« Coffee With Scott Adams

Episode 1186 Scott Adams: I Tell You How Democracy is Apparently an Illusion

2020-11-13 | 🔗

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  • Software gatekeepers and political preferences
  • SPLC “Right Wing Social Media Performer”
  • Christiane Amanpour’s suppressive fire
  • Every type of vote cheating possible
  • Throughly corrupt city governments
  • 3 conditions that guarantee fraud

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The post Episode 1186 Scott Adams: I Tell You How Democracy is Apparently an Illusion appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bump bump bump bump everybody come on in its time and time again, for the best part of the day is coffee was got elms yes. Now I hear from some of you that this is the part of the programme. You hate the most. You hate it when I do the simultaneous some of you, some of you love it Those of you ate it. You know that part of the reason I do it is that you can visual They tell where too fast forward to that's right. It's for your benefit, even if you don't like it and all you need to do to enjoy the simultaneous it. Is well, you need to get yourself. Cover mugger glass, attacker gels is thine acute danger, flask of vessel of any kind to fill it with your favorite liquid. I like us,
Jointly now for the unparalleled pleasure, the doubling of the day, the thing that makes everything better- it's called the simultaneous hip and watch. It happened right now. That was a good one. Every single time. Now let us go through the things that are happening. There are many things happening in the news. Would you like the fun things? First, ok, here's an idea for from Randal Partner on the internet on Twitter. and Randal, says why, don't we test the Krona virus vaccines on cruise ships, to which my brain says boiling yeah? Why don't we why don't we test the corrode of ours, vaccine and cruise ships? Can you think of a better idea than that
That's literally one of the best ideas of the entire corona viruses situation, there might be some medical reasons. You can't do that, but I can't think of a better deal, then getting their crews and testing the vaccine at the same time feels like a natural thing to do, I was reading some of the Youtube comments on these lives troops. So I dont get to see the mollusk screaming by I see as many as I can, but I am I was reading them after the fact this morning and boy you can't you kill fully understand. how little people understand you. What you're saying until you read comments about yourself? It's it's! It's the damages.
Experience and one that, I think, gives me an advantage in understanding. You people, imagine if you go through life and you have normal amount of conversations with people, One interactions and, in your mind, you think yourself well play they understood what I said because it was so simple I communicated Early said what I wanted to say here there were listening and when I walked away, I think they so what I said. That's where does the illusion that you're, under all the time cuz, if you weren't under that illusion, you would go nuts, you wouldn't know how to operate in life. but if you say a bunch of things, and then you have this unique experience that I have every day, which, as I can see, what people's reaction as to the totally simple and non provocative things that I'm saying and it's just crazy shit, and until you see how crazy ordinary people can respond
you're, very simple and noncontroversial statements really know how crazy the world is. You see a little bit on twitter, but when you're the one you're the focus of those comments, you really see that the craziness all right. for reasons that I dont fully understand. I audience is just going through the roof. Now, I'd like to say it's because of the excellent content which I provide every day, but my isn't that much better than last year. I thought it was pretty,
the last year, or at least as good as this year, but the traffic one from a baseline of this? Is you tube? In particular, I'm talking about to just went straight up and just went through the roof. Now I think they Youtube probably figured out the ral rhythm cause as much as you think they're. They might be suppressing conservative voices- and I imagine there's some of that going up that they also want to monetize as much as they can in its harder for them to monetize anything that has key words in it. Advertisers, don't like So if you use any those key words, the algorithms and smart enough to make us a lot, decision that they use the key words, but it's not really that provocative, they're just talking about something
so I think they may have gotten on top of that. So suddenly my Youtube traffic is through the roof and my at the same time, my twitter followers just screamed past six hundred thousand in the last month, and I'm sad that your ability to change the world is a combination of your effectiveness or your persuasive skill and your reach. How many people you can get to so the trains Bruce Wayne, as you know, so I've studied persuasion on the train hypnotist. So if you take that kind of skill set weathers me or anybody was a similar town sack- and you let them have access to lots and lots of people. It's a pretty big force to be reckoned with. You just put reach and talents together in some.
Things can happen and I've I've tongue in cheek estimated that if I ever reached one million twitter followers that I can effectively control the world now, there's no magic to one billion is just a big round number, and even so, I wouldn't take them too seriously. but the estimate one s demeanor, isn't it my current rate? I would have one million twitter followers I August twenty twenty one. So what's gonna happen if I have more twitter followers, I'm actually curious myself, because you, if you ve, been watching me for this election
Like all the longer you ve seen, instances in which I can move the needle or it looks like it, there are things that even right now I can sort out cause to change in the world for weapons and weapons. If I've a million followers do, does it? Does it didn't Greece? I think it does why wouldn't so we'll see what happens here and there a lot of people with millions of followers, but. they don't have. Is a persuasion, talent stack but ass. They did what would happen. Tim over on the locals platform, where, where I have my stuff, you don't get to say publicly over there. It's locals dot com by the way, it's a subscription service, so you can see more of my stuff, especially on goals and systems, vs goals and Addison.
