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Episode 1499E Scott Adams: Today I Will Talk About Joe Manchin, Swollen Balls, and Other Horrors

2021-09-14 | 🔗

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  • Safe nuclear energy is the future
  • J6 prisoners
  • Instant election audits 
  • CA recall election coincidences
  • Ice cream for dementia
  • Nicki Minaj cousin’s friend

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The post Episode 1499E Scott Adams: Today I Will Talk About Joe Manchin, Swollen Balls, and Other Horrors appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good morning everybody welcome to the golden age. Yeah, that's the golden age, and I put on my microphone so that the EU do people hear me them well. Do we have good news for you today and fund news and stories? Are you wanna hear here? We do still be great, but if you like taken up a level- and I know you do does why would you some of the less don't sell from us you can have it all. I need is a cover under glass, a tanker jealousies, title accounting, juggler flask, a vessel of any kind.
thought you favour liquid. I like copy jointly now for the unparalleled pleasure. The doubly delegating makes everything better scope assembled in his sleep and it's gonna happen I'll go well. If you may be here on time you or even for a treat Because today is the best funniest most enter tv news of all time. That's a promise! Let us get right to topple, lose you further. The Pegasus spies software that gets on your phone
I guess I'm to all your stuff that is so advanced that when we governments have access to it, but we found out that there was a flaw, or at least a hole in the apple phone operating system that this Pegasus software was was Belgium and apparently the names of people who are allegedly targeted by the software, including a lot of journalist and activist? That's right, journalist and activist are being targeted by foreign nations to be spied upon and they're everything on their phone is accessible to them?
Now, have I told you before that one of the weird things about my life is that you read the news, but more often in it Mcdonald's. I see your comment yeah, I mean you watch the views, but I watch the news, I'm in it. So I read this news about this Pegasus by programme. That's targeting activists and and reporters. The journalists am I on that list and, if not, why not? If I were a foreign country, the first person I would want to look into with me, because I seem to be influencing things now. I might not
could be. A solution could be illusion that could be just that everything they translate seems to go my way, maybe not everything. Of course nobody. Nobody has ever but I immediately dropped everything in the updated by phone legacies of sex for it, but I'll tell you. I've never updated my software so fast the moment. The moment I saw that like ok drop, with a drop everything, because the the odds that somehow I've been targeted, just as a young person who talks in the media about politics, baby S. That's some scary issued. The result is Jesse Waters mentioned me last night, anger felt I have that recorded and I will watch Saturday Well, here's some good news ready for the Good NEWS, really good news, Great news,
I'll give you the best news today, they ever heard right now. Some of you don't think there was a problem, climate change, but suppose you dead or suppose you didn't think it was a problem like everybody shut up, which would be a difficult problem. There are two gigantic happenings that the latter can solve climate. It number one. A carbon capture planted the world's first and largest. Just open up is a factory the sucks air into it takes the carbon dioxide out mixes. With water and turns it into some kind of limestone and sticks it in the ground. Now how many factories would you did to suck enough?
yes in Iceland. Nobody would you d and the company is a swiss start up got climb works quite amazing climate clamoured sagey. Now we know the technology works were gay. We don't have to wonder hey. Will this technology were already works? They built the factory, didn't build a prototype here this. Clearly, it's not a prototype does. In actual fact, factory has taken carbon dioxide ever there now believe you did I now by how much more efficient can the carbon capture become? Well, if it's like everything else in the world, the starts out somewhat barely efficient and it just keeps getting better weapons when our technology for it.
