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Episode 1289 Scott Adams: I Try to Answer all the Coronavirus Mysteries Plus Biden’s Lies

2021-02-18 | 🔗

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  • Elderly couple threatened by home invader
  • COVID seasonality?
  • John Berman presses Symone Sanders on opening schools
  • Adam Kinzinger’s group…Country First
  • Biden’s “false statistical claims”…they aren’t lies!

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The post Episode 1289 Scott Adams: I Try to Answer all the Coronavirus Mysteries Plus Biden’s Lies appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From bump on everybody clodagh their spare time for coffee was gardens thus far the day every single time- and you forgot your coffee women, although Matthew forgot, his coffee, everybody hold on, Matthew we're waiting for you. Ok, I think Matthew S, his coffee, the rest of you do you? Have your cover? Bugger glass attacker tells us time account enjoying a flask of vessel of any kind. If you do fill it with your favorite liquid. I like that.
join me now for the unparalleled player that open mean the end of the day. The thing they got, everybody going it's the best part of the day. It's called the simultaneous up and it's gonna happen. Wait. Wait! Somebody's now ready John Johnny Ready. Ok, now. I think we got everybody there so. I favour the story of the day says way too much about me I was thinking about not mentioning this one, but I figure I'll just be transparent about. I don't know what this is about me that this is my favorite There there's an elderly couple, man who manages eighties and his wife home- and there was a home invader.
Home invader comes in with a knife threatening to kill the wife. The eighty two year old, Vietnam, veteran taxes shot gun. That was, I guess, displayed on the wall, takes off the wall and beats the guide to death, where I am not proud of the fact that, as my favorite story, but I have a soft spot. Cars are allowed in. These stories is usually a veteran. Have you noticed that is often a veteran, so. I guess whatever that military trade leaders that's good stuff, it doesnt wear off, no matter no matter how long you ve not been in the military apparel, you're still willing to take the gun off the wall and be somebody to death. Now
extra ashamed of the following thing that after he had subdued the guy, he finished him off now. once you're over eighty. I think you can do that. I dont know if, if somebody suddenly say thirty, five had Subdue day and invader in their home- and I once the person on the ground? They they beat them until they were actually dead. With a blunt object, would there be some kind of charges, Because once you ve stopped them, I dont know if you're allowed, finish them off, but if you're four eighty and you're a military veteran. Thank you for your son. And by the way is protecting his wife.
a levy. Let me put forth a new rule, just in case the legal system doesn't come reverie situation once you ve subdued some buddy and their unconscious in your own home. It's probably illegal to kill them once said, No longer an obvious threat, but this, but I will not to propose an exception to that rule if that guy. Was trying to kill your wife. If that guy, we're trying to kill your wife or any family member. You can finish him off. You can finish the job, because let me tell you something: if anybody ever tries to kill my wife and I get them down, you're not going to get a second chance I'm not gonna. Let him ever get up again. Does you'll get one chance to try to kill my wife.
that's not like one circle back situation. good for now, but be later. You can take another triad, no, no really tries to kill your wife. They should just be legal to finish him off. I don't think that's the way. The lower exposure, Al Assad something else, The air AP reports that the? U s- life expectancy- has dropped by a year because the pandemic number one. Do you believe that we can calculate life expectancy that well. Maybe we can but other off a year, as somebody waken necessarily pick out of the noise. But if it's true, let's say we can measure that maybe we can as possible. Maybe we can do you believe that life expectancy dropped by you
What, if undead suppose it didn't drop a year with that without convince you that this wasn't just a bad cold lotta people doubting it yeah, I feel like I feel, as if the only rational opinion to have about any data. Is that maybe not maybe the data is wrong because How often have we seen accurate data in the last year? Never about never have we seen any accurate data on anything Because everything that we have seen has been revised, do you think they're done revising I'll think so We haven't seen any Eddie accurate data in the year, but then we
There's no one here like we're all here some data. I guess this is accurate, looks like discover source. So if we ve learned nothing from the PAN like the one thing we should take away as you can't trust. Of your data any of it now, you still have to make decisions, So what are you gonna? Do you don't trust any of your data, but you have to make decisions anyway? You don't you, don't get a pass and even doing nothing here's a decision. So what are you gonna do so? You're gonna have to take some guesses about what to believe if I had to rank the thing that are likely to be true? I would say that. during the life expectancy.
