« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 2040 Scott Adams PART1: J6 Narrative Dissolves, Cartel Kidnaps, Persuasion Lesson, Cuomo Interview

2023-03-07 | 🔗


  • Vivek Ramaswamy vs. President Trump
  • Tucker’s take on the J6 videos
  • Qanon Shaman exculpatory video
  • Should Trump have pardoned J6 people?
  • Whiteboard: Real World vs. Screen World
  • Chris Cuomo interview last night
  • If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topics to build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.

The post Episode 2040 Scott Adams PART1: J6 Narrative Dissolves, Cartel Kidnaps, Persuasion Lesson, Cuomo Interview appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Morning, everybody and welcome the highlight of civilization. private over there on the locals platform, where we do extra special things behind the curtain. And eventually, on march thirteenth it'll be the only place you can see the new gilberts, which will be called dilber reborn set locals. If you will look for it. Just look at my twitter profile for the link or scott adam start locals dot com, it's a subscription site. I dwell if you'd like to take your experience up and I promise you today will be not only entertaining you laugh, you'll cry, but probably only because your own problems, nothing, I'm gonna, say, will make it right, but your brother,
laugh and you'll, probably cry. You know your own stuff, but have a good cry. If feel. If you need it mean I'm just saying: if you need it and you will probably be educated in a way that well it's hard to even describe or as somebody we know says like nobody's ever seen before, but first to take your experience up. All you need is a cup or mug or a glass a tanker jealous and stein the canteen joke, a flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid.
I like coffee, enjoyed me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine hit of the day, the thing that makes everything better. It's called the simultaneous something that happens now. Go oh, so good. Well at the towards the second half of this, I will talk about my interview last night with Chris cuomo, which was really interesting, and I'm going to talk about the communication techniques and the persuasion techniques that are That you can see happening what I'd attempting to do as moves the frame and then we'll talk about whether I did that now that'll be later we'll talk, that's news. First, I tweeted just the other day that having the vivid run the swami,
in the in the primaries, makes trump a better candidate. Would anybody disagree with that at this point, because trump came out saying he wants to disband the department of education, which vivek had said just the other day now, once vivek Senate, you know sort of focused on it for a little while trump kinda had to play catch up, didn't he he had to catch up, so he had to at least match it. And how happy are you about that? You know I. I always tell you that I like to look at things from a systems perspective. The goal perspective would be. I want this one candidate to win. That would be a goal. A system perspective is, we are so much better off with vivek in the debate. You know you don't want. Nobody can say any more.
Republicans are dumb republicans or two older they're than up there. Reading the rules, more light, aegis, eliminates a whole bunch of arguments or or even that the conservatives you won't back somebody who's a person of color now, even though, is clearly not making that appointed anything in this campaign, which is, of course, brilliant, which is, of course I use you, don't gets attention cause it's brilliant like, wouldn't it be nice to have somebody you like in charge of the country who you legitimately said well, I might not agree with everything, but that guy is brilliant like just once. but now this is the reason that I liked bill Clinton on far less party bound than maybe my reputation would suggest that I liked bill Clinton because he was fricken brilliant and I didn't care
it's who we banged on the side any more than I care what trump did or did not do with stormy Daniels completely irrelevant you give me smart. Give me capable I'm good. So good job for a making things just better no matter what happens. I think he things better and looks like that will continue I would like to announce a death. I know this is a power, but sometimes things die and they should be here. I think we should take a moment of silence for but here's what happened? You ve probably heard this quote. It must be true because I saw the video with my own eyes well that absurd belief was born around nineteen fifty one with the advent of video. and at a long life but
Recent years have started struggling with a bad illness, and it finally died yesterday february, six, twenty twenty three and our I p rest in peace. It must be true because I saw the video with my own eyes. Yes, that's how all hoaxes or created making you think, there's no other interpretation than the one you saw in the video. If you learn nothing this year, learn that all video is a lie all of it all video is lie every time, even if it is not evident wrong, is still focusing your visual persuasion on one point, almost always to the exclusion of whatever the other point of view is cause. If you look at it
leave with it. If you're hearing it, you like a concept concept retreat to my team views, I didn't hear what you said, but a video is is establishing the argument right. All video lies. All video lies all the time. It can't do anything else. I don't even know. If there's the possibility for it to not lie, I mean think about. It is always going to focus you on one thing: at the exclusion, or at least the diminishment of the other things is always alive. At least in you know in part, so yes, we're talking about a tucker carlson got a hold of the january six footage and his take and most of the people who are looking at it from the right there take seems to. their proves the january six videos that the so called select january six committee showed to the world to build their case were addressed.
