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Episode 1824 Scott Adams PART2: Trump Remains The Most Relevant Political Figure, J6 Hearings Backfired

2022-08-03 | 🔗


  • CRT destroyed in the classroom…soon
  • What’s wrong with Steven King?
  • J6 committee failures
  • Components of a viral Tweet
  • A George Soros narrative that makes sense
  • AI generated humor
  • If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topics to build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.


The post Episode 1824 Scott Adams PART2: Trump Remains The Most Relevant Political Figure, J6 Hearings Backfired appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I have only a few years to live few years to live, and you know it do you think that george soros with a few years to live is looking for personal power? I would call that a really low low likelihood. I think when he cares about, is the world he leads to his children. I think the most real realistic or something remember? We can't read his mind so everything I say about what is thinking of speculation? Just like you, if you think you know, its thinking or what is models are that speculation? Everything I say is also equal to that. So So would you agree with me first of all the anything I say about what ones motives. Maybe I can now speculated, so I'm saying that all of our speculation should be treated as equal. Would you would you give me that? Would you give me that we can't know what he thinking
so they all of our speculation, start our being equally sketchy. The only thing I'm going to offer? You is that the explanation I'm going to fill out here when I'm done will fill will fit all of the data. and that all of the other narratives don't fit the data. That's all I'm gonna say I'm not saying that's what he's really thinking, and this is important point if I told you, I knew what he's thinking that'd be crazy and that would be bad form. But if I tell you, there's one explanation that fits what we observe and all the rest do not. I think that that moves the ball. So that's what I'm doing here is my hypothesis, you ready for this The only thing that has all the data whoever it is, what makes the the the detailed recommendations of where his money goes, its not bassorah zenza Soros is not investigating organizations and looking grants
he is just sort of your blessing them when they happen. only explanation that makes sense is a whoever is doing. The grants is getting a kick back from the organisations that are their funding. Do you know? What do you know that fits all the data, because it would Give you a reason why soros is funding so many disreputable groups, because what kind of a group could give you a kick back. Now what I mean by kickback possess, if you imagine the sorrow, so does the money, but he is is authorized some groups to decide how to distribute it. The group that decides how to distribute it could either do honestly and just get their paycheck or they could look for groups that will give them money back personally, like right they'll say. If you give us ten million dollars of soros, is money will make sure that an entity that you're involved with well some
Coincidentally, get a million dollar contract that they wouldn't have gotten. Otherwise, she always illnesses? If, here that, if you're the group in charge of who gets the money, you would go for the ones that are then let the most sketchy them corrupt. You would intentionally seek out the most corrupt people to give the money do not all of it now it does. You want to cover. Tracks. By giving money to some groups are unambiguously good. She'd have you will say thirty groups or whatever twenty eight november, unambiguously good, but you find a few sketchy ones that will give you a million dollars back in ways that can't be traced. Would soros himself be aware of that now he would not because he's not on the ball.
one thing I can tell you for sure is he's not quite all there yet in the way he used to be. I don't know how smart he used to be. I imagine he was quite brilliant. I think that's what we all understand, but he doesn't look at at the moment. And to me it looks like anybody could tell him anything, you need probably believe it, because he is that old, so ass, the people giving out the money would say to him hey people are saying that that you know we're just creating more crime by getting all these prosecutors their jobs. What do you think? What do you think those people tell soros? Think those people tell soros it isn't so bad or its temporary or mostly it works, but yeah this one case of them. Don't you think, he's getting a completely different story about how bad it is and if he looked at the headlines, the headlines the people who doesn't trust if your george soros most of the news about you is fake. In my opinion, in my view,
in most of the news about soros as fake, so are we doesn't to look at the news to get any information? Does this all fake? Who is he going to trust all the people he hired? the people he hire to say: everything's, fine, don't believe the news yeah we're we're giving it to really good organizations. We checked them really carefully. We ordered them every day. Don't worry about it. We got this under control. That's just it's just the fake news. It's just fox news. It's just rumors on the internet! So here's my proposition, my explanation, which I can't confirm in any way it's just an allegation My explanation fits all the data, because the part I did not understand is why soros could not explain why he is doing something clearly bad, let's say the prosecutors who are letting people into jail and making crime spike. There's no way he's in favor of that noise in favor of that
either doesn't understand. It doesn't know, what's happening, somebody's your gasoline locally, sunlight like the If you tell me he's for the power you have to explain to me, why there are zero. Ninety plus you a billion years fighting for power while giving away most of their fortune. At the same time, that's the bill gates problem. If you think bill gates is fighting for power. While giving away most of his fortune. I just don't see it. It just doesn't look even logical to me, and part of that is because my perspective is, as some of you used to have not have money and then was lucky enough to get relatively. not as riches those guys new nowhere near. But but I know what it's like to get rich. And I know that it doesn't make you it doesn't make you evil if you're evil when you started maybe but
It does make. You want to do things for the rest of the world. I actually think that both soros and bill gates are completely interested in. What's best, the world, but also would be good for them. Wouldn't it, but I don't think they're learned for the money and I think that the rules for the power, I think you're in it, for the the credit that you get when you make the world better place as they figured out what I meant for. What do you think I'm in it for lay? I spend all this time preparing and doing work in public. It cost me a great deal of money. We have opted for. I would love for people say you did. You did a good job, scott, good job, you help the public. now the subway saying is for ego baby here's how I here's how I internally understand it.