probably one of the things we can do a little bit better than other things. Probably I would imagine that the system for reporting actual death, no matter the cause, is probably pretty advanced. I would think now we don't know the cause exactly I mean there could have been some mixture of causes for this, but keep an eye on that years. The biggest question with a day why the hell or corona virus deaths and infections and hospitalizations. Plummeting all over the world at the same time the reason that there are plummeting, at the same time, all over the world seasonality, because its different seasons, all over the world is not the same season and if
as happened to me this morning, when I said hey, it's plummeting people said to me and I I would like to give a good impression of the average person responded to me. Scott everybody knows a virus is seasonal, its seasonal, and so, when you see at acting seasonably Are you surprised that a virus which is always seasonal is acting seasonably Scott? Why don't you understand that To which I say, I was not under the impression that a virus even uses a gallon How does the virus know? How does it no one season? It is right. Is the virus doesn't nowhere season? It is
Can I go away? I know you're saying is nowadays is really just a short hand for the the obvious stuff right. There's more sunshine is more like the. when, as warmer the virus, maybe doesn't do the same stuff pleasure doors more. So it's all of that stuff. Your indoors more don't get the saw that he doesn't kill the virus when it's on services right all debunk. It's all been debunked at each component of seasonality. Husbandry buck, in other words, I've studied humidity, doesn't seem to be the are not the heat exactly because. Let me ask you this: how much time do you spent
the doors in, let's say palm springs or well. Actually they probably golf in winter. But you would notice all of it if any of those sub things within seasonal. if any one of them actually made a difference? We would know that by now right, because you could just look at different places, take a place, that's really hot and it's so hot that they don't go outside in the winter. In the summer so that I'll go outside and circuses too hot. Do they have a plunge in viruses because it summer or do they have an increase of infections, because their indoors is so hot? They have to stay indoors. We don't see that so we're not seeing the correlation with staying indoors, because people do it in hot places,
we don't see scientifically, that is the heat or the humanity they tests that lab labs and sovereign. They don't doesn't seem to make a difference. so, every component of of seasonality, including- and I hate to say this, but I think vitamin d has been debunked now- I'm not going to say that for sure, but I think it has. and here's. Why? Because I believe that every time you see a study about vitamin d, it's it's at least as likely to be backwards correlation meaning that people have low vitamin d, have the worst outcomes. But people were. healthy and general probably have low vitamin d. So might be. Tell you nothing, except that people are generally unhealthy, are more likely to die number two. We know that when people get the vitamin d
concentrate or the activated vitamin d I whatever it is in the hospitals there. Some studies are saying that it makes a difference. So therefore, you say or if it makes people better in the hospital. Dawn must do. You must be good to take your vitamin d petals and get some son, but apparently the the type of vitamin d that you get in the hospital is an activated type. You can't buy a pill over the counter that gives you that, and you probably can't get the sunshine there would be equal to what you're getting in the House But, although with the with the active invited to do so, I dont think vitamin d is the answer, although I would have fairly confident that its YO some part of some part of the equation, when I think it's the best
that doesn't it doesn't seem to make that correlated or correlated enough with the big beaks and valleys. That I saw somebody said, is really about holiday. Get togethers, because if you look at the United States are pigs are perfectly correlated with Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas and you look at the gravity, go odds for any convincing and then the sceptics comes in five seconds later and says: you're forgetting the regional effects. If you look at the countries average, it does look correlated with those three of its. But if you look at regions there are regions that didn't have that, How can that he was only the average that look like it in the world? Could there be a region in the United States? They didn't have a Christmas effect.
