« Real Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 167 Scott Adams: Q, Racism, LeBron and Slow News August

2018-08-05 | 🔗


  • Is Q real?
  • Do most black people believe most Republicans are racist?
  • Are most BLM members racist, in the opinion of most Republicans?
  • “I like Mike”, President Trump calls Lemon and LeBron stupid
  • Is it good strategy to brand everyone on the right as racist?
  • Has Sarah Jeong clarified and issued a statement on her tweets?
  • Venezuela drone attack on their President


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The post Episode 167 Scott Adams: Q, Racism, LeBron and Slow News August appeared first on Dilbert Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bump bump bump bump bump bump on everybody turbine in here you know. Yesterday I was so excited to tell you about my my visit with president that I forgot to do the simultaneous up today, my nose obey you did, but I'm not you're afraid today today, I'm on the ball, despite not having enough coffee yet You ve been begging me to talk about Q, and so I will and shall we drink to the simultaneous up join me. There will be another you're getting hit us
I can buy that these simultaneous up yeah, that's bad analogy: nobody bites a sip, but his early, they get better. As the data I will talk about Q. So it was a year the CNN story in which they were interviewing members of thee, I guess you coloured people who believe Q The anonymous source on the internet that purpose staff secret knowledge what's gonna happen. Next, Allowed people believe that this is real and that there is real secrets and, of course, the folks who are Anti Trump have painted those people as fringe nutcases.
Let me tell you my opinion first part of the opinion, You is not real when you say that as clearly as I can, Q is not real it's not even slightly real. It's not! essentially real. It's not maybe distant. Small way could be real there. Really any chance is real. You watch me for a while. I thank you. I like to talk in percentages? Not yes or no cost things are not complete. The true or completely fall, most things are spot. So there's a little bit of truth and would have been a false q. Is one hundred percent? Not true.
And that sort of up my good put a gun to my head. You know it was a user, maybe I'll give you a hundred dollars or you'll be killed if you're wrong. Would you take that back? Q is not real? Yes, because it's a three hundred dollars so I hope I have an overstated this here. Is not real, I'll, tell you what it does do offers was its entertaining like horoscopes and stuff. So if somebody wants to consumers for entertainment why not, however, and watching these q devote, is attending trump rallies, and let me ask you this
Who do you think the media is going to interview if thirty thousand Trump supporters go to rally and twenty of them have sciences? a cue who is the media going to interview? Will there Interview the twenty nine thousand lullaby, people who are not you, Probably not begin to talk to them, but with the science, I wonder done what will they have successfully done? They will have. Successfully made, they will have successfully made all trump supporters. Look like nuts. So if you want to believe in Q and its fine, then do you like consume it, I'm not an Italian. I too am in your life. You can you can
Find entertainment in any legal way you would like, but if you want to make term supporters, look like a bunch of idiots, put your cue shirt and go to the God of the rally. If you wanna hurt your candidate, that's a great way to do it. Just if you want to do the worst possible thing for your own candidate, the person you support, put on your friction. Q shirk gotta, the rally make sure you talked to CNN, so they can make sure that all transporters looked like prick initiates. So that's happened of trying to. Control my opinion on this little bit because wont. Let me when I say this.
Personal way the queue people make me look like an idiot just because I say good things about president in that kind of in most people's minds. Outputs beyond the same team is the cube. I like that. I don't like me. You know that you do so Do you wanna do guys go wild, but maybe do a little quiet because is now open the brand the brand is definitely taken. They had with the queue stuff right. Let's talk about your favorite topic that gets people to leave. All the time some of you saw? I talk to my body, hardness amoozed, doing
love March right now, not a black lives matter March, but a in March for love the gap in March, and I talked him yesterday afternoon, periscope now he said a couple of provocative things which require some. Some comment. He said the following number one. He said that there are a large number of races who are republican Trump supporters and many people push back and said: no, don't collars raises well, I think you have to look at exactly what he said exactly what he said. It is that there are a large number of them, not a large percentage. You didn't say that he said there are a large number of them. Is that false What would you call it? What would you call a large number of races if sixty three million republican voters.
