« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1998 Scott Adams PART1: Teach Me How To Recognize The Good COVID Data To Avoid The Same Mistake

2023-01-24 | 🔗


  • TikTok’s “heat” button
  • Antifa is back
  • Former top FBI agent arrested 
  • Biden’s many homes
  • Whiteboard: Postmortem Analysis Of Vaxx Decision
  • If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topics to build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.

The post Episode 1998 Scott Adams PART1: Teach Me How To Recognize The Good COVID Data To Avoid The Same Mistake appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The highlight of civilization better than ever really today is going to be a burden, a burner yeah, if you like- to enjoy this at the maximum potential. All you need is a cup or mug or a glass of anger, chela, sorta style, Kim team, jug or flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid, like coffee joy, we there for the unparalleled pleasure what better with the microphone The dover measure the day the thing
except everything better. It's called the simultaneous sip. It happens. Now, go that's the best thing ever. Thank you paul over on locals that little graphic you have an so on the locals platform. One of the members always puts up a little graphic. To tell me My cell is working on both platforms. Oh my god is that useful that is so useful. I so appreciate that. Thank you, Paul collider. Let's go privately over here, we're going to put the locals people private. So when I turn off youtube later, they'll have their little special time. Now, are you wondering why I'm in such a good mood.
Are you wondering why I'm so there? Maybe this morning I mean I'm like crazy, abbe Well, number one: the the rains have stopped and we ve got a sunny, california weak now, if you have not enjoyed a southern california week, they're pretty awesome, but I haven't seen one in a while. So all excited about that yesterday was amazing, but it's even better. I had a book deadline which is today actually and I've been trying to get all of my first round of edits done, which are really hard cause. Editing. Writing is hard, but editing to an editor's changes when those changes involve moving parts around it becomes is huge.
Rubik's cube so instead of writing, which are also doing as your affixing stuff you're, also holding in your mind, the entire book, hundreds of different sections and how like one phrase, may have then more about this chapter than the other, and so you have to hope. All over your head and then move it in different places like a satellite programme. Really you moving like sections of code round to be in the right place is the hardest thing I do period is the hard. Whistling I ever do, and the is I'm so funny that I'm so happy today is that I finished it a few hours early and submitted it last night.
There is no better day in the life of an author there's no better day than today. You've submitted your stuff, and you know it's a book now. The next status will be a little more work, but it's a book. Nothing could stop it like until you submit the you know the final or first round of edits, really until you submit those you're not entirely sure you have a book. You've worked for a year. If you wasted it, you know you could potential
I waste a year of your life because it takes all of your free time, all of it, and today I know it's a book. Somebody says what about the day your trophy wife left. You was that supposed to be my best day, I'm not sure what that cut there. There's somebody there. Somebody who mentions my wife or ex wife on on every topic, so let me tell you my latest trawl technique, so yeah, I'm still of course, every day I get your loads of insults at yesterday. Council, you through the media story, It's about me, you know, there's a sub stack about me. How terrible I am and there's and there's a whole bunch of it. Yes, the last few days, a bunch of media reports about me about the irs:
funny thing, none other more, even close to accurate they're. Just so wildly miss characterizing me at my situation. What I'm thinking and what I ve done is it's all. Just completely fiction. Add is this becomes so funny. There are just going to do in l a well on all of it because there's nothing to say about it. I mean you'd have to go back a year and fix like a hundred different misconceptions. soldiers Ella. Well now I remember the great week just looking at all the other. All the stories about me that are just ridiculous. Rasmussen, arousable. Fifty eight percent of people polled considered important That accompany shares their social and political values, including twenty eight. That is very important. This feels like a big problem,
Now, even though most people in the vast majority, according to the rest of the simple most people, think that the product is the most important thing, most people say it's a product, oh yeah. Twenty eight percent is very close to one quarter, most one core. Yes, I saw the trump retweet of my endorsement, untrue that was cool So anyway, here's my question as become more awoken. People are putting more pressure on companies to do stuff. you think we almost need like a new, I feel like. We almost need a new constitutional amendment, because aren't we all better off their government and religion are separate. Wasn't like one of the smartest things, though we
they know. Well, I mean we're based where the constitution is based on a sort of a christian bias. If you can say that so I I suppose you could say that in some ways it is religious I commend they just they dangerous. Have some walls and say don't get your religion in with the workings of the government. Now I think I think that's worked. I think those work, but I wonder if we should do the same thing for business, don't you think the worst thing you could do to the economy of a country? is mixture of politics and with the business does we already have laws right? If the company following the laws I feel like I'm done, I mean I can buy opinion and stuff, but I want my opinion to put them out of business if there the law? Now I want to change the law. That's the thing! I can see that
am I want a ban, some company user, especially bad, but would we really be trying to micromanage companies? That feels like the worst thing you could do. I almost think like we need some kind of standard to keep our business out of it. Now I do like transparency so to the extent that the external pressure causes them to be more transparent. that's probably good, but I feel like yours better way together, so I dont like having more government regulations but separating religion from government. I think work, and now we might at least think about it for separating politics and business cause. It's just crushing businesses my wrong about that, isn't the politics of it.