Is there some regional, United States where they, though, celebrate Christmas, the same way I'll think so pretty pretty uniform across the country? I think so. Almost everything will you can come down to doesn't matter what about leadership. About leadership. We ve got countries do all kinds of different things in from Sweden to India, China, the United States all kinds Different leadership, things and they're all having similar peaks and valleys. No matter what the leaders and doing any explained that does that tell you the masks, don't work, it doesn't tell you that. Definitely doesn't tell you the mass, don't work, it just tell you. We care, we can't sus out how much it works
And explain the whole curves that way, because the beginning of those big peaks and values that we see, I don't think the mask wearing, was much different in the beginning of the top or the or the end. I haven't seen that much difference a mask wearing where I am anyway, the pace of the values are still happening. So, while I do believe that masks work, the somewhat it definitely doesn't explained the big differences so that I saw a tweet, morning for a very well informed gentlemen: Vincent Rush commodities, professor at the Mayo Clinic and he's oncologist boss, he's got low qualifications and he was a in India. Theirs
just like everywhere in the world. It seems, there's a big drop in infections and deaths. So it's not just that the infections have gone down. This is important point if you think that the reason the infections have gone down as something about testing, you know Biden's and office or Lastly, lass whatever keep in mind, it's the same things happening all around the world and by didn't didn't get lected everywhere else, so it's not a binding effect. Nor is it how much there testing, because the correlations happens, no matter what the countries are doing and the testing wouldn't have anything to do with Emily death. I see you. Residents lower so we're seeing still a big mystery, and what Vincent rose from our adds to this is that in India at least there, the gigantic spike analogy getting
Clyde, apparently the sorrow prevalence in few cities. Chennai is one Chennai from pronouncing was a forty percent in November, which means it can easily be over fifty percent by now, and I think there is at least one other city in India, which they did. The study and found close to half of the people had signs of the infection without necessarily having had any symptoms have now. If you say to you, if you send me well that x,
lanes. India, Andrea got some have heard immunity, but it doesn't explained other countries, because other countries did more of a lock down and I don't think there's Cerro prevalence would be anywhere near. Fifty percent could be close to twenty one Althea is anywhere near fifty and yet the similar outcomes again, what the hell is going on now? Some of it might be that we're getting smarter about treating people when they have symptom, so that might be part of the icy you in death rate falling could be. But I know you got to say it's hydrochloric clean, but the the total amount of Hydroxyl clearer, Queen pills there were available in India. I saw a hundred million. Now I don't know, I haven't pills. What
person takes, but I don't think I'm your million pills would explain, what's happening there because again same experience and other countries doing completely different things. So, even if I tried to call a clerk win works according to the studies, by the way I did read along paper saying that all of the studies on Hydroxyl clerk we say they work. Now I can't say that's true. I forget a fight with that, but it was very credible. And this is a problem when people like me, look at scientific explanations or statistical explanations about my field, such joy, being based on how it's written and whether the person, personal qualifications and judging all these indirect ways. But the argument was this:
that a hundred per cent of all the studies have shown hijacks chloric win works. Now you probably say that's not right Scott. It was only the observation. Will ones where you sort of look backwards, the seem to say it works the length of the Renault. Did you whatever they were, not randomized controlled tests in the randomized controlled tests. It consistently did not show, in effect that way you ve heard. Would you say that this is true as a general statement, all the ones where you look backwards and it's not the perfect way to judge science, but we use it. If we can, We think we have those seemed it universally and gave the address clerk we probably
But all the ones where they did a really good randomized controlled study, the really good gold standard it didn't work. That's what you ve been told that your current understand. So this paper I read- I wish I could refer to it- made the following point, which I'm not I'll tell you a true others pass along the river device controlled trials either? focused in the wrong place, meaning look here: people who already were SEC, which is not the whole point of Hydroxyl clerk. We, u dont, give to people after really sick. So some of the randomized controlled tests were just irrelevant. They're they're, not even studying the right thing, so throw those away. Still, we are surrounded by controls, studies. They showed no effect. There might be another reason the doesn't show effect could be the number of people in the study.
