« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1906 Scott Adams PART1: Ye Gets Further Cancelled, Rob Reiner Is Funny, GDP Is Strong, And More

2022-10-24 | 🔗


  • Beta blocker induced depression
  • GDP numbers expected to be strong
  • Why SAT & ACT scores increased in California
  • Rob Reiner quotes his hero Joe Biden
  • 2 Serious concerns about the GOP
  • 1943 directive to all communists in the US
  • If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topics to build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.

The post Episode 1906 Scott Adams PART1: Ye Gets Further Cancelled, Rob Reiner Is Funny, GDP Is Strong, And More appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ladies and gentlemen and non binaries and every other category of human being including space aliens us the best day you ve ever experienced life because you're experiencing coffee was got atoms. Now there are, people in far away world who will nourish. Dave the signal from earth, possibly for light years, and we feel sorry for them because you get to see it now. They have to wait, but if you'd like to take it up a notch and get a little- selfish and why not? All you need is a cup or mug or a glass of tiger chelsea or sign the county jug of laska vessel of any kind filling with your favorite liquid. I like coffee, enjoy
now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dope of the day, the thing that makes everything better sculled the simultaneous happens now go. Are you ready for the optimistic morning that you better craving not my usual? the world is ending morning Are you ready for the biggest dose of optimism you ve ever had your life, your accountants, It comes, as some of you have been, and I appreciate that very concerned about me, because I've said that I was in great pain, every day, muscle aches and could barely walk up the stairs, and I said to you that if this lasted, I was gonna check out,
I didn't want to live and how much money you. But I also told you, and this is a pretty good advice- I would
ever do anything less than a year. I would always give myself a year to work it out right, no matter how bad it was, no matter how much pain I was in, I could make it last a year. You know just to see. If I can solve it, and I saw was it matthew, Mcconaughey or I saw somebody's father gave them advice. I think it was Matthew. Mcconaughey tell you a story about his father, giving advice, and it was some of the best advice. I've ever seen in my life and I've actually tried to incorporate it, and it's immediately useful and it's a I guess you could call it a reframe, and here it is, do one more: that's it that's the whole device. You can do one
or you would be amazed how often that little bit of advice changes everything I I tried it out at the gym. So normally, when I go to the gym, I lift until you know, sometimes I'm counting. I know I should, but usually I don't I stop. Wouldn't my arm was tired and I said to myself: I normally would stop I'd say or I could you do want more and the answer is almost always you can. You can almost always do one more and.
It's amazing how a motivational levis anyway back to be so for last several months, I've been in pretty much discomfort and has gotten worse to the point where I have to admit, and I don't want to be banned from Youtube first saying things that will be controversial. So we to try to say it is medically. As I can write, I was overwhelmed with suicidal thoughts for the last several weeks. Like it's kind of all, I thought about honestly. I did go a minute without thinking about it. Now I was never close, as in I never better plan, you'll, never thought of all I'll put together my concept for doing it or anything like that. It's just that I couldn't get into my mind because my life was not up to the quality of life that would have made any sense to continue.
right now. There there's definitely an irrational ending of your life, but there's also a rational time to do it. Let's say if you had Lou Gehrig's and you were in pain and you only had a month to live any way there there. There are rational reasons to put yourself out of pain, and I thought that was in one. I thought it was, so I felt depression. I felt the pain and I could barely walk up the stairs. Do I sound better today, you can tell, can you can you tell well whatever was bothering me yesterday
You can tell it went away right, it's obvious. Do you think that I saw my problem by taking a mad? You think that's. Why did you say I took serve, responds to the goals and saw my problem and one day no, you motherfuckers. I stop taking this drug and all my problem stopped. I fucking stop taking this for one day. One day. Everything's, better everything, suicidal thoughts completely gone, why it doesn't make sense like my brain, even though I would even have those slots physical, completely five,
walked five miles yesterday. Half of it was an uphill, no problem, no problem at all, and that was when the- and that was from the day before I was using the elevator in my own house. Yes, I have an elevator, because the stairs were too was recharge. True story, one fucking today now. This was on my list if, if you're you're wondering how I solved it
and by the way it's not solve. This is blood pressure beds. So my blood pressure is high right now, so I can still die. It won't be today so once it was obvious once it was really obvious that the meds were the problem, I googled it and I googled it's a beta blocker yup somebody's on it, so somebody Google, this sorority. Those are two types of blood pressure. Meds one kind, a study showed those people kill themselves more often than they should. There is literally a study saying that people will take drugs in this class. I'm not going to tell you the specific one. I'm only going to tell you the class cause I don't want to get sued is that a class of beta blocking blood pressure meds. The other is an ace inhibitor,
what's to trade offers, but I have the kind where there's a twenty nineteen studies saying it'll make you suicidal the fucking drug. Did this everything you saw of my complete personality change over the last few weeks. You all sought right. If you watch me every day, you can't miss it. Can you you you saw, you saw my personality changed into. It was a. It was just a little fucking thing. Can you believe that, while he was at assemble now is still not as simple, because I have to get my blood pressure under control one way or another, but oh my god? Oh my god, now keep in mind that the twenty nineteen to trial or study, I guess the twenty nineteenth study did not say that it was.