Gusting lie and oh, not illegal, because I'd leave congress and people do effect check on me. I believe congress is allowed in terms of being wiggle their loot they're legally allowed to lie to you as much as they want. Are they not legally? Am I right yeah there's no law against. It is actually so so we watched congress frame a bunch of american citizens. You might call them patriots, and I wouldn't argue with that- we saw our own congress frame. Them because they have this apparently some kind, a loophole where they can destroy lives by lying in public, in a way that an ordinary citizen couldn't possibly do the same thing now, like I say it's not illegal,
if it weren't legal, what would the penalty of a pretty serious jail time? Wouldn't it now? I don't think, there's a practical way to make it illegal. So I understand why it's not illegal, because everybody's lying all the time that you couldn't even have a government. If, if you went to jail for lying, everybody be in jail. So I get why it's not illegal, but if it were illegal, this would have been twenty five years in jail, allowing what dozens or hundreds, how many people, how many people went to jail for effectively trespassing a lot right, if you send dozens or hundreds of your own citizens to jail- and you know you're lying or at least you know,
we're sewing things out of the context. It's probably that she does should be like a twenty five year jail term. Does anybody disagree with that? It's it's hard for me to think of anything worse than that that that that's, you know not actually murder or rape or something like pedophilia. I suppose there are few few things that are worse. but is one of the worst things I've ever seen, one of the worst things I've ever seen, alas, alas, Today, by the suspicion that you just went from one misleading set of videos to another, did anybody
selves. How do I know that Tucker's videos are giving me the right story? How quickly did you buy into the the narrative that the other narrative was completely wrong and that it was all a big ol up pretty quickly pretty quickly, because that's what agreed with your preconceived notions, didn't didn't yeah, you kind of expected that you'd see that the narrative had been false, so you saw what you expected. How much should you trust your own? Let's say rational senses. If you see something that totally agrees with what you thought was gonna be true you're, you ought to be a little bit cautious. Here's
Here's the thing I'd like to see I'd like to see somebody who does not agree with Tucker carlson about anything have access to the whole. The whole catalog gives them a little time and then give them a full hearing right that this is the sort of thing where you need to hear the other side. So now, Tucker's shown a counterpoint to the january six people, and I think that was a huge service. Would you agree this? I think what tucker Carlson is doing somebody somebody said it maybe sort of upset it that it's a maybe one of the most useful important things. Anybody ever did in journalism is like right at the top of important things, in my opinion, so so what tartars doing is like real good work, really good work by
you as a smart consumer and I'll bet. Talker would disagree with this about if you were sent a areas need say yes to which is until you hear what other be Say if they also have access to the full catalogue of the videos to see if they can come up with a narrative that makes his narrative weaker, I off again Let me tell you how every hoax was the the fooled other people, here's how those hoaxes we're done Here's a video or a serious videos, here's a video. How could you possibly interpret this any other way right? That's how Well, the hoaxes are done. I can't imagine any other way to interpret this video. There's only one way to interpret this video as long as they can get. You do not imagine any other way to interpret it. You won't you, you probably just won't
Imagine there's any other possibility, but I, but I would say imagine there might be I kind of trust talker on the story. So my if I had to guess I don't think anybody will be able to refute his narrative in any important way, like there's always ways to pick at the edges of anything, but I don't think anybody's going to take the heart out of his narrative, but That's exactly what you say before you get fooled. I can't imagine anybody doing that right. So so I'm actually describing myself in the same blind spot warning you not to be. It is almost impossible to avoid looks like resolute details, so it looks like the the hall. Guy that keep the queue q sherman right cure non german legal.
The videos of him are so clearly indicating hedonistic would be released from prison like right now like awry right now now, if somebody else as other video, the shows we didn't say maybe, but he was actually hanging out friendly in a friendly way, with a number of other no look guards or law enforcement. What they were, one of them opened a door for it is seem like they enjoyed him. I mean they weren't smiling or anything, but it looked like they were either amused, certainly not threatened, certainly not threatened. It was just a guy in a fun outfit walking through a hallway and they opened the door for them and they were walking.
with him at one point: yeah. What do you see that video and again it's impossible to imagine that? What that one person was doing was in any way a four year criminal sentence, like I'm, not entirely sure what he got convicted of, but wasn't this something like protesting or interfering with the official proceedings or something yeah and, as somebody said, I think it was Tom. Fitton said on on the spaces. There can be things that are technically illegal that are not appropriate to to prosecute. Would you agree that the world is full of things that are technically illegal, but you do not get a better world by prosecuting them now. Here's a perfect example that did he do things that were technically illegal, probably probably is anything he did worth prosecuting in the sense that it would make the world a better place. What would it prevent him from doing it in the future? I don't think that's the risk. Would it prevent anyone else from doing something similar in the future?