Crushing businesses that didn't need to go to crush now they should also stay out of it. So if you, if you made an argument that says well, if disney, for example, will say disney decides to enter an argument, that's a political argument Well, then, the navy them, neither you they're putting themselves out, therefore, a little push back, But if they're minding their own business, bearing all the laws. I think we should stay away from loan do what they want. but you know probably help the businesses to making illegal probably be a boon to business. Women. Because less say you're. The ceo and you're sayer customers, your employees and stockholders, are all at you. It'll be more awoke or be more political or say something about climate change was the c c. O gonna do pretty much bout, the pressure
but what? If the ceo had backing backing them? A law? At the law said you, you can't speak out as a company on a political item. You can speak out personally personally, of course, but company is Gavin opinions. Oh, how about that companies can have politik opinions, they can do what they want to do and the individual However, the opinions they want about that, the hour about? At the same time, we say you can't be fired for your political opinions about that can't be fired for your political opinion, even if you say something on social media that the company doesn't like yeah. I feel like there are a few tweaks. We can make to account for the fact that social media. change the balance of power visit, because I think the regular media had some balance with with business,
The social media is the wild west and now just forcing business to respond to basically the randomness and social media. That's it can't be good warmer anyway. I have the. I don't have the best idea for fixing that, but something needs to be done and here's what I don't like to say. We should have a national conversation about that. I hate hearing that because I am actually criticising myself at the moment for bringing up. Suddenly, I didn't have a better idea for probably shouldn't do that. I mean I'm just throwing out that constitutional amendment thing, but even I don't think that's necessarily a good idea. Just put it out there. I let's talk about. Are you aware that china built a technology
It's got a user interface where china can control the minds of americans actually through the interface did you know that I will give you knew that there is actually user interface, that china can control the the minds of americans, like literally no joke. That's a real thing. If you do, that is called tiktok and people think it something else now now here's the thing: why is it that congress has enacted on tiktok Because if you said to them, do you know that the chinese government literally not hyperbolic early actually literally has built a tool that taken tweak very easily with the user interface.
to change the mines of americans to change our minds on important political legs. Now nobody, nobody doubts. The social media can do that. Right is re by users. Social media doesn't change by his mind. Now everybody does it. everybody knows that china controls tiktok. And now we know from article informs the tick tock live he has a button there at the employee. I guess some employees can can touch. It's called the heat heat button. It touch one button and they can make any any content on tiktok go viral. They can make it go viral with one button. Now, let me ask you this: I don't use tik tok there. Anybody here uses tiktok must be some of you. Bunch use used
So for the not very many of you actually that's good, but for those who do. Let me ask this question. Have you seen a lot of anti sentinel content on tiktok, a lot of content about the overdoses and Now people dying in endless, but specifically words coming from, obviously that is tiktok just full of the biggest issue for young people, because tiktok, he was younger, right younger and what is the number one cause of death for young people to actually drug overdose and guns, but a well actually does Comparison, I'm assuming this. Hence the two biggest problems for young people, death wise, would be guns do that the left likes and then reginald right? So
Those of you use tiktok. If you want a wonder haze stick, already being weapons used against americans. It would be easy abusing the czech isn't a jack. Are you deaf piracy. Is there more viral content about mass shootings and now gun should be banned, and, as it roughly match the anti fentanyl information, especially mentioning that it comes from China. So so you could you can easily check. Could you why why somebody say not guns, I dunno what you don't know. What not guns means that they must have plenty of content. That's anti gun. Am I wrong.
