« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2179 Scott Adams: Is The American Incompetence Crisis Caused By Women Dominating Policy?

2023-07-24 | 🔗

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American Incompetence Crisis,

Politics, Aphantasia, Twitter Context Note, VP Harris, NPR Content, American Incompetence Crisis, Vivek Ramaswamy, UFOs, Giant Bones HOAX, Anti-Education, Anti-Semitism, AI Future, Remote Worker Productivity, Employment Numbers, Women, Fooling Professional Class, RFK Jr. Excellence, Free Speech Intimidation, Section 230, President Trump, Overriding SCOTUS, Thomas Massie, Domestic Terrorism Narratives, Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, Scott Adams

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Did you do if these two fifty two good morning, everybody and welcome to the highlight of human civilization? That's called coffee was got atoms, and would you like to take this experience up the levels that even asked go physicists cannot imagine because the universe is too big. That doesn't make any sense, but it won't matter to the simultaneous up. All you need is a couple of margaret glass. A tanker chelles was dying. They can't do jogger flask of vessel of any kind fairly with you. liquid. I like coffee and join me. After the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine to this day. That makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous something happens now go! Oh wait! That was perfect. I'm pretty sure I nailed it and that's a good sign for the rest of the day. How many of you have ever heard of something called it a fantasia?
The ability to see things in your mind I live. well, the people were all over the map on that and apparently people don't. There are some people who don't think in images that don't even know what to think about that cause. I only do, and apparently the test I was just seeing this on Wikipedia or someplace is, if I told you to imagine an apple and then, as described me. What you see in your mind, apparently there's a wide range of how clearly people see the apple now. I'm, a sort of an artist, I'm sort of an artist by profession, and
I can tell you that I can see the apple as clearly as a photograph. How many of you would say that if I imagine it just like a photograph, usually all the details, I can rotate it can change. It's color. It's like a photograph now, how many of you would say the opposite, and I think it might be like just five percent of people were less or fewer How many of you would say you can't see the apple at all? Is there some who say you can't see it at all? It's just sort of a concept of an apple, but you don't actually see it. So we have some right now. There's some people saying that that applies to them too. You know this. I don't think there can be a better example of understanding
Definitely people are experiencing the reality. I honestly don't even have a way to imagine what it would be like if your imagination didn't reproduce things as well as the real world. I don't know what it would feel like. I have no way to even visualize. Well I can't imagine it. I suppose if it were well, I can visualize it. So one of the secrets about why I can draw let's say a new object. Is that I'm tracing it it's actually tracing. I know you hate me, cause. That makes it sound too easy, but I see it first and then I just put the lines are where I see it now, if you can't do that, and apparently there are a number of you who can't? How would you ever learn to draw it feels like if you tried to draw it'd, be like stick figures and stuff cause the one in your mind, you wouldn't know what it looks like
it broke. So I would guess- and when I see artists who could do photorealistic drawings, I think maybe they're, even you know further than I am in terms of being able to see it, we're actually yeah they do more than seeing it it's like they're, seeing it plus something else. plus what the rather, I guess now: here's another theory. You know affirmations the idea of visualizing your goals. I've had good good luck, anecdotally, not scientifically speaking, but anecdotally It was like when I, when I can visualize what I want really clearly, the odds were happening are so close to one hundred percent. and there are things that I tell myself- I want that even I am trouble visualizing, it's more of a concept. I dont get those but when I can see myself standing there with a person or I got a bag of money,
something I really really see damage. It just seems to happen one of the things I ve been hypothesize in over a long time. Is it possible that the more clearly you can imagine something for you for years visualization in your attainment of huge success? Is it possible that actually determines whether you'll be successful that you can? You can draw up a picture in your head, because my theory is that brains, that's one of the ways, your programme, your brain, if you think your brain. in georgia. You and yours do away your brains. Tell you you're lost you just wandering around, but you should be able to use the executive function in your brain to do something like visualization, which should be effectively reprogramming your brain, to make it more effective so
it is pretty subjective, and maybe that's all this happened a year, but it does seem to be that if you could visualize something clearly, the odds of it happening are pretty. I alright and twitter has become ex So now you're not sending tweets anymore. Your ex claiming somebody said that on twitter, if I remember do I'd, give them credit, but I don't remember ooh, I don't think we're going to use that one we're not going to use as I can be ex claiming. I think it's still it really. What do you think? I think this is a prince becoming the symbol of the artist formerly known as prince. because I'm gonna do the thing formerly known as the waiting and then. So I'm stop. Stop we'll lose the formerly known as unjust colleague, tweeting again.
So I'm going to say well, I was exiting today, formerly known as tweeted and I'll start, just saying, formerly known as tweeting I'll drop the axe and then we'll drop the formerly known as tweeting and I'll be right back to tweeting. That's that's how I'm gonna play it! Anybody with me, I'm not I'm not going to stop calling it tweeted and I'm pretty sure we could call it whatever. We want and would just make it so make it so in star trek. I gotta contacts note on a tweet. You were twitter will lead community notes. Are there to do things is there a community know in a context now? Are they really the same thing? Does anyone know if that's two different things or one thing, let's see if anybody knows because most of you haven't seen one or both. So how would you know it's? The same thing
This is the same so late. Let me just give you idea this work. actually very happy with the community note or maybe just reader added contacts. Notes, I think, is working really well is imperfect. All things are improved, I'll give you an example. So here's where I got a context no put on my tweet there was a clip of president Biden with the evil. Looking green on his face subjectively speaking according to me Muttering that you would look into elon, musk and twitter to see if there are any crimes it now, when I saw him muttering that he was gonna look into twitter to see if any crimes or there I said to myself. What, since when do you go looking for grimes? That's the scariest. Is I tweeted something about it sounded like a plot of a bad movie where there is no alternative america.
there's been taken over by a dictator, is listening to bite and say that he is going to look into mosques. Purchase of twitter. Just to see, if there's anything wrong in terms of homeland security. Why would there be? Why would there be a problem? I would make even thinking the look and wouldn't that apply to every citizen, my neighbour bob. I am not aware of any crimes he has committed, but when I talked to him, I'm a little bit suspicious and I think maybe we should go overturn his finances and see if we getting crimes or nobody.
We stand for that, but there was, though, the leader of the country standing there saying basically a dictator, a kind of a statement. Now that the contacts note was that this was an old video is a useful. Was it useful to me to know that this happened around the time of the transaction? It did not happen this week that a good community now Oh yes, I say yes to cesspool context, you you need to know when stuff happened to understand. It is fullness. So good note. But it also went on to say that it was. It was more about the the question of the original buying of the company. Now that doesn't change my tweet. Would you agree? It doesn't invalidate my tweet.