If it did, I don't think it was worth putting them in jail right, so you could be lie. You know breaking the law and still the right thing is not to prosecute. There are probably infinite examples like that, alright, so that the general tone of the tucker's narrative, I guess, is that the evidence shows something like patriot at protesters who clearly were not looking to hurt anybody. Everybody agrees. There were dangerous people there who definitely had some bad ideas. All of those people are condemned if they go to jail. I don't care, but that wasn't the character of the crowd and it wasn't that it wasn't the point.
The certainly wasn't that insurrection, so the insurrection narrative is dissolving and interpret curls and gets to be right again and every time he is right about this I'll. Tell you what I'm talking about every time you write about this. It pisses me off because for maybe a few years I would also just shake my when I heard him say it: does it just sounded so, just like team play narrative, stuff you don't say that whatever the democrats for accusing you have, you can be sure, that's what they're doing themselves here it is here. It is that they were literally trying to do something. Just incredibly dish, disreputable. It wasn't illegal. Bizarre certainly unethical,
we unwise certainly bad for the country right now. It wasn't exactly what what they're accusing people of, but it did. The accusations didn't seem like a cover up for their own behavior and way. So I mean I hate it when Tucker keeps being right about that over and over again. poor, Josh holly, who is there, was one video of him, seemingly yo, skipping faster running or something The Democrats used to say that guy he encouraged things and then he ran
say like a coward like a coward. Now I didn't see the I couldn't see the video when I was listening to it, but apparently that was debunked when you see the the greater context. Apparently it doesn't look weird or cowardly. If you see the context, surprise surprise a hoax, it was a hoax within a hoax, so the yeah, the first one being that it was an insurrection obvious. It was a protest that insurrection second host within a hoax within noakes was their Ali was rubbing like a pussy. I think that's what people say. I only use that word is that I think that was actually a congressperson use that word and then that turned out to be a arup are at it as we call it where you cut out the context.
Have we ever seen this first? Is this the first time we've seen a of a hoax and then the hawks within the hoax? Have we gone to hoax? Squared is sort of like the russian. The egg of hoaxes, oh, what's inside here are all lovely, but what's inside here or oh another hoax, but wait what's inside here, oh and repeat, alright, so What do you do about all that? And what do you do about any of it? Do you think anybody will pay either politically or legally or lawsuits. I don't even think you can sue them right. I think congress is exempt from being sued. As far as I know, so, here's a server side issue again MIKE sort of
is going hard at trump for having the opportunity to preemptively pardon the nonviolent january sixes before he left office, and he didn't do it, which soon of its properly points out, needs some explaining now that's that's me. Take my take. Is it needs some explaining? Because again I haven't heard trumps argument. Can you imagine and the argument that trump would make that would make you happy like what what in the world control say they would make you satisfied having not part in those people before I left he cant. Think of one right. You can't even think one. I suppose he had one.
because he had a good was suppose the other reason, that's not obvious, because I don't see any reason I mean. The only reason is obvious would be something like cowardice or not caring. Those are the obvious ones, but what if there's another reason.
Don't you think there could be some other explanation that just not obvious. Let me give you one. Alright, I'm going to give you an explanation that I'm not I'm not saying is the accurate one. All I'm doing is stretching your imagination a little bit right. This is just an imagination, stretcher, not another claim of truth. Imagine being trump and you're being accused of running an insurrection, it looks like trump had a private army. Do you remember what people were saying? It's trump's private army and all the mega. People basically are insurrectionist and they don't love the country they're. Definitely not patriots, they're, all criminals and they're running a coup, and then he pardons them think about it. Just put yourself in trump's shoes he's got to make a decision, that's good for himself, but also not damage the country, not damage the country. If you put me in that position, you say Scott
The ethical thing to do. The moral thing to do is to pardon those innocent people right away. Would you agree that the ethical and moral thing to do was to pardon those innocent people before he left office? I would that that would be the moral and ethical thing to do. However, would it be good for the country? Would it be good for the country, because it would confirm the false narrative that
I formed a private army because if he just says I'm going to ignore the law, I'm gonna ignore the legal process. Now keep in mind. He also didn't know how long they would be held or what they would be charged with exactly right. Do you think that show trump knew that today, they'd still be in jail for basically nothing that matters nothing matters now he couldn't have known how bad it would be, but even still I'm going to agree hard with sort of it. This is a hard agreement that he didn't put it this way, but I think you will agree with the following statement that it was on ethical and moral frankly immoral, to not help them when he knew that there were just good patriot.