I put this stuff over their away TIM around locals points out that job. Violence, middle name, I'm not making this up is Robin net. r, o b? I am tt interesting name. But, as TIM points out the way you read, it is Robin it Joe Robin Button, it's kind of looks at least two jobs. Supporters like is sort of stealing the election and his middle name Robin one of the That's the guy stealing the election according to transporters, whose middle name would be Robin Joe. Are you trying to steal this election? My middle name is Robin. It mean what am I going to do?
I saw a story that I believe as low credibility. So can you keep this in mind before I tell you this story? Put you low credibility, shelter unless it's just? something I saw on the internet? But I think it's it's interesting enough. They, even though the likelihood that its true might be. Oh not zero, but maybe fifty fifty. I wouldn't give this more than fifty percent chance of being true, but it goes like this They are one of the founders and key people at dominion. Voting systems voting software that people herb suspecting, mischief which has not been demonstrated at this point, at least publicly, has not been demonstrated publicly, not publicly.
Others? I have not seen anything that would be considered proof that there is mischief in the voting systems, so I say this to avoid being cancelled on the internet. So let me say it again: I have not. Personally, Seen something that I can personally personally validate as any kind of proof that there's is anything wrong with our voting system. We'll get will say more about this, but I want to be kept. About what I say next, so the accusation is: this comes from pity news, some conservative website, so who knows And then also conservative, daily podcast host Joe aldermen, I think he's been. I he's already. Banned from twitter or suspended or some so that That's the level of information we're dealing with one of the people has been suspended from too
but the accusation is that one of the founders of the million voting systems is anti far friendly, not a member, but there are some tweet That some people suggest are anti far friendly. But I dont make I claim, because I don't think it's the United. I see it myself, but He is one of the poorest and allow me to say his name, but one of the principles in their company Do it from the University of California Berkeley, one of my alma matters and here's? The question here is an american right. So do you think that under percent of Americans have a strong opinion about politics, this year, maybe not every year before that, but is it fair to say
Whoever are the executives and their Americans apparent, whoever these american founders executives of this voting system, do you think they have strong opinions? Wouldn't you say I would say that they're, just like everybody else, there is no reason to think, that you and I and every single person you Know- has a strong opinion about who should be president, but there are the only ones it don't mean, that's not believe. so we have a system in which the people who are the the gatekeepers of the software, this done there will tell us who won have a real strong interest in one person winning versus the other. Only because, I'm not even making a comment about any specific people, and I think the allegations about anti fuss- probably an interpretation as opposed to any smoking guns
But how do we live with a system in which the principles have a strong say incentive. Read this system, I'm not saying they did up saying that they have a strong the incentive and clearly have the capability. If you have both the capability and a very strong incentive, is that a system that you would call credible? Would you trust that voting system,
the only thing you new is that the people were the access to the the inner gears of it had a strong preference of one. That's all you know thank you for that blue chip, which is now so deep, certainly knows that you're very dear you're. Much do kind, and I appreciate it so there is that it seems to me that democracy now clearly just an illusion, with the exception of extreme cases, if you have a case were somebody winds and election. Seventy two thirty that power Finally, as the will of the people being expressed, but most of our elections, at least at the federal level. the ones that matter seem to be really close? Is it not?
Fair to say that any close election in this country is no longer about the voters, because you ve got your persuasion brainwash. Going on in the media- and that's not really about the will of the people, because the the people is being circumvented by brainwashing, that's what brain washing is it is removed, sing the will of the person and replacing it with a will of somebody else. So you know we ve got brainwashing, you know you all these legal machinations, including Pennsylvania. Maybe ten thousand votes have been reversed because of a technical legal ruling may or may not matter. but it feels like it doesn't have anything to do with voting anymore, right, you ve got your foreign interference. You ve got yours
social media means you ve got. Your conservatives may be being throttled. This all makes a difference. You ve got the timing. The things you ve got. The corona virus changed the mechanism of voting which definitely changed the result. So the only thing that didn't matter it was the voters right. When you say what do you say that the only thing that didn't matter in this presidential election is the voters. we literally didn't matter at all. It's at it's now, just a trickster competition. Can the lawyers they more clever than the fraudsters? at the same time that the persuade owners of the brain washers are Why should you, while the lawyers are lawyering and the tricksters or hiding that's all, it is now. there's nothing left of the republic. Slash democratic process is gone,
now is still exists for situation. That's unbalanced, like I said, if, if one candidate get ninety percent, it wouldn't matter what the news was saying, wouldn't matter anything else, because the voters would have the power in that situation, not this situation, not You can't even tell who won a week after the election that sir. that's a situation in which democracy is well, I'm completely gone, but I dont know that it's bad that we're Let me say the other thing that maybe I'm the only person in the United States would say this next thing. if you ever presidential election, whereas legitimately close meaning, The will of the people is pretty split,
