« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1914 Scott Adams: Rebound COVID, The Pelosi Fact Checking Problem And How To Air Dry A Cat

2022-11-01 | 🔗


  • Rebound COVID after Paxlovid
  • CNN’s Daniel Dale fact-checking again
  • Paul Pelosi story misinformation
  • Russian grain vs Ukrainian drones
  • Harvard, UNC affirmative action
  • Black leadership in America
  • If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topics to build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.

The post Episode 1914 Scott Adams: Rebound COVID, The Pelosi Fact Checking Problem And How To Air Dry A Cat appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The phone good morning- everybody and I'm so proud of you for making it here on time, because last night was, of course, big party night, but you managed to rally you managed to rally good for you if you'd like to take it up a notch. All you need is a cup or mug or a glass of tinker jealous, sustain a canteen, jug or flask a vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee enjoying the day for the unparalleled pleasure, the dopamine to this day, the thing that makes everything better. It's called a simultaneous go.
Yes, if you had noticed, I m wearing my voldemort Zelensky president of ukraine, president of ukraine, disguise some of you thought you were watching. The actual president of Ukraine knows me scott and Scott. I now It looks exactly like, but let me tell you the weirdest, namely happened how many? You have noticed that the advertisements that your fed are based on things. You ve said how many people notice They were talking about simply allowed the next You know you, your father is also that ok
at that. I see your answers. Good, alright. Now next question, so stop answering that usually next question has anybody have the experience of only thinking about something and then seeing the ad served to you as anybody? Yet thank you, know the guy. Let me give you my example from yesterday. Now I assume it's a coincidence, but let me give you my example, which is not that unusual. Alright. So yesterday I like if snickers a bath. I was all alone. and I said anything out loud that would have suggested bath or anything else
I dried her off with a towel, but you know how hard it is to dry off a dog with a towel. Even if you have infinite towels you for some reason they don't dry off right. You just kidding the water off of and then I said to myself. Wouldn't it be great if there were some kind of air dryer just for the dog cause. If I use a hairdryer, this can be loud and you'll scare, the dog, but I thought somebody should make some kind of vet here drier just for the dog today I open up. My in somebody has developed a drier for a cap, not a dog but a cat.
And and that actual advertisement was a little sort of a box with fans. You put your cat in the box and it drives the cat off after the cat gets a bath. Have you ever seen those before let willoughby assist? Have you ever seen an advertisement for it in your feed? Has anybody ever seen that advertisement? I've never see that and the one day I saved myself. Wouldn't it be great if there was some way to drive my dog off, there's there's a fricking cat dryer that shows up in my feed. I've never seen that I I am positive. I would remember if I'd ever seen that even once now here's my question, Is is social media actually able to figure out my intentions like it? Did it did it somehow pick up?
I was washing and animal, and that was enough. Maybe did leave her alone, I'm I'm actually just I don't have a theory about why it happens. It could be just radicular activation if you've ever heard of that term. Radicular activations, where, if something's on your mind, you notice it in the environment such as when you buy a new car, then you notice, everybody has that same car, but you'd, never notice. Before. could be just that. Alright, I'd like to give a shout out for best prediction. I've seen recently from twitter account on hoodwinked, which is a good follow on hoodwinked,
the name of the account and after noticing that the three people who took the what's the name of that therapeutic that people take things the pfizer therapeutic for covert power, locks, Id of peasants bags, lawful, lit. Back slower it back slovak, so annoying. noticing that Joe Biden doc, you fell Jim professed. peter? How does all took that therapeutic and in others that they all get a second round of covert sure? What do they call it? The belts back rather suddenly you for it. the second case and based on their pattern on hoodwinked predicted that the fall, people would all have bounced back covert. He actually predicted in advance the Joe Biden. the sea, I c o pfizer seo pfizer and
at the cdc had well lenski. He accurately predicted every one of them will get belt rebound. I'm sorry, he accurately predicted all three of them would get rebound covert. He predicted that in public got all three. Now. Do you know it was the best health care that I got this year The best health care I received was that. So hard for me to contact my own health care provider and get back loved when I got covered that I didn't get it. It was just too much work too hard So if I could have gotten it easily furniture, I would have taken it and produce your own have taken it they'll. Let me ask you Is there anybody here who would have been comfortable with the vaccination but uncomfortable with packs love it?
Is there anybody here who thinks the vaccination would be bad, but the therapeutic would be safer? Is that a thing because they're, both you know two and has not tested the two drugs which everybody, including the people that made them, would wish they were more tested? If we had more time. So it turns out. The smartest thing I did was have a health care provider who couldn't provided the healthcare. Am I wrong
you, don't lie here's an update on my blood pressure, so I got off I I quit cold turkey, blood pressure, medication, which I want to say very carefully. You are not supposed to do you're not supposed to go cold. Turkey on your blood pressure, meds that that is a very, not recommended thing. So I want to say as clearly as possible, don't be like me. Nobody copy me! Don't do it. I was just pissed off because the day that I stopped taking it, I felt perfectly good after months of pain, and I thought, if I can put not my body again, do you know my health care provider recommended after I found out that the blood pressure meds were lost?
