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Episode 1174 Scott Adams: Election Day in America and What to Expect

2020-11-03 | 🔗

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  • Love for President Trump feels reciprocal
  • Post-election chaos scenarios
  • The stock market does NOT “vote” for tax increases
  • Impressive brainwashing accomplishments
  • Hammer and Scorecard, vote changing software

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The post Episode 1174 Scott Adams: Election Day in America and What to Expect appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Pum Pum Pum Pum Pum Pum Pum Pum Pum having a little technical difficulty, but I feel like I sold it for some reason, Youtube doesn't like to connect if I set it up too early so I'll, adjust on that good morning, everybody good morning, big day, big day, the future of the country, the United States, future the world. all on today have you feel feel good. Well I'll. Make sure that you feel better by the time you are done with this periscope and one thing that will certainly make everything better. You probably not what it is. It's called the simultaneous up and all you do
copper among your glasses, accurate answers, dynamic, anti drug or flask of vessel of any kind fill it with your favorite liquid. I like coffee, join me now for the unparalleled pleasure the dopamine hid the day. The thing that makes everything better, including democracy, is called the simultaneous it happens. Now I feel the integrity of the elections improving with one sip. That's all it took well, let's talk about all the things. There are many things today, one of
is that, although our rate of growth of virus infections in this country is presumably up there's a surge, it seems that the rate of deaths is not possessing up is closer to flat, and so I'm curious. How could it be that, although the infections resuming up the rate at that,
a number of deaths stays roughly the same. The only way I can understand that is, if our ability to treat those patients and her ability to hide the vulnerable is exactly keeping up with the rate of increase. What are the odds of that right, because you would expect that those two rates of change to not be imbalance, that being in balance, would be the biggest coincidence. What you would expect that infections resuming up and death would zoo Bob
even if we're better treating them right in expected, maybe not as fast, but it would be a kind of normal to be no half as fast or something or let's say we were getting so good and treating people that, even though the rate of infection was zooming up, the number of people dying was zooming down or even trending down. But that's not happening. The number that are dying is just the sort of a flower line. While the number getting infected is going through the roof. It could be a coincidence. It could be that those two rates of change how well we protected how well we treat people get. It is exactly keeping up with the surgeon infections.
Maybe, or is it just that there's a several weak lag between infections and does so you need of you'd need something like a one month lag for those numbers, the start conforming and that's just about now. So if we don't see a big increase in in deaths in the United States, we have another mystery. Which is why is it so balanced or are they did? A walk around last night took a nice walk beautiful night last night and I was like before campaign science and found in the end, I fell. Three Biden houses, three houses with Biden, signs on the lawn number of houses with Trump signs in my neighborhood notes.
Levin Blue California, so the number of tromp signs in my neighborhood zero, no, not a single job sign, but. but there were a suspicious number of american flags flying yesterday there notice them before they look like they had just been put up. So how would you like to be the candidate. let's say Joe Biden any ruddy against a candidate whose political logo is indistinguishable from the brand of the country. Tromp actually became synonymous with the american flag, now Republicans already at a bias in that direction, but because you feel a little uncomfortable, putting up a trump sign by you?
why you feel a little bit more comfortable, putting up an american flag, the american flag just became a substitute for a trump sign. How would you like to run against that? I mean running against the guy, who is now synonymous with the american flag. That often then, and if I were a Democrat today, there would be some kind of. Saw were sound going through my head. What would it be myself LISA and something like that all right? So Rasmussen did research.
And they're asking who people expected to win a sort of an optimist, verses, pessimists, service situation and Trump voters expect a winner today more than by the voters, do so trump voters are expecting that will know the winner today, morceau them by the voters. And see the other less the big differences that transporters expect some something today. Now, how would you like to have binding as your champion, that is the guy. who word surrender the fastest, because he word right most, let's say the vote is ambiguous.