Urban capture goes wrong kind of a kind of works to really good problem, solitary. So when you see that it's already apparently economical in some sense either I can imagine that day ever profit and what I saw you think so I'd always funding it, but a godfather so visa. Somebody has an interest this large enough to put money into it. So if you dont have a technical problem because it works, there's no question about it: it's open right is open and working. You know how that question, and you don't have a funding problems causes many would say, is the biggest problem in the world or whatever it may be inefficient now, but what's the goody, what will the technology get you in ten years? That's a question you have to ask yourself I'll so Adam don't mean was pointing this out. The story out, but also goes to
what I call the Arabs, love slow, moving disasters? How many of you have heard of that? Have you heard of the Adams law of slow moving disasters? Is its David after myself, at the law states this that the only disasters you have to really worry about are the ones you didn't see coming. There was a sneak up on your fast like the pandemic. Well, arguably with consider company, but another specifically. and the argument goes like this- that whenever we, whenever humanity can see a problem developing over decades, we always helped
such as you're gonna run out of oil nope. We saw it coming and we ve learned a fraction do other things with you: gonna run food deserted many people, nope, not we just figured out and grow Basel II. The cars either pollute the air and we won't be able to breathe nope nope. We just change the laws and made the smoky cars go away. It's much better, but so basically, every time you find your problem about the ozone hole only in the atmosphere. When I was a kid, the ozone was despair with I'll be fried by this up, but we do it would A long time to happen so achieves
gotta their souls were hot, so climate changes the Proba typical example that, because we're lucky and eighty here can timeframe granted as the first twenty that there might be critical, but a long time by human standards as a lot of time and the arts it. We will figure out workarounds, for it are really good, so Am I worried about climate change? No because everybody else's if everybody else was not worried about climate change that might be worried about, because I be like hey, I'm not positive. This is in the wrong direction, but am white and nobody is doing anything about it. But if you tell me, we ve got decades to work out. Something and everybody knows, is a problem for let was a most of the scientists in most of the industry believes its problem so
Maybe not, but does exactly the situation that makes me feel comfortable, my deal. Situation is there's a problem that will take decades to materialise and were working really hard to fix. It already has a bit situation golden age. Here we come now. Here's the second part of that of all about the Good NEWS today, but you feel about this Do you feel a lot and listen to your second part? If you ve been watching Michael Schoenberg or talk about, green energy being not as useful as we hoped it would be, and that nuclear energy actually is the only really feasible way to give us all the energy we need in the future with other sources of course, but we cannot not new nuclear power than we did of course, basin bubble up, but here's a day in the hills.
Story of humanity, or at least let's say your lifetime. Have you ever heard of a major debate? Let's say a public debate where they're definitely people on both sides like really dug in to take abortion. Abortion would be where there's two sides really dug in take a socialist two sides really dug in northern gonna change and that that defines most of our topics when somebody says there's three sides in such cases: ok and simplifying for for this, wouldn't you say that over your entire life, you ve never seen it major debate with two sides were so I just wondered debate. On the other side said now get your right in any case where this ever happened.
It's happening right now to seal. protesters protest against the building of nuclear power plants, Nope do you see all the people going on television and say we should close Oliver Nuclear Power plants nope. No, do you know why? Because the debate is over, That's the only time that is the only of debate, debates of little one that I can think of. You won't even see anybody go on television. Who is an expert on that talk about some scared, citizen But you also earlier experts on television, we should build nuclear power plants, because if you got an expert associated with the right political right, that's a at nuclear power plants. but if you got somebody associated with the left, let's say Joe Biden
He'd say yes, a nuclear power plants. Have you ever seen this before and by the way I credit Michael shown, Berger for unknown. Maybe most, the strange because his work, this harder than I've, seen anybody work and the topic ever and more effectively by his communication skills and through them, you rarely do see somebody with that kind of communications, skill whom you know who gets a by other topic and just drives it down to ground, but I thought He did I mean it is justified to Congress enough and incredibly and persuasion We, then you don't even see politicians railing against nuclear power data, because I think it would be embarrassing at this point now, if you're a little behind the information here that the quick version is this.
If you're worried about storage of nuclear waste, basically salt they just started the girls right on site, then ownership and anywhere. Why was the last time you had a big story about a gigantic problem where the store nuclear waste. This is not a problem. They just stored on site problems, and about two. I see Fukushima and was there now about the problem of safety, because you don't want somebody like your Fukushima, your melting down or something right. Were you aware that no modern designs, nuclear energy plan is a rather that we're Imelda? Fukushima is older, because you don't want somebody like your Fukushima melting down or something right Were you aware that? No,
modern designs: nuclear energy plant is a rather that we're Imelda. Fukushima is old design. You wouldn't bill. That today and even the new designs are built around so long. What we call the newer young generation three. generations re has never had a problem. Those are the only ones you would build. You wouldn't build a generation to you, wouldn't older Chernobyl generation, one The zero problems were generation three. So if you think that there's a safety problem, you'd have to answer the fact that zero people has ever died and there's never been an amount them in a generation. Three, so waste storage, salt Safety solve were really gonna generation three and, by the way, general.
