« Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1624 Scott Adams PART1: Does This Work?

2022-01-16 | 🔗


  • AI is the future, so Biden is doing great?
  • President Trump’s rally yesterday
  • Is NY COVID policy racist?
  • Questioning beliefs about George Soros
  • Binary Syndrome, the power of reframing
  • COVID anecdotal people vs science people
  • If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content from Scott Adams, including micro-lessons on lots of useful topics to build your talent stack, please see scottadams.locals.com for full access to that secret treasure.

The post Episode 1624 Scott Adams PART1: Does This Work? appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So you just show me on Youtube forth my Ipad devices, which are new software there there crashing when I try to use Youtube and sort of sudden problem this across multiple devices, and I don't know if it's organic so as to try to figure out working with just the locals people, whether whether a big targeted or whether it's just the biggest coincidence. it might be? But how would you like to enjoy a little thing? I call the simultaneous I'm pretty sure you would like to write you loved him and
Are you need is a couple mugger glass, it acted shall stand against each of us a vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid, like coffee and join me now for the unparalleled pleasure, the dove media the days and weeks, everything better skull, the simultaneous set and it's gonna happen now go. I ask. that will make everything except my technology work better. I let me blow your mind. You ready who, once they're mine, blown I've been forever curious way, is so difficult, given modern technology
to do easily a split screen with a guessed right now. You know that people do it all the time in recorded scenarios a you know that networks can do it, so big network can do a split screen with with gas, and that way you can have. pro in the Comcast, I'm starting to wonder and put out of your conspiracy at it you're ready. This is just pure conspiracy. We all enjoyed
firstly, there is right. Am I right there you you regard them as entertaining, because I sure do here's my conspiracy theory. Why is it that there is not a popular easy to use product, for somebody like me to very quickly put to experts up to figure out was true. Do you think that's cause? We can figure out how to do it live they can do a recorded, but that's that's a big friction and it takes away some of the fun, but I'm starting to wonder if if we had that technology it would be a complete transfer of power. Would you watch the news if you can watch
A high in part. Gaster doesn't have to be me right. I'm not sure my impact upon castor server, medium sized pod, castor, but imagine if you would that some real everything is about your Rogan, because because trumps, none, Do you love news lately, I know you say streaming urban, it's not true. I know you say that there are solutions, but they all have the same problem, which is the lag so there's either lags. You can see the you can see the comments in real time or so that there is always some kind of a technology leg, but yeah streamlets get there maybe and again can stream. We argued due to call him guess. At the same time,. That's why you need at least our eyes are wondering what would happen when
somebody like me could bring on to guess and actually give. an actual answer was true or something close to it. I think that would completely neuter is a fake news, because you would have a complete total replacement for news. Interesting our memory, it was several years ago, I quote by Mark Cuban, and he said that if you wanted to know what the news is, he checks twitter. He doesn't check the news. You wouldn't go necessarily to see an end calmer, Fox NEWS stuck up you gotta Twitter, and I bet I I would say the same. I would you because Twitter will get all the the network sources, but it also gives all the independence and all the individuals it's gonna, get the the person with his with their phone. We took a picture.
The event so twitter in many ways, is already sort of siphoned off a lot of the energy from the major platforms. But imagine if you ve got to twitter and easily collop TIM Pool just the commission and the interim pool already had on the two experts who are given. here. The real news about was strewn. What isn't about I'd like it before to watch the regular news. Wouldn't I mean that that little bit of technology that lets you do that quickly and painlessly, just the difference in reducing the friction of how hard it is to do that is going to change the entire nature of power. Basically, the tower the entire power structure. The world would be transformed by that technology.