they one person gets fifty one and the other guests, forty nine. But what? If? What? If that little difference that made a winner Versus a loser, what I felt a little difference was fraud. What, if are you worse off? Is the country can it? Could you say with confidence that the country is worse off because they got the forty nine percent vulgar versus the fifty one? Really, it's not like that. The voters were so Mark that they knew which one would do the better job. Forty one two hundred and fifty nine says that the voters have no idea who would be better, have no idea right. So anyway, I'm sure I have some other point there, but let's move on. part of this. Gigantic brainwashing operation involves marginalizing anybody whose complaining about the outcome,
Serve Eurasia, your hair You put your hand up above the foxhole, And you say you now I would like to have a little bit of an order on this result, or maybe we should do a little recount. or I suspect there might have been some fraud. We should just look into it. If, say something like that. You are opposing the system which wants abiding by victory and wants to be clean. You will be targeted, so do you think I have been targeted. Does anybody think that the powers that persuade do you think that they will target me? because I seem to be supportive of the president and the answer is the Caspian Sea justly, only a right wing, social media performer and included me obvious,
the Caspian Sea and southern poverty loss enter their job, is finding hate groups and reporting it to social media platforms, etc so that those platforms can cancel. Those hey groups. So now I've just been put it in an article with the President, because the president tweeted something I said on the topic. So now I'm a now, I'm not gonna head grew. So the US Elsie doesnt have now the Hague group, but if you were to Google, my name it they'll come up. I suppose you'd have to look down a few results, but you would see that I'm described by the southern part of really law centre, a group whose primary mission is to find hate groups, and they have an article that includes me now and they called me, as I said, a right wing social media performer,
Zat that accurate? Would you call me a right wing, social media performer politically I've left of burning, but my audience is definitely conservative. That is true, a sort of a clever way. Get beyond the hate list. without any evidence that I belong on a hate list. You see what I mean. Do you see how cleverly. That they're marginalizing me. At the same time, the CNN had christian and poor. Do I guess a big piece and wish you compared Trump and presumably his supporters to Hitler? with images of Hitler do and staff and crystal Larkin- and this is an Actual legitimate CNN opinion, peace with images and pictures, comparing trumps you, whatever actions he's taken away.
presumably a supportive as actual nazis. Now why do they do? That? Is it because they think that is an accurate description of what is happening, can't read mines, so I don't know for sure, but I doubt it a candid doubt it I believe this is it suppresses fire. The point of it is to make sure that if you are thinking of raising your hand or coming out of the foxholes, I you know I have now seen enough that even I'm starting to doubt this election credibility I didn't before, but now. I'm starting to doubt it myself, would you commander foxhole? If he had been labelled a nazi sympathiser by CNN cassettes was happening right, exact. they were. Suddenly there making sure you would be labelled as a Nazi. If you disagree with the outcome, which is clearly not credible outcome.
Non credible in the sense that I was just describing witches. It's a competition was tricksters and fraudsters lawyers rule makers and persuade others it has nothing to do with democracy. Anymore so that's just an illusion on top of it, the Department of Homeland Security is given on the action. Listen do these specificity of this statement because it's funny So the Department of Homeland Security says they issued a statement saying that the twenties the election was, and I quote the most secure election in history. Do you think that's true? Do you think that the twenty twenty election was the most secure system? history. Now I assume that they mean american industry. Right, maybe means world history, but.
What's, let's take it in the smallest meeting of american industry? Do you think it could be true? The twentieth twenty was the most secure election in history. I do. I believe that completely. I think that is a completely true and I'll bet. You can even objectively prove it I'll bet if, if anybody challenged this claim that this was the most secure election in history, I'll bet, they can prove that a bet. There was a look here. This used to be less secured. We fix there. Sir. We check this way using this kind of system is better than the old system about its true about. It is the most secure
Election history. I also believe it was fraudulent. Those two things can be the same. Do you believe that our elections have been fair in history. Do you think we ve ever had a fair elections in this country? My gases now my guess is we ve never had one. We just didn't know it hears Theory about why the inner cities are doing so poorly, without getting into detail. I have just enough personal experience to know that you really can't work with these cities. If even it
want to help you care really work with the city's, because the local city governments are completely corrupt, they're just thoroughly corrupt. Now, how do you get inner cities that are thoroughly corrupt and at last four years? Wouldn't you expect that are thoroughly club? Corrupt government would do a bad job. Everybody would see it was a job hey, the murders are going up and the economy is going down under the people on the streets. Everybody would notice if the government did a bad job, you couldn't not notice. It. How do you explain the governments that do not just a bad job but horrible job? I mean the worst job you could possibly do for you the years and years and years and their party stock is selected. How do you explain that there's only one explanation, the