it just takes a little edge off. It gives a little context. I thought this was all good. Would you agree? This was nothing but good, a good context, yeah and the reason I'm bringing it up as it's because they happened to me. Trust me. If you get a context note, your first reaction will be negative. Add to that point, one of the things the context no lets you do. If you the twitter, maybe maybe everybody lets you rate the context note. So the contacts no kind of rage you, but that you can read the context note, and my first reaction was dammit. I like it, I said it was useless, so I gave it a useless grade and then I slept on it looked at it the next day. I thought
maybe I was only lays the maybe that maybe they're complex, though, is one hundred percent accurate and add something to the understanding between the ok Damn it you're right, so I'm going to give you the when you get the win. Twitter is the company that formerly was known as twitter. Alright, Let's talk about the summer news. I think summer news is over So summer, news usually is somebody misinterpreting public figure I'm pretending to be really angry about it and that's called summer news? So when. Isn't l d in doses, song and people say we see some racist stuff in there. That's totally not there
They go, they get all they get all theatrically upset about it, but they're not really upset. Literally. Nobody cares just summer news and of course you know, we've talked about a couple of years now, she's talking the florida these school lessons for history. and she believes that they're teaching kids that there's less slavery had an upside. There was something good about slavery. Of course, that's not nonexistent right. Of course, if you looked for it, it wouldn't be there but fake news, so the seven cobble out to do to get it to get angry about fake news. Imagine if you had been elected the vice president of the united states and they're saying okay, what what valuable portfolio can we give you so first they give you immigration
At the border control- and you do absolutely nothing useful for a few years, so alright, alright, alright, maybe that was just hard So then a I as an existential threat to humanity. Some say so give the a I portfolio to errors, and what did she do that make everything better? Nothing, nothing! So I don't think there's any job you can give her. There will result in a positive outcome, so if you as an employee like that, you sort of wally employ if you use the dilbert analogy if you had a wall we employ and time after time the project's don't get done. What do you do with them? What's the next project you give them if you dont want to fire them or too much trouble, you give them the least important most
shit job, something that only needs to be done so that people know it's being done, but has no value to the world as an no possible benefit at all, and that would be complaining about the florida curriculum by. imagining what it is and then getting really mad at what she imagined. What is not real and that's her current job now. Do you think she's going out and talking about this topic, because that was a thing she came up with on her own? Oh, I think this is where I'll put my time and energy. I doubt it to me. It looks like an assignment how many of you would agree that her talking about this topic has to be certainly an assignment. I don't think the vice president just go out and either one pick a topic and start complaining about it yeah. She actually would just just think about this. Do you believe that the people who assigned the
if the topic think that the topic is real, meaning that florida is actually teaching kids Florida, that slavery wasn't all bad, you think there's really out, of course not Now, there's nobody in the way our soon believes its real. They actually assigned her an imaginary job. To tell me, that's not true. Tell me that's not true. Calmly. Harris was intentionally assigned, and imagine- for a job because she could not fulfill any real assignment they walid or she she's being waleed right. That's what the twenty year boss does. He doesn't want to go through the paperwork or firing. Wally So just gives him he usually lens into another manager who s for some resources you now
Can you maybe lend me in an engineer for this project you somebody would sort of dotted line report to me for a while, but it'll just be alone and the point of air bosses, you're not only my coworker manager but you're sort of my competitor, this company, because if you get some promotion I cared so I'll be glad to help you because I'm a team player, about wally, you have them as long as you want Yes, the qualification of the vice president continues. I saw tweed from somebody named on di pietro, This is a great weight, all the imaginary people who think slavery was ok or the worst all the real people who think the amount
it's very people are real are the second worst summer news. If anybody take summer news seriously or falling into the trap you want. You see someone complaining about any of this stuff. Just say summer. News can't wait for real What are yours one of my there's a lot of funny news today. I think it's all funny and so NPR us as a headline talking about the right wing conspiracy about bugs so NPR is essentially demonizing there? The right part of the country for saying that the left part of the country is promoting the eating of bugs sometime soon for protein. So while NPR is marking the right wing for imagining, there's some conspiracy about eating bugs
stephen miller onto why the formerly the company formerly known as twitter tweeted. Yes, I'm calling it we did it. We did that he twisted three headlines. Remember we are talking about the value of eating bugs, so when we are, is blaming the right wing for starting this bug eating conspiracy, theory at the same time, npr zone headlines, there's three of them recently about the possible value of eating all the bugs. And I think Stephen Miller asked if NPR reads: npr or less instant does npr. Actually listen to npr or do they know not to oh yeah. We produce we produce content, but god knows we're not going to listen to it. We don't want to get hypnotized, so
The the the clownishness of the world is the macro theme for day. So today's theme is american national competence. How many of you would agree with the statement that there is an incompetence crisis in america? How many of you would agree with that statement and then comp a competent crisis? Basically, you could call it incompetence crisis to me. It seems Well, yes, and I'm going to talk about that more but notice how the stories are all going to have that quality. We'll talk about the causes as coming up, but But he does all the stories of news really look like something just one wrong.
They don't really look like we disagree on priorities, is not looking like a different set of priorities or preferences. It doesn't look like there was a natural problem and people have solutions. It doesn't look that, like that at all it looks like in competence. Is the issue. let me say this in the cleanest way I can do we have do. We have a problem with climate change. Do we have a problem with inflation? Do we have a problem with- let's say the ukraine Well on some level. You say yes, but wait a minute. Could there be one problem that caused all of those problems? Yes, I don't mean it. I dont mean nationally caused the war caused climate change. I mean that we deal with all of these topics has has left the realm of anything sensible. If, if ever we were there,
so we have with upgraded to a realm of pure incompetence where, in common this itself becomes the topic, so we're only talking about the incompetence. We don't have anything going on this talking about making the problems better. We haven't incompetence crisis where we ve just we replaced the topics. We are talking about our own incompetence, because we don't even know how to get out of that loop rule bubble of our own in common, Alright, so kamala harris is obviously an example of an incompetence crisis. Joe Biden is clearly an example of I'll call it a confidence crisis. Clearly. Example: do you know that we've got two candidates? The leading candidates who may be running to stay in jail, at least in now as much as you. My want trump to be, president has
ever done, anything that might have technically violated some gonna love, I don't know maybe problem, Do they all do that as someone at what he reaches level? Are they all violating technical laws? I think so guess, would be there all violating some technical law that nobody cares about. But how is it that we ve got three, I would say three hyper capable candidates and they are fighting for second place in the driver's, are not in favour of second place in the general, so our escape junior, clearly more qualified than Biden by a lot fighting for even to be on the ballot and be a second choice. If you look at
look inside. I think trump is very capable. He just causes people to lose their fuckin shit. If I had one problem with jump is just that it just causes. People lose their shit, so that's not a competence problem. This is something that just comes with a whole program. I guess, but you look at the capability of the vague rama swami. Oh my god do I want that as a model for the future. I just want somebody was just killing it with competence and
nobody's watching, and your kids are watching and they're like did he really do that did? Did he just sit down and play concert piano level, and then he went off and played tennis at a college level, and then he started at your startups and now he's running for president and making a big dent in changing the world. Is that all the same person? It's all the same guy is like one guy. You don't think you want your kids to see that the the talent stack concept brought alive. I mean he brings alive. The talent stack idea that if you layer enough talents.
So by working on those talents, you can create something extraordinary from the the some of it yeah, quite basic and and I'll say for the dissenters lovers, highly capable, highly capable, very admirable and you'd love to have a president who just demonstrated that level of skill. You can disagree about his preferences and his policies and you might like somebody better, but is anybody calling the santas incapable nobody right? I don't believe. There's a single person says: oh, that dissenters. He can't get anything done. It's not even part of the question.
