin d that can't be an accident. I got everything I literally got everything right, but of course, because trolls trolls looks different.
I was right about ivermectin and address a clerk with completely right, because you know what I said about them. I said we don't know the. I said the the tests are unreliable right, so I can't be wrong. I'm just saying the tests are unreliable might have worked. Maybe not I never said they didn't work. Did I ever say that I said the odds of them being good? Go down the longer you go without knowing for sure so
wait anyway. So that's all for today's. I hate talking about this topic because everybody flips out and all the comments with just went away and on youtube. For some reason I did you see the doctor drew got democratized on youtube, they're. Basically that and I believe that the reason was, but I actually don't know cause, I'm not sure he knows the reason, but so I'd be speculating. I think is because things as guests said,
The that's like shocking, if your, if your show is having people on who are saying things, the mainstream is not saying and thus why it's an interesting guest. If that's the reason they got a problem with adhd, a big one, but I dunno all the details, unless I'm not sure doctor drew knows exactly what's going on yet, but keep an eye on that, because if that's what, if that's what it looks like that's completely acceptable, but maybe we'll or Norton. That's all. I got for you today and I will talk to you later youtube thanks for joining, live now,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-28.