If you take the number of people in the study, whether the hydroxyl clerk we worked or did not work, it wouldn't show up. I saw the number of people to study was now sufficient that you could have actually proven anything. Then it work more than didn't work and sure enough. They did not show that our worked, but they also didn't show didn't work because they have enough enough. Funny people all I did to show that they couldn't show that it worked, and how does the news present that the new says it doesn't work, but that's not what those tests showed. According to this person, who seems more but I was ready and what they did was. They took the randomized control test that did study at least something close to what you were supposed to be studying and they added them together. I'm speaking loosely not in statistically
Nicole ways, if you take them the various randomize controlled tests you. Together until they do have statistical, meaning the benefit of thy drastic clerk. We is really clear, like it's a big benefit, so, according to this one or other, the current situation is a hundred per cent of every eye, jocks Chloric, Queen test or observational trial. There asked the right question about taking an early, not about taking too late, but about taking early that all of them show a big, a big improvement, but only if you take the randomized controlled ones and add them together, so they have enough statistical wait now, can you add different things together,
is not a perfect way to do it, sort sort of looking at the macro picture and doing the statistics on the statistics. I guess you could say now. I do not promote that point of view, which and describing, which is somebody else's point of view in somebody look into it. I'm just tell you that there is an argument out there that every every look at high drugs clerk we showed at work that so that there is a point of view out there. This says that it is not my point of view, so I dont get kicked off the social media got that Not my point of view just tell you with somebody else is what have you so here's the thing, I don't think there's enough hydroxyl clerk queen there was prescribed in India.
I don't think a hundred million tablets would explain was gone and the other problem is apparently, if you don't get the hydrochloric win, pretty close to the first day, you get the infection, its its ability to help you decreases rapidly. The longer you wait, how many people take Hydroxyl clerk win the day that they get the infect. Zero, maybe zero. I wouldn't take any hydroxyl chloroprene or anything else until I had something that looked like a symptom. That's gonna be days later right, so don't know that even if I hydroxyl chloroprene works, I dont know they could practically work because you don't know the day, you got it. So the only way to do it as everybody taken all the time I suppose, but nobody's gonna on the day they got the virus because they don't know they have the wires they're going to wait a few days. So I'm just not even sure would make them
difference, even if it works, though the way is being prescribed anyway. So what do you think of Oh I'm, sorry, the sorrow prevalence was somewhat. I think I may be mixing my top, little bit so part of the theory about India is that they would have cross immunity from prior chrome virus infections. Now I thought that had been debunked, but I dont have a source that last June, or so people were talking about this process, immunity thing, but are they still talking about that because I feel like I saw something that debunked recently, but I don't have a source on not conceal its true.
We'll talk about Symone Sanders in a minute somebody's asked about that. Alright. So here is my best guess on what it is. This driving infections all over the world and I'll just put this out here cuz, I don't have. Of action. I think the biggest factor is the degree of strange you lead into your house now amusing strange. The way the old timers use strange to refer to it having sexual relations with somebody was not irregular. That would be your strange an old timey autonomy kind of saying it seems to me that the thing about holidays is now so much the weather, because the weather is different for the world and holidays. But rather it's the one time people aren't gonna, wear, masks and they'll be in close contact with people from other places. I think when you family comes in town. You don't.
where a basque Delia, does anybody worm ask if their cousin comes into town for Christmas. Cousin, who stated that your house are you, we're in a mask in your house, because your cousin game and your cousins from another stake right. Oh somebody said he ass. Somebody actually said. Yes, But more the comments coming through or no no, no well now, so I think that we have this problem. The number of people who cross the transom into your house who are not irregulars is probably eighty percent of the story. That's my guess. My guess is that eighty, percent of the infections, are because you let somebody in your house who is not among your regular people, you out of the house and that of
course goes wild around. You know holidays and that's probably though they do. I nope nope. I do not so if my adult step daughter visits me in my house and she did recently so she is socially distancing in another place. Typically. I don't run into her too many times, even though we look we live locally, but when my own stepdaughter comes in my house now, I don't wanna worm ask, but if anybody else comes in when the plumber comes in the out, etc, I mask up the whole time. So anybody else who comes in my house, I'm gonna mask, but my stepdaughter, No it. I just can't do it. I mean I know I should, but again now. I also we'll keep a long distance and stuff, but.