market would have eliminated the bad politicians, eventually, maybe not in four years. But if you were talking about decades over a period of decades, bad people would be reply. Under a democratic system where you can see the results of their work. Oh that's, not good work. I guess will vote for somebody else. The fact that that hasn't happened in debt, it's pretty much guarantees that we ve never had fair elections, at least at the local level. Now, if the local level, you could say the least from an observational standpoint, without the benefit of having sex. The big evidence in my hand, it seems obvious that none of these city, local elections, have been fair, maybe for decades. what are the odds, the all of those local ones would be fixed, but the
National ones would not be what are the odds of that? If only thing- I knew- was a each. The local city elections were rigged. If you knew that was true was take that as I, vertical. If you do, it was true. Why would you believe the national elections had not fall into the same the same thing? It wouldn't make sense. Of course it would, if locally. You just do the same thing, you're doing locally. When there's a national election. Do you know It looks like when do you vote locally? Let me give you an example: here's here's, the ballot box. This will be conceptual. Here's your vote. Here's you sticking it in! That's! That's what what a local election looks like. What is a national election? Look like
same ballot box same voter. Here's your vote for the national action in the box. It's the same. Frightened How in the world would people who fixing one local election after another, now that's the national election? Of course I would What has it ever happened now. What did you say to yourself? Scared scared, scared? you're being told repeatedly, and all the right people, the people who actually would now you think. There is not any widespread fraud of the kind you are talking about. It just doesn't exist. So if that were true, you certainly would not have any examples of it because it doesn't exist. How can you have an example of it? Well, here is an example of something that doesn't exist. You ve got four
Philadelphia elected official has pleaded guilty to taking. thousands of dollars in bribes to stuff the ballot boxes, for Democrats in local races between two thousand and fourteen and two thousand and sixteen? So this is not about this election, but twenty four, two thousand and fourteen through two thousand and sixteen not too long ago, not too long ago. Was it he is he's pleaded guilty. I, so there is no longer any question about whether a happened he's charged with the crime he pleaded guilty. You certainly wouldn't plead guilty to stuffing ballot boxes. If you didn't do it, who would plead guilty to that? because unless they have pretty darn good evidence, you and I can go to jail for not stuffing ballot boxes, just as they said you did so. I think we
say that Inshallah Dulcea, coincidentally one of the within one of the states that are close for trouble, that in twenty fourteen and twenty sixteen we do know that somebody took thousands of dollars to stuff ballot boxes. For Democrats. So I would say that that's now, just a fact: I would somebody pay anybody, thousands of dollars to stuff a ballot box. Would you do it because you think it works? Maybe would that be the reason, because think it works. So obviously the guy who was stuffed the ballot boxes. He probably thinks it works the people who pay them. They think it worth Why do all these people think it works? What are they?
now that you don't know that we did get caught. But do you think that the guy you got caught and pleaded guilty to stuff in the ballot boxes? think that there's something natural in the way that voting works, that he had to get caught in other words is this is this is an example of the opposite of what you think. Could it be that the system for catching cheat, this is so good that this one guy who tried to cheat well, it was pretty I love you one guy, because we gotta so many. This one example of of the sky is the only one right. Maybe we call the only guy who tried? Do you believe that All of your experience on this earth. Do you believe we caught the one guy now
No there's no chance he's the one guy. There is no chance of that. Do I have evidence that. Can I prove that, more like this guy nope, though have any but I have been alive for awhile I have a in the real world. Let me tell you something that I said before, but it's it's good to reinforce. Their whenever you have the following situation, you can predict, what's gonna come out of it and the following situation? Is you ve got an opportunity to cheat? So there's an opportunity, it can be done. The Philadelphia, ample shows you that can be done right and I guess not the people who did a guy got, but it can be done it all? as a gigantic upside potential, what would be bigger than changing? Who is the president, so the potential
upside, is great and there are a lot of people involved in others, That is, if you like, one person who had the opportunity to cheat nobody else could do. It was just that one person you could find the you found the only honest person or the one person who didn't have an incentive to cheat, perhaps, serves only one person might be fair. Maybe you gotta fair person. But if you have a lot of people as you do an election, always somebody who is willing to treat a hundred percent of the time. A hundred per cent Not ninety nine point, nine percent of that, as long as you have enough people involved in this system, so that x describes our election system very high upside from winning pray,
no chance of getting caught, apparently and lots of people involved under those conditions. Massive fraud should happen every time every time as long as those conditions are met, you can't even stop fraud, its power boss, guaranteed you just don't much now over time, you would expect that if it works on a small scale that it would grow right, buddy. Can grow beyond the point where you notice it right so You're fraud only works. If you know that. Well up to the point of winning, but not beyond them, You don't wanna overshoot the mark cuz, just a little too obvious right, here is the: one hypothesis of what we observed in this election.
