« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1751 Scott Adams: All Of The News Is Fake And Racist. Like Usual. Come Have A Sip And Enjoy

2022-05-22 | 🔗


  • Only America can’t supply baby formula?
  • Hillary approved the phony Russian collusion HOAX
  • Rebuttal to CNN’s super-racist editorial on White kids
  • Scientology techniques
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The post Episode 1751 Scott Adams: All Of The News Is Fake And Racist. Like Usual. Come Have A Sip And Enjoy appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This could be one of the best coffee who's got items of all types of all time and all you need is government last staggered shall stand against egypt class vessels any can't really struggling. I just want to destroy that printer right in front of you. I want you so badly what're lifted above my head and crash, and one ground on mice, rented floors is many times is takes until I feel better. That are all well before I do that won't! You join me for the simultaneous it's the thing that feels good totally off my game, because my printer takes it.
What was, but, unlike her from her youtube and fix it brought me see everything wrong because my printers not working what terrible situation that is, Honestly, the only reason I'm not destroying their printer in front of you want to sweep it up as the only reason I don't wanna fuck. While the shards everywhere chronically them up is the only thing give me for doing right So, let's look at all the things on my phone, because I can't print There is a study. The says: if you ever We more kids has a negative effect on your late life. Cognition, You become essentially
mentally less capable Older life, if you ve had three more children. What do you think of that study? let's less user, analytical abilities and It isn't that sounds like a legitimate study number one, Is it just one study on it No more than fifty percent that they even did the math right right, So if here there's a study, fifty percent just as false before you earlier about disastrous duration, can't be reproduced. now of the fifty percent of their true meaning that it could be reproduced. Does it mean they have interpreted? gosh you get so reproduce the result and interpret it wrong. So here they found a correlation. Between having more children
and being mentally less capable. Think they have. The correlation right does happen. the children make you mentally less capable because apparently shows up later in life, or does your propensity to be less mentally capable what caused you to have three or more children. Now it's not an accusation, I'm just saying out of it now. Where do you find the correlation? Why do you say that the correlation works? One way? What what be the basis for them, determined that the correlation is one direction or the causations one direction. I don't say that seems to me that you find the correlation could go either way be that whatever it is, that makes them incapable later in life. Correlated with whatever makes it more.
I'm not saying it is. I'm just saying you can't rule now, but probably the numbers are all wrong anyway, so we can have ignored this entirely. but it is true that Or could you have the lower your cognition, question that I would have to ask is how many children did Joe Biden father, because it looks like dozens. Maybe we don't know about the more well I'll see. You then has another propaganda. The story. So the only story about the ukraine, russia, war. Then I saw you was this morning, the only story is about this one officer who resigned during the middle of the fight and then the allegations are, there must be other two others like it Your have it that there might be other russian.
Military people just quitting not wanting to fight because they didn't know what they are getting into, And the reporting is that their cellphones were taken away and they. Do you know where they were going to fight or why baby could be But to me the story just like say propaganda. I think, was that the russians tried to advance somewhere in the ukrainian army, pushed him back Thy whereat now is mary appall, that war that part of the war is over, so Russia got variable and then what are they done? There's nobody else, fighting How can we have a major role? going on that, the united states is involved in And see it, as only article about is one russian officer allegedly quit the middle of the fighting. That's it there's nothing else under attack what what was happening?
Is there something terribly missing with us like there's a war. so now is, is kiev. The cap, ukraine? Is that allow totally safe? We can flyer politicians are there and they're not worried about getting shot down or anything we could just fly, are politicians and to cave in the middle of the war zone? Did you craving kind of weird? Isn't it it feels like, is over right, Now I say over I mean here: they'll be continuous skirmishes for but in terms of there is a war in which ukraine might be conquered by russia. I feel like that suffer tell me I'm wrong. the war in ukraine, is over, I'm gonna call it. I'm gonna call him now A lobby go negotiations will be plenty of fighting and killing.