And I would have said the same thing: if had a budget Democrats have been picked up on sketchy charges like in the in both cases, it would be immoral to leave them there, but number one. He could not have known how bad it would get cause. He was only in office what two more weeks right, but he could have suspected that it would harden the narrative that republicans are nothing but an insurrectionist party and the the maga movement has to be uprooted by it's his roots, but playing it. This way again, John, if you're coming in late. This is not spinning it. This is just helping you imagine that, no matter who it is, whether it's trump or satan there might be something more to the story. Every time any of us have been fooled by a news story and that's all of us. I remember the covington kids thing fooled me for less than a day, but it definitely fooled me that we, we all have the same blindspot. You can't imagine what you can't imagine. Does that make sense you you, you can't understand what you can imagine and it could be just there's more to the story that the lila's quality of this comment. Scott, is a liar.
I'm a liar. I've not even made a claim of fact. Oliver is a claim that you should expand your your imagination, you're having a little trouble with this NBC. You tell the npc is or is like the first level can't get past anyway, so I do not defend trump, but just as I try to be consistent with every story. If you haven't heard the other side, if you have it
or the other side. You do owe that to trump. You owe trump his explanation, because I think there is a possibility that he had to choose between destroying the country and doing something clearly, unethical, which is keeping them in jail or immoral, would be pickier pick your tour with that choice. I know it might have been the choice to say it alright and how about that lab league theory. I haven't talked about that too much. You know the fact that now the the consensus of the experts is, it must have come from the lab, but it does feel like news to me like. The news is that the government is is no longer denying you the obvious explanation, but but doesn't it feel like we've known it for so long that the fact that the government has been lying or was
plus in terms of helping us understand that feels like business as usual today? Doesn't it like the fact that that the government was lying or misleading once again? Once again, I couldn't generate any outrage at all. I've been trying for days to generate some outrage over the fact that we were denied. You know the obvious explanation that came from the lab, and I'm just it's now, just baseline government weasel illness that I'm so frickin used to it. It didn't even register in my outrage orb, so I guess I need more. I need more to get me outrage. I mean it's an outrageous story. I guess I'm just so used to it. Here's a logic question.
Say that everybody knows there are some excess deaths that are continuing long after the pandemic peak and there's a lot of question about what is causing the excess deaths and if the coven itself starts fizzling out, or at least the you know, the most dangerous forms of coverage as loud. Let's say, the hospitalizations go to practically nothing, and it looks like that could happen in the next six months or so. But let's say if the excess deaths still continued, climbing after the covert itself had gone away. What would be The logical theory, somebody say vaccinations vaccinations now that that was the theory I heard, but I want to test the logic with you at some point. Most adults are going to be vaccinated, most not you not silly. They'll have at least two to boost.
Most and they will also have been exposed to covet. So if you ve got both the vaccination in you and the covered. let's say one of those had a long term effect. Let's say both of them stay in your body forever. I'm not saying that's true, but let's say that, let's say the spike protein stays in your body forever. Unless then does bad stuff and let's say that the coven baby stays in your body. Doesn't bad stuff or maybe either one of them weaken some key system in your body
if you don't die right away, but that excess death just stays up there cause people are just generally weakened from one or the other or from some third or fourth effect? Do you think that the decrease of covered with the increase of excess deaths, or even the stings or even staying the same excess deaths? Do you think that
there was a down to the vaccinations, because that would only make sense to me. It's the only kind of harm was short term harm. Now most harm is short term. I think, but everything about this virus will not everything a lot about this viruses surprises. So if you ve got a surprising and engineer virus, is it possible that it could be eating at your systems and the slow way and then either the vaccination or the covered, because both of them have some long term at least type of ethical risk? Is it possible that people could be dying, a greater numbers in the future? Only because they have been so degraded by one or both of those things were three or four other things. So you can't you get a cause. I think the math still works. I believe the math works to keep excess das. Even if covert goes down. I think it is
But I wouldn't bet my life on it and, by the way, the the more likely explanation would be exactly exactly the theory that it's the vaccinations so that serve a logic question whether theirs scenario in which you could not narrow it down, but it was evidently be a strong strong signal that the vaccinations problem will say, and apparently we won't know for sure for maybe until may so I saw this from the ethical sceptic tweets