Forward, even at the risk of melting down, the generation for some of the designs actually eat nuclear waste as their own fuel. So you're everything that we are worried about the course with handsome breakthroughs, indecision, fish, India or fusion outside with has a breakthroughs in fusion, which is even a beggar deal. So if you're looking at the climate change, the two biggest things that could possibly ever happen are happening. The debate on nuclear power is our I've never seen this happen before I've never seen a debate. One is really remarkable. Can you think of any other example again drives us. Goodness. Rasmussen has a loophole out. Saying asking you you believe that the folks who are now
jail because the January six protest at the cattle are they do you believe that there are political prisoners? Alas, listen the comments and I'll tell you what the Rasmussen Paul said. Do you think that the people in jail for the generous six protests are political prisoners? Yes, yes, yes and see lots of gases from that, almost all of us here now. Let me ask you this. Let me start by red with you again, some agreed with you were on the same side, I would say that our political prisoners to Mallory, let's go to a mental experiment. Suppose we pick one to look at sea randomly, but one of the people is in jail for the generous extent, and you say what was this one in jail for.
they probably say simply low well, we have among video beating a cop with a blunt object to that person. Viejo yeah, of course, of course, doesnt matter waving a politics. If somebody beat a police officer with blood object, yeah yeah jail, no doubt about some aspects of it. SK zounds obvious cubic the next person next person wisest. What here? Well, we Also, our man, video, bear spray police officer. Locate without legal now needs to be addressed. I feel like it's all gonna, be that right. If you ask me, do I think that political prisoners? Yes, but if you actually went down to each one, what about this one? This one, this one injured a cop now, not one.
But I am not entirely sure they're, not all that are you. Are you sure that that people in jail just trespassed, because I don't have that information do? Do you think that the people still in jail, I'm always argue about one still in jail? Do you think that we grant was dressed ass in the other Viking Horn Guy's an interesting case, because I dont know that you do they did the Viking Horn Guy do anything but trespass, so it was put it this way. If there are people who are in jail for just trespassing, clearly the political crisis, but I would imagine they would all be out on bail bond with so I feel like I did, to know a little bit more about that, but emotionally emotion,
Molly and at the high level of political prisoners, and you know what even if they're, not even if you dont down found there were specific charges that even you would say. Ok, that's a specific charge. Is still feels like political prisoners. I swear to God. Even if you told me the story every one of those people who are look at it. Here's every one of these people look at their story. You tell me that they should not be in jail, I'd say: well, maybe they should be this one and yet still, I think, as political prisoners like, I have two opinions, They don't even fit together yeah, they might be actually violent people and they're also just political prisoners. I can't help it I'd love to tell you that I have a consistent opinion, but I don't those two things don't fit together and yet I hold them both his truths.
So I love your different body. We urge Rasmussen result was a forty. Nine percent of the respondents said they. We agree it strongly or a somewhat that degenerate. Six people are political prisoners, the letters thinking that half of the country thinks were holding political prisoners. Now I don't know, that's just like a political answer to a pork as it might be, your people answer balls the way they work politics, the band, a measure, actual opinion that every person there is political. Pressure but, like I said I had then been even if the facts to support it, Like somehow make any this completely divorced from the facts, and I don't care I'm not
I already know. That means I don't know this is about me was a say about me that way on this topic, I don't care if the facts were moving, have your rather feeling where you didn't care. If the facts were on your side, there was a change european. It's weird feeling is rather strange where you can feel you're on your rationality. I certainly tweet Joe Mention today. I love the fact lacking tweet, a member of Congress. And the odds that a number of Congress will see that we are actually really got. Does that weird because you know the specially designed a lot of followers and a blue jack, I'm pretty. Sure, if you're a senator, you prefer, we see all the blue jack tweets about yourself. Do you guys know it takes the minute today to look at whether so I feel I have probably thought or will soon, but here's what I tweeted
Germany, ingenuity, as you know, is in control of everything. Is the only senator who is willing to vote against his own party when things are, you slept so give them all the power. and he's got the power for the EP. The infrastructure bill- I guess He'S- also get the power some kind of voting access bill that the Democrats also want. So I waited this item as today's soldier Job Mansion, since you control kind of Congress, About getting us a law, forcing slaves dead instantly, fully order table elections include you re software hardware components in addition to more voting options, so I'll have any problem with voting options and certainly not gonna, be.