really killing me and I mean literally because they made me suicidal and if something makes you suicidal and it makes you not able to exercise- is kill you. So that's not too strong a statement right I just didn't succeed and tried to kill me. Do you know what my doctor recommended double the dose double the dose because the because my blood pressure have not been adequately controlled cause, I gave some readings and they weren't controlled enough, so I was asked to double the dose. What do you think I'm doing Do you think of that a double the dose no fucking way? No, now I'm having a little issue with my healthcare provider, because my doctor is on a leave so there's a whole communication problem. That's not normal! My actual doctor is great so
Let me be clear, there's no way my doctor would have made that recommendation. What happened is it went through a third party and by the time it got to be the communication that have been lost that instead of trying to get more of it, I was trying to get rid of it entirely so that just a communication problem, but that's that's my current healthcare. My current healthcare is too inconvenient to use it literally it's too inconvenient to actually use it. I actually choose to treat myself and so far I've done better. That's that's a fact. So far I've I've been. My healthcare provider in performance by ignoring them, I hate to say it, but it's true I so! Yesterday I took my blood pressure. This is after a week of no blood pressure, meds pre, dangerous right. Have you
did after a week of no blood pressure, meds there's my readings. How do I do after after having no blood pressure, meds ones over seventy nine and one twenty over seventy seven. I did instead of taking blood pressure. That's asked me, I did it I took a twenty minute, walk cut coffee. That's it I read somewhere that if you take to thirty that walks a day, you basically fine I wondered if that's actually and so Ok, I won't do like a full exercise I'll do a nice, nice lilies. lately challenging just a brisk walk.
I sit down and test my blood pressure. They got perfectly normal after a week with no blood pressure meds. Now let me be clear. This I'd probably hit a low point yeah. This might have been my low for the day. I do think I have a problem with is spiking during the day. But let me ask you this: can you refer to the science and tell me if that puts me in danger, look at the science and tell me if you know that you know I can get down to good blood pressure some part of the day, but it might be spiking other parts of the day. What is my risk? Nobody knows. Nobody knows that. There's there's no science. That could tell you that at all But if you talk to your doktor, though I'm sure they'll tell you that they have some firm ideas about that, but they be guessing, I think so,
I know I'm setting myself up for a calmer do give me some health problem, because my high blood pressure, we all know the right but feel like I'm doing some kind of a public good. Here, that's a little bigger than me, which is if I don't die. And I successfully manage my blood pressure into a healthy zone just with lifestyle. Wouldn't you like to know that, wouldn't you like to know, if that's a thing that works, I may just be one person. So it's not like a study or something, but wouldn't you be curious and I figure I'm going to take the chance for all of us. I mean I probably would do it for myself, but it has a bigger value to you. Maybe. We'll see if you were on the locals platform. You would be seeing my naughty noirtier cartoon called robots, read news in which robots, red
news now. Normally you are you two could not see these complex, but this particular one polish yesterday, which features just a robot really lose. Has a humor technique in it. I would like to teach you And this is what is really easy. This is you get all incorporate Immediately become funnier, you all want funny you're right. It's called the the list of three listers ray. There. There is something about a list of three concepts. Are things that if you pick the right three as well, and you know it when you see it, so what makes it funny it's three things don't normally belong together, usually
and there's something about the bleed over of one item into the other. There is a part of the point, but a bleeds over the makes a funny, because your brain is trying to make it makes sense in its is not quite making sense for you, alright, so I'm going to redo the joke and then I'm going to explain the what I did so you can see it. So look for the list of three three things that don't belong together, but it's funny. what do you put them together right? So the first two panels are one joke and then then I just do a completely separate joke. In the third panel so the robot says the government released a new covert advisory today it says: to stay one mile from cdc director. Russia will lend ski can she got covered. Yet again, The third battle is just a joke and the robots, as in our tips for humans segment, tonight's tip is now
Her sleep in your underpants, if you'd gunners a hammer, we're sleep in your underpants. If your gun is a hammer right now, here's why this works. Underpants gun hammer, underpants, gun hammer, you put those three together, I don't care what else you say about them: Is it is it you can't put those three words together and not laugh right? the zooelogy every like ok as gun hammer on, does underpants gun gulliver there's nothing else. You lead to say right. You can make your own You could put any other words around them there about a hundred different ways. You can make that funny. I just picked one so there's your your tip now, if you say juice,
scott. How would I know that those three went together were funny. Does not aware works We! What you do is you just cycle, a bunch of words through your head until one of them makes you laugh, one combination makes you laugh. and what makes you laugh, it will probably make other people laugh. So here's. Why is hard for age re humor? This is, example. The way I wrote this joke is the first summit I thought of it. It made me laugh in my head, as soon as I thought, of those three words together as like. Ok, these three words or one of those. That's one of those three words cargoes but the only way I know worked for you is that it made me laugh in ay. I can't do that, so the eight iq test its own joke on itself, because it doesn't have a sense of humor
So that's it only advantage. I have re now is it I can t be test faster than the fastest computer. How long is at last I because the computer will eventually beat me by testing with lots of humans fairly quickly, just send out a query: what's funnier this or that, and you like that, one then, then it knows what like a swell you, so unless you're tip for the day. So what did wended twin or get a edit button, because I saw one today, that's only for the special people write some people testing it can confirm that, because the other button worked exactly the way I would, if it's not for a blue taxes, have to be on twitter, blue with meaning you're paying money for right. You know