Does tic tac, have anti gun content, or that I'm just assuming that it airlines left on that topic. Am I wrong check out that I guess there are not enough tiktok users out there to to fact check me as I go. But this isn't a check right now: Why would congress ignore this? Do you think china would ignore it if we built a user interface to control their youth and there was working, it totally works nobody's questioning whether it works. I don't think they would ignore it. That's why the young people in china can't use tiktok. They have a different version.
I think that's a safe version, so it's possible that congress isn't doing nothing because we're all bought off, but there's another possibility. Congress is too old to understand. The topic. Congress is too old to understand the topic. That's my current thinking and and I'll be a little more specific if, if you had never been on tik, tok or you'd, never used lesser used them and most of them probably have some we all send a tweet and maybe they know a little twitter, or maybe they got some facebook going on, but they're, not really social media consumers. So much they're more like more, like producers, not consumers, now a consumer and you ve done what I did, which is you pick up instagram. You say
What if there's any good like and swam stuff, You spend about a second scrolling and you feel your entire body being taken over. Ok, I'm actually a train hypnotist. And I know exactly what's happening to me right now and I can't stop scrolling given pictures and this feeling we ensure that Jordan petersen videos and are all good, and what are these attacks women like looking at, I think, gum the livestock because I can't take my eyes off of these reels now. I understand social media at a cellular level, tell your level I undressed. Social media with my fucking upside, I promise I won't do that issue I understand social media with my body.
I didn't really article about it. If you read an article that says oh this, the social media is pretty esprit, sticky, maybe people behold, like we all know, logically, is addictive right. But if you haven't used it, you have no idea. How attacking this. Would you agree with that? Then? If you haven't used it yourself and experienced the the paul you, you can feel too tat used to be able to sort of a similar that you can feel insecure, em take over your body. You can feel it taking over your body right if you can't, if you ve, never experienced the feeling, I don't think you take seriously, because the number of members of congress follow me on twitter. They ve seen my they've seen all my tweets are a.
and they know that people say a tick. Tock is addictive and it can influence people if it how about? If I did a quiz of all the members of congress, they would all get the right answer, though you think does does social media influence. People yes about every one of them would get. The right answer. Does tiktok influence people? Yes right answer is tik tok controlled by china. Thus, I believe that congress we get all the right answers in liquids on every one of them, probably every one of them, but all that there are very few who have used it. If you used it, you get a kick it to the curb really fast, as you feel it of any have also had the experience of you all. just listen to this
that you've all had the same experience of mine is not unique. I have considered and talked with friends about maybe taking singing lessons vocal lessons cause yeah. I learned the drums I'm trying to learn the guitar, and I was just curious whether but he can learn to saying- and I have no skill or aptitude, and so I started calculus I've. Never written down. I don't think I've never treated it. My and my my advertisements are full of vocal essence being offered full lessons now. Do you have? Is your feedback? vodka lessons. Now I never wrote that down never wrote it down but I said they're loud so loud now. Do you think that congress?
the eighty year old people and got in congress. Do you think that they have experienced talking about thing in the privacy of their home and then watching. You show up on their feed. Do you think they have experienced that maybe a few, the younger ones amc as I'm sure, but I don't think that congress is young enough. to? Actually you mind melded themselves with social media to know how powerful it is so I'm thinking is actually the information problem, as in you can communicate to somebody what a feeling feels like I like intellectually, they all get it, but I don't think they know what it feels like. If they did it'd be over there, there would be no tiktok if, if the, if congress used it for a week, it'll be gone, that's my first, that's my best hypothesis, because it could be just corruption. It could be exactly what it looks like china.