to a place where it's could go either way in others, an argument that you just now sure even knew what which one of those two players, tromp or Biden, is more likely to say, I think I'll I'll concede for the benefit of the country, because I want to be a good character kind of report. Skype Biden is vital in this. The guy, you d expect a cave first, if you know if he thought there would be trouble or something so I'd hate to have my champion, be the guy that I'm pretty sure would surrender first in it in a fight. So of course the big question is the shy trump supporters will they will they show up and how many of them are actually shy, and I want to get this on the record in case
right, because it would be a great to be right about this. I feel like the larger group as the dad joke people and by dad joke I mean the Republicans who lie to pollsters, not because there are necessarily shy or not necessarily because they want to be in somebody's database as a Trump supporter, but because they think it's hilarious and because they don't trust any of the professionals or any of the experts. Anything anymore. And so my Belief is that enough people got the idea enough. Republicans and conservatives got the idea of lying to pollsters. That had just became a thing. Now, when I do my my unscientific queries on twitter and ass people, how many of
two pollsters there's a lot of you, as in hundreds of EU, responding just my tweet now Let's say you are you're democrat and you hear that one person's tweed now I've got five hundred and ninety thousand followers, but at any given tweet they don't I'll, see the tweet right. Some subset of that see the tweet and if. If you had heard this and you're Democrat, what do you feel when you thought wait a minute? Are you telling me that there are two reasons we might not be picking up trumps support, Some poles one is that their shining, but worried about that one, because I think the pollsters corrected.
They figured out how to add a correct for those shy job supporters. So that's not a problem, but what's this bigger group you're talking about Scott, this dad joke group who just think it would be funny and some percent delight pollsters. They don't really exist and dig numbers. Do they really do, they do now. We don't know if it's enough to win, knew it and we don't know for sure who's gonna win, but If you're telling me there are not a lot of dead joke Republicans lied to pollsters that much. I can tell you I'm very confident about. I don't know if it's enough. Nobody knows that there are a lot of them.
There are a lot of them. Let me too something else that you probably don't realize if you're a binding supporter and you're, not good at math, let's say you believe that biogas is up by Penumbra. Let's say, by doing this up nationally by four points? Whatever five points, let's say you think that's! That's! A number he's he's up five. its nationally. Do you understand that only take two percent of those people- in other words, all, would take his half of those people lied to enough people too, percent in order to erase the five percent. Cuz, you understand that if people lied, they said they were buying the supporters so that as one slash two Biden, but it also subtract one from twelve. so, if you reverse, that is a two percent- is a twofold swing, so that for
If percent margin, you think you have that's not five percent, that's two and a half percent, because if those people leave their going somewhere and they're not going home they're going to drop, so it's not really a five percent gap or whatever you think it was an eight percent. What Remember you decided to believe it's half that and then, when you have it, you get play close to the margin of error for the poles themselves, meaning that you're already within striking distance? If you just got it enough, so I think it's it's gonna be quite nervous, making David Democrats again, we don't know who's, gonna win, but I'd be alone, or worried if our Democrats for sure and, of course they also have the ptsd of twenty. Sixteen hang over them.
So if you are on the winning side in twenty sixteen and he wanted Trump to win, you just had a good day, maybe a really good day. I know I did, but if you are democrat- and it was just a crushing defeat to the give you PTSD and then, as Andrew Sullivan said, he actually went into a clinical depression after Trump won he's not alone. A lot of people went into clinical depression tromp one. I think that's definitely a thing, so you would have that in your mind, like this gigantic await, because you like not again not again but trouble supporters don't have that weight because well, if you lose you're gonna be unhappy. Re everybody who loses is unhappy
But you don't have that PTSD thing hanging over yours now, it's not gonna be twice as bad ill it'll be new deal with if it happened. So it's much worse for Democrats, Tucker curls and did episode yesterday that I thought was one of his more brilliant monologues in the beginning. You talked about why it is the voters, don't just vote for a job, but in many cases they seem to love him actually be in love. What's up with that because you see a lot of people whose support Joe Biden but correct me if I'm wrong,
You don't really see voters who are in love with them, and I say in love like it's almost romantic, because the affection for a trump is really really personal. Am I right the trump affection is about the person as much as the politics there's something they like about him. Now I get that half the country has a negative reaction. and the other violently opposed as much as people love him, but he certainly stokes emotion. He certainly get your emotions going even further. There was the Amish actually had a trumpet caravan withdrawn signs and their little horses and carriages if We hear that the Amish
and for the government for Trump yeah? That's what she here and you mind, and so so Tucker surmised his eye Father says, is that there is the trunk. voters are in love with him and not just supporting and politically is that they feel he is the first politician that love them. And when I heard that the first time I thought it does feel like that, it does feel like that. He's is the the blue collar billion kind of guy, and if you were in the Midwest, you lost your manufacturing job, etc. Wouldn't you feel that Trump actually cared about you, which is interesting, because the biggest complaint about Trump is a lack of empathy.