really try to are right- and I think that that just a universal truth, you just don't mask your own family members inside. Private, home and part of his guns were dumb right, we're dumb and we think well, my cousin looks healthy. I guess, there's no corona vires, causing what's healthy to debate, and then your cousin, Sars coughing and then you go to the next level of denial, go well cousins, smoker, probably smoker spy no problem virus there. So we can very easily talk ourselves and of taking precautions. Brian Spelter humorously was arguing. Guess yesterday that the news
not boring without Trump. No, the news is not boring. In fact, look at all the things that happened in January and he said, look at all the stuff. I'm in January was follow news mostly about job what news was what news was brides daughter watching for the month of January? The only new I saw was about job is what Trump did on the pandemic? Compare divided, what trumpeted the capital assault. Trumps engagement, What's wrong to say, yeah J Where he was full of news, Brian Spelter, about tromp, so good luck when he's of you'll ever be element, is. So now that tromp has releases of twitter and these may be stepped back a little bit- we don't know for awhile and run
Limbaugh has passed. Who exactly is the voice of conservatives now, who would there's loser Jai avoid Ressler, who would you say, is the voice of concerns? saying, talker Karlsson ran Paul Ben Shapiro, TED crews prouder glad back. So those are the names marks, tying them just real names going by, but how which one of those will carry the weight of a trump or a rush, limber wit, which one of those has that kind of effect, because some of them were big audiences done bit, bungee, no indian bungee, no heavily! Now I don't know.
I feel as if there's a void and that the ones the ones you name are obviously the ones who Candice Owens, ok Mark within each other. But all of the people you that I have mentioned, have you noticed that they all seem to be in the same sort of zone right there there's nobody that we have listed, whose just like, obviously level above the others in the list. Throbbing names they're. Just it's not obvious. who's gonna be the who emerges from that. So watching CNN turn on the Democrats is and Buttons administration is fun. watching John Berman pressing alone Sanders on the weather teachers should give vaccinated. You have to watch that interview. It's going around the internet,
but to watch Simone Sanders avoid the question. It was a simple question: Berman to his credit was was pressing hard, and they were saying I like this, because it's not a trick question I feel, like you guys are treated like a trick question? Is it safe for teachers to go back to school and then she answered something about? We think teachers should be priorities for vaccinations and then John Berman says. Ok, ok does not quite the answer to the question. The question is whether without vaccinations or are you saying that they must be vaccinated before they go back? What is your view? Is it safe for teachers to go? Well, let me tell you what the Joe Biden Administration says about vaccinations and like Burma is like no, that's not the question
It's a yes or no, and she would answer the biggest question in the country, the biggest question about kids going back to school and by then spokesperson wooden directly answer it. You're kidding me, that's a question you have to directly answer. Let me ask you this: do you think tromp would not be able to answer the african question here? He could do you think a Kelly Makin, the mechanism. We couldn't answer that question. Of course she could it's not a hard quest it's a yes or no question. Now you can say yes or no and then add some detail was yes or no question and. that was shockingly incompetent, a both as the communication, but also its policy.
is the biggest question. They can't even tell us if they have an opinion. Like not even being there. It's like this like taken the time, offer something I guess there's report. So by the UN's approval rate is plummeting because of these school openings. Lack of of. Already now. Remember all the words that were used about the trumpet administration. It was chaos and incompetence, chaos and incompetence, but when this happens with Abiden administration, which sure looks like in competence to me, I don't know how you could tell us. Can you frame it It just looks like incompetence, because it and I'm not even I'm not even arguing, guess the policy, I'm saying if you can't even tell us your opinion that the policy that's incompetence independently, whether the policy is good or bad.