You are randomized, controlled trial and and confirm it if it was just saying people need to look into this. That's what most studies do so I can't confirm that it's problem. I can only confirm that, after every single day of feeling terrible the one day I didn't take this, I feel great, mentally and physically greg, not a problem with the world. So do you like good news about some more good news for you? That was my good news and by the way, by the way, a lot of people reached out to me because they can see that I was in trouble, which I was well. That was real by the way and is the darkness feelings and thank you so let me say as clearly as I can. Thank you
Because you know I was in trouble now either is in trouble too, but here is the master part when you you're the one who's having the mental trouble. You can't help yourself right sir. I had actually like outside of my body and actually become like a robot to to narrow down. So I think I showed you I started with all the possible things that could be.
Women reminded white whiteboard just went to your pure analytical scott, because analytical scott can operate independent from your emotional, angry scot, so for awhile. I just allowed myself to be like an actor just act like you're, rational for awhile, see what that would look like and in that that was enough to get me out. So I was rational enough to narrow down the thing, but I'll tell you the things I couldn't do. I couldn't do things like just make a doctor appointment that I knew I needed to make cause the I guess the dopamine was gone or something so the thought and reaction were just, elected for a long time, but now I feel like I'm connected today. If I wanted to make a doctor appointment, that would just make a doctor appointment yesterday as soon as possible. Alright enough about me.
I mention this because I think is generalised if you're worried about your mood, checking beds. there's a sixty bitter segment. I guess last night, Which are the dominion, the makers of election? Products of theirs going ahead with their lawsuit against fox news and apparently it looks like they could win and it sounds like they have a benefit case. I dunno this is gonna work out. But I guess I've been getting death threats and everything else. So, let's bring horrible. But you can see now that the entire news business has gotten into the business who tried to destroy the candidate on the other side, and do you think this sixty minutes would have done this story? If not for how it would influence.
the political world. It feels like a story. You do because you want to stop tramp tramp from being present again. Does it now? I get that is a real story like it's a real story, but the timing of it Is this not a two year old story or a one year old? When did dominion? First sue this like old news right, but they waited until you're, pretty close to the bed terms to give a little extra juice said to me this looks like well. Let me. a different and maybe more productive way. This looks like something the cnn would not new under their current leadership but Anderson cooper, and it is other job as sixty minutes, CBS Cbs in it.
That would you agree that this is something the sea then would have done in the past formation, but maybe there would be less inclined to do today. I like to give cnn credit I'd like to give them credit for what seems to be from the outside a genuine turn toward being useful, now they're doing it for business reasons and their own reasons. But I feel like I feel like there's something that successful about that I'm gonna tell for cognitive dissonance This is when you ve trap somebody in their argument and- and they say blah blah blah. Unless you tell that, there's there's no point in discussing and any further, they ve gone into irrational wind and I'll, give you well when you see how how cognitive dissonance works.
you can spotted in the wild where, before you just thought there was something unexplained like you didn't understand why somebody who's that the way they were, but it is so is so useful for us waning, why people are acting irrationally. Give this the specific example from earlier today. Between something with an analogy in it. Algae was comparing evolution. The biological evolution, People working in a project which they run as a self organizing project, in other words the other some commonality between those. So I was asked to do amount on this- and I pointed out that all I saw was a bad analogy, because the point was being made about comparing these two things: biological evolution and people in they workplace,
an organization using a self organizing kind of a process or something Basically, as soon as I see it analogy, I out now the comments from the twitter, whose name is an important from this book. He said that was an analogy. I was describing the system now he was describing a system. Obviously, but who is also doing it in the context of analogy. So what do you say to you? Is it wasn't an analogy? I tweeted back what the analogy. Once I said you said, evolution is like this process and in the organization now it should levy the the conversation- I say you used an analogy, personal use. This has no. I didn't.