But in terms of a major war, I think it's over because If you, Ukraine is not challenged in terms of their sovereignty, and it doesn't look like they are. I'm being told them wrong Remember, I'm gonna go off the reporting. Just go lothar reporting, so the reporting would indicate the war's over. It is now saying that buzz the get it by not covering it and the one thing they covered and have much to do with fighting to do with couldn't acquitting fighting so. What exactly is going? I? What do you think You think the wars effectively over in terms of wondering if ukraine will fall to russia is the right? Am I wrong the war's over? Not the skirmishes and not the dying in the shooting stuff, but the war looks like it's over.
And again, if it turns out that I'm completely wrong about this, remember I'm just based on the fact that the coverage of the war is treated like it's over. molly. I'm only offer that I'm not there. So the turns out completely wrong about what's going on of course, of course abroad, So was sobbing major trouble getting baby formula in this country. The only country in the world can find baby for at least industrialized country. And. Is there anything about this question the baby formula problem? They, you don't think trump could result in ten minutes. We actually telegrams, like literally terminals. Am I wrong
Because it seems to me that this is the ideal executive executive order situation, isn't it it's a number There's a bunch of rules that prevent importing or labeling or something is a bunch of red tape. is not really a safety question. If the question would be, if you don't do anything, that's the unsafe bar, is not terribly saved a brilliant some some baby formula from other countries where they ve been using it for decades. How in the world did would trouble us all that in ten minutes only actually donors. does he say what's the problem, they say others is red tape or we can't buy from these countries. For these reasons that we say: ok, write me up an executive order and all changed that would be safe and they say yeah, we save I say, is unsafe.
Just say the rules are in the way. And then he say, ok we'll make those rules go away temporarily and then it would be done. Or am I wrong? Is there something major about the story? I'm completely missing. This protectionism is a mere ball of those things is go way of his emergency and you ve got executive order. I'm looking for some push back, but I think Right right, it almost looks like anybody could have solved except Joe Biden. Anybody yeah and I'm not saying you charge as regards he's the only one I can involve it. If you can we have the job I think I can solve in ten minutes. Tell me what to do tape is gimme executive order? Ok, what's my ex problem. Can I explain why the binding didn't do I can't neither can the news
You see stories of the news that tell you whether by demonstration couldn't get this figured out. I haven't it. Just looks like they just weren't, trying or something or illness Everything is bad for babies is good for democrats. let's see letting children just their gender identity before their brains are developed, probably bad for babies? Abortion, well that depends on what you define as life for a baby, but it's only not good for babies, The say the teachers, unions, bad for children is there, Anything at all this happening, that's good for children. The Democrats are do nothing.
It feels like the biting is bad for babies by bad, for babies. So now we're all here, the illegitimate news and how their covering these stories Eleven Clinton was in fact behind approving the scam or hopes of the illusion or the russia collusion? the literal literally hillary Clinton? Now we know for sure approved a disinformation programme, the worst probably disinformation. They must rather than the country and as our inflation points out, how the Washington post handles it, he said, in a thirty three paragraphs story wash impose berries in the twenty seven, the paragraph This kind of an ordinary thing the hill We approved the dissemination of a dirty trick, attack to penalties press, only collusion of overseas job.
should be a feeding frenzy. Imagine. if it were the other way around I mean The top story is the trump told people to protest peacefully, but things got out of control Like literally that's what happens, trump told them to protest peacefully and if they did and then there was also all of the different things that people talked about in the white house but did not implement? In other words, they considered a bunch of things to delay the vote or changed about em didn't implement them. is got one person who implemented the worst hoax. The change probably the year in the course of civilization and that's just like a story that they put in the middle of a larger story. Meanwhile,.
