« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1870 Scott Adams: Let’s Compare Everything To Hitler Because Thinking Is Hard

2022-09-18 | 🔗


  • Starbucks order errors
  • Ukraine war update
  • ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt, Fine People HOAX
  • Comparing the other side to Hitler
  • Blacks For Trump group photo
  • Pile of fentanyl deaths dead bodies
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The post Episode 1870 Scott Adams: Let’s Compare Everything To Hitler Because Thinking Is Hard appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The thought that the good morning everybody and welcome to what will no doubt be a thing. You remember all of your life, you'll, probably you'll, probably always remember where you were when this coffee was Scott Adams happened. You'll say to yourself is where I always am, though, probably you are either always exercising or drinking coffee or getting ready for work or at work or something probably the same thing every time and that's what I call a good habit. But would you like to take this up a level yeah yeah? I can see it in your eyes. You're the kind of people, Those settle for a second best and all you need is a cup or mug or a glass and take a cellist either canting, jug or flask of vessel? tied, fellow with your favorite liquid, our coffee enjoy join now for the unparalleled pleasure, is the dopamine
The day is the thing that makes everything better is gonna kick off your day, nothing ever has before. I can't believe it cyprus is building. I can hardly stand it go. It lived up to its type, how tired of view of things that don't live up to their hype, but this master perfectly well I didn't little unscientific pole because I've been trying to figure something out for a long time, but I think I got. I think I got my answer. life is what percentage of the time do you gotta starbucks, for those view do,
before I say this hold on. Don't ass, yet don't answer. Do not comment yet do not there's one kind, the commonly you're not allowed to make. You cannot say I don't go to starbucks and then give your reason. You can't say that, because if you do you're identify yourself as then pc because it's the the most obvious thing to say when I talk about starbucks was the most obvious thing to say. If I talk about a tv show, I don't have a t v anymore. No, I I got rid of my tv. Don't say that. Never say you got rid your tv when somebody taxpayer tv show never say you don't go to our box when suddenly talks about starbucks, because
it's the most obvious thing you can say so don't do that so I went to starbucks the other day and, like like often happens, I ordered my complicated drink just by reading it off the top. Nothing special I just ordered one of their drinks, but happens to have lots of words in it. I don't remember Every time so I have to read them off the sign when I'm ordering it. How often do they give me what I ordered go? What what do you think is the percentage of time. I order that I order the same thing every day It is is amazingly, not very reliable and I get up, Asked by user faces goes when the hobby goes by it My user interface experiences to work in a group that tested user interface,
And once you get it in your head, you see everything through that filter. Once you become a user interface person, you just see bad interfaces everywhere. Let me tell you what you what starbucks does wrong and then I'm going to surprise you at the and by telling you that everything they do wrong is actually cleverly right. So we fully reveal okay, so here's what they do wrong. My big complicated drink is on a sign with other drinks, also meant I'm complicate the longest one with the most words is right. Next to the other, one was the most words and I think there may be one or two words are different, but otherwise or someone. How often do they give me the other one? Oh here's, the problem, the star back starbucks Barristers are so sick of hearing. You say that whole sentence that they'll start typing in the order before you're done talking
and so I say, the double, laugh, calf, double love light then days ago, scrap whenever I have no idea what there. and the girl here the first two words: ok, ok, I got it puts the two first. Two words are the same. Or they sound the say, worrying things to say so usually there typing in the wrong order. While you save the writer, then only sometimes do they remember to ask for the size because they usually type it in wrong until you like, forcibly deported and right now, my my ratio is about twenty five percent. failure order the same drank a different starbucks, the one closest me as the best that's right.
But the ones you know just a little bit of a drive up so and now now I ask myself: is this just because I'm ordering something complicated? So I did the poll the most common answer to the poll was: I don't order anything but black coffee, because I'm afraid they'll get it wrong cause. They always get it wrong or they get it wrong. So much that you don't want to take the chance. How many of you do the same thing you go to starbucks and you just say black coffee, and then you give your size, maybe the baby's a room for cream or something and do you do it specific
way, because you know they're not going to get your order right and you don't want to go through the process right, it's so common! Now, let me ask you this: do you think this starbucks is unaware of how often they get your order wrong? Do you think there's any chance? They don't know that. Of course, they know that if you stand in the store for five minutes, how many people who are picking up their drink are complaining. They got the wrong thing. I've ever have ever stayed at starbucks for more than five minutes. There's always somebody complaining. They got the wrong thing. and the five minutes lies: somebody got the wrong drink. You could stay there all day, long and every five minutes lace would be somebody say. Oh, I thought they ordered the big one So here is my reveal, so my first
what was how in the world could such a capable company make such a bad mistake over and over and over again, you know, and you don't have to reveal his you know what the reason is it called is addiction. What what's the one thing you say about starbucks if you have the habit, you're addicted and I can feel it, I don't go to starbucks just because I liked the experience or the product, I actually feel addicted, and it happens pretty quickly and here's the the big rip, the big interesting part believe it or not. I'm getting to an interesting part. Science knows that if, if starbucks gave you exactly what you wanted every time you would like
less, I know doesn't make sense. But if you got exactly what you ordered every time for many of you, I mean people are different for many of you would make you elected and that's what it did to me this. that I can't guarantee I'm going to get what I order makes me obsessed by it. So I think about it all the time it's like oh they're, not going to give me the right order. Yesterday I went to starbucks and I said to myself: I'm going to order the right thing, and I know this fucker is going to give me the wrong thing so ordered the right thing. I think I mean could have been my fault as well, don't know, and then I received the wrong thing after waiting, ten minutes or whatever it was five minutes.