Right, that's the biggest complained, but I would argue that there are two ways to show empathy. One is the things you say. I sure do feel bad for you. I will. By hard for you. The words are part of how we detect empathy, but in trouble It is not that guy and never has been he's, not the empathy and words guy and when he does it. Yes, they do. It is part of his, but when it does it, it's not is doesnt touch you like some somebody else like like a Cuomo or somebody was real good without emotional taken type of speech, but the thing that trumpet as is he does what he said he would do, which is he would help. A certain class of Americans he's basically shoving a boot up. China's ass for the swings states
If you think about it, I mean he basically is just putting his whole damn boot up to the brim in and president she is They get some kind of relief for people who have manufacturing jobs here in the manufacturing right Anna there may be put in order Rico. He says I don't know if that's the best idea, frankly because of hurricane risk, but in terms of having an important manufacturing asset there like pharmacies, pharmaceuticals, but let's say we could protect them from our game. It feels like that's a pretty possible explanation from Tucker girls and that the people who vote
actually feel that he cares about them as based on what he does is not based on its now, based on his words, which I think is very midwestern. Wouldn't you say. if you, if you don't understand sort of that part of the world, let me explain it to you it's about what you do. It's not about your colorful words. The hour or not to interested in your flowery explanations and your big vocabulary. Words are good, but what did it do? You know what you actually do and trump Windsor that another hypothesis is from an article I tweeted Ray this morning that I felt was fascinating. So you have to know that the person who wrote it is a person of color. I think afternoon. Middle eastern Navy in terms of heritage
So I don't know too much about the writer, but was not a generic white guy. That's the only point I'm trying to make so not a generic white guy wrote the following hypotheses and his article was, which was very good And he says the thing that people are missing is there: Priority is don't like each other. Now, that's, why is it so important that this was not written by a generic white guy there just some messages, the sound better coming from different people, and so a person of color can write that, and you can say: ok I'll, take that seriously. If, if some generic way guy rights that you say right so, and his point was that, for example, just give you one example that black man- I don't know if you said men or just black Americans,
are pretty strong on border walls, because illegal immigration competes for jobs surf in the in the black american voter category. You're Saint yourself, wait a minute trump is protecting me, I'm in the Zack group of Workers in America who are at risk and trumpet protecting me. So maybe you feel a little bit racist yourself, meaning that minorities often have negative feelings about other minority groups, and so
You shouldn't expect that everybody is just anti trump because they might may also be antis some other minority group that they think trumpets against, or at least his policies seem to be not stacked in their favour. So that's that's an interesting wildcard that I am really thought of. I'm getting back to my point about people following falling in love with Trump there all things that the trumps do, that bon dieu you to them and you could easily Muslim. You could easily miss them. I'm gonna give you an example of something that dog Junior did this morning. There is a very small thing, is just the smallest little thing, but it's that x factor the bonds. You do somebody the may soon
just like them, but just your bonded to them. They goes like this, so you may know that Mark Schneider, whose active on twitter and talks about nuclear power, these nuclear power advocate and he got banned from twitter suspended. I guess suspended for the following tweet that I'm going to read and I think, if you get banned from twitter, you're still allowed to be on periscope. That's true right so mark. If you're watching and you might be read your tweets, they got you suspended. Twitter- and I dont know why now get to this done- junior part of the story. So here's what mark tweeted they're got him suspended, he said seems bite and is trying to lose at this point. did Gaga insulted Americans with redneck video. and now she's going to campaign was sleepy, Joe infraction country,
Sylvania will be called for tromp at nine p M eastern time. Now, what part of that gets? You suspended I add my readers ten times and I still don't know what is it about this? They gets a suspended because it was just break it saying that binding is trying to lose. Does ok, you suspended lots of people said that that's actually fairly common tweet. Lady Gaga insulted Americans with her redneck video rednecks. Another band word is, I don't think so. Lady Gaga, that's, ok, she's going to campaign was sleepy Joe, that's ok infraction country it is and the last sentence. Maybe this is what got him suspended now suspended from twitter?