Why do we have it? So that's! The thing is: if you realize how powerful that would be, it would just completely transfer power to independent people who are giving you. The news, Maybe there's a reason, widow Abbot, just wondering that's my conspiracy theory or an unfair, First, the american public will reach. Its sovereignty over its own health decisions. We appreciate the government's assistance during the crisis. The crisis is over. Do you notice fake because is a fake, because it sort of something I came up with that for something chill. Dd talks about a fake, because when you give somebody reason that isn't really strong reason, but you didn't need one
Because you're talking somebody into something that they wanted to get talked into it. So, Somebody wants to be talked into something need any reason they don't need a good reason, just anyways, so so Leslie Fake, because that is the fake reason the government wants to get out of the business regulated of regulate. public. The government does not really want to be telling you to wear a face masks. The government doesn't want to mandate. Things is a very uncomfortable thing for the government. because it will never win all your love doing. That is just not good, politically so in my opinion, the government wants to be talk than other bodies but needs data. It is a reason they can't just arbiter. really say: well, we were deeply involved, but now we're just gonna walk away. Can do that right, but as the
Ah, mccrone takes over and the vaccinations is reached, a certain rate and therapeutics or a certain place in the people, were gonna die, unfortunately, Why, then, did we were at a whole due place and the government would like to get out of the business of regulating the specifics of your health decisions they really. What now? I know you think to yourself I don't know, I think it's a big plot to control your life. Can you can you hold that bet I'll, make a bet with you that the government wants to unwind this as fast as you do? It just doesn't quite know how world is not quite time yet. I spoke another way to say, and I don't have any worry- could be wearing masks forever like none, but if you do, let's just agreed to check.
end of the year. If we're wearing masks in the year number one. You won't have to worry about me. Cuz I'll, put a bullet in my fucking had, if that's the case, but I don't think we're going to be wearing a mask of the year. So it's just just hold that you know what you think we are. I won't fight with. You she was right and so the fake, because as this that the public is powered up and gave it a deadline, a deadline is a fake because
but is also not a crisis any more. So the moment we, the public, tell our government that the crisis is over. We appreciate the at the assistance you don't have to get into what they did wrong. That's a separate conversation, but there is no doubt that the government worked very hard. I think on behalf of the public, mostly right, so I do think you need the sank, the government for its hard work, even with the flaws nothing's perfect, and I think we need to give them.
permission to end the crisis, the government needs your permission. You, the public, to define it is no longer a crisis. So let's do that February. First, the crisis is over and thus the fake, because the fake, because does replace the fact that there are lots of perfectly good reasons than its existence. for a while now I'll just say that sometimes you need a political reason and the fake because, as the crisis is over, So the more you can say that the crisis is over the less reason there is for the government of any control over your sovereignty. So that's the argument give give the government or reason give them a reason and thank them. Thank you. Government. Here's, your
isn't to stop doing it. I have a question for you. You have all noticed that the troll activity kicked up around January first, I soon because its election year- and I can tell what percentage of my critics are trolls, but the ones who are just shouting shouting be down in front of me. My life ardor appear to be paid, but I can confirm that we know that there are pass reports of that exact clang of people being paid to pester. Anybody was programme, for example, so I'm assuming disease or paid people, but I'm trying to figure out exactly how they imagine there miss If, in fact, if, in fact, that's what they were, what would it look like with the goal of the trolls B to simply siphoned off my energy, so I'm putting less energy into whatever they don't like that?
Are they tried to degrade my influence by changing my brand, so people don't pay attention to me that what is it they tried to make me quit talking about politics lay, I wonder if they, if they actually talk about it, that way. Or conceive a rhythm and that specific way, or is it really just as general as go past of those people, I mean what would the pasturing? What would it do? What's the mechanism of why that would be a good thing that you would pay, for I mean you think you're probably does work and I think is real. I just would love to hear and insider explain their thinking of you ever heard of.
You know people have asked me why I respond to trolls the ever wonder about that, because I probably responds controls, maybe more than any public figure ever has responded to jewels. You ever wonder about that. The people were operating at least say not a very deep level. Imagine that an triggered and that you know I've lost it, etc. well well, was less consider the recent example of my tirade against a troll named Shelly, not my ex wife, even though that's your name, coincidentally and Shelly, said some. What I thought were some unkind things to me and untrue on Youtube, and I said some things back to Shelly. That became a meme because
Apparently, when you use the sea word and in the context of other F words and you're talking directly to woman people think that needs to be an aim, so it's gone all over the internet still, and the people say to me? Well, I guess he's lost it. I guess he's lost it, but let me ask you this: do you really think I couldn't of control that.