How was I going to get back in line? Was I going to get back in line and reorder the right thing cause? I didn't have any confidence that I would get us a second time either, so I simply gave it back to them. Sadly, I ordered the wrong thing. Just put it on myself, I took my banana bread that they are given me, which I only wanted to have with the drink, and I just threw that away and I gave them they're doing bacchus any report the sale. So I left
but there was another starbucks on my way home, because I was coming from something as the arms go to the other starbucks two thirty in the afternoon I pull up to the other starbucks and there's a sign on the door we decided to closer to thirty. Today, not the regular hours is the third time. It's the third time. I've gone to that starbucks. The specific one and they've been closed for some. God knows reason that in the middle of the afternoon, how often the starbucks, just close in the middle of the day is that is that a thing in the middle of the afternoon they just close cause that was closed at least three times that I'm aware of now. How much do I want to go back to starbucks today after this horrible experience? By the way, I never got my starbucks yesterday, which cost me a day of work, because I I've got my routine down that I only write on my book when I've got that specific drink and the starbucks experience. I actually lost a day of work. I fucking hate starbucks,
I was so mad them. Do you know how they could fix this problem? The big sign with all the menu choices just say number six. You right is obvious, it's obvious! Now what do you see our obvious? It is how completely obvious it is to fix it. You know it's the eu, thus intentional. It is so easy, the facts and so on. It is how you fix it. You just put numbers next to them. It's a number. Twenty five boop boop gotta read every time. Do you know what mcdonald's does mcdonalds runs their store? So you get the same thing every time and you can depend on it. They just simple vital. The boy were sought to make a mistake. It doesn't have a law and thus, at other experience, if you like, if you run a restaurant, you also find the people get addicted to consistency.
It's one of the things. I really really like those of you who are ordering only the black coffee at starbucks, because you don't want to take a chance that they'll get it wrong. You that sue macduff, also catering to cause there's a certain personality. You just can't stand not getting the same experience every time. one like mine, where I also can't stand it, but it makes me addicted cause. I can't give it up either. So there are. There are two different kinds of people. Alright, I thought that was useful. Just to understand that addiction works addictions, not about getting what you want. It's about not quite being sure if you're going to get what you walk. There is a interesting article in forbes
Are you crazy and counter offensive and there's some claims and here again his father of war? So anything I say about you grave. You should be repeating to yourself. While I say it might not be true. Ok, so you don't have to tell me that maybe I'm falling for ukrainian propaganda. I now apl falling for russian propaganda. I know I know it's the best we can do. They weigh forbes has an article that that suggests some really interesting things. I didn't know if, if they're all true that the way you pray made their counter offensive work is that when nobody thought that they had enough power to mount an counter offensive that all apparently they had enough power to mount to so they did a decoy offensive in the north sea. Russia would move their forces up there, but it was a real offensive. It was big enough to be serious, but it wasn't
The main thrust of main thrusts was in the south and in their the even there there were pockets where the russian forces would be superior, so what the ukrainians did as they heads reportedly right. So we don't know anything for sure. Reportedly, they formed a fast moving mobile units without much air, simple or any airport. I think, and they quickly entered the russian territory and they attack their weakest places now keep in mind that they had already taken out command and control as as best they could. So is not clear what kind of communications the russian military had when the war when the fighting started.