I believe that once you ve taken care of your own needs, you naturally take care of your family people closest once you ve, taken care of yourself and your family, and you still have stuff left over. I believe, there's an instinct to help the larger group, the tribe, sir, what you say is ego, I says instinct and I think the gates and sorrows are also working on instinct, but it looks exactly like ego to you here is why I say that be
as I've experienced it, and if there's anybody here who has experience getting rich when they didn't start that way, ask ask yourself: did you help other people if he did because of ego or because of instinct? It feels like instinct, because I could tell you. I had a very like profound experience when I had more money than I needed like cause. It happened kind of instantly. It was like winning the lottery because for me it was a very big check from a publisher early in my career, where I said this check is so big, I Why do I have to work again? If I don't want to, and in that moment I lost all of my incentive that I'd always had all my life, because everything I'd done up to the point was to make myself successful and then I I succeeded
How do you do? What do you do if your life, your life mission, to become successful weapons if it works? If it works Suddenly I had this like transformation, my brain just one from oh, you took care of yourself, and now you can take your family easily about Dr about other people, so so you can see the arc of my career, followed that pattern, I am way less rich than these. Those other guys like way less, not even close, so I I think you said six, you say his gratitude. I don't think so. I think it's instinct So that's my tech, so I'm going to so here's the full model and you compare it to yours- there's either these people who got super rich and still want power, even though they have practically unlimited power for anything they want bill gates can make pretty much anything happen right. Does he need more power? I dunno
I think it's people working on instinct in their soros case. I think, used poorly. We poorly served by somebody down the line. Now, let me let me test you. Let me test you, does my assumption- and this is just an assumption- is not an allegation. Just an assumption of speculation or weaken it from assumption assumption is even higher than speculation. I'm gonna. Take it all the way there. Speculation. So all of our speculations are evil is evil equal, maybe maybe they're evil, all of our speculations about what cirrhosis thinking are equal because we can't read his mind only. We can only see what he does and I would I would put my
my fortunes. I would bet them on their users, corruption, below him, and that explains everything. What do you think did I sell it disagree wholeheartedly. I say people say I see no way off I saw some people say us now. I would argue that those of you who have been so deep. These soros is evil camp are unable to hear what I'm saying those of you who didn't really have a strong opinion, one way or the other probably heard my explanation and solemn said all that looks better than the other explanation. I think if you can't make the leap this one you have to check your thing just stepped back another. We say wrong because that power we don't know right so hear me carefully.