And then I use their tweet from like one tweet ago, like a brand new tweet from one to me the guy ago, you said this is an analogy for this. Now, what are the appropriate responses to that? The non cognitive dissonance responses would be. Oh, I can see why you thought that was. ecology, but maybe I was using a definite, maybe- or maybe you say Oh, yes, I wasn't analogy, but I'm only trying to buy one narrow point about it perfectly acceptable.
Or you could say all kinds of things. You can imagine all kinds of rational things. You could say response, maybe might even say it's a good point, but instead I was accused of not being able to admit when I'm wrong not being able to so I was queues of not being able to admit when I'm wrong. I just printed you you the analogy as this to them. What now for a while, because I get us a lot- I get there, you know you don't admit when you're wrong, but I've only recently realised that I get it when I'm definitely right and the other person says it is the only type people say that to me what is really really obvious, I'm right when, when that's not the case,
I say that because people argue their point if they have a point right so that you know cognitive dissonance. If somebody has a good argument, though, always use it who doesn't use their good argument, everybody does. but if they go to you, don't I met when he wrong cognitive, dissonance. Interesting, the gdp numbers for america, others must be coming out for the united states are supposed to be strong. Like we we'll have the numbers, but apparently the gross domestic product looks pretty strong, can be over two percent which, in this environment would surprisingly, good at the same time
we are spending a strong despite inflation or maybe because of it, I suppose, says now. surprising and also employment station. Employment is great now and Do we believe that there's some movement on deficit spending, because I know Biden's you're lying about how much is bringing down the deficit, but it's moving in the right direction? Isn't it? I think it would have to be because we're not doing well wait? How could it be we're spending so much on ukraine? How can you be so? I guess I don't understand, what's happening with the national debt is reporting so bad about that, but. Remember I told you a while ago that the one metric you should put most of your attention in is the saviour
number. What did I says, one economic metric that you should watch above all others. So what is the one you can depend on in long run, employment if your employment goes down ITALY, a kind of screwed you're kind of screwed. But if, if employment stays high, you can pretty much get through everything pretty much everything now that's an exaggeration. You could imagine something that would crumble the system but you're in a strong position if you've got a strong employment as of today. But let me ask you what this sounds like too. If the cells like what it sounds like to me, as of today, cnn reported well an opinion peace, but in the opinion base it was that
Smart people are now saying we're definitely going to have a recession, but it'll be in two thousand and twenty three like it's not happening yet we're pushing it out a little bit, definitely still having the recession was further than we thought. What does? sound like the cells I'd, know, recession or or a tiny one. at every time they say that the recession It's further in our future makes me think it's not going to happen now. I told you I'm going to give you the optimistic view of today. Right. Do you mind so this one don't fight me too much, because we're only here to feel good. We don't know what's going to happen, but I will tell you again:
as strong employment numbers that just keeps holding that just keeps holding as long as that holds you'll? Be fine you'll, be fine, now remember the biggest part of the the economy, aside from physical access to resources, which is the challenge right now is the psychology. So if you know that the higher high employment numbers, which are good indicator, will be good in the long run, then you have a strong and of psychology to survive for longer. So we do have in place the primary pillars for climate. This is in place and then, on top of that, you ve got the athens love slow, moving disasters in which, when you can see a specific problem from long enough away,
We always rise to the challenge. It's only the surprises that catch us off guard, but when we see a cover from a long ways away, I would argue that ukraine might be one of those situations, although yeah the problem is pretty bad, but in terms of arming ukraine, I feel like we must have had enough of warning in advance that russia might invade that. We got them enough stuff quickly enough that it made a big difference. So I think that was the case of the atoms of slow moving disasters. Arguably created a different kind of disaster, because nothing's going we the numbers, says essay t school s. Eighty and eighty composite scores improved in west goes states. For every racial demographic discourses
Also non coastal west went down saturday. How do you explain this this'll be a little test? I have to answer for you, but I'll give you the answer in a moment, but how? How would you guess? Why would it be that california, and in particular, every route every group did better on sai, tuesday cities? Do you know why? Well one person who tweeted at me today said that California dropped its SH t requirements for state colleges, which means that everyone who thought they wouldn't do well didn't take them. So you can't compare california to anything else in california was skew the whole west coast, so the west coast.