What would you say that a million might be adequately call raises? I would if you took see three million Americans, no matter how you sliced it. You could pick them, candidly, that could be Democrats, they could be Republicans, but wouldn't be true. There are few pigs. Three million Americans get a million races when you I can imagine that, in fact, if you picked, any group could be even an ethnic group here. If you picked Asian blacks, it respects and you have enough of them. Went there be allowed number races silly group, thus just law of large numbers and if you ve got a million racist, that's way too many not just make a number of, for example. So if, if you or african american- and you say that sixty three in people has a large number of races. Well,
I urge sort of an opinion about what is Lara Drank, If you happen to be on the receiving side, the racism, so large number you happen to be in that group and you're, not a racist. You are people who say that a large number, so it's not a fact. It is not really a fact that I think you can doubt that there, a large number now your real and I think the valid criticism. That statement is, a sort of leaves in the air that maybe it's most of them and He was asked to clarifies on this on twitter. Some people watched their periscope asked to clarify- and then he said the following- but listen to the exact words- he said that that people talking about himself now black people- sure that the general
group believe that most believe think that believe that most Republicans erases. Is that true now remember. Let's not a claim a fact. Lots claim a fact. Bellboy people believe it's not a claim, a fact about what people are I would say: that's also probably true save the majority of black I was matter think that most Republicans arises when you say. But it is also fair in fact checking in this Wouldn't you say that a hundred per cent of Republicans or something like it believes that everybody in black lives matter is a racist all the list. Just the african American Group fact check me on this. Would republic say the nearly a hundred percent, a black lives matter, our races.
Now I must say they are because I don't want to fall into the same. I don't want to fall into the same category as as was suggested. The problem that. Pork has in that you have is the same, for a second problem is that you pretty sure the other side is almost completely racist now Keep in mind that my domain is persuasion and psychology in and what we with About the world, I don't deal in the fact vase world the reason, don't deal in the fact based world at least not exclusively, everybody does to some extent, but not exclusively as their. We don't make their decisions based on that. So when I talk to her
and he says there is a belief that the seller fact the claim of fact. There is a belief that most Republicans racist, that's just true. They do believe that it's not a claim of act about what the Republicans are. It's a statement about the believers so keep your purse. When they say were a bunch of believers who believe there. A are racist, it's just q whatsoever, q is a bunch of people who believe something. That is untrue. Do I hate you? I do not I just later making a branding mistake.
The people were having some fun with something that's not terribly important, whether you believe you are not necessarily important. Likewise, what is black lives matter biggest problem? Their biggest problem is that they have somehow convinced a hundred percent of Republicans, and I think it is percent. I think is two percent. The black lives matter themselves or It was a racist again, not a claim, a fact, because I can't read peoples. I'm sorry, I don't want anybody in black lives matters thanking you know. I do what anyways thinking Giving you my the world. Though you have two groups who are pretty pretty sure that the other group Is mostly racists, if you can your pals lad, then you can do anything So when you say a hawk hates us
I'll. Believe, that's true, because if he said I if you hear HAWK, say you know, I believe, most Republicans or racist. That would be new news, because I have heard him say that I've I've heard. Say it of- of black lives matter of of a group, a sort of a group opinion. I think it's probably accurate so I think you need to release deal Me a little bit more level of accuracy. If people believe the other is racist. You have to deal with the belief, so you can't you say you're wrong, move on it doesn't get anywhere. I. Did to you, though, they have the other. The other observation I had. I talked about on their peers
taupe, how lost I've lost three careers to racism. And who was it? Who was a racist against me? So what's you my story, I I lost we're in the banking, because I was a white male and they said we're not gonna, promoting white males for those of you who knew they said that directly to me my bosses did so. My boss is called me. The office and that we can promote anymore way. Males because we don't have enough diversity and senior manager. We'll never get there if we keep promoting way? So I quit, I lost my career to racism. I want phone company got on the management track. Look like, I was going somewhere and my blouse called man again, repeated the first situation and said we got not having enough diversity in senior management, we can ever promote you pure white email, I became the Dilber guy, so I did find Dilber work down, obviously I started a Dilber tv show
be network, second season which would have been sort of a critical one for for growing her or going away European D to become the african american network and grapes, landing. There was largely african american actors and yellow and targeting that's Agnes. Now I am all in favour of every community having and they can enter. They want but since I happened to be on their number work already, I no longer fit so. I lost a tv career to racism Now I've been discriminated on three separate careers. They were ruined absolutely ruined by racism. Who was it who discriminated against me? here's your trick question you just heard my story. I swear to God every better. That's true who discriminated against me. Rich white, guys.