Did everybody think that while I was happening, I didn't have the cognitive ability to predict how that would turn out and to make a conscious decision and a risk management decision about how that would go. Of course, I can control that I chose not to that was a conscious decision to release my control and just let the dog out, but I left the dog intentionally idle the dog and get out of his own like it's another independent dog. When I left the dog
put the key in the lock and turning an order of doing now, some would say it's a bad decision to people who say that was a bad decision. I'm gonna make a bet. I know. Have data on this programme make a bet. Those who thought it was. A very bad decision are probably not themselves famous, and maybe you never will be because famous people tree energy differently than the rest of your energy monsters. I like to use the phrase you you can create energy and then just surfeit, you don't have to be pulled under the wave. You can serve it now, it's dangerous and if you don't know how to serve it, well you than a drowned, but if you do not deserve it, and that's probably our famous in the first place, then energy mean something different: it's never an enemy. Now.
was the thing that people tried to get me banned for that I went hard, especially use such a vulgar term against a woman. What do you think was that really the the essence of why they were decided? That particular tirade would be the one that they forwarded, because do you think they would have forwarded that if I'd send it to a man, if exactly the same. it happened, and I even use the same words if there had been a man would would there have been a mean something Noah went. So let me say this for all of you that were concerned that I used such a word when I spoke a woman directly, at least in terms of the comments. I would say that you're, a bunch of sexist, chocolates.
Because the way I treat a woman who comes out me first, at least in the verbal sense right- we're not talk about the physical world, that's that's a different standard, but in the exchange of ideas world, I'm not gonna Trina woman differently, because I'm not a sexist. When it comes to opinions, I'm a success when it comes to physical confrontation- and I hold most of you are too because the others size difference. There is a danger difference, Nasby recognised, but what is it? It's a battle of opinions and I get a treat women like their children fuck now now, if you come at me, you're gonna get exactly the same treatment.
because I have respect that's why that you know, I don't think you quite understand that when I went after Shelly is because I believe she can handle, it is not because I believe that would crusher tissues well now. I believe that just like every other man who comes after me on social media that they condition now, and in all likelihood they can take it and in fact I think anybody shrilly bothered when somebody who's a celebrity or minor celebrity. In my case, I don't think anybody cares of a minor celebrities, purses, Adam and public. Do. Do you think it just was a funny story. She told her family before they disowned her. I don't. I don't think that everything was bad happening on her end.
I was just getting out some giving us a feelings and having fun with it. So if any of you took any that too seriously, maybe you should maybe she and but let me promise you that when it comes to the war of ideas and words, I'm going to treat with an equally- and I hope I hope that that doesn't bother well. Actually, I don't care, if it mother, so that more accurately I don't care at all right I feel like this is too much about me. Let's talk about something else. I wanted to ask one of my smartest, people I know who was abiding supporter. and I wanted to say how do you think it's gone to pick somebody who is like really good, arguing and thinking things Rowan, seeing the big picture,
So yesterday, when Biden Was- its lowest approval and it looked like the worst weak ever. I thought, while this would be a good talkin, to revisit some of the pay who were really happy- the Bible got elected just if they have any second thoughts, and so I thought I was gonna- be Duncan pretty hard and I will name names, but somebody just somebody very smart. And I asked they thought it was going, and this person pointed out the following that the only thing that matters to the future of the world is a high. And tromp was bad on a I am by the UN's good at it all the other stuff doesnt matter. So let me say that, so the argument was violence. Young everything seems to be going wrong from the outside. It is worse and then the arguments in support of him was the
matters compared to a. I mean it all matters, of course, but compared to I am not even in the ball Park of importance, because the entire future, especially competing with China, is Maybe if you don't realize that then arguing about all the small ball stuff, while the future of humanity is basically just stay. I am I'm extending the argument a little bit for for a purpose. but I heard that argument I would be an argument if you looked at the only thing that was really really important to the future: Trump wasn't there that is binding buttons, cousin, more funding. I guess for that. I will now judge that argument. You here's my judgment on that argument. Accepted argument accepted
