« Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1521 Scott Adams: Probably the Best Coffee With Scott Adams of All Time

2021-10-06 | 🔗

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  • New DOJ policy on criticism of school officials
  • Instagram, more dangerous than fentanyl?
  • Paul Rubin on woke, primitive economics
  • Corruption? FDA rapid testing long delay
  • Government mandated behavior
  • Bank transactions over $600 

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The post Episode 1521 Scott Adams: Probably the Best Coffee With Scott Adams of All Time appeared first on Scott Adams Says.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning, everybody I welcome coffee was Arabs. What are the highlights of your day and certainly mine- and I don't know if you can feel yet do- failure every particle in your being start to get a little bit later, feel better things are starting to shape a birthday was gonna get even better scuba get even better. What would you need to do that? Well,. Amazing content- that's coming up, but also the simultaneous up, and all you need is a copper among your glass. A tanker tells Us Diana Canteen jug of last, a vessel of any kind, Look what I like coffee join me now for the parallel
the Dublin the other day. The thing that makes everything better skull, the simultaneous serpent happens now go the breathless anticipation of simultaneous spillage well put well. The carpenter. Well, did you see the no vote? A video of there was some school. This might be Fagin this by the way, but because it's fun I get treated like Israel, so I think his fate
maybe maybe not, but so, allegedly, though some school, the band backpacks, that's a sketchy. Bark was really a school. The man backpacks so first laudably the story at all, but the story goes: they banned, backpacks alone. The kids decided to take advantage of the specificity of the rule to bring things they weren't backpacks book is still transfer books, for example, one kid brought in Asia at one of those outdoor trash bins. Gigantic trash bed just drag that its scope filled with his books. Another
Baby straw. I think one at a dog cage on wheels or something now I am going to say. I don't believe it's a real story, but it was pretty funny if it. If it is realistic, Here's a commercial failure as an advertising commercial, entail the company until another. Not the intention, services until the company had a commercial and they the gist of it once they had people come in and use their new computer or a computer with a chip in it. I'm not sure,
and the people were amazed and surprised to find out what they thought was. An excellent Mackintosh computer were an apple computer was actually a pc, and that was that was the essence of the commercial. The people who think Mcintyre Apple keep saying Mackintosh the people there the apple laptops are just the best when they use this pc pc was so good that they thought it was an apple computer that was the commercial. How they do is that the worst idea for a commercial, let me tell you what teens really love
not just in but young adults as well. You know people really like they like to have that cheap imitation knock off of out of a high quality goods, I'm pretty sure they intelligence told there. Could Britain their customers that the good one is an apple apt up here, but if they want they did you know if they can handle the barest meant not having an apple product, they get something that works. Or to other people might not even own difference. So that's like the worst commercial idea. I've ever seen to tell people that their product is almost as good as the competition. What we ve got to lose, new justice department. this policy in, which the.
People are being reminded. The public has been reminded not to get too aggressive with these school officials does was lesser complaints about everything from mass due credit, re, sorry, Beethoven's Goebbels and I guess parents are getting pretty aggressive and so the Justice Department decided away and then say: don't do that will will put you in jail. If you go too far now some people are saying they just using the power of the state to shut down descent. Well now I mean this is to be. This can go either way. Does who exactly approves of people getting physical for example, or or threatening somebody home, I'm not sure,
approval as tough and thus Daphne's probably be illegal at some point right, so I'm not sure there's anything to this story. We imagine this is who is the slippery slope toward having parents not have any input at all, but I doubt it imagine: parents cuz. I have as much input as I want as long as I don't push her. people a loose leaders coming after me. Today people who are declaring my idiocy in a hallucination that they had. And then criticising me for their hallucination, for example, if I say something about cove reiterating in that category, I get this concept to me. You don't understand the risks. Well, they be arguing with my argument.