where he said Pennsylvania will be called for Trump. At nine p m. Are you telling me that an ordinary, The citizen can't make a prediction about something fairly ordinary. What could be more ordinary than predicting a candidate will claim victory. That's the most ordinary thing you could say. So what about this guy him banned or suspend? It is the right word, I guess I don't know and beings, as you know, and extra bad, because wouldn't you like to be on twitter today, if you're, if you're, a real active twitter user as Mark, is. Being banned on election day for something this lame is really most cruel. Today is the day you wanna be on Twitter. So I'd like to see that you certainly reverse today of its possible March nighter,
Here's the Don Jr connection, so I saw the tweet somebody else took a screenshot of the of the tweet they got mark suspended. We think it is maybe it's not that we I think it is our own and I reach we did that with my own comment, which was what the f, except, I spelled out the effort, so my only tweed what what the f so here's the Don Junior connection, his is the sun of the sitting, president of the United States, and he retweeted my tweet, I'm to use the forward because we need to use it in this context. The story is less good without the actual f word in use so either there's an f coming so Don Junior re tweets me without comment, just retreats lightweight. This is what the fuck.
and in that moment I felt bonded to him to Don Junior, because he is now supposed to retweet that, because there is no for their right, is the son of the President he's not close to take this kind of risk, but not only does it. Of course, it agrees with his political opinions on censorship against conservatives, but also seemed supportive of mark, meaning that he took a little. little reputational risk. Don Junior did to retreat and f word supporting marks later because he's just ordinary American who seems to be getting screwed by a social media platform at the moment, so Such a small thing right because he could have easily ignored that tweet just easily. Would you have known if he had nor had ignored it? You know if you ve ever seen it
so ignoring it would be the easiest thing you gonna done: no risk the doesn't get in trouble for four retreating and f word doesn't make you look crude to some people, but he didn't. He just said retweet that is so small, but it's that so little x factor things that bind you to somebody. Could you see he took a risk for a stranger and american and I tweeted
provoke of ITALY. I said here when you gotta vote. Do you want to vote for the the candidates whose followers would stop to help you change attire in a dangerous neighborhood? Where would you rather vote for the candidate? Who wouldn't do that? They? Basically you could break it down. You can make it simpler and just say about the candidate. You wouldn't do that their followers not again, and when you watch the the rallies really angry people at a tromp rally, you really don't there and Then there was a trans, I'll, never know the right vocabulary, so else also. I will catch this by saying
I don't know the right vocabulary, but I'm not trying to be insensitive or anything else, buddy. Somebody who identified themselves as aid Trans person The said that I am wrong and that it would be more dangerous for this trans person to be in a republican neighbourhood. Then in a democrat neighbourhood, do you believe that do you believe it would be more dangerous for a transsexual individual to be it a Republican, Beirut, then in a democratic neighbourhood, we're just lucky in general, as a general average I don't feel like that's even close to being true. Indeed, let me stay something that might surprise you a little bit, but from
First moment the trump was running for president. Maybe you can save from the time you got nominated Ellis, say for the time being sworn it have, you urgently Republicans say antigay stuff, because I haven't it's like Republicans just stopped carrying completely and why wouldn't they deserve Republican that thinks they should be in your pants? No now there are no Republicans who think that they should have a vote. about your genitalia. Now they were concerned about gay marriage at one point that seems to have passed, but that more about their tradition in other religious tradition, it wasn't so much antigay. I know you think it is certainly in favour of gay marriage. So I was now
on our side, but it was. It was more about them, preserving something that they thought was a special cultural thing wasn't anti anything. In my opinion, that's just my taken. But I've not seen anything that would even suggest even remotely the Republicans or somehow Andy Lgbtq Beauty, you don't say, love in real life. If Trump wins real action- and I think you will, the pundits got everything wrong again, how are they going to
and how they were wrong. The first time they used Russia collusion, I suppose they could use voters suppression again. That would be an obvious one, but I feel like they're gonna fall back to well, there are more more racist than we thought turns out turns out. I underestimated how many races around the country- I think that would be their fallback excuse, can kind of derivative lasher here's an thought fast forward to the future, yet so one month from today, and so close, your eyes go one month in the future unless a Trump one. All the Democrats who thought it was a good idea to run Joe Biden against Are they going to look back at? That decision is possibly a little bit flawed because they chose.