Now I'll give you a little push back, because not every argument is clean. number one. How does anybody know how the United States is doing today? I that is unknown. How do you know how we're doing compared to China. Totally unknowable right now, not just because the government would keep it secret. Obviously, but do you think you know what the a I start up that Elon Musk is involved with? I think SAM Open, my being in that as well. Do you think you know what that's doing? Of course you don't
Do you think you know what that will do next month when one is ill mosques a going to be doing next month? Absolutely no idea, do you think somebody in China is is getting ready to dawn on whatever Elon musk? together with the other investors, were by the way these are Liza the top smartest people in Silicon Valley and not in Silicon Valley. We're talking about the smartest Americans pudding. The other privately various ay. I enterprises compared to the government of China, investing like a mole foe to generally Yemen, stealing, probably as much as again, whose good let me ask you this: what it mattered much if trumpet funded it more yo, you do,
you do come to think that the more money in the better right- that's a good generally speaking, the more money the better, but I dont know if that matters. For I Because do you know I can get all the money? It was a good day. I start up. Am I wrong? I all take effect check on that, because I made an assumption there. Then like I have backing for. But if anybody is in the venture capital business, can you confirm that that if you had a promising ai start up the only thing you wouldn't have to worry about us getting funding? So is money even a factor that is a factor in everything, but if you can always get all the money you want almost as soon as you want, relatively speaking
Does it matter that China, money of government funded something and binding did a better job of funding than trumpeted, but. So it is other. I think you can separate the two questions. Question number one is: will the United States be to China in a lie. completely unknowable, but I would bet on the United States, with or without funding. So I would bet on the United States under tromp if he had found in the same way, and I would add that the same underbody now here's the second question. By did his funding in a year the trump wasn't, president, if Trump and want a second term, do you think that trumps own experts would have convinced him to beef up the budget? I don't know do you, maybe it would have happened at the same time, maybe maybe
is in the funding got approved under Biden. Is that it was time and that we had learned you more about what I was doing the argument. Just Candia doing amount the Congress. The way it's constituted now would then let's say in favour. the more I funding this year, but would not have the final year of Jumps administration minted. Did the nature of Congress changed that much that That is why I would have been more less valuable within those few years? Don't know, but let's get back to To the argument they eyes the big thing, I will. I will see your eye and. Raise your space worse. I would argue that Trump putting space force together.
Who is going to be more important in the future, then a lot of things still lesson I'm gonna give ay I the edge as being more important than space. but you also have the airspace. We also have to jump with strong on that put together space horse, from a year a real world perspective, it's hard to say the trumpet did worse in a high, because nobody knows how it's gonna go or even if the funding would have made a difference, but I will agree with the statement that trumpet less on and it was maybe there's a real good arguments, the biggest priority. I don't see anything wrong that argument. So, Now you may be saying- and I'm thinking this do- that if that's the argument you come back with and by the, nor a number of other arguments about Trump versus Biden. There were.
I was a second tier arguments that were fairly strong. There. Definitely some things that lead Trump was not excelling at no doubt about, They were very interesting. I thought it was a strong defence in in a context in which I do think there would be any, although I don't know if it matters really funding lies. tromp gave earlier today and of course he goes egos re for the dangerous stuff. That's what makes him trump and he's the size said that why people are being discriminated against in the covered sense goes quote: if your white, you don't get the vaccine or if your weight you dont, get therapeutics state. If you wait, you gotta back the line. If you want help.
here is my question: is that going to get fact checked and if it is, what would that fact check? Look like and shouldn't? We insisted that be fact checked, because do they only fact check things that are untrue, because he's making quite a provocative claim, I believe you fact check things that are true as well as things that are untrue not all of us push for a fact check on this true or false, and by the way I don't know if it's true honestly, I've read the stories and I'm still not sure it's true Because, as as the feel of something that shouldn't be true, like you, a little too on the nose why? For
for the USA, the conservative republican point of view is a little too perfect. Isn't it. Now again, I read the stories and they look very convincing. I guess I guess, if I had about my life on a better true, you should be a little worried about on the nose thing, be a little worried about that. Doesn't that's not a it's, not a hundred percent predictor, but its weirdly on the nose. I'd like to say good fact checked. Now it would be hilarious. If it got fact checked is true cuz. What are you do with that? Yes, it's the fact that the government has been fact checked, and it is a racist government, wouldn't to fact check say that