but so is the first time I saw one day and other of your remember, but I was just bribing how I would have designed it. It turns out they designed it exactly like I would have at which I see. As a coincidence. but the way I would have done it is, you have to show the history, so it just shows a little tag says this and the editor tweet, and as soon as I saw the tag, which was notable, I mean it wasn't. It was easy to see the tag. I click on it and it showed me that there was a typo in the first, tweet and that I was all happy. I was totally happy because it was my choice to look at the at it didn't have to and what I locked us all he used it for this reason was the tiber perfect dim into me that was perfect could you out you improve on that, though you can improve other, that's it's as good as the other button can be designed, so I think you'll see that,
price if they don't rule that out for the rest of us Did you see was a tweet by stephen king, arthur stephen king. He said, didn't floated the idea of charging blue jack people twenty dollars a month and king. twenty dollars a month to keep my blue jack fuck that they should pay me if that gives it. I'm goin like enron, now here's what I just absolutely love about twitter at about this time and in our work So Stephen king tweets just wait about twitter. and almost immediate reply from elon musk now so, probably most prolific or financially successful author in america of all time, I'm guessing probably gets edge,
tweet from the richest man in the world Then we can all watch it that the transparency of all this is just amazing, but what must tweets back is because we need to pay the bill. Somehow. it goes. Twitter cannot rely entirely and advertisers goes eight dollars now. How also does that though, you actually watched the rich. Man in the world is the most successful entrepreneur we ve ever seen? Negotiate. In public, with our most famous prolific author of fiction and and something couple of it if king actually gave its opinion could actually matter like give kings em. You know I could do eight dollars, but it also funniest thing about it. You lose sight of the fact that the real just man in the world and the
just author in the world are arguing whether a dollars a month or twenty dollars a month is right price. There are no two people in the world who could care less about the difference between eight and twenty dollars, but yeah this happening. I mean everything about this. Is interesting just the fact that we can observe it in real time. Have you ever seen a famous person that accessible musk is so accessible he's mean has responded to my tweets a few times he's responded to people. I know several times it feels like. If you make a tweet that actually has merit, he actually sees it in response to it. This is kind of a phenomenal time. I saw something that confused me at first, but then all made sense. Let me explain it, Do you know how a thing down budget
It was pointing out recently how Biden admin fact checked all summer we would like a whole summer and cnn's fact checker just disappeared, and then it became a little embarrassing, because people notice that they just stopped fact checking and then today I looked at see the page there down and sort of a hard to find place was a factcheck of Joe Biden. and there was daniel deal. The fact you prefer proceeded in fact checked by lie about what gas prices were on average when he took over from job. So I guess, Biden has saying the gas prices were. Five dollars. On average, when he took over from job, which has not even close, the truth is that, even if not even in the neighbourhood of true, this is like an amazing lie,
so, where are you surprised that the cnn would fact check by claim about gas? Now, when apparently they been benefactor, he anything for months. Does our surprise you this only when even one were closer to the midterms were closer midterms. These fact surprise, you know, Let me give you a related story, though, will explain to you why seen as fact jacket. suddenly is on the job now watch Try these two unrelated stories together and see if you make the connection without my help, I think you will. I think this was in these one. Ok totally unrelated story. Did you hear that Paul Pelosi was hit by a crazy guy with there and have you heard that the political right is.
creating a bunch of stories that less aid don't have factual proof suggesting that Well, Pelosi was maybe in a gay relationship with the attacker. Now is that the sort of story that the Democrats want to stay out there is something that might have been true now. Some sort of story that you I want to watch the words phrase to words. What what do you think the Democrats would want to do with a story like that they want to fact jacket. Would they want to fact jacket now? How do you fact check something when you're fact checkers gone You do that huh. Wouldn't it be great in a situation like this, if you were cnn, wouldn't it be great to have a fact checker who could come in here and fact check that thing away, make make sure that that gay rumor goes away
well, as luck would have it? Daniel deal has made a big appearance, and age or basis fact checking this pablo Z, stuff and says it's all. That's all unfounded now. Could Daniel Dale come back back into a big fat check on the pelosi story, war completely ignoring everything the buttons done all summer. That would be a little bit obvious. Wonder well he's got a little bit of a little bit of a sack, jack and and Biden just a little one yeah. We were just just gas prices. this little one, so that gives him cover for doing that? when that they really need to get that right. They can bury their blowsy thing right
Is it a coincidence that just appeared and in fact, checks Biden after months of no fact, jackie at just the right time when they needed that other fact check There are many of you will have noticed that would you notice the pattern somebody's dead right yeah? I think that I think that many of you are now is so sophisticated and watch the news that you can. You can see the pattern yo even before you can see the fake news Like you guess you, we all know the rapid smear now right. We know how the wrap up smear work. We know how well the the gas will release something like as a to a news entity. This friendly and then, though, referred the deuce entity to prove the thing there was the rumour they made up here, the rapporteur, so one
once you understand the patterns, everything just so much more clear. Now, here's what interesting with that little move they made it impossible for binding, become president. if, however, runs against them decide to be even a little bismarck. Here's how it goes and I'm doing the media's job forum, but you can imagine candidate taking this attack to so imagine Peter doocy asking the president's spokesperson this. The present ran for office problem to remove a liar from office? Yes, a binary for office to remove that liar from office. There was a major theme but he also says the price of gas was more than five dollars when he took office, which has been fact jack as false, bye, bye, cnn.