But they took out the weak ones, so you get the weak ones, re retreating! You ignore the strong ones until the strong ones look like a route, they say. Oh, my god, it looks like we're getting routed and then you let the strong windsor retreat say, leave them a path. So that's part of the strategy. If you trap the strongest forces they'd have to fight their way out. You don't want to take those losses, even you would, when you don't wanna, take those losses, so they they gave him a retreat, does really they want the land more than they need to defeat mulder So that was that was allegedly you don't have to tell me and my beef action will. We all understand that no right, so when ukraine stories all have to be grain of salt, but it's This is therefore the sounds right enough. Now
This was part of a larger argument that tanks actually have been very useful in this war and think that's a yes or no, but they still do seem to have a major component in war. Still, however, and I think the ukrainians use tanks as part of the counter offensive and so that that's part of it but Something else that forbes said was that their estimate was that russia lost maybe twenty thousand killed and perhaps sixty thousand wounded. Now that sounds like a lot right. Sixty thousand wounded And then here's the pay off
initial number of forces from the russian army entirely was honoured and twenty thousand. If it's true this, sixty thousand people have been injured and of an entire military force. That's only twice as high as fifty percent casual. He drew in. What, in what of the war has was a modern war? Is we're modern war, not a battle, but war right, not an individual. The whole war is our modern war or the way. Team lost at fifty percent casualties. It doesn't sound like it to be true does it, but if it is true that sounds a little doubtful to me actually pretty doubtful, but if it were true that would explain everything. Would it.
you will only need you lived there, probably arson historical, apples, but you would only need that one fact to be true, and then everything else about ukraine makes sense right if it's true that half of them and soldiers have been injured. It is also true for sure. If that's true, we don't know. If that's true, it's definitely true that the russian forces are completely demoralized. Would you agree if fifty percent of them have been injured, they're completely demoralized, because they're not fighting for anything if they were fighting for their country, fifty percent losses might just make them pissed off. Am I right about? Imagine america gets attacked well now, that's the wrong analogy.
That's imagine. America is attacking canada. Suddenly, if we're losing, fifty percent of our forces were probably get a poem back, but if canada attack the united states and we lost fifty percent of our forces- we just say fuck you, you don't have to take em all going to the fight to the last person. So I don't see the russians losing you're having fifty percent casualties didn't lose them they're, just wounded and still having the the will to fight. So I think the ukrainians are doing a strand Of attacking the weaker russian forces, as obviously one would And getting them to scurry around and in great bad morale so that the stronger forces don't have enough support to do what they do. Unless I get my work
now, of course, Putin will have to know he says he's in no hurry. There's no rush. I don't believe that for a minute. Do you believe that russia doesn't feel like there's any any hurry? They can just stay there and grind away until they get what they want. I feel like they probably feel some pressure. Now I don't think that's true that they're not in a hurry. Anyway. So that's what it looks like in ukraine is now barren how many weeks is abandoned, since russia has not mounted a successful offensive or defensive attack, or at least not one of scale feels like it feels like. We could predict the end of that war now anyway, and we've reached this weird period in history
Where people are openly saying they don't care. If what they're saying is true, which is very different than how it's been it feels like just the last year that happened, I knew y'all, remember the story of SAM Harris. You know saying that he wasn't so upset that the media had the hunter laptop story, because maybe that helps you,
the dictator out of office, or something like that we urge all balikh is reporting by Bart about this guy green lad. So I guess he's out of the ideal and participate in this week's a unity summit as a way out and he was asked by jake turks, whose away house correspondent for the orthodox jewish magazine me now keep in mind that this is jake turks, so orthodox jewish correspond. So the orthodox jewish correspondent said he asked the green black, whether was in good faith for the president Biden to attempt to
if the country, while using a divisive hoax, there had been widely debunked, meaning that charlottesville fine people oaks, remember the people marching in charlottesville were chanting, anti semitic things and here's a jewish course, and and orthodox jewish correspondent who even he knows that the fine people part of it was a hoax. Now, obviously, he knows the nazis were real, but the people who are lumped in with them the so called find people. He knows that parts was alex, so he asked this guy. How can you debate a unity summit and present basically Oaks divisive hopes, and what do you think green black said when confronted with the fact.
There is obviously hoaxes, widely debunked and yet still part of the package. What do you think he said you basically defended lying? I mean summarizing in a way that he definitely would not. So you would not agree with my characterisation of it, but You read his answer. It looks like you said, basically doesn't matter, because what he did was he blamed trump for being a poor communicator that allowed that so in other words, he blamed trump for the fact that there was a incorrect hoax about him and that the Democrats can still use incorrect incorrectly. and green light argue that if tromp was better communicator.