Probably there are lots of different ways that one could she in election hypothetically you can get into the software you could create fake, maybe take ballots, you could count ballots, they shouldn't be counted and I could probably list a half a dozen other ways that you could cheat if you're. If we were inclined to do that, I'm guessing the because this president tromp was painted by the press as a whole. Existential threat. My guess, is that every one of those ways of cheating were activated this year. If you're saying to yourself, which way did they cheat you're, probably asking the wrong question. In all likelihood, everybody Who knew how to achieve in a certain way? Did it.
so, if there was anybody who knew how to cheat with software, they did it. If there was any, who knew how to cheat by getting dead people to vote, they did it as there is anybody who knew how to get fake ballots printed, and I dont know if any. This is possible by the way. I'm just saying that, if any of that, where possible- oh, it happened, it happened again, It could not happen, they couldn't not happen. because the incentive and the opportunity were off the chart. There's never been this much incentive to rig an election, never close and the United States. Maybe if, if Hitler had run for office, you dont, maybe there be that much incentive to get rid of him, but tromp was painted a seller. Of course the Democrats cheated- and let me say this if they believed
If the Democrats believed their own news and they actually thought that Trump was all the things that the news says about em if they believed that sincerely- and I think they did- I do believe that they thought that sincerely they are patriots it reads: wouldn't you cheat reverse the situation and put yourself in. Let's say you will say you had come to believe that Joe Biden was literally the devil, not not figuratively literally he was the devil come back the earth- and you are sure that was true. Would you if you had the ability, would you rigged the election to keep Satan from being elected.
Of course, you would why? Because you repatriate that's, why, of course, you would look to save the world because you're a good person. A good person. Of course he would so here's the thing that you could almost guarantee is true that the the incentive retaining was higher than has ever been. The opportunity for cheating certainly exists. You would have to be a fuckin idiot to thank the opportunity doesn't exist now. You also have the leader of the press will cover freer for Europe for your deeds. Now? What would you expected to see? If my hypothesis is true, what what signals would be there to say you might be right about this got, it might be too in every way possible and it all happened while one They expect to see is a binding would get more votes than anybody ever got because
people doing the individual, chaining wooden Oh, how much cheating the other cheaters we're doing, because I doubt that they had meetings right. Do you think that the people who knew had a less say, get fake ballots? If that's the thing, Those cheaters we're having a meeting with hypothetically. If such people existed, people who were tweaking the software? No, they don't you know, dollar they're, just people who know what they need to do, everybody knows that you need to get rid of Hitler. Do you need a meeting with like an agenda? item three on the agenda was agreed to get pillar, no, you don't need For that you just do what you can do, so Indeed, we ve got a Joe Biden with a suspiciously high number of votes, suspiciously, so suspiciously that I don't think you could possibly be true might be
right. I guess you care rule about, because the So so much dehumanization of trump that You can say, there's a liar. Well, there are so afraid of Trump that it was the highest turnout of all time I believe that it would be that much higher than Obama. Do you Obama was more of a positive things like a let's: let's get ourselves in Obama. President people said so So I guess I Arizona has been called by the media anyway. Forbidden there's eleven thousand point. Eleven thousand vote difference. Do you think that there is any fraud in Arizona that would be big enough to cover eleven over eleven thousand eleven point? Five thousand
votes desire sound within the realm of doable. It's completely within the realm of doing the thing that the fake media has been brainwashing. You is to think that past elections are an indication of this, Everything I just told you tells you that whatever happens, this election definitely not like any other election? So when the media says we ve done recounts before, and they only turn up a few hundred. votes so yeah? I bother thinking can change this time. because a few hundred is much less than the eleven point. Five thousand or so you might need in Arizona but How many of those melon votes do think can be eliminated if you, if you actually followed the letter of the law
So I assume that every state, the laws varies specific about how it must be filled out and what time it must be received. Do you think they can find over eleven thousand the call back there have something proper on it. That way, The limited eliminated according to the laws of their own state. What are the odds of that? If I had to put the odds on that its close to underpin because eleven thousand just as much if you're lucky all of the balance that we're mailed into the state we ve never had. This Let me male imbalance in this world. The problems are so. If you take the mail in ballots, there have been rejected And lets say I'll, just put a fake number on, it will say it was one percent were rejected. You don't think that are required.
Were you really looking to see if the ballot should be counted or not? You don't think they can find eleven thousand allows back again. can so about Georgia for two thousand and same thing, you don't think that Georgia, you can find. Fourteen thousand ballots now have the wrong address, or they forgot the address or signature doesn't match, or something like that. Of course they can. I don't even think it's gonna be hard. I don't think it'll be art and by the way you wouldn't even have to find any fraud. It looks to me, like Arizona and Georgia are both close enough if all you did, if all you do is look at the ballots be a little bit more restrictive about which ones were accepted still compared with the law, but just more more compatible with the law. I feel like they're, both camps,
No, that's not even counting any fraud. There may have been alleged I have increased the slaughter meter to ninety five percent based on these prison oceans, my presumptions being for large fraud is guaranteed. Under these circumstances, the fact that it has not been presented to the public yet which is true by the way. If you remember the public, you probably have not seen really good evidence of fraud. Would that be you see lots of things zooming around the internet, that you don't know if it's true or not, but that's probably not technically untrue that that the public has See that, but you will, I can promise you you're going to say more. So that's the only thing I can promise you for sure.