It wasn't even women, it was rich white man. Discriminated against me. Why do they do that. To make their own asses safer. So when hawk or anybody else as a bunch of We are white men discriminating by what I said to myself: Healthcare they discuss. Against me now, I just wasn't successful. So people who are more successful higher up in the chain could, actively discriminate against me, but it was all white men who did it now, oh hey why men, because I happen to be one I think I think we're pretty cool as a group, but I certainly was used. Three three separate promising careers and bill and by the way, all three of these careers- I had a lot of potential. Your being here
Senior vice president of a bank is an amazing job. Likewise, for the phone company, they were really high jobs and the management was getting super rich so so discrimination is everywhere and Just my I just have this weird red renovation revelation, not relish. Revelation there. Rich white men have discriminated against me seriously in three different prayers did all of you see the tweet from President Trump saying that The dire lemon was, he didn't know if labelling things are done lemon where the dumbest people or dilemmas was the dumbest personnel tv, Aways, tweets, called Lebron James and done lemon done now
you would say to yourself: this is the worst thing that president could ever say who is already being accused of racism, because by coincidence, both Don Lemon and Lebron James are African American. Now the president closed his tweet by saying I like MIKE, A reference to Michael Jordan. Now, Michael Jordan, as you might know, also african American so in whose tweed he said to African Americans were dumb and that's it a lot of a lot of? You will probably agree with those particular individuals but Michael. It is not he likes MIKE so that their. As an interesting way to defend against the claim that the two characters were african American therefore raises, Did that stop anybody did the fact that he added Michael Jordan, he likes
Do that stop anybody from claiming it was racist, of course, that of course, that it did not, but you, if anybody's new, to why it is that Republicans, like present, tromp part of it is because he is willing to say that, which is, I think, people love the fact that is willing to call anybody stupid now. Have you ever heard. President Trump call white people stupid. I'm pretty sure you have is a rare. It's not a rare does it happen every frickin day. Yes, practically doesn't say that the same words, but he calls he calls privilege What is stupid in one way or another? So is it a step forward that the president can call to
let me put it in the most optimistic way could possibly put it, isn't a step forward that the President, the United States, can call to very rich, very successful african american men stupid because there his critics, I candle like it, I kind of like the fact there we have reached the place where I can say that in public- and I do like the fact he added I like MIKE, because that does that does show his intention is: tension, have been to be racist or to suddenly raises dog whistle heed throw in the Michael Jordan, I like part that wouldn't make any sense that make sense. So That is a clear signal that he is treating wait for it wait for it. It's a clear signal, including the Michael Jordan and in the quote, a crystal clear signal
is treating Lebron James. And die lemon the same as he treats everybody else which is partially. If there is critics, so then of course I saw the MILAN yes said. Some good things about Leubronn Leubronn is doing some good things with some schools funding promoting some forget the details, but it's something that pre much everybody agrees is good work. So we're happy about that and melodious at that. So what how does have is the Enemy press report it? They say that Maloney is taking sides against your husband last hour happened. This happened because if you ask President tramp this is this is an educated guess. I can't read this: but if you ask President Trump, do you think the Leubronn is doing good work with school that its funding
feel confident say he would say I will I like them. That's good! That part is great. That's what Maloney said. So here you have millennia, agreeing with her husband in all likelihood, as far as we know, they would agree. Reported as she is she's not agree, because she just didn't take the bait to talk about that between. So that's your fake news, warrior very faint rooms, they use red flags and not very critically, the enemy press. Why would she ok, yeah?