so we do have super capable people who are trying and fighting to to get out, but I would also say that in the the category that I call the internet dads, which includes women, I'm just sort of using it as a label, but the at the internet dads are showing a level of capability. That's just crazy right, yeah, the the Jordan peterson's David Sachs that elon musk's make certain the bitches. You know I can go on, but you know who they are. You know the dads are, and you know if you, if you read just read a week of certain events, tweets your ikea goes up like five points. Alright, there are some super qualified people who are getting deeply into the you know the process, it's just hard for them to breakthrough past. That top crust of nk incapable people at Tucker is another example of highly capable do. You want them to podcast modifiers got to perform that lets. You make one super easily and distributed it everywhere and even make money all in one place for free, it's called spotify for purposes, and here's how it works. Satisfied for potter podcast lets you record edit podcasts right from your phone phone or computer. So no matter, no matter what your setup is. You can start are repeating today that you can just distribute broadcasters to spy and everywhere else, podcasts or heard video podcasts are available on spotify and when you want do you want to take your decisions with your fan fans. Slow you've got
in the days and pole holes the best ways to do it with spotify for broadcasters you can earn a variety of ways, including add podcasts, scription students, and it is totally free, been using it for here for awhile and it's great rape. I recommended I, let's talk more about the same topic through: u f, o's! I saw Eric Weinstein that had a tweet thread on the: u f, o mystery I'll call it the. I thought he did a great job of summarizing. The frustration of all the smart people suggest going to read one part of his thread, which was tremendous, and I commander just just as they are just as a great job, just summarizing. What's going on with all you have a mystery but- here he restated does something I guess you said before he goes. I stand by my statement, something,
is wildly off and then you the options for what might be happening. A our pilot are crazy and or liars. So the pilots reclaim this eu of ours crazier liars. So I go see if any these makes sense to me, there is a side up gas laid in their own people? You have some kind of government plan to fool us, see we're too and competent to call our own people wait. We are too and competent to call our own people. Is that a typo or does it make sense to you? We are too and competent to call their own people show that one means must be a type of de. There is a secret longstanding involvement at top scientists, in other words a top scientists,
no there's something new, but they're, not telling you a. There are some crazy sea gull and my laura balloon effects sellers something up there, but has now you foes he called to view of those has infected the pentagon, so yo a mental problems or china and others are taking over our airspace and we're using? U f, o's as an excuse, rather than dealing with a problem. So we're telling the public that, as u f o's when it's really chinese technology or something
and that is that he I love his conclusion. Alright. So this is eric when Weinstein's conclusion of all this confusion, he says, but this is so stupid to be this far in with so much bullshit dot, dot dot. I'm embarrassed for us. I am more, their eric same page is literally embarrassing. Does by other feeling like american and literally embarrassed that we get we work through this embarrassment
I would say: I've removed it from my life as anything that influences me. I'm not I'm not bothered by any level of embarrassment and you shouldn't either. If you can learn to be free of embarrassment, it's like a friggin superpower, but you, but you know what I'm saying is just not a good look. You know it doesn't bother me to my core, but you know I'm not proud of it now proud of it. I am not proud of being an american based illness yeah. I I am proud of being an american, but not based on this story. So I want to add a few hypotheses to his list. So he's got a through e or g didn't understand one of them. I think it's a typo,
all add my own. Take, I think, is a combination of the following. So is not one of these things is a combination of all these things. Optical illusions: we just see some things. We didn't know what they were. Tech malfunctions in our senses, equipment or it might be just a feature. Slash bug that doesn't look like a malfunction could be confirmation by us. If we are expecting to see something you see there were could be summer number hucksters, some, not all, but some of them might be just little lou, literally hoaxes than theirs cognitive dissonance. You got you drifters, you ve got the effect of money that distorts everything and then, on top of that
on top of the reality or non reality of the issue ufos separately, but connected is the timing of one we learn about alleged new stuff. I believe the timing is threatened. which is independent of whether there are they really ufos s supper question but the, I move when the news stories about ufos is that's probably political, not for sure But it seems like there's always something this embarrassing for democrats were in power when it comes out, but the eu working against their theory is that stuff came out during the trumpet administration too, and I don't recall that that was necessarily timed to any bad democrat news. So I don't, I don't think the hypothesis that is always timed to cover up the news works every time
but could it have been done once? Is there any one time then somebody said this would be a good time for this story. Maybe so I do think that there's a possibility that the media gives it more attention when there's something that they don't want to talk about, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily doing it consciously right, as fox news is talking about all the bad behavior, that the Democrats they've got five good stories, yeah like contours laptop, yeah knew no whistleblowers, they get all that and see them cut it I want to talk about it at all. What are they have better talk? Now you have those you want to stay with us. So either he's a whole bunch of ordinary things. I do nothing any of the extraordinary explanations are likely so listen
how many of Eric Weinstein's potential you know these are ways it could be. How many of them are extraordinary eyes see so I gave you a list of possible. These are all ordinary technology, bugs most ordinary thing in the world. Confirmation by us. Thus, ordinary is the operating system of human beings as the most ordinary thing you think it's thereabout has not cognitive. This there's all ordinary. So everything on my list would explain everything were saying: hoaxes, drifters, money, media and a wooden, are any extraordinary anything it wouldn't work any new introduction of any new effects. It would purely we explained by all the ordinary stuff, but look at erics list are. Pilots are crazier liars well, if there were one or two pilots,
Crazier liars would be a pretty good hypothesis, but it seems to be a lot of all right released enough there. crazy, a liar crazy lying is probably rule, though the extraordinary, there's, a sigh up gaslighting, our own people, well, psi ops, the gas latest we know are common. Would you agree it's common to have psi ops, but I don't think that the government would use? U f o's for a psyop. That would be extraordinary. What would not be extraordinary is to say there's a let's say as an anonymous source that wouldn't be extraordinary, because they do that all the time. It wouldn't be extraordinary to say, there's a preprint study that says you should shove masks up your ass to stop cancer.
thus ordinary, like lying in a preprint study, let's just ordinary or or nobby accurate about we're too, and I don't know about the cotonou and thus making the typo there's a seat. longstanding involvement of top scientists and no top scientists. This talk that would be extraordinary right, not likely. The crazy seagulls mylar balloon effects well that actually add to what I was saying that you're, my being just a technical glitch, your optical illusion. So I think that once more in the ordinary category was a cult of ufos is infected the pentagon. I think there's confirmation by us and the fact that ufos or fun and everything
is less fun if you're, if you're working in the pentagon name, one topic, that's more fun than talking about: u f, o's! Well, we gotta find it and if there's no illegal chemical weapons, u f, o's, you have others. So you'd expect that people chase fun, so they like it. So of course, there's people in your foes who are in the military you want to talk about. You have owes your photos are fun or china's, and I don't think it's likely that china is taking over our airspace with their advanced, advanced machines and we don't know the difference, but we don't want to talk about. So my theory is ordinary that the? U ufo things ordinary
Let me tell you why I think it's ordinary beyond the fact that all of the elements to make it happen are ordinary. The history of humankind is one hoax after another like this, you know that right. There is never a better time in human history where there were not multiple hoaxes that had more. Of all people said they were true. My favorite one is was earlier in the twentieth century. When there were all these hoaxes about giant bones, they were finding skeletons of giant bones and there were a lot, if you just one by how many there were- and you went by how many people told you that. with our own eyes. Anyone by the media reports that there were true- and you talk to the scientists who said earlier- I thought you would think that was
pretty true, zero of them more to zero. It was just lay widespread jaya bones all over the place, but we
Ave. The smithsonian has zero giant bones. Now. How different is the giant bones houses than the? U f, o story. What what part of the giant bones hoax is not one hundred per cent common to the story about the? U f, o's yeah! We have better technology, but does it matter if we have good technology, if you know you're seeing a tic tac, if you think it's a you, fo tha humans are doing the interpreting and now that the diet bones hoax period lasted many years, just like the? U f, o's. Now you also know I'm not going to name names, but there are. There have been some modern religions, not gonna name, any names that seem to have lots of people who are direct witnesses,
I saw them hundreds, maybe maybe millions of people join something that was born just a few hundred years ago, so people massively believing in something that isn't true, including believe I they saw it with their own eyes. They said they heard it they experienced. It is very common. So if you're asking yourself what's common and what's uncommon, a gigantic hoax about you ufos that last for years has hundreds of direct eye witnesses. I feel credible has actually technology like radar. That seems to be recording. It has every site for being real and even the media's injustice. Real none of them has any validity.