They wouldn't be able to use that hoax against some sources, own damn fault. Now again, I don't think you would agree with my characterisation of his opinion. well, our red now there in other, I received it, as did other people, read it I feel like this is the beginning of a trend where people are actually completely willing to admit that the arguments that are using are not real, and there still so yeah the arguments, not real But I really really want to win cause winnings good too. It's never been so overt in the past. People would really like they'd go to the grave defending the thing they were saying, but now people don't feel the need to even even be
honest about it, for example, today, in the news and well, you know what did you lose any sense that reason that logic and data matter? What are you left with? Well we're left with different ways to compare the other side to hitler and that's it all of america. Politics is now boil down to who can make a more convincing case that the other side reminds you of hitler war and here's the weird part, the reminding of no hunger is connected to what they might actually do. You used to be maybe but listen now, now? I don't think it even matters. What the republicans or the Democrats would do. it only matters if you can make the argument that reminds me,
reminds me a little bit more of a hitler thing, for example, and social media. Today, the pictures of the the mega crowd holding one finger up in the air a knock and do the sign because I've learned there as a white men in america. If you don't know, this is a very important when we give you the lesson. I have to stand up to this very important lesson. If I can give this to you as a white man in america, you not allowed lift your arms above here for any risk If somebody asks you to reach for something on on a high shelf for them and you're the tall one, don't just lift your one arm up and cars are going to take a picture of it. Then who sailor than your sister.
If somebody says, can he reach that on the high shelf, there's only one way to do it safely, you already have to use both hands, they have to move in unison got it here. You go. very important if you start using the one he had all wow. That was close. yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa- keep I'm here now. This advice by the way is not only for avoiding being called a nazi. This also applies to dancing. You know that right, if you're, if you're a white man, I learned this long time ago, you can't keep your arms up when you're dancing. So you don't want to be this this. This is not
Good white band, ass, the woman whose dancing with you will say and I need a drink. I think I can go the bar Dundee s now I learned that if you're a white guy you needed to keep your arms low like this, will you dancing and nobody's really looking at your feet, so you just gotta be doing this or that so it's very important very important. If you're a white men, america, never never raise your arms above you're, just a less is both essay stay out of trouble.
Well, who else looks like hitler? I saw a picture of jon, Bon jovi's audience with their arms in the air, and I I trusted john bon jovi until I saw that he turned his entire audience into hitler's eye. India rubber a long time ago when something would get debunk. And they would be embarrassing to talk about it because people were laughing the book for bastard is the last person. Doesn't other that's been debacle, Oh, you idiot, you don't know, what's been debunked, but have you noticed now that things can be completely debunk? People will just still say them like. It. Never happened,
And I've been doing this on social media as like a weird little psychological experiment. I told you the other day. Somebody said well, you can't prove your claim and then they showed a link that absolutely proved it and been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and the people who said you can't prove it just kept going like it didn't happen. It's the weirdest thing is that, like a social media phenomenon, you see you It a lot. Alright. So there's a group, as you know, called the they like to call themselves blacks for trump. At the rally last night there was a handful of blacks for trump. So called little signs, the blacks were job and there's one photo and remember you can't trust the photo right. You can't trust that any photo is real or even that it was taken at the right in the same place at the time that they said it was
Rather, we get your photos that we can trust that the people in the photos, reason who they say they are. They might be pretending to be somebody else. As far as social media, of allegedly at the must have been at the trump rally yesterday,. the blacks would trump were there and then you're a bunch of white. Looking guys do the the ok hand, signal and then all the Democrats, I see, see all those basis there. Now. What are you also? What are you also.
you all say. Oh, my god, the okay sign is just an okay sign right and then you say, but then you, but then you look at the picture and you can see that they weren't making just an okay sign. If you look at the picture, it's very obvious: they weren't making an ok sign. Okay, that part you can rule out, but you say to me: Scott, scott, Scott, scott Scott, you don't know this was a fortune prank forty handmade it's a prank, that the okay symbol was a white supremacist thing, and so, as a prank, to which I say yeah. This is a prank. By so by, racists is sort of like a. it's hard to explain Gaza so on the nose, the races. Themselves. Do that ok, signal and photographs, partly as a praying
but also because they are raises they're, not not raises the what do people do that are the racists. Now I have to tell you that I did save a friend who was about to post a picture of themself standing with somebody who did that prank on him- and I you know, I saved them in time because he didn't realize that that the prank was being played on him now. I would never take my picture with a random group of maga supporters, because one of those fuckers is gonna. Do that right now
Well, I'm not blaming bag of people. Obviously, obviously this is not about mega people, but if you put fifty in random people from a trump rally behind me, one of those fucking assholes is going to make that sign so that you know so that I have a problem the next time it shows up in the photograph right now. It is a funny prank, I'm pro prank alright. So I have to be consistent because I I play pranks on people, so I'm going to be the system say in this kind of funny. It is funny it's not that I don't laugh at it. I just don't want it happened to me, but no fool yourselves.