Why are they arguing about with some quality of me? Is there did you see that? What is our signal? What does a signal when somebody goes f the messenger and touched the argument? Cognitive dissonance rate is cognitive dissonance, because if the argument was the problem, will they witnessed go after the argument? They just published a link or say: will that makes no sense because you having considered extra? Why but the cat- the problem is that of how to do that? So anybody who who has a counter argument that makes us use you'll, rarely find an exception. People don't go after like the personality that, unless he, unless they have nothing to say, Yeah, so here's another man the basis
You will understand that as politicians they closed the economy, not viruses, because our talk about the risk of quota virus would be closed behind me. Well, yes, I know that the politicians make the disease. But we haven't turned off the laws of cause and effect whatever made them to make the decision. Last time my maker causes. you could argue all day long that they should closely com. But if we know what happens as part of the risk, you can't turn of cause and effect just because you think it ought to be turned off.
my favorite one is that I used to be smart and have a good takes, but suddenly all my tanks are crap now. What are the odds that I won from clever for decades to really dumb I'm just as one topic possible totally possible right. Somebody could be smart in general and dumb on. One topic, probably save a lot, but it shouldn't be. Your first guess play the odds. I probably didn't, get suddenly stupid. There's probably just something that we differ in the data we differed in. What is logical, tell me what that is, we'll see what we can do. So he says, is the marijuana I got, Well, you have no idea was marijuana. I arose another. Let's was about that Facebook whistleblower.
So the Sir Ms Haug him, I guess it is Haagen so, apparently, is just a fact now. The institute in arms children, especially young girls, do we accept. That is just a fact. Now. Fact, and so I us this pole on twitter- Do you think will harm the most teens inside the next year, vaccinations, Instagram or Sentinel, which one of those things is the most dangerous to kids. I feel like adsense grant by by a lot fact there was the Borg result. Now this is highly unscientific ball, but is really about thirty nine percent and the vaccinations got twenty nine and central authority, one so courting too
Unscientific, ball and swam is more dangerous than sentinel and vaccinations. Joe Manchin is holding tight with an mostly because of the dazzling. So Joe Mansion says that the three point five million- will just be too much money too much money. How did Joe Mansion decide that? What is the? What mechanism does Joe Mansion use to know how much that is the right amount? Did you talk to economists? They dont know. The economist don't know just how much is the amount of debt that would crush is and how much is gonna pay for itself. For example, eurobonds is gonna pay for itself. Now you might be a businessman.
yonder, say you dumb, it seems like a high functionally person, but. He's, holding the entire country and, frankly, I'm glad he is I'm not aunt age, old, mansion right so understand world coming from I'm not anti Joe Mansion and I'm kind of glad he's holding up the vote on the infrastructure they. But you have to ask the question based on what what is this reasoning? I like it, but what's his reasoning is not? It is not a canvas right and you,
The economist don't much is right about that. So it's kind of a weird situation that we ve got one person in charge of Congress and he is making decisions base, are absolutely no expertise or knowledge. I think he probably admit it. If you ask them the direct question, what is the right amount of that? Because it's not zero. If you say to me, he's got the right about data. Zero I was not now is very, must not zero. It's some large number. I just don't know at what point is the breaking point. I mean debt is good and if you use a right that is not bad universally. Sometimes you need to invest in stuff mansions, one and fifty two senators ecossaise. Although european your point is taken, is wanted.
did you senators but easily one matters, because if all the obvious reasons you know them saying, but I get your point. Paul Reuben rights in the Wall Street Journal that the woke, because the woke left's primitive economics- and this point is that. the these socialism, a model works good in a tribal situation where your amount of stuff is limited. if you could only gather a limited amount of staff or grow a limited amount of stuff or hunt a limited amount of stuff and after share it with the tribe socialist capitalism breaks. Our model
and capitalism is where you everybody gets more. So, instead of dividing what you have you just make more and then everybody gets a little and then the catalyst gets the most. That's the incentive so do by that. Do by that, the main difference between the the left and the rights views on economics is that the right actually understands economics, at least they understand, supply and demand, and they understand human moderation. The right understands human motivation and they calculated in all of their systems and policies, and the left us they act like is not a variable which is wrong. Every time It's never right as soon as you ignore human motivation, you're wrong every time, every time, developing a policy or a system to do by that,
so far as to say that both the left and right get science wrong way. Too often, it has nothing to do with being on the left or the right, getting Science wrong just means it. Humans are really good at the science and we think we are. We can get the basics, but then we're we're done after that so I think we're both wrong in this science. Some different things and different times but only once I get the economics wrong it will you go with me on that they any human can get science wrong. That's pretty easy cuz, where we just don't quite have the brains to can grasp the higher level stuff, economics conservatives understand the human motivations gotta be a top variable or nothin works. They got that far right and the left doesn't,
Oh I'd say: everybody's bad science, but only the left is bad. In economics courses are gross generalizations. Obviously as our river fret fry use, the term experimental in a tweet today for the coveted vaccination, I would like to suggest that anybody who uses the word experimental for the vaccination and, of course I know what you mean- everybody understands that it was you a quick job and wasn't test as long as other vaccinations itself, and also new technology, but colleagues experimental, I would say, is worth thinking, meaning is trying to win an argument with a word and that's that's not how it works can work, but that's why you should win an argument with the word dont defined.