have you heard about for americans kidnapped by a cartel in mexico. That's war, this war, how how many americans need to be kidnapped by a cartel in mexico before his war, one one careful as he was for people. Somebody says to did a shit yeah. I figured no surprise him to her dead. That's war, yep, that's war! You you don't walk away from that! That's war now do you think are having vivek ramaswamy in the race now makes sense. Yes, cause. He said: go into. Mexico first try to work with the mexican government, but if that doesn't work we take care of it. Ourselves. Trump also said that trump said at first, which I think also raises your vic's bid. So now you have two strong candidates, one of them the one who's leading in the polls saying a war with mexico like actually,
Invade just the cartels, not the government yeah, so these deaths should be the turning point. If we're a serious country, it should be the reason to vote republican. You know all of your other reasons to not vote republican. Don't care, don't care, I'm a single issue voter. If we can't fix this one thing like: what's the point of a government, you can't do this. One thing just give me one thing: I'll vote for you: Marsha blackburn Republican has an idea and fentanyl
What's the increased sanctions on china, because that's the source of the precursors, I think we all know that, even if china is shut down the precursor business, probably just move to china or as it moved to mexico or someplace else, some other country, so I'm definitely in favor of this plan. But it's not the end of fentanyl. I might make a difference. I make a big difference, but wouldn't be the end, indefensible so or ideas to increase the sanctions on china until they shut down their business. Now the way china games the system as they say, we do make it illegal, and if anybody does it, we do pick them up and put them in jail, but the criminals simply change the formula little bit of the precursors and that it doesn't technically trigger the law. So as long as the chinese government allows them,
the tinker with the formula everytime the laws specified, is like doing nothing like china knows how to stop it. So that's why I'm in favor of of sanctions, but here's what doesn't work doing the sanctions that you haven't announced like. Oh we're going to give you some sanctions, because you've done this. I don't like that. I like putting it on the schedule. I like publishing a schedule I, on this day we're going to do. This is defensible still coming in which it will be this. They were going to do this additional thing on this day. We're going to do this additional thing and just show them the menu, and you see that by the end, it's full destruction of their economy. Now they can go as far down that list as they want to as long as we don't stop dollars right at some point, they're going to say you know after three of the things on this list, I don't want to see number six, because this has started to sting a little bit right, but I think the entire the entire threat is useless unless it's completely mapped out on the schedule. This is what we're going to do tuesday. This is why we're going to do wednesday, and then you gotta. Do it right? No matter how how the rule against the Matt hancock story,
I don't know that story, the Matt hancock story. Does that ring a bell with everybody? Is british okay anyway. So that's a start. Have you heard about? This is like the worst story. In iran for earth is poisoning attacks in girls, schools over fifty schools and more than a school girls in twenty one provinces across ran had been poisoned inside. like intentionally. I guess is obviously is intentional, but they don't I was doing they assume you're the best guess some religious extremists doesn't like girls, education, which is pretty good guess, but I can't even imagine that, can you.
Like it defies, imagination is like a level of evil that your brain can't located rapid sat around so yeah. This is this is one thing where I I can say I agree with the ayatollah. The ayatollah says if they find, who is doing it, they're going to they're going to execute them, and I have to agree with Ayatollah but yeah. That will be a big. Yes, you need to execute whoever that while present she was getting a little more pointed about the america, no surprise and ease you saying directly in the speeches that the? U S is heard in china.
It can be, and I dunno how much is the? U s, hurting it with sanctions and how much is just the natural situation, but here's some of the bad economic news for china no surprise. China's exports fell, seven percent and in the january to february period I dunno. If that's a big deal could be seasonal. I dunno what that's about extending decline from private prior previous months. Okay, that's even worse as global demand, weakened and imports dropped. Ten percent china's exports to the us plunged fifteen percent. There we go good work. America, chinese exports, the us plums, fifteen percent. Now here's something that you wouldn't necessarily know. If you're, not an economist or you don't study the stuff, you don't have to take it hundred percent of anything to destroy the things. I have a breaking point and you know you don't have to get down to zero zero exports to america before china's in serious trouble. Fifteen percent sounds like a catastrophe to me. Doesn't it to you a fifteen percent decline in the in exports? The? U s to me.