That's what you ve seen so far isn't really close to what you're going to and it's gonna happen fairly quickly next week or two now. So Trump tweeted and again this is a trump tweets. You don't know what the the sources etc. He said, there's a report again, we don't know how credible that you don't know how credible The dominion deleted two point: seven million Trump votes nationwide Trump says data analysis finds two hundred and twenty one thousand Pennsylvania votes switched from trumped abiden and nine hundred and forty one thousand trumpet votes deleted and that states using dominion. Voting system switched four hundred and thirty five thousand votes from trumpet divided Biden. Now.
Would you say that those are all proven statements now now these statements are not proven, but here's what they do. They change the Don't you remember what the old argument was. The old argument was one there's always a little bit of fraud, but it's not going to change these elections that are off by tens of thousands. Here you get a few hundred little bit of fraud. couple of stuff ballot boxes. If you as it altogether, it's it's just nothing anyway. Why are you wasted? No time. Tromp has changed the argument now, You can still say. Of course it's either true. Or false his the claims that he's making they could be false. They could be true, but. big. So the old argument of all the things that are being claimed are too small. Make a difference, sets out the window. Now
This claim is true. The election was definitely Stalin and if these claims are not true well, then you're you're back to show me the proof so Let's find out, I think, we're heading towards this weirdest situation in the world in which the most important person on the planet will be these facilities manager from the White House. Every big building has somebody who's. Facilities manager- and there are the ones who tell you you can move in office, you can get your phones installed. You can put your name on the
The door they are the ones who make sure you have a chair, they're the ones who decide what office goes to whom what's gonna happen. If trumpet proves his case and binding guess gets us worn in any way, because I think that's gonna happen. I think we're heading toward a place where the media has gotten so powerful that trump cards could prove his case, that the election was stolen and they would just report that Didn't happen and they will just act like by is the official winner, and I think we have two presidents. and the only person, who's gonna Matter- is the facilities manager, because whoever moves into the White House you're gonna trainers. Your president right, because you're going to act, at least in terms of the way. You're your mind is organised. Whoever is in the White House is gonna, be the president.
So what happens if the facilities manager is asked by the Biden team? Hey, look we! Biden's. Obviously your presidency was sworn in. So, let's, let's move all these trump offices out and we'll be moving in, and can you give us a schedule when that's going to happen and then Trump goes to the facilities manager and says we just proved: we won the election, here's the votes, the court just ruled for us we have more votes in the electoral college. I it's not my fault. If they swore in the wrong person, I'm the president, then what is the facilities manager? Do we Would the military get involved? I think no I think our military- and this is the most. I guess this is the biggest compliment you can give your own military. They would never attack citizens.
It just can't happen, so I don't think that military be involved. Is there any like local, obviously there's local security from the White House? What would they do? What would they do? I have no idea, I think they would say to the facilities manager we ve got competing claims. What do we do and the facilities manager will decide? Who is the president of the United States, now, if you have worked for a big company you're laughing right now, because you know that this is closer to actually being true than anybody, Who has no experience with the big company realises, let me tell you something else: you didn't realize, whoever rights the speeches for a politician has allowed power, because the way you were things if, if you work,
Things in a way that the public picks up on and they like than the news likes it you ve, determine the policy. Does something works the politicians will do more of it. So it's the speechwriter whose try and stuff l L is try this. Let's try this framing. If something works they do more of it. So the speechwriter, like the facilities manager. In my example, you don't realize it, but their powers extraordinary. He might pick your next present. He or she Apparently, the Trump accountability project is dead. That was the they're going to make. A black list of people would help the president, and people would be marked for destruction, career distraction. Nobody would ever higher them again
I guess they decided not to do that. Their explanation is because bided uncalled called for unity, and I thought to myself. You had to wait for bite into call for unity to decide. That was a bad idea field, like a cover story. I think they realized. It was a bad idea based on the response to it, which is that it turned them into Nazis everything's, a Nazi everybody's, a Nazi. here are some of the things that the media has disappeared and to me this is the most interesting part of the whole story is that the media can disappear story. They ve, they have demonstrated that now. So Glenn Rainwater writing on sub stack, because here he's no
burger with the intercept cuz. I guess he was too honest. He said that he was talking about the fact that the CNN still puts Adam Schiff on television and listens to him uncritically, and this is something from Greenwald. You need to follow. Him is terrific. As a writer who says Wolf, Blitzer asked asked: who is he talking to a city use talking to Adam Chef, so wilfully? you're talking damage if Schiff he s Adam shift. This rhetorical question see if you think this sounds like a fair question. This is just so laboriously just so bad, the Wolf Blitzer says to urge. If doesn't The prize you at all
information rooted Julie Ali is peddling very well could be connected to some sort of russian government. This information campaign talk about leaving the witness that it could very well be connected. Everything could very well be collected, something about some evidence. This is the lose you don't just say. Something could very well be connected to something would no evidence whatsoever, but he did And this is what chef replied to that he stated definitively. That quote, we know we know that this whole mere on Joe Biden, and this was talking about the Hunter Biden Stuff comes from the Kremlin and the added clearly the origin. this whole smear or from the Kremlin, and the president is only too happy to have Kremlin helping him amplify it.