the person who says hey? Let's suppress the hours, people who vote or suppress the way that they vote, or anything like that not going to do that, but I think we need the federal government to force the states to work toward some kind of instantly instantly. So that's the key word has to be instant. We can't wait six months for a fucking
like we are now scantiest. Otherwise as useless because we have is not instant, you still get install the public, the politician circulate since guardians, and we could only do that and fully audible meeting the software. The hardware everything else now what's the fastest way to do, that was the fastest way to happen instantly order table election. How long would it take to make that happen? One programmer one day per snake. one programmer one day, Leslie Entire ever per state. No one percent. There is a database that says you voted is about well or there should be. You should be able just Jackie about that's it.
Your vote should be registered in the database in the sky and this It is you out here, wait five minutes or whatever You should be able to hear now. to tell you what happened to your vote now, you might sell yourself, wait a minute ideas, the problem right cuz, you don't want a person's identification match to their vote. How hard would it be to fix that add five min At five minutes, because you want to store in the database a secret code that does identify the person, but only they can unlock here they ve got. The key person who did the vote is the only person who can identify their own code on the system. Does they ve got the matching king? How does it right now, of course, I am exaggerating- is not five minutes. Have everything.
Eggs a year, but we should be working towards it if you think it can be done. Of course, it can be time, of course, again I mean conceptual, is not even devil. I just told you how to do it. All you need is for people to be able to track threw up now. The only thing you would catch is faithful to my right, with a wouldn't catches a fake about, but could you engineer a solution to that by? randomly clearing people who voted to find out. If there really is a real person said after two ways to look one to make sure that if you are real person who voted that your hellcat register the way you wanted to do, but secondly, if their votes that was that are fake people.
There you can randomly not all of them, but randomly can query the real person inside your vote was registered. Did you feel like it, Another job imagine may be, the only person has no power to make it happen. Stick man there has requirement by. twenty twenty four years after the fully honourable system or whatever there would be your golden age if we can get better. There's a video that I tweeted around there I highly recommend justice is funded. Watch in China. are they demolish the fifties skyscrapers at the same time and there's a video of a looks like baby, a city blockers of it said there were fifteen skyscrapers that they built but never had any occupant sort. They didn't finish so I guess they got the basement, scuff flooded and maybe they became on safer. Something so is no longer practical. The finished
So they blew them up, and I guess this is not the first time they ve done massive multiple building destruction. They ve done it and other places where there during our buildings? I think they'd, unlike thirty six at one time, but watching fifty in skyscrapers blow up at the same time, yunkers eight they they block and uncontrolled explosion so that they just take it to the dust is really cool, is really cool. So look on my twitter feed. It would be. I just wanted this morning so near the top. Just just watching for fun
really kind of oppressor can represent was met. California I recall raise the election is today or leave fiscal election day and he had the something very odd has happened. Very odd number one well few things number. One Newsome said that I think it was yesterday that I vote for Larry Elder is a vote against diversity and racial justice. That's right of vote against. Who would be the first black republican Governor Larry elder if he, if he wins voting for him to be the first black republican governor of California, is a vote against diversity.