Someone who's decaying right in front of us to run against the most energetic force of nature. The country has ever seen. In retrospect, what once you get past the noise of it all Does it slows down low birth and you can start to think a little more calmly and objectively about what would the experience, but for the past year, if you're a damn it Are you going to say to yourself? I think we pick the right person I'll feel like it. I feel, like they're gonna, feel really embarrassed about the fact that they picked by cause you I've told you the story when I, when I met the president and the oval office and twenty in eighteen, he
we, who I thought way back in twenty eight, he knew I thought- would be the candidate. I said I thought would become layers. He said the president said he thought it would be Joe Biden. I said it won't be Joe Biden because he doesn't stand a chance against you. He would be the weakest candidate and my my found at the time were goes like If you, if you took president Trump and then you started selectively, removing all the things you like about him is like alright he's he's going to be tough, which I know I like that. But let's remove that from I'm gonna be a real fighter, is gonna, be tough on immigration issues, go all If you like about just take another, he has got high energies can really persuade you can get things done again some, but it takes all that away from him. And what would you have left Joe Biden? You'd have Joe Biden if you took everything this good away from Trump? That's what would
left now so in my mind he was the worst match up. The best match up would have been somebody indifferent, like a Hillary Clinton cause. Hillary Clinton doesn't look like a week version of Trump. The Hillary Clinton look like Hillary Clinton. She was thrown per If, if tromp had run against, let's say Elizabeth Warm just pick one example, I think she would last But nobody would have said Elizabeth looks like just a week version of tromp. Nobody would have said that they would have said she's. Just Elizabeth worn. Likewise come let us they would have just said she's. Commerce, but Joe Biden looks like the vote of Trump after it's been beaten to death. You know it just a bad match up. So that's why I thought you were
Get as far as he's gotten, so I was wrong about close he would get and if he wins I'll, be really wrong. L B be happy to admit that, by the way, by the way, let me say this as clearly as possible if I'm wrong, I'm not planning to be wrong. But if I'm wrong about Windsor Presidency, I'm not going to be embarrassed about that, and I am certainly going to be completely public about it because you shouldn't be concerned about being wrong, about something you couldn't possibly know we're all just predicting if the stock market is up today, and I think it is less, I check it's not me as all the smart people are expecting their taxes to go up now you see where I'm going with us. Why would it be that the poles
also by it and it's gonna win easily, but the stock market doesn't usually vote for tax increases, which is what higher stocks would be telling. You could be tell you that there is the stock market. Thought Biden was gonna win, then the stocks would be going up on a tax increase that doesn't happen. Stuff. Go down if you think taxes are grown up, so I think the stock market has voted for job or voted that other people will Hofer jump. So if I knew that to start work, it was up and my candidate was the one pushing for higher taxes for those. people who buy stocks. What would I start to think yeah.