Is there anybody here who would disagree with the following statement? A large trump rally will pretty much always attract some actual racists same disagree with at a trump rally. If it's big enough will guaranteed attract some sum total racist. Now, how about this a a democrat rally if it's a big enough size, true or false, will attract some pedophiles if it's a big enough crowd, true or false yeah every time every time does that mean that Democrats are the party of pedophiles? Well, yes, it does, but that's a coincidence, it's not because a few of them showed up at a rally right, I'm just kidding sort of K. Is it possible to get past the idea that the supporter defines the leader.
At the end of the supporters defined in the leader which supporters get to do it is it the ones were not racists and the ones who are who gets to define new the leaders and, and can we get to the point where we could be a little bit realistic than most people suck, but in different ways she you're, not a pedophile, but probably did something. I don't like yeah sure, maybe you're, not a racist, but you probably did something that I don't like any large group of americans is filled with bastards and cock suckers and fuckers and criminals and pedophiles and murderers, and you know hurts communis. That's all we are. Basically we are. You got your problem. I got my might be different. Bitches.
so one of the things I've always liked about trump and correct me if I'm wrong, but his supporters always looked like a pirate ship, don't they I've always I. I have never lost that that image of all trump supporters being on a pirate ship, because he doesn't say no yes, no by your race or ethnicity or a that he just likes pirates. Am I right. He just likes pirates and I have to admit I kind of like pirates. Do you know in the metaphorical sense,
if you look at the people who support trump, it is a grab bag of all kinds of different backgrounds and they're, not all savory. Some of them are pretty unsavory, but the fact that he appeals to the unsavory as well as in some cases, the savory as part of a feature. That's not a that's, not a flaw. That's a feature. I liked the fact that he is open to anybody who likes him. You'd think that that just be a a terrible like ego flaw, but I don't think so. I don't think so. I think if you're talking about you know being a leader of americans being able to appreciate the entire pirate ship of america to me, that seems like a plus, but if you get on the pirate ship- and you say alright- that pirates of the
Oral that pirates non by an area like that when I like that one may, if you start sorting the pirates and good pirates and bad pirates europe fucked up later, if you get on the pirate ship- and you say, are pirates we're all in this together. Let's go, let's go get some booty, but will shared, and that makes a lot more sense. I don't wanna be on that. Pirate ship. Sentinel so as requested it asks for market
Well, he's underbelly to have an ai produce a list or producing art of a rendering of a pile of dead bodies. Three hundred them, so we can show how many die everyday from fentanyl overdoses, and so I repeat, been re tweeting those every morning. But I wondered if you were to pile of corpses, one on top of the other lying flat, so not not standing up, because the corpses laying flat so how tall would the average corpse
it'd be somewhat like. Not quite a foot right depends how fat you are, but maybe six inches to a foot. Something like that. Let's say a foot and let's say: if you piled all the dead overdose, fentanyl people one on top of the other. It would be just as rough numbers about two hundred thousand feet high, because that's about how many people died times, one foot about two hundred thousand. Do you know what the biggest building in america is? Do you know how high the biggest one, It's under two thousand feet so that the corpses even put flat flat on top of each other piled high with
be ten times higher than the highest skyscraper in the united states? Has just the people killed with sentinel overdoses thanks to china and the cartels there isn't any chance we're not going to war with with mexico.
there's no way that doesn't happen. I mean I dunno. How many people have to die in the specific manner, but at some point there's going to be a trip you know like it doesn't look like it's going to happen gradually. Doesn't I don't think one day where you know, I don't think we're going to like build up to war with mexico. I feel like you know. If we have a republican president, probably that's the only way it gets done. I think some day you're just going to wake up to find out, there's been a massive military campaign in mexico and you'll find out about it after it. After it starts your nephew and your niece died from fentanyl, I'm sorry join the club. So what does that blow you away that the pile of dead bodies would be two hundred thousand
the fetal. Does that sound many people have died, so maybe making a visual makes a difference that this statistic alone does not well. Today was a sort of a weird day and it seemed like the news. The news only had one steam today. Which is who is more like hitler, and I think we should just use s standard for everything we should just give up on thinking. If you go to the store, let's go back to my son, alex example, rather than reading lost that long menu? What I wanna do is when they say how can I help you? What would you like? I want to say to the barista: can you tell me which your fuckin? x is least like hitler, because they look awhile, I killer to me, make them defend their drinks.