We have a long history of none of that ever mattering. Do anything it's just oaks now. Could I be wrong? I hope so. Wouldn't that be cool. I'd love to feel well, unless they're here to kill us, but I would say, if you're doing the carl Sagan analysis, the Carl Sagan analysis is this looks like every other hoax. Why would it be different? This is the extraordinary one maybe, but I would say, if you're going to put odds on your face being real I'd, say one hundred to one against hundred to one against, based on the fact that it looks exactly like every other hoax room, modern history, there are all the same. They don't look different yup. So I asked this question and on the service
only known as twitter, so I said, if you aren't you figure out, let's say the truth about climate change, the truth about climate change and you had a choice. You can only talk to scientists, just scientists or experts on the history of hoaxes expert. And the history of media hoaxes, especially who would give you a more useful answer- the scientists or the people who who know what hoaxes look like through history. While I think three quarters of the people who answer that, of course, we're biased in their answers. So they said the the media hoaxers and I think that's true. I think climate change is
so perfectly like a dozen other hoaxes. Now, when I say hoax, I don't mean that there's nothing true about it. Let me be clear: I think the basic idea that if all else was equal and you added some c, o two to a closed system- it'd- probably get warmer. I believe that do I believe that that climate change is not a problem, because, a million years ago we had more c o two. Does everybody think that the climate change is not much of a problem? is a million years ago we had more c o two. Does that make sense to you? Does that sound logical to you that a million years ago there was more c o two and the world was thriving. Therefore, the current level of c o two, not dangerous. I don't you know the logical right. Even thomas massey was making this case and I was owes cringing
Does bat Matthew sort of my standard for good behaviour is like the standard for rational scientific approach?
I saw him actually video arguing that C. O two was much higher like a thousand parts per million instead of four hundred in the distant past. Does it do you all know what's wrong with that argument, now John Kerry tried to defuse it by saying mess, but people weren't here you know humans, weren't. Here that's a terrible, terrible defense. Would you like to hear the good argument and the good defense? Well, there's no good argument. There's no good argument. That says million years ago the c o two was higher. Therefore, it's not a problem today, there's no connecting logic to that. Do you know why? Because everything was different a million years ago the brightness of the sun was different. The composition of the atmosphere was different. Everything was different, so if everything's different.
The high level of c o two may have been no problem at all. Maybe it was no problem, so John Kerry's correct answer should have been not there were no humans cause. One is the obviously you said to there were no humans. We were teens, with life. Life was all over the planet. There was, with more life on the planet them than there is now because of the extinction of species. So it's a it's a terrible charge. Your massey's claim that it's meaningful that there was more c o two in the distant past. It is just not meaningful, is because all the other variables were also different. So it may be that you needed more co2 in the past, because these son wasn't his warm. That would be a positive sign
two because it was keeping you warm when the sun wasn't doing his job, but not. This is just an example: I'm not not making a claim about the sun amuses this as an example, suppose the sun gala warmer in a million years. Well, then, you better not have all that co2 right, so The right answer is: although the variables were different, you can compare the past week
Is it that neither of them could get that right and lemme check? One hundred percent of you agree right. Have I convinced one hundred percent of view that I'm right about this? I think I have it's easy. I mean the argument is so plain and simple, as you know, alright, if you disagree, give me one sentence of disagreement. Go the the one sentence. Why that why? What I said is wrong. Why is why is the c o two from a million years ago, relevant, okay, y'all y'all got quiet when I had to say you all got quiet, then your ears, here's the best argument. I have for the other side,
This is the best one quote your vaccinated. Well, then, there's always somebody in the comments was blaming it on the Jews. I assume that satire. Alright, I gotta give you the benefit of the doubt the benefit of the doubt that that was satire. I don't want to see their ship. events, otherwise I don't I don't want. I don't want to say this every day. Either right can you maybe not do anti semitic things in the comments like? Maybe that's just not cool about a lot less later, so you know free speech, fine, but it doesn't belong everywhere. It's not satire. Let's get! Let me let me take a break here. Let me take a break.
So you got a group of people in the world who everybody knows are unusually successful. Let's call them albanians. And these are body- is a really good at going to school and getting advanced degrees and weather advanced degrees. They have lots of opportunities. especially at the higher levels of business in society, so they take their better degrees. And they start Do dont really well so well that they look at what would be the best industry to begin if you could be in any history, so these about l bony hands that I'm talking about are so well trained. They ve got such good education's that they could be in tech. They could be a government, it could be in media really they can just
their shots, and if you were a media, you do well, you might even be the boss after a number of years of you having experience So once the albanians just sort of work through the system just being albanians, eventual. The albanians looked to be diamond, a lot of important industries now? Why is it that they dominate the important industries in somebody's would say hollywood too, because that is. Since our minds, why? Why are they all italy, where all these and the albanians in the important industries- and why do they have all this power because they went to school. What would you like your family to be captains of industry and maybe head up a media companies someday about setting up a fucking school? How about, if you send your kids?
fucking school? They can be the ceos of a media company to about fucking. opening your head and look here if there is a group of people who are killing it on education and they become your fuckin boss. Maybe you should look at yourself. Maybe you should check your work right. If you got a boss, this they'll bodiam, does they all want to fuck in school The biggest fuckin priority and it wasn't your priority- they should be your boss. You should work for albanians. The albanians are gonna run your country run media run your hollywood. They get it. your tech, they're gonna run every fucking thing that matters. Why? Because they went to school, is making me crazy.
How was I not obvious how's that not fucking obvious. Every one of you anti semitic assholes? you don't see, that going to school is the main variable. Can you not see that seriously? You can see that there is a correlation between school and success. Am I the first person to tell you that, like you, ve, never fucking heard that before you never thought of it didn't have that that thought yourself, About it does not require any collusion on behalf of Israel for the people who took schooling as our top priority and then execute now, you're gonna, say:
but buzz god they might be talking to each other in preferring the written group or something yeah so up so up so it You want you want to be on the ungroup go to school, send your kids to school, make it a priority; alright, oh god, that bugs me alright back to back to them. celtic you do. Do you think the ai will create work for humans? or reduce work. What you're, what you're best guess, we'll ay I create work.
I am going to make a prediction that it's going to be more like when we said computers were going to reduce paper. Do you remember that the seventies early eighties yeah, all these computers are going to reduced paper? The current market for computer printers is about fifty billion dollars. I remember when computers came in the first big change was more paper right because you had to print it twice. You know you made to make copies. So there's a story about that, at least in some jobs. There's one group of people
we're. Looking at their setting, I guess you'd say they're, examining articles to see what would be included in their publication and they got a big problem because it used to be humans would write articles. They would submit them to their publication. They would look at them and say: oh okay and they'd pick the good ones. Now the number of articles that are being submitted is shot through the roof, because they're being written by a I am a. I can't write for shit so were they used to have to look at you know? Maybe I'll just pick up numbers. These are I'm just making this up where you might have to look at. Let's say a few dozen human written articles now you've got a thousand articles I've been submitted written by I just with a prompt nobody daily work and they're all bad. So now they have to look through a thousand to find that one where they used to.
through a few dozen. Now, that's a very specific. You know industry and situation, but I feel like there's going to be a lot more of that, for example, if you said to be in the pre ai world, I'm in my cubicle and boss comes in and says scott. I need you to do this task. Now, in the old in the old days, I would have a certain set of tools not go work on that task. And maybe you know I wish I had a I cause. I would do it better. So that's just the old way I'll just go work on the task. What's the new way, the new way is, if I know that, there's an ai that can help me I'm going to have to research, but I'm going to have to learn it and way. The current architecture is, you might need two or three different as, for example, you might need one ai that creates a photograph that
exist, use a second I to animate the photograph into its really image. You might use a thirty. I too eddies script like a movie script to animals, Into an actual movie, you might use another app to clean up the lighting and fix the sound. So you can end up with you. Might take you a dozen a apps to do a thing now. People might be impressed by thing It might be great that you did that, but all of your normal work you're going to have to pause and do a deep dive into a a. I can do and completely re architect your business process to do the thing You will spend as much time learning the tools to do the thing as it would have taken you just to do with the old way.