John basically says stay peaceful and some people down there. Sir, that's an insurrection, The most disgusting thing of the morning is a cnn editorial. A gentleman named Keith Magee, based on his telescope, fishermen, bio and picture, seems to be an african american men and He writes about this. The white mass shooter in buffalo and but talk about white teens in general and Here is an article which is nothing but super racist. So let me say, as clearly is as I can, so an article that my in my opinion and lots of people who saw me too I would say this is clearly just absolutely disgustingly racist super players other things. He said so in part,
large article, but he said because your mail has also been busy andriessen. We ve got some of them because you are male, you were born a winner of the patriarchal jackpot. You are likely to rise to the top of the career ladder and will be are paid on your way up. No, you won't. that's not even true in twenty twenty two. is literally the data says. The opposite. And if you were blackened female, you have the best chance of the getting into college. Getting the first job offer getting a bit initial salary. All of that's true This is literally the opposite of current data. Now this was true. It was true, but snatcher today, this exactly the opposite.
And this is his job. His job is apparently to write about this stuff and he doesn't know that sum is basically the most basic pisa data. This whole topic. It doesnt know that really And then he says: if your mail, state will not attempted to dictate what you can and cannot do with your own body. What that's all the state does. The state doesn't do anything but tell me what to do with my fucking body. Do you know the state Don't tell me what to do with my thoughts. I mean they try, but it's not. It's not official constitution policy you fucking asshole, all What state does is tell me what I can do with my body. Does all they fucking do that's what the government
They tell you what to do with your fucking body right, that's it. I mean seriously they tell you what drugs you can put in it. They tell you where it can be, where it can be, they tell you but why your arms and legs can and cannot do again, people that can people's items off the shelf, we'll walk away with it, everything everything that the government do just telling you what you can do with your fucking body. No, I I get that the abortion thing doesn't apply to men as much, but I guess as though, but how can you be so wrong about everything, I guess that's what gets you well cnn, directorial page, finally- and I don't think I've been cancelled yet, but if you talk About abortion and the the accusation, that would be that the state is telling one women what to do with their body in terms of abortion where,
that's not something that happens to men. to which I say: fuck you it's not. Government tell you what to do with your body. In that case, specific case. That's women telling women what to do with their bodies. now, I'm gonna get castle for this problem my opinion on abortion, if women wanting to the rule to be one way or the other thou be ended, the conversation eighty percent of women wanted. You know abortion, that's the way it would be If eighty percent of women wanted to be limited or not limited? That's the way it would be. This is this. Is a decision solely and completely made by women. This process, through the government, but the I've been is just laundering the opinion of women. this is women's fucking opinion- is the only way that abortion laws are created by women for women Men just sort of watch right.
We don't have anything to do with it. Were literally larkspurs your pretenders, Every man who pretends to have an opinion on abortion is just wrong. Marine corps wouldn't do everything that was against eighty percent. Are women Eighty percent of women want abortion laws anyway. They want them they're going to have it. so don't pretend the government is making women do. Shit is whether it's women. Women are making women act. The way women act period. Now that wasn't always the case, That was not always the case. Definitely was true that some time in our history. Most of it really. The men in charge of men, were making the decisions, and it was up to that. I would say that that's a good historical. summary: it's not a dozen described twenty twenty two you tell Isn't even one person here who thinks that if
by the same. Eighty percent majority wanted. It was to be anything what for it? Is they decided? Do you think that wouldn't go that way. You think the supreme court, biogas. Eighty percent are women. No, no. They will not now Congress is going to go, get eighty percent of women now, no, they will not. No way that will ever happen all the power resides with women on the question of abortion,. If they can decide those so fucking guys. It's not the fucking men is not us, You tell us what you fucking water will give it here. Welcome to the real foggy world. You tell me what you want, make up your mind to be on the same side. Eighty percent zol ask speak on the same side. Give you any thing you stop. every us stop blaming.
As for your fucking problem,. Was it was our problem hours bidding them right? It was our problem history. It's not now stop libya's just take the power that you have and make up a decision then tell us what you want and we'll give it to you. Will complain will was asian than the other way, but will give it here. You're still gonna get it, so not the governments problem. He says, if you're on top of that says Keith Maggie on top of that, because you are white and you look the country that structurally racist. You'll enjoy huge privilege that your skin color gives you a war, would be an example of that.