Here is another good point from gun: Ledge, what's his first name that Martin or something big money manager guy see own chief investment offices of double on capital Are you saying why is that I didn't do so worried about trumpet claiming victory and I thought to myself. Oh I wouldn't be why wouldn't Biden be worried that Trump will claim victory? Why wouldn't you be worried about that and gun lack makes? A good point is the poles are correct And Biden also believes the poles. There is not really any chance. The trumpets gonna be able to claim success if the national poles aren't even close to being credible
vote will be just so obviously Biden that Trump doesn't really have any path to claim that we want. So it must be, and this is a pretty good Good thinking, I would say it doesn't have to be right, but I think it is the binding Internal polling doesn't show him being that much add right. Because why would by even care what trump does? If he's gonna win by nine, he doesn't care. What John does. Trump would be irrelevant forever if the poles are cracked. So somebody, the common set on Baldwin's, are not credible. I bet you doctor Bandy leading member Doktor Bandy Lee was the one who was going on television saying that President Trump mental problems. How long ago, a couple years ago
and she got in trouble for a tweet, though, if you ever believed that Dr Bandy Lee was credible and smart, because she has credentials. As you say, the President mentally incompetent. Just consider why she tweeted- and I guess she had to delete this tweet. She got in some trouble. She tweeted Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler, we quote at least Hitler improve the daily life of his followers. What had discipline and require More of themselves to gain the respect of his followers and she goes on, but it doesn't matter so. Dr Bandealy famous trumpet critic decided to go with a comparison of Trump to Hitler and.
praise, Hitler's qualities of improving the daily life of his followers is discipline and requiring more of himself. How does do you Today to praise Hitler on Twitter and think that's gonna go ok for you, so whenever you thought of Doktor Bandy Lee when she was criticized in trouble, just keep in mind that she also praised Hitler. So that's part of the context. The the biggest trick that the media has ever sold to the public is the following trick and is a really good one. This is the best track in terms of brainwashing that I've I've ever seen is just is monumental goes like this. The trump is the one responsible
or for the the country being divided now it because he is the most interesting provocative person because he's the president. He gets the credit in the blame for lots of things that aren't exactly all his fault. So any president who has a good economy discredit, even if they didn't do anything any president during a bad economy, guess blamed, even if it wasn't their fault. Every president, during a pandemic, presumably is gonna get the credit where the blame based on how the whipping my goes and it might not I'll be in their control. So this,
quickly natural for the president to be imbued with our feelings of causation. I turn off that sentence waving sense, those when you get there, but what we think is the cause of things, because it is in our minds and he's the president. These on tv- and he says things and then people do things. So you think he causes everything is the cause, but that's the track, because the cause of the division in this country has been for a number of years. Fake news faraway is the fake news that causes the division and there's a mental mental experiment that I ask Democrats to do, which is that imagine. The news had been reported just straight news with no fake news. How would they report each other things that you think is a scandal with Trump Well Lee Charlottesville? Fine,
People hoax would never have happened because if they had reported what he said, he said he disavowed the races there. On the same day, they said he was praising just didn't happen. It was fake news, so suppose I've never been reported. Rightness very different. The country would feel very different without their fate What about the the fake NEWS Lee he suggested drinking bleach for a groan virus or the fake news about shit, hole countries or the faint news about any of it. You can just go right down the list. Russia collusion about the Saint NEWS about Russia collusion. If you removed all of the fake news,
It would just be Trump making claims they report on his claims. They report on what the other people said too, but they wouldn't be brainwashing. You they just be telling you what's happened. If we lived in a world with real news, Trump would not be that divisive, he'd be a little divisive, but it would be a scale of one to ten. If ten is where whereat take away, the fake news trump would be a three. Maybe four tops the faint lose causes. The vote division, and they have the power not only to cause the division, but they have the power to blame somebody else for it. It's like your boss. your boss has the power to give you an assignment and then make sure you fail at it by not having the right resources or information or whatever, and then your boss can give you a bad performance.
for the problem that your boss created and then your boss can fire you for the problem they your boss, granted under percent of it. That's the situation, the fake news is put the country and they can create the prompt problem they can assign to somebody and then they can make them lose the elections just like just like a boss, So that's the world would so we're going to see today unless, unless there's a trump blow out that so overwhelming that it cannot be denied anything. I don't think that's probably going to happen. I feel, will be at least a little bit close in the total vote. If not, the Electoral College Electoral College might be more
More of a gap but you're gonna see the mainstream media. The Democrats running a brainwashing psychological operation on the country, and it goes like this and are already signals Pretty clearly Biden has already said that he would. He would take the job of president if the fake news declares omnipresent think about that bite and actually said that, without the words fake news, so Biden has said that if the news organisations declare him the winter, the he'll give a victory. You sort of acceptance, speech and declare himself the president prior to me.