Words. Are you done and I would argue that experimental might be cognitive dissonance. The telephone, cognitive dissonance if you use that word is perfectly, is perfectly reasonable to say all the following things: we don't have much will track record and at least two of the vaccinations are a platform that we have less experienced. That increase your risk. While we don't often increases the actual risk but increases unperceived risk, which is what you make your decisions on. So I would our view that you dont want to use the word experimental at source, tell that you're not thinking through orally. Let me say this way. The way I receive it. Since I can't read your mind, I don't know I don't whatever he's thinking when they
but the always received is just propaganda word and then I turn off the rest of the sentence. So. Persuasion, advice, visa, who I generally agree with them. Most things are getting to think of anything. I disagree with a month. But just a persuasion suggestion though use word experimental and that there really that really put you in a category, and I think you wanna be their here's. My take See how much of this you agree with their designated I'll, be watching the comments as as I go, I say without being an expert on either side and by the way you should watch even Barnes. It's great was one of the best part gas. In my opinion, one of the best Basque Pike S out. There
Let me say how much of this the following, you agreed with number one: that every vaccination is a different risk management decision by itself and asked. but that myself as its own risk management. Everybody do that. So far such there Let's say you had lots of experiments experience with chicken pox vaccination. What to tell you about measles vaccinations a little bit, maybe, but certainly no certainty, because their different and the risk is different, cetera. Now I've said that the risk of covered is a ray to the economy. Where is those other ones are not? Let let me know I'm going to get a push back on this, so let me put that out there and see her.
That's covered is a risk to the economy, but the others were about. Why services? Why is it. as the data suggests, there is a risk to the economy, doesn't matter if you're thinking, Skanska Scott, we shouldn't have closed the economy. That's the wrong! what we should do know shouldn't do is irrelevant here risk management decision. What we would do is relevant. What you should do is not part of the conversation, because we're not doing what we should we're doing what we're doing and everybody might have a different opinion on what we should do. So should is a word worthy should be part of your calculation. Just look at the cause and effect, given the government we have and we can't change it
the government we have the public we have recently we have. If coverage Killing way more people than it is at the moment, because we just open everything up and dropped all the restrictions and other enough then make a difference both to say: does that would close economy? Maybe you disagree and maybe, if you are in charge, you wouldn't closed the economy, that's irrelevant, you're, not enlarge. The people were in charge will feel that they will lose their jobs. If too many people die. so they're incentive, as a government officials, there incentive unfortunately does in line with the oars. Your incentive is to run your life with a risk management that you feel comfortable with. That's not their incentive. Their incentive is not for you to run your life with your own,
reward. Their incentive is to have a the fewest number. People die, arrogant, hospitalized, that's how they keep their jobs, so they're, not about the same risk management calculation year about you're, not even on the same team, similar to draft a you through the war you getting drafted might be really bad for you, but that's not why they did it. They didn't draft
for your benefit they drafted years ago in the war for the nations benefit, so the individual calculation and the the governance calculation will always be different in this kind of situation, maybe has to be maybe asked me and you can't change the fact that they will manage to the lowest number of deaths. That's not gonna change. So if you, if come, went wild or wilder or was completely uncontrolled and were the same, no vaccinations or anything else, would it closed the economy? Of course? Of course it is a dead before I think it would again in the same forces. Would be a work you just have to get the death rate up to a certain level of that everything will close here, maybe differently. We might be smarter about it, how we close things, but it's gonna be a dragon economy. So here's my take the code,