Can somebody give me an example of my huge privilege that my white skin is giving me what would be some examples please I buy examples, there are no fucking examples, none Nell us, if you do the other, where they re any examples where big black, america would give you some advantages. well, you would get into college more easily with the same grades and you get funded. You get hired more easily by far the least by the large corporations who, after ab diversely It's not even close in two thousand Twenty two white people don't have anywhere near the rights or privileges of black people. Simon close, and I am completely insulted that you would even say this out loud.
pretenders. If you're, not fucking wall telling me I'm in charge. Cause your fucking me and told me, I'm going charge at the same time, just do one or the other is a treat me as second class citizens and fuck me. At least it makes sense Tell me I'm in charge, while you're fucking me alright, make up your mind They goes on. If you have, the added bonus have been lucy. I was even worse, he goes no one will try to. If you're. If you wait, I guess no we'll try to rob you of your right to vote really, your white known will robbie you of your right to vote. have you seen the. The video of the alleged mule, whose stuffing ballot boxes with a guess on several different trips, different ballots.
now. If that really is happening in a widespread way, it is Delegations of lotta people. The outside these are definitely unproven. Allegations if the allegations about the impropriety of the twenty twenty, who were true, I think would be an example of somebody robbing you of your right to vote. He hasn't heard of that situation. I guess but I would say there's at least strong. Would you call it? circumstantial evidence that why people were definitely robbed the right foot in twenty twenty. It looks like it now I don't say that is proven. No core is proven it, haven't seen anything that would look like proof, but that's a pretty also thing to say that it hasn't happened, because you can't prove it didn't happen, can prove it did, at least at the moment
You said you don't need you don't need. terrified of law enforcement officers. You know How much of that is my fault. I is do do asian americans? Are they terrified of law enforcement if you young theo into an asian asian american community. Are they alone. Oh, the cops are here, we're all in trouble. They're gonna beat us up limitless. Stop pretending that everybody accessing can we are we adult enough to say people act differently, different cultures different ages. different everything like any sub group in america, without pretty distinct way of acting. And I was not even to race slot images gender
You can find lots of distinct groups that would act differently in different situations. So why do we act like they would all be treated the same? This organ act differently. This ridiculous was grow up Let's grow up and be honest that if people act differently, they get treated differently every time the work all the time everywhere, in every case, no exceptions. So if we get even be adult enough to say do that, do they lack the same Yes are being treated differently, unwilling to accept lad, that's are being treated differently, but you gotta act the same. If you can make that argument, all right, I don't know if they are, I'm not even saying they're, not I'm just saying that if you, if you can't control for that variable, this is a ridiculous argument. Apparently, if your weight, To this fellow you'll bennett-
from better education, healthcare, job opportunities and finances. Will you will you. It seems to me that that's more about money, isn't it. it seems to me that every black person born with money or who goes to school, poland as well, and you guess money that every one of them will have a good education, healthcare, job opportunities and finances? Does all that money. So this is pretending that this isn't about money, which, of course it is. Would you rather be a I ordered a wealthy black family. The child of a poor wife, which one I'm gonna have better. education, healthcare, job opportunities and finances wall. Under pressure? The time is gonna be the wealthier black tat. We would have all that stuff and the poor
Family would not so well. What does this have to do that? Now I get your how we got here. That's a separate conversation, If you have the added bonus of being christian, he goes on sexual sis, gender and able bodied than you well, never know firsthand how it feels to be stigmatized marginalize or hated, because some aspect of yourself over with We have absolutely no control. She's very lucky indeed well, who are the lucky people, because I'm in. I happen to be an able bodied, adult white? Well heterosexual, cisgender! every day I wake up attacked for those things every day? and social media everyday somebody's attack me for being white or male every day. So do you know
Now this there's this guy not know the bigger. I e mail puts a target on your back twenty twenty two. How do you not know that And then he goes on and these finishes up by saying this, he said I cherish my ethnicity. Which feels racist to if you Cherish your ethnicity that sounds racist to me. Why would you cherish it? I can see why you would not have a bad feeling about it now be good. Why should have a bad feeling about vision but why would you cherish it. Cherishing it. says as value right, if you, the presidency has value. You are a racist because it doesn't do cherish
This is such a red flag, though cherished my whiteness, designed by cherishes their whiteness, and why? Why Why I I'll take it, I don't work for it didn't. the way people's accomplishments I didn't get to get the money from that directly anyway, indirectly, I guess I did. so then he says a cherished my this day, while gladly soberly yours and would ask you to do the same for me now, I won't do that. I will I cherish my ethnicity and I will not cherish yours and I wanted to respect you for doing it, I have no respect anybody who cherishes the restlessly none. I wouldn't respect myself for doing it. The use of exactly the wrong direction we wish is that nobody should cherish the wrath estate Thus, the source of the whole problem stop.