Until they give me the one that is least like killer, which I assume would be a black coffee now be happy but I no longer want to think about. Expression and caffeine and sugar. None of that complexity is making me happy. I just want to know which starbucks drink is the most like hitler and the least like hiller. So I can have the one that's at least like hitler. Well when, if you're shopping for a new pet, do you just say? Oh this was cute, or this one seems to like me: that's the wrong way to go about it. You should choose the pet, that's the least like hitler, just like every other decision in your life. Just the least like hitler and you'll get yourself a good pet
if you got a dinner order, the special this least like ehler, there's nothing. This works were everything. There is no conversation where you can do the least like hitler, and especially in politics. I dont think there was a single fucking story in the news today there wasn't some echo of was more like hitler. Now, how often do I have to tell you that if you are arguing about problems that are real, you're, pretty good shape and we ve sort of women we've devolved into an imaginary world where we entered to just talk about politics in the real world were somewhat somewhat aware. That the things we say, our real, so we enter.
This imaginary world, where you can just say any damn thing and compare it to hitler and everybody's happy. What about the oil news? What about it? I can't take the fake news. Well, here's the thing: what problems are unsolvable right now? What are unsolvable problems? Because it looks to me I think, we're going to be fine on climate change with friction. It's not gonna be easy, but we'll be fine, the the one the and, by the end, by the way I dunno. This is a related topic, but what I I tweeted the other day that republicans believe them. You make money by hard work and intelligent risk. Taking
and then I said the Democrats seem to think all the money that several made already exists, but somebody has their share. They need to go, get it back and some people tweeted at me and said: that's not how money is made money is made by the fed. They just increase the money supply. What do you think of that answer? The money is simply made out of nothing and therefore the Democrats, who are a little bit right because
It got me to nothing and where's their share if you're going to make money out of nothing, why don't they get something? What's wrong with that? What's wrong with that point, you say good stuff but say why your money is debt. Exactly the money is somebody's depth. They didn't just come out of nothing. Somebody had an equal amount of debt or, except for the case of you, just increasing the money supply. I suppose then then you're you're giving people inflation, which is a form of.
Expense or adapt, I suppose so, but I actually saw people suggest the money was free, that you could actually just make some more and then you could give everybody something because that's exactly what we did in the pandemic. We made more money and then we just had a little and then people didn't have it had money for awhile, and I think the Democrats came to believe that. Well, why? Don't you just
im doing this, there's no limit to that is or you know, because if you'd asked me what the limit was of how much you could run off the debt, I would have said well, as the limit is probably one trillion, what are we up to what what's our debt now twenty trillion or something thirty trillion or thirty choice? I would have said one trillion is too much. What would you have said if you'd told me we can still be functioning and people will still do business and they still get loads with a thirty trillion dollar debt? I always said that's crazy, that the whole system can't possibly support thirty trillion dollars in debt, but it is.
I a why why, and I know if anybody those why that's the weird thing, I am not entirely sure that there's anybody everywhere, who knows why the economy's working, let me say that again, I dont believe there's any economists at any level anywhere. Who could explain to you why the economy is still functioning right, now, position you shouldn't everything we know about everything suggests that were already done. I dont know why is still function and I dont know if we can pay off their debts And I don't offer will be paid off, wherefore, vines and creative way to make it go away. we're in very uncharted territory. If you told me that we could just
thirty trillion dollars and have no plan to pay it back. I said no way people will see. What's coming in the country will will be destroyed just on the knowledge that we will be destroyed in the future, but it doesn't seem to matter- and I dont know Why- maybe it all comes crashing down there but it doesn't look like it well. It looks like maybe there was some illusion here that we pushed through and maybe. Created a giant problem exactly the way it looks, but I would have expected to feel it soon. I'm not feeling it the way. Everything in my common sense, such as it is
yeah somebody says with our military that we're never going to be bankrupt, because our military puts us in a privileged position, maybe yeah there there's. Definitely something to that. In terms of you know that definitely gives us some extra stretching us. Many are feeling after, but not feeling it at the level that I thought we'd feel it. I'm not saying we're not feeling it. Yeah, that's how the roman empire fell. Somebody says because the world is the reserve currency. You know I'm going to call bullshit on that too. So it's been common common thought that, because we are the reserve currency, that's what keeps us alive, but isn't the the the russians,
What were they have? Rouble is now stronger than it was before and they're not a reserve currency. Isn't the chinese one doing ok, they're, not a reserve currency, so I'm not even yeah britain's still around, I'm not even sure that any of that Israel, I dunno, what's real anymore. I really don't, because I am skeptical that the whole reserve currency matters the way people assume it does, because I would have said the same thing about the debt. I always said that that we have thirty times more debt than is the most we could ever sustain, and that would be wrong
at least thirty times so far, the war machine is reserve. Currency yeah! That's one way to look at it. That's one way. I now do the alcohol body pile yeah. Alcohol is still bigger. That's why I say alcohol is poison. Watch the saudis dump the dollar, maybe they will, and maybe it doesn't make any difference. Just don't know, and that really are you saying this I feel like? I should kick you off the subscription service for fucking, saying this, I'm not going to let this go. I know your subscriber and I always say I'm going to be nicer to describe scraper.