No, I'm not I'm not the trouble today who wants to stay with the old ways. I pray, I let's do it on the market. Will sort of them But I think it is completely optimistic to imagine is not going to add work to the cubicle class as well as a whole. I think it will make my life at home harder, because all the continuously trying to find out what tool is that this tool, but simply says this tool and got a sign up, and this one's nazism you stated that the other woman, why Z, the AP eyes and working today and all the things that used to be easy obese so much better way to do it in this complicated away that we have to spend all your time figuring out how to do it, ordinary things that you did the other way. No in the long long long run isn't going to make everything better. Maybe.
Maybe, and also in the long long long run there could be fewer computer printers, were, I don't think, we're there, but there could be. You know at some point. They'll just always be a screen everywhere, so you really will never use a piece of paper, but that might be long time it's alright, it was the hill is reporting. There was a survey that showed that remote workers are the ones working at home some of the time and are more more productive. Do you believe that that the remote workers are more productive? How do you think they measured that just guessed I decided not to read the. I read the headline: what they think they measure the productivity of somebody working at home versus the office. Would it be impossible
if there is that one of those things that might be impossible to measure? Yes, yes, it is, it is impossible to manage. So what do you think might have been behind this result? That workers are so much more effective. gonna be out an maybe the people who work at home. Did the survey when you ask people will work at home and prefer it. If there are more more effective, they say yeah, I live. Do you work more hours.
Sure sure, and when you work those hours of your distracting atmosphere with your dog and your kids and everything, are you? Are you focusing better at home? Oh yeah, oh yeah, way way better as way better write that down write that down a way better focus, and, oh so more hours weekends. Sometimes I'm up all night. Sometimes work is so appealing. I just can't up. I need to tell you that this survey is bullshit. I don't really need to tell you that I wouldn't believe any I got this debate now, I'm not saying it's not true, and I say let us say you couldn't possibly couldn't possibly have accurate information. This is or like measuring the temperature of the world every time. Every time somebody says they measures the temperature of the whole world, the average
I just laugh: do you know why I was born in the real world in the real world? You can't measure the temperature of the earth and compared to last year, that's no thing who thinks that's a thing who thinks you can do that with will. Obviously with thermometers. The the satellite stuff might be a little closer to something that Israel, but who thinks the thermometers put all over the earth are giving you some kind of good answer. That's ridiculous! Do you have do? I have to be a scientist to know that you can't measure the temperature of the earth. The fact that everybody believes that apparently the american workforce is coming back strong lot of people in the twenty five to fifty four each year. Adrian, your the market is a good thing or a bad thing way.
where people are entering the labor market earnings, so they do have openings and more people are going in as as the wall street journal reported. This is a good thing or a bad thing. Do you think it would help or hurt the competence of the economy? Lots more people going to work think is good, which people you have a job already. The competent people are they in carbon, which ones were already employed. Do it were employers mostly prefer the end? and while the highly capable people were just sitting it out, but now they decided. This would be a good time to go back to work. I don't think so. I think the capable people already on jobs and that the employers are lowering their standards to fill positions. Just like the military is militaries doing the same thing
So when you say that this good news that the labour force is really strong and people are going back into it is that as good as it sounds, I mean it's good that they get. Paychecks was good for the economy, but if you're looking at the competence of the country, it should take it down. Would you agree that that seems like a cause and effect of bringing in people who are not well, employed, I'm gonna, give you a little story before I talk about. Americans incompetence. Probably a little more detail I've got a friend who, when he was sixteen years old and these in my age range. So this was long ago when you sixty. His father owned a bowling alley and then his father got a you know: a better offer better job at a big corp. Duration, so rather than closing or selling the bowling alley sixty
You're old was asked if you wanted to just manage the bowling alley, just run the company you sixteen so remember this is many years ago. So what did the sixteen year old say? Who basically have been running the company anyway? He was like an assistant manager. He just got running in anyway. You said sure sure, so it was all business bowling alley. There was managed by sixteen role again now my day. And when I was a youngster that wasn't that unusual and if you went back into old time eu times you back in the prayer,
yeah sixteen year old, was the head of household? Wasn't that unusual? But do you think a sixteen year old should run a company in two thousand and twenty three I mean there might be some special ones, but it's different things look really different. Now I could I I believe I could have run a company of sixteen went back in those days. You know things were simpler too, but I think I could have I felt I was I was ready. I wouldn't have been easy, but I. The figure to their lives. I went. I gotta gotten now compare that to the design of america at the moment. I am going to read a bunch of statements that just tell me if you think these are true or false, and do they contribute to the incompetence of the country.
So my thesis here is that we have a current design for our country, the guarantees and carpets, and we didn't always. We used to have a design that guaranteed that the competent people would rise and you take over everything. But here's our current situation. We ve got the tissues union blocking school choice. Should that make us more capable or less capable overtime less, because competition is the only thing that makes anything, work and they're getting rid of it and they also maintain teachers who are not good. There are two fire, because the union protection, so certainly the tissues union should make us all stupid by design. I don't see any way around it. Neither one affirmative action. Do you think affirmative action clauses, companies who would obviously prefer to have highly qualified employees, but also diverse
that's what they prefer, but unfortunately they have to deal with math, which is they can all get qualified people, because they're just aren't enough. Just numbers, so if you can't get enough but you're being measured on your diversity even more than your profits, but you get it Here's a lowering your standards, which has nothing to do with the capabilities of any group right. This is not about bigotry. This issues math. That if you lower your standards cause it's the only way you can fill your spots, you get less qualified people that there's no argument there. That's a strict definition of cause and effect about a tight job market to well the lower standards. We talked about that. How about the fact that in.
we twenty three, the media, the scientist and experts in general- are all lying to us. I don't know how different that is from the past. Maybe we just no more about it, but do you think we're getting dumber because we're lied to by all the smart people I feel like that has an effect, So I just gave him the story of probably the smartest person in congress. Thomas massey, you might literally like if you gave iq test, might be number one. And then John carries no slouch. You might disagree with him, but he's not he's a real smart guy super smart guy. Those super smarter guys.
We're arguing about c o two a million years ago, like it mattered like I, I feel like this- is somehow downstream from all the experts. Stupidity that even smart people are dragged into kind of a conversation that does make sense. How about the fact that we have lots of college and less people going to college, but we have lots of college courses that don't make you smart. Does college make you smart it used to I'm pretty sure it used to, and there are a lot of college majors. You know if you pick the right major yeah totally make you smarter, but I feel like there's a whole bunch of college. Mid majors are actually
designed to make you dollar and that feels knew about a few more things that will make us damn. We ve got to let the smart people are retiring. What about just retirement? Do you think we're losing skills goes the boomers, the bombers tend to have a wide range of skills. They tend to be talent staggers. I dont know if there's still too so, maybe we're losing stuff retirements and there's also a bubble. You know, since the boomers were a big bubble, just the fact that boomers had a lot of training and that the group with the most training is also the group this most retiring again, it's just math, there's no opinion here. The math requires that you have less qualified people
when you're done with those retirements, how about startups sucking all the smart people into areas that, by their nature neither ten are going to fail well as probably great for startups, because you want your smart people in the startups, but don't you The start up. The start of world is now so large that you can suck the best people out of every corporation When the startup world is small, it can be your smartest people, but you still have plenty of smart people just doing their regular jobs
happens when all of the smartest people realize that they could be billionaires if they just do a startup and then nine and ten fail. So you take your smartest people from environments where most of the time they're succeeding, you put them into a start of know the situation where, by it's nature, nine out of ten fail, you're, basically putting your smartest people into failure and taking the amount of success. Now I don't know if that's a net bad or good cause, though smartest people are creating google and apple and stuff like that, so it might come out positive, but at least one of those things I look at that might be sucking talent and have places we need it all right. So you put this all together and there might be something that's making a smarter, but I can't think-
But the best I could come up with is that you can get online training for just everything, but that only applies to people who are willing to go. Get it right it doesn't. It doesn't come to you, you gotta say alright, I'm gonna learn this new thing and then you've got to really work at it. So it seems to me that we have designed a system accidentally so designers wrong word, but we ve drifted into a system that guarantees growing incompetence. Yeah, you can throw drugs and their and addiction everything it actually. Addiction is a good one plus throw addiction in there. I think, there's more addiction.