And he goes on there. It isn't the oval office, another wonderful propaganda coup for Vladimir Putin, seen the president of the United States holding up a newspaper promoting Kremlin propaganda. now why evidence does Adam Schiff have already Kremlin involvement? None put that asshole on tv to tell Their view is that the Kremlin is behind this completely made up and, of course, use even prompted by Wolf Blitzer. Now this is an example of brainwashing and propaganda is not even close. But the thing was funny and I'm gonna say something: that's their will. hilarious to people who have watched the show what we do in the shadows. If you haven't seen, no show the next thing, I say all sound that hilarious, but if you
say that you're gonna like this when I think about clapper in Britain and Adam chef I see that show what we do in the shadows and I see Elam Sheriff as their familiar now, if you, if you Adam Schiff, as the familiar For a clapper and Brennan, and if that isn't funny to you, while you've never seen that tv show, but you should alright the other things that they made disappear. Just think about this. Whereas the story about british interference in the twenty sixty in election, they just sort it didn't happen. Then
but yet we had this year, Christopher Steel and acts. Intelligence person from Great Britain have got all these great Britain connections if you're a consumer over the news. It's completely obvious. The great Britain interfered in our election completely obvious, but that if the news doesn't make it a story, just disappears, so so they can just disappear. The whole british involvement in our election well habitats, one. How about that? That this election apparently had no allegations of russian or chinese interference how that disappear at how did Britain Observe how did Russia and China just stop interfering for the first time ever
The news is treating it like. It doesn't exist because if they did, then maybe you would question widens legitimacy and they don't want that to happen. So how mind boggling is that they made foreign interference in our election just disappear. They just disappeared. That is the scariest that is. It's your ears, some other stories of transport is being taken out so in Pennsylvania. Joel Pollack Report says and bright bar that Pennsylvania. Some of the lawyers there lots and wires workin on stuff, but the lawyers withdrew from helping Trump on these points, new challenges, because they got too much pressure from the press and the public.
So even helping Trump on the legal challenge which everybody agrees is acceptable. It's completely acceptable to do a legal challenge right. That's the most acceptable thing you could do in the world. The whole point of the legal system is to be used exactly in these situations, so these We'll just doing their job the job of being lawyers, worse forced out of helping Trump just because of politics and in that, of course, could be disappeared too. If the Joel had done the story, you into new. About it, here's another one hears something else. The press disappears This comment was on Twitter by David Box and Horn.
And he asked this question and I'll make you laugh when you hear it or it should, because you didn't think of it. He says why is it that we never hear about the good things that are happening because of climate change? Surely there must be some. Of course there are. The point of climate change is that not everything is just getting worse, But rather there would be, the claim is in some places will get worse, but by coincidence places would have to get better causes all different situations. Some of them could use a little extra warmth. Some of them would be harmed by Lex. A warmth? So why are we only seeing stories about fires in California and hurricanes, which others that there's an iffy connection to any climate there so understand that that's disputed But wouldn't we also see a story about Iceland is good,
a lot of. We do because its now warmer and make an that one upright. but wouldn't you see that there was a place that became better a tourist destination? wouldn't you say stories about our food crop is way better. Gaza seo to write, where, where, although stories there should be for every year there might be a ratio problem, but for every bad story about climate change were sub as we are observing. Something went wrong in real time. There have to be good ones. There have to be in order for the climate change story to even be real. There have to be big, conspicuous countries that are better off. Where are they? Whereas the story, it's disappeared,
so foreign interference disappeared, climate change advantages, even if those advantages are are far swamped by the disadvantages. Surely they exist and they would be big so Interesting, here's a story that I think it might be closer to fake news than real news colleges, doctors, Zeke Manual, so he's one. The advisory members at by didn't wants for his krona virus taskforce, and he has suggested at some point that a vaccine is visible in the United States that we would not. Maybe it would be better if we didn't hoarded all for the states, even if it's an american company that makes it, but rather that we should use enough in the United States to get our own are valid. below one another words so that the virus wont spread easily if it gets under one.
And then, if we reach that point, then if you still, a vaccine available when might make that available intelligently to other countries. Now that's been reported as America last why would you give it to other countries? Is an american company? Should we take care of America first and obviously that's a good question to ask. But I think the argument is more is more mathematical, then nationalist or anti nationalist. I think that the argument goes that it wouldn't help you as much as you think, to hoard at all in your country. If you didn't take care of your neighbouring countries, there would still be enough getting in that. Even the vaccine wouldn't help you as much as you want. So if you get too are are one let let me put it this way if Canada was raging with virus I would have made more sense that
We do what we can in the United States to get the are under one and then say we're not out of the woods until we help Canada cause. There's too much you cross country, nation, so maybe the little extra ghost Canada and Mexico would that be smarter or maybe a goes to Europe, because there's lots of travel. So I would say I don't have an opinion on this, but I would say because this is purely a model of decision. You know it's is math. It's a model. I have looked at the models. but I wouldn't completely rule out that the that the United States It would be better off We gotta are value under zero and then did neighbouring countries as the next logical thing. I would at least to open to the argument as anybody else,
until that argument. Am I the only one, because I don't think that's exactly America first or not. I think it. Our our interest could be served, possibly by being a little bit more generous about helping our neighbour.