Vaccination did not have the same risk profile as either as any of their prior vaccinations. If we had the luxury of waiting five to fifteen years of watching the covert vaccination before making it more mandatory or release required for certain things, I suppose we we'd love to do that. We all agree on that right. If we had the luxury to wait, five or fifteen years to just watch this Covin vaccination to feel really safe about it we'd. All of that but we us that one of the choices one of the choices is better. Do something pretty quick or your in trouble. so that risk profile is not like measles, it's not like chicken box,
so the moment you say whilst treat them like like their somehow. This similar class of risk completely wrong there. They might be a similar rare, but remember your individual risk has nothing to do with what the government does. they don't care about your individual rest. They care about the group risk. So you might say to yourself I got a kid. My kids, Norway, they're gonna, get cover. Die. So your kids, of course, I think, have to be their own class for analysis. So I grew that I don't think you make one rule and replace the kids in the place everybody book, but we're not. We are making different rules for different ages, as we should so group risk should include economic, says, correct, Rupert
should include the economics. So, let's see, if we can agree with the following statements: nobody, including our exports, are super good and evaluating risks to nobody, including our experts, are super evaluating risk. This was on board that so far we're all bad at it. Even the experts
There is little, but the gas and oil, but there are some things that you as an individual can make a decision on without knowing all the risks, such as your personal freedom right did. Do you need to know everything about your risks to make a good decision about your own personal freedom? Nope? Now you can be wrong. Is your personal freedom emphasis on personal? You can be wrong about risk cheer decision you get to make that decision unless
the government tries to stop it, so I think that comparing the vaccinations, any vaccination to any other is bad thinking, because the risk profiles are different and we should not expect that we were treated in the same if the risk of covert is more immediate and affects the economy, and maybe it's a bigger population of people who die dollar. If that's true, but if you believe it is true, you would treat them differently and one of the things you might do is rush of acceleration someday you. or do if he had the luxury of waiting, but you don't FDA approved. More rapid testing looks like a big deal: cost those ten dollars, already there are several companies and make them, but this new and acorn it's going to double the capacity and you get it.
I would like as a nasal swab and you get it. You get an answer in fifteen minutes. Somebody's gonna win a Pulitzer Prize for figuring out. Why this has already been done. Has here the problems we didn't have? We didn't have a problem with money, capacity, science, knowhow, anything we didn't have any. We didn't have any obstacles. I mean not with any obstacles that would have stopped us from having
the same availability of some european countries already have we had no more obstacles are needed and probably more resources, so why does it take us along has to be corruption? Now I understand that Scott got leaves book attributed to bureaucracy, not by an that. For a second and luxuries talk about the same thing I did read it I just heard about it, so maybe complaining to different stories. I think I might be actually, but the point is we don't know, Sir bother you, we don't know why this took so long, and I dont by the bureaucracy, is you know, also,
stopped, would have stopped vaccinations. The bureaucracy. Are you telling me that the bureaucracy approved super say provocative or controversial vaccinations compressed timeline? You tell me the bin. The bureaucracy got that done and they couldn't approve tests, which would have essentially no risk I couldn't do that, so the bureaucracy can approve the hard to say you possibly ever approve rapid vaccinations and they couldn't approve a test that doesn't even affect your body seriously. That's not the bureaucracy. Trust me. I know there are a few people who appreciate the power of the bread bureaucracy more evenly.