So that should take something off your capability as well and also health. What about general health? Nobody is as smart or as productive if they have bad health, but our food system is killing us and our big farmers doing a mix job so we're making people less effective by their health, less effective in their education, less effective in their training, less effective by filtering, you know actually per bring less qualified people because you gotta get to fill these spots now? What is there anything that all of these forces have in common is a whole bunch of things. I just talked about making us less capable, but is re like core lay bottom thing: this clause
is all cause. I heard some people say it's obviously the communists and his communists, so maybe be other countries trying to influence us, but it's the local marxists and the communists are doing it. Do you think that's what's happening. Alright, I'm going to give you my hypothesis is women as women, this all caused by women. Now, when I say it's all caused by women, do I mean that every single hold on? Let's take a break, Why do you mean every single woman is exactly the same? Will deal? That's, that's not what I mean and anybody with good reading comprehension nor has lived in the world for more than a second knows that when people talk about groups they never ever
ever meet every person in my group, as you say, so why are you saying they're all the same? Ok can I do say that I'm just talking in the normal way the people talk when they talk about the average of a group is more of an average sort of situation, and yet you say everyone has the same they'll. Can you look at the calendar for me? Certainly what's today July? Twenty fourth was season: is that summer. So are you pretending to be angry about something that you know isn't true, because it's the summer and it's your summer news, maybe they'll, go back to where you came from family and paws.
So here s. What I mean, here's what I don't mean I dont mean there is anything wrong with women get away with that other there's nothing wrong with women women. A great There's nothing wrong with individual women. The eventual. Well, I'm a big fan. I can show you play. We individual women are just killing it in the workplace. Killing it in life killing
with the valleys or some people. I like women. However, it is generally true if we can stay on the trans conversation for a moment, if you will, can I have permission to talk about something this not related to trans. Anybody. Is that? Ok, I don't know, if is it legal is still legal right I can. I can talk about a topic without even referencing is like trans is not central to the topic. Ok! Well, I added check I so here's what I say about differences between men and women. Men have more testosterone, that's not true! What about the trans?
Shut up, they'll shut up, we're not do entranced. Today, men of war testosterone, if you, if you take a bunch of people, was more testosterone, be they trans or be they not. Are they more likely to develop systems their focus on competition? Compare to control group of people with less testosterone? What do you think you think? That's a test, testosterone group if they were creating a system, would make
am competitive, such as the free market, such as democracy and voting. Of course, I think they would and would that mean that those people had more testosterone. Are they the smart ones, know I'm not saying that I'm saying that if you pump anybody with testosterone, they make different decisions than if they have less testosterone. It has nothing to do with your brain is literally a chemical that you had nothing to do with it. Well, maybe you boosted it somehow, but it's just a chemical are now the second question: if you had a group that you are studying that you, new were lower test for testosterone. What would be the nature and let's say that they had no female chemistry? What is the nature of systems that they're likely to build? Would they be competitive systems? You know dog eat dog winner takes all
Or are there more likely to be a sharing communal, kind of a situation where no one is left behind. Well, you know the answer right: don't you Yeah and is there anything wrong with a cooperative system that leaves or leaves nobody behind it sounds great, is exactly how you want your family to work right now. You want your family to work that way, that is a family frame, you're not going to let the weakest child die. You take care of your whole family. But if you take these two groups who are individually and as a group awesome, Let's say that women are awesome individually and as a group and less just be charitable,
I didn't say that men are awesome individually and, as a group nobody's better nobody's worse, but one group has more testosterone and that predicts, I believe I believe it predicts a set of actions in general again, not every person but in general, and I believes that everything we're seeing of this growing incompetence in america and I'll? Just read you the list again, as I read the list, ask yourself. This
if only men have been involved with they have design these systems. So you got the teachers unions run by a woman very dominated by women. You ve got a fervent of action, which I'm sure as more women promoting the men at least really carrying as women, would be more better, benefiting the the job market that takes care of itself about the immediate science and experts lying. I don't think that's india with women. I would say that I wouldn't blame them About a useless college classes: well the only reason that useless college classes exist as a people sign up for them and they pay for them. who is signing up for the useless college classes, the non stem cell, women and again that's an average- is not meant to represent.
Any one woman, the people retiring, that's just happening ozone and start ups absence so. Some of these are just some of these are just an effective where we are in the economy. But others are clearly clearly because women dominate policy. Do you think? That's it your statement that women dominate policy, I think, is guaranteed by the nature of many women that women would eventually would dominate, and the reason is that a lot of these questions are kind of close you're. The reason that there is any conversation all is that reasonable people can disagree. I want to do. But you know a reasonable people have a hard time doing. Pissing off women passing off women
you put me in a situation where I'm just analyzing the wrist and rewards and which ones better and there's no outside force. probably get the right answer more than that this one's better than this one, but if you put on top of it, can you analyze these two forces, but let me tell you in advance that if you decide that one of these is better than the others and it's the wrong one, you're gonna be fuckin cancelled because women, because women exist, which what am I going to choose, I'm going to choose a whip, the one that doesn't get me cancelled. Doesn't give me a fight when I go home right. Women are very influential without having let's say power on paper. Pj says scott is terrified of powerful women yeah! That's what I'm saying. I'm terrified of powerful woman
gonna use you PJ's as an example of the declining competence in the united states That was not a will say, a plus comment There was a bee minors. That was all that deep, plus, barely represented the human communication, do better do better. Stuff and says in all capital letters I would bet my left. Not this guy is single big fuckin. Surprise, because I know go home to a wife and explain what I did a lively today? That's why I'm telling you the truth, because I don't have to go fucking explained it to open. When I'm done, do you think I would have done this live stream? When I was married.
Ugh. Oh you, poor bastards, who can say what you want to say. I'm I just want to make you jealous for a moment. I don't like to brag, but I'm cancelled and single yeah same time, I'm cancelled and I'm single, I can say any fucking thing I want and I'm rich I can say any fucking thing. I want. To anyone well, unless somebody might be up, so I think you should sit there in the silent jealousy. That I have their thing, you crave the ability to say what I walked. Yes, I think that that the political power of women is destroying the country.
And I'm not sure I would even change it because who wants to take political power away from the citizens of the united states? I dont have a solution. If you tell me, but scott, are you saying going back to the old ways where women were property of the men? Now I dont have a good idea: I literally, though, have a better idea, I'm just describing the current situation. If you tried. Understand why we are aware we are. Maybe you understand the better I'd love to see somebody come up with a solution. I would say that one solution is vague. Vague rama, swami is directly strongly clearly and with a good outcome
I'm going to get rid of affirmative action because it's counter productive for everybody, and so that's a solution. So I get. I guess I will promote that, and I am I am vacuum so, but it's important to understand that you don't have to get mad at each other. For that, alright, I saw a tweet by kenna anna who said in her tweet. It still shocks me. the quote educated class is the easiest manipulated class. Do you know who knew that that the most educated are the easiest to manipulate? Well, hypnotists and magicians have known it forever, so have a fraudulent psychics. I remember the amazing randi amazing randi magician used to.
Debunk your frauds, and he was famous for saying there was easier to fool the scientist than average person, because the average person is not confident and what they know. so they look at something and say: look sketchy to me. I don't know the details, but it looks catch you to me full, a scientist with a magic trick and this This will say something like this well, I can see no way that there could be a track, so probably you're talking to spirits. So in other words, you can be trapped by your own discipline.