Only the congress sponsible well antifa, back and No reason they ever disappeared anders not really strong reason. They came back but as targets karlsson conspiratorially suggests there nothing, but the military arm of the devil. And they come whenever the Democrats want to tell the public that the countries falling apart and they need to trade out the later. so the first leader they got rid of was trump and it started. Looking they want to get rid of binding so anti. If I might be a way to get rid of Biden casual it just makes a country look unstable as it gets. News coverage now, apparently anti for people instead of being executed, which seems like the obvious play
Our big and just released, but in, but I think in atlanta they're, going to be a little tougher on them. The atlanta police say they're going to charge him so we'll see. I think I'm gonna agree with a stake. I'm going to agree with a stake. Antivirus appears to be an entirely artificial democrat army. I don't Leave believe that all the members of anti for know what they are. Why either there I think a lot of work for the lifestyle and tell you beat meet women silly where they can.
But I think that the leaders, the leaders, are working for a paycheck and if we don't know who's paying them, I think classifying them as domestic terrorists and also Democrats is accurate. Now they wouldn't identifies Democrats closer, therefore, chaos, but consider the fact that they are not asking for anything just just that. Just that alone will not asking for anything Are we done there's nothing else, you need to know about them if they're burning cities and not asking for like some specific demand and they're, not asking for anything that could be provided right now, it's obviously to create chaos and, obviously somebody's bag. So it's it! What if everything is exactly the way it looks alright more on that.
On that note, I had it turns out that there is a fbi agent, every other. You know what to say about the story that this story, so mind boggling, though you just there's? No, I'm on top of it like it anything to make it more outrages, but that southern federal prosecutors are going after they had of former head of the counter intelligence for the fbi new york office. You say laundered money from some russian oligarch apparently was one who is giving money to benefit, of course, so sure enough the f b, I guy. I think he was in charge of making sure.
This didn't happen was doing himself so once again, the the the tucker karlsson theory there I thought was bad share crazy. I was crazy that the Democrats do whatever their accusing you up every time. Every time it comes true. This is exactly what they're accusing republicans of there were doing it. There were literally taking money. This guy was literally taking money from russia other way using it in service of Democrats. It was exactly what you thought of the the the pandemic looks like it's gonna, be exactly what you thought your worst suspicions. Everything is exactly what you think it just seems
exactly what you think? So I am fascinated by that, but take that concept, that everything is exactly what you think to the fact that, there are more classified documents yet another Joe Biden home now, let's discuss how it looks number one nobody can explain why Joe Biden has so many homes. We should be done That should be the end of his term right that they should be. Like immediately swept out of office with one sentence, when he knows how we got to all those homes, nobody, those there's, no theory, there's no hypothesis. We just decide not to talk about it. What
it is the president that we're not going to talk about how he mysteriously got a great wealth without having a job that provided that much income note nobody's curious. Well, what? If that's exactly what it looks like he's been undertake for decades? That's what it looks like and so what? If it's exactly what it looks like now, Apparently he had classified documents like us nail trail where everyone now eyes They use leave in the documents we can find his way back from wherever he went off. That's true just speculation, but three location so far right. Three as a pattern One could be a mistake to could be mistake. Three separate clear pattern, especially since its documents that predate his presidency.
now in these same homes we resumed, the hunter Biden had access to all three places. Correct hundred biden that easy access three places and we know that he was trying to sell. the least influence to foreign countries. So what it looks exactly like the Joe Biden for decades has been a huge criminal for decades, a huge criminal and that hunter is part of monetizing and that they ve been offering or selling state secrets to other countries
for decades, if everything else is exactly while what it looks like, why would this wouldn't be different? It looks exactly like it and you would have to take a pro. You need a crowbar depriving off that opinion, because there's no, there is no information, countering it at all. Now. Remember. Individuals are sent until proven guilty. So the violence as individuals innocent until proven guilty but Joe Biden has also the government and the government is guilty until proven. Is So if you're gonna walk round being my president and looking guilty as heck debate, that was hard to pull out, one back guilty is
Well, I'm gonna assume you're. So as of today, my operating assumption is criminal, of the united states, Joe Biden. Is and has been a major criminal and a trader for decades? That's that's my working assumption, because all information suggests now I'm open to open to him open these books, blaming how we got these homes, I'm open to finding out that it's all a big lie, and it's all some big conservative conspiracy theory and he doesn't even sniff girls here. That's all just lie, so I'm open to counter evans but, as of now, I think is a safe statement of fact preliminary that were led by a major criminal.
which would explain. Why is not doing anything on the more useful and why is not doing anything about tik tok, conventional and it will explain everything so if it explains everything that should be a working hypothesis, so we should not just assume a jew, just assume issue and this the if he wants to prove as a I'm open to that one of my favorite things to watch on the internet as you know, you're all watching the crowd her crowded, since the daily why're? You were. Daily wire offered him a deal, but in it was some clauses to say if he got canceled on social media that he that they wouldn't pay him as much money. Some people call that a penalty. I called it a normal business deal in which you're sharing revenue.