Creator of Delbert, but this doesn't look like bureaucracy to me. This looks like some kind of corrupt I don't know who or aware, but as some guide. So somebody's gonna get a Pulitzer Prize for digging into that and finding out. Where was what their benefit was for stopping. There's a you know: the book peril embrace talking about by woodwork, John Some o CBS News. tax bases in the book peril? The verbatim transcript between Speaker policy in General Milly is fascinating, how they talk what is said and left unsaid dialogue and many non patient Bluebook political books can sound like a film students, first draft of inaction movie, but this
Raw transcript is chilling to which I say was a really tries deserve an actual written transcript of an actual private conversation between police, Milly and author of a book had access to it. What can something it may affect check on that? There are an actual transcript like it was recorded and then released a statue. Is it oh missus afore Maybe I doubt it, but so we don't another the details of the story, but let me add a generic, which is this. Are you aware that when people are accorded in books is rarely what the person actually said? How many of you know that
how many of you know that when you see somebody's exact words in quotes in an article or a book This is our very high, like maybe eighty five percent, that they didn't say that did you know that she is my experience that eighty five percent of dynamism, it's a manufactured, quote their manufacture, In other words, the the journalists were writer talks to the subject for a long period of time and then says themselves well, he said three or four things about this topic. But they were kind of long. They don't fit into a quote, so I'm going to bake them into a little quote and quotes around it cuz. I I feel, like I've, captured the essence of what he was try, say, and just the a cord Radice who doesn't look like I'm saying super, come
Do you know how many times you I've seen my own words with quotation marks around them and articles alot, hundreds, hundreds and hundreds, many hundreds of times I've seen myself quoted is how many of those times did. I actually saved the actual sentences in liquid and twenty percent. That's it The rest are literally made up as a consumer. If you don't know that you're really gonna be confused about what really happened. Listen, I've got the Good NEWS. For the golden age, you know the atoms, love slow, moving disasters says: if society can see a big problem coming for long enough, we ve got lots of warning. We always fix it.
We always do we didn't run out of food within run out of oil. We closed the ozone hole will fix climate change. Like that's that's my personal optimistic view here, because we have enough time, even though it looks like we don't have time and were or rushing against the rising. Amateurs? I think we have enough, but you are a few things that are happening. Number one company called dimensional energy they're, making jet fuel, which is the hardest thing to replace if you're trying to get to a low carbon situation, it's hard to replace jet fuel because he can't do with a battery except for a small plants but for big jet, We don't. You have a battery capacity for them, but this company, dimensional energies, sucks the sea or to ever the air puts it through
uncle process and creates Jeff you out of the air they suck job fuel, the air, now is not Jeff fuel with a second outages go too, but they chemically translated the jet fuel evidently they're gonna power, this whole thing with the sun, so they have a big son factory. does, or somewhere someplace remote and The sun will burn down and create enough energy to translate the co2 that they dairy sector there into jet fuel now Joshua. is what the bigger contributors to climate change. So it's a big deal and that it is even better than you think they think they're scale. Once they build the bigger operation, they can get the cost of a gallon of jet fuel down to a dollar.
Follow the money if the economics of this are accurate,. This is the only way we can make Jeff you we're not gonna make national any other way. If you can make it for a dollar a gallon. I don't know what Jeff you will cost, but I'm sure it's more as much or more than a tank of gas for your car. That's five bucks in California So that's good news and is already working at small Also, we don't have to wonder about the technology. All we have to do a scale it up is now an engineering problem. Let me say that again the solution to climate change. If this is true, if you can actually do this as it is inexpensively as they claim, if that's true we're done
climate change is just an engineering problem. Now it's not a political problem. It's not. A scientific problem is just an engineering problem, get a bunch of engineers to build a bunch of these plants. They second over there. But we're done here is another one: Good news company called, I dont, know the name of the company, but they ve built a gigantic warehouse. Like Billy gigantic, using a I'm robotic, some stuff like that, and apparently it's in the Appalachian mountains and if you do a right inside a high tech,
duration, you reduce the water use by something like ninety percent, so we ve got this gigantic water problem and also a gigantic costs. The living problem and they can substantially reduce the cost of food, substantially reduce the use of water, which is a big deal, because agriculture uses most Eu Water and power we bring down the cost of food as well as the shipping costs, because in theory you can build one of these facilities more in every population centre, suddenly you don't have to shut it. I mean as far so. This is gigantic. Are you worried about climate change, making too hard to grow food problem solved and again, All this has to do is be economical and you done we'll just build moral. Just keep building.