Cherishing your ethnicity. about cherish yourself, family about cherishing friends. Cherished people chairs babies, there's lots of stuff to chair cherishing country, you down. Jars, everything except breathlessly, The worst thing you could cherish They says how this is a where's. My. However, we must didn't. I deny the existence of race. For me, victims of us, both, we must deny the existence of race. raises some one of a cultural, societal, Erase the whole article about concentrating deeply on race, And tells us we should deny the existence of it doesn't make any sense.
guy sky, usa, article unseen, and so I was just like super super racist and anti email and Barely there's no problem getting less worthing polished of rant enough on that I feel flight. It's not very news. yeah. If you learn moscow's and doing something today, just not newsy Now, what do you think of the fact that, as soon as you learned most said, he a Republican, there were accusations about a sexual impropriety. Do you think? That's a coincidence. Lay the day after he says he's republican. Less of it gives me dude right, probably not quizzes, but do you think he became a republican
to protect himself is theirs to asia gazelle. This is smart enough to know that you would be protected as a republican because he would be and they wouldn't be protected on his own team, if it if he stayed democrat, so It is either very clever or very coincidental. Could people could be? it could be clever that he took care of those accidents at the same time. It's a coincidence that this this came out. He said he's voting Republican, that's right! That's that distinction is worth making voting doesn't mean he is republican. That is correct. I should have said that. Yeah but I guess I'll get back to.
why is it exactly illegal to offer a horse for sex? Here's, how I think I can run for office and when the presidency- I would only have one policy I would make him jobs, legal for compensation. Just say. I everything the other stuff keep that the illegal, because it could be troubles with that, but. Anybody can sell a and job You can price it anyway walk, but you can just sell on jobs. If anybody wants, what would happen? first, while the first thing would happen is that cheating would probably go way down. Cause would have an outlet wisdom.
Second thing that would happen is that, of course, it would be the bad situation. People would be like forced into the situation, and that would be trafficking. Terrible, but the other thing would happen would be this great income, inequality, love. Why don't you think. and suddenly anybody anybody who wanted to get as much money as it waters if they were attractive, can't beat it now. Give me an argument for why and jobs are illegal. Does too so, if you're a massage their officers? Why would be illegal You can certainly see why the other stuff would be illegal. You're only spending an our robbing a naked person like that's. Actually your job.