If, if Trump is right and its trump is not right seriously, we need to know that right does. I feel, like he's, probably right, if I'm wrong about him being probably right about that, I would seriously want to know that before somebody else pointed out right. I don't want to get in a twitter twitter battle was somebody who fact checks me on that and I found out. I was never real, so fat check. It. Let us now do we live in a racist country. That has to say, the health of white people will be subordinate to the health of the others or not. Let's find out, do you know a way you could make sure that the
those people hated you one way would be stealing money borough blatant the two of his people furrier reasons lots of reasons, but is it a coincidence that the two biggest philanthropists are also the most hated, because I don't think it is a thing it is- and I mentioned this before, but I have some new thinking about this. The George Soros question to me fascinates me not on a political level, that's interesting, but on the, why can't I figured out level so there's a mystery that that I've just drawn to which is what they what's going on with your sorrows. I've heard of your theories effort. All your theories, we'll talk about them,
Here's what I'm going after the conversation that I haven't added before now use analogy recently. I talked about how, if you're, looking at the question of masks, which we're not gonna talk about just a quick reference that I use and engineering perspective to look at them and if you use a different perspective, such as a scientific one, you that a different answer and I thought that the engineering approach was probably the better one for masks, because they are a kind of an engineering solution even more than a scientific solution. And so the engineering solution gives you yeah, maybe a different answer than some other filter would, but if you use or a filter, you gotta get the right answer and I would say that when you look at the George Soros Mystery, what the hell is the up to and why some of you don't think it's a mystery. I get that, but
I think the best filters for there are persuasion- and maybe economics well actually say to Difference- and you say, economic. The biggest filter for understands or us yell at how is trying to profit, for example, right because if If you didn't understand economics, you wouldn't understand how he could Lesaint drive down a currency and still make money. You wouldn't understand how disrupting things would give you an opportunity to invest. right, so you should have a background in economics to have a pretty solid opinion on what George Soros may or may not be up to which it might be different from what he says. He's up to the other filter. Is the girl man, shelter, the girl?
and filter says that if you're famous were more generally, if you, if you're an expert on something- and he read about it in the news, you know that it's fake, expert but the very next story rate is not in your expertise and you think, although is probably true, but the people that expertise or saying less true so you easily or confused in thinking that the news might be mostly chew, and just coincidentally wrong about your expertise, but in fact, when you're famous- as I am realized that the stories about yourself or almost never true, almost never. So what are the odds that I, as a famous person, was read many many articles about myself and opinions myself and I can see that there are almost always wrong listen some large large ways
when they do the mind renew thing where they imagine, whoever it is imagined. They know what I'm thinking. That's always wrong. Like always so should I believe that after seeing, I guess, these thousands and thousands of opinions about me and see how wrong they are universally over thirty year career? Why would I believe that anything said about anybody else famous was
Why would I believe that anything you said about to pick a famous person. It doesn't even matter who just any famous person. Why would you believe it was true, especially the parts about what they're thinking cuz? That's the part they get wrong with me all the time. So if you're not famous and hear a bunch of things about a famous person, you probably think they're, probably true, don't you wouldn't, when you remind other, probably true, it's like if you get accused of a crime, if you see somebody being tried for murder, do you think they're probably innocent now the charge of orderly probably guilty. So so, if you don't know economics and you now famous, you see Soros completely different than if you have those two perspectives.
If you only had one but not the other, I think you'd still be confused about him, the other part of the year, the mystery. Have you tried to do a search on George Soros to find out what is opinion is especially about open borders, as one people talk about the most get go to Google, your favor or even duck dot com, I don't think it matters and just try to search and find out what Soros thinks about open borders. I couldn't find I spend some time this morning looking for it cuz. I wanted to like remind myself of it. What is it he thinks? It's a good idea. You can't find it now. Did he do that.