And I think this is part of the answer to housing and just stay and inexpensive life that doesnt break the bank. This might be part of it Well, there's news that damn scurvy though, is missing in action and they can serve them. The subpoenas they want to two haven't testimony testify about generous exe. there's a rumour, the desk of either one hiking in the Carlton preserve anybody. Anybody was a rumour that he wouldn't hiking in the Carlton. Preserve somebody got that joke some of you got there joke it's not true. But there are not even explain it ask your friend if you get a joke, I was like about Eyewear Taiwan and China. So
China's something bunch of warships flying over Taiwan and Jack Posada tweeted that about the Taiwan stuff he says, is heating up more than people realize he says this isn't just posturing there. Top of chinese generals telling me she they want the green light to attack Taiwan. What's your interpretation of this story, Alice was taken as a given that Jack Posada because good sources, that's been my experience. He has good sources. So we take as true, though, that we have some entails
And they started. How do you interpret that do interpret as oh, my god, wars gonna break out any moment because the generals or issue and do it? I don't here's my interpretation. If you're a general, you need to tell she ready to go gimme the green light just good, generally generals being generals, don't we have of attack plan for basically everything? Don't our generals have a plan for attacking just about anything, including China. Of course, and don't those generals probably tell nerve commander in chief of the United States, not on this topic, but on other topics. Let us do it. They said that in Afghanistan Right Alan, let us stay, let's keep some people forever, the most ordinary thing in the world bordering on nothing
is generals wanting to fight wars or at least telling the boss. They want to fight a war, the boy asked the put us in the game is just seems good politics, I'm not sure. I could go so far as to say that that's telling us they're ready to strike, because I cannot imagine that China would benefit from it. I think their economy would be crashed for years and I think they know that still has a story. The says several states Texas. I do well Georgia glamour Kentucky Arcs in Moscow on have fifty percent or less Bryce EU capacity available. So I see you capacity in those states I mentioned fish
percent or less capacity. Anybody in the comments in the conference was a fake news. Come on you're, all train. You know this one. You all know this one, that's the normal amount of capacity. I see you, fifty percent capacity is alot actually is not. Height. That means that they wish they had more, because the Icu's try to operate ghetto close to that level, because they're expensive see what are utilizing as much as possible. So you build them such that they're. Always close to capacity so see. You then reports this without ever telling you what the normal capacity is for an icu at some of the some of the comments. As ninety percent is the goal. This is the fakest
Now, I'm not tell you that does that's love capacity. Does you could crash that within a wave I guess of covered, but lady tat, little car taxes Plates Romantic Lewinsky's, I think there's some documentary about monoclonal socialism news. Does built lenses role in the affair Scandal was wholly inappropriate. I guess we all agree that as as was hers and she says the same thing- her own role- she's, not defending, but what about the part about going public? Those are two different crimes. If I can use crime in a generic sense, not a technical sense, because it Bill Clinton One bad mistake, which was not of clemency. Monica fluency made to bed mistakes. One was getting involved in the affair. She wasn't adult.
Yes, I understand the power differential know that, but she wasn't adult we don't we don't give a dull surpass right. We don't give adults bass. Clinton lied and he should have. I approve of his lie. I approve of his life, for the country. Was the country better off? If you found out that the affair was real, What did they help you in some way? Now we just cause this to be caught up in some impeachment drama. It didn't help the country. So this is my opinion. Bill Clinton. Yes, why did he s answer for any has were monarchy it in terms of the affair. She s the answer forage, yes, and text responsibility and I appreciate that, but the real crime here was the making it public. Am I wrong that that was the bigger crime cuz? That's the part that paralyzed the country they could have had sex all day, long in the oven.
so they just don't tell us about it still would be wholly inappropriate, but at least the commander in chief would not be so tense yeah. So our friend Linda Trip, who doktor into it, certainly as some responsibility there, too. But I can't give Michael once gear pass for making this public. That is one of the worst things any citizen is done to this country short of terrorism. I probably one of the worst things a citizen has done to the country short of terrorism and the mass shootings. So he says not even close.