And I'm not suggesting that everybody is a massage therapist should even consider doing anything else. more. Unless I everybody gets to decide you. they do but wasn't illegal the rubbing a naked person for an hour, and you can't rub the parts they like best? If you both think it's a good idea, it's just ridiculous chiropractors had to work. I love that I know exactly what it means arrogant, as I don't think a lot of wise will even care about. You is here that it is If massages did not already exist as a thing there, people routinely do if they can afford it. Do you think that if you want to, if your husband and you want to your wife, you said hey, I've got an idea and there's this new thing. I just sort of it's called a massage,
whereas me getting completely naked eye what will shed over me, and then a woman that you don't know, and I don't know what. But every part of my body, except you, accept my genitalia What would the wife's say sounds: salisbury, reasonable, ok, sign of land now No, your wife would say no you're not doing that Don't care for the new thing, you're not doing that. the only reason that it's even a thing is because it's been a thing like we just got used to it. We get used to anything. If you do it long, doesn't everyone get a massage
No. I would guess that eighty percent of the world can't afford one. That would be my guess and yeah lots of people don't get massages some people, it's creepy. They don't like being touched, lots of reasons and is the third party hand job so he's asking a third party in job better than doing it yourself. I don't see how it could be. How could it be not even gonna, go into that any further. It would be a slippery slope. I dunno was I supposed to be a joke. That's pretty funny! The slippery slope
Somebody says one hundred twenty dollars is the going rate good to know. That is all I have to say. Snake, as is very slow newsday. Did I miss anything? anything in the news should have mentioned. Is the pennsylvania election still open air thing happier. yeah, I'm getting tired of talking about bill mars, says something about democratic, as is happening over the monkey box. So monkey pox basically has killed zero people so far, and I guess the smallpox vaccination slows it down quite a bit. I dunno I feel like this. Monkey pox thing is a wait and see I dunno if it's a news driven or health job.
thing, watch two thousand mules I have. I have watched it. We already talked about that already but we're still wave words nash to come up with the videos of the same person going to multiple boxes. I guess he's working on our way to see that I think this next thing next time, to comment on how many of you have. We followed for the persuasion and the Tom cruise movie top gun too. Yeah I've been saying that I don't want to watch any movies, they're all bad. Nobody makes a good movie and I the trailers for the top end to the movie- and I said to myself- I'm gonna watch that movie I'll actually go to the theater to watch them.
it looks like they did a good job, not whatever you want to say about Tom cruise? If you like is scientology whatever? Is you don't like original likeable? He does make good movies. it consistently with the action movies. I like better than elsa, but tom cruise is action movies consistently. Excellent, in my opinion, just consistently. Well them So I am happy to give him my money. Bruce I dodgy works you know, there's one thing: you don't hear about scientology alot year the critics right you're sure about ex, but here's the thing nobody ever says: does it work, because all better does it does it terms of Do you feel, like you cleared out whatever, is holding you back
No, I don't know that. There's is a science to it, but there doesn't need to be because a placebo affect alone just persuasion would allow you to reprogram your brain to be more effective. So. On the surface. It looks like it would work, enough re scientific reason that they say but I'll betcha there monitoring thing that the that they do in scientology. Where are you. Auditor, a person works with you ass. You two questions and finds where you're hidden drama is allegedly, and I guess available, allegedly and then you're more effective in some cases, scott stuff! Now I'm talking strictly from my hip background. My understanding is that scientology was sort of built on a hypnosis basis and what I've seen was suggested
works now, not not suggesting you should be a scientologist, because there's a lot that comes with that re like buying it lifestyle bother about that. That's you can feel that on your own. But if you ask the simple question does their little have you can call it brainwashing? You can call it water thing, you can call it persuasion, you can call it a therapy, you should call it any one of those things, but does it work I'll bet it does does because it if you took it out of that context and just use that technique about you, would get a lot of people sent work not for everybody, but a better does. Tell you why it works. Well, this the process of convincing yourself that you found what your limitations were and remove them should make you.
Better. So let us say: you'd go through this auditing process. and they ask you bunch questions and they say: ok, you ve got this hidden trauma You didn't know you had and now this thing to deal with it and I was cleared so You were being held back by this trauma now is cleared so now go forth into those successful things you wanted to do with that work It probably would not for everybody, but for people they say. Oh the thing, I was holding me back, has now gone so I'll put my efforts into work has now in the work. If the only thing it does is make people will try harder, because now they think it'll work something's been fixed that wasn't fixed before you should get better results. I just cured you yeah the whole thing about you know: they're, not free to leave or there'll, be punished.