Who did that now? It could be because the search engines believe the tea. The theories about. Why he's doing what he's doing our true? So they may have just scrub them, or did he do it, but I know you find it so the only thing that I could find readily I'm sure if I spent another hour and when the page, by page into the twenty first pages unto the Duc de facto gay gave me the same outcome, try it so that's the weird bar is it if doktor GO had given me different rules all's, then I know what was happening, but that's not was happening. It's just gone adored. if it was ever there maybe was never there. That could be part of the mystery. So I this mystery about it, and let me talk about the economics. I heard that here's some things are about em
First of all, did you know he is giving away his fortune right here somebody is giving away and is confirmed, it is going away. His fortune started new, big and now its smaller, and he is very aggressively giving it away look here, some years a case of cognitive dissonance, rigour in all caps, Scots speaking out of ignorance. says the right lay in bed when it. What is it when somebody else EU and caps and makes just sir, like a generic thing? Now isn't the entire
I think that I'm talking about right now, my ignorance, wasn't my point, my ignorance, I said, there's a mystery. I don't understand. I am therefore ignorant so said the troll comes in and then he says Scott is ignorant. That's what I'm saying see your trolling. You can't even troll properly you so fuckin. Damn you can't even troll properly and I've gotta think be the lowest the lowest bar for talent. There could ever be here, troll I'd like you to go and insult this guy just say. Whatever he says is true to say the opposite. Ok I got whatever he says is true I'll trawl, throw out by saying the opposite? Gotta got it. And then I say: well I don't what's going on here and the troll says you don't
you stand what's going on here in all caps and I wonder if there is any kind of a performance review for trolls. Why does he have a boss? Is the boss going to look at them, There was one fuckin rule Listen to what he says you disagree with it. How many times do I have to tell you don't agree. With them disagree with them. They all caps part is brilliant. I like that you did that, because people really respect it when you say all caps and that will give greater credibility to opinion, but please. go, try again say the opposite of what he saying next time, the opposite this I imagine his performance review. Those. anyway, if you oh there you are giving away his fortune and that's confirmed
You believe that Soros is in it to make money for himself go in the comments Knowing nobody is giving his money motorway is either for the money. Did I mentioned he's giving his money away and then the question is: is the in it to make money. No, no I heard a comment that begin this fortune away in part to reduce the tax burden. No, no, you don't Give money away to reduce your tax burden. That's another thing is not a thing was Soros, it's not a thing with you not a thing with me, not a thing with anybody and has never been anything any time at any place in any dimension.
have any part of the whole fucking world and no part of the world, as anybody made a fucking penny because they gave money away like charitably. It's not a thing. You, you reduce your taxes, because you gave your fuckin money away. You make money, you didn't find a clever way too, to the given on the free money racket by giving new money away. So we at least agree to give up on Soros is trying to make money by giving them money away. He's not, whatever he's doing is definitely not fucking. That now we're not say he's a good guy, I'm not defending. I'm just saying you care for Make money by giving all your money away? You don't have to have a degree of economics to get that.
If you can find a way for me to make money by Having my money away, please suddenly that link. Cuz, I'm going to be all over that fuckin shit, I'm going to like my money away so fast. While this is great, nobody ever told me. I could make. by giving my money away to poor people. Look at me. Making money wow so let us abandon the economic argument, let's say that he just wants to do it because he has would you by that, whatever is these doing for is for his sense of what is right and wrong. Could you give me that? Could it could we all Gray, that whatever he is doing, is his own personal sense of what's right and wrong, because I think he says that right and he says that directly, you write it. It's exactly what
and that seems pretty reasonably. Posterity might have to do with his ego Couldn't we all get on the same page? That has something to do with ego. Austerity, maybe maybe even guilt, maybe even guilt, because the way made his money right could. His guilt maybe was revived, his family name for the benefit of children. But do we agree that, in his personal opinion, which might be wrong could well be wrong, but would we agree that it is personal opinion he's trying to do something good for the world? Would you gimme that or no. It's our question is now saying is doing something good for the world, I'm saying
by a process of elimination, since there is no economic benefit that anybody could reasonably imagine well, you say influence, but remember he's like a hundred years old. These can be dead. Do you think that he cares about? Is personal influence, the like, like a few years left and dead? I mean, I think, he's doing of her after he's gone right. Don't don't you think he's incentive is more about after he's gone at this? this is like a hundred. So then the question is: how does he describe what it is trying to do now? If you look at this website, it looks like awesome things now, poor people right so, but I mean that's his description of it. That doesn't mean this was really happen. and how do you How do you eliminate this explanation? So one explanation,
so he was evil and wants to control things, and I get that I'm not I'm not eliminating that. So, if you're a Soros Haider Hour, I will give you I don't. I don't know how to eliminate the possibility that it's all evil how it. How would you ever do that? I mean I can't read his mind. We can only look at what he does and that's all we know So I get eliminate that. But would you agree that another explanation could be this, that he gives this money to a lot of organizations that don't do exactly everything he would want them to do? Does that this sort of, problem with giving away a lot of money. If you give way less say a lot of money to one organization, you can pretty much control what they do- but if you're giving away a lot of monies, will lot of organizations and you're not controlling everything they do our
but I'm gonna be doing more than you want now. Did you. Other Soros is against the progressives. I just I just read it in his own words. So he considers himself very far from the AOC's and the burmese lady. He doesn't like them at all. He's a centrist more of a centrist liberal by his own description. Now you're saying it you're laughing. I'm saying what he says The actually complains about them going too.
Transcript generated on 2022-01-16.