Countries, so I am open to that, but certainly America first, if, if it's a tie, if it's a grey area, is a grey area, maybe a lean America outside those are the things that I want to say today, Lucy if I forgot anything, but I don't think it it don't think it it got it all. We did good today, so congratulations sticking it out and making this periscope so darn popular. I appreciate that and I will talk to you tomorrow and you you tubers I'll stay with you for another. Many here see if you have any comments, are questions that there.
You'd like answered by the comments go by so quickly on Youtube its order to catch him. Here again, I really got to pay attention either. The other thing if Joe Biden goes goes nuts with testing, especially the cheap testing. You can do if he does a big push on that. I am going to say you did it Jobs job, and so I warn you in advance. If any of you are, supporters and you wondering where it's going if binding gets in and she does more on cheap home testing approvals than trumpeted gonna look very favourably on that, because I think that was a a weakness in the Trump Administration response But will see more lockdown coming, I think that's inevitable.
I went to a restaurant last night and eight indoors in my local community. Here is the first time I've been indoors and restaurants and February. Maybe- and it was twenty five percent capacity we had tons of distance from other tables, but I dont know how the restaurant stays in business. There's no restaurant. They can stay in business with twenty five percent capacity through the holiday. So I don't I'm not even sure restaurants will survive through the holidays together. The slaughter meter is ninety five percent, based on the assumption that massive fraud will be discovered but has not has not been presented to the public in the way you can see it yet.
I do have. I do have sources that you might not have and my sense of it is there some big stuff common pretty soon have I seen you must talk about the tests yeah, naturally, on the same page with him about the tests is self hypnosis worth. It is actually good stuff better than meditation, but in order to do self hypnosis,
You almost after be hypnotized the best way to learn. Self diagnosis is to have somebody who is a hypnotist, hypnotize you and then give you the suggestion that you can do it yourself. That's the way. I I I learned it so when I learnt hypnosis part of what we did is that the instructor hypnotized the class and then told us we can get back into their mode by hearing his voice counting once twenty, and I can still do that decades later, I can hear his voice. I can count to twenty and my body just goes down into total relaxation, but takes practice. Did I get mentioned on Alex Jones yesterday? Somebody said that I was mentioned Scott. Can anyone be hypnotized? The answer is yes, but not to the same level.
So anybody can be hypnotized to let's say, learn self hypnosis. Anybody can be hypnotized to say be more comfortable as a public speaker that sort of thing, but only about twenty percent of the public can be hypnotized to see something that doesn't exist or to have a profound experience by twenty percent but everybody has mentioned Alex Jones as someone that Trump lines with being told in the comments? Will I please hypnotize you it's a lot of work. Hypnotizing one person is really draining thing for the hypnotist
one of the reasons I didn't want to do it professionally. When I learned it in my early twenties, I actually had considered maybe doing it professionally, but it's hard. It's just not a fun day, because it's very draining to put that much attention into another person. It's it's load quick tests are already available for purchase. Somebody says I don't think that's true, but I could be wrong. I dont think you could buy a cheap test,
It's the ones that you can buy now, or probably the kind you have to mail in for results right. I think that does exist, but the kind of where you can get your own results in fifteen minutes without a machine is a kind of we need. Why is trump? So quiet trump is only quiet in public. I can confirm that below the hood, there's a lot going on and he's very connected to it. So quiet trump is dangerous trump, because transparent trump, at least you know everything. That's going on. You know what he's thinking and you know what he plans to do so transparent, trump and loud Trump is less scary than this job, because when he gets quiet
You don't know what's coming, and I think was coming is a lot of fraud. Allegations is what's coming, here's a little trick if you ever get yourself in a tense situation. I use this same technique on people who could beat me up as you get really quiet, because people who think they might be getting in a fight with you soon, really don't like it. If you're not talking because you're talkin is what gives you some clues about. What they're dealing with like? Are you going to kill me? Are you tougher than you look? Are you mad enough to fight? Are you are you, resume. You know, there's a whole bunch of things you could learn if somebody is talking. So if you find yourself in the situation, wherein you know you're facing off, this is mostly for guys doesn't doesn't matter for women, I don't think, but for a guy
if you're that situation, where somebody might start punching. If you stop talking, the other person will be scared to death. Because they wanna hear some talking? That's my little little tat for you. Just get real quiet, make direct eye contact, but don't talk ill scare, the crap and people trust me. but still my get beat up anyway. That's all for now I'll talk to you later.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-13.