Irs is fucked up comment put it in quotes, like I'm saying I don't know what's real anymore, but ukraine is mopping up. Russia do you think I fucking said that today, that's the opposite of what I fucking said as clearly as possible. Alright, so either correct that and apologize or get the fuck off of this system. I don't want you here to just make up a shit about me and then put it in the comments.
You can disagree with me all you want, but don't make up. Shit put it in quotes and put it in my fucking mouth. Alright. That is absolutely over the line. Absolutely over the line. Yeah I mean I don't think I could have said it any more clearly than that. I was at the same guy just being a dick. Alright, well remind me that wasn't okay for most of the system later today, okay, I dunno. I didn't catch his name, so one of you tell me who it is and I'll get rid of them. Alright and oh, I would enjoy wine. Yes, the trouble with alcohol is not that people don't enjoy it. I personally don't do it. Scott is backpedaling. I think you're saying that, because you know him.
the fun of that one right when, when anybody says somebody's backpedaling, it hardly ever means that. Well, that's not true in politics. It does mean that, but usually, if I'm just making a different point, somebody is backpedaling. Alright,. People know they are getting alcohol, while people know they're getting sentinel too, but the ones who know they're getting fentanyl. I suspect they do a better job of staying alive because they know how to deal with it. The actual fentanyl users are well versed in what kills them and what doesn't,
There's a situation knocker modification norway- are they try to prove that somebody is or is not said, sir TAT she knocker motor zapping? I don't know I don't know anything about, has always talk about. Jordan Petersen, you know I've been so curious how he integrated his religious philosophical thoughts with his hyper hyper scientific rationalism, and I saw a video of him trying to explain that and oh my god, it was such a linguistically, beautiful explanation and I wanted to try to summarize it, but I think it was the beauty with which
He explained that made it at work and the basic idea was that it was sort of I hated I'd. Maybe I should do that as soon as you tried to summarize somebody, who's smarter than you are and never really works. Does it and the problem is, he is objectively he's smarter than I am so. If I try to summarize his smarter than I am point, I dunno, if I'm gonna, do him a service But it did sound a little bit more, like religion gives you a model to live, and its good model works so that the answer was compatible with my own thinking, and so what what people ask me hey? Why don't you ask,
when peterson to be interviewed- and I always say the same thing- I think we would just end up agreeing with each other. I dunno, if that's the show you need to see, because if he did more of Jordan peterson's opinion, I dunno, where you can. I mean there's more of that content on the internet than cat pictures. I don't have the lakers just something I saw go by on instagram one day. Ok, yeah essentially said it was a good system. Then that's what I say and even though the other thing, let jordan petersen toxin
about lot- is finding meaning in your life. Let me ask you here how many of you think you have found, meaning in your life? Does your life feel like has a meaning I'm seeing yeses and knows lots of yeses but an uncomfortable number knows now either hypothesis, that the ones who feel they have meaning have families children, especially at least a spouse,.
There? Is there any way to find meaning other than europe family? Is there any other way to do it because I feel like we are biological creatures and our biological imperative is to reproduce. So, if you're, if you're part of that system in any direct or indirect way, now I felt I felt meaning as a stepfather. So, even though that's not direct reproduction, it's supportive of the sort of reproductive process, if you will, because people have to live after they get born, and I felt some meaning of that, but it couldn't possibly be anything like an organic. You know. Two biological parents must be completely different. I assume one assumes so and I think Jordan peterson says you need some religious me it'd be nice and need somebody or here's the other.