So I would ask the question which one of those is true did he really run for office to remove a liar from office? or is he lying now about the gas price and out aloud? Ask a question there? Isn't that fair this affair questioning a major theme of this campaign? was, I will get rid of their liar, but a major of his current governing is a gas. Was five dollars a gallon when he took over Now that's an easily do bankable fact. What is also unique? He knows unique about the gas price claim. was unique about it is it is the most debacle thing you can do bulk there's nothing there would be easier to debunk. Does is just like a statistical fact: anybody can look up basically.
So here's what I do if I were debating Biden, I'd, say the same thing you ran for office because you wanted to buy honesty in the office. you're? Also, your major claim in your office is a gas was five dollars. When you took over pick, one where you care about the truth or you're you're. You know there's something wrong with this gas price thing I would make I'd make that Biden say the trouble is if you go for the find people oaks, which would be another example of him lying. You can't fact check that cause. The fact checkers would say it didn't happen, which they do of course they're lying. It obviously did happen. You can watch yourself, you don't have to rely on the factors, but the because Daniel Dale fact checked the gas price. Then you can use it s, sort of like
a lawyer knows not to ask a question that does not know the answer and you dont want something introduced into the trial during the trial. Did you not ready for that right? You don't wanna accidently, introduce a thing that you're not ready to deal with? So I think that then you they'll accidentally put this and evidence that the president is in fact lie about something that would be easy. The fact jack it's a major point. I mean I've been point right yeah. It is the opposite of the biggest claim he made during his presidency that he would bring you the truth. So I would make him to answer to that and only that and I would even bring up anything else. I just say: look just tell us if you're real. But now you might say to yourself: how is that going to work if he's running against trump, because he's just gonna say but trump had? You know ten million factcheck problems, but you know it's different for trump
actually run chop actually ran, tell you that he likes to use hyperbole to get the job of it. Well, yeah, he will be a cheerleader for the country. You didn't tell you, he was going to be the most honest president. He ever had. He never once made that claim. Did it the driver ever say, I'm gonna bring honesty in fact checking to the presidency. He absolutely did that it did not bonded. So if you're gonna could bear the do you ve got one. Personally, as of course, I use hyperbole all the time it works really well I'm gonna use it for you I'll use it on your benefit, I'll run the country using hyperbole. Just where did my business If you look at what he then, as I sheriff sheriff, he read the country and I believe it work better. Well, just like you said it would be
studied, run it obviously but use lying. Instead, you can call a moment. You can call it right Let me just day claim with you: I don't believe the people on the right actually believe that Paul Pelosi was maybe engaged in a gay, tryst you're just having fun right. You know actually believe that they're gonna get somebody to do. Is there ever actually beliefs, or is he just having fun? Okay, Somebody says they do very. I think very few people actually entertain there as a probability.
Well, I I just, I suppose, I'd put it in the category of anything's possible, but pretty unlikely pretty darn unlikely. Now you have to be careful because here's where he needs to be careful, because this now becomes a famous. conservative hawks and you ve, given the ammunition to the Democrats, so what you got out of. It was a funny story with no political value whatsoever. There's nobody in the world who would vote differently based on the paul Pelosi story right. Nobody would vote differently. If anything, they would have some empathy for them. I would think so. There's no benefit to this conspiracy. Theory. If you want to call it that, but there's definitely a downside. The downside is that the other side says look you're a bunch of liars. You know don't be on that team. It's a bunch of liars, but at some point I think
the conservatives need to admit they were just having fun and I think at some point you know you might need to admit that collectively not use specifically in order to get past it, because you you've created a problem for yourself. You conservatives because now you've painted yourself as conspiracy, theory theorists when, in fact, I think you were just having fun like fun at somebody's expense, so wicked argue how ethical that was, but you can't argue that it wasn't fun. Unfortunately were complicated people did. Does anybody have a problem holding in their head simultaneously, though
I have genuine empathy for Paul Pelosi. I know I do at the same time it's funny you could have both of those feelings that you could have them fully. I think I think you can be fully human and have empathy at the same time. So if it makes you laugh, it makes you laugh right. I wouldn't be laughing if he had survived and wouldn't be laughing if you've done permanently tripled. That wouldn't be there's nothing I can find than that, but he is tragic as it was and you know traumatic and wish it hadn't happened. I can't help the fact that people are normal and they they laugh at funny. Things like underpants and hammers. So, but just if you hadn't heard the whole