it's against diversity. I don't know, I don't know how you say that with a straight face now, apparently there is approved diversity and diversity and the table diversity that Larry I'll do would bring, is apparently on approved. The Democrats do not approve of that particular type of diversity. Others, goods, firstly of adversity- and I guess he's got the back it according to loosen ah, but we ve got this match and gasoline situation happening with this I'll find you recall, I don't feel that the mood of the voters is up to a revolution. Mostly, as demographic have been republicans will be the victims and they tat matter hit the street so much, but there's something very bad going on. They could be. Coincidence or something very bad is going on. I dont know what it is is, but I'm open to the possibilities either one
So. What are you an example? What's going on here, You may know that the appalling for who's gonna win or whether or not the recall is successful. The pole, in August, look like you is to close. The call was like within one percent. What's the polling today, not even close nuisance, gonna win like fifty seven percent. If the if they're pulling is actually know what happened between August and now, they would make it from a super. Tight race were look like elder, would win actually because of their trendline to not even close. one month, one month from too close to call them not even close services is money, something about the way the campaigned nope. It turns out that the explanation given in the news- is that the August Poles were wrong
that's because they worded the pole wrong and they got the wrong result. Now, isn't that convenient the though, the one race that we think now way I'll take myself, I'm the one race which many many republicans think will be reg unless I will be abstaining. Republicans are claiming that that happens to be the same, raise that the poles suspiciously went from totally agree with. publicans to suddenly totally disagree exactly the way you would expect a rigged pole to come out, because, what would be the problem if the pole, We'll send it was super Klaus, but the vote wasn't
Because we were almost heading for a really big problem, where we wouldn't be a really big problem. Yes, the pole said it should be close, but the votes that it wasn't and peoples I was rigged vote republicans- would take. That is proof, but suddenly By coincidence, and by the way, I'm all legal claim is a coincidence, does it know, have evidence anything else, but as coincidences go, I dont think it could be worse. It's a coincidence of a match, being dropped and gasoline, because, if poles or bullshit. You already don't believe the vote itself. Your credibility is shot and credible easier within the holes or system together. That's it
credibility. You take the credibility way, novels, work, less use force, How many were sake. Irregularities are happening in the vote. Well, if you're following Dave Reuben and you should follow, they ruin on twitter and also on levels here. A number of other people are a result of the year. getting into that the details of what's happening there and there's a lot of tweets in which people are responding to what they personally observed. Now it's all anecdotal and needs a doesn't mean. It necessarily represents a large tramped is just people having specific experiences and reporting them, and you don't even There will be so whatever credibility you wanna put on these next claims, lower back right
I've told you that all election fraud claims. If you look at the whole body of all claims made about all elections everywhere, all the time it was the United States can be wrong. Ninety five percent So ninety five percent of all election fraud claims that these big ones, big big, might turn out to be wrong. At least ninety five could be under pressure, but at least ninety five so keep that in mind, and when I tell you that there are all kinds report-
of irregularities in the California like saying at people who got mail there, you're too ballots one for the person who used to live there, one for them. People got two ballots for one for their made me and one for the only people that balance at a stage when they have abandoned the state for a long time, and I won't go through all these animals. But it's just lots of examples of people with a specific complaint that are those specific complaints are now or even credible enough to imagine that there are some ass, it probably going. I don't see it yet. It looks like just all bunch of individual complaints of various credibility.
But boys a red flag. If you're asking is fraud, proven I'd, say now know: there's no fraud proven and I dont see evidence in a silly will be proven, but damn. There's a lot of questions. Have you ever system the doesnt have credibility, because there are so many questions. and they ve job the internet done the job that we'd love him to do Would we already have a collection rates? I well, there are lots of irregularities, the thank goodness you can check to see if you vote not registered correctly get. All of these problems will go away. It would matter how many claims you heard of irregularities. As long as you could check your own vote, you'd be pretty happy. Yeah. Please provide data for ninety five percent. Firstly, does,
Observational, that's not based on data, so I observe over the years there. If you watch the claims of values, wait long enough to see if they get approval or disapproval. There are ninety five percent of time will be disparate. So that's that's exactly the experience we had with the twenty twenty election. I haven't seen any that were proven, but We were a lot of claims. I barely there's one story that Sir the seventy percent- The voters somewhere were being turned away because the system said there already voted, and then there was a claim that it was a software problem, but that there was a clarification that it was more about it out of date. Poor book I dont want an out of date of poor book is rather fit into the story.