Adam Gins anger so is publication and is it was one of the ones voted to impeach Trump. And he started a group called country first, so he doesn't like what tromp was up to so instead of America? First, they have come up with his great this great slogan, country. First I'll tell you If you wanted to get away from the whole America First vibe, you would run to country. First wait a minute, though some very similar. Don't they right. The guy who's, the anti tromp care even come up with a fucking slogan that doesn't sound exactly like trump I remember what I've been telling you forever that the longer
crop is out of office, the better? He will look because the the opposition him was reflexive once he's gone and you get to actually look at the topic and actually independent. We think what makes sense a lot of things eager criticized for gonna sound kind of sense, sensible And while Adam Kins occurs, country first idea is not the same as America. First, if you can't even get the slogan power right, I don't need to listen to the rest of that right because it feels like getting the slogan right. Or at least not making the same sounding as America. First, the thing Europe against or the person you are against. I guess the policies. not a good start, but country first Their contacts means don't being not being
political about political decisions, but rather making decisions that are good for the country. But Democrats don't make decisions that are built for the country. Do they don't they made decisions that are good for the world, not just country? I think that's a philosophical difference and. anyway, so Daniel Dale, who was hired to do fact, checking during the trumpet administration. I guess he hasn't been fired yet so in. To preserve his job and to not make it look as if he was just a hatchet man against Trump. He remains on the job, but now he's doing fact checking about by Now, if Biden gave a town hall in which he made for false claims,
What would be the word or words you would use to describe so one who made several statements which were not true. If its trump would you say, he's lying, you were right, liar wire, but now, if its bite- and you say he made at least for- and I quote- falls statistical claims- that's right. They were just adjusts statistical claims. I mean nobody, can make a mistake, unlike up a statistical claim that doesn't work out right How are we even Why are we ve been talking about? It is now? It gives the lie: it's not like he's, incompetent. Only those will be big.
Albums Knowed Oda. We're talking about licence statistical, just dad. We don't need to talk about it, just statistical stuff. Well, what were they. One is said by the said: if we kept the the minimum wage of seven twenty five and then- if we the index, for inflation. Then it would already be twenty bucks an hour by now so Inflation would have just already pushed to twenty bucks. So what's the big deal about fifteen bucks as a minimum wage when it would have been twenty bucks, if you just let inflation take it from seven twenty five, except that nothing like that is to do. You know what the inflation? What about now, twenty box gone from seven twenty five, an hour to.
A little over eight dollars Wasn't it wasn't even in the general vicinity of right answer now, that's just a statistical claim right, it's kind of a big one, because the difference between doubling the doubling the minimum wage verses, not even raising it, is pretty big. That's not all statistical problem, it changes your entire impression of the topic. If you told me, it was true that. all the minimum wage would equate to twenty dollars. If we hadn't to change anything, I would actually find that kind of persuasive, say really It wasn't a problem before as basically this, number now, why would it be a problem? But in fact, is not true.
This will changes your whole opinion of what this conversation is about. That's not a false statistical claim. That's a real big problem for a real big topic. What else do you have? he claimed that a majority of undocumented immigrants are not hispanic. A majority of non documented immigrants to this country are not hispanic. He said, what's the real number proximately, seventy seven percent? Seventy seven percent are estimated. It's hard to count, exists we are from Latin America and Mexico and he didn't even know that the majority are hispanic he's in charge of that he's in charge of that.
Didn't know even the basics of worthy common from small statistical problem ignore a little statistical thing. I'd say thus bribing efforts there is talking about policy, also talked about China's demographic challenge. Guess he said they're gonna end by, said when he came back from China, one time talking to them. and there were one child policy- and they won't let in the immigrants and that's gonna, be a problem because morphine were retiring than working and China, so how can they sustain economic growth when there are more people retiring than there are working? And the fact check is that's not even close to two
That's that's not even in the same universe as everything that slightly true no, there are a lot more people being born in China that are retired. It's not even close, so. Those are just three little statistical things go wrong I am watching with amusement CNN tries to handle the governor Cuomo. The situation with the nursing home Deston than the covering up of the data. et Cetera, allegedly and Now, there's a new story that Governor Cuomo threatened. Another politician, a democratic assembly and so this is somebody on his own in his own party- phone call. He allegedly threatened to destroy him. Apparently, these Democrats are begun, destroying people I'll destroy.
you now? Remember what I told you when the weather, the communications, Guy and Biden staff he ended up quitting because he has threatened that he would destroy somebody, and I told you at the time it's actually kind of common Political talk in private conversations about its fairly common for a politician to, or anybody in their business to threaten to destroy somebody. I just don't think it's that unusual and sure enough Corbo threatened to destroy assemblymen wrong can now. I would just like to point out that a hundred percent of the people there to Cuomo has threatened to destroy our asian American. A hundred percent is only one of them that we know of, but if this had been republican, I feel like they were appointed that,
But here is a fund bore, so Jake Tapir to his credit, is going hard at the story and pulling no punches at least what I saw. How does Jane Tapir interact with his his colleague Chris Cuomo, who works at the network. But when Jake Tapirs going hard at his brother like is that an awkward situation?