numbers are just bullshit, because half of the people who would have scored poorly just didn't take them because they didn't need to because they could get into college without them. So it might be bad for the standards of the colleges, but it's good for those people who got it alright. I, however, would you be support? is that not having school four year was bad for learning below the college level. Nobody would not be surprised. They did a sweeping analysis of test scores since the start of the pandemic and there's a nationwide plunge in math and reading more math and reading went down, Are you surprised that not having real schools men? The difference you know attire
The republicans have only one obstacle to winning the presidency and everything else. Do you know what that is. What is the one obstacle that the republicans have to owning congress and the presidency? Oh my god. Nobody has us know alright, one one person got it. I think few people got it. The answer is trump. If you took trump out of the mix, you're guaranteed to win yeah, if you run just a mainstream republican who just wants to do trump like things, but without the provocation yeah,
but I don't think republicans can can make that happen now to be fair. To be fair, the only reason a non trump republican would be sure to win would be give me the answer. Why can we be sure that a non trump republican would win because of trump trump created, a situation in which there are very clear trump, like republican policy preferences that are largely republicans anyway, but anybody who adopted those same stances would just walk into the job because he he created a right and wrong way to be now. Somebody just needs to adopt it without being trump, and its is the golden. Is the golden bridge to anything they want.
I have a running lara trump. Lara trump has a strong, strong player like I, I dunno. If she has a political ambitions at the moment, but she would be pretty strong candidate. She has all the she has all the skills. She's, everything from the look to the you know the hard work ethic. I follow her on instagram for the for exercise routines. Have you ever seen the lara trump's instagram she does. She does most of the photos are from the gym or with the kids and her gym. Workout is so impressive like it. It makes me tired just looking at it like there's somebody who's really like a go, get her personality. You see why she married into the trauma family. She seems to be a perfect fit so there's a
also in Missouri that might turn into a big thing, allegedly The government use big tech for censorship. and apparently there's plenty of evidence of that plenty of evidence of the Democrats talking directly to the big social media platforms and asking them to, among other things, to ban Alex Berenson who got put back on twitter and then said some things have gotten bad again and they're getting banned on twitter as his primary career strategy is working, So much so here's a little quote from a rob writers, favorite politician Joe Biden. and read this quote exactly ass. He said it was ass if his age is getting to him. And Biden said- and I quote, am I slowly up. Am I don't have the same pace you know
that old joke. You know everybody talks about You know the the seventies fifty all that stuff. You know I you know, could be more. I could get a disease tomorrow. I I I good, you know, drop dead tomorrow. Well said well said Joe Biden. I don't think I can say that any better. They are. What is rob rather think about that he says in the tweet, if you don't,
What blue we will lose our constitutional democracy and to which I say if you do vote, blue you'll lose your constitutional democracy. How many things can I find wrong with that statement? Number one we're not a constitutional democracy or a republic sad to say our republic seems like that should be important. Although I don't know what the difference would be between a constitutional democracy Would that be a direct vote for everything by definition? That's the definition I dunno. So he doesn't know a system he lives in, but he doesn't want to lose the system. That is not the system. He lives in so goodstart for a tweet, and if you don't vote blue
you'll lose your constitutional democracy. So the idea would be that I guess the republicans he believes do not respect the constitution. Has he ever met a republican? The only thing the republicans like is the constitution and the bible. I suppose the families, but this is sort of as close as you can get to the opposite of what your enemy is. Like I get that people you assign names to their enemies, but it's so weird when they try to label them as the exact opposite of everything they are. Now, I'm not saying that they're succeeding. That's a different argument: I'm not saying that being a republican,
it's better than being a Democrat. That's a different argument. I'm just saying that the entire brand of the Republicans is: can we please follow the constitution and make sure the elections were valid and that turned into where a bunch of anarchists trying to overthrow the country for our fascist ways? So that's that's way things and if you are going to correctly criticize the g o p or of the Democrats, what would that look like? Because, right now we just call the Democrats a bunch of
if communists and socialists and they call the republicans a bunch of fascists and nazis and vice versa. But if you were actually going to be serious about your criticisms, what could they say about the glp? They could complain about abortion that they have a very different opinion. There. they can complain about the government. Tell you how to raise your kids. Interestingly, have you noticed that republicans are generally on the side of keeps the government out of our business, except when it comes to the trans write stuff, and then they want the government in the business really hard? Have you noticed?