Are you trying to understand why the story said that Paul Pelosi called them a friend? Are you trying to understand while that could be true? At the same time, it is true that they didn't, which other because policy is not on record assailant. Only one of the dispatchers had that characterisation, but there's no record of pop lousy, saying that and both here, both policy and the the other person with a hammer they ballsy, they didn't know each other and they both have the same story. now that would be pretty rare, does not exactly in the same t right, but they both have a consistent story. That's it was an evasion news about something about needs. There is a second bar you need to know. It was definitely political. Do you agree with that? Yet
Well, what news you see it or not said, but it was definitely political. I I see the right trying to explain it away as crazy. Well he's crazy too, but he left a very clear path that it was a you know. It was a political act, there's no doubt about it, So I am happy that almost all of you are on the same page on this, because I would be a little worried. Saluting him. A bubble were because I believe the narrative know what I think is that the thing that's most likely is most likely that if it turns out I'm wrong that wouldn't be the first time bob sailor. The ordinary explanation is completely available to you. You don't need an extraordinary explanation for something as ordinary. Now outsiders there's one thing left, which is
Why was the glass on the outside of the window? I can give you several ways that that might be explained. It now russia these? These are the actual reasons. I'm only going to give you an example of how you could understand it without actually knowing what the explanations number one How many times have you see the story like this? Where you saw a picture of the break in and then he found a later wasn't even the right house. That's like an ordinary things like the news might have shown a picture of the wrong house. Now I dont think that happened, but that's in the cattle of these things that wouldn't even be right. It wouldn't even be unusual, it could have been photoshopped and so you don't even know if the photo is real. What do you agree? I think the photo Israel alright, if I had to guess But would you agree that
here. Rule l, a fake photo, you get rule it out because actually so, ordinary and so common that in the initial fog of or how often is in ukraine, for example, that they ran military actions from other wars. You saw bunch of that. Very common or here's. Another way could happen. There was a breakthrough that cause that allowed him to get in. and then there was just something else happened. There also said some glass, here's another one. Let's say you ve got a claw. You ve got law hammer in you trying to break in.
you breakthrough with a hammer, but the hammer leaves a discreet hall. Is the next thing you do to keep hammering it over the next thing you do grab the claw into the into the weaken glass and pull it towards you, which would you do. You could imagine that if there was like a whole the hammer all these are, the glass was weakened. You can imagine that you would just pull in the claw in poland. Now, I'm not say that happened, I'm not making that claim There are probably find if different ways this could happened. I is another one you break the window and a dozen doesn't get rid of all the glass in the pain, and then you, then you yankees. in the window and the rest of the glass falls out after you ve already opened it. You ve opened the door
now you ve got glass on the inside from the initial break plus glasses. outside pursuing the egg, the door more glass gave them. There are now so that happened either, but can you How easily you could get glass on the outside without being weird without being weird, is praise. So utterly. Those are true, but I would say that everything is explained the reason he was called a friend pelosi, there's no evidence. He ever said that there's only evidence that the dispatcher believed he heard it. How often does somebody misquote somebody else in your experience? How often does somebody accurately quotas, somebody else in a less say, hi, emotion, situation. Almost never they always get her on the most.
One thing in the world is for a third party to misinterpret you. How many times does amid a third party misinterpret me every day, All day long, my twitter feed is full of people misinterpreting something I said, but they think they're right as the dispatcher probably thought he or she was right, yeah. Alright, I think it was explained most of that. You know I didn't talk about too much the story about. We know now that The department of homeland security and the fbi, we're a coordinating with the social media platforms to tear down this information now is being treated like a new story. I thought we knew this for a long time is ready by you didn't know. The social media companies were talking to the government about this
we did, but we forgot this isn't a new story right. It's always we saw it in writing somewhere else gap. There is agreement, so I dont understand the story. There's nothing new right! We all know. This is a thing. You know it's hard about. This story is I dont know if I don't want it to happen, it's the only thing. You news that the government was talking to social media about what what have they handled this information. If that's the only thing you knew it's not automatically bad, it becomes bad because governess involve everything it touches. It ruins
but in the concept level? Is that a problem that your government is concerned of misinformation during a pandemic? It can become a problem. I dont know that the instinct was necessarily one hundred percent evil yeah there might be a little bit of good intentions involved there, but you know the evil guessing the tend to write yeah well, once the evil gets in, there's nothing to do. I get it though, so I would agree with you that it's a bad idea. I don't think it's obvious that it was always about bad intentions, but clearly the bad intentions got wrapped into this concept. Clearly, alright Yeah, you know, and you could also imagine a good way to handle, learn bad where they had lived here is a good way.