Alright. Well, I've considered every possibility. That's not talking to the dead and here's the dead talking to me. So I'm going to have to rule out all the other possibilities, because I can think of no hypothesis. That would would be an alternative hypothesis, given all the controls that you put on here, you know, given the fact that I got to check the room and you know given the fact that I really really made sure there was no magic trick and then those ghosts were talking. I heard it with my own ears, so I have to conclude from a scientific perspective having totally controlled the environment and then seeing the results of the experiment. I have to conclude that the the dead do talk to us, and I saw it myself now, you take you, take a non scientist and put them in that same situation and they're sitting in the room and the cyclists. Like all your,
mothers talking to you and the ordinary person says I don't have time for this bullshit seriously and they get up in the water. Because the ordinary person is used to say, really have to do a lot of research on this looks like bullshit, that's bullshit, it's kind of like what a lot of you did with the with the the pandemic. I think this is the funniest thing that the experts got everything wrong and it feels like the experts just got. Everything and the non experts got a lot right. Not everything, probably but a lot, and what were the non experts? What was the the rigour that the non experts were putting into it so
you're telling me that this is the only virus in the history of humanity. That does not give you natural immunity just this one and at the same time, that the virus doesn't gives you natural immunity, which is weird there's a pharma company that spun up a solution in one year. After saying it couldn't be done in thirty one plus one. That's uh! Ok, I'm not very smart, but he got the plus the one I think that's too, and that was that was like the public and the scientists were saying, but but what about their randomized controlled trial paid for by the people? Who want the answer to my one way? What about that? So you can see that the scientists were trapped in their professions right there,
use, the tools of their profession, understand reality and the tools of their professional were corrupted by the other people in their profession. So they used corrupt and tools, the studies and the data that was bad and then they got great confidence because their entire their entire life would be meaningless and their life would be ridiculous if they had been scientists in the world. Where studies, don't mean anything right. You, the scientists, can't live in a world where they realize it, Advocated their whole life to a field in which the data just doesn't mean anything. So, therefore, when scientists were presented with data, of course, they check to make sure it was peer, reviewed and stuff like that they said well as probably
It convincing cause it's data, so there is a reason. There is a reason that the professional classes easiest to fool. Now, if you said to me, I want you to discover some new information that nobody knew before. I would talk to the scientists. I would not talk to the. average person. Would you agree, discovering new things yeah? Let the experts work on that they're going to get there faster than I am by guessing, but once they come up with their you know their solutions and their policies, and you know here's what we ought to do. That's when the public is really. You know a little bit curious. Oh so you haven't discovered. A new thing rather, you have discovered that this thing this thing called the virus is the only thing that doesn't give you national immunity that biased nature. That should not have been credible,
Or of gay junior, I love, what are you saying so much unjust can read it you can. I can I go at the great tweeted this, but it's from or did you to quote The white house, a deployed, an army of federal agencies, include Cia fbi idea h us an ira and many others to threaten facebook, google and twitter with withdrawing their section two thirty immunity, which is an existential threat. So, yes, we free speech, but you had the agencies of the government telling the the platforms were free speech. They didn't restrict our free speech.
they would lose their section, two thirty ability which would allow them to be sued for misinformation on their platforms, so they would be out of business pretty quickly, I so so I guess you dear paints a picture where the government does use this trick of threatening the two thirty status of. Platforms to make the platforms be their bitches. So we now have a very direct and documented connection of the government making the platforms, their bitches, both free free speech. There's no question about that right. Everyone agrees that is established as a fact. The government used threat and coercion to turn the platforms into their business to make him do what they wanted now the platforms, if you look at it, indications is assorted, looks like the platforms are happy to do it. It looks like they also have an incentive to give it a bad actors. They all.
I would like to have no chinese trolls on their platform, so there's yeah the venn diagram of what's good for the platform and what's good for the country, is pretty extensive. Neither the platform nor the country wants china to be influencing your opinions on on social media, but when it gets to that free speech, part that's where we go different directions. Public wants free speech. Government might think there are some cases where that's a bad idea, and so they threatened the platforms effectively. They create a way to squelch speech with the been looking like the bad guys. Could you get you don't see their fingerprints until all this documentation come so I so are engaging goes on those These cannot exist without immunity. That's that section two thirty thing, and they were told that if they did not censor the president's opponents and critics of these people
Is there would lose that immunity, I am a little bit, but then he goes on with the intelligence agencies, many of them, although not all of them. Now serving the purpose of enriching the military industrial, complex and expanding its power for some military contractors, here's the kill shot. My uncle jfk. My uncle recognised that the function of the cia has devolved into providing the military industrial complex with a constant pipeline of new wars in order to enrich military contractors and expand the power of the intelligence apparatus.
The so well said while and then he ends with my primary platform- is unraveling the war machine and the national security state that is bankrupting and destroying the middle class, my god, he tied it to the middle class, and he made it work in our country. The ultimate objective is to protect democracy and restore the american middle class. Fuck he's good he's just so good late. These Kennedys could just do this shit But the kennedys are they just have the gift of gab or something, but I haven't seen anybody ever tie. Then the military industrial complex to the decline of the middle class, but you can see it, you can see it your your brain connects them is Susie says it is it's just brilliant.
now I'll say again or engage junior, vague roma swami and I'll, throw the census in there to super capable we're, so we're so lucky they exist. Alright. Along those lines, I saw a tweet saying that black rock was going to make a trillion dollars. Rebuilding ukraine after after the military, industrial complex and their backers made a trillion dollars destroying ukraine. Is it that our economy is literally designed to destroy countries for profit and then rebuild them for profit with their profit. Coming from the taxpayers in the middle class, she feels like it not Oh, how much that is intentional, but this is one of those cases and I usually don't save us.
I usually say that we just got here because the variables turned the way they did. I usually don't go for the conspiracy theory, but it's hard for me to look at iraq and afghanistan and ukraine, and imagine that this isn't true. It looks exactly like what's happening. It looks like the the and intelligence agencies start, a war that didn't need to be started and then the military contractors clean up they destroy the country than when you done another group of best
words, make money from the taxpayers to clean it up. Yeah! So could Rfk junior actually change that situation, probably not without getting assassinated? You know I I didn't want to go there, but he is really on his on the hottest third rail Of all of the rails, there is no third rail, this hotter than this one and you standing on it with both faith and shouting he's basically saying shoot me and the
holes on these kennedys. I saw biltmore Tredah try to bait rfk jr into talking about bills, theory that the kennedys do risky things they do dangerous stuff, both for entertainment and under and then their professional lives. Well, I mean are of gay juniors. The perfect example that his. entire career before now was doing really dangerous stuff going up against big pharma. How dangerous is it to go up against big pharma while he found out he got his cancelled as a cancelled person can be anyone from sold to running for president. So instead of running away, he ran at it like, like the pill boxes like tearing them apart and he's running at the pill box with aggravated saying. Well, we'll see other since this base it to me at least
gets married? He is now saying these words, but are of gay junior to me he says it looks like you said: I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die doing this. I think he just offered his life and seriously. I think he seriously offered his life and I think that if you get assassinated doing this, you would die happy if it meant that I understood the problem and then maybe did something about it. I know that this is the kind of patriotism. I don't think I have ever seen. I'm trying to see if there's
This is the highest level of pure patriotism. I've ever witnessed now I would say that trump is up there too. You know trump may have some other things going on, but I think trump is a patriot and I think that his possibly you know maybe his co biggest incentive other than he might want to be. President. I think his co biggest this incentive is is a patriot and he took an enormous risk. I mean the size of the risk that trump took on to enter politics at that level. You gotta appreciate the risk he took. That's the patriot, that's the real thing So they have to those in the race to people. Why was I literally put their life on the line to make america better literally put to life and limb? Now I think the bakers is a patriot, level levels? Well, he doesn't have the same risk that these two had.
boy. Does he ever risk? Do you hear you ve already your cash down his company, so we got rid of his company risk by his reputational risk as extreme extreme. So these are people who are really putting their laying it down for the country. Somebody who said on on twitter today that I am too pessimistic and I think maybe on twitter. It looks that way, because the things I tweet tend to be about problems, but I'm not that way. I'm actually are optimistic. I think there are things happening right now in the world that are tremendous and that this is right at the top of the list. This is the best field of candidates in my lifetime. I'm not saying there isn't, wasn't you know, maybe like reagan or something, but for a field of candidates. This is really
alright, new way of making fake news. This is also also an rfk jr story. The ties to method. If you want to smear somebody, you say they have ties to something unsavory, so this is what who did this to rfk jr? This was some illegitimate publication. Some investigative journalist I forget who it was was at the rolling stone.