I'm not saying you're wrong. Do you get that? Do you get really ITALY that are now saying you're wrong. Whatever your interpretation is, you can be totally right totally right. It just doesn't fit the facts as well. As my that's all Here is an interesting thing. I told you that a I, especially with the help of Machiavelli's underbelly, better, been testing whether I can write a dilber, comic strip and so far it's that is shockingly close, but not there, I made a mistake, Somebody's telling me that I have a strong opinion and that therefore I am biased. That is correct. That is correct. That's why I tell you to check check my work the same as you should check your own by,
we shall look work. What what would be the source of my bias, if I a strong opinion. One way or the other before the started. Then that would be thou be a good speculation, but I think you could say that my by us from the start is I just don't understand? Would you agree? Would you agree with my characterisation of I own public statements of sorrows there from the beginning. I've said I'm just puzzled. I just don't understand if you approach a topic from I'm confused and then you form a point of view is less likely to be confirmation. Bias you get that confirmation bias is when you're just agreeing with what you already said. Oh evidence supports what I already said. That's not what I did. It was literally yesterday when I realized that corruption could explain. All the elements
So I didn't have anything like a firm opinion and still do that's. Why I'm so so adamant about saying that this is speculation. But so is yours, we're on the same level of credibility, which is none basically so humor. So I did a good job of coming up with things that sounded funny and I cleverly but incorrectly suggested there. If I were fed these six dimensions of humor, a formula that I came up with years ago for what makes something I think the formula is that if any two of six dimensions are used in a joke, it's it could be funny, but not necessarily, but as a minimum requirement, the minimum requirement is to have six dimensions. If you haven't heard at the six dimensions are, is it recognizable? You know something that happens in your life? Is it naughty acute, clever, bizarre and
and there's another one I forget, but if he used to have sex you get so I said: hey if you were to this formula into a I could then beat me because I believe that had not been not, but it turns out that mucky valleys underbelly had done exactly that and fed. My entire explanation of the six dimensions of humor into it is still did not create a joke that I think was great. It was missing one thing, but this is gonna really. This is really gonna blow your mind. Now, there's only one thing that do it knew how to write in knew what a joke was in new. The formula for writing a joke has right topic, but it didn't quite there's one thing. I say all the time that it needs to have to write jokes, dismissing ebby testing.
Do you know how I know if something is funny, I'm ab testing in my own brain position One thing I can do that I can do well, that's a lie is one thing that I haven't done yet, but could really easily do that's the problem. The problem is it care ab test on it's own, because We have a sense of humor, but a human has a sense of humor this development and whatever weird way we develop. when I'm going through all the options, I'm saying if he says this is a funny if he says this is a public good. This! Ah ha. I actually laugh. I ab test instantly. If it makes me laugh, that's the requirement as to make me laugh the can it doesnt have that it'll put down his best shot. It'll, try one thing especially special and then stop. If I did that, I couldn't reggie
humor either if all I did is put my put down life. My first draft, you would never read my comic. It doesn't do the second drafts it doesnt at it and it doesnt test it with the audience. Now here's? What's gonna put me out of business. All you need is a twitter account that The ai has access to that it can tweet and then you say a I write me a joke about george soros or critical theory and then the ay gives a first draft, here's my first draft and then it tweets. It says: what do you think about this and then humans somewhat instantly? Does jokes on earth are easy to read my be three sentences? within five minutes. The ai has hundreds of responses. It only needs ten.
Ten responses would be perfectly adequate to save, suddenly is funny or not, because people are similar enough, there are three at a time I thought it was hilarious. That would be a hit right. You know you can't get to ten, but if you've got three out of ten people say that is just really funny. You would have a best selling book number one comic three out of ten, it's huge for humor, so the only thing ai doesn't do to write jokes. It could do tomorrow, It just said to know what I just told you: all it needs to do is add the one thing that I have that it doesn't have, and it could do it better than I could do it, because if I could test all of my jokes instantly on twitter with other people, I wouldn't use my own brain to do it, because the limitation of my own brain is that I'm only getting
The things I think are funny and cartoonist become a little weird over time. We need the edgier stuff to laugh because we're deal with humor all the time, so you just need more and so sometimes are things I don't think you're funny that the audience would. And some of the actually some of the most popular dilber comics of all time, I thought were some my weaker efforts, but the public thought it was my best work, so I can tell may, I could tell a I would know what the best one is, because it would have data attested. So you you add the first draft a be testing. Second draft abc testing. You add that to the house. A formula and a are already can do. My job did you say
pictures that I drew of my comic strip and you notice that that the heads of the characters were like misshapen. How hard would it be to teach the ai hey, hey? We we see your first draft of these comics, but, We should remind you that on humans, as well as comics the ears, All sides are symmetrical: their eyes are symmetrical So you want cemetery, the let whatever's on the left should look like the right. believe it or not a doesn't seem to know that yet in the context of creating dilber comics how hard would it be for aid to learn that the year on the left in these look like they are on the right or is not right for the easy, pretty easy
lashes, scary. You know a lot of us thought that are would be last there aren't. We do the last thing that the a could do and for probably twenty years I've been saying you are so wrong. Are it's gonna be the firstly art isn't gonna be the thing: it's gonna be the first thing reason I can say that is because my talent stack, I do creative suffer a living in a lot of different, realms, visual art and writing, etc. Clearly speaking, so I have the you know the creative experience down, but my background is more economics and rational business and you know even engineering type of thinking, so I bring sort of an engineering approach into the creative world and what I could see, what I can say is my own method.