That that's one of the reasons are not I'm not waiting in deeply into the trans argument is because the republicans or requiring the government to tell the parents what to do the well known not only for kids, you, you want correct me if I'm wrong, but republicans what the government to tell parents how to raise circuits kids that's not right. I thought vessel argument, I'm so he knows the route so refrain. Let in the way that you would put it.
I always thinks that's the way you think about it is protecting children right. The way you think about it as protecting children is that right, but in order to protect children, do you not have to overrule their own parents in the case of the trans surgeries and again, I'm not I'm not pro trans surgeries. not giving you an opinion on it. I'm just asking for a clarification, absolutely knows, but I want to see your arguments. I realize it's just twitter comments and stuff, so it's hard to put an open. It's about the age of consent knows that it's not about the age of consent, because it's about the parents
See if, if you're saying the government should control directly the children, that's a different argument, that's not the argument being made. The argument is that the government should control the adults so that the adults don't raise their kids the way they want it am I wrong. Well, let me ask you this. Would you like that argument used on you? Let's say that somebody does a study some day and finds out that if you teach your child to believes, the bible is literally true that they'll have a bad time in life. It'll it'll be like a disadvantage for them, and then the government says alright. You can't teach your children that, because there's a study that says is bad for them: you're you're on board with that, because there they would cause. In that case,
It would be trying to stop child abuse as they see it, because it's the as they see it. Partly you can't get past. Can you now? Let me say that I completely understand the argument of stopping trans surgeries on minors. I completely understand that is easy to understand right. You don't have to convince me completely understand, but there's no stopping the fact that you took the decision away from the parents. That's just a fact. So, if you're, okay with that, then that's ok, then you have a consistent point.
We'll be after those that could come back and bite you right. That's gonna come back to you. If you are successful in overruling the parents that will come back to you, somebody says worth it, it might be, it might be, but you don't know, what's going to come back. If what comes back to you is worse, no, I'm not trolling yeah! You might be new here. So those those of you who know me better and have been on this livestream longer you well what I do number one, I'm not trying to change your mind on this topic, because I don't have an idea what the the best answer is. I really don't, because I think you have two absolutes that I can't deal with.
At one absolute is the absolute and protecting children. If you can do anything to do it, you should do it. That's an absolute right, because you're human forget about the law. It doesn't matter what the law says: you're a human being protecting children if you like right at the top of the list, but right at the top of your also is keeping the government and of your family decisions. Those two things are. In inviolable rules in my mind, so to me you have to impossible. In picking one of those impossible you have to: u have to because you live in the real world, you gotta make choices
I really don't know what right does, because there is the problem. I am convinced that some percentage of those children who have the surgery when their minors grow up thinking that they're happy they did. early now, you may say, but they think they're happy about or not, I said some percentage, some percentage, it might be five percent. I don't know what the percentage is. It might be five percent, maybe ten percent, and then you could argue that that's a good enough reason. You can say well if it is ten percent and I'm just throwing in a number. I have no idea. If it's
it percent or ten percent, but people do convince themselves that they made the right decisions. Cognitive dissonance again, some number of people hold on here. This will make you feel better some number of people if they were a party to the decision themselves. Let's say a kid who was really wanted? The surgery and the parents agreed that kid in theory, even if it, even if that were a bad decision, that kids should grow up to It was a good decision. Would you agree because, once you have committed yourselves, that decision is far more likely, that your brain will convince you that it was a good decision. Overtime possess our brains, work independent of this I'm say any decision forget about trans any.