Let's say that they do. No, that was problem. It turned out is more like a handful of people when they figured out what the problem is. I think has been reported as a massive problem where it might have been justly anecdotal thing. One area screwed up Olympic so would be to worry about that anyway, there there are massive the reports of individual problems, but I haven't seen enough of the same kind of problem to suggest massive fraud. Now, what are the odds? The Republicans will believe there was massive fraud in the California election is a hundred percent, because even that even trouble,
waiting on this said he said. Does anybody really believe that the California I recall election is rigged? Sweatshop asked now knows how cleverly you words it if he claimed it was reg maybe a little bit of job. But if he says, does any Bob everybody believed in his red he's talking about where you think that's fair, because as a first step. He accurately is calling what we think, which is different from knowing what is actually happening, so I don't know everything's gonna blow up based on the result. It does look like a Newsome, my when the Lesters Massive Republic internal, which, I suppose good Heaven Here's a story that I've done nothing about all that, because I didn't think this was true, but I googled anything in history. Did you know that.
Ice cream is highly recommended for people with dementia. How many people do that? The ice cream, specifically asking is highly recommended for people with dementia. Apparently, what it does is, if you're, if you dementias, caused you to get worked up an angry about stuff, which is the most common or one was common side effects of him, dementia, apparently the ice cream. Just put you in a different. Had it just issue: you start even ice cream Europe. Just a little ice cream and then you relax and Oliver your extra anger from the debenture just just seems to go away now. I don't think this was a real thing until I googled it and it's actually recommended now. Let's talk about
oh by they literally sending out, for I screamed and he loves his eyes grew. So I think this ice cream thing. How can we ignore his dementia, despite this kind, obvious, obvious. Why there's a lot of the I see a lot of general about personal choice and in vaccines and some people saying you whether or not the vaccinations are a good idea or about idea. You should be a personal choice, whether you take them to which I say now it never is these things are just power There are a lot of issues that we act as though we act as though, if we made a better argument, we could win. There's never about that.
The vaccinations are about power is the people who want everybody to be vaccinated, are more power than maybe lab, and if they eleven power while it has nothing to do with, was right or wrong. We should just figure was more power and discover that the stock levels so big stories, attacker girls in this segment took him out. Looking acknowledges that. tweet which, what's your he said to her cousins friends, testicles swelled up after getting the vaccine asian bade him impotent night, but it made him unable to have children and causes a planned wedding to begin now. There are many funny things about the story.
and I dont nor began number one, as some doctors pointed out, Nicky Menage. I think you just how did your cousins read for having club video? Because that's what makes your balls swell up there? Maybe made me wonder what would be the side effect? It is if this is actually a side effect of the vaccination now, and let me remind you, a billion people get a vaccination. Someone in a billion people is gonna, get swollen bottles, and next day not necessarily because the vaccination, but if a billion people do anything somebody something happened the next day, those men. What is you'll have it
we did everything we could happen, somebody's been added. So the fact that the one guys balls got bigger after vaccination doesn't mean it was caused by vaccination, but an average. Wouldn't you expect, I don't know they measure this exactly because on average one you expected to people did get the vaccination and were not Fraid of it on average, would they are bigger. Balls does they're the ones you weren't were not afraid of vaccination, so the people were not afraid on average what they are bigger balls. What now doesn't work that way? Don't hate me. It's just a joke. so more, and there is. The other funny thing is that the new communications cousins friend with the swollen testicles.
I know a little bit about him. I did some research turns out. He wanted to be famous. You wanted to be famous by the way. If you go over to the locals platform, you can see it fine, I want to be famous, but tat. We D fell well short, so instead I fuck you, you do so you this guy was swollen. Balls want to be famous, but always balls are so that there's a story, Dickie Menage its causes, now, if you wanted people to take the vaccination and you want to persuade them, that would be a good way to do it. Well, one way to do it is to tell people that covered itself would make your ball shrink. If I read that there was any chance at all, the covert would make my balls shrink. What are the odds that I would go get that lacks pretty good, pretty good,
cause? I would take a one hundred chance of dying but Take one on general, my ball, shrinking! Am I right now. I know there's no logical that nothing is rational, but men, men. Beyond this, you would take a one in a hundred years of dying if you're, the man doing a sport or doing some, you, like But what do you take a one hundred years? Your ball shrinking? You might not so persuasion, wise persecution, wise telling people that covered with shriek your balls, it's not true as far as I know, but if, if you could tell people that make believe they probably go, get a shot, I gotta go to some of the things that I will talk to you
Sorry about the Youtube thing. Sorry, I'm doesn't need a water supply. China's testing in the Gobi Desert excellent hope it works out, and I will talk to you all tomorrow.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-15.