I was like a catastrophe like it's. Not it's not a end of the economy, a catastrophe, but what, if it's, twenty, five or thirty percent is thirty percent is probably game over and we're heading in that direction. Now you know that's always hyperbole to have. I ever used any hyperbole before resist the first time. I think maybe I possibly done that before I I'd like some vague memory where I've done that before, but no it doesn't mean that china is going to collapse, but it would be, it would be a serious adjustment. They'd have to make if they lost. If, if u s, exports declined thirty percent. Fifty is pretty big. Alright, who would like
to hear about by interview last night, with Chris cuomo on news nation only available initially on your cable if they carried it, but now it's available on youtube. So if you go to my pinned tweet on youtube today, you'll get a link to the full interview and I wanted to talk about it, but also give you a little bit of a sort of lesson. Would anybody like a media communication, persuasion, lesson cause it's coming up? Alright a first. Let's go the whiteboard here's my overview of what life is like for me in the in the centre of a scandal. There appear to be to vert two very different,
There is a real world like the one when I walk outside and everybody I see is kind and happy and they have genuinely genuine good feelings or other people. I don't know what you're experiences in life, but I dont really run into the ugly people. Attitude not looks, but almost everybody I encounter in real life is happy to talk to you if you're happy to talk to them. They can easily like you very easily. You just have to be a nice person.
But the only problem with the real world as you've got a few cairns am alright, I'm using that sort of generically. For you, you always have some bad characters and criminals and whatnot, but basically the the ninety nine percent experience of life. If you don't care that coworker who's, a psychopath, everybody has a coworker is a psychopath, but you know not caring that most of your interactions are just with cool people having a good time and it works across race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, yeah, you name it that's the real world, but we've we've been hypnotized into thinking the screen world. I call it the screen world, the the thing that's always only happening on my screens, so that I'm in the middle of one of the biggest scandals drama cancellation. Whatever you call it.
In the end, the entire history of america is one of the big ones I dunno. What would be the biggest, but I would think you'd agree that my cancellation was one of the biggest I I have no real world feeling about it, like the the penalty went from the screen world over to the real world and I got cancelled, and so it affects my economics by incomes down eighty percent. If your income goes down at eighty percent, you definitely feel it and no matter who you are, you definitely feel it, but the screen the world isn't any real people. You know there are real people who interact, but everybody turns into their worst self. In person. People like to put it on their their best self, why wouldn't you, but on the screen, everybody turns into like a monster. She got mostly trolls boss, grifters narcissist, white knights, click, ores, peacocks. The angry uninformed are my favorite. We love the angry uninformed and then political hacks who are just working for collects of attention or money. None of this is real. I didn't even get cancelled in the real world. It's just that the cancellation bled into a different world like usually it doesn't jump yeah. Usually you can keep the screen world in the screen world, but but it broke out of it's like it was like a portal from Hell opened. It was like at and once once the portal's rebel connected these two worlds, all hell broke loose all right. I gotta draw that necessity for moralized. If I can reach without pulling my microphones off, this will be the portal from Hell portal from Hell. Alright, so that that's sort of the big picture portal from hell take a good look at that. It's beautiful. I think you can tell from this that I'm a professional cartoonist like I don't. I don't like to brag and stuff, but I mean look at this is beautiful. Can you tell that karen looks like exactly like a human female yeah? Yes, you kept or possibly a stain on a napkin. It's one of those two things. I do them both very well all right. Let's talk about the years, the big picture
so last night. I did one hour for Chris cuomo and boy. Do I appreciate Chris Cuomo? I think I told you before he was. He was one of the people who contacted me, but a lot of people contacted me for interviews and comments. I said no to almost all of them, but when he contacted me it was clear he had. He had done his homework, so he actually understood the full context amazing. Secondly, he promised you'd be close to a full hour so that I wouldn't be timed out before I made my point. Thank you. That's exactly what this required so as a yes and he delivered he totally delivered now news nation, I was not totally familiar with, but I think they're trying to, I believe, they're trying to frame themselves as the non crazy news. You know without the super spin, there's always a little bit of bias and everything, but I think they're trying to find the middle and I think they did. I think they actually found the middle of the story. So he asked he asked hard questions I'll talk in more detail and I'll give you some media lessons. So we asked hard questions by the way you can see the link to the full thing in my pinned tweet on twitter. He pushed on the hard questions, which is what I wanted him to do, because I don't want to do interview with a friendly, like somebody who just agrees with me that that's not really going to move anything.
Talking to people who agree with me is not really a good use of time, so I knew that he would push, but I also knew that he knew the full context and I knew that he'd give me time to say what I wanted to say.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-08.