Salty yeah, I guess all of my contracts are penalties. I guess my book deals a penalty because you know what, if I do, sell enough books that publishers not going to give me money, can you believe it like it? If I produce money for both of us. They won't give me my half, I know I know it's like well, not half, but whatever it is, but it's totally criminal that if we make a deal that both my money and though we don't make any money- they're, not gonna, baby bastard well anyway. So Here's my favorite thing is watching MIKE's an bow, crowded argument and oliver support and, you know is it is the only one who can see the whole field. That's talking about it. You know cause y'all have my voice.
I am certain that in general, but you always an attorney, he's a businessperson. He see them the world that he knows what a business deal is supposed to look like an He sees this entire thing for what it is with you I think there is any hidden hidden like dark corners. I think he sees all failed, These calling is calling the balls and strikes here has got a hilarious, so you should watch. You should follow a certain image anyway, but you should definitely look at his his crowd or comments. I'll tell you what he's saying so you know quarters claiming that big con as he calls it, the big conservative we are working with big tech southern,
exactly on the other side of big tech, they're working with them, because they like to monetize through big tech, so they want to keep them on their side. So his his take is that nobody's sorta working for the artist who doesn't want to get banned on social media, because all the the big conservatives are just working with the platforms like everybody is now were sort of hitch asked It gives some details about. It goes here's how people keep saying daily wires in bed with big tech site examples. these as he's not a daily? Where are your fan boy, but I can give you To give an example of how the daily wire is doing something with big directly you wouldn't like, I would be that now. Why did we have to get to today and why did they have to be like zone of edged, asked the queen,
do you have even one example, just just one example he does, but why haven't we heard of one example up until now? No examples, self censorship, no, alright! Well, I think it's up to a creditor to give us some examples and maybe ask him if he asked them we'll talk about it, because I'd like to do that. Wouldn't you I mean if his claim, if his claim holds up I'd, certainly like to know it so some examples. Maybe you can flip us to your side, and I guess we found out that who says he wasn't it
the money, and then he was asked on pool show up tim guest. He was ass dead, but didn't your agent asked for more money, but wasn't about the money by your agent countered, asked for more money and a quarter, I think he acknowledged that his agent might have, but he didn't, but he didn't. So what do you think MIKE Serna bitch said that bout that that Crowder didn't make an offer, but his agent did is exactly what you think exactly what you're like? Alright
So the software that border crossing, I saw an atom sure tweet, is a fox news. Journalists reporter I'm not sure what they're called these they correspond. Many says a border numbers for december are out just for one month for one month
number of border crossings. Two hundred and fifty one thousand encounters. That's how many counters, or we don't know how many crossed and didn't get counted. That was just the number of encounters encounters. How many do we stop? One and four: does anybody know how many we stop by one in three one in ten? I have no idea if my guess would be one in four like with no background information to back that up well, so that's a pretty high run rate. But again, let me remind you how trumpet can win both republicans and democrats on border issue.