Torn him, but the President elect tonight or tomorrow or whenever, whenever there is a result. Now that tells me that the fake news guest to decide who is president and if you didn't think that was true, consider that they sold the concerned things I've sold, they sold the fine people hoax. Half the country bought it. This old Russia collusion all kinds of things: drinking clorox, just just an enormous amount of fake news, has been sold to the public and they have proved the concept works. They have proven they can disappear. The Hunter Biden, laptops story they could just make it go away successfully.
They made the biggest story in the country just just go way. They have that kind of power. Now the fake news industry, if you will so it seems to me that if Trump wins they have plenty of cause to say the there was voter suppression. Wouldn't you say there is no doubt. That will be enough anecdotal, bad things happening in local places, the ball. size will be able to claim that the election was rigged. Even if it's not Even if all of those things put together didn't add up to anything both sides of all the father they need to claim. It was a village in the election. You all know that right, nobody is going to be surprised when the losing side claims the vote was the illegitimate. We all expect that, given that
given that the mainstream media can create a reality that isn't real, but people as real, they can simply say bided. One and half the country will believe it and that is just a question of how many people act. That way right suppose, just take it down to an employee level at the White House. just an employee play and less say you work out or no security or maybe you're one of US facilities, people really basic? I imagine that there's somebody whose job it is fair to say is a facility is director or manager from the White House? There's somebody whose job it is that when there's a transition of government that they get the moving trucks and they they move out the old stuff from the young people
are in charge and they move in the new people and their Siena they assign who gets what office and all that. So there's somebody used that is to make sure that the right people have the right stuff in the White House. What, if that person is a democrat right? What if the facilities person, looks at the Mainstream NEWS and says? Well, you know the maidens snooze. It says Biden is my present, so I'm going to order my employees to move the files and personal effects of the last administration out on Inauguration Day and I'm going to tell my people to move in Joe Biden's staff. What happened Would the security people say way whether you can't do that, because I don't think Joe Biden one what, if that happens, what, if
facilities. Person is lining up the trucks to move Biden into the White House and this purity. People are saying he didn't when what that right? What, then somebody you say in the comments the most guns win, but I don't know that it would come to that because it feels more like a bureaucratic problem. It feels more like p with no guns standing in the way. How say, but I think, Biden suppressed and look at sea, and then they just declared is the
and then the other one would say, but I'm watching Fox NEWS and they're not so sure. So what do I do? I feel like that's what's coming. What we don't know is how individual citizens will act. If there are told there are two different president's. I dont think here's what I don't think I dont think it'll be a civil war. I think it will be frustrating, sometimes hilarious, very interesting, fascinating from beginning to end a study of human behaviour and brainwashing and and everything else, but it's not going to be a shooting, wore a knock and say that nobody will get her and the next week as it's a big country, lots of crazy people, but we're not going to have a civil war. Is it's not gonna happen? We will have this beer.
Craddock Supreme Court, fake news, Mass, probably the only way to avoid it is- is a blow out in one direction or the other, but it looks like we're heading toward the fake news running. What I call a coup to cool too involves the binding people simply acting like they won, and the news simply supporting And then see if everybody else will just go along and see if they act like by one too, so that would be cool too, and that is mostly what I wanted to talk about. Checking my notes, I think we're good. I do you have any questions that you would like to ask me I'll. Tell you there's a lot of things that don't matter.