Their affair was outlined by drudge. That's not the way I remember. Maybe I do need a fact check on this, but I remember, as there may be judged outdated, but it wouldn't have anything unless she admitted it right. I think it was the admitting it that made it a thing, because presidents being accused affairs is kind of you one new cycle of gone. That's not really. The the big problem just be accused The sea admitting it that's the problem, and I also think that this whole thing infantilism women, analyzes women you're a list was: do the Ellen Dershowitz test. Ok, here's the Ellen Dershowitz test. Imagine the affair happened, but the twenty two year old in the story was mail.
Would we treat a male twenty two year old, who had an affair with say with Angela Merkel or something what we is that twenty two year old as like? Oh there was a power deferential, even though the woody, and even though it does matter, I'm certainly agree matters, but would we treat these situations are saying I'm gonna say now. I can say no, I think, we're in fertilizing women here I think it's insanely sexist to imagine that Monica was just a victim to the power and this information- I just don't think a man would be treated like this. I think a man would be treated with more respect. Frankly- and I was think, that's cool bill gates is part of faint lose you probably some of you might have fallen for this story. Is twenty ten TED talk he talked about?
using vaccinations to reduce population growth. People interpret that as killing people to reduce the population. Now. You say that he also did not say will vaccinate people to make them unable to children and say that the contacts was that vaccinated society's new better and when countries do better economically there
The birth rate goes down automatically, so a bill gates said was sort of a big nothing. If you vaccinate better these developing countries, there would be part of a package of things that make them do better and as they do better, they have fewer kids. That does not cause we're. Still now you might say we shouldn't you vexations as a separate question, bizarre really controversial to say that the population might self regulate if the country does better birth rate goes down, but information, improved soldiers. Wash I mean you could argue that he has the math wrong. That's a separate question: how much market share is Apple overseas Android, quit selling apple products? You sell out what.
Now I will say it again is many times the sittings. We can't treat the companies that have established business in China the same as a company, this planning to go there. This is not the same analysis. You have to let the big companies unwind at their own speed, whatever makes sense economically, but you didn't. I think you can be assured that apple and their managed. Look at that alternatives to China, if you think they're not looking pretty hard at alternatives to China, just a minimum, zero risk, you're, crazy
but I'm just say that we don't need to make them leave today. It would be enough to just given you give them their flexibility. The think it out at the road speed is question about boom. I can't I have only bad news about who, unfortunately, is not eating on round. I thought she did for like a dangerous Likud's of food, but she stopped. She is not looking good for both get but there's another story so, let's say I got some pushed back on Twitter. For mentioning that vaccine mandates would not be unique and the problem is, we just got used to it. Or everything you do mandated in terms of the year, the guard rails away Cavaco,
Do you see belts as my example and everybody did the the analogy thing or, if you say Scott, that's about analogy, because here the differences between the Sea Bell and the vaccination now deliberately think I didn't know the simpleton vaccinations were actually different things. I will stipulate that everything about a vaccination. Everything is different from everything about seatbelts, except one thing, which was my point: Just one thing: the government should do. That's all! That's all. I must say that are the same I'm just saying you live in a world in which the government makes you do all kinds of stuff that, maybe you don't want to do so
If your argument is the slippery slope, all you been slightly less slippery slow for our, which doesn't mean I'm a favorite mandate, some opposed mandates here that I am opposed to mandate, but I am also opposed to bad arguments I am opposed a mandate and bad arguments. We live in a world in which we have willingly even the government, all kinds of control over our bodies and we just got used to it. So we don't notice. Really. I guess it's just that when it comes to this week, now, let me ask you this: why is that there were treating this particular risk or and mandate so different. Don't or other mandates. Have the potential to kill us or make us lose money. Also, this isn't. The only mandate has a negative impact on people
for example, is doing the draft and that's a pretty big impact on people. We allow that under the right conditions, so I'm gonna make a provocative, stable. That your opinion on vaccinations was probably assigned to you. You don't know what your opinion on vaccinations was probably assigned to it by the media possess where, It is come from if you have an opinion that doesn't match anything that you're reading in the media might be your own opinion. If your opinion exactly matches stuff, you're saying on social media could be because you're all smart, I don't think so. I think it's more because Europe
you ve got assigned to it? You accepted it. So Norway are you accepting mandates? It's worse, your accepting opinions. You are actually taking the governments or in some cases we have some other entity like Fox NEWS or whatever you rating and year letting them give you an opinion that you think he's your own. Now I know you
It's your own opinion. That's how it works now feels like it's your own opinion, but unless as unique, you can't tell Scott trying to label people what what? Where did I just label people, south korean doctors on Youtube or a good source of mass? Do you believe hunters actually painting the pictures he is selling? I don't think you can assume it, but I dont think that there is so good that I would rule out how about my opinion is an aside, while my opinion, I believe, does not match to any of the major opinions. My opinion is that the?