The good way to handle it is to say social media companies. You should have a feature where, if somebody makes a claim that false that you can easily associated with a correct claim. Would that be a problem too. Cause I've said social media should do exactly that. They should make it easy. Well, actually, no, let me change it not to the correct claim to the character claim. That's where it's different. Alright, here's where we differ, I don't think you should have a service that tells you what's true. I think you should have a service that exposes you to the counterclaim. That's the difference, would you If you don't want, the government said was true, but if the only thing they did is a make sure that the you are, the true information also gets surface and surface. That too, as we think is true, make sure the cara claim gets surfaced. That would be okay with me, but that's now what they did as I don't think. That's exactly what they did
but there is a good version of it. Have any of you ever heard of something called the fine structure, constant. Nerves year, science, nerves, the fine structure constant. So somebody directed me to it this morning to break my brave and a dead, my brain alone, but now I don't, I don't fully understandable. Tell you the best. I can. there's this number one thirty seven, which maybe quince suddenly, maybe not is a prime number that pops up in physics too often. And there's another quality to it that I don't understand. There's some kind of. Measure lists quantity, the thing to it that I don't I don't understand, but it it comes up way too often
as I just don't know why and why, why would there be a constant and, to my mind, it's probably proof of the simulation. Probably prove the simulation. So let me give you an example of why you would need a constant for a simulation years ago when personal computers were brand new. I tried to learn computing on my own programming on my own. Does I wanted to see if I can build my own video game and I did I succeeded. So I I learned enough that I I made a video game to feature to the the esp the spatial but had laser cannons in the game and it can shoot down soviet satellites back when the soviet union was a thing, so I actually created the game now here is the problem
such a bad programmer that I created game. They worked perfectly on my computer. You see the problem right. The very next computer I bought was faster. And so the speed of the game became the spirit of the process. What I really needed was a dispute game always stay the same, no matter what processor was running on so in other words, I needed a constant. I needed a constant. I need some. Some number we're a custom that no matter what processor and running the game look to save the fact that this one thirty seven caused shows up all over the place. tells me that were were a game we ve been designed with the constant there were keep now. I don't know if it's keeping the speed gasoline
Maybe that cause you. If we're simulation, we we may move from one processor to another without even knowing and all the processors led to operate in a similar fashion. I feel like the cause is so that the simulation trees, everything in the simulation the same at the same time, just hypothesis Please put that other. So did you hear that russia exited the green deal where they can allow safe passage of the grave from ukraine. at the black sea and the black sea, and Then russia pull them. With the deal because ukraine sent a bunch of- I guess- water drones and attacked the fleet, so Russia's fleet, that a big attack a few days ago based on drones and there's? Actually some video from one of the
drones witches. I can't imagine wanting to be in the water when one of those drones is there, because you can see it like speeding towards the boat, and then you see the anti drone defenses and it's like goes around them and stuff like holy shit. If you had enough of these aquatic drones, I think you could take out just about any worship, because it so here's a guy smith, smithson, says scott duped again only x only exited the deal, because ukraine Ships are right. I have two points again for another fucking idiot, so this is only a message for fucking elites. Everybody else you can ignore this Anything I ever say about you crave. You should assume
is very low credibility, because all sources, russian and ukrainian have no credibility, got it. So, if you'd like to send it, if you'd like to put a comment- and here the says sky doesn't know. Information from the ukraine war is low credibility. Well, it would be wasting your fucking time, because we all know that guy did nothing wrong, so we're done with it So again we don't know it's true, but the story is there. Russia is using leap attack as an excuse for sailor, polio the deal and they said we can allow the grain to go out if Ukraine will agree to stop destroying our navy other people have pointed out.
We've come a long way from russia is going to conquer ukraine in twenty four hours or whatever the hell. It was they've gone all the way to. Please don't destroy our navy. That actually is happening. Russia is basically trying to negotiate to not have their navy destroyed because it looks like ukraine could just use these at his drones. I dunno how fast we can make drones and ship them to, but I bet we can make them and ship them to them faster than they can make battleships or destroyer, whatever were blown up, so I think that the rushes naval superiority is over and it turns out. I didn't know this until today, but apparently turkey has a massive naval forces, as makes sense so backyard.
so apparently turkey just said. Well, we are gonna. We are going to ship this grave, so turkey and ukraine just decided to get a ship, some grain, where the russian likes it or not, and russia decided to let it go because they don't want to fuck with the the turkish navy, apparently not enough. That's true, like remember. Every part of this is low credibility, but that's the story of today. so that is already the news continues to describe russia as poor and incompetent and new paper tiger. urban. Although stuff, I love any, that's true. I really doubt what else is fun, I'll go file this under everything that they told you was bullshit,
whoever they is anybody in charge, the export everything they told you bullshit your ears though ears one for today did you know that the classic isn't really recycled. I can't believe I'm saying that you're always plastic bottles. I carefully separate them in recycling, now recycled, no, not recycled. In fact, they end up in garbage in. At asian countries. I think that it gets into the water supply that kills us all. So, apparently, the worst thing you can do is recycle your plastic bottles. You should throw them in the regular trash. I learned this. Michael Shallenberg tweet today I'd never this before I'll. Tell you what I had heard.