I think I'm gonna give you. Maybe I'm just gonna talk about Leubronn. Compare Leubronn to Michael Jordan, who uri his support. Leubronn, and I get that I can certainly see way. That would be a reasonable thing to do, but Wouldn't you say just being fair. Wouldn't you say, Michael Jordan, is very, very smart. All the evidence suggests in business and the field on the court. Wouldn't you say, Michael Jordan was very smart. I mean I would all evidence just that. Would you say the same about Leubronn I don't know, I'm not so sure. I would because way
handling. This presidential thing could be so much better. So I dont know every element of his life. You know I don't know how Lebrun would do in the US. It is if he ever took them, nor anything like that. I only know what he doesn't public in public. The ways handling their the Trump thing is now smart, in my opinion, it doesn't help his brand is accurate, hurts acquainted, it doesn't move the Ball Ford if it's not strategically clever, So you can respect him for his success. You can respect for his hard work, which apparently is legendary. I do respect them a love for that he can respect Leubronn all kinds levels, but in this particular domain it doesn't look
his best move. Could then a lot more productive and still could be? Maybe he will be so I'm gonna hold out hope that Leubronn fight, in some way to turn this positive? I don't know what the answer better. So just summing up where we are I would say that the odds welcome for this. If you talking about People were concerned about racism, though say people on the left, who would make it their their biggest issue? Probably.
Their strategy right now is to call the people and the right racists and to brand them sort of all as racists. Is that a good strategy, because it doesn't feel like a good strategy to me it might have been. I think it was strategy when things were more objectively wrong, the law is objectively discriminating. Well, then you ve gotta go hard, but I think we have reached it were some nuance and maybe some more attention on the details makes sense and by the way I I remembered after talking to I cut him off and I forgot to circle back. He was making some specific suggestions about police They are actually just good suggestions. One of them was that if somebody needs medical care that they get it if there in custody
probably have to work out the details, and I think it's time you could test in a few markets to see if it works, but thus a completely reasonable practical thing, though you could try the works or a dozen and the other thieves suggested was a police officer, falsified police report, specifically in the context of some violence. They happen during somebody being in custody. That that's a crime and that they could be prosecuted for not in what the law is now, but somebody says already do. I think the issue is that they don't get prosecuted or that the penalty, for that is not very. So could it be that we just need me sure that law is already in the books is, is followed or are there some markets where the wheat laws are weaker, where they need to be boosted in all of those cases, there's a fact
to all that can be investigated and maybe something works. Maybe a fine everything's away. Can be, or should they just needs more attention? These are factual, practical things that you can investigate I was the New York Times and the the racist that they they hired now. I forget her name, Jiang's lessening, so does seem to be the survey classic unrepentant. No doubt about it. Racist and she said for forty. Eight hours to recant or apologize were clarify.