The decision you make no matter how good or bad you very likely to convince yourself later that it was good. Now, here's the exceptions that will involve simply as deep as your sexual. I think you're sexuality is probably gonna bubble up, like it doesn't matter how much cognitive dissonance your experiencing. That's, probably the one thing they can cut through it wartime right, like if you're seriously gay your your biology is going to be tapping you on the shoulder for as many years as it takes for you to say. Alright. If I like a So I think I think this is an impossible situation. The the whole trans surgery thing is is impossible, but if you said to yourself, I'm sure there are far more people who are injured than not and protecting children is higher than maybe even the constitution.
Maybe if I'm the constitution, I wouldn't argue that. So let me let me be as clear as possible. I am not disagreeing or disavowing any of your opinions on this topic and thus different than a lot of topics. Typically, I'm quite willing to say your ideas, bad and mine is a little bit better. I mean you see that a million times, but this one on this one and this one you're on your own cause. There's no right answer here and if you take the greater benefit, the kids can we make the decision later? That's reasonable. That's reasonable, I dunno I dunno if it's right, but it's reasonable and then you gotta bring it down to circumcision and get gets it's as ugly. Alright, Have you noticed that when dammit
install republicans. They like to point out that neo nazis are often right waiting. So they they try to ruin the republican ran by say, yeah, that's what did not neo nazis are they also vote conservative. So that's what the Democrats say republicans and what does. I can say to insult democrats, They say that rob. Writer is a Democrat. So so here you ve got the balance Republican say that Democrats the republicans, are NEO nazis and that republican say that democratic, like rob writer on this score, that tie roughly roughly a tie They saw somebody referred to.
A brighter george took, I am john cusack as the Democrats, three stooges three stages, and then this made me wonder and now and then you see people move from one party to the other right says. We have seen a number of notable people who used to be one thing, and then they moved to the other party, and I think this is probably, in my mind, but I'm noticing a pattern I feel like the pattern is that when somebody moves from Democrat to Republican, they tend to be the same next member of congress or a billionaire or adoption verdure or an investor like a famous.
faster, but who exactly moves from republic into Democrat Steve schmidt, rick Wilson. Do you see a pattern? but why not sure like, I think I might be have selective memory. The loose Jamie right so consider certain does not seem to me that there's certain type of person, who's moving one way and a different type of person, who's who's. Moving. That way am I right, it seems like the the lightweight people are moving democrat and the heavy way people are moving republican by heavy way, say somebody's bed in congress that that's pretty serious person
Somebody is already a billionaire from their own work, that's a serious burden and the eventual capitalism I am probably wrong with us. A correlation well looks like one. I saw a video of nineteen forty three communist directive. which, for us all as one for all time talk? You know old time. We talk. If you see a video or audio from the forties. All the men talk like this. Whatever their on video eight days aims in a way that is only common. Do people who the video in the forties. Why is it
the old olivia in the forties or talk like this, but today nobody talks like this because they did in the forties, but they do not anymore. Is there some reason why people talk like that, or they don't talk like that now, were they all imitating somebody radio voices yeah, maybe they're, imitating radio voice on video or less at the theory? That's a good theory there, imitating radio voice, in the video was still young. Oh my god, I think you answered the question. I've wondered about that all of my life and that probably is the us right yeah, because when you run radio you're acting with your voice, video you're trying to be like more of a whole person that makes sense But let me once
you to listen to this. If I find it quickly quarters here, it is in the united states and read in nineteen forty three made following directions issued by the headquarters to communists in the united states to all copied obstructionists become until irritating label them after suitable buildups as fascist or nazi or anti semitic, and use the prestige of anti fascist and tolerance organizations to discredit. I wouldn't mind, constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell. The association will, after enough reputation a can
in the public mind in nineteen forty three lane following so do: repetition and association, repetition and association. Those are two up, maybe to the strongest parts of hypnosis and persuasion, repetition and association Nineteen forty three communists were taught to Label anybody was against them as fascist or nazis. To associate with more credible organizations. That would also you know. Have those accusations. Does that sound like a twenty twenty through twenty twenty? Two? It's exactly it's exactly so that the ninety. forty three communists. Playbook is being rolled out here right now and
Transcript generated on 2023-03-03.