I remember years ago there was an expose a where they showed a video of all of the recycling stuff taken to a central place and they all got ends up in the same garbage with everything else. But I I remember thinking was probably a an exception or maybe as early in the recycling phase, but but eventually we will in fact be. recycling. Everything goes every know trying so hard to do it, but apparently we never got there. I think only two percent or simply a plastic is recycled because it must be hard to do. Add I just throw it away so shellenberger says the worst thing you can do is recycle your plastic. You should throw it in the regular garbage and let it get incinerated or whatever the hell happens to it. Anyone. Imagine less better, I dunno anything is better cells. I plastic is just poised, so don't believe everything
I told you, I use them rasmussen bowling information. Before election day for the victims And half a voter, say: inflation and the economy are the most important issues to twenty six percent of likely voters say: inflation is the most important issue and twenty two percent coming in a strong second say the economy as the top issue. That's right so we're separating inflation from the economy, and this in this point situation Yeah now should people who can't tell that inflation is part of the economy. Should they be allowed to answer polls they maybe people who can't tell the inflation really is the economy. Maybe they shouldn't be allowed to answer polls.
I I'm just kidding. So actually the way the poll was answered. It was a reasonable way to answer it. It was actually reasonable cause they asked Is based on the asking was the top issue, and so if some people pulled inflation out of the economy and said that's a top issue, that's not crazy, but It does tell you that is basically the economy, the account is all you cares about. Ninety by m exaggerate exaggerating but here is a number that surprised me of the two Now this is a ranking of what people think is most important. Only nineteen percent say abortion rights, nineteen percent, the stall lot that does seem like enough to move and election a prison say clay, the change, a presidency, violent crime does as a right.
Oh a presents. Violent crime actually make sense, because somebody people probably are in dangerous places Where I live, I still have a big, violent crime problem. Although stuffily taken up, we are even where I live. It took taken up, there's some home invasions in the neighborhood. But I don't think about it on a day to day basis, like my daily travels, I don't really everything about crime. But probably about eighty percent of the country live somewhere words all they have to think about. So maybe more than that gives those of the city It also seems like a low number out of surprise us, a bigger and. Two percent of people say that, ukraine or algae BT rights letter to them in terms of ranked at the top. So here's the good news,
I feel like people have their priorities. Right, though you. I would be worried if one of these lesser issues happened to be at the top. Is that good news it feels like it doesn't? It feels like The news that when we look at the list of priorities, were kind of all in the same age in the country, we have different ideas. What to do about it, but I feel like this unusual that we're even on the good work, even on the same side of what the problem is, that's a little bit unusual is maybe it maybe. I suggest something goes but. The illegal immigration was only the most important thing doing as eight percent. You knows About illegal immigration, here's what I can't understand.
I dont understand where why the impact of my day to day life is not bigger, is everywhere else having that or maybe it's like a huge impact in some small areas Now I don't live on the border, so if I lived if I lived on the border, I be probably complaining every day, but why does that problem not spread faster from. The border amid a border state, but I'm in the northern part of the borders stay in here I don't really see I'll tell you the only place. I see the impact, is. There are a number of quite a few students, who are, shall we say, undocumented immigrants? So a lot of students in the schools are clear that, but it doesn't affect people too much there. They beg friends, they they stay with. Durham
doesn't even much difference where, where I of healthcare is overloaded, Well, maybe that's why I can't get healthcare effectively. So that's a good point, but I wouldn't know that. That's why I think that's more about a staffing problem. Isn't it? I think healthcare is more of a staffing problem, but I'm not sure Or so I'm just going to make the comment that everybody, everybody feels economy and everybody feels inflation, but the poll I think, reflects that. Not everybody feels anything about immigration. Most people, I think, don't feel the direct immigration effect, although ups probably affecting us in a big way indirectly and then the sentinel thing you might connect with that right exactly
the supreme court is listening. This case about racial discrimination in college admissions. areas harvard and university north carolina, arguing that they should be to use a race in part of their decision making about overdue. I guess it's asian americans who worthy the victim class in these losses or these actions and Here's something I didn't know little background is very interesting, so but there was a case in two thousand three granada verse ballinger, in which Justice and radio got her wrote, and I guess I was the thing that allowed colleges to use race in since two thousand three those case that gave them cover do use race in emissions and there even when the decision was made. Twenty five
years ago, sandra day, O'Connor said that probably you wouldn't need this in twenty five years. You wouldn't need it in twenty five years, as it's nineteen years from then that was a pretty good call to talk about a good prediction, Those are all over production and also, I would argue, that's the best of america. Rather that's the best of america, because that was a twenty five year plan d, something with an understanding. There was a guy affects dna data needed to adjusting dab, dab. You know if I'd known that that was a a sort of a twenty five year expectation that was not a binding kind of thing. It was just a prediction, but that would have felt different to me than imagining it's some permanent condition. It would have felt different so good job sandra day. O'connor on that prediction.
But was it makes a difference, will say. She's right harvard apparently wants to use race forever, even if they reached. a parity they just always want to use it. sounds like the argument in favour of keeping it is weak. So it's hard to know how the court will rule based on the questions they ask but so far it looks like it's going to be overturned and I think race will not be allowed as a tool for emissions. Overturning is probable. Now, that's where you get with your your conservative core right, there's no way this would get overturned with a liberal court. Wouldn't you agree, I think so.
well rose you out, ladies and gentlemen, this another wonderful day which will be waiting for elon musk, to make us more news because he's in charge of making news now and if he doesn't tweet today, I dunno what I'm going to talk about, and yet sun sun said it exactly. You know what I think if you're going to get rid of racial preferences in colleges, I I feel like it should be accompanied with some kind of like a celebre.