And I dont believe she ass. I heard I saw that the New York Times wrote a clarification for her, but ass. She ass. She made a statement, so give me some factual checking has himself, at an autonomous. I dont worry she's made a statement right you're losing your smart people. Did she make a statement, though? or did she only make it to the New York Times? Who then made a task, as I haven't seen her statement, Sarah So I apply my forty eight hour rule. If forty eight hours she had said something like this. I would give her a pass. So, had she sat in forty eight hours from from the issue coming up to say yes those things Then just story was parity. I dont believe
those things, that's not my position. I am certainly sorry if somebody took it that way Had she said anything like that, I would say to myself. Well, even if she did that I'm gonna, let her go with a clarification, because, as my rule, my role is not to try to. Second guess was somebody's. Getting my rule is that you take them at their word, because only only the person gets to say what their thinking that there should be the standard. That's not me guessing what you're thinking you gotta but if you don't say in forty eight hours, His fair that you, you know, I think
spare that you come up with your own opinion and sure of a clarification. Somebody says she didn't do that, but I haven't seen that salvation said that to me on Twitter, Doo, Doo, Doo, doo pedophiles. Next, what about pedophiles or you think of it? support them you'd be wrong. Yes, she said the same thing for a year in speeches right, yeah she's, not she would not be very credible. In change of that opinion is fair play and I think people she should get to change their opinions. She qualified the tweets,
She set saying sarcasm, saying is sarcasm, is different from saying you don't believe it. So I think here I think she tried to have it. Both ways sounds like She tried to say it was satire and whether it was or was not is different from what her actual opinions. So our opinion she did not retract. All she did was clarify their wishes was in the former satire. All satire has a point. Satires not satire, sarcasm is now sarcasm. Unless there is a serious point to it,. If the serious point was that why people are raises or a problematic in some way than that
Pointed doesn't keep in mind as as a professional satirist as a professional user of sarcasm. Those things don't exist unless they have a basic point to them, so she didn't retract the point and all she did was say I delivered in the form of satire or psyche sarcasm. That's not that's not a clarification. That's just a statement. That's enough for now. Based point. She said she was attacked for all comments likes James Gun. Oh yeah. Did you see in Venezuela the there was alleged.
Drone attack against the president, president of Venezuela, wires and public did hear about them. There's a video of going off and I was trying to. I was wondering why the drone didn't get closer you why we wanted to fail. I heard there were two of them by baby. One got shot down by a sniper mg you're, not even close, don't fall off the young derangement syndrome. Yeah, so I dont know where that the drone blew up. I didn't see it on the video, so wasn't that close to the president, but
It seems to me that when drones have their own guidance is came over, that's the problem with the problem with current Jones is you have to be within controlling distance, so your controller, you get it yet bill to see it and you have a signal. The the drones I'm worried about will be the fully autonomous ones, the Only need to worry about is where they they put the gps coordinate in, and they just send it and is not controlled. After that, those drones are going. The big problem, every other cut, a drone. You could probably block right, does it, by that they bring drones down now, as they block the controlling signal. If you get rid of the controlling signal and just give it a gps guidance, you know something's workin unless somebody those drones exist, I dont know if those Jos exists.
Commercially. Do they get a regular consumer by one of those or such as military? Your Joan can do that. Oh, my god. At another. And can those drones be brought down by by the drone guns, eyes looks like today to learn more about drone defence and drones, but my guess is that those drones were probably controlled by consumer there's enough ay exclusion for consumer use, so consumers can buy them again, but when people say that you can jam them, what would you be jamming exactly
oh yeah, you, Jim, that you you could the gps signals, I suppose, but then, if the drone already knew where I was going, Joan also tell where I was going by looking at the map you, if you had. If, if your gps drone was using this. I'd like to commit to figure out where was, and then they block the transmission from satellite drone. The drone also had like a Google satellite map in its memory, couldn't match the terrain. Do the Google map and still find its way does not exist because again, if it doesn't it well, everything's done by Jp Us now,
so some so some said, a conjecture, dream or whether it can or not, certainly or will it feels like a certainty that it could look at the roads and compared to a map and know exactly where Those who was a lot of eight- I don't think so. I don't think you could anything. You need much artificial intelligence. Are you doing here? Matching patterns So basically, I somebody was saying facial recognition. If you took facial recognition, software and just we're looking at the ground instead of a face,
You figure out where you're out just compared to a map. I think you could. I am boring, you gonna go now it's a slow news August, so you may notice that the news is all is all stuff like psychological problems like racism, earliest how we think about racism. The problem is real, of course, Starbucks and can accept. Bitcoin didn't know about that. That's a big deal! I I'll talk to you later.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-02.