he says he talks about love being a case of finding your soulmate is he does it describes it as a decision the two people make and I have always said that, but he says a better, so I guess he does a better job of explaining do by that, because I buy that completely. I think that love can only get you so far, but an agreement when two people make an agreement to be each other's protector That that's that's the highest level of human behaviour and that even calling it love is almost diminishing. Maybe that's hyperbole, but this how I feel
I feel that love is awesome and you should have as much of it as you can get it, but when two people make a conscious decision to be each other's protect her forever, that's higher, that's the level above love. Now, maybe Jordan peterson would call that love, and maybe it would too, and of course you don't make that agreement unless there's some feeling of love typically, but to me that's higher, that's a higher calling, much higher yeah. I think I think love is a biological impulse and I think deciding to be each other's protector is an intellectual act and I think, making an intellectual act. That included sacrifice right, because it's built into that as you're going to sacrifice for the other person. I think that's a just a higher level calling far far higher, not even close. Have I been cat fished. Yet
weirdly no or the love of existence and union, with being okay being as smart as you are Chris, as my one out of one eighty five, I q. Reportedly, Why didn't you at least try to have smart kids? Do you wanna know the real answer? I dunno? If I've ever said this before, So there's more than one we're real answer, because people don't do things for just one reason usually is usually a constellation of reason. I didn't want to have a kid you at my medical problems. That's it because, if I did, I would hate myself
rubber, because I wish I had never been born, meaning that my childhood was so unpleasant. I was in physical excruciating pain for the first eighteen years of my life and I plan to take my life in college. If I couldn't figure out how to solve it now I did solve it first day of college and never came back so marijuana marijuana self it the first time I used marijuana. My pain went away and anytime, I worry about coming back. I just make it go away and I don't have any problem. I have zero problem with something that put me in screaming pain for eighteen years of my life. So what was I talking about? Oh, why I don't want to have a kid
Imagine having a kid and bringing somebody into the world with screaming pain for eighteen years. I couldn't live with that could not live with that at all and then, of course, there's also the the how nervous are you as apparent? How anxious are you about you? Protect EU kids, and I know myself
And I know that I was always super afraid that I would have a child and that and that on my watch, the child would die. So that was my greatest fear that I'd be apparent and that I would do such a bad job that that my child would die, and I thought okay. I can't I can't handle that now, so I became a stepdad instead and my child died stepchild, but it was exactly my greatest fear without the biological component, but we were very close and I gotta tell ya that's permanent. You know I can't even imagine what it would be like had it been a biological child,
Imagine but I saw what it did to the biological parents and that wasn't brittany by even as a step dad, I'm I'm fuckin scarred everywhere. I go. I see him everywhere everywhere. I go all the time. I see him, it doesn't go away and please not so. I fear fear- and maybe empathy are the reasons I didn't advocate. I was afraid of losing it, but then that happened anyway and which actually taught me I could probably have handled it. So I guess that made it wrong decision that I also didn't trust that the kid would be healthy and happy.
now go. Tell you the next reason that I have never said before public. Unless you have heard me say this. I'm just going to be really honest. There's no. I've never said this before. I wouldn't want a short kid if it were male females. Fine, I wouldn't want a short male kid. Now. I've done ok, five foot, eight and five for the adult okay, but my life is completely different because of my height is completely that you are a second class citizen in some sense I'm not gonna to compare to to whatever your problem is. I know you got a problem to every everybody's got something.
but the advantages of a tall male are so substantial. I wouldn't take the chance of creating a small one yeah. I I can't say that it bothers me on a day to day basis right, but it's so obvious what the advantages are that it's hard to. It's hard to miss it. Let me let me let me put put a little thought to you. If you're, a man who is six foot, four and let's say you're reasonably fit, you know you can have sex with almost any woman who's available right. Did you know that if you're, six or four and you're fed basically every available woman will sleep with you
It's just the truth. You got really quiet when I said that did you, I I've seen neither agreement or disagreement, but it is true now I say these things as absolutes, but you know I don't mean absolute right. I just mean most of the time and that there are some yeses here. Let me ask you this: is there anybody here? Who is that person that you don't have to be six were for exactly, but is there anybody here? Who is who is of a you know pretty big height, and you know for sure that you could basically have any woman. You want true, I'm saying I'm saying confirmations like crazy here at a certain height, you could just have any woman. You want so yeah.
So there's my there's my answer so now now now saying that as being six foot four and fit is the only thing you need you still. You still need a personality. You still need to be assertive, etc, but it's not hard. If you've got the height, it's pretty much automatic and money helps tall. Women have advantages too. Only in business tall women have disadvantages in dating because there are lots of lesser men who would not data to a woman same as lots of women who are not dating short man. Alright, I believe I have nothing else to say today and can you give me a better topic to end this? I may have a better topic than anything I should have talked about that they didn't.
The counter where pathetic somebody says reframe disgust, well, that's sort of biological. I dunno. If you could reframe that and other markets yeah. I dunno there's not much to say about the markets yesterday, so I guess more e s, g comics coming and alright, Jim Breuer are bringing light to the dark. What soccer legal alright looks like you're all over the place today? I think I did that to you first day in college.
Alright, I'm just reading the comments for a moment here, women overfly foot time to get weird, that's a pretty general statement yeah whenever a robot is coming so last night. I did the test if he can see the split screen software and it worked out well, so I think I'll do some interviews if I find somebody who wants to what wife and daughter still leaving room yeah. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to say goodbye to youtube and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-03.