Somebody tell me: let's look at the comments anyway, so are of key junior was accused of having ties to the altar mega republicans having ties to them, because I was smear him because he has ties to the bad guys. Do you not the ties, were you have any idea? What those close ties were looks like in some context they use the same accounting for they used the same accounting. From that was the close tie, so whenever you hear that somebody has ties to something your your antennas should go up and go. Oh well, that's fake news! That's fake news! Now, if they had said he's working with these making policy with. Maybe you who knows but
his organization as ties to this unsavory group, fake news should be your first instinct and then it the article better, worked pretty hard to talk you out of it. We had the same accounts, so are engaged junior, nor is he says I My normal tweets dream for a bit a comedy, it's so ridiculous egos. Bob role rolling stone, rolling stone. An congressional democrats are, I rate about a kennedy super back. Having quote ties do mega republicans? Actually, the quote ties that a hired in the counting from there has also done accounting for other packs include, including those republicans shocking, isn't it? I hope they continue this bold investigative journalism. They might discover their discover. Other ties, maybe
use the same janitorial, also services to I'll. Tell you a mocking is the way that belt mocking is the way to go so again that was perfectly phrased, Jonathan, surely is writing about all the Democrats. who now want to over basically nor the rulings of the supreme court, because I like him Apparently there were two professors: a harvard law, professor assess state university, professor Recalling on Joe Biden to do the rulings of the supreme court. If acres there is the rulings mistaken. Can you believe that this even happened that there are two college professors, one from Harvard who are actually saying that the president should ignore the supreme court? You know that the whole basis for
it makes the constitution work the separation of powers that he should ignore the separation of powers, the single most important thing that keeps the country together the single most important thing, a nation endurance? And that's like a real thing. I do I even I don't need to tell you why it's a bad idea that we can skip the whole counterargument right great. Will you all step wait stipulate that is so stupid. I don't have to say anything about it, but apparently there are a number of democrats and other people who are backing the same idea that if you don't get what you want, you can ignore the constitution. And they're talking about it out loud in public, like the proud of? How did we get here is so dumb. This is like they would. Never never
and how the constitution work, but I mean as a harvard law professor. So clearly they preferred the power over the constitutional system. Alright, I'm speaking of thomas' message and he tweeted this. He said the department of homeland services department department of homeland was the us department of homeland services. This is for what security department of homeland security said that missile. In covert nineteen narratives inspired domestic terrorists right, so the department of homeless security they're protecting us. So this is our government protecting us and they're worried that misleading covert information narratives would.
make more domestic terrorists, so as thomas massie points on his tweeter, what were some of those examples are lower. So why were some of those so called narratives that were going to cause some kind of domestic terrorism? So he listen natural immunity is real vexation vaccinations. Don't stop the spread, most masks, don't work. Both mess still work. I love thomas massey, easy only one smart enough to put the word most the rest of your life mass, don't work, and then then then I have armed attack and go come on. You can say: that's not an absolute. You told me if you warrior and ninety five for a two minute interaction with your eighty year old grandmother. It wouldn't give you anything nothing at all.
I'm anti mask by the way very anti mouse, but I love that messi is smart enough to say most to work. I would have added most master, don't work in ninety nine percent of situations, but in the in the narrowest of situations, maybe a little bit. just not enough to have a mandate. Mandates are unconstitutional. People were saying in the virus gave from the chinese lab so basically five, examples of things that the the conspiracy theories got right and they're, not random things. There are the five most important things: aren't they aren't they literally the most important things? They got him all right. Just remember And how about this ran? Paul is tweeting that their government, to quote science, that's right,
A sitting senator just put quotes. around the word science- and I have no argument with it- no argument at all- and he goes on government science published a study purporting that a ninety percent reduction in death from covert effects scenes if you boost with a see the only problem. The authors of the study failed to reveal that the I think he has a typo here. I think he means the unbowed and boosted group also at a ninety percent reduction in deaths from all causes. In other words, the patient group were not equal to begin with, and the booster vaccine You may not have had any effect, that's right, it might not have had any of it at least based on the data.
And then rand Paul goes on. It goes. This insightful critique is exactly what the f b I and department of homeland security have been attempting to censor only this time it made it into the new england journal of medicine. so the the new england journal of medicine can print it, but all the all, the other people who said it was obvious. They couldn't say it. I guess they didn't have enough science backing them, but can you imagine that the whole pretty much. The whole argument for boosting came from people who couldn't red science. They didn't know what the study dead or sad it.
Find the right, and even even the author of the study said ups yeah you're right. Imagine that the author of the study, once it was pointed out that it was a ridiculous study, said oh yeah. Well, that's true, and we set our policy on that we determined our policy other. Are you ever going to trust another study about anything amazing? so there's another competence problem, and apparently the new news on under Biden is that that I guess who's the archer, who is the devon archer, was a partner with, though
but apparently he is going to testify or already has that hunter Biden participated in over two dozen calls in which his father was on the call for these businesses that Joe Biden says he had no knowledge of that's right. There are twenty five incidences or so twenty four or so instances of we have good information from devon archer. That Joe Biden was on the call. it's the twenty four times ish, and he said he had no idea of what what his son was doing and that the we're just overtly selling access now, of course, devon Israel face in jail. So, unless I would want to be careful that you didn't work out any kind of a deal, but I haven't heard that so you don't want
with an orchard testifying about anybody else, if he has worked out a deal because that means he might have an incentive to lie, so I would be careful about that. Be careful about anybody. Who's looking at jail time for his own work, talk about anybody else, but I guess we're going to hear about that person and then the question of whether Joe Biden fired the prosecutor, who is looking after the prism of stuff. Do you think the Joe Biden fired them just to protect hunter and charisma, or did he fire him because the international community was asking him to fire him, because both were true so apparently, apparently both were trip that it was true that the international community was asking for that same guy to be fired, and it was also true that burris most senior management. This is the new information prisoners, senior executive, at least one of them. I very much wanted they actually tried in this documented to get
sure to use his connections to get that guy fired. So I'm a little confused if the international community wanted this guy fired. That sounds like it's legitimate and if, if Joe Biden did for any reason at all, but also the international community wanted it done for the good reasons he's in the clear at least on that To me. It wouldn't matter that there's also somebody in the company who wanted him gone because you know somebody in the company wants him gone and you know they would try to make it happen if they could. So I don't know how to is it possible? Both are true, and what does that tell? You is true that the international community thought the prosecutor is bad, but it may also be true these going after somebody that you're protecting, so he couldn't be bad, but also doing something that wasn't necessarily bad for once.
Well confusing. I'm not sure everything is going to hang on this. You know the firing of the prosecutor, but is very sketchy. It's very sketchy. That, ladies and gentlemen, concludes what must be called the best, but guess you ve, oh ship Well that one pretty long, alright, I didn't know I was going that long. I have something blocking my clock. I normally don't do that cause, I'm looking at a clock, but there's. In front of it today. So sorry I went long, but I'm sure it was the exact thing you needed today. Probably the best thing you've ever seen in your life youtube thanks for joining I'll talk to you tomorrow,
Transcript generated on 2023-07-25.