In this election and the number of things that don't matter is pretty large, for example, you heard a lot about the candidates making there's their quote. Closing arguments closing arguments. I don't think they're closing arguments battered at all. You know anybody who even knows what their closing arguments were. Why don't? I saw only comments. I've been asked about this thing. Hammer and scorecard. Have you heard those words hammer? These are projects project, hammer project score
have you heard of those, so, on Tuesday abandons show the war room, he had general Mcnerney, retire general, who claims to have close personal knowledge to a software program that can change votes after they had been made. He claims, if I have this right, that these are our intelligence services, created the software to use on other countries to influence their elections, and
and the claim is that we've used it and that some election unstated don't know which ones were actually influenced by a software program that I guess could be inserted in somebody's database and and move move votes without anybody knowing it. The claim is that the Democrats have access to this tool and that they will use it to influence the votes after they've been cast, so the votes will get into the database. The software will get into the database, which them boats they just enough to win, so they won't make it so obvious that you know it happened to be. You know, cleverly picking a personal year person there rubbing it around, you know source, not only one state or something that would be obvious now the
source, for this is a retired. U S general! Who has excellent resonate. Do you believe it do you believe it? I am finding it difficult to believe not impossible, because it falls yet makin merely mechanism, the general. It falls in the falls into this category of things that totally could be Totally could do, but it also has the the sound. Feel of something that's not a real job, but it could be.
so I would say that's a wait and see, but we'll be waiting and seeing forever because we would never used somebody isn't somebody in comments the same thing used in Canada. I don't think there's any proof of any of that. So let us not assume that just because it was on. Podcast it's true. I assume we want to give you a complete assumption. My complete assumption is us. whenever there is a possible you do something that has an enormous upside potential. Now you can gain a lot. If you did it not not always, but you might gain a lot and the risk of getting caught his miniscule. It always happened,
Oh it's! So if you have that condition- and there are enough people involved, so you don't have one on his person who doesn't do it. But if you have enough people involved, it's possible, there's a big upside gain and the odds of getting caught her minimal, and I would imagine that they wouldn't make a software that could do this unless it could also cover its tracks really really well, because if we made a software that was intended to change elections in other countries and why Wouldn't really, let me think about it. Do you think nobody at least tried to make a software that would change the elections in other countries. Of course we did. Of course it if our intelligence agencies have never at least tried to do that, I would think they were not doing their job. You should at least have the option. If you know what I mean, so I don't think they would build such a software
because we would have to be quite sophisticated and if you could build something less sophisticated couldn't he also cover your tracks. Couldn't you also pretty easily make it hard to discover. So I don't know that we would ever know we'll just know we'll have an election will be a president and who knows all right so be smart today be brave and when the brainwashing comes and it will it will come cuz they've signal that pretty clearly be in baby into the the brainwashing. The slaughter meter is at a hundred percent and by the way, notice. The Fox news is running a little area on their website.
or they have an actual digital meter like a like a gas meter that says they will tell you the odds so on any given time, they will estimate the odds of somebody winning and it's basically the slaughter meter accept the Fox news version of it. Somebody says how would this software work given vastly different voting systems among the states? That is an excellent question, as you all the states do their own thing, but you would only need to be able to use only need to compromise the key states and then only a few counties in the key estates. So you my only have influence, let's say three databases: three states where the the election information is consolidated for the state before us.
ported federal level, so you figure all the individual reporting machines, etc can go into one database in each state. I soon right. That is not a fair assumption. Every state one database that ultimately all of the different voting machines, the the paper balance and everything will go into right. If you have a database in each
date, and there are only a few states that are critical. You just have to compromise, maybe three databases and though they would not be the voting machines, they would just be the database that has the data from the voting machines. So maybe compromise three of them and you can run the election. There may be a simplistic. Perhaps they have the ways to check against exactly that. But I don't know I right o Senate predictions, here's my Senate protection. I think the Republicans will do better than the pole suggests:
I dont know if they hold the scent, but they'll do better than the poles just because I think that lying about what senator you're going to vote for a sort of so adjacent to lying about what presidential candidate you support that. I would expect people to be consistent, in other words, if they lied to pollster, about who their voting for president. I think they would also take that lie to the Senate. Say yeah I'll, be home for the democratic senators you're so if there's a shy trump supporter, were a dad joke Trump supporter of Group. I would expect not all of it, but some percentage of it to be influencing the poles of this. The senators citing the senators of do better Republicans did I vote. I did not. I did not because I didn't want to vote until the last minute causes.
All right I got for now, and I will talk to you maybe tonight we'll see, things go, but I might be joining you tonight and that's all for now.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-03.