Talking about it, I'm not defending any of that. I'm not saying anything about the organization you can make your own determinations, I'm just saying that that technique, even the critics don't criticize that have you noticed that. Look at how many critics are are of scientology. Have they ever said that the auditing doesn't work? That's the process where they talk to you in clear out here, you're up, Promise you know ever hear that will be the most obvious thing to say the most. are saying to say was they have this technique is the basis but the entire system and the technique doesn't work if they believe that didn't work when they say that when, They were, you start o this, the scale and this technique does not work then, say that they say stuff about the organization. They don't say stuff about the technique.
if it sounds like hypnosis is because it is, I think it came directly from the field of hypnosis. I'm not positive about that. But the the- but let me striking this I'll about there is another hypnotists were watching life right now, If you are a hypnotist and you also know about auditing and scientology, you confirm here that process seems to have borrowed from hypnosis anybody. Can you give me a confirmation. Some say that hubbard did based on hypnosis. Yes, so that's that's a rumor Right so those who are hypnotist can confirm it.
weird thing, because if he had not built all the organization round it and as simply introduce the technique If I may use that today and I'm not even sure those based on science, it could be just based on well everything's basin sciences, more based basic placebo, affect based on the fact that if you think you solve your problem, you did here's the analogy from hypnosis it hypnosis one of the ways to treat people from my problem. Is you have them imagine their private, And then you imagined they had some trauma and prior life and the others So while under Moses they deal,
but their trauma under hypnosis in their prior life not even occur life eliza a memory of a prior life. They deal with the trauma, then they wake up and then their better. Now, not all the time right. The stuff doesn't work every time every person, but there are plenty of stories, are people who anecdotally to that process, and then the problem solved now here's the problem. There is no such thing as prior lives. So have you solve the problem by pretending there is and pretending you took something away from their prior life a trauma. It turns out that if you talk yourself into you solve your problem, you ve this on your problem? Talking yourself into believing that you solve that? Is the solution for mental problems? There wouldn't help me with the physical problem before a mental,
if you believe you solve, that is all it his mental problems or about beliefs. so how to re hypnotic. Really I don't know if I can put them short lesson that would be hard cosette. There really would take a lot of development to do there right. Yeah so the way to put the blame on else also prior life, a bad experience and once you, a blame somewhere and think you have dealt with it. It makes makes issue. Imagine that you solve your problem. Even if you didn't. So, scientology has a similar kind of technique there, so my expense this was suggests that it will work for a lot of people and that they would feel that their lives have been greatly improve by it could be.
I believe I'm done everything I need to do is right thing else. I haven't talked about that. You want to hear about the scandal yeah. I don't know what the situation is with Abbott and the baby formula. He also Joe Biden only message to north korea was hello period, the sub and was asked what what message is ever north korea? You said hello period. we do not have the right guy on that job
the other guy, will be shaking hands with him german right now and working out the problems sacrificed makes you double their belief. I think so. That is true, and we talked about you crave. Do I think today, as he is really binding? It looks like it. It looks like ideas he is trying to figure out here. think they will see who they selected. Because all these stories about this politician you haven't seen and while so I think, is so watch for this. I think you'll be the beginning of democrat media. I see that, for example, during a profile on politicians and they'll, be some young democrat and that's how you know that as they chose,
It was like obama, number one obama just got chosen by the media and they decided to be present sunday anyone's. What the simulation programme impasse lives, passes we designed as needed in the simulation The simulation would not create a real past. It would just make you think you saw what I should do. who benefits from the baby formula crisis. Nobody, as far as I could tell that's why trump could fix. There's nobody. On the other side, you just had to fix a loss of power. I guess what you talk about those unless it's all for now, and I guess I will talk to you tomorrow-
Transcript generated on 2022-06-21.