Isn't that, like a congratulations to black americans in particular, because correct me, if I'm wrong, did not black americans fight, for you know exactly this sort of thing for the last nineteen years and did it not help them probably did probably help. Lot, and you know if you reach a point where the the help has reached a sufficient level, if black americans were willing to release on that That would go a long way for racial harmony. Wouldn't it I is is this is one of those opportunities where saying the rising could make such a difference. How would you feel about me who use racial preferences to get into college? You pricing
you know. I understand why it exists. I understand the history of it, but isn't it time to do away with that? So you don't like. The racial preferences gives you a bad feeling about. Maybe people who benefited from it sorta automatic, but suppose the people who benefited from it said. Thank you very much. We appreciate it and now now we can release on it. That's george washington level is not going to happen, imagined magic having a really good black leader like martin luther king died, large and martin luther king, saying you know it. Thank you them. Thank you. thank you for nineteen years of helping to make this more even in return in rio, We're gonna release it we're gonna, we're gonna george Washington it over. we're gonna walk away. Where we didn't need do we could afford to keep it.
I was going to say just say, thank you and and fight other fights together, cause the next fight. The black and rest of the world needs to fight his teachers, unions, So imagine a world in which we declare a collective victory in the the college area, but don't you know don't don't give up on making sure that everybody's got a chance to go to college right? If that even makes sense anymore but say How about that was great? How about we work together and we got that done and how about that was just awesome and how about now? We've reached different point in time. We both agree that that's just a thank you situation. That's just like you and then we will know. We worked together to solve the next biggest problem, which is correct me if I'm wrong. If you fix the lower level schools. You don't need,
to have your colleges be biased, because then they just accept everybody who did a good job in school and then everybody's happy or or close to it. Yeah. The in terms of persuasion, gratitude is one of the strongest. Pieces of persuasion you'd ever use when somebody shows gratitude, it completely changes how you treat them right If somebody just asked for something and they've got an attitude like you owe it to them, you're going to do everything you can not to give it to him But if somebody is like really genuinely thankful here, you actually feel good too. They get something, and then you get something that everybody's happy, like that's a perfect world, so both but think about. Think about imagine if the the court case goes. The way, I guess
Well actually says that was great for nineteen years, but now we need to make an adjustment should We treat there as we lost something, because because I fear that I fear that we will treat it like a loss or ass, a casual, chill loss that there should be treated. Wow that really work. Nellis work together on the next other problem and then and then have a victory after that as well. So maybe we have some opportunity for the golden age. Maybe dream on your right dreamer. I would argue that the biggest thing that the black community in america lacks is a. capable leader, would you do that? If I asked you who's the leader of black america, I'm not even sure what names I would put in the top three. Are you.
You know, somebody says obama, but obama is successful because he wasn't a black leader, like his success, entirely dependent on him rejecting the idea that use the black president, which he did perfectly into that perfectly What about john sediment? Well, I hear the yeah I neck and neck, but that you seem so so wrong just so wrong. Larry elder yeah, there are plenty of black leaders that you can look do to say I want to have somebody have an opinion on tv or something here. You can get plenty of choices Who, who will be a black later, that the black community looks too as a leader soroban?
No you're you're, saying stuff that are clearly just conservative black people right. thomas all is awesome in a lot of ways, but he's not a black later. He should be like, in my opinion, the imaginary, well off the black world would be if they, if they look to tell us all as their their guide, everything would be vexed honestly thomas. if he, if he were the leader that they decided to rally around you're one generation away from having everything fixed, you can do it in one generation, but you're one generation way.
I believe we've done everything we need to do and it's an awesome day and how about you go forward and just have to go out: hershel walker, what if you're naming herschel walker as a national leader? I don't quite think so, yeah. You know there are some famous people like denzel and morgan, freeman and stuff, but I don't think anybody zoo be zoo. Be is not american. I think Zubair has done such a good job of having a popular position in the world. People love him so much. They forget he's not even american. I think I think he could get. He could get a lot of votes for president of the united states, but he's not american. Now xabi is another great example of a talent stack situation right.
It is a perfect allen. Stack example, there's just a whole bunch of things that he does really well, but if you're trying to pick the one thing you'd say I dunno he just does his whole bunch of things that work together really well and then he he engineer them to turn it into something. Awesome yeah he's is impressive. In general, I would say that is an impressive person that would be interesting. Yeah, Morgan freeman is great, but he's not really seen as a black leader liz. Oh okay, ice cube. Yeah, you see the problem, though general in pretty, but you see the problem right. Yeah, Jason whitlock is great
everybody, you name, I can say their great because we have many of them were like awesome and whatever they do. But recognized are leader. You know not yea by church lloyd. The other about that's in in a weird whether through George floyd would be the most recognisable unifying character, which is scary. As of now I'll talk to you tomorrow, youtube.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-02.