I can see my own system, I'm not sure other artists say this clearly, if they don't have servant engineering mindset going in and so what I can see is that all art is just a formula. Art is just a formula, and then you had the first draft of the eighty testing part of it and you dumb. I knew that from this from job, I knew the art would be first and, in my opinion, the art that the a I is doing right now is better than human art. So let me call living call it and by the way it doesn't matter what you say, and that is what artists This is one of those situations where it takes an artist to tell you when the eia is better and I'm telling you that right now, I've seen a lot of hiv art and last month it's better. If you told me what are you a polity wall. I would today
Are on my wall right now is now close in my in the air I art as already lapped, human art and it'll. Never return is over people might by human work. As it came from you, and the other always go see things they like. But the a I art is just better. It's just better. colleagues better is silly know that knows no better better in this context means the lights up. The parts of the in the artist spoke the light up, and it does does it more thoroughly than other art that that's pretty objective Yeah, I know art is you know it when you see it blah blah blah, but that's just not true. It's just not true. What's true is good. Artists done well, is very objectively done.
And you could find a formula to have any of you know that if you were to do a portrait. there's a let's say A design element were several: they pretty much have to use. If you go outside that those design expectations. you don't have art so are is always been formula is just that the artist didn't necessarily know there were following one
and you thought it was maybe magic and art because you didn't know the formula either. But if you do create art- and you have some background and rational thinking, you can see instantly that it's just craft art is mostly craft. Plus luck. There are some people that make things and it's just magic on the first draft and that's just luck. If you tried to make artistic things all day long and you had some skill at it, you're going to nail it once in awhile. It's just luck, you're, not talking about the same art that you're talking about. I think I am but I dunno there's a price.
plus plexiglass box gold art. Well, I think that's more of a marketing than anything else. Is luck really genius? Well, let me give you one of the reframes. That's in my how to fail book unless weird about luck, The old frame is that you can't control luck. The reframe, the one that I offer is that you can totally control luck. You just have to go where luck exists, to go where there's more energy, more things happening, more connections, more networking, more jobs, faster growing industry, a growing industry and not a shrinking industry. You just go where the action is, and then you put yourself into it and you're going to have all kinds of opportunities. But if you sit on your couch at home.
Luck isn't going to find you one, so you would say that's not lock notice luck because you still be the accidental. You know opportunity. You still need to notice when somebody says something somebody named their couch, lucky yeah. Okay, that's one way to plat,
Jeff says you do realize the engineer. Artist thing works both ways, excellent point, the the engineer. Science thing works both ways too yeah there. There is a hypothesis that I found stronger than I thought it would be that artists, anticipate science and therefore engineering right. Do you believe that? Do you believe that art anticipates science, I'm going to go further? You can't make anything. You can't imagine, there's your reframe, you can't do anything, you can't imagine. I've often been asked you know, have I ever been tempted to do this or that illegal thing to which
say well, I can't imagine it working out well for me, so no there there's nothing. That would cause me to do something where I can't even imagine it could work out the very least you have to imagine it before it activates you, you don't even stand up. You don't even get off the couch unless you can imagine that that pays off. If you can't even imagine. It's good to get off the couch you're not going to do it, so your imagination is the only thing that activates you plus dopamine is basically imagination, plus dopamine, plus a functioning body. You know, health that said, imagination plus preference, I guess imagination plus preferences, your personal preferences plus dopamine.
there, you go alright. Well, some of you need to go start your day, and that means it must be close to eight o'clock. My time, not your time, and may I say that I had the most writing trip. I felt my was totally leah? Inspired Apparently my muse did a good job and I'll see you tomorrow and youtube bye. For now
Transcript generated on 2022-08-30.