we're out of those meetings. Go feels like that would just be really awkward but credit to CNN forward. Not didn't look like the report. Only bunches least what I saw say that is about what I want to talk about today, set that China is China is claiming that maybe the virus covert virus capable of an american lab says what China is claiming that the virus might have come from an american lab, okay and they took the american lab virus
We took the warm and realistic near there. I mean what's that theory, so, while I am not, I am not convinced that the war on lab is where the virus came from. I dont think that we can know that, and I certainly wouldn't trust any of our intelligent sources on question like that, but I don't think will ever know where it came from was stolen from the canadian somebody says here which is never going to know.
Here's my last opinion on India, the average Asian India's less could be the very big exposed, the more things that tax their immune systems and maybe there's more ready for it. But there's something going on in India and other places and we'd like to figure it out, and how did we get to this place in the pandemic without knowing the biggest cause of what makes infections go up and down? How could we possibly be in this situation? We feels impossible, doesn't that we could be in this situation and
We still, we still know the biggest cause of it. Somebody says India is Sweden, yet everything you see on the internet, the says Sweden did this and got this result uses that that's all fake, or at least the credibility as Euro. Some of it might be real, but you should treat it as if it's all fake, I don't think, there's there. Any good charts about covered on the internet is my thinking we talked about address clerk queen, they didn't, they didn't have enough pills even available for their own population. That would have made this much difference. So, even if it worked into me that much don't have that many poles when his monsoon season you, I don't think it's weather.
Heat. It seems just how much strange you lead into your house. I think that's just in Florida did a right. I dont believe that any of the leadership Ipods Seas will hold up. I dont believe that in the long run, you'll find that what Florida did was the smart leadership thing. I don't think you'll find that I think you'll find that the biggest effects have nothing to do with what our leaders did and have a lot to do with what the people did in her own house probably Just my guess. Schools never closed in Sweden, but about probability overreact, so calmly, Harris's taking calls with world leaders, and it is starting to look as if they're, just prepping her from the job and because mass are not mandatory,
people are watching him, that's correct. So whenever you try to compare Sweden Excetera, it's hard to factor in the fact that apparently the Swedes is socially distance. Naturally, is a whole lot of socially distancing going on just naturally, don't they don't have many people per household etc. With a little story. Number people carousal. Yes, as somebody is asking here and in the comments what brought the spanish flu to an end and the answer is we don't know we don't know what to stop the spanish flu think about that. It wasn't immunity because not enough People got it, but if we don't know, won't stopped the spanish flu we're really
why I'm blind on this one too, I think- and I would have to say there must be some kind of natural immunity that people have, because I dont know what else could be. It's gotta be some kind of natural immunity right. What else could it be? So I got for now now talking later right to go back to first principles. Give me more Give me more than that. I hear what you say, but I need some context, my worried about the shot,
I've gotta wait until the last minute. We sense is not available to me. I'm not gonna make a decision until this view, please her Montana sceptic endure and order Tesla shirts on the show to expose the Elan Musk fraud. Well, I don't know what fraud that is, but I wouldn't bet against your own mosque.
Somebody says I have covered, but no antibodies, Dino, apparently false positive, covetous or thing I just heard of a number of them recently in my personal life and aware of challenge with pendulum, I have actually I've. I've hung out with pendulum after one videos in LAS Vegas Grigg, I, like him, want added would have say, never bet against Elon Musk. I wouldn't floored into better because they did not
further economy. Well, here's the thing we dont know why floored is doing well, so Florida in California acted completely differently. I got the same result is or is it Texas might be Texas in California, but we know that California Active completely differently and got the same result is the people did? Did you miss the Texans were frozen out from Tuesday Tunisian, probably a pretty big effect of your ship area. Somebody says Florida is not open and free, so they surely have restrictions here. I do think that not destroying you're a comedy is important, but in terms of the number of infections, doesn't seem to matter what
there's do so. I will give the floor to credit for not destroying their economy. That's for sure I myself now
Transcript generated on 2021-04-12.