High ground maneuver, you say this is not about stopping people coming in it's about having a system where we can let the good ones and then stop stop the criminals, for example, So what we need is some independent group of economists d. this was the right number and mix of people to let in and let that I'll be public should be a bipartisan group. You know, may maybe one more republican just because, if republicans put it together, everybody gets to have one more person if they're in charge and then make it all public like the o envy. You know what one of the most surprising things to me is that the office management and budgets is actually
Deemed somewhat credible by both sides, am I wrong about that can be a fact check on that? What is it a fact that the o m b that always scores the the federal budgets? Aren't they considered credible, mean maybe not I always thought they were because they work for both administrations and then I don't think that the people, the staffers, I don't think they're necessarily appointed, are they maybe just had the g b o or the cb? Oh, it's a cbm or whatever it is so. Do you think that there could be a credible permanent organization and maybe
maybe it's something that's already in the government. That would tell us what is the number of immigrants and what types and from where to come in, because I don't think the president at that decision. Do any president. I don't think the president should decide on the mix. That's that's way this way, anosike outside of their strike zone. I think economists and business people should decide on the mix with input from business. How many employees dd, though you can't get them, and then then also there should be advocates for americans right. So if you've got some kind of a group doing that calculation, you need at least somebody in that group was gonna, say okay, but you've got to consider. You know how that's going to come out of the pockets of the poor, directly or indirectly and all that stuff. So I think trump can take the high ground and say: let's state, the president enter the decision who comes in les bliss, have a tight border, but take the take the politics out of who comes in. How does that not work? I think I think trump
walks into the presidency. If he says that and then you just walk right in cause, he he, if he just says you know all all, do the president thing of controlling the border but separately, let's take the who gets in and politics and we'll create a bipartisan group. You tell me he wouldn't get elected on it in a heartbeat. He would easily yeah, he would just walk into the office and he said that because the the borders where people put up the most resistance because a they feel the dog whistle just takes the dog was allowed because it's not something trump needed, neither dog whistle so just take it out. There was a. story about the mar hamelin the that football player collapsed in the field and I guess he is healthy and after we walk around and he attended game yesterday,
but he were a mask and sunglasses and a hat and never showed his face. So the videos of em don't show his face. So of course, of course, of course, people think is now really how many die. Okay, I'm pretty sure we would know if he died like that would be a hard one to keep a secret. So I don't that I think it might have more to do with. Who knows just didn't want to talk to people or what it was, so you may have as a medical or other reason, but. Are you amazed that we ve got to today and we don't? We don't have a cause for his problem, there's no official cause. May we take the standards that we have been using up to this point today the standard is maybe it's exactly what it looks like what, if it's exactly what it looks like
because what it looks like is, he may have been vaccinated recently. Am I right. If that were not the case. sure they would have told us that right up front. If, if he were, I guess I'll have to be an accident, but but if he had been recently vaccinated lest they recently boosted, it's gotta. Be that Am I right now they're now saying it, so you can never be one hundred per cent sure, but if your gut instinct is to say well, if it looks exactly like it and they're not even bothering to deny it, that should be your starting assumption. You're starting assumption is that you got the vaccination and fell down. They don't want to tell you I'm all right. now, let me make a distinction. I also was debunking summit
Oh suddenly died athletes because number them actually were. Video people died before the pandemic and some of them didn't die in their work. finally just got up so a lotta, the a lotta, the video you've seen of athletes dying, a lot of it was fake for sure, but not all of it. You know like that. Not all of it was debunked, but there were just some obvious ones that were wrong, But this is a different situation. This is why specific person who is having a public medical situation, and is not tell you the thing you would most one and now did you recently gave vaccinated. Ah, that's all you need to know clearly that's the problem here
now I'm not saying that the vaccination injured it. I want to be clear about that, but it's pretty clear that they're not tell you he got vaccinated recently. Does anybody disagree that we could conclude that, with a pretty high degree of certainty that was probably boosted recently, and I think probably all of them were right- dont dont, all the all the professional athletes have to get boosted. Like boosted and in and boosted. I think they do. I think it's just required so yeah we, you should assume, is exactly what it looks like. That would be a fair assumption. alright, so so it was updated on russia and kiev by the waist stay with me. If you want to see me admit more about things, I got wrong in the pandemic. If anybody likes me to admit I'm wrong, stick around we'll do that last
So there is some people speculated that russian. he's gonna mass forces? bela ruse and then attack. He is from there and destroy kiev and declare victory. something. That sounds like something that might happen. You think that's going to happen. That feels unlikely to me. Yeah, I'm not going to rule it out. I I think that, given the winter pause, will you know it changes everything because you don't know which side did a better job of preparing for after the pause. So I think at this point the war is a toss up. I don't think, as of today you can say ukraine,
russia or wedding? It looks like cause. It looks like a toss up to me. What is that I think is is now in solidly unpredictable territory, not that it was ever super predictable, admit defeat. You mean admit defeat that ukraine will lose. I'm always open to that. I I've predicted that russia would the unsuccessful conquering ukraine, but if they were long enough,
Transcript generated on 2023-02-28.