some nation is a good idea for lots of people and I'm in that category, where the risk reward based on young, incomplete information by looks like it might be, a good decision for people. My category might be a bad decision for somebody in some other demographic, but I don't think we should have mandates So I dont know which side is telling you that the vaccinations might be a good idea, but you don't need mandates. The ice was plenty people that opinion to discuss. Opinion seems like things we ve heard before. I don't know you, for my opinion, breaking down the stairs the risk management before I think I'm the only one talking about it. That way, you know that's the government tracking you're down to
six hundred dollars and transactions in your bank account. That's that's. Gonna change, a lotta behaviour because here is the problem. A huge part of the american economy is criminal, small, one of the dark secrets of small businesses that they're, mostly criminal enterprises, no matter what they look like on the surface, they're almost certainly cheating on their taxes. Sorry, almost not all of them together, there could be small, This is urgent playing it totally straight, but small businesses Emma flexibility to take cash pretty much all of them do pretty much all of em don't declared, but they gotta put their catch them were. for in the bank. So what's going to happen with this bag thing, let let's make a prediction: what's gonna happen
These small businesses stop taking cash and Jordan, or just our pig taxes are probably not. Will they take that money is still put it in the bank where they will easily be caught in their deposits, are away their income so will raise a flag? Probably not. What's going to happen, you're going to create a secondary market for cash, and it won't be bags you're going to create this underground ash network, where people will be laundering their cash through friends? Okay, let me give an example. If I make a say, Messiah, Meda, five thousand dollars cash deposit in my bank.
Would it raise any flags nope nope, because the amounts that my transactions or largish, and even if I have never Meda and I'll, think ever made a five thousand or cash deposit? But even if I did, people would say that this within the range of why he does so. I could launder your money. You can come to be as a hay gets his vice hasn't dogs. Can you put it in your bank and will trade, something they can't be can't be noticed, As a sharp does all I have no problem deposit just looks like normal business for me so unified these models. Wondering- will just be pervasive: crack your cash laundry and then Crypto is probably part of the algerian I'm seeing humming promptly. Crypto will have some impact. I don't know exactly what what.
I will look like look at Europe sewer. This goes. Don't try to guess not interesting. Somebody says in Europe is already there, so I can repeat after me. I just saw my boat exactly. But if you sell your boat every week, they're gonna notice, so that's why I could put five thousand in the bag and say I sold about nobody's gonna nobody's gonna, look at a twice Yes, the Dilber kellners are made in China and almost all the products I use problems remain in China. Is For those of you who want to do a gotcha me, it doesn't work. Because I'm telling you I'm not going to stop buying these products. If I need them and replacing get em or even just convenience, and tell you that we have some new business going on that score.
go and stopping buying everything from China is impractical and making all the companies move out right way. Is impractical so I'm in I am in favour of practical things. I realise that this creates an inconsistency, philosophical philosophically, but should not catching me. I'm tell you I'm doing that. There's no gotta here, yes, Dilber products are printed in China. I hated snuck in the changeover I will I talk to my publisher about, of course, do they all options? Probably not yeah I mean we can. We can be practical, we don't have to The absolute is right. Tat is all I needed to say today, pressure. Yes, it is, and that means I'm gonna go, do something else,
Some issues as a lame excuse is it is it is being practical, a lame excuse, no, it isn't be. Impractical is always practical. I'll talk to you later,
Transcript generated on 2021-10-09.