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Episode 2: Why Biden Shouldn’t Act Like Trump

2018-03-24 | 🔗

This is the audio part of a Periscope session.

The topic is why Joe Biden should not try to copy President Trump’s pugnacious style.

The post Episode 101: Why Biden Shouldn’t Act Like Trump appeared first on Dilbert Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I to do well well looks like it's can be a bonus periscope I just couldn't stay off. Talk about Joe Biden a little bit I haven't seen his original quotes went out, I'm periscope earlier and I just saw linked to it and read what he actually said recently and. oh, my god, so one speech, he FAT ashamed by talk about guys in the locker room he ugly shamed by saying they were the only ones who say here things a threatened personal violence to handle a problem of words, and, oh, my god now, of course,
Democrats are saying to me I like, and I was just answering one now, sir. Goodwin whom spear anti jumper tweeted made, moments ago and they said The president do the exact same thing. But, worse and more so, is talking about the turning to use physical violence and the insults and stuff. So he's aim. Didn't president tromp do the same thing as by boat. Worse and more- and the answer is yes: yes, he did But you haven't made a point, yet this is a big difference, President troms a brand. The everything he selling is. Tougher than everybody on everything and politically incorrect. that's what you told us is selling that's what we watch himself.
be the toughest on everything and I'm gonna be politically incorrect Now, if you say that your brand, and then you say stuff like you punch somebody or You do something a future your brand People know exactly what you're getting there were. No accidents in the election of President Trump, but if your brand is to be the opposite of tromp, which, what the Democrats were shooting for right, everything that, does is bad so we're gonna run as the opposite, a trump. You're trying to run the opposite of Trump by acting exactly like him threatening, I'm somebody, somebody fat going somebody ugly, it's all the things he has done. You can't run against them. Doing He's doing it is,
so dumb those whose mind boggling is like it's a world class, dumb and- and It reminds me that I I saw recently I forget, who was somebody on the democratic side was saying that what they needed was their own trump. They did somebody would get in and campaign just as hard just as dirty Yahoo really give a punch, who'd fight, echo wooden roll over, and they're saying that they needed a candidate like Trump to run against Trump. Possibly the worst idea. Anybody had ever had, because Look at all the things that tromp is The only thing you gotta have a that was the he says things about people. That's it only thing. He does. The commission, probably yeah, maybe she'll do of,
all the things he does. They got him elected or of. Is persuasion, talent. you think he brings to it in terms of power. CS hard work, energy, all of them. stuff. That's all like the best. If you ve ever seen, brought to a Democrat Roger Presidential Race there's only one thing Were you shouldn't copy about this present? Only one thing you shouldn't talk like him, that's it everything else, you can pretty much imitate and you probably get a good result. You can even imitate the. Turn over, you can imitate the chaos we can imitate thee. was there anything and it would be better. Then imitating the the tough guy talk when you're very brand is the opposite of that So if you imagine that the best thing
and they enter from side, looked at all the things that president from does that mean in popular with it with voters or listen. people voted for him all the many things he does. The tools, the persuasion, the policies everything the energy and they picked up One thing that they shouldn't copy, we always say it's the only thing he does. The EU should not copy and they cited, it will be the only thing they copy. And you saw Biden doing it, policy more that with other candidates, so whoever decides to run the primaries for the democratic side we're all gonna be competing to see who can be the worst version of Trump to run, tromp one family we think there are copying is apart. They didn't like and doesn't really help and that much My heard him more than helps him is. He We they shouldn't copy and they are away,
so I want to say that when we talk about. Brennan, John brethren. said in a recent interview, he doesn't understand why Trump is quote. So submissive to burden than others really. This is good persuasion, Now, using the word submissive, really is trying to draw the president into a war of words. I say stop these bathing and without work so calling President Trump submissive to Putin is really good. Persuasion, forebrain doesn't help the country, but its verbatim the job any speculates Breton does Putin might have some blackmail against Trump. Now given their Brandon was the axe head of the CIA is at the moment
responsible thing you ve ever heard anybody say in public the say that well, just speculating. I don't have any evidence, The President of United States is being. When by Russia now This again is like my example of the professional boxer who, the street fight and then ends up killing somebody, because his professional boxer, I would be murder because a professional boxer, his is his she's a weapon, no If you are, I said well, I'm speculating that the president may be controlled. I couldn't we would just be citizens spouting nonsense. Nobody Take us too seriously. but when the recent ahead, the CIA speculates the food and might have something on the presence of the United States.
I think you're gonna be a little more evidence to say something like that. The fields to me like the most irresponsible thing I've heard since June, widened dot. They're just makes him The left there. Just some things you shouldn't say if you're the access of the CIA, unless you have evidence, if you had evidence, of course, he should say He's being provocative, yes, he is thoughts on Facebook dying, When was the last time you returned teenager talk about using Facebook that that's all I need to say about face when's the last time you the teenage you're talking about Facebook
don't. If I've heard about it, just instagram stature. Let me ask you guys so: here's my instant pole. Tell me if you're using Facebook, more or less than you did one year ago, Mere answers is my last point: are you Facebook, more or less than you did a year ago. Everybody what your answer Facebook more or less than a year ago. Here the answers less was deleted on all seem less way, less less lead less more lives. Same same more Nevertheless, same less less so that you know people. This. Periscope are not a representative sample
and it might that conservatives are more anti facebook. My my sense of things is a facebook as it currently exists is on the decline but that doesn't mean I can't reinvent themselves live separating nimble company for a big company here personally, I've almost stopped using Facebook, I used to check Facebook several times a day, but after I lost all my friends by talking about Trump Ballade there is so little on their cause, almost The unfounded me promise. I don't know the ratio, but maybe eighty percent of my friends unfriendly on Facebook, so We have as much reason to look at it. Just see some stuff with my staff, kids once in awhile, that's about it are done for now. Talk you later.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-22.